ICAOINTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION Aviation & Sustainability Determining the complex environmental, economic and social impacts that are defining aviation’s future. Special State Profile Feature: Poland Vol. 66, No. 6 Contents ICAO’s Role in Aviation’s Sustainable Future ICAO Environment Branch Chief, Jane Hupe, highlights the Organization’s 3 strategic role in facilitating coordination and cooperation among its Member States, the aviation industry and other stakeholders on environmental and sustainability issues. Working through UN-led Processes Sha Zukang, Secretary-General of the 2012 United Nations Conference 6 on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), discusses the UN goal of securing THE ICAO JOURNAL VOLUME 66, NUMBER 6, 2011 renewed political commitment on global sustainability challenges in Rio next June. Editorial ICAO Communications Office Tel: +01 (514) 954-8220 ICAO’s Sustainability-related Progress Website: www.icao.int ICAO is leading the aviation sector through its sustainable development Anthony Philbin Communications 8 agenda and working to ensure access to air transport for future generations. Senior Editor: Anthony Philbin Some of its key work to date is highlighted in articles relating to Secretariat Tel: +01 (514) 886-7746 E-mail:
[email protected] accomplishments in the areas of: Website: www.philbin.ca State Action Plans on Emissions Mitigation ........................................ 8 Production and Design Economic Measures to Address Carbon Impacts ................................. 9 Bang Marketing Stéphanie Kennan Alternative Fuels Development (SUSTAF 2011 Conference Review) ... 10 Tel: +01 (514) 849-2264 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.bang-marketing.com Sustainability: The Carrier View Brian Pearce, Chief Economist for the International Air Transport Association Advertising 12 (IATA), discusses how commercial aviation has added tremendous value for FCM Communications Inc.