BE OF GOOD CHEER by Jeremy Pearsons p.6

EVERY SOUL NEEDS A SHEPHERD by Sarah Pearsons p.14

PMI TRAVEL JOURNAL Highlights from Recent Ministry Outreaches p.12

OUR GIFT TO YOU Christmas Gi Download p.10

A PEARSONS MINISTRIES INTL PUBLICATION contents vol 4.0 | December 2014

04 Welcome to the legacy letter 06 be of good Cheer by Jeremy Pearsons 10 our Gift to you Christmas Gift Download 12 PMI Travel Journal Highlights from Recent Ministry Outreaches 14 every Soul Needs a Shepherd by Sarah Pearsons

18 Good God! Testimonies from Partners + Friends

19 inside The Song

www.pearsonsministries.com PO Box 136159, Fort Worth, TX 76136 [email protected]

All content ©2014 Pearsons Ministries International 04

merry Welcome to The Legacy Letter

This magazine is going out to thousands of people all over the world, and we are so thankful that this copy has made its way into your home, your hands, and hopefully soon it will have a place in your heart. We pour our Christmas lives into every article, every picture, every word on every page because we believe your life is worth it. We pray you are encouraged and strengthened by what you read in this issue and that the light of the Word of God shines brightest in your life all throughout this Christmas season. At the end of the day, when every box has been unwrapped and there’s nothing left but heaping scraps of paper, remember there is still a gift that keeps on giving–His name is Jesus. And when the clock strikes midnight bringing an end to 2014, let us encourage you to and embrace with confidence and courage the brilliant future God has in store for you. From our family to yours, have a Merry Christmas and the happiest New Year ever!

happy Jeremy and Sarah Pearsons new year 06

Family vacation this year was one for the record books. One stop on our journey had us checked into a hotel that had a water playground on property that we thought the kids would enjoy. We were right. Justus was instantly hooked. It turned out to be a bit of a challenge to figure out ways to get him to leave the play area for little things like eating and sleeping. On our first day there, Justus spent the first few hours splashing around at the “kiddie” end of the park in the ankle-deep water and on the small slides. But it wasn’t long until he and I made our way over to the “big- kid” side of the park for the water cannons, spinning water spouts, and, most of all, the two great-big slides at the back. “You want to go down the slides, buddy?” I asked.

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” he said. We made our way to the top of the stairs and stood looking at the two slides: the blue one on our right and the yellow one on our left.

“Let’s go down the blue slide, Daddy.” The blue one was a standard, open- air, winding slide. The yellow one, on the other hand, was a closed tube with rushing water that propelled the slider into what looked like a black hole. It was also quite a bit steeper. So down the blue slide we went. He loved it! So we went again. And again. And again. He was hooked, and my skin was completely pruned. On my last trip up the stairs, I asked Justus one more time if he wanted to try the yellow slide. “No, Daddy, the yellow slide is for bigger boys. I can do it when I’m five years old, but now I’m only four years old, so I can only do the blue slide.” I wasn’t going to force the issue, but I did encourage him by letting him know that he was big enough to do the yellow, and that there was nothing to be afraid of. Still, he stuck to the blue. So from my lounge chair, I watched Justus go up the stairs and down the blue slide over and over and over. TIS THE SEASON FOR UNCOMMON COURAGE I must’ve seen him do it thirty times or more. He would walk the stairs, get in line on the right side, go down the slide, and emerge at the bottom soaked and smiling. Then I saw something startling. Justus went back up the stairs, but this time it looked like he was getting in line on the left side. Wait a minute, I thought. Is he going down the yellow slide? All of the sudden, I wasn’t sure I had done the right thing encouraging him to try it. It was a much faster ride down a mostly dark tube that spit people out at the bottom, and the unprepared ones were getting a face full of water. I hurried out of my chair over to the base of the slides. I couldn’t be sure which one he got on, so I waited there halfway hoping that he had stuck with easy-breezy blue. But he hadn’t. And a few moments later, I saw my little boy come flying out the bottom of the yellow slide. I was almost sure it was too much for him, but when he came to a stop and wiped the BY JEREMY PEARSONS water away from his face, he locked eyes with me, stood up with both fists raised high in victory, and shouted, “Daddy, God made me brave!” 0810 on For behalf. their we’ve everything about learned how to hard-pressedbe to find it. And yet, He is moved to go to work demonstration of faith on of part the God’s people, you may If you’re reading account this and looking for some great and itheard “knew was to time act.” cry their 2:23-25 childrenthe of Israel, acknowledged and them” God (Exodus heard God groaning their looked upon. So .And God of Israel groaned of because bondage, the out and cried they . And it was working. That is untiltheday when “the children wasthis his effort peoplefromto these break the inside out. “serve with rigor.” The word rigor put taskmasters over children the of Israel and to make them of His people enslaved Pharaoh in Egypt. a plan to had devised more obvious example than account inthe of deliverance the are introuble, He’ll stop at nothing to get out. them There is no It’s evident from pages the of Scripture that God’s when people could ask they beyond or all think. life, He out them lead will of into good better, out of better into Shepherd Good the and make following His voice way their of only For beginning. the anyone that listen will to voice the of to merely getting us out of and bad the into That’s good. the of. Into. But His willingness and ability to us islead not limited darkness into light; out of death into life more abundantly. Out of bondage into freedom; out of sickness into out health; of nothingness. He has us out led of sininto righteousness; out simultaneously leadingin.We them have out not led been into understood is that Jesus never His leads sheep out without of death intolifemoreabundantly. into health; outofdarkne ss intolight; out out ofbondageintofreeom;sickness He hasleduoutofinintorighteouness; sickness, darkness, and out of death itself. But what must be and then begins there out: tothem lead out of sin,bondage, instant people invite Jesus Lord the to be of lives, their He by name and out” them leads (v. 3).He out. them leads In the him and sheep the recognize his voice. He his own calls sheep right upwalks to gate. the The gatekeeper the gate opens to 10:1 before“Let this me set you as plainly as Ican,” Jesus says (John ). “I am the Good Shepherd”msg). “I am Good the (v. shepherd 11).“The nkjv). The Living New Translationsays that God means to cause to break; able to overcome it.” (Exodus 13:30 our stuff together, and thislandtake rightgo now. We are well “Ya’ll, shut up!” he says. “We to need quit complaining, this get differently. The Bible thatsays people.Caleb the quieted there were two other guys, Joshua and Caleb, saw who things really really tall.” were But they busy while making excuses, “Really big ones.” “Also, people the that live there are Like tall. place has walls,” kinds ofback with all “This excuses. said. they land and that He was just going to give itcame to They them. heaven andto bring earth out, them said that was this their compassion One the whose even though God, had just moved mindstheir that there was no way could land this take they land,new but came they back,majority the when had made up it wasn’t. In Numbers 13, a group of spies went to check out this oldthe neighborhood, moving inshould have asnap. been But had doneGod Land. After all forthem in gettingthem out of property that He had picked out just for Promised them—the HeEgypt. told also Moses into tothem lead sweet the piece of didn’tsomething else. God just tell Moses out tothem lead of anyoneleads out of something without leading intothem childrento the lead of Israel out. But remember, never God accepts God’s job offer,back heads to andEgypt, commences people’s and cries, He wants out. them Long short, story Moses His compassion on brought them out, them and itdo the will forget that above our all, Father is merciful, gracious, and kind. outthem instyle, literally with silver loaded and gold. Never andthem on us. And it was His compassion on that them led acted. This is a revelation of His uncontrollable compassion on our confession, our prayer, or our study. and cried They He belongs in Him, not in our ability in technicallyto perfect be andwalk live by faith, we must never forget that our faith . The Lord is withDo notus. them”fear (Joshua 14:7-9nkjv). land. [TheLord] will bring us intothisland giveand it to us . land through passed we “The to spy out is an exceedingly good buddy Joshua up and speaks says,

who tellswho himthat He has heard these named Moses withhas God a run-in You know how aman goes: story the your aid you when call. if for no other reason, He come will to of your trouble. He delights inyou, and work on your and behalf you rescue out for His help, His compassion go to will get yourself out of out amess and cry same for you. When you to stop trying nkjv .) Then Caleb’s.) Then good of of othersthe were who exceedingly aware words:Lord withis “The us.” Unlike spirit of courage inJoshua’s voice, and find sourceits these in saw something inaddition to what others the saw. Hear the courage were present. both That’sbecause Joshua Caleb and were able.saw sameall the thing, They yet cowardice and The majority saidthey were unable. The minority they said two,these and He loved it. and not commonly found among men. But found God it in Joshua. Courage today, as it was on that day, is precious, rare, was nowhere found to be except for of and hearts inthe Caleb from In them. aword, He was looking for courage, but courage in,He tothem time lead was looking for something different and kind?Ofcourse He was and today. is still But it when came in?Wasthem He not merciful? Was still He not gracious still enough out, tothem lead why wasn’t it enough lead to also million-dollarthe question: ifGod’s compassion on was them guys. There’ssomething differentabout them.” Now let me ask “Everyone except Joshua and Caleb,” He said. “I like these to move into neighborhood. new the unbelieving generation and was dead gone before anyone got in and that He was going to wait person inthis until every toldwhy Moses God that people would these not going be always right. In were they case, this wrong. wrong. Dead That’s But listen? didthey No. Take note here that majority the is not “Cheer up!” But that isn’t at what all He is saying. Matthew lost on us. We words, hear these and He we think is saying, things to say, but meaning true of the sadly statement this is afraid”be (Matthew 14:27 nkjv).This is one of Jesus’ favorite outafraid, called of to cheer! “Be them, It good is I;donot towardwalking on them water. the Jesus, knowing were they restthe saw of they what when them thought they was aghost metaphor. He was in boatthe and scared out of his mind with to a take step of faith. But for Peter, a man called it was no Oftenmetaphorically we speak of getting out boatthe of courage in. them within led them Land. God’s compassion on out, them had them led but His was with and them, hisGod he people led into Promised the you go”(Joshua 1:9niv).Joshua took courage knowing that you with wherever be afraid .for will your theLord God strong“Be and courageous. not Do be Joshua and told him over and over again, Moseswhen came had to died, God revelation came courage. Years later aware what Who was against he them, was fully was with With them. this His courageinyouwillleadin. His compassiononyouhaledout. But daddy, my You God, made me brave!” n and with yourside invictory hands air inthe shouting, “My you. Take Take heart. courage. And come through other the step into it without courage the taking that Jesus has offered to to get wet. Theregreatness is that awaits you, but you’ll never never slide like alone. Peter Be and Justus, and don’t afraid be of cheer. good down Go yellow the slide knowing that you’ll predictable, other the alittle seems while more risky. But be bluethe slide or yellow the slide? One option safe seems and you stand at top the with achoice toyou make: will go down You’ve climbing been steps the for some now, time and here is withour us. God ofseason uncommon courage coming from revelation the that Emmanuel—us . This is with season our of cheer—ourGod celebrate of birth the Jesus. We are celebrating of arrival the ofas aseason cheer—the people when time across world the It’s now, time Christmas know and this people everywhere youyou out. you But hasled in. lead His inyou courage will sure how to move into it. His Remember this: compassion on that’s coming been for quite some time, but you haven’t been you’ve that sensed you’re of inaseason change or transition that there is more—a great adventure awaiting you. Perhaps it’swhether days, weeks, or years later, your is heart telling you get yourself out and that you were dependent on Him. But now, for help. In simple faith, you acknowledged that you couldn’t life toyou lead out of trouble moment the you out cried to Him Jesus, Shepherd, your Good has already done much so inyour knowing Jesus was there, and on he walked water. the “Come,” said Jesus. Peter So took courage the that came with come to you on water,” the Peter said. hethen was going to some. take “If that’s you, tell then me to was Jesus. Peter that decided ifJesus were offering courage, moment?this From revelation the that was this no ghost—this faith. And where were guys supposed these to get courage in other gift God’sCourage,of like every grace, taken be must by at once. ‘Don’t afraid,’ he be courage. said. ‘Take Iam here!’” New14:27 inthe Living Translation says, “Jesus spoke to them 10 to listen onlineordownload anewmessage “T visit onlineat pearsonsministries.com/resources Free Resourcegift By JeremyPearsons. ake Heart” 12 opportunity to spread God’s love to people the of Africa. continent potentialwith of added the ofAfrica millions more in Europe. This was an awesome were LIVEeachnight Faith the televised via Broadcasting Network, covers which entire the there to minister at Stand the Strong 2014conference. He preached that infour evening services PMI has always connection with nation had the aspecial and of SouthJeremy Africa, returned October 2014|EastL Stand Strong2014 Hearts were changed presence inthe heard as they of about God His great love and mercy. Wordthe as well during as ministering two evening one-on-one services, cellblocks. in several prison wherehad opportunity the they tohundreds lead of women of inatime worship and Jeremy and Sarah were honored to minster to incarcerated ladies the Nashville inthe Women’s October 2014|Nashv Tennesseeille, Nashville Women’Prion desire out tothem lead of poverty and into His abundance. locations. Many were saved, and healed, enlarged heard as hearts they intheir Word the on God’s of Hyderabad, and together Jeremy and over Sarah ministered four inten services days infive Conference.Legacy Sarah ministered to women the of The King’s TempleChurch the city in pastThis August marked PMI’sthird trip the to nation of India theand first-ever International A The LegacyConference leaders, to impact hundreds of teenagers inover at weeklong twentythis event. services ministered again year this alongside as GOministries, well as other guest speakersand worship through oversightthe of youththe meetings at Southwestthe Believers’ Convention. They This year Jeremy and Sarah continuedpartnershiptheir in with Copeland Kenneth Ministries July 2014|Fort Worth, Texas SWBC YouthConference ugust 2014|Hyderabad, India ondon, S outh Africa 1014 Every Soul N eeds aShephrd By SarahPearson heart” (1 Samuel 16:7nkjv). Lord not as for man does see sees, man at looks outward the appearance, but Lord the at looks the outside.the He proved He when this chose King David over his brothers and said to Samuel, “The He is after your heart; He is more interested in how you look the insideon than how you look on desire is for you completely to be healthy at your core. He is not after your programmed response; becoming and secure, your emotions becoming stable. He is guardian the over your and heart, His Jesus is your Shepherd. Soul personal He is interested inyour mind becoming sound, your will and as it comes to aclose, Ican honestly say we are than healthier we’ve everbeen. us intoled green wide-open, pastures. year most this the Ibelieve freeing has year been of our lives, waythe everlasting” (Psalm shepherd 139:23-24nkjv).Agood leader, is agood and Jesus has truly Tryheart; me, and know my ifthere anxieties; And is see any wicked way inme, And me in lead have out to didand doas psalmist the from cry atender place, “Search and me, OGod, know my covetousness, jealousy, insecurity, pride, fear, depression, condemnation, and many so others. We symptoms ifcertain cansoul become diseased are allowed to hang around: symptoms like envy, We sicknesses soul begantoinourselves. diagnose Just like asicknessbody, affectingthe the inside;the strong and and joyful secure; confident; and completely anchored in His love. But that wasn’t at waswith what dealing us on. all God He wanted us to get completely healthy on Many may ask, “Well, hire didyou then trainer, apersonal join agym, or adopt eating anew plan?” was contingent on us becoming healthier. We He knew wanted to give us more vision and expand our sphere of influence, but our increase At of beginning the Lord 2014,the spoke to Jeremy and Iand told us to get healthy inour souls. ofhealth souls. their were getting a shepherd, One would who care intricate for every ofdetail lives, their the especially At time, the shepherds the were they knew given asavior, but probably they didn’t realize they doorstep. and of all peace His beautifully goodness wrapped up person of inthe Jesus andright left their on that gift the them cost ultimateHis everything, Him Christmas present to mankind—all of His shepherds standing starstruck and inawe of generous their This God. Giver-God had justsent of carolers. But most of after all, sensationalthe celebrationfrom faded the sky, Iimaginethose holiday personal very light and show salvation-themed spectacular serenade from heaven’s choir I’m sure shepherds those kind of emotion, wereevery with wide-eyed, filled and stunned their at toward highest,in the and goodwill peace, on earth men!” (Luke 2:14nkjv). for us, can’t hold of news inthe Jesus any longer. With out, “Glory might, their cry all they to God all theGod’s of Bethlehem: fieldssudden of lights glory the up sky, and His angel army,ecstaticso Can you imagine what it would have felt shepherds like those to be on night that in the starry 16

Jesus is in His very nature the real deal, and if you’ll let Him, and then took off dancing around the room. Justus would lay you. A soul that REMEMBERS is a healthy soul. Using our Time spent with Jesus does more for the health of our He will help you strip away any pretenses and soul sicknesses his head on my shoulder and go completely limp in my arms. memories to worship God refreshes the soul. The Lord gave countenance than anything else. Once when David was that are keeping you in a small place. He wants to enlarge your I was always so amazed at how chill he was, following my lead me a song along these lines; it’s called “Arise My Soul and hiding in the wilderness from King Saul, far away from the heart and your capacity to receive all that He has for you in as I carried and whirled him sweetly around the room. This Sing,” and it goes like this: courts where God’s presence lived, he cried out, “O God, You this life. He also wants to entrust you with more responsibility, particular night I was so thankful to hold him again that I are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for you” more people, and more resources. But in order to do this, you whispered in his ear, “Buddy, these are my favorite moments A soul that REmembers (Psalm 63:1 nkjv). and I must become honest before Him, an open book. We with you.” Immediately I heard the still, small voice of my is a healthy soul. Sometimes after long days of ministry, preparing meals for must hand Him the pen and humbly ask Him to rewrite the Good Shepherd whisper inside me, “Sarah, these are My my family, soothing a teething toddler, and listening to a very theme within our pages. Only then will we be able to live out favorite moments with you, when you lay your head on My Looking back on all You’ve done, talkative four year old, I can sense that my soul just needs this adventure-story He has planned for us. shoulder, REST, and let Me move.” The miracles, how far we’ve come a drink. Many nights I sit down at my piano and take some But how do we begin the healing process? Let’s look at Psalm David goes on to write, “He makes me to lie down in green The story of Your faithfulness, time to sing to the Lord. Without fail, He always shows up 23 written by another shepherd-king. David starts by simply pastures, He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my I won’t forget. and refreshes me. He has promised to “satiate the soul of the acknowledging that he has a shepherd. He says, “The Lord soul” (Psalm 23:2-3 nkjv). I’ve been interested to learn that When all around was shifting sand, priests with abundance, And My people shall be satisfied is MY shepherd” (Psalm 23:1 nkjv, emphasis mine). Even if sheep by nature will not lie down and rest if they are hungry, You raised me up and made me stand with My goodness” (Jeremiah 31:14 nkjv). Wow, we can we don’t realize it, this is a strong statement of faith. David stressed, nervous, or fearful. They also refuse to rest if there is I’m anchored in your perfect love actually overdose on Jesus! Like David, I have learned that is making an honest evaluation of himself: a shepherd and any competition or conflict with the other sheep. Have any of I will not fear His presence is medicine. also a sheep. He understands that he may have been entrusted these symptoms kept you up past your bedtime—one thought I call to mind our history The good news is because of Jesus we have been given a clean with some sheep, even called a “shepherd,” but he still chooses after another, your soul spinning out of control? I have found Each memory a victory bill of health. And the more we spend time with Him, the to submit himself to God. He admits his every breath comes that any issues with rest are often issues of trust. My thankful heart alive with praise more we start to look like Him. Jesus was and is completely from the Lord, every door opened by His hand, and every I won’t forget I am certain from studying the Scripture that David was healthy in His soul. What was it that gave Him so much joy? leading from His throne. David has learned that everything Yet I’ll say, tempted with the same soul issues, but I believe he did He spent all of His time preaching, teaching, healing, loving, good in his life has come from the Good Shepherd. Arise, arise my soul and sing something drastically different than the majority does. When serving, giving, and forgiving. He is addicted to blessing us! Remember all the greater things David is confident in who he is without pretending to be symptoms of fear, anxiety, envy, jealousy, strife, unforgiveness, That He has done, what’s yet to come something that he’s not. He knows his place, and this results competition, bitterness, or depression tried to attack his soul, Arise, arise my soul and sing A soul that REturns in his soul settling down under God. He is comforted in the he immediately recognized them as foreign feelings. As soon Give glory to the risen King is a healthy soul. Shepherd’s shadow, and he sits “down in His shade with great as he felt friction in his heart, he came clean with God. He With hands held high, hearts open wide delight” (Song of Solomon 2:3 nkjv). David recognizes he is threw every wrong emotion out in the open and left nothing Oh my soul, arise. There is a great healing verse that we have quoted over a shepherd in need of the Shepherd. He takes a position of hidden to fester on the inside. He did this by having honest ourselves for years; it is found in 1 Peter 2:24. Speaking of humility, and humility is a perfect picture of a soul at rest in conversations with his Good Shepherd. He wrote about it. He My little boy loves this song, and he makes me sing it to him Jesus, it says, “By whose stripes, you were healed.” But have God. A soul that RESTS is a healthy soul. sang about it. He got real with himself, every night before bed. We also start our bedtime prayer you ever made it to the finish line of that chapter? The very and he got real with God. He didn’t make After I had my first baby, it took me a A soul that saying thank you to the Lord for everything good that He has next verse says, “For you were like sheep going astray, but excuses for his behavior, but he fell on his while to learn how to juggle ministry done for us that day. For me, thanksgiving is the language of have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your REsts is a face and became truly repentant before and motherhood. At times, I became faith and the language of the joyful soul. Sometimes when souls” (v. 25). The health of your body is directly connected healthy soul. the Lord. overwhelmed trying to be a good wife, I’m tempted to doubt the future of our family or ministry, to the health of your soul. So make an appointment with the mommy, and minister. Stress crept into He admitted, “This is where I’m at.” But I go back and remember specific moments as a little girl, as Great Physician today, and let Him diagnose your soul. His my soul as I tried to fulfill all my duties at home. I somehow he didn’t stop there. He went on to finish up most of his songs a teenager, as a college student, or even recently when my prescription will be to rest in His goodness, remember His managed to prepare for upcoming services while cleaning up with a tone of sweet victory, confidently declaring, “BUT Shepherd has provided for me, led me, protected me, and kept faithfulness, and return to His presence. n diaper disasters and sorting through the piles of laundry that THIS IS WHO YOU ARE!” We see in Hebrews 6:19 that it is me healthy. His faithfulness is my fuel. our suitcases had thrown up in our entryway. hope, confident expectation to see the goodness of God, that In my own life, I have discovered that there is only one way is the “anchor of the soul.” Around that time, Jeremy and I left our little boy with my to find true soul satisfaction, and that is by returning to the Free Download mom over the weekend while we went to minister out of the At times I’ve had to speak to my soul and say over and over, presence of my Shepherd. Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you Listen online and download “Arise My Soul and country. When I came home, I scooped him up into my arms, “Grace is working, and I am resting. Grace is working, and who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will Sing” from the album In Light of Love & Grace by Sarah Pearsons, at the link below: and we did our little nightly snuggle routine, only this time I I am resting.” In Psalm 103:2, David also speaks to his soul, cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your www.pearsonsministries.com/AriseMySoul.mp3 was fairly emotional because I had missed him so much. We “Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits.” souls]” (Matthew 11:28 amp). A soul that RETURNS is a turned the lights down, turned up the classical harp music, In other words, remember the good things He has done for healthy soul. 18

Testimonies from partners and friends of Good God! Pearsons Ministries International inside the song It was such an honor meeting your precious family tonight at a teacher, husband, and father when you and Sarah were on my church! Your album In Light of Love & Grace has been a the BVOV, and you shared what Sarah means to you. The love tremendous blessing to me. God has ministered to me in a way you showed her brought tears to her eyes and to mine, and it that I have finally opened up to. You see, just a few months ago, brought a sense that I had missed out on something in life. I asked God to show me more about the relationship between But Jesus showed me He has always been there to fill the void, “You Restore My Soul” love and faith. I realized I was looking at God like I looked at and He would never leave me or forsake me. It has been my from Strength & Beauty in the presence of the healer my earthly father. We didn’t have an intimate father/daughter pleasure to record the last two weeks of BVOV and take notes relationship. I never crawled up in my dad’s lap as a child; he as you taught. My quotient of favor with God and men has didn’t tuck me in and kiss me goodnight; and he rarely told skyrocketed! And it is genuine. I have adopted the prayer of me he loved me, though I was confident he did. It actually authenticity, as I put it; and the Lord has “given me the desires “You Restore My Soul” is simply a song lifted from really is. The Message Bible says, “His powerful Word is felt strange to tell my dad I loved him, though I did with all of my heart” and removed, actually is removing, all that is not the pages of Scripture. I’ve always loved Psalm 23 and sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, my heart. This was a direct reflection of my relationship with genuine in my love for God and people. admired the way David could see an image on the inside whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and God. I prayed, read the Word, started learning to walk by faith, and then use his words to paint a clear picture. Words, obey” (Hebrews 4:12-13 msg). By singing the Word, we was in ministry, etc. I thought I had a pretty good relationship Sandy especially when put to music, contain piercing power. can sing sickness away. Singing is God’s sedative for our with God, but when it came to calling Him “Daddy” (as with They can be used to hurt, or they can be used to heal. souls. my earthly father), I felt strange, especially when it came to Here, David’s words take us to glistening green pastures saying, “I love you” to my heavenly Father. So I got in faith, Recently you were on television with Keith Moore and I was in and peaceful waters. Our hearts find rest as we study the In our version of this song, we decided to repeat the believing that God was going to show Himself as Daddy to another room, but I felt the Lord prompt me to rewind and listen to me. That night when I heard you sing, “Thank You for Loving what you were saying. You said you were speaking to a mom who stride of our Good Shepherd guiding, feeding, restoring, chorus over and over as a statement of faith: Me” I knew I needed to get the album. As you ministered those had been struggling for years believing for healing for her child. and protecting us. You restore my soul, You restore my soul, words to me, I began to see who my Daddy is. I started to have My son was diagnosed with autism when he was four years old— give me life and make me whole. a burning desire to just love on the Lord by singing out “I cry he is nineteen years old now. You said that this mom had given There was no need for me to try and add to such a perfect out, I have a Daddy! I cry out, He loves me!” 100 percent and even more. My son graduated from high school song, so I just sang it in a way that I could remember by Jeremy and I arranged the second verse together: in 2013. He graduated third in his class but had no social skills or rhyming the end words: This revelation has also had an impact on the relationship I understanding of anything to do with abstract ideas. My husband I will sit at the table You’ve prepared for me. The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want have with my earthly father, as we both are now telling each even retired from his job so that we could provide the support Here I am safe from the enemy. other “I love you.” My dad, who had fallen away from God for Matthew needs to be successful in college. He makes me rest in pastures green, I will feast on Your love and Your mercy, close to twenty-five years, is now seeing the goodness and love The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want, of God in a whole new way. And, as I have finally accepted When I heard you speak, I knew you were speaking directly to us. for death has lost its hold on me! God as Abba Father, any trace of fear that has tried to rise up When you and Keith prayed, I prayed with you binding the spirit By waters still He leads me. quickly gets cast down. Glory to God. After ten years, I know of autism. Later when you referred to autism by name, that was We wanted to help people resist fear as they sang the bridge: my Daddy and my daddy! Thank you for the seed sown into my all the confirmation I needed. I ran out to the garage to tell my I’m a big believer in singing just the Word of God. Though I walk through the shadows I will life. It is life changing and so liberating! husband and have him listen to what you had just said. We were David expresses his love for the Word when he pours both weeping and praising God that our boy is healed. We are so out his heart in Psalm 119: “Your decrees (Your Words) not fear, for my shepherd is with me here. Tawnya excited to see how God will move in our son’s and our family’s lives. have been the theme of my songs wherever I have lived” Thank you for being faithful and speaking out what the Holy Spirit (Psalms 119:54 nlt, parenthesis mine). The Message I love how David ends his song: “Surely goodness and was prompting you to say. WE BELIEVE. We are fully persuaded; translation says, “I hang onto these words for dear life!” mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will I have been so moved by your teachings. This latest one on Praise God who is always good. kindness and love has resonated with my heart, and I am very dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6 nkjv). happy to share that IT WORKS! I have seen the favor of God George and Debbie Fitch To me, the theme of this Psalm is soul restoration; every Every time you turn around, goodness and mercy are and the favor of men in new ways. I always tried to show Jesus’ soul needs to be restored every day. That’s why Romans following you. love, but the amount of hypocrisy I was wallowing in just did 12:1 encourages us to RENEW our minds every chance not allow me to truly receive. I first became aware of you as we get. Music Resource Sometimes, just before bed I like to read or sing this psalm Partner Connection Free Download You can listen online and download “You Restore to wind down. I’m amazed how it comforts and calms my My Soul” from the album Strength & Beauty in We’d love to hear what our GOOD GOD is doing in your life. Please Check out the free message download soul. I can even sense tension from the day fall away as I the Presence of The Healer by Sarah Pearsons. contact us at [email protected] with your testimonies and online, “Welcome to The Love Show” by requests for prayer. Jeremy, Sarah, and the Pearsons Ministries team pray Jeremy Pearsons. Visit our resource page at read on. The Word goes to work on my mind, and faith Available now on iTunes or visit: regularly over their partners and friends. www.pearsonsministries.com to listen online comes as I meditate on how good my good shepherd www.pearsonsministries.com/music. or download. PEARSONS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL PO Box 136159, Fort Worth TX 76136



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