Journal of the GRACE EVANGELICAL SOCIETY "Faith Alone in Christ Alone" VOLUME 10 SPRING 1997 NUMBER 18 Assurance: Of the Essence of Saving Faith ZANE C. HODGES 3-L7 The Gospel and Spiritual S/arfare: A Review of Peter'S/agner's Confronting the Powers JOHN F. HART 19-39 The Subtle Danger of an Imprecise Gospel ROBERT N.I$(/ILKIN 41,-60 A Voice from the Past: Sonship and Heirship C. H. MACKINTOSH 61-68 Grace in the Arts: Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of a Life Vithout Christ JAMES TO\UTNSEND 69-82 Book Reviews 83-92 Periodical Reviews 93-98 A Hymn of Grace: Vonderful Grace of Jesus KEITH \T. \TARD 99-101 Books Received 103-104 Journal of the GRACE EVANGELICAL SOCIETY Published Semiannuallv bv GES Editor Arthur L. Farstad Associate Editor Production Robert N. \flilkin Cathy Beach Sue Broadwell Mark J. Farstad Manuscripts, periodical and book reviews, and other communications should beiddressed to Cathy Beach, GES, P.O. Box167l28,Irving, TX 750t6-7r28. Journal subscriptions, renewals, and changes of address should be sent to the Grace Evangelical Society, P.O. Box 1671'28,Irving, TX7501'6- 7 | 28. Y ou may call us at (97 2) 257 - 7 | 60, {ax to (97 2) 25 5 - 3 884, or E -mail to
[email protected]. Subscription Rates: single copy, $2.50 (U.S.); I year, $tS.OO; 2 years, $ZS.OO; 3 years, $39'OO; 4 years, $4q.00. Members of GES receive theJournal at no additional charge beyond the membership dues of $15.00 ($10.00 for active full-time student mem- bers).