fft85801*D . 8 « J * - ;i£ r J-Jf:

T h i s W e e k

O ne Section

1 4 P a g e s

iambar . 9lsl YEAR — 6th WEEK Nattaaa). EdllitSria) MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1959

Group for Better Borough Schools Ready C an For K eyport Day Soap B ox Derby Matawan Twp. Board Of Education Formed; Petition For Separation Revamps Committees Setup, Powers A Committee For Better Borough nanciai and educational burdeni if fried, Crescent PI., Matawan, tele­ Order Of Business At Meetings Also . School! h u beea formed, accord­ our current district system , is al­ phone LO 8-1718." Changed Under Revision Of By-Laws .. inf to Donald T. Day, Beechwood lowed to continue, lt is because Form Of Petition Terr., Its spokesman, aad this of this that we now are making The form of petition being circu­ M stiwin Township Board of Ijd- Week is starting circulation of pe* public a report un the several av lated by the Committee For Better ucation introduced a revtslan-ef]|ta~ ptioni'seeking the separation of pects of this problem. ; Borough Schools addressed to the Groundbreaking by-iawa at a speclel meeting Milo- tha joint achool district into sep* 'Any borough resident who would Mayor and Council of the Borough day. Principal changaa affoctlni irate borough and township dis­ like to help with the committee’s of Matawan reads as follows: For Madison HJS. the public are holding the hearings tricts with the two districts to ba work may contact William Sieg- Our interest la and desire for oA matters presented by cltUmi served by’the proposed new Mata* better schools for Matawan Bor­ Event Slated For at the beginning of meetlngi and wan* High School as a regional ough and Improved school pro­ a reorganisation of commltteu and . high achool. . ; . grams and facilities for our chil­ Sunday Stirs Tumult their functlona. Otherwlie changei : Beauty Contest dren require that we petition you In tha by-lawi are minor from thc«( . to take immediate action under ap­ Groundbreaking ceremonlea for now in-effect. Public hearing Is ■ (EDITOR'S NOTE: — The Matawan the new Madlaon,.Townahlp High Journal, tbe borne newspaper ot the plicable law to establish a separ­ slated for Aug. 11. ForYounger Set School will take place at I p.m. Mjtawan area, 1* presenUnf the ate achool district for our borough. The first items of algnlflcanoe «p- etatejMDl-tii-fllsitlon of the new Com* Sunday at the Gaub tract, Route • tnkXm For Hatter Borough Schools The creatloa of a separate Mata- pear under "Personnel" where II Added For Fint and Ticetown Rd. Robert Blunt, ~«MLcUy as it la worded by Mr. Day wanf Borough school district will li recited that the board will elect and hU «MOciate*. In ao doing, The Middlesex County Superintendent /liatawan.'Journal la presenting one Aid Celebration eliminate the unfair and unjust fi­ all achool employiei only after re- - of Schools, ils Invited to be nae| *id« of a vital issue for information nancial burden now being borne by yl*w~and recommendation by the o t the public and is not committed for apeaker and Dr,' William Ji Sam- . 9? Mslopt the atandjpreseuted. The An added attraction to the Mat­ Matawan Borough taxpayers, and superintendent, carry on all pro- pis, nsw superintended IM w an Township Board of Educa­ awan Fint Aid Squall Silver An­ will release for the benefit of Its of ichools, fesalonal and official relationship*.... tion' and afeocie* allied with tt op* will make his first appearance be­ poaiu separation will be accorded niversary celebration was announc­ schools and students the taxes with school employees through the fore a township audience. Con­ •qua! apace and equal prominence of ed this week by the planning com­ which they are now paying for the superlktendent, employ a school position lor any atatamenlh tracts for erection o f a $1,990,871 mittee. A beauty contest for young education of the Matawan Town­ eiteeimvi to admlninir the lohooli school building for ths site recently ladle* from 10 to 11-yeara-of.age ship pupils. Reliable estimates and asiume the responsibility of w ere let. .The explanatory statement of has been added because of popular show that Matawan Borough tax­ "protecting the staff membera and Mr, Day on tha activity of the payers for the school year 1959-00 Youthful drivers aad helpers thli week are busy readying their ears fer the annual aoap box darby, Arranging the detalli of th* oc­ ptiplli from exploitation by Individ-, Committee For Better Schooli li The committee nptes the contest will pay $120 per pupil upon the a featura' ot tbe Keyport pay i celebration scheduled for Saturday, Aug. IS, culminating a four-day , town. casion provoked such claah ol ust* and agenctii of the oommim- 1 aa followl:...... ’ • is separate from the Mias Purity, cost of educating Matawan Town­ wide" program| ef eveaU, activities, diinlsys and an old-fashionedashioned sidewalk ssle. Shown- abovs,above, gettingletiln the opinion between Richard Pine, l|y ." Body and Flavor contest, which is ship pupils. This is approximately Explanatory Statement cars In tiptop sbapa, are kit lo right, Bob Wilson, Raymond Brown. Wayaa C. Wilson and Jeff Burner. board freildent, and tha othet, The board promlies lo "dilegllte “There are aey^ral petitions now opened to married or single women one-third of tha entire cost of their The derby Is aebedulad ta start at 4 p.m. sharp oa Keyport Day. numbers that Mr. Pine eventually all executive functions to the over 21-yeara-of-age. The winner of education. It is obvious that these being circulated In Vatawan Bor­ quit the meeting, charging the superintendent" and to “hake de- the new contest will be named moneys will provide excellent ough. Tha mayor and council others with making ''a motkiry" diloni after having received thi 'Mlsa Matawan First Aid.” school facilities without any In­ Aid Hospital Patient are being petitioned to take Im­ of the "biggest thing that evar hap­ recommendations ol thi lupsrln- crease in Matawan Borough taxes. Amend Fire Code New Morganville mediate action under applicable Four young ladles now wlU be Membera of tba MorganvUle pened In Madlaon Townahlp." tin d in t." Tha establishment of a separate law (n establish a separate Khool eligible for prizes In the contests Volunteer Fire Co. 1 are coo- The trouble started when Mr. Ordir Ol SMtlam district ter our borough. . , with the Purity, Body and Flavor Matawan Borough school district For Township ducting a benefit fund drive for Principal Named Pin* aought to havt th i K hool Thi new order of business at will give the borough full control ‘The response haa been very en­ contestants riding on a float furn­ .Donald La iu aro, who la a patient band Inoluded In thi progrim. Thi ngulir maiUngi will bo call to ished by P. Ballantlne and Sons. of Its school program. It also will couraging. Niost borough residents No Objections At?jV;. In Ml. Slnal Hospital, New York, Marlboro Schools All other mimberi believed that u II ordar, roll call, reading of or act­ Miss First Aid Squad will ride tn eliminate part time sessions as are quite shocked and Irritated at Donnie Is a member ot the firs w u lu m m er vacation It w a i Im- ing on without reading mlnutei, the parade In a .peclal convertible. soon as separation Is consummated Hearing Yesterday ; Secure On FulMlme the Inequities that now exist and company. Other township fire receiving blda, communications, A)l winners will receive ballerina- and will give Matawan Borough they realize that the maps develop­ Two amendments to anxirtllniiice -companies snd auilllarlta and Marlboro Township Board Of hearing th* public or receiving length dresses and accessories and pupils a full school period through­ ing that is about to occur In the adopting a fire prevention code and (he Merganvllle First Aid Squad Education has filled the building petitions from them, sscretaiy'a Ballantlne coolest winners also will out the entire school year. Besides, townahlp will make the sltustion establishing fin prevention 'bu­ are assisting with the drive. principal vacancy at Morganville and custodial report!, payment ot receive trophies. It will enable the Matawan. Bor­ for borough taxpayer and student reaus In two sections of the town­ * Thursdsy, Frldsy and Ssturday bllli, iuperlntendont'1 report, com­ ough school district to enter Into School created by the resignation much worse due to Increased Stores Have Ballot* ship were adopted by the Matawan evenings all proceeds from the mittee. reports, old business, new a regional high achool program of Robert O. Herbert lait month. achool need*. Ballots for voting in the contests Township Committee yesterday. cocoanut pitch at th* annual fair buslneas and adjournment.. ■ which will be most beneficial to Charlea W. Sokolowaky, a Staten will.'be distributed to all participat­ The smendments were recommend­ sjient toward th* drive, and do­ Island resident, haa been nimod The praiont committee ututt la "The -.Committee For Better Matawan Borough High School ing (merchants In Matawan who ed by Township Attorney Ezra W, nation Jars wer« placed around to tie superceded by th* tollmflfl| Matawan Borough Schools Is a studenta and to Its taxpayers. to the post. He la a graduate of wilt write In' the number of votes Karltus sfter consultations wltli the fair grounds for those wish­ with tho functlcni ol thell COm- non-political civic organization It is most important that this Wagner College, Staten Island, and caA for each contestant on tbe firem en. ’ ing to contribute. holds his Mailer's Degree from mlttees described ai axplalnadi bp-1; Whose .name describes ita main separate achool district be estab­ basis of one vote for each fl One amendment adopted, V On Sunday, Frank Eckel turned rpose. To date thli committee lished aa soon as .possible. ' Mata­ New Yorit University, Ha has been purchase, . tlonal code auggeated by the B olid ill profit from, hia .business at teaching In Plicataway Townahlp $ s been a amall informal group wan Borough's position In Uie pres­ K of Fire Underwriters! ijt lSM,.Pre­ Sunoco Station on T* and poosevelt Schools |n Middlesex bf civic-minded dozens that have Alia committee noted that girls ent Khool arrangement Is worsen­ viously the ordinann'adopted; a MorgaavlU*. over ia I r ' s ^ V l ’ksir-' ■pent many days obtaining; and •fltering both contest* must be In ing rapidly and thla will Increase as byratereow^The « - aupervU ioa over this preparing information on the in- tin proper, .eg* bracket pad i*si? prtW pal, t-epmed the real estate development amendment' exempts rtkWai A equWB**t)>et 4uml. eidst *U iu our. deats vtf ttotornugh^Jlegiatrntip* tial of Matawan Township — 10 thtl wiAJhp f[lrlng o f p , J. Black, ttrlctfen* on -Hora«l?^*Mlqi. „ . d a r . A n m a at IWM^tha (acuity !* compJ.ta r * tm o « » ,„ ____ Diner that ef iha bofougli U u mut­ log ta ilenate.la a*kad-to bav* io tward iattirmed; Dnua ' Shop, Itoiuon’a pstroleuitr '*«» -’•far'*** at the to r the coming school year.' Mr. ed ," ' ■ ( i) Thoy shall Nylew ipplica- Friendly -Shop, the committee re­ finalutllliaUon point." hi* centrlburten at (he Sanoea Sena etatod there Is no “pressuro" • Survey Report - , (Ions for administrative |k>sllioni III ported . . The attorney recommended that Station by Monday. on sesting capacity such a* lo The report on the survey con­ the school syiloni and recommend O ver 100 F irst Aid Squads and since the smendments considerably Thus, far tha am oust of (Mt ducted by the Commlttae For Bet­ threaten double time. There will to lh« board auch applicant* a* ar. municipal fire departments have change the ordinance, the amended has been collected. be full-time Instruction of over six New Industrial ter Borough Schools on the prob­ properly qualified. (continued on page eight) measure will - ba Introduced by hours dally with 49 minutes for lems of tjie Mstawan school dis­ (J) Tlioy shall rovlew ihe rocnm- title at the next meeting of the lunch at Marlboro Central School trict Is aa follows: mendatlona of ths auporlntindsnt Zone Advocated committee and readvertised in Tho and five hours and Id minutes The following report w u pre­ Furthering Plans and presunl to the board for final Lake Tests O.K. Matawan Journal. dally wllh 45 minutes for lunch sl pared so thst some of die prob­ approval candldatei for assistant Area Weit Route 34 Set* Fire Prevention Bureau* the Morgsnvillo, Marlboro and lems tbat face the Borough In the principal, vice principal, a u p (i r- Frederick Maoer, president ef The-amended ordinance still pro­ For Keyport Day Robsrtsvllle Schools. This is ex­ In Holmdel Location (continued-on page thirteen) DR. WILUAM J. SAMPLE vlsori and guidance counselors tke Matawan Board ef Health vides that enforcement of the fire clusive of kindergartens which are New Msdlson Superlntendeit (4) They shall review the recoin- Committeeman Ernest E. Peseux reported last night that tbe board prevention code will be left to the Queen's Luncheon, fixed at half-day eesslons by Isw. mendatlona of the superintends! advocated at the Holmdel Planning w u satisfied wltb the water ceo- bureaus of. fir* prevention with Despite th* full-session ststus of practical to try to assemble the and prosont to the board for final Board meeting Tuesday the creat- dltlons at the bathing beach at Rezoning For members'ielected by the Board of Bands Are Added the district, Joseph D. Alt chair­ pupils who participate. Mr. Pin* approval candidate* far attendance I n i MS'riew |ighri»dustrl»t tomr tbe end ot Beechwood Terr, at Fire Comnilsslonert In the Cliff­ Henri Hsnsen, co-chairman of man of public rslstlons, Informed sand that there was music for tnmy officers, clerks, and other non­ In the townahlp. It would, be lo­ Lake Lefferts In thst the teats wood section and the chief of the Bendix Passed the Keyport Civic Affairs Com­ ths board he had arcanged with lesier events, so thli "greatest teaching personnel. cated'tri the area between Route of these waters made by Rutgers Matawan Township Hose and mittee, snnounced yesterday that Stacey Matthews, toning officer, (5) They shall review the recom­ M and the Marlboro Township line for the board had shown the Chemical Ca in tbe Osk Shades one should not go without It. Hi Petition In Favor eich of the entries In the “Queen" to g*t report of occupancy permits and' would extend longitudinally collform bacteria count to be was reminded by Joseph Hoff lhal mendation* of the uiperlnt.ndnnl itc tio n . . Contest will be the luncheon guest Isauad so tha board of education within the safety Emit. Tbe board Three terms of tbe code, tailored the "gr.atest event" would be •nd present lo lh* board for final from'Pleasant Valley Inn north to Had 715 Signers of Arthur Schultze, Keyport reitau- the Matawan Township boundary. contracted in May with tha state to fit the township's requirements, will know of luture enrollment when the building waa eroded and approval candidate* for teschlng rant owner at the Ye Cottage Inn, needs well In advance. Mr. Alt re­ Mr. Peseux explained that before university’s sanitary service de­ Holmdel Township Committee prohibit storage of flammable liq­ being dedicated for uu. Mr. Pine maltlons and the transfer of teach- West Front St. st 12:30 p.m. on ported a further check wllh tho found thli w u a "negative" atti­ ng personnel within the school such a proposal was advanced Into partment (o make five periodic passed tbe rezoning of the WUIlam uids In outside, above ground tanks Keytwrt Dsy, Aug. IS. planning board disclosed that body toning, he wanted the owners fit testa of lake waters during Ihe L. Cross fsrm, Newiban Springs and new hulk plants for flammable tude and that ths board member! system Mrs. John Sommer, eo-chslrmsn had approved IMO minor sub­ war* "wat blankota" for their lack ( 0 ) They shall study th* islarles land In the area polled as to their / summer for safety for swim­ Rd. and South St., from residential liquids. Storage in bulk ul liqui­ to light Industrial to make It pos­ of the Baby Parade, reported thst division! during Ita term of exig­ of enthuslaam. snd contract provisions ol all per­ reaction. The area contains about ming and for the acidity and fied petroleum gu Is restricted GOO acres, the board member de­ foreign content In the waters. sible for Bendix Aviation Corp. to additional prizes for this event ence, All theae parcel! eventually Cautions P-TA Members sonnel under Ihelr Jurisdiction anti by the act. locate a transistor plsnt on the have been donated by Frank Con­ could become homealtea, Mr. Alt Would Hurt present recommendations to Iho termined bn checking the map. It Latest test was two weeks ago. Following • public hearing at Bs site. Alter the vote, Msyor James way, LaZare'e. Shoe Store and noted. ' John Psrtrldge, member, made board for approval. extend s for about 12,000 feet onj Mr. Mauer declared the board which BO objections were voiced, s also was aware that Frank Peter­ H. Ackerson commented thst the Pete’s, Inc. This event will begin Purchase Compound Water lh’* well-intentioned caution that D. Building and Orounds Route 34 and would be 2000 feel the committee adopted an ordin­ For son, proprietor of Buttonwood township committee now had promptly at II a.m. and all entries Dewey Holmes waa authorized to t h Parent-Teacher Association (1) This committee shall exorcise •t its widest point'. It borders ar ance permitting bingo games and s Manor, had sanitary engineers at "made a place for them to come ara to'report at Ihe railroad sta­ members and others who had general lupervliion over buildings, area in Marlboro Township which raffles to be conducted within the purchase from ths Sclentiflo Boiler wgrk oa the septic tank and In” and the next m ove w u up to tion between Broad ind Main Sts worked to have the high achool groundi, and furniture. now la under popular agitation as bounds of the township on Sundays. Water Treatment Co., Linden, for sewerage problem at tbat place Bendix. at 10;43 ajn. reality would be "hurt" if they ( ! ) They shall present to lht> location for a large subdivision Local volunteer unlta had s«ki-d lor IM a new compound which will .of buslnesa that had been sub­ The hearing on the amendment Elbert VanCharldorp, grand pa­ did not get Invltatlona lo Sunday's board for final approval a list “I for home*. . the exWnslon of games privileges treat the water In the Morganville W illiam [I. Duncan, secretary of ject of a communication to the to the zoning ordinance was at­ rade.; chairman, ssld many or- School. He reported it tested poor, occasion. Mr. Pine Immodlstoly ad­ proposed summer repslrs lo sll to include Sunday. the board, expressed strong op­ board In the late spring. As long tended by SO spectators. Hsrold T, ganixatloni have signified their In­ vocated sending written Invitations, building! and groundi which hive N am ed T o Sew er Authority ly, with “hsrdneu" nted it light position to the ntove. He believed as the lake waters test satis* H olm es, a spectator, provided the tention of having a float in this but he was reminded It would bi been recommended by the prln- E . P . M alcolm III w u nam ed when it should rata st csro while any further extension of the In­ tactoriiy, the board la content to highlight of the hearing when he parade. Bands expected to be in (continued on psgo eight) (continued on pagi eight) by Mayor John Man |r . to the (continued an psge eight) dustrial zonea In the township with grant Mr. Peterson more time produced a petition of 713 signers the line of msrch Include the Key­ Sewerage Authority to serve until the Industrial zone In Centerville with which lo cope with the In favor of having Bendix come 19M. He Is flDhttfa vacancy. cauied port .High School Summer Band, would be out of place tnd extend­ costly problem confronting him,' into the township. Keyport'Junior Drum and Bugle by tba reiignalion of former Com- W est Furniture Co. C elebrates 90th A nniversary - - (continued on pas* eight) Mr. Mauer noted. ■ (continued on page eight) Corps, Matawan Fire Department mltteeman Salvatore Vens. Com­ r ...... '— ------——— Drum and Bugle Corps, Union mitteeman Peter Waters, lone Ra- Beach Fire Department Drum and publican member of the commlttce, Bugle Corpe, and Guadalcanal Post R ecover R ifle U sed In K eansburg Shooting' said he had not been considered f l i t , Veterans of Foreign Wars or consulted on the appolntmrat. Recommendations of the Plan­ Drum and Bugle Corpe, Cliffwood. ning Boprd to upgrade minimum Judges for the grand parado will cpeclflcatfooa lor road surfacing be Julea Alpine, J. Harold Hen­ drickson, John S. Matthews Jr., Were referred to the township at­ torney to prepare sn omendment Merrill H. Wallace and Charles P. to the municipal subdivision ordi­ Straub sr . nance. Leroy Emmons, a Keyport Derby Eatry Blanks Resdy resident, w u confirmed ai a mem- Leo i^o Brown, soapsosp doxbox derbyaeroy chair.cnair. of tbe Hose and Chcmical Co. 'man, reported that entry blanks application— by Domini*/ ~»VMir*r«~“iv»i!4bt p h M Us rwad trip. ri» tfflw oa June lftb, U». Sub- 90th snnlverury of tha foundini th* ute to the country-sld* ea w iu, five pieces, 113; a "tocd', . I t , flkare S trt, aad Leawkrd M a*aal O M ard 'K , w an bald & r actisa ef the qussl»artV^«»Bvsni*a< w a » •ertfltJoatf received untill August of Ihe Keyport' store, show* that oak bedroom suit. 110 ana ii iw , f frn y— aa asaaafc Ib a ria bs eaaatcrtsa wMh tha sheatfkf a< W itte W U I«, T c x m a Z ~ ~ . . m . caL Aar Baa icfeadnla MO COI- life UM. August fnrnltor* u lss la tha larly routs, 1 ■. : ’ ■ • (ceallmtid oe pig* *l|hU > m s tsaaMd atKhm rkw Uasyital h t i M shetidef waaad M l rs)ease«. ^ Ux 4-8ZL _ ------i ------KP-«* Ip Virginia. Tha four-tier wedding fitted bodice and she wore a crown lac* dress with a matching hat and wbo died Wedneiday, July 29, )H9, crown and sl* carried a basket ef For her traveling outfit, the bride vision. attached, She carried a white pray­ qaka was made'by Mrs. Kinhafer, of pequins and pearls which held ja white carnation conage. hi Perth Amboy Hospital, Inter, rose petals. er book adorned with orchids.. wore a white aylon ..dress, with Far traveling, tbe bride wore a her fingertlp-length veil in place. After a reception s t Buck Smith's Mr. Brooksbink served with the m ent was in Old Tennent Cemetery. white and green accessories, and a James Armour was best nan M r* Elisabeth Rappleyea, South­ brown and white tunic dress wllh She carried a white prayer book Restaurant, East Kesnaburg, the U. S. Navy during World Wsur II. Mr. Adare was born in 'Burllng- white orchid corsage. ~ for Ms cousla aad ushering were ard, was matron of ■ honor.- She a whll* hat and accessories and a adorned with white orchids. couple left for Atlantic City. For He b Interested la fishing ton, the son of the lat* Charles Richard Rice, cousin of the bride­ wore an aqua gown with matching The bride wss grsduated from while orchid corsage. M iss Joyce Grimaldi, Matawan, trsveiing, the bride wore a pink boating. He U m irried tp tha for­ H. and Mary (Cninmer) Adare,' groom, and Dennis McCord, all of accessories and a stole. She carried Lakewood High School and is em­ The bride graduated from Mata­ w u ber sbier’s maid of honor. Her bee shesth dress with a matching mer Mbs Harriet Weber, Jersey but had resided In Keyport moil M ataw an. a bouquet of carnations snd roses. ployed by Louis ZlsUa. She is a wan High School, Class of IMS, floor-length gown waa styled with hat and a corsage of white orchids. City. They hava two children. ef hb life. Hit w u * retired agent A reception followed et the Key­ member of tha Morganvlll* Method­ snd is employed as a privat* a yellow lace strapless bodice snd The bride grsdusted from Mata­ of the Metropolitan Life Insuranc* p o rt C M c League, after which the Other honor attendants were Miss ist Church, and former president secretary by the Atlantic H ie Co., she wore a matching stole of tulle w an H igh School, C lass o f 1999. T he M rs. I n m b Co., and a member of Calvary couple left for Atlantic City, For Rosa Kircber, sister of the bride, of iu Methodist Youth Fellowship. Matawaii. . and a full gathered tulle skirt A bridegroom graduated from Birm­ M n. Anna D. Castello, 94, Mat Methodbt Church. traveMig. the bride wore a white and M il Janet Rappleyea,‘Point Mr. Rappleyea, also a graduate ef The bridegroom graduated from b ee veil fell from a matching pearl ingham High School and served awan-Laurence Harbor Rd„ Cliff­ Surviving are hb wife, Mrs. ' silk shlrtdress with red accessories pleasant. They wore gowns in pink Lakewood High School, is employed Keyport High School. CUsa of 1H1, she carried a colonial three' yesrs in the U. S. Army. He wood, widow of Joseph Castello, Jennie V. (Hurley) Adare; a soa, and • corsage pf red carnations. ind bba shades of nylon tulle, at the Smoke Texaco Service Sta­ and served four years with the bouquet of oicbld and yellow, car­ b employed by M m Cemept died Monday, Aug, 3, 1959, a t b e r Charles t H. Jr., Keyport; thre* The bride’s mother wore a black With stales, and carried bouquets tion, Lakewood. U.S. Navy In th* European n atio n s...... ■ . Block Co., Matawan. hone. Sh*. was born la Germany, daughten. Mra. Iris McCabe and and white printed chiffon dresa of pink', carnations, roses, and Ths couple are residing en Max­ Theatre. H* Is employed by the ...... T w e B rid en sa M a - . The couple will reside on Brosd Iha daughter of th* lata Karl and M n. Florence' Mwebon, both of im Rd., Southard. Tbs bridesmaids wera Misi^ So- St., Matawan.. ;^. .- Keyport, and Mrs. Thelma Willens, with a black rfiid white picture hat babies'-breaths COy Margaretha (Becker) Daubenthal- and a corsage of wWteeamaltou*. B fcch . Litae' silver; a sister,.' Mrs. Ss* The bridegroom's farther chose a Maple wiU redd* 'fit tb* , M r, . Castello h u f resided in, CUff­ Elliott,'W oodbory; ftuij:gta*dchB.- ■;*T* blue chiffon dress with e white hat GleMfiori Carden Aparttnentt/Pcr- . " i r wood for 49 years and was a mem­ dren and fivie great-griifidthlldmi. and a corsage of white carnations. shlng Pl.i Keypori. ‘ A ber of the Cliffwood Methodbt ' Mrs. L*ois Hendricks** The bride graduated front'Mata­ Deaths Reported During Week C hurch, Funeral ^services wera held a( wan High Schpol, Class of IKS. Surviving are thre* daughten, 9:30 ajn. Thursday at the Higgins The bridegroom attended Matawan Wills tbs Misses Msrguerit* and Elvira Funeral Home,' Plainfield; and at High School anil BoMentown Man- ____ , . .Mrs. J*s*pfc Bartato . . J«**pfcV)c*e Edwsrd J. Elchir Castello, at home, and M n. Rich­ 10 a.m. a requiem mass was c’ela- val Training School. He served Mr> ^ Mra. Daniel Martin, • A aon was bon ia IL Peter's Joseph VIgne, 92, ul ill Dock Edward J. Eicher, Keaniburg. M ri. Josephine R. Bsrbuto, St. ard Attrldge, Marlboro; two sis­ brated at S t Mary's Church. Plain­ three years with the Paratroopers Lyno Blvd., Hailet, are the parents Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph St. Union Beach, djul Saturday, who dW Jaly i»Jrtated tn hia will a t 71 Third St., Raritan Township, ters, Mrs. Katherine Zoller and field, for M n. Julia Hendrickson, In the U.S. Army*------and• Is • —employed 1— 11 . daughter, lorn Thursday, Miguel, Ml Morgan' Av*„ Old d ied 1 M onday, A ug. 9, 1959 a t, h e r Aug. 1, .1999. at hla home after a M n. Magdalena Demmer, both in 20 Bayshore Dr.. Lanrence Harbor, by Ihe Architectural Tiling Co. dated Jsuk 9, 1R9, that hia widow, J u ly 39, 19W, la M onm outh M edi­ B ridge. , ' hpme, Mrs.'Barbuto was bom In short illnesa. G e rm a n y . who died Sunday, July >2S, 1959. at Keyport. V' ...... Mr*. Berth* M,,;EidMr,- 'receive cal Center. ; Italy/ and had lived In RjEritan He wss a member of tbe Junior her home. She waa 7Sfaar»o)d and . M atfiald W« n*tate and tm executrix of his Fimtral services are being held iwnshlp. for six years, n»vlng Order of American Mechanics, Key­ was tba widow of Louis Hendrick­ ' ’'H a lb e r t • Mr. and Mrs.' Vnilam MUfletd,' Will.' T h e wiD « U p ro b ate d last thb alternooo at 2 o’clock at the am New York. p o rt. . , so n . . ?>■ i .A eon w u .born cux.Xftdnt*(!»y, 311-Suna«t A ^* Old Bridge, are wttk in tiu of Monmwjth He ll mrrtved by a son, Harry Bed!*- Funeral Home, Matawan, Engagement; County Surfogat*'Edward C. Bro- ffierwa*ra'member of St. Ann's Bom In Newsrk, Mrs. Hendrick­ July » , 19Sr. h''Monme*ith Medi­ tb« parents of • ion, bora ,in'St, K., Union Beach; three daughten. with the Rev. Charles Gray of- HasU-Pahner cal Center to Mr. and Mrs. David Church, Keansburg, and th^'Ro- son lived most of her. life In Peter’s HospitaL Miss Adele Vlgne. 'Union Beach. fl da ting. Interment will be in Old J o se p h R . P a lm e r Jr., 10 R ail­ ■Halbert, »U Pro*pfct Ave., Laur­ aaiy Society'of the church. .,' Plainfield and moved to Laurenc* ***’ , . ^ ' Mra. Jam es X. Deane, Clifton, suk Tennent Cemetery. road Ave.) EnglUh^oWn, announces ■ ■■ • v H a tts r ' ■ • l ■- ■ : ■' i Evsai-NMsaa ^Surviving ar* J>er husband^1Jo­ Harbor last yeir. She was i metrw ence Heitor. - ’ 1 Mrs. Russell Carhart, Port Mon ihe engagement of hit lister, M in ■ Mr. asd MrfL Jolrn Hnttar, 4 . E v e n # NIcM k, Matiwan. who seph; three sons, Domlaick. ‘ Tbe Mrs.' L a * K. Ichlachta ber of the Rosary Sodety of St mouth; eight grandchildren and Joyca K.1 Palmer, a former resi­ Craig St., Hailet. are the parenU died June 3», jtfl Ms. estate to Brnnx, Frank, Yonkers, N.Y., and Mrs. Lena, K. Schlechte, 74, of Mary’a Church.and;the Shepherds nine great-grandcUldren. dent ef Keyport. daughter ol the. M r/ n d M rs. Jo h n M eyer, 349 of a sen, born la PerH Ambcy his'iridow, M ri .'Eleanor Nielson, 927 Woodmere Dr.„£liffwood, died of Betl)lehem, Plainfield. Anthony, Middletown Township; Funera) services wers heM Tkies- late Mr. Ind Mrs. Joseph R. Pal­ Atlantic S t. Keyport, an ; the par­ H oepltaL «M also was ipuM tf execntrii, faar dm ghten, Mn). Joseph Valoi- blonday, Aug. 3, 1989, in Perth She b survived by two sons, Al­ day at 2 p.m. at the Bedle Funeral mer sr., to Thomas J. Waail, son ents ’ef ■ daughter, bon Wednes­ ateortBng tb terms o^ a'w lll dated tlne and 'M rs. Salvatore DIMuro, Amboy Hospital. She waa born in bert Beverly Farms, Mass., and day, July 39, M t, la Riverview Home, Keyport, with the Rev. Dr. o f Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wasll, 17 Sept », 1«J. • both of The Bronx, Mrs. Nicholas Newark, daughter of the late Ern­ Daniel,. Laurenc* Harbor, five Mr. aad Mis. John Bubals, M Hillman T. .WUllam!, pastor of Railroad Ave., Helmetta. H ospital. Gesualdi, Hailet, and . Miss Helen est and PhUblna (Poh) Schorr, and grandchildren and a great-grand­ Beachway, Keansburg, are the ' Jaka Reilly «r. Calvary Methodist Church, Key­ Mias Pslmer attended Plainfield Barfauto, - W e s t K ean sb u rg ; 19 had lived In Cliffwood- for nine child. M ap p a ■ parents oi ft daughter, bora Sun­ . John Reilly sr., Keansburg Bor­ port, officiating. Interment was ln High School and is employed at grandchlldreii. and a. lister, Mrs. years, formerly residing ia Newsrk. A son was born in Perth Amboy day,- Aug. 1, IMt, in Monmouth ough Engbwer, who died July t, Greea Grove Cemetery, Keyport. Michael C nerbri Atlantic TUer Manufacturing CO., Joseph Attanaslo, Wellesley, Mass. Surviving'are one daughter, M n. Hospital to M r.'and M n. Edward Funeral'services were cooducted M alaw an . Medical Center. directed ln his will dated May 1, Weldon Sams, Cliffwood; a sbter, Mappe, Box 3JSC, Amboy Rd,, Funeral services are being held ^ Georg* V. Stolt* ' Mr. Wasli wai graduated from 1*87, tbat his aoos, Tbosnu and Mrs. John Pangborn, Matawan, and T h u rsd a y by the Stanley M atsw an . . L alask y ■ (Us morning from the John J. George W. Stolte, South Amboy, Franklin K. Lute High Sdiool. Joha Jr., receive bis engineering two grandchildren. Levandnaki at St Ann’s Church. A daughter wai tom In River­ Ryan Home for Funerals, Keans­ brother of Mrs. Edwsrd Delgert, Queens, N.Y.; attended Loubltna instruments. The remainder of the Funeral icrvlccs are being held Keansburg. for Michael Comerford, view HoipH*l eai Saturday. Aug. 1, burg, after which there will be a Keyport, died Wednesday, July State University for'two years and Mr. and Mrs. Hamid Eastmond. estate b left to Ms widow, Mr*. today at 1 p.m. at the Bedle 52, of 1 Fox Ave., Keaniburg, who 1K», to Mr. ind Mrs. M yna U - high mass of requiem at S t Ann’s 29. 1959, in P e r th A m boy H ospital, served four yean In the U.S. Navy. Ellen Reilly, wbo alio was named Funeral Home, Keyport with the d ie d M onday, J u ly 27; 1959, l a 4t Monroe SL, Keyport, -are to«ky,"l Shaken Dr., HuieL Churcb. Interment will be in St. executrix. - following a short illness. Riverview Hospital,' after a long H e 1 1 employed by Peter J. parents or a daughter, burn l\ie» Joseph's Cemetery, Keyport Rev. Francis Osterstock* pastor ol - Mr. Stolte had retired from the Schweitzer Co., Spotswood day, July 29, UM, is tfoqnmitk the Bayview Presbyterian Church. Illness. Interment was in St. Ga­ J H ra . EsnO y J s h na*n Chesebrougb-Ponds, Inc., Perth A September wedding Is planned. Medical Center. A son w u bom la It Peter'a ' Mrs. Saloma Jtnes Bay Cliffwood Beach, officiating. . Inter­ briel’s Cemetery, Bradevett, under M n . EmBy Johnson, Rumson, Amboy, six months ago after Hospital to Mfr end Mrs. Richard jM nt Saloma.Jdnes Ray, M, of ment will be in Evergreen Ceme­ the direction of the John J. Ryan. ' ■ ' . R lv M l ' , m nier and operator of the Colony serving that firm for 3S years. He Home for Funerab, Keansburg. ' Miller, )l Appbby SL, Old Bridge. 117 C ath erin e SL, R e d B ank, d ied tery, Hillside. A daughter was bom in River­ Restsurlnt, Ramson, who died was s communicant of St Mary’s Mr. Comerford was born ia L * 4 j A i t e a l l B t Sunday, Aug, 2,1959, at' her home. view Hospital »n Tuesday,"July tt, July I, directs In her will drawn Church, South Amboy, and was a John H. Ratslng Holmdel, the son of tba btaj NM t-Scct«r(a» She was tbe sbter of John Hopson, 1959, lo M r. an d M rs. C laren ce Mr, and Mrs, John Brandauer, J u n e 11 o f this year, that the member of tbe Maccabees. . • John Herman Roeslng, 52, of I Michael and Jennie Comerford, ;. .DAY Funeral Home K e y p o rt ; Rlvest, 71 Woodaide Ave.; Keaha- 14} Second St, Keyport, kre the executors, Frsnk Marx, Mstswan, . Besides his sister, he is survived Union Pl., Keansburg, died Wed­ He is survived by hb wife, MrC - 1 841 Mania Pl., Rejperl \A ’ M rs. Ray was born in Blackstone, burg, • • 1 '' parents of a son, bom Friday, a , brother Mn. Emma Jane by his wife, Mrs. Loretta (O'Neill) n esd ay , J u ly 29, 1959, a t hia h o m e Lillian (Curtis) Comerford; a son, . Tel. COlfaa 4-lUi •«" Va. She. was a member of the July 31, >10.' In Riverview Hoe- Gough. Matawan, a niece, and Stolte; a daughter, Mrs. James following a long illness. He was Michael Jr.; four daughters. Mra. 4 W RM nCBKMS m * k 4 Shrewsbury Ave. A.M.E. Z ion pitaL ■ , : ' ' Eirn W. K artui, Keyport attorney, Hagerman, South Amboy; a son, born ln Livingston, the son of the Mary Smith, Port Monmouth, and Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth gchramm, continue to operate Ihe restaurant. Church, Red Bank. Georgo L., Carteret; three o^her late John and Clara (Abertin) Roe­ the Mbsess Nellie Florence, Sarah 10 Sycamore Dr., Hailet, are the M d i n * Named ai beneficiaries in the Besides her brother, she b sur­ listers, Mrs. William Letts, Ssy- slng, and had resided In Keansburg Jane and Lillian Jean Comerford, Mr. and Mrs. Roger McHose, parents of s eon, bpra TUtsdsy, will A re two sisters, Mrs. Ann Rapp vived by three daughters. Miss revllle, Mrs. Walter Anderson, for the past six years. He was a all at borne; two brothers," Thomas, . J u ly 29. 19S9, in R iverview ’ H os­ 141 Jackson SL, Matawan/ are the and Mrs. Minnie Barber; four Sadie Jones and Mrs. Elsie Peters, Avenel, and Mrs. Joseph Demor- licensed funeral direc­ Middletown, snd John, West Kean*-, pital. parents of a daughter, bora In brothers, Martin, Frank, Gus and both of Red Bank, and Mrs. Carrie ski, Perth Amboy; two brothers, to r. borg; five sisters, Mn. , Leroy South Amboy Hospital. John Mirz Jr.; a sister-in-law, . . B l a b Booker Clark, South Orange; a son. Thomas, Sayrevllle, and Alfred. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Smith, Atlantic Highlands, _ Mra. Mrs. Ella Johnson; four nephews, A daughter was bora In River­ Cedi H,, Jamaica, L. 1.; two sis­ Morgan, and three grandchildren. Mildred (DeCaro) Roeslng; five Arthur Brower, Everett Mrs. Al­ Waller Rapp, John and Wayne view Hospital on Tiiesday, July 28, A daughter wai born in South ters, Mra. Jennie Baker, Princeton, Funeral services were held Sat­ sons, John, George, Charles, Adam berta Della Pietro and Mrs. Sarah M an, and Watson Barber Jr.; two IBS?, to M r. a n d M rs. Jo sep h Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. and Mn. Emaline Harris, Red urday st 8:30 a.m. at the Home and Robert all of Keansburg; two Dill, West Keansburg. Mrs. Anna nieces, Judith M an nnd Emma Dinlr. in s Wesley Ave., Union Frink Bobko, 11'Plato Dr., Central Bank, and one grandson. . for Funerals, The Gundrum Serv­ daughters, the Misses Mildred and Mae Ferranti, Hatlet. and six Jane Gough; three grand-nieces, -Fbneral services were held yes- i , , f * T H V HEARtNQ*A*ID*;*V, B each. P a rk , ice, South Amboy, and at 9 a.m. a Frances Roeslng.! both of Kean* grandchildren... ____ S YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS • Patricia Rapp and Cynthia and terdsy st 2 p.m. at the Shrews­ high requiem mass waa offered burg, and a sbter, Mrs. Charlotte C o rb ett Canielczyk • Nancy Barber, and two grand- bury Ave. AJd.E. Zion - Church. at St Mary's Church. Interment Reeve, East Orange. Georg* D. M im a i au dSvo x | Mr. and M n. Jerom< Corbett, 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Canielczyk, nephews, Bruce and Gary Gough. Interment, under tbe direction of was in tbe church cemetery. Local arrangements were under Funeral services for George D. * u c c u s c x TO THI M M n r/fc a * f Colorado Dr., Hazlet, ire the par­ > Columbia Rd., Madison Park, the F. Leon Harris Funeral Home; the direction of the John 1, R yan Misson, 71, of .36 Manning PL, n u iK f l 1UB tlYBIO j/ ents of a son, bom Tuesday, July are tbe parents of a daughter, bom parents of a daughter, born ln Red Bank, was in While Ridge Walter A* Horn Home for Funerals, Keansburg. Keansburg, were held Friiby. at 28,1399, In Riverview Hospital. in South Amboy Hospital. Cemetery,-Eatontown. Walter A. Hora, 75, or SS Edgar 10 a.m. at the Scott Funeral Home, writa.fer JnfM»sU*»: Perth Amboy Hospital. which transported the body to the Rd., Madison Township, died John F. Murphy Funeral Home, Belford, with the Rev. Henry A. A x eb en G ray E m b k y Keyport Hearing Aid Mrs. Ckarle* P. Stryker T h u rsd ay , J u ly 30, 1959, in R iv er­ NcwaHi, where funeral services Male, rector of S t Mary’s Episco-,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Axetsen, A daughter was born In South A son was bora in Perth Amboy ' M n. Margar«t.Ann Stryker, 249 view Hospital, He was born in were held Saturday at 10 a.m. In­ pal Church, Keyport, oftkiaUiig. Center Be* 190, Marlborp Rd., Old Bridge, Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Hojpitai to Mr. and Mrs. Julius. VanDom S t. Keyport. widow of Buffalo, N.Y., the son of the late terment followed in Glendale Ceme­ Interment was in ML Olivet Ceme-! il - tl W. Frost St., Keypert are the parents of a daughter, bom Robert Gray, 11 Ravine Dr., Mata­ Embley, U Hancock St-,-Keans- Charles P. Stryker, died Monday John and Sophia (Uangbein) Horn, te ry . tcry, Middletown Township. coifax u m in Perth Amboy Hospital. wan, .... ‘ b u rg . . .. . Ftpdng, Aug. J. 1959, at her home, and was Ihe widower of Mra. Ma­ M r. Misson died Wednesday; July fs was bom in Matawan, the tilda (Ruby) Horn. , John Dletrman 29. 1959, s t th e Iv y H ouse N u rsin g :; r Appointment M cC ave ..... K a n e ' W eed ughter of the late Edward and Mr. Horn had lived in Madison John Dietonan, 76, Grant S t and Home, Middletown, alter.a kmg Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCave, SS Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Kane, 10 A son was born tn Perth Amboy Margaret (Murray) Fallon. . Township for seven years. Prior Washington Ave., Malawan, died illness. He was bom in England Poplar Ave., West Keansburg ire Mare St., Hailet, are the parents Hospital to Mr. u d M n. George 'Iba was a communicant of St. to that time, he resided In Hill­ M onday, A ug. J , 1959, a t U s hom e. and came to the United States 3S the parents of a daughter, born of • daughter, born Saturday, Aug. Wood, 19 Preston Rd., Old Bridge, F o rm o l Joseph’s Church, Keyport and a side. He was a retired accountant He was born In Riga. Latvia. in Perth Amboy. Hospital. Ip£rl939, I n„ Monmouth Medical years ago. H* had lived ia Keans- ' for Busb-Haulage Corp., Newark. He is survived by hb wife, M n. C e n te r. , K»Uy * member of tbe. church’s Altar and b u r g f o r 15 y e a n . H e w a s a r e tire d - R itte r . Staff/Sgt Richard, M. Kelly and Rosary Society and .Court S t . Jo­ - He is survived by three brothers, Pauline-(Naliynick) Dietiman; a machinist ' ...... ~ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ritter, 28 Knapp ...... Mrs. Kelly, West Keansburg, are seph 04, Catholic Daughters of Edward, Leonard and Frank, ail of son, Michael. Keyport; a daughter, H e W survived by three T o H ire Farmbrook Rd., Old Bridge, are A daughter was born in Mon­ the parents of n son, bom Sunday, America, ... . B uB alo. Mrs. George Mein, Middletown, George jr., Pittsburgh. Pa^ John, W. S. WALLACE the parents of a daughter, born In mouth Medical Center on Saturday, Aug. 2, 1959, In P a tte rso n A rm y Sbe is survived by one sister. Funera] services were held Sun­ and one grandchild. . Atlantic Highlands, sod Thomas, St. Peter's Hospital. Aug.; 1, 19S9, to Mr. and Mrs. Hospital, FoTt Monmouth. Mrs. Sarah Holmes, Keyport day at 2 p.m.- at the Bedle Funeral Funeral services were held yes­ Keansburg; four daughters, Mrs. CLOTHING Donald Knapp, 40 Twin Light Ave., ■ Funeral services are being held Home, Matawan, wilh the Rev. terday at 1 p.m. at the Day Hugh McKay. M t Vernon, N.- Y , R icks Keansburg. ____ Cam pbell at 9:30 ajn. today at the Day Francis Osterstock, pastor of the Funeral Home, Keyport. with the Mrs. Ray Ledig. Fort SUI, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. James Ricki, 210 Men aid Beys* rnmlshing* A daughter was born on Friday, Funeral Home, Keyport. and at Bayview Presbyterian - Church, Rev. Frederick Boos, pastor ol the Mrs. Milton Sherman and Mis. ■ Atlantic St., Keyport, are the par­ ' i V. a h e e ^ fa Patterson Army 9 a.m. a Ngh mass of requiem Cliffwood Beach, officiating. Inter­ Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Key-, William Dewiu^bocb of New York;! . ents of a daughter, bom Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. FredericS" Laueir,' Hospital, Fort Monmouth, to Vic. will be celebrated by Ibe Rev. ment was in Shoreland Memorial port, officiating.. Interment was tn a brother in England; a sister la w , r M . K K a x p a r t Aug. 1, 1859, In Moamouth. Medical » FtnJwood.Pl.,.MMWI«P.A'7l • W V 'I . h . . f t w M L a n d M r s. Johi J. Hendricks in S t Joseph’s Gardens, Raritan Township. Cedarwood Cemetery, Raritaa Canada; eight grandchildrai and j C e n te r. . (coniinued bottom n o t cobmu) Campbell , ------C&K& 'Interment will be private. (continued'bottom BtK cobunn) ‘ Township. Ikree gnaHpaadcbOdna^— TfrfrrKfay, August 6,1959 THE MATAWAN JGU kMAL Page Three Wed Saturday crou stitch and hairpin lac*. Also College Workshop proach. Th* owner-manager* ' of Bride 01 Matawan Man Info On Entries any artld« of weaving, needle­ amall businesses engag'd la manu­ point, laths and leather work, doll For Small Bucliwtt facturing. distribution, construction DR. LOUIS I. PRAGER III Keansburg ’ For Trenton Fau* furniture, wood-burning, Urd A workshop la the mahagemaot and allied fields will meet one eve: OPTOMETRIST of amall business has been an­ clog a week for eight weeks to M is* Betty Ann Wingender, houses, airplane*, woven bead work Anaouncemeat h u h>aa Bade by exchange experience and Informa­ EYES EXAMINED and any article made from wood nounced for thla fall »t the Small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Freder­ Mrs. inU aa Krowihwlt*, «r»ctor of Business Institute of Falrielgh tion oa the problem ot managing OFFICE HOURS or metal. Ia addition to the Usual Dally aad Saturdayi Ick ' Wiageader, It Willis Ave., the Domestic Arts Department, one Dickinson University at the Ruther­ small and growing businesses. t A.M. to « PM . Keansburg, became the bride of awards, two in each class, there is ford campus. Th* U.S. Small Busi­ A member of the faculty who li of the outstanding features of the Fridays I A.M. le • P 3 t a best of show award. ness Administration is co-sponsor­ experienced In the problems ol Kenneth Paul Smith, ton of Mr. New Jersey State Fair, that entries doted All Day Wednesdays ing the course. small business will be co-ordinator and Mrs. William Henry Smith, Entries in the Culinary Products will be received, by mall only, Dean Harold Feldman, of the for the sessions. Experts in the 30 W, Front St., Belford, during a double-ring cere* Department will be received by through Sept. 4. . The fair will School of Business Administration, fields of smtil business finance, Keyport nutty Saturday afternoon, Aug. I, open at Trenton : on huday, Mrs. Kroschwitx also u n til who made the announcement, said government service to small busi­ m t. ia the First Methodist Church, Sept 29, , and'dose oa Sept. 27. Sept 4. There are clas$cs that the workshop would use a ness, and small business consulting COIfax 4-2020 Keansburg. The Rev. Dr. 0. C. F. Exhibits must be delivered oa Sept. for bread and rolls, cakes, cookies shirtsleeve, discussion group ap­ also will take part. Janie, pastor, officiated.' 17. . . . aad pies. Standard Brands Incor­ There WlU be tt dlvMaas in the 1 Nuptial music was played by porated, makers of Fleischmann’s department this year with one for Mrs. Lois Porter, organist. boys and girls 10-t»17-years-of-age: Yeast, li ottering a |50 cash prize STOP HERE - SHOP HERE Given in marriage by her father, one for hobbles; one for insect col and a Jewel studded ribbon pin for Renovations Are Now Completed For Bettir Service the bade, wore a Chantilly lace lections and one for oil and water the best of show award for yeut- raised sweet bread or ro^t, Win­ . gtjw n fash io n ed w ith a “ vV neck­ color entries. In this division there Whare People Go by Choiw, Not by Chants is a class open to school children ners In baking will receive' a free -* line, fitted bodice, long pointed for pen and pencil drawings. supply of yeast. CHOICE MEATS — CUT TO YOUR DESIRE sleeves and bouffant skirt. A crown Included in the department will ' — i i i 1 i « • , of orange blossoms held her finger- be entries in tatting, needlepoint, Service Awardt • Freih Poultry • Groceries - • Froten Foods Up veil of Illusion tulle in place embroidery, cut work, colored cot­ and she carried a colonial bouquet ton embroidery, cross stitch, Swe­ The National Lead Co., Titanium • Brayer'j Ice Cream • Frwlti and Vegetable* dish weaving, crochet work.in mer­ Division, Sayrevilie, has announced of white carnations and babies'­ cerized cotton, atghans, knitted and the presentation ot service button Here Heurst Maa. tfani Tburt, - b rea th . crocheted articles in-Wool; bed­ awards to the following area em­ till s-m. te IlM p.u. :.M iss Ixris May Poole, Leonardo, spreads and-quilts, rugs, applique, ployees during the month of July: Le W. Bahrenburg Fri. T>* mb. .maid of honor, w u attired in a aprons, smocking, loom weaving, Clifford Larsen, 322 Broad St., Io J i H u n . - peach colored chiffon dress, de­ textile painting, dolls, khitted work Keyport, 11 years; BenJaMln La- Mat- * lM a,m . signed ballerlna-length with a lace in linen or mercerized cotton, Pema, H Roosevelt Ave., Old 640 Holmdel Rd. Hazlet la Ti n p m , ’ bodice and full skirt. Her head­ Boys -and girls may enter any Bridge, and Peter Orlasky, STS CLOSED SUNDAY! ,. piece was made of the same ma­ article Of hand or machine sewing, Lloyd Rd., Matawan, both 10 years;' COIfax 4-0176 . terial as her gown with harmonl- embroidery, handkerchiefs, cro­ James Gartlan, 249 Garfield Ave., Special Prices Oa Choice Meatste s te Fer Yeur Froezar — Cut And Freezer Wrapped zing veiling. She carried a colonial cheting, fancy aprons, applique. Laurence Harbor, five yean. bouquet of peach colored roses. MRS. VICTOR I. FREDDA JR. ' Bridesmaid Wears Yellow WANT MORE FOR YOUR MONIY... Miss Margaret Ellen Wingender, In a candlelight double ring cere­ portrait necklines and Empire Sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. mony performed in the First Meth­ backs. Their matching headbands Her dreu was fashioned like the odist Church, Galveston, Tex., x>n were of taffeta u d tulle, and they honor attendant's In pale yellow F rid a y , J u ly 31, 1959, a t 8:15 p m ., carried bouquets of pink rosebuds . with matching accessories. She Miss Nancy Jem Fredericksen, with pink and blue streamers. ' fcaffled a colonial bouquet of ]wle daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert M iu Susan b . Hus too, cousin of yellow rases. E, Fredericksen, Galveston, be­ the bride, was the flower glri. She came. the brfde of Ensign Victor ‘ Roberta Lynn Wingender, sister wore a white nylon dreu snd Of the bride, the flower girl, wore I. Fredda Jr„:U.S. Navy, son of matching headband aod carried il'powder^blue dress styled like the Mr, and Mrs. Victor I. Fredda sr., pink rosebuds with white stream­ 15 Schenck A ve., M ataw an, other attenuate’ with a matching e rs , ... , headband. She carried a colonial The Rev. Compton Riley per­ James A! Fredericksen, brother bouquet of: pink rosea. - formed the ceremony. M n, w~ g. of the bride, served’u best man, Benson Jr., organist, played tra­ and- ushering were Charles R, George • Frederick Wingender, ditional wedding ijiuslc and ac­ FreddjCbroUier of the bridegroom, ths bride’s brother, w u best man companied tho soloist, Mrs. Carroll and Ens. Memo A. Runzo, U.S. and ushering were Alvin Colson, E. Elfstrom. Navy. Chris FreHericksen, cousin Keansburg, and Richard Colson, The bride, given in marriage by of the bride, w u the ring bbarer. Belford. ... her -father, wore a floor-length The bride’s mother selected a Following the ceremony, a" re­ gown of French wrought Chantilly powder blu« Iace dress for her ception 'took plate at the El-Moe- lace, fashioned-with a sweetheart daughter’s wedcjlng with a match­ K iH sll, ,W«st ‘ K?ffi*6urgi after neckline.trimmed-- with iridescent ing hat, white accessories, and'an which the couple left oii a w e d d in g rh/restonej and seed pearls and orchid conage. The ttjother of the trip t«. Canada. long tapered sleeves. The. front of bridegroom chose a tange sheer The bride w u graduatedfrom the full skirt whlcb fell from the dress With crystal and white ac­ Middle(qwn Township High School fitted waistline was made of tulle cessories and an orchid corsage. and Is employed- by 14vote . Lab­ with Insets ofChanUlJyipce. The To Reside Io Virginia F lo r a l a n d t n o d tr n p r i n t * on oratories, . Jn?., Morganville. The back of the skirt fell In cascades Following a ’ reception at the bridegroom ls employed by Circle of lace pnd tulle ruffles from the Fellowship Hall In Galveston, the Bold-threaded rayon *n ace­ Chevrolet Co., Red, Bsinfc'.The waistline to Uie door, creating a couple left tor a motor trip to tate cloth, Plnch-pUated. couple," will be at home after Sun­ bustle effect, Her fingertip-length Virginia, ahd wlU reside In Nor­ • 4 " lo ng, fteff. 3.91 ppk. day at 1 Willis PI., Apt. 4, Keans­ veil of Illusion fell from a Juliet folk. For traveling, the bride wore burg. - . . . . - cap trjmmed with white organdy, a yellow pique dr«u with white REG. 1.98 CAFI CURTAINS, orange blossom petals and-seed accessories and coruge of white Hinei President Of pearls, i She' carried a-w hite satin o rch id s. * MATCHING VALANCE SET Blbl? and bridal bouquet of white Hie bride graduated from Bail k Of C County U.nit prehlds and'stephanotis and a lace Kew Fall prlnU.’ Provincial ■ m tm and silk, organza bride's handker­ . aailcloth or textured modem.. ■ le fll# . johniR* H iM ^.Pgrt MtKimotith. chief which had been carried by the bridegroom’s mother at her th a t. clty,r . & ilg n ^ F r e iil» . ^ lt a wedding. ; ''I,'."''XS graduate'o fAdm fral Farraaut eS ^'*w ulSSe3^1the new p’re£ ■ ‘ Thrrfl Attendants / Academy,; Toms. River, an^ the dint o f t b e -.Monmouth-Ocean Mrs. ' James A. Fredericksen, U.S. Navy Academy, Annapolis, County Chdpter, K of C, at a meet­ sister-in-law of the bride, w u the M d. ^ . ing-held at-the Freehold Council. matron . .of honor; M lu Janet E. In addition to Mr. aod Mrs. Richard" Norte#,- al»; of Keans­ Fredericksen, her sister’s maid Of Fredda sr., attending the wedding burg, wu'elected a trustee; honpr, and Miss Carol Ann Johnl- and receptloh from Matawan were Mr. Hines Is a past grand knight gah, the bridesmaid. They all wore A. D. Fredda, Mrs. George Mat­ or BayshoreCouncil and-has served short powder-blue dresses of fri-' thews, Mr. and Mrs,. William E. MUSLINS IDENTICAL TO as a-delegate ta the Monmouth? descent toffeUt; princess style with Smith sr. and Clark Smith. Ocean County Chapter for the past HIGHER-PRICED SHEETS six years, ,-SL Joseph’s Council,. Extension Service office, 20 Court Knfghts bf Columbus, Is not in, Urged To Keep 4-H eluded Inthe Chaptjr. S t, Freehold, by Sept. 15. n > io s- J43 R e c b r d i Up-To-Date This reminder applies to active FIND THESE 5-STAR SPECIALS ,.. How c>todate . are your 4-H lifers who 'already have' kept Oar IBO-count G r a n t Maid brand: i&tls* records?. Bees working on them good records over the years. If you are one of these, then tbe standard faction guaranteed or your money back. FIRST QUALITY . e, 60 GAUGE FULL FASHIONED NYLONS lately? With' fairs and other busy •1x10t"< l •»»----— I.W good times that summer brings, report fonri is th* one on .which C o m p a r# kt 79el Filmy sheen. 8 i h a d t i . 8 M to 11. Bold only In 8 -pair packages. 4UtV' Cases, leg. 44t a Us 4-H’ers m aynot enjoy being re­ to concentrate now. When Judges 1.98 NYLON TRICOT PITTI-SUPS . . . SUPER FINE 40-DENIERS minded |liat - there’s a certain select delegates to NationsI 4-H S9c CANNON BATH TOWELS Lacy, appUqued or permanently pleated hem*. In white, blue, pink, bltcki B-U-L. amount of record-keeping to do, Club Congress, they turn almost Immediately to the standard re­ but members probably will find a -REVERSIBLE JACQUARDS port form when reviewing a rec­ I'SIS ACITATI BRIEFS, Reg. 39c. . . COMFORT-FIT, SIZES 5-7 better opportunity than during o rd book. Husky Cannons . . . long­ these summer days. Woven elastic guaranteed or brief replaced free. Runproof, 4Do Bint S-10-tr« looped, thick and absorbtnt. W w . Record books of dub memben ..This w eek , w h y doo’t you Took - ira.ieftti.atl.cMtf. ~ who wish to qualify for county or through tbe windows .of your 20z4(Tblg; 6 wiishfaBthue*. stale awards; 'lie 'duo in the church , , , from the inside.


■ Strictlyunltary.bushdlittA- t f f basket and 21-qt, WMte 9 & . , What buktts refuse to rusti eblji. » M •••* SOLID MAPLI FOAM CUSHION MATCHID WORK DILUXI 26" ON KINO-IIZI OUTFITS ARI ' MIDDWWIIOHT Do You Want? r ^ I t ^ ’ ' ' TABLES WITH SPORTS B ic rc tll REG. 79c BALLERINA LAMP NUTMIO FINISH CAIUAL CHAIR RUOOID TWILL SHADES, EASY TO WIPE CLEAN M J f o r PANft / IMIT -iA new - curl ■ The pleasure © fbrevelTY i m x. Vinyl skirt over washaM tjg; Vg t u , . u u v a # 1 hocnoT A colleg* education for yotirchild? Ib f, fO.fl *h.tihm, 1 2 .7 7 I M / m d illt, Fink, blue, wbtt*. Z fo r M # , 0Vy t Jl wieUjr \ '.Msurity 4oc. the lutur»7 Vlddlewttfht ebunpa Smartly etyled and well B*v« twlc* ottth* p*lr 8 Mg futtirN t IUIn. forced u u u , wW /id in every dettll. Boy** £ Systematic saving will help to n>ak* your I'J >T SAf CM/.P-.i ' * ho ' constructed. . . at horns end dcttbl# th etpa lett 'nepaikUln your room, colon,84(,twlll*Mrt, and rlrl*’ modeli btvt •om* true! Open a.Saving* Account at 1 b * i f -lo //n, pa 1 in ’ • ,■ ',f i im la living room, ofllcs Bronzeton* with whit*, 8H‘0i . tw ill pant* , 4>b»r iports frame*, 'tad M erchants National Bank and start saving I or Undent dorm, Sea* Us,, tu jerb * plutlc. . , . fra dotted *Ii«il delux* smmsoHm. ■ thing* you 'want. Every - deposit you mak* will . utlonel!/1 QW-prlcti I you neater to tha fulfillment of your plans. ■*- ..•

MSaweMHttiftM jtTW aatotiiT i» a -X- G R A N T CO.

* ' TH E tf K ■•■■■ Sayre Woods Utte Silver Middletown Sb«l#i Center SbpRiailM ter Shopping Center Proipect St. 0 —^ FARMERS AND MERCHANTS H izM Sayre Woods Little Silver . Middletewe ^ NATIONAL BANK - — - Matawan All Stores Open Every Night Til 9 P.M. III MM M*A*m « u k to M m n mt * M r — WiitVM t* tm Knkr intiti * r * s m — M tm fcrr rM m l Pry—It toHnuei . A f 'i ’r Saturday Til 6 P.M* , i r« * ifo u r THE MATAWAN JOURNAL Thursday, August 6, 1959 Communication STILL ONE STEP AHEAD/ ©je Jfafafom To the Editor, ‘ t ‘ SSXABUISSP IM Articles bearing oa The Matawan CttCnr m m * i . iubb. uov>. rtn u im Township Scheols have appeared in your valuable paper, but Thurs­ » * ■ » ■ * - * ii _ w h y ?” i Month# ..... - voteri ia the Borough of Matawan activities of the annual Keyport Day celebration Aug. 13 M M tbi a a The Riverdale gardener who sent Yn ; /ctrWda itaW ). 18.00 want to separate from the Town­ to 15. The water plant, backed up by five wells, pumped. * • « taftttffe U. S.) . |7.0« ship. This article suggests various la this question may think she has more than 411,000,000 gallons of water in 1958. Three filter plantwt som e' -that are Just ftUtowan Jonnulwua) Uu . aowspapor Hoi IbA peoola, tar,; tba poopla. steps that can be taken to bring beds, which w ill be open to inspection, are backwa&hed every Ita tlm to to aarsa tba beat tDt*r«ct« j i Matawaa im about tbe separation. trying to be ornery and stubborn. eight hours to insure tht; quality of the municipal water bS m d I •n^V toe’asws’ol tba y without bUa or prijudii Lilacs as well aa other flowering , _ ,^^TTT- , w," tana, m" conaeirativ* “ — manner,------raiptcttof . th* inallanablo rt«Ma How, it seems to us, that in fair­ supply. And it’s good, according to the reports of expert* I our cfttaeaa. and toar*l* m*kWf worthy" ol tb*lr coulideac*. shrubs sometimes act this way. ness to everyone, the following who marvel at its “ovejsoft” quality. The borough owns Responsibility for trpofraptalca) «rron to limited to Ut* a c t cf “Factor should be obtained from I asked Donald B. Lacey, our and maintains more than 112,175 feet of water mains-ubout qpaca occvpi«Kt by aueh «ttm . ______th e scivofH authorities. extension bome grounds specialist, 20 miles and has 1936 water meters. Add to this/ main­ Eatarcd ia second-class matter at tttf port otto* at lU tiva^ M. J • 1. How many pupils were enrolled how come and he said the answer ■Bder tfea act ot M arch I, 1879. ______tenance of 184 fire hydrants, vital to safety and economy, in tho Matawan Schools on Is simple: The plant may be too and you’ve got quite an elaborate utility. Doors will be THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1959 Oct. 1, 1958, from ( a ) M ataw an young. Five-years-old is too young? Yes, and (b) how many from the open to all at the plant A visit w ill be worth while; Tow nship. he said, aame shrubs still are growing vigorously at that age. A “Little Inflation” 2. How many pupils left from TH IS ’N TH AT . . . See where Bob Kissinger hna m&de his (a) the' Township and (b) how Others reach maturity at two or As usual, tbe mid-year economic forecasts have been many left from the Borougb three years and begin to flower. own contribution to the heralded concept of a New Wbit» pouring forth. And roost of them have certain things in “ ‘during the school year. As long as the shrub continues Fleet She rides at anchor in the Keyport Harbor . .. Key­ common. For one thing, the professional seers, with hardly 3. How many pupils entered the to show enthusiasm in its growth port’s Mayor Norman J. Currie having quite a time with his an exception, expect booming business,, ln most line* of school from the Borough and it won’t flower. appointments. Hard to count Jiow many have been refused how many entered from the Overfed? by the honored selectee so far this year. Maybe a phone enterprise, and, with lt, higher wage*. They also expect, Mr. Lacey tells me some gar­ •gain with hsrdly in exception, • ^moderate* riAo In th i - Township. call now and then could save some embarrassment. . . In­ 4. How many pupils from each deners have tbe mistaken notion general price level,, something like two or three per cent over that tbe plant does not power be-, siders report there may be no follow up from Freehold of district were in actual at the items reported in the audit of Union Beach accounts a year's time. tendance at the close of school cause It > lacks fertilizer. And so i This Is what is known as “creeping” inflation, aa opposed la J u n e 1959. they feed it generously with ferti­ until September. . . Blueberry picking activity at a- peak to the “galloping” kind In which the buying power of a 5. What per cent of the total liser, which encourages it to grow across the state. About 5600 workers npw employed in the currency can ■ be virtually destroyed overnight. And many school tax was paid by tbe still more vigorously and puts off fields in Southern and Central Jersey: By far the biggest " people seem to think that a “little Inflation” isn’t really a Borough and what per cent flowering that mucb longer. crop for farm workers at present. . . Spme lilacs don’t bloom as they bad thing,; and even may be good. After all, two or three was paid by the Township for th e school y e a r 1158-59. should because they are growing per cent doesn't sound like much. . 1 . 1 We have been told that the ~Looking Backward ta partial shade. A lilac must have FACTS ON ACCIDENTS dept. , . -Did’ja know that : Hftwm r, over a comparativelyjteTperiod rf age. Yet thl*.*wten per - dening friend. She alto is dis­ hind. The accident took place oo Indefinite stand. At ,1 p.m., the cent is responsible for more than 12 per cent of tlio nation’s . A CPA At Your Elbow Social Security appointed because the apples and auto accidents. the Browntown Road, opposite the thermometer In . the sun outside peaches fall off' ber trees before Continuing inflation over a long period dl years may W. H. Cottrell homestead, when The Mstawan Journal office regis­ they feet big. . bring the day when a dollar bill is worth no mora than two Questions Mr. Ronson was making his home- tered 112 and ttW seemed to be If it’s any comfort to her, she's COOPERSTOWN TA KE NOTE. , , Abnez" Donblcday canl or three cents, *ay* Louis H. Penney, San . Francisco, presi­ bound trip. . . . Mslng,. about the point hit shortly not alone in this, either. - relax. It now appears there is b perfectly simple explanation Lot* o< backyard fruit growers dent of tbe American Institute of Certified Public Account­ , Q.—How long must h a v e w ork­ M rs . J. P. Oeran of Red Qank af^er noon yesterday. The lowest for that Russian claim about inventing “beisboL” -Accord­ r have not yet faced tip to the fact an ts. ed Under aodal security' to be ing to members of the visiting Soviet track team who. has given 100 books to the Mats­ mark registered during the past that there'a a whole army of In­ eligible for disability payment*, Of watched an American baseball game in PhiladeIphi*t'mCdl» Wage increases soon w ill push price* beyond the ability wan Public Library, f i n . Q e n u t 24 hours was 79, recorded early sects, not to mention a few. choice of many people to pay, Mr. Penney adds, pointing but that to have m y social security record eval Russians played a' game called “lapta” in. which'ii ball was a former - resident here and this morning. . , plant diseases,- working against “ . . . ln thelJAst 29 year* productivity Ijas risen 100 per cent fro zen ? * was hit in .a manner foreshadowing baseball (and 'probably • Still retains her Interest in her old Morganville Volunteer Fire Co. them all season. ) . while wage* have gone up 260 per cent.” He blame* the A .—At least five year*,.or, since Commercial fruit growers learn­ cricket, for that m atter). However, no base-running was* social security credits are coopted I, through Its president, J, F. Far­ situation on the monopoly power of labor unions to force h o m e tow n, ed their lesson long ago. They done. So M r. Doubleday’s 19th Century innovations of bas^ In units of calendar quarters of rell, bis announced that the com­ Tb* store of W, D. Bailey Co. keep their spray rig* busy from paths, infield put-outs, double plays, stolen bases, etc., wage* higher and higher, and continued government , deficit the. year, la at least 20 calendar pany fair held on Its grounds from has beea pnoved to tbe site of the earliest spring until harvest. This spending. : quarters. Hie 20 quarters of cover­ July 23 to 30, had been a moderate main under his patent If we know anything about ydurtg old factory building. C. W. Hulsart. a 11-season care explains why you As to the tax problem, he *ayp: "Every time they set age need not be oonsecutive, but success. Tbe tabulation of gross boys, we think it entirely probable that ancient Greek, member of the, company, will' *o rarely find a worm in an apple they must all have been during receipts and expenditures shows a Mesopotamian, Egyptian, or Polynesian lads, too, probably out to sim plify the tax laws they make them more complex. erect a new house' next spring on or peach grown by the profes­ the, 10-year period ending with the profit to the company of $1636.72. whacked many a stone or nut with a thick stick long, before- An ordinary businesiman can’t 11live without ' an attorney and " the plot Just vacated by the re­ sio n als. ' . calendar quarter ln which you be­ the Middle Ages. So the Soviet athletes' clarifying state- , _ a CP A at his elbow.” . moval ot the store. A plan* proposed for securing It'a too late, of course, to begin ca m e disabled. A fter 1961 th e ment puts the question of “beisbol” history bade, into per* The popularity of the Old Tennent adequate nursing 'service for Mat­ spraying now. But if you'd like to aaouat ol wotk required will in­ awan schools is scheduled for final know how to' do It next year, spective. Now that that's settled, we'd be glad' to see the crease slowly. . ; harvest home-was never better Memo t*o T^^glecttul Parents Ulosttated than Wednesday night action by the Matawan Township you’re welcome to a copy of Spray Russians challenge some American ptnnant-winner ’to -a- Q.—I already have' paid social o t last.w^ek when; dekpiia ttip un­ ‘ d of Education at Its meeting Calendar 77, VPest Control Recom­ game. The visitors showed they’ve mastered at least one- cf M ortAmerican - p t i m b l w o u l d t e t b f f c M andoffanded security taxes on (4SU tot., IMt, pleasantness ol Ota weather, hwi- mendations fqf Home .Orchards ” ^ .W ^ I^ww,,when!.tKey; revealed-that back hom e:- by any .suggest^ja t^at .w han |t comes to loving concern for Recently I phanged Jobs, and my dreds of automobile parties from The heaviest 'pin of ihe season ,S,C. r t ’e m be had; Iran county they je e r a doubtful ctHletic’ decision w itli shouts of "sterd- ' their cMdren^they are qot model* of; solicitude. Yet the new employer Is making social along the shore and for miles on waa recorded oh the afternoon of agricultural agents or by writing no, steedno” (shame, shame) s That’is enough to. malce an$,'~ ’ ' H ealthN ew sIrutltutecalls our attention to some figures security deductions from, my ali sides, journeyed' to the historic Aug. 3 at. the Marlboro Erosion to Garden Reporter, College of American umpire feel at home.. . • , which strongly indicate thflt ln one vital area of child care wages. Is this proper? grounds to partake of the aupper Experiment Station. In a 20-minute Agriculture, Rutgers University. our pubUo~*£hool systems are more conscientious parenta A^-Yes. Each employer Is oblig­ provided by the housewives of that period, over 1% inches of rain fell. ed to make these deductions on - Charles (Chlckle) Blood, son of than the parents themselves. * district, a supper that has become Pontiac, 62-66 Lower Main SL, Mat­ PARIS AFTER DARK , . . We knew a man once who,- your wages ln his employ up to famous for its excellence far and M r, and Mrs. Lewis R Blood, ot m .that speciously acclaimed paradise between his emerging awan Township', announced yester­ In the year* before the widespread availability of Salk $4800 per year. However, you may w id e. T h e re 'Were 1919 p erso n s Leonardo, formerly of Matawan, from his, mother’s tutelage and his entering thato fhlsw ife. vaccine, according to the Health Department, children from claim credit for all social security served with supper. These people, wUI leave Monday for Hollywood, day the firm will formally open bought a suit all by his lonesome. It was a rich gray tweed." f Ive-to-nlne constituted the age group most susceptible to taxes that have been collected on and the other 1000 or more present, Calif. He will appear In a short new sales-showreom on Wednes­ so he thought, with toiiches of color. Hi* brido, however, paralytic'polio. Today,' ta contrast, tile largest number of w ages In excess of $4800 p e r y e a r. * 1*0 - consumed 600 quarts of ice motion picture about the U. S. day; Septan. The date ro*rka the ruled it a poisonous green. No-suit ever wore So painfully : Signal Corps. cases occur iunong pito-school. youngsters‘from one-to-four, You do this when filing your in­ cream and 12 bushels of peanuts. 10th anniversary' ol the Downes long. Nor did our friend ever venture such a purchase, again come (ax for the year in question. Th* aggregate receipts were about Rocky Tomaselio, the Mkttwan The reason for the change seems obvloiu, a systematic mauler, will be alter hls elghth Pontiac franchise. - unchaperoned. The DuPont Company, motivated by it* Q.—After jny retirement, et age $1231. • 'program' in the! schools to see that every-school child re- Showers (Ud, hail storms, big amateur-boxing crown wbsn tbe The Matawan Adult. School will heavy interest in synthetic fabrics, has sponsored a survey U, my company will pay me e celve* Us three Salk vaccine injections. B y the end Of school and llttW,' visited various parts of air force all-island elimination open fall feason. on SepL 29 b f the wife’s role in the purchase of the husband's clothing. pension. Will receipt of this pen­ year 1958, nearly 600,000 had Wen so protected. tourney on Guam gets under way The survey found that not only were 47 ;per'cent bf the sion prevent me from getting my the county last week. ln tbe.Matawan High School .budd­ next Tuesday. wives present when the husbands, studied, purchucd (heir Im m unliation of. the pre-school group depends, ‘of course, social security benefits? Coyen Wero laid1 for seventy at ing. Resident* of Keyport, Mata- - The CUffwood Angels will open on the initiative of the parent. MllUons.of adults have pro­ A,—No. You will be entitled.to the dinner given by the Monmouth last suits, but that 85 per Cent of the wives believe it is their their campaign for the Shore Foot­ Wan Township and other bayshore crastinated'about getting their own shots. But for them your monthly social security, cheik County Grand Jury fbr the May responsibility to see to it that their husbands.are weU dressed. ball League crown oh Sept. 18 communities are eligible to enroll, to fail to make *ure that their children get ihe llfesaving ln< unleuyou have earnings '(either Term of Court at Bum’s Sllver- And.it concludes that the American male spends most of his mere Inn, Little .Silver, Tuesday against the .Rumson Vets at Rum- Second meeting of a tax' group le ctio n *I Uneglect i of, an entirely different kind. wages as an employee, or income aoh, according to league schedule waking and sleeping hours in clothing selected' for him by - from self-employment) In excess of afternoon. Among those present having aa ita aim to prganize Cliff­ women. In the typical Ajnerican family .who, “wears the were former Mayor 5. B. Eggleston released Friday. $1200 p er y ear. wood as a separate borough apart pants” still may be an open question. But as to- “who buys ■ ■•■■.... P. ■and HSrry Bolte of Matawan. A aon, their third child, w u bom We Can’t Afford It Q,—I’m 89 and drawing my social to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sickels, 97 from Matawan Township,. will be them,”1 the DuPont survey apparently has found the answer. ."Ifithw e U.orfe thing we cannot afford any longer lt Is security checks. My wife Ls Cft and Twenty-Five Yean Ago Main -St., Matawan, on Friday, called when organizing committees also receives benefits. This ..year Aug. 8, 1949, U Monmouth Me­ this idea that th y government spending program automatical* (Issu e F rid a y , A ug. 10. 1934) ara ready to make their Initial re^ she ex p ects to e a rn o v er $1200. Yesterday afternoon Matawan morial HospitaL ...... ly should hfive priority over.a citizen's u#e of hia own money," ports, it was learned this morning WIU this h a v e an y effect on m y had,the first baby parade-in a Oeorge G. Downes, of Downes say* ah economic letter issued by the First National City checks? ' good many years, 'sponsored this (continued. In next column) from a spokesman for the group. Bank of New York. "When government feel* the necessity, A.—No. Under the earnings test time by the BRA Community Play­ 'for example, to spelnd more on defense or on aid for allies, the working husband and working ground aa this week’s feature ot the first place to. turn is not to the citizens’ standard oi wife’s earnings are treated sepa­ the varied program being offered living through tax increases but to wasteful practices aiid rately. Your Wife should, of course, this/Sommer to the children of Citizens School Corner programs within government, In other words, our ability to notify us If she has not done so Matswan and vicinity. a lread y . Less than 10 per cent or Mon­ afford a stronger defense establishment is partly measured (EDITOB'8 NOTE?—-TW* column ta sponsored by the Clliitni* C . By Margaret A. Urry ' *by waste* of public funds on a variety of programs. .It is not Q.—Do you have any literature m outh County's 1,500,000-bushel po­ H t Bcttav schools l a tha M atawan Toyrnihlp Sctaool D istrict) _ fair to expect the citizen to tighten his belt if government that will.explain the way earnings tato crop has been moved to date, • ' The Poppy Or Tho Pietun ^ does not tighten Its own.” affect rny receipt of social security lt waa reported by Ellwood Doug­ Items In Matawan's Educational History lass, County Agricultural Agent at Monica ipent almost all morning Suddenly ahe made up her.mindi- ;To put this Idea ln another way, we need to re-leam benefits? ... A,—Yea. Write to us and we will Freehold. While the market, since When Matawan Borough was used as a dwelling at the West getttng dressed to go to the picture She decided the puppy was more, something we seem to have forgotten, that is, the difference arrange to send you free, a pahv ahlpplng began July 30, hat been CarvtKi out of MatawSn Township end of Church St. The Lower Dis­ studio with her mother. She put between what is truly necessary on the part of government dull; tha quality of the crop tn in i the 1880'*, the status of the trict School, which also had two on her best clothes, and Mother 1 " “! If pblet entitled “It You Work After you poor thing,” she said. Shev and what may be merely desirable. We live ln an era In most Instances has been-excellent school district wia not changed rooms, up and down, was located tied a big, pink ribbon in her hair. You Start Getting Social Security caught hold of the. puppy ahd pull­ and has been able to compete in and the official title remained at the downtown comer of Rabbit Then they walked to the studio, which such absolute necessities as the national defense are Benefit Payments." ed him out of the pond. ' , the markets with stock from all •Matawan Township School Dls- Lane and Broad St., just In back which was only two blocks away. almost unbelievably costly and, the stato of .the world being Q—Some time . ago I Inquired at other sections, he added. -trict." Thus the- school district of Peterson's building. This build­ Next. to the studio was a small The puppy stoppafejcrjlng. Ha­ w h a t It I b, may become more costly still Under these con­ a social security office about dis­ Martin Bell, son of Mr. and M n. c o m p rise s two municipalities, ing was taken down. . - pS rk. ndled Monica’s face ahd hands; ditions, it ls~obvlous that governmental frills, luxuries and ability' insurance benefits. I was Samuel Bell of Main Street, is which some cltizcna have thought In those days we also had ‘‘Glen- "Let me- sit on the bench out­ Then he shook himself. Dirty w ater non-essentials must be pared to the lim it If the two weight* told that although I had worked spending the month of August at was an advantage, and some have Wood Collegiate Institute", located side until everything Is ready," splattered all over Monica’s clean' of taxation and Inflation are not to push down steadily our the nocessary five years out of the ctylhes. j Camp Mohican, Blalrstown, while thought otherwise. Attempts have on the south side of Church St., Monies begged her mother. "I can living standards. 10 years before I became disabled, Calvin Bell Is vacationing with been made to separate the Town­ neaf the "gully” or "glen.” This watch the squirrels in the park. “Oh dear," said Monica. "I 1 did not meet the additional re­ /■ friends In Asbury Park. ship bom the Borough la school was n good school and a “famous” "All right,” said Mother, "but guess I might just as well pick quirement that one and one-half of Extensive plans are being made m atten by. creating two public school. Many of New Jersey's most be sure you don’t get your clothes y °u UP- I c a n ’t g e t m u ch d irtier those five years had to be during at the Freehold Driving Park for school districts, but so far. these prominent citizens attended there dirty." . now.” J. the three years just before I.be- a five days' n d n g meet to be held attempt* have not met with sue­ and Sir Robert Laird Borden who Monica-sat down on the bench. She carried-the puppy back to t csme disabled; Therefore I did not thero fromA“guBt29toSeptember became Prime Minister of Canada while Mother went inside. Monica, the studio. Mother and the phor qualify. Would I be eligible under ' 2. ' ' " ' .. once taught there. The "Institute,” the recently amended law? Years ago there was a small watched tho squirrels frisktog' op tographer were last'cotning ovt of-— ■ Robert G. Thixton, Charles Con­ school In what was then known os as we called it, accommodated and down the park trees. Suddenly, the door. "Your pretty clothes!'* ' A—Yes, If you sre to severely dls over and Georgo Downs of Mata­ Donnelly's Field, on what Is now students of grades wnglng from sh e h e a rd a sharp cry. * walled Mother. . abied that you cannot work. The wan, went fishing Sunday after­ known as Sutphln 'Ave. Later, three primary to college preparatory, "I wonder what that could be?” Monica explained. “I ju st provision tlut one and one-half noon off Manasquan and caught a districts were created In what is and the students came not only yean covered employment has to thought Monica. The sound seemed couldn’t let him fall into'the pond 28-pound tuna, four bonitas and ten now the Borougb, and there was from local families but from other be during the threp years Immedia­ to come from the park. But Mother m d get hurt.- Do you think I could btues, averaging bom 4 to 8 one school In CUltvrood. This was states, and even from foreign tely preceding your disablement had told her not lo get dirty so keep the puppy, Mother?” • ' ' pounds each. Tho party Is planning th e situ a tio n u p to 1895 w hen th e countries. The school was known w as r e m o v e d u n d e r the 1958 another fishing trip for this week­ new Graded School building was as a .‘‘Military Institute" and ’held Amendments. You should recon­ end and hopes to be ln a position that-status with discipline along up untu Moniea went to see what M A_. w tact your social security office at completed. The Borough districts to report a larger catch. were known a* Upper District 46, those lines. 7 . had happened* In the middle of your earliest convenience. Joseph ZwlUer, although not a M iddle District 47, and Lower Dis­ There naturally was some good the park was a small goldfish pond- might just as well keep it. Q—Is It true that\the child of farmer, has something ho can trict 48. Thi upper district school natured rivalry between this school A round puppy had fallen Into the Mother. It s too late to oo someone rocelvlng Social Security show the fanners and it showing was located on what Is now New and the public schools particularly pond. He was clinging to the edge “ V ^'ng »*»ut getting your picture benefits also can receive benefits them with great pride every day Brunswick Ave. sear M ount between students of upper grades. and crying. He was Just too chubby token «“ ■•* bave to come when unablo to work, regardless aa they come from their own farms Pleasant Cemetery. It had two Because of space limitations, no and frightened tn pull himself out. .•ome other day. ’ . of the child’s ago? ; to his home on the Uoyd Road, large rooms on the same level. attempt has been made, to fill In "You poor puppy I" saidMonica. Monica brought the puppy bone. A—Tho child of someone who Is near the Holmdel Road intersec­ This building is now the Zion with interesting Incidents and "I wish I could help you. But If She was glad to have such a frisk y deceased or who is receiving So­ tion, to see a mammoth tomato Church on Atlantic Ave. The school items, and tbe story of the cam­ I pull you out of the pond, I will playmate. On the front page oi cial Security , benefits may be vine In full bearing. This vine bell used then atlll Is used in the paign led by the later^B. F. S. get my clothes ail dirty and I next morning's paper there w u a eligible for benefits also If under braced by stakes Is from four to old Matawan (Grammar) Graded Brown for the consolidation of the won’t be able to have my picture pictufe of Monica holding the be­ age 18. If age 18 or older, tho five feet high and at wide in School. . school districts and the develop­ tak e n ." ■> ■ .. draggled puppy. The photographer child may be eligible only If diameter as it sends forth Its many The Middle District School was ment of 'our present system, will The puppy looked at Monica and had taken tbe picture,' and there unablo to work duo to a physical branches. These tomatoes are now located ~ at the comer of Church have to be told in a future article. kept on whining. His white fur was the story of the rescued pupp) or mental Impairment and thf dis­ coming into ripening and aro as and Jackson SL, on the ground ‘ ' (Signed) was.ail wet and streaked with mod. underneath. . abling condition must have’existed large as a man's fist, it Is esti­ now occupied by tho Pike resi­ ' F . H ow ard L loyd He slipped farther Into the pond. When Monica saw it' sho startr.-. Continuously slnce bcfaro attaining' m a te d 'th e r e a re fully 150 tom atoes dence. It had upstairs and down- (NOTE:—ir anv reader ncUcci any Monica could see he couldn't hold to laugh. “T did get my pictori' j Sge 18. • ' • " v . . . . error, or can add intcrtitira Items, In' this set and it Is still (lowering. (tain rooms.' The building now is plcaaatallus. r.U -L.) on much longer. • ...... taken after all!" she taid. J Thursday, Avgust 6 , 1959 IH I MATAWAN JOURNAL Page F l y

Matawan Boys Hazlet Couple Mark 40th Anniversary Legion Auxiliary Keyport Girls Catch Baby Blues Dedication Of Real Estate Broker To Entej^Lehigh Flagpoles Held Three patents from Mauwan, Mrs Jc ^ ptGlfiwawfti prudent Dedication ceremonies were held • r e a ir o n g the 730 freshmen erf th e L ad ies j M w f t L au ren ce over the weekend for the three-flag­ who bave been accepted for td- Harbor American Legion Unit M2, pole parade and retreat area at mission to Lehigh University, Beth, announces the following delegates Forestburg 'Scout Reservation In lehiern, Pa., this {all, Dr. Charles were elected to .attend the Depart New York by scouters of the A. Seidle, director of admission, ment Corrveoiion Sept 10, 11 and Chlngtrora District, Monmouth announced today. II in Wildwood; M n : John Vachitis, Council, Boy Scouts of America. Freshman week activities, will Mrs. Jack Olsen, fdn. William The three-flag-pole memorial, begin on the campus Wednesday, Foster, Mrs. William Brldgeman, crectcd by scouters ot the Chln- Sept. 9, giving the new students, Mrs. Rollin Rlthbun, M n, John itarora District, was given by Mrs, who are graduates of 425 high and Crimmlns, and Mrs. DiGiovannl. Catherine Buckmann, Keyport, in ; preparatory schools, a chance to • Miss Betty Relher, chairman ol memory of her husband, Capt, Earl gel oriented before registration (or the youth dances, report* that the Buckmann, who wai killed In an the fall semester opens on Wednes­ Post and Auxiliary will sponaor a automobile accident, and by Mr. day, Sept. )6. block dance on the boardwalk at and Mrs. Victor Alt, Matawan, in . P^er E. Bennett, son o( Mrs, the Casino the latter part of Aug­ memory of their - son, Robert, a Mildred D, Bennett, Wilson Ave., ust. The regular youth dances will Cub Scout who drownod in Lake Matawan, will enter the College o( not resume until Sept. 18. An or­ Lefferls, Matawan. - Business Administration. He is chestra for the block dance will be J. Fred Billet, Monmouth Council graduate of Matswan High School furnished by tha American Federa­ Boy Scout Executive, opened the tion of Musiciana from Perth when be was an outstanding bas­ Patl Schanck, Julia Shumock, Marita Dietrich and Judy Slulta, ceremonies attended by more titan A m boy. ketball and baseball player.' He (left to right), all students st Keyport High School, white away tbs long 350 Boy S couts an d lead ers In­ JEROME D. BECKER won letters ln those sports,>a well Final arrangements were an­ lazy summer vacatlea heurt fishing. The Junlar Misses, In picturesque eluding District Chairman Ernest as track, and captained the basket­ nounced by Mrs. Jack Olsen for the Peseux and District Contfels- attire, proudly exhibit a Hsh ea each llae. Jerome D. Becker. * llcetwed ball and baseball teams, Peter was Post picnic which , will be held lioner James F. Flynn, The Rev. Real Estate Broker operating « Class officer and participated in Sunday at the Hercules Recitation Henry A, Male, rector of St, M ary's ' dramatics. He has been active in Park, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m ,'AU Episcopal Church, Keyport, gave Becker Real*y at JU ^laln St,, scouting. workers and members of the Com­ M atawan Personal Item s the Invocation. Matawan, received hi* broker*! Charles G. Emley Jr., aon ot mittee are asked to be at th? The official 49-atar American Ucenie tt th* age of U. H* i* t p icn ic g ro u n d s b y 9 a .m . . . M«*a Ot t e a M l T n , r u m la I M n i l s M *1 U | H a t Flag, which wai down ovtr th* C. 0. Emley, 409 Atlantic Ave., graduate bf Matawan High School, nation'* capltol July 4 ind given Matawan, will enroll in the college Asks Cooperation la Baiaar by Cong. James C, Auchlncloss, attended th* College of BnglA**ria| of Business Administration, He Mrs. Marie Elwood, chairman of Mr, and Mri. Robert J. Muaw- Mr. and M n. Jack Barlow, Syra­ was raliled atop th* main tl»g polo of New York Unjvenlty and lerved was graduated from Matawan High the bazaar sponsored by the Unit, ner srnd daughter, Janet, Weit cuse, N. Y„ ware Ihe Sunday by area scouts during dedication In th* U, S. Army. SchoolT He participated in dra- In the Legion Home Aug. j S a n d Haven, Conn., have returned home lueita of Mr. and Mrs, E rnut C. serv ices, mattes and served as a class officer 29, asks that memben cooperate Mr, Becker now it tctivtly *n> after spending several days as tb* Weigel, Beechwood Terr. The flu pole* Were erected on on the student council. He also was by donating cakes, canned goods,’ guests of Mr. and Mra. Chsrlei J, work weekends by volunteer *ooui- gaged In die real eitate buslnew, a member of the yearbook staff, MR., MRS. JOHN D. WALKER handmade artldta and Items lor Oo Sunday M n, Prank Wleger, Rutf. Christopher .Wleger, M iu Marie ers of the Chlngaror* District, He T*ooiv*d hi* training und*^ at well as lettering in baseball Mr. and M n. John D. Walker, the white elepharit table. The puMlc Mn. Hudson Carhart, Mr. and Mra. Donald I. Lewis, Beech- Wieger, and Mja, William R. Jtm«* A, Htrklm and Sons tad ' Paul' S. Sproul, son of Mr, and IJ Bayview Ave., Hazlet, were Mrs. Hobart Johnson and daughter, la Invited to attend and there Will wood Terr., and her aunt, Mlu Thackray, Trenton; war* thegunu gth*r brpk«r», , ...... Mrs. Paul V. Sproul, 10 Fountain guests of honor at an anniversary Gayle, Mn. Edna Crawford, Ed­ be several booths and Uddfe ride*. Hailet Woman Flo Grundcr, Belford, havs return­ bt Mr. and Mr*. Edward W. Currl*. party given by their children, Mr. Mi's. Rollin Rathbun, Junior ad­ Ave.,' MatawairrwiU atudy In the ward Crawford, Mr. and M n, Jo­ ed home from a visit with Mrl. Died Tuesday and Mrs, Richard C. Walker, Floyd seph R. L. Jackson, Mrs. Samuel visor, announces plans for tha-In­ Mr. antj Mr*. June* Noddings College of Engineering. He was Ray Halbert, Detroit, Mich., at thi Catholic War Vets graduated from the ptagry School, Walker and hia fiance, Miss Mary Walling, Miss Eleanor Walling and stallation of offlcen of tha Junior have sold their home on Pomona St. Oeorge Hotel, Brooklyn, prior Mrs, M*ybelle VinRoten, W. who Elisabeth, where he lettered in Conover, on Friday evening in the Mra. William R. Barnes. Auxiliary, will be held Saturday, Blvd., Cliffwood Beich, to Mr.. and Hosts To Patients ;r to her leaving for the Panama M n. William G m m o , Staten Is­ resided with her ion. RObtrt L. football, lacrosse, and wrestling, Educational Building of St. John’s Also present were M n. LjlHan Oct. 10. at 1 p.m. bt the Legion where ihe will Join her husband, land, and ar* Mw living at >41 VinRoten, I Oregon-Ave,, H*il*t, St. Jo**ph'« Catholic W tr V*ter- He'alio, waa a member of tbe pro­ Methodist Church, Keyport. Burnett, Mr. and Mn. Edward H om e. SP/j c Radioman Ray Halbert, who Wilion Ave,, Naw Moamouth. d ied T u esd ay , A ug. 4, 1959, She tn*. Poit 1U1, K*yportr w*r* hotli jection Club. ■ Mr. u d Mrs. Walker were cele­ Mattson, Llncroft; Mr, and Mra, The Joint Installation of tha Pott Is stationed In the Panama. Mn. was born In Qutem, N.Y., tnd htd to >7 pstlenli from Lyon'* Hoipltti brating their 40th wedding anni­ Jerome Florian, Rahway; Miss and Auxiliary will be held Satur­ Mr. and Mra, Henry Provost and Lewis and Mrs. Holbert are listen, lived In Hulet tor two yeiri. Tueid*y at Walt'i Reilauraiit, li versary. They were married in the Gladys Hyme, Matawan; Mr. and day evening, pet. 24, In the Post aon, Henry, FlihklU, N. Y., were Gay Hermann, daughter of Mr. She li aurvlved by her nubtnd, M*ln St,, M tttwin, A tull-courii parsonage of St. John's Church on Mra. Wilson Conover, Holmdel and H om e. . ' weekend gueat* of Mr, tad M n. Shower Is Given and Mrs. Karl Hermann, Ravina Theodor* C. VanRoten; two other tu rk e y d in n er w aa se rv e d >h* m en J u ly 31. 1919. * O fficiating a t th e Mr. and M r* Ernest Galtlda, West­ Thurman E. Nealis, Sharon Nealis The neat meeting of th# Middle­ Pr., hai returned home from a ■on*, Theodors C„ South Oion* wedding was the Rev. I. L. Izzird, field. „ returned to flshkill with them lor who war* being Iranaporttd lw bui sex County American Legion Post visit with her uncle ind aunt, Mr. Park, L.I., tnd Louis B., Smith- to ihe WMhor* u part of tht then pastor of the church. Gifta were lent by Harvey Wal­ a week'* itiy Mrs. Panzera and Auxiliary will be held In Laur­ and Mrs. Kenneth Maughler, Red town, L.I.i *lx listers, Mra. Louli teratlon ClnderelltV program, Bouquets of red and white gladi­ ling, M lu Joyce Bennett, William A surpiflae shower w u held In ence Harbor, since that is the homy S ank. On Sunday Mr. tnd M n. John L. Vanderberg, Mri. Ann Stewirt, tch week, t group ot th* pt< oli. white candles and musical clef Rosa Barnes and aon, the Rev. Post of the new commands!1, RoUltf Chamberlain entertained at dinner Mr*. Dorothy Freeae, Mra. Edna honor of Mrs. Dominick Panzers, Mr. and Mra. Rhea Longitreet tlent* li t*k*n on *n outing end and bar favors were table deco­ Norman R. Riley and Mrs, Riley, and bridge. Gutpta were Mr, and Byrnei, all of South Oion* Park, Second St., Keyport, at the home R ath b u n , ...... and children, Alan, Ann Louise and ths varloui Catholic W tr V ttertni rations. A three-tiered wedding Mr, and Mn. A. Gllaoyi and Mra, Petar A. Read and daughter, Mr*. Grac* PeMn, Floral Park; o( Mrs. Frank Schaden, Campbell M n. DiGiovannl alio Included in Nancy, and Mr. and Mn. Karl Poiti la Monmouth County pravld* cake was the centerpiece, Jdrs. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C, Kenneth Margaret Ann,' Mr. and M n. A. L.I., and M n, Florence Marino, St., Union Beach. The ihower waa her report, an aj^wal to all tht Hermann ind children, Gay and th e ir lunch. ' ...... Walker was presented with an or­ Gehlhaus, Mr. Md Mn. Frank Edgar Palm, Mr. and Mrt, Thom** New Hyde Park, L.Li two brother*. given by Mrs. Schaden and Mr$, memben to diapoae of any plastic Gary, accompanied by Mr. and Mra. C*r|n*n P*rl*l tulited Wil- chid and Mr. Walker, a carnation McCleaster, Mr. and Mra. Henri Ande son, M lu Ann Chamberlain, Ferdliyand Lads, Brooklyn, *no James McNamee. ' bags and sheets, because of the Mra. Kenneth Maughler and daugh­ ter Jinkowikl, proprietor ot th* boutonniere. Buffet style refresh­ Hansen, Mr. and Mn- Norman all of Matawan, and Mr. «nd Mr*. George Lodi, South Oion* Park, Decorations were In pink and danger-of their availability to ter, Betty Las, Red Bank, have re­ rsitktirtnt, I* prepirlng th* m**l ments were served by Mrs. Mary Hansen, Mr. ahd M n. Roellf Le­ Robert Birlnger, Morristown. arid sight grandchildren, blue and gifts were arranged in small children. Memben also are turned home from a visit st tnd Mri, AlfrM Tirgowiky, Mri. Ledlg and M n. Helen Pearce. Roy. Mr. and M n. Russell Van' Funeral arrangements will be a decorated bassinette. Favors reminded to check the birthday, Wlndmere Beach, Laurelton. On Saturday Mr. and Mra. J. Joieph Uurlno, tnd Mrt, John J, Party Goesta Pelt and son, Mr. and Mra. Percy under the direction of the Mehlen< dates of their secret pals and to Franklin Dominick and Edwin H. Rtgan,'membera of th* N*w J*r**y wen) miniature bassinettes. A large Guests were M r, «uid M n. Rus­ Bulger, Mr. alid Mrs. Robert Wai­ Ann Louise and Nancy Long- Dominick were the dinner guest* beck Funeral Home, Hulet, Sta,te Cithollo- W ir V*t*raas Hos­ decorated cake was the , table sell Scobey, Miss Marie Hansen, ling sr., Mr. and Mrs. Theodore remember them alao on all holi­ atraet, Foreat Ave., have returned of M n. Harry 0. Jonu, Freehold. pital Committee, helped Mrv* th* centerpiece and a buffet' fupfcr M in . Florence LeRoy, Mlsa Helen Strobe), Mr. and Mn. El wood day s. ' home from a visit with their uncle Mr. and Mr*, Arthur Ward and m**li and hand out packa of clg*> was served. Vanderbilt, Miss Barbara Wood- Monahan, Mrs. Beatrice Cowan, and aunt, Mr. and M n. Kenneth Mental Health Fund reltei, Commander Andrew air* Attending were Mra. Michael house, Mr. and M n. Dyson Wood Mr, and M n. Russell Walling, Mr. Maughler, Red Bank. their granddaughter, Mlie Joyce Ann Ward, returned home Satur­ Is Nearing Goal mak and Jamel C, Day, walftr* Paniera,' Mrs. Joseph Panzera, house. Mr. and M n. Stanley Hyer, and M n. Theodore Bailey, Miss Sodhoppers Set • Miss Marie Kathleen Dietrich has day on the Cunard liner .Brlttanlo officer of the local Poat, *lso par­ Mrs. Nunzlato Patiiera, Mrs. John Mr. and M n. Jesse Nlbblett, Mr. Marie Bailey and Mr. and Mn. Publlo 'contribution! during tho returned to her home, 244 Main latter spending three monthi tour, ticipated In th* lunch*on program, Bean, M rs.' Paiil Schneider, Key­ and M n. Warren Palmer, Mr. and Alvin Walling and son. St., after spending a week at ihe u t month to the Mental llo*lth Up Fair Exhibits Ing tho Brltlm Iilei, ? port; Mrs. Anthony Panzera, Miss Dimmer conference at Blair Acad­ und have puihed the campaign Nalicy Schaden, Woodbrldge; Mrs Membera of the Browntown Sod- emy, Blalratown.; On Saturday Mr. tnd Mr*, Joioph of th* New Jtraty Aiaoclation ftr Dietrich were the dinner gueats of Ann Ryan, Mrs. Erwin Brown, Molnar Inf ant I No Wallpaper At hoppers 4-H Club helped Peter ,M f»rM ary iBorel. ond M rs, Olive Mental Health to within seven bar Mrs,- John .Riker. Mrs. Richard Martens; Middlesex County. 4,H Mr, and Mra. Ralph Norton, Fair cent of Ul H7tyW ‘g0*l, W tiler RIJcer, M rs.i 'Harold .‘ Sloan, Mia. leader, get ready for the couflly Haven,-at the Fort Monmouth Oi l Re*d* Jr.. Red B*nl„ ilete, .— ,.... chair, ^fleers'Club.'. ' Santa pooiera. M r il t Lcrpy Ma£, Christened; 4-jl exhibits a t Dunf>sm'« Coro«r. (linear «r., .T tyior i t d , ' : j men, reported that amaUM* mlow’ thews, Mrs. IrvIn WaDUng, M n. East: Brunswickf where the Middle­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morgello, Mr, and Mn! TKbmal AnderiOrt total ' H i t , M3, ■*» - Increase o f The-Infant daughter of M r/ ahd ;'Th«"e!friifnMtlofl of “waif paper In 109.000 since the lu t monthly re­ David Beaman, Mrs. Evelyn Pro- sex County Fair will be held on U Lower Main St., recently re­ have moved into their nlne At Lavender Hall attended the Cheesequake Fire­ service throughout the state, and herent In the decorating. ing Thdoip*on Jr., Middletown; Mr. men's Annual Picnic. establish a rehabilitation s e rv ic e Members of the G. G. Sewing Not only,are the advantages of and M rs, Jac A. Cushman, Mr. and Warning Against a d em o n stratio n basis in one Club and their husbands enjoyed paint decorating stressed by the M n, Randolph Harris, and Mr. and or two selected counties. Eating Unknowns . ■ dinner Thursday evening ** Laven" Women Dems To Meet models, Mr. Goldman says, but These recommendations are part M ri. Robert Bentley. der Hall. Newtown, Pa. Those in the same point also was made at New low bus rates of a report on short-range and 0b Thunday Mn. Edward W. Children msy develop mild to —the-i-party - were Mr. and Mrs. The Women's Democratic Club of the recent home buyen clinic held Currie entertained at dessert- long-range objectives of the aa- fatal poisoning by eating leaves, Cyrus P. Ross, Mr. and. Mrs. Holmdel Township will hold a by Cantor snd Goldman. More than brldge. Prize winner! were Mn. to Newark sociation recently completed by tb e stems, unrlpened podi Or berries Theodore Bailey, Mr. and Mn. meeting oa Tuesday evening at 1000 a tte n d e d th e four-w eek s e s ­ William Craig, Mr*. Joseph Daisr, planning committee headed b y of certain wild floweri tnd feeds. WUIlam Urstadt, Mr. and Mn. Buck Smith's Restaurant, East sions and this helped to widen the M rt. Joy Roth, Westfield, a founder and Mr*. Paul Egan. Other guests This warning comes from the Uni* James Neldlsger, Mr. and Mn. Keansburg. Mra. Viols Horan, acceptability of the decorating were , Mri. Oerard Devlin, M n. via P. S. Bus # 130 of the asioclstlon who served ss verally of Mlchlgin Medical Cen­ . Roland Emmons, Mr. and Mrs: president of the Women's Demo­ schemes fostered at Sayre Woods Richard Erdmann, Mr*. Renaie- president the first five years. ter, where seven! children hsve William Oertel and Mr. and M n. cratic Chib of .Monmouth County, South. le*r. C*n*n,.lM n. LeRoy fllckeis, been treated for symptom* r*- 1 Pint Northbousd wU be. tbe guest speaker. lO-TltlEiASl Frank McClea^ter. ‘ Mrt; “J/'Raym ond Ketchel *#d •embllng lnn*mmallOn Of Ihe bftln. Frm...... Ntwtrk ■** WMk> Af Mutlc Circus Benefit Y.C.S. Opens Office M n. Howard Erdmann. Th* plant*, most dangerous tr* n o w o h iy . day* L**v** Jlmsenweod aod certain members In Perth Amboy YMCA fa . and. Mr*. William Noddings ii -A, The following from Holmdel sod daughter, Oerah, and Karen of tbe nlghbhkde fimlly, which pro­ Lincroft 7 :1 0 a .m . - CLEAN UP TIME— - Township attended a performance Gardner W.7 Munro, Executive Gvey epmt July V la Atluitic duce high concentration! of alka­ of "The Ziegfeld Follies" at the Secretary of tha Northern Dis­ loid* during the lummcr month* Neptune Music Circus July 77, trict of the Youth Consultstloo C'S r . M d Mr*. H arry M. Munson through August, Potitoe* msy be­ Matawan 6 ‘ ° 7 :2 7 a .m . WANTED when the Monmouth County Demo­ Service h u announced that lh* Mr*. Cht/lM Lockwood and come poisoooui It th* tubtr ha* cratic Executive Committee held a Y .C ^ Opened an extension office In r*a, C*ndy and Chsrles Jr., been exposed to sunlight tod ha* turned green, i*yi th* Unjvenlty SayrcWoode Old furniture — Diihet — Books. benefit performance; Townahlp Perth Amboy on July 24. The new sjXist last week at Teedyuskung, 6 4# 7 :3 5 a .m . Committee Candidate Robert Cben- office Is located at the Y.M.C.A., ol Michigan fclenlltt ■ Glassware, Etc., Etc, . owetb and M n. Cbenoweth and 182 Jefferson S t, telephone Valley Oa J&ly » Mr*. Frank H. Bliss guests, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baslsta, (47(2 and will be open on Fridays. e n te rta in e d a t * luncheon *1 BuU •' . - B en efit et . Parent* Ot Daughter Arrives Newark 8:15 a.m. Mrs. Walter Smale and daughter, 71m northern district' services toawood Manor, followed by bridge frefteau Fire Co. and Ladies Auxiliary Mira. Louis Raikasky, Mrs. A. Union, Middlesex, Somerset snd *t h«r bom*, Prize winner* wire Mr, *nd M n. Andrew Ofrmak, Try this fast, convenient, low*cost Marie Smith and sister of Old Monmouth Counties, M n; am or* Kattner. Mra. Conrad 101 A tlantic A v*.. M a tsw a n Town* Call: LO 6-3064 Manor Estates, Mrs. Agnes Nowes- Yqpth Consultation Service Is is JofeaaMM and Mn. Berth* 6. ship, a rt the parent* of a daughter, Me and three guests, Maurice agency of the Episcopsl Church and Schsack. Other guests wers Mra, b o rn W ednesday, A ug. I , 1941, la service direct to thc heurt of Newark ;. . (We Will Pick Up) Manor. Also M n. George Theo­ Is equipped to offer professional Letter Sfckri*, Mrs. Paul Bilh, Perth Amboy IlMpttil. ID* baby bald. Boynton Beach, Fla, and counseling to young people and M n ,: WUU*m> J . R s b r l, a a d M r*, weighed t*v«n pound), two ounce*, PUBLIC SERVICE COORDINATED TRANSPORT U n . Charles Johaaoo, Keypori. t b e i r 'p u t n t s , ' ' rnM M fClK. Ptdertck. aad ba* beta aamsd Andres Jans, 6 , Y f lg r S ix .. the m ataw am* JOURMAl Thmdoy, Avjjint 1959 — Marks 76th Birthday Smiths Feted Congratulations Extended Awards Presented PIan* for Sal* Bankers Unit To A W psg* adveitkiag aeetlaa Mr*. Louis WTlson, Texas Rd.*v ast— risg iha niH titias har- Morganville, celebrated her 76th On Anniversary Scouts From Area gadat bayi^nra *h*ppasra a i . M Plan For Banquet faixthdaCoft July 21 Sbe was takea' and colorful ctrfr aa tab la Kaypaat darlag th* lo lundN i^ Buttonwood Manor* Mf, tad Mn. Martin Smith tr, Trustee* and oflicen of the Mos- lint aaaoal ~SMawalk napplag Matawaa, by ber granddaughters, M orjtnvttle, were honored oo Sat­ Bwoiea at Tecumseh Rock oo the mouth County B ukenaad Stearin* laatM a," a thre»4ay ereat Miss Charlotte W itters and Mis* urday evening at a surprise an- Forestburg Scout Reservation, House Association will meet tonight opealag Thunday, Aag- U , aid Marie EMers. later she w *s d riv e n niveriasy party at Saint Gabriel’s N.Y., were featured at tbe council at the Shadowbnuk Restaurant. eofiag aa Keypad D*y, Aag. IS, to Barnegat by ber daughter, Mrs. Hull, Bradeveit The party wat camp-fire July 25 and a repeat Shrewsbury, to plan the orgauiza at I p.m-, wig be piihBihed aext Frank Valters, Cliffwood Beach, given by their children, The table performance took place this past tion’* annual banquet and election week la Use Matawaa JtaraaL her other two childra are Mrs. was decorated with a bouquet of Saturday, according to Oscar New­ of officers, next month. Harold W qulst, Fair Haven, camp chair­ Keypert (tares, cheek M l af Willing, vice president. Peoples WiUiam Ehlers, Cheesequake, and floweri m a stand that had the ■silHaaiHag shanplag valuea, wlB Harding Wilson, Morganville. celebrated year "SS" oa it. They m an for Monmouth Council, Boy National Bank, Keyport, wiU pre­ resaala *pea a^U I* pjn. H aar»- received many gifts. Scouts of America. A total of 148 side u president of the associa­ m erit badges in out-of-door sports dajr aad Fifday aad dasa al I tio n . . Those attending were the Rev. and skills were awarded July 23. pja. Satarday, Aag. U. la ad- He will be assisted by Nathan Leaders Ready John Novak, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Awards to troop memben in this ta sidewalk steads, Fraat W. Dey, vice president. Mon moo th Lambanon, Mrs. Albert Taber cr., SL, which wlB ba da*ed u ve- County National Bank, Red Bank, Mr. and, Mrs. Louis Lubeck, Mrs. area included; Troop 11, Cliffwood Beach, Adrian Dieckman, Roger hlcalar traffic fraoa Mala t* Os- who also Is vice president ot the For Round Tables Leo Hourihaa and daughters, Shar­ hasa S4^ irUI ba atUlaad a* a organization, and by Thomu H. on, Karen, and Linda, Mr. and M n. Dunn, Robert Grace, Roger Peter, In preparation for round tablet Patrick Phelan and John Yuschak, pedntriaa aaatt. August Boldt, Mrs, Joseph LaMura Knecht, assistant vice president, for the 133}-{t scout year a semi­ second class; Richard Galbreath, Five free mimlfipally aperatad Allenhurst Natkna! Bank and Trust nar on operations of round tables sr.. Mr. and Mrt. Charles Piosky patldag M s, located la tbe heart sr., Mr. and Mrs. Louis Becker and John Martin u d Thomas Wright, Company, the association’s secre­ wu held at the Oakhurat Head­ first class; George Bower, camp­ • i th* basinets district, wlB be quarters, Monmouth Council. Boy daughter, Joan, Mra. Edward Beck­ tary and treasurer. - ing, rowing and cooking; Michael mad* available ta shoppers tak­ Scouts of America. er, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Konowa­ ing advantage al tba three day The trustees who will be partici­ low and daughters, Patti and Kathl, Decker, cooking and pioneering; pating include J. Joseph McVey, Representing the Chingarora Dis­ all of Morganvllle. . Adrian Dieckman, camping; Roger vice president Atlantic Highland; trict were Willifm Weintraub, Mat­ Dunn, camping; Richard Gal­ awan, assistant district commis­ . Alao Mr. and Mrs.’ Robert God- National Bank; Merle Simpson, breath, camping and cooking; sioner in charge of. Cub Scout lewski, Freehold; Mr. and Mrt. cashier. Belmar-WaH N a tio n a l Robert Grace, camping; John WilUam Thompson, Hazlet; Mr. Bank; William C. Johnson Jr., round tables, and A. Jacksod Boice, O’Shea, pioneering and canoeing; MCOSS Funds Go Hazlet, neighborhood commission­ awl/M ri. John Wilson sr. and cashier, Keansburg-Middleiown Na. Roger Peter, camping; Ernest e r of C ub P a c k 130, H azlet, chUdren, Robert and Lawrence, tional Bank; Everett T. Cauffman, Shortridge, wildlife management sponsored by the Raritan Pott 73. East Freehold; Mr. tnd Mn. Toward Research cashier. Asbury Park and Ocean an d forestry; Thomas Wright, American Legion, Keyport, and Japies Smith, Fair Haven; Mr. and Grove Bank, and J. Donild Miller, cam ping. Funds from t h e Monmouth assistant at Cub Scout round tablet. Mrs. Harold Kramer, Matawan; cashier. Fanners and Merchants Also Troop 73, Matawan, Michael C ounty 1958 C h ristm a s Seal D riv e National Bank, Matawan. Both attended the'Cub,Scout te*^ Mr. and Mra. Richard Cottrell and are being used, in Colorado where Sarrafate Edwaid C. Braege, (right), p rn a li certificate ts Arthar VaaSasklrk, (* I n a left), Zelwak, canoeing merit badge; The /our past presidents serving skm of the seminar. children, Muriel, Gene, and Rob­ a research project is going on to county Civil Defense Radchem e**r- , Victor. MorgaAvitle, ire ipendlng.a M ataw aa . Uagdeaa HaU, U DMrita SL Sunday a trv le e *nd Sunday represented at 'tha camp this sum­ gram for the faU and winter months the first round table for scouten Y*€*|faa. In Florida vljitlng Mr. Rev. Chetter A. Galloway, At 7:30 p.m. there will be a School; 11 ajn. Wedneiday. teati- mer. Only 14 Troops in the county Tha current project, financed will be reviewed. of the Chiogarora District will be through the state fund, is. being Alt’s mother...... P a tto r Theocratic Ministry School written mooy meeting S p.m. Reading room did not participate, Mr. Newqulst held on Mooday, starting it 7:31 conducted by Dr. Morgan Berth- Mr, and Mrt. Raymond Cottrell At the ona morning service at review o n ie u o n t 17 to 70 in open Wednetdty ’ t ii dv Saturday taid. - ■ —..... p.m. In St John'i Metfaotfist “Equipped For Every Good Work;" from 1 to 4 p.m. rong of Glockner-Penfose Hospital Pomelo Schiele Guest Church Educational Building, Flor­ and children, Harmon, Raymond I:# a.m ..on Sunday, the guest and Robert, Stanford, Conn., are C hapter 1 In “ Y our W ill B e D one How spiritual understanding of in Colorado Springs. Dr. Berthrong At Farewell Party ence Ave., Raritio TowAdUp. .... speaker will he the Rev. William has found in previous research that spending a vacation • with Mrs. On Earth” and Chapter* » to IS God healt tlcknet* ai well as *in Open Campaign Blanche. Emmons and son,; N. Wyiham," D.D., W hola Chair In From Paradite Lott To P»rmdlje tubercle bacilli, the gprms that O n Ju ly iparen Frlet, daughter will be brought out at Christian Mrt. Martin Smith jr, and chil­ hi an of the Department of Func­ Regained. Service meeting is at cause tuberculosis, grow more of Mr. andI Mrs. Donald Frlet, Barbecue Hosts " Science aervicea Sunday.. ''Spirit’’ readily ln cells from normal ani­ Matawan, entertained *( * fare­ dren, Martin III, Barbara Lynn tional Service* of the Commission S: 30 p.m . w ith th e . them e; “ E x­ For Home Fund pressing Loyal Love' To Gpd and is the subject of the leston-sennon. mals than in cells made immune well party In honor of Pamela Mr and M n. Loul* Robbins u d and Christine, visited Mrs. Paul pn Ecumenical Mission and - Ro- 7he 50th Anniversary Building HI* Kingdom Heir.” ■ . to tuberculosis. He plans to com­ Schiele who h u moved with her children, Roberttvllle, entertained Aniold ,ar. and family on Saturday. Ittion* ol tto United PresbyUrian Readings from the King Jame* md Expansion Fund campaign of Every Saturday at. Titt p.rr pare cells from guinea pigs Im parents to Rutnaon. ' !_ it a barbecue on Sundiy evening. Miss Muriel Cottrell, Smith- Church, H r co-ordinates the serv­ erjlon of the Bible will lndude he Family and Children's Service Spanish study .1* cfqducted munlzed with tubercle bacilli with Guettt wefe Sharon Tuttle, Bar* Guett* w ere' Mrs. • Hazel - Robbins, burg, Is (pending a few days visit­ ices of tbe Committlon in many of Monmouth. County was started Kingdom Haa ; oriit Jetut1 promise (John 14: those immunized with typhoid vac­ bara Myers, Barbara Shaffer, Mn. Louis Royle Ind ion, Lee ing M itt Vivien Owens. countries, overteat through Chrlt- this week with the announcement A public discourse wijl be hclu |2>: “Verily, verily, I lay unto cine to determine whether or not Robin Bliss, Jane Gregory, Grace Robbins, Cheesequake; Mr. and Mr, .and Mn. Frank Smith and Uan liter*tura, stewardship educa­ that 17 per cent of the 383,000 goal Sunday tt 3 p.m. Topie wlll be this resistance Is specific. He also Morltio, Jo an Eggen, Ronnie MM. Kenneth Loung and children, tons, Frank and John, have return­ tion and Industrial evangelism. Dr. you, He that believeth on me, the has been pledged in pre-campaign "Why Are There So Many Rellg- plans to administer cortisone to see Gorlufsen, ChUg Black, Joseph Keyport: Mr. and Mra. Harold ed to Newark after spending three Wysham alto supervises the re­ works that 1 do shall he do alio; contributions. lona?” The question* "Are' there if this has any effect in raising Kadrek, BlUie Hammond, Ronald W ilten, Freehold; M n. Blanche week* with Mr. and Mrt. Martin search work of the Commission. and greater works than these ahall Edward H. Conway, president of many way* to worship God?’’ and or lowering immunity. Raven, Walter McBride. Robert Eath. South Amboy, tnd Boland Sm ith ar, F rom 1921 to 1936. Dr* W ysham he do; became I go unto my the Red Bank Community Cham­ "What la the right w ay?r wUI ba Brown, Tommie Metuch, Jimmie. Seeley, Browntown. Mrt. louli Hyer has returned w u a mltalontry ln Irtrrwhere he F a th e r ," ber of Commerce, who ls acting as These studies could be of sig­ answered. ■ ■ . v Gunkle, Spencer Hyman, ind John home from' the hospital where ahe w u stationed at Teheran. He It a From “Science and Health with campaign treasurer, aaid that $15,­ nificance since the only vaccine The Watch tower study ,1a Meet­ Coatello. - U ye*n from today, many young was a turglcal patient: member of the Near Eaat Com­ Key to the Scriptures" by Mary 300 hat been received In cash and against TB, BCG is of debatable ing Today's Need* of tba Sheep. effectiveness, according to Mis* A cookout tupper w u served, men and women wUI. be itudylng Michael Welsh Is a patient al mittee of the Foreign Miulons Di­ Baker Eddy the following wUI be pledget, Leon Zuckermtn. cam- and the guests took part in a la college, their way paid through Monmouth Medical Center. vision and the Joint Committee of read (310:7): “Chrlit, Truth, w it palgn c h a irm a n , sa id th e $15,300 Dorothea Kllem, of Ocean Grove, Cliffwood CM Baaalt* scavenger hunt, followed by danc­ tavins NOW In VI. S. S av in g * Mist Ron Kircher, Lakewood. the United Mitsion in Inq. Hit ex- demonstrated through Jesus to MCOSS TB nune supervisor. - .filslhiilst rVirrk represents contributions made by ing and games. . Bonds. ____ Is spending’ a vacation witb Mr. peVienCttn United Presbyterian and prove tbe power of Spirit over the ‘ Rvtl Leoa Zlnldar, Paator several organizations and individu­ arid.Mrs. L6ult/Hy*r. lawrdenotnlnattoaal fork, both.at flesh, to show that Truth la mads The' worthlp tetvice «IU ba at al* during the preliminary planning Mr. and M rt. Kenneth M iM r h*4 gasnlfest,by itt effects upon the Two Area Residents Sdtne and abroadi maka Wtn em- S Mn. when tha Rev. Francis _ . .. -- ,ol the campaign prior to its ot- as dinner guests on, Sunday evening n r ...... ■ - - lfi,j oefltly fitted to Interpret th t warld Osterstock, pattor of the Bayview j ST^Vi. 8®Wiy getting underway this week. Nursing School Grads Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vytr'n.itua aiefcnes* arid destroying sA."' ifnlna Leroy V*n- ^E dvln^D ue SS3; th* . Sayrevllle 1 CUffwood Beach* to the orgsuiizatton at s public two yean instead of the traditional PelL The next toclal meeting will ■ It. Joiepb’* Ctrarth Methodist Church will be' the guest '; ; Rev. Frtncli Osteritock auction for (I. "This Is an Ideal th re e ...... be held at the home of, M n. Van- Maple PU-Kaypart speaker tt the worship service ' :. P a sto r location for a building ol this A reception for members of the PeU . . - ’ Rev Cornelia* J.K ana.Pastor Sohdsy at I , Sunday School type," Mn; Evans said, "and clu* ind their guettt will be beld M asses w in b e h e ld 8uaday morn . At the 9:30 a.m. wonhlp tervice at 10 t.m . with classes for all ages'. many persons htve indicated a In Auxiliary Hall immediately fol­ Ottr Hew Interest Rate Of inf at 7, *, 8 .10 and II o’clock.. on Sunday, tbe guett preacher will The annual harvest home suppef willingness to assist us now that lowing the cerempnles. ha- th», R*y. Charlet Hooker, as­ will be held, dta Thursday, Aug. li< we have the site.” WEAR ' St. Bcaedlct'* Chnrch sociate director of radio and tele­ at ,J;>0 .and «!30 ‘li.m. AU *eatt ' Plans for the proposed building, ' 1 Holmdel Schaal vision for the New Jeney Council a re reserv ed . c * ll LO 8-1K3 for- Compounded Quarterly prepared by James Mancuso, Long VFW Auxiliary Plans Holmdel Rd., Hotmdal_ of Churchet. Coffee wiU be terved ntervadon*. ! . i WHITE Rev. Edward P. Bitaka, Paator in the fellowihlp hall following the Branch architect call for a one- Two-Day . Calcs Sale Slsct Jtly 1st, when tie 1% Interest rate taak efikct^ mate story colonial buUdlng' with 3500 M usea ar* held Sunday at I, 1 K rv lc * . ’• Flnl MettodW Church M ssla thaa cvar an< saving, mtoey regularly ii thia Ixksdly square feet o! floor space. The The Ladle* Auxiliary of the and .11 a.m.. Confessions will be 14f M ala SL, M ataw aa htsL We lnvlte yon la loin them. Kiypad Saforoed C3nrck organization now has less than 900 Veterans of Foreign Wars to Save for the rewards yon w att most heard one-half hour before each Rev. Frank B. SM ettai, Pastor ■quart feet to carry on it* function Guadalcanal Post 474S, CUffwood, m a ts : . W artaa SL, Keypert Divine worship aervlcet sre held a* the only adoption agency In the will sponsor a cake sale Friday R*v. Rodfrick N. Deyeuai, Sundty at t-43 and 11 ajn. with County and to provide counselling and Saturday at the beachfront in 1 (M a au a t Lath*raa Chart* ■ '■ Puter ■ the preaching by the.Rev. Charles tor troubled families, children with CUffwood Beach starting at 9 a.m. Maple FL, Keyport The Rev, Frederick'Mold, putor S. Gray. , A nuraery j* held for problem* and unmarried mothers. Mrs. Elizabeth Hubert Is‘'general Rev, Frederick Boo*. Putor of th* Reformed Church In Free­ young children during the 11 a.m. ch a irm a n . Thera tr* two service* on Sun­ hold, and.Stated Clerk of the service. Ch»r«:' -I ligaraa la help yoa VALUE- I Ut 1* S» I* 4,1* k-vil:W . I r m- uiuL i-a. i-u. •:». hS. icm I BATE THE SOCKET. 1 fJMa;ftnrHlv . I *:M r.Mt., (ai. • M ay, tnai Od* 1 . 8 2 i « • « « « • VALUt-RATE tht ROCKET I • r.M, laadaya * MMaja •MML ttnm *lt«. Urm F r i 1 m n*— .am m u *1^, Sea. *BeU«ayw ■ AMOW ioou Avmotum otuunr o u u n U MMaltkk S ntaja * BalUtra \ > .VJ pfas tax L •^Mtsdajs Oitf *^M«a«ait - I »» (VaTM IASUM ... Save Tine - Save Money - Save Your Car - No Parking Problems n a v a l u i c a r o r t h i m i d i u m p w c i c u u s i Drop Us a-Card it IIS Broadway, Keypad aad Wa V ia Place You ro Om Halllag Ust f*t Schedola diajign

AFFIUATTO KOUO rRANSIT J0HN$(HV— GfBB MOTOR <0^ 110 Mait Straet, Matawaa T ou ctn lid* hi fn n t — s h a s rou get your own used car In tha W a n t A dsl” Phona CO 4«2222 ...II—».|M ..... Thtmdoy, August 6,1959 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL Pbg* Sevan Princess May Ham Radio Technique Used To Contact South Polo boards of educatioa as boards try area. wUI be the O arta gut* of residence the program pH lo- Enrollment To te meat th* school building needs. Doggie Show Friday, Aug. II, at dude a miniature gott tounam en, Last year some school districts 3 p.m. at the Band Pavilion. ' photo contact, boardwalk trask voted down building plans carefully ChotJsc Award Opea to ail youngsters 'up to meet, iwimmlng and dlyiAg meeC Pass MOlion developed to meet real seeds; 14-years-of-age, regardieu of place and fishing contest at Sunset Lake. The miss who wins tbe coveted Public school enrollments will such defeats merely postponed tha New Jersey State Seafood Princess Pail tha million pupil mark (hli meeting of real needs and con­ Con Jest a t Point Pleasant on Satur­ September tor the first time la demned more pupils, to double d ay . A ll*. 15, will h a v e a choice tha atate's history. Thla prediction sessions and substandard claaa- between two awards. The new ia made by Dr. Frederick M. Rau- room s.” . $ rjncess, to be (elected as part of blnger, State Commissioner of Edu­ ELECTRIC HEATING ; thf Ocean County Big Sea Days The commissioner vigorously cation, In looking toward the school championed tha College Bond Issue F u n F e s tiv a l Aug. 11 to IS, w ill be problems of tha coming year, ESTIMATES AND - offered either a week-long trip to on which citizens will vote Nov, 3. Tha etate’a shortages of toacheri The expansion of Rutgers, Newark Bermuda for herself and a female FREE INFORMATION and of dauroom i will cantinua to friend, or a $500 U. S. Savings College of Engineering, and the ait be serious, Dr. Raublnger lays, Bond. State Colleges ii necessary if bur and will continue to handicap the current high school or elementary ZIEGLER BROS. LO 6-6219 The contest, sponsored by Ihe regular program of instruction. The puplli are to have adequate col­ New Jersey State Seafood Industry, commissioner alao ii concerned lege opportunities,»rL un he declared. In cooperation with the State De- lest increasing, and often conflict­ . partment of Conservation and Eco­ ing, pressure! for quick changes nomic Development, is open to all in our school programs work con­ Youthrwt eek Program ; New Jersey girls between the ages trary to good education. Save On Meats Stt AlH i ttbury Park ■ "Of 17 and 25, who are unmarried The million puplla predicted for and not professional models. FRESH KILLED next year repreaent a gain of more A colorful list of events desig­ : If the new princess, who will be than 300,000 in Uw laat five years nated to appeal to all youngsters Ib - selected by a panel of newsmen alone. Dr. Raublnger aayi. an d will highlight the 14th annual city- CHICKENS 2 9 should chose to take the Bermudg adda thii li not the end. We will sponsored youth week program at trip, she "Ind her companion may increaie our enrollmenta another Anbury Park Aug. 17 to 22. It was All Cleaned ROASTING-FRYING Ready To Code journey to the Caribbean isle by 200,000 in ths next five yean, he announced by Mayor Thomaa F, either boat ot plane. They will be predicts, At the lame time more Shebell, honorary chairman. A feature of the youth festival, which M & S Meat Market housed at I luxury resort hotel, and Julius Madey (left) and his brother, John, show Dr. Mattbew J. Brennan (eeater) ham n t l technique and mor* of our puplla are In high Will be given a deluxe island tour. they used to contact him at the South Pole last year. Dj. Brennan, who waa with ths K5Y al j adltlea la school. High schooil will have (000 attract! thousand! of participating COIfax 4-9807 W. Front St, Keyport - Ta Select 2* Finalists the Antarctic, met his long-distance callers (or the first time at the Rutgers University Summer Seta Ian, more student; next year than they youngsters annually from a wide The final day of the Big Sea where he Is.an Instructor and young John is a apeclal student- - did thla year, a gain of nearly - - -Days Festival will be a busy one 18 per cent...... Two young men who received eys' first South Pole contacts last accompanied Vice President Rich foi1 th e j o princess finalists, who wide acclaim Iasi year for their year when the youngsters gained ard M. Nixon on hil South Ameri­ Coacera Over TaMhar Shortage will, be selected from a field of ha ti radio operating exploits in international recognition. can tour. , nearly tot applicants representing "Everyone must be concerned at connection with “Operation Deep­ - •‘-all parts of the state. The big day A station scientific leader wltb What has been their biggest the ihortage of good teachera,” freeze" in the Antarctic have es­ Commissioner RUbMgor saya. Will stirt with t luncheon and re­ IGY expedition to the Antarctic, Dr. thrill? Julius aald lhat would be tablished a 'first' at Rutgers Uni­ "Last year w* had nearly 0000 ception for Gov. Robert B. Meyner, Brennan said "it was a rare day' their contact with Dr, Vivian Fuchs versity. The two, Julius, 19, and teachers who did not meet our who wili serve as grand marshal when he was not in contact with at the South Pole on requeat from John Madey, 18, Clark, operating standard state certification require­ for the Big Sea Days parade. Con­ either Julius or John. "They were tbe British Broadcasting Corp.. their own transmitter again have great morale boostera aad often which had been unable to, reach ments. This la one teacher In leven, test judging will follow at 3:30 p.m contacted the South Pole, thla were our only contact with the out­ the famous explorer. BBC Dlret a n d o v er 200,000 p u p lli a ra tau g h t at the Point Pleasant Beach School time from a Rutgers dormitory, Athletic Field, side world." Dr. Brennan is a tor General Sir Ian Jacobs cabled by theie teachers at some time John, a senior at A. L. Johnson during the school ye*r. Hie number 'The new princess and her court member of the . Fitchburg, Mass., hit congratulations to the ^young Regional High Scliool, Springfield, hai been inereulng every y«|r lor will ride on a specially built float S|ate Teachera College faculty and ham operator. ■ ' is attending the Science Training the laat decade. While we now are in the iwo-mlle pig Sea Days pa­ lives in Fitchburg. The Madey brothers both became Program for Secondary School Stu­ holding our ground ia the . ' lade, which steps off up Ocean The Madey brothers, who hsve Interested tn radio at an early age dents at the Rutgera University elemeniiry schools, we are starting Ave. at 5 p.m. After a short rest, enough equipment at home - for Julius built his first tube outfit at Summer Session^ Julius, who will to feel the pinch in hl|h schools, three radio stations, have per­ the age of eight; following, up more r ■ ahe will be whisked off to the enter the Rutgers freshman class formed many invaluable services youthful succeases with crystal where our enrollments are Increas­ Coronation Ball at Sea Girt Inn, next month, went to New Bruns­ ing rapidly. Whefe ihe will receive her brown for the men In Antarctica! By use aeta, and built a television re­ wick to visit when he learned lhat "At the same time wi should from the retiring - princess. Miss of phone “patches” they were able ceiver wjien he was in the sixth university officials had given his recognise that our state certifi­ Louise Errleo, West Long Branch. to let the expiorera talk to their grade. Both boys have established brother permission to operate a cation atandarda are minimum The runner-up in the .beauty families ln the United Slates. And friendships with ham operator! In ham aet In his room. standard!. Not every teacher who derby will receive a $50 Savings with a facsimile machine they alio all parts of the world. Julius, who John's first Rutgers contact meets them tl the kind of teacher Bond with a 129 bond to go to the transmitted photographs ot new ly now has a pen-pal In East Cjer with the South Pole was made on we would want for our own .chil­ third p|ace winner. ' born babies to the fathers ln Ihe many, said they have made seVeral July 10 at 6:03 a.m., when he Uik- dren. I hope boards of education -*-■AlianUceWII Bt M, e. * ...... expedition,- -...... contacts with eperitoif "lif the fcd to ]iersonneI at 'the'M arie' Byrd will devote every effort thii year ' Director James K. Allirdice of Longest CaU Conrad II.M t Miles Soviet Union and find them vpry Station. Fcom his dormitory room to Improving the quality of all the Ocean County Board of Frei- friendly. | he also has contacted Morocco, Their longest call covered (bout teachers since this is the moit ef­ hoideriagain will serve at m uter "They, ths Ruislans, will talk Coita Rica. England and points all 16,000 miles. This came about when fective ilngle way to provide better of ceremonies at ths contest finals. over the United States. Dr, Brennan, informed them that about anything, but tAnd to shy schools. . The, fun (estival will open with Interested Observer ' - away from political Issue*," h» re­ he wanted to call Alexandria, "The only way we can meet our children's day on T uesday, An interested observer of the Egypt, from (he South Pole. The p o rte d . ' classroom needs la to build new Planned is a.beachfront treasure* Madey brothen technlque at Rut­ boys promptly fixed a phone Of Juliui, ISM winner o f. the hunt and-two performances of achoola. Despite the construction of gers Is Dr. Matthew J. Brennan, “patch” ahd put the call through. General Electric Edison ' Radio 2200 d a a sro o m s last y e a r, 3500 Mills Brothers-three-ring circus on who has taught at the Stat? Uni­ They also have been In contact Amateur Award, General "Biitch” more still are needed urgently to tbe grounds of Point Pleasant's versity's summer science program with every Russian sputnik and Griswold said at the presentltlon Ocean Rd. School. Wednesday will care for Increased enrollments snd f o r e le m e n ta iy teach era since 1953. American satellite put In orbit, and dinner, “We ought to -hire this to replace obaolete facilities. Hfre feature a block'dance and dancing Dn Brennan was one of the Mad- with the ham radio station that bo y .” . . . contest. Awards will be,made for a too moit boirdi are planning number of types of dancing, In­ reallitlcally, but lt takes a long eluding both tlw waltz and rock time to move from plans to a 'n roil. .Thursday will be spotlighted school building with, puplli ac­ by a beachfront fireworks exhibi­ tually enrolled. tion, and a band concert the pair course at The Signal School, TRIM ft DICK INAMILS rains during the last few. weeks Force." He Is a graduate of Mat­ Forrestal participated in various Fort Monmouth, Sgt. Smith enter­ have sent the marsh mosquito •littering durability In *l|Mesa baaullfsl awan High School, Clau of 1959. national and North Atlantic Treaty ed th e A rm y ln 1945. A g raduate birth rate soaring along the New salers far a mMliliada af ^vrpaiti, Marina ! Airman Wilson wai selected for Organization (NATO) exercises. On of Johnstown, Pa., Central High Je riey coast, according tp: Dr. uaalNiaHan, ttlfher elan far any surfasi enlistments by scores achieved! on her return trip to U)e states, ihe School, He attended Newark Col- trial Midi thst ipsrhllny laekl la illr ap. Balleyl peRser, liead of -the De- the Airmail Qualifying Examina­ took part in U. S. Second Fleet legs of Engineering. t, ; partrtteht ‘ ef EntoimoWEy, ‘ Rutgera ailed, laae lasting, tavah watrini, Drisi tion, an aptitude test which is .ad- operations." ' . ' you’ll wint thit d reim biumint rapidly, )M I qt, up, , - University. The result Is oae'of the mlniiteted’to each Air Force ap­ ' “Arms And The Man” ’ worstttiosquitirsummerj in several plicant- prior to enlistment. He waa Arrives la Italy . Applies Te Cap*. Tallman In your now homo. A truly modern yeS rs; -v- ■; '• -­ selected'for.the mechanical apti­ U.S. Army Sp. 4 R obert With some poetic license. Georg* biMinort to r recreatlOQ, hobble* Said Dr, Pepper: “Salt marsh Bernard. Shaw’s "Arms and the tude jndex iand' while at Lackland Zielinski, Mstawan, recently ar­ i n d storage. H ire it the key to mosquitoes, deposit .their eggs on will be Interviewed by a career rived in Kaples, Italy, and now Man" mjfeht be applied 10 Capt. I t — in ell metal weetfiertlght the mud flats. The eggs can re­ guidance counselor. His aptitude Is a member of Allied Forces, ftster^ftiflm an, Holmdel. com­ main there dormant for as long as scores, past' experience and - train­ m a n d e r o f C o m p an y B, 309th R eg­ , ’BUco. It supplementi the Inikfa (PAR VARNIIH five years and the area will be ing will be reviewed and he will iment of the 71th Division, at FofJ s ta ir to give you wide, dfract Water slssr —far latarlar er iaterlar le rfaiii. relatively free of mosquitoes. But have the opportunity to express a Dix for two weeka of annual n - K eeps meiiy trifflc out when the flats are flooded as they job preference. „ , . s e n te tra in in g . keen. were thii year.by unusually high Part of hli basic training will be CapL Tallman ia president of t h i o f flnt floor rtwmi. Mikei itor- U9UID SLASt OUTIIDI OR PAINT tides and torrential rains the eggs devoted to familiarization with and New Jeraey Antique Arms Col­ i f * Msy. Provldet the route to Ihraa mlldaw lahlkltaats — assailant sevsrln|. hatch and we have lots of. mos­ firing ol weaponi, to marches and lectors and la a member o f the ' s a fity In i n emergency. quitoes.’1 _ x - - camping - out, but the major part Amerjcan Orfnasce.. Association, of his training will be ipent in National Rilfeman'a Assoclstlon, A Bileo i i t h i modern nptaea- A L K Y P P U T WALL P A IN T actual classroom studies, much as Company of M ilitary Collectors and m erit lot thlt old wonft'ut wood Irsiliei ar rails stilly —laa* lu llaf, he did In higtf school. These class­ Historians \and the Monmouth f Where can j es in addition to refresher courses County Hlatorlcal Society. httchwey on your present home. in .. math. • personal hygiene and The captain, who served with th# ACRVUC MAUR first aid, are . designed to help Eighth Army In Korea, hai been Dries la I I nlaifai. j I find an j familiarize him . with Air Force with the J09th for ilx yeara. He is life, and what will be expected of a graduate ot Staunton Military him as an airman. j extermr^"'* Academy and Bowdoln College ia ' Airman Wilson was processed for Brunswick, Me. -and owns the enlistment by T/Sgt. Joseph T. Ironbound Box and Lumber Con»r Soboul. of the Red Bank Recruit­ CUSTOM TINTING p a n y . . > ~ y ing Office. Capt. Tallman Uvea with M» AT NO IXTRA COST Arrives In Germany wife, Susan, and their three chB- C allus fir free “How-to- m a n a o h i a m t ia ih io in t h i a it U.S. Army SgL Eugene L. Charle* dren at. Cannon Hill Farm, Tht I m t a l M t ” f i M e r , a r w i c a n Mr iro m bois jr., - whose wife, Barbara, ,0 1 MIXINO AND lUNDINC ANT'COiOR OR division ended Ita training perioj •V ftiet a eejapetant werkmin. and' parents live at 18 Vanethel at Fort Dl* on Saturday. i I SHAOI DISIMD. ' Dr., Matawan, recently arrived in Germany-- and now ie » member Oradutas Ai Fart Bragg ‘ of the Mth Infantry Division; ; SP. 4 ROBERt ZIELINSKI - U.S. Arm^ P vt John T. Ji A COMPLETI LINE OF QUALITY BRUSHES Sgt Chartebois.-a squad leader If, son of Joieph Slovenz jr. in Company .A of the division’s Southern Europe headquarters.-Sp. Third St., Keyport, waa gradual 31st Infinity, entered the Army in Zielinski, a draftsman in the head­ July 24 from the 12nd Alrboi A pril 1957 a n d l i s t w a s statio n ed quarters, entered the Array in Division Jump School at Fort MAST CARTER PAINT FACTORIES J a n u a r y 1951 an d - receiv ed b asic Bragg. NX:. . at Fort Campbeli/'Ky. - WORLD'S LARGEST OPERATION OF ITS KIND T h e 24-year-old so ld ier is a 1054 training at Fort Dix- Pvt. Slovenz received ’Jill para- LU M B ER CO. graduate of Lincoln High School, ife last was stationed at the Chiust wlngi after completing four D m FHaadly h m k t Y a r d Jersey City, and attended Jersey Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. weeks of intensive ground and NEW JE R IE Y — Was I m in i — Long Branch — Matawaa, ilw y 14, LO MM4 t- Perth Amboy City Junior College. Before enter­ Sp. Zielinski. 29. ton of Mr. and aerial training which Included five lOwel 6*4500-4501 ■ i k . • . “ • . ■ - aatffe J U t iy , H ( | U, PA 14174 - Middlelowa • Red Baak - Uolee Baack, Ilw y H , CO fT IH ing tbe Army, he war employed Mra. Felix ZlellmU, 27 New Bruns­ paradnte Jumpi. He entered tho lUeafla P art — PialafleM — West Orange — Newark — I , Newark U *d « — Cllflilde Part - / lannM M iiiH by tbe Pennsylvtnia Railroad, New wick Ave., is a U57 graduate of Army In December 1*51 and earn- SotytUa Ave,, Matawan t f w h m York. ' ■ • • • ' M atafan Hlgb ScbocL pleted basic training al Fort Dl*. Pq8« figihi THE MATAWAN JOURNAL Thursday; August 6, 1959

who had not 'been contacted and Terriers, Angels Award Contract wished to sign still could do so. Furthering Flans Tfaes Mr. Holmes produced the p etitio n t a d s a id th e r e w e re 71S (continued from page one) Need Next Two For New Route IU tigaers to be added nutsidr the cars ready for Inspection at 3 p m. area of the Village te th e S4 at the parking lot behind the Moo- TU> ana’s loo entries b thc Highway System signers srithia the Village all favor­ mooth County National Bank. WiSuMMtEXkwM? IH 2 l o g i n pUy- ing Bendix. M r. Holmes believed Broad and Front Sts. The' derby bfft stood with their backs to the Linking Route 9 this f n conclusive evidence of ia sponsored by the Keyport Recre­ % ill ifer defeat ia the opeaen Brann & Stuart, Inc., Trenton, pm »iir feeling aad be thanked ation Commission. ' of semi-final round games Monday with an offer of (473,399.95 sub­ these who bad w aked with Um to Heazy A. W uestefdd, block d—r* nlgit. The Matawan Terrien suc­ mitted the lowest of sl*' sealed, nuke it possible. chairman, said music for cumbed to tbe Eatontow n would be provided by a professraoal competitive bids received by the H qor Antotoa thea asked for Staokeaten IM at Eatontowa and Buying A Home dance hand. Tbe band hu beea New Jersey state Highway Depart­ rammentt from the Boor but there th i Cliffwood Angels were blanked nhtamed with the co-operation of Going to buy s bouse? Sure you ment on the check; yet, you can ment for construction that will link were none. Tbe Rev. William J. by the Deal Bloc Sox 14 at the L ocal 373, A m e ric a n F o u n d atio n know bow many rooms you want be in for s kt of unpleasant Route 18 with Route 9 In Middle­ lU d m , Matawan. finally rose shore. The aeries will be ream ed of Musicians, Perth Amboy. and whether the colonial style is tim es. sex County. to observe tbe petition presented a i local diamonds when weather Alton. Walling, fireworks chair­ better suited to your needs than Ihe hazards in home buying are Work on the proposed project, sack a preponderant expression of permits and both of the local man, aaid the fireworks have beea the ranch br split level. You prob­ many and don't necessarily show which will. extend from Spring opinion, no other voicing appeared teams must take two games io \ ordered and,the display which will ably can debate the advantages up on an Inspection of the property, Valley Rd. to Route 9. will get row to stay in the tourney. \ last from 45Vminutes to one hoar The Terriers got away out In *lf gpp. versus oil beat, but have Take, for example, items such underway shortly after state and easements, restrictions, zoning or­ will be bigger^and better than ever front on Rich Masieflo’s bit with you ever stopped to think of the federal engineers review all Hdt. With that, the township com­ dinances, which msy prohibit the betore. Loudspeaking systems an Paul Eovino aboanl in the first. legal complications involved? The proposed project, located .en­ mittee dosed .the hearing. A letter When you stop to tfjink of it, the specific use you have In mind, to be furnished', by. Pete’s lac.. But Richie Malzel'a blow put the tirely In Madison Township, will w u resul from william J. Duncan, back taxes, rent;, leases and West Front SL, a«d the Keyport Sraokeaters in the vaa In the simple act of buying may not be provide ramps for a new inter­ secretary oI the planning board, so simple after all. For example, myriad of other items. First Aid Squad, it reported. bottom of the inning. change to link Route 9 with 3.7 notifying th* township committee bow do you protect yourself ia the Most of us employ a lawyer to miles of Route 1* frsewsy-style In the third, Ted Zembrowski, the planning board bad voted July.' event you cannot secure a mort­ close the transaction. Yet for little construction now underway easter­ starting Eatontowa pitcher, grew 28 to recommend patsagr at the gage on satisfactory terms or any or no additional cost, we could get MatawanTwp. ■ wild, walking Pete Eovino, starting ly from Old Bridge. rezoning. Th* towaihip committee mortgage at all? Again, many legal advice before any damage Is Terrier pitcher, Ha] Ziegler and The new Route IS southbound then went ism a abut executive (continued from plge soe) people today only win buy a new done. The time to seek advice ' Curt Davis to load the Backs. Ze- roadway will curve to the right and session. Tbey came back to pass dpals through tbe saperiateadeat, home if they can get a buyer for before the “preliminary agree­ browskt was replaced by A l S m ith merge with Routs 9 Just north of quickly the amendment unanimous­ not later than May. TMa Hat afcal ~ the old one. How can you protect ment.” not after. There are a lot on the mound for Eatontown but Freneau Rd. Access from north­ ly and without question. come through the office ef tbs ef questions to be answered at that an error on Frank Laiko's rap yourself ia this situation? bound Route 9 to northbound Boot* “ J u s t ttks n y Want Ad said ami j ear Ii secretary ef the heard. Be wary ol the so-called "pre­ time. Take Just a few of them: After the meeting. Mayor Ackcr- scored Pete Eovino and Ziegler. II will be provided by a ramp gnarantead — U8BDI** (1 ) T h e y shaO rev ie w a n d p r e s ta t liminary agreement," "offer to What kind of deed is to be given? son made public a letter dated Frankie Davlno connected to send which will branch to the right off to the board for fiaal approval ths purchase," or so-called "hinder.” When are you to taka possession? J u ly 27 from B en d ix ixi w H c b ' In Davis and Lasko to that the R oute 9 at Freneau Rd. names of candidates for custodians In most cases, each of these in­ Whea aad where is the deal to be w u stated that "although we feel Terrien now led 5-2. around in * left hand curve over ia the various schools after they closed? All these questlona tb* proposed reaming Is not satis­ Blast Eovlno’s Offerings struments constitutes an offer on R o u te 9 oa a new overpass, aod Follows Too Close, call a vote on IL “Tbtn you can has* been /ecooaDended by th* your part to purchase the house. many more should be answered be­ factory to Beadhr, it still it pos­ But it was all for naught. In Join northbound Route II entertain the motion without me,” building principal and tbe nper- Once the offer hia been accepted, fore you commit yourself ta buy. sible that we m ay boild the plant.” their hall of the frame,, the Swing Valley Rd. Finedin Rarftan Mr. Phie told them. "I’ve stood tatesd eB t. ■' -. * 1 > tbe deal ls mads and It’s too late Remember. It's good insurance to Tbe letter went on to disclose that Smokeaten blasted Pete Eovino’a ■Ate*as By SM* Reads enough this evening, I’m going.' (4) Together w ith the super­ thea to back out Sure yon can seek r**—* legal advloe at tht Magistrate Seymour It Stein­ Bendix w u "extremely concerned offerings and faulty support made intendent aad principals, they shill Movements from southbound berg fined four driven involved After. M r, Pin* had left the meet­ over the natirre bf the objections" change your mlad and atop pay­ right time. review the need fur nujor alter- tha lot of the Matawan pitcher • R oute 9 to northbound Routs II ia “folkjwing too dos* offenses” ing room, Mr. Hoff took over u that had been raised. It declared still more pahappy one. Eatontown ationi to buildings, aad present ' ' and from southbound II to north, July 2S. There w u so court Itaes- vice president The motion to. dis­ that "public acceptance is of. par­ had the lead beck at 7-5. and In renrnnmeortaritms to the boeitd.' 1 > - hound 9 will be possible through day, due to th* ' " ‘ ' band the committee Wat recognized ticular importance to our the fifth they chased the M alawia use cf side roads. These move­ C Finance ■ ■■ _ West Furniture Co. Celebrates eleotioo. and unanimously voted. Mr. Pine company.” The "extent and nature . starter aad aswad up the game. ments a n not anticipated in great bellowed la snore about (1) This committee skaU revinr (continued b o n page One) are the Sons af Robert W est David G. Stephenson, 125 Chfa- a of the objections had been duly The Angels were victims of i enough quantity to creata aa Im­ “mockery" as the vote was being and reDommead to the beard to* styles In watrjlaper with cdhng Mr. Weat recalls that hia father gorore Ave.. Keyport. paid SU awl considered.” no-hitter by Bob Carpentier aad mediate need for additional Inter taken and the measfcers chided him approval, qualified appUcastt toe and border to natch, six cents e waa I gieat believer In advertising. : 4 c o s ts fo r failin g t a s to p o n R o u te Mayor Ackerson and the com­ Tom Clark, sharing the pltcttag section ramjw. ' . by calling out as to how he wanted the following pultioaa: < ,« . - - double roll. ’ "Spoiled hones Were his trade­ 3 1 July S and thereby ranting a mitteemen noted thst the excellent duties for Deal. Th* Angels' Buddy Ramp width will vary up to 13 to vote. In the more subdued part (a) Board Secretary H ie sto re, so w loca t e d s t tb e mark and were a familiar sight rear end collision. He w u sum­ job done by Mr. Holmes and his Vena and Ben Smith did nearly of the meeting, lt w u disclosed (b) Board Attorney Intersection at F int and Church polling West Furniture Co. wagons feet with concrete curbing through moned by Patrolman Jack Gorm­ coworlcers bad produced the evi­ a a welL • some of tke project. The overpass at -one point thst then had been (c) Board Anditnr Sts., had It* amdest beginnings, as far away as Sewarea and Sea­ ley, townhip police. dence of "public acceptance” for The Blue Sox-Angels game re­ deck will accommodate a 23-foot MOOfiOt in alternates on the bid­ (d) Custodian ot School Moneys according to Herbert R. West, the side nark," he said. Commenting G. W. Mahwash. 94 Seabreea Bendix. The mayor added now it mained unsettled until tbe bottom roadway. Paviag will be accom­ ding for the high school put over- (2) They shall exerdsb gesend present owner, in the basement of on Ms father's kive tor .hones, Way, Keansburg. alto was sum­ waa a matter for the firm to go of the fifth timing Bany Anton plished by covering a seven-inch for future action. supervision over the flaandsl and a building oa Fhmt St Orginally Mr. West ssld, ‘“ ly father neyer moned by Patrolman Gormley. He ahead and seek a building permit doubled for tht Sm and weat to Mr. Aumlck also came In for a legal attain of the schaal system. rag carpet weaving firm, the lost a horse while he owned it ind, macadam base course with three w u charged with crossing the third ea an error. Thea Bntdile hit of "riding" b y some of the It they wished to comer to HoImdeL (3) They shall review tha rrrora . first proprietor wss William West. In fact, oo a number of occaaions inches of bituminous concrete, double white Une In a no passing M'^>v*y Ut to Smith, the An­ members _ a short while before raendatwns of the nperiateadeat Robert West Enters Baatscs when he found a horse he had told Speed change lanes will be con­ zoqe'on Route 3t July 4. The fin* gels’ pitcher. As Smith was toss­ when he sought to get a lone bid in preparing the annual budget aad In 1*69 R o b e rt V e s t. W illiam ’s was being poorly treated, he bought structed slong Route 9 at those, lo­ w u 120 and S3 cdsts. ing to first base tor ths (riant, of I274J approved for roofing on New Industrial present iiic h ^ recosnweadsnUons brother, came to this country from the horse back and had lt cared cations where the Route IS ramps Bumping another car In the rear Anton raoed to the plate. Ia the the Willis, No. 9 and Madison Park along with the budget to the bond Ireland at the age of IS. He made for In Its old age.” merge. The project alao will In­ on R oute 35 Ju ly 11 c o st R o b e rt (continued from page one) tussle which fallowed John Me- Schools. The bkl w u In form that for final approval. ,. , ■ hia home wllh his brother and went Today’s owner, long connected clude Improvement of Freneau R d ing an in d u stria l area*long­ dolla, tbe catcher, lost the hall, Mack, Belford, 910. and tl costs had an alternate of (looo and Mr. D. Curriculum - , . - lo w o rt lor him. Sometime later with the (tore before assuming for a few feet at its Junction with on complaint of Keyport State itudinally for such a lo n g a r e a allowing ths only eoaater rt the Aumlck wanted the - job hurried (1) Thla committee shall s«vtew whea. .Wiliam moved to Rahway ownership, recalls that one of his Hoiite 9. The propdsed Intersection Policer Michael M. Fnicbt, Hill­ through the township would give game. Except for the fifth iaala| along before achools opened by ac­ the recommendations af the super­ to establish a new store, Robert first Job* w u the lighting of the il planned as pari of the overall side, was fined $10 and S3 costs Industry too much of a place In erro r by the Angels, the fielding cepting the bid with the (1000 to intendent on curriculum- la tha. plsn for extension on Route II on for following to o dosely and an essentially home and country was tig h t be applied at the board’s dis­ schools and thall present luch new alignment to Route 3S at causing an accident on the Garden living community like Holmdel. Mr. Matswan Terrien (I) cretion. This brought a raucous recommenditioas to ttebofrd. -, Eatontown. When Route IS con­ Stata Parkway July 19. Duncan also found it another gross ab reminder that bids were not to be (2) They shall reyjew the recoia- struction Is undertaken east of Robert J. Murphy, Jersey City, deviation from the Master Plan. Paul Eovino, * accepted or rejected at the mendatkps of the superintendent R o u te t, the proposed Interchange w u fined a total of (23 on counts Sam* Procedure Used MasleDo. If ,"board’s discretion.’' When Mr. and present to tbe board (pr final will be enlarged. of following too closely and having Albert Flemmer said that tke G eran, If Aumlck moved for acceptance, approval the needs of the following um e procedure as was used with Pete Eovino, p, rf B-Foot Roadways an unregistered vehicle. He was only David Watson stood with him •re**? : *» ' V . ; ' rezoning ftfr Bendix in Holmdel D'ApoUlo. sa The 3.7 miles of Route IS now summoned on Route 36 by Trooper and the bid w u lost 6-2 wltb Mr, (a) Textbooks, library bopks, aad Ziegler, lb underway ls belng bullt with 25- Edward Gill, Keyport State Police, Pine passing. - Village could be used to assure supplement!) an Industrial zone so created would C. D svts, rf, p foot roadways separated by a July 12 after a rear end collision. Miss Carol Delbasco, chairman (b) Educational equipment a n d not be an eyesore or bring In ait Lasko, e f center island that varies up to 84 Trooper George Mucd, state of supplies, submitted a long list excess of commercial trucking and F. Davlno, lh - feet In width. The. Old Bridge slice, summoned John Zmuda, of textbooks needed for approval, (c) Office equipment, supplies, going-to-work auto traffic. Machado, ft - * traffic circle, at the Intersection of rvjngton, for coming out of a pri­ the total for books, maps and tests a n d p rin tin g : ' , Mr. Peseux Intimated in ad­ Matawan and Englishtown Rds^ la vate driveway on Holmdel Rd. being (13,912. There were 23 firms u receive bids on equipment for the AO R o u te i IS construetloo^coils Sayre'Wpods School Aug. 17. Holtqdel as location tor plants.-The E . C a fe te ria . ' , . B areu m t,; J b . J b aresbared by theitaM anj federal Martin Fines Two1 • ■' ' 11 HeeaB Diplmia ‘ general reaction of the members, fl> This committee shaU ennClM Maitel, 2b,Ib, s s ■ 4 ') 2 t gpverhmenfi There will'lie no. In­ The board Voted to recall the aside from Mr. Duncan’s strong general supervision over’the oper* Mango, si. p ■ Store pictured at present sit* In ISM. Robert West, owner at terference with traffic on Rdute 9 Msgistrate James H. Martin, official diploma granted to Bar­ stand, appeared to be receptive. atioa of the cafeteria,., v - " - ZebrowiU, p, lb O at Ume, aext to wagon on right, holding U s saw, Herbert, the prts- during construction operations of Matawan, Monday fined two mo­ bara Diane Plata ted,. Old Bridge, Theodore Labrecque J r.. Red (2) They shall review ancf recosn- Alexander, e the current project Two lanes of torists for violations. Edith F. Elli­ "until. . ..thla board . can fur­ Bank attorney, appeared for Lau­ mend to the board tor final ap­ K. Smlth,,cf, p, son, 78 Sboreland Circle, Laurence ther review her qualifications for rel Estates, Inc., to secure approval lb took over operation of ibt Keyport lnterlor gas lights tn tha evening. traffic, oae In each direction, will proval, an adequate school hutch Fetters, rl promotion.” ot a minor subdivision of a p lo t business, which became known as Had H ad In Deliveries be maintained at all tln\ea either H lrbor. pald (10 and (.1 cotta for program which has beea- formik- Anthony, If >. '■} no ’ | to-mlles-per-hour in a 25- It was on July 29 that Barbara, on the southwest corner of Laurel Rob West's or The R. West Co. He slso had a hand in deliveries existing pavements or shoul- lated by the cafeteria manager aad Horowitz, lb, ef dera. - . • ■ zoo* on Ravine Dr. She was who ran away With an Old Bridge Ave. and Route 35 as location for approved by the superintendent . Tbe Wests came from a fimlly and stated, "Whea I had a delivery milkman, Ernest Corrao, last Jan. the branch bank in Holmdel of the ot linen weavers in their native to make after school and the fur­ Traffic on Frenean Rd. may be, summoned by Capt. John Melna, -G) They shall review ihe recom­ 17 10 borough police. George Kost, Eo- 21/and was apprehended wllh him. Merchants Trust Co., Red Bank. Ireland and took up rag carpet niture was heavy my dad would reduced to a tingle lane.but only mendations of the superintendent clld Ave., Matawan. was stopped Ttsere was question about tbe plot v. Summary' weaving as a business when they advise me tohrlng a husky school wh(n a?tual oonttriictlco makes in Texas on Jnly 20 had a party and present to the hoard for, fifil Two Bast Htti. Mahtel; Hits oft ' "Trooper Ernest Hopper, Key- at her Riverdale Ave. home to having, somewhat less than the cam* to thtiVoounty; a. step takes* chum along with me.” . . this wcesiary." WheneVdt traflic u approval, fancllda tee lor cafeteria'] Eovino 5 In State hdlce, July 22 at Main celebrate her 15th birthday, and minimum 200-tbot frontage-but Its by many otherjrlsh Immigrant* Mr. West retailed that at the diverted from its' normal pattern, manager and other cafeteria-em­ St, and New Brunswick Ave. for the receipt of. her diploma. She had depth runs back 250 feet and 2SS 3 ,.in. 1 i / i Innings,la-1 'F ran ' the original rag carpet tlfnh ’ df ’ ( M 1 Mrtrfcan explosion of traffic directors, la unlfottn, wiu ployees. Inning, Mango 1 In } Innings; 'running" a red light. The One been out of school for the Jan. 21- feet in its other dimensions. The shop, th* business grew and began Octobo- 1918, w h a t wjndpws w e re guide motorists through the work shall review the recom- Struck out: by Eovino 1, by Zeb- wu (10 and (S costs. . .. June 17 period. D r. John V. Hulsar, land is on the H. S. Willey fum . supplying area residents with• li­ s h a tte re d fo r m llta aro u n d a n d .'un­ area. In addition, warning signs, rowskl 5, by Mango 5; Bases ao elementary supervisor, confirmed ReBef Sought ' noleum goods tnd finally became to ld amounts ol property damage flares, barricades, steel drums, and Balls: off Eovino S, off Davli 4, Relief w u sought by the Regta a sales outlet for furniture. The done. West’s was one of the lew traffic cones will be used aa needed the issuance of,the diploma, which necessaryrepalrorreplaoem entof Seeking Funds' ' interest at owners of a-4J*cre off Zebrowskl t, off Mango I. Um­ The entire project is to be.com signifies promotion from the eighth cafeteria M ulnmqit-' ^V • « . pires Bridgman; Brown, Smith, trad at Deep Cut from the m u f pitted, In SO working' days. Other tributioiu to finance the cost grade, despite her long absence KQ^hiey^hall pre^niVm iAhly Davlno. Winning Pitcher Smith. application, of the 200-by-20ffoot bidden Included: Hesci Brothers, cpkwial fireworks display from schooL , financial tc^ort of the ctfeterli to Losing Pitcher, Eovldb. ' requirement u the terrain there Parlln, (487,2113(1; Manzo Con­ 1 for the 25th anniversary M r, Hoff Introduced the following the board. . CUffwood Angels (I) doesHot adajpt itself to "square" struction Co., Matawan, SS21JM.e6; ition Sept 19 are being so- motion: “To recall the official di­ F. Atbletica . ''' ' ■ a b r dimensioning. ' Public ConStructon, Inc., Black­ by the Matawan First Aid ploma Issued to Miss Barbara (1) This committee shall exercise K lein, cf .Approval w u sought for the w ood, $573,936l7S; M ichael J . Sta- Stftad. Envelopes are being distrib­ Plalsted and to hold up tbe tran­ general supervision over alt school Szyarto, rf transfer of LS acres by A. C. vola. Inc., Red Bank, (580,377.73; uted to all hotnes aad will be col­ script of school records until the athletics and athletic facilities. B. Smith, is, p . . ■ Poole at Deep Cut to the Bell Construction Service Co., Bound lected by members of th* squad administration and this board of (2) They shall review ttte rtcom- Medolla, c "■ ■ Telephone Labs., as a minor sub­ B rook, SS10.2O4.7S, . within the next 10 days. education can further review her mendations of Ihe superintendent V ena, p , u ~ , . . qualifications for promotion, and division. John Wilding raised ques­ and present to the board for final Downey, Jb ' , determine whether the Issuance of tion if the tract to be conveyed approval candidates for the follcn* S. Kearns, lb Government Approves Marks Fifth Birthday this diploma conforms to the were not a major subdivision - as Ing positions: >£; y ■ ' “ . ' L a u ra, 3b board’s policy for promotion.” it was not bordering on a paved (a) High school athletic director □arland, ft . Bank Stock Increase Michael Sahll, son of Mr. and road. Bernard Goldsmith, board (b) High school coaches P i a l , If The Monmouth County National Mry. Frink Sahli, 4 Colby Lane, chairman, said that as long as the (c) Assistant high school coadies North Centerville, celebrated his tract now was part of a larger Bank haa announced that lt has re­ a (d) Elementary school coaches fifth birthday at a party given by Beauty Contest ceived front the Comptroller ot the tract bordering a major road and (3) They shall review and recom­ Deal Blue Seat (I) his parents. Guests were James and (continued from pagi one) Currency,' of the Treasury Depart­ was to be added to land having mend (o the bdairil for approval Keith McDonald, David Simmons, accepted an Invitation to partici­ ment of the United States, his due Ingress from a major road, |t the purchase of ad athletic equip­ Anton, ss . - Kenneth Nelbel, Karen McKinley; pate lh the celeb ratlin Sept 19 and could be approved.' certificate approving the increase ment and supplies as requested by Horton, if' lohn-Regenye andStevenSahll.. in the parade which will include Grove L. Thatcher, Stilwell Rd., la cimmon capital stock of the th e h i^h scfaipoi a th le tic d ire c to r o r Anton, lb - bonds, drum and bugle corps units, . -.W*«t Furniture Co., Front and Cfaartb Sts, Keyport, ss lt looks b an k , from $800,000 to l 1,000,000. was given approval for the trans­ elementary school' coaches and ap- Clark, 2b, p ' < < * ' ■ vr,';'. - ... and floats. ’ ' fer of a tract' over one acre u GeOrge L. Blelltz, president, re­ provedby the superintendent M atoviky.je (jroundbreaking The committee announced that a m inor subdivision. Barclay Hills, present owner notes that in'those stores whose display windows were ported that tha bank now haa the G. Health and Safety ' Carpentier, p, 3b anyone or organization wishing to Holmdel Rd., w u referred to the early dayi tucb items as butfet' i,m ; k u c t . largest capital funda of any bank (1) This comfiuttee shall review J. Kuehlmaa, Ib/21), t (continued from page dne) enter a float or participate in the zoning board of adjustment on the At that time the store did a large la Monmouth .County. He stated the recommendations of Hi* tuperv Phillips, it chums and the like wen con. risky as someone could be ^over­ parade may write the First Aid status of a tract of less than 2W- buslfleu in :blankets,' qullta and that the increase capital funds lntendent and - medical itaft and R. Kuehlmaa, cf lidered “furniture Item iJo^tl)# looked and offended therehy' and Squad at Box 38. Matawan, o r call by-200-feet. He pointed out this o ii.aad largs quantities of these Improve the position of the bank so present to the board ter Goal sp._ hom e.” ; ., ‘ ' * • ' there wat too much regular work Theodore Phelan Jr., at LOwell tract had been cut off from his items w en rushed tb tbe stricken that lt m ay provide better for the proval, aa adequate and progres­ It t > In the secretary's office anyway: M207. • land by the construction of the en­ S u mn mn a iy ' - Shopping Fimlly Affair area for (he use of residents whose needs ot the community, enable lt sive health program. • :; ' .r.' trance to the Nike base. Two base hits, >ntoo- Hits off Long before the development of homel and furnishings were, lost In tt' take advantage of changes The board president stated, a (2) They shall review applica­ Vena, j.’ Struck out by Vena, 7; the telephone and motorized de­ the ammunition blast. which m ay be expected In the bank­ program for the occasion w u in Rezoning For - tions for candidates for mixlifil {a- Smith, 1; Carpentier, 3, Umpires, livery vehicles, shopping waa. a West'a has delivered furniture ing field durjng the next few years, order. Thla wound up with mlmeo- spector and'dental Inspectors in Reilly, Behr, Flna, Matoviky. family affair with easterners com­ throughout the state over tho years and enhance Its prospects tor con­ griphed sheets being the order and (continued from page one) New Morganville tbe school system and. recommend tinued growth. \ ing long distances to make their and on occasion has been called Mr. Pine’s suggestion of a printed Mr. Holmes explained that then qualified applicants to the board. (continued from page one) Refuse Sentence In needed purchases. upon to ship furniture to customers The bank, with hom^ offices lo­ program being withdrawn. already had. beet presented a (J) They shall review the recom- the p(i w u only flve-and-one-half A feature provided at West's In residing In England and Japan cated In Red Bank, maintains a Mr. Pine found the complexities petition of 54 signers, all residents meadatlons of the superintendeat:. Madison Lottery Case thoso days was a feeding service and other far away places. The Keyport office at the\ corner of of staging the . ceremony required of Holmdel Village, where the when it should be 11 (ph-ratlng or and present to the board for final add). Mr. Holmes sdso was au­ for-cuttomers'—hones.- Since-thi oddest- shipment of all though',' ac­ Broad and Froht Sls. \ a ipecial committee to arrange all plant would go, In favor of the approval candidates for schoal Middlesex County Judge Klem- only means of transportation was cording to Mr. West, w u sending the details he proceeded to Bendix proposal. A counter peti­ thorized tn dispose of an old coal n u rse s. ■ . 1 mer Kaltelssen Tuesday declined to Ihe horse and wagon and cus­ "a grass nig to Trinidad." appoint one. He appointed Mr. HoR tion of 50 w u submitted In early boiler at the school and an old (4) They shall review the reran- water tank.' Impose sentence on n lottery case tomers, even then, liked to visit Buyer's Attitude Changed Lewdness Charge Is as chairman, with Stanley Kord* June against the proposal, this mendatlons of the defendant who has refused to re­ H lds w ere receiv ed o n 15.000 and brows? ol the furniture storo In discussing tho buying habits zinikl, Charles Aumick and Wits: jjtltioa coming mainly from large and present to the bo^rd for flnl] veal the named of people with Made In Matawan gallons of No. 4 fuel oil for Central before buying, tome means of of customers over the years, Mr. Ham Joyce the other meriibers. landowners with lapds Just outside approval candsdata .for school whom he Is alleged to bo working. caring for the horses had to be West comments that Use wholo Matawan Police Chief John J Questions quickly passed' among the perim eter of Holmdel Village. School; 15,000 gallons of No. 2 for crossing guards. * !; The defendant was arrested July found. The feeding service w u the Morganville School and 10,000 gal­ attitude of the buyer has changed. Flood Tuesday reported two men, the’m em ben If the inviting of Mr. Mr. Holmes noted these petitfcnen H- Transportation ■ , • . 1 on Route IS In Madison Town- answer and pleased not only the lons of No. 2 for Marlboro SchooL “In the old1 days a customer residents of Matawan and Long B kit and the clergy bad been ar­ were tba "minority" and declared (1) This committee shall reflew ih lp . • customers but their horses as well. The Md of Sterling Oil Terminal came to the store to buy. If he Branch, charged with lewdness, ranged.. It tppeared lt had.' Mr: decision had been reached last the recommendations of the snper- At the arraignment of John EHn, For those who could not *»!»> Co_ Mew York, of (3349 was ac­ needed living rocm or bedroom had been ordered held for action Kordzinski wanted to know- if weekend by those who had span-' lntendent and present to tbe M aid 141 Throop Ave., New Brunswick, their purchases with them. West’s cepted. Shore G u * Oil Co_ Oak- furniture, he looked over what waa ol the grand Jury after arraign­ someone would remember to bring M red-the petition within the Vil­ for filial approval, a itated 1 ^ 17 1 ' Judge Kaltelssen declared from the maintained 'a “fleet" of hone: hunt, bid (4198.50. Bids of (3711J0 available and bought what he liked. ment before Magistrate James H "fl ’ahovel” for the groundbreaking. lage to.conduct a new petition out­ on all transportation.at pupfls ln. ,-- , beflch: "I'm fed up with these men drawn wagons! A trip In those days from Lawes Coal Co., Shrewsbury, ..“ TOday,” he says, t'the customer Martin.' , ' When thlt was pledged, tbe ques- side the Village to show Just* how the school distrML '' v ,,- ' __ , who come In here, looking for the to deliver furniture to the shore, has, seen all the varied furniture and of (37S2 from Moomnuth Pe­ T h e men, Harold _S. Cromwell,_ ticm waa put as to m at else there much oi a "minority" these ob- (3)'They shall review and lecoiu- ' minimum fine;" The Jurist added,' for Instance, w as'#'U in^tliy af­ Items dltplayed in the many bome troleum Co., EnglUitown, were rc- « , of 13 -Northfleid Rd.. Walawan w u 'left for the committee to do. Jecton were. .... ' ' mend to the board for approval, "I'm not satisfied to sentence this fair.-, E v e n d e liv e rie s to R e d Wanfc publications and now when the Jecfpd because they 'involved an and Robert J. Loftos, 2S, of 16 w u mutual accord there CooU Not Cantact AB Voten the method of transportation for man until he tells us whom he was took all day. Tho driver would avenge customer Visits a furniture escalator clause oo pricing.. ' Myrtle Ave., Long Branch, were "nothing." Whereuprm Mr. M r. Holmes disclosed that it bad eligible pupils. > " ,■ working with.” ■ leave Keyport about 8:30 lo the store he or she, for the most part, Clifton T. Barkalow, Freehold, r e le a se d a fte r posting a 12500 Hotf moved to disband the com- not been possible in tbe short peri­ He ordered Elln to have a fur­ morning and return at six or seven Is'Just looking’." ____ . , tbe board's attorney, advised by (3) They shall exercise general property bond, jach. Chief Flood mluea in that it lad fulfilled Its od from Saturday' to Thursday to J. ther talk, with the prosecutor's of’ In th e evening. . •‘'Some peoplQ today^.be points letter that tbe M. Stavola Co, supervision over an board owned Reported He said the complaint purposes. , . c a n ta c t e v ery c a e o t th e 1214 v o t e n flee before leaving5 the Court­ Took O v er F U l O w n ersh ip la 1951 out, T’wilt vlsit lO dinertnt stores Rt4 Bank, had agreed to repair vehicles, iachKfing purchase; sod house- Elin ls free on bMJ, He was signed by Capt John Melna Refaact T* Batartala (M laa in tho mnnklpality. He said that Herbert West, thi present owner, before porpf>a*h®'kn':Itpm of tor> faults in the driveway conttncted provisions for mninlenam-* ' Of Borough police Ttnirsday. Mr. Pine refused to entertain the h e a n d th e o th e rs w ho b i d c irc u la t­ was foumj In po|sestlon of lottery took «»> Overover hillniu ownershipownersmp ofor thetne nitnre. T o d y ! a\-fei«|Miiier.‘b not by them at Central School without ttonge, and shall recommend aay . .- The aDeged offense look place In motion. ,The membera insisted. it ed tha petition apolngted to those coat t» .the board- There waa a slips after police (stopped Mm i lor | store In US2. Irani hia brother, f h o p flo g purchase, major repair or replace- - A jninor traffic vlo|atjpn,; .,,,u ;. Harry, who since,has died. They the Matawan w u a 'duly plaeed and seconded whom they had not beea able to grant of up to WOO made to secaro meat to the board for final ap- . for "

Saurmad Outstanding Master Sergeant Will Offer Night Deficiencies May Affect Diabetes Language Laboratory At Monmouth For Urban Stndy Home Ee Courses College Will Be An Aid To Pupils D m N ear It r t e r Urbsui Renewal Courses in Home Economics will Mosunouth College language ttu- it Io his earphone* the student Survey ef Bin* b* altered la th* evening at the dents now have a language labo­ hear* a recording of a aatlva l a sm tie*. including undergraduate level during th * ratory ts aid them la their studies. speaker** words. His own effort* M aaM tb and Mirtdietex, official­ coming academic yew by Knttert, ly wae*et ia atotioa when Cam- Tie State Uahmaily for tha first Some summer students are prac­ to match them *re overheard by . d M w i Salvatore A. Bontempo time in it* history. It was an­ ticing with the electronic learning the teacher, who give* him 'private UcaOn aanouarart the anoint nounced by Dr. Ernest E. Mc­ aid Sti rtlog la September it will guidance before switching Into th* moit Murray P. Lelzmaa. Levit- Mahan, dean of University College. be used by students of French, circuit of another student. towa, aa director ol tbe project. n * courses, arhich ara enacted German, Russian and Spanish. The laboratory system permit* to be a forenmaer to an evealag Tbe IV iM study, the first ol flexibility, so that all students may degree program la Horn* Eco­ tbe new laboratory, described itl kind la the United States, will work on the um e program, or two nomics, will ly-iM of Nutrition by Chairman Robert E. Pike ol investigate the urban renewal needs different groups may study twa and Personal Finance scheduled ia tbe language department ss a sup­ ol • metropolitan area. The pro­ different programs simultaneously. Newark ia the flrat semester, and plement to other dsssroom teach­ ject wiH be conducted by the State At presonl, *11 students in * .pro* principles of Food Preparation aad ing, is a compact communications Department el Conservation and gram listen to the same master CkxMng Selection and Construction network in which 31 student booths Economic Development in con­ tape, and check the|r progress by scheduled la New Brunswick la the are wired Into the teacher's m uter junction with Rutger* University. signalling the teacher, or by hi* second semester. The latter ar* control console. Ia Making the announcement, switching into individual booths. At Dr. Pike describe* lt* pur Commiasioner Bor.tempo said, "Ap­ belag offered la New Brunswick As a start toward a more refined because ot tbe need to use ths po*e, the laboratory combines with proximately 73 per cent of New system, two student booths sre laboratory facilities ot the Depart­ other clttaroom * methods to ap­ Jersey’a M a] population resides in CoL H m li V , __ C ien eirr sl ths G ain Rnach, li^wl equipped with recording and play­ ment o f Home Economics at proach the Ideal goal, “the auto* th e 2T8 se p a ra te ly In co rp o ra te d m u­ tt AvlatiaB MMUda* this week aasaed Master Serges* H u n T. back devices that permit student* Douglass College, mstlc command of bake elements nicipalities Included In this highly SwroaM, (right), n a al Mr. a d Mrs. Charles H. Sauniaa, Hurley to stop at any point In their re* St, Keypert, as the Outstaading Master Sergeaat lor the year 1151 of grammar, vocabulary and pro­ urbanized region. The purpose of Th* program has beat, punned cording, and Instantly hear them­ at lha Gaater Branch, Scbwl t l Avlatlsn Medicine, Gunter Air Force nunciation, *o that smooth and idio­ the airvey is to analyze rehahlli- to meet the growing needs for selves as they have Just spoken, Base, Alabama. - . home economists as teacbers, 'die­ matic conversation may bt carried tatioa and redevelopment possibfli- M/Sgt. Saiinaaa was selected tor this award a* the bails st out­ before going on. ticians tor welfare agandea. hos­ oa ia the manner of native ties of Wighted or slum areas, and standing performance et duty, military bearfag, and extrahcurricalar . Dr. Jsom* C. Hal, i—irlil* prtlinir t t Mdagy al Eutgsrs pitals, and business concern*, s p e a k e rs.” to provide proper guides for region* acdvWea which have centritKed te U i ...... asaifUBcM sal the Air' N**art Crfkre *r Arts' aad grtase**, tblak* dsfleleael** bi mile* Bellaved First I* Slat* a] development to best serve the force.. . Sgt - Sannaaa------— wa* jwtged------—h aB master tergeaats writers tor magazlae* and news­ chr««lrta, baly eel *>ew*r ftaata," asay affect sttabette, a dlaeiaa In State League To | pm cnt and future interest ol all aasignd■ le■ -lha H IM sehoaiSefeoal GnaG ns*. papers, extension workers, to d w hich ib* hmtf la laM * te t t i it caibsbydratee (M gan) late energy Tb* laboratory ts believed to be New Jersey residents.” M/Sgt. la sn a a received a three day pau an* a W cash sward aervice managers, and as re­ •sfectlvely. Hen tha State Ualvanky ht*l*glrt pr*par*a t* aum lae ooe el th* first of ita kind la New alaag with a certificate tor Us by tbe am a. Piter ta searchers in the field. under a micrsecope eeme el tbe ttay c*B* ef wkkh tttse *sw ab*at U Jersey, Dr. Pllce said. Public Ia the fiscal year ending July 1, ttlitSm Hold Convention entering the service he graduated fr«a Keyport Hlgb 8che*L He U trUHee te aa taaea *f Sver Usee*. School officials and other edu­ 1« , the population ol the. nine Coordinator For Ntw Cwsrse* The Mth tnnual confereact of married te the fanner Mlaa Marie MtElrey, Fart Warm, Tex, aad P rof. Merna Sampie*, New- Deficiencies (a mitochondria, Supply. Energy Tt Mutdet cators hav* expressed Interest ln counties Involved increased by they have Bve chlldrea. ’ tb* New Jeney Stat* L**|u* of Brunswick, chairman of the De­ When broken, these bonds *up- It, *nd wstch It In operation, 7T.M0. T h e to ta l lan d a r e a o t the , Sgt Saurmaa has 1< yean service. He presently Is performing boty cell "power plaat*," of Municipalities will b* held In At- ply energy to contracting mutclet "Proper use of tha laboratory region amounts to 2271 square dnty as noo-amimissioned alflcer ia charge oi ctlaical dentistry de­ partment of Home Economic* *t which tber* sre about 33' trUBoa lanlic City Nov. IT to 10 with httd- Douglass College, will be tb* co­ and assist la other activities SHCb develop* tha ability to recognize quarter* at Chalfonte-Hsddoa Hall^ mile* or 30 per cent of the land partment al the G arter Branch, School ol Aviation Medicine. fn tn ounce of Uvtr timia, m ty area of the total state, which is ordinator for the new course*. aa th* lynthesl* of compound* es­ enough o| tha speech sounds pf a It wat announced by letgua preti- 7509 s q u a re m iles. Mra. Samplea cam* lo Rutger* *ffect diabetes, tba disease caus­ sential lor body ofKiritlon. foreign ltnguage ao that tht stu dent Lewis J. Gray, Wltchung, . M Shun Clearane* Pnjeets in 1SM from Oneonta State Collet*. ed by tha body's laabltlty to con­ Mitochondrial euyme lytlemt dent can understand a normal lb s league conference ptaanlna Japanese Beetle conversation," Dr. Pike t a 11 a There currently' are' 39 ' slum Gladiolus Society New York,, where she had taught vert carbohydrate* (sugan) lata primarily ara responsible for committee, under tht Chalrmta* gueiti. “The student also will gain clearance and urban renewal pro­ home economic* education from much of this energy reltasl. Dr. ship of Edwin B. Forsythe, Mayor ‘ In pronuncliUon and inflection. One jects being conducted throughout Is Around Again 1552 to ISM . P re v io u sly , t b a h t d Hall Is investigating the** cell of Mooretlown, met recaatly In ' Sets Annual Show been an elementary ana secondary TUs is the hypotk**l* being “power plants" to determine If a advantage of the laboratory Is that the alts* counties, involving more The annual show of the New Trenton tu lay plant for th* four- - That old garden enemy, Jap­ acbool teacher In New York State. studied by Dr. June* C. Han, as­ deficiency tn their number, shape through tapes ind records the ttu' than UM acres of land, The federal Jersey Gladiolus Society will be day conclave. anese beetle, is around again. The She ba* worked with the New sociate proftsaor of biology it o t biochemical action la lha cause dent becomes accustomed to other government, is contributing two- held In ColHns Auditorium, Col- In (ddltlon to the league-tpoft* Brunswick Housing Authority aad Rutgers' Newark College of A(ta o f voicea than (hat of his teacher." tMrda ef the cost, or $68,839,329, coppery-grem pests seem to have lega.of Agriculture,campus, Rut­ sored meetings, **ch of 11 • m il- currently is chairman of the MM* snd Science*. He explain* h la The Rutgan biologist, w h o se Monmouth Collego maintenance and the local government ’ one- an appetite for almost anything gers University, Thursday and Fri­ •ted groupt will ichodule on* or desex County Health CcmiBltt** work this way: "After placing- the project It bting supported by a attff memben built th* acoustical fflird, or UVilS.W . day, A ug. 13 a n d 14. III. W ight T a y ­ more teisloni of tpeclil Interest that grows, and especially roae*. tor tha White House Conference oo knows criminal, laaulla lack, tt 113,000 Natieatl Scleoca Founda­ booths which hold recorders, micro­ Commissioaer Bontempo sa id , lor, agricultural biochemist at Rut­ to their memben. Lsague-tpoa* . John. L Libby, aa . extension Children and Youth. ' ', tbs scene of tha crim e, tha place tion grant, hopet to pinpoint the phones and other equipment. The T he (XM)peration of all local re­ gers, Is show chairman. to red general m eolings^l taka . entomologist at Rutgers Universi­ In sugar breakdown whera the enzyme tctloa deficiency In mlto* oqulpment may be expanded In development and planning directors Theme of this year's show, ac­ The Nutrition course, being Intro­ p lace on Tueadty *ftamoott, ty's College of Agriculture, sug­ process Is incomplete, I aa trying chondrls which occura la larger quartera if the need arises. is the area-will pe sought by Mr. cording to Mr. Taylor, Is “Vaca­ duced ln Newark, will cover us* Wednetdty morning tnd Frldty gests repeated spraying qr dust­ to provs he committed the d ltb e te i. " i t we cm find out Variety Of Effects I Airman ln an effort to conduct tion Time ln New Jersey" which trients and their functions la the morning ol the oonm tloa wte ing with DOT or madathloo. c rim e." which enzyme reaction^ are dif­ From hi* position on * raised effectively the demonstration sur­ will be carried out by arrange­ human body while the Personal The tnnutl buslnesii nvesting will Ite State University biologist ferent or dtflclent lo lh* dltbetlc, pisiform In front of tlio clan, the vey. One ol his first duties will be DDT Is best, he says, for gen­ ments featuring Atlantic City, By Finance course will cover tb* be held on th* flnil day. eral protection of plants where aervice* of financial Institutions, point* out thst while Insult* hi* w* will be sble to tell at what teacher can achieve a variety of to seek suggestions and recom­ the Sea, Good Old Summertime, President Gray itlted that lu t there is no danger of contaminat­ budget*, savings, insurance, bome been used since lttJ to maintain ■ttye and how Insutln ten. Thlt effects with hit panel of com­ mendations from the local authori­ Island Beach, Down on the Farm, yetr over 4300 ttate, county and ing vegetables pr fruits less than ownership, Investments, specu­ diabetics, knowledge of how the Is fundamental,” Dr. Htll point* munication twitches tnd console, ties who are or have conducted and almllar topics. - ■ hormone sets ft not definite, p r. He hss t view of each student In municipal offlcltli gtthered to alt* four weeks from harvest DDT lations, taxes, wills, and trust out,- “becsuse mitochondrial urban renewal activities within The theme Is highlighted ln the hit glsss fronted booth, Hie tcacher cutt their mutual probltm* tnd kills slowly, ao don’t be -disap­ funds. Hill nt>tei that whea ty>e body ^ y m tt *1*9 iffect fit tnd.prottln their community. Progress reports printed show schedule by a word can talk to a student, to a group thlt yoar'a attendance I* expected pointed If beetles hit.by spray or The decision to launch the pro*' needs, energy, augan stored In th* conversion* la th* body which ol Mr. Lehman and his associates of welcome from Gov. Robert B. to exceed that flgur*. dust Hy away. They will die gram waa tbe result of request* B^er and muades *r«f broken alto kr* abnorm d In th* dltbetlc. or la the whole dm . lit csn thnughtM the program will be MeyneK Copies of the show sched- check each itudcnt'a progrcii, Plvo-hundred and-lhlrty 0 1 th* late r. directed to the Home Economics down by escym ei, chemical *’EvMtu*IIy," he tays, "lha publicized so that all residents uletnty be obtained by writing to In bl* booth the student hat com ■tat*'* MS munldpalltla* r*pr*> Use either five or 10 per eent Department for evening InsLructkn speed-up agents, At various stsg- btochemlit mty be IbM to t & M m 'A griitvprOOflng lawn treatment The'arrangements division is head­ Jackson was sentenced to, a term - Loses License usually controls grabs for about ed by Mrs. John J. Perton and of flve-to-eeven years In CUnton five years. Directions for grub- Mra. William H. Molcftan. M n . R o y Reformatory June 27, USB. Ihe'driver's license Of Charles proofing are Included In Leaflet Hodges, Nixon Park, Is entry chair­ How about buslnea* cards? We mII jiIA L. Hymaa.17, til S3 Fulton St., 203, "Japanese Betties," b e in g man for the adult classes and Mrs. can supply them quickly aad at Keyport Was ordered revoked for distributed by county agricultural Robert Caswell, South Plainfield, Is the right price. Come and try aa. a period ol two' months bp tbe ag en ts. accepting Junior entries. Stale (dotor Vehicle Department Hostess chairman is Mrs. Vin­ It a lia n sausage 6 9 ‘> bacon Defen** Bod* pay the (s n * under tbe point system. Mr. Hy- Defense Bonds pay tha tam e c e n t U Darago, North Brunswick, r a ta t t Interest, as tbe W ar Band* maa wap Cenvlcted of. ■ ted light rate of interest aa tha War Banda assisted by Mra. Ummod L. Lee BONELESS you bought during the war. Bay SHOULDER . and bne-way. street viotatlooand you bought during the war. Buy and Mr*.* Salvator* J; Santoro, two speeding charges. - ■ som e! \ - • •• Naw Brunswick. il - ■ • COTTAGE HAM 59 » PORK CHOPS grepler rom ineu BEEF 3 * 51do... WMYDflWITHflt AotomobQa M anufactumr* Aaao* • datlon reeard* tarty tba lads an a. Blue Ribbon M mm G w f t Ou mitt cm if Om tfais. I n a C b e v y n d u i , f a r a n m p i * A MULE LUXURY yim m Umypricti thrm I U you’ve got n o n front a*at bead NAPKINS 10 § t m iron Hu tmimiutM of to o m t h a n a l l b u t o n e o f t b * h l c b - a* Uaden Itoate _ crmboptraUd w ai tnarfov*. priced carat And Chevy'* front . UKETHIS... SotmkvardUdutloftwMt M t hip room spread* up to S.> inebeawidar than comparable can. c TOMATO SAUCE 6 4 9 ‘ with , . . ytmr knmUm and K ra ft Linden llous* «^ m w m Jlwginiflfft wfU tippricfatt CL LET ALONE C Controlled Suds D etergeat 23 t n . f 2 i . 4 7 MAYONNAISE MAVnkI1JAK>Uaden llotiia “ MAYO * 4 9 ' bigger PRUNE JUICE 3 ^ 1 “ MAV0NNA,SILksdon Ileus* savings OwjbaJI*- MILK 6 7 9' ft Liadcn Houn B M 'a aoUd proof tbat Chevrolet ■ qoM sea m o ra n i le a o u t o f a g a llo o : ' COFFEE Ail (rM 4 9 In tba famous MobUgas Economy fM eoU ride _ Ron, two Chevrolet dzs* with Fowergbde took tb*flnt two plaeaa iC T A Y S T E E You’r* the expart on ride, eo youH ia their claas. W inning mUeagei , w a n t t o t r y C b t r j ’t e a a y g o b g HM m .p«. And- that,, friend*, BUTTER • »* 5 9 1 ShrimpCockfaril 4 5 c Stock brakes abwothnea* for lyoonaU, M OTOR took top honor* for Chevy from - TK END magaafaa can ghw yon n m rt full-«ix*d ear! Blggtr,y«B, and built with bonded h i n t ot what ytm'r* la for: . . BREAKSTONE I R E A K S T 0 N E . Ih im g « b r m much aa 66% longer a o f t e t Up! ■ lil*, A nd h a n ’t t h ia f o r p r o o f t h a t r iiB n c e t r ta Ita p cto ela**." A nd Cbevy’aarealatopper: taaN A B- N l Coil aptinpk of eoone, i CottageCheese29c CreamCheese3^:9 CAR*-eendoetedta*t of repeat*! a q o a a k ,M T * r a a * d p m m . - - atopa from highway speeda, Cfcer- rolat outatopped both of- the. . . - FtoZEN F666 —— - V a U h m f m r time after tim * •Nt&*ulAuoaatu>» for Statk Cm lemonade 6 ozcm s 3-29« i1ft*snssinif snd *f *■ U a d « a » a « t * award-winning engine* Orange Juice 6 4 '» 85‘ higher trade-in

Tb* NASCAB O utitandlns fresh . N-AJDJL* Gidda Booka p UadtaFarm* Achievement award goaa to Chev­ styling that your Chevrolet will keep ita rolet! Chevy wins for “the creation value. Chrvy used car price* lait Whole Strawberries 1*^39* aad coatinuing devdopmcnt of year, for example, averaged up to America** m ost efficient V-type FOPULAB SCIENCE magazine < 1 2 8 higher than comparable model* ■M aEf* —thi— . . . lor th* ewtahliahment ■are Chevy's atyling a tbooghtful of the other two can ln Chevrolet'* of new level* of V8 eom pnetnaa look, then atidU tbk way: “In Ita fla id . ' . M r , M H n k 2 ^ 43< eambiaedwitboiitalandingnnootb- price daa^ Chevy eatablMwa a •NcHomal AmUmcMt Dtaltn Maa.” And jo a can choaae ■monf new Ugh ia daring styling . . AmeltHtn. ' . — ----- :------AW i m r iKNEb FOB W ll MWBM’TBHWH’ ____ _ eight V8*» and the Six tba* won . Y o b’U find your own happy w*jr o( the Mobilgaa Economy Run far its •tying that C bny’a the only unmia* takably modmi, car lo ita da**. BELL'S MARKET See how much more Chevy has to offer—visit your local authorized Chevrolet dealer! M ain St. Pihsi Metl vi Tlrw#i Set. Anfwt 8 Matawan JOHNSON - GIBB MOTOR CO. OPEN LATE - 5 NIGHTS A WEEK 110 MAIN STREET MATAWAN LOweli 6-1040 Mon. Thru Fii. 8:15 A.M. io 9:00 P M Saturday 815 A.M. lo 6:00 P.M. i Ttn , THE MATAWAN JOURNAL Thursday, August 6,1959 Local Horses At Hurdle Racing Adds Color To Programs At Monmouth Park Arrows Win, Near Playoff Berth; LOOKING Freehold Track I T O V E R Madison PBA Use Wenner On Mound former Matawaa High player, went Two owners from thla area, Har­ With four Sundays remaining for g a in e s in ifa* J e rs e y Shore L e a g u e / to the mound after the Towners vey Holland, Marlboro, and Joseph ALL-EVENTS MEET at Balti­ the Keyport Arrowi appeared rea­ had given Bill Walton and Ray Molnar, Cheesequake, have moved more this weekend will have Jack sonably sure of a playoff berth Cislo a dubbing ia the first and - horses to be raced In the Kuhns, form er Matawan High track a fte r trouncing the Freehold held the Red Bankers safe the rest meeting that opens Saturday at athlete who now competes for the Townamen at the county seat this of tbe way. Wenner is slated u> University of Southern California, ^ Freehold Raceway. The Holland past' Sunday, 11*2. The Arrows start against Oakhurst Sunday. as a participant. Kuhns again emerged; from second division for Danny Bahr, Middletown pitcher Farms have moved in Donna Up compete! in the national decathlon the first .time this year. They face who signed recently with the Lo* and Down Hill. at Kingsbury, Calif., in early July a big assignment wJ,th the un­ Angeles Dodgers, hurled for the Carrying the Molnar colors will and improved hia point standing beaten Loog Branch IAMA at KHS Towners. With the big early lead te Ruth Brewer, Ranlom Song and over Ust year even though he field Sunday, but after that one his mates gave him, Bahr eased dropped back a notch in place­ Bishop Maplewood. Ruth Brewer should have clear sailing. along. m en t to 13th. H e accu m u lated 5900 Alex Pietrewicz. lefthander for Feature i of the Arrows attack vas one of the leading horses pointy against 5300 last year. His Keyport High, toiled effectively oa was a home run by Pete Bennett, racing it Freehold last year. These best performance was an 11 sec­ the mound for the Arrows. He still Matawan High all-staler, in the horses will be raced by George and onds flat mark in the 100-/neter had control troubles, walking seven, late innings. This was the only Julius Molnar. Also in the charge dash. Rater Johnson, the defend­ but Pletrewici was masterful in­ solid blow off Bahr's offerings, the ing champ, was injured and un­ Dodger rookie haviog his drop and of George Molnar will be Tops deed when he was in a tight spot happily not able to participate in • Lybrook, owned by Harry Harvey, with Freehold runners on bases. slider working excellently. Lakew ood. the decathlon held in his own home He bested Jack McCarthy and Keyport (19). . town in his honor. C. K. Yang, the George Rooney, of Freehold Re­ . ab r > Charies Davenport, general man­ Asuln track phenom, won the event gional fame, as mound rivals. Delikat, ss <1 I ager, declares that harness racing by a margin of five points.. Mike Walks produced both Freehold Kedzierski, rf 1 1 faqs who have not been in the Herman/ N. Y. A. C., and Dave runs. A walk, a sacrifice and N anna, rf Q • Freehold Raceway area since last Edstrom, University of Oregon, Moose Cashion’s single did It in C. Davino, 3b October will find a lot of changes were close up. Kuhns had the the second. Io the third, after F. Washington, lb when they return for the opening distinction of being the only U.S.C. George Lott had forced McCarthy Bonczek, c of the. 50-day season Saturday. athlete to complete the meet. The and Lou Mendini had singled, Ben Jackson, 2b Racing will continue to early Octo­ The photo sbove shows ths nose-to-noae finish of horses la the i pendence, (No. IA), Versus, (No. 1), and High Bhan, (No 4), the former MHS trackman has been Pietrewicz walked two batters to Jankowski, cf b er. Midsummer Hurdle Handicap, contested list week al Monmouth Park, fartherest over, the champion of Ireland. Parapet gained a hairline keeping In shape by workouts at Trabucco, If • Wooden Buildings Goat It Is the richest hurdle event for horses on the American turf. Parapet, victory over the horse from Ireland. force in the second Freehold run, the Olympic trials held at Van- Pietrewicz, p Gone are tha 15 wooden build (No. I), Is shown coming on ever the final hurdle *lo outran Inde-| > ■ 1______but the Arrows pitcher saved him­ Cortlandt Psrk, New York, during Ings that formerly housed t h self by getting John Duckenfield the summer. The meet at Balti­ to swing on a bad ball and ,*end J 7 1 IU track’s horses and personnel out­ 1 Monmouth Closing more this weekend wiU draw the side of the half-mile track at the Big Double Bill down a roller for the third out. ' FrtehsU the slough of despond as their by: Pietrewicz 7, McCarthy 4, units, miking nine blacksmiths ac Zampelio, B ob Strang,- Fred Branch Y scored over the Aces top of the sixth. With one out,' 42 days oft betting at Monmouth for a baseball team which other­ lack of pitching strength carried Rooney 3. Walks by; Pletrewici tually svallsble; a horseman's Sieben, Jay Baker, Harry Ross, 4-2. T he team s w ere sla te d to con­ Hyer hit safely; Jones doubled to Park had resulted In a (70,213,­ wise was somewhat woebegone. th em dow n 15-5 a g a in st th e R ed 7, M cC arthy 5, R ooney 4. H its kitchen vvifh s ir conditioning, an d a Charley Howard, Tom Smith, tinue their series last night and a left but a relayed throw cut Hyer 213 handle ig filn st, $17,311,011 b et He showed to good advantage In Dank Towners at Red Bank. But off: McCarthy 7 In 6; Rooney 5 In harness shop. There’s even a ladles Carry Post, Fred Scheln, John third game, If needed,. will be down at the plate. Collard also In the same dumber of days In carrying out the thankless task this lack of pitching strength may 3. Losing Pitcher—McCarthy. Utt* lounge, forf the female trainers and Mazuroskl and Doc Muscarella played tomorrow at the fields of doubled, scoring Jones. Stevie Ganz 1958. A tten d an ce sto o d a t 738,793 of pitching with only lamentable be at an end for Rich Wenner, plres—Schanck, Black. for the Lions. the first place teams, ! walked and Interference waa ruled Ians for the,«r»t 42 days. this support, an indication of that The donation for watching this y ear a s . a g a in s t 741,711 In (he - Three Bum Winterized George Morrell, never was better for Johnnie Johnson, Ibadirig the m o s I necessary attribute In supporters of the boys recriiatfon SAT., AUG. 8lh - 1 lo I A.M. classic wUI Ibe IS c e n ts for adults same confparable' period last Three of the new barns are' on the moMnd for the Braves. So bases with two out. But Labrlola sports of being a good loser, a n d a tlili for the adults of year. Tax revenues to the state league who do not see. why the winterised, with-heat and hot wa, excellent was his control that he bore down to whiz the third strike never Jagging in effort because tom orttw, according to Manclhl. for the period increased In the field should remain idle or only be DANCE FESTIVAL terfortrack personnel; Freehold did not walk • Seahawk and fanned past Joe French and Ihe Aces had the cause Is hopeless.' Gunkle Those wishing'mora Information year from *3310,245 to ((,087,103. alEO p laced on th e all-state sq u ad used by tho semi-pro Arrows. The Is one of the few tracks In the eight. He drove In the first Mata­ had it. Brian Jackson. got a singlengl( a r* 10 call LO M 17I. In soccer. J3ut the burning county to slay open year-round, wan run In the third afttr Allan for them with two outs In the last cause of this is that high school question how ls football. There And there are many owners and McTague had. walked and Ed inning, but Labriola showed'he and semi-pro or senior baseball is was no football team at Rutgers trainers who take advantage of the Schuber had hit safely with two cou|d do It again by pouring tlttee Angels Sweep played on 90-foot base-lengths while Prep, yet Gunkle has all the facilities for wintertime condition- local Bowmen out. Then'In the fifth, after Mickey strikes through against Hyer: to' Ihe Pony League plays on a 75-foot makeup for being a top flight Ing'of'horaes, iiovlno had opened the Braves hall end the game, - ; » , basfe length and the 8-12 and Little grid player. It remains to be .. “The new units 'have showers, of the frame with a homer, Morrell Malawan Braves (4) Red Bank Team Leagues at a^still shorter length. seen if he will be invited to Join heal, hot water, and screeds, and lace In Shoot followed with another wallop for , 1 -, ■ ab'r h Softball te^ms also are barred CUffwood Angels readily got by the Navy plebe grid squad, even the possibility , o f. flre is almost Several local bowmen won honors the circuit to score Schuber, who M. Eovino, ss -411 from the KHS field because of the their opening round series In Mon­ though having had no secondary non-existent,” In the opinion of had singled,again, ahead of him. M cT ague, If ' ' ' S . 1 0 differing base lengths from senior their respective classes Satur* mouth County. 8-12 league play, school experience as a football General Manager DavenptAtfUho This was the ball game, Schuber, 2b . , ’ baseball. The KHS grounds- points out the only flsmttahto ar- day when 15 archery enthusiasts taUrid'- the Red Bank Men’s Club p lay er. keepers believe that to let games Only Chance In Fourth . Morrell, . .. p . - 3„1'.,2 parflcipatedln the (Inal State Pteld team In two straight games, last ~ .•*'». .... f les |n the barns aw;{m«;^ackV Monmouth Beach's,- n u r s , only M n chanceW.WUVO Ii SlcWes.SlcTlle*, llb b v "K ; > be played at a shorter base ^engih 1 straw in each stall; But'con- Mefck, dovynlng th e ir riv als^ 2-1, a t, LOU MENDINI, shortstop for Archery Alspclatlon target shoot to scora cm . T th a toSrth ,hea would mean .the tearing up pf the AIR CONDITIONED tebfpek walls afl^ ^HUonif. oi ■Mad Bank;.and following'■ with ts freehold Regional High and former held-fey ,the Indian Hill Bowmen their pitcher, Kerry O’Halloran, /ed I L. TomaseUo, Jb ,„, ,.j.,. gra« strip inside tthe now cutout I as Centex, /irev;pbor^,\fould 8-0 shutout to sweep quickly, tfte. s tk r o f th e M ataw an O riolns of! Ule at the. 28 target course on Upper off with a triple, Morrell cut the Longette,- rf • • basej paths •for;i/8ftnlorl arid, thigH fciave any flr*TsofatM ‘6o(nj|fetely series. , ' " Mohniouth County Little Bigger school b aseb all. T h e re is nt). such Beers St., Hazlet. Monmouth Beach hurler down off N icora, c f In a stall. Floor*'.life of packed Buddy Vena' won the close one League, is enrolling - at Trenton trouble at Matawan’s field as Tar Leroy Wilson finished third In third with a quick peg to Larry d irt. " at Red Bank for the Angels. A State College in the fall. His home as Pony League and softball goes the Class A competition with a 319 Tomasello that took all the starch ■ V - » ,’4, * ■ ^There's slso' a Ihree-elghthS-of-a- walk and a pair of hits gave the is in Morganville. Mendinl led as the diamond Is not seeded and out of the Seahawks. ' Monmouth Beach Seahawks (t) Now thru Saturday Ijile training track encircling the total ahd Leroy Bennett took down Men's Club team their’run in the the Shore Conference in batting, lii : ' . ' ' a b a Ii grown In grass. V . new barns, so horses don't have to' second place honors In the Expert The Braves -played errorless ball first and the Red Bankers might the 1938 season but dropped off Special Matinees Nichols, lb - 3 « 0 itoet busy Route 9 unless.headed B'class with 292. High Bcore for and their outfielders stood out for have had more but for bad base a notch ln his senior year. He Now Is the tline. to advertise O’Halloran, n - 3 ,0 2 Wed. - Thur. - Friday for the-msln track. By next year, the women was turned in by Joan their sure flychaslng as sgalnst the j-unnlngc Cliffwood tied the game certainly will make the baseball those unused articles, for sale. A Farquhar, cf. ■ > 3 O 0 an overpass' will cron Route 9, Law ton w ith a 126. way the Seahawks outer-gardcners right away in ths second when team at Trenton. He also played small ad in the classified column Saturday Corttinuout In archers, Mrs, Marie Koppen­ Behrens, d 3 0 1 supplanting the four special police let fly balls get away, from them John Medolia singled, advanced on on the backfleld of the defensive will turn them Into cash for you. LU.~ i t- t.i i a < a . Traharic, Jb’ 3 O. 0 Who hsve been hired to patrol the berger won the~flrst place trophy for homers. fc'iwalfc' and scored on an over­ eleven at Freehold Regional last wllh a 103 score ilnd Mrs. Edna F a rre ll, as : J oO,;JO Crossing this year, Mr, Davenport Tht Aces outhlt their Long throw.' Ken Szyarto got a walk fall, so can be expected to perform Wharton finished In second place Hankins, ll i 2 -4vtc>.; V ■ . Branch rivals but frittered away *t th . *tart of the fifth and Medolia on the gridiron; squad at Trenton with a 97. Expert J. Martin, Al­ Curtis, 2b 2 . 0 0 ' Mother Improvements notable tor their chances. Lsrry Labrlola; the and Mickey Downey followed with State. Mendlnl has been playing gonquin dub member, turned in a Ti Jones, rf 2 , 0 0 NORFOLK 11 {((e'taitiihi 'fttUb*,' t a • m o m m m Long Branch pitcher, f&nned 10 it hit to bring ln the .winning run In the infield of the Freehold 334, high sco re for the day. idmlssloh W4lhs. The grsndstanda Keyport batters, making strikeouts for CUffwood. Vena fanned 15 Townsmen of the Jersey Shore . Next Event Aug. II , 23 JU .3 a p d terrac e s, se at 3000, a n d an o th er come when they hurt the Aces’ batters In his winning effort for League this summer.: He, was a The next event st Indian Hill Is Score hy innings: if00 standees canbe accommodat­ cause more. In the first, the Key­ ihe Angels. -' , shortstop and pitcher for Manager scheduled Sunday, Aug. 16, when SeahawlU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0^-0 ed. The i grandstand area Is sir- port team &ot away to a good start ! Ben Smith pitched the climaxing Tony Bucco’s ch am pion sh ip the club will sponsor a picnic and Braves .. t 0 1 0 3 cooled; and may he .heated by the1 when Jim m y Houston, their first shutout. Hip mates gsve him an Orioles and continued as.a short­ club handicap championship shoot Keyport Aeea (J) (iime system: on chilly fall days: batter, was safe on an outfield eariy run on which to work when stop at Freehold Regional. Mendlnl for all membera. The'champion- .v V " !v , a b a c 'l l ‘An alr-condltloned restaurant-baf error arid wis sacrificed along. Rich Klein ^singled In the first, played with Manager Lou Nanna’s ahlp Is an annual affair. It was Wai opened last season, as well aa Billy Hyer scored Houston with s Houston, ss jadvanced oi) a walk and scored Holmdel Arrows last year, and he reported. ; . . Brian Jackson, lb - modern piri-hmluel windows on the single, then stole second. But here bn' an error. Szyarto’a homer In disappointed . that manager when - . S u m m aries . - . .. W. Hyer, 6 . 1 pin. tUUoa lata fnra Aliiiry faf S Btl« ground floor. " Labrlola tightened down to ' get khe third and his double In the he shifted tb the Freehold tesm E x p e rt A F. Jones, p, et INL NXtunUKliM- ' Fred Jones, Keyport pitcher, on an fourth after Vena had walked and when the Arrows gained their J. M arlin Collard, cf, p easy roller and Ian Charley Col- Dowiley and Jack Kearns hit safely berth In the Jersey Shore League. A. C hom a > : S. G anz, If - - lard for the third out. ' ' 'sewed It up for Cliffwood. - -However, ns his former teammates L. Wilson , . Levandowski, lb on Freehold Regional were playing ■i“ » C O L O R Retires Sid* ! CUffwood Angels (I) E x p e rt B : : . French, rf, lb with the Townsmen, It was Ills STEVE REEVES Dave Schlegel Jolted Jones by / <•■■■ R. Lout ' - . - J. Johnson, rf l a b preference to continue his high SYLVIA KOSCINA leading off with a double in the Ssyarto.'rf j , , ' A MM* MM. ff 1*11 L. Bennett Opatosky, 3b school associations In Jersey Shore R. Jot*# - . Long Branch half of the frame, but Klein, cf bsseball. . Sun. - Mon. . Tues. . Wed. UllOCW » IAMA - IVItY IW, ~ m tt HOW QN» Bow m en - - the Aces hurler rose to the oc­ B. Smlth, p ’ ■ ■*- ■ 27 3 . • • • . : S • 10 - I I - 12 casion tb fan the next batter, get B. Dengenhardt Long Brsnch YMCA (4) M ed o lia, ,c , , BERNARD BARUCH, Amer­ The Mighty Saga Of the third ont on an easy roller, Rt. SS at Circle - Liberty M7M J. McPhenoa. ■ " a b r Vena, -3b , ica’s elder statesman, now 89- IHe Worids Mightiest Man ( and retire the side on an outfield Bex Office Opens I P.M. J . T re lla I-"- Schlegel, cf 3 'O" Downey, lb years-old, Is to be honored next f(flMh«r«i6H*rfluU»rip.4ewii A rcher fly. 'jr. KOams, lb \ p p lh« Agi el Org/» l»l»h Greenwood, li 4 >0' week for his status of being s Shows Nightly AtDusk L a u ro , sa M W l p*lie« »f hnHulplauurtl R . S trusa Jones was not so lucky In, the Caldwell, If 3 <1 horseijjayer 73 years by the CHILDREN ALWAYS FREE Ihlftdudlva Anai«M L. Jeff second. He hit Labrlola wllh K. Jones, rf 2 Pizzi, If inaugural of the Bernard Baruch Iwrfl I* volupiu«ui L. Hill pitched ball at the start of the Farrow, if #*>•« Handicap at Saratoga, a mile- refill Md vleltnl IB 4 1 0 Entire Week Starting W om en - " Long Branch half of the inning. An Labrlola,' p 1 „4 end-one-elghth event for three- W ednesday, A ug. 3 p«rll« Jeait Law ton ■ • " ; error gave Jimmy Jordan a life, Jordan, 3b I'*l > Red Bank Men’s Club (0) year-o ld s w ith 323,000 added Mighty Ssga.of.The • ■•I M. Koppenberger , Labrlola advancing. Labrlola was Slclllano,. lb 3 <1 ai» .value, lt was back In the sum­ World's Mightiest Manl E. Whirtoh v forced at third on Tony Slcillano’s 3 Venezia, lb ] 1 W est, If C' m er of 1882 when Baruch trudged Intermediate Boys roller to the box. Jones appeared Greshan, 2b o 0 Pim itl, cf, p, 3 with his father to the old Elk- Jo h n K roll > ' ■ 202 out of trouble when he fanned the O nacilla, 4 3 O': Green, p, c 3 wood Park, now Monmouth Park,. next batter, but then a passed ball Nannlnl, If, p ■.-* asab o y of 16 to cast his first let the Long Branch base runners J . Wllllama, 3b 3 T U L T Z S 18 < 1 bet on a horse. Baruch has been move Into scoring position. Onnle Score by Innings: W opat, 2b playing horses regularly and as­ F l I C L K I D f Onacilla grounded to third.. The K eyport 1 0 0 0 0 1! t - 2 Droddy, lb 2 siduously ever since. He belles throw for the final out got sway Long Branch 0 2 0 1 1 #**-41 S hom o, i f 1 the sdage that all horse players Figaro, rf 0 die broke. They do not have to D u n c a n , rf 1 as long ss they keep their horse- playing In proper relationship to 20 0 3 their regular work in life and do BECKER REALTY OUfwood Angels (2) not .try to' make 11 their source o f, a b .Income' and life activity. It al­ ClM kwScopE iKleiu, ct ways hss been a diversion to COLOR by DC LUXE B .Sm ith.s. - Baruch, nothing more. He had Szyarto, U more Important work to do In , Thursday thru ’M onday. 13 • 14 r 13 . It . 17 Medolia, « ; life for this country and the SAVEL with'Steve Reeves Vena, 3b, p whole world. Horse rscing was And Cast ot Thousands! Entire Week) Downey, lb hia relation, his "something Today thru Tuesdsy J P ia l, 2b different" from the strain ol his - _ — Wo* - , L a u ro , 3b work in finance and ■ statecraft, Tha Mighty Sags of tha INSURANCE AGENCY Qarland, rf - ahd he had too muci> good sense FORBIDDEN PARADISE/ ; W ord's Mightiest Man!' Do you wish lo buy! properly} List properly? to let It become anything more , -C u t of Thousands 20 1 4 than Just that. But you will see NOW Is th a tim e - te BU Hava a mortgage problem? Need lnsutaace~of any kind? * Cost sl Millions yn r tank wllh OUR Full Rad Bank Men’s Club (1) him In his box at Saratoga, Stav. Keavta - Oil. Summer’a going fast. . , , - - ■ a b » pouring over the Morning Tele­ avoid lhat last-minute rush, COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE R'W illiams, ss graph and elating over his win­ "HERCULES”. W q M t, 2b ners and despairing over his MORTGAGES — RENTALS — MANAGE3HENT - INSURANCE losers the same a s anj? 32 p lu g g er I D yallS cop*C olor 4. P izzu tl, cf, p ... Green, p, c f, at the' parimutuels. . - P lu s - FREE CONSULTATIONS Nsnnlnl, e . S T U U lJt, J : WUllams, 3b DIFFERING LENGTH of the iTfc. Biggest Thing Since I t/tf***i / utt. / W est, If baselines is the reason why the . COl PAX 1 Htt-Q S SlHCt- i 9 u y '\ i ' '' Creation . ” Droddy, lb . Keyport High School diamond Is 4 - 0 ? 0 0 | I <9S

Thursday, Augwt 6,1959 INC MATAWAN JOURNAL €l*v*n

Top Slock Car Raring TQs Feature On New “Inside” Oval At Old Bridge Stadium Deal Blue Sox [ J»nty Shore Uqgut"| Norgate Drivers Crack Up Eliminate Raiders Team w L Ave. Vs.KeyportBukes New names appeared in the {rant HDeal Blue I n dealt tha Keyport Long Branch IAMA M 8 1408 A challenge gam* for the cham­ b r a c k e t! ot stock car racing irt OM Raiders out of the Monmouth Rumson A's 11 J08 pionship of the bey ahV* *re^ County 8-U tourney Statue laat Oakhurst Senior* f 4 JM Bridge Stadium Sunday for the wUI be played tonight weak fay taktog two gamei after Keyport Arrows • I I ,444 fire* time thia m um l Smsshwps th* Raiders had woa the opener. R ed B an k T ow ner* 4 8 .408 Norgate Manor, (Sirrent champs of at Wall tbs night before disabled The Deal team came to Keyport Freehold Townsmen 4 8 .4M the Rsritan Softball League,'.and Cara of eome of lha leading driven ts turn tbe tide July » . Bob Ra- B e lm a r A . C. I 8 .111 th* Keyport Dukes, who issued th* and AsIncHned these speedstera to poUa waa east to th* mound by Madtsoa PBA I » .Mt challenge to Karttaa. Manager Jsy Baker, Keyport, to go two nights In a row. The Dukes attack ta led by BID wrap up tha series. No coocera Madison at Oakhursti Conway, batting at a U t clip, and Frankie Schneider, Eergeantvilie, wa* felt when Deal scored aa un­ Freehold at Neptune City. , Lennte Golden, thetr apeedy short­ took the lead oo the 18th lap and earned ma in the first as Billy Long Branch at Keyport. ’ stop, betting lot. Hal Schumock I* Oeiger singled with Denny Hat- held It the rest ot the w a; ia wia- Rumaon at Red Bank. Ute stesdy man in the field. Kry­ Iona and George Roman aboard ning the 25-lap feature atock car port currently is la fifth place In ia the Raider half of the Inning (a c e . their league, evidenoe that they and csune home od John Pang- Madlion Park Ousted, have a good club elaoe the league In acoring his first victory of the born's two-bagger. 11-0, By Edison they plsy la is e atrong one. asannn, Schneider, driving a new The Keyport 1-1 lead did not last Norgate Manor believes they ' Ford modified machine, passed long. TWo walk* and a hit filled Madison P irk Little Leigu* have ths edge In pitching with Bill the bases with two out tor the Larry Voss, Beasley Point, on the team, competing tn th* national Martin, who won the MVP award Invaders, Rapolla forced to a lAth lap and managed to atay in championship preliminaries Thurs­ thla season tn the Raritan League. aeoond Deal run with his third walk fMnt the rest of the way. Voss fin The big man for Norgate Is Bill o l the frame. Sklppy Horton smash­ day, dropped from competition khed second and Norman Kidd, Kansky, currently batting a terrlfia ed a triple down the right held when they were shut out by the fottstow n, Pa., was third. The win- 478 with aeven humere to his credit. line to clear the bases and send Edison repreaentative* 11 to 0, at » ning time was *:55. He Is well on his way to winning Deal ahead,*-}. Wheel Comes Off Car E d iso n . ' the batting honor* ia the Raritan On the first lap the rear wheel Italian Draw Cleee The Madison Park youngsters, L eague. •The Raidera drew close in their fam e ofNBob Pershing’s car. The behind the briUlant pitching of Officiating st Ihe openisf cere­ half of the second when Geiger car hooked with that driven by Larry Szpara, previously bad woo monies will be Dob Strang, Key­ Rattle, Patenoa. The race Aces Grab Spot Royals To Play tripled with Hallorin on first. Bui port Commissioner of Police, and tMW halted aa the cars were towed Deal promptly pulled iw iy igaia over Mllhown T-l at South River. Raritan's Msyor Harry P. Sesmen. lilt the speedway. In the top of ths third on two hit*, Th* adult management group It Is anticipated that the gtm* will The aezt time around Alton Hil­ In Colt Playoffs At Baltimore two walka and a disastrous error guiding th* program of th* Madi­ become an annuel bome-and-home dreth. Bridgeton; Bill McCarthy, MONMOUTH CO. MAJOR MAT-KEY MON. MIXED ln the Keyport outfield to run the son Psrk league is selling up final affair with the series starting to­ Keyport Aces clinched the second Manager Phil Gumba announced total against the Raidert to M . iUmsQD snd Irv Streets, Wil­ Ju ly » A l * IT plans for the local championship night al ths Keyport High School mington, Del., were involved in an playoff spot In the Northern Divi­ T e a m W L Tuesday thst the Cliffwood Royals series. m S eriea Hits by Rog Dine m d Billy Stadium at 8:30 p.m. a c c id e n t sion, Monmouth County Colts M at-K ey 108 B ar 21 11 had received and accepted an in­ Pease and walks to Pangbom and Ballerlea for the Usm s are Frank Bill Braun 1M-I9S-221-417 i Parker Bohn, Freehold, won the League, when they edged the Rarl- Ziegler's Electric, 23 11 vitation to play in Baltimore Aug. Don Nun picked up two final runs Monmouth Park’s new trophy Poling snd Dick VanWart, Keyport, J o h n C ecere 216-26S-138—018 first beat over HUdreth. George Un Township Ramblers at Beers Middletown-Keansburg . II as part of a baseball Isstlval for the Raiders la the bottom ot for th e 1100,000 g u s rs n te e d Sapling and Bill Martin and W orm Roggt* Haven*, Yerks, Pa.,, was third and Joe Poulson l»4-193-2]6-e2] N a t'l B ank 21 11 Ihe third when there wss a big Stakes lo be run Saturday, drew man, Norgate, St, School field 8-7 In the final in that city 0 0 that date. This good Harry Moore, Pott*town, w as Kes Melvin »»181-|t»-40t P e te 's Inc. 21 IX hassle over an interference rule by nothing but prelse from those who The natural rivalry e( K*yport ■lews salved tht wound left by de- 'fourth, Bfb, Pershing took the game of the regular season. Ihe CUffi Seafood . M U an-umpire. Nuss replaced Rapolla were fortunate enough to *** it and th* upstart Marltaa* is at CM aeoond beat with a fine 4:01 clock- teams came down to the game H en d ric k 's D a iry 17 11 laat Sunday la a (am* at Mao- on the mound for the Raidera ta when It flnt w*i unveiled. The list In the open tad aU th* ntctt> Bill Braun m tag. Larry Voss, with a 3: SB dock- locked in the standings so lhat the H aley’s Sunoco S erv ice , 17 I f Wlllism Stadium, Ptrth Amboy, the fourth and held the Deal tesm trophy Is s sterling cone, with ssry eliments are present ( ' John Cecere 118-3*8 tag. edged out Chubby ,Hower In B e tty A E d d ie s 17 H aafe the rest of. the way. But Nuss’ gilded Isolde and on either side vide" a good, ‘ axcltlitg game. Nor*, winner would take tbe Ijerth. Joe Poulson 2 » Where the Perth Amboy Raidera • dose finish |q the third heat. U lrichaen B o at W ork* 17 W fine effort was lost as Jake Kuhl- sre silver riding whips, th* tipi gat* i* out to prove taty didn't wllw ll Matawan Braves previously had Bob Berry Jr. m took a shortened seven-lnnlag con­ ; Wins IS-Lap Consolation F in la y 's 17 - I I m u npUcsd Tommy Carpentler of which ar* ot 14-karat gold. The Inm a■ "chesp'.Meagu*, vniap .^iwsnt and It de-d*- T om L eavy 100 • Charlie Munday, Laurence Har­ clinched the first place playoff spot KUlas Boat Woik*\ 18 IT test from die Royals 14. It waa 0 9 the mound for the .Sox snd trophy I* set In s baa* of dark termination counts, Keyport had Bemle Hagemaa M l bor. woo the lt-lap consolation Tha Aces pulled It. out In a No. 1 ; 18. a the aecned Ion ol tha y u r tor the kept Keyport Uank. This sent Ihe green Transvaal Jad* bordered ta better k* on It* toe*. Jerry Hettrick - I U asce with McCarthy; Duke De­ hair-raising finish. The teams went LawlejTs Rad E*Ut* , W 417U series Into • deciding gsme at gold. In front of the cone Is a Ken Melvin m Cliffwood team against seven wlna Breeze, Jamesburg and Streets No. 17 If# 17# Deal Friday. * sapling, composed of 4M leave* Into tha final innings locked at Tom Pari* v .1 1 1 ' Ths Royals had gotten away to finishing in order behind him. Buff la Motor Co., which hsve been dipped In a 14- HIM five-all.’ The Ramblers appeared J u d M uro » 4 • good start in this gams. Bob It appeared for over four Innings Dan McLaughlin, Belmar, won Freehold 11 18 karat gold hath. Julie Rosato 201 that Rapolla would redeem him­ his third novice race on the Sta­ “in" when their pitcher, Bill Flamingo Bar ' 14 18 Jackson scored for them the flrat Tony Bellexza self on the mound as he had a dium track. Bob Brlegle, Lang- Jannarone, doubled with BUI'Aus­ 100 Fiacher's Cities Service 14 11 time up on his first hit, * sto len Defense Bonds pay tha sa in t H 0 Tony. Soianski .. ... m no-hltter going. But • walk snd an home, Pa., was aecond and Wilbur tin on baae and two out and N o.1 1 . v ■ 11 » rate of Intem t as tne War Bond* Art Caiamarl, base, an error and * fltlder’s error gave Deal unearned ium In Stout, Hlghtstown, third. .. scored himself on an error. But It m echuher'iAttantlp 11 IT you bought during th* war. Buy John Giles ' choice. Ths CUHwooder* widened both the first and fourth Inning. Bohn had his firs t feature was too much for Jannarone and No. 12 . I tt' aom el l i i i g BUI L a rch With two out In th* fifth, Rapolla race viaKiiy la two yesrs within his mates to have the playolt berth M l their lead to W in tlie top of the walked Barry Anton. Tom Clark easy grasp Saturday night at Wall staring them ln the face. Mike Tobi^ UT third when Jackaon hit safely Harry Stovtr in M i nun-u-a then gained the rfrst Deal hit, T oay Gtidfum-riintll a final lap tangle In the Keyport half cff the frame, 'MS again. Otey Wathlnstoa alto con- :r. V -A W C h * MatovsVy followed with th* second, aeat Mm spinning back to third they were bunted right out of the MCted, and O ut Stephan* singled a double to aew up tha ball game Studios Fred MUler ...... M l place ti* DeJ)reeze rushed through ball park. JUAmy Houston led olf HAT-KEY LADIES INDIVIDUAL Rdph VaccartDl 200 them home. ' ' by scoring two run*. to tafcathe Belmar Elks Trophy. with one and was safe. Brian CLASSIC , ' , S tev e S lo re n t . 101 LedNmrly AO The Way Jackson followed with another and But tt was not enough. Stephen*, Th* Raiders, who had left men ■ UMMD WEDDUKS A SPEOUTT i f f M Ten Leavy > 2U Bohn -, had ltd for nearly the the Rambler* threw to the wrong Ctlffweod starting pitcher, had con­ on bases In every Inning without Team 1 .Nat* Fred WpW M4 » MAIN IT . THL* CO 44101 U X m ikt enttre .rw * *nd had less than SOO base and both runner* were safe. scoring on Clark and Carpentler, jjMgSUailBMBMflBW MBW MI ih J M a t.,W in e k L iquor* ' • ■ DickHelnk* - Ml trol troubles. Ho walked three Am­ fea^of the eight and one-third The runners stole' their way into Deal pitchers, finally found th* Vivian Wilaoa . 11U1 boy. batten la tht flnt but had miles to go. Also sweeping by In Scoring position and BiUy Hyer B o b D n i c a t - . , rsnge ln the ilith, Walks to Nuss Subby's Cleanar* .' Joe Burgtas ; . ' 114 the crash-filled feature was Kidd tied the score with a single. Hyer (pitched hla way out of tbe tight and Chick Coyle and Pease's Ire n e Q u a d t ' 114.14 Jany Hettrick in tta;-|>opular XL1 to take down went to second on the throw in and ■pot In the third, h* waa not *o eeoond hit brought In two run* but George’s Chevrolet, Freehold Jack Singer It « n too little and too latt, A aecond money. Several of the Sta- put the winning run on third with fortunate. With on* out he put two Barbara Ugl , - 114.4 G eo rg e B e a c h 1 114 force plsy adQ sn Infield out ended i fflumfkvoriteawere out of the non* out on *a passed ball. Buck Smith’a Tom Paria 218-131 men on batea by walk*. His sup­ the game and the aeries aad-Ktjr- race early because of the many Walk Dangerous Hitter* Trudee Giles UI.8 V iv ian WllMU ' 128 port than cricked on him. Two bad port 8-U baseball for another year. ‘ a sh es. Manager Andy Taylor had Jan­ Cathy CroA^ : . 1M.14 V t y S m ith M t Ktjrtwt lUM en (8) narone walk Fred Jones, Keyport •n o n and the score was tied vrllh- Rahway, was side- RuthDolsoo. , , ..HM * ------■ j i •• ■ ■■ . ab f ll er, and Charley Collard, dan- «ut the Perth Amboy team having w h en a .M irySmith) j-. j i V -i;; 177J O 'P a rt* ..-’i Halloran, lb ' ■ " 4 ’I '* & ibm s'M 1 tteri.TliIs' 4 ' 1 “•rntfde *• •1 aM playrtl a If ' " “ •' ' yv.. •••. m atfe 4 U t y e t. ^ ^ j?twr>i Helen Carscaddea ‘ IZ J J t R om an, I b , c f ' 4 , 1 at every base for Raritan. But Popiponlo, Lakewood,’ started, a Dixie Lee Bakery MAT4EEY LADIES MON. THREE The Amboy team finally hit In O e lg e r, l b 4 V* Hank DuBols came up and laid chak reaction which ended with Anita Sloyent ’ 13i.l8 ... ., J^y27 . the fifth and it M i enough to win Rapolla, p I H down a aqueeie bunt and Hyer was a dialling cradcup Involving the Jo y c e P a ri* ' 1 9 . ' -.■■Turn'':- ■ W ; - ' t this ball game, Earl Oumbs had Pangborn, e 111 across the piste with the winning NO. 41. People’s Liquor* •* Molly Pitcher Home* 22 I replaced Stephen* on the mound R. Dane, *4 I j 1 Lenny Brown,, Lambertville, waa run. M a rie G oiino ' 11L11 NO. S - U 11 fbr lha Roy air ln the fourth. A Nuss, cf, p 1 8 0 Jannarone had given himself a out of It aarly when Kidd blasted Jessie Hettrick ,.- ; U044 N o. I ' 14 U walk, a three-bigger by Boot* Pease, If . 10 1 couple o f. runs on which to work Kayla, Amboy pitcher, and a the No. Itt GMC in the fourth Pavilion Bar ’ N o . 4 14 U Schultr, rf Iff with his hit ln the top of the first, turn fence during a semi-final C lau d ia S chobor . 119.1 Laurence B*rborE**o M U single sent ln the runs to put the Coyle, rt Iff scoring Brian Regnault,. and com­ Rftldcn ihdd W. event' Pomponlo, ln the feature, Peggy Swtoaeo - 111.U N o. 2 , , . U M ing In himself on an Infield ooL smacked the second turn fence and Mat-Key Recreatiasi < N o. S . m M}4 With the shades of night falling 47 « • But he lost bis advantage' in the fast on this. second game of a MdCarthy spunout on the second Helen PugUd lU.4* No. 8 ■ ujj 1«M Daol M m I m ( I ) bottom of the fram ewhen Keyport double Mil, tbe Royal* could not t u r n . . ' :■ U lrlc h ie a S e a Skiff* . .. - BUl'Novlck* • . U U a b scored three time* on' walks to connect with Kayla1* fait ooe In Ralph Perkins,' Trenton, drove a Ann Ulrlcfiaen . WM N o . 10 1 A 21 S. An toe, at / 1 CATCH THE CURK Houston and Collard, Hyer1* flnt the ildh and aeventh Md the stesdyrace to finish third while Thelma Kinam 107.7; ■' M C h b . . Horton, If / I hit and a bad overthrow on Du­ game wta called on account of FraiikW yroncuk,-New Egypt, nail­ Kulas Boat Work* ' Fried* Jeckeli , - »8 B.Aatoa,lb 4 Aa old cookbook gtvts iMt c u t ftn atthm t, "Wm* Bols’ grounder. dartoea* with them lha loaen. ed down fifth money. More than Ana Kulas v- :. ■ ■ - w u M lld re ilN o * . m C l a r k ,» . 4 1 I Ilit tU a Of i m uiltrat-nir Kd* aaM to lb* body— Richie Boyd put the Rambler* ln cnthrood Reyala (I) > ‘ OM jh^s, largest of the current ■ . M t C M - P a t M a g d a . 104 ~ tovsby, •> 4 J 1 front again ln the third when he - v ; ■■■'■ . . a b r b v m th* Iwaaa.” certain nUttwutmmi, l l 't omd> "•“ “ - • d ie d : j* ,J a m e s D eedy Irene Quadt 1 24S-J11 Carpsotisr, Ib, p 1 doubled after Jannarone and Jim Bob JKfcmi, 2b 12 0 tottos toksow that wt hav* mor* ttliaU* owUwdt ia k ° . ar VFW . presented . the Barbara Ugi HI J. XaM nta. p, lb 1 Mombert bad singled. John Pon- Ollors, Dukos S*tk O. Wathington, s* I I 1 trophy,; to DeBreeie" and Jem Trudee Giles Ml Ptlliupt, cf . I today. Ia n ctct ytan madtcai tctonoa hat achieved grac followed with a hit fa) (core Slmin*,' lb »00 Boyette presented a novice trophy Ann Ulrichsea •• fourth PlayoiFf SpojL, ■ R. Kuidmaa, rf 1 tootkiulabl* ImprovwDeots In tht caw and twatnw i to BW Brown, PortMonmouth, Boyd and make lt 8-1 tor the Tay­ Supheo*, p ■ 10 2 lor forcea. But Manager Al Caru­ Peggy Swansea • U4 ef UfaMM, Your physician can tad you tbout lh* who topped the lMst>. 24-car nov­ A t improved Monmouth Dukes Hunter; « • .1 0 1 ’ u t * so's lads bounced back In the fifth ice race.. ; . C. Wathington, lb * # 0 Score by laalagti aflkedvo n>*d)oatlom avtlltU*. Seek hi* p roM onal to tie lt up on Houston’* hit, a MAT-KEY WED. MEN’S '' nine has cone 00 Deal fUseSox 14 4*00-0 adviot whsn you'rs IU. TTwr, If ha raconnModi walk to Jackson and Jooes’ three- ■ '■ July a Hollywood OUert for a spot lo the Myroncuk and Perkins, while seml- YtteacT,, too K s y p o rt R a id e rt I l i f t bagger. And It remained that way ■nsdtailkni, ooint to ut for quality prcteitpttoM. Bnal nces went to McCarthy and Taaai;' * * 1< Matawan-Keyport Softball League c . C nM , f t ’ I o 1 Ktyport Rtltort (I) to tbe blistering seventh. KUdJ Myron cuk also won the con­ o u tc* * t* u n ■ 414 playoffs, according to weekend s . O m A * . rt : I * 0 a b w h Keypert Ace* 1 1 1 Include all gam es of Fiber - M r 4 dies the Woodland Farm horses of B a ro n 's 14 & 1514 R appola, 'p 1 0 0 W. Hyer, c, if . 1 1.3 Amoty L. Haskell, has taken over No. 7 - 14 18 Chemical to complete tha season P4rth Aa**y R aidtn (I) Pangbor*, e I 0 0 F. Jones, p ' * 3; II the contract of Apprentice George N f , . ! - ■ ■ 14 18 of that' team. They were forced . . * t b Pfu**,.cf 1 0 0 Collard, cf 1 l ;l M atis, - c t ’- ' 0 0 GrosfcTete Scakkme, former jock­ N a t 10- . j 11 I I . to forfeit two weeks ago and call a-ScbolU I 1 0 H. DuBols, lb . H I Lahovkh, aa 0 0 ey, IT-waking proas’ engagements. B n m 'a .■ ' .. ■. f 11 R, Dane, s* I 0 0 Levandowskl, «• ' . J • • off the remainder of their season. Mary Carter Paints 1 28 Rawlings, t t ’ 1 1 Coyt*. rf 1 1 0 COlfajc 904 P o st, U. 2 0 1 The standings; - K ayta, p 21 0 . M Scrie* : P e a se, If i n LEAGUE FORMING French, rf - . • J 9 . 1 T a m . W F c t P o p a k . l f , 0 0 Opatosky, 3b 1 I 1 Bob Drag** UM21-188—115 Coluccl Anodatkn If, m Rayseil^lk U 1 f c u k '■M- FOR Old MIU Dairy If .708 C o r e l,J T a-Batted for lfcM In M Charles SchiraM, 117 ’ • *17 I | Bcura Inc. If .0 2 59*60 SEASON Walter BnehwaM. 118 D M t W m M l 0 ) " Raritan Twp. Ranhfen (7) ■ Hollywood Oilers' f .375 Hartnlte. p' '. M sed a y I PJM . - C a b r b - 1 a b r h M ike S u dsina ‘ 341 t RENAULT Taaaday t PJL Moonouth Duke* • .M l Si Antoa, ss j 0 0 Regnault,-lb . 4 1 1 Jany GergasJm ' M J l 8 2 Wednesday * PJM. Fiber Oemlcal 7 IB H o rto e, If 1 0 0 W. Janaarone, p <1 * MannyBaraa a iffw o o d 1 028 f f 0-3 Tbarsday I PJH. Games to be played showed B . A nton, lb ' ( 3 0 Mombert. a* -; ’ +- I- t Buddy. Short ’ US Perth Amboy 8 0 I 0 2 8 X - 4 “ BOWLING DAILY / Clark, 2b, p ’111 Vassallo, If' : i t • I r v C o o p er 2S1-200 Coluccii have . Timeworn distinctions between .. The . State Highway Authority dation has beta donor of the 4-H County, tbe first ate months of The planning boatd, la fore­ (arm and city cousin* are disap­ 1S5# have reflected an increase In f^hursgay returned tomiioidpal pearing rapidly, say rural soci­ electric ■ awards for nearly a casting an increase in Monmouth the amount of filings Id the county rolls ab additional .14 pieces of lan d ologists. Another fusion taking «u*rter of a century. This is the County's population, indicated‘that deifc’s office. J. Russell Woolley, It had Acquired for construction of place is tn 4-H Clutaa. In this eighth year that Hercules Powder county clerk, said thst in the more thao 600,000 persons would the Garden, State Parkway. state, as in virtually every other Co. has supported tha entomology January-June period of this year, reside in the county by 1975. The Authority Treasurer Sylvester C. state, non-farm 4-H boys and girls papers recorded ia his office num­ county's population, which was 1 Smith jr. announced the award of are carrying many of tbe same program. Arrangements for award* bered 15,758, as compared with 225,327 in 1950, a lre a d y h a s in- . the surplus property to the high projects as their .counterparts arem ade by the National Com­ 11,566 fo r th e sa m e p erio d in 1958. c re a se d to n e a rly 345,008, th e plan­ living oo farms, according to the bidders io its June IT public sale. mittee on Boys and Girls Chib The increase totaled 2J90 papers. ning board has reported. . Cooperative Extension Service. The M parcels represent remnants Work. All winner! are announced Fees received in the county Two exaihples are the electric 4>f larger tracts which were re­ cleric's office for tlie first six How about business cards? We and entomology projects. Every by the State 4-H Club office. quired tor the Parkway right-of- months of the yesr increased cor­ Can supply them quickly and at household at one time or another w ay. respondingly, M r. Woolley said. At the right price. Come and try us, ' Commissioner 'Smith said the has' need of simple electrical re­ Offer Guggenheim sale was the second in a series pairs on Iron cords, switches, fans, of such offerings planned by the wall outlets, small motors, and the Estate To Hospital like, Mad©-to-order items such, as Authority to dispose of all excess Walter W. Reid Jr., president of lamps always find favor with land as soon as possible. The sales the Board of Governors of Mon­ mother, while converting '(man- remove excess parcels from tax- mouth Msdlcal Center, has an­ made energy to electrical energy Wall to Wall free'status as Authority property nounced The Murry and Leonie and restore them to local ratables. makes many chores easier. These Guggenheim Foundation ha* offer­ Ten such parcels were put back on are but a few things that 4-R‘ers. ed the Guggenheim Estate on Ce­ learn to do and demonstrate In local tax rolls in the first public dar Ave., West Long Branch, to the CARPET the electric project s a le .la s t Aug.* 6. h o spital. . Bids For Second Sale the entomology program often The Board of Governors of the S om e 142,775 w as the su m total SEAC0AST FLOOR COVERING CO. starts 4-H’ers In an exciting hobby hospital, according to Mr. Reid, are of the H. high bids in the second like collecting butterflies, and iden­ investigating the possibility of us­ COIfax 4-3333 : ...... sale, Tweinty parcels were offered tifying rare or indigenous species Mrs. Andrew Handio and Leonard F. Wllllnger, both of Point Pleasant, are shown above, inM r. Hand­ ing the estate for hospital purposes. Route 35 and Clark St. Keyport by the Authority, but four drew no of insects. They also learn to in '. gleaming white 111# Bulck. Forty-nine years ago this was the latest thing in motoring ram lert. Mora To that end, application has been bids and two other* were reject­ and more people visit the Monmouth Fair each year to see these early automobiles In action. All are In recognize helpful as well as harm­ m ade to the zoning board of adjust­ * ed after bidders failed to approach top-notch condition, and arrive at the fair under their own power, whether It be electric, gasoline, or ful ones. Whether club members ment of the Borough of West Long ' the appraised value of either. steam. Hours are spent polishing brass radiators and head-lamps; even the motor* must be ready for cultivate small gardens or vast Branch, and following its decision, Alt. 85 bids w e re subm itted. Ofres they can apply this knowl­ a statement will be forthcoming. In ita expedited program to dis­ P riz e s wiu be awarded for the best car In show; car coming the longest distance, best Job of edge to growing betyer vegetables, The estate, located on Cedar Ave. pose of excess parcels, the Author* restoration, and In many other categories. Many owners and their families come dressed In costumes Wall to Wall Carpet flowers, fruits and grains. Pets and at Norwood Ave., , contains more lty is planning a third public sale, of the period, mailing It a very colorful and nostalgic sight. Veils and wicker picnic baskets for tbe farm animals are benefited too. than eight acres of land, a luxur­ 100% Nylon • Wool tentatively scheduled for Sept. 16 ladles and goggles and dusters lor the men bring baclc memories of the by-gone days of motoring. . Learn By Doing ious two-story, 33-room home and linoleum • Vinyl — Rubber Following recommendations by Au See all the antique automobiles at the 12th Annual Fair lor the benefit of the Monmouth County With Ihe help* of county Ex^ landscaped grounds. :. Asphalt — Cork Tiles . - thority engineers and its Real E* Historical Association, which will be held for two days, Aug. 19 and II, at the Monmouth Park Race tension agents, local volunteer 4-H ‘tate Division to' dispose of' the Track In Oceaoport The old cars will be featured on Sunday. leaders, and Junior leaders the During the Civil War, the S a n d ra n Forcast V I N Y L S 6 ft WW* land, surveys must be made and young people "learn by doing.” Federal Navy paid a Frenchman legal descriptions prepared In each Interruptions Not Across the nation some 135,000 club 110,000 to bu|ld a submarine to Accolon esse of ■ lurplus parcel before it Birds * 1 .3 9 M l-yi Parkway Issues members are presently enrolled la sink the Confederate Iron-clad Mer* can be put up for public sale. Frequent, Firm S< Expert Installation ' V ths electric project, while zealous rimac, But when a naval officer Surplus pieces resulted from the bug hunters number abound 50,000. 'Authority’s money-saving policy of Data On Mishaps Jersey Central PoWer * Light arrived to take command of the Hard work and ^noteworthy buying an entire tract In order to Company’s service territory was finished vessel, the Inventor had M atawan F loor C overing C o. A marked decrease In automobile achievement In both of these under­ preclude property owneri from de­ the target during July of frequent disappeared (with his (10,000). A* takings do not go unrecognized. manding damages in their selling breakdowns, particularly from flat and prolonged lightning storms, but no one could figure oat how to 141 Main Street , , : County, state and national awards price. A partial taking would have tires, was reported last week on ths thanks to the recent and continuing frork the gadget, it never was of are provided by leading business any use to the Navy. LO 6-4335 Matawan LO 6-4335 created landlocked conditions. Garden State. Parkway fpr the first Instillation of an extensive system -ClMoat of the excess parcels are of protective devices and other half of this year. The New Jersey small, Afr*gujarly-shaped piece* of equipment, Interruptions Id electric land. The largest unit sold at Highway Authority safd that, de­ service were kept to V minimum; p ublic bidding w as 1.1 a c re s, Al) spite a 13 per cent Increase In toll according to Charles E. Kohlhepp, excess land sold publicly so far has traffic during the alx-month period, president of the utility company. beers in the northern areas of the the number ot aids to motorists What Interruptions there were, Parkway in Essex. Passaic and dropped from 13,092 last year to Mr. Kohlhepp aald, were scattered Bergen Counties.- The Authority 12,719.. - ...... and for the most part - affected hopes to start the sale of more Oneof the biggest letdowns for Individual or small groups Of cus­ southern pieces later this year. single .type of breakdown was tomers. In spite of the frequency the 19 per cent decrease In flat and severity of. the electrical Keystone Atftomobile- tires. State Police on'the Parkway storms during the month, he added, rep o rted th e re w e re 3783 m otorist, there were very few large areas Club Opposes Gas Tax aids Involving flat,tires this year without power for extended lengths a s co m p ared to 4461 fo r th e com ­ of tim e. : Keystone Automobile Club hai parable period last year. Reason for this, Mr. Kohlhepp opposed "any increase In the Mechanical failures, on the other said, ls the protection afforded federal gasoline t a * In any hand, rose from 3559 last year to JCP&L’b transmission: end distri­ •mount" during • Congressional 4056. Cars running out of gasoline bution system by lightning arres- hearing In Washington, D.C. In stayed more or less on the same, tors, line fuses;, relays,, circuit su p p o rt Ot IU stan d , K eystone level—2339 la s t y e a r an d 2390 this breakers and other sectlonaUzIng pointed out that 1( only a part of year. Considering the heavy in­ equipment which protect the sys­ the excise Uxe» presently collected crease In traffic, even those figures tem and at the same time localize Irom Ihe motorist were returned would reflect a downward trend.; inlernipted areas and keep the 10 the Highway Trust Fund the Tho Authority recently Issued a num ber of custgjrcerj .effected, to a proposed federal. Increase Jn the unique "Send Help’’ signal map to minimum. Wlttjput tb^ and other gasoline tax would’ be completely provide motdrists with a handy protective equipment,. Mr. Kohl­ unnecessary.: - r means of calling attention to their hepp said, Interruptions from even The club, also took the position need for emergency service. The small storms would be a great deal that, since the National System of sign is a part of the Authority’s more extensive and prolonged, Interstate end Defense -Highways official ninth edition Parkway map Is for'the general welfare of all folder. " i . More Drivers Lose V the people of the . United States Besides the 13 service stations .''all of the expense, ot these new scattered along the 173-mile super­ Rights To Drive highway syatems should not be highway, ' the Authority has ar­ Saddled upon the shoulders of the rangement* with 19 off-Parkway Three more bayshore area, driv­ motorist users of the .highways. garages to provide emergency tow­ ers have had their drlylng privilege ("lt is difficult for us to {Ind ing and repair service for disabled suspended under the' state's, point Justification for the enactment by cars. ‘ • ;1 system and 40-70 speeding law, It the Congress of the United States was reported by the State Division Of a tax measure Which to our of Motor Vehicle*. Under the point minds outrages the concept of the Piano Concert At system, Harold R. Vashey, 24, of antl-diverslOn provisions of t h e Neptune Myilc Circus.. 827 Second Ave., Union Beach, lost ^syden-CanwrlghtHlghwayAct of his' license for 45' daysaftereon- some years. s£o, a principle - which victlons on charges of .speeding, Erroll Garner, appropriately call­ still is the law of the land. This falling, to keep right, disregard of ed, .the r, "world's must: creative ti all. tho more obnoxious to those stop sign and Improper passing. - pltno m an/' makes his .only visit il-us who are citizens of one of u n d e r th e 60-70 sp eed ru le, li' to St. John Terrell's Neptune Music the 24 or more states which hsva censes were lifted for, a period of C ircu s on M onday! A ug. 17, lot constitutional provisions prohibiting 30 days for Pellegrino W. Barrlcell! one' of hia famous cdncert per­ (diversion ol motor vehicle reve­ formances. • 19, of 366 Carr Ave., and George n u e s ." E. Morris, 18,-of Euclid Ave., both "The Ziegfeid Follies," starring of Keansburg. Revocations were Bert Wheeler and Hank Ladd,' the ordered July 9 and 10 in their re­ current attraction, will play nightly spective Cases.'. : . . . fte n tfa g through Sunday. ‘'Jam aica,'' star­ ring Abbey Lincoln, opens on Mon d$y and will play through Sunday, Aug. 16. CIAISIIIID Mr. Garner, a. self-taught pianist, who has evolved his; own system of playing the piano by ear, also Is's line composer with more than 100 compositions to his credit. Al­ MONTREAL though he treats his composing ac­ tivities as a sort of by-product of his piano performances, his origi­ nal words are winning Increasing attention. Best known of his works are "Dreamy,".; "Misty,',’ "Trio.”, "Other Voices” and .''Play, Plano, P la y .” ' . ... . 1 Tickets for the Erroll Garner concert may be obtained by writing I ul< flam Attan Pt'kiflM ' the Neptun? Music Circui, P.O. B ox 148, N eptune, o r call P R ospect T ake it easy ... 5-8100. your rugs are safe with Boyes At oar modern plant, your • Maghan Agency pmlovi rail neiivi tho lim it car# , k 4 th o y ’r * trlp to - cl«n« to rfcipevo doopimbtd* SAVE w ith SAFECO d«d d ir t • • . to r o ito r o th o color • »,* Moth proofed « » » (kin iifilf ' itorod and In* Estate—Insurance lurod until Oct. l i t . ; MATAWAN 138 Main St. L0 6-0003

For FREE pick-up and dellfiry f ill ■ PA 1 -1 5 8 2 HO TOLL CHARGE..... from Chart.r or KHmei-monoa — Edsel — Lincoln ailc optrator for WX 7374 . NEW ANDISED CARS Monmouth Street, Opposite Carlton Theatre Rug Cleaning Co. IW Bank '' v;-..;-' ,• . 4th ond StoToni A yo. ! S h a d y s id e 7-4545 -1-6000 Soa^k Aml»ojrf Nrw J in i^ , Visit Your Trip!e*S Redemption Center Af ’ ■ i ' - _ T8S MAIN BTREET. KBANSBUM I OPEN FMDAX 8 t.tL - CLOSED ALL OAT HOW UI *;i. i 'h r-: 1 Thursday, Augwt 6,1959 IH E MATAWAN JOURNAL F eg el& tean

units, but a high school needs a F o u r Los* Lew ises asssaadltaB Mayer Dismisses Milkman To Face large earoilaseat which the borough Four bayshore area residents had does put twv*. Payloader Case their license* suspended under the, With « rcgjaMl .hid> ^ slate’s 60-711 speeding crackdown ia Additional Count costs of operation are baaed oa • The Matawan Journal Classified Ads " Magistrate Maxwell Mayer, Mad­ July. Thirty-day revocatkms were Eme&t T.'Corrao. the 39-year-old per student basis ^ This waild ison Township, Monday granted dis­ o rd e re d fo r Jo a n A . Pabnls& no, 17, Madisoa Township milkman facing eliminate ts a large extent the of C Magnolia C t, CM Bridge, ef­ present: altuadoa where tl* bor­ missal of a case against a M ata* trial oa two separate charges re­ F O R S A L E F O R S A L E ____ HELP WANTED F O R R E N T wan man who was summoned for fective July 7; Patricia Figone, 43. sulting from his disappearing act ough pays about twice aa mach to 12 HP outboard luotur, $85in Rot HOUSE, 4 rooms, aiiower, sua failing to yield tfce right-of-way of 5 Atlantic Ave., Matawaa, ef­ with a teen-aged girl earlier thia educate a student as does the town­ LADIES Point refrigerator, C5; 3 speed porch, full basement, oil heat while driving a grader on a public fective July 1; John W. Owens. V. year, was charged with a new ia- ship. r id in g t r a c t o r 7-H P- BULL PUP rec o rd p lay e r, $29. In q u ire Nuw- Utcaled at ID Hilltop Blvd.. Cliff- highway. Tbe, court bad reserved Marlboro, effective July 8 and diet meat, carnal abase, by Ihe IV. Legal Steps la Sep, rating A If you have a pleating personality, , 42" Blad* - $r* Mower man, >W-5th Sl , Union Beach. wood Beuch. Call COllax 4-7601 decision at the hearing Thursday. Joseph Jackson, W, t l H Harrisoa Middlesex County Grand Jury Fri­ School D istrict (Aa extracted from like to talk to poople, and have 15 Nearly New — Cost P58 wJ6 ______w jll* The case involves A. M. Ulrich St., Matawan, effective July 21. day. Title 115) . houra a week to work, WE NEED O W & 4 S n ft nsTciibia cruiser. A P A RTM E NT, unfurnished; "5 jr., Matawan, a driver in the em­ The true bill against Corrao, the Title (11:5-1-3) $ 5 0 0 YOU. If you need extra money, 100 HP: low houra. Many extras, rooms and bath. Heat and ploy of a local contracting firm. Old Bridge milkman who ran off 1. Council p a s se s reaob’tic a to r e ­ YOU NEED US. Call SHadyside t » W . C U tfo rd 74121. \v)ti u tllltlra supplied. COlfax 4-5127. , Mr. Ulrich was summoned by Pa­ Jan. 21 with Barbara Diane PWis- quest the csaiaty superintendent to CALL 1-1331.______w)20 Boy On Bike, Four w J8* trolman Josepti La&kewicx, town­ ted, was handed up to County make a study and investigate* as ' WILLIAM L. MORRIS m u s T I e l l " O PERA TO R S taSSTT'fiii FIVE ROOMS and bath, all ship police, who charged Mr. Ul­ Judge DuBois S. Thompson. Bar­ to the advisability for separation. c o ifa x 4-3030 B efore S P .M .. equipped cabin c ru iser. $1150. ON CHILDREN'S SPORTSWEAR utilities, garagr. Inquire 98 rich faile^ to yield the right-of- Others Injured bara, who observed her 15th birth­ (Superintendent has 30 days to file G ibson 6-9300 A fter 8 P.M . Call C O lfsn 1-4427, wj6 AND MKN'S ROBES Woodland Drive, Cliffwood Beach w ay. day July 29, aad County Det. Silvio report). He file* report ftrta'bM w ______w |tf Salary, $45 • $10; 40 hours weekly. Five persons were hurt in ac­ HOT POINT relrigerator: frteier or call LOwell 6223L wj6 . Patrolman Laskewici told the Donatelli testified before the grand ough, township and Board of Ed­ top, p e rfe c t condition, $75. F ire ­ Will discuss transportation prob­ cidents between 7:11 and 11 p.m. magistrate he had found Mr. Ul­ Jurors earlier Friday. ' ucation. i. . : Aluminum Windows place equipment: brass andirons lem s. MATAWAN, 4 room apartment; Saturday in Matawan Township. prlvats entrance. Inquire 18 rich driving a grader east on Route Accordiag to the indictment, Title (18:S-M) 7 Venetian Blinds screen and tools, $25. Call COlfax BAYSHORE TOGS 3. B o ro u g h w ith ia 3 t d a n P*~ Main St., Keyport. wjj 18, and because of the slow speed Four were taken by Matawan Corrao, the (atber of three minor Free Eatlmates 4-0517. vj)6 LOCUST STREET, KEYPORT titions the Commissioner of HA*ca- of the machine, normal movement Township First Aid Squad to area children who also is under indict­ No Money Down CO LFAX 4-5868 FIVE room sp«rtniei7fTe»t~»nd lion for permission to bold vote on K ari A. F ra n ts, CO lfax 4-3403. Ask for John hot water supplied. Adulta pre­ ot traffic was slowed down. physicians for treatment of their ment for abducting the Old Bridge HOUSES FOR SALE separation. . ______wJU ferred. Call COlfax 4-341)0 c/r Traffic fled Up teen-ager and desertion and non nrjtt RANCH STYLE, » rooms, bath, injuries, but one, a boy, had to go Title (16:5-1.5) . COUax 1-9M8.______w|0 Pat/olman Lask«wicz slid he support of his wife and children, living room ll'x 18', 1 bedrooms WOMAN: experienced (or general to Perth Amboy General Hospital. ]. Township within 15 days Ol re­ ACCORDION LESSONS directed Mr. Ulrich to drive. Ihe comipitted the sex offenses be­ 18' x 16' each , k itch en 7 ' X 2 ) ', den housework. 5l£ dsys per week. APARTMl-iwr, $ roonu on Eua ceiving study from county super, W« furnish acoordka free. LES­ The boy, John Housmann, seven- tween last Nov. 5 and Jan. 21 ih Write Box 578, Keyport Post Of­ line: near business center and grader off the shoulder of the road intendent, must lile reply to bor­ SONS AT YOUR HOME. $2 5* f x 14', lot 105' frontage, 6P0* deep. years-old, 91 Shore Concourse, Cliff­ Madison Township. One car garage. Basa board, oil fice. ______w jtf New York buses. Call COlfax to permit the ■ traffic tied up be­ ough, Board of Education and JOHNNIE WALKER. 1NSTRUC- HOUSEKEEPER,' one aiuit ~Yn 4-2121. w|t* hind him lo move on. Mr, Ulrich, wood, was taken to the hospital at Returned From Texas county superintenddht. ; TOR COLFAX 4*>M. w)U fired hot water heat. Located In family, live In. Call PArkway kEypORTTTa rga 4 room modern hi) said, refused to obey, and H 7: 11) p .m . a fte r h e w as stru ck , w hile - Det. ponateili and County DeL Title (11:5-1.8) ' Robertsvilie. Call William L. Mor- was then he Issued the summons: James Bales relumed the couple ria a t C O lfax 4-3830 before 5 p.m . 14108 a fte r 7 P-M ______w)8 apartment,' ueturalahed, Locaiod riding his bicycle, by* a car 4. Within 15 days of filing of NEW AND USED TIREd Mr. Ulrich, whea he took the to New Brunswick July 24 from Gibson MJ00 after 8 p.m. and all MECHANIC?- lo work oo trucks on Maple Place n s ir thi: alx Pinehurst Dr. and South Concourse, answer to petition, Commissioner also . stand, said he had refused to com­ Winnie, Tek., where they had been day Saturday. wjtf and trallera., Track experience cornera. Heat and hoi water sup­ Cliffwood Beach* - of Education ahall submit all the FACTORY RECAPS ply -With the orjler of the officer, living until a Chambers County, preferred but not neceaiary, Op plied. IM per month. Available Patrolman Ralph Wallace, town­ data to a Board of Review which Always At Large Dlscounta MARLBORO TOWNSHIP: small because he believed that since the Tex., deputy sheriff became sus­ portunlty to learn real tra«; good August 18th. Call KUansbUrg ship police, said the youngster, consists of Commissioner of Edu­ QUALrTY TIRES farm, hooae, 6 rooms and bath, shoulder is only approximately four picious of them and checked them wagea, benefila, permanent po- 8-4718. . . w|S» who suffered fractured ribs, abra­ cation, Commissioner of Depart­ 3141 Hwy. 35, Hadet ao outbuildings. Nicely land­ feet wide, he would be forced to out with New Jersey State Police Hltion, excellent working conditions. SEVEN room house; 3io":Mapla sions of the abdominal wall, fore­ ment of Conservation and Eco­ Phone: CO LFA X 4-1738 scaped yard, pleasant surround drive the grader half on the should­ officials. Apply Nappi Trucking, . Morris­ P lace, Keyport. Call'LOwell arms and elbows, was struck by nomic Development, Director of WjU tn g i. c a ll LO w ell 6-0371 a fte r S p.m , er and half on the roadway, which town Road, Malawan. Call LOwell 8-18M o» KE I lia ' >J« a car operated by Miss Carol Vena; Corrao is a prisoner in the county Division of Local Government la or Sundaya. ■ w jtl he sold, ls a dangerous procedure. ALL MUSICAL iqitrumenii for 6-2000. - w jt jail under 910,000 ball, while Bar­ the Department of Treasury, ; $1800 to 11000, d e liv e re d lo y o u r lot Tha magistrate, while’he said he 17, E a s t C oncourse, Cliffwood rent or tala at low prices al Tha Beach. She was Issued a summons bara, charged with delinquency by Open hearing for interested pa* Bungalows, 4 rooms and bsth EXPERTi?NCUD man to run photo bath. Atluils only. Call COIftx realized the officer wat perform- Mualc Spot, 41 BrMd St.M Kay­ lor careless driving. . a State Police detective, is free In ties. The board has (0 days front Houses located la Manat span. N. J department Imjuirt Mr. Solka, 4-3723, o r Inquire 78 O rean O ro v e Ini his duly, commented that since port Phone COlfax 4-5W8, pri- $2500 b ail In th e cu stody o f h e r time data is received. Indebted* ttousetnorera, Incu, 88 Hull Ave­ F am ily C lr tlt # l o n , w>8 A va. _ _ _ _ , wj8 the shoulder Is not meant for nor­ > Driver Waves Car Ahead vata lesaoaa $2.M. -Profenioall parents. Barbara had been ness for each separate municipality nue, .Freehold, N. J. Call FReeholtl mal traffic, especially In cases Miss Vena claimed she was head­ Teachers. •• wjtf BOOICKMlii’ER ejperlencad, aWf- fifioHSTor renl77urnltho4 or HO* scheduled for e hearing Thursday must be filed. - : off Highway U. Daley * Pelrlcs Ity to type, « m rtl office routine. furnished, Call LOwel| ^-4330^ where such heavy equipment Is ed east on South Concourse when USED raLHVtoUON SETS morning before Judge Aldona Ap­ Title (II:J-1.7) .. i VM 1J w)tl Pleasant working condition). Lib- concerned, there, is t question Die driver of a car ahead waved pleton of the County Juvenile'and 5. If application granted, county AND APPLIANCES taATAftANr modern ) bedroom iral employee boiefits. Canterbury whether an exception should be her on Ip pas* as she neared the Domestic Relations Court, but the superintendent shall within W dayl IM |» selection lo choose from. S E R V IC E S 4 intersection of Pinehurst Dr. On houM, attracliva neighborhood, {altters Ltd., Locust street, Key. msde in such cases. > hearing was postponed and prob- set day for special elecUoa. - : VILLAGE TV, M E. FM tt Strati, fA^KIiH hoarding Horn* for •gad Ula bath, electric dlahwaaher and M r t ______^ w )6 ', Naa-Support Charge coming to the intersection, she was abl/ won't be held until September. Title (18:5-1.1) K a y p o rt______w)U .men and women: 14 hour! Attached garage, onclpMd ilOirr porteri inqtlire"' family Picked VP on »-bench warrant, suddenly confronted with the boy I. If separated both nulnlct|ttV USfeD refrigerators, $49.$S an•» senger In the Vena car, upheld the brought’ forward la a manner that John Nelion, Orchard Ave., Laur­ years troe evaluation In borough Call , after ,i (ijn„ COtfaX Pltik • • room split. 1 bldMoma, riOUfillKKE.I’ER ,'' ganeral. sleep driver’s account of the accident. will be' easily understood.'- The PAY TIME cara (or ohii^ron la ence Harbor,, appeared before the and township. ’ ' ; ; ' w jtf •put -rail fence; walk to Khool, In; fond ol children, experltnoed, Capt. J. Edgar Wilkinson, town­ Corrfmjttee For Better Matawan privaia home, fenced ula e«»ulp-, ■haglatratii a g a in OO ch a rg e s o f b e­ V, Some Of The Advantagea To church, train; Washer; drytr In­ All modern appllancea. MiddW- ship police, reported'.yesterda/ the Bprough Schools sincerely believes FULL Ion > CoHipcT'alir con ted pity yard; constant itutervl*. ing dronk - and disorderly. Sgt. Th4 Bdrough Of Having Separate cluded; call COUax 44177. . wjtf tow n; c a ll O Sborn 1-13M, w jt Housmaan boy had been discharged that the Bwuagh.wfll he able to ditloner; heats, cools or veals, on, hot luncliea and anackfii Moa> Charles Boice charged further that School Diatricti . M atawan; Cape cod. 1 bad­ front the hospital. have a better school ’system' if “ •[one seatoc7’--intiit■ jfrlMHS. ELECTRONICS day Ihw Friday, LOwoll 8-MM. Nelson, whrti he had been brought (1) About ooe third lower costs . toans, fireplace, expansion-stllc, separfed from the present town­ c i R i btO o lfa x H S t t r ...... to police .headquarters, started an Patrolman Wallace later Inves­ to give oiir child the same educa­ ItUched garage $tt,H8; Sterling TECHNICIANS argument.- The magistrate, who tigated an accident in which cats ship school district. It is hoped 14-FT. Runabout! ,18 ril1 Scott tion. F o r 1959-60 the tax e s needed McCann, Real Eatate, 2J3 Broad I N D E M A N D S t i S n sentenced Kelson to 3ft flays in the driven by Thomas Hert, Jersey that the reader will agree with to e d u c a te e a c h s tu d e n t; Is $191 a to lo r. $150; c a ll COUax Street, Keyport. COllax 4-1378. WILL wash and Inn ill typei oi, county Jal), aaid "You hava been C ity, V ernon Phillip#, 55, of 120 the committee after reading; tne but the borough will pay iapprnxi- J« Attend ona night a waek-er Sat cyrlalns; alto atrelcli curltlni In ln this court too many .times to Herbert St., Uoioo Beach, Charles Ifeport ' . ■ ■ HAM MOND C h o rd o rg an , g o o d con- mately $371, while the township MATAWAN Ranch, 1 bedroomi, urday morning; commencing mid- Lane, 30, Brooklyn, and George I. How School Costs Are! Now mj own home. Prompt atrvlea. ault me. I'm tired of seeing yon p a y s a b o u t $111. . , n. Phone UHrall M IU, September, Enroll now. Call Dlvlded petween The Borough And dinette, flreplacs, garage; ex­ Call PArkway MMS wjtl before me! Getting drunk seems to Eitel sr., 92, Belleville, collided bn (2) Tile borough will hava full , w jtf PR4-0308 Township — Every year It la de­ cellent condition, best location. o k k be the most; Important thing- In R oute 35, Cliffwood. control over its own school pro­ BS EUHF.R: iVyear. tx^orl- MARLBORO LUMBEK $18,900, S terling M cC ann, R eal MONMOUni RADIO your life." '' ' " , ' Pats enters Hurt termined how much in tax?s haa gram. As the township’s, voting enca, would be great, help to to be collected, to support OurBor Eatate, 153 Broad St., Keyport. ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE, accountant. Call alter 8 I’M., John EhlervW S Matawtn Rd., A passenger In the Lana car, population Increases It nay be ex­ i C O ■14 Cobkmin Ave.. Aibury Park ough — Township School System. C all COUax 4-1378. JO COlfax 4-1177. ' 18 Laurence Harbor, pleading guilty Maude , Lee King of Brooklyn, pected that th* borough will' have EVERYTHING In tha building Hae F o r 1958-1959 $S75,000 w a s needed. MATAWAN; 6 room house and of driving without '* license, was and Marie Eitel, a passenger In 14is representation on the school for that new home. Open 4 nlghls m r ~ In order to determine how the bath,.garage and nice lot Price PART TIME Janiuwa ~ Full 'r^ne fined Si; * * > » ' coats, and Vivian her husband's car, were treated at boird if we remain consolidate . a «K k until 6 P.M., Friday Md UMll male, partly braVjn. Beiigla .costs are to be pro-rated a true li»,w»V_caii , 8 - n n . in Janitort - MaValetianca Men - Ehlers, aam eeadress, $50 a£d $3 the offices of a Keyport physician. ,<}) Now high Khool can be built ! ± 2 S S L ______hound and dag: tiou»j . C all 'y i t a j i c t all tW propertie* In'the ilVa All application! will ba received by Jn the four-car crash; the'Hert PERSONAL costs/far permitting Wm'toSdrlve borough ind Township fnust be as* (ha^ocreury al Iht.Madl^on Town­ COlfax 4-tMO aflnr » P,M„. V j P . UL stopped in the highway; and as h er rived at. Thts figure Is dnermlned ahlp Board of .Education office al m *i'li;sr<3ern)as Sliep)iwdr/K5 the'Phllllps car came up behind Jt, (4) School bus transportation Call GIbann!*-9B24, Jt» COMINO’SOON (or failure t6haV ethex**'ii»- by a s la te ag en cy . In 1958-1959 Memorial School, Lauroncc Harbor, registered, 8 weeks old. Call the third car ln line, that of King costs on gram m ar school level will RICHARD’S SCHOOL spect«!|Beach, which l» turn hit a 20, of 611 Greenwood Ave^. Laur­ TUBBl^SS BOILERS This system of calculating school (7) Part tltw aesskMS would, be car 4rtfen by John: J.D om e, 15, ence Harbor. ' costs between the borough and lisssssaasaesaaaaaaam ssM M a—a— — ssM sisasasasass^asasasaoasasasas of JOSjiarrisoo Ave., Union Beach. The injured, taken by the first eliminated under the existing law BASEBOARD RAbtAHON township has one- very sertoM»: dis­ on sepafatldn. The borough would A summons was , issued to Mr. aid to a physician, were Mr. Van- aulldoilnfl advantage la- Ihftt the number ol obtain the three school buildings Antlquaa Tpp Soil Scheffer by Union Beach Police. derbeck’s wife, Anne, 90, and students coming from the borough HOT AND COLD WATER daughter. Card, IS. James Vander- located on borough property. WINTER AND SUMMER mar RCKEL BHOTHKIir Mr. Siheffer suffered hieralkoi end the township does not enter AANHQOEI N TIQ U ES beck, 42, a third passenger ln the . (8) Tho Increase In taxes to sneei CINDERS TR U CK IN G A E K C A V /in N O . Bifll- to his forehead while three pas­ Ihe calculstion. Unfortunately, this Wa buy and aefl Anllqu* FUmllure, car from Brooklyn, and George increased educational costs because TRAP ROCK. Driveway 0 r a v 1 1 . doting 8nd ahovtl loa4«t aarvlit. sengers In his car were Injured dlsadvantage.hu been extremely 6 0 MONTHS TO PAY Brlc-s-brac, China. Glass, Dolls, Kah), Matawan Rd., Laurence Har­ of mass houfing developneM in the BluesloM Masoo Ssad * Oravel, Cellars, taplie lankti-flll 'dlrtr n p and treated ind released...... costly for. the'borough In recent Jewelry, (J. 8. and Fortlga stamps bor, a passenger In Mr. Oldenburg's township will be carried entirely Topsoll h Pill Olrl, Trench Dig- •oil, road gravel, washed (raivtl The others hart were John Vode. years because the township hns Tha Mslthewa, 11J Broadway, Key cjir, did not report Injuries. by the township as lt should be. A FREE ESTIMATES glog S Bulldoiing. and msion land. Wa apwlailw in 25, with a; sprained knee and head about tjvice as many students at­ port. COlfax 4-1(48. ' w|30 On Friday, a .car. driven by look at MpdJaon and Raritan Town­ land dssrlng. lAwell 8-1143, Old bruise*; Virginia Vode, 23i scrapes tending our combined school sys­ Frank Petenger, 33, Sooth Laurel ships will give you a preview ol GIVE V S A CALL AT DIETRICH BROS. ING. Tmncnl Road, Dog SI, Morgan. on both knee*, and Jacquelyn Vode, tem . F o r 1959-60, th e co st to e d ­ Ave., West. Keansburg, collided what will happen in. Matawan ilectrlcdl NSW BRUNS, A VS. V illo .______18, with knee lacerations. AU are ucate .each borough child will be LQW ELL 6-4861 Township. Da m want to be a MATAWAN, N, J. Irom Th* Bronx. , with a U, S. Trucking Corp. truck almost .twice ss much as the town­ operated by George TbompklnJ, part of It? Why should borough JUSTIN ROSATO LO 8-3889 LO 1-1181 Maintananea An additional suM q ioss for d is­ ship child. THE BARG AIN HOUSE 38, of 35 Maurice Ave., W est taxpayers and borough school chil­ Electrical Contractor ______;______w)24 H{WB»iTO iw:'«gani« : 'SM; orderly cinduct later waa taued II. The Approximate Costa To TENNENT RD., Keansburg. Patrolman F r a a c i a dren suffer for mass bousing de­ Realdentlil • Commercial pentry, ciblntf nitkln*, palnllni, Educate A Borough'Student Vs. A MOROANVILLE . to Mr. Scheffer for his behavior Cherney, township p o lice, re­ velopments which they hsve ab­ Industrial ■ Electric Heating paper hanging, massnry. glailng. at Keyport Sute Police Barracks. Township Student Under This Sys­ 0 . . . . , , 111 TOP SOIL . ported the Impact in this Route 35 solutely no control ovef? Cliffwood, N. J. OENERAL SERVICES CO, , He is being held fon arraignment tem — , ‘ ' crash so severe both vehicles had LOwell 8-4278 . LOW til 1-MM Tap Mil, fill dill and foad gravsi LOwtll MIS7 today before RariUn Township F f c i m - iM » LEGAL NOTICE to be lowed away. LEGAL NOTICE [ i i WJ7/H Deter aad backhoe aervlce. Lataral Magistrate Seymour Kleinbcrg. No B orough c o st p e r student—$307 • jUPEJRtOA COURT Total collected by taxes ' LEGAL VOT1CE O r WEW: lERSKT Contractors InttallaUona, excavating. injuries were reported by Mr. Rlne- i i If DFVISIOW Th* Board «f JCdueattee • ct the Dry Wall Conslrsctort led or Mr, Dome, socording to Demonstration Set- fo r schools — $212,000 Towrahip cf Madlwm. New J*r**y COUNTV CARPEMTER and building contrao. will receive aaakd bki* forv Sheeliroot • taping ahd1 f1nlahlfl|t state police. • .. v- <, , N u m b e r o f s tu d e n ts — 853, tor, J. 0. M stsgsr, Florence Ave.. STROTHER & ECKEL By Fint Aid Squads Rwliwiwrt of (M i, witti 19 ft VTApC O r WE>V JKIlfKY y 11S LOW ER 'M A IN ST. F rit estimate!. LOwa'J S4MA. bowfed roofs* at Winta, Ho. • 9. Keyport Nei* bPm«, S8«S«. »U Township cost per student —- $183 Maditon Park lKinAnVtrtaa BJdl ) ** C UrO R R , ; MATAWAN. Two Birthday Partie* Fifty first aid .quads with tbrlr Total collected by taxes schoolfl. • ’ . devtaeai attention and repairs. Call COl and hia, l o w b u k i m ■ injxiXirsEsrW S- ambulances aad special equipment fo r sc h o o li — $313,000 wffl bt recelred add publicly fax (-4US. wj« opened aad read at a of Die ... . . r. ar a hy UvtJr aucceaaora OIBSON 8-MI4 Sales, service and tigs roalnten- For G ary H erm ann, 9 will participate in First Aid Week in rlrbt, Uua and Intaraat, , , N u m b e r of stu d e n ts — 1710 E>o«rd af Education whid) will ba htld , . , w fit demonstration! at four points In on A ufust Ufa, IMS, at a p m . In PAINTTNO, Paperhanglng and an*», COIfix 4-I78S. - w|9 Mr! and Mrs. Kart Hermann, U>« Browntown JlchooL rliShivay tt. You a ra im t& f aummoned and raping. Norman Soilyslk. Cen­ Monmouth County next week, it F a r U 5S-1M OM Brfdfe. 14, 3. jpon Philip O, Extarmlnators Ravine Dr., Matawan, entertained was announced today by John B orough co st p e r stu d en t—$371 (1) AU bids muat ba turned tn no !at*r plalnttff'a attorney, whoaa ter Ave.. Mttawan. LOwell 8-W48 addraaa to 3 U Main Street, WiUwan, TOP SOIL at two separate parties celebrating ■ (I) A 21 per cent Increase over than i p.m. at tha flacrttanr'* affltf Free EKlinates given. wJ30 Lonl. president of the County As­ or B p.m. on Aunat tl, St99 at the Kew JlJeraey, an amwet to...... iba com TERMITE'CONTUOTT Ihe. ninth Hrthdiy of their wn, sociation of First Aid Squads. 1958-59 Browntown School, uJftwair 10, Old plainti filed' m a civil action, in which Big Loads 114.00 1 General Exterminating- Becfcar, ta plaintiff and Cecil EA R TH MOVING EQUIPMENT Gary. Afteiinobq guests were Mr*. The ipobfllzalion, which w ill Total collected by taxes Bri&g*. N. I. All Job! guaranleed. PrlvnU narr SpeciflciUoni may ba tecurad from Hiarr, et aJa, ara de/endania, iiendina Motor pans, equipped for com- Top Soil, belt , .. 18.00 WUliam Mattbaey and children, work lo conjunction with the county fo r schools — $328,000 Mr, C, D. Mctlenry. Jr,, Board S«c> In iha SupaHar Coutrt oT hew Jersey, B rio W iener. C lf ir te r 7-7811. 3M plelo development work. Calling Road 0raval, ’U4 Janice and Susan, Mrs. William Number of students — no relary, Memorial ficboct Laurcnce within » day* a/iar Auguii 13, mw, .. 18.00 Remaen Ave., New Bramwlck, Civil Defense and Disaster Control Harbon Heir —' ajmluaJya.a£ auoh-daUr- l/ *«u (all-la os will save you tnoney- Cr W. Alien and children, Betty Lou and Organization, will-aee the-squads Tho Board rettrvaa Iha rJfhl to do so, Judffmant try default may M Oti6dTnirDifr7;:7,.ft77M ~r.oo H : i . *18 TH OM PSON It SON. 19 Fourth St, William. rMrs- Crtfton Hensley and demonstrate equipment at ihe At­ T ow nship o o tt p e r stu d e n t—$191 (2 ) reject anj/or aii bids atibmiUad and rendered .acainat you for the relief Sand, Gravel, Blue Slone) drivo- (2) A 4 H pet cent Increase ovrt- to watva au immaterial loformiUUn demanded Tn 0>a «complalnf- Vou Lakeirood, LAkewood MJ27. w]J0 T a j a v l s l o n children, Robert and William, Miss lantic Highlands Yacht Basin; Long Crrtilled cheek tn .tha amount oi shall Ma jrwr anawer and proof ut wtyi gravelled, bulldoiing. grad­ Carole Brandigon, Fred Brandifioo. 1958-59 . not ieji than XO'U must accompany service ln duplkata wllh tha Clerk Branch Stadium, Ocean Ave,; As- ing, lota cleared, Excavate for W l E K V n j E Total collected by taxes ' earh aealed bid, of (ha Snparior Court, ftlata Houjm) J. B. COOPER William Toonier 111, Mrs. J. Bmce bury Park Convention lUll, and at C D, MclJenrv, it , Annf*. Tnmion. New Jeney, In ac> Septic*, Oil Tank*, etc, for school, — $337,000 LOW ELL 0-1600 Smith and children, Elirabeth and the Hall of Records, Freehold. B*trei*rV to the cordanca with we raia af civil pro* BLACKTOP PAVING ; BACKHOE SERVICE • Number of students — 1761 .Board of EducaUon ceedurc. ' TEN BYCK RONSON IMC David, Ron a Joyce and James Demonstrations will be held on .August 9, . . . . . DRIVEWAYS, PARKiNQ LOTS Laleralt,Footl/tgl,PIUhlng,Pond, Staer, aH of Matawan. jd I3.M ■ the . • ...... ~ MATAWAN- Monday and Thunday, Aug. 1], at NOTE:—The figures for mimbertif PA TIO S Swlramlng .Pools, etc. The evening guests were Mr. and 7 p.m. Mobilization is under the ” L E jtiA U M O n C E Riorr and^Ua^a^lorr/hVshaftd ahd w)l< students is baaed on (8.7 per cent The Board. . _ d______' _____ “ of thf Wotk Power Rolled F r e e E a tlm ite s ’ Mrs. Kenneth Maughler and daugh­ direction of Walter Deiss, fint aid wile to MaMnly 0avtnfs end Loan from township and $M per ccnt Townchlp of Madlaoo, Naw J e r u y AaMciation, an d fry m eina aaaign* No Job Too U rge Or Snjall ECKEL'S TRUCKINO DON’S TV SEKVKSfe ter, Betty Lee. and their guest. Gay co-ordinator for the Monmouth will receive aaaled Mdo for; from borough. These petcentagea i SCHOOL rUHKITURB nteiiia w b* assigned to Jerome L. FREE ESTIMATES LOwell 8-5787 W o d ley lo w n R dfc f o r fait efficient radio-and lal» Hermann/ Shrewsbury; Mr. and County Civil Defense and Disaster Ite isb e /t -$n&: jconcaina /aa* :«aUl« PARKWAY1-82SS are aj close an approximation as - a m d e w i m & t r , located at tf Parker Btreet In tha Morganville/ Ni L 1 ' vision lorvlce call LOwell 83811. : = Mrs. Charles Hermann and son, C o n tr o l.. Bid* win ba recatved and publicly - ■ ...... '., wJ8 can be made, with the available ^petted and read al a mtettag ol Iht Borowfli of Vraaiioid, County of M m * Hwy 38. South Amboy ., , .... ■ ■ - ...... ■ ■ w » Walter, and Charles Chessick, Mor­ mouth and fltata ed tltw Jeriey . wJ23 data. In the grammar schools re-' Board ot Education wtilrh Mill ba Vou ara jnada defendant# becauae gan; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Long­ held on Aucual i l , ]099 at S p.rru In >ou ara tfta otvnara af tha prcmiaaa. For Offending Remarks, liable data shows that G9 per cent tha flrownlcwn School, Hif^way. It. Carom ic Tila S l i p C o v e r s bated JuJy.a. JH# • TED DISANTO street, John Smith, Mr. and Mrs. are township children aad 31 per Old nrid««, K . J. Rhea Lcngstrcet and children, All bida magi ba lumad In no lalrr Matawan Township Police court cent are from die borough. ‘ than ft p.m. at Uie Beeralarya off/re O t So parlor Court. ELECTRICAL PAUL A. EGAN, JR. IMNcUallldN — Nancy, Ann Louise aod Alan, Mat­ Custom made allp covera aad dr» clerk reports Ihe penally imposed III. A Feasible SotuUon To Solv­ or 8 p.m . on A ufiut 17, ja ia at Ihe CONTRACTOR CERAMIC TILS SERVICB a w an . ; Oro*ntoira School, W ghway II, Old perlea. Free eitlmalM gives, by Township Magistrate Luther A. ing These Inequities—First. Sep­ a n OnOrNAHCE TO Atm'OflfZK IM Broad St, Matawan Brtd**, N. /. . • Inatallatlon l< Rrpslrs for Vght- choose fabrics ln vour own hona. Foster against Mrs. C. J. Cor- aration of the school district This Speci/Irationa may ba icrured from LOW m S809f Ur, C. D. MeHenry, Jr., Board Sec­ cHAftce m ptiMtMiice to r i m power and heal. Call LOwell Call Dorothy Smith, l.oweti 8 IJ88. S u e s For $55,000 sentino. Arfeordale Dr., Cliffwood will decrease our current school -m ngo ucxcNsma m a w a n d PREP ESTIMATES retary, Memorial School, Laurenc* C-01S0. w)11 w » 4 Beach, on complaint of Mrs. Emily costs by about 33 per cent and Harbor, New Jm ey. T H U " M n t l M WCENHlilO i ____ | ■ w$ Tbe Board reserves the right t» l-AWV ON SUNDAY, Leon O. Mills, 103 Pacific Blvd., DiDonato, also of Arbordale Dr., probably will allow for full ses­ tejcct any/or all blda aubmUtrd and HOTICH if barel^y given that an ■ ■ ti o U t a r y I.T j w S p l a Y l a n T ) ‘ Floors ______Madison Township, has sued James was a suspended sentence in tbe sions; bus transportation cn U m il to waive all Im m aterial JoformaUO**. Oidm ance atiova anlitled v.a< \t* Cenifled e*iertr la ibe antMint of at a m eetln* tA th a Town»h*n f>m LARRY'S UPHOLSTI’RY SHOP OIPTS l l i n M laid, acra|XH), linifhed J. Campbell Jr., Bayonne, for 155.­ county jail and not $18 aad IS be eliminated. Second. Regional not lt*« than 1®% muat accompany mittee of The Tawnabfa Matawan I and waged; old flo o rt a tp w ls lly . 000 in Middlesex County-'Superior costs.' The disorderly charge cited High School with township aad each aeated M. in the C ionty c f Mim iwtfth an t MJTO aeal covert, tumllure up ahd'rapinft girdta cenler. sliadt C. D. M dfasrr, J r ., oi Jerae/ M d an A«*uat *. U>U* Aft types of III* floors laid, tstclud. Court Cars of the two men collid­ remarks reflecting on a person not possibly some other community. Irtus, shrube and fences. 18 Ver Saerafary to tha Dated: August 9, Inn c e ra m ic Call William .peter- ed July 4 on Route 35/ Madison at Ihe scene when the incident on Slrpa/afe grammar schools can' bo . B a ird of Education UOSK K. W Y.H7.VX. nnmi tJfjv*. Ifultl. CHI Ullfaa J M S t t to n , 4 « 0 0 9, 1930 Towaahlp cieiK p h o n e LOwell 0-3010. WJ10 4-4i m ; ' ■ ?, w/3 CO w)VJ Township. . t which the case w u based occurred. operated economically wilh smaller j i 'f y f i J* m e matawanjournal THuruJoy, Augint 6? |M > ■ .■ '- ^ ' '*'*— ■- Hi&orte Sites New Sain Manager Attracting Many Tbe Joseph M. Raclnt Agency Juu the promotion of Mbw Jeney1* Hatoric sites have George F. Egner, 32 Fierro Ave., W ^ * c te d w»rty 45,09* more visl- Matfcwen, to sales manager of the lari during th* p u t year than la the corresponding 11 months Irom J u n e 30, 1957 to J u ly 1, IS Jt. Io « report on attendance at tbt state- owned historic sites, Salvatore A. Bontempo, Commissioner ol the Department of Conservation and Economic Development, aaid a rec­ ord number ol residents, including many school children, made up a larg e p a rt o l th a to ta l 162,419 visi­ tors at the IS major sites- In the earlier period there were 117,771 visitors at the same sites. OUR LOWEST HAM PRICES IN YEARS I Every state in the Union appeared in the gueat books, ss well ss Hawaii, and countries In Central lupw-lllgh" Qwlity end South America, Australia, Eur­ ope, Asia, Africa, and the neighbor­ ing countries of Canada, Mexico, *TENDER GEORGE F. EGNER SMOKED HAMS Puerto Rico and Cuba. D M * i t E itktr The colonial village of Batsto on real estate and Insurance firm. the state-owned Wharton Tract ]n Mr. Egner, to be In charge of all H d f — Full Cut SIAM c tun Southern New Jersey drew the sales, finsncing and personnel for I greatest number of visitors and the Racina Agency and (or Well- FORTIN rnnoi and nearly, doubled ita attendance Built Homes of Central Jersey, Ib. Ib. during the past year, Between July holds licenses in life and'general 35 1, 1958 and Ju n a 30, 1959 there Insurance, as well as real estate. Quick-Frozen Seafood ■ w e re 87,107 reg istered visitors com ­ He Is a n ativ e of Castlew ellsn, "•spar-RljH” Qaaltty M ask t o Ss* I M t firths pared with 44.W2 in ths preceding Northern Ireland, and received hia .IfMdod. ^ * 4 1 1 * ' C jp 'ftJe lin t ptg* 4 V : 12 m onths, . education in Belfast schools, aod ■ T * FULLY-COOKED HAM'S' 4 5 “ 127 i ;37£ Free Glass Exhibit at the College of Technology, in A free glass exhibit on the aecond Belfast. £ Assorting toU.S. Oovamment Jpatllkatloos. Codfish Fillet r 35* floor of the general store, the black- Following this, Mr. Egner served amith shop, additional room fur­ 11 year* as purser In the Merchant nishings In the Batata Mansion, and Marine. He ls msrrled to the “l*Mr-IUgM" guilty tlrlila Psrtsrhaisa the continuing restoration program, former Mias Shirley Rieth, Mat­ t a n "Smr-MsU'' tuHtr ''•ft: help to account for the constantly awan. They have a daughter, STEAKS 'k-8 5 « * 8 9 * BONELESS CHUCK growing interest. Particularly Kathleen, 11 monthi. large numbers of vliitofs are noted •eaalae tpriac—Wksla ar (Ittsr Half The Racina Agency,' leading ‘ |( J . 0 »M on rainy days, according to Mrs. factory distributor for tyellBuilt LEG of LAMB O lga 0 , A tkins, su p erv iso r of *tat<- llulllCT>Homes, haaMlmm rapidly expanded its RIBS of owned historic sites. “While this |t]e( of ^ businesses, and •MVUMI STYU m i-IEU Y k n i '■ U n* POT ROAST man be an Ideal way to use such h„ moyed toR ouie jj, Morgan, time, many retam In sunshine to tmm fo m w r l0c, tl(>n „ 17s SWIFT’S SAUSAGE X49* enjoy new picnic facilities and tiu No Fat Added C Smith St., Perth Amboy. It ia an H*rt endless exploration possible In the authorized member of the State­ i t lrtlll«| w Frylif—(lniy.ts-eisk ' Wharton tract," aha said. wide Listing Service, covering Mid­ M Brail-Fed Beef . The steady increase in inquiries dlesex. Somerset, Bnrgen, Union, «. CHICKENS 35r“ 33f "Siper-Rlght" Qaalfty H*. “■ tb the Conservation Department Essex sad Monmouth Counties. 591-69 concerning canoe runs, wilderness 59 camping sites, and the trees, plants and birds In the woodland area ap­ Cancer Research Fresh Fruits and Vegetables pears as evidence tbat visitors first G r a n f * To S c i e n t i s t * Introduced to the Wharton Tract at Batsto art planning more oaten 1 'Cancer research grants totaling PEL MONTE live visit* there In the future. JI90,KU tot tbe fiscal year begin' WATERMELON *£ *■4* - 5 5 a In addition to Batsto, other pop­ nlng Sept. 1 have been awarded ular historic site's are tha Vlilfge by the American Cancer Society PEARS, EATING Banfett 2 ib* for 27*; of Allaire In Monmouth County; to atven New Jersey scientists, It Ringwood .Manor HouiP on the Is announced by Fred W. Chapman, CATSUP PRIDE OF THE FARM 2^33* boundary between Pasaalc County Somers Point, president of the GOLDEN CORN — 4 ^# ! and New York; the McKonlcey New Jersey Division. This brings Perry House at Washington Cross­ to nearly | 1,0(0,0H the grants ing State Pirk near Trenton, and awarded In thla state. It Includes P O T A T O E S New Jtraoy 1 0 ^ 3 9 * the VonSteuben House In North research grants of (729,327 madp Hackensack. HAWAIIAN PUNCH 3 95‘ since. 1M7; $M,2M for post-doctoral Approximately tha same attend­ a n d res e a rc h train in g a n d 131,831 NECTARINES ance, or oily alight increases In for a continued study ot lung can­ visitor attendance wer* noted at c e r. , Elitabeth; the ICEBERG UTTUCI .S tllrK Three of the recipients, Dr. Set BC BREAKFAST COCKTAIL 2~65< Cleveland birthplace, Caldwell; .the Hancock House at Hancock’! fnan A. Waksftan and Dr. Ber­ Bridge la Salem County; ths In­ nard w. Koft, both of Rutgers SUDLESS GRAPES ft* - dian1 Kiiur Taveni, Hsddon/leld) the University, and Dr, M urray Nuis- baiun,'3etoa Hail .Collc r o f M edi­ OM Dutch .Ptm niga a n d Ui« 0 Wallace House, Somerville; the cine, Jersey City, are receiving 17* Somers Mansion, Somers Point; granta (or the first time while four others. Dr. James Allison 'and Dr. the Lawrence, House, Burlington; p m * V i p t tk i * floM Otlsrii . ' tne House, Camden Vincent Groupe, Rutgers; Dr. Ed­ ,* tb ; and the . ward C. Taylor, Princeton, and CRISCO SHORTENING £>3* FLUFFO SHORTENING ...... 8 1 , near Rocky Hill, Dr. Lewis L. Corrielli, Camden, where Washington penned his (are- will use the new grants for a con­ K«l»lrai< . • «• ■:. : , . , . ■ For Salads, Oooklii ar Biking ' ' . well address to the Army, ls tinuation of studies began under A P P L E „ closed at present following the grants of lu t year. SWEET GHERKINS ^“25* WESSON OIL wi28tiSSSI*' moving of the house a short dis­ Under a new American Cancer tance up the road. A separate Society program, county chapters Ann PIE ’“ 45« C building used aa kitchen and slave may turn over reserve funds, HELLMANN’S “iTOWA“‘ T 3 1 TOMATO KETCHUP P«ga J J bottloi n^ * quarters, la open, however, and the deemed not needed at present, for las* A nfdlFM il Rlflg main house is expected to reopen ' ■_ Urgta/c* • \ . reaesreh. .. GULDEN’S MUSTARD T I3 ‘- TOMATO SAUCI Br«nd Q 6 ~ » 4 r In the spring.' . • ChflBM Olutttr J a n . P w itr P U R E LA R D Sunnyfield 2 -H b P k g s 2 5 ‘ COCOA MARSH ^ 2 85* j s s s s s , PURPLE PLUMS V T J '£■ 53* BONED CHICKEN S 2 ^ 49* Pm Olaaileg Walli aa< PiIiImI fiifM H A»P IANDWICH I m . Route 36 at Main St. PINEAPPLE: trjj* NEUMANN’S SPREAD , : 2 i * SPIC & S P A N 3 : 2 f , -:S i r Keansburg FRUIT COCKTAIL «25* GOLDEN CORN CnsmStrb 2 ::3 i * ' All PsrpisaU^ildDloiair M R . C LEA N "*t39# ^6 9 *- MOTT APPLE JUICE GOLDEN CORN Orsam Styh 2 - 3 7 * 2 £ 4 3 * Itr OIUis I Fisa Fahrtaa A n n P .g . JlflhlHMtlletmiUwgrMsn* • N L ItflU lM M sM ...... P IN E A P P LE D**p Mlrt—CtwuW - 2™ .“ 6 3 * CHIU SAUCI i k ,2 3 # IVORY HAKES p lf. 3 5 * ClACKEU—NaUse. FsrDlaisalFIsaFalKes G R A H A M Pltt*wi>|arH.a*y. ' X 3 3 * COCA-COLA i & J T ' CHOCOUTIOHIP IV O R Y S N O W % 3 3 V r 7 9 * S u n d e r C O O K IES PO TTED M EA T Armouri 2 5 V 2o i Cans 3 7 > m r‘i fS“ 2 9 * FarTb* Fully Wtsb ‘ 9 A.M.M-PJ M P k u l INSTANT COFFEl ‘.:8 5 V MARCAL NAPKINS ~ % 1 1 * DUZ DETERGENT 5T3S* K S I* Far Tk* Fully Wufe . ; -.:■ —^Frozen Food Values — — Dairy Food Favorites — OXYDOL DETERGENT ^‘35* GAS lUguler. h i sr flak' 9 4 9 * SWISS CHEESE -55* Far lh# Faalljr W ukiii Dl$kn You Get-Clean, Quick TIDE DETERGENT X32*.-ST 77* Nifty Waffles V i . , . 3 ptfi. Dssbh Blue Ghsese Imported ^79° Heat For Cooking FM KHikuiRalkiMa, Morton’s Pot PIm CWiU«»rT»liy J lo t. Prompt, Efficient p 'jl. llel-0 .BHSIIeesPi,t,l ' j “ ;.. Birds Eye Butter Beans . . 10 oi Borgonzola Cheese Foncy—Oomotfle ' _ COMET CLEANSER ”1-23' Servlco 'pi* S f T 0L Prevolona impcrt,jiuiu»a<;u Birds Eye Creed Beans plgt.: 41* 10 ot. EOR INSURANCI CAU '»»*• 3 5 * KEYPORT GAS CO. Birds Eye Peas ft Carrots . . 2 p 'jt, Ched-OBit , ^ r c“ BOD ORR . . Affiliate at Birds Eye Mixed Fruit . . * . :\:37* Breakstone Cottage Cheese '1?320«“P Route 36 •°'4go AIP brand. . V A w C U Rath’s Veal Ohop-ettes . . . , Romano Wedges PaneyDomeiHo p i s . * 1 pi*. frlesi affective thru Saf., August Srii Im KEYPORT LUMBER Union Beach M OL Poitfurlxod Process •««.J^e Dorann’s Candled Yams . . . Moi29*pig. Kraft’s Gheez-Whlz l * r ' Super M srkets and Self-Serylca storasonl/. & SUPPLY CO. COIfax 4-5022

; full firm Mutest AutcmoM# Iwihtff . Tol. LOwell 6-1872 fktiftffliUfilfliuriKiCa., . , Camay Soap Camay Soap ZestSoap ZestSoap Ivory Soap Ivory Soap Blitt firm fin and CuMlfj Oe»\ > For toll*t«nd birti • ; . fcp«I.Ii(forth.t.lli , ■''• ...... Portoltelendbelh bpeeUllffortTwbttb fo r d lth e i, la u n d ry * b«tfa : Pdf dfsJiM* laeodrY aiid botb ~ Cliffwood JIlftMB Omct-KOOMIMTOH, tU JN Pf)

; 31' IS , , s n t » * #1 rT ' S for the vacation of Your Dreams Ivory Ivory Soap J«lf . ‘ ' Dash Detergeai Bine Dot Dnz Bluedteer consult wllh as . . l .■< Parienotitak • ___ Liquid Detergent LlqnldOetergent . ; Poraotom«ftov«iKors : 81u* . nj gi jtf • : -- N f * wftsdt d t y estfa - ••• belora yets i* , . . n“-SO* ■ «>«ttfe -:•■■■' You havs the fun .. . . ; v ’.‘ ” ■ .■ ■ M « “ ■: . 'I**- we do tha planning and arranging Wbat’a m ore, there’s no extra eolt for our servtoea ' «A® CONDITIONED — FOR VOUR 8 H O P P IN Q CO M FO R T* . ' Brown Travel Bureau RT. M AT WILSON AWEL PORT MONMQimi < H I . M A l POULU AVK., MAMIiAN roWNSMJI1^ < K T. a.A T MAIN «T, KEANSKIRO 114 B nllb IC. P e rt* Stan Haora - Maa. - roes. Wed. - n s n . IM S * M L , Store itars — Oipw h H ^ .M - nata^IJsM IJPJL , i.'V 'H '-ufa v-j; - M ypott- wikti c«us coum «4 n i r. VtUay UaUi H PJL ..I - . t t •'•S' f . ’ '> , . :■ s-t ■ .i :,iru-s / lie