August 2013

Prof. Nissim Calderon


 Personal Details

Nissim Calderon Place and date of birth: 1947, Tel-Aviv Regular Military Service: 1965-1968 Office: Ben Gurion University of the Negev Department of P.O.B. 653, Beer Sheva, 84105 Phone: 972-8-6461132 Home Address: 26 Bilu st. Tel-Aviv, 64256 Phone: 972-3-6869337 e-mail: [email protected]

 Education

1968-1971 – B.A, Hebrew Literature, The Art of Theartre, Tel-Aviv University

1972-1973- Master's Degree Studies toward a Direct Track to Ph.D for Distinguished Students, In

Hebrew Literature, TAU

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Final exams for Masters Degree exemption, TAU

1972-1980 – Ph.D. Degree in Hebrew Literature, TAU

Supervisor: Prof. Dan Miron

Dissertation: “Foundations of the Early Poetry of David Avidan (1954-1962)”

 Employment History

2012- present- Professor, Department of Hebrew Literature, Ben-Gurion University

2004-2012- Associate Professor, Department of Hebrew Literature, Ben-Gurion University

2001-2004- Senior Lecturer, Department of Hebrew Literature, BGU

2001- Guest senior teacher, Workshop for writing critique, BGU

1988-2002- Senior teacher, Hebrew Literature and Film Department, TAU

1986 - Film teacher, Sam Spiegel School,

1980-1988- Teacher, Department of Hebrew Literature, TAU

1971-1980- Teaching Assistant, Department of Hebrew Literature, TAU

 Professional Activities

(a) Positions in Academic Administration

*2009-2011 - Head of "OFEC" program in BGU- academic voluntary activity in the


*2009-2010- Conducter, panoramic courses in Hebrew literature to all of the students in Ben

Gurion University, BGU

*2009- Chairman, Committee for ranking (Etgar Keret- Senior Teacher), BGU

*2008- Chairman, Committee for ranking (Nidaa Khoury- Senior Teacher), BGU

*2008- Member, Committee, electing Tenure-Tracks, Literature Dept., Open University

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*2007- Chairman, Committee for ranking (Yitschak Ben-Mordechay-associate professor),


*2007- Chairman, Committee for ranking (Zehava Kaspi-senior lecturer), BGU

*2007- Present– Director, Rector's Ofek Program for Academic Activities in the Community,


*2007- Member, Rector's delegation to Spain, engagement of cooporation, University of


*2005-2009- Chairperson, Modern Hebrew Literature studies, Hebrew Literature dept., BGU

*2004-2007- Director, “Monday Noon”, monthly meetings with artists and

intellectuals, on behalf of Dean of Faculty of Humanities, BGU

*2004 –2007 – Orgenizer, “Milestones in World Literature”, weekly meetings with

authors and researchers, BGU

*2003- Present – Member, Managing Committee, Heksherim Center for Research of Hebrew

Literature, BGU

*2002- 2007 - Organizer and moderator, “On Second Thought”, Meetings with authors

and scholars, BGU

1999-2001- Member, Board of Directors, Golda Institute, TAU

1999 – Academic Coordinator, “Mediating Literatures in the Mediterranean on the 20th

Century” Summer Workshop, TAU

(b) Professional Functions Outside Universities/Institutions

*2009-2010-Member, Organizing Committee, Poetry Festival in Metullah, head of jury, Teva

Reward for young poets

*2009- Member, Organizing staff, Yiddish Poatry Days,

*2009- Judge, "Photograph of the year" contest, Israel

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*2008- Head of jury, Prizes for immigrant artists, Ministary of Immigrant Absorption, Israel

*2008- Head of jury, Isreal prize in Literature

*2008-2009- Member, Academic Committee, New Lexicon for Authors in Israel

*2007- Present – Member, Managing Committee, The Fund for Israeli Film

*2007- Present – Editor and moderator, Summer Meetings with rock artists, Beer

Sheva Museum

*2007- Present – Member, Organizing Committee, Tel-Aviv Yafo Centennial Year

*2007- Present – Organizor, Events of Poetry and Music, Levontin Club, Tel-Aviv (39


*2006, 2008- Member, Committee, Sapir Award for Fiction, Sapir Fund

*2001–2008 Member, Board of Trustees, Prime Minister Fund for Writers

*2004- 2007 – Member, Committee, Programs in Hebrew Literature, Ministry of Education

2004 – Member, Dovrat Committee for education system reform, Ministry of Education

2000-2004- Member, Israeli Film Council

2003 – Judge, “Doc-Aviv” Documentary Film Festival,

2003- Head Judge, “Katuv” contest for beginning authors, Mifal Ha'payis

2000- 2001 – Member, “Vision 2000” project, Ministry of Education

2000-2001 – Member, "Sela” Committee, Ministry of Education

1996-2001 – Member, "Gulliver", International Dialogue Association, Amsterdam

2000 – Juror in the Mediterranean Film Contest, Film Festival

1999-2001 – Member, Pedagogic Council, Ministry of Education

1999 – Artistic Director, International Poetry Festival, Jerusalem

1998 – Judge, Short Film Category, Film Festival

1996 – Organizing member, Israeli Forum for Mediterranean Cultures, The Van Leer

Jerusalem Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Science and Art

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1996 – Judge, Wolgin Prize Panel, Film Festival, Jerusalem

(c) Significant proffesional cunsulting

*2009- Artistic counciling for the exibit "The living Alterman", Eretz Israel Museum

1990 – Consultant, Amir Har’el’s film “Avot Yeshurun 1990”

1981-1982 – Member, Advisory Council, Drama dept., Israeli Television

(d) Editor or Member of Editorial board of Scientific or Professional Journal

1973-1976, 1980-1982 – Siman Kri’a – Hebrew Literary Quarterly

Deputy Editor, TAU

(d1) Editor or Member of Editorial board of un-refereed Journals

*2005-2007 – Bgu Review – Internet Journal

Editor (with Y. Schartz, Y. Meital, A Band), BGU

1997-2004 – Mikarov – Literary Journal

Editor (with Gadi Taub), TAU

2004- Editor (with Salman Natur) of Jewish-Arab newspaper “DU-ET”

1995 – Rechov – Literary Journal

Editor (with Gadi Taub and Yosef Sharon)

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Educational Activities

(a) Courses tought (a selection of courses from recent years)

*2009- (With Etgar Keret) A Story in a Song- Telling a story in a song, BA class,

Hebrew Literature Dept., BGU

*2008- The Poatry of Chaim Gury, MA seminar, Hebrew Literature Dept., BGU

*2008- Zichron Dvarim by Jacob Shabtai, MA seminar, Hebrew Literature Dept.,


*2007- The writings of Dahlia Rabikovitz, BA seminar, Hebrew Literature Dept.,


2004 – The writings of Natan Zach, MA seminar, Hebrew Literature Dept., BGU

2004- Yona Wallach and her cultural environment, MA seminar, Hebrew Literature

Dept., BGU

2003 – Amir Gilboa and Avot Yeshurun – Two poets on the margins of the literary

circle, MA seminar, Hebrew Literature Dept., BGU

2001 – Israeli film and Israeli literature – a comparative look, MA seminar, Hebrew

Literature Dept., BGU

2001 – Documentary film making and television, BA course, Film Dept., TAU

2001 – Multiculturalism: Theory, Israeli literature and social situation, BA course,

Hebrew Literature Dept., BGU

2001 – : His poetry and cultural environment, BA seminar, Hebrew

Literature Dept., BGU

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1999-2001– Introduction to Israeli culture, BA course, Interdisciplinary Dept., Faculty of

Humanities, TAU

2001 – Joseph Haim Brenner as a writer and cultural critic, BA seminar, Hebrew

Literature Dept., TAU

2001 – David Avidan and the marks he left in Poetry, BA course, Hebrew Literature

Dept., TAU

2000 – Representation of the family in Israeli literature and film making, BA seminar,

Hebrew Literature Dept., TAU

(b) Research students

*2009 and on- Tzippy Gurion, MA, Ben Gurion University (in process).

*2008 and on- Yitschak Tzivoni, MA, Ben Gurion University (in process).

*2008 and on- David Peretz, MA, Ben Gurion University (in process).

*2007 and on- Matan Chermony, Ph.D., Ben Gurion University (in process).

*2010 and on- Zmira Ron-David, Ph.D., Ben Gurion University (in process).


(a) Honors, citation awards

1999 –Bahat Award for the book “Multiculturalism versus Pluralism in

Israel”, Haifa University,.

Scientific Publications

(a) Authored Books

*Nissim Calderon

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1. 2009 The Second Day, On Poetry and Rock in Israel after Yona Wallach

(יום שני-על שירה ורוק בישראל אחרי יונה וולך(

Zmora-Bitan, Or Yehuda.


26/8/09- Shimon Adaf, "An Insightful Inspection of Heartbreaking Artists and their Art",


30/8/09- Gadi Taub, "The has been Waiting Long Ago for Serious Treatment",


3/9/09- Etgar Keret, "Operation without Aneasthesia"


5/9/09- Kalya Mor, "The Rocker Killed the Poet", City Mouse.

26/9/09- Eli Hirch, Book review, Yediot Achronot.

Yair Garbuz, Book review, Yediot Achronot.

28/10/09- Assaf Talmudi, "About The Hat Carrier", Ha'aretz

Dori Manor, "The Option to Eco in One's Memory", Ha'aretz

4/12/09- Uri Holander, "What Happened to Poetry after 1980", Ha'aretz

Ilan Berkowitz, "Silence Under the Flashlight", Ha'aretz

17/12/09- Tsur Erlich, "The Rock as a Spice", Makor Rishon,

30/12/09- Ben Shalev, "Quiet, Just a Moment, Please", Ha'aretz

Nissim Calderon, Ayelet Shamir Tulipman

(בזמן מלחמה) In Times of War 2002 .2

Kineret, Or Yehuda

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Nissim Calderon

3. 2000 Multiculturalism versus Pluralism in Israel

)פלורליסטים בעל כורחם: על ריבוי התרבויות בישראל(

Zmora Bitan and Haifa Universty, Or Yehuda

The Book received the “Bahat” Award, Haifa University

Nissim Calderon

(הרגשה של מקום: שישה מאמרים ) A Sense of Place: Six Essays 1988 .4

Hakibbutz Hame’uhad, Bnei Brak

Nissim Calderon

5. 1985 The Previous Chapter: On Nathan Zach at the Early 1960’s

(פרק קודם: על נתן זך בראשית שנות השישים(

The Previous Chapter: On Nathan Zach at the Early 1960’s

Hakibbutz Hame’uhad, Bnei Brak

Nissim Calderon

)בשנה השנייה למלחמה) In the Second Year of War 1984 .6

Siman Kri’a Books, Tel Aviv

Nissim Calderon

7.1980 In a Political Context: Four Essays on Writers

9 11

)בהקשר פוליטי: ארבעה מאמרים על סופרים(

Hakibbutz Hame’uhad, Bnei Brak

(b) Editorship of Collective Volumes

1. Yurgan Nirad, Nissim Calderon, Rina Klinov. Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings Vol. 1,

Hakibbutz Hame’uhad 1999, Bnei Brak

(b1) Literary Editorship

1. Katuv-Short stories collection, 2003.

2. Smilansky Yizhar, Pages of Dispute. Zmora Bitan 1988, Tel Aviv

3. Yitzchak Ben Aharon, Curruptive Government- End of the Road, Ha' Hame'uchad

and the Histadrut center for culture and education 1988, Tel Aviv

(c) Chapters in collective volumes- conference proceedings, Festchrifte, etc.

1. Nissim Calderon

"Details and more details, about a single line in Nurit Gertz's Fiction", a book in honor of Nurit

Gertz, Open University Press, Ranana 2013, pp 23-30.

2. Nissim Calderon

*Due Tipi di Streghe, Narrativa, Memoria, E Identita, Mimesis, 2011, pp. 19-28

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3. Nissim Calderon

"The living Alterman", Exibit's catalog about Nathan Alterman, artistic counciling for the

exibit. Eretz Israel Museum, 2010, pp.25-41

4. Nissim Calderon

"A.B. Yehoshua's Missing Cheetah", Sefer Yehoshua, Amir Benbaji, Nitsa Ben Dov (eds.),

Hakibbutz Hame’uhad, Tel Aviv 2010, pp.500-506.

5. Nissim Calderon

*"What has Happened to Hebrew Poetry in the Past 20 Years?" Israel at 60 Years-

Retrospective & Renewal, Modern Hebrew Literature No 5., Fall 2009, pp. 17-22

6 Nissim Calderon

*"Amos Oz, Scenes from a Village's Life", Israel at 60 Years- Retrospective & Renewal.

Modern Hebew Literature No 5., Fall 2009, pp. 316-317

7. Nissim Calderon

*"Il registro alto e il registro basso nel rock e nella poesia israeliana Tre generazioni di scrittori

a confrronto", Saggi sulla letteratura israeliana, Yigal Schwartz, Gabriella Seiner Moscati.

Editrale Scietifica, Napoli, 2009. pp. 71-80

8 Nissim Calderon

*Preface, Ory Bernstein, Le Temps des Auters, Editions Caracters, Paris, 2009, pp.9-11

9. Nissim Calderon

11 12

*"A cup of coffee in a city without a concept- About Caffes in Israeli Literature|, Catalogue for

the exibit "Caffes in Tel Aviv, 1920-1980", curetor: Batya Carmiel, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel

Aviv 2007. pp. 292-295

10 Nissim Calderon

*"Lost spaces", catalog of exibit "Lost Spaces", Dalit Sharon and Eldad Shealtiel, 2006, pp 1-3

11. Nissim Calderon

*Preface, Avraham Avinu in New York, Ory Bernstein, Hakibbutz Hame’uhad 2006, pp. 5-10

12. Nissim Calderon and Emanuela Trevisan-Semi

*"Presentazione della opera di A. B. Yehoshua", Emanuela Trevisan-Semi(ed) - Leggere

Yehoshua, Einaudi, 2006, pp. 3-14

13. Nissim Calderon

*"Il Gattopardo mancante di Abraham B. Yehoshua", Emanuela Trevisan-Semi(ed) - Leggere

Yehoshua, Einaudi, 2006, pp. 85-94

14. Nissim Calderon

*"Fluechtling und Entwurzelte: Israel als aesthetischer Ort", Anat Feinberg (ed.) Moderne

Hebraische Literature, Ein Handbuch, text+kritic, Munich, 2005, pp. 121-139

15. Nissim Calderon

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*"A Walk in Allenby Street: The Street in Tel-Aviv as Cultural-Social Model", Ruvik

Rosenthal (ed.), Shoresh Hadvarim, Keter, Jerusalem 2005, pp. 310-318


16. Nissim Calderon

*"Le Post-Sionism dans le Contexte Multiculturel Isralien", T. Friling(ed.) – Reponse a un Ami

Post-Sioniste, Impress Editions 2004, pp. 207-263

17. Nissim Calderon

"From Multiplicity to Solidarity, Ohad Nachtomi", Multiculturalism Tested in the Israeli

Context, Mosad Bialik 2003, pp.115-152

18. Nissim Calderon

"Two Silver Plates", Under Fire, E. Casey and P. Hilder (ed.), Free Association Press, London

2002, pp. 90-93

19. Nissim Calderon

"Y. Shabtai: Elie Barnavi and Saul Friedlander", Les Juifs et le XX Siecle,

Dictonnaire Critique, Calmann-Levy 2000 – pp. 695-706

20. Nissim Calderon

"Monday (On Dalia Hertz)",Nitza Ben Ari (ed.), To Izhar, Zmora-Bitan 1996.

pp 623-641

21. Nissim Calderon

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"Sommes-nous une famille?" Léa Hermann et Catherine David (ed.), Cinema d’Israel, Galerie

Nationale du Jeu de Paume 1992. pp. 22-30

22. Nissim Calderon

"Under Pressure", Jan Heijs, Petra Pijnapples (ed.), International Documentary Film Festival

Amsterdam, International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam 1991. pp. 87-88

23. Nissim Calderon

"From 'Moments' to 'The Seventh Column' – Alterman’s way to Political Writing"

Pinchas Genosar (ed.), Literature and the Labour Movement, Ben-Gurion University

Press 1989. pp. 277-289

(d) Refereed articles and refereed letters in scientific journals

*1. Nissim Calderon

2009- (in Poland) "Hezi Leskli- Taricec, Ktory Trawa Bez Tancerza", FRAZA no. 1-2 (63-64),


2. Nissim Calderon

2001- "No history?" Israeli Sociology, vol. 3/2, pp. 421-432

3. Nissim Calderon

1995- "There Once Was a Truly Great Love (On David Avidan)", Modern Hebrew

Literature 16 - pp. 33-34

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4. Nissim Calderon

1995- "Nathan Zach in the Sixties", Modern Hebrew Literature 14 – pp. 22-25

(f) Unrefereed professional articles and publication

*1. Nissim Calderon

2008- Present- Book reviews and culumns published weekly in Y-net:


*2. Nissim Calderon

5/2/10- "Italy was Just an Allegory", Ha'aretz

*3. Nissim Calderon

10/4/09- "The Noisy Radio at the Tailor's House", Ha'aretz

*4. Nissim Calderon

22/10/08-"Lusts and Wounds", Ha'aretz

*5. Nissim Calderon

2008- "Natasha, a woman in the distance- about 'Ha'chaverim shel Natasha' and Micha Shitrit",

Alpayim no. 33, pp. 220-249

*6. Nissim Calderon

2008- "Far from the heart: why have we grown apart from Bialik", Eretz Acheret no. 47, pp.


*7. Nissim Calderon

15 16

2008-"What have I learned from Czeslaw Milosz", Iton 77 no. 333-334, pp. 23

*8. Nissim Calderon

16/10/07- "How to Write Political Poetry Without the Righteousness of the desk?",

review of Stephen Spender's selected poems in Hebrew, Ha'aretz


*9. Nissim Calderon

19/3/08- "Is There a Reason to Murder?" Ha'aretz

*10. Nissim Calderon

7/5/08- "The Feverish Hunger of the Hebrew Music", Ha'aretz

*11. Nissim Calderon

28/11/07- "The Poet that Entered Hebrew through the Back Door", Ha'aretz

*12. Nissim Calderon

25/7/07-"Testimony, Fiction, Criticism", Review of "A Tale of Love and Darkness" by

Amos Oz, Ha'aretz

*13. Nissim Calderon

25/7/07- "What Happened to Hebrew Poetry?", Ha'aretz

*14.Nissim Calderon

11/7/07- "The New Right Wing- a Brief Biography", Ha'aretz

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*15. Nissim Calderon

2007- "Where has the Music Gone After Yona Walach?" Iton 77 no. 325, pp. 29

*16. Nissim Calderon

2007- "Five First Reasons to Love Berry Sacharoff", Iton 77 no. 325, pp. 36

*17. Nissim Calderon

2007- "The Golden Ratio- On Eran Tzur as a Singer-Somgwriter", Ho!, Vol 5, pp. 196-210.

*18. Nissim Calderon

2006- (in China)"Poets and Nation", Dushu Vol. 12

*19. Nissim Calderon

2005- "Amos Oz and the Wane of Matter", Israel, Vol. 7, pp. 155-162

20. Nissim Calderon

2001- "The Pattern and the Landscape", Mikarov 5, pp. 103-157

21. Nissim Calderon

1999- "David Perlov – A Glance at the Present and a Glance at the Past", Cinemateque March-

April, pp. 21-23

22. Nissim Calderon

17 18

1994- "A Letter to Helit Yeshurun", Rehov 1, pp. 36-50

23. Nissim Calderon

1993- "Reflections on the Poetry of Ori Bernstein", Hadarim 10, pp. 10-15

 Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not Followed by

Published Proceedings

Invited Plenary lectures at conference meetings

* 2012- Time and Place in Israeli Culture, A conference on Israel, Zagreb University.

*2011 – On Natan Zach, Social and Cultural History of the in the Eastern

Adriatic Coast, Dubrovnik University

*2010 – On A.B. Yehoshua, Christians, Jews, and Muslims on the Ottoman Balkan,

Belgrade University

*2009- "Between the House and the Road in the Israeli Poetry",The Isreali

Home+Werehouse, TAU and Betsalel Academy

*2009- "'Yemey Tsiklag' by S.Yizhar as a Radical Criticism of Israel in the Fifties", An

individual voice in young Israel, in honor of Orit Rozin's book "Duty & Love: Individualism

and collectivism in 1950's Israel'", TAU

*2009- "About Amos Oz", a conference in honor of Amos oz 70th birthday, BGU

*2009- "About Ori Bernstein's Poatry", a conference in honor of Ori Bernstein, BGU

*2009- Two lectures about Israeli colture, Guests of the Israel Ministry of foreign Affairs

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*2009- "The un-professional intelectual", board of trusties of "Betsalel" academy, Betsalel

*2009-"Music- Media- Literature", Media and Culture, The Van Leer Jerusalem


*2009- "Nurith Gertz's contribution to the Israeli colture", in honor of Nurith Gertz,

The Open University

*2009- "A retrospective on 'Here and There in Israel' by Amos Oz", Mishcanot

Sheananim, Jerusalem

*2009- "The Hebrew writer as a leader", The Kibbutzim Collage

*2009- "Love of the literature", board of trustees convention, Betzalel academy

*2009- "Witches in Israeli poetry and rock", Women's literature and the establishment

of the nation, Naples

*2008- "Utopia and Anti-utopia in Ya'akov Shabtay's Work", The Open University

*2008- "Enlisted Hebrew Literature", The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

*2008- "About the book 'Do you know the land where the lomon blooms?'", in honor of

Yigal Schwartz's book, BGU

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*2008- Three lectures about Nathan Alterman's work, Knesset, The Israeli Parlament

*2008- "Avoda Ivrit, past and present in Israeli popular music", Who are you, Israeli

song 5, Bar Ilan University

*2008- "Avot Yeshurun: Which Change has the Askenazi Voice Bring to the Hebrew

Poetry of the 1970's?", The ashkenazis, TAU and Leyvik institute

*2008- "What Happened to the Hebrew Poetry's Music in the First Years?" in honor of

60 years of Hebrew literature, Haifa University

*2007- "The revolution that didn't surprise the Israeli colture", Changes in the political

colture in Israel, TAU

*2007- "Rock as an Act of Art", senior staff convention, Betzalel academy

*2007 – "Obout the Arabs as a Minority in Israel", The Or Committee, TAU

*2007 – "Shalom Hanoch as a Cultural Hero", Cultural Heroes, Haifa University

*2006- "What Enchanted us in alterman?", The Visionary Mind, Betzalel

*2006 – "About the National Poet in Modern Hebrew", Litrature and National Identity,

Beijing University, China

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*2006- "On The Mediterranean Idea", The Jews and the Sea, The University of

Dubrovnik, Croatia

*2006- "About the in Micha Shitrit's songs", To Write in Another's

Language, Beit Berl Institute

*2006- "The Two Big Immigration Waves", TAU

*2006 – "High and Low in Popular Music in Israel", Young Israeli Literature, Naples,


*2006 – "Utopia In Zichron Dvarim", 100 years to Betzalel, The Israel Museum,


*2006- "About the ambivalence of Shalom Chanoch", In honor of Tlila Eliram's book

"Come Hebrew song", Bar Ilan University

*2005 - "About A. B. Yehoshua", Two Lectures at a Conference that I co-organized,

Venice, Italy

*2004 - “About Amos Oz and 'The Wane of Matter"”, Amos Oz conference, Philadelphia,


2003 - “The relationship between Poetry and Rock in the Israeli culture”, NAPH

Conference, Florida, USA

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2003 - “The reading crisis in Israeli Poetry”, AIS conference, San Diego, USA

2002 -“The Ravings of Adiel Amze”, Gavriel Moked conference, BGU

2002 - “There is no Judaism, there are Jews”, Brenner, Bradichevski, Gordon, Sde- Boker


2002 -“The place of the story in Israeli culture", Anthropology Society, TAU

2002 -“Multiculturalism and poet authority”, BGU

2002 -“The changes in language of Hebrew poetry in the last twenty years”, NAPH

conference, BGU

2002 -“The Middle East after Sept. 11”, lecture, Institute of Humanities, New York


2002 -“About the speaker in Hebrew poetry in the last few years”, AIS conference,

Colorado, USA

2002 -“About reading and readers in Hebrew literature”, Society and Language, TAU

2001 - “Being Israeli – multiplicity versus dismantlement”, Shpinoza Institute, Jerusalem

2001 – “Identity and authority”, Jewish Identity, TAU

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2001 – “The concept of ‘The State of all Citizens’”, Arab Society in Israel, TAU

2001 – “Zach’s Idylls”, Conference on Nathan Zach, TAU

2001 – “Multiculturalism in Israel”, Stanford University and Davis University, USA

2000 – “Multiculturalism in Israel”, Stockholm University, Sweden

2000 – “New Postmodern Religiosity”, “Art Focus”, Israel Museum, Jerusalem

2000 – “The Experience of Aliya in Literature”, Conference for an Academic Israeli-

Palestinian Dialogue, Florence, Italy

2000 – Active Participation, Editing Literary Journals, Hanover, Germany

2000 – “On Yoram Hazony”, Returning to History, TAU

2000 – “Perlov’s Diary”, Conference on David Perlov, TAU

2000 – “Cultural Revisionism in Israel: Left and Right”, The Gilman Conference, NYU

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(a) Presentation of papers at conferences/meetings

2006- "Cultures meet", a conference "The Two Big Immigration Waves", A

Conference In Tel-Aviv University

(b) Presentations at informal international seminars and workshops

* 2008- "Art and politics", Kerem institute, Jerusalem

*2007- "Friendship and Literature", On Amos Oz, Mishkenot Shaananim, Jerusalem

*2006- "Ethics of Literary Criticism in the Press", The Center for ethics, Jerusalem

2004- "Documentation in Israeli film", The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

2004- "Israeli Multiculturalism", Moscow University

2002- Department of communications, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

2001- Department of Sociology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

2001- Department of Sociology and Anthropology, TAU

2001- Department of Social Work, BGU

2001- Department of Politics and Government, BGU

2001- Humphry Institution, BGU

2000- Herzog Institution, The Hebrew University

2000- Department of Communication, The Hebrew University

Research Grants

2006-2009-The Rothchild Foundation, 153,000 NIS, research grant for the book "The Second

Day, On Poetry and Rock in Israel after Yona Wallach", Dvir and Heksherim Institute, Beer

Sheva 2009

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Present academic activities

Research in progress:

Language and poetics in 's work, expected due date: 2015.

Additional Information:

Frequently interviewed in television, radio and press in relation to Israeli culture and Hebrew

Literature in the past ten years.

Academic Profile:


Research of links between Hebrew Literature and the political tendencies in Israeli society. The

research was based on the despute with formalism which ruled the Israeli academy and would

not approve of the political aspect of literature, and was inspired by Hebrew researchers such

as Dan Meron and Dov Sadan. The research was published in 1980, in a book called "In a

Political Context: Four Essays on Writers".


Research that later evolved and changed into a more social route. The main inspiration was

Walter Benjamin, and Nathan Zach's literary views. This research was published in two books,

" A Sense of Place: Six Essays" in 1988, and " The Previous Chapter: On Nathan Zach at the

Early 1960’s" in 1985.


Inspection of multiculturalism in Isreali society and literature. The research was based on a

despute with post-modernism and the foloowers of Edward Said. The main theoritical

25 26

inspirations were the scholers who criticised post-modernism such as Jurgen Habermas and

Michael Walzer. The research was published in the book "Multiculturalism versus Pluralism in

Israel" in 2000.


The dramatic changes in Hebrew poetry and the link between poetry to rock'n'roll led to this

research, which was inspired by scholers such as Raymond Williams and Marshel Berman, and

Rock experts such as Elen Willis. This research was published in the book "The Second Day,

On Poetry and Rock in Israel after Yona Wallach" in 2009.

Nissim Calderon's work cited by other researchers

Zach Natan, From year to year it- Chapters of a literary biography, Hakibutz

Hameuchad, Tel Aviv. 2009. pp. 204-210

Shimoni Batya, On the Verge of Redemption- Story of the Ma'abara. First and Second

Generation. Dvir and Heksherim Institute, Beer Sheva 2008, pp. 319

Mautner Menachem, Law and Culture in Israel at the Threshold of the 21st Century,

Am Oved and the Press, Tel Aviv 2008, pp. 527

Adya Mendelson-Maoz (editor), Multi-culturalism in Israel- reader, Open University,

Ra'anana 2008. Part A, pp. 356-393

Shavit Uzi, Not All is Vanities and Vanity, Life on the edge of death according to

Alterman, Hakibutz Hameuchad, Tel Aviv 2007, pp. 48

26 27

Shwartz Yigal, Do You Know the Land Where the Lemon Blooms, Dvir, Tel Aviv

2007. pp. 78, 451

Soker-Shvager Channa, The Clan's sorcerer from Meonot Ovdim- Yaakov Shabtay in

the Israeli Culture, Hakibutz Hameuchad, Tel Aviv 2007. pp. 28-29, 54, 67-68, 91-92,

94-95, 102-105, 110-111, 115-117, 132, 144, 146, 149, 192, 200-201, 239-240, 266,

310-311, 317, 328-330, 333, 335, 339

Chamutal Tsamir, In the Name of Landscape: Nationalism, Gender and Subjectism in

Hebrew Poetry 1950-1960, Keter and Heksherim Institute, Beer Sheva 2006. pp. 26-

27, 29, 49, 53, 65, 83, 294-295

Tlila Eliram, Come, Hebrew Song- Songs of the , Sociological and

Musical Aspects, Press, Haifa 2006. pp. 196

27 28

Summary of achievement


Seven books


18 Articles in collective volumes and conference proceedings (16 published, two eccepted)

16 Articles in journals (all eccepted)

Total of 33 articles (in six languages: Hebrew, English, Italian, German, French, Chinese)



Editor: Two books

Co-editor: Three books


Co-editor: Five Journals

Lectures at Confrences

52 Lectures

Three international confrences

Lectures in Israel, USA, Italy, Sweden, Croetia, China

28 29

Guest lecturer in 14 academic institutions in Israel, three academic insitutions abroad (one

series of lectures)

Total of 72 lectures


Bahat award for the book "Multiculturalism versus Pluralism in Israel", Haifa University


The Rothchild Foundation Grant for the research on "The Second Day- Rpck and Poetry in

Israel after Yona Walach".


2008- Head of jury, Isreal prize in Literature

2007- Present– Director, Rector's Ofek Program for Academic Activities in the Community,


2004- 2007 – Member, Committee, Programs in Hebrew Literature, Ministry of Education

1999 – Artistic Director, International Poetry Festival, Jerusalem

25 more functions as a literary consultant and chairperson in committees and boards of

assorted culture and literature insitutes

Functions in the Hebrew Literature Dept., BGU

Chairperson, Modern Hebrew Literature studies

Co-organizor of confrences

Functions in the Ben Gurion University

Head of Ofek Program- reaching communities in the south and specificly in Beer Sheva,

conducting and hosting 25 meetings with musicians.

29 31

Conducting and hosting confrences about music and literature for students, staff and board of


Member of rector's delegation to Spain in 2007 to engage cooporation with University of


31 31