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6 . "W. I?. J iiosT I HBUHBiaBttaiJ I ntrc Alio. PALTON & 8TEICKLAN1). BTJBrff r3Cw 6sr.sotniooi.iw.tcb. ud wmm, restsarchintUonorldL Perfect SoTid Gold i. umtcK.- . it if aoryr.!fi.' jrjti rutu- . 1rf!ft - Appeal sf. Huntinc esses-- "" v. The COMPLET works 5 gents' sixes, with FIBS SHOES of equal value. nd cas Jk m l M0U Wil can secure one free. k5B3flold LUI-- i. TO EVERY READER OF TKSS PAPER! liu . rJsVS-- .; No. 939- - Pennsylvania Ave., A. ; i 'Aj&VZZiSl waieU MB w?",'".l We want to Increase our circulation very largely during tho next Bis months to double It, if pos- W HMthuj Washin':--oi- i D we present jgg jsotld OoM Ousj. 0. sible. To accomplish this need the of our subscribers and readers. If each Clccant od mrnlo""' one of our present readers would aecuro for us one neio subscriber, our circulation would bo doubled, ladies'and K"! Fr'.hthemtotbo M Both twiU'ss; of course. But we know that It will take an extraordinary inducement to bring out tho united wK$ft$-J- with works sad asjaa sj efforts of every one of our presen. subscribers wo shall have to make a high bid. Well, we are aulalas.O-- S by special arrangement lead- Ssch 1866. ambitious and anxious to double our circulation, and, with olio of the FHEE. Host ts tea jiusiMlsT ESTABLISHED ing publishing houses we are enabled to make you ' nswr v 'waa m psv titiaeoD a BUBHSTINL'S LOArl OFFICE. An Offer Remarkable for its Liberality. 3G1 Pennsylvania Avenue. Bead it : To any one who vill send r O no Subscriber to this paper for One Year reqular subscription price, give - at the tee icill Absolutely Free, and send bv mail, vost- Gold and silver watches, dia. paia. Twenty-liv- e wompieie woveis- - any twenty-jiv-e you may select from the follow ing list : monds, jewelry, pistols, guiw, me. No.JiS. UcrMunlrcit lr.lny. lly Amakda M. Docslas. No. 136. A Low Mnrrlnj r Miss Mruc n'uirrotfll: cbanical tools, ladies' and gentle. No. 2ni. Ulyiuplu. i i I Ialdok. No. 135. A Wicked Irt. By Mary Cecil Way. 5HessM2jkgS,fc4 te trsssnsa .No. Ssl. Iolorc 11 J.ikO. Aostim. No. 131. The I'eurl orthe Ocean. Br Piiu Arumr. men's wearing apparel. Interests all the family. It is a na- No.t:0. A Hjlt L. Stitixson. No. 13.1. TheOId Oaken Chest. BtSyltancsCosb, Jr. No. 7.79. A Troublesome t'lrl. By,,Tnic Dccheu." No. 132. The California Cabin. Br SI. T. Caldob. Old gold and silver bougbt. No. Utility Utility. UjauamdaM. DocoLAs.U'd No. 131. The Forcelllnl Kubles. By SI. T. Caldor. - m uniot - tional Afro newspaper, 11- American No. SJ7. Falsely Accused, lly Mrs. AsnS.Ststhess. IU'd. No. 123. The Diamond Hrucelct. 'By Mn. Wood. Unredeemed pledges for No. s;e. A FnlseSeeut. By Mm. jUexakdek. No. 128. ClltfeJIoiise. By Etta W. Pierce. sale. having the largest circulation of .any No. 3T5. The I'eurl of the Orient. Bj SrLVAiicsCoM, Jr. No. 123. Atratliii'x History. By Marsahet Blount. No. 571. Simon Merrick's llnuirhtcr. Brit. T. Calook. No. 122. Out ol'the Sea. ByCLABA Augusta. in- NO.S72. Tliel.tinleiiFiiriii Ilrlue. ByMAROAEETBiocsT. No. 121. The. Story of n Storm. BySiri.jANKfi.AusTiN. journal of its class. It is full of No. 120. By No. 274. A Woman. Urllri. AxsS.STEmEKs. Evil Genius. M. T. w- lluncerous The Ca.dor. - - . No. 250. Illurkbiril IIIII. iij Either Skble Kenneth. No. 119. The Mvsterr at UIupLriit llmnM. Rr .t MltdCOia .. teresting news matter from every- No 9. Tlie Peril ontlchard Pardon. BtB. UFarjeon No. The Little Old Jlun of the Hutltriiolles. By No.103. Tho Last oT the Itiithveiis. By.MIhMui.oce. No. 101. Kni3&. where, and contains and I.KiilLK Oabobiau. The Morwlek Farm Mystery. By Wilkie sketches No. J7. From tbeEnrth to the Moon. By Juies Verni. Collins. Ilhutrattd. ForMalaria, Liver Tro- By Dr. H. Robinson. No. 100. By Hugh - Afro-America- No.2t3. Uuurillaii's I'lot. J. Out of thellcptlis. Cosway. ns. The s portraits of prominent No. The Huron Will. By Shxtancs Cosb, Jr. No. 99. Hot rlbut Ion. By SliROARvr Blocnt. wt 2r uble or Indigestion, us s No. S. Br M. T. Caldor. No. 9S. A Sin. By Mm. Henry ! HI. The Cruy Falcon. Tale of Wood. K 2. iSS ( p S.1 0 No."0. TheSorrowof ii Secret. By Mabv Cecil Hay. No. 97. A Fortune Hunter. Br Annie Thomas IU'd. il' It has become a great success By No. Wedded-nn- -- HOUSE BROWN'S IRON BITTERS No. 239. lerey and the Prophet. Wilkib Collins. M. Tartedi By author DoraThorne." 2 2 Jan? No. S37. TheMory of nWcUdlnif Jtluff. By tbo author No. 95. ThelCnlshlsbrldiceMystery. BrCuAS. !3Ji,5 rj m Reade. D73 ,j,n r-- a?. 5 & SALOON by its untiring enterprise. It has of " Dora Thorue. No. 9. Incledew House. By author of" Dora Thorne."' RESTATJKANT No. 536. Marly n Ware's Teniptatlon. By Mrs. H. Wood No. 93. AFasslve Crime By TnEnucHESJ." 3 FOR DYSPEPSIA, No. 235. A By author "Dora T&orne." No. 92. Hose. Lodge By Mm Henry - attracted attention throughout the .Modern Cliiilerelln. Wood. o M Ave., Northwest. - No. 234. The Itlund Home. By If. T. Caldob. No. 91. A Urldceof Love. By author " Dora Theme." mr;c3- 348 Pennsylvania Indigestion, and Stomach disorder- m9 !,.: No. 233. The Kutul Glove- - By ClabaAuscsta. No. 90. Tho Fatal Murrlase. By JII.m 51. E Brahdok. BROWN'S IROX BITTEUS. country by its persistent and fearless No. Tit. The AIII1 Girl or Tyrol. By M. T. Caldob. No, 9. A Queen Amongst Woinen. Br tac author of TVnHtiiilfrfnn. D. U. rJiXi", X. No. 225. MiiIwh's lterence. By n. Bideb Haooahd. " Dora Thorne. " All dealers keep it. $1 per bott!e. Ger.-- r.e No. lly 8S. The hu attacks, upon the abuses to which 223. Until Ilcrrlek. William H. Bdshnell. No. The Hlatchford Request. By Hugh Cos way. H. AfRRTCDITH. Poprietor, trade-marl- c crossed red lines on No. 215. By Fi.obence 87. By and wrappsr. Hnth veil's Ward. Marbtat. No. The Curse of Carew author "Dora Thome." Bj No. 214. By ta author 66. P?.'m3T! O - lager beer, Afro-America- Klaaea. of" Dora Thome." No. A8hadowontheThreshold.ByMAKYCEcii.HAY ft liqnors, ns Sub- Two nlmicest wine, are subjected. No. 213. Cloud and Sunahtiie. By Cbables Bkade. No. 85. The Fatal Lilies. By author " Dora Thorns." 512. By By nlwjiVS hand. All No. A VaKUbond Heroine. llrs. A. Kdwardi. No. 84. Carrl iton's Gift. Huoh Conway. IWd, ;.c atn - On scription $2.00 per year, per No. 211. Tliomycrort ttrninfo. By Kett Winwood. No. 83. More Hitter than Ueuth. By author of "Dora ,Bat0. v ."- nenn oorvfifl. -- rnLD OL'K NEW $ No. 210. Cot I By Mrs. Hknbt Wood. Thorne." . FDcr carp Caramel use. - 01 me ocnouu SSIiSoIIiI No. 203. The lirtnm Woman. By Wii.kie Collim. No. 82. Miss or Mrs. I By WiikikCollimi. IUuitrated. J& the delicacies "jflKT Gold Witch! m2 "StSi, B six in r- rnw months, invariably advance. 208. ByB. 61. - " pool and n No. TlieTreinnreof I'riinchurd. L. Stev; No. In the Holidays. By SIary Cecil Hay. 5S o - re h-- n 6 a at short notice. Billiard, AflMiiirtf .wiH,t. INiON. No. M. Tlio Homniitlc Adventures of a Milkmaid. pg Iwstch in ths wc.--a. w-- We want live, energetic, pushing No. 307. Tlit illaad ventures of John Alcliolnom By By Thomas Habdy. eg 2-- r2 aig't-- hath rooms attached. timskssptr.WsmctrtW Robekt l.ot'is Stkvemiok No. 79. A Iend Heart. By author of " DoraThorne." Zi 37 .sujjb oold .., No. 208, II read Upon the Waters. By Mtj ?(?. No. 77. Hark Days. By Hugh Conway. , v:1 1 hi:r agents to work for us. We are willing By iv No. 203. A Tale or Three Lions. II. hides Baooabd. No. 78. Shadow on the Snow. By U L. Farjeon. r o jam a Ci with works sn.1 Ninety-tw- o. v r.... No. 204. nice By Mary Cecil Hay. No. 75. At the World's Mercy. By Florence Warden, rrTeif eqasJ rslae. f - ... "' to pay and to pay well for their serv- No. 203. Murv llurdwlel.s IHvnl. By Sin. H. Wood. No; 74, Culled Hack. By Hush Co.i way. b li p j r-- eseh locsKtT . By S- i m T. No. 202. Wall Flowers. Marion Hakland. IU'd. No. 73. By P?3 t, 3BS5-S- S. -i Mildred Trevanlon. "THEDucnKis." free, lopcthtr w- T: u.4! ft No. 201. The Merchant's Crime, lly Horatio Aloeb, Jr. No. 72. In Cupid's Net. Byauthorof" Dora Thorne." 1tBiMrfiu&& ices. Send for sample copies and No. S00. CuulQeld's Journey. ByMIss ny p2 jluoieiicetfIIou,fhoM (eorce Braddos. no. 71. rnecrey vtomuii. .iirs.UASKELL. IU'd. itro WiBfrOtiV'ana Thess n:- - .. ., No. 183. My SUterKate. By author "Dora Thome." IU'd, NO. iu. Aiysiery-o- r lAR&TMAiSamiilltAMllS "BISV ile. .' i no tne fioily IT - O ss are A . No. 187. llespcrliu Bj II. T. Caldob. author of " Dora Thorne." P W; r BS the wstcb. free. tLr k t . schedule of agents' rates. Address, IUuttrated. Is we send yoa to thoe ., . No. 196. vnn Serf. By Syi.vanvs Cobb, No. 69. By rt rt . .. .m . ..., mnoi nnnitlnr pcienlinc nun need da to show whst wis L T I the Jr. Gabriel's MiimIiicc. Wilkie Collins. IU'd. o rr..' 33S n friends snd neighbors snd those sboatyou thsts ., No.