Volume XII | Issue II | Spring 2013 the IVY LEAGUE CHRISTIAN OBSERVER Making Their Case Columbia Students Examine Treatment of Sacred Texts in Core Curriculum Page 12 Ministry at Dartmouth Again ‘Doubt and Religion’ Penn Catholic Community Denied Recognition At Harvard Continues to Grow Page 4 Page 7 Page 10 Worship Workshop Yale Basketball Players Teaching Fellow Helps Offered at Cornell Are Point Men Students Navigate Princeton Page 6 For Team Sober Religion Course Page 8 Page 15 Brown I Columbia I Cornell I Dartmouth Harvard I Penn I Princeton I Yale Developing Christian Leaders to Transform Culture The Ivy League Christian Observer is published by the Christian Union, an independent Christian ministry. PRAY WITH US FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN LEADERS WHO WILL TRANSFORM CULTURE At Christian Union, we are prayerfully seeking God for transformation at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale. Each year, thousands of students pass through the halls of these institutions and move out into positions of leadership in our society. Unfortunately, over 90% have had no regular Christian influence in their lives during these critical college years. Christian Union sends out monthly, campus- specific e-mails that describe the needs of the ministry. E-mails are available for Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. Will you join us and pray regularly for the development of Christian leaders at some of our nation’s leading universities? To receive Christian Union’s prayer e-mail each month, sign up online at www.Christian-Union.org/prayer or send an e-mail to:
[email protected] .