Updates From Our Club Presidents High School Club

The Glasgow High School Club, as my predeces- Throughout this year I will be striving to update Development Office. Karen has a wealth of sor noted, has endured much over the years. the Club’s appeal for today’s leavers. There records and will be delighted to point you in That it has done so speaks volumes for all my was a time when we had an FP Club on every the right direction. For general bookings of the predecessors and their committees but equally continent and one of the ways I believe we can Pavilion, our Facilities Manager Jim Dempsey for all the former pupils who have supported ensure out continued relevance is by tapping in will help with advice on availability, numbers and joined the Club. It will only thrive in future to the network of FPs that exists in all corners that may be accommodated, bar facilities and if we can ensure that it has relevance to today’s of the globe and across many walks of life. I even local Disco and catering options. and tomorrow’s leavers; to those who follow feel certain, and indeed I know from speak- At the end of the day it is your club and I look after. ing to many of you about it, that there are any forward to seeing you at Old this number of FPs out there who will offer career At the Club AGM I drew attention to the first year. advice or introductions to fellow FPs not just object of the Club listed in the Articles of the length and breadth of the UK but interna- Colin N Kerr Association: To promote generally the interests tionally. The clubs may no longer be there but President of the High School of Glasgow, to form a bond we have FPs everywhere who are willing and of union among former pupils, and to foster able to help. If you are willing to assist please among them a combined interest in its well- give the Development Office a contact number being. Our school report on that subject would or address and someone will be in touch soon. undoubtedly read; could do better. I believe we can and I intend to have a fresh look at our Since the closure of the School in Elmbank membership and what we are offering. Street there has rightly been an enormous and almost continuous effort to provide the new The sporting choices for members are many and School with the excellent facilities now enjoyed varied, with most taking place at Old Anniesland. by its pupils. At the same time facilities in the We have active sections in; Rugby, Cricket, Golf, War Memorial Pavilion (opened by General Sir Hockey, Triathlon, Lacrosse, Angling and there Ian Hamilton in 1927) have progressed a little is a Fitness Club in the Jimmie Ireland Stand. more slowly. There are several aspects of the But more effort needs to be made to broaden building that will need a considerable outlay the scope of our sections as the Club is not if it is to progress into its second century in all about sport. The facilities in the stand and a deserving state. I therefore intend to start a within the Pavilion are available to all FPs and Centennial project aimed specifically at upgrad- their use should not be constrained by just ing and perhaps adding to the building. Watch what we do now. The Committee and I would this space. be delighted to face timetable problems or the need to produce more facilities for a wider Finally, if you would like to hold a reunion range of activities and pastimes. Please tell us but have lost touch with your classmates, what you would like and we will make it happen. then please contact Karen McDonald at the

Page 2 The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Glasgow High School Club

Members and guests of the London Club met Vote of Thanks to the speakers. the venue for our own Denham Trophy outing, at the Caledonian Club in Knightsbridge for the retained by Don Wilson. Many thanks to former Our annual president’s lunch at the Caledonian Annual Dinner in March. There were plenty of Royal Wimbledon secretary, Norman Smith, for Club in October was well attended as always, new faces including a Master from Elmbank arranging for us to play there once again. and we were delighted that Colin Mair and Karen Street, Tom Rodger. One youngster had only McDonald from the School were able to join us There are a lot of former pupils, older and arrived in London on the day of the Dinner to and bring news from Glasgow. Later that even- younger, whose support for the London club start his career in the City but took the oppor- ing we jointly hosted our regular drinks party at and our events is much appreciated. In par- tunity to meet up with others from his time at a wine bar in the City for younger former pupils ticular, my thanks to past presidents, Jennifer School. living in the London area. This was particularly Cameron and Dougie Attrill, for their continued The principal guest was former Scottish Rugby successful this year thanks to the support of support throughout the year, and to club treas- Internationalist, Alastair MacHarg who proposed many, especially Donald Abbott. It is the first urer, Angus Cameron, and my vice-president, the toast to the School and Club and reminisced point of contact for many new exiles with the Ian Welsh, who has continued to double-up as about his playing career and how it compared to London club, and they can always be sure of a secretary. As I come to the end of my term that experienced by today’s players. He remem- warm welcome. as president, I wish the club every continued bered his days of playing at Old Anniesland and success. The London golf section put up two teams into spoke about some of the High School FPs who the Scottish schools championships at Denham David Eales were around at that time. golf club in June. In the words of our own excel- London Club President The , Colin Mair, gave an amusing lent golf convenor, Ross Gibbons, we can’t win response and was followed by School Captains, every year! Sadly, the one trophy that really mat- Roshni Mansfield and Andrew Duncan, who told ters - for competition with Glasgow Academy the assembled company what they had enjoyed - also ended up in the wrong hands. The school most about being pupils at the School. Past was also represented at the St Andrews day president, Ross Gibbons gave a very thoughtful outing at Royal Wimbledon, which was also

Dates For Your Diary The following events are confirmed for 2012:

Ladies Golf Dinner 1987 Reunion London Club Lunch & Young Former Pupils’ Drinks 02/02/2012 26/05/2012 October 2012 (Date TBC) Jimmie Ireland Stand Jimmie Ireland Stand Lunch - Caledonian Club, London Drinks - London Venue TBC Home & School Association Charity Ladies Lunch 1952 Elmbank Street Reunion In aid of The Beatson Young Adult Cancer Fund 08/06/2012 04/03/2012 Jimmie Ireland Stand Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow 1962 Reunion London Club Dinner 2012 (Date TBC) 23/03/2012 Jimmie Ireland Stand Caledonian Club, London High School Club Dinner 1972 Ladies Reunion October 2012 (Date TBC) 28/04/2012 High School of Glasgow Jimmie Ireland Stand

The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Page 3 Previous Events High School Club Dinner Funding Neuro Ladies’ Coffee Morning

The High School Club Annual Dinner was held in On Saturday 29th October, Funding Neuro Ladies’ Coffee Mornings, held in the Jimmie the School Assembly Hall on Friday 7th October supporter Barry Hutcheon held a charity fun- Ireland Stand, continue to be well supported. 2011 with 130 Former Pupils and guests draising night in the Jimmie Ireland Stand A small group, joined by the Rector, met on 7th attending. to raise money for research into Parkinson’s December for some festive fun. disease. We were entertained by our guest speakers Ken The ladies also accepted an invitation to attend Dow and Gillian Stobo and also by the School Barry’s involvement is because one of his best the dress rehearsal of the Senior Musical Captains, David Norris and Radhika Chaudhuri friends, Diane Hastings, wife of Scottish rugby Production, South Pacific at the end of as well as The Rector, Colin Mair. legend Gavin, was diagnosed with the disease 8 November. They thoroughly enjoyed the perfor- years ago and he felt this would be a great way There were various year group tables and mem- mance and offered very positive feedback. The of supporting the charity. bers from the various sections of the Club music and songs reminded them of a bygone together with staff and parents from the School Barry will be climbing Kilimanjaro in January era and brought back lots of happy memories. to make a varied audience. with 28 others including fellow local We look forward to seeing as many of you as Bryn Williams who suffers from the disease and A lot of memories of the School, both Elmbank possible in 2012. is the founder of Wobbly Williams, the trading Street and Old Anniesland, were relived until the name of Funding Neuro. Each person on the trip, Dates for this year: bar was closed and another excellent evening which is to celebrate fellow sufferer Muhammad Wednesday 1st February 2012 came to an end. Ali’s 70th birthday, must raise £3000 for the Wednesday 7th March 2012 Why not get in touch with some of your own charity prior to departure and pay their way on Wednesday 4th April 2012 class mates and get a table together for next the trip. year - you never know who you might meet! The evening was a great success, with a host of Alistair P. Wood rugby stars in attendance, and the total raised Class of 1976 for Funding Neuro was £10,000.

Upcoming Events Charity Ladies Lunch in aid of The Beatson Young Adult Cancer Fund

On Sunday 4th March, at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow. Tickets are £35 which includes lunch and a glass of fizz.

I would like this to be a very successful after- noon. I look forward to seeing as many Ladies as possible joining us to raise funds for this very worthwhile charity, close to all our hearts, to benefit teenagers with some practical support, following the frightening and devastating diag- nosis of cancer.

If you would like further information or to order tickets, please contact the Development Office.

Carole Tong Chairperson, Home and School Association

Page 4 The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Where Are They Now? Imogen Bankier Success

Former pupil, Imogen Bankier, became the first Scot ever to win a Silver Medal at the World ACHIEVEMENTS Badminton Championships, when she and part- 2011 World Mixed Doubles Silver Medallist ner, , reached the final at Wembley International Mixed Doubles Champion in August 2011. 2010 Ireland International Challenge Champion Over the course of the week they defeated the Italian Open Champion 14th, 8th, 4th and 2nd seeds, only losing out to Scotland International Mixed Doubles Champion the world number one pair from China. Imogen’s Scottish Senior Ladies Doubles Champion success is no overnight sensation however, but 2009 Scotland International Mixed Doubles Champion rather the culmination of a decade of dedica- Scottish Senior Ladies Doubles Champion tion and hard work. 2008 Scotland International Mixed Doubles Champion At the age of 14, Imogen was not perceived as Scottish Senior Ladies Doubles Champion having international potential but, instead of giving up as many of her peers did, she worked 2007 Scotland International Mixed Doubles Champion

even harder, often training with her coach in the 2006 Iceland International Ladies Doubles Champion school gym after classes, showing the determi- Irish International Ladies Doubles Champion nation necessary to prove the National Coaches Ladies Doubles wrong. Champion

Within two years she had secured a place in the National Junior High Performance Programme already secure, but she has only just reached and she moved from there to the Scottish her 24th birthday, has the potential for consid- Institute of Sport. She is now a member of the erable further improvement and much more British Olympic Squad and is currently trying to success may lie ahead. qualify for the London Olympics. Leon Douglas To reach the Olympic pinnacle she must be Badminton Scotland Performance Chair inside the top sixteen in the world and must be and Imogen’s Former Coach British number one. She is currently meeting these standards, but there is very little points difference between the top sixteen and still another five months of the qualifying period to go, with events taking place all over the world.

Imogen’s place in Scottish sporting history is

The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Page 5 We catch up with some of our Former Pupils...

Name: Name: Barnaby Archer Duncan Frew

Year of Leaving: Year of Leaving: 2007 2002

House: House: Moore Law

Profession: Profession: Music Business

I graduated this year with a B.Mus 1st Class from the Royal Academy of After leaving the High School in 2002, I went on to study Marketing & Music. I was then delighted to be asked to play with the London Symphony Business Law at Strathclyde University for 3 years and then American Orchestra on the soundtrack to the latest George Clooney film, The Ides of Business Law & Marketing at Arizona State University. March. The session was five of us on percussion and the legendary Ralph In my Honours year of University in 2006, sick of working in bars for Salmins on drums at Abbey Road Studios. I got there expecting the rest minimum wage, I decided to set up a small company called BadaBoom of the LSO but it was just percussion, making it even more pressured. providing a mobile cocktail bar service for house parties, corporate events Alexandre Desplat, (Harry Potter, Twilight, King’s Speech) had written the etc.. During my finals I was running up to 4 events a week with clients music and was there with several producers from Hollywood, including including Ernst & Young, BMW & Red Bull. Mr George Clooney himself. He was very laid-back, after every take we’d go through to the sound desk for a listen, and George would explain to After graduating I decided to give it a go and now 5 years on BadaBoom us what was happening at that point in the film. It was an incredible employs over 80 staff and has national UK contracts with Red Bull, experience watching the movie in the cinema and hearing myself playing Bacardi & The Suntory Group. We have also expanded our business into snare drum! Logistics, Storage, and Marketing & Data Analysis. In 2007 I also won Shell Livewire “Young Entrepreneur of the Year” and narrowly missed out Other things I’ve been involved in recently - freelance work for London in the National finals. Mozart Players on Timpani and Percussion, more LSO concerts, CD recordings and a BBC Proms solo performance of Kevin Volans Asanga

The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012

Name: Name: David Blane Gordon Hagart

Year of Leaving: Year of Leaving: 1999 1995

Profession: Profession: Medicine Finance

After leaving the High School in 1999, I studied Medicine at University Studies: Bachelors and Masters degrees in Earth Sciences (focus on geo- of Dundee, with a break for Intercalated BSc in International Health at physics), . A lot of time spent doing fieldwork in University College London in 2003. interesting, beautiful and not-so-beautiful places.

I returned to Glasgow for foundation training, then GP training, which Student vacation time spent working in Canada and the US. finished in August 2010. Prior work path: investment banking (London), followed by six years I went on to take up the post of Health Inequality Fellow at NHS Education based in Switzerland: initially as a project manager in the United Nations for Scotland, and am now working as Clinical Academic Fellow in the (Geneva), and laterally as an investment consultant based in Zurich. University of Glasgow department of General Practice. Currently: Head of Corporate Governance for Australia’s sovereign wealth Additional “news” is that I’m getting married in February, so very excited fund (based in Melbourne). Since February 2011 delighted to be discov- about that! ering that parenthood is the most challenging, important and rewarding job I could hope to do.

Page 6 Name: Name: Hannah McCormick Ruaridh Goodfield née Reedie Year of Leaving: Year of Leaving: 2006 2005 House: House: Clyde Moore Profession: Law

After leaving the High School in June 2006 I studied for my LLB between September 2006 and June 2010 at Glasgow University, graduating with a 2:1 honours degree. During my third year I spent 6 months in Brisbane, Australia on a study abroad exchange. I studied at Brisbane’s Queensland University of Technology. During my time in Australia I had the opportu- nity to visit Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Uluru in the Northern Territory along with completing my studies.

After graduating I completed my Diploma in Legal Practice at Glasgow University between September 2010 and May 2011 and I have recently started a legal traineeship at DLA Piper, a leading, global, business law Congratulations to Hannah McCormick (née firm. My first seat, which I am half way through, is in the Construction Reedie), who was Head Girl in 2004/5, and and Engineering Department in the Edinburgh office. Danny McCormick, who married in October After the many sporting ups and downs during my time at Anniesland I 2011. have continued to play cricket for GHK Cricket Club. This summer has been particularly successful. I play regularly for the 2nd XI who won the inaugural Championship. I have also captained the midweek XI this sea- son and led the side to promotion from the second division by finishing top of the league. We have also got to the final of 2 competitions. Both finals will be played next season due to weather problems. The team is also in a quarter final, which is yet to be played, of another competition. Name: In the past 5 years I have been no stranger to the school as I try my best Stuart Hudson to get along and continue to support the rugby teams that my younger Year of Leaving: brother Euan plays for. 2000

House: Bannerman

Profession: Communications

After leaving Old Anniesland, I read Modern History & Politics at Jesus College, Oxford, and then began work at the House of Commons as a parliamentary researcher. After a few years advising MPs and junior Ministers, I left to become Head of Government Affairs at the energy regulator, Ofgem. But when you have got the political bug it is hard to get rid of it, and in 2008 I went back into politics, this time serving as a Special Adviser at 10 Downing Street, responsible for briefing the PM and Cabinet Ministers for interviews ranging from Newsnight to Question Time. Since last year’s change of government, I have been working for a financial and corporate communications consultancy in the City.

Name: Alastair was selected to represent the Hong Alastair Maclay Kong Sevens Squad in Goa, India in November 2011. Year of Leaving: 2002 Hong Kong won the competition and secured their first victory on the inaugural HSBC Asian House: Sevens Series. Clyde Congratulations, Alastair! Profession: Sports

The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Page 7 Name: Name: Chloë McCormick Kirstin Maclay

Year of Leaving: Year of Leaving: 2004 2004

House: House: Moore Clyde

Profession: Profession: Chloë with Paul Smith Textile Design Languages

It was a dream of mine to be able to create things and to see people use Languages have always been my passion for as long as I can remember. It and wear them. This passion took me to Duncan of Jordanstone College was at school that I realised my love for the French language, so it seemed of Art and Design in Dundee where I studied Textile Design. only natural to apply to study French and Spanish at university. In 6th year, I decided to take a gap year before studying, spending 7 months After graduating with a BA Honours, I was offered a highly sought after in Annecy, France in an attempt to improve my language skills and to place at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design to undertake a prepare me for the 5 year stint in higher education. Masters in Textile Futures. The Textile Futures course asks students to fully engage with the challenges of designing for the 21st century through In my third year of study, I spent a compulsory year abroad in Grenoble the development of innovative and sustainable ideas. With this in mind I working as an English assistant. Both these experiences gave me a taste began developing the idea of 3D hand woven tapestry design. This was for French life and culture, but I had still not lived in , which for me combined with the use of highly advanced materials which created a new was the ultimate French destination. form of weaving that had never been used before. This created opportuni- In my final year at university, I decided to apply and was accepted to ties to present and exhibit my work in the Victoria & Albert Museum, The undertake the law conversion course. During this time, I was also apply- Textile Institute at Her Majesty’s Treasury, The RSA and The Aram Gallery. ing for jobs in Paris to keep my options open. I applied for a position I was also selected to represent Central Saint Martins in the Cultural advertised on an online bilingual magazine as an administrative assistant Olympiad at the British Library in London. and was successful. At this point I had to make the difficult decision to Following an incredible year at Spina, a luxury interior company specialis- withdraw my law conversion application and instead move my life to Paris, ing in handmade interior accessories, I got the opportunity to design for as I had always wished Paul Smith where I currently work. I work with some of the best design- I have now been here for a year and 4 months, during which I have ers in the world and with Paul Smith himself. This has also allowed me immersed myself in Parisian life. It is a city which has so much to offer. to experience the excitement of London Fashion Week and has given me With its stunning architecture, history and passionate people, it is difficult the incredible opportunity to showcase the designs I have been part of not to love this city. Paris is defined by its 20 arrondissements, each with around the world. their own unique character, so there is always something new to discover. The Art Department at The High School kick-started my progression into However, what I love most is how sociable it is. There is an endless num- the creative industry. I produced my first sketchbook there, was taught ber of cafes, and bars are always full of atmosphere, making it easy to principal life drawing skills and was introduced to the world of computer- meet other people. In addition to the city’s undeniable beauty and the aided design. These are all skills which remain central to my career and French charm, the contacts and friends that I have met since moving here inspire me to follow my passion. have really made my time in Paris worthwhile. This is a once in a lifetime experience, and thanks to the incredible opportunities I have been given here, I know that I made the right choice.

Name: David Maguire

Year of Leaving: 2011

House: Bannerman

Profession: Student

Congratulations to David Maguire who was recently awarded the Lansdowne Prize for French by the Franco Scottish Society. David received his award for being the candidate with the highest mark in Advanced Higher French in 2011. The prize of £200 was endowed by the late Marquis of Lansdowne and to have won it is a mark of distinction. David is currently studying Civil Engineering at Imperial College, London and we wish him every success in the future. He also holds a scholarship with the Royal College of Music to study Singing and is currently a mem- ber of the Chapel Choir of Trinity Laban Conservatoire.

Page 8 The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Summer Choral Concert Paisley Abbey 2011

This was the concert everyone was waiting for! The Chamber Choir, directed by Mr Frikki Walker, concert programme - Fauré’s “Requiem”. The The highlight of Mr Peter Douglas’ last year sang two arrangements with their usual polish choir consisted of our own pupils, former pupils as Head of Music at the High School, and a and flair - filling the Abbey with their stunning and members of staff, and what a magnificent Grand Finale to a truly amazing career inspiring voices-ensemble singing at its best! combined sound they made! With a real affin- pupils with his passion for music. You only had ity for the music, Peter Douglas directed the They were followed by Alasdair Campbell-Birkett to glance at the programme’s ‘This is your life!’ singers and the Chamber Orchestra through on soprano saxophone, accompanied tremen- page and read the many accolades and thanks the myriad of moods - capturing the intimate, dously by Mr Doug Fleming on organ. Alasdair from pupils past and present, to see how he peaceful and loving nature Faure wished to con- played a virtuosic sonata which just sparkled truly has made a difference to music in the High vey. Canto, our treble choir, also sang beautifully in colour and brilliance with exciting, dramatic School in his 22 years as Director of Music. in their sections, as did our two marvellous solo- changes of mood. ists - both High School pupils. David Maguire The concert programme was well chosen to suit We then came to our vocal soloists. The soar- sang the baritone solos with a superb lyrical the beautiful setting of Paisley Abbey, and what ing tenor, Christian Schneeberger (former pupil), sensitivity to the text, and Davina Pittock sang a stunning backdrop it was, with its wonder- accompanied by Mr Peter Douglas, simply the “Pie Jesu” with a breathtaking purity of tone fully ornate stained glass windows as well as an wowed the audience with a glorious liquid gold and with incredible musicianship. amazing acoustic. voice, and Sophie Kochanowska, a wonderful The final item in the programme was the “Ave The Brass Ensemble began the whole evening mezzo-soprano and also a former pupil, sang Maria” from the Vespers by Rachmaninov - an with the majestic and patriotic “Battle Pavan”, with a warm, and beautifully expressive tone ending prayer that just melted your heart in its directed by Mr Kevin Price, and played with which rang throughout the Abbey. Next came beauty. This was an inspired choice for the end- real spirit. Following this, the Junior Choir, our two vocal tutors - who are also professional ing of a glorious evening of choral music. Who directed by Mrs Jane Tierney and accompanied singers in their own right. Mr Paul Keohone, a wouldn’t forgive Peter Douglas for holding on to by Mr Neil McFarlane (who incidentally did a powerful bass-baritone, embraced a spellbound that very last note. magnificent job accompanying most of the audience with a heartfelt operatic aria from soloists throughout the concert with his usual “L’Elisir D’Amore” and sang with such passion The applause which followed was truly deafen- brilliance), sang a catchy gospel song with and warmth. Followed by an electrifying perfor- ing - a fitting tribute to the man who made such energy and enthusiasm - their voices incredibly mance from Mrs Wilma MacDougall, a sparkling a huge difference to music-making at the High well balanced and strong - as well as singing coloratura soprano, singing the famous “Queen School. a beautifully lyrical piece with superb blending of the Night’s Aria” from Mozart’s “The Magic JT harmonies which just soared to perfection in the Flute”. We held on to our seats; we held our cavernous acoustic. Luisa Callander played the breaths; we hoped the stained glass stayed in “Theme from Schindler’s List” on the violin with place as we listened to a bravura performance a wonderful pathos and sensitivity, and Andrew with brilliant and effortless agility. What an end Duncan’s “Elegie” was just sublime in its flowing to the first half! phrases and dynamic shaping. After the interval came the main item in the

The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Page 9 Upcoming Reunions Sixty Years On - The Class of 1952

The 652 Club, the 1951/2 6th year class which all 13 were still alive and kicking. As a result, 10 comprised only 13 boys, is in the process of attended an anniversary lunch at a hotel near arranging to celebrate its 60th Anniversary. Kincardine Bridge.

The name derives from the class (6th year) and Recently somebody suggested a 60th anni- the year (1952) when they finished school. (Also, versary meeting next year and this is being by chance, 6+5+2=13!). arranged. It is hoped that, again, at least 10 will manage, including 3 from different parts After a few years, no more meetings were held of North America and at least 1 from Glasgow! until the 50th anniversary in 2002. Fortunately, This time, it is planned to meet at School so their ‘secretary’ still had contact details for that they can all see how things have moved most of the ‘gang’ and was able to complete on from the Elmbank Street days which they all the list AND, more importantly, discovered that remember so well!

Fifty Years On - The Class of 1962

In June 1962, I walked out of the High School Karen McDonald at the HSOG Club has been for the last time. It was a day earlier than I most kind in supporting this idea and has sug- should have left, but I felt I had done enough. It gested that the Club would help to organize a was time for a different life to begin. celebration such as a lunch or dinner in 2012. Therefore, we should like to have a better idea A few weeks ago, I emailed some fellow mem- what the response to such a proposal might be. bers of the school orchestra to make sure they I’d like to suggest, therefore, that any member had heard of the death of Jack Bolling who, with of the class of 1962 who might like to celebrate Harry McGill, seemed to think we were musi- 50 years on should contact the Development cians and not just daft boys. One of the replies Office. Probably the most essential pieces of came from someone in my year - he has a phys- advice we should like are (1) which times of the ics degree and thus can count - who pointed out year to avoid, and (2) whether a lunch combined that 2012 is the 50th anniversary of our leaving. with a visit to the new school, or a dinner would He would like to celebrate that anniversary and be the more agreeable form of celebration. wondered if any event had been planned. So far it has not, but I have contacted a number of We may also circulate the names of FPs who former members of the class of 1962 whom I are difficult to trace to those who express an knew well at school, and who are easy to reach interest, as your networks could be more effi- through social networking sites. Their responses cient than our own. We look forward to hearing are warm and positive, and so it seems that we from you. have a celebration waiting to happen. Gilbert MacKay Class of 1962

Forty Eight Years On - The Class of 1964/65

The next reunion of this year group will take place on the evening of Saturday 9th June in the Jimmie Ireland Stand at the High School of Glasgow and we hope that as many as possible will be able to attend.

Anyone who has not yet received information about this event and who is interested in meet- ing up again should contact Carol Stevenson on, [email protected]

Further information will be available in the New Year.

Page 10 The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Forty Years On - The Class of 1972

Aileen Cunningham (née McKinnon) and Margot O’Donnell (née Beaton) are planning a 40th Reunion dinner celebration on Saturday 28th April 2012 in the Jimmie Ireland Stand at Anniesland. Aileen and Margot would be delighted to hear from anyone who is interested in joining them for what will be an evening of fun and reminiscing.

If you would like to attend on the evening, or to get in touch with Aileen or Margot, please contact the Development Office.

Twenty Five Years On - The Class of 1987

Scott Adair and Carole Tong (née Hinks), who You can also follow the event on Facebook: left School in 1987, recently realised that in facebook.com/groups/175927895814653 June 2012 it’s not only the London Olympics but they will have been away from the school for If you know of anyone who is not on the mailing 25 years. They propose to celebrate the occa- list, please pass on the “good news”. sion by having a reunion on Saturday 26th May We are also looking for old photographs that 2012 in the Jimmie Ireland Stand. They would you may have hidden away for just this type of love for as many of their old school friends to occasion. attend and help them celebrate.

If you fancy a night catching up with old pals, a drink or two and a boogie to your old favourites then please contact the Development Office to be put on their mailing list.

Past Reunions Twenty Years On - The Class of 1991

Friday 28th October 2011, and 29 of the Class We may not be the equals of James Bond of 91’s most brilliant gambling minds gathered and Vesper Lynd (well, not until we’ve had the at the Jimmie Ireland stand for an evening at chance to sink a couple of nerve-steadiers). the roulette and blackjack tables. However, 20 years on, the consensus seems to be that we don’t scrub up too badly. Alison Hosie traced the rogue agents among us: Facebook seems the ideal gadget for stag- ing reunions. There were apologies for absence from as far afield as Australia, and photos of the event were posted almost before the last Martini had worn off. I am sure these will con- trast favourably with the gallery of our 1991 selves that was on show.

The champagne prize for best performance at the blackjack was won by Lorraine Donnelly (née Boaler). Others started strongly but wandered off to reminisce, or to catch up.

The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Page 11 GHK Rugby Awards

Our usual awards to players were boosted by the news that Mike Borthwick had been awarded the SRU National League Three Player Of The Year Award. Anyone who has watched GHK play this year knows this was well deserved.

1ST XV YOUNG PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Craig MacPhee & Tony Herron








TEAM OF THE YEAR: In a break with tradition the award was given to the 1st and 2nd XV coaching teams for their hard work this year.

This was another excellent year for GHK rugby. importance of a strong 2nd XV to a club is cru- last year for GHK while on a course in Glasgow. cial and it played a strong part in supporting On his return to New Zealand he was unfortu- Twenty two league games were played with sev- the club throughout the season. nately killed in the earthquake in Christchurch, enteen being won and one drawn. Second place New Zealand. eluded us by three points. For such a young One of the driving forces this year in terms of team to compete at this level and be so close increased training, more social events and team GHK look forward to this season’s League is a positive sign for the future. This is a credit bonding was the knowledge that in May a tour and Scottish Cup games with confidence and to the players who played a fast and attrac- to the USA beckoned. This was an incredible anticipation. The players appreciate supporters tive style of rugby and the coaching team who success with all three games won and the cama- watching and you are always assured of a warm developed them. Individual player development raderie that only a rugby tour can give. Both welcome at OA. was evident and bodes well for next season. The on and off the field all went well and credit is Scott Inglis leagues have been reorganised into regional due to Kenny Hamilton and his team of helpers GHK Rugby Convenor groups and we now play in West One. for driving it forward to a successful conclusion. GHK rugby has used the tour as a springboard This new league is extremely competitive but at to this season with the coaching team remain- the half way point of season, GHK were sitting ing intact. top. As an extra bonus the league includes our old friends, Glasgow Accies. The first clash away GHK remains well served by school Former was won and the home game will double up as Pupils as stalwarts in the team. They include: the Dave Gilmore Memorial game. Gordon Reid, Andrew Fleming, Craig MacPhee, Winning ways continued last year in the Shield Michael Borthwick, John Mill, Robbie Alexander, competition where GHK beat Preston Lodge Greg Woolard, David McKeown, Malcolm Pickard then Highland, both from several leagues above and many others. them. A narrow loss in the quarter finals to East Before I finish this report it would be remiss of Kilbride from National one showed yet again me not to mention the sad loss of two of our that GHK can compete comfortably at this level. rugby members during the season. In October A Friday night floodlit game vs. Accies in the Charlie Forsyth sadly died after at last retiring Dave Gilmore memorial game saw a compre- from involvement at OA over many decades. hensive victory 29-18 in front of a large crowd. Many words were spoken about his loss at the This fixture remains a favourite with players and time but I can say that I have never seen such a supporters from both clubs. flood of condolences from differing age groups from all over the world. Our 2nd XV, ably coached by Henry Gray, Glen Woolard and Mike Gribben, had another good Later on in the year we heard about the death season. They played 18 and won 14. The of a young player, Rhys Brookbanks, who played

Page 12 The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 been postponed to season 2012 due to rain. GHK Cricket Another success story came in the re-named WDCU Championship, where the Saturday 2nd XI romped to the league title with a game to spare. Early victories were again the key, as Simon Duke’s outstanding top-order batting led the team to 6 wins in their first 7 games. The other star performer was spinner Waqas Hussain, whose 20 wickets at 8.7 earned him the WDCU’s award for best Championship bowler. The 1st XI also had a solid season, finish- ing 5th in the WDCU Premiership despite an unlucky start – of their 4 games that escaped the rain before mid-July, 3 were against the two outstanding teams in the league. The closing fixtures brought 4 consecutive wins, including 2 by more than 200 runs, and what must surely be a club record 50-over score of 392-9 against Helensburgh. Mahboob Ahmed’s consistent batting earned him the Premiership batting award, while all-rounder Yasir Raza and Seamer Krishna Chinnam also impressed. The Sunday friendly XI enjoyed a schedule that took in trips to Edinburgh and Comrie while, to Photo by David Swan, flickr.com/groups/butesport cap off a golden season in this greyest of sum- mers, the U15 team won their ‘B’ league, with Summer 2011 will already have been erased The gold-rush was led by the Evening XI, under 14-year-old spinner Osama Hussain enjoying a from the memories of most Scottish cricket- new captain Ruaridh “Goof” Goodfield. 11 victo- breakthrough season at both junior and 2nd XI ers. Wet weekend after wet weekend turned the ries in their first 12 outings propelled the team level. season into the dampest of squibs, with many to the top of Division 2 and into the later stages teams managing to complete fewer than half of the cup competitions. A last-game defeat in Winter training for season 2012 will begin in their fixtures. For GHK CC, however, the clouds the September darkness against second placed February and all players of any age and ability had a silver lining. The club made the most of Renfrew meant the league trophy was shared, are welcome to join us. Please visit our website what limited play there was to put together their but promotion was secured nonetheless. The www.ghkcricket.co.uk to find out more. most successful season in recent years. team also reached the finals of the Glasgow Cup Adam Rixon and the Greenwood Trophy, both of which have GHK Cricket

GHK Lacrosse

Stirling and Glasgow Universities resulted in to welcome anyone who might be interested good wins, the latter always eagerly antici- regardless of previous experience and hope to pated as a home derby. Our only loss was to continue our form this season. Edinburgh Thistle, regular league winners but Please get in touch using the following email even then, a game which remained competitive address: [email protected] to the end. As a result, we finished third in the league, a place better than last year. Catriona Kyle GHK Lacrosse Secretary We took part in the annual MacRobert tourna- ment in March which involves all the clubs in Scotland. As ever, it was a day of competitive The Lacrosse Club has enjoyed another success- lacrosse and enjoyed by all. Of our five games, ful season although somewhat restricted by the we won two and finished 4th overall. winter weather. Recruitment as ever remains an important part League matches were limited to just four games of our development and we are slowly beginning due to poor weather but with a respectable to boost our numbers. In particular, we have record of three wins and one loss. Our first had a number of players from hockey clubs against Edinburgh Capital was a close fought showing interest and they have picked up the game against a team of similar capabilities game remarkably quickly. We are always happy which ended in victory for GHK. Matches against

The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Page 13 GHK Mens’ Hockey

Season 2010/11 had its ups and downs. Three our final position in the league. Numerous players were invited to district and teams competed once again, with our 1st team national trials and two players were ultimately The 2nd team had secured promotion to division competing in the Regional League and our 2nd selected for the Scottish Veterans team. one of the West District League in 2009/10 and and 3rd teams competing in the West District it’s fair to say that this represented a consider- The new hockey pitch surface is a joy to use and Leagues. able challenge last season. A strong team spirit now provides one of the best facilities in the The 1st team finished in a mid table position, prevailed and despite some good victories the West of Scotland. Finally, it goes without saying however this was a credible result given the team finished in eleventh place. that new players of all ages and abilities are welcome to join. number of young players in the team. We suf- The 3rd team also secured promotion in fered a few last minute defeats, which had we 2009/10 and last season finished in a mid table Nicky Allison won would have made a significant difference to position. GHK Mens’ Hockey

GHK Ladies’ Hockey

GHK Ladies Hockey Club continues to field 4XI’s season. This wasn’t enough to win their league We have many dedicated senior members who in District and National hockey leagues. though and they finished 2nd, missing promo- contribute lots of their time and energy to mak- tion by only 2 points. ing the section succeed. Our 1st XI after relegation to Division 2 in the National League the previous year, had a strong The 4th XI is our feeder team, connecting our We were proud to have 2 players in the Scotland season, winning virtually all their games. This Junior Section with the senior hockey club. U16 and U18 teams (Maisie and Jenny Morris) resulted in them finishing top of the Division There are many schoolgirls, some as young as and Kirsty Johnstone who got as far as the U18 and earned them an automatic promotion back 12, turning out on Saturdays after their school squad. in to Division 1. games to take part in senior hockey. We are a big Club and cater for all ages and Our 2nd XI, had a tough season in the District The team had a good year finishing 5th in their abilities, so anyone interested in coming along, League and only managed a disappointing mid- league and scoring 75 goals over the course of please get in touch with: table finish. the season. [email protected]

Our 3rd XI finished the season with the highest Thanks to our thriving Juniors and Inters sec- Suzanne Williamson positive goal difference in West District Division tions the Club has a strong future, with around GHK Ladies’ Hockey 3, and conceded only 12 goals over the entire 80 kids coming to midweek training sessions.

Page 14 The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Our new Head Groundsman wishes Graham Wilkie farewell

I have known Graham Wilkie for around 20 Graham again. Graham retired in October this years: he employed me as a 16 year old at year and I was delighted to be told recently that Glasgow High Kelvinside Rugby Club. He was I have been given the job as Head Groundsman. then, and still is now, a very close friend to me. Graham will be a hard act to follow, but I will A great boss, he was always very patient with work hard to continue to make Old Anniesland me when I was learning the job. I was employed the best place to play sport in Glasgow. at GHK for 16 years before moving to work with David Miller Fergus Wallace and his company before return- Head Groundsman ing to my old job at the High School to work with Old Anniesland

Obituaries It is with regret that we record the deaths of the following:

Mr Robert Alexander Miss Sheila C Kerr Mrs Sheila S Pearson 1941 - 46 Mr Ian C Kirkwood O.B.E. Class of 1944 Mr Robert L G Armour 1933 - 37 Mrs Muriel M Scott 1937 - 47 Mrs Mary Lauchlan née Webb 1928 - 33 Mr Jack Bolling 1932 - 41 Mrs Margaret Semple Staff Mrs Doreen Macdonald née Wren Class of 1941 Mr Gordon D Brown Class of 1945 Mr Donald T Sinclair 1935 - 40 Mr William F MacDonald 1962 - 67 Mr I S Brown 1952 - 58 Mrs Singerman née Gerofi 1940 - 47 Mr Reginald (Reg) Mackie Staff Girls School Mrs Elizabeth Burnet 1936 - 46 Mr Robert B Stevely Staff Sheriff Hector R MacLean Class of 1966 Mr James Clark 1940 - 49 Dr David J Stewart Class of 1936 Mrs Elizabeth Marroni née Hutchison 1936 - 39 Mr J Laurence Dagg Left 1968 Mr John SS Talman 1942 - 56 Major Alexander (Alastair) McCrae 1932 - 1940 Dr J Douglas Easton 1933 - 43 Mrs Sheila Turner née Struttman 1937 - 46 Mr Robert McEwan Class of 1971 Mrs Jane C Finlay née Stirling 1935 - 40 Mrs Eleanor M Thomson née Dowell Class of 1954 Mr W Stewart McFarlane Left 1948 Mr Charlie S Forsyth 1945 - 51 Mrs Sheila Turner Staff Mr Kenneth I McLeod Class of 1971 Dr Agnes M Gordon 1926 - 35 Dr Robert B Walker 1933 - 39 Mr Johnston D McVitie 1954 - 63 Mr Derek C Hair 1967 - 76 Mr Gerald B Walker 1941 - 44 Mr James M Moore 1928 - 36 Mrs Maureen Hutchison née Mathieson 1931 - 39 Dr William S Wallace Left 1957 Mr Guy M Morton 1927 - 37 Mr Irving Hyman 1940 - 49 Mr J C Les Williamson 1966 - 69 Dr John C Mustarde 1954 - 61 Professor Robert B Jack 1926 - 33 1942 - 45

The High School of Glasgow Former Pupil Magazine - January 2012 Page 15 Keeping In Touch A word from our Development Director Development Office

I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself to our former pupils. I was very pleased Karen McDonald to be appointed by the Rector to replace Katie Keenan as Development Director on her retirement. Development Director I have many years’ experience in Development, having spent the last three years as Development Marjorie Macpherson Manager at Wellington College in Berkshire working alongside the Director to raise significant funds Development Assistant for bursaries and capital projects. Prior to that I was at Glasgow Academy for six years.

I hope that we can use this newsletter to keep up to date with news about what all of you are The High School of Glasgow doing; including change of contact details, educational updates and business information, as well 637 Crow Road as changes in your personal and family life. The Development Office is also here to assist you with Glasgow reunions and events and we are always available to help. G13 1PL

The High School is in the enviable position of being able to offer you the use of an outstanding 0141 954 9628 venue to hire for reunions and for your own private or corporate events. As many of you will know, [email protected] the Jimmie Ireland Stand is a fantastic venue, providing outstanding facilities and excellent catering.

Another aspect of my role at The High School is, of course, fundraising. We are very grateful to all our donors, past and present; your gifts make a real difference and our pupils benefit hugely from your generosity. We are always working to raise funds for the provision of bursaries to sup- port boys and girls who would not otherwise be able to consider a High School education. You will certainly hear more about this as we go forward, but if you would like any information now on how your financial support can help the School, or to discuss how to make a legacy, please contact me at the Development Office.

I look forward to meeting as many former pupils as possible in the coming months and would welcome emails, phone calls and visits from any of you.

Karen McDonald Development Director

The Jimmie Ireland Stand

The Jimmie Ireland Stand provides an excellent setting for meetings and private functions. The function area has seating for up to 120 with the ability to adjust the accommodation to the needs of smaller parties. If dance space is required, it can be set with seating for 100 and adequate space is left for dancing. There is a smaller room available, the Committee Room, which will seat a maximum of 24. For enquiries, please contact the Development Office.

We would like to send you future editions of the Former Pupil Magazine in electronic format so that the School can save money and natural resources. We would also be delighted to receive any feedback or suggestions for improvement, or possible articles. Please contact the Development Office.