Vikings Key Facts People from Other Societies Have Been Coming to Britain for a Long Time
Year 5: Vikings Key facts People from other societies have been coming to Britain for a long time. During the Vocabulary Middle Ages, there were invasions from Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians and Vi- Vikings People who came to England from Scandinavia (Norway, kings. As each community settled, they have contributed to the formation of the United Sweden and Denmark) They were known as Norsemen Kingdom through the development of institutions, culture and ways of life in Britain to- (men of the North) and Danes day. The impact on Britain is evident still. Danelaw The land King Alfred gave to the Vikings where they fol- • Britain was split into 7 kingdoms in AD600: Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, lowed their own laws. York (Jorvic) was an important city Wessex, Sussex and Kent. Danegeld Money paid to Vikings by the Anglo-Saxons to stop them • Saxon and Viking houses were built of wood, with a invading and raiding thatched (straw) roof. There was just one big room with a Longship Long ,narrow ships that the Vikings used to invade. They fire, where all the family carried out their daily tasks, ate could travel up rivers as well as across the sea. dinner and slept. • Anglo Saxons and Vikings were Pagans and believed in Saga A story or myth about early Viking voyages different Gods, e.g. God of Thunder. They did convert to Christianity after invading Britain Valhalla A great hall where dead heroes feasted with the Gods • Many place names come from Anglo-Saxon and Viking names. Asgard A sky world where the Gods live • Among the many gods Vikings believed in were Thor, the god of thunder, and Loki, a cheeky mischief-maker who could shape-shift to become all different kinds of animals.
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