Petition for Separation

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Petition for Separation A*V»y *0*M OTB CO. HISTOTXCAl. ASSS;. fft85801*D . 8 « J * - ;i£ r J-Jf: T h i s W e e k O ne Section 1 4 P a g e s iambar . 9lsl YEAR — 6th WEEK Nattaaa). EdllitSria) MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1959 Group for Better Borough Schools Ready C an For K eyport Day Soap B ox Derby Matawan Twp. Board Of Education Formed; Petition For Separation Revamps Committees Setup, Powers A Committee For Better Borough nanciai and educational burdeni if fried, Crescent PI., Matawan, tele­ Order Of Business At Meetings Also . School! h u beea formed, accord­ our current district system , is al­ phone LO 8-1718." Changed Under Revision Of By-Laws .. inf to Donald T. Day, Beechwood lowed to continue, lt is because Form Of Petition Terr., Its spokesman, aad this of this that we now are making The form of petition being circu­ M stiwin Township Board of Ijd- Week is starting circulation of pe* public a report un the several av lated by the Committee For Better ucation introduced a revtslan-ef]|ta~ ptioni'seeking the separation of pects of this problem. ; Borough Schools addressed to the Groundbreaking by-iawa at a speclel meeting Milo- tha joint achool district into sep* 'Any borough resident who would Mayor and Council of the Borough day. Principal changaa affoctlni irate borough and township dis­ like to help with the committee’s of Matawan reads as follows: For Madison HJS. the public are holding the hearings tricts with the two districts to ba work may contact William Sieg- Our interest la and desire for oA matters presented by cltUmi served by’the proposed new Mata* better schools for Matawan Bor­ Event Slated For at the beginning of meetlngi and wan* High School as a regional ough and Improved school pro­ a reorganisation of commltteu and . high achool. ; . grams and facilities for our chil­ Sunday Stirs Tumult their functlona. Otherwlie changei : Beauty Contest dren require that we petition you In tha by-lawi are minor from thc«( . to take immediate action under ap­ Groundbreaking ceremonlea for now in-effect. Public hearing Is ■ (EDITOR'S NOTE: — The Matawan the new Madlaon,.Townahlp High Journal, tbe borne newspaper ot the plicable law to establish a separ­ slated for Aug. 11. ForYounger Set School will take place at I p.m. Mjtawan area, 1* presenUnf the ate achool district for our borough. The first items of algnlflcanoe «p- etatejMDl-tii-fllsitlon of the new Com* Sunday at the Gaub tract, Route • tnkXm For Hatter Borough Schools The creatloa of a separate Mata- pear under "Personnel" where II Added For Fint and Ticetown Rd. Robert Blunt, ~«MLcUy as it la worded by Mr. Day wanf Borough school district will li recited that the board will elect and hU «MOciate*. In ao doing, The Middlesex County Superintendent /liatawan.'Journal la presenting one Aid Celebration eliminate the unfair and unjust fi­ all achool employiei only after re- - of Schools, ils Invited to be nae| *id« of a vital issue for information nancial burden now being borne by yl*w~and recommendation by the o t the public and is not committed for apeaker and Dr,' William Ji Sam- . 9? Mslopt the atandjpreseuted. The An added attraction to the Mat­ Matawan Borough taxpayers, and superintendent, carry on all pro- pis, nsw superintended IM w an Township Board of Educa­ awan Fint Aid Squall Silver An­ will release for the benefit of Its of ichools, fesalonal and official relationship*.... tion' and afeocie* allied with tt op* will make his first appearance be­ poaiu separation will be accorded niversary celebration was announc­ schools and students the taxes with school employees through the fore a township audience. Con­ •qua! apace and equal prominence of ed this week by the planning com­ which they are now paying for the superlktendent, employ a school position lor any atatamenlh tracts for erection o f a $1,990,871 mittee. A beauty contest for young education of the Matawan Town­ eiteeimvi to admlninir the lohooli school building for ths site recently ladle* from 10 to 11-yeara-of.age ship pupils. Reliable estimates and asiume the responsibility of w ere let. .The explanatory statement of has been added because of popular show that Matawan Borough tax­ "protecting the staff membera and Mr, Day on tha activity of the payers for the school year 1959-00 Youthful drivers aad helpers thli week are busy readying their ears fer the annual aoap box darby, Arranging the detalli of th* oc­ ptiplli from exploitation by Individ-, Committee For Better Schooli li The committee nptes the contest will pay $120 per pupil upon the a featura' ot tbe Keyport pay i celebration scheduled for Saturday, Aug. IS, culminating a four-day, town. casion provoked such claah ol ust* and agenctii of the oommim- 1 aa followl:........... ......... ’ • is separate from the Mias Purity, cost of educating Matawan Town­ wide" program| ef eveaU, activities, diinlsys and an old-fashionedashioned sidewalk ssle. Shown- above,abovs, letilngetting the opinion between Richard Pine, l|y ." Body and Flavor contest, which is ship pupils. This is approximately Explanatory Statement cars In tiptop sbapa, are kit lo right, Bob Wilson, Raymond Brown. Wayaa C. Wilson and Jeff Burner. board freildent, and tha othet, The board promlies lo "dilegllte “There are aey^ral petitions now opened to married or single women one-third of tha entire cost of their The derby Is aebedulad ta start at 4 p.m. sharp oa Keyport Day. numbers that Mr. Pine eventually all executive functions to the over 21-yeara-of-age. The winner of education. It is obvious that these being circulated In Vatawan Bor­ quit the meeting, charging the superintendent" and to “hake de- the new contest will be named moneys will provide excellent ough. Tha mayor and council others with making ''a motkiry" diloni after having received thi 'Mlsa Matawan First Aid.” school facilities without any In­ Aid Hospital Patient are being petitioned to take Im­ of the "biggest thing that evar hap­ recommendations ol thi lupsrln- crease in Matawan Borough taxes. Amend Fire Code New Morganville mediate action under applicable Four young ladles now wlU be Membera of tba MorganvUle pened In Madlaon Townahlp." tin d in t." Tha establishment of a separate law (n establish a separate Khool eligible for prizes In the contests Volunteer Fire Co. 1 are coo- The trouble started when Mr. Ordir Ol SMtlam district ter our borough. , with the Purity, Body and Flavor Matawan Borough school district For Township ducting a benefit fund drive for Principal Named Pin* aought to havt th i K hool Thi new order of business at will give the borough full control ‘The response haa been very en­ contestants riding on a float furn­ .Donald La iu aro, who la a patient band Inoluded In thi progrim. Thi ngulir maiUngi will bo call to ished by P. Ballantlne and Sons. of Its school program. It also will couraging. Niost borough residents No Objections At?jV;. In Ml. Slnal Hospital, New York, Marlboro Schools All other mimberi believed that u II ordar, roll call, reading of or act­ Miss First Aid Squad will ride tn eliminate part time sessions as are quite shocked and Irritated at Donnie Is a member ot the firs w u lu m m er vacation It w a i Im- ing on without reading mlnutei, the parade In a .peclal convertible. soon as separation Is consummated Hearing Yesterday ; Secure On FulMlme the Inequities that now exist and company. Other township fire receiving blda, communications, A)l winners will receive ballerina- and will give Matawan Borough they realize that the maps develop­ Two amendments to anxirtllniiice -companies snd auilllarlta and Marlboro Township Board Of hearing th* public or receiving length dresses and accessories and pupils a full school period through­ ing that is about to occur In the adopting a fire prevention code and (he Merganvllle First Aid Squad Education has filled the building petitions from them, sscretaiy'a Ballantlne coolest winners also will out the entire school year. Besides, townahlp will make the sltustion establishing fin prevention 'bu­ are assisting with the drive. principal vacancy at Morganville and custodial report!, payment ot receive trophies. It will enable the Matawan. Bor­ for borough taxpayer and student reaus In two sections of the town­ * Thursdsy, Frldsy and Ssturday bllli, iuperlntendont'1 report, com­ ough school district to enter Into School created by the resignation much worse due to Increased Stores Have Ballot* ship were adopted by the Matawan evenings all proceeds from the mittee. reports, old business, new a regional high achool program of Robert O. Herbert lait month. achool need*. Ballots for voting in the contests Township Committee yesterday. cocoanut pitch at th* annual fair buslneas and adjournment.. ■ which will be most beneficial to Charlea W. Sokolowaky, a Staten will.'be distributed to all participat­ The smendments were recommend­ sjient toward th* drive, and do­ Island resident, haa been nimod The praiont committee ututt la "The -.Committee For Better Matawan Borough High School ing (merchants In Matawan who ed by Township Attorney Ezra W, nation Jars wer« placed around to tie superceded by th* tollmflfl| Matawan Borough Schools Is a studenta and to Its taxpayers. to the post. He la a graduate of wilt write In' the number of votes Karltus sfter consultations wltli the fair grounds for those wish­ with tho functlcni ol thell COm- non-political civic organization It is most important that this Wagner College, Staten Island, and caA for each contestant on tbe firem en.
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