Railway Companies, Railway Stations
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• CONVEYANCE. RAILWAY COMPANIES, THEIR OFFICES & OFFICIALS. Caledonian; offices, 31 Mosley st-Robert Williams, traffic agent for manager; C. W, Bayley, chief traffic manager; 0. J. Nichol.son, Manchester district passenger superintendent; G. Banks, assistant passenger superin- Cbeshire Lines Committee ; Central station, Windmill st. & Lower tendent & goods train superintendent; W. B. Worthington, chief M011ley st-William Kirk, station ma.ster ; goods department, engineer ; D. C. Rattray, assistant engineer; H . .A.. Hoy, chief Windmill st; grain department, Watson st ; mineral yard, Great mechanical engineer; John Hassall, chief cashier; J. Hoardman, Bridgewater st. Gaythorn ; .A.rthur J. Hewitt, goods agent, Central accountant ; William Hepworth, audit accountant ; Chri~topher station; Henry .A.lbert Green, locomotive superintendent, Trafford' Moor house, solicitor; H. Shelmerdine, estate agent & architect ; ' Park:, Stretford; head office, Central station, Liverpool, David J. Wharton, goods manager; S. Hauxwell, 1\Ssist:mt goods manager; Meldrnrn, manager John Sharp, police superintendent ; good~ superintendent at Salford (J.l&sgow & South Western, 39H York st-David Johnstone, rlist. agrnt; and Oldham road, and Cattle Station, .A.lbion st. Cross lane, Salford, and Adair st. Gt. Ancoats st-I. Mansfield, agent for the Midland Eli Winterbottom; Edward Prentis, storekeeper, Stores Department, Great Central; Head offices, London Road station Os borne st; J. Butler, town agent; officell, 4Mosley st; 41 Dickinson Sir Alexander Hfnderson, bart. M.P., chairman st. & 39 Corporation st Edw~>rd Chapman, Esq. :M.F., deputy chairman Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Oo.-Thompson, M'Kay & Oo. Lim. &lrn Fay, general manager agents for Hull, Goole, West Hartlepool. &o. tmffic,104 Portland st J. Rostcrn, assistant to general manager London & North-Western (North Eastern division), Exchange station, 0. 8. Holt, secretary Victoria st-Henry Linaker, district superintendent ; F. T. Kinsman, D. H. Davies, solicitor (office, 12 Booth st. Piccadilly) out-door goods manager for Northern division ; J. Foden, chief F. Williams, accountant parcel agent. Town offices for the issue of tickets and receipt of C. A. Rowlandson, C. E., engineer parcels, 67 Market st. ; 15 Mosley st. ; 15 John Dalton st. and B. L. Mnrgatroyd, assistant en'lineer 181 Broad. st. P; parcel and enquiry offices, Smith field market. i. G. Robinson, chief mechanical engineer (office & works, Gorton) Cattle station, Liverpool rd. Cross lane, Salford. Goods yard, A. W. Longden. storekeeper Devonshire st. .A.; goods station Liverpool rd. and London rd C. T. Smith, goods manager London & North-Western (Lancashire Division); London Road Station, E. A. Clear, assistant goods manager W. J. Chipman, district goods superintendent: J. W. Fletcher, tele- R. Haig Brown, superintendent of the line gmph engineer ; J. Bell, district cashier ; J. Hunter, station S. H. Fourdrinier, assistant superintendent of the line master. City offices, 16 Mosley st. ; goods enquiry ofHce, Ducie st. Edw~>rd Watkin, mineral manager London rd. ; local enquiry office, Manchester Ship Canal Docks, S E. Barker, estate agent London & North-Western Railway Estate Office, Exchange Station- C. W. Neele, electrical engineer (office, Guide Bridge) George Biddle, agent James Taylor, cashier Manchester, South Junction & .A.ltrincham ; station (Oxford rd.) Oxford Geo. Taylor, canal district agent st-R. H. Brown, secretary& manager; E. B. Thornhill, Euston ata- J~ Heptonstall, stationery storekeeper " tion, London, and Charles A. Rowlandson, London Road. station A. Williamson, goods agent, Ducie street Manchester, engineers; Wm• .A.tkins, station master · Booking & Parcels Office, 4 Brown street-J. H. Rowcliffe. agent Midland ; passenger station (Central), Windmill street (G. C. Hawkins, Goods Claims Department, London road passenger agent-T N 4228); Goods offices & dep(Jt, Travis st. & . Great Eastern, 82 Portland st. & .A.rdwick (Great Central) (M. S. & L.) Adair st; Great .A.ncoats st-T Ns 887 & 5l72 (F. C. Pakeman,. Goods station-William Pownall, district goods superintendent goods agent), R L. Jervis, district goods manager; Branch estate· Great Northern Railway; head offices, Deansgate station, Peter st- office, Great .A.ncoats st. (W. B. A. Tempest, estate agent). Re Robert Henry Bryant, district goods manager; .T. J,. Cooke, district ceiving offices, 47 Piccadilly, 8 Albert place, Albert bridge, Smith locomotive mperintendent : general enquiry office, 1 Mosley st ; field market-T N 4114 & Central station; Goods & enquiry p&~senger & ticket offices, 221 Deansgate; enquiry office, Central office, Manchester Ship Canal Docks, Salford-T N 3079 (G. station; temporary warehouse Dale st Simmons, 89 Mosley street, district supt.-T N 5241) Great Western ; ofllces, 2 Brown· st-William Power, district goods North British; 21 Cannon st-Wm. Stocks, district tratfic agent manager; J. W. H. Sims, parcel agent ; goods offices, 11 .A.therton North-Eastern; office, 49 & 50 Arcade chambers, St. Mary's 11ate-G.C, st.ll9 Liverpool rd. & Grape st. Deansgate; City office, 6 George st. Huntley, district agent , Piccadilly -.Tames Farrant, agent N" orth Staffordshire; 36 & 37 Dickinson st-James Hill, agent Hull & Barnsley Railway & Dock: Co. 62 Market ~;t-Robert J. Williams, Shropshire Union Railway & Canal Uo. Castle st. Castlefield-F district agent Padmore, agent Lancashire & Yorkshire ; head office, Hunt's bank-B. C. Irwin, secre- tary ; D. Norman, assistant secretary ; J. .A.. F. .A.spinall, general RAILWAY STATIONS. PAS S EN G E R S. Central, Windmill street, near theTown Hall(Cheshire Lines Committee, Crumpsall (Lancashire & Yorkshire)-R. Kay, station master Gre11t Northern, GretJ.t Central (late Manchester, Sheffield & Lincoln Dean Lane, ~Newton heath (La.ncaslille & Yorkshire)- Henry shire) & Midland Railways) - W illiam Kirk, station master ; A. J. .A.inscough, station master [agent Hewett, goods agent; G. 0. Hawkins, Midland passenger agent Didsbury (Midland)-Edwa.rd Henry Bald win, station master & gooj~ El change, opposite Manchester cathedral (London & North-Western) Failsworth, Hardman lane, Old rd. (Lancashire & Yorkshire) -Henry Linaker, district superintendent; John Nicholson, station T. Evans, station master mMter Fairfield Street (Manchester, South Junction & .A.ltrincham)-Henry wndon Road (Great Western)- John W. H. Sims, station master Badger, station master wndon R08d (London & North-Western)-H. Linaker, district pas Fallowfield (Great Central) (M. B. & L.}-0. R. Mapleston, station Benger superintendent; J. Hunter, station master master wndon Road (Great Central)-R. Haig Brown, superintendent; J. W. Gorton,Oornwall st.(Great Central) (M. S. & L.)-Da.vid Ward Vemon, Hattee, station master station master Victoria, Hunt's bank (Lancashire & Yorkshire)-0. J. Nicholson, Hyde rd. (Great Central)--John Bayley, station master Jlll.S8enger superintendent; James Henry Sedgwick, station master Knott Mill, Deansgate (Manchester, South Junction & .A.ltrincham) Alexandra Park, Alexandra rd. south (Great Central)-John bmith, Edward H. Ward, station master ltation master Lcvenshulme (London & North Western; North Eastern section) Anl.wick, Blind lane, Higher .A.rdwick (Great Central) James Hyde, station master Aniwick, Blind lane, Higher .A.rdwick: (London & North-Western; Longsigbt, Kirkmanshulme la. (London & North Western; Northern Northern 81'ction)-Charles Gregory, clerk in charge section)--John Cooke, station master Ashbury'11, Pottery lane, Openshaw (Great Central) (M. 8. & L.) Miles Platting, Lamb la. (Lancashire & Yorkshire)--Samuel Peaker, Henry Marshall, station master station master Belle Vue, Hyde rood, Gorton (Great Central & Midland), Joshua Moston, M011ton la. Moston (Lancashire & Yorkshire)-Robert Glossop, Oxley, station master station master Chorlton·cum-Hardy, Wilbrd.b.am road-Hugh Hughes, station master Newton heath (L. & Y. Ry. Co.), Jo•eph Mottershead, station master Clayton Bridge, Berry brow, Newton heath (Lancashire & Yorkshire) Old Trafford, Seymour gro. (Mancllester, South Junction & .A.ltrincha.m) -John White., ~tation master --John Bleall6, station ma3ter Orictet Ground, Warwick rd. Stretford (open on match days only) Oxford Road, Whitworth street West, Oxford street, St. Peter's (Man (Manchester, South Juncton & Altrincham) no station master che:!ter, South Junction & Altrincham)-Richard Ha.ig Brown, definitely appointed manager; Willis. m Atkins station master MAN. 110* .