FFiinnddiinngg tthhee RReeaall SStt AAnntthhoonnyy BBee WWiittnneesssseess ttoo tthhee BBeeaauuttyy ooff GGoodd AA PPrraayyeerr ffoorr EEccoollooggiiccaall CCoonnvveerrssiioonn I ask that if, in my sermons, you find anything edifying, anything consoling, that you give all praise, all glory and all honour to the Blessed Son of God, Jesus Christ.

If, on the other hand, you find anything that is ill-composed and of little benefit you attribute it to my weakness, blindness, Spirit and lack of skill. and – St Anthony of Padua

Life The feast of St Anthony is celebrated on 13th June.

2 St Anthony Brief SSTT ANTHONANTHONYY briefbrief

From the Editor.

4 Finding the Real St Anthony . The late FR LEONARD FOLEY, OFM, had a deep understanding of the world’s favourite saint, 5 Anthony of Padua.

Is it Fair? FR TEDDY LENNON, O FM, tells of a horrific 8 happening in Namibia and its consequences. A Film Crew Comes Calling. Working on his TV documentary series “What in the World?” PEADAR KING spends a fascinating time 10 with the nomadic people in Mongolia.

Church Brief.

12 Taking Jesus for a Walk! “Athlone Tertiary” has a unique way of 13 thanking St Anthony for favours received. Be Witnesses to the Beauty of God. POPE BENEDICT spoke to the at the end of their “Chapter of Mats” held in 14 to mark the Eight Centenary of the founding of the Order.

The Laity – An Inferior Calling? FR FRANCIS COTTER, OFM, ponders the essential role of the lay man and woman within Church 16 and society.

San Damiano – Discipleship .

19 St Anthony – Patron of Franciscan Education. FR PATRICK CONLAN, OFM, looks at how St Anthony has been a presence in 20 the education of young Irish for centuries.

News from Around the Franciscan World.

Volume 69 No.4 22 Heaven Was Not Far Off! FR TOM RUSSELL, OFM, was Missionary Magazine of the Irish overjoyed by his participation in the recent “Chapter of Mats” in Franciscans. Published bi-monthly by 24 the Franciscan Missionary Union, Assisi where 2,000 friars represented the 35,000 Franciscan friars 8 Merchants Quay, Dublin 8. throughout the world. Editor: Fr Ulic Troy, OFM. Production: Fr Francis Cotter, OFM. A Prayer for Ecological Conversion. FR GEARÓID Ó CONAIRE, Subscription & Distribution Secretary: OFM, offers a prayer service for World Environment Day on 5th Helen Doran. Tel: (01) 6777651. 27 Design, Layout & Printing: June. Corcoran Print & Design. Tel: (053) 9234760. Mission Digest. Subscription including Postage: € Ireland – 12.00 per annum Britain – Stg£12.00 per annum 30 € Letters to the Editor. Overseas – 15.00 per annum 31 June/July 2009 3 From the Editor…

Fr Ulic Troy SAINT OF THE WHOLE WORLD On 12th September 1985, Pope John Paul II paid a visit to the Basilica of St Anthony at Padua. On that occasion he said: “Let me draw your attention straight-away to that special quality which crops up repeatedly in the recorded events of this saint’s life, and which sets him apart in the immense and almost limitless panorama of Christian holiness – throughout the whole course of his life on earth, Anthony was ‘a man of the Gospel.’”

In all the Franciscan churches throughout the world the annual novena in honour of St Anthony will commence on 4th June and continue until 13th June – the feast of St Anthony of Padua. Thousands of people will make this Novena. They will come interceding with the saint to make representation for them with God. It may be for a sick child, a woman or man who has cancer, or some other health issue. It may be to overcome a particular difficulty or problem. But they will come to this saint who is called “a man of the Gospel,” and also “saint of the whole world” (Pope Leo X111). It is not for me to tell people what they should pray for or ask God for during the novena. But because of the times and the economic difficulties that are facing so many people at this time I place the following thoughts before you.

St Anthony is known as the saint who finds things for us. All of us in one way or another have lost something. I think of the many people who have lost their hard-earned money and homes because of the financial recklessness of a few. I think of so many at this time who have lost their jobs, and have little hope or prospect of obtaining further employment. I think of parents who have lost a son or a daughter in a tragic accident, or as a result of an over-dose of drugs. Then I think of people who are lost, and who have taken the wrong road, perhaps due to greed or reckless behaviour or sheer indifference. Then there are the ones who have been estranged from the Church itself and feel lost and are nervous and worried about the manner in which they can return, or the reception they will receive if they do return. Some are estranged and outside the Church and are unable to return because we have made no space for their search within the community. And there are those who are hurt by the Church itself and have lost faith in it and in God because of the abuses that have taken place in the past.

But it is far easier to find the lost article than to heal the lost or unwanted person. St Anthony is more than a saint who finds things that are lost for us. From the day that he joined the Franciscan Order his one great desire was to be a martyr for the faith, but that was not to be. God had other plans for him. He was to become one of God’s great preachers of the Good News throughout Italy and France. No matter where he preached, or whatever he wrote, his one message was to bring Jesus Christ to those who were lost and especially to those who were seeking Jesus Christ in the midst of many false doctrines that were being propagated in his day.

For those of you who will attend the novena in the different Franciscan churches throughout Ireland and elsewhere, or for those who will make the novena in private, in the midst of your own special prayers and needs think of those who have lost so much throughout the world. Then fervently pray to allow this saint, called “a Man of the Gospel,” beloved everywhere, to inspire you to a greater commitment to the values of Jesus Christ.

– Ulic Troy, OFM ([email protected])

4 St Anthony Brief Finding the

RThe laete FaR LlEO SNARtD F OALEYn, OFMt, hhad oa denep uynder standing of the world’s favourite saint, Anthony of Padua. Anthony, Benediction and the reading of petitions written on little scraps of paper: "for a safe delivery, to obtain a job, for reconciliation with my daughter," and invariably, "to find my lost ______." On the saint’s feast day, 13th June, St Anthony’s Bread is blessed. And since the saint is the special patron of Italy, an honour he shares with St Francis, many Italian families have a son named Anthony. The list of human concerns for which Anthony is the patron is amazingly varied. The array of wonders attributed to Anthony in story and legend is equally astounding in its variety. He was in two places at the same time; at his prayer, a donkey knelt before the Blessed Sacrament, after a dare by an unbeliever; fishes lifted their heads above the water to listen as he preached to them, after bored believers turned away; a foot severed by an axe was rejoined to its leg. Are these legends true? Let us first see if we can trace the line of facts regarding this immensely popular saint. Anthony was born in 1195 (13 years after St Francis) in Lisbon (now Portugal, then a part of Spain), and given the name of Fernando at Baptism. His parents, Martin and Mary Bulhom, appar - ently belonged to one of the prominent families of the city. At the age of 15 he entered the religious order of St Augustine. Monastery life was hardly peaceful for young Fernando, nor conducive to prayer and study, as his old friends came to visit frequently and lder , unremodelled churches lily — or a book — or all three — in his engaged in vehement political discus - almost always count St Anthony arms. A bank of vigil lights will burn in sions. After two years he was sent to among their pantheon of statues. front of the statue. Tuesday evening is Coimbra. There he began nine years of TOOhe saint of Padua is usually sculpted or the traditional time of St Anthony intense study, learning the Augustinian portrayed holding the child Jesus — or a novena devotions, with prayers to St theology which he would later combine

June/July 2009 5 with the Franciscan vision. Fernando was probably ordained a priest during this time.

Becoming a The life of the young priest took a crucial turn when the bodies of the first five Franciscan martyrs were returned from Morocco. They had preached in the mosque in Seville, almost being martyred at the outset, but the sultan allowed them to pass on to Morocco, where, after continuing to preach Christ despite repeated warnings, they were tortured and beheaded. Now, in the presence of the queen and a huge crowd, their remains were carried in solemn procession to Fernando’s monastery. He was overjoyed and inspired to a momentous decision. He went to the little friary in Coimbra and said: "Brother, I would gladly put on the habit of your Order if you would promise to send me as soon as possible to the land of the Saracens, that I may gain the crown of the holy martyrs." After some challenges from the Prior of the Augustinians, he was allowed to leave that priory and receive the Franciscan habit, taking the name Anthony. True to their promise, the Franciscans allowed Anthony to go to Morocco, to be a witness for Christ and a martyr as well. But, as often happens, the gift he wanted to give was not the gift that was to be asked of him. He became seriously ill, and after several months realised he had to go home. He never arrived. His ship ran into storms and high winds and was blown east across the Mediterranean. Months Now, like Francis, he had his first choice unmistakable, but his holiness was what later he arrived on the east coast of — a life of seclusion and contemplation really impressed everyone there. Sicily. The friars at nearby Messina, in a hermitage near Montepaolo. Now he was exposed. His quiet life of though they didn’t know him, welcomed prayer and penance at the hermitage was him and began nursing him back to In the Spotlight exchanged for that of a public preacher. health. Still ailing, he wanted to attend Perhaps we would never have heard of Francis heard of Anthony’s previously the great Pentecost Chapter of Mats (so Anthony if he hadn’t gone to an hidden gifts and Anthony was assigned to called because the 3,000 friars could not ordination of Dominicans and Franciscans preach in northern Italy. The problem be housed and slept on mats). Francis in 1222. As they gathered for a meal with many preachers in Anthony’s day was there, also sick. History does not afterwards, the Provincial suggested that was that their life-style contrasted reveal any meeting between Francis and one of the friars give a short sermon. sharply with that of the poor people to Anthony. Since the young man was from Quite typically, everybody ducked. So whom they preached. In our experience, "out of town,” he received no Anthony was asked to give "just it could be compared to an evangelist assignment at the meeting, so he asked something simple," since he presumably arriving in a slum driving a Mercedes, to go with a Provincial Superior from had no education. Anthony too delivering a homily from his car and northern Italy. "Instruct me in the demurred, but finally began to speak in speeding off to a vacation resort. Franciscan life," he asked, not a simple, artless way. The fire within Anthony saw that words were mentioning his prior theological training. him became evident. His knowledge was obviously not enough. He had to show

6 St Anthony Brief issue with the heretics. Anthony country, with an important university for A final resting place: preferred to present the grandeur of the study of civil and canon law. the Basilica of Christianity in positive ways. It was no Sometimes Anthony left Padua for good to prove people wrong: Anthony greater solitude. He went to a place St Anthony at Padua wanted to win them to the right, the loved by Francis — LaVerna, where healthiness of real sorrow and Francis received the wounds of Jesus. He conversion, the wonder of reconciliation also found a grotto near the friary where with a loving Father. he could pray in solitude. In poor health, and still Provincial of northern Italy, he Franciscan Teacher went to the General Chapter in and Anthony’s Superior, St Francis, was asked to be relieved of his duties. But he cautious about education such as his was later recalled as part of a special protégé possessed. He had seen too commission to discuss certain matters of many theologians taking pride in their the Franciscan Rule with the Pope. sophisticated knowledge. Still, if the Back in Padua, he preached his last friars had to hit the roads and preach to and most famous Lenten sermons. The all sorts of people, they needed a firm crowds were so great — sometimes grounding in Scripture and theology. So, 30,000 — that the churches could not when he heard the glowing report of hold them, so he went into the piazzas Anthony’s debut at the ordinations, or the open fields. People waited all Francis wrote in 1224: "It pleases me night to hear him. He needed a that you should teach the friars sacred bodyguard to protect him from the theology, provided that in such studies people armed with scissors who wanted they do not destroy the spirit of holy to snip off a piece of his habit as a relic. prayer and devotedness, as contained in After his morning Mass and sermon, he the Rule." would hear confessions. This sometimes Anthony first taught in a friary in lasted all day — as did his fasting. Bologna, which became a famous school. The great energy he had expended The theology book of the time was the during the Lent of 1231 left him Bible. In one extant sermon by the saint, exhausted. He went to a little town near there are at least 183 passages from Padua but, seeing death coming close, Scripture. While none of his theological he wanted to return to the city that he conferences and discussions were written loved. The journey in a wagon weakened down, we do have two volumes of his him so much, however, that he had to sermons: Sunday Sermons and Feastday stop at Arcella. He had to bless Padua Sermons . His method included much from a distance, as Francis had blessed allegory and symbolical explanation of Assisi. Scripture. At Arcella, he received the last Anthony continued to preach as he sacraments, sang and prayed with the taught the friars and assumed more friars there. When one of them asked Gospel poverty. People wanted more responsibility within the Order. In 1226 Anthony what he was staring at so than self-disciplined, even penitent he was appointed Provincial of northern intently, he answered: "I see my Lord!" priests. They wanted genuineness of Italy, but still found time for contem - He died in peace a short time after that. Gospel living. And in Anthony they found plative prayer in a small hermitage. He was only 36 and had been a it. They were moved by who he was, Around Easter in 1228 (he was only 33 Franciscan but ten years. The following more than what he said. years old), while in Rome, he met Pope year, his friend, Pope Gregory IX, moved Despite his efforts, not everyone Gregory IX, who had been a faithful by the many miracles that occurred at listened. Legend has it that one day, friend and adviser of St Francis. Anthony’s tomb, declared him a saint. faced with deaf ears, Anthony went to Naturally, the famous preacher was Anthony was a simple and humble the river and preached to the fishes. invited to speak. He did it humbly, as friar who preached the Good News That, reads the traditional tale, got always. The response was so great that lovingly and with fearless courage. The everyone’s attention. people later said that it seemed the youth whom his fellow friars thought was Anthony travelled tirelessly in both miracle of Pentecost was repeated. uneducated became one of the great northern Italy and southern France — preachers and theologians of his day. He perhaps 400 trips — choosing to enter Padua Enters the Picture was a man of great penance and the cities where the heretics were Padua, Italy, is a short distance west of apostolic zeal. But he was primarily a strongest. Yet the sermons he has left Venice. At the time of Anthony, it was saint of the people. I behind rarely show him taking direct one of the most important cities in the Adapted from

June/July 2009 7 ne religious sister asked me the other day: “What can we do to help Teresa?” Teresa is not her OrOeal name. She is the mother of three children. The reason the sister is asking the question is because her second born child, whom I will call Ann, has endured the horror of being raped by nine young men. This happened in September of last year. Ann was a young girl full of hope, full of enthusiasm, full of love. She was happy, she was care-free and she was determined to succeed in her upcoming exams. She is eighteen years old at present, when the incident happened she was seventeen. She had gone during the school holidays to visit at her mother’s IISS IITT FFAAIIRR?? family home. The mother’s home is in a FR TEDDY LENNON, OFM, tells of a horrific small town about 200 kilometres from happening in Namibia and its consequences. Windhoek. She knew the people there; she had been a frequent visitor during helped her to get to her family home. and do the last two years leading to her years of growing up. This town like One of the family members brought her matriculation. Those who fail cannot many other towns in Namibia has a to a local clinic and then to the local continue in the formal schooling sector. township which during South African police station. The young men involved They must enrol in what is a system for rule was designated as the place where were arrested and then released on adult learners. Ann’s preparations, her Africans should live. These rules are bail. It is now over seven months since concentration, her ability to study were now gone but the businesses and the these events took place and the court so affected that many of those who large shops are situated in the town case has still to begin. knew her doubted if she would be able which is a few kilometres from the to take the exam. Another complication township. Pregnant arose soon after she returned home to One day early in the afternoon one Ann at the time of the incident was Windhoek. She was very badly hurt both of the elders at her mother’s place sent preparing to write her grade 10 exam. physically and emotionally during the her to the shops to buy bread and milk. Here in Namibia this is a very important assault; she was attending a health She dutifully went and as she was milestone in any young person’s life. centre on a regular basis where she was coming out of the shop she met a young Those who pass can continue in school being helped with medication and with man whom she knew. He was one of the neighbours from her mother’s family home. He was standing with another young man who had a car. They offered to give her a lift home. She accepted. Instead of driving her home they drove to another part of the township. They forced her into a house and there with their accomplices they started their sexual assault. They took off her clothes, tied a tea cloth around her face covering her mouth. This was to ensure that whatever sounds she made would not be heard by anyone. Then they proceeded to take turns in raping her. There were nine of them in all. They started at about 4.00 in the afternoon and continued until early the next morning. When they left her the next morning she stumbled out of the house. A Good Samaritan who saw her “I still have many questions”

8 St Anthony Brief counselling. One day the sister at the health centre sent a message to Ann’s mother that she should come. When she arrived the sister told her that Ann was pregnant. One of those men had impregnated her. She has been tested to see if she is Hiv positive. So far the results are negative. She did not pass her grade 10 exam. She was advised by some to have an abortion but she has, with the support of her mother, decided to have the child. She is now staying with her mother’s brother in a rural area on a small holding. She will not be able to enrol at the adult school this year. She “As a parish, we will walk with the family” is waiting for the birth of the baby and she is waiting for the court case. upbringing of the unborn child. We will I still have some questions. Why did do everything we can to help Ann these young men act in this way? Is it fair Walk With the Family rebuild her life. that a young girl suffer in this way? I Teresa lives in a rented room. This one room is her bedroom, her sitting room, her kitchen, her dining room. There is an outside toilet which she shares with bbrriieeff the other tenants and she uses a SSTT AANNTTHHOONNYY washbasin for washing. She now shares € the room with her two remaining 1.00 NCISCAN MISSION MAGAZINE children. She works as a domestic IRISH FRA o worker and her income would be close Get St Anthony brief delivered t to €80 per month. She had great hopes your door or give the gift of an for Ann and Ann had great hopes for ual subscription to a loved herself. Teresa comes to church every ann Sunday and every Wednesday. She one or friend. s teaches catechism on Wednesdays and Support the Irish Franciscan helps to prepare the children of the who have left their country for parish for their First Communion. the sake of the Gospel. Is it fair what has happened to Ann es). and the effect it has had on her family? iption to St Anthony brief (6 issu Please send me a one-year subscr € € 00 Overseas - 15.00 No it is not. When sister asked the Ireland - 12.00 Britain - Stg£12. question what we can do, I answered se bill me [ ] Payment enclosed [ ] Plea that we will continue to walk with the ...... family. We as a Franciscan community, ...... Name: ...... we as a parish family will attend the Address: ...... court case. The sister who is so ...... concerned for both Ann and Teresa has e the name and address subscription as a gift please writ spent time with both of them listening If giving the of the recipient: to them and counselling them. This ...... needs to continue and, as the sister Name: ...... rightly says, Ann is severely traumatised Address: ...... and her mother is very much in need of ...... help also. In the years that lie ahead ...... we will have to see if we can support Requested by: . . . . . ion, 8 Merchants’ Quay, Dublin 8 Ann in going back to school in order to Post to: Franciscan Missionary Un get her Matric certificate and maybe even some further qualification. The Benedictine sisters who live nearby have said they will help with the

June/July 2009 9 A Film CreWworkin g Con hios TVm docuemesnta rCy alling series “What in the World?” Peadar King spends a fascinating time with the nomadic people in Mongolia.

A good t was as if a Mongolian film crew generous hospitality. And received more arrived on your doorstep with all the early morning vodka and butter — culture: welcome in the world for themselves flavoured, salted, hot milk than we an open, IoIn Christmas Day. Except in reverse. We would ever admit to having before. affirming arrived in Mongolia’s capital Ulaanbaatar on the eve of the White Moon festival, A Wall of Cold life which marks the beginning of the Both the vodka and the hot milk Mongolian New Year. It was a deliberate provided desperately needed sustenance 1245, didn’t comment on whether or not if somewhat fool-hardy decision to against the wall of cold that hit us on he encountered that particular difficulty arrive on that date. To be fair the arrival. The minus 27 celsius tempera - but he did regard the weather as "aston - decision to travel to Mongolia at this tures assaulted us to the core despite ishingly irregular." He experienced time was forced on us by, as they say, the layers — long-Johns included. Up to "fierce thunder and lightning" that “circumstances beyond our control.” this I had never wondered where the "caused the death of many men, and at The broadcast date was looming and our term long-John had come from, who the same time...heavy falls of snow." plans to travel to Papua New Guinea John was and if the John in this case Carpini once lived through a fierce were somewhat subverted by deserved an upper-case letter! The cold hailstorm which was followed by such unexpected bureaucracy. And anyway, seemed to swirl around us as if it were warm weather that the resultant flash we guessed that the nomadic herders of looking for any opening into which it flood killed 160 people. He thought the northern Mongolia would have more could lodge itself against our still warm country "more wretched than I could time for us during the holiday period bodies. Ice crystals seemed to have possibly say." than at any other time of the year. We taken up permanent residence in our were partly right. Unfailingly courteous, nostrils and risking a pee in the open An Affirming Life the herders made allowances for our un- steppes — even for us all-male crew — And yet despite the extremes of temper - seasonal arrival as we would have done posed a number of challenges quite ature, this is a world that the nomadic in Ireland if roles were reversed in the apart from the usual required decorum. herders of Mongolia have made their now dim and distant past. We were John of Plano Carpini, an Italian home. They have a degree of comfort warmly welcomed and feted with Franciscan friar, who visited Mongolia in with the natural elements that our

10 St Anthony Brief Nomadic herders: Peadar with local man A Film Crew Comes Calling

westernised, urbanised testimony to the abject failure of areas. Already, 30% of public land has selves could only marvel at. humans to construct a humanised large- been leased to mining companies for That and, of course, their scale living quarters. With its soaring exploration purposes. extraordinary horse- crime rates, Stallinesque skyscrapers In an interview with the BBC, the handling skills while herding that compete for diminishing amounts of Prime Minister, Nambaryn Enkhbayar, hundreds of sheep, goats, daylight and the persistent pall of said the situation was inevitable and he camels and cattle on what pollution that encases the city, blamed the change on a competitive and seemed to us the endless open spaces of Ulaanbaatar, like other large capital fast developing world. He said Mongolia's the Central Asian steppes. cities around the world, offers no model nomads had to adapt to modern realities It is truly a world apart. While it is for compressed living. if the country was to survive. "We have easy for the outsider, and we were the to compete with our neighbours to quintessential outsiders, to glamorise Pressure to Change develop; otherwise there will be no sort this life, and not give due countenance Yet the pressure to urbanise is of guarantee that it will be an to the inevitable fissures and fractures relentless. As is the pressure to settle independent country. It will be a good that characterise all societies, it is nomadic people. With the support of the culture and a great culture but it can nonetheless a wholly open, affirming life International Monetary Fund and the disappear if we do not develop our compared to our own urbanised, United States government, politicians capacity and skill to compete with cluttered, claustrophobic existence. and economists are working on a new others," he told the BBC World Service's But what is even more extraordinary development model for Mongolia. This East Asia Today programme. is the way in which that life is being involves the gradual reduction of Will we ever learn? I undermined both within Mongolia itself nomadism and its replacement with and internationally. Right across the mineral development, urbanisation and Peadar King is presenter/producer of globe, the nomadic way of life is under private plots/farms that would be What in the World? a series on poverty, threat, not least here in Ireland. It is devoted to commercial agriculture. globalisation and human rights. not that we have made such a success of Already the transformation of Mongolian The new series started on Thursday the urban model of living. Even within society is underway with 57% of the 7th May on RTE 1 television. Mongolia, its capital Ulaanbaatar is total population now living in urban

June/July 2009 11 CChhuurrcchh BBrriieeff Children Going to Mass Asif Ali Zardari, after a favourable vote minorities to flee. Christians form 2.5% of If parents want their children to carry from the National Parliament. The the population in Pakistan. the Catholic faith from childhood to Pakistani Taliban groups of the Swat adulthood, take them to Mass, says a Valley (in the northwestern province, on Gaza’s Only Priest Retires U.S. bishops' conference spokesman. the border with Afghanistan) have As Gaza's lone Catholic priest retires, he Archbishop Donald Wuerl spoke in claimed victory for the accord that calls is noting the drastic decline of the city's response to a Pew Forum survey that for the establishment of Islamic law in situation and the need to support the revealed a key factor in whether or not the area, in exchange for an end to the Christian community there. Monsignor one remains Catholic as an adult is hostilities that have marked the territory Manuel Musallam, 71, leaves Gaza after whether or not one attends Mass as a for two years now. The Christian serving 14 years as a parish priest for the child or teenager. The study is Faith in Churches in Pakistan have expressed approximately 5,000 Catholics. Flux: Changes in the Religious Affiliation their disagreement and dissatisfaction He underlined the need to stop the in the U.S. “The report highlights the with the President's decision, which will "Christian exodus" from the Middle East, importance of Mass attendance among stating that the Church children and teenagers,” members are "increasingly the Archbishop said. desperate to leave the as security unit “Adolescence is a Gaza: Ham region in search of a ch. critical time in religious outside Catholic chur better future abroad." development and, as the The priest reported: "The poll shows, what happens destruction has become in the teen years has a deeper and deeper. long-lasting affect. We Things are getting worse have to help young people and worse. Many, many and their parents appre - families are suffering.” ciate the importance of Monsignor Musallam going to weekly Mass so spoke about the impact teenagers know Jesus is of the recent Israeli there for them now and military campaign always.“ The study also against Gaza, which revealed a 68% retention claimed over 1,100 lives, rate of Catholics in the destroyed homes and Church, which is higher lead to an intensification of Islamic left 400,000 people without running than most other Christian churches. The extremism in the Swat Valley, and will water. He added that this conflict was key reason people leave their Church, endanger the religious minorities. Many "just part of a cycle of decline" during his the study reported, is that “they just Christian families, who are already living term as pastor. He continued: "Our gradually drifted away from the faith.” amidst a climate of fear and intimi - precious trees have been uprooted. Our The Archbishop said: “Catholics can dation, will be forced to flee their buildings have been destroyed. Our separate the sins and human failings of homes. Even moderate Islamic groups streets have been destroyed. Our land has individuals from the substance of the have expressed their trouble and been burnt by bombs and so we cannot faith… They also look to the Church’s concern, and fear a progressive “taliban - produce anything." The monsignor 2,000-year history, which has seen the isation” of the country. Over 170 non- expressed gratitude for the Christian aid faith flourish despite some painful Islamic schools have been attacked and coming from abroad. "We admire very times.” destroyed in two years and over 400 much the solidarity shown towards the schools and girls' academies have been people of this land. The friendship Christians in Pakistan forced to close their doors as a result of between Christians elsewhere in the Islamic law in the Swat Valley in Pakistan threats and intimidation. Among these world and here is very strong. We hope is causing concern and suffering among are many Catholic and Christian schools, this link will continue for a long time. The Christians. A concession made to the with a mainly Muslim student body. Acts support and love shown to the people of fundamentalist Muslims: this is how the of intimidation, threats, physical and Palestine will continue to encourage them Christians of Pakistan have defined the verbal aggression all continue, as the to bear witness to Christ. We hope this introduction of Sharia Law in the Swat Pakistani Taliban groups continue to will encourage them not to emigrate." He Valley, officially established with the terrorise the non-Muslim population, will be succeeded by Argentinian Fr signing of a decree by Pakistani President imposing conversion to Islam and forcing George Hermandes. I

12 St Anthony Brief Taking Jesus for a Walk! “Athlone Tertiary” has a unique way of thanking St Anthony for favours received. aster Sunday — my favourite knife is missing. The knife with which I do everything. I am paralysed wEEithout it. St Anthony, help me or the dinner will never be cooked! I have two wooden blocks on the kitchen counter. One holds knives, the other scissors. I look hard at both, and lo and behold, there among the scissors is my very own knife. Eureka — the day is saved! I can walk beside the donkey carrying water? Then I think of the times He fell Most of us call on St Anthony the Baby Jesus and His Mother, led by while carrying the Cross, when Simon regularly. Be it to help us remember Joseph on the flight into Egypt. had to help Him keep going, when where we left something or to help our After the finding of the child Jesus in Veronica wiped His face, and the holy children retrieve information during their the Temple, where He was about His women wept for Him. The walk brings examination time. Some of my friends Father’s business, I can walk home along me to the hill of Calvary, and to His say you have to pay him. “We’d better with his relieved parents. death. Then it brings me to walk from pay up before we have to call on him But the route I mostly take is the death to life, to resurrection. And again.” Via Delorosa. I look at this little baby that’s the walk I hope to make with St Now I’ve never found that to be the on St Anthony’s knee, and wonder if he Anthony leading me when my time has case. True, St Anthony is happy when we fell and cut His knees while praying, come. subscribe to St Anthony brief or take a and if He ran to His Mother to make I pray the same for you. Happy book of tickets for the Franciscan them better with a póigín and soap and walking! I Missionary Union or give money to the poor. But what St Anthony asks of me is to take the Baby Jesus for a walk. There he is with the Baby Jesus on ST. ANTH ONY'S LI LY will be blessed on his feast. his knee, saying: “Would you like to take St. Anthony's Lily

Baby Jesus for a walk or walk beside ORDER FORM Him?” Of course, I would. Who could ------resist? Enclosed find Postal Order value ...... as a There are several routes one can subscription for St. Anthony's Bread and forward me take. At Christmas I like to walk beside Joseph and Mary on their way to ...... Lilies as soon as possible. Jerusalem for the census-taking. The God-Baby is soon to enter this world of Name ...... humans and promises His Mother an The blessed lily will reach you shortly Address ...... uncomplicated birth. After all there will after June 13th. be no medical expertise at the birth. Send an offering for the Missions with ...... your order. The “midwife” will be St Joseph. Is Jesus Write to: ...... looking forward to entering the world? I THE REV. PROCURATOR, ofm, A leaflet explaining the blessing and the use of think so. His time has come to be born, FMU Office, 8 Merchants' Quay, St. Anthony's Lily accompanies each order. to fulfil the prophesies and to do the will Dublin 8. of the Father.

June/July 2009 13 Be Witnesses to the Beauty of God POPE BENEDICT spoke to the Franciscans at the end of their “Chapter of Mats” held in Assisi to mark the Eight Centenary of the founding of the Order. Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Franciscans. We know how important it that you are for the entire Christian Franciscan family. was for Francis, the link with the Bishop people. From the small stream that With great joy I welcome you all at of Assisi at the time, Guido, who flowed from the foot of Mount Subasio, it this happy and historic occasion that has acknowledged his charism and supported has formed a great river which has made gathered you all together: the eighth it. It was Guido who presented Francis to a significant contribution to the universal centenary of the approval of the Cardinal Giovanni of St Paul, who then spread of the Gospel. It all began from Protoregula [first Rule] of St Francis by introduced him to the Pope and the conversion of Francis, who, following Pope Innocent III. Eight hundred years encouraged the adoption of the Rule. the example of Jesus, "emptied himself" have passed, and those dozen friars have and, by marrying Lady become a multitude, Poverty, became a scattered all over the witness and herald of world and now here, by the Father who is in you, worthily repre - heaven. To the sented. In recent days Poverello [little poor you have gathered in man], one can apply Assisi for what you literally some wanted to call the expressions that the "Chapter of Mats" to apostle Paul uses to recall your origins. And at refer to himself and the end of this extraor - which I like to dinary experience you remember in this have come together with Pauline Year: "I the Signor Papa [Lord have been crucified Pope], as your seraphic with Christ and it is founder would say. I greet no longer I who you all with affection: the live, but Christ Friars Minor of the three who lives in me. branches, guided by the And this life, I live in the flesh, I live by respective Ministers General, among Before the Pope: faith of the Son of God who has loved me whom I thank Fr José Rodriguez Carballo the Ministers General renew and given himself for me" (Galations 2:19- for his kind words, the members of the 20). And again: "From now on let no one their Franciscan Profession Third Order, with their Minister General; bother me: for I wear the marks of Jesus the Franciscan women religious and Charism and institution are always on my body" (Galations 6:17). members of the Franciscan secular insti - complementary for the edification of the Francis reflects perfectly the tutes, and knowing them spiritually Church. footsteps of Paul and in truth can say with present, the , which him: "For me, to live is Christ" (Philipians constitute the Second Order. A Precious Gift 1:21). He has experienced the power of I am pleased to welcome some What should I tell you, dear friends? First divine grace and he is as one who has Franciscan bishops, and in particular I of all I would like to join you in giving died and risen. All his previous wealth, greet the Bishop of Assisi, Archbishop thanks to God for the path that He has any source of pride and security, every - Domenico Sorrentino, who represents the marked out for you, filling you with His thing becomes a "loss" from the moment Church of Assisi, the home of Francis and benefits. And as Pastor of the Church, I of encounter with the crucified and risen Clare, and spiritually, of all the want to thank Him for the precious gift Jesus. The leaving of everything at that

14 St Anthony Brief point becomes almost necessary to of Rome, the Successor of Peter. This fact and the Gospel, to save them and make express the abundance of the gift reveals his true ecclesial spirit. The little them abundantly fruitful. While you received. A gift so great as to require a "we", that had started with his first praise and thank the Lord who has called total detachment, which itself isn't friars, he conceived from the outset you to be part of such a great and enough; it requires an entire life lived inside the context of the great "we" of beautiful family, stay attentive to what "according to the form of the holy the one and universal Church. And the the Spirit says to it today, in each of its Gospel." Pope recognised and appreciated this. components, to continue to proclaim The Pope, in fact, on his part, could have with passion the Kingdom of God, the A Living Gospel not approved the project of the life of footsteps of your Seraphic Father. Every And here we come to the point that Francis. Indeed, we can well imagine brother and every sister should keep surely lies at the heart of our meeting. I that among the collaborators of Innocent always a contemplative mood, happy and would summarise it as follows: the III, some counselled him to that effect, simple; always begin from Christ, as Gospel as a rule of life. "The Rule and perhaps fearing that his group of friars Francis set out from the gaze of the life of the Friars Minor is this, to observe would end up resembling other heretical Crucifix of San Damiano and from the the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." groups and poverty movements of the meeting with the leper, to see the face This is what Francis writes of Christ in our brothers and sisters who at the beginning of his suffer and bring to Rule. He defined himself all His peace. Be entirely in the light of witnesses to the the Gospel. This is his "beauty" of God, charm. This is his which Francis was enduring relevance. able to sing contem - Thomas of Celano relates plating the wonders that the Poverello of creation, and that "always held himself in made him exclaim to the heart of Jesus. Jesus the Most High: "You on the lips, Jesus in his are beauty!" ears, Jesus in his eyes, Dear friends, the Jesus in his hands, Jesus last word I would like in all the other to leave with you is members... In fact, the same that the finding himself often risen Jesus gave to travelling and His disciples: "Go!" Go meditating or singing and continue to about Jesus, he would forget he was "repair the house" of travelling and would stop to invite all Castel Gandolfo: the Lord Jesus Christ, His Church. In creatures to praise Jesus." So the the Franciscans come to recent days, the earthquake that struck Poverello has become a living Gospel, the Abruzzo region has severely able to attract to Christ men and women Peter’s Successor damaged many churches, and you from of all ages, especially young people, who time. Instead the Roman Pontiff, well Assisi know what this means. But there prefer radical idealism to half-measures. informed by the Bishop of Assisi and is another "ruin" that is far more serious: The Bishop of Assisi, Guido, and then Cardinal Giovanni of St Paul, was able to that of people and communities! Like Pope Innocent III recognised in the discern the initiative of the Holy Spirit Francis, always start with yourselves. proposal of Francis and his companions and welcomed, blessed and encouraged We are the first house that God wants to the authenticity of the Gospel, and knew the nascent community of "Friars Minor." restore. If you are always able to renew how to encourage their commitment for yourselves in the spirit of the Gospel, the good of the Church. A Great and Beautiful Family you will continue to assist the pastors of Here is a spontaneous reflection: Dear brothers and sisters, eight centuries the Church to make more and more Francis could have also not gone to the have passed, and now you have wanted beautiful the Church's face, that of the Pope. Many religious groups and to renew this gesture of your founder. bride of Christ. The Pope, now the same movements were forming during that You are all sons and heirs of those as then, expects this of you. Thank you time, and some of them were opposed to origins, of that "good seed" which was for coming! Now go and bring to all the the Church as an institution, or at least Francis, who was conformed to the "grain peace and love of Christ the Saviour. didn't seek the Church’s approval. of wheat" which is the Lord Jesus, died May Mary Immaculate, "Virgin made Certainly a polemical attitude towards and risen to bring forth much fruit. The Church," accompany you always. And the hierarchy would have won Francis saints propose anew the fruitfulness of may my Apostolic Blessing, which I many followers. Instead, he immediately Christ. As Francis and , you cordially impart to all of you here thought to put his journey and that of his also commit yourselves to follow the present, and the entire Franciscan companions into the hands of the Bishop same logic: to lose your lives for Jesus Family, support you as well. I

June/July 2009 15 The Laity – SPIRITUALITY An Inferior Calling? FOR LIFE

Although there were many roles and FR FRANCIS COTTER, OFM, ministries within the Church, it was seen clearly that all were members of the one ponders the essential royal priesthood, sharing in the priestly authority of the Risen Lord by the gift of role of the lay man His Spirit. “He who calls you is holy. Be holy and woman within yourselves in all your conduct” (1Peter 1:15). Such a life of holiness did not Church and society. involve a rejection of one’s place in the world or in society. On the he layman is “he who, in the contrary, Christians were to be Church, obeys and honours the salt and light where they were. clergy.” Thus wrote Pope Leo Writing of the early XTTIII in 1890s in a letter to the experience of Church, Tony Archbishop of Tours. Thank Hanna states: “During the God we have come on since New Testament times, the then — although some might Church was understood as say not nearly far enough! the People of God, a The word laikos does not community characterised appear in the New Testament. by radical freedom, radical We find no distinction equality, radical sharing between lay people and and radical service… In this clerics there. The distinc - egalitarian Church there are tions between different various charisms which blossom into vocations that we take for different ministries. But it is clearly granted today were not understood that the leadership ministry, present for the first two like all other ministries, is for the centuries of Christianity. The building up of persons and commu - Church is portrayed as a nities.” But as centuries passed there community of disciples rooted developed a more hierarchical model in Jesus Christ. Yes, there is within the Church, and with it a clear teaching on the different clear distinction between the clergy roles within the community, and the laity, and later, as monastic and that some have the task of life developed, between religious leadership. But the constant and the laity. The lay state was seen emphasis is on the truth that as an inferior option. St Augustine all the Lord’s disciples are could write in 5th century that “a called to holiness and are mother will have a lower place in expected, by the strength heaven because she is married than of the Holy Spirit, to live the her daughter because she is a Christian vocation in its virgin“(i.e. a nun). beauty and fullness within society. It is to all the members of the community, God’s own people, that you might Second Vatican Council not to a clerical caste, that the following declare the wonderful deeds of Him who The great Council held in 1960s sought to declaration is made: “You are a chosen called you out of darkness into His redress the imbalance and return to the race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, marvellous light” (1Peter 2:9-11). more fundamental understanding of the

16 St Anthony Brief Christian calling. The image that promised “power from on high” so that Reality on the Ground? characterised this new, or rediscovered, we could be His witnesses “to the ends It is over 40 years since the end of the self-understanding of Church is the of the earth.” The Lord Jesus “gave His Council. The wonderful, Spirit-inspired People of God. The Church is the new whole mystical Body a share in the documents with their rich teaching on People of God called together by faith anointing of the Spirit with which He the vocation of each Catholic have been in the Risen Lord, sealed by His Spirit. was anointed. In that Body all the around for decades now. At times one All the members of the People of God faithful are made a holy and kingly wonders to what avail. The theology is participate with full rights in the priesthood… Therefore there is no such wonderful but in practice how is it being vocation and mission of the Church. thing as a member who does not share played out? Clericalism is still a very While not denying the gift of the minis - in the mission of the whole Body; all of present reality. The clerical state, the terial priesthood, the Council taught that all the faithful share in the priesthood of Christ. The Decree on the Church stated: “The baptised, by regen - eration and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, are consecrated into a spiritual house and a holy priesthood.... Though they differ from one another in essence and not only in degree, the common priesthood of the faithful and the minis - terial priesthood are nonetheless inter - related. Each of them in its own special way is a participation in the priesthood of Christ” ( Church ,10). This new, more Scriptural under - standing of the Church led to a different vision of ministries within the Church. By their Baptism the laity share in the mission of Christ. They are to be witnesses, tangible signs of the presence of the Risen Christ inviting all to fellowship with Him. Vatican Council II is the first ever council in the history of the Church to produce a document on the role of the laity. During the discussion on this document some bishops spoke about lay men and women assisting the clergy in their work and receiving their mandate from the clergy. But the final document makes clear that the lay members of the Church do not receive their mandate for Apostles and witnesses: making Christ present in daily life the apostolate from the clergy but directly from Christ by virtue of their the members ought to reverence Jesus priesthood is a gift of Christ to the whole Christian dignity. “Lay people’s right in their hearts and by the spirit of People of God. But clericalism is that and duty to be apostles derives from prophecy give witness to Jesus” ( Priests , exercise of authority that diminishes the their union with Christ their Head. 2). Further the Council teaches that far role of the laity, that uses power to Inserted as they are in the mystical from resisting these signs of the Spirit’s control and suppress rather than to Body of Christ by Baptism and presence and action among the laity, encourage and support. However, on the strengthened by the power of the Holy priests are encouraged to discover “with other hand, there can be a passivity on Spirit in Confirmation, it is by the Lord the instinct of faith, acknowledge with the part of the laity, a failure to Himself that they are assigned to the joy and foster with diligence the various recognise the serious responsibilities apostolate” ( Laity , 3). humble and exalted charisms of the inherent in the Christian life, an attitude laity” ( Priests ,10). The Decree on the of “leave it to the priests.” Common Mission Apostolate of the Laity states: “From And even when lay men and women If the mission of Christ continuing the reception of these charisms or gifts, have a deep awareness of their Christ- throughout history belongs to the whole there arises for each believer the right given vocation and mission and wish to Church, not just the clergy, then this and duty to use them in the Church and get more involved, very often they see means that the gift of the empowering in the world for the good of mankind such involvement as limited to particular Spirit to be able to fulfil this God-given and the up-building of the Church” tasks within the liturgy and parish. So task belongs to all. It is to all that Christ (Laity , 3). much of the training going on in the

June/July 2009 17 Church today is for “sanctuary and professions? When was the last time the week — all 167 hours of it — belongs ministries” — roles and tasks devoted to you heard a sermon on the vocation of to the laity.” The American Archbishop the liturgy and parish work. All this is the business man or woman, on the role McCarthy is correct when he states: “The fine but it is a very limited view of of faith in work?” The Council expected laity need to be aroused to a greater ministry. The Council speaks about the that such support and guidance would be sense of responsibility, to recover their “apostolate” of the laity. They are a basic part of the ongoing life of the early Christian, more prominent role in Christ’s apostles in the world. We need parish. “It is the priests’ part as transforming society in the name of to distinguish between the Church’s life instructors of the people in the faith to Christ. They should not have to depend as an institution and its life in the world see to it that all the believers are led in on the urging of the clerical celibates to through its members. Churches are often the Holy Spirit to the full development be committed to renewing family life. too concerned with their institutional of their vocation in accordance with the They should not have to wait for the roles so we end up working primarily for Gospel teaching… Very little good will be bishops to inaugurate questions about our own maintenance. achieved by ceremonies, however ethics in the economy.” It is the special character of the lay beautiful, or groups, however flour - All the beautiful theology is there: person’s role in world that is stressed by ishing, if they are not directed to the Gospel vision of a Church alive with the Council. “The laity are given this training people to reach Christian the Spirit, active as a transforming special vocation: to make the Church maturity” ( Priests , 6). Some good presence through all its members in the present and fruitful in those places and questions for the pastoral priest to ask heart of the world. The question is how circumstances where it is only through himself are: To what degree does my is it being lived out in reality. The them that it can become salt of the ministry empower the laity to live their document on the Apostolate of the Laity earth. Thus, all lay people, through the faith in the world? How do I assist them ends with a stirring call: “The Council gifts they have received, are at once the to discover the depth of faith, prayer makes to all the laity an earnest appeal witnesses and the living instruments of and Christ’s gifts already active in them in the Lord to give a willing, noble and the mission of the Church itself, — at home, at work, and in the world? enthusiastic response to the voice of according to the measure of Christ’s gift” What teachings and affirmations, what Christ who is summoning them, and to (Church , 33). And again: “This is God’s encouragements and celebrations will the urging of the Holy Spirit. It is the design: that women and men, working in help them to realise more fully their Lord Himself, by the Council, who is harmony, should renew the temporal status in the world as the Spirit-filled once more inviting the laity to unite order and make it increasingly more People of God, the Lord’s apostles? themselves to Him ever more intimately, perfect. All that goes to make up the But the laity themselves need to to consider His interests as their own and temporal order — personal and family learn to take more responsibility for to join in His mission as Saviour. It is the values, culture, political institutions, their vocation as Christ’s primary Lord who is again sending them into international relations, and so on, witnesses in the world. Kenneth every town and every place where He possess a value of their own, placed in Guentert puts it clearly: “I’m not against Himself is to come. He sends them on an them by God... The laity accomplish the priests. I like them, as men and as an apostolate that must all the time adapt Church’s mission in the world principally idea. I like the Eucharist and the sacra - to the needs of the moment. He sends by that blending of behaviour and faith ments. That’s why I’m Catholic. It’s just them on an apostolate where they are to which makes them the light of the that the priestly function, as basic as it show themselves His co-operators, doing world… it is a fact that many men and is to the Catholic religion, takes only the their full share continually in the work of women cannot hear the Gospel and come better part of an hour each week. When the Lord, knowing that in the Lord their to acknowledge Christ except through the the priest says: Go, the Mass is ended, labour cannot be lost” ( Laity , 33). I lay people with whom they associate” the Mass ends. Period. Finito . The rest of [email protected] (Laity, 7,13). A “sacristy laity” — focused on what happens within the church building — is of little use to the world! WE ARE LOOKING FOR PROMOTERS OF OUR MONTHLY DRAW A Pro-Active Laity We are looking for supporters of our mission who will take one book of tickets a month. Please help us. Buy a book yourself. Write for a book to sell to your friends. The Jesuit theologian, Bernard Lonergan, Will you buy or sell for us: defines the Church as “that community € € € which results from the outer communi - Book of 20 Tickets = 16.00. Return 10.00; keep 6.00. Thank you for supporting us cation of Christ’s message and the inner in all the ways you do already. Our Address is: 8 Merchants Quay, Dublin 8. gift of God’s love.” A group of Catholics in Chicago asks the question: “While Please send me ...... Books for Next Draw many in the Church exhaust their energies arguing about internal issues, Name: ...... albeit important ones, the laity who Address: ...... spend most of their time and energy in the professional and occupational world, ...... appear to have been deserted. Who Phone No: ...... sustains lay persons as they meet the daily challenges of their family life, jobs

18 St Anthony Brief 1209-2009 San Damiano – Discipleship

In a wayside chapel in the woods – I kneel before the Cross – in silence – The sunlight streaming through the windows of my soul. Love embraces me – and I, a sinner, am loved and called - called to build a chapel – a place of prayer within the spaces of my heart – Called to be a disciple of Love Crucified – Sent forth to bring this love Through the forests of the world – That all may feel the sunlight of His Presence. “This is what I want with all my heart – This is my heart’s desire.” – Liam McCarthy, OFM

June/July 2009 19 St Anthony % Patron of Franciscan Education FR PATRICK CONLAN, OFM, looks at how St Anthony has been a presence in the education of young Irish friars for centuries.

or most people St Anthony of college to educate young boys would be Padua finds lost property or is set up, initially in Italy, later in Ireland. good at asking God for particular The novitiate and house for the study of fFFavours. They forget his background in humanities would return to Ireland. The Scriptural studies and his proclamation study of theology would remain in Rome. as Doctor of the Gospels or Evangelical The seraphic college settled in Doctor by Pope Pius XII in 1946. Anthony, Multyfarnham in 1899 with the novitiate as the Patron of Franciscan education, and house of studies in Killarney from has been honoured in the tradition of 1902. There was general agreement that Galway: studies at the University the Irish Franciscan Province. having the novices and newly professed The Irish Franciscans celebrated the clerics in the same house was not ideal. vision of a Catholic Hall of Residence at Feast of St Anthony during the Middle A search began for an alternative. U.C.C. He also knew of a failed and Ages but we have no details of The Irish Minister Provincial, Fr Leo vacant Protestant Hall of Residence, particular devotions. The friars founded Sheehan, and his Definitory met on 27th Berkley Hall. Fr Francis approached the College of St Anthony in Louvain in July 1905 to review the progress of the Windle about the Franciscan project and modern Belgium in 1607. There young reform. They agreed to approach mentioned that the friars might attend friars could be trained in the theology of Archbishop Walsh of Dublin for U.C.C. Events moved fast. The friars the Council of Trent before returning to permission for a house of studies in purchased the old building on 11th minister in Ireland. St Anthony’s in Finglas. It was believed that he favoured January 1909. The Minister General was Louvain was a major centre for studies the reform. The friars were amazed delighted and the new Franciscan in Irish life and culture during the first when he refused their application. student house and Catholic Hall of half of the seventeenth century. The Bishop Thomas O’Callaghan of Cork was Residence opened on 17th February zeal of the community for studies and a Dominican and again favourable to the 1909. It was Windle who suggested the culture declined afterwards. Along with friars. He agreed to a house of studies in name of St Anthony’s Hall. The official the other continental colleges, St Cork subject to certain conditions. The opening took place on 6th October 1909. Anthony’s suffered during the French Minister General in Rome also gave his It took time for the community to build Revolution. The building was sold in consent. No site was found over the up. By the summer of 1911 the 1822 in order to keep the College of St next two years. A major debate about community consisted of three priests, Isidore open in Rome. Even there the universities in Ireland took place during two brothers and seven clerics. Morning standard of studies for the young Irish these years. The bishops at the Synod of Mass was said at a time convenient for friars declined. A handful of Italian Thurles in 1850 had prohibited Catholics lay students. The clerics received an friars taught the young Irish clerics. from attending the original universities. excellent education. A government body was set up in 1906 Reform to suggest ways of facilitating Catholic Division A major reform of the Irish Province attendance at Irish universities. The Reformers are idealists and often fall began in St Isidore’s in 1873. German resulting Irish Universities Act became out among themselves over the quality friars took over the education of the law just before the Provincial Chapter. of their vision. It happened to the Irish young Irishmen. Then in 1888 the The Provincial Chapter elected Fr Franciscans just then. A group of strict Franciscan Minister General issued a Benignus Gannon as Provincial and reformers led by Fr Nicholas Dillon decree on the total reform of the Irish encouraged action over the student regarded Fr Benignus as lax. They Province. The core of the decree was house in Cork. Fr Francis Maher, then centred their objections around his pet centred on formation. The novitiate and stationed in Cork, helped Benignus. He project of a house where the clerics student houses would come under was a friend of Sir Bertram Windle, could receive university education. They German control. No novices could be president of University College Cork. claimed that the Hall was too large and received in Ireland. Control of formation Windle was a convert to Catholicism, a against poverty. They also accused would return to the Irish when there member of the Franciscan Third Order Gannon of not following proper proce - were sufficient new friars. A seraphic and a good friend of the friars. He had a dures. Finally, there was the scandal of

20 St Anthony Brief St Anthony’s in Galway proved a vital link in Irish Franciscan formation during World War II. The college in Louvain was closed after the outbreak of war in 1940. It proved almost impossible to send new young friars meeting lay students, some professors in Irish universities. One, Fr students to Rome. An extension was St Anthony % Patron of Francoif wshom cmighta be fenmale. EvEents in duEvangcelist aMcBritde, biecaome thn e first opened to St Anthony’s in Galway in Rome facilitated the activities of the Bishop of Kokstad in South Africa. 1941. It could then accommodate the rigorists. The Congregation for Religious large number of clerics who could not go was erected in Rome in 1908. The Galway to the continent. Perhaps its most Franciscan general administration was The dream of third level education still famous graduate was Cardinal Napier, replaced in 1911 and one of the strict remained alive. The Provincial Definitory Archbishop of Durban, who did his initial Irish friars was on the new General decided in 1932 to send the clerics to studies as a Franciscan in Galway. Many Definitory. The rigorists pressed their U.C.G. because of the huge increase in friars who worked in China, South Africa, advantage and the Irish Provincial vocations. A few students initially stayed Zimbabwe and Latin America got their administration was replaced by a decree in the friary in Galway. The first first degrees in Galway. of 19th August 1912. The leader of the community consisted of two priests, Young Irish Franciscans no longer strict friars, Nicholas Dillon, was twelve clerics and three brothers. They study at the Colleges of St Anthony in appointed Provincial. This was followed took up residence in Glenville House Louvain and Galway. The former was by a second decree on 23rd October that ordered, among other things, the closure of St Anthony’s Hall. Dillon was delighted and soon arranged for the Scholarship: clerics to move to the friary in Ennis. the Library of the One of the friars would teach them the the Library of the humanities. The priests and brothers University of were dispersed to other friaries. The Leuven building was finally sold in April 1914. Dillon probably did not know that the reason for the delay was so that it could be taken over by the university as a hall of residence. It was re-named the Honan Hostel. The Capuchins were already involved with U.C.C. and opened their own college in 1917 so that their students could attend the university. The friars had still not found a location in Ireland for a house of human - ities. Life under Dillon convinced many friars that his vision was not the right one. Opinion shifted toward Gannon and his supporters. He was elected to the Definitory in 1924-30. Mgr James J. Ryan near the site for nearly a year during the initially a victim of a desire by students of Thurles told the friars in 1923 that building of the college. The foundation to study through the medium of English. the old College of St Anthony in Louvain stone was laid on 25th April 1933. Bishop The number of vocations sharply was back on the market. Fr Gregory O’Doherty of Galway officially opened declined and the friars decided to give Clery, who had studied at St Anthony’s the College of St Anthony on the feast of up both places. The buildings in Galway Hall, carried out extensive negotiations the saint, 13th June 1934. Fr Pacificus were taken over by the university. The and the friars purchased the old building Nolan, ex-pupil of St Anthony’s Hall, college in Louvain became the Irish in Louvain later that year. It took time and Guardian of the new college, Institute for European Affairs. Yet in its to finalise arrangements. The new represented the Provincial who was in time the name of St Anthony played an community did not move in until 1926 Australia. The new college was important role in Irish Franciscan and the formal re-opening took place in dedicated to St Anthony both because education. Because of it, many Irish 1927. The young friars studied 1931 had been the Antonian Year and Franciscan priests during the second half philosophy or theology, leaving the also in memory of St Anthony’s Hall. The of the twentieth century had two or question of the humanities unresolved. date of the formal opening was a couple three university degrees and were Eleven Irish friars did post-graduate of months after the twenty-fifth among the best-educated clergy in degrees there up to 1940. Three became anniversary of the opening of the Hall. Ireland. I

June/July 2009 21 Earthquake in Italy News from the earthquake-struck area of Italy includes the sad news that the Poor Clare Monastery in L’Aquila News from suffered severe around the . . . damage. Sr Gemma Antonucci, Abbess of Franciscan World the Poor Clare nuns different sisters of the on the spiritual convent of life. Under “Who Santa we are” — the Chiara of sisters say: “We Paganica, are an enclosed was killed contemplative in the community of earth - Poor Clare sisters quake. A heavy Cross: whose monastery The rest of a Capuchin friar is is in Nuns’ Island, the nuns greeted in L’Aquila Galway, Ireland. were taken into the home of a family In fact we have member of one of the sisters. It is also been here in reported that the provincial Galway for headquarters of the OFM’s St centuries, right Bernardine Province was destroyed, and back to 1642, In the monastery garden: Sr Anthony takes her the basilica which holds the remains of having come exercise. An image from the revamped website. St Bernardine of Siena was severely through various damaged. No friar was seriously injured stages from our NATIONAL or is missing after the quake. The friars beginnings in FRANCISCAN 10 DAY PILGRIMAGE TO from the house of L’Aquila, however, Gravelines, will have to leave the friary due to the northern France, extent of the damage which has where some rendered it unsuitable for habitation at young Irish this time. The Capuchin friary in women had gone 3rd1 ~6 -1225t hO Nctoovbeemrb 2e0r 029 008 L’Aquila was also extensively damaged in search of by the tremor. Franciscans in the area religious life have responded generously since the intent on disaster struck. Friars are on hand in returning to the "tent cities" to minister to their Ireland when fellow quake victims. Without much persecution care for their own accommodation, the abated. Begun in friars are once again, as they have those far off many times in history, been there for days, the same the people who have lost family life of daily members, friends and property. prayer and Adoration of the Poor Care Website Blessed The Poor Clare community in Galway Sacrament, is city have revamped their website. ours today.” When first launched some years ago it Check out www. Led by: Fr Bernard Jones, OFM, Commissary of the Holy Land drew worldwide attention and recorded €1,215 p.p.s. fully including taxes and h/b I €1,295.99 p.p.s. H/B incl. taxes (4 star accommodation) millions of hits in a few weeks. DIRECT FLIGHT FROM DUBLIN National Organiser: Fr. Bernard Jones, O.F.M. The attractive and vibrant website has material on prayer, discernment, “our For further information contact: stories”, etc. A new feature is the Celebration Travel Ireland Ltd., D.F.B.A. Business Park, Dunhill, Co. Waterford, Ireland. audio and video material by the Tel: 051-396448 Fax: 051-396470

22 St Anthony Brief FRANCISCAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Our Lady of Lourdes September 22nd–27th 2009 Fare: €695 (inclusive of Free Insurance) Flights from Dublin and Shannon

Application Forms available from: Pilgrimages Abroad, Lauri Duffy Travel, Unit 1, The Court, Bridgefoot Street, Dublin 1, Tel: 01-6359300 or The Abbey, 8 St Francis Street, Galway, Tel: O91-562518.

SICK/DISABLED PILGRIMS Apply directly to: Pilgrimage Secretary, Franciscan Friary, Lady Lane, Waterford,

Tel: 051-874262. Bernadette of Lourdes

June/July 2009 23 THE SPIRIT’S Heaven Was Not Far Off! SURPRISES

FR TOM RUSSELL, OFM, was overjoyed by his participation in the recent “Chapter of Mats” in Assisi where 2,000 friars represented the 35,000 friars throughout the world.

Fast Forward to 2009 Someone had the vision to celebrate these two events together exactly 800 years from that first journey of Francis and his companions to speak with Pope friars to a great meeting in 1221. Some Innocent. The present leaders of the 3,000 would gather at the chapel of main Franciscan families set prepara - Our Lady of the Angels, called the tions into motion. They decided to hold Portiuncula. Francis himself had rebuilt a second Chapter of Mats in Assisi in this gate of heaven. Here he had begun April 2009. They, with the delegates, his religious life; here he had heard the would then go on to visit Pope Benedict Gospel of Matthew chapter 10 inviting in Rome, not however on foot, I might he Franciscan Family has recently him to be a travelling preacher. Here St add! The reader may please just been focusing attention on two Clare had made her consecration to imagine the immense amount of work great events in our past. The God. And here Francis would die singing required to welcome and enable such a first concerns the journey of St Francis TT a psalm in 1226. Living conditions were world-wide gathering. May the Lord and his first companions in 1209. They simple in those far-off days and the above reward the dedication of so many walked all the way from Assisi to Rome friars had to rough it. They slept on to see to each detail of travel and (150km) in order to visit Pope Innocent III. The Pope gave them verbal straw mats hence the name: “The accommodation, liturgies and themes, permission to live according to the Chapter of Mats.” During the gathering, speakers and then prayer backup from Gospel of Jesus Christ. We refer to this the friars reported back on their such as the Poor Clare nuns. The organ - as the Protorule . The game was on in apostolic journeys to Hungary, France isers did a superb job and knit together earnest. and throughout Italy. St Francis told a seamless garment. The intention was The second event came some years them of his own visit to the Middle that each Province or entity of the later as St Francis called home all his East. main Orders would send some delegates

24 St Anthony Brief to represent the 95% of the friars who three-day chapter welcoming prepared videos on some activities of could not come. everybody, reading out greetings and the Franciscan families across the good wishes. The Mayor of Assisi, Ing. world. The Capuchins have an Amazon April 2009 Claudio Ricci, and his City Council, project, and this was used as an And come they did. From Africa, Asia, welcomed us all with a flourish. It was example of ongoing foreign mission the Amazon, the Andes, the Americas, clearly a state occasion. Joy was work. The Third Order Regular film from Vietnam, Russia and Zimbabwe the tempered as we recalled the earth - showed us how big a player they are in friars poured in. All in all some 2,000 quake disaster of the previous week, at the world of education. We then had a registered. Assisi is no stranger to L’Aquila, just some 60kms away. sizzling talk on the media of communi - tourists and pilgrims but this was a Fiery Capuchin and Papal preacher, cation by Danilo Salezze, OFMConv. stunner — the sheer variety of sandals Renario Cantalamessa, was our first who is the Director of St Anthony and habits, beards and hairstyles, sparse main speaker. He sounded the note of Messenger in Padua. They print one and rotund, black and brown and white, genuine gratitude that equips us to face million copies per issue of the old and young, media personnel and the many challenges of today across magazine in eleven languages. They civic authorities. It was a mighty hosting five continents. We knew right away reach two million readers across the indeed. And soon the pace bene that we hadn’t come together just to globe, deal with 10,000 letters a year, greeting (peace and good) resounded as pass the time. We then processed from not to mention 4,000 emails. He spoke the men embraced, hugged, laughed the huge tent to the Basilica of Santa how we must reach out to the world of and set the place on fire. It was indeed Maria degli Angeli for a solemn Mass. Facebook , etc. Our OFM Custos in the a once-off. The preparations had paid We received yet another warm and Holy Land gave us a realistic picture of off. gracious welcome from the main the sterling work the friars do The conference centre was a huge celebrant, Mons. Domenico across the troubled Middle tent as long as Croke Park. It filled the Sorrentino, Bishop of East. The Pope’s main approach to the Basilica of Our Assisi. This reminded us upcoming May visit Lady of the Angels. One could hardly of the central role was much on his see to the end of the tent and some Bishop Guido of Assisi mind. Senora five large TV screens were used to keep played in the actual Encarnacion del us focused on the podium. Incidentally, life drama of the Pozo is the five Friars Minor (OFM), five Capuchins young St Francis. Minister General and one Conventual friar attended from Ireland, as well as delegates from our respective missions in Zimbabwe and Korea. The newer Franciscan families were also represented, as were the Anglican Franciscans. Proceedings were in Italian, Spanish, English and Polish with translators and head-phones in use. A typical international get- together.

Gratitude and Song The friars had assembled for the first such gathering in 800 years. The focus was on gratitude for the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Sts Francis and Clare, and so prayer and worship were the atmosphere of the week. Our hosts, the Italians, surpassed Basilica of St Clare: a “flock” of friars themselves; all the ceremonies were conducted with great dignity. You just The Big Tent of the Secular Franciscan Order. She have to imagine 2,000 men singing and We spent the entire next day, 16th too gave us a world tour of the activ - praying together. Heaven was not far April, in the big tent. We heard three ities, life and vitality of the lay off! It was a lesson in itself to see how challenging talks in the morning, not Franciscans who also trace their origin crucial plainchant and Taize-based least from our own Giacomo Bini, OFM, right back to St Francis. It was time to chants are to such gatherings. Indeed a former Minister General, who was praise and to pray so we all went back the monastery of Taize in France also warmly applauded. Again that stress to the Basilica where Cardinal Franc sent us greetings. on reaching out to the huge world Rode, Prefect of the Congregation of Our Minister General, Jose about us on mission. The afternoon Religious, led the Mass and gave a Rodriguez Carballo, OFM, opened the session was devoted to four well- lovely talk.

June/July 2009 25 Procession Franciscan sisters and SFO members “come fishing” even as he would trust - Friday 17th April saw us all move up to from Rome and its vicinity joined with fully face into his fifth year of Papal Assisi itself. We had morning prayer us there. We began with Mass in the ministry with a visit to the Holy Land. with the Poor Clares in the Basilica of Foclare centre, Mariapolis, led by the In a simple, solemn and moving St Clare where of course she is buried. Minister General. We then went on to a ceremony the Minister Generals then Then a talk on doing penance by Sr happy meeting with the Pope. His renewed their vows before the Pope. Angela Emanuela Scandella who is warm, cheerful and supportive voice The overflowing, bubbling-up, good- Abbess at Santa Lucia natured banter and monastery, Foligno. This laughter of the was to be our food for friars is my the day as there was no overriding memory midday meal. We were of these four asked to spend personal intense days. The time out in one of the gamble had paid great sanctuaries around off; the event had Assisi. been worthwhile. All the friars then St Anthony of reassembled back at the Padua once said in Portiuncula at 3.00pm. a sermon that the They then walked — Pentecostal interspersing prayers and “tongues of fire” readings — all the way had come together uphill to the Basilica of into a river of fire, St Francis. This was a that very fire deeply moving and heart- Jesus said He had warming spectacle as the come to cast upon two-hour long procession the earth. One felt wound its way through the presence of the streets of the town the same Holy upward to the Basilica. Spirit in this Never, eve, had Assisians universal and seen so many friars in solemn moment of one place at one time. gratitude and The Ministers General appreciation for awaited us at the very the lives of Francis tomb of St Francis where and Clare. One each friar received a gift heard again the of the Rule of St Francis command of Jesus, from any one of the four ever with us, to men. We then moved out cast out the nets to the piazza where we and go back into celebrated holy Mass the entire world in presided over by the His holy name. Brazilian Cardinal and Much good will friar, Claudio Hummes, come from the OFM, who is in charge of April Chapter of the Congregation of the Mats in Assisi Clergy. He thrilled us 2009, much joy- with his superb homily. filled mission. As Pope Benedict With the Pope said: “Bring to all We had to rise before the peace and joy dawn to be quickly on of Christ our the same road that St Saviour.” Francis and his companions had walked 800 years previously. Only and radiant face were so encouraging “Praise and bless my Lord not to Rome and Pope Innocent but to even as he — like all our speakers Give Him thanks Castel Gandolfo where Pope Benedict during the week — urged and prodded And serve Him with all humility.” was in post-Easter seclusion. Many us to get on with the work and to — St Francis I

26 St Anthony Brief A Prayer for FAITH IN Ecological Conversion ACTION

FR GEARÓID Ó CONAIRE, OFM, offers a prayer service for World Environment Day on 5th June.

s Christians we need to learn to between Church events and daily life is that the “outer ecology” of violence, pray through the events and not always clear. We all need support to division, injustice and abuse is reflective circumstances of our individual help us make these connections. Some of individual and collective “inner aAAnd collective lives. It is important to find it in prayer or Scripture groups and ecologies” in turmoil. The environmental learn to read and interpret in a Gospel basic Christian communities, while crisis is intrinsically connected to the way what emerges. Every person has others are helped by spiritual guides. A current western, capitalist, economic some sort of “spirituality.” Spirituality spiritual man or woman can see below model of development which refuses the could be defined as what guides and the surface of events, sometimes constraints of nature’s limits and to live orientates our decisions and actions. As considered by many as chance events, by her laws. For Pope John Paul II it is “a Christians we are supposed to allow the and recognise the presence of God’s moral issue.” For the Canadian bishops it Gospel to influence our behaviour. Our Spirit continuing the creative process in is a “profoundly religious” crisis. For religious practice, such as going to Mass the world. They in turn are constantly Wendell Berry it is a “crisis of on Sundays, receiving the sacraments, discerning how to collaborate with God character.” The “demons” in our hearts, personal and community prayer, is in the creative task. desires to exploit and dominate others supposed to help us develop a Many Christians are realising that and abuse creation, need to be tackled “Christian Spirituality” all in favour of the origin of the environmental crisis is before any technological solution can the “common good.” However, the link in the human heart. They appreciate make a real difference.

June/July 2009 27 World Environment Day — 5th June I offer you a prayer to heal the wounds inflicted on our Mother Earth. This prayer is a shortened version of one recently developed by the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission of Religious Orders based in Rome. World Environment Day which is celebrated on 5th June is one of a series of United Nations International Days. I encourage you to remember all God’s creatures on this day. Perhaps, you could organise a prayer service in your home, your parish or in your friary. Below you will find some ideas for a prayer. This prayer unfolds in three movements: celebration, lamentation, response . Be creative. You might choose a location for this prayer where your hearts and minds, sight, touch and hearing will be moved to conversion. Where in your local place is the environment suffering? Environment Day. You call us to be in our home as long as we learn to respect solidarity — through our prayer and and care for the whole community of OPENING PRAYER actions — with people adversely life and learn humility about our place Gracious God, we gather today with affected by climate change. We in it, that we take action to protect and people everywhere to observe World recognise that the Earth will only be restore the integrity of life systems, and that we work for sustainable devel - opment for all people. Change our hearts. Fill our hearts with a burning desire for your Kingdom where you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

MOVEMENT I: CELEBRATION “Then God said: ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning — the third day… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:11- 13,27). PAUSE for silence / sharing / response.

MOVEMENT II: LAMENTATION “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of child - birth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as

28 St Anthony Brief sons, the redemption of our bodies. For I/We, [Name], stand at a critical Closing Prayer in this hope we were saved. But hope moment in Earth’s history, a time when “To realise these aspirations, we must that is seen is no hope at all. Who humanity must choose its future. decide to live with a sense of hopes for what he already has? But if As the world becomes increasingly universal responsibility, identifying we hope for what we do not yet have, interdependent and fragile, the future ourselves with the whole Earth we wait for it patiently...” (Romans at once holds great peril and great community as well as our local 8:22-24). promise. communities. We are at once citizens of different nations and of one world To move forward we must recognise Response to Intercessory Prayers — in which the local and global are that in the midst of a magnificent Lord have mercy linked. Everyone shares responsibility I diversity of cultures and life forms we We have increased our dependence for the present and future well-being are one human family and one Earth on and use of non-renewable of the human family and the larger energy. Many of us prefer cars to community with a common destiny. living world. The spirit of human public transportation. We increase We must join together to bring forth a solidarity and kinship with all life is rather than decrease our carbon sustainable global society founded on strengthened when we live with footprint. (R) respect for nature, universal human reverence for the mystery of being, I We continue to use water as a rights, economic justice, and a culture gratitude for the gift of life, and commodity while two-thirds of the of peace. humility regarding the human place in world’s population live with water Toward this end, it is imperative that nature” (from Earth Charter ). All scarcity or stress. (R) praise to you God for your goodness to I We destroy many of our forests and we, the peoples of Earth, declare our us. Give us hearts of flesh to rejoice mismanage others. (R) responsibility to one another, to the in your gifts, to beg pardon when we I We contribute to global warming greater community of life, and to err, and to live justly. We ask this in putting the food security of millions future generations. the name of your Son Jesus, who lives at risk. (R) (Taken from the Earth Charter and breathes among us. Amen. I I We contribute to global warming such that increased sea and air [email protected] Silent prayer / sharing of reflections. temperatures result in rising sea levels, putting whole islands and their inhabitants at risk. (R) I We do not alter our ways and suffi - ciently care for or welcome those SUGGESTED ACTIONS: migrants and refugees displaced by The following suggestions are taken from a booklet entitled Earth drought, flood, or lack of food. (R) Community: In Christ through the Integrity of Creation towards Justice and I add your own … Peace for ALL. It was published in Rome in April 2009 and is available at the PAUSE for silence and prayer. following website: You are invited to try to implement an action per week. Enduring God, hear our prayers as we bring these, our hurts and hopes, our PRAY : See Creation with new eyes. Choose one of the following fears and our faults before you. Bind Scripture passages: Genesis 1:2-3; Isaiah 11:1-10; Revelations 21:1-5. our hurts, encourage our hopes, Question for religious and small Christian communities: “What motivates comfort our fears, forgive us our faults. you to care for the earth and what can you do to walk more gently on the Through the presence of your Holy land as Christ did?” Spirit dwelling in us, empower us to remain steadfast in the hope and light CLIMATE : Book your car in for a service to ensure it is running at top and promise of the Gospel revealed to efficiency. us in your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose BIODIVERSITY: Buy chemical-free natural wash-up and laundry liquids. name we pray. Amen. Avoid toothpaste and anti-bacterial soap containing Triclosan which is MOVEMENT III: RESPONSE highly toxic to algae. You are invited to make this ENERGY: Make a commitment never to leave lights or heating on in rooms commitment in a variety of ways, you are not using — note how much you save on the next bills. pausing between each reading. I In the first person singular: WATER: Take a shower and not a bath. A shower uses about 25 litres of I, ____, stand at a critical moment… water while a bath uses more then 80. Consider getting rid of your power I In the second person plural: shower if you have one. We, (Christians / the name of your FOOD: Consider becoming a vegetarian — if not fully, part-time. Use congregation / name of school or vegetarian dishes and/or vegan meals (without dairy or eggs) occasionally. parish or other group), stand at a critical time…

June/July 2009 29 MMiissssiioonn DDiiggeesstt

A highpoint of the recent Chapter of Mats in Assisi was the two-hour procession from the church of the Portiuncula in the valley below the town, through the Umbrian fields and the streets of Assisi, to the tomb of St Francis. The 2,000 friars were a sign that we all are pilgrims on a journey, together with Christ, as we travel through this world, “our cloister.”


30 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR NEW YORK Dear Fr Ulic, Enc losed find my check t o renew my subscripti Anthony on to St Brief. I look forward to its arrival and read it cover to cover. It mu st win many awards i DUBLIN its d n Europe for epth, coverage, lay-out and purpose. Our own Dear Father, editor/publisher of the “Anthonian” – Fr John ry OFM, d T. Piccione, ead St Anthony Brief eve ied (at 44 years) recen Shalom. I r tly. A great loss to our sting as I spent Province and for th, and find it very intere many of us personally mon he ... He especially uth Africa. I also lped me with my fund leven years in Bizana, So -raising efforts for the e orphans i Hiv/Aids s FMMs, like the n the care of the LCM often find articles re u Sisters in Zimbabwe. visited there wit He Assunta caring h me and was deeply i recent one about Sr w mpressed by the t. I ork of the friars of you d poor in the Sahara deser r Province/the Custody for the sick an stayed wi . We s out four th the friars in Muram r own newsletter; it come binda and Tschabalal enclose ou GREAT hospitali a. thing that ty and spirit. Looking year. You may find some an forward to times a other year of inspirati e Brief. on and news. you would like to put in th Fraternal best, Wishing you every blessing, F r J. Patrick Kelly, OFM Sr Joan Fennelly, FMM

ROME DUBLIN ear Father, Dear Editor, D on to my subscripti ike to renew In the Feb/March 2009 edition, “South I would l to Mass unday I go te Mugabe” was a very agazine. Every S Africa Must Isola your m know rticle lege, Rome and interesting, concise and to the point a Isidore’s Col at St egular from the words of Cardinal Napier on the there. I am a r rish friars sis in Zimbabwe. Not only the I not only keeps humanitarian cri agazine. It his der of your m does he criticise President Mugabe and rea ion but it gives n your miss terrible abuse of power but also his own me informed o view ing point of uth Africa. Cardinal Napier’s mative, interest President in So me an infor akes nt aspects of views are very expressive and clear. It m any and differe on so m the right us aware at home in Ireland how lucky we ps me stay on life. It hel we can speak out and demonstrate today’s ttom of my are that rom the bo tortured or I thank you f against injustice without being path. do del cuore. n – dal profon even murdered. heart, in Italia Yours sincerely, Melina Varvo Patrick

Please write your letters, comments and suggestions, to: The Editor, St Anthony Brief, Franciscan Missionary Union, Merchants’ Quay, Dublin 8.

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