Monasteru Santa Klara, San Ġiljan

L-isbaħ xewqat ta’ Milied hieni u qaddis, u s- sena 2007 tkun ta’ paċi u ġid! - L-Editur




Living according to the Gospel

A letter of the Conference of the Franciscan Family in preparation of the 800th anniversary of the approval of the Rule

125 Sena ta’ devozzjoni lejn il-Madonna tas-Sacro Cuor Ġużepp Vella, OFM

Il-Fonti tal-Magħmudija – l-ġuf tal-Knisja – sinjal li jidher tal-ġuf ta’ Marija Anton Farrugia, OFM

Patrijiet Minuri (O.F.M.) 2007

Il-lista alfabetika ta’ l-Aħwa kollha tal- Provinċja kif se nibdew is-sena 2007


Cardinal Hummes OFM to Head Congregation for Clergy

Benedict XVI named Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, OFM, archbishop of Sao Paulo, 72, as prefect of the Congregation for Clergy replacing Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos, 77, who presented his resignation to the Pope for reasons of age, but who will continue in his post as president of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei.” Claudio Hummes was born in Montenegro, in southern Brazil, to a family of German origin, in 1934. He was ordained a Franciscan priest in 1958. He was named bishop in 1975, appointed archbishop of the Diocese of Fortaleza in 1996, then archbishop of Sao Paulo in 1998. He was created cardinal in 2001. In 2002, Pope John Paul II invited him to preach spiritual exercises to the Roman Curia, meditating on how to be disciples of Christ. On reporting his appointment, Vatican Radio highlighted his commitment to ecumenical dialogue, promotion of the laity, the pastoral care of labor, and the formation of priests. “He was one of the architects of the World Meeting of Families with John Paul II in Rio de Janeiro in 1997,” added Vatican Radio


"For you I am a Bishop but with you I am a Christian" - Fr Paul Cremona, O.P.

Fr Paul Cremona, the 60-year old -born Dominican priest was on Saturday announced as the new bishop-elect of the Archdiocese of Malta, the 11th Maltese Archbishop. “Pope John Paul II was received [in Malta] with unforgettable enthusiasm as ‘the second [Saint] Paul’. Today as per mandate of Pope Benedict XVI the diocese is being entrusted to another Paul,” Apostolic Nuncio Felix del Blanco Priete announced to a crowd of journalists and the Presbyterian council meeting at the Curia in Floriana. Taking centre stage in a very humble way, confused and emotional, the new Archbishop invoked Bishop Saint Augustine: “For you I am a Bishop but with you I am a Christian.” Speaking to the press after his annunciation, the new Archbishop outlined his initial vision of the Church in Malta which he will be heading. “The Church needs to remain open, we are all sinners but we need to walk the path together. I want continuous dialogue, I want to be with each and every one of you, close to you” Fr Cremona said. In his own words, his greatest value is that he can build the bridges. “We need to build the bridges that are needed to bring back the people who left the church.” Commenting on the poor Sunday mass attendance, he said that this hurts, but at the same time we need to see what qualities the people are looking for in the church. “This is a personal experience for each and every person - we need the people to feel an intimate relationship with Christ.”



Final Document of the Extraordinary General Chapter

La Verna-, 15th September to 1st October 2006


Dear Brothers, May the Lord give you peace! The Extraordinary General Chapter, which began in the Sanctuary of La Verna on the 15th September and continued at St. Mary of the Angels, was concluded on the 1st October 2006 in the Porziuncola. It was an im- portant stage in the perspective of the celebration of the VIII Centenary of the approval by Innocent III of our Rule and Life and, therefore, of the foundation of our Order. Moved by “divine inspiration”, we Minor returned to Assisi to confront our origins and with the aim of responding to the question: “Lord, what do you want us to do as Friars Minor today?” Every and every Entity can find the response in the Final Document, The Lord Speaks with us on the Road, which is “a remin- der, an experience, a path, a sending forth, an ever open invitation” (n. 3) and a help, support and encourage- ment to put our charism into practice at the present moment, which the Lord, the Father of mercies, has given us to live. The Document which I have the pleasure to present to each one of you today, following its approval by the General Definitory, is made up of two parts. In the first part, which we could call “inspirational”, it wishes to offer motives, support, light and guidance for the paths which the Lord invites us to travel with “clarity and audacity” at the present time. In the second part, the Document presents methodologies, suggestions and orien- tations so that the universal Fraternity and the local Fraternities, by following the same path though with diffe- rent modalities and styles, may have the opportunity to incarnate into daily life all that frequenting the “altar of our memory and of our origins” (n. 7) allowed us to understand and intuit. Dear Brothers, the Document The Lord Speaks with us on the Road calls for the Extraordinary General Chapter to be continued in each Friar and in each Entity. May the Lord and our father Francis support us on the way. May we travel this way according to the methodology of the biblical icon of the disciples of Emmaus, in order to discern how to improve our life and mission so that we may be “humble and simple signs of a star which still shines in the night of peoples, drawing us all towards the essentials of life” (n.9).

Rome, 1st November 2006 The Feast of All Saints


Prot. 097353

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Congress of the Commissars of the Holy Land - Homily “WE HAVE SEEN THE LORD!”

(Congress of the Commissars of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, 19th November 2006) Homily by Br. José Rodríguez Carballo, ofm - Minister General Joel 3, 1-5; Ps 103, 1ff; Jn 20, 19-23

Dear Brothers: May the Lord give you peace! “I rejoiced when I heard them say: Let us go to God’s house. And now our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem” (Ps 121 1-2). The joy a pilgrim of ancient felt when he reached the holy city of Jerusalem for the first time is the same joy that we all feel each time we return to Jerusalem as it is like returning home, for what the Psalmist says can also be said of us: We were all born there. This joy is even greater when we have the grace to celebrate the Eucharist here, on Mount Sion, in the Cenacle, the this is my body, this is my through which the holy place among holy blood” (cf. Mt 26, 26-28), sacrament of Orders was places. How could we fail the words which instituted instituted and which we, to feel a deep joy when we the Eucharist, of which we through pure grace, have are in the place where are ministers? How could received? How could we even today the words of we avoid trembling on hide the joy we experience Jesus during the Last hearing here, still today, on hearing the words of Supper resound: “Take the echo of those other the Lord: “For those whose and eat, take and drink, words: “Do this in memory sins you forgive, they are of me” (1Cor 11, 24-25), forgiven” (Jn 20,23), being L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 6

that we, as priests and here also our mission in place awakens in us all, through pure mercy, have the Holy Land was born, we have to listen to the received such power? How the Custody of the Holy message which, after more could we not feel Land was born, and than twenty centuries, still comforted by the presence continues to be the “pearl” continues to be present in of the Holy Spirit, which of the franciscan missions this place and to be very descended on the Apostles today. How can a sign of current for all of us who at prayer here with Mary the providence of the Lord try to follow closely the (cf. Acts 1, 14; 2, 1-4), and not be seen in this footprints of our Lord which is the soul of the geographic coincidence! Jesus Christ and, in mission of the Church (cf. May the good Lord wish particular, for all of us AG 4), in which we directly one day, not very distant, who have professed the collaborate? Yes, dear that this holy place would Gospel as our Rule and brothers, great is the joy return to its legitimate life (RB 1,1). and deep the emotion we owners: The Friars In order to perceive feel as we walk in this holy Minors, Custodians of the better and to accept this place, a witness to the Holy Land in the name of message more adequately, final moments of the the . May I think it is necessary to earthly life of Jesus, a the Lord wish one day, not pay attention to some witness to the presence of very distant, that the words of the texts to which the Risen One in the midst cloister of the old we made reference of His disciples, a witness franciscan convent, still previously. to the eruption of the Holy standing just a few metres “Take and eat, take and Spirit into the Church, a from where we are drink”, Jesus says to us. witness to the first gathered, be again the These words question us sending, to the first shelter of the sons of the about the place the apostolic mission. Poverello, so that their Eucharist occupies in our But for us presence in this holy place lives. The path we are , this holy may be a continuation of called to travel in place, the Cenacle, has an that other presence which communion with our even greater significance the Friars maintained in brothers, with the Church than for the other this place for centuries, and hand in hand with the Christians, who come here until they were unjustly “minors of the earth”, who from all over the world. obliged to leave it. “have the power to guide Here, where the Church But beyond these us in our searches”, as the began, here, where the historical memories which Final Document of the mission of the Church was this place evokes, beyond Extraordinary General born (cf. Jn 20, 20-21), the emotions which this Chapter reminds us (LSR 5), is a long one and, in many cases, full of difficulties. Like Elijah on the road to Horeb, we run the risk of being afraid or even of growing faint before such difficulties (cf. 1K 19, 3-5). If, on that occasion the Lord said to Elijah: “Get up and eat, or the journey will be too long for you” (1K 19,7), Jesus, today and always, says “take and eat, take and drink” to each one of


us. He is not only a Franciscans in this land-, But we are not alone. The travelling companion (cf. the saving presence of the Lord walks with us and Lk 24, 13-36), He is also cross of Christ. makes Himself present in our food and viaticum (cf. How can we, who are our midst in order to Jn 6, 22ff). He not only at the service of the “pearl” infuse peace into our satisfied the hunger of of the franciscan missions, dejected hearts, as in the those who followed Him carry out this mandate case of His disciples (cf. Jn (Jn 6, 1ff), but today, like today? How can we, who 20,21. 26), and to yesterday, He continues to have received the Spirit communicate to us His satisfy the hungry (cf. Ps like the disciples, not set Spirit, which pushes us to 104, 27-28). The out to the ends of the the mission and gives us Eucharist is strength to earth? (cf. Jn 20, 22). How the courage, the parresia, continue the journey, can we, on whom the Lord to proclaim to all: “WE drink to satisfy the thirst has poured out His Spirit, HAVE SEEN THE which so often torments not be prophets through LORD!” (Jn 20,24). us, life in order to have life our life and word, and how Send forth Your in abundance, which we can we not see a different Spirit, O Lord, and renew ardently desire. future? (cf. Joel 3,1). We the face of the earth. “As the Father sent all, by our vocation, form Send forth Your me, I also send you”. And part of a fraternity-in- Spirit, O Lord, on us and the Apostles set out. mission, we are all we will go out to the paths Closed gates opened wide missionaries, sent to give and squares to announce and the proclamation of witness “in word and deed the Good News. the Gospel arrived to all and to bring everyone to Send forth Your parts. And the Friars know that there is no one Spirit, O Lord, on us and Minor, moved by divine who is all-powerful except our fear and cowardice inspiration (RB 12,1), also Him” (LtOrd 9). We have will be conquered. set out, leaving their own all been sent to announce, Send forth Your homelands, families and as prophets, the Gospel Spirit, O Lord, and we will cultures, and arrived in and to be privileged be new creatures. the east and the west, instruments of Send forth Your north and south, bringing reconciliation and pardon. Spirit, O Lord… to the four corners of the How do we exercise this earth –as is indicated by sacred ministry? Ritratt: l-ewwel filliera, il- the so-called “Cross of the Many are be the Kummissjarju ta’ l-Art Holy Land” or “Jerusalem difficulties, dear brothers, Imqaddsa Fra Twanny Chircop, OFM li qed jieħu Cross”, the symbol of the we will meet on the way. sehem f’dan il-Kungress.


Letter of the Minister General for the 550th Anniversary of the death of St. John of Capestrano St. John of Capestrano A man of great passions

Dear Brothers, May the Lord give you peace!

A day of celebration was held in the Convent of St. Fran- cis in Capestrano, in Abruzzo, on the 28th November 2006 to commemorate the 550th Anni- versary of the death of St. John of Capestrano at Ilok on the 23rd October 1456. There was an Eucharistic celebration and two discourses on “John of Capes- trano, a decisive man for a nec- essary reform” (Remo Guidi) and “John of Capestrano and the Popes of his time, based on documents preserved in the li- brary of the convent of Capes- trano” (Marco Bartoli). As an- nounced in the Communication of the General Definitory of the 24th July 2006, the General Defi- nitory, the Ministers Provincial of Italy and Friars from the Enti- ties which had something to do with the activity of Capestrano, participated. An International Congress and a Symposium in honour of Capestrano was held earlier in Budapest, Hungary, on the 7th and 8th September 2006, and in Fraz, Austria, on the 20th October 2006. The events of Budapest and Graz, the participation in honour of John of Capestrano in knowledge of this illustrious son Order in view of a new begin- his native town, spurred me to of St. Francis will lead to the ning and of a new life”. write this letter to you, dear discovery of his values, to ap- Is not the retelling of a brothers, in order to invite you preciate his teachings and to “re- great page of our history, written to celebrate enthusiastically this read” his testimony so as to by the Lord through the life and anniversary in the most suitable draw from him support, motiva- activity of our Brother, perhaps, way, in the awareness that a tion, light and strength to an opportunity to encourage us deeper and more personal “favour the re-foundation of the to write a new page of our his-


tory, written this time by us, of the Gospel, defender of the vour at the service of the Order moved by the same Spirit which Apostolic See and Papacy, a and of the Church. called Francis and St. John of man of prayer and action, apos- It is stimulating to think of Capestrano, and which calls us tle of Europe, convinced up- the itinerary of conversion of today to place ourselves at the holder of the rights of the weak- John of Capestrano during the service of the Gospel of our est, formator of consciences and VIII Centenary of the encounter Lord Jesus Christ and of our untiring apostle of peace. He of with the brothers? was acclaimed as the “stella Bo- Crucifix of San Damiano. That Yes, that was the experi- hemorum”, “lux Germaniae”, encounter initiated the still fasci- ence we lived in Assisi during “clara fax Hungariae” and nating human and Christian ad- the Extraordinary General Chap- “decus Polonorum”. venture of the Poverello, articu- ter in view of the celebration of But what is the key to lated the reflections and activi- the VIII Centenary of the foun- reading his “success” or to inter- ties of the Order in 2006, was an dation of our Order. It is from pret his biography, his language essential point of reference for within this experience that I in- and his activity? An affirmed the Extraordinary General Chap- tend to pause to speak about judge and much appreciated ter, recently concluded, and for John of Capestrano. I do not “political” man, John knew the understanding what the Lord have the intention or the possi- harshness of prison, which was wants today of those who chose bility to go into his very com- the cause of a deep religious to follow the Gospel according plex, problematical and, at the crisis for him. Following a tena- to the project of life lived and same time, fascinating personal- cious internal struggle and a proposed by St. Francis. ity. I do not propose to describe stubborn resistance to the voice his breathtaking, intense and of St. Francis, who invited him The Rule at the service of the varied activity, because the lit- to enter the Order, he decided to Church erature for that end is abundant. abandon the world and to follow Barely ordained a priest, I only wish to underline or recall the Lord alone, as he confided to John of Capestrano assumed this how the man of Capestrano a friend later. On the 4th October task: “Even if I do not bear the lived “the Rule and life” he had 1415 he began his novitiate at ultimate responsibility, I gave professed and how, being faith- Monte Ripido, during which he decided to put all my strength ful to that proposal, he suc- proceeded in an impetuous man- into the defence of the flock of ceeded in influencing so pro- ner along the way of minority, in Christ until the last breath of my foundly, through his life and accordance with the example of life”. word, the most outstanding the Poverello of Assisi, the elo- This passion for the “flock events of the history of the quent image of the kenosis of of Christ” led him to have an Church and of Europe at that Christ (cf. 2Ltf 4ff). And what unlimited devotion to him who time. happens – St. Francis wondered had the main responsibility for It is a question of com- – to him who expropriates him- the flock, the Pope, to whose memorating St. John of Capes- self of everything in order “to service he dedicated his whole trano, not to stand spellbound offer himself naked to the em- life and energy, as can be seen before a family photo, but to brace of the Crucified One”? from one of his letter- identify, from his gospel- Francis himself answered: “He confessions to St. Bonaventure: franciscan experience, some will emerge an unchained lion, “I am a weak, old, sickly man… suggestions, indications and strong enough for anything, and I can do no more… But if the challenges in order to define the blessed sap which he tapped Pope were to request otherwise, evangelically our life and mis- in the beginning will grow in I would not refuse, even if I had sion and to re-present afresh the him through constant progress. to drag myself half-dead, or I fascinating face of Francis to the To him at last the true ministry had to cross thorny hedges, fire Church and world of today. of the word will be given safely, and water”. This unconditional for he will pour out what bub- trust in the Petrine ministry has From “greater” to “minor” bles up in his heart” (2Cel 194). also to be lived by the Friar Mi- John of Capestrano was an The “unchained lion, strong nor. In the Costitutionis Martin- austere penitent, great reformer, enough for any- ianae, in fact, St. John of Capes- sharp counsellor, wise legislator, thing”immediately put his fer- trano recommended obedience fruitful writer, untiring preacher to the Church to the Friars Mi-


nor, in accordance with the will Transylvania, Poland, Thurin- must abide in our hearts and our of Francis in the Rule, as he was gen, Moravia and Bohemia. A going out to people, since our wont to remind a confrere con- fervour such as that of Capes- reason for being in the Church tentiously: “It seems that you do trano was enthusiastically re- and in the world is to live and not wish to have the Rule serve turned and the listeners to his proclaim the Good News to the Church, but the Church to preaching were so many as to every human being, especially serve the Rule. Our seraphic force him to speak in the squares in the places of frontier, by giv- father St. Francis himself stated and in the fields. But not only ing preference to gospel itiner- the opposite in his Rule. It is not that, the people wanted to see ancy according to the sensitivity the Church which is derived him, touch him, take pieces of of Francis and the testimony of from our Rule, but the Rule his clothes and they turned to John of Capestrano. “You who from the Church”. him asking to be healed, despite are the ‘Friars of the people’ – Returning to the “places” the fact that he brought them the John Paul II exhorted us in 1982 of our memory and of our ori- relics of the newly canonised St. – should go out into the heart of gins to celebrate the Extraordi- Bernardine! the masses... Go out to meet the nary General Chapter, we Friars In this way the itinerant men and women of our times”. Minor wished to renew our preaching, which was so charac- The connection between commitment to observing “the teristic of the Franciscans of the our identity and our working, we holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus XIII century and had fallen into are a Fraternity-in-mission, con- Christ… firm in the Catholic a crisis at the beginning of the tinually recalled by the recent faith… and always subject and 14000, was taken up again by documents of the Order, also submissive at the feet of holy Bernardine of Siena and further requires that our zeal for the mother Church” (Rb 12,3; cf. extended by John of Capestrano, salus animarum be made practi- Test 34; The Lord Speaks with giving it a totally personal cal in a franciscan way of living us on the Road, LsR, 8.14). If it stamp. It was not only a time for and announcing the Gospel, as is is true, in fact, that “Francis is a the proclamation of the Gospel, said in a summary way in the key for understanding Peter and but also for confessions, for the document of the Chapter: to be the Church”, as Benedict XVI formation of consciences and for and to present ourselves as said to the Bishop of Assisi, and visits to the sick. It was, espe- “lesser brothers to every man to me in an audience granted to cially, an occasion for settling and woman in the same style as me on the 26th January 2006, it discord and re-establishing that of Francis when he sent his is also true that the gospel ex- peace. The “tractare pacem”, brothers throughout the world. perience of Francis is under- “pacem reformare”, “bonam ‘not to engage in arguments and standable on the basis of the pacem conficere” constituted the disputes but […] to be subject to acceptance of his project of life heart of Capistrano’s preaching. every human creature for God’s on the part of the Church as a In brief, we can see all that the sake’. This relationship in mi- gift of the Spirit to the Church Lord asked of His own on send- nority with all human creatures and for the Church. ing them to announce the King- has implications for our mission: dom of God (cf. Lk 9,1ff; 10,1ff) among the laity, in relationships Life at the service of the “flock being carried out in the apostolic with women, in our manner of of Christ” activity of John of Capestrano. living within the Church, in the It is a question of the same necessity of inter-religious dia- “I sleep two hours or even zeal for salvation as that of the logue, in our relationship with one only, he was to say during a Friars of the Poverello of Assisi, creation and, in fact, in all our sermon in Vienna. I would who “would not consider him- mission as minors among the rather sleep now than preach, self a friend of Christ unless he lesser people of the earth” (LsR but I do not belong to myself, loved the souls which He 30; cf. also 26-38.58). but to you”. No longer belong- loved” (2Cel 172) and of the ing to himself, but to the “flock same “style”. Having obtained Studies at the service of re- of Christ”, John turned all his the approval of the Pope, Fran- newal fervour to the proclamation of cis, “going around the cities and John of Capestrano also the Gospel, not only in Italy, but villages, began to preach more turned the fervour which burned also beyond the Alps, reaching widely” (3Comp 54). Such pas- inside him to the advantage of Carinzia, Austria, Hungary, sion for the salus animarum the Order, courageously and


tenaciously carrying out an in- and he cannot know it if he does the provincial and local fraterni- fluential activity of renewal, like not learn it”. The Friars, the ties or in the life of the individ- Saints Bernardine of Siena, Saint exhorts: “Must find the ual Friars. It remains open, James of the and Bl. time to dedicate themselves to thanks to the Document The Albert of Sarteano and Marco literature and the sciences… in Lord Speaks with us on the Fantuzzi of . The re- order not to tempt God through Road, which continues to ask us: form of the Order was carried vain presumption…”. He de- “Lord, what do You want us to out through the promotion of clared, without mincing his do?” and offers us some motiva- fidelity to the Rule of St. Fran- words: “O ignorance, stupid and tions and indications for under- cis, as the Costitutiones blind mother of all errors…”. taking new paths and for re- Eugenianae, written at La Verna Distinguishing between maining faithful to the grace of in 1443, and his Commentary on “knowledge” and the “abuse of our origins. the Rule of St. Francis show and knowledge”, John of Capestrano However, there is no emp- also through the up-dating of the affirmed that true knowledge tiness between us and our ori- ideal of Francis in order to re- leads to wisdom, “which comes gins: there are names, faces, ex- spond to the numerous and de- from on high and is… the periences and testimonies which manding challenges which ec- mother of every good and the transmit to us the fidelity to the clesiastical, political and social teacher of every truth”. tasks assumed on the day of events continually presented. In view of the “re- their profession by very many of A strong incentive, how- foundation” of our Order, the our Brothers and Sisters who ever, to his commitment to aim of our preparatory itinerary preceded us. pushing the renewal of the Or- for the celebration of the grace Among these faces is John der forward was his conviction of our origins, the expressions of Capestrano, who, on the 550th that studies, as “the search for quoted from Capestrano are of a Anniversary of his death, offers wisdom”, were a formidable surprising actuality. Doesn’t n. us his sanctity, his fidelity to our instrument of the Friar Minor, 12 of the document of the Ex- origins and to his times, his love not only to give dignity and effi- traordinary General Chapter say for studies, his commitment to ciency to the ministry, but also the same thing, though with dif- peace and his itinerant preach- as a bridge for meeting the cul- ferent words? In our days also ing, as provocations to us who, ture of the era. The conviction there is a need to recover the today, with clarity and audacity, of Capestrano is explicitly mani- great philosophical, theological, wish to serve the Gospel in ac- fested in his Letter to the Order, mystical and artistic traditions of cordance with the forma vitae of of the 4th February 1444, on the our franciscan patrimony “as a Francis of Assisi, so that it may “need to promote studies among support for our mission of still be, for us and for all, Gos- the Friars Minor”. In his impas- preaching the Gospel in word pel! sioned plea in favour of studies, and deed in the midst of contem- John of Capestrano, in his at- porary culture” (LsR 13; cf , 8th November 2006 tempt to break down the resis- 12.56; The flavour of the Word, Memorial of Bl. John Duns Scotus tance of the Friars to studies, Rome 2005). used very strong expressions: BR. JOSÉ RODRÍGUEZ CAR- “No one is a messenger of God Conclusion BALLO, OFM if he does not announce the The Extraordinary Gen- Minister General truth; and he cannot announce eral Chapter ended in Assisi on Prot. 097384 the truth if he does not know it; the 1st October 2006, but not in

Laqgħa mas-Seminaristi fil-kunvent tar-Rabat

Nhar it-Tlieta, 21 ta’ Novembru, 10 seminaristi tat-tieni sena, żaru l-kunvent tar-Rabat, biex iqattgħu ftit ħin mal- formandi tagħna. Kienet inizjattiva sabiħa ħafna fejn kellhom iċ-ċans li jitolbu flimkien u jsiru nafu aħjar lil xulxin. Hemm il-ħsieb li laqgħat bħal dawn jissoktaw.


The two passions of Elizabeth of Hungary (VIII Centenary of her birth) 17th November 2006

Br. José Rodríguez this woman, separated ther; the fulfilment, up to Carballo, ofm from us by so many years the ultimate conse- Minister General and so many other things quences, of the new com- Si, 26, 1-4. 13-21 say to us? mandment of love. Mt 25, 31-40 Her message, which She left nothing in turns her into a really cur- writing, but numerous Dear Brothers: May the rent figure, takes its power passages of her life can Lord give you peace! from her two great pas- only be understood from a Coinciding with the clo- sions: her passion for literal understanding of sure of our meeting, the Christ and her passion for the Gospel. She made the VIII Centenary of the birth the poor. A dual passion programme of life pro- of St. Elizabeth, princess which puts her into per- posed by Jesus in the of Hungary, grand Count- fect spiritual and charis- Gospel a reality: ess of Thuringen and fran- matic harmony with Fran- – Anyone who tries to ciscan penitent has offi- cis, by whom she was un- preserve his life will loses cially begun. This Jubilee, doubtedly inspired, and it; anyone who loses his which very closely touches with Clare, both hearts life for my sake and for the the Brothers and Sisters of conquered by Christ and sake of the Gospel, will the TOR and SFO, who are by the poor, in whom they save it (Lk 17, 33; Mk 8, honoured to have her as discovered Christ. Her 35). their Patroness, has also whole life, including her – if anyone wants to be to be celebrated in a life of extreme penance, a follower of mine, let him proper way by all of us can only be understood in renounce himself and take who form part of the great the light of these two pas- up his cross and follow me Franciscan Family, be- sions. (Mk 8, 34-35). cause she is, in all justice, In Elizabeth’s case, – If you wish to be per- one of its glories. her passion for Christ led fect, go sell what you own Faced by this jubilee her to assume the Gospel and give the money to the celebration, in profound as her form of life and to poor, then come follow me communion with the en- live it in the most genuine (Mt 19,21). tire Franciscan Family, style of Francis: simply, – Anyone who prefers especially with the broth- without glossa, in all its father or mother to me is ers and sisters of the TOR spiritual and material as- not worthy of me (Mt and SFO, it is logical that pects. This was a proposal 10,37). we ask ourselves: What which was manifested in Her passion for message does the figure of her deepest existential at- Christ was manifested and St. Elizabeth address to us titudes, such as: the rec- nourished thanks to a Friars Minor? What can ognition of the absolute profound communion with she, a woman wrapped in lordship of God; the need Him through a life of in- the obscurity of the dis- to free herself from every- tense, continuous prayer, tant past and in a world of thing and to become small even ecstasy at times. Her legends, say to the Fran- like a child in order to en- constant awareness of the ciscans today? What can ter the Kingdom of the Fa- presence of the Lord was


the source of her strength Clare, his “little plant”, negation, emptied out in and joy, and of her com- Elizabeth abandoned the order to sow good, like the mitment to the poor. The lies and ambitions of the love of every “good meeting with Christ in the world, the pomp of her woman” of whom the first poor also stimulated her court, the comforts, reading speaks to us (cf. faith and her prayer, for wealth and luxurious at- Si. 26, 1-3). This love her encounter with them tire… She went down from which caused an upsurge led her to “identify herself” in her of interior burning with them. It is not strength proper to a strange, then, that her pil- “perfect wife” (cf. Si 26, 2), grimage towards God was as Elizabeth was, led her marked out by determined to radiate joy and serenity, stages of detachment until even in tribulation, loneli- she arrived at a total strip- ness and pain. Faithful to ping, like Christ on the her motto, “we have to cross. In the end he was make men happy”, as she left nothing more than the used to say to her ser- grey and poor tunic of vants-sisters, Elizabeth penance which she wished gladdened the heart of to keep as a symbol and a whoever came close to her shroud. (cf. Si 26, 13). The depths Her passion for of her soul were inhabited Christ, who being rich by the kingdom of peace. made Himself poor, led her Elizabeth passed to follow Him radically and through this life like a lu- to discover and serve Him minous and hope-giving in His “representatives, meteor. She enkindled the poor and crucified of lights in the darkness of the earth”, as the Final her castle and pitched her many souls. She brought Document of our Extraor- tent among the despised joy to afflicted hearts. No dinary Chapter says (LSR and wounded in order to one could count the num- 9). Elizabeth personally serve them. ber of tears she wiped served the downcast, the Sanctity consists of away, the wounded she poor and sick. She took loving as Jesus loved. To healed, the love she awak- care of lepers, the dregs of love God and to love one’s ened. society, like Francis. Day neighbour are two com- At this time in which by day, hour by hour, poor mands which cannot be our Order is engaged in a man by poor man, she separated. Passion for profound renewal which lived and used the mercy Christ, passion for the should lead us to follow of God in the river of pain poor, are two passions Christ “more closely” and and misery which sur- which necessarily go to- “more radically” and when rounded her. Elizabeth gether always. But is all the Extraordinary General saw the person of Christ this not a madness? Yes, Chapter has asked us re- in the misfortunate (Mt. it is the madness of love peatedly to “be minors 25,40). This gave her which knows no limits, it with the minors of the strength to overcome her is the madness of sanctity. earth”, Elizabeth is pre- natural repugnance, so And Elizabeth is an au- sented to us not only as a much so that she could thentic mad-woman. In deeply gospel woman, but kiss the purulent sores of her life there shone, with as a model to follow in her the lepers. singular splendour, the passion for Christ and for Forged in the gospel supremacy of charity. Her the poor. forge of Francis of Assisi, person was a song to love, Let us who follow she, like the Poverello and shaped in service and ab- ikompli f’paġna 28


Communication of the General Definitory - November 2006

The General Definitory Sudan (Br. Amaral and Br. about our presence in celebrated its “tempo forte” Vincenzo); participation in Turkey. It was a positive from the 6th to the 11th of the “seminar” about Evaluation even if there is November 2006. It dealt dialogue (Br. Finian, Br. the need to keep with the following topics, Miguel, Br. Amaral and accompanying them among others: Br. Ignacio); encounter closely. 1. Communication. As is with the preparatory customary during the commission for the 5. Sudan Project. As “temp forte”, the time meeting between the regards the Sudan Project necessary was spent on an Franciscans living among the Definitory decided that exchange of impressions Moslems (Br. Miguel); the first Franciscan about the activities of each Meeting with the presence in Sudan will member of the Definitory preparatory commission start during next July with carried out since the last for the Chapter of the four friars (a Filipino, a “tempo forte”: visit to the young “under ten” friars Croat and two Sudanese) Province of Michoacán, in (Br. Ignacio). who are presently México (Minister, Br. Luis preparing themselves in and Br. Ignacio); Visit to 2. Canonical visitations. Rome and Egypt. The the Province of Thaiwan, The Definitory examined Friars will live in the to the Foundation of Hong and approved the Reports outskirts of Khartoum and Kong and to China of the Canonical will offer a service of (Minister and Br. Van Si); visitations carried out in spiritual accompaniment Visit to the Friars of Cuba the Provinces of Albania to catechists, priests and (Minister and Br. Luis); and Bologna. other religious while Visit to the Province of working, at the same time, India (Minister and Br. 3. Visitators General. among the refugees of the Van Si); Meeting of the The Definitory appointed desert and in other Franciscan Family Br. Luis Pérez, from the “pastoral units” that will (Minister); Visit to the Province of St. Gregory in be entrusted to them by Province of Mostar (Br. Spain as Visitator for the the archdiocese of Sime); Visit to the Custody Province of Portugal. Khartoum of the Holy Family USA (Br. Finian); Visit to the 4. Missionary projects 6. Personnel. The Friars of Turkey (Vicar and other Franciscan Definitory made the General and Br. Vincenzo); presence. The Definitory, following appointments: Visit to the friars of Russia together with the Br. Seán Collins, from the (Vicar and Br. Mario); Moderator of the Missions Irish Province, General COMPI meeting (Br. evaluated the Missionary Secretary of the Order; Br. Mario); COTAF meeting Projects of the Order in Macedonio Arellano, from (Br. Jacab); meeting of the Thailand, Russia/ the Province of Michoacán Council of the Federation Kazakhstan, Myanmar (Mexico), Vice Postulator of Morocco (Br. Miguel and and China and spoke general; Br. Fernando Br. Amaral); Visit to L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 15

Campagna, from the Definitory approved some Definitory. Province of Salerno (Italy), of the requests for guardian of the fraternity economic aid that have 14. European Itinerary of St. Anthony (Rome); Br. arrived lately at the Fraternity. The Definitory Antonio Baù, from the General Curia from needy decided to request to the Province of Venice (Italy), Entities. Province of Rome the Rector of the Basilica of house of Palestrina so as St. Anthony (Rome); Br. 11. VIII Centenary of the to locate there the Nguyen Gia Thinh Jean Foundation of the Order. European Itinerary François, from the On the 23rd of January Fraternity which is Province of Vietnam, 2007, coinciding with the expected can begin its guardian of the Fraternity Meeting in Rome of the work at beginning of 2007. “Notre Dame des Nations”, newly elected Ministers in Brussels; Br. Damien Provincial, the Definitory 15. Meeting with the Isabell, from the Province will commence the second Visitators. The Meeting de Congo, Coordinator of phase of “The Grace of the with the Visitators general the formation missionary Origins” project. The for 2007 will be held at the programme in Brussels. Definitory appointed also a General Curia from the commission to prepare an 13th to the 17th of 7. Fundraising Project. Exhibition with November. The Definitory approved documents related to the the new Fundraising history of our Order. This 16. Other Meetings. project for the next three exhibition will be held in During this “Tempo Forte” years presented by the Rome towards the end of the Definitory participated new director of the 2008 or the beginning of in the academic Act that “Fundraising office”, Br. 2009. The Definitory was celebrated at the Moisés Gutiérrez, from the decided, also, that the Pontifical Antonianum Sacred Heart Province Order will sponsor, University in honour of (USA). together with the the Blessed Duns John Franciscan Family, an Scotus on November 8th. 8. Meeting with the OFM International Congress on Also during this time the Bishops. The general the Franciscan Rule that Commission for the Definitory decided to hold the International Society Entities and the a Meeting with the OFM of Franciscan Studies will Commission for the Bishops from the 18th to organize in 2009. Chapter of the young the 22nd of June 2007, to “under ten” friars met at be held in Assisi and 12. Statutes for the General Curia. Rome, and approved the Canonical Visitation and agenda for the said the Presiding of Br. Sandro Overend encounter. Provincial Chapters Rigillo, ofm (=SCV). The Definitory General Secretary 9. Chapter of Mats for approved the revision of the Houses depending on the SCV which will come the Minister general. The into effect in September Definitory approved the 2007 final agenda for the said chapter which will be held 13. “Folders”. The in Rome between the 16th Definitory dealt with about and the 18th of March 60 matters of its 2007. competence which came from the different Entities 10. Requests for of the Order and needed a financial help. The decision on the part of the


Kapitlu tal-Ħsajjar Porziuncola Retreat House, Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq


Programm 9.00 am: Tifħir ta’ Sbiħ il-Jum

9.30 am - 10 30 am: Relazzjoni 7 - 9 ta’ Jannar minn Fra Giacomo Bini OFM 2007 10.30 am: Kjarifikazzjoni

10.45 am: - 11.15 am: Coffee Break

11.15 a.m. - 12.15 pm: Work- shops

12.30 pm: Ikel

3.30 pm: Kafe’

4.00 pm - 5.15 pm: Għasar u Assemblea Plenarja

5.45 pm - 7.00 pm: Servizz Penitenzjali/Lectio Divina

7.00 pm: Cena

Niltaqgħu għall-Ewkaristija, il-Ħadd, 7 ta’ Jannar 2006 għand ħutna l-Klarissi fis-6.00 pm.


DISKORS TAL-MIN. PROVINĊJAL FIS-SEMINAR PROVINĊJALI L-esperjenza tal-Kapitlu Ġenerali Straordinarju

ambjenti u esperjenzi totalment differenti minn xulxin. Kellna mumenti ta’ talb qawwija meta ]orna is-santwarji fran;iskani La Verna, San Damiano, Greccio, Fonte Colombo, Il- Bażilka ta’ San Fran;isk, u l- Porziuncola. L-aktar mument qawwi ta talb kien f’Fonte Colombo, fejn spi//ajna billi l- Ministru :eneral tana kopja ta’ Regula miktuba bl-idejn minn sorijiet, biex tin]amm f’kull Provin/ja, b’tifkira tat-tmien /entinarju. B[ala attivitajiet kulturali kellna kun/ert fil- Porziuncola mill-Kor tal- Kappella Sistina u anke mima bil-kant u żfin mill-GIFRA tal- Parro//a tal-Porziuncola. 1) L-ewwel [a;a mportanti li iwassal messa;; reali tas- Il-Kapitlu ;ie fit-tmiem niftakru hi li dan ma kienx sitwazzjoni preżenti ta’ l-Ordni tieg[u, il-{add l-1 ta’ Ottubru Kapitlu Elettiv, i]da Kapitlu u fl-istess [in messa;; positiv bl-a[[ar laqg[a fis-sala Kapitu- Spiritwali, Kapitlu ta’ ti;did fis- biex l-Ordni ma jaqax vittma lari u b’kon/elebrazzjoni fil- sej[a fran;iskana. B[ala tal-kriżi preżenti. Il-[sieb tieg[u Porziuncola. Jiena in[oss, li fid- [sibijiet fundamentali kellu l- jidher /ar, li mis-sitwazzjoni ta’ diskors finali, il- istess relazzjoni tal- kriżi, l-Ordni j[oss il-[tie;a li Ministru :eneral tag[na sintesi Ministru :eneral li kienet ji;;edded biex bil-kura;; kollu tal-[idma kollha tal-Kapitlu. stampata f’dokument “Bis- i[ares lejn futur sabi[. Huwa beda billi qal li l-Kapitlu sin/erita’ kollha u b’rieda soda”. 3) B’kollox konna je[tie; li jitkompla b’mod Fil-bidu tad-Dokument madwar 180 ru[. Il-;ranet kienu prattiku f’kull entita’ ta’ l- il-:eneral jistqarr li l-Ordni impenjattivi [afna. Nibdew fis- Ordni. Hawnhekk huwa tefa’ r- responsabilta’ fuqna l-Provin/ g[addej minn kriżi. U din hija xi seba’ ta’ filgħodu sas-seba’ ta’ jali biex kull wie[ed minna [a;a naturali wara tmien mitt filgħaxija, b’waqfa ta’ sag[tejn sena. I]da jkompli jg[id li l- jag[mel dak kollu li jista biex wara nofs-in-nhar. {a;a iwettaq l-ispirtu tal-Kapitlu fil- kriżi g[andha tkun mument ta’ pożittiva kienet li kellna [afna grazzja. Mument ta’ grazzja Provin/ja partikulari f’dawn is- [in g[al diskusjonijiet fi gruppi snin sas-sena 2009. Huwa g[ax t[e;;i;na biex nid[lu wara kull talk. Fl-ewwel ;img[a da[la fina nfusna. Mument ta’ [e;;i;na biex l-esperjenza li konna mqasmin fi gruppi skond g[ixna matul il-Kapitlu , ma’ grazzja g[ax tfakkarrna fir- il-lingwa u t-tieni ;img[a skond responsabilta’ tag[na lkoll lejn n[alluhiex tispi//a fix-xejn, il-konferenzi. B[ala lingwa imma g[andna tkun ta’ is-sej[a fran;iskana. Il-kriżi hija Ingli]a konna l-akbar grupp ispirazzjoni u kura;; quddiem frott kemm ta]-]mien kif ukoll g[ax barra l-membri tal- ir-realta’ tal-krisi fi [dan l- ta’ kull wie[ed minna. Konferenza Ingli]a, ing[aqdu Ordni. Huwa bena id-diskors 2) Minn din l-istqarrija, magħna ]-]ew; Konferenzi ta’ tieg[u fuq dawn il-punti. jiena n[oss li l-Ministru l-Asja u dik ta’ l-Afrika. Din hi :eneral sejja[ dan il-Kapitlu xi [a;a nteressanti meta tiltaq- :enerali Straordinarju, biex Il-Forma tal-{ajja g[a ma’ a[wa li ;ejjin minn Fran;iskana L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 18

Mill-istess esperjenza ta’ itineranti. Il-Kapitlu fakkarna u kull spazju g[at-talb kemm Fran;isku, il-[ajja fran;iskana biex ma nintrabbtux i]]ejjed personali kif ukoll komunitarju g[andha lil Kristu b[ala /entru ma’ xi [idma partikulari jew u biex jin[olqu mumenti fejn il- ta’ kollox mibnija fuq il- ma l-effi/jenza personali. fraternita’ tkun tista taqsam l- Van;elu u l-[ajja fraterna. Biex B[ala g[ajnuna prattika esperjenzi tal-Fidi. Hawnhekk jg[ix din is-sej[a, il-fran;iskan il-Ministru jitlob lill-entitajiet il-Ministru :eneral jitlob lill- ta’ kuljum irid i;edded fih il- kollha biex ifasslu programm ta’ Provin/jali, Gwardjani u grazzja tas-sej[a. Hemm b]onn formazzjoni permanenti li jkun Formaturi biex jagħtu l- li ma nitbg[edu qatt minn din ir- jinkludi l-aspetti kollha tal-ħajja attenzjoni kollha dwar il-[ajja realta’ tal-grazzja tal-Vokazz- fran;iskana, ji;ifieri dwar il- tat-talb fost dawk responsabbli joni. B[ala bnedmin dg[ajfa grazzja tas-sej[a, dwar il-[ajja minnhom. fa/li naslu nibnu [ajjittna fuq il- fraterna u dwar il-[ajja ta’ Aspett ie[or dwar il- kapa/itajiet personali tag[na u evan;elizzazjoni. {ajja Fraterna li tkellem fuqu ninsew il-grazzja tas-sej[a. il-:eneral, huwa li a[na B[ala g[ajnuna prattika l- Il-ħajja fraterna fraternita’ wa[da mag[mulha Ministru jissu;;erixxi li ta’ Il-ħajja fraterna kienet minn a[wa laj/i u sa/erdoti bl- kuljum b’mod personali tema l-aktar importanti matul il- istess drittijiet u obligazjonijiet, in;eddu l-forma tal-Professjoni Kapitlu kollu. L-istess Ministru fuq l-e]empju ta’ l-ewwel Solenni. Hemm b]onn li ta’ fid-diskors finali tieg[u tkellem fraternita’ ta’ Fran;isku u l- kuljum mit-tajjeb ng[addu g[al fit-tul dwar diversi aspetti tal- ewwel segwa/i. Kif tafu diversi l-a[jar. Biex ng[ixu verament {ajja Fraterna. Diversi drabi drabi l-Ordni g[amel it-talba il-preżenza ta’ Kristu, je[tie; li matul il-Kapitlu in[ass l-ispirtu lis-Santa Sede biex l-Ordni ji;i ta’ kuljum ni;;eddu fir-rabta u l-b]onn biex inkomplu dejjem rikonoxxjut b[ala Mixed tag[na lejn Alla u lejn [utna. nikbru b[ala Fraternita’ u biex Institute. Minn na[a tag[na, B[ala mudell a[na g[andna lil inwie;bu kontinwament g[as- biex bil-mod tinbidel il- Fran;isku li bena ir-relazzjoni sej[a fran;iskana b[ala a[wa. mentalita’ klerikali , qabel xejn tieg[u ma’ Kristu permezz tal- Kif il-[ajja u l-missjoni ta’ kemm jista jkun, g[andu jkun Van;elu u l-[ajja fraterna. Missierna Fran;isku inbniet fuq hemm programm ta’ formazjoni l-esperjenza ta’ [ajja ta’ a[wa, inizjali komuni kemm g[al laj/i Il-b]onn tal-konver]joni hekk ukoll il-[ajja tag[na b[ala kif ukoll g[al dawk li jkomplu Matul il-jiem tal-Kapitlu segwa/i ta’ Fran;isku, g[andna g[as-sa/erdozju. {a;a o[ra hi instg[emet sew l-g[ajta għall- tibqa’ tkun mibnija fuq il-[ajja li bil-mod il-mod isir tibdil fil- konver]joni, il-[tie;a li tal-Fraternita’. Ma nistg[ux [idma pastorali li sa issa kienet nirritornaw lejn il-Van;elu biex nitkellmu mill-[ajja Fran;iskana dejjem ibba]ata fuq [idma nirritornaw lejn Kristu, il-[tie;a ming[ajr il-[ajja Fraterna. Ma sempli/ement klerikali. Hemm li nagħtu l-[ajja mill-;did il- nistg[ux nitkellmu minn [idma b]onn ta’ pastorali fejn jistg[u [ajja fraterna skond il-[sibijiet fran;iskana jekk mhux fl- jagħtu is-sehem tag[hom ukoll ori;inali ta’ Fran;isku. Qed ambjent ta’ [ajja fraterna. l-a[wa laj/i. tin[ass il-[tie;a li ntejbu l- Il-Ministru jistqarr li l- Il-Ministru rrefera wkoll komunikazjonijiet ta’ bejnietna, mixja tal-[ajja fraterna g[al fatt li mill-esperjenza tal- li nkunu aktar miftu[a g[al tiddependi [afna mill-mixxja Kapitlu nindunaw kemm a[na xulxin, li nwaqqg[u il-[itan ta’ tal-Fidi kemm ta’ kull fraternita’ internazjonali u bejnietna u kull pre;udizju lejn individwu kif ukoll tal- nterkulturali. Din hija xi [a;a xulxin, li nikkumbattu kull sens Fraternita’. Diversi drabi prezzjuża li rridu nib]g[u ta’ provin/jali]mu u kull sens tkellimna minn kriżi ta’ Fidi g[aliha g[ax tag[mel minna ta’ separazjoni. Hemm b]onn li kemm fl-aspett personali kif sinjal g[ad-dinja tallum li tant hi nkunu miftu[a g[ad–dinja ukoll b[ala Ordni. G[alhekk maqsuma. Hemm b]onn li kollha. Il-Kapitlu sej[ilna jekk irridu verament nissa[[u insa[[u dejjem fina l-kun/ett li b’mod ur;enti, biex ma naqg[ux dejjem aktar fil-[ajja ta’ a[na ng[amlu parti minn vittmi tal-kri]i u tal-bi]a’, biex bejnietna b[ala a[wa, hemm b] fraternita’ universali. Nikkum- ma ning[alqux fina nfusna, u onn li nib]g[u g[ad–Don tal- battu dak kollu li jwassalna biex biex ma nippreżentawx lilna Fidi, hemm b]onn li nissa[[u ning[alqu fina nfusna, kemm nfusna f’[ajja komda u ]gura kontinwament fil-Fidi. b[ala individwi kif ukoll b[ala tal-kunventi tag[na. Hemm B[ala g[ajnuna prattika , il- provin/ja. Biex inqawwu fina b]onn li ninqalg[u mill-g[eruq Ministru jitlob li fil-programmi dan is-sens internazzjonali, il- biex nin]erg[u mill-;did. Hemm ta’ [ajja fil-fraternitajiet g :eneral i[e;;e; biex jitwaqfu b]onn li n[ossuna li a[na [andu jkun hemm kull g[ajnuna djar ta’ studji u formazjoni


bejn Provin/ji differenti. Fraternita’ fi pro/ess sinjal ta’ rieda tajba g[al dawn I[e;;e; ukoll g[al-laqg[at ta’ Sewwa ng[idu li l-[ajja i/-/elebrazzjonijiet tat-tmien formazjoni permanenti fuq ta’ fraternita’ hija grazzja , i]da /entinarju mill-bidu ta’ l-Ordni, skala nternazzjonali g[al hi ukoll responsabilta’ iebsa. huwa juri il-b]onn ta’ aktar gwardjani u formaturi. Jitkellem F’din id-dinja l-ideal ta’ personel u ta’ aktar g[ajnuna ukoll mill-importanza ta’ fraternita’ perfetta ma je]istix, finanzjarja biex jissa[[u l- laqg[at internazzjonali g[all- je]isti pro/ess g[all-fraternita’ pro;etti missjunarji u /-/entri ta’ a[wa ]g[ar u mit-tag[lim tal- perfetta. Mis-sej[a tag[na, a[na l-istudji ta’ l-Ordni. B[ala sinjal lingwi. bennejja tal-[ajja fraterna. ta’ solidarjeta’ lejn l-Ordni kull Punt ie[or li tkellem fuqu B[ala g[ajnuna prattika, il- Provin/ja toffri wie[ed mill- il-:eneral hu li b[ala a[wa Ministru Ġeneral jitlob a[wa g[ad-disposizjoni tal- fran;iskani g[andna nkunu attenzjoni partikulari lejn il- Ministru :eneral, li jkun irid kumplimentari g[al xulxin bejn Kapitlu lokali u kull forma o[ra jagħti servizz fil-missjonijiet, il-ferg[at kollha fi [dan l-Ordni ta’ laqg[at. F’dan il-kuntest, il- /entri ta’ studji u fraternitajiet Fran;iskan. Hija xewqa tal- Ministru tkellem dwar is-su;- li jiddependu direttament mit- Ministri :enerali kollha, li ;eriment mid-Definitorju tmexxijja ta’ l-Ordni. Wara li kemm jista jkun i/-/elebrazz- :enerali li f’kull Provin/ja ji;i irringrazzja lil kul[add g[all- jonijiet tat-tmien /entinarju tar- organi]]at il-Kapitlu tal-{sajjar appo;; u kura;; li dejjem sab, regula Fran;iskana jsiru f’sens b[ala kontinwazjoni tal-Kapitlu g[adda g[al sensiela ta’ appelli ta’ kollaborazzjoni bejn il- :enerali Straordinarju. Dawn lill-Provin/jali u lill-Kustodji. ferg[at kollha. Anzi dan g[andu g[andhom ikunu kollha • Morru u invitaw lill- jkun mument ta’ grazzja biex strumenti ta’ g[ajnuna biex a[wa g[ajjiena biex na[dmu dejjem aktar flimkien. tissa[[a[ dejjem i]jed il- jer;għu iqumu u jkomplu Je[tie; li a[na nkunu komunikazjoni ta’ bejnietna u l-mixja , filwaqt li fraternita’ ta’ djalogu u ta’ tal-fraternita’. Rigward il-{ajja turuhom il-[tie;a kemm missjoni. A[na ne]istu b[ala fraterna, il-Ministru jispi//a g[andhom jg[inu lilhom a[wa tal-poplu. Kif g[amlu ta’ billi jistqarr li biex nikbru fil- infushom. qabilna tul tmien mitt sena, a[na [ajja fraterna hija ndispendabli • Morru u [abbru l-a[bar wkoll je[tie; li no[or;u biex il-formazzjoni umana li twassal- it-Tajba ta’ l-Ghid lill- niltaqg[u ma’ kul[add u nirb[u lna ng[ixu il-[bieberija, is-sin/ a[wa ta’ qalbhom dak kollu li jista’ jo[loq kull erita’, il-fidu/ja, id-djalogu u maqsuma biex id- sens ta’ divi]joni. G[alhekk hija anke il-fer[ u /-/ajt tal-[ajja. dmug[ tal-[ajja ma [a;a ne/essarja formazzjoni Qabel l-a[[ar appelli, il- jfixkilhomx li jaraw is- intellettwali soda li t[ejjina sew Ministru g[adda biex jappella sabi[ ta’ Kristu Rebbie[. g[ad-djalogu mad-dinja tallum. lill-Provin/ji kollha , li b[ala • Morru u [abbru il- Van;elu kollu [niena lil


a[wa midinba. [alla fir-responsabilta’ tal- Gwardjani. Ikollna nammettu li • Morru u [abbru l-Van;elu Ministri Provin/jali li l-ispirtu a[na wkoll [afna drabi naslu tal-fedelta’ lejn Alla lill- u l-;id tal-Kapitlu jitwassal lill- biex naqtg[u qalbna meta a[wa li qed jaqtg[u a[wa kollha mxerdin mad-dinja t[ossok imdawwar minn tant qalbhom li jkomplu kollha. Kif stajtu tinnutaw mill- nuqqas ta’ rieda tajba. Imma jg[ixu is-sej[a. G[inu- istess diskors tal-Ministru rridu nissieltu mag[na nfusna, hom jer;g[u iwie;bu :eneral, l-aktar tema importanti huma x’inhuma /-/irkustanzi, il- g[as–sej[a b[al meta u diskussa kienet il-ħajja [ajja fraterna g[andha tinbena kienu g[adhom ]g[ar. fraterna. Jidher /ar li din hi fuq dawn l-atti komuni. Kull • Morru u [abbru l-Van;elu kriżi fi [dan l-Ordni kollu. Din [idma o[ra li nwettqu, tista tkun tal-[ajja fraterna lill- hi kriżi li lkoll kemm a[na qed l-aktar [a;a qaddisa, jekk ma fraternitajiet mifruda. niffa//jaw u n;orru il- tkunx frott ta’ [ajja fraterna, Uruhom is-sabiħ ta’ meta konsegwenzi tag[ha. Il-:eneral ma tistax twettaq il-;id kollu l-a[wa jg[ixu flimkien stqarr /ar u tond li ma te]istix marbut mag[ha. mag[qudin. [ajja fran;iskana ming[ajr Min na[a tal-Provin/ja • Morru u [abbru l-Van;elu fraternita’. Niftakru li fil-bidu inwg[edtkom li se nag[mlu dak radikali ta’ Kristu lill- tas-sej[a tieg[u, Missierna kollu li nistg[u biex naslu a[wa ]g[ar u l-Van;elu Fran;isku jirringrazzja l’Alla ng[ixu l-veru spirtu ta’ dan il- ta’ l-g[otja dejjiema lill- g[ad-don ta’ l-a[wa. {uti, jekk Kapitlu li g[adu kemm ;ie fit- a[wa anzjani. nippruvaw na[arbu din ir-realta’ tmiem tieg[u. Bil-koperazzjoni • Morru g[and l-A[wa li tal-[ajja fraterna, inkunu qed tas-Segretarjat tal-Formazzjoni jg[ixu is-sej[a tag[hom nag[mlu farsa s[i[a mis-sej[a bdejna dawn is-Seminars bl-akbar fedelta’, uruhom Fran;iskana. Hemm b]onn li Provin/jali. Bejn is-7 u 9 ta’ kemm i[obbhom Alla u lkoll kemm a[na n[ossuna Jannar tas-sena 2007, se [e;;uhom biex jibqg[u responsabbli minn din il-kriżi. ni//elebraw il-Kapitlu tal- fidili lejn is-sej[a. Ma naqg[ux fl-i]ball li {sajjar. Hija grazzja mis-sema li • Morru g[and l-A[wa li nipprovaw nisku]aw lilna se jer;a’ jkollna fostna lil ex- tiltaqg[u mag[hom u nfusna, jew infarfru minn fuq Ministru Ġeneral Fra Giacomo g[idulhom li huma spallejna kull sens ta’ responsa- Bini, OFM biex janimana matul mberkin minn Alla u li bilta’ u nserr[u rasna. Din is- il-jiem tal-kapitlu. Matul il-jiem quddiem Alla xejn mhu sitwazzjoni mhix sempli- tar-Randan li ;ej, kif jitolbu il- impossibbli. /ement frott tal-mentalita’ Kostituzjonijiet ta’ l-Ordni, jiena • Morru u g[amlu minn tallum, i]da wkoll hi frott tan- se nag[mel il-Vista Kanonika [ajjitkom l-A[bar it- nuqqas ta’ rieda tajba minn na[a fil-Kunventi tal-Provin/ja. Tajba ta’ Kristu. Morru tag[na lkoll. L-istess struttura Aktar ‘il quddiem tir/ievu aktar g[and l-A[wa kollha u ta’ l-Ordni di;a’ toffrilna dettalji dwar dan kollu. wasslulhom l-isbaħ g[ajnuna bi]]ejjed biex a[na {uti, fuq il-kelma tal- tislijiet tal-Ministru u tad- nkunu nistg[u naslu ng[ixu il- Ministru :eneral , ejjew Definitorju :enerali vera [ajja fraterna, l-Ewkaristija inkomplu bi spirtu pożittiv • Morru, il-Mulej dejjem komunitarja, it-talb tas-sig[at, in[arsu lejn il-;ejjieni. Ejjew mag[kom u jweg[dtkom il-Lectio Divina, l-irtiri lokali u napprezzaw il-barka li Alla ta il-frott g[all-[idma l-irtiri tas-sena fil-Porziuncola, lill-Provin/ja tag[na bil- tag[kom. il-kapitli lokali, il-Community preżenza ta’ ]ew; studenti Il-Kapitlu ;ie fit-tmiem, Day, l-ikel u rikreazzjoni professi temporanji u ]ew; i]da fl-istess [in se jkompli flimkien. Dawn huma kollha postulanti. Ejjew napprezzaw permezz tal-[idma tag[kom fost mumenti ta’ grazzji mis-sema li is-sabi[ u t-tajjeb ta’ xulxin. l-A[wa kollha. Kunu kreattivi u jg[inuna biex ng[ixu il-[ajja Ejjew ng[ixu aktar b[all-a[wa l-Mulej jg[inkom u jag[tikom fraterna. L-i]ball hu li [afna biex flimkien niffa//jaw l-isfidi kull g[ajnuna biex twasslu din drabi naqg[u vittmi tar-rutina u tal-[ajja tallum u flimkien l-esperjenza ta’ grazzja li ma nkunux miftu[a g[all- inkomplu dejjem napprezzaw g[ixna flimkien matul il-jiem idejat ;odda kif nistg[u nagħtu kemm [abbna Alla meta minn tal-Kapitlu. [ajja ;dida lil dawn il-mumenti rajh g[o;bu jse[ilna biex ng[ixu Kif g[adkom kemm ta’ fraternita’. aktar qrib tieg[u fuq l-e]empju smajtu, g[alkemm il-Kapitlu Bla dubju ta’ xejn l- u t-tag[lim ta’ Fran;isku t’ ;ie fit-tmiem, i]da l-[idma trid ewwel responsabilta’ taqa’ fuqi Assisi. tkompli fil-Provin/ji. Kif personali b[ala Ministru Provin- Il-Mulej jag[tikom is- smajtu, il-Ministru :eneral /jal u flimkien mieg[i l- sliem tieg[u.


Mill-ġurnali lokali

Talking Point

We cannot pretend there's no racism in our Church Dionysius Mintoff, OFM The General Chapter of the avoid the sprouting jungle of were at least one or two Franciscans held in Assisi racial prejudice. Because in people from ethnic groups gave to the friars all over the Malta our Church is very employed in a position of world useful material for slow to prompt any action for opinion maker or in a reflection on essential justice and peace because position of influence, the elements of our heritage, an this could complicate the life examination of conscience of our Church or that of our Catholic papers might and an impulse toward groups or Christian have a less white putting the proposals of our communities and therefore, it establishment view of the option for the poor into would be better to stay on world. practice. the sidelines. What of the other For an ever-increasing Can we pretend there parts of the Church life? number of friars, the poor is no racism in our How many black bishops man is not just a brother but Church? The lack of were present in the a "preferred" brother. Some sensitivity to ethnic make European Conference of communities have handed Bishops held lately in St over friaries to be centres for up is not linked to a the recovery of alcoholics and particular parish, but is a Petersburg? of drug addicts and to Church wide phenome- Locally, it is true that provide shelter to asylum non.Attending a recent Archbishop Mercieca has seekers. seminar run by a Church several times called on Concerned with the organisation, an African people to reach out and current crisis in migration in young girl complained she make those coming in Malta, the Peace Lab was the only representa- welcome. But it is equally stimulated awareness of the tive of an ethnic true that the Church in situation in local and foreign community. Certainly, in Malta has to look seriously media. The Peace Lab also at its structure and seek initiated legal proceedings to colour terms she was protect migrants from right, as the work group to address the problem. deportation when it was not did seem to be made up of Seminars run by Church fashionable to do so. For the a sea of white guests and organisations and held in past four years, it has participants involved in four-star hotels or extended to them real time migration. national shrines crop up assistance in language The bigger question like mushrooms every orientation, sport, medical though was how represen- season but did any one of care, trade training and tative was she of ethnic them mark any evident insertion in the job market make up of those who contrast similar to the besides a place of worship multi-ethnic congregation both for Christians and work as teachers or attend Muslims. Maltese Catholic schools who attended the This is solid as students. migrants' Mass celebrated contribution far away from It is not just in by Cardinal Murphy seminars and discussions Catholic schools though. O'Connor on May Day this which can only produce What of the Catholic press year? printed paper or loud noise - how many people of As more migrants without any credibility. But ethnic minorities do they come into this country, day in day out we have to employ? Maybe, if there ikompli f’paġna


Xi jfisser il-Milied Franġiskan Norbert Ellul-Vincenti, OFM

"Mela mhux Milied wieħed id-dar tas-sigurta’ u tal- meta kien għad ħadd ma’ hawn?" nistħajjel ikun verita’ aħħarija. Imma biex għamel wieħed. U għamlu hawn min jgħid meta jara naslu hemm, bil-mod, hej. ħaj, bin-nies u bhejjem ta' t-titlu ta' dan l-artiklu. U kemm twegħir u tiftix vera. X'ried jaghmel? Mistoqsija f'waqtha, għal twegibiet! Spettaklu, teatrin? għax wara kollox, tajjeb li Dak hu s-sabih tal- folklore? nagħmlu mistoqsijiet fuq ħajja – li ħajjitna hija Iva. Spettaklu. Imma kollox. Anzi biex inkunu avventura u tajjeb li spettaklu bi skop, mhux Nsara tajba, irridu ngħixuha bħala avven- għalih innifsu biss, u nagħmlu ħafna mistoqsi- tura. Irridu nkunu kurag- mhux biex jibda xi ħaġa li jiet, għax b'hekk inkunu guzi, u nissograw, infittxu kellha tgħaddi fil-folklore Nsara ħajjin u mhux In- u nistaqsu, sakemm nib- u tispikka f'dak li aħna sara sponza – nemmnu u dew naraw id-dawl. ngħidulu presepju Napli- nagħmlu mingħajr ma’ Hekk kien San tan bil-figuri tal-ħajja tal- nafu ghaliex. Franġisk meta għamel l- kampanja, u l-bir, u s- Niftehmu, mhux ewwel Presepju. Mhux sette dormienti, u x- dejjem insibu t-tweġiba bħal tagħna, gagazza, xabbatur … fost ħafna mill-ewwel, għax ħajjitna karti, gablow, figurini u affarijiet oħra. hija mistoqsija waħda, pasturi. San Franġisk tiftixa, pellegrinaġġ, lejn għamel l-ewwel presepju Mela x'ried jagħmel? Ried jagħmel dak li aħna suppost nagħmlu, meta narmaw il-presepju u meta niċċelebraw il- Milied. Ried jiftakar u ried ifakkar lill-ħutu l- bnedmin, li Alla sar bniedem ċkejken lanqas jaf ilissen kelma, u lanqas jaf jimxi mingħajr ma’ jaqa'. U Dan Alla sar bniedem biex jurina kemm iħobbna. Jekk ninsew dak, ninsew mhux biss għaliex qed niccelebraw il-Milied, imma niccelebrawh bhala vaganza minghajr kon- tenut. Min jibghat kartolina bil-Merry Christmas, DAK li jkun qed jaghmel. Mela l-Milied jigi biex inkun merry, minghajr ma nafu ghaliex? Ghax ma L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 23

nsemmux lit-tarbija Ġesu’ isku fehem kemm Alla għamel, fejn fakkarhom li fil-kartolini kollha li jħobbna, u sogħbbih bil- Ġesu’ sar tarbija biex kul- nibagħtu? U jekk stess kbir jara li Alla ma kienx ħadd, imma kulhadd, jer- dawn ma jkollhomx kliem maħbub bizzejjed. Kien saq għandu u ma jibzax reliġjuz, għax ikunu jibki hafna: "l-Imħabba minnu. U f'ħin minnhom, magħmulin minn nies li mhiex maħbuba!" Hekk f'dak l-għar bit-tiben u ma jemmnux jew għax ma kien jgħajjat, u jixher. tarbija finta, baqra u jafux x'jemmnu - għaliex U beda jħobb. U ħmara ta' veru u bosta aħna m'għandniex inniz- baqa' jħobb, u kiber fl- nies, f'hin minnhom in- zlu fuq il-kartolina il- imħabba, tant li kulhadd nies lemħet f'idejn San barka tat-Tarbija Ġesu’? sar hija u ohti għalih. Frangisk mħux pupu Jekk mhux stampat isem Anke l-ħmar, u anke l- imma tarbija ta' veru, u Ġesu’, nizzlu int. Mela Mewt, ix-Xemx u l-Qamar. fehmu li Ġesu’ kien tibqa' ħmar u tikkuntenta Għalhekk kien iħobb il- twieled f'idejh. bis-silġ, biċ-ċerva, bil- ħolqien kollu u mhux Dak kien l-ewwel Father Ċhristmas u bil- sempliċiment għax kien presepju ħaj. Kien ifisser pitirross? ambjentalista. Għalhekk ħafna dak il-presepju. U meta niltaqgħu, ħa kien poeta, kantant, Tgħid għandna kuragg nesprimu il-ferh ta' Kristu, zeffien, ferħan, fqir imma dan il-Milied niċċelebrawh u mhux izjed bil-merry. kollox tiegħu. Id-dinja bi Kristu Ġesu’ fostna u Jekk hawn min jistħi, kienet kollha tiegħu u d- mhux biss bit-tizjin u imma aħna li veru nem- dinja kollha griet għal b'ħafna ikel żejjed u xorb mnu m'għandniex għalfejn warajh. Hawn Malta biss, u jekk mhux ukoll iljieli nistħi ma' ħadd. U min bejn patrijiet, sorijiet, u minn jaf fejn u kif! jirrispettana, jirrispetta terzjarji (ordni seċular) Tajjeb li għall-Milied anke it-twemmin u l-ferh hawn fuq l-elf Franġiskan. naħsbu f'dawk li ittra- tagħna – fi Kristu Ġesu’, Biex ma nsemmux il-fans sukrajna, speċjalment tal- mwieled tarbija. ta' San Franġisk. familja tagħna, li naħfru lil Dun Ġorġ, li min ma nkellmux, li nittamaw dalwaqt li se Tgħid għandna kuragg naħsbu fil-fqar jew dawk li jkun kanonizzat, fehmu dan il-Milied niċċele- m'għandhomx ħafna ikel dan, meta daħħal f'Malta brawh bi Kristu Ġesu’ zejjed, jew xejn, dawk li il-purċissjoni tal-Bambin fostna u mhux biss bit- m'għandhomx min Ġesu’, u ta spinta lill- tizjin u b'ħafna ikel jistedinhom għall-ikel, presepju. Hekk sewwa. dawk li ma jistgħux jimxu, żejjed u xorb u jekk Dun Ġorġ fehem x'inhu l- il-morda, u anke l-mejtin Milied Franġiskan. mhux ukoll iljieli minn tal-familja tagħna li għad- Kemm għandna għalfejn jaf fejn u kif! dewlna l-fidi f'Ġesu’. Anke nirringrazzjaw lill- meta nidħlu fil-Knisja MUSEUM. Allura ftit qabel ma għall-Quddies, niftakru li San Frangisk, biddel miet, San Franġisk talab kienu ta' qabilna li ħajtu meta beda jemmen lil wieħed ħabib tiegħu fi bnewhilna, probabbli, u il-vanġelu, u beda jaqrah Greċċio, Giovanni Velita, aħna qed ingawdu mis- u jitolbu. Ma kellu ebda biex jisilfu għar bil- sagrifiċċji tagħhom, biex ħsieb li jbiddel lil ħadd u bhejjem u t-tiben ħalli jiċ- issa nkantaw, "Ninni lanqas li jikkritika lill- ċelebra l-Milied hemm – Ġesu’ Bambin". Knisja. Agħmel it-tajjeb u f'post jixbah fejn twieled Bil-ħaqq, niftakru n-nies ingibdet warajh. Kif Ġesu’, għeri, fqir, tarbija. wkoll f'Dun Karm mela li fakkarna l-Papa dan l- U hekk għamel. Ma’ ħallielna tant innijiet aħħar, beda jibni il-Knisja qaddisx hu, għax hu kien sbieh. li qed taqa' f'kull wieħed u baqa' djaknu, għax ħass li Il-Milied it-tajjeb, waħda minna. Hekk kien ma kienx dehen li jkun mela u j'Alla f'qalbek tinzel talbu jagħmel il-Kurċifiss saċerdot. Imma hu il-paċi ta' Ġesu’ Tarbija. ta' San Damian. Franġ- ipprietka. U xi prietka L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 24

Il-Miġja tal-Patrijiet Franġiskani f’Tas- 13 ta’ Novembru 1881 Ġużepp Vella, OFM

(jissokta mill-aħħar ħarġa ta’ Sliema ]alli jag]tu servizz fil- Cesal O.F.M. [ie ma]tur L-AĦBAR) knisja ta’ Stella Maris li kienet superjur tal-Patrijiet Minuri G]addew sitt xhur mill-ftu], it- imbniet xi 10 snin qabel. Xi Maltin.(2) Permezz ta’ Dun Pawl tberik u l-wasla tal-vara fil- kundizzjonijiet li kienu saru f’ dik Vella, Terzjarju Fran[iskan, u ta’ knisja tag]na. Matul dawn ix- l-istedina, g]al dak i\-\minijiet, l-istess imsemmi Giuseppe xhur saret ]idma wtieqa bejn kienu ftit iebsa biex ji[u Galea li inzerta membru fil- il-Kumitat tal-Konfraternita’, a``ettati.(1) Imma b’ daqshekk kumitat flimkien ma’ Dun Pawl u l-Kurja ta’ l-Ar`isqof ma naqasx l-interess li l- Michelangelo Borg, membru biex il-kura spiritwali tan-nies Patrijiet ji[u ja]dmu f’ Tas- ie]or tal-Kumitat, u li kien ir-ra ta’ dawn l-in]awi tg]addi f’ Sliema li kienet qeg]da [el ta’ o]t P.Cesal seta jibda l-] idejn il-Patrijiet tag]na. ti\viluppa b’ ritmu mg]a[[el idma biex iwitti t-triq ]alli l- Sa mill-1865 il-Patrijiet Veru li l-Madonna riedet Patrijiet ji[u jwettqu l- Minuri [ew mitluba, permezz lil Patrijiet tag]na f-Tas-Sliema. appostolat tag]]om fost il- ta’ ittra miktuba minn neguzjant Fl-1877, meta bdiet timbena l- poplu slimiz.(3) Giuseppe Galea, biex ji[u Tas- knisja tag]na, P. Tonin M. It-tratattivi Kien f’ Di`embru 1880 meta P. Tonin g]amel l-ewwel pass billi mar ikellem lil kumitat tal-Konfraternita’ tal-Madonna. Il-Kumitat wera li kien favur din l-idea. L-unika kundizzjoni kienet li l-kumitat jibqa’ ji[i rikonoxxut b]ala kumitat tal- Konfraternita’ tal-Madonna tas- Sacro Cuor kif fil-fatt kien.(4) Wara din il-laqg]a l-interess tal-Patrijiet kiber tant li P.Gian Pawl Deguara O.F.M.beda ji [bor il-flus ]alli jg]in lil Dun Pawl u l-kumitat fil-bini tal- knisja. Fl-10 ta’ Jannar 1881 P. Tonin flimkien ma’ Giuseppe Galea mar il-Kurja g]and l-


Ar`isqof biex jitolbuh Wara ftit xhur li l-knisja Il-Mi[ja tal-Patrijiet uffi``jalment li l-knisja, meta kienet miftu]a u bdiet Wara r-ri\enja ta’ Dun tkun lesta, tg]addi f’ idejn il- tiffunzjona, Dun Pawl, beda j] Pawl, il-Konfraternita’ ]atret lil Patrijiet. L-Ar`isqof qallhom li t- ossu g]ajjien min]abba l- P.Tonin Cesal b]ala d-Direttur talba g]andha ssir lil Kapitlu marda li kien isofri u t-ta]bit li spiritwali.(17) Fil-11 ta’ Novembru tal-Katiddral g]ax l-art kienet kellu biex imexxi l-knisja u l- 1881 P. Tonin, fuq parir tal- tieg]u.(5) Fix-xahar ta’ wara Konfraternita’ kif ukoll min]- Kunsill tieg]u a``etta l-g]otja P.Tonin Cesal O.F.M. [ie Tas- abba persuni kriti`i u esi[enti. tal-knisja ta]t dawn il- Sliema biex flimkien ma Dun Dun Pawl ]ass li kellu jirri\enja. kundizzjonijiet : Pawl, il-Perit Gian-Domenico G]alhekk f’ Settembru 1.Il-knisja bil-propjeta’ tag]]a Debono u membri o]ra tal- idde`ieda li jmur jg]arraf lil tg]addi f’ idejn il-Patrijiet Minuri Kumitat jag]\el il-post fejn seta’ Ar`isqof li f’ Ottubru kien be] 2.Il-proprjeta’ ta’ l-altar ta’ San l-a]jar jimbena l-kunvent. siebu jirri\enja(14). L-Ar`isqof {uzepp tibqa f’idejn l-Ar`isqof. Intg]a\el il-post fejn jinsab qallu biex jissaporti ftit ie]or 3.Il-pane[ierku ta’ filg]axija illum.(6) F’ Marzu ta’ l-1881 g]ax kien wasal fi ftehim dwar tal-festa titulari jing]ata P.Tonin attenda g]all-laqg]a l-g]otja tal-knisja lil Patrijiet mill-Ar`isqof mal-Kumitat tal-Konfraternita’ li Minuri. L-Ar`isqof ta l-permess 4.kull 1 ta’{unju ting]ata xema’ fiha inqraw l-istatuti li [ew li jista jxandar din l-a]bar lil ta’ ratlejn lill-Ar`isqof. emendati skond ix-xewqa ta’ poplu. Kien il-]ames }add ta’ 5.Il-Patrijiet, jekk ikun hemm P,Tonin.(7) F’Mejju 1881 il-Kapitlu Settembru 1881 li Dun Pawl ] b\onn, ikollhom ja``ettaw bla Katedrali ta l-art, b’xejn, lil P. abbar ir-ri\enja tieg]u u li l- kundizzjoni li l-knisja ssir Tonin fejn kien se jibni l- kura spiritwali kienet se tg]addi Parro``a..(18) kunvent b’ `ens ta’ lira fis-sena. f’ idejn il-Fran[iskani. Huwa Il-kuntratt sar fit-12 ta’ (8) Wara ftit jiem beda jinqala’ rringrazzja lil kul]add Novembru 1881 quddiem in- inkwiet g]ax l-Ar`isqof ried li spe`jalment lil s]abu tal- nutar kjeriku u Kan`illier tal- j\omm il-proprjeta ta’ l-art u li l- kumitat u lil dawk li ]admu kurja Ġu\eppi Rossi.(19) Patrijiet ikollhom biss l-u\u mieg]u fil-qrib matul il-bini tal- l-g]ada li sar il-kuntratt, ji[ifieri tag]]a. Kundizzjoni b]al din knisja (15). fit-13 ta’ Novembru 1881, il- ma setg]etx ti[i a``ettata mill- Wara din l-a]bar P.Tonin Patrijiet rifsu f’ Tas-Sliema. Il- Patrijiet.(9) Wisq aktar li jkunu ried jara kif jag]mel biex jer[a’ ]olma ta’ P.Tonin Cesal ofm u ż dependenti mill-Kumitat tal- jakkwista l-art li kien g]a el u li ta’ ]afna slimi\i saret realta’. Konfraternita.(10) P.Tonin wasal kien ta lura lil Katidral. Dakinhar fit-2,45 p.m. P. Tonin biex qata’ qalbu g]al kollox u Sadanitant il-Kattidral kien wasal ix-Xatt ta’ Tas-Sliema kien pront ta lura l-art lil bieg] parti mill-art lil ]addie] flimkien ma’ g]add [mielu ta’ Kattidral li kienu taw].(11) Huwa or. Imma veru li l-Madonna Patrijiet. Hemm sab jilqug] Dun g]arraf lis-Segretarju tal- riedet lil Patrijiet tag]na proprju Pawl Vella flimkien mal-membri Konfraternita’ li ma kienx fil-knisja tag]na. P.Tonin tal-Kumitat tal-Konfraternita’. ħ be siebu ja``etta li jiehu f’idejh irnexxielu jer[a’ jie]u l-art u li Ilkoll imxew sal-knisja ]alli ssir it-tmexxija tal-knisja.(12) L- parti minnha kienet di[a’ i`-`erimonja tal-g]otja tal- ż inkwiet aktar kiber tant li dehret mbniet. Imma l-qalb [eneru a knisja. Fil-knisja sar diskors ta’ kitba mal-]itan, f’ Tas- tal-persuni li kienu bnew mer]ba lil P.Tonin u l-Patrijiet l- ċ ċ Sliema ,kontra l-kumitat tal- idde idew li j edu l-art tag]- o]ra mir-Rev. Dun Pawl Vella. Konfraternita’.(13) ]om lil Patrijiet.(16) B]ala delegat ta’ Mons. Ar`isqof Carmelo Xikluna ta l- L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 26

imfieta] tal-knisja lil P.Tonin. tag]na u li d-devozzjoni lejn il- 5. Id Ibid P.63 Kien [est simboliku li t-tmexxija Madonna tas-Sacro Cuor 6. “ “ P.64. 7. “ “ P.61 spiritwali tal-poplu ta’ dawn l- ]abbewha, g]o\\ewha u 8. “ “ P 69. in]awi g]addiet fil-kura tal- xerrduha biex il-Madonna tkun 9. “ “ 69-70 Patrijiet Fran[iskani. Wara, it-tama ta’ dawk li jersqu lejha. 10. Arkivju Provin`jali : Atti Ori P.Tonin wie[eb b’diskors qasir. Mill-banda l-o]ra il-Madonna [inali P. 214 Il-Vi`i Direttur spiritwali tal- bierket lil Paro``a tag]na u l- 11. P.{or[ Aquilina Opus Cit. 12. Dun Pawl Vella Opus Cit. P.70 Konfraternita’, Dun Antonio ]idma tal-Patrijiet b’ g]add kbir 13. Id Ibid P.72. Vella, g]amel priedka tal- ta’ vokazzjonijiet sa`erdotali, 14. “ “ P.89. okka\joni . Wara, l-orkestra tal- reli[juzi kemm fi ]dan l-Ordni 15. “ “ P.90 Mro. Antonio Nani daqqew u Fran[iskan, Qassisin jew 16. P. {u\epp Vella Opus Cit. kantaw l-Antifona, it-Te Deum u ordnijiet reli[ju\i o]ra. P.37. 17. Atti Ori[inali Opus Cit. P.212. ing]atat il-Barka Sagramentali. Referenzi 18. Id Ibid. P.200. (20) Minn dik il-lejla 1. P.{or[ Aquilina OFM:Il- 19. P. Mikiel Catania : Is-Sacro memorabbli l-ewwel Patrijiet Madonna riedet lil Patrijiet Cuor, Sliema 1968 P.19. marru joqg]odu fid-dar nru 43 Fran[iskani f’ Tas-Sliema - 20. Dun Pawl Vella opus Cit. P.90; fi triq San Giovanni Battista. Din Programm tal-festi `entinarji Amico del Popolo 15-XI- 21. 1881 P.223. kienet mislufa mis-sur Carmelo 1881-1981. 22. 21. P.Mikiel Catania Opus Cit. Abdilla sakemm imbena l- 2. P {or[ Xerri OFM: Riepilogo di una lunga vertenza 1938 P.34. P.51; dwar in-numru tad-dar kunvent.(21) Ir]ama li hemm 3. P.{u\epp Vella 23. huwa tag]rif mog]ti minn ma din id-dar tfakkar din il- OFM :Parro``a Madonna tas- P. Salv Bonni`i OFM 1970. [rajja unika fl-istorja ta’ Tas- Sacro Cuor, Tas-Sliema - Tag]rif 24. 22. Kronaka Kunvent Sliema Vol. III p.9 Sliema u fl-istorja tal-Patrijiet Storiku 1993 P.30 Fran[iskani maltin.(22) 4. Dun Pawl Vella Cenni Storici. . . . . P.61. Dawn il-[rajjiet li semmejna kemm il-darba issemmew u inkitbu g]ax huma parti mill-istorja tal- knisja g]a\i\a tag]na. Kie- net ]a[a xierqa li wara 125 sena ner[g]u niftakru fihom u ng]ixhuhom. {rajjiet minsu[a minn missirijietna li fasslu id- destin ta’ din il-parti ta’ Tas- Sliema. Il-Patrijiet fidili g]al kari\ma ta’ Pa`i u {id qatt ma ]arbu mill-appostolat fejjiedi li dejjem wettqu anke fl- eqqel [ranet ta’ l-a]]ar gwerra dinjija. Huma baqg]u dejjem vi`in il-poplu. G]andna g]ax inkunu kburin li l-ulied il-fqajjar t’ Assisi kienu dejjem denji għassiesa tas-santwarju L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 27

Ċelebrazzjoni tal-125 Sena tal-Patrijiet f'tas-Sliema George Bugeja, OFM ġrajja għażilna li ma' Christopher Farrugia u jiena. nagħmlux xi festi kbar u par- F’din l-okkazjoni l- ties, kif donnu drajna komunita’ tas-sorijiet franġ- nagħmlu, imma fakkarna din iskani tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesu’, il-ġrajja billi fil-ġurnata pro- stiednet lill-fraternita’ flim- prja, il-Ministru Provinċjal kien mal-Ministru Provinċjal. mexxa quddiesa ta' tifkira. għall-ikla fil-kunvent tagħ- Matul il-Ġimgħa ġiet iċċele- hom. Kienet ikla kif jafu jof- brata l-Ewkaristija fid-djar fru s-sorijiet. ta’ kull anżjan u anżjana li Iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet għa- hemm fil-parroċċa. Irrid laqnihom b'Quddiesa li ġiet ngħid li l-apprezzament tal- mmexxija mill-Eċċ. Tiegħu morda u tal-familji tagħhom Mons. , Isqof għal din il-ħaġa kien kbir. t'Għawdex. Kien mument Għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta' dawn verament sabiħ kemm il-quddies taw is-sehem tagħ- għalina kif ukoll għan-nies li hom dawn il-patrijiet: Pawl kienu preżenti fil-knisja li Galea, Marcellino Micallef, mhux biss ingħaqdu magħna Nhar it-13 ta' Novembru li Martin Coleiro, Dijonisju f'din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni imma għadda kien il-jum li fih Mintoff, Tony Briffa, Joe Ca- wkoll apprezzaw il-fatt li set- aħna l-Patrijiet wasalna u ruana, Alex Borg, Anton Far- għu jiltaqgħu ma' l-Isqof. ġejna mogħtija f'idejna l-kura rugia, Nor- pastorali tal-knisja u tal- bert E. poplu ta' tas-Sliema. Dan Vinċenti, seħħ b'inizjattiva ta' Fra Ġużepp B. Tonin Cesal OFM, bniedem Xuereb, mill-iżjed ħabrieki, li vera- Marcello ment ħabb u ħadem biex jara Ghirlando, futur fil-ħidma tal-Patrijiet Sebastjan kemm f'Malta kif ukoll Camilleri, f'Għawdex. Eddie Biex nfakkru din il- Pace,



Seminar cial then delivered a talk provinces. In the Maltese regarding the Franciscan Province this On Saturday 28 October Extraordinary General Chapter of Mats is the Franciscans gathered Chapter held in Assisi planned for January 2007. at Porziuncola Retreat during the month of The friars present also had House at Bahar ic-Caghaq September. He spoke the opportunity to ask for a half -day seminar. about his personal questions to the Minister The seminar started with a experience in the Chapter Provincial. prayer meeting organized and about the major After a short break Fr. by the Franciscan problems and challenges George Aquilina OFM, candidates in formation. which the Order faces historian of the The Minister Provin- today. Franciscan Province, He also mentioned spoke about some the task which the historical aspects of our Ministers Provincial have, Province and about the namely that of being importance animators in their of the Provinces. For this reason Provincial the Order invited all the Archives. Ministers present to organize a Chapter of Mats in their respective "Il-Franġiskani" back again

The Vocations news leaflet regarding what is is back again! "il- currently happening in the Frangiskani" is revamped Franciscan Vocation in its structure and in its sphere. It is also giving mission statement. some space for those who In fact this time the are considering their call newsletter is in full colour and to various experience and it will be reserved only of those who are in the the Vocations site to the Vocation News. initial formation. for free to Although it has been This newsletter will be as download and read, in reduced to four pages, it other newsletters online Maltese Language. has various news items on this site and also on

Rikoverat għand il-Little Sisters of the Poor Fra Ġwann Schranz, OFM ħidmiet pastorali kemm Sacerdos hemm erba’ jinsab rikoverat għand il- f’Malta u anke fil-missjoni. patrijiet oħra. Infakkru li Little Sisters of the Poor, Għal dawn l-aħħar snin huwa fid-dmir li il-Ħamrun huwa kien membru tal- nżuruhom u nitolbu Illum Fra Ġwann fraternita’ ta’ tas-Sliema. għalihom. għandu l-eta’ ta’ 85 sena u Ta’ min jgħid ukoll li matul ħajtu wettaq diversi fid-Dar tal-Kleru Christus

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. Cicero L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 29

Itemm l-impenn ta’ Manutensjoni tar- struments of peace and Segretarju Ġenerali refittorju joy through the knowledge and admiration of this fig- Fra Sandro Overend temm Ir-reffitorju tal-kunvent ure, and let us learn to l-impenn tiegħu ta’ tal-Belt ingħata dehra put a little balm on the Segretarju Ġenerali ta’ l- tassew ġdida wara ġim- wounds of our milieu, to Ordni. Fra Seán Collins għat ta’ ħidma biex saret humanise our circum- ġie maħtur is-Segretarju l- il-manutensjoni li tant stances and to wipe away ġdid (ara Atti tad- kien jenħtieg. Bhekk tlesta some tears. Let us pour Definitorju Ġenerali). Fra l-proġett tal-manutensjoni out our hearts where the Sandro se jingħaqad mal- tal-kunvent kollu. mercy of the Father does fraternita’ ta’ Għawdex. not reign. May the com- ikompli minn paġna 13 mitment which stimulated

Elizabeth stimulate our Christ by following the commitment, her example footprints of Francis, Clare and intercession illumi- and Elizabeth evoke the nate our path towards the very singular personality Father, the source of all of Elizabeth during this love: the Good, all Good, jubilee year in order to supreme good; quietude change ourselves into in- and joy.

Quddiesa għall-aħwa mejtin tal-Provinċja

Nhar ir-Sibt, 11 ta’ Novembru 2006, l-aħwa tal-Provinċja ltaqgħu fil-kappella tal-Provinċja fiċ-Ċimiterju ta’ Marija Addolorata u ġiet iċċelebrata l-Ewkaristija għall-erwieħ ta’ ħutna l- patrijiet li jinsabu midfuna fil-kappella u fil-qabar tal-provinċja fiċ-ċimiterju ta’ Għawdex.


Gozo Bishop on Private Visit to Bethlehem

The Bishop of Gozo, Mgr. Bethlehem and Jerusalem, Mario Grech, together with particularly Fr. Noel his secretary, Fr. Eddie Muscat OFM, Master of Zammit, were in Novices at the Nativity Bethlehem on a personal Franciscan friary in visit on 21-24 November. Bethlehem. He also met The purpose of the visit Fr. Twanny Chircop OFM, was that of collaborating Commissary of the Holy with a local TV station in Land, who happened to be order to lauch a in Jerusalem for the Patriarch of Jerusalem documentary about International Congress of Mgr. Michel Sabbah, and Bethlehem during the the Commissaries of the with the parish priest of Christmas season. Among Holy Land organized by Bethlehem, Fr. Amjad the other commitments the Franciscan Custody of Sabbara OFM, and he during this personal visit, the Holy Land. celebrated Mass privately the Bishop also met all the The Bishop also had in the Grotto of the Maltese religious living in meetings with the Latin Nativity.

Festi tal-Milied 2006

Għall-Aħwa kollha tal-Provinċja Il-Ġimgħa, 22 ta’ Diċembru Fid-Dar tal-Formazzjoni Rabat 10.30 am

Għall-Ġenituri u Qraba L-Erbgħa, 27 ta’ Diċembru Porziuncola Retreat House 6.00 pm


1st Prize at the Malta Book Fair Fonti għall-Ħajja ta' San Frangisk t'Assisi" (The Sources for the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi), has been awarded first prize in the translations category of books at the 22nd Malta Book Fair, which was held this week at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta. This is a two-volume publication was published last year by the Maltese Franciscan Province and Edizzjoni TAU, under the care of Fr. Noel Muscat OFM. It includes medieval biographies of St. Francis, with introductions, notes, and indexes. The translators worked over a period of nearly 20 years, and were Fr. Joseph Benedict Xuereb OFM, the late Fr. Marjanu Vella OFM, and Fr. Noel Muscat OFM.


TAU Book Fair

The last weekend of November in our Franciscan Friary at Rabat was characterised by the TAU Book fair that the TAU Edition has organised for the first time. People had the opportunity to see all the publications together and buy all the books at a special price. It was a success because during the whole weekend, especially before and after Mass entered the fair to have a look and buy. During this book fair the Franciscan Sources of St. Francis and St. Clare was sold at a special price. During this three-day fair, together with books there were also paintings by Joseph Cilia, one of our , religious articles and Christmas cards, which made the atmosphere more welcoming. The helpers at the Abdilla and Joseph Cilia, have a look at our fair included Clint Micallef and students Walter Franciscan bookshop one and Andrea Diacono and Vassallo and Joseph can buy also online at also our postulants Aaron Ciappara. If one wishes to Kunsill Pastorali Djoċesan 2006 - 2009

Mons. Arċisqof Ġużeppi Mercieca, innominat lil Fra Anton Farrugia, OFM bħala membru tal-Kunsill Pastorali Djoċesan għas-snin 2006-2009. Barra l-membri ex officio u l-membri eletti ta’ kull Unita’, Mons. Arċisqof ħatar diversi membri, fosthom lil Fra Anton.

He who does nothing for others does nothing for himself. Goethe


Fl-okkażjoni tal-festa tal-Qaddisin ta’ l-Ordni, il-fraternita’ tal-Ħamrun iċċelebrat festafranġiskana

Fi triq Villambrosa l- festafranġiskana fil- animaw it-talba ta’ Ħamrun hemm tlett kunvent tal-patrijiet. l-għasar, fejn din it-talba komunitajiet franġiskani: Barra l-aħwa tal-patrijiet tal-Knisja ġiet is-sorijiet tal-Qalb ta’ minuri, kien hemm ukoll ippreżentata wkoll Ġesu’ li jgħixu fi Fra Diegu is-sorijiet taż-żewġ permezz ta’ powerpoint. Home, is-sorijiet tal-Qalb komunitajiet franġiskani, Wara saret laqgħa soċjali Bla Tebgħa ta’ Marija, il-Ministru Provinċjal Fra fejn tħejjiet pastanight fir- magħrufin ukoll ta’ l- Paul Galea, il-mastru Fra refittorju li kienet Eġittu u l-patrijiet. Stephen Magro, l-istudenti koordinata mill-Gwardjan Nhar l-Erbgħa, 29 ta’ u l-postulanti. Fra Marcellino Micallef. Novembru, fl-okkażjoni Il-lejla franġiskana Kienet lejla sabiħa u tal-festa tal-Qaddisin ta’ l- bdiet b’mument ta’ talb fil- ta’ ferħ li l-aħwa Ordni għat-tielet sena kappella tal-Madonna tas- franġiskani jiltaqħu biex konsekuttiva ġiet Sokkors Perpetwu. Fra jitolbu u jieklu flimkien. organizzata l- Charles Grech u Fra Paul

Manutensjoni tal-kunvent tal-Ħamrun

Wara l-manutensjoni li saret tal-koppla tal-knisja, il-kappella tas-Sokkors u r- refittorju tal-kunvent, qed isir xogħol ta’ manutensjoni tal-kunvent kollu u li għandu jitlesta qabel il-festi tal-Milied. Imbagħad f’Jannar se ssir kċina ġdida fil- kunvent u f’Mejju jibda x-xogħol fuq il-kampnar u l-faċċata tal-knisja. L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 34

Il- Joseph Cilia jikteb dwar

Esperjenza fl-INSERM

Fit-tlettax ta’ Ottubru, Fra Joseph Ciappara, Fra Walter Vassallo, Aaron Abdilla, u jiena ħadna sehem flimkien ma’ postulanti, novizzi u neo-professi oħra, g]all- ewwel live-in tal- NSERM g]all-din is- sena. Kif wasalna il-Porziuncola Retreat House wie]ed kien i]oss li kien hemm `ertu g]aqda li personalment jiena bqajt skantat biha; bqajt skantat proprju g]aliex g]alkemm jiena personalment ma’ kont naf lil ]add mill- postulanti, novizzi u neo- professi lkoll konna n[ibu iktar bil-qawwi bejnietna u bejn janalizza il-mod kif wie]ed ru]na b’mod b]al li kieku ilna il-membri tal-ordnijiet tal- g]andu ja[ixxi fil-]ajja nafu lil xulxin \mien. Din hija Fran[iskani Konventwali u tal- komunitarja u fuq kollox impressjoni li laqtitni b’mod Kapu``ini. Din l-attitudni ta’ ipo[[i ]afna importanza kbira po\ittiv immens g]aliex meta g]aqda u ]biberija rajtha fuq il-mod kif wie]ed wie]ed ikun g]adu [did – kemm-il darba bejn l-ordni tal- jikkomunika ma’ ]addie]or. b]alma wara kollox jiena jien – Patrijiet Minuri, il- Patrijiet Dawn l-a]]ar teorijji dwar il- ikollu dik i`-`erta “bi\a (jekk Minuri Konventwali u il-Patrijiet komunikazzjoni jkomplu tista’ ssej]ilha bi\a) li ma Minuri Kapu``ini, pero’ din id- japprofondixxu fuq kemm tintegrax u li ma tafx darba ]assejtha ]afna iktar wie]ed ji\balja meta l-ewwel e\attament x’ ser issib; pero’ qawwija u tista’ tg]id [iet nett ji[[udika lil persuna mill- kien hemm attitudni ta’ awtomatika. Din hija ]a[a ferm ewwel impressjonijiet li jie]u fraternita’ bejn in-nies differenti, sabi]a g]alija b]alha postulant tal-persuna, juru b’ mod `ar u din tg]in ]afna biex wie]ed tal-Ordni tal-Patrijiet Minuri u kemm wie]ed g]andu l- jinfeta] u tg]in ukoll biex lil nixtieq in\id li tagħtini ]afna ewwel u qabel kollox ikun wie]ed i]ossu f’ ambjent kura[[ g]all-futur. po\ittiv u mhux negattiv dan komdu biex jesprimi l-ideat A]na il-pre-novizzi min]abba l-fatt li n-negattivita’ tieg]u personali u fuq kollox konna segwiti mill-psikologa mal-inqas tikka timbotta lin- tg]in biex wie]ed jinfeta] g]all Ms. Joyce Callus. Is-sinjura nies. o]rajn, u b’ hekk ikun jista Callus g]amlitilna sezzjonijiet Jiena personalment jg]ati il-kontribut tieg]u. bbażżati fuq il-psikolo[ija tal- in]oss li jekk Alla jrid inkompli Il-fraternita’ kienet tin]ass psikologu famu\ Alfred Addler, fuq it-triq li qbadt, huwa bejn il-membri tal-ordnijiet li jitkellem ]afna fuq kif wie]ed importanti jekk mhux essenzjali kollha, i\da kienet tin]ass ferm g]andu j[ib ru]u man-nies, L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 35

li wie]ed jifhem dawn it-teoriji u vespri u anke l-quddiesa li g]elibtu il-]a\in.’’ (1 Gw 2:14) japplikahom [a ladarba kienu jiġu animati min nies tal- Biex nikkonkludi, kien wie]ed se jkun qed jag]mel varji ordnijiet differenti, weekend informattiv, xog]ol li fih wie]ed se jkun qed animazzjoni li tinfirex mhux biss interessanti, mfawwar bl- jie]u ]sieb il-]ajja tan-nies, fejn jid]ol kant u mu\ika i\da Ispirtu ta’ fraternita’ u ]biberija naħseb li huwa importanti li anke fid-disinn tal-kappella. re`iproka fejn wieħed seta’ jara wie]ed ikun jaf kif il-psikoloġija Kwalita’ li verament ]ar[et bil- li g]alkemm konna ]afna tal-persuni ta]dem bl-iskop li qawwi kienet dik tar-rispett ordnijiet varji lkoll a]na mexjin wie]ed ikun iktar kapa`i jag]ti re`iproku bejnietna – dan wara Rag]aj, Salvatur u Missier g]ajnuna. G]aldaqstant, jiena deher ]afna fl-animazzjonijiet wie]ed – {esu’, u huwa dan l- n]oss ]afna li dawn it-talks li kif ukoll fil-mumenti tal- istess {esu’ li lilna lkoll g]amlitilna s-sinjura Callus ]ru[ meta integrajna flimkien, jg]aqqadna flimkien l- kienu f’waqthom u ta’ min tkellimna bejnietna fuq is- ewwelnett b]ala nsara u wie]ed i\ommhom f’ mo]]u sej]at personali tag]na, fil- a]wa fil-Knisja, jg]aqqadna g]all-futur. Dan il-weekend, qsim ta’ esperjenzi diversi. F’ flimkien b]ala ulied l-istess g]alija personali kien su``ess dawn il-mumenti wie]ed seta’ Missier u fl-aħħar nett, kemm minn- na]a ta’ min josserva kemm jag]mel [id, u jg]aqqadna lkoll flimkien segwiena kif ukoll minn-naħa kemm fih qawwa l-Ispirtu b]ala reli[ju\i li ’’nimxu wara ta min jorganizza. Dan g]all- \agħ\ug], f’ dan id-dawl {esu’ pur u fqajjar, nies fatt li l-organizzaturi taw spazju wie]ed proprju jista’ imqaddsin u salvati bl- kbir biex kull min kien pre\enti jikkonferma il-kliem tal- ubbidjenza sal-mewt tas- ikun liberu biex jesprimi ru]u Appostlu {wanni meta fl- ittra salib.’’ (Special message of bil-mod tieg]u, bil-kari\ma tieg]u jikteb: ’’Qed nikteb lilkom Pope John Paul II for World Day pertikolari li kull ordni j]addan \għa\ag], g]ax fikom hemm of Consecrated Life, 2nd – e\empju `ar ta’ dan kien it- is-sa]]a, u l-kelma ta’ Alla February 2005) talb, kemm il-lawdi kif ukoll il- tg]ix [ewwa fikom u intom

Website ta’ l-English Speaking Conference

ikompli minn paġna assimilated, where they into contact with Church the need to address attend Church but do not congregations? racism in the Catholic really become part of the As Benedict XVI put it: Church becomes ever community. If they do not "Our mission is to serve more pressing. The arrival feel part of the community people and to do this well, of migrants offers a great they might drift elsewhere. it is necessary that the opportunity for our If members of ethnic composition or our Church to gain added minorities have long been apostolate force reflects vitality. present on construction that of the society in For this to happen sites, factory floors, and which we live." though, the migrants have the refuse sector, why are to be genuinely welcomed they still a rare sight in and integrated into the our Church organisations Church and not simply that routinely bring them 07.11.06 L-A{BAR DIĊEMBRU 2006 36

Hawn jien Mulej Postulant Aaron Abdilla

“{esu’ ]ares lejh b’imħabba” sigarett wara l-ie]or. X’ ]in (MK 10: 21). Nemmen li kull min spi``at l-adorazzjoni ommi ja``etta is-sej]a tal-Missier qabditni minn idi, u b’ [irja Qaddis bil-fors li l-]arsa tal- wa]da biex \gur ma na]rabx, imsejja] tkun iltaqg]et ma’ dik ]aditni fis-sagristija g]and il- ta’ {esu’. G]alija kien mument patri li kien qed immexxi l- kru`jali meta l-]arsa tieg]i adorazzjoni. Ommi b’ nofs ltaqg]et ma’ tieg]u, u mhux da]qa staqsiet lill-patri jekk ma biss smajt is-sej]a i\da ukoll nistax noqg]od jumejn il- se]]et il-konver\joni tieg]i. kunvent, u hu mill-ewwel ]ataf Ta’ 14-il sena jien g]a\ilt l-okka\joni. Riedni noqg]od li nsir ag]ma u ne]]ejt lil Alla hemm, imma jien x’ ]in smajt mill-]ajja tieg]i. Wara sentejn dan kollu bdejt naqbe\ u indunajt li l-]ajja li kont nog]la u iktar ridt nitlaq ‘il g]amilt jien g]alija tilfet kull barra. Matul dik il-[img]a kont sens u kull tog]ma. Kull ma er[ajt iltqajt ma’ Fr John X’ ]in wasal il-mument tal-pa`i, bdejt immiss b’ idejja, bdejt a``idental-ment aktar minn wara li tajtha lil ommi, missieri narah vojt u mdallam. Kont qed darba, u kien dejjem jitfag]li l- u ]uti dort b’ idi ‘l barra biex in]ossni wa]di allavolja kont istedina biex immur jumejn il- nag]ti l-pa`i lil ta’ warajja, inkun imdawwar b’ ]afna kunvent imma jien ma riedx. imma x’ ]in rajt li warajja kien persuni li kont insej]ilhom Erbat’ ijiem wara, [iet hemm il-parti, ksa]t u bqajt “]bieb”. ommi fuqi u qaltli li kienet sejra qisni statwa b’ idi l-barra Meta g]alaqt 16-il sena, g]al mument ta’ talb fi knisja. sakemm hu ]are[ qabadli idi, ommi g]arfet l-im]abba ta’ Fil-pront we[ibtha li ma kontx u qalli l-pa`i mieg]ek. Jien dort Alla lejha u bdiet tattendi ]a mmur g]ax ma ridtx ner[a’ ni[ri bla ma ]arist lejn wi``u. adorazzjoni li kienet tkun niltaqa’ mal-patri. Imma hi Lanqas ridt nemmen li kien immexxijja minn patri qaltli li din id-darba kienet sejra qieg]ed propju warajja. Wara Fran[iskan. Darba ]aditni adorazzjoni o]ra, u wara ftit l-Quddies is-sa`erdot ]are[ lil mag]ha g]all-adorazzjoni. idde`idejt li mmur mag]ha. {esu’ espost. Dak il-]in bdejt G]alkemm la kelli ]ajra u Niftakar li jiena u l-familja in]oss il-b\onn li nag]mel anqas ]e[[a mort xorta po[[ejna fuq il-bank tan-nofs, evalwazzjoni ta’ dawk l-a]]ar wa]da. Meta wasalna u bdiet l-atmosfera kienet i[[g]elek sentejn ta’ ]ajti u dak li rajt ma i`-`elebrazzjoni Ewkaristika, t]ossok komdu, b’ d-dawl u tantx g]o[obni. Bdejt infittex xi kien di[a’ qed in]ossni ]uta mu\ika baxxi li kienu qeg]din ]a[a biex nimla l-vojt kbir li barra mill-ilma. Bdejt in]ossni idoqqu xi \g]a\ag] fil-[emb kelli, u kif kont bilqieg]da tfajt ]afna ag]ar, u mo]]i biss biex tal-knisja. F’ ]in minnhom i\- ]arsti lejn {esu. Jien u n]ares immur barra kif fil-fatt g]amilt. \g]a\ag] qamu jkantaw u d- lejn {esu’ Ewkaristija [o fija Qattajt tliet kwarti tal- dawl inxteg]el kollu g]ax ]assejt `ertu ser]an u hemm adorazzjoni barra, nixg]el kienet ]a tibda il-Quddiesa. indunajt li mhux jien biss kont


qed in]ares lejn {esu’, imma nibqa’ hemm. Dak is-sajf jien ]afna drabi jistaqsuni “Il-]ajja anke {esu’ kien qed i]ares tlabt il-Mulej jurini t-triq li Hu fil-kunvent kif inhi, kif t]ossok ?” lejja b’ ]arsa ta’ m]abba. kien g]a\el g]alija. Tlabtu biex I`-`avetta g]al kunvent huwa “Mulej xi trid minni?” Dak il ]in ji\vojtani aktar minni nnifsi u Kristu li g]alih tasal biex ti`]ad imtlejt b’ fer] u b’ im]abba jimlieni biH. U dan g]adni lilek innifsek, f’ {esu’ tibda t] akbar,tant li nfqajt f’ bikja kbira nitlobulu sallum. Darba minn- obb lil a]wa, iċ`edi r-rieda u l- bla ma stajt nieqaf. Ma kontx hom, Fra Stephen ikkuntattja lill- aptiti tieg]ek u titlaq kollox, b] aktar ag]ma, i\da er[ajt [ejt persuna o]ra li kienet tkun al ma qal Fran[isku stess “Il- nara. Rajt li {esu’ qatt ma mieg]i l-}amrun biex jag]mel qawwa ]elwa u me]tie[a ta’ telaqni, li hu ]abbni ]afna u esperjenza fil-kunvent tar- m]abbtek Mulej ta]kem ir-ru] g]alhekk ]assejt il-b\onn li Rabat. Stieden lili ukoll u minn tieg]i u tbieg]dni minn dak n]obb jien ukoll. Hu permezz hemm bdiet u kompliet il-mixja kollu li hu tad-dinja biex immut tal-im]abba li ng]aqadt ma’ tieg]i sallum. bl-im]abba ta’ m]abbtek, Int li Kristu u Hu g]annaqni mieg]u. Wara sentejn ta’ b’ im]abbtek ridt tmut g]all- Wara l-adorazzjoni mort fuq il- dixxerniment, Fr Joseph Magro im]abba tieg]i”. father u g]idtlu li ridt nag]mel talab lil Provin`jal sabiex inkun G]a\i\, jiena nixtieq li inti jumejn il-kunvent. Tbissimli u nista nibda il-]ajja fran[iskana, ukoll f’ ]ajtek mhux biss tag] qalli “Iva, mela ejja il-}amis ng]ix flimkien mal-fraternita’ u mel esperjenza tal-im]abba t’ wara l-adorazzjoni”. nara’ l-]ajja tal-patrijiet minn Alla imma li tilqg]u bil-fer] u t’ Il-}amis ta’ dik il [img]a [ewwa. a``ettah. mort il-kunvent tal-}amrun, u }bieb u \g]a\ag] li iktar ma bdejt immur iktar ridt niltaqa mag]hom l-iskola Monthly Adoration

The Vocation Centre is planning to organise a Eucharistic Adoration once a month, in order to pray God for more vocations in the Franciscan Order. This Adoration is one with a difference, in the sense that it will be a silent moment of prayer, with background music and some visual aids in order to help those participating in their prayer. Personal counselling available during the Adoration. This Adoration will be held at Ta’ Pinto Chapel, Valletta Waterfront with the collaboration of the Port Chaplain Fr. Paul Attard OFM, every third Wednesday of the month from 8 to 9 pm. The candidates in formation of the Maltese Franciscan Province will join in the Adoration. This is also an invitation for you and your friends, especially young friends, to join us and pray for vocations. Dates: December 20, 2006; January 17, 2007; February 21, 2007; March 21, 2007; April 18, 2007; May 16, 2007; June 20, 2007


Happy Christmas in the Offing for 24 Bethlehem Families CTS News

On November 25th, after 1. Provides homes for the as part of this program. his Solemn Entry into city’s Christian families. Since more than twice that Bethlehem for the feast of 2. Provides work number of families has Saint Catherine, the opportunities. applied for tenancy, a of the Holy Land, 3. Limits emigration of commission was formed to Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Christian families. choose tenants in inaugurated the two 4. Brings the Custody accordance with objective seven-story buildings of closer to the people. criteria. Each family has Saint Catherine’s 5. Increases investment in assembled a file indicating Residence, each property ownership in the their resources, the containing 24 apartments Holy Land. number of dependents, for the city’s Roman 6. Preserves and etc., and the commission’s Catholics. maintains property in the five members—the As part of the Holy Land for the good of Treasurer of the Custody, Custody’s renovation and society. Father Abdel Masih Fahim construction program of Seventy apartments ofm; the parish priest, the project meets several are currently under Father Amjad Sabbara objectives: construction in Bethlehem ofm; the director of the


Custody’s school, Father 780) that you can live draftsmen, and Marwan Di’Des ofm, and decently,” says a secretaries. One hundred two members of the Bethlehem family man. other people are foremen, community—will make the Few families earn that project directors and decisions together, on a much. “Before the second skilled craftsmen. Two case-by-case basis. Intifada (going back to the engineers remained Construction of Saint year 2000), when the permanently on site to Catherine’s Residence economic situation supervise the progress of began in July, 2004. At allowed both parents to the work. the beginning of November work, life was bearable.” Project cost for Saint this year the happy The city of Bethlehem in Catherine’s Residence families were informed the year 2006 has an comes to some five million that an apartment had employment rate of 60% of dollars. It is financed by been allotted to them and the work force. the Custody of the Holy they could take immediate Furthermore, the Land, with assistance possession. Each 115 sq. absence of a Palestinian from Europe and America. m. apartment includes State and of adequate Several other projects are three bedrooms, two social and administrative in progress at Jerusalem bathrooms, a large living structures in the (Bethpage ), Jericho, room, a kitchen and a Palestinian Authority Nazareth , Jaffa, three balcony. Although free of means that there is no more buildings in ostentation, the Residence system of medical Bethlehem, one of which is clearly of high quality insurance or old age was financed thanks to a construction. The Custody pensions. Families, gift from Pope John Paul of the Holy Land therefore, have to try to II, and another at Tripoli, undertakes to give the amass their own savings Lebanon. disadvantaged both for life beyond the age of We recall that the quality and beauty. 65, the legal age of Custody of the Holy lives Moreover, project’s retirement. and works in large part cost effectiveness earned This helps us to better thanks to the gifts of the kudos for the Palestinian understand the needs of world’s Christians at the architect, Najib Nasser. local residents and the annual Good Friday The Custody’s customary Custody’s efforts to help collection. rents are $200 per month them. In summary, then, (160 euros, 860 New It is of note that the this year the world’s Israeli Shekels); the city’s construction was carried Christians are giving the usual rents are from $400 out by local contractors Christians of Bethlehem a to $600. For purposes of who were selected by bid. new home. A wonderful comparison: a Palestinian The architect, Najib Christmas present in the policeman earns $400 per Nasser, is a Palestinian city where the Savior and month (€ 320, NIS 1700) Christian who lives in Prince of Peace was born. and a professor, around Bethlehem and has $7-800 (€ 550-630, NIS worked on numerous 3025-3460). projects for the Custody “Although you can here and in Jerusalem. survive on $250 to $300 a His architectural firm month in Bethlehem, it’s employs 26 people: only starting at $1000 (€ architects, engineers,



DIĊEMBRU 10 Fra Lorrie Zerafa 1 Fra Alfred Sciberras 25 Fra Noel Muscat 3 Fra Noel Muscat 26 Fra Stephen Sciberras 4 Fra Marcellino Micallef 26 Fra Stephen Magro 11 Fra :wann Micallef 27 Fra :wann Schranz 17 Fra Charles Tonna 31 Mons. Sylvester Magro 17 Fra Ray Scicluna 19 Fra Godfrey Micallef 29 Fra Pietru Pawl Meilak 31 Fra Sebastian Camilleri JANNAR 7 Fra Karlu Tonna 7 Fra Kerubin Galea 8 Fra Arturu Azzopardi 8 Fra Adrian J. Cachia 16 Fra Marcello Ghirlando Fra Mark Ciantar 20 Fra Sebastian Camilleri 9 Fra Charles Grech 27 Fra Julian Sammut 15 Fra Kamillu Aquilina 31 Fra Sandro Overend Awguri u Xewqat Sbieħ!

F’ DIN IL-{AR:A Dicembru 2006

Kardinal Franġiskan imexxi l-Kongregazzjoni għall- Kleru 3 Dokument finali tal-Kapitlu Ġenerali Straordinarju 4 Kungress tal-Kummissarji ta’ l-Art Imqaddsa 5 550 mill-mewt ta’ San Ġwann minn Capistrano 8 EDITUR VIII Ċentinarju mit-twelid ta’ Santa Eliżabetta 12 Komunikazzjoni mid-Definitorju Ġenerali 14 Programm tal-Kapitlu tal-Ħsajjar 16 fra marcellino micallef ofm L-esperjenza tal-Ministru Provinċjal għall-Kapitlu 17 [email protected] Mill-ġurnali 21 Xi jfisser il-Milied Franġiskan 22 Il-miġja tal-patrijiet franġiskani f’tas-Sliema 24 Kunvent Tal-Franġiskani Informazzjoni 28 291, Triq San Pawl, Esperjenza fl-INSERM 34 Valletta VLT 07 Hawn jien Mulej 36 Proġett għall-familji f’Betlehem 38 Fraternitas 40 Tel. 21238218 Fax. 21231266