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In Your Neighborhood Taste of What’s for lunch Celebrate at the Våren er vakker for den International Scandinavian som lenge har hatt vinter. Waffle Day! Festival? Read more on page 13 – Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Read more on page 8 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No.12 March 25, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at Norway joins efforts against Libya www.norway.com

Norway in the U.S. On March 21, six Their Majesties the King and Norwegian fighter Queen of Norway will pay an official visit to the U.S. from jets took off from Oct. 11 – 22, 2011. This visit their air bases in will take place in the Midwest and . Bodø, headed for (blog.norway.com/category/ Libya norway-in-the-us)

News St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n The Norwegian Government Norwegian American Weekly has decided to request the WTO to establish a dispute “The Security Council has settlement panel in connection given the need to protect the civil- with the E.U. ban on trade in ian population as the ground for seal products. its decision. This is important seen (blog.norway.com/category/ from a Norwegian point of view. news) The international community now Culture stands more united than ever in its condemnation of Gaddafi. For Nor- The award-winning Ameri- way to support the use of force, it can-Norwegian documentary is essential that it has a firm base in “Play Again” was screened Photo: The Norwegian Embassy in Paris at the Environmental Film CONTINUES PAGE 6 Prime Minister talks with members of the press before a meeting in Paris about Libya on March 19. Festival in Washington, D.C. on March 22. Director Tonje Hessen Schei says the inspi- Sculptor’s magic touch Passing the hat for art ration for the film were the differences she saw between Norwegian-American artist Constance Ellen Snortland her children’s lifestyles in the Bergfors talks about her love of sculpting works to bring her U.S. and her own upbringing in Norway. The documentary one-woman show follows six average American “Now That She’s teens, who usually spend up to 15 hours in front of a screen Gone” to Scotland a day. (blog.norway.com/category/ El l e n Sn o r t l a n d Altadena, Calif. culture) My Norwegian-American What’s inside? community has already done so News 2-3 much for my solo show, “Now That She’s Gone.” Without the Business 4 initial support of Rolf Stang, Pas- Research & Education 5 CONTINUES PAGE 13 Photo courtesy of Ellen Snortland Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Svendsen wins historic pursuit Travel 9 Photo: Carla Danziger Roots & Connections 10 Artist Constance Bergfors stands among maple, cherry, and walnut sculptures Teammate Bø Obituaries & Religion 11 in her home studio, near Washington, D.C. A few of her works are on display at moves from 44th Tysons Atriums in McLean, Va., until April 8. Arts & Style 12 place to second In Your Neighborhood 13 Ca r l a Da n z i g e r Norwegian Heritage 14 McLean, Va. Bi a t h l o n Wo r l d Sports 15 Constance Bergfors knows collections in the U.S., especially in Emil Hegle Svendsen won a $1 = NOK 5.5456 wood, its colors, its scents, its the metropolitan Washington, D.C. heated last loop battle with team- updated 3/21/2011 rhythms, its feel. She has been area, and abroad, in places such as mate Tarjei Bø and France’s Mar- sculpting hardwoods – walnut, the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, In comparison tin Fourcade, capturing a historic maple, mahogany, cherry, pecan, Finland, and the American Em- 2/21/2011 5.6655 men’s pursuit competition in apple wood, beech, you name it – bassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It’s 32:59.2. Svendsen had three pen- 9/21/2010 5.9645 for more than three decades. Her possible, by appointment, to visit alties to one for Bø, who was six- 3/21/2010 5.9025 sculptures grace public and private CONTINUES PAGE 12 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Photo: IBU/Christian Manzoni 2 • March 25, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Vil kutte distriktssubsidier Over og ut for – Japan gjør samme feil som Norge etter De minste bygdene Tsjernobyl – Resultatet er at de mister all legitimitet og i Norge mister stadig 50-øringen troverdighet som informasjonsgivere, og at innbyggere, og samtidig Se når du sist kan bruke folk i Japan øyeblikkelig begynner å inn- er det der staten bruker hente informasjon fra andre, sier tidligere 50 øringen statsråd og nåværende Fafo-forsker Gud- mest penger pr. innbygger mund Hernes. Hernes sier feilene japanske NA24 myndigheter gjør i dag, er et ekko fra den NRK norske håndteringen av Tsjernobyl-ulykken i 50-øringen trekkes tilbake, og vil sist Statistikken viser at samfunnet bruker 1986. Ulykken avdekket en rekke svakheter være i bruk som betalingsmiddeli Norge 1. i den norske beredskapen, og Hernes ble mye penger på steder folk flytter fra. Mens mai 2012. satt til å lede et regjeringsoppnevnt utvalg fikk 4.000 kroner i snitt pr. innbygger – Årsaken til at 50-øringen trekkes som skulle se på hva som gikk galt. Utval- i statlige rammeoverføringer i fjor, fikk de ti tilbake, er at den ikke lenger sirkulerer som get konkluderte med at utilstrekkelig infor- mest fraflyttede kommunene 24.000 kroner en ordinær betalingsmynt. Den brukes i bu- masjon fra myndighetene førte til en massiv pr. innbygger. tikker for å gi igjen veksel, mens kundene i tillitskrise i befolkningen. – Det er jo et paradoks i Norge at vi stor grad legger mynten til side i stedet for (NTB) bruker veldig mye ressurser på steder der det å bruke den ved senere betalinger, opplyser bor få mennesker. Steder som også har nega- direktør Trond Eklund i avdeling for kon- Fare for strømrasjonering i sør tiv befolkningsvekst, sier byrådsleder Stian Foto: Flickr.com Byrådslederen i Oslo, Stian Berger Røsland. tante betalingsmidler. Risikoen for strømrasjonering i Sør-Norge Berger Røsland (H) i Oslo. Dette betyr at Norges Bank må pro- er stor. Kraftprodusentene øker beredskap- Oslo er derimot den kommunen i lan- betaler inn til kommunen sin. Og i stedet dusere et stort antall 50-øringer selv om det en. Farten i snøsmeltingen blir avgjørende. det som har størst vekst. På helt andre en- prøve å skjære noe ned på den veldig sterke i utgangspunktet er mer enn tilstrekkelig – Det betyr at vi vurderer faren for å måtte den av skalaen fra småkommunene som får sette i verk strømrasjonering i Sør-Norge for skatteutjevningen vi har i Norge i dag, sier antall mynter i omløp. Årlig netto utgang store rammeoverføringer ligger hovedstaden å være høyere enn 20 prosent. Det igjen be- Stian Berger Røsland (H). fra Norges Bank har de siste årene vært mel- med en vekst på nesten 18 prosent i løpet av tyr at det er langt igjen til vi må innføre ras- I Norges Bygdeungdomslag jobber de lom 15 og 22 millioner stk. Ved utgangen av 2000-tallet. jonering. Derfor er det foreløpig ingen krise. for å fremme bygdene, og utvikle nærings- 2010 var det ca 359 millioner 50-øringer i – Der hvor veksten er aller kraftigst så Men situasjonen er så dramatisk at vi øker grunnlaget og bosettingen i landets mange sirkulasjon. opplever vi at staten trekker inntektene våre, beredskapen, sier kommunikasjonsdirektør mindre steder. Der skjønner de godt at Røss- 50-øringen vil fortsatt være tvungent og bruker de andre steder, sier Røsland som Tor Inge Akselsen i Statnett. land i Oslo gjerne skulle ha hatt mer penger. betalingsmiddel og kunne brukes på or- gjerne skulle sett at Oslo-politikerne fikk (Aftenposten) – Folk har rett til å bo der de vil, og det dinær måte i ett år, dvs. til 1. mai 2012. beholde mer av skatteinntektene til mange er i distriktene at vi har ressursene og verdi- Norges Bank er deretter pliktig til å innløse gode formål. Så mye tjener Norges best betalte ene er. I Oslo videreutvikler de teknologi og 50-øringen i ytterligere 10 år, heter det i Et av formålene som osloborgerne statsansatte andre ting på basis av dette, sier leder Nils meldingen. gjerne skulle sett at det var mer penger til En forvalter i Oljefondet fikk i fjor utbetalt Håvar Øyås for Norges Bygdeungdomslag. Tilbaketrekkingen medfører også at er kollektivtrafikken. Tall fra t-banen i Oslo en lønn på 6.441.267 kroner. Lønnen ink- – Det er et generelt problem i Norge øre-betegnelsen forsvinner på norske mynter viser at det hver dag gjennom hele 2009 ble luderer fastlønn og bonus. Forvalteren er at vi burde hatt en gjennomgang av hva vi 1. mai neste år, og at beløp som skal betales reist over 200.000 ganger med t-banevog- dermed den best betalte ansatte i Oljefondet bruker av penger og hvilke tiltak som trengs, med kontanter etter denne dato skal avrundes og den klart best betalte statsansatte i Norge. nene rundt i byen. sier Øyås. til nærmeste hele krone. Forvalterens lønn er mer en 5 ganger høyere – Det man burde gjøre er å la kommuner English Synopsis: Norges Bank will begin to phase enn lønnen til statsministeren. Hvem forval- som Oslo, og andre kommuner i sterk vekst, English Synopsis: Oslo’s governing mayor Stian Berger Røsland wants to cut district subsidies, wher out the 50-øringen, which is worth one half of a krone. teren er holdes hemmelig av Norges Bank få beholde de skatteinntektene som oslofolk villages receive more money per resident than Oslo. The amount will be rounded to the nearest krone. og ledelsen i Oljefondet. Ifølge kommu- nikasjonsdirektør Siv Meisingseth er det en rekke årsaker til at identiteten holdes hem- melig. – Hovedårsaken til dette er at ansatte Populært å gå på Støre: – Norge er ikke i krig i NBIM (Norges Bank Investment Man- agement er organisasjonen som forvalter folkehøyskole Norske styrker vil gå inn Oljefondet, red. anm.) på grunn av de store verdier som forvaltes, kan bli eksponert for i en krevende virkelighet ulovlig påvirkning fra utenforstående. Dette i Libya, hvor det pågår vil kunne påføre store økonomiske tap for Statens pensjonsfond utland, skriver Meis- krigshandlinger på ingseth i en e-post. bakken, sier Jonas Gahr (E24) Støre Mer populær enn sjefen Bare én av fem mener at Be r g e n s Ti d e n e er den beste til å lede Senterpartiet. Dobbelt så mange vil ha . Det viser Foto: Halgrim Øistad – Norge ønsker å være i front for å gjen- en ny meningsmåling som InFact har gjen- Nansenskolen er en folkehøgskole med tre linjer nomføre resolusjonen fra FNs sikkerhetsråd nomført for VG. I meningsmålingen sier og egen forsoningsavdeling i Lillehammer. politisk, humanitært og også militært. Målet 43,4 prosent av de spurte at de mener Borten er å bidra til beskyttelse av sivile, sa Støre til Moe er best egnet som partileder i Senter- NTB NRK 19. mars. partiet, mot 20,3 prosent for Navarsete. Utenriksministeren sier norske soldater – Dette tar jeg med knusende ro. Jeg synes Per 1. mars i fjor var det 20 prosent flere etter planen ikke skal gå inn i operasjoner på det er veldig flott hvis jeg har en nestleder som hadde takket ja til en plass på folke- som er populær, sier Navarsete. høyskole sammenlignet med året før. Øknin- bakken. Han understreker at en bred koalis- (Dagbladet) gen fortsetter i år. 2,3 prosent flere elever har jon av land er sammen om operasjonen, og mener norske styrker står overfor en krev- takket ja til en skoleplass i år i forhold til i Foto: Berit Roald/ Statsministerens kontor ende jobb. Norske artister ga sin gave til Japan fjor. Utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre Under parolen Gift to Japan samlet artistene Hvert år velger over 7.000 norske ung- – Norge er ikke krig. De vil gå inn i en virkelighet som er veldig krevende i Libya, seg på Folketeateret i Oslo 21. mars. Kron- dommer å ta et år på folkehøyskole. Det er assosiert med å være Vestens organisasjon, hvor det pågår krigshandlinger på bakken prins Haakon tok turen innom og Oslos ord- mer en ti prosent av et årskull, heter det i en og at den alene skulle ha ansvaret her ville mellom libyere. Det er ikke enkelt. Det er fører Fabian Stang holdt også en liten ap- pressemelding fra folkehøyskolene. sende gale signaler og heller ikke reflektere pell. Aleksander With, TNT, Robert Wells, mange spørsmål som reiser seg. Krevende – Vi tror at flere ser nytten av et år til å det som er virkeligheten, nemlig om at dette Eclipse og Humcrush var andre artister valg ligger foran oss, men alternativet om lære på en annen måte enn i mer tradisjonelle er kommet i gang fordi den Arabiske Liga som ønsket å gi sin støtte til japanerne etter ikke å gjøre noe er enda dårligere. Derfor skoleslag. I tillegg blir det et år til å tenke seg har pushet på, sier Jonas Gahr Støre. naturkatastrofen. Konserten kom i stand på om før man velger hva man vil gjøre videre i ønsker Norge å være med å ta sin del av ans- initiativ fra Trine Rein. Tanken var at nor- English Synopsis: livet, sier Dorte Birch i informasjonskontoret varet, sier Støre. “Norway is not at war,” said For- ske artister som har hatt tilknytning til Japan eign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. He says Norwegian for folkehøyskolen. Han forteller at selv om NATO-land vil skulle gi noe tilbake som takk for den støtten soldiers are not scheduled to go into operation on the spille en ledende rolle i operasjonen, deler ground. He stressed that a broad coalition of countries de har fått gjennom årene. English Synopsis: Enrollment at folk high schools forsvarsalliansen ansvaret med en rekke an- together on the operation, and believes that Norwe- (Aftenposten) is up 20 percent this year over 2010 numbers. Every dre land. gian forces face a demanding job. “The aim is to con- year, over 7,000 Norwegian youth take one year at a tribute to the protection of civilians,” he added. folk high school. – Jeg tror av mange årsaker at NATO er Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 25, 2011 • 3 News Major contributor Warren Christopher dies at 85 This week on Norway.com Norway high speed rail study underway to energy security Proud Norwegian- The Danish engineering, design and con- sulting company Ramboll is to assess the American was 63rd feasibility of high-speed trains between secretary of state and Oslo, Norway, on behalf of the Norwegian National Rail Administration and top diplomat (Jernbaneverket). Project manager for Ram- boll’s report, Frode Mo said that this was ”one of the most exciting engineering tasks St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n in Norway.” “A modern high-speed railway Norwegian American Weekly between Trondheim and Oslo could mean big changes in society. Ramboll’s task is to When he took over as secretary of state create a basis for the decision whether such a in the Clinton administration at age 68, War- railway is feasible or not,” said Mo. ren M. Christopher said he didn’t expect to (Rail.co) Photo: Øyvind Hagen/Statoil travel much. He went on to set a four-year mark for miles traveled by America’s top Fewer thefts and more drug offenses diplomat: 704,487 miles. Mi n i s t ry o f Pe t r o l e u m a n d En e r g y In 2010, 394,000 offenses were reported to Methodical and self-effacing, Chris- the police, of which almost 271,000 were topher alternated for nearly five decades crimes. There is a large decrease in offences As a major oil and gas producer as well between top echelons of both the federal for profit and damages to property compared as a strong global advocate of climate change government and legal and political life in to the previous year. However, narcotics mitigation, Norway holds a unique position California. The attorney turned envoy tire- Photo: Flickr.com crimes increased by 15.6 percent and the in the global energy sector. Moreover, as the lessly traveled to Bosnia and the Middle East Warren M. Christopher served as U.S. Secretary number is now at the same high level as in third largest exporter of energy in the world, on peace missions during his 1993 – 1996 of State from 1993 – 1996. 2001 – 2002. The police and prosecuting au- Norway is a major contributor to the energy tenure – including some two dozen to Syria thority registered 2.3 percent fewer crimes security of consuming countries. These are alone in a futile effort to promote a settle- longtime Californian returned home for an and 2.5 more misdemeanors than in 2009. among the conclusions in a new report on ment with Israel. active life in local and national affairs and When population increase is taken into ac- Norway’s Energy Policies from the Interna- After his work finished carrying out the with his law firm. On March 18, the 85-year- count, the number of offences is the lowest in 16 years. Oslo and Rogaland are the counties tional Energy Agency (IEA). Clinton administration agenda abroad, the CONTINUES PAGE 11 On March 15, IEA presented its report with highest increase in narcotic offenses. from the in-depth review of Norway. The (Statistics Norway) critique and recommendations have been Dig to begin at Viking estate Increased income from natural gas made after the review team visited Norwe- gian authorities, industry and organizations Largest archaeological The price of natural gas on the world market has risen markedly in the wake of the earth in May 2010. quake, the tsunami and the serious problems The IEA presents positive views on project in Norway in with the nuclear power plants in Japan. The Norway’s policies on the power market, re- nearly 10 years will reason is that electricity must be replaced by newable energy, on global climate change begin in June to recover gas, at least in the short term. The Norwegian and handling of CO2 emissions, security of state therefore stands to earn several billion energy supply and technology development. property of the Viking on the production of natural gas, experts say. “IEA points out that Norway is an im- king Harald Hårfagre In addition to the disaster in Japan, Austra- portant contributor to energy security as one lian coal mines were flooded last December, of the world’s largest exporter of energy. The increasing the cost of coal and electricity report confirms that Norway is a world lead- Al e d -Di l w y n Fi s h e r from coal fired plants. er in its efforts to reduce global greenhouse Views and News from Norway (Norway Post) gas emissions, and in developing new tech- nologies. Norway spends more per capita on Cheese to stay in Gudbrandsdalen research and development than most other Aftenposten reports that the work will The ubiquitous brown goat cheese known as countries in the world,” says State Secretary be taking place in Avaldsnes, Karmøy (south- Gudbrandsdalsost G-35 will continue to be . west Norway), at a site believed to be part of produced in the valley known as Gudbrands- The IEA was founded in response to Fairhair’s royal estate. The research project, dalen. Public outcry was loud last year when the 1973/74 oil crisis. Its initial role was to led by Oslo’s Cultural History Museum in Tine revealed it was considering moving increase member countries’ security of sup- cooperation with its counterpart museum in Photo: Wikimedia Commons production of the brunost (brown cheese) to ply. The Agency has developed into a forum , will run from mid-June to mid- St. Olav’s Church at Avaldsnes is a medieval larger plants, to cut costs. Some claim Tine’s for discussion and analysis covering a wide September and look to exhume about 11,000 church (completed in 1320) in Avaldsnes on the decision to keep production in Gudbrandsdal island of Karmøy. meant executives realized that the cheese is range of energy issues. Norway adhered to square meters in the area this year, before simply too dear to local hearts to be moved, the Agency a year later and the Agency has completing the project in 2012. various smaller princedoms into something and they would have risked losing sales. now 28 member countries. IEA is an inde- Harald Fairhair is credited by many with resembling the modern kingdom of Norway. (Views and News in Norway) pendent body within the OECD family. uniting, through conquests and alliances, the CONTINUES PAGE 11

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • March 25, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (March 21, 2011) Inspiring social change Norsk Kr. 5.5456 Philanthropy and social Dansk Kr. 5.2455 Svensk Kr. 6.2763 entrepreneurship help Canadian $ 0.9767 communities Euro 0.7035 For detailed information about Ra s m u s Fa l ck the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Oslo, Norway

Some time ago I wrote that social en- Norwegian Commercial Club trepreneurship has come to Norway. One seattle, washington example is the 21-year-old backpacker Anne April 14: Guest speaker: James Collins Louise Hübert who experienced a famine- hit village in Kenya, where children was James Collins, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army starving to death because of the drought. for Washington, will present the program: “America’s Army When she got back to Norway in 2008, she and Washington State - A Powerful Relationship.” started “Aid in Action.” The first task was to Menu: Crab-stuffed fish, rutabagas, salmon chowder, dessert help feed 365 schoolchildren at the primary school. Then with the help of local people, April 28: Guest Speaker: Karl Stumo she managed to build a dam to collect water Karl Stumo, Vice for Admission and Enrollment during the rainy season so that the farmers Photo: Aid in Action Anne Louise Hübert (right) in Kenya with a wom- Services at Pacific Lutheran University, will present the had water. In setting up the business, she got free help from Prospera, a network of man- an who weaves baskets. Scholarship Night program. agement consultants. ther – a remarkable entrepreneur. Another is Menu: Medisterkaker, mashed potatoes, pea stew, salad, dessert Some argue that what business entrepre- Percy Barnevik, the former industrialist of neurs are to the economy what social entre- international fame that left his career to end preneurs are to social change. They are the 6 p.m. at Leif Erikson Lodge, located at 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle, poverty. Farah Pandith from the U.S. Depart- driven, creative individuals who question ment of State will also participate. WA 98107. To purchase tickets (dinner included) contact Ozzie the status quo, explore new opportunities, Kvithammer at Viking Bank (206) 297-4254. The intention is to raise awareness of refuse to give up, and make the world a bet- social entrepreneurship and philanthropy as ter place. important ingredients in a partnership be- supporting local norwegian bu siness since 1932 At the end of March, the first Nordic tween government, business, NGOs and in- Partnership for Change conference will dividuals, to create sustainable change. take place at the Oslo Opera House with the The organizers wish to focus on the so- MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE American embassy as a partner. U.S. Ambas- cial entrepreneur as change agent. The Nor- a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w sador to Norway Barry B. White said that the dic countries have long traditions of thrust embassy is delighted to be working with Nor- between government and private business. wegian partners to host this conference. “Our Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, The social entrepreneurs have different chal- goal is to highlight the power and creativity lenges and roles than in other countries. commercial transactions and estate planning. of social entrepreneurship, to give people the “While learning from the rest of the world, tools and vision to create their own socially we also wish to focus on what is special for 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 useful businesses. This is an area where the us in the case of philanthropy and social en- Nordic countries and the U.S. have a great Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 trepreneurship,” says Ingrid Stange leading deal to learn from each other.” the partnership behind the conference. She Inspiring individuals such as Olav Sel- received her MBA from in 1981 Proud to bring you the vaag, whose grandfather’s vision was afford- and was engagement manager at McKinsey Norwegian American Weekly able housing and holistic community, and he before she started with social entrepreneur- revolutionized the housing industry in Nor- ship. way. Selvaag tells the story of his grandfa- Business News & Notes More new homes being built has been under tighter environmental rules There is a major increase in the building of new for longer. “In North America, the potential is homes in Norway this year, compared with last much higher,” said Yves Bonte, head of Yara’s year. The number of new dwellings increased industrial division. “The U.S. market could by 28 percent in January. A total of 2,964 new become 4.8 to 5 million tons compared to Eu- dwellings were given building starts in Janu- rope’s (potential) 2.8 million. The mileage is ary; an increase of 639 dwellings compared far higher because of the sheer geographical with January 2010. A total of 413,100 square distances.” meters of utility floor space for industrial build- (Yara International) ings were started in January. This is 22 percent less compared with the same period in 2010. Norwegian job market is looking up (Statistics Norway) The Norwegian Labor and Welfare Service (NAV) predicts 70,000 new jobs will be created Yara eyes profits from greener North in 2011 and 2012. NAV bases its prediction on American trucks the very strong economic growth in Norway. Yara, the world’s biggest producer of urea, is Most of the new jobs will be found in health betting the budding fight against truck exhaust and social services, building and construction, pollution in North America will drive a new oil-related industries, and in the hotel and res- and stable market to help shield it from vola- taurant business, NAV predicts. The previously tile fertilizer prices. Forecasts show the U.S. expected increase in the nation’s unemploy- I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. market for urea-based diesel exhaust additives ment has therefore been canceled, NAV says. could grow 30-fold by 2015, compared with an Instead, NAV now predicts a decline in unem- Scott F. Peterson expected tripling of an European market that ployment from last year till this year. (206) 783-2195 (Norway Post) 1713 NW Market St. Seattle LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: [email protected] Certified Public Accountant Small businesses (206)789-5433 Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. Individuals 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most Seattle, WA 98119 major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 25, 2011 • 5 Research and Education Trygve Lie challenge Over 2,500 students filled the U.N. on March 12 for the launch of a new award named after the first Secretary-General Trygve Lie

No r w a y ’s Mi ss i o n t o t h e U.N.

Norway’s Deputy Permanent Repre- Prince Haakon encouraged delegations tak- sentative, Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith, ing part in the National High School Model revealed the winner of the inaugural Trygve UN conference to submit a short video where Lie Video Challenge during the closing cer- they imagined themselves as U.N. Secretary- emony of the National High School Model General 20 years from now. U.N. conference 2011. “If I were the U.N. Secretary-General in The Permanent Mission of Norway to 2030, which I for obvious reasons will not the United Nations and the Royal Norwegian be, then I would hope to live in a world where Photo: Norway’s Mission to the U.N. Consulate General in New York joined forc- access to clean energy becomes a reality for Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith hears from a group of students who represented Norway during the U.N. es with NHSMUN to establish an initiative all. A world where all children can study after simulation conference organized by the National High School Model U.N. in March 2011. in honor of the first U.N. Secretary-General, the sun sets and adults are relieved of back- the Norwegian lawyer and politician Trygve breaking and time-consuming manual labor. Lie. And children, as well as men and women the “The story of Trygve Lie is in many ways world over, are free to explore their true po- a traditional rags-to-riches story. Lie was the tential. Now you have a go. Imagine yourself world leader who hailed from Norway, an as the U.N. Secretary-General in 2030. How outpost of the world and a country few could has the world changed? How will you pro- place on a map. As U.N. Secretary-General, tect fundamental freedoms and help people Lie used his position to focus on what we all build a better life?” HRH Crown Prince Haa- have in common, not on what divides us. Lie kon said. strongly believed that common ground can The Model U.N. delegation from Ohel found between all people through dialogue Shem High School in the Israeli town of Ra- and understanding,” Ambassador Smith said mat Gan seized the challenge and produced in her speech. a winning entry that Ambassador Smith The goal of the Trygve Lie Video Chal- praised as both “creative and uplifting.” lenge is to raise awareness of international is- Every year hundreds of students, includ- sues and encourage creative thinking among ing Model U.N. teams from Russia, Sweden, young adults. This year, the challenge was Germany and Norway, visit the Permanent presented by His Royal Highness the Crown Mission of Norway to learn about the world Prince of Norway. In a video message when organization and Norway’s priorities. the competition was launched, HRH Crown

The 56th Annual

Of Greater New York Contest

Saturday, April 16 at 2 p.m. Miss$25 for NIA Members, $30 forNorway Non-members Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall at the Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center, 1270 – 67 Street, Brooklyn, New York

Freia Titland, Miss Norwegian Heritage 2010 and Helen Rell, Miss Your chance to participate in a TRADITION! Norway of Greater NY 2010. Photo: Berit Hessen On April 16, Miss Norway of Greater New York 2011 and her runner-up will Calling all youngsters be selected. They and their court will be recognized at the 17th of May Parade in Brooklyn. Prizes include a trip to Norway and more! Download application 4 – 10 years old! at www.niahistory.org, or contact Arlene Rutuelo at (718) 748-1874 or write to Boys and girls with a Norwegian Nordic Delicacies, 6909 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209. connection are invited to participate in the 17th May Parade as part of Miss Norway’s Contestants must meet the following criteria: entourage. The children will ride on a • Be 17 – 24 years of age • Submit an application special float which will be drawn by a • Have a Norwegian family connection • Application deadline: April 1, 2011 Norwegian fjord horse. • Have knowledge of Norwegian heritage Proudly presented by 317 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10022 Norwegian Immigration Association Email: [email protected] • Online: www.niahistory.org 6 • March 25, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE Norway’s economic riddle: Oil wealth, high prices and public poverty By Solveig Torvik, author of “The World’s Best Place: Norway and the Norwegians”

In 1975, when it had dawned on Nor- penditures are to be kept within 4 percent of become world leaders in technology in or- Want to Know about the Economy but Nev- wegians just how rich they were about to the oil fund’s earnings, and typically only 11 der to be positioned as globally competitive er Dared Ask. become from North Sea oil, I asked Prime percent of the national budget expenditures post-oil. Of course, this economic universe rests Minister whether Norway come from oil profits. Such fiscal restraint Aside from its breathtaking scenery, on the fanciful assumption that Norway’s would be spending its newfound wealth on has earned the country high marks for re- visitors most often are impressed by the oil platforms are big enough to accommo- better schools, roads, medical services, el- sponsible handling of its oil wealth from the country’s breathtaking prices. Norway isn’t date the entire Norwegian work force. dercare and on universal telephone service. International Monetary Fund. And 35 years a good value for tourists. But despite the “A beer is expensive because the wait- The prime minister responded with on, Norway’s mantra remains unchanged: sky-high cost of consumer goods, Norway ress is to be paid for not going to the North visible alarm. It’s impossible to spend Nor- spending its oil money too freely will end in isn’t expensive for Norwegians, argues Er- Sea to work in the oil industry. Espresso is way’s wealth inside the nation without trig- tears. ling Røed Larsen, a Norwegian economist. expensive because the barista is to be per- gering inflation, he assured me. Besides, oil This is why visitors would never guess, That’s because one Norwegian work suaded to make coffee instead of working profits must be invested outside the country judging from the country’s public infra- hour buys more than those of workers in for . Haircuts are expensive to ensure that coming generations continue structure and services, that they’re in one of many other comparable countries; French because the barber is to be paid for not tak- to have money for their generous welfare the world’s wealthiest nations. “Norway has workers pay more than Norwegians for a ing a well-paid job with Ekornes or Statoil,” benefits and other national needs after the what is often called ‘public poverty,’” says loaf of bread in terms of working hours, for he writes. oil runs out, he explained. Ole Andreas Lindeman, deputy director example. (Norwegians work 1,425 hours This explanation of Norway’s high While this struck me as high minded general of the Norwegian Ministry of Trade per year; Europeans work 1,700 hours.) prices seems to suggest that we must factor and responsible, I couldn’t escape the im- and Industry. “The public sector is poor.” “Not only do we have to work the fewest in a theoretical “lost opportunity cost” for pression that the country’s leaders were ter- This is painfully obvious. Norway minutes in the world for most goods here workers toiling in Norway’s less demand- rified of all this money and couldn’t get it has not invested in itself. First-class roads, at home, but when we travel, we buy them ing jobs. If so, it’s a labor theory well suited out of the country fast enough. trains, schools, universities and hospitals even cheaper,” he says. to a welfare state bent on social leveling and Smiling, Bratteli then impishly added: have not been high priorities – though it Norway’s high prices commonly are on down-playing the relationship between “But we do have more money than the must be said that some of its prisons are blamed on high labor costs. Norwegian the market value of a worker’s output and Swedes.” world class. labor is costly because workers are highly his/her financial reward. Today Norway has more money than This investment strategy does have its educated, highly mechanized and thus more almost anyone, though you’d never know critics. One of them is American Wall Street productive, according to Røed Larsen. So it. Debt-free (!), this nation of just under economic consultant Michael Hudson, who it follows that a Norwegian barber must be Solveig Torvik is a Nor- 5 million souls has a staggering $530 bil- recently visited Oslo to warn that Norwe- paid much more for his services than one in wegian-American jour- lion worth of overseas investments in its gians should be prepared to lose half the oil Portugal, say, because the Norwegian bar- nalist and author of oil fund, Norwegian Pension Fund-Global. fund’s value overnight. He pointedly ad- ber, in theory, can quickly become a much “The World’s Best Place: Only the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority’s vised that instead of investing in such things more highly paid oil worker. “That’s the Norway and the Norwe- sovereign investment fund is larger. as risky London and New York real estate, possibility we have to pay for when we visit gians,” available as an Law dictates that the government, as a it would be wiser to build infrastructure at the barber, otherwise no one would want to e-book or printable docu- rule, cannot spend the fund’s principal. Ex- home, improve Norwegian universities and be a barber,” he writes in Everything You ment at www. smashwords.com.

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. norway joins... (…continued from page 1) sources NATO needs in this connection and tion. The situation is highly unclear.” For- dents, and is believed to remain in detention what Norway can contribute.” eign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre repeatedly by Gadhafi’s regime. There’s been no contact At time of press, it was unclear as to claimed that “Norway isn’t at war with Lib- from him, though, and fears were rising the international law,” said Minister of Foreign exactly how the Norwegian jets will be de- ya,” but said that failing to go along with the journalists would be used as hostages. Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre. ployed. U.N. resolution to act, or to do nothing while The leader of Al Jazeera’s office in Oslo, Norway only has 30 F16 jets currently Faremo was concerned by reports over Gadhafi attacks his own citizens, would have Samir Shatara, told Norwegian media over available, estimates analyst John Berg, who the weekend that Libyan leader Moammar been worse. “Therefore Norway wants to the weekend that he’s afraid Gadhafi will use has worked for Jane’s Defence Weekly for Gadhafi was using human shields against the take its share of responsibility,” Støre told Al-Hamdan as a human shield. Shatara told 25 years. “By sending six of them, the Nor- UN-backed allied forces sent to Libya to cre- NRK. NRK that Gadhafi “hates” Al Jazeera. wegian government is showing that they re- ate a no-fly zone and protect civilians from “We cannot take for granted that swift Al-Hamdan, based in Oslo, was on as- ally are backing up the U.N. resolution,” said Gadhafi’s attacks on his own people. military intervention will resolve Libya’s signment in Libya for both Al Jazeera and Berg. “It’s important to stress that the goal of problems over night. We must seek to avoid Norwegian magazine Ny Tid. The maga- Minister of Defense com- the UN resolution is to protect civilians,” Fa- a situation where Libya becomes divided,” zine’s editor, Dag Herbjørnsrud, said it was mented: “All U.N. member states are respon- remo told Aftenposten. “Norway must there- said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. difficult to get information on the status or sible for implementing the Security Coun- fore be sure we have influence over the deci- Norwegian officials were also joining safety of Al-Hamdan. cil’s resolution. Norway will now, together sion processes (behind military assaults) and in intense diplomatic negotiations for the re- with our allies, consider whether, and if so that we have control over the use of military lease of an Oslo-based journalist and camera- Information from NRK, Views and News how, NATO could help to implement the force by our own troops.” man for Al Jazeera. Ammar Al-Hamdan was in Norway and Norway’s Mission to the U.N. U.N. resolution. NATO has already started Faremo added that “we must not have arrested by Libyan security forces March 7, were used in this report. planning, and we must determine what re- the illusion that this will be a simple opera- along with three other foreign correspon- Leif erikson Lodge 2-001, sons of norway The Swedish Meatballs Culture, entertainment and fun for young and old – Come join us! Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 April 13 Leif Erikson Lodge Membership Dinner, Program and Membership Meeting. Meatloaf Dinner is $10. Dave Hoerlein will present “Side Trips from & Oslo” with Membership Meeting following. 5:30 p.m. April 16 • Second Saturday Kaffestua. $4 per person. 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. • Second Saturday Youth Group. Free! 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. • Second Saturday Happy Hour. Snacks & drinks for $5. 5 – 8 p.m. Every Monday and Wednesday “Fit after 50” exercise classes. $3 per person, and walk-ins are welcome. 10 a.m. Be our fan on Facebook! Questions? Need membership info? Call 206-783-1274 ...a delicious musical experience! Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 www.theswedishmeatballs.com UPDATE norwegian american weekly March 25, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, attitude to his legacy as arguably was the first outside of Oslo 80 years ago. I immigrated CEO and Executive Director, NAF Will the Minister of Culture explain why international star, should not be in Norwe- to the U.S. in 1951 to go the University of Kim Nesselquist [email protected] the Norwegian government has declined to gian ownership. Washington in Seattle, Wash., where I met Managing Editor take over the legacy of Norwegian violinist Ole Bull was a cultural transfer of large my husband Jonas Støre, also a Norwegian. Christy Olsen Field [email protected] and composer Ole Bull, now collected in a format, he became very popular internation- museum in the U.S.? ally, especially in the U.S. and was for many Assistant Layout Editor Ole Bull is one of the Norwegians who the symbol of the cultural cooperation be- Harry Svenkerud [email protected] put a cultural mark internationally and was tween our countries. Advertising & Subscriptions arguably Norway’s first international star, and Ole Bull was a very popular artist who (206) 441-3044 [email protected] without doubt one of the 19th century’s fore- also made money on his cultural work. Per- most violinists. Especially in the U.S., Ole haps it is this fact that the government does Contributing Editors Bull was well-received, and he also founded not think he fits into the social-democratic Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. a Norwegian colony. His strong connection cultural patterns which one should receive Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. to the U.S. means that even today he symbol- any subsidies and where at any time must Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. izes the good cooperation between Norway remain within the cultural elite. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland and the U.S., including in the cultural area. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. In 2010, the 200th anniversary of Ole Bull’s Med vennlig hilsen, Looking through some old photos, I found Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway birth was celebrated in both the U.S. and Øyvind Vaksdal this picture of my sister Grethe and I on the Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Norway. The same year, one of his descen- Member of Parliament, Progress Party kicksled. I am the one sitting on the spark. I Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. dants Inez Stewart Bull died. In her will, she guess we might be two and four years old? Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. designated the Norwegian government and My sister Grethe lives in , Nor- Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. the state of Pennsylvania as heirs of the Ole Dear Editor, way, with her husband. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Bull Museum. In December 2010 it is stated I have been reading your articles and en- Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. in several press reports that the Norwegian joyed the pictures of the Norwegian spark, or Vennlig hilsen, Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. government has rejected this legacy. the “kicksled” as it is referred to in English. Marit Larsen Støre David Moe Juneau, Alaska I am disappointed that the government’s I was born and raised in a small town Newport Beach, Calif. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen Milton, N.H. Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Julie Whipple Portland, Ore. From the journal of Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Roald Amundsen the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • South Pole Expedition • 1911 – 2011 Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription 25 mars – lørdag March 25 – Saturday Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, Deili & millt vær. –14°C i hele dag. Ganske svak bris fra SE Lovely. Mild weather. -14°C all day. Quite light breeze from US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. kanten. Vore sæl–jegere var ute i fmd og brakte jemm 3 sæl. I alt nu SE. Our seal hunters were out this morning and brought home three SINCE MAY 17, 1889: 62 sæl efter deres tilbakekomst, den 11te mars. Vi har nu fullstændi seals. We now have a total of 62 seals after their return on 11th of Formerly Norway Times nok av ferskt kjøtt både for oss selv og alle vore hunner. Sælbiffen March. We now have more than enough fresh meat for ourselves and Western Viking & Washington Posten blir vi glaere og glaere i for vær dag. Vi var jerne alle klar til at spise the dogs. We enjoy seal steaks more and more each day. We would Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- det til alle mål, men for sikkerhetskyll varierer vi litt. Til frokost, kl all like to eat like this every day, but for safety’s sake we vary it a Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, 8, har vi nu fast “Hotcakes” med syltetøi, et produkt som Lindstrøm little. For breakfast at 8am, we now always have American pancakes Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven vet at servere på fineste måte. De kan ikke leveres bedre i det besste with jam, a product which Lindstrøm knows how to serve in the fin- NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. amerikanske jemm. Dertil har vi smør, brød, ost & kaffe. Til middag est way. They cannot be served better in the best American home. har vi for det meste sælkjøtt. Fra tid til annen skifter vi med litt her- With them, we have butter, bread, cheese & coffee. For dinner, we metikk (men det smaker oss ikke), samt desert i form av hermetisk have mostly seal meat. From time to time we change to tinned food california frukt, pai, hermetikk, pudding o.s.v. Om aften, sælbiff med (although this is not to our taste) as well as dessert in the form of Stay in the loop! tyttebærsyltetøi, ost, brød, smør & kaffe. Vær lørdag aften en toddy tinned Californian fruit, pie, tinned pudding, etc. In the evening, we & en cigar. Jei må åpent bekjenne, at jei aldri har hat så goe dage. Alle have seal steaks with wild cranberry jam, cheese, bread, butter & Are you a member of a trives derfor også utmærket og jei har det bestemteste inntrykk av, at coffee. Every Saturday evening, we have a toddy and a cigar. I must det hele må krones med hell, ja, det er er ganske mærkeli at komme openly admit I have never had such good days. Therefore everyone Norwegian organization, ut her om aften og se det lune, varme lampelys ut ijennem vinduerne thoroughly enjoys themselves and I have the definite hope that our or do you want a sneak på den fryktede & skrækkinnjagenne barriere. Utenfor sværmer alle endeavour will be crowned with success. Yes, it is rather strange to peek of this week’s issue? vore små hunnevalpe, runne som julegriser, som og ligger i floker come out here in the evening and see the warm, sheltering lamplight utenfor døren om natten. De søker aldri unner tak om natten. De må shining out of the windows on the feared and frightening barrier. bli noen hårføre dyr. Enkelte av dem er så tykke at de formeli vralter, Outside, all our small puppies run around like Christmas pigs and lie Sign up for our free som en gås. Vor kokepunktsbestemmelse på 82°s.br. gir oss det over- in flocks outside the door at night. They never try to come under a raskenne resultat av ca 1500 fot. Jei hilser dette resultat med glæde, roof at night. They must be hardy animals. Some of them are so fat weekly eNewsletter! thi det gir mei det sikre håp, at barrieren fremdeles vill fortsætte sti- that in fact they wobble like a goose. Our boiling point calculations genne mot S. På den måte vil vi sannsynligvis opnå en lankt lettere at 82° s.lat give us the surprising of around 1500ft. I greeted opstigning til plateauet enn engelskmænnerne. Det rimelikste ville jo this result with joy, as it gives us hope that the barrier will continue to Go to www.norway. være, at barrieren simpelthen går over i plateauet. Nu ja, fremtiden rise towards the S. This way, we will get a much easier climb to the com and click on email får vise det. Vi andre har hollt på med vort skinnutstyr. plateau than the Englishmen. The best thing would be if the barrier newsletter sign up. simply continued over onto the plateau. Ultimately, only time will tell. We others have been busy with our fur equipment. 8 • March 25, 2011 norwegian american weekly taste of norway Comfort me with waffles Celebrate International Waffle Day on March NORDIC DELICACIES “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” 25 with this sweet Norwegian tradition

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Stop by our Scandinavian cafe! Featuring open-faced sandwiches, pea soup, and a variety of delicious cakes and desserts. Served 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday www.scanspecialties.com Photo: Tine.no 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Sh e l b y Gi l j e Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Seattle, Wash. Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! Waffles have been a part of my life for we weren’t yet on to their methods. as long as I can remember. It began with my When I visited my husband’s family in maternal grandmother, whose father had Norway for the first time, I got yet another emigrated from Trondheim, Norway. Rear- view of waffles as a cold evening snack with ing two girls and two boys during the Great fruit, cheese and coffee. But these waffles Depression, she instituted a waffle dinner at were heart- shaped not round or square like least once a week, and continued that prac- the ones I had known. tice with grandchildren. With this history it should not be surpris- When her two daughters were growing ing that when my four granddaughters came up she has used the 40- or 50-pound flow- along, I introduced them to waffle making. ered and gingham checked flour and sugar Of course all cooks need aprons, so I began sacks as fabric for their dresses. “Use it all, making small aprons. And I purchased an mend it, wear it out,” was her motto. iron that makes heart-shaped waffles. My parents kept up the tradition as they First came my daughter’s twins, Ana- struggled to make ends meet after their mar- lise and Kristina, now 9 years old. When we riage in 1932. When I came along some years began babysitting them at their house, I’d later, waffles, eggs and bacon were standard take along my heart-shaped waffle iron and Friday night fare. And sometimes Sunday ready-made batter. At first the girls had to mornings too. stand on chairs to help pour the batter and In the 1950s when my generation was loved announcing when the iron’s green attending proms, I do not recall any students light came on: “We can eat!” They seldom renting a limousine and few could afford sat down to eat but gobbled waffles right off a stylish, high- priced restaurant after a big the hot iron. Before long they could help stir dance. Instead my friends welcomed my par- the batter and pour. ents’ invitation to their home for a midnight Next came my son’s oldest daughter, waffle supper. On the other hand maybe Chloe, now eight, and her sister, Olivia, now they were just keeping close track of us and CONTINUES PAGE 14 Norwegian Waffles By Dagny Shervheim Published in the Nordic Heritage Museum’s cookbook “Tasty Traditions”

2 eggs 1 1/2 cups flour 2 cups buttermilk 1/4 tsp salt 3 Tbsp sugar 2 Tbsp melted butter Separate eggs. Beat egg whites until stiff. Mix in 1 Tbsp sugar. Set aside. In separate large bowl, mix egg yolks and buttermilk. Sift together flour, baking soda, remaining 2 Tbsp sugar and salt. Sift again and add to buttermilk mix. Add melted butter. Fold in egg whites. Bake on waffle iron. Makes 7 to 8 waffles. Some friends like butter and thin slices of gjetost (Norwegian brown cheese) on their waffles. We’ve tried berries, sour cream, whipped cream, syrup, even Vikingfjord Vodka – made with pure Norwegian glacial water peanut butter and jam. Capstone International Inc., 100 Second Ave. South, Suite 304N, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 norwegian american weekly March 25, 2011 • 9 Travel Terrific time in Tønsberg

Photos: Lynn Sove Maxson Left: One of the builders working in the frigid winter air. Right: The keel of the ship in Tønsberg.

Ly n n So v e Ma x s o n time. The expertise of the workers included: ing such a copy according to archeologist, Viking ship.” To be near prehistoric Des Plaines, Ill. Viking time building methods, Viking tool Knut Paasche in 2005 at a seminar at the Vi- history is an important principle in making, weaving and sail production, carv- king Ship Museum in Oslo, are as follows: all archeological dealings. ing and boat building. The tools they use are 1. By building, rowing or sailing a There is interest from around the world During my recent trip to Norway, I was copies of actual Viking tools and the details copy of the prehistoric ships or and many visitors. More information can be interested in doing some research on Viking and precision of the work is awesome. Near- boats, we can learn the most about found at www.osebergvikingskip.no. ships and the history of the 1893 Viking ship ly all the work was being done on the outside the subject ship. “ is the heart of the in Chicago, Ill. In 1893, the Viking ship, in in the extreme cold! At my feet was the new 2. The Cultural History Museum has world.” A great brochure was at the Vinland the design of the famous Gokstad ship, sailed carved out keel from a tree found in the area. interest in such a project in Vest- Seminar in Chicago this past fall called “The from Norway to Chicago, via the Erie Canal On a small platform, a woodcarver worked fold, where the was Viking Trail in Vestfold” and was designed and the Great Lakes, and became one of the on, I believe, the head and tail with intricate found. The copy building is good by Einar Chr. Erlingsen. This is only a tip of greatest attractions at the World’s Columbian carvings. Another carpenter was working on for regional, national and interna- the fantastic project and there are so many Exposition. Since the 1970s, I have been in- some other part of the ship. In a little trailer tional interests. interesting facts to pursue. volved with the Chicago ship. I met with the head boat builder, Geir Røvik 3. A copy can be touched! It will We went then to the library which was I had heard about the new Viking ship and some young men. They were all enthu- therefore give an unique possibil- also an interesting historic event. When the project in Tønsberg. Prior to leaving, I re- siastic and willing to share their knowledge. ity for people to come near a “real CONTINUES PAGE 14 ceived a warm and exciting invitation to Inside the museum the sails were being wo- Tønsberg by Einar Chr. Erlingsen, Chairman ven from wool. of the project, who had heard that I was on The idea of the project started in 2001 the FOVS (Friends of the Viking Ship) board and since then, there has been a lot happen- A Piece of Norway in America in Chicago and coming to Norway. When I ing. Research was done on the original form arrived in Norway, I contacted him and we and sea ability. Laser and data scanning of found a day we could meet. the original ship was done, new drawings, That was one terrific and record cold day. and model building to scale. This I saw in He met me in the morning and took me to the small trailer. The project is one of the the Viking museum to tour the exhibits there. most important events in the Vestfold county Then we went to the New Oseberg Viking and gives a strong contribution to establish a Ship Project, and I was awed by the work special competence for reaching traditional of the men on the project. A large number of handicraft. men, with ages from 14 to 75, volunteer for The building of a new Oseberg ship this great project. At least four or five people is more than an enthusiastic project. Some are nearby at all times who work full- or part- points which support the importance of mak- Taste delectable

wines! Friends of the Viking Ship Gård Vintners has opened Good Templar Park, Geneva, IL their tasting room by

special arrangement with The Viking was built at Christen Christensen’s Framnes Shipyard in Sandefjord, the NACC Seattle Norway in 1892-93. It was copied after the ancient Viking ship Gokstad, which was For more information, visit the excavated in 1880. In 1893 the Viking sailed from Norway to Chicago, Ill., and became Norwegian American Chamber one of the greatest attractions at the World’s Columbian Exposition. Today, the ship is Friday, April 15 at 7 p.m. of Commerce website: protected by the non-profit Friends of the Viking Ship. Visit www.vikingship.us. 19495 144th Ave NE www.naccseattle.org Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Woodinville, WA 98072 Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 10 • March 25, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch Look to the Stars The Stars A fun nighttime activity When it is dark, you can look up at the Can you find the following groups of stars (Stjernetegn)? sky and the stars twinkle like lights. They are very bright here in Norway, especially out in the country. Of course, it is harder to see them in the summer when we have daylight 24 hours a day! It is exciting to think that we are look- ing at the same stars in the and in Norway. Next time you are outside looking up, wave to me and I’ll wave back! There is a big band that runs around the middle of the earth like a belt. It is called the . Everything above it is called the Northern Hemisphere. People there see stars that people in the Southern Hemisphere be- low the equator don’t see. Clockwise from left: Orion, the Scorpion (Skor- People like the Vikings would use the pionen), The Big Dipper (Karlsvogna) with the stars to help them know where to go. It was North Star (Nordstjernen/polarstjernen) like an old-fashioned GPS. In the Northern Hemisphere the North Star, or Polaris, was their main guide. In the Southern Hemisphere it was a group of stars called the Southern Orion in the sky Cross. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star This is a popular song in English, but did you know they sing it in Norwegian too? Here are the words (the melody is the same):

Blinke lille stjerne lill Undres hvor du holder til Høyt der oppe i det blå Kikker ned på alle små Blinke lille stjerne lill Make sure you go out somewhere dark, and get away from the lights. Take a blanket Undres hvor du holder til and lie down in the grass. The longer you are outside, the brighter the stars will seem. The folk melody is older than the words. A British poet, Jane Taylor, and her sis- ter Ann, published their second book of poems for children, Rhymes for the Nursery, in 1806. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star came from a poem called The Star. For more Kierstyn Power New City NY about the stars, and to hear children singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in many dif- 28. mars ferent languages, you can go to my blog: www.childrensliteraturenetwork.org/blog/ Thelma Donahe Salem OR wontok/?p=571 Gullak H. Edse Edmonton Alta Canada Hans P. Røed Kongsberg Norway Erica Barks Ruggles Arlington VA A little story about Orion David Leirmo Ferryville WI Sometimes, I stand in my driveway between the forest and the fjord, and it looks like 29. mars Orion is reaching out to shake my hand. Here is a little story for you to read together about Sverre Staurset Åndalsnes Norway 25. mars Janneth Andersen Seattle WA him, and how he found his way into the stars. Is he close enough where you are so he can Marta Heggedal Badger MN say hello? Johannes Bjørnsen Trondheim Norway Bernard Jacobson Northfield IL Marte Fritzen-Buan Harestua Norway Orion was a great and powerful hunter. Apollo created a giant scorpion to kill Inger Jæger Vancouver BC Can Bjørn Tjaaland Townsend MT His muscles were as strong as steel, he Orion. Orion wasn’t scared. He was a very Paul A. Jorgensen Minneapolis MN Betty Cooper San Diego CA ran like the wind and he could see good hunter! Svein Aronsen Seattle WA Patt Roche Port Townsend WA Harry Johnson far, far into forever. I wonder if As soon as he heard that scorpion’s ter- Enumclaw WA Jorunn Valaker-Leder San Antonio TX Bertina Nordby Prairie Farm WI he was as strong as a Viking... rible hiss, he shot his arrow. Robert Sund Stanwood WA Einar Erikson Minneapolis MN Artemis was a great queen, ZING! But nothing happened. Ellinor Thun Ueland White Rock BC Can 30. mars the goddess of all hunters. She ZING! He shot again. The scor- Else Congo Manassas VA Sigurd Henriksen Tønsberg Norway also had muscles as strong as steel, pion kept coming. Finally Orion Sadie Solberg Langley WA 26. mars could run like the wind and could see dived into the ocean to get away, Hjalmar Pedersen San Pedro CA Ottar M. Stover Lake Stevens WA far, far into forever. but the scorpion swam after him. Arnold H. Seering Scandinavia WI Corlinda Erickson Nelson WI Denise M. Jorgens Chicago IL Orion and Artemis both liked Artemis put Orion in the sky Anna Kolstad Beaverton OR to do the same things like run and where he would safe. He became one 31. mars Arne P. Hauan Salt Lake City UT Harold Lovdahl Milwaukee WI hunt and talk about what they of the brightest constellations (group of Ann Naomi Eide Enumclaw WA Olivia Ofstun Eastman WI would do tomorrow. They be- stars). Else Andvik Andvikgrend Norway John Erik Lorentzen Staten Island NY came very good friends. She put that nasty scorpion on the 27. mars Olav Barikmo Iola WI But the more time Artemis other side of the sky so she could keep an Marvell Skipsnes Seattle WA Want to see your birthday in the spent with Orion, the less time eye on him. She made sure the two of them Otis P. Nelson Northwood MN Norwegian American Weekly? she spent with her brother Apollo. He got would never be in the sky at the same time. Janet Oberg Seattle WA mad. He got jealous. He decided to do some- Which one can you find your nighttime sky? Emelie Bjornsen Plentywood MT Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 or email us at naw@ Einar Vallevik Williston ND norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one thing nasty to Orion. month in advance. norwegian american weekly March 25, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Intimate friends Marilyn Ella Gundersen May 22, 1932 – February 1, 2011 The late renowned Swiss physician and support in the last painful hour in and psychiatrist Paul Tournier wrote: “It Gethsemene. We need one another. We Marilyn Ella Gundersen, 78 years old, directors of Fishkilll Rural Cemetery. She is almost impossible to grow and mature need intimate friends. a long-time resident of Fishkill, N.Y., died was also an active member of the First Re- as a person without having at least one A sensitive marriage partner or fam- peacefully Feb. 1, 2011, at Vassar Brothers formed Church of Fishkill. person as an intimate friend and confi- ily member can surely meet that need, at Medical Center in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. She was predeceased by her husband, dant.” least in part. But the reverse side of this She was born May 22, 1932, in New Norman Gundersen, who died Jan. 1, 2000. A loner will often be confused and matter is that the ones we choose are York City and was the daughter of the late Norman’s family were small boat builders misled by his own thoughts and draw capable of keeping quiet about things Joseph and Mabel Rose Dietz. who made small boats for the U.S. Navy. the wrong conclusion to life situations. we don’t want spread around. It is not Marilyn was employed by the Town of Marilyn is survived by her beloved We need at least one human “sounding always evil intentions intended when Fishkill as the court clerk, beginning in 1969 children, Norman Gundersen and his wife, board” with whom we can share our in- people talk to others about things shared and then became the Town of Fishkill Town Cheryl, of Clifton Park, N.Y. and Katherine ner reflections and emotions. with them in privacy. It may be a char- Clerk in 1980, a position she held until her Gundersen and her husband, Christopher From the beginning, God said, “It acter flaw or weakness. retirement in 1995. Nagel of Wayland, Mass.; her sister-in-law, is not good for man to be alone” (Gen- If you can find a friend who can She was a volunteer at the Fishkill Eleanor Enersen and four cherished grand- esis 2:18). Jesus needed intimate friends keep their mouth shut, treasure him or Historical Society and was a member of children, Thor, Zita, Ilsa and Inge Nagel and although He was the Son of God. Fre- her like a costly pearl. And don’t forget the Board of Directors at the Fishkill Rural several nieces and nephews. quently we hear that He took with him prayer – God is the greatest intimate Cemetery. Marilyn was also on the board of Peter, James and John on special events friend of all! in His life. He requested their nearness warren christopher... (…continued from page 3) proud of his Norwegian-American heritage. After earning degrees at the University of Southern California and Stanford’s law old statesman died at his home in Los An- school, Mr. Christopher won a clerkship with geles of complications from bladder and Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church William O. Douglas. He joined O’Melveny kidney cancer, said Sonja Steptoe of the law & Myers in 1950, soon became an adviser Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke firm O’Melveny & Myers. and speech writer for California’s newly The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, President Barack Obama said that he elected governor, Edmund G. Brown Sr., and Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of mourned the passing of a man who proved was credited with coining the term “respon- Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon to be a “resolute pursuer of peace” and dedi- sible liberalism.” and help support this Norwegian tradition. Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. cated public servant. But it was his agonizing and prolonged “Warren Christopher was a skillful dip- negotiations for the release of 52 hostages April 2011 lomat, a steadfast public servant, and a faith- held in the American Embassy in Tehran for ful American,” the president said. April 3 Norwegian service 11 a.m. more than a year after the 1979 revolution Among other things, he served as ad- for which Mr. Christopher’s tenure is most April 10 ministration point man with Congress in Norwegian service/communion 11 a.m. vividly remembered. winning ratification of Panama Canal trea- “I am thankful to have served a nation so April 14 Ladies & Men’s Aid Luncheon 12 p.m. ties, presided over normalization of diplo- quietly strong that it could preserve its honor, matic relations with China and conducted April 17 Palm Sunday, Norwegian liturgy/English sermon not by retaliation or vengeance, but by pre- repeated negotiations involving the Middle with mini choir concert 11 a.m. serving the lives of the hostages,” he said. East and the Balkans. President Jimmy Carter awarded him At home, he developed a reputation as April 22 Good Friday, Norwegian/English liturgy with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the na- an expert in urban riots, investigating racial English Sermon 6 p.m. tion’s highest civilian award. “The best pub- unrest in Detroit and in the Watts district of lic servant I ever knew,” Carter wrote in his April 24 Los Angeles and later heading a 1991 com- Easter, Norwegian liturgy/English sermon memoirs. mission that proposed major changes in the 11 a.m. Mr. Christopher is survived by his wife Los Angeles Police Department after riots of 54 years, the former Marie Wyllis, a prompted by the beating of a black motorist, teacher, and by their three children and five Rodney King. Does retirement feel like a distant dream? grandchildren. He had a fourth child from an Now is the time to maximize your retirement savings with a Traditional or Roth IRA at Warren Minor Christopher was born Oct. earlier marriage. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. 27, 1925, in the farming hamlet of Scranton, N.D., one of five children. Christopher was To learn more: Log on to Thrivent.com/readyforsteady Call our Financial Advice Center at 888-834-7428 Contact your fi nancial representative Find a workshop near you at Thrivent.com/fi ndaworkshop viking dig... (…continued from page 3) number of eras in human history, with the majority looking at the various stages of the He is believed to have reigned from A.D. 872 Stone Age, especially the middle and late until his death in 932. Mesolithic period. The Cultural History Mu- There is considerable historical debate seum hopes the work will reveal more about over which areas he controlled, either direct- the development of stone age dwellings in ly or indirectly, and many point out that there the region. were large parts of the existing country that More work will also be undertaken in lay outside of his kingdom. Gudbrandsdalen in Oppland County before The name “Fairhair” originates from a the building of a new motorway between legend that suggests that Harald vowed not Ringebu and Otta. It will focus on Iron Age to cut his hair until he was king of all of settlements, and coal or whaling pits from Norway, after being originally rejected by the Iron and Middle Ages. his eventual queen Gyda Eiriksdottir, who Yet more archaeological projects will wanted him to have more power before they take place in Hovden in the mountains of Aust-Agder and at Tyinkrysset, Oppland Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available married. in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., Alongside the project to uncover the re- County before the building of new holiday 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned homes, and will look for evidence of iron subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of mains of Harald I, there are a series of other Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. digs set to go ahead across southwestern and production. Reprinted with permission from Oslo- • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT southern Norway. AGENCY • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE based news source Views and News from Research will be conducted as part of Norway. Visit www.newsinenglish.no. !PPLETON 7ISCONSINs-INNEAPOLIS -INNESOTAs4HRIVENTCOMs 4(2)6%.4   motorway works in Vestfold related to a 26226NAWC N1-11 201008528 12 • March 25, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calling all folk artists! Calendar of Events Artists invited to enter What’s going on in your neighborhood? Vesterheim exhibition this summer Minnesota New York Lutefisk and Meatball Dinners Peggy Lee Tribute Ves t e r h e i m No r we g i a n -Am e r i c a n Mu se u m April 2 April 3 Minneapolis, Minn. Brooklyn, N.Y. Lutefisk and Meatball Dinners will be Join the Scandinavian East Coast Museum Vesterheim Norwegian-American Mu- prepared and served by the Norwegian for a tribute to Peggy Lee at Bethlehem Lu- seum invites artists to enter their pieces in Glee Club of Minneapolis at the Lutheran theran Church from 3 – 7 p.m. on April 3. the museum’s annual National Exhibition of Church of the Good Shepherd, 4801 France This year the Scandinavian East Coast Mu- Folk Art in the Norwegian Tradition. This Ave. S, Edina, MN 55410-1757, (Serving seum celebrates the life and work of Peggy exceptional exhibition of woodworking, Times: 2 p.m., 4 p.m., and 6 p.m.). Tick- Lee, an American of Norwegian and Swed- knifemaking, rosemaling, and weaving by ets are required: $18 per person. Please ish extraction. Admission: $35 per person. the very best contemporary American artists contact Earl Evenstad at (612) 861-4793 Reservations suggested. Contact Victoria working in the Norwegian tradition will be or [email protected], or Robert at (718) 748-5950. on view July 23 – 30 in the museum’s Main Olson at (612) 866-0687 or bobjoolson@ Building. Entries will be accepted from June comcast.net for tickets. Check out our Web Centennial of Sporting Club Gjøa 1 – 24. site www.norwegiangleeclub.org for more April 8 – 10 Complete rules are available at vester- information. Brooklyn, N.Y. heim.org. If you would like more informa- This year marks the 100th anniversary of tion, contact Laurann Gilbertson at info@ Norwegian Glee Club Spring Konsert Sporting Club Gjøa in Brooklyn, N.Y., April 10 which has been a force in competitive soc- vesterheim.org, or at (563) 382-9681. Roseville, Minn. cer for many years by providing young “Some of the best practitioners of these The Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis players with a great environment to play traditional arts enter the exhibition, which presents its Spring Konsert on April 10 at 4 great soccer. A weekend of celebration attracts national attention,” said Laurann Photo: Vesterheim p.m. at Roseville Lutheran Church, located will take place April 8 – 10, and activities Gilbertson, Vesterheim Chief Curator. “Last Bruce Futterer of Russellville, Ark., won Best of at 1215 Roselawn Ave. W., Roseville, MN include an evening of cocktails, a dinner year’s exhibition included 144 pieces of Show in woodworking in Vesterheim’s national 55113. Freewill offering, and refreshments dance, and a family barbeque. Tickets are beautiful folk art,” she added. exhibition of folk art last year. will be served after the Konsert. For more $150 per person for the weekend. For more Artists may choose to offer their pieces information, contact Carstonian@hotmail. information and to purchase tickets, call for sale by silent auction. Along with selling Best of Show Awards. Visitors vote for Peo- com or (651) 291-8639. Karen Diego at (718) 921-6173 or Kathy their pieces, exhibitors also compete for rib- ple’s Choice Awards. McArdle at (718) 563-8833. bons. Judges for the exhibition award Blue, “Every year brings new and exciting Fiskeboller Luncheon Red, and White Ribbons representing points artwork for the exhibition, often blending April 14 Miss Norway of Greater N.Y. Contest that accumulate over successive exhibitions traditional designs with contemporary cre- Minneapolis, Minn. April 16 toward a Vesterheim Gold Medal. Judges ativity,” said Gilbertson. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, in col- Brooklyn, N.Y. also present Honorable Mention Awards and CONTINUES PAGE 14 laboration with Mindekirken Norwegian The Norwegian Immigration Association Language and Cultural Program, invites presents the 56th annual Miss Norway of sculptor... you to the Fiskeboller Luncheon at Mind- Greater New York Contest! This annual (…continued from page 1) zoology, she discovered her love of drawing ekirken at 11:45 a.m.! In addition, Profes- tradition takes place on April 16 at Ar- and aspired to learn to paint. After gradua- sor Odell Bjerkness will give a presentation thur Nilsen Banquet Hall at the Norwe- tion, she studied at the Corcoran School of Bergfors in her suburban Maryland home, as titled “We Three Kings: Haakon, Christian gian Christian Home and Health Center in Art in Washington, D.C., then honed her I did recently. and Gustav in World War II.” Admission: Brooklyn. Miss Norway and her court will painting skills over several years living in It- She welcomes me warmly. Expanses of $18 per person. Please RSVP by April be officially recognized at the famous 17th aly, West Africa, and France. She developed glass bring the outdoors in and allow natural 11. Contact Odell at [email protected] of May Parade in Brooklyn. Visit www.nia- a signature style of painting – interrelated light to fill the house, her galleries, and stu- or (952) 842-8343, or Karen Boyum at history.org. fragmented color shapes suggesting move- dio. There, this award-winning artist never [email protected] or (952) 920-3042. ment. Recognizing the sculptural aspects of knows for sure what she will find as she strips Texas those works, Bergfors returned in the early the bark and sapwood from a log with ax 14th Annual Ibsen Festival Per Brevig conducts the East Texas 1980s to the Corcoran School of Art where April 15 – 17 and chainsaw, then sands it smooth. It’s like Symphony Orchestra she immersed herself in the serious study of Lanesboro, Minn. opening a surprise package. Once she sees April 30 sculpture. Join us in the heart of Norwegian America Tyler, Texas and feels the sanded log, she marks it and “[Sculpting] is like poetry,” Bergfors in Lanesboro for the 14th Annual Ibsen Conductor Per Brevig conducts East Texas begins carving with chainsaw and chisels. says. “I think about rhythms, space, light, Festival! This year, we feature a world pre- symphony Orchestra in their season finale. Her method of creating resembles a dance and movement. I want the piece to appear to miere adaptation by Jeffrey Hatcher of Ib- Featuring Elena Urioste with a solo violin with the woods with which she works, divin- be ready to move.” sen’s powerful “An Enemy of the People.” in Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E mi- ing the beauty within them, creating single Not until Bergfors finishes a sculpture, As always, the festival will include lectures, nor, op. 64; Derek Hawkes, solo trombone and multi-piece sculptures, many much taller knows the smooth feel of its surface, its fine art, music, post show discussions and in David: Trombone Concertino op. 4. The than she is. “Movement, feeling the rhythm, curves and hollows – and, if multi-piece, many other events to put this Ibsen’s work concert opens with Brahms: Academic the poetry of it, has always been a part of my determines how each complements the other into context. Call (800) 657-7025 or visit Festival Overture, op. 80 and concludes life and my work,” says Bergfors. www.ibsenfest.org. – does she name it; for example, five pieces with Respighi: Pines of Rome. Call (903) Her sculpting actions are guided by of American elm 3.5-foot tall became “The 566-7472 or visit www.ETSO.org. intuition, in the way, perhaps, that her ma- NEW JERSEY Gathering;” four nine-foot tall pieces of ternal Norwegian grandmother might have 50th Anniversary Dinner-Dance Washington English walnut, “The Politicians;” and five seasoned a favorite stew, or like her paternal April 10 Norway Day 2011 six-foot pieces of pecan, “Journey.” Counter Swedish grandmother’s relatives, stone ma- Lake Telemark, N.J. April 16 to the “do not touch” policies of most gal- sons, might have handled granite from the The Zone 3 Scholarship Fund SON, will Olympia, Wash. leries, Bergfors wants visitors to run their quarries in Quincy, Mass., where they settled celebrate their 50th Anniversary on April There’s more to Norway than Lutefisk and fingers and hands along the surface of each near the end of the 19th century. 10 at 2 p.m. at the BUL Cabin in Lake Lefse! Join us for Norway Day 2011, spon- sculpture, to experience it fully. Bergfors smiles when she recalls her Telemark. We provide a scholarship to the sored by the Hovedstad Lodge Sons of Nor- “The ability to touch and physically visit to Trondheim almost a century after her Oslo International Summer School and in way and the Prillar Guri Lodge Daughters feel the rhythms is the same reason I loved grandmother Hanna Sofia Dørum left it. “I alternating years to Skogfjorden Language of Norway. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the skiing,” Bergfors says. “I’ve often thought Camp at Concordia College. Reservations: found out that the Dørums had been restau- Thurston County Fairgrounds Expo Cen- that I could still make sculpture even if I be- $15. Send a check made out to the Zone 3 rant owners,” she says, “probably the reason ter, experience Norwegian music, dancing, came blind. I could feel the movement and Scholarship Fund – Nor-Bu Lodge, P. O. Vikings, food, giftware, crafts, artwork and she was such a good cook.” As for those the spaces.” Box 317, Rockaway, NJ 07866 real Fjord horses. Call (360) 923-1242 or Swedish stone masons, Bergfors did try email [email protected]. carving stone, but “recognizing the danger Some of Bergfors’ pieces are currently that dust inhalation presented,” she moved on display until April 8 at Tysons Sculpture to wood to which she felt an immediate af- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Atriums, located at 1650 and 1750 Tysons finity. to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Blvd., McLean, VA. For more information, Bergfors was born and grew up in Quin- Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. see www.constancebergfors.com. cy. At Smith College, where she majored in norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us March 25, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood passing the hat... (…continued from page 1) designed for the pledge level you made.

Wanna play? What’s for lunch? tor and Mrs. Rodahl, the Norwegian Sea- 1. Go to www.kickstarter.com and sign men’s Church in Manhattan, editors at the Norse meal has Scandinavian Festival in or register as a new user: it’s free! Norwegian American Weekly, writers, and 2. Enter “Snortland” into the search field appeal at California Lutheran University readers, hundreds of people would never at the top of the page and hit the return key. have seen my human rights love letter to my When you see “ ‘Now That She’s Gone’ to late mother, Barbrø Snortland. Now here I Edinburgh!” in blue, click on it. am again, proverbial hat in hand, in order to 3. Scroll down the right side of the page take “Now That She’s Gone” in August to and find your appropriate pledge amount. If the world-famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival you only have a dollar to spare, I’ll take it! If in Scotland! you can spare $1,000, that’d help me a lot. “Passing the hat” for artists is a custom as old as, well, ART, especially the perform- I will post updates with you to let you ing arts. Now passing the hat has gone global know how things are going as we enter the with an internet phenomenon called “crowd- final stretch. I also invite you to ask others to sourced funding platforms.” If you’re like “pass the hat.” me and your eyes cross when confronted Thank you in advance for your support. with new technology, hang in there because I so hope you “invest” in taking a little bit of crowd-sourced funding is a breakthrough for our culture into the largest and oldest theater artists and creative types who need help. The festival in the world. basic concept is, excuse the expression, “old hat,” and once you learn about it, you’ll be able to use it with other artists. There are 3 easy steps to follow in order to pledge any- where from $1 to $25,000… or any amount in between! I’ve registered with www.kickstarter. Photo: Richard Londgren com, one of the biggest crowd-sourced fund- “What’s for lunch?” jokes John Syrdahl (right) as Bob Melsness holds an antique Norwegian lunch ing platforms currently active on the internet. box at the Scandinavian Center at California Lutheran University. They were comparing ideas after The cost of taking my Norwegian-American the the Sons of Norway committee met to plan the Norse meal to be sold at the annual Scandinavian Festival April 16 and 17. John is president of the Norsemen Lodge of Thousand Oaks and Bob is on the themed solo show, “Now That She’s Gone,” Scandinavian Festival committee, as well as the lodge meal-planning committee. to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is personally and professionally prohibitive. Without even Ri c h a r d Lo n d g r e n accounting for daily expenses or artists’ fees Director of the Scandinavian Center for myself and my stage manager husband, California Lutheran University Ken Gruberman, it’ll cost over $25,000 for shipping, housing, promotion, venue fees “That’s it, folks!” said John Syrdahl as One of the booths provides information and marketing for a month at the festival. he closed a March 9 meeting of a Sons of and promotes membership in the Scandina- Rather than say “no,” my friend suggested I Norway committee at the Scandinavian Cen- vian American Cultural & Historical Foun- “pass the hat” on www.kickstarter.com. ter at California Lutheran University. dation, of course, because it serves as the I’m not looking for cash right now; I’m As president of the Norsemen Lodge of primary sponsor of the Festival. Known as looking for pledges that only pay if and when Thousand Oaks, Calif., he was winding up SACHF (for its initials), it also includes the I raise the full amount I said I’d raise, which the planning for the lodge’s food booth at the Scandinavian Center at the university, the is $25,000 by April 25. Let’s say you pledge annual Scandinavian Festival on the campus annual Nordic Spirit Symposium and the $100 toward our dream; if I don’t raise the of the university. Scandinavian Lecture Series. full amount by my goal date, you don’t pay a His role in leading this committee The “main tent” is located in the uni- dime. If I do raise the amount in pledges by seems especially appropriate. Not only has versity’s Kingsmen Park, and it welcomes my goal date, then the $100 you pledged will he helped with the lodge’s food booth in the an opening parade on Saturday morning, be paid out and you’ll get the reward I’ve past, but he recently completed a special cu- followed by the sing-a-long of the national Sons of Norway Building, B-20 linary course to become an amateur chef. So anthems of the United States, Denmark, Fin- 1455 W. Lake Street he shared with his committee the concern land, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The Sámi Norway Art Minneapolis, MN 55408 that some customers in the past have com- also display a colorful flag and offer lively (612) 339-7829 plained the food doesn’t taste Norwegian music. Dynamic folk dance demonstrations www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] enough. and other Scandinavian entertainment con- By appointment please “I guess because it comes from the Dan- tinue off and on during the two days. ish town of Solvang, Calif.,” said John, with The festival, scheduled this year for a grin. “So we plan to tell our Danish sausage Saturday, April 16, and Sunday, April 17, maker to spice up our sausage this year.” will include Scandinavian crafts for kids, But bland or spicy, the Norse meal at- games, demonstrations, lectures, sports, and tracts long lines of diners, testimony that they a car show. A Viking village will demon- like the plate of sausage, meatballs, potatoes, strate skills from the past, and a Sámi com- vegetables and lefse for dessert, of course. pound will feature that distinctive lifestyle. Plus coffee or juice. All for 10 bucks. A worship service Sunday morning in the Though the Sons of Norway committee university chapel will feature Scandinavian buys the sausage, many from the lodge work languages and music. like beavers to prepare well in advance the The festival will start each day at 10 a.m. huge quota of lefse, for instance. On Saturday, it will close at 5 p.m., but will The visitors to the Scandinavian Fes- immediately open for the visitors themselves tival – some 5,000 of them – have several to dance till 8 p.m. in the big tent. The festi- other choices to tempt their palates in what val will close at 4 p.m. on Sunday. is called the Food Court: Swedish pancakes, The festival has been particularly “kid Danish pastries, funnel cake, strawberry friendly,” not only because of the variety of shortcake and Viking dogs. The appealing activities, but also because kids under 12 get smell of “kettle corn” wafts over from a in free. With a theme of “affordable family nearby popcorn wagon. And not far away, fun,” the Festival costs only $7 for others, the Sons of Norway Noronna Lodge of Van and parking is free. Nuys, Calif., will serve rich, old-fashioned Learn more about the Scandinavian ice cream. Festival by logging on www.Scandinavian- Then, along the Festival “midway” on Center.org. That will show and tell about the university’s Memorial Parkway, Scandi- SACHF and provide maps of the area and navian shops and booths promote a variety of campus, as well as providing more details goods and services. about the festival. 14 • March 25, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner An extraordinary life The boys from Vangen: Maine Nordmenn learn about the life Written by Leif Halse of Arne Brun Lie Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The El e a n o r Fr o i l a n d An d r ews Wells, Maine Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

Hans Christensen, friend of the late Arne “Bels” Brun Lie, gave a stirring account of Arne’s life to the Maine Nordmenn at their March meeting. Lie was a Norwegian-American author and sailing enthusiast who spent the last years of his life in Ipswich, Mass. Lie was JULEGEITA, HVA ER DET? CHRISTMAS GOAT, WHAT IS THAT? born and raised in Oslo, and when he was a teenager, he joined the underground resis- Det lir og lakker mot julekveld. Steinar Christmas Eve draws near. Steinar and tance forces. After a few months hiding out og Kåre Vangen har vært i skogen og fun- Kåre have been in the forest and found a in the mountains, he and three friends were net juletre. De har hogd juleved som er lagt Christmas tree. They have chopped the captured by the Gestapo. While imprisoned opp i fine stabler i vedskjulet. Så tar karene Christmas wood, which is now stacked in in Akershus, his three friends were shot. Lie og setter opp kornnek til småfuglene, og neat piles in the woodshed. The boys set was left out due to an error in record keep- Photo: Eleanor Froiland Andrews meiser og spurver kommer til gjestebud i out a sheaf of grain for the small birds, and ing, but he was sent to Natzweiler-Struthof Hans Christensen told the Sons of Norway Maine store flokker og forsyner seg grådig. chickadees and sparrows come to the feast prison camp in France and later to Dachau in Nordmenn lodge about the extraordinary life of his friend Arne “Bels” Brun Lie. « Men ennå er det en ting som man- in great droves and help themselves greed- Germany. He almost died several times. The gler,» sier Sigrid Vangen, «og det er ily. prisoners were starved and emaciated and julegeita.» «Julegeita, hva er det?» spør “But there is still one thing missing,” were plagued with typhus and lice. At one Germany. His nickname “Bels” comes from Kåre. Men Steinar blunker lurt til mora og says Sigrid Vangen, “and that is the Christ- point Arne was tossed in a wheel barrel and the bells in the prison camps. smetter ut gjennom døra. Så forteller Sig- mas goat.” “Christmas goat, what is that?” headed for a mass grave. Fortunately, some- In 1990, Lie published “Night and Fog: rid om julegeita som følger siste høylasset asks Kåre. But Steinar winks slyly at his one saw him moving and saved him. By the A Survivor’s Story” with Robby Robinson. fra seterløa og heim. mother and sneaks out the door. Sigrid tells time the Swedish Red Cross rescued Arne on In his later years, Lie had a stroke and was Julaften kommer julegeita fram til gar- Kåre about the Christmas goat that follows March 1, 1945, he was just a skeleton. He confined to a wheelchair. He wheeled him- den og vil feire helg sammen med de andre. the last wagon of hay home from the moun- was so starved in the camps that he spent the self down the hill from his home to church «Men kanskje du går ut etter et godt fange tain barn. rest of his life preoccupied with food. and into a place reserved for him in the front ved for meg, du Kåre?» Kåre løper av sted, On Christmas Eve the Christmas goat When he finally returned to Norway, row. On the back of the chair was a large med kommer igjen med det samme og for- comes to the farm and wants to celebrate the only thing that kept Lie alive was get- “N” for Norway. teller at det står et forunderlig rart dyr ute the holiday with the others. “Perhaps you ting in his sailboat and sailing out into the Lie and his friend Nels Christensen were i vedskjulet. could go and fetch me a good armful of Oslofjord. In time, Arne and King Olav be- invited to dine with King Harald in Oslo this wood, Kåre?” Kåre runs off, but comes coming June. Unfortunately, Arne died on Translated into English came friends and sailed together, and when back right away and reports that there is an April 11, 2010. He was 85 years old. Ac- by Alexander Knud Huntrods King Olav died, Arne continued to sail with incredibly strange animal out in the wood- cording to his wishes, his obituary was only Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen King Harald. The film “Passage,” which the shed. Nordmenn viewed, is an account of Arne’s three lines long. Before his death Arne was two-person transatlantic race from Plym- compiling a cookbook with his daughter. Arne “Bels” Lie lived by three rules: Get up Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. outh, England, to Newport, R.I. The film is early. Don’t be afraid. Try new things. www.astrimyastri.com interspersed with flashbacks to his time in

The Boys from Vangen: terrific time... (…continued from page 9) the floor is outlined a ship on the tiles. This marks where they did find it as well as other WrITTen By LeIf haLse relics. Then in the middle of the library are library was being built, they found the ruins the actual stones of the church. Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway since of an ancient round church. Thus, the library A trip to Tønsberg is a must for all. 1941. Right after World War II, Vangsgutane was used as was built around the ruins and is quite in- curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Heritage, culture, and teresting. Between the stacks of books on language practice for all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! waffles… • Bilingual english & norwegian in the same book (…continued from page 8) their questions – yes, even the embarrassing • Translated into english by alexander Knud huntrods ones. • Illustrated by Jens r. nilssen six years. Chloe and I started making waffles These days Olivia is the one most of- • hardcover, 176 pages in full color, 6x9inches ten standing at my side, calling out: “Green • $19.95 with free shipping in U.s.a. when she was about two and a half years old. She was quite insistent that she and her “Sis- light! They’re ready!” By now I think I’ve Astri My Astri Publishing sie” must have their very own aprons – just convinced the girls that the only true waffles Deb nelson gourley www.astrimyastri.com are heart-shaped like Bestemor’s. 602 3rd ave sW email: [email protected] like their cousins. Olivia wasn’t yet stand- Waukon, Ia 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 ing or walking, but never mind – two more aprons were made. I’m now on the third or If you don’t know how to make waffles Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates maybe fourth round of apron-making for from scratch, pick up a copy of “Tasty Tradi- these helpers who keep growing. And we’ve tions,” a $15.95 cookbook, which benefits Organization of the Week in the United States bought a couple of aprons along the way. the Nordic Heritage Museum, 3014 N.W. 67th Norwegian American North Dakota What I’ve learned is that making aprons St., Seattle 98117. (www.nordicmuseum.org) In a chapter titled “Quick Breads, Pancakes, Genealogical Center and waffles involves much more than sewing Honorary Consul and cooking. It’s a wonderful way to build Waffles Aebleskiver,” the cookbook has four Leading research center for relationships with grandchildren and hear pages of waffle recipes. Norwegian-American genealogy and Ronald H. McLean family history. PO BOX 6017 Fargo, ND 58108 For more information, contact: Tel: (701) 232-8957 folk artists… 415 W. Main St., Madison, Wi 53703 (…continued from page 12) Vesterheim is a national treasure that Fax: (701) 237-4049 (608) 255-2224 • www. nagcnl.org explores the diversity of American immigra- [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] The exhibition is held in conjunction tion through the lens of Norwegian-Ameri- can experience. Check out Vesterheim online For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, with Decorah’s Annual Nordic Fest, which visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations is always the last full weekend in July. at vesterheim.org. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports March 25, 2011 • 15 sports Bright new stars on the pitch Tippeligaen: Norway’s results Standings New Norwegian 3/18 Sarpsborg 3 – 0 Molde talent for 2011 season Tippeligaen PLD PTS 3/19 Viking 0 – 2 Vålerenga 1. Lillestrøm SK 1 3 2. Sarpsborg FK 1 3 3/20 Tromsø 2 – 0 Haugesund Ei v i n d Aa r r e 3. IK Start 1 3 UEFA.com 3/20 Stabæk 0 – 7 Lillestrøm 4. Tromsø IL 1 3 3/20 Strømsgodset 2 – 1 Sogndal 5. Vålerenga Fotball 1 3 The new Norwegian season began 6. SK Brann 1 3 3/20 Odd 0 – 2 Start March 18, with a number of the most talked 7. Fredrikstad FK 1 3 about players in the top division set to be 3/20 Brann 2 – 1 Rosenborg 8. Strømsgodset IF 1 3 absent as Rosenborg BK look to win a third 9. Ålesunds FK 1 0 successive title, after ending the 2010 league 3/21 Ålesund 1 – 2 Fredrikstad 10. Rosenborg BK 1 0 campaign unbeaten. 11. Sogndal IL 1 0 SK Brann have lost Erik Huseklepp to To read more about football in Norway, AS Bari, Vålerenga Fotball striker Moham- 12. Odd Grenland 1 0 Photo: Brann.no visit www.norway.com med Abdellaoue is now at , 14. Viking FK 1 0 Kim Ojo will play forward for Brann in the 2011 & www.uefa.com Manchester United FC have taken on Åle- season. 15. Molde FK 1 0 sund BK goalkeeper Anders Lindegaard and 16. Stabæk Fotball 1 0 Stabæk Fotball frontman Daniel Nannskog Iversen. Watched closely by some of Eu- has retired. Rosenborg, meanwhile, have said rope’s top clubs, Bakenga is speedy with goodbye to striker Steffen Iversen (Crystal quick feet and is a reliable goalscorer. Palace FC), midfielder Anthony Annan (FC Schalke 04) and defender Vadim Demidov Valon Berisha (Viking FK) LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. ( de Fútbol) since claiming the Born in Sweden to Kosovar parents, the Sales and Service title. 18-year-old midfielder-cum-attacker made The hope now is that a new generation of his mark in 2010 with Norway’s goal of the players will emerge to take on their mantle, season, a 25-meter screamer against Lill- following the example of midfielder Marcus estrøm SK. Small but technically adept, he Henriksen. The 18-year-old became a first- boasts an enormous will to win, with Viking team regular with Rosenborg last season, coach Åge Hareide likening him to a young and by the end of the campaign had graduat- Ole Gunnar Solskjær. Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK ed from the Under-19s to the senior national phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 team, making his debut in a 2-1 friendly de- Alexander Ruud Tveter (Fredrikstad FK) fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 feat against Croatia on Oct. 12, 2010. Long regarded as one of Norway’s most promising young strikers, the 20-year-old Kim Ojo (SK Brann) will get the chance to prove his worth in the Not a new name in Norwegian football, top division after joining promoted Fredrik- [email protected] 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 the 22-year-old has scored regularly for Ny- stad from third-division Follo SK. bergsund IL-Trysil in the second tier. The tall Nigerian forward moved to Brann in the Håvard Nielsen (Vålerenga Fotball) winter and is expected to be a hit with his On Oct. 5, 2009, the striker broke a club speed and eye for goal. record, becoming the youngest player ever The Scandinavian Hour to represent Vålerenga at senior level. Still Celebrating over 40 years on the air Mushaga Bakenga (Rosenborg BK) just 17, he has the speed and ability to shoot Born in Trondheim to parents from DR with both feet that suggest more landmark KKNW – 1150 AM Congo, the 18-year-old attacker is seen as achievements may be to come. a natural replacement for seasoned striker Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: historic win… (…continued from page 1) Bø commented on the final loop: “When www.1150kknw.com we got to the final uphill, I had to try to get tenths of a second back, with Fourcade, 7.3 the lead. I had been at maximum speed from seconds back. the start. I knew that Emil had an easier race The historic moment came when the Yel- than I did, but I had to try. My strength is in low Bib-wearing Bø who moved up through the uphills. But when I got to the top, I saw the field from 44th at the start to second place him. I had to then focus on the sprint. But 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 at the finish. His single penalty on the shoot- when Emil came there, we seriously did not Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] ing range was completely overshadowed by have a chance.” his brilliant, aggressive skiing that saw him Fourcade, with an outstanding perfor- cut through the field, as if he was skiing with mance commented on his day. “My shape Featuring great Nordic products a group of beginners instead of the best bi- was not good enough today. But on the last Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments athletes in the world. No biathlete has ever lap, I felt good. On the last uphill, when Tar- Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats moved from so far back in the field to the jei attacked, I said to myself that I had to and more! podium in the history of World Cup biath- attack before the finish. But they are really lon. At the same time, Fourcade, with a day strong and it was too difficult.” Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com almost as brilliant as Bø came up from 35th Fourth went to Ferry, followed by Lind- position at the start to third place. ström, both with three penalties, 31 and 33.1 Svendsen commented on his teammate’s seconds back. Norway’s Lars Berger, with amazing last loop. “When I saw Tarjei there, four penalties was sixth, 38.7 seconds back, I was shocked. On the final hill, I knew that I followed by Simon Eder of Austria, with two We need your help! had to save some energy for the finish…I do penalties, 42.8 seconds back and Michael Did you or someone you know migrate as a young woman from the Agder Greis of Germany with one penalty, 43.6 not think this was my best race ever. It was counties (Sørlandet) to New York in the time span 1946 to 1965? actually easier for me than it looked, but this seconds back. Siv Ringdal, author of “Det amerikanske Lista” and “Lapskaus Boulevard,” is my best season ever.” is conducting field research in New York in April and May, and would like to Funeral Home meet with people from this demographic. SOlie and Crematory Please contact Siv to be a part of this project! 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