CALIFORNIA MINKS. CALIFORNIA MINKS AMrSKMKVra. AMVdRMKNTN. AMUHKMBNTfl AMVtiKMHN'I'S. PTtHB ATTORNEY OKNKRAJ. AND THRMKW ALU ADEN. mund Randolph was. and U, their standing oounael In Califor¬ theatre _LO*8 GARDEN. nia. were retalaed bv thoae AURA^KEKNWR TllKATRB or Mimic -tbovatork-oortmm. X Talk* Hod. J. 8. Black, Aitorner U«MrAl Dnltad Mam- They claimants to obtain fro »the WALLACE'SMr. WALLACE /mm M. KUob Lnm a LAURA KKKNE'8 THEATRE. hiiric t...In of the lmmrn»* aiicceea, mm Rib.A ease of that mine, which lolled Males tta patent for that ranoho. They claimed Al- Mr. LMSTE& WALLACE Munu ORKAT Academy eonaeqnance hbrtof Matameut of the madeo for their ol and the Btap 8U0CEM compliance Willi uumeruiut application* for an early i Uf persoa may substantiate by an examination of the vola- private tenia Dtatrtet Ooart ap- NOTICE LAST F'UR NIGHTS _ OREaT huctemi mlnoua tegtlmooy now before tte United Rtalaa oourtt In OaU- Wproved that elaim. The very same gentlemen are employed MB. W Al.LACK last four nights . GRBAt BUCOkWN IL TROVATOBK. Xurnle shows:. Hou, and paid by the public money, to sne out an Injunction announce to hi. paimn. and Ih. *, .enemlly LAST FOUR NIGHTS gkkat ructbhh , , oh cost and In the name of the United LAST For the director* beg to announce LA TRAVIATA for Thundag That la IMA when California waa a provtooe of Mextoo, ^¦r Htuss. restraining ^Beji^lo R NIGHTS UKKaT 8UCVBMH evening next *nd for Andrea a Mexican ofhonr, travelling la tha country, the owners at Aimaden from working, because the mine be¬ ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT LAHT FOUR NIGHTS GREAT RUOCRdS Caallllero, oa a to the to THIK (TDRBDAY) BVENIXQ. K«PT. 11, waa ahowa by tome residents a deposit of cinnabar, longed public, the government.the very counsel who MUX OPEN LAST FOUR NIGHTS URKAT 8L'C<"KR8 Verdi* celebrated opera of .pur of tba Marra Aral, a ooaat range of mountain* near Ran the das before and the day after pleaded Mm if belonged to for the un«l LAST FOUR NIGHTS O* THE IL TROVATOBK. Joaa. Briny a tolerable melailurgtol. ha reoogidxte It as the Fonsetl. and sustained their plea on the judgment of ths Ots- PALL END MIMTKX 8MABOM I.AhT FOUR NIOHTH new and bea utiful the win ah..wad It to triot Court all of which Is well known to you. Under hi. LAt-T FOUR NIOHTH KKW MMK ADILAIDB C0BTE8I are of qaickMJvar. and taking persona mlw* AND RRAUTIFCL lu her celebrated rule of Leonora Mm Into OArtBMVbtp, tbtl dcUJUDCMI tifett AOOUfdlU^ tO Thf government ad the United Hums has always been PERSONAL MA. A(IKMXNT LAST FOUR NIOHTH NKW AND URAUTirUL HIO. MU8IANI tha furaeof UwMexloan Law before the nearest ju- champion of ths actual occupant and Improver of As wild lands OK THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, UN. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL l: ta:« character of to which ho creat-M nR dlotal ofBeer who, gtdog outminingto uia mine with them, In oma- against the merely paper claimant. Its policy has been to IBM THKaTRE NIXON'S EOUKSTRIAN TROUPE NEW AND BEaUTIFUL great Manrico. h raneheroe, theaa ths of the whowho. been greIt amihkiiun, by lulroiuci.-a the Ut dl Dottrlne In the grand pauy with numbera of the net* winy gave protect possession, early adventurer, with his Bu NIXON'S EQUESTRIAN TROUPE, N.W and ana of tin- third hi t. I III.i I of It. Oaatlllero and hla aaaoolatea ootmmenjed Ids and fortune In his band penetrate* tta frontier wilds, and TBOBODOULT RENOVATED. IMPROVED AMD EMBEL¬ NIXON'S XUUKKTHIAN TROUPE. drama THIS RRPT AT working It, and did work It. in a rude way, the whole of establishes In their solitudes the active and uaeful industries of LISHED. NIXON'S beautifulactFIVE (T01St)ATI BYE NINO, 11, 9, KQUKSTRIAN TROUPE. A"* DRAMA for the aecond and laat nine Verdi a popular opera of mi | (tee'Lieut Revere'a Tour of Duty In ¦'allfomla." efvflkmt life To the pioneer, the Improver, the worker, to The followta* NIXON'S KuUKSTRIAN TROUPE KIT* ACT DRAMA II. TRl)\ ta 1846, and "Bryant'a What I haw la lalitornle," in 1847-8.) those that tirat risk ana first settle, the genius of our govern¬ GREAT AMP TAIJUfTID COMPAMT NIXON'S Kltr'KHTRIAN TROUPE KIVF, ACT DRAMA aTORkT Denouncement and poaaueaniu were the only modae of ae ment peculiarly extends IM protecting and helping hand If NIXON'S KQI'KHTRIAN TROUPE- FIVE ACT DRAMA Mine STHAKowH^^Stnf.ADllAIDlCOlTBI.If I'M AX I. A MOW. qui. log title to minaa under the Mpanlah Mexican laws. By thla they are sncoeealul, sa aome are or magnllinently remune¬ Mr l.KKTKR WALLAOE!<*VraHOBY, NIXON'S KOUBSTRUN TROUPE FIVE ACT DRAMA Musical director and MAX method all the mining rights In Mextoo are obtained and re¬ rated. as are very few, they are, theoretically at least, sun tti Mr. HUlil. MIm M ART GANNON, NIXON'S TROUPE FIVE ACT DRAMA Osoductoe MARKTXflK in the favorites and wards KQUKSTR'AN tained. ibis Initial step Almaden title to historical. the Much early pioneers aad Improvers are Mr WA1AX1T, Mfl. VERNON. By T. B. D. On WiDituir Sept. 13 at tt, early book a oa Calif jrnla record the facta, and great numbera the owners of A Imaden All the masalre and extensive tm- Mr. A H DAVBMrOBT, MM. PARRY MORAMT, Tuesday, Wa".jftfiNF'Sfr, WISH AOKLIIfA * of their PATTI, Of unlmpearbable living Itneaara attaat it. provemrnto mine they have made Thev found It a Mr. SLOAN, Mr* RLOaN nd erery evening up tn Friday, the ISth last MONKKT BOY, lu ler admirable role of Elvira, In BeUinl'a favorite Opera ff In 1844 Ootutnodora Moat houtrd the American flag la Mod hairen peak, covered with deer paths and bear tracks claimed Mr. NObTUN. Mm. WaLOOT, MONKET ROT, I PVRITANI lerey aad p*.k posaeaatnn of tallfornia by coop uest In hla by no human being, and they have made it what t> 1s to day. Mr. MOORE, MM. JULIA TRIM, FAREWELL APPEAR AN "KM MONKEY DOT, MI88** address o the li haultants he promised them that It Is the will of the Amennan some Mr. PLOYD. Mr.. RKKVNH. MONKRY PATTI, " people.foreigners though FABKWKI.I. APPRARANOICS BOY, BRHiNOM Fiuhliahed'every private right should'be in. mlabiy reapected and im of brae miners are.that the fruits of their daring enterprise Mr YOUNG,- MMoUARMAM, FAREWELL APPEARANCES MONKKT BOY, in tbe principal rburaricrt. AMODIO, 8CSINI, (HMH proclamation* by fe«cr»l authority annouooed that and ateady induriry shall be forfeited In the name of the go Mr. T. HAMBL1N, Mr. C PARHLOK, FABKWEM, APPKAR A NURS MONKKT BUT, Muiica! Director and Conductor MO. MJ219 "nil perona In poaaeaaioo of lands uurrr color af tula should vernment, which fifteen years ago promised Mem. by Me Mr. PARRS, Mr.OUT**, RARBWRI.l, APPEARAND MONK KY BOY. I'KU Krt Of ADlf to 01 Its forces in 18K10N. , have their poeansai-m* guaranteed them." tlaa*Ulero A Co , ¦olemr prrAsmsUoti the bead of 'hsl.'omta, Mr. (X,BURN, Mr HRNLMT. rarrwell APPKARANORH MONKEY BOY. Admfsaion to parquett?, parqutUe circle .fl| others. were entitled lo and became beaefldarlea that nllpall peraoos holding land* under oolnr of right should TBI ORCHESTRA MONKEY amongst " FARXWRI.L APPEARANCES BOY, Reserved seat* kOcentnnetr* antler thla lurwt American law, for they vera In poeaeaaloo of have their poaaemloea guaranteed la Mem Ml been .elected with every rr*anl to efficiency, end will be or WHU'U Private buiea (acoordlnr to sue and location M to Ml the Almaden ml. ea by the only "color of title" a bich could I' you succeed lu ousting Um aad placing thai under the direction of NILE KT.L A TOY , WXIX BE REPEATED family circle 50 cent* Amnluibealre Maaata had to a mine. claimants In their what no yon scnompllahr This. Y u MB. NOLL. K\KRY 1 he be ' ' place, ' " MIJ.K. ELLA ZOTARA, aale of tlcbelo for the iL TROVATORB and lor I PV In early aprlag, 1846 Oaabllero proceeded to the City of take Irom the worker,exit the builder, the improver. Me actual Mr. Moore Promoter MT.I.I RI.I.A ZOTARA. FURTHER MOTICB. RITANI will commence tble morning, at debt o'cloek, at the Ifexloo, to claim the alanding national reward o'Je.Vl toon another, who ue.ther discovered The onetuaree hy Mr. Planry end Mr. lteosrbciteii. Proper- NIJ.E RI.I.A l*t*rrv Reoftud. ft ooorlct w. Oouldock Wall and at lire 701 Um minerals nor have the to them em ZOTARA, Mfj*. street, Ming's. Broadway. In mooey and a quantity of qulaxallvar tlaaka (Keportoi tha opened approach*'i and tie. ud otr.unenu bv Mr. Tlmoaey. Mechanical deport¬ MIJ.E FLLA Z' I VARA. Jacques Knieitd. htaEoo.the Monkep B°I Beeretary of dials lo the Mexican Congress. 1846 H- al». ob whoclain them by a merely legal, forced unnatora'Interpre¬ ment, Mr. Vu H.Uen. Qua, Thnanu ttardon. HLLI RII.A J.ucirn Gerard. a painter *' «. JSJ mine. tation of ot an ZOTARA, \TKW BOWIRT THEATRIC. Ulned a grant of two leagues of the land ai mod hla It the boundaries adjoining Xpanish gram Is this A NbW COM SOT. THE HANLONS, J- IM Bole Memra. U. L. FOX A J. W. LINOABO. la una grant of whirh you aay, "there la no doubt that tba title a wi rthy achieve men! to the ermmplishmarit o' which the adapted expreeely fer thi. rumpuy, from the Preach erf Til* HANI.ONS, Proprietors, In thla case are fraudulent '. lirst law Hirer of a powerful ooofederacj strains his Irssteel Scribe, the eoit and .ueoeeual of Parisian authors, THE Plcbet papers eil populnr HANI/INS, TUKSOAT, SEPTEMBER 11. AND DURIN3 TUB WiCBK. Mexican atlaira being thou disarranged by tha couriering ist», puts in moilon the whoie machinery and rhu sna-y of will be produoed on the nccui. with T1IK HANLONS. Tnuplu ...If. IfOeBHB armies ot the United etatea, Uastiltoro could nut .«utn the hi* ofli.e. and ouoeeDirale* the force of bis government* BUT KELT NBW SCENERY, THF and xot 1 he Mat of California through Its answer! la HANUINH, U000 PK RH0W8 K6.M10 or the quicksilver Osaka, having capital, nego Legislature, NEW AND ELEGANT COSTUMES TIIK HANI.ONS, Pnrlng the past week hare wltaeeeed the gorgeous 3pen tilled with the wealthy KngUan house of Barron, Forbes tbe negative. That Legislature has remonstrated agalns; your SPLENDID AND APPROPRIATE PURN1TUBB AND THK HANLONS. pSI a. Hartee 'JirCld Of A Co of Mexico sod Topic, ti work the mines on shares action. , APPOINTMENTS. SEBASTIAN. then old, to In tbe meantime It Is to be that tbe owners of Alma- QUAOMEM. THB HHWIK OP PALMTBA, 1847 Mr Turbos, aptenty years pn.oec.lcd hoped The Comedy will be entitled DUVKRNAT WARD, PKNTLAND, Aad the number Is *UU increasing den will resist tbe oilers of tutereaiel parties «ho, professing TIIB ROYALIST; AND THR STARS. THE ACDITOlW AHTONUHED AMD DV.LIO LITBO Be fowd It in charge of one dam*e A. Forbes a resident in to control your action and oppoattlon, tempt Mem with prooo OB. BRILLIANT 8CENKRY, California, who repreaan'ad some of the partners la CwtUle.o salsof compromise. Their honor hat been assailed, their cha FORTY YKAHS AGO. LAST APPEARANCE OR ZAIDRE joSivh. V.V. MAUNIFICKNT A Oo. From 1847 to 1811-1. before any net returns had been rarter aspersed It la to be hoped Mat thev will gain of end will be 11 nutrnted by the above LAST APPEARANCE OF ZAIDRR. APPOtN'TMKMTB, or Forbes h Oo all w bleb or 0tai§5i OORMKOPS OBMMHR. obtained from the mines, the house Barron, right it justly theirs yield the whole to Me strange SPLENDID ARBAT OP ABILITY. LAST APPEARANCE OK ZAIDRE THR AMAZONIAN MARi'lfBB AND TABLBaJX. tnveeted in their development and In machinery, turners*, riunMustlon of privsie Intrigue and ofiBetal power which HynnpMe of SCENERY and EVENTS in future btlhl And ad¬ LAST AFPKASANUK OP ZA'OKK. L?MHr° < htaurr twerp.. .*. sum of Tha mine In the seeks to rob them of their noble and now mattired en¬ vert Rightly applaudat and encored. Ac., tha large 67U0,US?2rHWr2 The lael acetic representing the tuck of mining, to turn out rick, and »lelded, from 1862 to 1868, terprise Box office will be open on Wednesday momIn. for wearing LAST APPEaRaNcR OP ZAIDRE destruction or palmtba. . eat profit of from S3UU UUU to 64UU OUU per annum when Its 1 he spirit and genius of American policy, as well as natural place. LAST APPKARANCK OF ZAIDRR. roe grandeur of anentc effect further working waa enjoined, at your Inatauoe, with the aid notice pretest against the go is* robbery srhlrh, b Up- name The came* of the Bab nkybb A' Wanton For two this of the'ean ate It matters not Ethiopian bkbn noradded Of Memrs Randolph ' nearly years people, you attempting. vocalist*. aoeobats. CU RRIi T'.PM! me bo* much claimants hare anacceded in tote- OX ANY HtAUB IX TUX WORLD mine, which employed several hundred a, and distributed tbe Foasslt may performers, or attraction, of any ami evert bind, can cuwnoui.uiit ' of to its has re-tl triend Nr. k M Stan too and other tntluanlial Dancers, aome 84UU («*) par annum disbursements county, Ig your Hod good en.a.rmentn b) appl> In..Immediate!.Immediate!, atHESi'atHESP VA OURRICUf.UMI La Bridges JU,> ET be approvnated Is e<|tially htm. hetna MS fast high and 1000 km. curriculum? TO aba! TO 8Ba! ] BENT VK.NTTLATKl) LECTURE BOOM axaggerated with the tl6.0lU.UA of value, which la. at levet, six' The tnrttatloo; aa old friend; Adleclpl# of temperance; A In the as sane man would offer for the mine, wtia FINANCIAL. world, nod a"at delightfully coo! and dImML times aa much any mi sicAt., curriculum- alight did Aiwoce of opinion artutie Ufe. EVERT i AT ANP EVENING THM WEEK an Indisputable title. If. from the gross proceeds of any mine, .THI K N ICR KRB' *OK Kh 101 (XigPagl CTRRirnUN' tub atobt or J OOMMBMCIMO ML N DAT, HEPTKMHBR l«. you deduct the outlay neceaeary to obtain those proneeds, you will a seml annuU dividend of three (3t eent Ir CnRRIOUl UE! A YOUNG MAN OF TWRNTT FIT«! 10, reduce the «mount Californtana know scores of DIYIDRWI)pay per WALKER'S WAREROOMM. Will he Teath'e tha dream at A outturn REOPENING OF THE DRAMATIC REASON, unmense'y. the stockholders on end al ter Sept 12 ldflO, at th< Ir ogles. IS Clinton Hall, AMor and BUrhth street, near Broad- continued, and »he (gplratlOQa; y heart. haw wlih on® of th® Instances to wktck mine owners have i'e°>propri«ted" hun¬ banal street Tbe tranalersler booksI will be ebjaed froas the M AT place SUCCESSFUL CHAMPIONS w omen Art won. BEHT thou, andt dollars of the and way. a larrr mnck at _ DRAMATIC COMPANIES IW THE CITY. dreds of of public gold, yet to the 13th Inat., iocluiiTO. srrcKwm, m anpions lots apt* siahobbb. all tbr old favor.:® Damn* of the Dt the < nd of the have been bankrupt. I have HOElXONTAL AND UPE1GHT PIANOS, ifulaeBB of Ioclud-iif eaboM-ithmeiM. gRd approprtotiou 0. R. Wobtskptee. dec. R. T. OOWPTOW, Trws new and aeoood scxirssri'L champions Porarty'a dlaappolutmant forge the pool, saw many now rH wall known to o ir i tureae. sat the actual statistOS touching the Almaden cost aad yiald of New Tore. A ISfit) hand, SUCCESSFUL CHAMPIONS rcmotees. EVERT mining (which are sell known in California., but estimate* Sept. FOR HALE AND HIRE tn the late rn wtt,rAB at pattwb'b uun AFTKENihiN. AT 3 O'CLO IK. AN» there and nui >NE b». became productive, plane Merchants' Rx A THR PARALLEL BARS TO NIOHT. foraieeneee; and n*KH Fool KD 1 hat® Indeantdbable aa.ouue are ..> be o' tela It A ra vchero, n xmed change. her Hoard in some respectable between Sixth .. TUB APTBAl neigkbortnr Berryeaa, brought family realdta. Fliceool admlm'.on FOB rmOTBCTIOB. 'rat al *a are . oo ground that It was within his boon arles and and Third avenue, and Fifteenth and iflh atresia. Will all konra. alan th® following suit for It tha .wtlijowh or dollars uROumn in thc bans Thirty FamOy (Xrela (entrance Cmeby nmrt) .¦ eenta. Tha appeal denied, the laat hope llerre lla.e of WBAUh. A TATTBOEl. NEW /.EaI.aND C.HrEP era* defeated. Near the mine was another ranch of a square brtn. a piano If dealted. Add rem O. G. R., Union square Poet Parqnette and Draaa Circle M eenta. TUB OKA AT TBUrTATIOB. LIVING IT?" OK MAN MONKXT to one .1 ,xlo I .arias, who so,J to Jjl ot Bnrlan.1 -UM of 30 000 uan vuun( heir* cu to The serial rwrraled the what IS e. originally. granted office. Orehetra Chairs. On# dollar. bribe refneed, wealth raieotad at tha Ibe moa' and wond*"fnl creatum knwwn. Drove Cook from "whom the minerals, or some ot them in U, rianuiieil.fee the Heraldry offloe, M9 Hmetwtf, N. T FriraW Bona Fire and Sli dollars Dnoe of honor, mlthl mahee nght., sm-ising k. to H. HATS, proprietor, el preeent la Itondoo, undertake* TMRUKkaT LIV IPG ItI.aCK hba lion. passed lo Mr ex -secretary J Walker, and the land (bag A SONS, I a the eranlair.doom open at aereo o'cloek To nmaiaanai TBB tTBOCULE FO« rBBBBOB; ibe only animal i>- the kind eeerpeen In the AllooUr Sua Foasatt. the present claimant, or to Kldndge and Itourencai, nerche* for Wllle, chancery Records, Adrerttoemenle, (iran* At Sight a'oloekpreeleelT. BOBOB TKIPltrUABT. THE TBHPTBA PBTBATBDl THE It la to stretch thle at family A mi end Pedigree*. ^lEnCEEEINO THA WONDERFUL ALBINO FAMILY, maeors under Fiismtt. sought league, Manufacturer! of OKAND PAP.KWKT.T. MATTNRE COSTICI A DBATB; rack arlth pare white akin ailken white hair, p nt eyeA Aa.. nly called the Fnsxett . aim, over Almadsn, aud a OR AND F A RRWRM, MATTNRE LBC1BB ALOAB tlx" ch born of h ach nareata of the United Klales Die rict Court (Judge Hod man) to bomdholdira.thb Bonn or thi AND UPRIGHT ORAMD WITH THE DEAD, perfectly end Mew RaLroed li OBAND, SQUARE PIANOS, FAREWELL MATTNRE thk ladt with long hair. tea been obtained extending H so aa lo embra* that mine. NoticbMew York Hun Oanpu;, doe ORAMD FAREWELL MATINKK and tba THE Fl NEST Kl A IN THE WORLD, This claim elsewhere you have it xtsd to be Indtapotatle ss to D toember, IBM, will be paid. with nnoruod Wareroom. IN Broadway. ORAMD F ARKWRI.L MATINKK bbcbbt or riEBBB besaod filledAQUAwith beanUfai title, though disputed as lo bonadary. its extension la resisted tattoo end aurreuder, et the Troaeuier'a ata OM WRDNRBDAV, AT TWO O'CLOTX, aUT 8EOOMD. LIVING FISH, LIVING KEAL. by the owners of Almaden. ¦ eeTenth Hreet end Fourth C A SONS hare been awarded thirty-eight prlre medals fer ON WRpNRSDAT. AT TWO O'CLOCK. THE BOIS OB AOrUK.HA LIVING ALLIGATORS A The real cutset aa to the ownership of Almaden Urn be B»w Toee, Aaguel 7, ItdO the aupertortty of their manufactare for tka past thirty Bra ON WRDNRSDAT. AT TWO O'CLOCK, FnrMlaa feeUrttke; the Bower gtrM;a little eublorfnge; the THK FANGS "LIGHTNING CALCULATOR." teeMl the present possessore, ui«r OMU'taro A Co. 7'"r' OW WIDNMPAT, AT TWO O'CI-OCX, ntihiic ¦ mqwiI inrrut. i pfrtf' ilon of bmm*. MiUrtoiry MONbTKJt .OAK Kg FORTUNE TELLERS. aad lmve alw at worked dm mine, aad the on the mort. ft Block Ik* widr,w'« rrw ofoll found, opened _ rayn orlkanb and mobilb rnwDB sooaHT r> riANOS TO BENT. OM WEDNESDAY, AT TWO (PTLOCB. pft>Uif BABT ANACONDAS iiappt family, uwama under the Poamtt claim true of tieae lati-r Mr. ACU0RT BBLMORT A OO.NWiDMM. Fraitna In the noauaeneoiBeat of the ounr«! ftlftftlfinUio® ! ft q-arftof pap** ft firUMi. Ikft btftr great vakiett of new wax figuken ¦Idridfie. tea seongaged the Fnavett claim, Tududmr.'' as he New AW ATKtt* WAMTRD-TO JOIK A CLAM SOUTHERN TOUR bitten tha widow deepclled maiden ¦neditalmoe. All bemdc all ibe aad .. thes®. Wonders Noreltiea jf Ih* Ma- "the mines of Almaden (of which he le not. and pos¬ J alread* formed. under the leaderahlp of a enwpeteet pro- SOUTHERN TOUR A WOBAB ABOPLD BE* EB TITT A BAB; scum eotlectloo a h-.rh embrar ra not leae than sibly sever will be in possession to Jute A. < 'oilier, of Bl"g- fob psoaoooo or -thb rutatjnb CIORNBTfeealmal. Mo parties need who an- not 10 M SOUTHERN TOUR He alwara tehee adTaniege of It; en eneuty, a father of aa Stt) «) Fund Btnak ot Turk." applr prepared a CURIOSITIES, temloe. N. Y., to secure one minion 'if dollars, bonis under PBOPOflAiBDebt ./the OHf New heeled pee lard rrhearnala raRtilarlt and pay (A each par quarter for tha SOUTHERN TOUR Nmaaquenoe aiibBtnnliaTranana why Plcbet eonld aot he f. om ererr par- of tbr Wor d are all yea, which mortgage are enaeewtet familiar to mooeyed and to lu- Meek will be renewed et the Comptroller'* ottee until Tuee nerrWa of the trader Addraaa A. C., boi 1.334 Pogtofflce, SOUTHERN TOUR Frbvmia'i (fttber ALL TO BK HKKN FOR 2ft CENTS ley, the lBlh dey of Hepteaher, 1MU. el 1 o'eloik P. M., when .aw Yortt. southern tour HB DID AOT ¦ BOW BBB BOTHER Ck'dren uodrr 10 sratm. It reals At thle Inlereet et the rate of hi per ami PI.AYR RIITERN ROYAL RQUE-tTRIAN TROUPE. Ai heir loom; Reugei again 111 will; imeeti from the ranee ha hpwor In aonmin. e that ha baa enraged (or the regal* r aa P awcenon of tne mine, en una yearly, end the will b« TJIOR BALK.A CT1.INRMB PIANO, ROT AI. the lloo. Kermonr H M Drage. derllMh .®f tha followtig arlim* Madam®- Ernrn and D tte aot! «nd aaacrtcu its vUm ntu at"*! »of amount of wtab I waa la IMiip,' and peroral olhar popular dauoea O. d.raator and tltto to tte attae as entitled it P. u 1ix|t.uctioo to stay wast* The pnipoeele art11 etate the Mock dertred. end of kind* of and BaMfwaa.Tneadav. W tnesday. Thursday. Friday And wte. hraody. neat; Ruastan naler all Me. Corahee dinner, the conductor. and otbara from Furors H® baa atm ci one hundred .ldlara thereof, end the Hl< KB. Manufacturer all llandi Orgaaa, latU fti I nrh.'ft lor*. mad® with the during the pendenc y of tne Uugeu end "ain ng wot the price per perenwh Grinder Planoa. 305 atrert Hr-oklm. Saturday. Oetabar Mill arrangements manage. of In® Oortea le u a wets of the atibtoanoa of tte ewsto." Tte tajuuetiuo la whaee pmpueal* err accepted will to required Pi depnetl with D-fraw Wmitgmt .Monday and Tanadar, OetnberS aad .. MARCO, TR1 tfirtftM Opera Troupa, and M happy tn announce tha: tha folkiw.M tar Chamberlain of the our, within lee day* after the opening FaaoaaKSHaimo.Wsdaeaday. Oevtber 10 The naM dead, otobrlon the teller from New Tort, newel tare will appear during Uw ana* u -Madame A leiawle bade, ma awarded to them Oianher owe Intelligence, atonement aad eat. Rlganra Mieiael and A modi. of we* »dagl aatoaistad of tae the reepectiialy. including RtrnaoNb.Thaiaday, Friday aad Eatarday II. 11. Impoamhle. UUng (oily faet. Tte Rate OeB"ornla aquaUy perplex the prealuna on the tame thi' re yen know Is drrlllah alow, you know, a augar aad Why the United Mates(bnuld interfere between two prtvst reomnwended hr tha foUowtnR mM fliiUr dal- water of the <8her On preeetiUng to the nomptroOar the leoetpte of the <1tom lljM rimnm-Mnaday aad Tnaaday, Oetnber U aad M. atyle drtnktug brtndy VOBKER RTADT THEATRE. 33 AND » 30WERT oontetoaata aad ratter tha quarrel of ana ag«ian barlale for tndb the partlee will to entitled to rwoetre tar Iiarl AamhiitD. John N Peuwoa. Hap Mintwk. w. ti. aad Ortohnr 17 aad IE TAB HOSE OB SrAlSO AG A IB iNI\T*W EINKR VON UNHRI deportta, Noarouc.Wednesday_ Thursday. SraamjMsrVi'ta Why the Un ted HUlva atomId asenrt Is eove elaa far eoeel nmouem of the vetae of the etanh PtetrtaA. John .oahart. OaeUr J. Ptoeehel. Fanvette the Hon. U M I.EUT, setnat aad worb eeHHti per |# Efjawnr Hpoimer. Drao. atiinkea Oiaaailr br Berg an Kabarh. reign tltto to mining (amis agatost oeeupeau heertug inlereet from the dnlre of payment*. Raiataa.Saturday aad Monday, Osmber Ml. aad U. by lot a dait. a new florlal aad a hoetlcaltnral lEudy, ywn Ol'STCHEN VON KA NDKRi G. era, to this single nasa. while It left hundreds of thouaaalanf Bach erawraWoe should toeealed and euhii did "Flop"toll roa BALJC -OR WILL hp RENTED TO Wruliaaraa-Taeaday aad Wadaeadar. Oetnber CI aad M Farre. Fnedlleh. ¦tears throngraugaouboSt California In undleiurted pomeasloo srat the Dele Htoeh of the of New TortL' a for the tarn of atRhlaea woatne; It iron ABB BOBB by uf Almaden war* mlninr for Floating Fund City PUNOrOAT*reeponalbla parana " "* OnicaatA.'Thursday Friday aad Saturday, Uetnbar a, M .qteUy mvMervnw Tte tonne game aniineed In a agcond aeTaiopc. tddrgmmd to lha la fall arm nrtare, heanPfol roar wood aaae, A mAA wtthoot ftteadA. hoee'. odenng. the Bleeder of Aon tends saridrivel> they srere either nuhhe or prlvase lands If ronnd anrnera. aanllopad oaarl oaaratraa em h"ti to aad anUnn GARDENS sent to with them If BthepgpoQgr. kayo, -Fmai MtrvHy October 10. to Noesatbar II, pruveae mlhs and things aad Aortas, nod prtvnto toads what had tte gevera fin The right la raawrred oe the pert at the Comptroller to re Ian. ljrra aad d«ah end of nap trior quality of WILL BE THE ROUTE ¦ T Til sad things. *." nuernaba In her unvuenl curtuahg. PALACETHE wren jttenilf comedian* rau Dahlia, did tte geverDmeat wtah to rmtrela muuns no public or ell If oeuWcered nai ewra to or add for MTfc haa baae hut rary Uula taai and aow dot BABBIACB OB TWIAE. u\ EN TNG. then toe wh ,te buslnam of UaJU-.raia met any Mda. protaet pro Ui Ja. If tte 1" to.dA tb« tUtl I TMtB of ill' Cllf an> ¦.lot It la bow ofTartd for Applj front A It. to I MIXONE ROTAL EQUESTRIAN TROUPE. A alight iawait»!!'» ehirh knocta the Hoe Neymeor PALACB gardens svklah armstoted rf mining on i.tib'ie land, m ream If Hoidereof rereene bonds of the may make th* at 143 armor A. corner of Troth atraai. Hpoonrr H. M. Drags, off hie pine end haow. THE WRW JUtKNIU CoVKDIAVR THIS EVEN < en-on- idin atas wruwtli aavxov oweime Corporation ihufls. yew ¦ oTsrwi at tielie option, piu-npitch upon akme areliable la the purchase uf thka etuefc, It they dartre or THE AOSU or TBB .riJOBBTl IXO mms er aay bo* man. and en wis a c Win. under plea af its BORBRT. T. firiBTBE oarnn. Ail FAI.ACF GARDEN* lodu HaWR, Comptroller. MBLODROMR._ AMD AUUAIDII «)BUA«t- THIRD Mismnaai title, whn was vsle who dnrM wt aad the Attorney DIANOB, >r or ff Mannad aiphi at THE WREN Jl*VRMI.K COMEDIANS at New Terk, at Floe one. Comptroller*! _I Mrw aadad HeroodHecoud hand, f BaleRale or to Rent,Rant, at greet Twa Bluer owir' .oner, THIN EVEN which held 3ty Department for^ __ Oenersl. wte durst v-w agaiusi tte gt.tsramam A a M. 1BBI. We lodem m low aa W>. Planoa. $71 pay MB. AND MRU I'ARRET WTT.IJAMI Feting the reel egnui a alight eltereeltmi a ING. over miners Ur wa this Almsdeo Ctao*. rum gain* Monthly At thaalra Ob U>i« T Kuug.-i quae gate a torrtnc epiHin the Hi raeatrad" for anker. Real allowed, if pttrrhaaad. ihia bAAOttfnl Hapt. It, thm of honrety. n unADiai" it «ma»Bt to RonrX't deparl .tw. PALACE GARDEN- mtoe isuppuatng M to be am p-ibU: land whl th wu the >Mily HORACE WATARB 133 lead MR ARP MIR BARRET wTld.1 A RE whr »m»e end hose; A THE WEEN Jl' \ EN ILE COMEDIAN* THIN EVfN interference restrained at C|." finn TO WW WANTED.ON BOND AND agent,'No'{fk way. honor of lhair moot Ronget Jer>i'iea amoiarfett celw. aa eetooathle grtumd fnr gnve-t-meni m-Tlgage, of Aral elnaa urorf irtlrr Haaleo la! tad will hara tha appaajinp in two of aharmlop awilny millhaalrr n ta-'Tur '~T mea aad ¦¦¦. .ING. soar tempi because tne- nf its p-nprirvws were fie-,1 -as Jtl.UUU plataa, the earn* draata of Jtrnnea MM II heto -e 1 ae properii worth three Unira the amount Addreeabok 3.731 T>IANOR, MBLODBONB, BABMOMICKR. ead monkey Md HriUah nr t r nasal *b'~ had feuadaad nurkad or on on NORM TO OOOD I.UCE. THA niQBT OW1A AC BO Ml iRTENI ITALIAN OPFBA COMPANY or a as It beca m a raaioOfk. New Tort, with real name and addrea* A Ptrd aiaae for sale, to let aold taatalwmw, faro tn Ik* Cutri Pure acquired t'atefii al c large at Dine fat wMah Mr Wtl Mf will aaaiain rbarartar at TtJMj a eieeptng beaely diatnrbed; d*wko a retAl»alloa. An U1 I Gil III man. HlGl.l >h ;¦ FtNNf UORINMa * it lertnr tUmnatn. tarteum Haftm wHh mito.bsii bees Isvested la orbing u. ami had be-nantvee-f U O'h aflartr, tha mhar rharartrra by Mro Mm Oaorpa na onworihl taunt, Jacq una grtrf. the tent urup la the Hip armr ADIO imp* to an. i® ar® that thaaa two pram v r tba raer In vestment« aoeltmi sinn u>an-on bond and voir 171 «M I C PBLTON. Mtnldart .bar Aral m Row Tort). Vaaari cup. aad yieldedlelded amply'reply la ihto frrrign nilH art>aaranr« J. H. j. meat aa«r - is prime d nn* will khnrlly «-|lre. and will apag«r Part* bp su eees are mteea a so IIUU.UUU gage, at she hiweet rat* of latere* le Ml aad Ml Broadway, 1.1, a/tar wbtrh tha rrntaaa . Md ligMa aad game tae >k ¦Vddart. Tboma, lawl»r. format The Una at the ntrngaie. A"i*et down, the mar ad ieh>bar la lb® Us.ied Stair«, and alao la Havana, praaartpursuf amerlrare deaanileg the forfeiture nt the rr lame u> eon appttoaata. ae real amaae m UUa ritv and on» AM ROVE IH "KTH.I.R. b*y; eartegnTy elan on farme in thle Btaie. to A. ttAKOBA U mieato' sscaima and tte aaqtieetrau-m of the fnuto of ttetr to lyp; Apply NY, AMD SOU ARB PIAlfOM. la which Mro. Wt llama will mataln at tiiTwrwot rharwtara. SBB *TOAT Or TBB BBBS ABOItOBBBT. Wei altar'. . 'anna "A 'hi '. or muric..fceitani.patti finetry. MARTIN A OOYRIRR, waanfantorwe. M Nael near nd Paaaaaaro BnUarn." Alton!,.. "La Man ftond Bight. A ba le dandy. aeeBa kM na UPRIGHT .tiar en la 01 to la tiwta llwrolioo " Tb* will noaal.tAa wRt Jerques fortuaa. na AcademyTO MORRi'W iWF.DIVSDaT Repiamoer 12 at 1 Tho UUe of Idr o.nere nt Almadon na trlpX. Firm, they anew. Bear Broadway Uprtfhw warienlad eqael prrformaarwa eiperled (aaiat Fnureue up In the world. IVkm ta n si- cka Mtea ADill.lNA FaTTT MX m ''elnmu nn-kr fact irad la tha aoaalry. Piaaua It tha lauchatia ocawadMta at r" hod IW nmm * rtpbt ud id- minor, rent Intrreet, oe bo id aad mortgage oe tub iRian noRR, la her admirable rale o' Elrtra aad by wbu-h all Um »»d attaint criftoruee la CaUJorela,< >rw atrlrt'T$125.drat riaro urtlr. real relate In ibia Hy. In tarn of la wtlah Mr will maula hi* aowUa at anoow abd gcaawab f » moo dwanrtr PIA MIR rot RA1.R OB Tf> UCT ITtBAP.-PBHTtt r*MJ Ryaa .pom er H H. i imblee up hut lun'l like u. oarepam aad lug <«coapy of the People a Fir* Insurance Cutaeaay to Wall a rwet hrred or to reel Dregs, ran wild the ftVinwtng Immense mar new work a m.o* nt. laid. n manor If u mi 27 R71 tin. 1171 *>»> aad pe-rl Run know a load eel) farfimrteaa oeam. the MBBplhff hoeeti dht Miea pub!*- a month MnMc leith la a faw leaaaia OVERT THEATER. ADBUNA FATT1 aM "dppmprtoting'' iu mi»*rala. or maeart dim tain ¦ V.M M aad IR turtwd age n, a bit of a htrd bet note, owl, yueknowedrtee la bar greet r-.le nt Rlrtra &d nnn -wabtbd immii iatnlt, toloan, taed hy Prof DUMBDAY. tUU Graad i B Oaorpa Wnnd Maaagar. net might, a toheeid ead A NIG BRIG NOLI ae ' at apron cent, oa Aral bond and r «l anutlad ttee' foagtreweBBi^aoget Artnro 9aOU.UUUi per Nkakaparn'a |HaMa piajr rfufnuuiff Roar iatnliM br RotijrMft rmanw. aiM NIG AMODIO ae mortgage I .wn« regotMied. tiitoa enmlned and beat a#mi MRW ABO HRTOMD 11 AMD PIANOFORTES POR A WtRTERW TaI.B, vnm*. lU bltad ma t mSSS rRy C'taleed. at the Amerteaa Real Batata Oiliee, Br Hrnad Uaio la will ba ISL^TeuI^w Jec|Aee. dlrrMoam NIG Nl'NINt aa "EC 50 rale or to rent, at greatly radioed prima. Rent applied propamine, pradanad R, er (<*,» a rtUnla'a rrjotring en uaripeatBd latarrupthm. MB Rnelenl Ihrpruir aod Wrsdnetny n-e- in the baermanl w Mimkl'n or na la- iha I* ado la bo thaa, wdamoar at rtobt Hale. In UMe day Farm* la Waamh POWERnjt, CART nepi.ererd a nrwel deed Jocto a deett. Jan-imw grtefet the T?skipping rap* eaoewr. aad Fein# Elks Ina pmdtey mt Ma baapaoieg p-iMto to S ¦ HR No. all tta mantkart of ttr at-wt owpa»» aid a w a r ar mie nor minor la (hltfurate. Oregon or Utah bad or anw boa eouaty. Apply 'AH. laalaltpp larpo I., of hM feroaita. tadlgeetaoe aI the owM. ad the eld, ha iae ;aat anarhided miwi a 3 mt engaereaewt al BILLIARDS. oorpa at aoilllariro lb« plat aaw >4aa wdh tta aalabralad daeovary Kara tm ¦ M .ernm are * tn with eddMA . IRag* maaaaara. BTATIT1 A- ERR iArema' att »ra ob Barget. B WILLIaIp. Agent U1 Frank: i etnw mian orrvcms. ILUABP CHALLENGE In Ant t A rrdre from the paEttpenBa la tha preeeel- B~ tii m aorroa or rat paw ran* DARCR OB THE IITOMIBIA. RIUMIftftft YOCft f*TH«m FA TV. MBRICAN CONCERT IIAUa Darane, Aat A M> Mr. J V Walter*. Jr aa tlwliwln VEdVM* RIMBu Ml. »e w "¦ Ai» Ihinicwt tn.imi'li'aub|'w tk* poUr#;r*"~" Arm!"-W" *wt > b -XR!i OVERT I' *1.1.. a T tub adtancb orrimt dp u jacoh*. ncnbt f aa of tha Maw Tnrh U'natraiad vaa»'» a.-ng i«¦ a< r Mro 1. V Wallort .»r...., aa Rariwoaa IrtH AmeS Thar had Iha -hu-h EM.I aad pomm In on Queaa me wBKweimeet. mnrd.r S-rn ( Ukft licit ovtft kpteur rw Hkt ae odrertlaad Tl m tmad I oamMamea. wdtod giro* thorn rtabt under Ineurtad Ketabtobed lit I Mi nrter ft WlUam earn a irdky e-aalag hi Frtnelpal At rtl II IW. rig.. tha >awtow four hall' k camperL.I. B rir-trbim TBB otiTTILAIBa a BE BtrBlJIB.rirtnvn mdua ¦¦ d be r . W One Ma Amartraa gu i ¦ imal by Ma law of aailnaa aad Ida pro atreet hraerb oHiee air? Rnautway. (or free an) apnear thlag rertaia ha wtb mm wbwd Ida I'mtod Htalaa thnraead i*Dtit* up, two Ihonaaa Hooi.btH'P' A CAMPHKl.l.A M'RRTRBTA M Alt r'H'NTH.. appear at any other m a- r ivm em Hall wMaaa of lha mag hp enquired Oah a watch In item , ina:- .* -he A 1 aMPbA' nador Moweaa law. aad ua dollar* aide, tha hr played UUOUCT L*1 MIRRTRRUA irua. .!".« R. W ItTIJ* forala. aad wMrh woald. abmild. ir cbdar rtbknt-h. htkan, diamond re rim wkrk, rirni were crew sard playinglaying betterb-U'r than daoniae:danc;i.g, the m.r,tAm-nth of erodeCrohn PALACE GARDEN. BMW PR ATI'm RM, ROW PRaTURER. "" " Pbtrdir haoa thaaa graota of laad from tha Mm ran tarm ended, thea IdItower gtrl'a nohM rawiu ttow. who'll buy mff Tboy it 111 (IB IND FTRBBT. THRKN DOCAR Wtary prrwwi ncorpUad th4t challenge ODD aeafar wRh Ik*1 PCIUiftar H A f,A E AlMTRfWR a wee i»reeled rto'.rto'ete* a of A -he an lmgin a rmia 1 id ir aao Tin (prejudging "hay Rew A a I, <|p proo<«iuoa oi.rrUge, Ftrhet as a Mr C. DP FORR»T Falaab dvta M'iiai.ini A at Broadway Nawwy adraneed no Wearbea HIamood*, IWher Btutard Table lanufaetorer. Mo f» taaitreei R RIV lilt PRIRi-R OP RaiJI. htmhhd brtde,p; Lthe lloa Feymr of H In Fir-fteen h airae- near .'v;h arena# aw oatriod aalt. yon maort X a fraud. If M woro loo una a a forfm at odterwia. aa Ill « Npoooer. M Drtgt he ring i-ndly fteim "ewelrc, I lake. Dry tieda and parmaal property of rrery tnr* ne depontna with lea Ml Rl.R-ol BTl'IIP Ml'PR 11 p leeee Fao». tie nW', a f »".e »u" no mm fraud It would f irnmh an roaarm 'ar IntorrupUug tholr mining. wffi ha tahea Thte n i.e. ¦ the f that relehreted piece of raenm frag In the Flee m wa Iptota. er bought aad anal by J'MMTH a. JACCrtuN aoOa* rf the aereptaoee ehalleaaala OOlA'HPlI catai.tir. cream"rm.of nrtne, e riMier ala by rtgdu indopoodeet wholly nf tbolr aad the to lade wt htn tedy .nte Hnoee "f IndnaFy. the rhildren «f 'hei iMkit i-Jna wtR Bhah Lbor promt aiirtwoeep and broker. ¦eta epee fer 41 MHbe, ptaea ITAIIAR AIRM HT RAT!VB ARTUm. twb B Man What' tha load r,aimed ber«m«a laad nf Ido A Ivtrolt. aad M COO tl "i the hhih-LnetaaiM aohoeel ead I Nonga and Der mat earn by the htldrea flmad or nf Fiona! jf Ido lal- Merchand tee a Matlar watch ta pot ap a«Bta* ierert by the reretace of the trnlh hit abmemant b> Ross,Maf Mr Itaraai shoW snragel le the wheal of the Ceiled Mlaxe. or laad of Barreyoen. at Teat mm 1 ^ Sunday Imp I anad Ruutn k* « nothing to do »n» tho wilaoa IIRYARTH MIRRTRELM. (rree . eppenl-lbe teowni of erlm' ..« e ewe-,: lb® usiariMatnf the eh. dree a r% dar Man tha T Ml lIMifirt . FOlCVt early. IW^ If tho fat mar will Ida gnraoaiaom rratrnla tola RTMnr Tpi'BUHARRRd 'Mr All.Id ABIt- TAfeUM nPTIR THIN ( Nety of Pleaalag gipemientg In I-hernWiry. Ph raopky. Na nana M te MX me ef lhaar wot. whflo prrmtuin.1da aa u cnambfm daw wtlL for their own .ei, be is erwlaf MBOIARICB H ALU «n RROA11WAT akrwa Oraad L-rMWBN*. tara' Magi' »n' Reenea la Veou-'isirWat > eaarm.A an litem mda an X prtdert paiilitilar ,Wr,r,. two pop* atom of I .aliforma, oMimn aad altoo -Una 'iwaa, Jtany that the Hceaeef I late for Phartea itc.drear'a twreadon of »e Radar. Rapt M and dwarf rtpht la tb« want. 1 IV< bop# to hare mi* or two rneeds present ah * h> aaaMa to attee aa laad walked urtri ry A- or the earn* l».n*bt fur the hirheat nee* prtaet, by lha ta to aa I'd of an.taroMWI la tta A(.¥ FIFTH. par -ter»«i:.g remark* ¦.mfpdioa owd Afrtraa pablla I«AAt* II i atnwl N No raelred Indt« R'tbhar attarbrd each t«h>e. wPhnnt B popular plana adf. of lomrftrmm* nellbnowa ton bar* rt. bum the twr of attrh uh'e aUl ba illegal, and for the pr Ma-tana 'if Tta world rapowoad K»> topaa trmi-dtana YWR Itftn'l intl IR ftRfYt A TV. ! A* Mr lie Forrest hse made an fiheral aa cWar R le howwd Bmn nem ire iwacted on end iuip«(nMi unrf ft a Bat Iho owaarn nf Aim*,'** amort thai lha Hexieaa dteu kainrdaye M« Wi» Phe'an » lender who hare parehaaed haeselaWv# /BRUT aRO UaR Mhi *RT, iwfff; l*u*t#» *?*U pvralRr; . thai n»r frlemda 1 deem Una e gmtd ovportuaNy la aid tha *W!t aao hut th*y WOOD. RBOADWAf, FtrttT RRW ItiRR HKl.fIN41 AMD Pai'KIMg OMPaMT. la a rmrtatr «r hutahlr mrat<-%liu«a Mnr* iMra'ttaa. RoWa lltn, the Anas ed M»Hng Caw* Adulte Ji mt eMMren. KrenlA la rwi h porfarl-lboi flow < Wailnah'ai artit aaehe liberal nana to Mr w At JfOltaRfl'T IRN llfffEH shnrud le na the will a hot to ha aad tow other.dn-uax.x «.). ATT«NT|ON*-NRppurtte N»w 1"p«. Ml Inn alaR ...«o Una Itwdrinh Hwaarw Phala'a. ¦ naa .' I Wormy Wednewfey. ptnatr he he'd da the Bta that parport r An«net a ret' and wa > to Haitaa af tha daum 'hoy boar, aad by tho odadala wbnao and gee''toeri 'iron *ey.mi d dlaterai gerurdr Fr Me Rppi ¦tree'E fortune retain* 1, orange a« earled art! lalrmay aamoa arr to Mom. lb* Mia la a Jfoimaa tula. It n« e for apelieeata Ai: the adraatagee arHhuutito ea w um *nVrtOiTi^rar^CT-T AMO OOCfJII a wedding dreea. Jnetaaa' watrWnhanmrfhM Ineene ;ether. appoadod la ar able feet nre* at a Inan utaae Vnrai iarmua la aaw awira aa<< IFldnTTIftN AMD DRAMATIC mtml bo m.'otanilatad or enomrrartel Boilro, done* »<4 Iran *na The mnaraneecea'of'm^ore. Mttledteqelalllow nw VhB Fe rate pnplW rseetrsd hy a (ret ehum armr. aad rawdeawd Manor " bar lore for I ectew eed Je. a tha onarta aad lb* gorerameat to on 1 to M*tWm in mil* t*o>t tikiuB'R tti Htani orFMA m hn»T» a*b We he* to taferw the paMie that te future we will make a Prrr» ,paa at 7. nmwiaora at oalon* unLter reedm ,wse-Jer,,wm rr.-aoeteat for ihe *ret ralaa out Mk*w. Ad Aram Httua Iho amhtrm Tdoi to lb* I'm I ene > <«iper Inautute Mouey adraeaal am Die ItakwaMiwaia Wrv* f(M* Rmr*; tlftcqit*ft ***NI ftwftf, T.ekriU# Fnat idRea New Tor* mnay aad mmreh apphmf At upptat* red hi-tine id tan per cent on wr table* fw all eaah "rd»-», 'hsa TWR nor. RMR ftRYROUm iRY« R ¦ Aatoe vrwtm naa rywaafaro far eewnmrnarm theivmnre- taabea. Jewelry and all kind* or everrhaudwc Fd ta tha IK thl heat table*, man ,faatnred at the weat NR4VR <¦ klrta* pah her headend, the Story od the eeM Plrhel . for a I-w « we « am nit And ngnle, A wed NOWHERE..RABRT LERI.ri fixed it la rmgrem aathnnrtag ponihle pn*a PflRI.AM XOObLBMIHIR 1TA1.1AV OPERA "OMR ART Armm IaM la Inrender-* M Hotrken from -mdy'a dork tn Ma toe of 4m Mp. AWRVAt'IO haa ttr plana aawaiaoa lha rapapa hie aerie frlende, the werl tteg rare'" K Ma to ad .> fndfr' .» poitor rople,'-nier th* grew.v near ramH.Hnegne atreet b< T*» Ibaea Broadway at Rentomrl data will far their owa pneeettne. he parttealar At mm tt» rrNaa dnrtta. juget rlea neb on NnapenW RGdge a dutiutnr n* giti rem gad 1*1 feat wea if rrtalirparl lis mnrnaied i.imMI «¦ A"*« PMrr. Daagm. tea dagiiau'.i and nf the arrdlree by yonr adrte* id* IBViml rtrewt-Wrnwr Hbeeaily a>leanerd en Watrtoe Jewelry. Hta tarPrRr-HA>RRAthai ibey make a rwaanaa da sae at their freedom at MaOAMR PARRA 5Jn high rw Wedsewtay afteraiam Rept I! al I* a'rlnnh. MMaa* Attorn** t" Hlat r ree* ataaa mral pnwora laM'it? tf HMM RMh and H BTbjbbt its rianea »u »r« '"hi-My Ad a ealtafam to idem, ead eend to tfottoo RatabUato* arttr* IMS nae pnrRp Mpla ¦lMI,« n Ihe gardeafree CHANFRAU hi' mlort mem- ry prupwrty. Mew Trwh. aa wtthoal R Ike of aarh a labia mi*k' i.a kara r»¦ tairH a world wWa ri| wiaMmi Jarunee-be dMcrera the erwdoa the suae ilk Fmp^aMP ®ee trpraam Ihrm owe*ra .raid baar,, wbiih wmrefnwel. rNRKf FRIDNNBKR'*, faaad and for the prntwetlna of Tree trade and waas idolr wli.eaara la tha of Mnten NBNrtT FRIDrtRRKR'I IHoRtraJ ¦rare am*ien- a erat rie. TV wet NT ¦ liy, lh*y eaamraead otty fret nrer'a rlahw. arha need no pretence aboat aa .¦clPr R RR Ml aaa euww. Maw Tort a wtahwa era usual re. ireC tg. Al-lft bag* that there two grew I tlx < bdeil l^td' or w .tehee nicer *i>! --eoa*l ganger Fterre'i laser to IB it mae wd", fhynf tge-xrai amtnre af H*t»ilp«f»-l Momrym.eida. Jewelry, i priperty MORR1RU RIi'UEEfOR ru TM "**T ~~r mailt A of iy prime will ah-noly arrnW and appeal awTy»ta aaoded to rail etidearefnr nae In the felted "ittoa iVtwrf la Ot a I awwirikap Ikone* me? to nulnemud any time with * Tka w-Aiaar li>'RTKa<4, r«jnaki J thonghl renpeaore. Onpld peeralle. < rtnher la the Halted -late* and a n at Harana |*'E tilVR MOTIfl TO T1TB MAMTrTAryrwRRD AMD jgAPl.TB»U OntalL . ua «ki| in'MI TVVR TOftRftRT The itonoel reftterd to l«*e tlx tr»Um m eod pro- two H RaBNAwD. » Third ateaan. Frtvato nrtrr, a>»lard'waa araarvlnaatmrrinn Mtk11 lt» Ot-iiaaA pnaiawa on Wadnaodaf CMBloeata y year. T* pnrehapen of billla-d WMea that we hare aold to M mar* aill Rem. p-reege a Mtppr-y IHa ame tt In ref'iw Thee* iuatrn«tinae wi e right Dp 1 n'rlort A M .M H at IU .mTeruuee the retora to the pi mat, laaviteBog am of fhariea Oondyoar'a lermUip Bltaf. Joka falM h» f»Bd the I re mure wire rembed a pin narafnl aaawm with thmt htfiimat star* tha Me Hob towte Ih« to y-mraefi. a*'1 f'HT ak tfca baat of rtfraakmartB. Idaaa aaa M Pierre's Bid wow. renwen on II w-St .ee dfBT'd ' II INKH HKWIMT* ehnnr, nr Irdw Rnbbdr. »<-r wbteh a pmat wa taaaad to Uia ptrra' Jannuea arrwiM to gnard HM fathera ret' IV E ¦a Mwara wl.: Monday Rept dm Tmtr nhjoi wea to olnae tbe mht" Tbt» ytei aeomipllabad Mor dated .'one 1ft l«d4 and e.tended Inne 13 IAS* kadoa taard Hart Iraa Para W t'.ag iiahed rawed .a® Mr Nwhein Indies aad gwi nixomrn aaa m a MIX eratlm« la lha tr,«« im«, rrtru p.ale tot** ptar 7W 111% A hy tlBCK. (FROMMsk'r Opart rohittllag r aud f ta F. N ; Dw* etrnm at A. ¦ and «W '. In thr fal'e*i«wt-if'he l«er. Piaaw HPRTRPrk w:n maka aa ataorWna tt tka M' i Hara®*®rWii- Wi» t27 Graed urwer Raw Tora are «nh dt" on by re drained hyldr !¦ Utaael fne'S.-o., nerl r I, 1*H OR .dm®at if Ihararieri ttrw-.e Wigswigs eootAanilr naon JO frtim tb* *h! |V» Hli l, ifomaerlr.d Imfargn Wena«.l rr0 PEW TUP* PI.T1NO APD PACBIMG OOBPAWT. alwwa Rnaka on Tkarwtav. aptamhar 'A laartiu 1aatana l OTEETCEE An»r».-1«rnil ennatatitly baad. Via knard Mmaa at tka am A E ER (TOETEst J "»'».»* m trlU awaer gm M- hut aid ,.r, Me WANTKThand Billiard hy dhara'l (tana aad rafrrakiaaaia ^fX^E ... RANCHiOT.r. io-dr.- I H.lHf til kloa kak win "w wr»c at Rl ar a. .... Nig SEE ADIO haa the v, anaoaa®# «my. e* of anw. make mark'# alate bed Addrem .'«Ueg prtat aad par kaa aak op III John atraoi. pleaeore the ®ogaga wit* '.w -ha pnr- th. Ia .,nn ilEBBAN DRrtT^N* Art FT iBARkOF ACS at Rw t weoi m tb* eelehrata* tana tho PmaaM rlahw lOCNO w tic lata r O Mo. 7 Reet Rercnteealh real ¦ fi.i).natnp dar. rrtdar, u' prima arm, soprano aad IWnff'eaa w»»a »t-m.tod by ih* Mipramr or t>.me mean* and good a m .*«.»##, i* deelm to eke. JPa*»Tn MAaX'"!r?,5Ss-w Hofam ttoiatm a. yet emM WaI.TER c rope . * uuadrlUe on Whltaee'E nser Opera of 'l^irUne and Cea" -eh Jnlr- dttoooar lady er Wtauw of »me m-aae Apol«t*fcme Ci.tnknr m aad I lata rat mle MADAME Ott'LlA RANCHIOL! * Maxawnhmger drafred to*aedaldo mm*. If gayrma* Jnrta H Enat. Mrrnbtafttr?7-" Oturameete-Tbe Trnmpt Mk».'ewh dhmth- Una headdreeee.1 til. B Herald tart THR BALL *K*R«M. for nerd a fharnMenMM wow the aonrtm Whom arttwtr rep- ui oa. airaadr ae-ah .eh®d In (fl Ik® prim* inrd it b* fnand U*.t «r Rahrat J Walk** ami pMlrw raJVrp will Syatera fonrettri * I'oilier aad r-rlt'ti la M.tmdMdwg HefW, wbtpa. pMErde he. peti-iewretfd Romfe. ®odil» h®i In rank with lb# grew tf.., r WIDOW T.ADT TNlkTT TFARN Nh AN It HAI-I, AT TUB PATIIJOB HH.L HOTPIa »ar«*t noBrARim- a rew place parbak IO the of the aai aiMa that har® rleii®d the l agied States and rwead WaalWaallaotlaat m, namown tbaarIbwae wbl h -m Patarwm, M J.-Wa ara mow nam pTV -Owing MMgth aad Mapflrtaore pMoo. Harana (won¦¦no p.prurarmtodlira Of .*». with a g ml prea-nrm -re. iwe 7»bie i*r» -nr. ATM Itfrarantlnei laaritng. Wat»n Illaod We1need-y r»Ma «. ill I aa iter* win be eo Feme d a »¦« dxrmiw npea nor emit whaaa rrmiy 'win-.Tr MgTBtNON'Ale.A domeg ha Q'terer,a aad R-at lee-ea Rl-tea laland at 10 r w cartdrn r IRnrart a» frowt M -owta in fl Pw parMwalara aa May ¦¦MMMMMfnot no td*m -atom hind an 1 a 'e> ikiaale dHrerttton. .if »r ideal aed aTle erenlef Dome oeoa « Berth e'elnah, perfurwwBeee enmmmrw.mmaara elat GARDEN ¦*>'. ro ready made. Mowrh tbeid dftor iai laeteg r cou i«rta Ihe eirt.'teat -rniee will he prea-rrad Oaadafl "Wartm at rt m IARPH WtiAOR. IV Wwa Tktcp imk WraaA m fcr aeb-owiadra lhat Id* n'todn w Mto'oa Mta reflne,) m»uoe»e a-id Bite'eri etght o'ehwM. NIBIFTR'RB M NIXON. .j Rale w»" aad Masagar aoy tleaeotki will randid y ed aed etoen*. de.(m* laf 'T c » >n clance I r M and lerwtaatea »t 1" P. M. TV ird» mature Tear* Addreaa. for three day* « AEOET OnMPARTEE" "TAR'IKT OOMPAR1BR, I" meet ta the green rarnn na T-iorgdar Repi U m-v, . 'I to Me 11 wan < iatmar'a thr fti l^fwi . rral bad -aa harmoobr i « ith Tt'-# BMW rVBLICATtOIM. IJIAI Mnaa".fafea ardlaa -Tha lappa. aptaatM, mm will I- apeedlly pmdeeml AS miWtf SBW %m«*r«Mr for Uta opening on Monday, the Lib or arte -i aad that your pnbllr llolal. twwa aa Willow Paph. Ml iaod at MaOaak't Daw, Inn Of rreial power aad eoenl eoaMrwMMA. fouMed upea N. B I I.AREt. Wag* Manay* o< l»*k wraad aad a»«nn« kar tka fcart laant- , .# of the l"te«t raiWBB WW ears namiw of tbe^m'eael ewployod by yna o TO anf.RtoaE NTER EOflCOFIO EXIflNTTtON * the etdt -hire rr.d medett Ma gmoail Tf MlfftiW fW TBI MIA OrTirt mndalVaw I nnatpaadaa NTR, raaad Mm.a ar-wd ar arwaoa tn Vtoiv >mm R#-n*r mmn# trillwi rft* ftlK**"* ^ ARRWN* ^r%9AM- "1-1 and -oraar of Two a .ee tb* property rf tlx g< remmaat dx Wktfi PtaIRK T" HATB NT IWl'NIiFN ar win e waa« third nara Martma. tkar wtl Ikara tad t H* Reimdway thm rvanr laad fr»e which laaraa Mn hoar for fi-. tft ^ An#rWHH ci.ily, ift ikrtk ¦ la the | 'be tart tool aottr aettno he* boot taken for lb* raaoftt 0NNT1.IOIBNdeel I er eida applied t their Wgarhee. to compete to ti ** Itiao Prh -$1. Oa*«e»eer* of poawge m raeetpt of twawibnai. half MfOnaak** na. ^ aOUWmrg Sim ' .1 < I' In AEI Inatr ar-.a and Of Iho fra-a.* rlalVaXe tn a mad* ado T * * *'ir,a fut the ( an" J reran anr. eend f hen ttiern le .. aarm pr*e llXeR A RUM. PuhlaAan for ncl'mlara apply M R A'IPIEE. PlupiRW. R. try and «. AMWUCAE WW* AI I9U WB* Mr rocaarl of idner r>.ataa«i Id wadh hgtm M ¦NRRTi'K FR It ¦ 13 J.tan at rata. rhiwlatp-i fa E-M«aMtarraEm AaE booia,«ap aaiifft. "oTe ^NHW I'