

New antiepileptic


EW are the best hope for tens of that could be used to test activity, the thousands of patients in the United discovery of the antiepileptic effect of and States—and many more worldwide—for was serendipitous. Later, with the devel- control of their epileptic seizures. Only a opment of models, the search for new AEDs was Nfew patients whose disease is currently refractory to based on scientific screening programs. available medications can be considered for surgical The year 1937 marked the beginning of the experi- intervention; other nonmedical therapies such as bio- mental evaluation of promising anticonvulsant chemi- feedback appear to have a similarly limited role. This cals prior to clinical use. Employing a seizure model paper examines a few of the issues related to the based on a new electroshock technique for producing development of new antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and convulsions in animals,5 Merritt and Putnam6-7 considers some of the data on the most important of screened a group of compounds supplied to them by these new compounds. Current therapy has been re- Parke-Davis and discovered the anticonvulsant proper- viewed in detail elsewhere.1-2 ties of , then called diphenylhydantoin. Be- cause phenytoin was well tolerated by laboratory ani- mals, it was subjected to clinical trials in 1938 and EARLY ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS marketed that same year. The absence of a effect and the dramatic control of seizures observed In the nineteenth century, were widely when phenytoin was added to therapy were used as antiepileptic agents. In the United States, the the key factors in its rapid marketing. In addition, its modern history of AEDs begins in 1912 with the entry into the market was not delayed by regulatory introduction of phénobarbital, a synthetic sedative- requirements, since at that time the introduction of which was shown to reduce seizure new drugs was controlled by the Federal Food and frequency (Table I).3 Drugs Act of 1906, which mandated that drugs be As it proved to be more effective and less toxic than accurately labeled but required proof of neither safety 8 , phénobarbital soon became the nor efficacy. drug of choice. Since the molecule is The reliability and quantitative capacity of Merritt's easily modified, many analogues of phénobarbital were method demonstrated the feasibility of testing new synthesized, of which approximately 50 were marketed chemicals for anticonvulsant activity.4 Administration in the first 35 years of this century. One of these to humans, a more costly, time-consuming, and risky analogues, mephobarbital, demonstrated good antiepi- procedure, was reserved for the most effective experi- leptic activity and was marketed in the United States in mental compounds that emerged from 1935.4 programs. In addition, the process through which In the absence of experimental models of seizures phenytoin came onto the market demonstrated that academic investigators could work successfully with the pharmaceutical industry, encouraging a relationship From the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, that flourished for the next 20 years. Maryland. In 1944, Richards and Everett9 reported that trimeth-


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TABLE 1 tors, began in 1968 to con- ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS MARKETED IN THE UNITED STATES duct controlled clinical

Year International U.S. Trade trials of seven drugs, many Introduced Nonproprietary Name Name Company of which were already mar- keted abroad.4 Between 1912 phenobarbital Luminal Winthrop 1935 mephobarbital Mebaral Winthrop 1974 and 1978, three of 1938 phenytoin Dilantin Parke-Davis these drugs—carbamaze- 1946 Tridione Abbott pine, , and val- 1947 Mesantoin Sandoz 1949 Paradione Abbott proic acid—were approved 1950 phethenylate* Thiantoin Lilly as primary antiepileptic 1951 Phenurone Abbott agents; dipotas- 1952 Gemonil Abbott 1952 benzchlorpropamidet Hibicon Lederle sium was marketed in 1981 1953 Milontin Parke-Davis as an adjunctive drug. 1954 Mysoline Ayerst These efforts by the 1957 methsuximide Celontin Parke-Davis 1957 Peganone Abbott Branch became known as 1960 aminoglutethimidet Elipten Ciba the Antiepileptic Drug De- 1960 Zarontin Parke-Davis velopment (ADD) Pro- 1968 Valium Roche gram. Since its inception 1974 Tegretol Geigy 1975 clonazepam Clonopin Roche this program has encouraged 1978 valproic acid Depakene Abbott the search for new AEDs by 1981 clorazepate dipotassium§ Tranxene Abbott conducting and/or funding screening programs for new • Withdrawn in 1952. compounds, toxicity testing t Withdrawn in 1955. t Withdrawn in 1966. for advanced and promising § Approved by the FDA as an adjunct. preclinical compounds, and clinical trials. As a result, waning interest in the adione, a potent analgesic compound that was to United States in new medical therapies for epilepsy has been replaced by a productive coalition of government, become the first antiabsence drug, prevented threshold 12 seizures induced by (PTZ) in rodents. industry, and academia. They also showed that these seizures were prevented by phenobarbital, but not by phenytoin.9 Goodman et 10 al confirmed these results and demonstrated that PRECLINICAL DRUG DEVELOPMENT phenytoin and phenobarbital modified the pattern of maximal electroshock (MES) seizures while trimeth- All drugs currently in use have some effect in either adione did not. These findings indicated the varying MES or PTZ models, even though many were not anticonvulsant actions of these drugs and the quali- discovered by experimental means. Furthermore, drugs tative difference between threshold and maximal tend to be profiled clinically as a function of their seizures.4 effectiveness in these two models. Phenytoin, which is Interestingly, all AEDs developed from 1912 to 1960 effective in partial and generalized tonic-clonic sei- were based on a simple heterocyclic ring structure zures, is effective against MES but not against PTZ (Figure 1). (when used as a threshold test). Ethosuximide, which is During this period, genuinely novel structures were effective against absence seizures in humans, has more ignored in the development of AEDs; instead, atten- effectiveness against PTZ. These two tests—considered tion centered on the , , oxazo- by some to represent together the final common path- lidinediones, , and acetylureas.4 By the way for many epileptic seizures—have been further late 1960s, for a variety of reasons, very few innovative refined and used to screen more than 12,000 com- AEDs were under development.11-12 In an effort to pounds in the ADD program of the Epilepsy Branch.4 reverse this trend, the Epilepsy Branch of the National The screening is performed in a progressively more Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disor- sophisticated manner, with the elimination of less ders and Stroke, in collaboration with other investiga- promising compounds at each step.13


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was the search for drugs that act—by various mecha- B nisms—to enhance neuronal inhibition. The second and more recent phase of rational approach to AED development has been the effort to find drugs that HCCV C H CCH diminish neuronal excitation. These approaches have 5 6X / 2 5 6" "5 J been considered in some detail by Meldrum.14 \ H5C6-C / \ 0=C, NH NH \ / / CLINICAL DRUG DEVELOPMENT HN- HN- A potential drug must successfully undergo a variety of clinical studies before being approved for use by the general public. These studies may include early toler- ance and pharmacologic trials in normal volunteers as well as pilot studies of potential efficacy, but the controlled trial to evaluate efficacy is usually the most difficult and the most important. In any , CH, ÇH2CH3 P the peculiarities of the disorder being treated must be examined. Clinical trials in epilepsy, therefore, have to H3C-C H3C-C \ \ be designed to deal with the characteristics of that complex disorder. Of primary importance is the real- /N-CH3 ization that many different syndromes are included in \\ r H2C- the , so that, to be meaningful, data must be collected from a differentiated group of epileptic per- sons. Patients are usually categorized according to clinical seizure type. Fortunately, this categorization is FIGURE 1. Heterocyclic ring structure: phénobarbital based upon very empirical information and correlates (A); phenytoin (B); trimethadione (C); ethosuximide (D). well with the various therapeutic measures. Clinical seizure types are usually classified according to the 1981 15 One of the major arguments against the use of International Classification of Epileptic Seizures, and MES and PTZ is that the mechanisms by which drugs the resulting data serve as a first step in obtaining a work against these empirical tests are obscure. It is modicum of homogeneity in the patients included in 11 argued that, using more basic and more rational ap- the clinical trial. A number of critical variables proaches, we might be able to find better, more (Table 2) must be considered when controlled clinical 16 effective drugs. The counter argument is that we simply trials of AEDs are planned. do not sufficiently understand the basic mechanisms of epileptic seizures to be certain which drug effect to seek, or whether any effect—once documented—is PROMISING ANTIEPILEPT1C DRUGS UNDER DEVELOPMENT in fact a mechanism of action. Even when a potential drug is developed by rational methods, additional In the past ten years, numerous compounds have problems arise regarding clinical testing, since one reached various stages of preclinical and clinical inves- cannot predict in which subgroup of the epileptic tigation; each of these compounds has had some claim syndromes the new drug should be tested. On the other to being antiepileptic. But to summarize the status of hand, discovery of a clinically effective drug which such compounds is difficult. First, the data are not easy would be ineffective in MES and PTZ screening would to obtain, especially for preclinical compounds con- open a whole new field for basic and clinical cerning which a pharmaceutical company has little to 13 investigation. gain by providing information. Some potential precli- In the past decade, however, new avenues for the nical compounds have recently been described.17 Sec- rational development of more effective AEDs have ondly, information can very quickly become out-of- been pursued. Such development has progressed date, especially because toxic effects eliminate drugs through two fundamental phases, the earliest of which from further clinical exposure. Finally, since the routes


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TABLE 2 netic studies at UCLA, the Epilepsy Branch of the VARIABLES TO BE CONSIDERED IN A CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL OF PATIENTS WITH EPILEPSY National Institutes of Health is undertaking a five- center (California, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, and Patients Massachusetts) parallel-design study of . A Type of epilepsy determined by preclinical testing total of one hundred patients are expected for this Patient selection study. Patients must have uncontrolled partial seizures; Seizure type Seizure frequency concomitant medications will be phenytoin and/or Exclusion criteria carbamazepine. Additional data on flunarizine are Concomitant medications available.19 Dose of the test compound Bias control and study design is an amino acid which is related to Protocol gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It moves through Randomization Blinding the blood-brain barrier and is thought to exert its Placebo vs active control antiepileptic effect by interfering with the action of excitatory amino acids such as aspartate. It should be noted, however, that only limited data are available by which compounds are evaluated are heterogeneous, describing the drug's mechanism of action; seizure-type the developmental stage of a particular compound can specificity is difficult to determine from the available be difficult to ascertain. Data on a few selected com- preclinical data. Numerous studies of this drug are pounds that are or have been significant in clinical under way, both in Europe and in the United States. studies in the United States can be summarized here. Many of these studies are controlled, and efficacy data The compounds are listed in alphabetical order. should emerge within the next several years. Addi- 20 is a dicarbamate closely related to mepro- tional data on gabapentin are available. bamate, a sedative-hypnotic compound. Unlike me- is a phenyltriazine derivative that was probamate, felbamate in higher dosages is not attended developed in an effort to find drugs, on the with sleepiness but rather with nausea and vomiting, hypothesis that compounds that interfere with folate suggesting that felbamate has a nonsedative central metabolism may be antiepileptic. Although lamo- action. The drug has been developed primarily on the trigine has only weak antifolate activity, it is effective basis of its antiMES activity in rodents; This activity is against MES in rodents. Data from several completed approximately four times less potent than that of controlled trials in Europe are encouraging. A five- phenytoin or of carbamazepine, but felbamate is ex- center controlled study is under way in the United ceedingly nontoxic, and adult patients can often toler- States, and long-term studies are planned. If the drug ate 3,000 mg per day or more. proves effective, marketing might begin within five Two randomized, double-blind trials of felbamate are years in the United States. Additional data on lamo- 21 under way. In one, a multicenter study involving the trigine are available. University of Virginia and the University of Minne- Org 6370 is an amino-benzobicyclononene deriva- sota, patients with partial seizures are being evaluated tive with activity against both MES and PTZ in in a two-period crossover design. The study is essen- rodents. The drug has an active metabolite that is tially completed, and data are being analyzed. In the probably of considerable significance. Early clinical second study, being conducted at the National Insti- studies in Europe and in at least two centers in the tutes of Health in Bethesda, more severely affected United States have demonstrated its safety. Controlled patients with partial seizures are participating in a clinical trials are planned. Additional data on Org 6370 three-period crossover design. This study should be are available.22 completed in 1988. Additional data on felbamate are is closely related to carbamazepine, 18 available. but since its mechanism of action does not include an Flunarizine is a defluorinated piperazine derivative epoxide metabolite, it may be less toxic. Large clinical that was originally introduced for vertigo and . trials are nearing completion in Europe; but because of It has the intriguing effect—and possible mechanism of the limited differences between this drug and carba- action—of being a calcium . In many mazepine, no studies are currently planned in the patients, this drug has an extraordinary half-life of more United States. Additional data are available on than two weeks. It has been studied clinically in oxcarbazepine.23 epileptic patients since 1978. Following pharmacoki- acts by direct stimulation of the GABA


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receptors. Its acid metabolite shows similar activity. Other new compounds are currently in clinical trials, Although usually referred to as a GAB A , but activity with them is slow. Some data are available progabide is considered by some to .be a GABA pro- for , denzimal, , , milace- drug. Early clinical trials of progabide were promising. mide, MK-801, nafimidone, and Sufficient data have been accumulated to permit mar- in Meldrum and Porter.17 Other drugs which have been keting of the drug in France; applications are pending evaluated—at various stages—in human beings are RO in several European countries; and clinical studies have 15-1788 (Roche), (McNeil), and ralitoline been initiated in Japan. Two multicenter studies in the (Warner-Lambert). United States, however, suggested a limited benefit/ risk ratio, causing studies in this country to be discon- 24 tinued. Additional data on progabide are available. SUMMARY , gamma-vinyl GABA, is an irreversible inhibitor of GABA-transaminase and, in animals, in- In contrast with the situation only a decade ago, a duces increases in brain GABA concentrations. Its profusion of new potential AEDs has been introduced mechanism, therefore, is presumably one of increased for world-wide clinical testing. Which, if any, of these inhibitory synaptic activity. In numerous clinical stud- compounds will be added to the physician's armamen- ies in the United States and Europe, initial efficacy data tarium against epileptic seizures is unknown, but the are encouraging. Because of myelinic lesions in the continuing flow of testable compounds augurs well for brains of animals, however, additional studies in the the future. United States have been stopped by the Federal Food and Drug Administration. The significance of these lesions remains uncertain; trials of vigabatrin are pro- ROGER J. PORTER, MD gressing in Europe, and human safety data continue to National Institute of Neurological and be encouraging. Additional information is available on Communicative Disorders and Stroke National Institutes of Health vigabatrin.25 Bethesda, Maryland 20892

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