כ״ג כסלו תשע״ו | שבת פרשת וישב BJSZ Bulletin | December 5, 2015 | 16 Kislev 5776 Good Shabbos! Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation

Parsha Question of the Week: Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev YOSEF & B READ Mishna Yomi: In reading the story of Yosef, we notice the repeated connections between Yosef Nidah 2: 3-4 and bread. Immediately upon throwing Yosef into the pit, the brothers sat down to eat bread (37:25). When Yosef arrives in Egypt, he is employed by Potiphar and entrusted with : everything except the "bread that he would eat" (39:6; see Rashi there). From his jail cell, Sotah 40 Yosef interprets the dream of Egypt's chief baker (40:16-22), predicting his demise just in time for Yosef to rise to prominence (in his place?) as the one who would lead Egypt through famine, and maintain it as the one place in the region where there was bread (42:54). And Shabbos Schedule of course it was this that was indicated in the original dream of Yosef, when his brothers Candle Lighting 4:25 pm sheaves bowed towards his, implying the future situation when the brothers would come and be dependent upon him for their bread (see Ramban to 37:7). What is the meaning of Mincha Erev Shabbos 4:30 pm this repeated and apparently central association of Yosef with bread? Daf Yomi 8:00 am ’s Parsha 8:35 am HALACHA OF THE WEEK : A F EATURE OF THE BJSZ D AILY HALACHA SHIUR : Shacharis 8:45 am CELEBRATION & O BSERVANCE OF SHABBOS Z’man Kri’as Shema 9:34 am There are two primary Mitzvos of Shabbos, Zachor and Shamor . The Zachor component includes all aspects of the celebration and commemoration of Shabbos, Shabbos Afternoon Shiur including Kiddush, Havdala and the meals, clothing and festive atmosphere of Shab- given by Rabbi Hauer bos. The Shamor component addresses the observance of the limitations of Shabbos , refraining from the 39 categories of work and other prohibited activities on Shabbos. 3:45 pm Celebration of Shabbos includes the preparation in advance of Shabbos of Mincha 4:15 pm food and clothing. It is appropriate to try and make the Shabbos special by buying and preparing special delicacies for the day. Indeed even when budgets are tight we are Maariv ~5:25 pm encouraged to make every effort to make it possible to have something special for the Weekday Mincha sake of Shabbos, even if it cannot be something elaborate. Nevertheless if it will com- promise the person’s self-sufficiency, our Sages taught that one should treat the food 1:55 pm, 4:30 pm of Shabbos as any other day rather than becoming dependent upon others. Some specific preparations for Shabbos include laundering to make sure one Candle Lighting Next Week has fresh clothes for Shabbos, and – if possible – making Challah on Erev Shabbos in 4:25 pm sufficient quantity to be able to fulfill the Mitzvah of separating Challah . Common custom is to separate Challah with a Bracha on a five pound batch of flour, and with- Save the Date! out a Bracha on a two-and-a-half pound batch. It is also written that it is appropriate to try to eat fish at each of the three meals of Shabbos. BJSZ Membership Shabbos Afternoon Shiur given by Rabbi Hauer at 3:43:455 pm Meeting

Winter Series December 20, 2015 The Torah of Rav Yitzchak Hutner z"l 9:45 am : פחד יצחק Topic: Chanukah Men & Women Welcome

We welcome our members, their families and all guests who have joined us for Shabbos! כ״ג כסלו תשע״ו | שבת פרשת וישב BJSZ Bulletin | December 5, 2015 | 16 Kislev 5776


Daf Yomi/Amud Yomi Sisterhood Mitzvah Cards Sunday : Daf Yomi Shiur: 7:00 am Contact Leah Fischer at 443-870-3660 or the shul office to purchase BJSZ Sister- Daf Yomi B’Halacha: 1:30 pm & hood Mitzvah Cards. $2 each or 6 for $10. after regular Maariv BJSZ Senior Sisterhood Luncheon —Next luncheon will take place this Monday,

Monday - Friday : December 7 at noon. Special Chanukah musical performance by Caleb Gitlitz. Amud Yomi (Beitza): 6:10 am BJSZ TORAH PARTNERSHIP Daf Yomi: 7:35 am Sunday - Thursday: Supporting Torah learning locally and in Eretz Yisroel Daf Yomi B’Halacha: 1:30 pm & after regular Maariv BJSZ is joining together as a community to offer ongoing support of Torah at our local day schools Shacharis: Sunday: 7:30 am; 9:00 am and in Eretz Yisroel. Please consider joining in Monday & Thursday: the partnership at any level, today. Register online 6:40 am; 7:45 am at ww.bjsz.org or contact Yeshaya Berzon, Zevy Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Wolman, Yehuda Spero, or Dovid Daniel . 6:50 am, 7:45 am BJSZ CHANUKAH EVENTS Mincha This Week: 1:55 pm, 4:30 pm

Maariv: 8:15 pm & 10:00 pm Women’s Men’s Chanukah Event

Chanukah Shiur with Rabbi Hauer OTHER WEEKDAY SHIURIM & Together & the BJSZ Sunday: Sefer Bereishis: In Depth, given by Rabbi Hauer 8:20-9:20 am (Men) NO shiur this week Tuesday Monday Dec. 7 Dec. 8 at 8:30 pm at 9:00 pm Sunday 11:00 am –Sefer HaMitzvos Chaburah at the home of at BJSZ. Monday 8:00 pm: Parsha Shiur for women given by Rabbi Hauer (in conjunction with WIT ) Ari & Stephanie Casper Music* Refreshments * 6114 Stuart Ave . Divrei Torah Monday - Thursday, 2:10-3:00 pm Chaburah studying in depth the "sugyos" and Motzei Shabbos December 12, 8:00 pm & Sunday, Dec. background of Hilchos Tefillah 13, 12:00 pm - BJSZ, and Kollel D’Baltimore at Shearith

Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:00 - 9:00 PM Israel Congregation invite the community to two show- HaRav Yankel Herskovitz ings of the inspiring new video “Triumph of the Spirit – Reflections on the Life and Legacy of HaRav Noson Tzvi תלמוד ירושלמי - מסכת דמאי

Wednesday: 9:15 pm: Maharal Parsha Finkel zt”l” at BJSZ. Men, women, and high school stu- Chaburah given by Rabbi Hauer (for Men) dents welcome. Admission free. Sponsorships available.

Thursday: (Men). Please call (443) 695-0322.

8:40 - 9:00 pm: The Parsha Plan Chabura COMMUNITY CALENDAR 9:00- 9:30 pm: Focus on the parsha Shabbos, December 4 & 5- Shabbos with Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller. For more 9:30 -10:00 pm: Focus on the Laws of Shabbos info, call Adriana S. at 202-641-6677 or email: [email protected].

BJSZ Night Kollel in the Schwartz Bais Sunday, December 6, 5:00 pm - Tehillim for Klal Yisroel at the home of Musia HaMedrash is learning Meseches Makkos Bibliowicz. Learning: 8:30 – 10:00 pm Shabbos Dec. 12 3:30 pm — Shomrei Emunah is hosting Sgt. Benjamin An- thony, founder of Our Soldiers Speak . He will be speaking on The Role of the Shiurim given by Rabbi Daniel Rose IDF in Combatting Antisemitism in Europe and the U.S. Sunday & Thursday 9:00 pm Gemara Shiur Now Available ! Monday 9:15 pm Alei Shur Download the NEW BJSZ Mobile App .

Deadline for bulletin announcements is Wednesday . כ״ג כסלו תשע״ו | שבת פרשת וישב BJSZ Bulletin | December 5, 2015 | 16 Kislev 5776

MEMBER NEWS Youth News Mazel Tov to Yehuda Leib & Rachel Birnbaum and their son Avraham on pre- Youth Groups are from 10:00-11:30 am senting a "" to wrap the . Mazel Tov to grandparents, Dr. 9:15 am: Shabbos Boys Teen Minyan Bernhard & Varda Birnbaum and Nathan & Beth Adler and Mazel Tov to great *Beis Hamedrash* grandparents, Ben & Judy Adler and Hershel & Judy Goldman. Pre-Bar Mitzvah Boys’ Minyan Mazel Tov to Drs. Sol & Rena Langermann on the birth of a grandson born to *Auxillary Bais Hamedrash* Adam & Eliana Leve. Mazel Tov to great grandparents Norman & Paulette Kamelgard. The shalom zachor will IYH start at 7:30 pm in the directors room at Youth Group Locations: The Imperial ,3601 Clarks Lane. *Age 3-5 : Downstairs Mazel Tov to Danny & Grace Weissmann on the birth of a grandson, born to *Age 5-7: Upstairs *Girls 7+ : Bridal Room Yaakov and Sarah Weissmann. Mazel Tov to Yaakov & Meira Simanowitz on birth of a daughter. Mazel Tov to Happy Birthday!! grandparents Chaim & Lisa Schecter and Barry & Sarah Simanowitz, and great Yehuda Noach Reches, Yisroel grandparents Sherman & Sheila Simanowitz and Mrs. Marcia Ribakow. Roffman, Aliza Laya Markowitz, Mazel Tov to Zecharya and Efrat Schwartz on the birth of a daughter. Mazel Tov Shalom Chaim Schulman, to grandparents Zalman Dov & Susan Leiter and David & Schwartz. Efrat Solomon DONATIONS Support The Shul Leah Fischer - Day of Learning sponsor, commemorating the yahrzeit of Leah’s father, To celebrate a special event or honor the Morris Gill z’l. memory of a loved one, please contact the Frances Zywica —Donation to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund, in memory of Hinda office. Esterson z”l. Memorial Plaque ($250) Gloria Lapidus - Donation to the Rabbi Discretionary Fund, commemorating the yahr- Tree of Life Plaque ($180) zeit of her mother, Lillian Stelzer Walkow z”l. Shalosh Seudos ($150) Shalosh Seudos Co-Sponsor ($75) Thank you to Shterna Soifer, Hyla Carey, Gila Elgamil Davis, and Shoshi Glazer helped Week of Learning ($250) with the drive. There were 44 donations - these donations made a difference in the Day of Learning ($72) lives of up to 132 patients in our commun ity. Kiddush ($36) Reg. Shabbos Kiddush ($18) Coffee Bar ($36) Thank you to our Shabbos Mevorchim Kiddush sponsors: Daf Yomi Sponsor ($25) Amud Yomi Sponsor ($25)* Yehuda Leib & Rachel Birnbaum , in honor of Avraham’s “wimpel” , Nathan & Beth Anonymously matched for 5776! Adler , in honor of their grandson Avraham’ s “wimpel”, Bella Balakirsky , wishing Hatzlacha to Set of Machzorim ($54) Am Yisroel , Dr. Bernhard & Varda Birnbaum , in honor of Avraham’s presenting the “wimpel” Machzor ($36) to BJSZ, Hal & Jody Crane, Dov & Atara Frankel, Rochelle Esterson , in honor of her grand- Koren Sacks ($36) son’s marriage, Morton Esterson , commemorating the 6th yahrzeit of his beloved wife, Hinda Ester- Selichos ($25) son z”l, Dovid & Chaya Fink, Stanley & Renee Fishkind, Dov & Atara Frankel, Norris & Seforim/Books ($18) Gail Horwitz , commemorating the yahrzeit of Norris ‘s Father Moses Aaron Horwitz z”l, Yisroel & Youth Refreshments ($18) Leah Malka Pasch, Yitzie & Nancy Pretter , in honor of the Birnbaum Wimpel , Harriet Youth Minyan Cholent ($36) Rivkin , in honor of Avraham Birnbaum , Netanel & Ina Schwob, Andrew & Lenie Singer, in Website sponsor $100/wk or $300/month honor of Sheina’s birthday , Steve & Linda Storch and Jerry & Sora Wolasky . Refuah Shelaimah Mrs. Yetta Biederman (Tudor Heights), Mrs. Frona Klotzman (Home) YAHRZEITS Mrs. Bess Krivitsky (Home), Mrs. Rachel Observed by: Date: Family Member: Kramer, Mrs. Rose Miller (Home), Mrs. Hattie

Leah Fischer 25 Kislev Father, Morris Gill Yaniger (Levindale). Please look in on our members. Zevy Wolman 25 Kislev Father, Avraham Wolman To add to the Mi Shebairach List, contact Morton M. Esterson 26 Kislev Wife, Hinda Esterson Hana-Bashe Himelstein, 443-501-3185. Frona Klotzman 27 Kislev Mother, Evelyn Scherr

Please note: This bulletin should be treated as Shaimos.

כ״ג כסלו תשע״ו | שבת פרשת וישב BJSZ Bulletin | December 5, 2015 | 16 Kislev 5776 BJSZ UPCOMING SHUL EVENTS 6600 PARK HEIGHTS AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21215 FATHER & SON LEARNING- Motzei Shabbos at 7:00 pm

TEL. 410-764-6810 *Learning *Divrei Torah *Refreshments $90 full sponsor / $45 co-sponsor FAX 410-764-2631 Please contact David Green at 410-602-2622 for sponsorship opportunities .

WEBSITE: www.bjsz.org Sponsored this week by Yehuda & Tova Spero and EMAIL: [email protected] by David & Tzippy Leichter, in memory of their uncle Avraham Hertzberg z”l.

BJSZ STAFF & Sefer Bereshis Shiur given by Rabbi Hauer Sunday 8:20 –9:20 am (for men) OFFICERS

Rabbi Moshe Hauer 410-764-7356 Study Rabbi Hauer's weekday Amud Yomi Shiur Monday—Friday at 6:10 am. [email protected] Studying Maseches Beitzah, addressing Hilchos Yom Tov.

Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Daniel Rose Rabbi Hauer's Daf Yomi Shiur 410-499-8066 Monday—Friday at 7:35 am. [email protected] Shabbos 8:00 am / Sunday 7:00 am President Yitzie Pretter Shiurim given by Rabbi Daniel Rose [email protected] Sunday & Thursday 9:00 pm Gemara Shiur Monday 9:15 pm Alei Shur Vice Presidents Nathan Adler WOMEN 'S PARSHA SHIUR Doni Greenwald Monday Nights at 8:00 pm. Office Staff given by Rabbi Hauer in the social hall. Gracie Rosenblum This shiur is given in conjunction with WIT. This Shiur is free and open to all. Executive Director תלמוד ירושלמי - מסכת דמאי Shiur in 410-764-6810 [email protected] given by HaRav Yankel Herskovitz

Shul Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 8:00 ——— 9:00 PM Monday-Thursday 9-3 MAHARAL ON THE PARSHA CHABURAH FOR MEN Friday 9-12

Young Members Wednesday nights at 9:15 pm Shira Goldman given by Rabbi Hauer 410-318-8338 A Weekly Chaburah for Men based on the Maharal’s Gur Aryeh commentary on Rashi.

Welcome THURSDAY NIGHT AT THE BJSZ K OLLEL Hachnosas Orchim 9:00-9:30 pm: Focus on the Parsha with Rabbi Yehuda Leib Birnbaum (Hospitality) Based on the works of the Sfas Emes [email protected] 9:30-10:00 pm: Focus on the Laws of Shabbos with Rabbi Duvi Rubin Chessed Based on "The Shabbos Kitchen" and following the weekly study project. (Visiting the Sick) Cholent will be served! Atara Frankel 410-585-0441 New Mothers BJSZ NIGHT KOLLEL 8:30 –10:00 pm Leah M. Pasch 410-318-8435 The members of the Kollel are learning Maseches Makkos nightly in our Bais Hamedrash. If you would like a chavrusa, would like to learn something else, or for any other questions, please see Rabbi Rose, Shimon Marciano or Doni Greenwald. Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion 6600 Park Heights Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 | 410-764-6810

New! In order to enhance the Mishna Brurah Yomi shiur we ‘ve added an