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LI IN COMMEMORATION OF THE One Hundredand Twentieth Anniversary


[MAY 31, 1819-19391





ti[THE YEAR 1939 marks the one hundred and twentieth anni- versary of the birth of Walt Whitman. As part of the celebration of that anniversary, the Library of Congress exhibited a collection of material from the magnificent Walt Whitman collection as- sembled over a period of twenty-five years by Mrs. Frank Julian Sprague, of New York City. This material was selected and pre- pared for exhibition by Dr. Joseph Auslander, Consultant in Poetry in the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is unwilling that this exhibit should terminate without some record which may serve as an expression of its gratitude to Mrs. Sprague for her generosity in making the display possible and a witness to its appreciation of Mrs. Sprague's great service to American poetry and to the American tradition of which Walt Whitman is not only the poet but the symbol. Many of the books in Mrs. Sprague's collection are unique, some are in mint condition, none is unopened. The greater part of the collection, including the two paintings which were done from life, has never before been exhibited to the great American public for which Whitman wrote and by which he is remembered. rV Pi PREFACE

li- BOOK COLLECTORS usually swing into a definite objective as their )n collections take form. Personally, I have always found a highly 3n specialized collection of greatest interest, also of value in study or ts- research in proportion to its completeness and its richness in an source material and items of intensely personal content. This -e- should be especially true of a Whitman Collection because of the in extreme devotion and loyalty of his friends and followers, who old treasured every detail of information concerning him personally, Lld his life, and his work. on My interest in making this collection followed a period of study he which required the gradual assembling of a Whitman reference 2's library. This meant his writings in various editions, biographies of and books about him in foreign languages as well as English, articles and pictures from magazines and newspapers. Scarcely a ze, day passed without adding some item of interest. Having been irt called a Wh~itmaniac, my family later invented the word clipto- ne maniac to further define my activities. an With the helpful encouragement and cooperation of many of 'd" Whitman's closest friends it has been my good fortune to add to the collection intimate letters, books and manuscripts, in some cases entire collections, which have belonged to biographers and friends of the poet. Many of the books are enriched with auto- graphs, inscriptions, and important marginal notes-each one carrying with it special memories of Whitman's own time. One of the deepest satisfactions a collector can have is to share his treasures with others, especially those who seek first hand information and inspiration, and it has been my privilege to have frequent assurance that this collection has helped in some measure to authenticate and carry on the Whitman message. I am happy to allow my collection to remain on exhibit through the early months of 1940. In offering the present exhibition our National Library has opened up a broadened field by presenting our greatest poet to the public which Whitman loved and greeted in his poem Salut au Monde. HRITSRGE

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WHITMAN, WALT-. Author's Edition, With Portraits and Intercalations. Camden, , 1876. Of the Author's Edition, about one hundred copies were issued with the label "Centennial Edition", of which this is one. Intercalations: p. 207, As in a Swoon; p. 247, The Beauty of the Ship; p. 285, title, The Wound-Dresser, pasted over The Dresser; p. 359, When the Full-Grown Poet Came; p. 369, After an Interval. Autographed and inscribed by Whitman to Anne Gilchrist. [Center

WHITMAN, WALT-Two RIVULETS, INCLUDING , CENTENNIAL SONGS, AND PASSAGE TO INDIA. Author's Edition. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. This book was issued as a companion volume to the 1876 Author's Edition of "Leaves of Grass." This is one of loo copies issued with the label "Centennial Ed'n-1876." Autographed and inscribed by Whitman to Anne Gilchrist. [Center

WHITMAN, WALT-SPECIMEN DAYS & COLLECT. Philadelphia, Rees Welsh & Co., 1882-'83. First issue. Tall paper copy inscribed to Anne Gilchrist. [Center

GILCHRIST, HERBERT HARLAKENDEN, ed.-ANNE GIL- CHRIST, HER LIFE AND WRITINGS. With a Prefatory Notice by . Second Edition. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1887. [Center

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS, WITH SANDS AT SEVENTY & A BACKWARD GLANCE O'ER TRAVEL'D ROADS. Portraits from Life. Autograph. Special Ed'n. [Philadelphia, Ferguson Bros. & Co., c1881]. (Published 1889). Inscribed by Whitman to Herbert Gilchrist. [Center 1 [TRAUBEL, HORACE L., ed.] CAMDEN'S COMPLIMENT TO WALT WHITMAN, May 31, 1889. NOTES, ADDRESSES, LETTERS, TELE- GRAMS. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1889. Inscribed by Whitman to Grace Gilchrist. [Center

GOULD, ELIZABETH PORTER-ANNE GILCHRIST AND WALT WHITMAN. Philadelphia, David McKay, [cI900]. Inscribed by John Burroughs to Clara Barrus. With a note by Dr. Barrus. [Center

GILCHRIST, ANNE-A WOMAN'S ESTIMATE OF WALT WHIT- MAN. In The Radical, Boston, May, 1870. Original article on Whitman by Anne Gilchrist; Clara Barrus' copy with her signature and notes. [Center

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, November 1, 1884. Sent by Whitman to Mrs. Gilchrist. Signed and addressed by Whitman, with numerous items of varied interest marked by him. [Center

WYATT, EDITH-WHITMAN AND ANNE GILCHRIST. In The North American Review, September, 1919. [Center


WHITMAN, WALT-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO WILLIAM M. ROSSETTI, December 9, 1869. Whitman's first mention of Anne Gilchrist. [Center

BURROUGHS, JOHN-THREE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO MRS. GILCHRIST, November 15, 1875; October 22, 1882; July 13, 1885. An appreciation of her writings about Whitman. [Center


WHITMAN, WALT-FOUR AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO BEATRICE GILONRIST, I1877-1 878. Casual comments on matters of mutual interest. [Center


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nter WHITMAN, WALT-SEVENTEEN AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO HERBERT GILCHRIST, 1877-1888. Includes one written upon receiving news of the death of Mrs. Gilchrist (see facsimile above), and one refusing to allow his letters from Mrs. Gilchrist to nter be published. [Center 3

-- - -- ... J ... -M GILCHRIST, ANNE-THREE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO WALT WHITMAN, 1881-1882. These are copies kept by Mrs. Gilchrist. All of her letters sent to Whitman were placed by T. B. Harned in the Library of Congress. [Center

WHITMAN, WALT-AUTOGRAPH LIST WRITTEN FOR MRS. GILCHRIST. No date. These are the names of the people to whom Whitman suggested she send her "Confession". [Center

BURROUGHS, JOHN-FOUR AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO HERBERT GILCHRIST, 1883-1887. Includes a letter written after hearing of Mrs. Gilchrist's death. [Center

DOWDEN, EDWARD-THREE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO ANNE GILCHRIST, 1884. They refer to Mrs. Gilchrist's letters which appear in Dr. Bucke's biography of Walt Whitman. [Center SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON-Two AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO HERBERT GILCHRIST, 1885. They refer to a Testimonial Fund for Whitman. [Center

WHITMAN, WALT-THIRTY-TWO AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND ONE POST CARD SIGNED, TO MRS. ANNE GILCHRIST. These are the original letters. Whitman kept copies of some of them. The copies were all given by T. B. H-arped, one of Whitman's literary executors, together with a large collection of Whitmaniana, to the Library of Congress. The five Whitman letters to Mrs. Gilchrist published in "The Letters of Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman" were taken from the copies, as the Gilchrist family refused to release the originals in their possession. Included is Whitman's last letter to Mrs. Gilchrist, dated December 15, 1885; Mrs. Gilchrist died November 29, 1885, but Whitman only learned of her death on December 18, 1885. [Center

GILCHRIST, HERBERT-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGN ED, TO W. S. KENNEDY, September 20, 1886. Advises him with reference to obtaining English publishers for his book, remuneration to be expected, etc. [Center

GILCHRIST, ANNE-THE LETTERS OF ANNE GILCHRIST AND WALT WHITMAN. Edited With an Introduction by Thomas B. Harned. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1918. Clara Barrus' copy, with an inscription to her by Harned. Marginal notes by Dr. Barrus. [Center 4 ro / ant.e.

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ND GILCHRIST, HERBERT-MANUSCRIPT NOTEBOOK, 1876-1877. Records conversations with Whitman. Sketch of Whitman on one page. rhe [Center Drs, WHITMAN, WALT-A TICKET TO HIS LECTURE, "DEATH OF

>of ABRAHAM LINCOLN", ASSOCIATION HALL, PHILADELPHIA, EVENING the OF APRIL 15TH, 1880. ded The 15th anniversary of the assassination of Lincoln. Ticket donated by irs. Whitman. [Center ath iter WHITMAN, WALT-GOING SOMEWHERE. Rough first draft in the poet's autograph of his poem in memory of Mrs. TO Gilchrist. (See facsimile above.) Sent to Herbert Gilchrist in 1887. [Center


:iter TO MRS. GILCHRIST. [Center 5

Rwwff, /- - - --, , - . - -- - os -. , . , -- WHITMAN, WALT-TWELVE AUTOGRAPH POST CARDS SIGNED, TO HERBERT GILCHRIST. [Center

WHITMAN, WALT-A LOCK OF His HAIR. This was cut from his head after his death by his housekeeper, Mrs. Davis, and given to H-erbert Gilchrist. Gilchrist's sister, Mrs. Grace Gilchrist Frend, gave it to Mrs. Sprague. [Center

WHITMAN, WALT-His PENCIL. This was given to Herbert Gilchrist by Mrs. Davis, and by Mrs. Grace Gilchrist Frend to Mrs. Sprague. [Center

GILCHRIST, ANNE-UNPUBLISHED PHOTOGRAPH, February, 1851. From a silver plate daguerreotype of Anne Burrows, age twenty-three, before her marriage to . [Center

GILCHRIST, ANNE-UNPUBLISHED PHOTOGRAPH. From a "Carte de Visite" of Anne Gilchrist, taken at Halstead, Essex, August, 1874, at the age of forty-six. This was two years before her visit to America. [Center

WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT. This was given to Mrs. Gilchrist with his autograph, January I, 1878. [Center

GILCHRIST, HERBERT-WALT WHITMAN AT TIMBER CREEK, SUMMER, 1878. Pen and ink sketch. With autograph note signed by Grace Gilchrist Frend. [Center


WHITMAN, WALT--AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOGRAPH. This was given to Mrs. Gilchrist in 1869. A letter from Whitman to William M. Rossetti, shown in this collection, refers to this photograph. [Center

GILCHRIST, HERBERT-"CONVERSATION PIECE", or, "THE TEA PARTY" Photographic reproduction of a painting of Walt Whitman, Anne Gilchrist, and Grace Gilchrist. Painted between 1882 and 1884. [Center

GILCHRIST, HERBERT-ANNE GILCHRIST IN HER HAMPSTEAD HOME, 1884. Photographic reproduction of a portrait in oils by her son. [Center 6

- _ _ _- _ -_-_ -- -- .ED, [GILCHRIST, HERBERT]-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT IN His 'ESTUDIO, 1889. [Center :n ter GILCHRIST, HERBERT-ANNE GILCHRIST. avis, Engraving made from a painting, with an autograph note by T. B. H-amned. hrist [Center inter WHITMAN'S WRITINGS PUBLISHED IN PERIODICALS ;race enter[WHITMAN, WALTI-DEATH IN THE SCHOOLROOM. A FACT. ary, In The United States Magazine, and Democratic Review, August, ary, 1841. [I2 efore Signed""W. W." enter WHITMAN, WALT-WIL.D FRANK'S RETURN. By Walter Whit- man. In The United States Magazine, and Democratic Review, ?ssex, November, 1841. [12 sit to .enter WHITMAN, WALT-BERVANCE: OR, FATHER AND SON. By Walter Whitman. From The United States Magazine, and Demo- cratic Review, December, 1i841. 1878. Clipped and in paper covers. [12 .enter WHITMAN, WALT-THE CHILD-GHOST; A STORY OF THE LAST EEK, LOYALIST. By Walter Whitman. From The United States christ Magazine, and Democratic Review, May, 1842. [12 center WHITMAN, WALT.-THE LAST OF THE SACRED ARMY. By v1BER Walter Whitman. In The United States Magazine, and Demo- :enter cratic Review, March, 1842. [12

WHITMAN, WALT-TEAR DOWN AND BUILD OVER AGAIN. By Tilliam Walter Whitman. From The American Review, November, 1845" enter [12

'THE WHITMAN, WALT-A CAROL OF HARVEST, FOR 1867. In The Galaxy, September, 1867. christ, Signed "Walt Whitman". [12 ~enter

TEAD WHITMAN, WALT-DEMOCRACY. In The Galaxy, December, 1867. Cene Signed "Walt Whitman". [12 7

______-c WHITMAN, WALT-THE POETRY OF THE FUTURE. From The North American Review, February, 1881. One of a very few copies issued for friends of Whitman. The pages are numbered as in the magazine, and the words "From the North American Review" printed at the top of the first page. [12

WHITMAN, WALT-ARMY HOSPITALS AND CASES. MEMO- RANDA AT THE TIME, 1863-66. In The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, October, 1888. [12

WHITMAN, WALT-DEATH'S VALLEY. From Harper's New Monthly Magazine, April, 1892. A poem by Walt Whitman, sometimes called his "Swan song". His last publication in verse. Erroneously listed in Triggs' bibliography as published in 1896. [I2

WHITMAN, WALT-EDUCATION IN OUR SCHOOLS, A Fragment by Walt Whitman, edited by Anna (sic) M. Traubel. In The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Week-End (magazine section), July 12, 1936. ['3


WHITMAN, WALT-; or, THE INEBRIATE, A TALE OF THE TIMES, By Walter Whitman. Original temperance novel published as an extra to the New World, New York, November, 1842, Extra Series, No. 34. [I

BRENTON, JAMES J., ed.-VoICES FROM THE PRESS; A Collection of Sketches, Essays, and Poems, by Practical Printers. New York, Charles B. Norton, 1850. This book contains "The Tomb Blossoms", and also the first biographical article ever written about Whitman. Brenton once employed Whitman as a printer, and the article discusses his printing career. [

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Brooklyn, New York, 1855. First edition, first issue. From the library of J. W. Wallace. Unique, but not perfect copy, with strong association interest. Four of the notes printed in the second issue, and the Emerson letter, have been bound in under the direction of J. Johnston for presentation to J. W. Wallace. [ 8 The WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Brooklyn, New York, 185 are First edition, second issue. [ rican [12 WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Brooklyn, New York, 1855. ~MO- First edition, second issue. From the library of Isaac Hull Platt. ated [12 WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Brooklyn, New York, [Fowler and Wells], 1856. NTew Second edition. From the library of Carolyn Wells. Has on backstrip quotation from Emerson's letter to Whitman: "I greet you at the beginning last of a great career." This quotation was used without Emerson's permission. ished [2 [I2 WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS IMPRINTS. American nent and European criticisms of Leaves of Grass. Boston, Thayer and The Eldridge, 186o. 12, John Addington Symonds' copy. His autograph initials are on title page and [13 margins. Signed also by H. Buxton Forman. From the library of Carolyn Wells. The letter from Emerson to Whitman is printed in full. Dr. Bucke says articles on pages 7, 30, and 38 were written by Whitman and contributed anonymously to various papers. [2

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Boston, Thayer and Eldridge, Year 85 of The States (186o-i 861). [TGenuine third edition. [2

New [1 ~ WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS.- Boston, Thayer and Eldridge, Year 85 of The States (186o-61) [1879 or later]. ction Spurious issue. Inscribed by Horace Traubel to J. W. Wallace. This is the spurious issue printed by Richard Worthington from the plates of the Thayer Cork, and Eldridge edition of i86o-6i, after the latter firm's bankruptcy. Has advertisements of other Worthington books at end of volume. [2 phical nas WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Boston, Thayer and Eldridge, Year 85 of The States (186o-61) [1879 or later]. rAnother one of the spurious Worthington issues. Does not contain adver- ~Crtisements of other Worthington books at end of volume. [2 ie,ebut BUCKET, RICHARD MAURICE-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED,

[i Concerns the spurious 186o "Leaves of Grass". 13 i88o. 20, Aug. 9 ELDRIDGE, to CHARLES

in and WHITMAN, WALT-DRUM-TAPS. New York, 1865. WI Second issue, containing "When Last in the Door-Yard Bloom'd". Alfred F. Goldsmith, of New York, said in a letter of April 26, 1939, to Mrs. Sprague, "Here is the copy of Drum-Taps-and I must admit I have no [W] explanation for it. The binding is the fine calf of the period. It may have FRI been a special binding for a friend or a trial copy. All the edges are gilt and it measures %s of an inch taller than the regular copies. I have never seen a copy like it." (

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRAss. New York, 1867. WE Fourth edition. Printed for Whitman by William E. Chapin, Beekman 187 Street, New York. Contains "Leaves of Grass" and "Songs Before Parting". [2

WHITMAN, WALT-POEMS . . . Selected and Edited by WE William Michael Rossetti. London, John Camden Hotten, 1868. 187 First English edition, first issue. Inscribed to William Bell Scott, to whom the book was dedicated, by Rossetti. The inscription is signed "W. M. R." Bookplates: William Bell Scott and H. Buxton Forman. The only book in WI- which Whitman permitted his work to be changed or expurgated. [2 Put

WHITMAN, WALT-AFTER ALL, NOT TO CREATE ONLY. Boston, Roberts Brothers, 1871. Whitman's American Institute poem. Three variant copies: one in dark green and one in maroon beveled cloth boards, regular edition; one in brown limp cloth, cheaper edition made for sale at the exhibition. The green copy is WIt inscribed to J. W. W~allace by John Johnston. [1 Por

WHITMAN, WALT-DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. MEMORANDA. Washington, D. C., 1871. Printed for Whitman by J. S. Redfield, New York. Uncut, with advertise- WE ments on back cover. [I Por

[WHITMAN, WALT-PASSAGE TO INDIA. Washington, D. C., 1871. At head of title: Leaves of Grass. Printed for Whitman by J. S. Redfield, WI New York. Contains selections from the original "Leaves of Grass" and numerous later poems. Whitman's name appears in the copyright notice VIs on the verso of the title page. [2 Ed

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Washington, D. C., 1871. Fifth edition, first issue. Printed by J. S. Redfield, New York. Later W1 issues include "Passage to India". Bookplate: Isaac Hull Platt. This is Ed the copy sent by Whitman to Fred S. Ellis, book-dealer and publisher, with a letter containing proposals for an English edition. This copy re-bound. [2 10 f WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Dmd.Supplementary notes, unbound, to the 1871 edition. [2 0 Mrs. ive no [WHITMAN, WALT]- .. AS A STRONG BIRD ON PINIONS "l have FREE AND OTHER POEMS. Washington, D. C., 1872. et aenA edo il:"evso rs" rne yS .Gen ncie [tby Whitman to J. W. Wallace. [2

7, WHITMAN, WALT-LE~AVES OF GRASS. Washington, D. C., -ekman 1872. .rting[". Brown calf back and corners. Early issue. [2 [2

:d by WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Washington, D. C., 1868. 1872. whom Regular issue in green cloth. [2 M. R." book in WHITMAN, WALT-MEMORANDA DURING THE WAR. Author's [2 Publication. Camden, New Jersey, 1875-'76. Inscribed by Whitman to Miss Lizzie Hyder, later Mrs. Wesley Stafford. ONLY. Purchased by Mrs. Martha Davis, Whitman's housekeeper and curator of the Whitman House in Camden. Probably not more than one hundred in dark copies of this book were issued. [ i brown copy is WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Author's Edition, With 1 Portraits from life. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. ~AD.Autographed. Inscribed by Dr. Bucke to J. W. Wallace. [2

'vertise- WHITMAN, WALT--LEAVES OF GRASS. Author's Edition, With [1 Portraits and Intercalations. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. Title page only of the 1876 edition, of which there is a copy in the Gilchrist D. C., collection, in addition to the one cited above. [3

:edfield, WHITMAN, WALT-Two RIVULETS, INCLUDING DEMOCRATIC ss" and VSACNENA OGADPSAET NI.Ato' t notice VSACNENA OGADPSAET NI.Ato' [2 Edition, Camden, New Jersey, 1876. Autographed portrait of Whitman as frontispiece. Whitman's autograph on D. C., flyleaf, and inscription from Dr. R. M. Bucke to J. W. Wallace. [2

Later WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS: Preface to the Original This is Edition, 185 London, Triibner & Co., 1881. er, with Separate reprint of preface, in blue paper covers. Edition limited to five mnd. [2 hundred copies. [2

11 WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Boston, James R. WH Osgood & Co., 188 1-82. Mc] Seventh edition. Generally known as the suppressed Boston issue. This, the first issue, had the words""Third Edition" printed on the title page; only a few copies escaped with this error. [3 BU:

(tJAC [WHITMAN, WALT--LEAVES OF GRASS]. 188 A series of four newspaper articles on the suppression of the Boston 1881- 82 edition, with autograph note in Whitman's hand, and an announcement of the republication. These clippings have been pasted on pages and bound in with title-page. [3 WF Wh [WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS]. don A notebook containing contemporary newspaper clippings about the sup- pressed edition of "Leaves of Grass". [3

[WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS]. Original letters and articles on the suppression of the Boston edition WI- (0881-82) of "Leaves of Grass". Including a letter from Benjamin R. Lor Tucker, founder and editor of the Radical Review, to W. D. O'Connor; O'Connor's reply to Tucker; and notes by O'Connor on the suppression. Also a list of the twenty-two suppressed passages in the autograph of O'Connor. [3 WF Mc WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Author's Copyright Edition. London, David Bogue, 1881. [3

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Philadelphia, Rees Welsh & Co., 1882. WI The first Philadelphia edition. This copy is extra illustrated and may be Ga. unique. [.3

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Philadelphia, Rees Welsh & Co., 1882. [H( Has no illustrations except "Whitman As a Young Man" facing page 29. Bo From the library of Isaac Hull Platt. [3

[KING, MOSES, ed.]-POETrS' TRIBUTES TO GARFIELD. Cam- bridge, Mass., Moses King, 1882. Includes Walt Whitman's poem, "The Sobbing of the Bells (Midnight, W] September Ig-20)", p. 71. Bookplate and autograph of Henry S. Saunders. [2 Lif WHITMAN, WALT-SPECIMEN DAYS AND COLLECT. Philadel- phia, Rees Welsh & Co., 1882-'83. [2

12 Times R. WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1884. ue. This, Tall copy. [3 page; only [3 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY-TRANSACTIONS ... RED JACKET. Volume III. Buffalo, Published by order of the Society, 1885. ton 1881- Cover title reads: Obsequies of Red Jacket at Buffalo, October 9 th, 1884. cement of Includes Red Jacket, (From Aloft), By Walt Whitman. [2 bound in [3 WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. The Poems of Walt Whitman. [Selected] with Introduction By Ernest Rhys. Lon- don, Walter Scott, 1886. Canterbury Poets' Series. the sup- Contains inscription by Rhys to William Michael Rossetti, March 1, 1886, [3 and Rossetti's signature. Blue cloth. The edition of this selection in brown cloth is generally considered the first. [3 n edition WHITMAN, WALT-DEMOCRATIC VISTAS, AND OTHER PAPERS. jamin R. London, Walter Scott; Toronto, W. J. Gage & Co., 1888. )'Connor; First Canadian edition. From the library of J. W. Wallace. The text of ppression. this edition is unlike that of the 1871 edition. [I )graph of 13 WHITMAN, WALT-NOVE~MBER BOUGHS. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1888. >pgtLarge octavo in maroon cloth, one of many variants of this edition. Auto- )prih graphed by Whitman Jan. 31, 1889, for Mrs. Garrison, mother of the late Secretary of War. Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague by May Riley Smith, to whom it was given by Mrs. Garrison. [2 1, Rees WHITMAN, WALT-NOVEMBER BOUGHS. London, Alexander I may be Gardner, 1889. [3 The English edition was issued in dark green or maroon cloth, and corre- sponds to the McKay edition of 1888. This copy is in maroon cloth. Auto- L, Rees graphed by J. W. Wallace. [2 page 29. [HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN-REVIEW OF "NOVEMBER [3 BOUGHS"]. From Harpers' New Monthly Magazine, February, 1889. Cam- Listed in Harpers' 1889 Index as by William Dean Howells. Accompanied by two autograph letters from Howells to Mrs. Sprague. [2 midnight, WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS, WITH SANDS AT SEVENTY [enry S. & A BACKWARD GLANCE O'ER TRAVEL'D ROADS. Portraits from [2 Life. Autograph. Special Ed'n. [Philadelphia, Printed by Fer- [tildel-guson Bros. & Co., 1889]. [2adl [2 whichAutograph this oneof Whitman is inscribed on titleby Horace page. TraubelThis edition to Helen limited Campbell. to 300 copies, of[3 13 WHITMAN, WALT-GOOD-BYE MY FANCY, 2D ANNEX TOw LEAVES OF GRASS. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1891. m% Fine tall copy with portraits. Dark green, uncut, one of a small special issue of the first edition. [3

WHITMAN, WALT-GOOD-BYE MY FANCY, 2D ANNEX TO " I LEAVES OF GRASS. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1891. Regular maroon first edition with portraits. Bookplate: Edwin B. Holden. [3

WHITMAN, WALT-GOOD-BYE MY FANCY, 2D ANNEX TOT LEAVES OF GRASS. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1891.T Unbound review copy with autograph note of W. S. Kennedy. [3

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Including Sands at Seventy . . . i st Annex, Good-Bye my Fancy . . . 2d Annex, A Backward Glance o'er Travel'd Roads, and Portrait from Life. T Philadelphia, David Mc Kay, 1891-'2. "Death-bed issue." Gray paper wrappers, uncut. Inscribed to "J. W. Wallace fPm the author with best wishes remembrances & love." Probably the last book ever inscribed by Whitman. Only one other copy of this edition is known to have been autographed by the poet. [3

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Including Sands at N Seventy . . . ist Annex, Good-Bye my Fancy . . . 2d Annex, A Backward Glance o'er Travel'd Roads, and Portrait from Life. Philadelphia, David Mc Kay, [1892].V Gray-green wrappers, cut. Paper label on backstrip: "Complete, 1892". Vi Inscribed by Horace Traubel "To J. W. Wallace in England from Anne f Montgomerie and Horace L. Traubel in America. A first copy of a new n edition." [3 V

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Including Sands at V Seventy . . . 1st Annex, Good-Bye my Fancy . . . 2d Annex, t A Backward Glance o'er Travel'd Roads, and Portrait from Life. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1894. V 1894 issue of 1892 edition. Green cloth. [3 'I

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Including Sands at Seventy, Good Bye My Fancy, Old Age Echoes, and A Backward Glance O'er Travel'd Roads. Boston, Small, Maynard & Coin- T pany, 1897. Regular issue, in green cloth. Inscribed by Horace Traubel to J. W. Wallace. [3 14 NEX TO WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. London, G. P. Put- nam's Sons; Boston, Small, Maynard & Company, 1897. all special Gray cloth with green floral decorations. [3 a [3

NEX TO WHITMAN, WALT-DRUM-TAPS. London, Chatto & Windus, 1915. First English edition. The introduction by Walter de la Mare, which is 13 unsigned, was first published in the London Times.

NEOWHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Portland, Maine, N~x TOThomas Bird Mosher, 1919. Facsimile of the 1855 edition. One of 250 copies in dark green cloth. There [3 were also lao copies in gold stamped blue paper boards, and 50 copies in gold stamped Japan vellum boards. [I ;ands at Lnnex, A WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES of GRASS. Portland, Maine, )m Life. Thomas Bird Mosher, 1920. Facsimile of 1855 edition. Second issue with slight changes. One of Soo 0o "J. W. copies, in dark green cloth stamped in gold. Contains facsimile of a copy Probably of the Emerson letter in Whitman's autograph. [I y of this 13 WHITMAN, WALT-FRANKLIN EVANS, OR THE INEBRIATE, A ands at TALE OF THE TIMES. With Introduction by Emory Holloway. Annex, New York, Random House, 1929. omLf.Only separately bound reprint. [ te, 1892". WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Reproduced from the rom Anne first edition (1855), with an introduction by Clifton Joseph Fur- of a new ness. The Facsimile Text Society, New York, Columbia Uni- [3 versity Press, 1939. [I ands at WHITMAN, WALT-BOZ AND DEMOCRACY. In Brother Jona- Annex,thnFeray2,14.[ :m Life. taFbur 6 82 WHITMAN, WALT-AN INDIAN BUREAU REMINISCENCE. From 13 Today, London, May, 18 84. With an autograph note: "Please return to W. S. Kennedy Belmont Mass." 13 ands at ackward WHITMAN, WALT-FACSIMILE OF AN EARLY AUTOGRAPH LET- & Coin- TER SIGNED "WALTER WHITMAN", inquiring about his manuscript, "The Angel of Years", submitted to the Boston Miscellany. to J. W. Autograph note by T. B. Harned stating that the original letter was given [3 to him by the Rev. Edward Everett Hale in 1899. [3 15 HOLLYER, SAMUEL-ENGRAVING OF WHITMAN, 1854. Hollyer signed this print for Mrs. Sprague a short time before his death in 1919. This engraving called""The Carpenter" was made from a daguerreo- type by Gabriel Harrison and was first used as a frontispiece in the 1855 edition of "Leaves of Grass". [I,

HOLLYER, SAMUEL-Two HIOLLYER ENGRAVINGS OF WHIT- MAN, Autographed.4 With framed manuscript post card containing reference to Sidney H. Morse. - Post card addressed by Whitman to "J. H. Johnston, Diamond Merchant, 15o Bowery Cor: Broome St: New York City", from Camden. Card ?;. closes with the sentence: "Conway has been here lecturing ag't the President -as he did ag't the Devil-Probably both are indispensable and immov- able." [3

WHITMAN, WALT-AUTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION FROM A PHOTO- I GRAPH OF WHITMAN. Autograph note: "The real Whitman in early war times-'62 to '65", by T. B. Harned. [2

WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT, FRAMED. Half length, seated, elbow on desk, white hat. Signed:"Walt Whitman 1881". [3

WHITMAN, WALT-REPRODUCTION OF A PHOTOGRAPH AT TIM- BER CREEK. Full length) half seated on stump. Autograph note: "In the woods at Timber Creek", by T. B. Harned. [2

LINTON, W. J.-WOODCUT OF WHITMAN. After a photograph by George C. Potter, Washington, 1871. Shows head and shoulders. Inscribed: "Linton Wood Cut. T. B. Harned." [2

RICHETON, LEON-ETCHING OF HEAD OF WHITMAN. Portrayed wearing hat with turned up brim. No date. [2


WHITMAN, WALT-REPRODUCTION OF A PHOTOGRAPHIC POR- TRAIT.j Autograph note reads: "Walt Whitman in old age. T. B. Harned". [2 .

PENNELL, JOSEPH-ETCHING OF WHITMAN'S HOUSE IN CAM- DEN, NEW JERSEY. ; Given by Mrs. Pennell to Mrs. Sprague, December i5, 1930. (See ac- companying illustration.) [3

16 is death in daguerreo- n the i855 t ..-


H. Morse. t -t 'z Merchant,,H- len. Card, r President ,Y -' _ .' . - id immov-Y.,

I PHOTO- 0 o '65", by

[2 \, .. Whitman


AT TIM- 1 z

woods at { n R ,.Rl



1IC POR-"'r is head and

(See ac-


CAM- I N LATER EDITIONS OF WHITMAN R tc WHITMAN, WALT-SPECIMEN DAYS IN AMERICA. Newly Re- vised by the Author, with Fresh Preface and Additional Note. London, Walter Scott, 1887. Apparently a variant of the first English edition. Dark green cloth, gold corner ornamentation. J. WV. Wallace's copy. [5

WHITMAN, WALT-SPECIMEN DAYS IN AMERICA. Revised by the Author, with Fresh Preface and Additional Note. London and V Newcastle-on-Tyne, Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd., [1887?]. a In Scott Library series. Red cloth. [5 of

WHITMAN, WALT-GEMS FROM WALT WHITMAN, Selected by N Elizabeth Porter Gould. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1889. [4. C

BRINTON, DANIEL G., and THOMAS DAVIDSON-GIOR- DANO BRUTNO: PHILOSOPHER AND MARTYR. Two addresses. [With a preface by Walt Whitman]. Philadelphia, David Mc Kay, i 890. The only other book for which Whitman wrote a preface was W. D. O'Con- E nor's "Three Tales." From the J. W. Wallace Collection. [5 I E

WHITMAN, WALT-SELECTED POEMS. New York, Charles L. V Webster & Co., 1892. i Edited by Arthur Stedman. First issue. Mark Twain was a partner in the t Webster firm. [4 S

WHITMAN, WALT-.. . POEMS. London, "Review of Reviews," [18951. The Masterpiece Library; The Penny Poets.-xxvii. Contents: , Songs of Sex, Songs of the War, Songs of Death, Songs Democratic. According to H. S. Saunders, the introduction was written by the editor of the series, W. T. Stead. Three copies: one in original orange paper wrappers; another, bound by Henry S. Saunders, in olive boards, original wrappers bound in; another, bound, together with selections from Coleridge and Arnold, in cloth.V [4 E WHITMAN, WALT-. A SERIES OF LETTERS WRITTEN C DURING THE YEARS 1868-1880 BY WALT WHITMAN TO A YOUNG FRIEND (PETER DOYLE). Edited with an Introduction by

18 Richard Maurice Bucke M.D., One of Whitman's Literary Execu- tors. Boston, Laurens Maynard, 1897. ewly Re- This is a copy of the regular issue of the first edition. Inscribed to "Clara alNt.Barrus from J. B." (John Burroughs). [5 cloth, gold - Another copy, Boston, Laurens Maynard, 1897. [5 Special large paper issue. Paper label, with title in green ink. Illustrations on Japan vellum. Light green boards, with tan cloth back. Bookplate: Win. F. Gable. This is number 30 of 35 copies signed by Dr. Bucke. [5 vwised by idon and WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Including a Facsimile 887?]. autobiography variorum readings of the poems and a department

[5 of Gathered Leaves. Philadelphia, David McKay, [1900]. [14 ected by WHITMAN, WALT-POEMS . . . New York, Thomas Y. 889. [4 Crowell Company, [C1902]. Introduction by John Burroughs. This is a copy of the second issue contain- IRing"Drum Taps", which was omitted from the first issue. [4

D. O'Con- Edited with introduction and notes by Julian W. Abernethy, Ph.D. [5 Maynard's English Classic Series, No. 242. New York, Charles E. Merrill Co., [cI9o4]. [4

14 Small, Maynard & Company, 19o4. First issue, bound in vellum boards. Uncut. The edition was limited to 500 copies, most of which were trimmed and bound in light blue cloth. This Ls. 1With WHITMAN WALT-SELECTED POEMS OF WALT WHITMAN.

Song of -- Another copy, Boston, Small, Maynard & Company, 19o4. =mocratic. Second issue of the Boston 1904 edition, in light blue cloth. Foreword editor of signed by Horace Traubel. 1 Larleswrappers; K. WHITMAN, WALT-AN AMERICAN PRIMER. With Facsimiles of ers bound WHITMVAN, WALT-WALT :ner in the the Original Manuscript. EditedWHITMAN's by Horace DIARY Traubel. IN CANADA,Boston, 14 ncoh With Extracts from Edited by William SloaneOther ofKennedy. His Diaries Boston, and Literary Small, Note-booksMaynard & (WRITTEN Company, 1904. eviews,"copy inscribed to Clara Barrus by T. B. Harried. [ YOUNG Edition limited to 500 copies. This is a copy of the first issue, bound in ion byvellum boards. Later issues are bound in blue cloth. Inscribed by the ion by editor to Mrs. Frank J. Sprague in 1923. [ 19 WHITMAN, WALT-LAFAYETTE IN BROOKLYN. With an intro- duction by John Burroughs. New York, George D. Smith, 1905. This edition was limited to 250 numbered copies, signed by the publisher, of which this is number 63, one of 235 which were printed on American hand- made paper. There were also 15 on Imperial Japanese vellum. Letter of presentation attached, from the publisher to William F. Gable. 15

WHITMAN, WALT-THE BOOK OF HEAVENLY DEATH. Com- piled from Leaves of Grass by Horace Traubel. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 1905. This is one of 450 copies bound in blue boards. There were also 5o copies numbered and bound in cream vellum boards. This copy was inscribed by Horace Traubel to Helen Campbell. [14

WHITMAN, WALT-PEARLS FROM WALT WHITMAN. Selected by F. E. Worland. London, C. W. Daniel Ltd., [1905]. Pearls from the Poets series, No. 6. [4

WHITMAN, WALT- . .. A LITTLE BOOK OF NATURE THOUGHTS. Selected by Anne Montgomerie Traubel. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 19o6. Prose selections from Whitman. Signed by Clara Barrus. [4

WHITMAN, WALT-THE WISDOM OF WALT WHITMAN. New York, Brentano's, 19o8. Edited by Laurens Maynard. [4 r

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. London, New York, Toronto & Melbourne, Cassell and Company, Ltd., 1909. Inscribed by Hcnry S. Saunders to Mrs. Sprague. [14 V S WHITMAN, WALT-POEMS . .. Selected and edited by William Michael Rossetti. Fine-paper edition with a portrait. London, Chatto & Windus, 1911. Reprint of the Hlotten edition of 1868. Bookplate: William F. Gable. [4

WHITMAN, WALT-THE ROLLING EARTH. Outdoor Scenes and Thoughts from the Writings . . . Compiled by Waldo R. Browne, with an Introduction by John Burroughs. Boston and V New York, Houghton Mufflin Company, 1912. Inscribed by the compiler to Clara Barrus and signed by Dr. Barrus. 14


dr -- 1 intro-} WHITMAN, WAT [EETOS ETC.] In The Bibelot.Pot e1905. land, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, May, 1912; March, 1913; and lisher, of [uus,194-1 in hand-Auut194 Letter of 15 WHITMAN, WALT-POEMS FROM LEAVES OF GRASS. The coloured illustrations by Margaret C. Cook. London, J. M. Dent Corn- & Sons, Ltd. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1913. [1915]. [14 Maine, WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Complete [Authorized ;o copies by the Executors]. New York, Mitchell Kennerley, 1914. ribed by First issue of this edition. [14 [4

WHITMAN, WALT- . . . TWENTY-THREE POEMS. Selected by elected Gwen Williams, B. A. With Estimates by R. W. Emerson, R. L. Stevenson, etc. London, The Athenaeum Literature [4 Department, [circa 1918].

At head of title: The Westminster Classics.-III [14 U GHTS. Maine, WHITMAN, WALT-WALT WHITMAN'S POEMS. Girard, 14 Kansas, Haldeman-Julius Company, [1918]. Ten Cent Pocket Series No. 73. Little Blue Books. This copy specially Henry S. Saunders. [4 New Nwbound by 14 WHITMAN, WALT-THE GATHERING OF THE FORCES. Edito- rials, Essays, Literary and Dramatic Reviews and other Material Written by Walt Whitman as Editor of The Brooklyn Daily York, Eagle in 1846 and 1847. Edited by Cleveland Rodgers and John Black, With a Foreword and a Sketch of Whitman's Life and [4 Work During Two Unknown Years. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1920.

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS (I) & DEMOCRATIC [4 VISTAS. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., [1921]. Everyman's Library. The first issue of this edition was published in 1912. Scenes Introduction by Horace Traubel. 14. on and WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. New York, The Modern Library, [1921]. Villiam One of 25o sets, each in two volumes, issued in the Autumn of 1920. In- .ondon,3. 14 Withscribed introduction by Cleveland by RodgersCarl Sandburg. to Mrs. Sprague. 14[5

21 R. tldo WHITMAN, WALT-THE UNCOLLECTED POETRY AND PROSE v: OF WALT WHITMAN much of which has been but recently discovered I with various early manuscripts now first published. Collected and Edited by Emory Holloway. In Two Volumes. Garden y City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page & Company, 1921. Inscribed by the editor to Mrs. Sprague. [5N

WHITMAN, WALT-[LITTrLE BLUE BOOKS]. Girard, Kansas, y Haldeman-Julius, [1921-1925]. r t Five hooks bound together: ". .. Walt Whitman's Poems" (People'sa a Pocket Series, No. 73); ". .. Poems of Walt Whitman" (Little Blue Book, No. 73); ". .. Prose Nature Notes" (Ten Cent Pocket Series, No. 299);L ".Memories of Lincoln" (Ten Cent Pocket Series, No. 351); ". .. Walt Whitman: Bard of the West" (Little Blue Book, No. 529). 1 y WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Garden City, New b York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1924. Inclusive edition, edited by Emory Holloway. [14 y WHITMAN, WALT-CRITICISM. An Unpublished Essay. Trout- ' beck Leaflets, Number Two. Privately printed at the TroutbeckN Press, Amenia, New York, Christmas, 1924. Of this edition 200 copies were printed, as a Christmas greeting to the friends of Amy E. and J. E. Spingarn. Prefatory note by J. E. Spingarn. A privately printed edition of 10o copies was brought out for its members by the Carteret Book Club, of Newark, New Jersey, in 1913. [5

SMITH, LANGDON- ... POEMS OF EVOLUTION. Langdon Smith and others. Girard, Kansas, Haldeman-Julius Company, V [19241. iteLittleBlue Book No. 71. Contains an excerpt from " The Song of Myself" [q

WHITMAN, WALT-Two PREFACES. The original preface to h Leaves of Grass, 1855, and A Backward Glance O'er Travel'd Roads, 1888, with an introductory note by Christopher Morley. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1926. Two copies, one with original dust wrapper. [ E WHITMAN, WALT-[SELECTIONS]. The Augustan Books of b Modern Poetry. London, Ernest Benn. No date. h Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague by Henry S. Saunders, Dec. 1926. [4

WHITMAN, WALT-[SELECTIONS]. The Pamphlet Poets. NewV York, Simon & Schuster, [c192 6 ]. Preface by Louis Untermeyer. [14[ 224 PROSE WHITMAN, WALT-PICTURES. An Unpublished Poem of Walt covered Whitman. With an Introduction and Notes by Emory Holloway. llected New York, The June House, 192'7. [4 Garden WHITMAN, WALT-RIVULETS OF PROSE. Critical Essays by [5 Walt Whitman. Edited by Carolyn Wells & Alfred F. Goldsmith. New York, Greenberg, 1928. [5 Kansas, WHITMAN, WALT--WALT WHITMAN'S WORKSHOP. A Collec- (Peole'stion of Unpublished Manuscripts. Edited With an Introduction ueook,' and Notes by Clifton Joseph Furness. Cambridge, Harvard 4o. '299); <. University Press, 1928. .. Walt Inscribed by the editor to Mrs. Sprague, Feb. 16, 1929. [5 [4 WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. With an Introduction T, New by Carolyn Wells. New York, The Limited Editions Club, 1929. I,500o copies printed, each copy signed by the designer Frederic Warde. This 14is number 307, and is also signed by Carolyn Wells. I14 WHITMAN, WALT-A CHILD'S REMINISCENCE. Collected by Trout- Thomas 0. Mabbott and Rollo G. Silver, With an Introduction and

Quarto. First version of "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking". "Of this

Carteret literary journal entitled the New York Saturday Press. Contains in addition [5 to Whitman's poem, an editorial criticism of "Leaves of Grass" written or inspired by him, a bitter criticism of this poem by the Cincinnati Commercial, angdon and a list of criticisms, minor notes, parodies and letters relating to him. [4

self, 14poems written by Walt Whitman following the arrangement of the )utbeck Notes. Seattle, University of Washington Book Store, 1930. self. editionn of 1891-'2. New York, Random House, Inc., [The Grab- ieface friends to hornbook Press], four hundred1930. and seventy-five copies have been printed, and the type privately destroyed. This is copy number 70." The items were taken from a weekly Vlorley. printed,many to of be which the thishandsomest is number book 193. ever printed in America. 400 copies[z4

[5 WHITMAN, WALT-I SIT AND LOOK OUT. Editorials from the 4 Brooklyn Daily Times by Walt Whitman. Selected and Edited rnpany,Woks of byWHITMAN, Emory Holloway WALT-LEAVES and Vernolian OF GRASS,Schwarz. Comprising New York, all Co-the lumbia University Press, 1932. 14 Inscribed by the editor to Mrs. Sprague. [5

New WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Illustrated by Rock- 'ravel' d well Quarto.Kent. OakNew boards. York, ForOne ofthe the Members "Fifty Books of ofthe the Heritage Year". SaidClub, by [4I937]. [4 26. ' 23 WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF Music BY WALT WHITMAN. P From the Collection of Bella C. Landauer. Privately Printed, V '937. One of 6o copies printed. Inscribed by Ruth S. Granniss (to whom the book was dedicated) to Mrs. Sprague. A bibliography of musical compositions based on poems by Whitman. [5 P

WHITMAN, WALT-WALT WAHITMAN IN CAMDEN. A Selection of Prose from Specimen Days With a Preface by Christopher Morley and Photographs by Arnold Genthe. Camden, The Haddon Craftsmen, 1938. 15

WHITMAN, WALT-LEAVES of GRASS. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Company. No date. A selection from "Leaves of Grass", date unknown, unrecorded in principal R Whitman bibliographies. Green cloth, iv, 6o p.; duodecimo. [z4 H. N

WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT. Signed: "Walt Whitman, Camden, New Jersey, July 1877". Framed. [4

GRIFFES, CHARLES T.-"SALUT au MONDE", A Festival Arranged from the Poem by Walt Whitman, With Music Specially Composed For It. In the program of performance at The Neighborhood Playhouse of the Henry St. Settlement, New York, April 22, 1922. [5

HARTY, HAMILTON-THE MYSTIC TRUMPETER. In the program, Eaton Choral Society, Massey Hall, Toronto, Ontario, March 14, 1928. A dramatic musical setting of Whitman's poem of the same title. [5 L

BLOCH, ERNEST-AMERICA, An Epic Rhapsody in three parts, For Orchestra. Tr In the programs: San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Exposition Audi- torium, December 20, 1928, 8:20 P. M.; Philharmonic-Symphony Society of 0 New York, Carnegie Hall, December 20, 1928,2':30 P.M. December 21, 1928, 8:30 P. M.; Boston Symphony Orchestra, December 21, 1928, 2:30 P. M.; and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Hall, Chicago, Ill., Decem- ber 21, 1928, 2:15 P. M. December 22, 1928, 8: 15 P. M. Dedicated to the memory of Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman. Based on Whitman's ideas and spirit. [

24 V IITMAN. PITOT, GENEVIEVE-THREE MOVEMENTS FROM THE WALT ?rinted, WHITMAN CYCLE. In the program, New York, Theater Union, June 13, 1935. I. Salut au the book .sMonde; 2. Song of the Open Road; 3. I sing the Body Electric. Danced 050125 by Tamiris and hergru.[

PITOT, GENEVIEVE-SALUT AU MONDE. In the program, Federal Theater Works Progress Administration. New election York Federal Dance Theater, July 16, 1936. Danced by Tamiris and her stopher group of Federal dancers. [5 n, The [5

Ehomas WALT WHITMAN AND ABRAHAM LINCOLN principal RICE, ALLEN THORNDIKE, ed.-REMINISCENCES OF ABRA- [4 HAM LINCOLN BY DISTINGUISHED MEN OF HIS TIME. New York, North American Publishing Company, 1886. Includes the first appearance of essay on Lincoln by Whitman. [6 ed. [4 WHITMAN, WALT-THE WOUND DRESSER: A Series of Letters Written from the Hospitals in Washington During the War of the Rebellion. Edited by Richard Maurice Bucke, M. D., One of estival Whitman's Literary Executors. Boston, Small, Maynard & Corn-

One of the earliest copies, having the publisher's device slightly off center. ;e of the Four pages of advertisements laid in. Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague by T. B. [5 Harned. Bookplate: T. B. Harned. [6

WHITMAN, WALT-THE WOUND DRESSER. Publisher's advertisement. Boston, Small, Maynard & Company, 1898. [6 niOntario,of the WHITMAN, WALT-MEMORIES OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN: WHEN

[5 LILACS LAST IN THE 'D, 0 CAPTAIN! MY CAP- pecially TAIN,pany, HUSH'D1898. BE THE CAMPS TODAY, THIS DUST WAS ONCE THE parts, MAN. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 1912. This is one of 300 copies printed on Italian hand-made paper. Of this n Audi-edition, a large octavo reprint of the 19o6 Mosher edition, there were also ondi copies on vellum. [6 ociety of P. M.;8 WHITMAN, WALT-MEMORIES OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND Decem- OTHER LYRICS OF THE WAR. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, ed tothe J, 1912. hitman's Second edition. One of 950 copies of this book printed on handmade papere. [6

25 WHT The AWLittle LeatherL -EOISO Library Corporation,RSDN [1916].IL.NwYork, [6

WHITMAN, WALT-THE PATRIOTIC POEMS OF WALT WHIT- WI MAN. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, y I8' 1918. Inscribed by Thomas B. Harned to Clara Barrus, and signed by her. [6 by

BARTON, WILLIAM E.-ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND WALT WHIT- " MAN. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, [c19281. W, Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. [6 " D

WHITMAN, WALT-THE EIGHTEENTH PRESIDENCY! Voice ofW Walt Whitman to each Young Man in the Nation, North, South,K, East, and West. Paris, Tambour, [1928]. The preface, by Jean Catel, contemporary French Whitman scholar, tells of his discovering this unpublished campaign broadside. Inscribed by Catel to Mrs. Sprague. [6W Ec GLICKSBERG, CHARLES, ed.-WALT WHITMAN AND THE CIVIL (T WAR. A Collection of Original Articles and Manuscripts. Phila- 181 delphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1933. Inscribed by the editor to Mrs. Sprague. [6 E Cr WHITMAN, WALT-LETTERS WRITTEN . . . TO HIS MOTHER, Pr 1866-1872. New York, Alfred F. Goldsmith, 1936. Originally published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London, i902, in an edition of S copies. This reprint was issued in an edition Of 32S copies, of which this is number 39. [6 W in His Autograph. an WHITMAN, WALT-MEMORANDUM, Sn Concerns the death of Benjamin G. Howell, at the Yorktown Hospital, dur- ing the Civil War. [6

W IM onNWAT card with portraitsOCPAN!M of Lincoln and Whitman.CATI!Printed Text of poem from early version. [6 W

WHITMAN, WALT-[PROGRAM OF HIS LECTURE ON LINCOLN]. bc Held at Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Opera House, April IS, 1886. This program contains '0 Captain! My Captain!" [6 26 v. New COLLECTED PROSE AND POETRY [6 a

T WHIT- WHITMAN, WALT-COMPLETE POEMS & PROSE. 1855 .. . ompany 1888. Authenticated and Personal Book (handled by W. W.) p y .Portraits from Life ... Autograph. [Philadelphia, Printed e. [6 by Ferguson Bros. & Co., i888]. This edition limited to 6oo numbered copies, signed by Whitman, of which I,. this is number 123. Bookplate: Carolyn Wells. [6 T WHIT- ;]. WHITMAN, WALT-COMPLETE PROSE WORKS. Philadelphia, [6 David McKay, 1892. Bookplate: Isaac Hull Platt. [6

Voice of WHITMAN, WALT-PROSE WORKS. Philadelphia, David Mc- i, SuthKay. No date.

Unlike the 1891 McKay edition, it does not contain "Good-Bye My Fancy" solar, tells and "Some Laggards Yet". [6 1 by Catel [6 WHITMAN, WALT-SELECTIONS FROM THE PROSE AND POETRY. Edited with an Introduction by Oscar Lovell Triggs, Ph. D. iE CIVIL (The University of Chicago.) Boston, Small, Maynard & Company, Phila- j 1898. [6

ESSAYSS OF AMERICAN ESSAYISTS, Including Biographical and Critical Sketches. Revised Edition. New York, The Colonial 4lOTHER, Press, [cI900]. Contains the Preface to the first edition of "Leaves of Grass." T'here is a note signed H.S.S. (Henry S. Saunders):" This is same as in Complete Prose' Ion, 1902, not a verbatim reprint of the original." Bookplate: Henry S. Saunders. [6 125 copies, [6 WHITMAN, WALT-COMPLETE PROSE WORKS: Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Good Bye My Fancy. Boston, pital dur-Small, Maynard & Company, 1901. [6al dr Two copies-different frontispieces. One with frontispiece as in 1898 "Selec- [6 tions from the Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman," inscribed "To Clara Barrus With Compliments of Thomas B. Harned, Dec i11.04". The frontis- piece portrait shows Whitman younger, wearing Byronic collar. [6 )oem from [6 WHITMAN, WALT-THE COMPLETE WRITINGS OF WALT WHIT- MAN. New York & London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, The Knicker- 1COLN]. ' bocker Press, [1902]. 86. This 'Ten volumes. Connoisseurs' Camden Edition, limited to 200 numbered sets, [6 signed by the publisher, of which this is number 85. [7 1:fI 27 WHITMAN, WALT-COMPLETE PROSE WORKS. [Authorized by v the Executors]. New York, Mitchell Kennerley, 1914. [6 4 K

WHITMAN, WALT-THE HALF-BREED AND OTHER STORIES. i Now first collected by Thomas Ollive Mabbott. Woodcuts by Allen Lewis. New York, Columbia University Press, 1927. [6

HOLLOWAY, EMORY-WALT WHITMAN'S VISIT TO THE SHAK- ERS. In The Colophon, Part 13, 1933-.' F Includes "Whitman's Notes on a Visit to the Shaker Community". There is a close affinity between the Shakers and the Quakers. Whitman's mother and grandmother were Quakers, and Whitman frequently used Quaker phrases in his writings. [6 E

WHITMAN, WALT-WALT WHITMAN, COMPLETE POETRY & SELECTED PROSE AND LETTERS. Edited by Emory Holloway. London, The Nonesuch Press, [1938]. Autographed by the editor. [6


WATERS, G. W.-PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION OF A PORTRAIT L OF WHITMAN. L Inscribed: "from a painting by 'Waters,' owned by T. B. Harned-made B when W. W. was seeking health in the open at Timber Creek. T. B. Harned." This was in 1877. [6

MORSE, SIDNEY H.-PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION OF PLAS- P TER HEAD OF WHITMAN. B With printed identification: "Print f'm plaster head-Walt Whitman in old age, f'm life-by S. H. Morse." Autograph note at bottom: "Original owned by T. B. Harned". [6


FRITZINGER, WARREN-FOUR AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, 13 TO J. JOHNSTON, 1891-92. 3 L They relate to Whitman's last illness and death. Warren Fritzinger was I Whitman's nurse. [7 28 orized by WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT BY F. GUTE- [6 KUNST. Found in his home, 328 Mickle Street, Camden, New Jersey, at the time of STORIES. Z his death, March 25, 1892. It was in the possession of Mary Davis, his dcuts by ~ housekeeper, until her death. Given to Elizabeth Leavitt Kellcr by Henry 92. [6 M. (" Harry") Fritzinger (the brother of Warren Fritzinger), and by Mrs. 927. Keller to Mrs. Sprague. Both Mrs. Keller and Mr. Fritzinger nursed Whitman. [7 1E SHAK- ,+ FRITZINGER, WARREN-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO J. y". There W. WALLACE, APRIL 12 , 1892. n's mother "Concerns Whitman's death. [7 ed Quaker [6 DAVIS, MARY-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO DR. BELL, EY&MAY16, 19o6. loa.Concerns a Whitman manuscript which she had found, among other items, stored in her cellar. This is the only letter from Mary Davis, Whitman's [6 housekeeper, that Mrs. Sprague has ever seen. [7


Hundred American Poets from 1776 to 1876. London, George

Harried." Bohn's Standard Library. The frontispiece is a portrait of Whitman. In- [6 eludes eight Whitman poems. Bookplate: Henry S. Saunders. [7

)F PLAS- PAGE, CURTIS HIDDEN, ed.-THE CHIEF AMERICAN POETS. Boston, Houghton Mufflin Company, [cigo5].

"Original bibliography. [7 PORTRAIT[6 LINTON, W. J., ed.-POETRY OF AMERICA, Selections from One ied-made MATTHEWS,Bell & Sons, 1878. BRANDER, ed.-THE OXFORD BOOK OF AMERICAN ESSAYS. New York, Oxford University Press, 1914.

ARS K Includes the preface to the " the editor to Mr. and Mrs. Sprague.first edition of Leaves of Grass". Inscribed by[7

SIGNED, i' BRIGGS, WALLACE ALVIN, ed.-GREAT POEMS OF THE ENG- nan in old LISHContains LANGUAGE. many WhitmanNew York, selections, Robert a shortM. McBridebiographical & sketch Company, and a inger was 1927. [7 Includes six Whitman poems. 29 4rt VAN DOREN, MARK, ed.-AN ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD POETRY. New York, Albert & Charles Boni, 1928. Includes four Whitman poems. [7

AIKEN, CONRAD, ed.-AMERICAN POETRY, 1671-1928. New York, The Modern Library, [1929]. Includes nine Whitman poems. [7

KREYMBORG, ALFRED, ed.-AN ANTHOLOGY OF AMERICAN POETRY. New York, Tudor Publishing Co., ['9351. Includes ten Whitman poems. [7

UNTERMEYER, LOUIS, ed.-MODERN AMERICAN POETRY. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, [c1936]. An article on Whitman, followed by nineteen of his poems, opens the book. [7


ROSSETTI, WILLIAM MICHAEL, ed.-AME;RICAN POEMS. London, John Walker & Company, [1872]. Includes numerous Whitman poems. Blue leather. Bookplate: Henry S. Saunders. [7

ROSSETTI, WILLIAM MICHAEL-WALT WHITMAN CIRCULAR ISSUED BY ROSSETTI, MAY 20, 1876. I Urges the purchase of Whitman's books in England, with a view to con- tributing to his literary income. Statements had recently appeared in the Athenaeum and Daily News regarding "Mr. Whitman's circumstances in life", and this circular was addressed to those concerned about his condition. [7 ROSSETTI, WILLIAM MICHAEL-EIGHT AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO HERBERT GILCHRIST, 1885-1887- Refer to the English Edition of "Leaves of Grass". [7

[WHITMAN, WALT-ENGLISH SUBSCRIBERS TO A FUND FOR HIS RELIEF]. Photostat list which includes Oliver Elton, Henry James, \4 R. Louis Stevenson, The Honorable Roden Noel, Havelock and Louie Ellis, Miss Violet Paget, John Addington Symonds, etc. [7 30 POETRY. WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOSTAT OF AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO W. M. ROSS ETTI, MAY 30, 1886. [7 Thanks him for a remittance and gives an account of money received from England. [7 3. New ;


~4ERICANBooks, Pamphlets, and Articles Punbishzed in Periodicals


POETRY. +« A VINDICATION. New York, Bunce & Huntington, 1866. A copy of the rare pamphlet issued by O'Connor after the dismissal of Whit- man from a clerkship of the Department of the Interior. Whitman was e book. [7 dismissed because of departmental disapproval of "Leaves of Grass". The name of the author does not appear on cover or title page, but there is the ¢ printed signature at the end:" William Douglas O'Connor, of Massachusetts". [8

BURROUGHS, JOHN--WALT WHITMAN AND HIS "DRUM TAPS." 'i In The Galaxy, December 1, 1866. POEMS. X'John Burroughs' copy, with notes by Clara Barrus, one of which reads, "The :'+) first appreciation of W. W. published in U. S. A. (Book reviews & O'Connor's Henry S. vindication had, however, preceded it .. ."[8 BURROUGHS, JOHN-NOTES ON WALT WHITMAN, As POET IRCULAR AND PERSON. First signature from the second edition, New York, J. S. Redfield, 1871, w tocon-containing title page, preliminary pagination, etc. 1 wedtincthe rtancestin BURROUGHS, JOHN-PART OF A SHEET OF GALLEY PROOF -ondition. FROM HIS "NOTES ON WALT WHITMAN AS POET AND PERSON". 17 With autograph notes by Burroughs and Clara Barrus. 1

.ETTERSBURROUGHS, JOHN-NOTES ON WALT WHITMAN AS POET AND PERSON. New York, American News Company, 1867. 17 The "dumpy" edition, first issue of the first edition. John Burroughs' first book, and the first book about Whitman. Bookplate: Dante Gabriel Ros- ND FOR setti. [8 tevenson, BURROUGHS, JOHN-NOTES ON WALT WHITMAN AS POET et Paget, AND PERSON. New York, American News Company, 1867. [7 . Regular first edition, second issue. [8 31 [O'CONNOR, WILLIAM DOUGLAS]-THE CARPENTER. In [i Putnam's Monthly Magazine, January, 1868. ID With inscription, "To John Burroughs, this parable, by a friend, from a friend, and-perhaps-of a friend. A. W. D. (Dimock) The Happy Valley,' May 6, 1916." With a note signed "C. B." (Clara Barrus). [8

BUCHANAN, ROBERT-DAVID GRAY, AND OTHER ESSAYS, CHIEFLY ON POETRY. London, Sampson Low, Son, and Marston,P 1868.I Contains an essay on Whitman. [10

BURROUGHS, JOHN-NOTES ON WALT WHITMAN AS POET AND K PERSON. New York, J. S. Redfield, 1871.P Second edition, brown cloth. This was Burroughs' personal copy, and it contains his autograph on the title page, given by him to Clara Barrus. Marginal notes throughout are by Burroughs as dictated to Dr. Barrus. [8

V BURROUGHS, JOHN-NOTES ON WALT WHITMAN AS POET AND PERSON. New York, J. S. Redfield, 1871.P Second edition. Two variants, blue and green cloth. Blue copy with book- plate of Carolyn Wells. Green copy with autograph of J. W. Wallace. [8

BUCKE, RICHARD MAURICE-MAN'S MORAL NATURE. An Essay. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, Toronto, Ont., Willing & Williamson, 1 879. This book was dedicated to Whitman. [8

KENNEDY, WILLIAM SLOANE-A STUDY OF WALT WHIT-X MAN. In The Californian (San Francisco), February, 1881. I Excerpt. Autograph corrections by the author. 1

BUCKE, RICHARD MAURICE-WALT WHITMAN. Philadel- phia, David McKay, 1883. Whitman edited this book, and wrote the first twenty-four pages. Bookplate: ' Isaac Hull Platt. [8 jC

[ROBERTSON, JOHN-.. WALT WHITMAN, POET AND [ DEMOCRAT. Edinburgh, William Brown, I1884. The Round Table Series, No. IV. Regular first edition, green wrappers with brown lettering. The author's name does not appear on cover or title page, but is signed at the end. J. W. Wallace's autograph on title page. [10

32 TER. In [ROBERTSON, JOHN] .. WALT WHITMAN, POET AND N, DEMOCRAT. Edinburgh, William Brown, 1884. id, from a The Round Table Series, No. IV. Edition limited to ioo copies of which py Valley,j this is number 69. In parchment cover. [Io

WILKIE, JAMES-THE DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT IN LITERATURE. ESSAYS, WALT WHITMAN. Cupar-Fife, In the "Fifeshire Journal" Office, Vlarston, 1886.

J. W. Wallace's copy, containing the inscription, "With the author's compli-

OET AND KENNEDY, W[ILLIA]M. SLOANE-THE POET AS A CRAFTSMAN. and itPhiladelphia, David McKay, 1886. )y, ad itWith autograph note by the author: "Set in type by my own hands in a Barrus. Cambridge, Mass.--W. S. K." 19 rrus. [8 TRAUBEL, HORACE L., ed'.-CAMDEN'S COMPLIMENT TO WALT

JET AND WHTAMY3,1889. Notes, Addresses, Letters, Telegrams. Philadelphia, David McKay, 1889. pith book- Inscribed by J. Johnston to J. W. Wallace. [8 ace. [8 TRAUBEL, HORACE L., ed.-THE CONSERVATOR. Three issues, edited and published by Horace Traubel, and devoted almost 2E. An entirely to Whitman: March, i890 (first issue); April, 1892, and Supple- Willing mental-April, 1892. "At the Graveside of Walt Whitman" (issue imnmedi- ately following Whitman's death); June, 1919 (final issue). [8 [8 INGERSOLL, ROBERT G.[REEN]-.. AN ORATION ON WHIT- WALT WHITMAN. London, Progressive Publishing Company, j 1890. [9 Introduction states that this oration was "Delivered in the Horticultural Hll, New York, on October 21, 1890." It was actually delivered in Phila- hiae-delphia. Bookplate: H. Buxton Forman. [To

)kat:INGERSOLL, ROBERT G.[REEN]-LIBERTY IN LITERATURE. [8 TESTIMONIAL TO WALT WHITMAN. An address delivered in Phila- delphia, Oct. 21, 189o. New York, Truth Seeker Company, r AN [c189o]. Authorized edition. Includes address at funeral of Whitman bound in at back of book. From the library of H. Buxton Forman. Obviously the )ers with same speech as delivered in Horticultural Hall "New York" [i. e. Philadel- tle page, phial on same date. In the two versions Whitman's remarks at the end of [10 the speech very considerably in wording, though not in import. [Io

33 K

INGERSOLL, ROBERT G.[REEN]-TICKET TO THE WALT WHITMAN TESTIMONIA., LECTURE, by Robert G. Ingersoll, Phila- delphia, Horticultural Hall, October 21, 1890. [io

JOHNSTON, JOHN- .. NOTES OF VISIT TO WALT WHITMAN, ETC., IN JULY, 1890. Bolton, T. Brimnelow & Co., printers, &c., 1890. At head of title: "Printed for private circulation". Tan wrappers. Regu- lar first edition. [io

JOHNSTON, JOHN-.. NOTES OF VISIT TO WALT WHITMAN, ETC., IN JULY, 1890. Bolton, T. Brimelow & Co., printers, &c., ; 1890.j Extra illustrated, bound in dark green leather, gilt lettering on front cover. Apparently specially bound. Inscribed by the author to J. W. Wallace. [i0

TRAUBEL, HORACE L., ed.-AT THE GRAVESIDE OF WALT WHITMAN: HARLEIGH, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, MARCH 30TH. AND Yt SPRIGS OF LILAC. 1892.I Cover title: "Goodbye and Hail Walt Whitman". Numbered and signed by Traubel. This is number 351 of an edition of 750 copies. [8

O'CONNOR, WILLIAM DOUGLAS-THREE TALES: THE GHOST, THE BRAZEN ANDROID, THE CARPENTER. Boston and New York, Houghton Mufflin and Company, 1892. "The Carpenter", a story of Whitman, may be the forerunner of the sym- bolic plays, "The Passing of the Third Floor Back", and "The Servant in the House". [8 '

TRAUBEL, HORACE L., ed.-IN RE WALT WHITMAN: Edited by his Literary Executors, Horace L. Traubel, Richard MauriceM Bucke, Thomas B. Harned. Philadelphia, Published by the Edi- tors through David McKay, 1893. 1,000 copies were printed, of which this is number 2. They were all to be numbered, but many were not. This copy is bound upside down. Book- plate: T. B. Harned. Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague by Harned. [Io

GAY, WILLIAM-WALT WHITMAN, THE POET OF DEMOCRACY. Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, E. A. Petherick & Co., 1893- Inscribed to Isaac Hull Platt by W. H. Trimble. [IC

34 IE WALT SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON-WALT WHITMAN, A STUDY. )ll, Phila- London, John C. Nimmo, 1893. [i0 Green cloth boards, uncut. Note on flyleaf in Wallace's autograph: "J. W. Wallace. Received from Nimmo pro. J. A. Symonds 2o. April. 1893 (J. A. S. died ig April '93.)" [io VH ITMA N, ters, &c., - Another copy, (Special large paper edition), London, ers. egu-John C. Nimmo, 1893. er. iog- Limited to 208 copies, of which this is number 90. I [Io0

BUCKET, RICHARD MAURICE-Cosmic CONSCIOUSNESS: A VHITMAN, Paper Read before the American Medico-Psychological Association ters, &c., ;y in Philadelphia, 18 May, 1894. Philadelphia, The Conserva- tor, 1894. [8 ront cover. allace. [to GAY, WILLIAM-WALT WHITMAN: HIS RELATION TO SCIENCE A AND PHILOSOPHY: A paper read (by proxy) at the Meeting of the ) F WLT#' Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science held at )F. WALT Brisbane in January 1895. Melbourne, Mason, Firth and

and sgnedM'Cutcheon, 1895. an indPapercover. Inscribed by the author to John Burroughs.[i [8 BURROUGHS, JOHN-WHITMAN, A STUDY. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mufflin and Company, 1896. 'S: THE?5 First edition. Olive and green cloth. Inscribed by Anne and Horace f the sym- BURROUGHS, JOHN-WHITMAN, A STUDY. Boston and New Servant in York, Houghton, Mufflin and Company, 1896. [8 4Volume io in The Writings of John Burroughs, the Riverside Edition. Special limited edition with paper label. First edition. Uncut. Green .Edited buckram. [9 Mauricer the Edi- BURROUGHS, JOHN--WHITMAN, A STUDY. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mufflin and Company, 1896. ,ton and tTraubel eltbeVolume i0to J.in W. The Wallace. Writings of John Burroughs, the Riverside Edition,1 n. Book- limited to i,000 sets. Uncut. 1

i. KENNEDY, WILLIAM SLOANE-REMINISCENCES OF WALT WHITMAN, with extracts from his letters and remarks on his writ- OCRACY. ings. London, Alexander Gardner, 1896. 1893-First English edition. Red cloth. This is apparently a variant; the regular [io ~ first edition was bound in brown cloth. 1 35 __- Another copy, London, Alexander Gardner, 1896. GI] Label of David McKay on title page. This copy bears a two-page inscription from the author to J. W. Wallace at the request of Horace Traubel, and an inscription from Anne Montgomerie Traubel and Horace L. Traubel to Wallace. [

Another copy, London, Alexander Gardner, 1896. BU Contains an inscription from the author to Mrs. Sprague. Yellow and brown Bo, cloth. Top cut and gilt. Apparently another variant. 1

DONALDSON, THOMAS-WALT WHITMAN, THE MAN. New JR York, Francis P. Harper, 1896. OF Red cloth. First issue, same year, was in green cloth. This copy belongedI to William F. Gable and contains his autograph. [To CO DONALDSON, THOMAS-WALT WHITMAN, THE MAN. London, Gay & Bird, 1897. Second English edition. J. W. Wallace's copy. fio TR [WHITMAN, WALT]-WALT WHITMAN AT HOME. By Himself. (M New York, The Critic Co., 1898. [IO 190

JOHNSTON, JOHN-DIARY NOTES OF VISIT TO WALT WHIT- MAN AND SOME OF HIS FRIENDS, IN 1890. With a series of original; photographs. Manchester, The Labour Press Limited, London, TR The "Clarion" Office, 1898.(J Inscribed by the author to J. W. Wallace. [To CoU

WHITMAN, WALT-NOTES AND FRAGMENTS: Left by Walt? Whitman and now Edited by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke, r TR ... Printed for Private Distribution Only, 1899. (M Printed for the editor by A. Talbot & Co., London, Ontario, Canada. Edition 4 N limited to 225 copies, of which this is number 20. Autographed by the editor. [8 '

BUCKE, .RICHARD MAURICE-Cosmic CONSCIOUSNESS: A KF Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind. Philadelphia, LA: Innes & Sons, 190i. Inscribed by Elbert Hubbard to John Burroughs, and by Burroughs to Clara Barrus. Signed by the author. This is number 354 of Soo numberedJO copies. [8 Loj

36 GILDER, J. L., and J. B. GILDER, eds.-AUTHORS AT HOME cription . . . New York, A. Wessels Company, 1902. and an Contains an article written by Whitman and published in the Critic Maga- ubel to zinc, February, 1885, as "Walt Whitman in Camden, by George Selwyn". [9 In this reprint it is still attributed to Selwyn. [10

BURROUGHS, JOHN-IRDS AND POETS, WITH OTHER PAPERS. I brown Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 19o3. [9 With the author's autograph. [9

New IRWIN, MABEL MACCOY-WHITMAN, THE POET-LIBERATOR J OF WOMAN. New York, Published by the Author, 1905. alonged =;Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. [10 [I0

COYNE, JAMES H.- ... RICHARD MAURICE BUCKE-A ndnSKETCH. 1906. From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series, 19I06-1907]. Inscribed by teaho.[8 rnself. TRAUBEL,(MARCH 28-JULY HORACE 14, 1888). [L.]-WITH Boston, WALTSmall, WHITMANMaynard &IN Company, CAMDEN

[10 1906. Sp This volume and the two listed below form a three volume study. Inscribed

TRAUBEL, HORACE [L.]-WITH WALT WHITMAN IN CAMDEN [10 8 8 8 VHIT- (JULYby Thomas16, 1 B.-OCTYOBER Harried to 31,Clara 1888). Barrus, Newwith autographedYork, D. Appletonportrait of Johnand iginal Company,Burroughs. 1908. Marginal notes by Clara Barrus. [8 ndon,Walt Inscribed by the author to J. W. Wallace. [8 ikTRAUBEL, HORACE [U.-WITH WALT WHITMAN IN CAMDEN dition (MARCH 28-JULY 14, 1888), (NOVEMBER 1, 1888-JANUARY 20, 188 9). yteNew York, Mitchell Kennerley, 191+4.9) ytY[8 ;Inscribed by the author to J. W. Wallace. [S

A KELLER, ELIZABETH LEAVITT-WALT WHITMAN: THE phia, LAST PHASE. From Putnam's Magazine, June, 1909. Includes Whitman's poem, "The Soul". [10 ,hs to [8 London, Chapman and Hall, Ltd., [1910]. Reprinted from "The Fortnightly Review", June, 1910. Inscribed by the author to John Burroughs. [10 ibered JOHNSTON, J.[OHNJ-WALT WHITMAN, THE POET OF NATURE. 37 NOYES, CARLETON-AN APPROACH TO WALT WHITMAN. BU Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin Company, igio. Nei Inscribed by T. B. Harned to Clara Barrus, with her signature on the title page. [10

THOMSON, JAMES ("B. V.")-WALT WHITMAN, THE MAN AND KE STE THE POET, with an introduction by Bertram Dobell. London, [Bertram Dobell], 1910. Gray wrappers, one of the two variants of the first edition. [IO HI: In Another copy, London, [Bertram Dobell], 1910. In blue cloth, other variant of first edition. J. W. Wallace's copy, with his autograph. [Io

TRIMBLE, ANNIE E.-WALT WHITMAN AND MENTAL SCIENCE, KI An Interview. [Melbourne, The Specialty Press Pty., Ltd., 1911i]. i Pet Edition limited to 2oo copies of which this is number 19o. Signed by Loi W. H. Trimble. [io BA SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON-WALT WHITMAN, A STUDY. Bo: London, George Routledge & Sons, Limited, New York, E. R. i- Vol Dutton & Co., [1915]. A popular edition. [zo KE WALLING, WILLIAM ENGLISH-WHITMAN AND TRAUBEL. TH New York, Albert and Charles Boni, 1916. Ya From the Library of Win. F. Gable. This copy contains a three page in- scription to Gable from Traubel, and one page from the author. [8

JOHNSTON, JOHN, and J. W. WALLACE-VIsITS TO WALT Pri WHITMAN IN 189o-1891. By Two Lancashire Friends. London, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., [1917]. First English edition with inscription to John Burroughs from the authors; also inscribed by Burroughs to Clara Barrus. This copy contains John to Clara Barrus. [io Burroughs' notes dictated K] TH JOHNSTON, JOHN, and J. W. WALLACE-VISITS TO WALT WHITMAN IN 189o-1891. By Two Lancashire Friends. New York, Egmont Arens, 1918. Pencilled note in back of book: "300 only printed in England with Arens F" 90 submarine." Original dust imprint-of these all but were sunk by BE wrappers. [Ic 38

r ITMAN. BURROUGHS, JOHNT-ACCEPTING THE UNIVERSE. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1920. the title The author's last book. Published posthumously. Chapter XV (p. 316- [Io [3281), entitled "The Poet of the Cosmos", is devoted to Whitman. 1

:N AND KELLER, ELIZABETH LEAVITT-WALT WHITMAN IN MICKLE ondon, STREET. New York, Mitchell Kennerley, 1921. Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. [IO [IO HIER, FREDERICK P., JR.-THE END OF A LITERARY MYSTERY. In the American Mercury, April, 1924. with hisNumerous marginal notes in the autograph of Clara Barrus, contradicting withhisstatements by 1Her. This article asserts that Whitman wrote "Notes on [10 Walt Whitman as Poet and Person", or at least the major part of it. [8

IENCE, KENNEDY, WILLIAM SLOANE-THE REAL JOHN BURROUGHS; b91] Personal Recollection and Friendly Estimate. New York and ~ned by London, Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1924. [9

)TUDY.BARRUS, CLARA-THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF JOHN BURROUGHS. E. RY. Boston and New York, Houghton Mufflin Company, 1925. Two E. R.volumes. [oInscribed to Mrs. Sprague by the author. [9

LUEL KENNEDY, W[ILLIAM]. SLOANE-THE FIGHT OF A BOOK FOR THELE"{ WORLD; a Companion Volume to Leaves of Grass. West Yarmouth, Mass., The Stonecroft Press, 1926. gaeiI8cie to Mrs. Sprague by the author. 1

WALT PrsAnother copy, West Yarmouth, Mass., The Stonecroft Prs,1926. cnThefirst of seven copies specially bound. Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague by the author. Contains a two page autograph letter from Whitman to Kennedy uthors; about Emerson. 1 s John [io KENNEDY, W[ILLIA]M. SLOANE-THE FIGHT OF A BOOK FOR

WALT THE WORLD, A Companion Volume to -"Leaves of Grass." NWAL Publisher's advertisement, West Yarmouth, Mass., The Stonecroft Press, 1926. [9

Arens FREND, GRACE GILCHRIST-WALT WHITMAN As I REMEM- d1 dust [IO BER HIM. In The Bookman, London, July, 1927. [10 39 KENNEDY, WILLIAM~ SLOANE-AN AUTOLYCUS PACK, OR, W WHAT YOU WILL. West Yarmouth, Mass., The Stonecroft Press, LO 192'7.

O'CONNOR, WILLIAM DOUGLAS-THE GOOD GRAY POET. BI A Vindication. Toronto, Henry S. Saunders, 1927. ~ Reprint. Edition limited to 125 copies, of which this is number I. Inscribed by Henry S. Saunders. [8

NORTON, CHARLES ELIOT-A LEAF OF GRASS FROM SHADY WL HILL, With a review of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Written S by Charles Eliot Norton in 185 [Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1928]. [io W

BARRUS, CLARA-WHITMAN AND BURROUGHS, COMRADES. TO Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1931. [9 BT R. Letters

BURROUGHS, JOHN-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED TO "DEAR S WALT", FEB. 25, 1883. Concerns an invitation for the 22d extended by Whitman's Quaker friends. Burroughs also speaks of the illness of his wife. 1 TI BURROUGHS, JOHN-Two AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO B. HERBERT GILCHRIST, APR. 25, 1883, AND FEB. 17, 1886. [19

O'CONNOR, W.[ILLIAM] D.[OUGLAS]-AUTOGRAPH LETTER H1 SIGNED, TO WILLIAM SLOANE KENNEDY, APR. 9, 1886. SP Concerns the Whitman scrapbook, which O'Connor kept. [8


RHYS, ERNEST-AUTOGRAPH LETTER INITIALED, TO WILLIAM K. SLOANE KENNEDY, DEC. 7, 1886. TE Concerns future publication of Kennedy's writings on Whitman. 1

SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, H. TO WILLIAM SLOANE KENNEDY, AUG. 2, 1887. H Discusses Kennedy's projected book about Whitman. [10 40

aJ KOR, WHITMAN, WALT-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, WITH ENVE- Press, LOPE, TO WILLIAM SLOANE KENNEDY, OCT. 25, 1888. 19 Note is enclosed from William Douglas O'Connor to Dr. Bucke, Oct. 20, 1888. [ POET. BUCKE, R.[ICHARD] M.[AURICE]-AUTOGRAPH LETTER niscribed SIGNED, TO T. B. HARNED, JUNE 9, 1889. [8 Refers to speeches delivered at a Whitman banquet. [10

SHADY WHITMAN, WALT-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO WILLIAM rottenn SLOANE KENNEDY, AUG. 8, 1890. ,rersity Concerns Whitman's illness. 19



19 BURROUGHS, JOHN-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO WALDO R. BROWNE, WITH A CARD IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF CLARA BARRUS. The card states that this letter served as introduction to""The Rolling Earth" (1912). Dated by Clara Barrus, Sept., 1911, Roxbury, New York. [9


19vember Boughs" and some pictures. [IO TRAUBEL, HORACE L.-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO T. 3D, TO B. HARNED, AUG. 29, 1919. friends.19 Traubel'sEncloses Whitmanlast letter. manuscript, and offers to give her a first edition of "No-[Io

?TTER HARNED, THOMAS B.-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO MRS. SPRAGUE, MAY 24, 1920. [8 Estimates the value of the contributions of various biographers of Whit- man. [IO ), TO HARNED, T.[HOMAS] B.-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO WIL-

LIAM SLOANE KENNEDY, JAN. 24, 1921. [9 IConcerns publication of Traubel's "With W. W. in Camden". 1

ZLAW.[ILLIAM] END, S.[LOANE]-Two AUTOGRAPH LET- TERS SIGNED, TO "DEAR FRIEND" , JUNE 25, 1926. [9 Concern the publication of " The Fight of a Book for the World". 1

?NED, GARLAND, HAMLIN-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO T. B. HARNED, "JUNE 24". [Ia Mentions the" Butterfly photograph" of Whitman. [to 41 Miscellany HA GRA KENNEDY, WILLIAM SLOANE-AUTOGRAPH NOTES, Nov. 29, 1884. Concern Richard Maurice Bucke. [9 KE GRA BURROUGHS, JOHN-AUTOGRAPH POST CARD SIGNED "J. B." TO WILLIAM SLOANE KENNEDY, JULY 4, 1888. Concerns Whitman's health. [9


WHITMAN, WALT-"WHEN THE PSALM SINGS INSTEAD OF THE SINGER, ETC." East Aurora, New York, Roycroft Shop. No date. aLor A broadside. [to

Phzotographzs CL. } nen

WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT, IN OLD AGE, AUTOGRAPHED. HC Autograph note by T. B. Harned identifying photograph and signature. [Ic A He WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT. Taken during his last illness. [Ic TR Stu BUCKE, RICHARD MAURICE-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT. .4 Yo Made in 1894 by Jamies M. Dodge, son of Mary Mapes Dodge. [8



19 KENNEDY, WILLIAM SLOANE-REPRODUCTION OF A PHOTO- GRAPHIC PORTRAIT, 1912. r. B." Inscribed to Mrs. Frank J. Sprague, 1922.


FROM BOOKS, ARTICLES, ETC., ABOUT WHITMAN 1889. [Including Biographies] [9 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES-SONGs BEFORE SUN- WHIT- RISE. A new edition. London, Chatto and Windus, 1875. Contains poem: "To Walt Whitman in America". This was Edward Lear's gue. [8 copy, with his autograph. [iII

F THE TWENTY MODERN MEN-FROM THE NATIONAL OBSERVER. date. London, Edward Arnold, 1891. [10 Contains brief essay on Whitman. Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague by Brander Matthews. [I I

CLARKE, WILLIAM-WALT WHITMAN. London, Swan Son- nenschein & Co., New York, Macmillan & Co., 1892. American edition. [13 AGE, HOLMES, EDMOND-WALT WHITMAN'S POETRY. A Study & .[Ic A Selection. London & New York, John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1902. 1'3

[1o TRIGGS, OSCAR L.[OVELLJ--BROWNING AND WHITMAN: A Study in Democracy. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., New IT. York, Macmillan & Co., 1893. ['3


IOTO- WHITMAN. Written in 1894. New York, E. P. Coby & Co., 1895. (8 Autograph signature on title page: "Sadakichi Hartmann". [14 kPHIC GOSSE, EDMUND-CRITCAL KIT-KATS. London, William Heinemann, 1896. [to Contains essay entitled "Walt Whitman". [14 1 43 I HUBBARD, ELBERT-LITTrLE JOURNEYS TO THE HOMES OF D AMERICAN AUTHORS. WALT WHITMAN. New York and London, TI G. P. Putnam's Sons, June, 1896. [II

GUTHRIE, WILLIAM NORMAN-WALT WHITMAN (THE CAMDEN SAGE) As RELIGIOUS AND MORAL TEACHER. A Study. P1 Cincinnati, The Robert Clarke Company, 1897. na This is number 4 of an edition of i00 copies. Dr. Bucke's copy. Auto- graphed for Mrs. Sprague by the author. [I14

DARROW, CLARENCE S.-A PERSIAN PEARL: and Other W Essays. East Aurora, New York, The Roycroft Shop, 1899. IJ Contains essay entitled "Walt Whitman". Of this edition 980 copies were P printed, of which this is number 788. From the Harris Collection. [14

SALTER, W.[ILLIA]M M.[ACKINTIRE]-... THE GREAT SIDE B] OF WALT WHITMAN. Philadelphia, S. Burns Weston, 1899. dc Title from cover. At head of cover title: Ethical Addresses, September, 1899. [II ,? S SALTER, WILLIAM MACKINTIRE-WALT WHITMAN. Tlwo R, ADDRESSES. Philadelphia, S. Burns Weston, 1899. "The Great Side of Walt Whitman", and "The Questionable Side of Walt Whitman". Inscribed to J. W. Wallace by Horace Traubel. ['3 TI

STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS-THE ESSAY ON WALT WHIT- A MAN. With a Little Journey to the Home of Whitman, by Elbert H-ubbard. [East Aurora], The Roycroft Shop, 1900.[I C, BORN, HELENA-WHITMAN'S IDEAL DEMOCRACY, AND OTHER S WRITINGS. With a biography by the editor, Helen Tufts. Boston, Mass., printed at the Everett Press, May ii, 1902. P] This copy contains printed note: "Edition limited to five hundred copies, of B which this is number___ ." 13

TROWBRIDGE, JOHN TOWNSEND-REMINISCENCES OF WALT WHITMAN. In The Atlantic Monthly, February, 1902. Inscribed by Horace Traubel to J. W. Wallace.[I R MAYNARD, MILA T'UPPER-WALT WHITMAN, THE POET OF S1 THE WIDER SELFHOOD. Chicago, Charles H. Kerr & Company,& 1903. [12 44 HOMES OF DODGE, MARY MAPES-POEMs AND VERSES. New York, id London, The Century Co., 1904. [I I First edition. Includes "The Two Mysteries", a poem based on an anecdote about Whitman, often mistakenly attributed to him. Bookplate: Carolyn N TEWells. [12

A Study. PLATT, ISAAC HULL-WALT WHITMAN. Boston, Small, May- nard & Company, 19o4. spy. Auto- The Beacon Biographies of Eminent Americans. Edited by M. A. DeWolfe 114 Howe. This copy is in green cloth. The regular first edition was in blue, and variants have been noted in paper wrappers and in limp leather. [i i

WHITMAN: SEER. A Brief Study. 19.dOhrWLAE1899.London and HENRY-WALTNewcastle-on-Tyne, New York, The Walter Scott copies were Publishing Co., Ltd.,1o4 o.[4gTwo copies. One contains bookplate: William F. Gable. [II

GREAT SIDE jL BINNS, HENRY BRYAN-A LIFE OF WALT WHITMAN. Lon- 1899. don, Methuen & Co., [1905].

[II .4 .ToSANTAYANA, GEORGE-INTERPRETATIONS OF POETRY AND .ToRELIGION. New York, Charles Scribner 's Sons, 1905. ember, 1899. InscribedDeals with to Whitman J. W. Wallace in chapter by J. entitled Johnston. "The Poetry of Barbarism". Book-[II ide of Walt plate: Henry S. Saunders. [13 [13 TRIMBLE, W. H.-WALT WHITMAN AND LEAVES OF GRASS. LT WHIT- An Introduction. London, Watts & Co., 1905. by Elbert This copy is inscribed to John Burroughs by the author. A letter from Trimble to Burroughs, Oct. 26, 19o8, accompanies it. [12

CARPENTER, EDWARD-DAYS WITH WALT WHITMAN, WITH D OTHER SOME NOTES ON HIS LIFE AND WORK. London, George Allen, 1906. Boston, Inscribed by the author to Helen Campbell. [13

PERRY, BLISS-WALT WHITMAN, HIS LIFE AND WORKS. d copies, of ' Boston and New York, Houghton, Mufflin and Company, 1906. [13 First American edition, first impression. This was John Burroughs' copy sent him by Perry, and in turn given by him to Clara Barrus, whose signature JCES OF appears on front end paper. Dr. Barrus gave it to Mrs. Sprague. There 1902. are numerous marginal notes by Dr. Barrus. A letter from Bliss Perry to [I I John Burroughs is mounted in the back. [I I

RICKETT, ARTHUR-THE VAGABOND IN LITERATURE. With POET OF six portraits. London, J. M. Dent & Co., New York, E. P.Dutton ompany, & Co., 1906. [12 .1 Studies of six" vagabonds", one of whom4 is Whitman. [12

J45 PERRY, BLISS-WALT WHITMAN, HIS LIFE AND WORK. London, D Archibald Constable & Co., Ltd., Boston and New York, Hough- S] ton, Mifflin & Co., 1906. First English edition, limited to 25o copies. [II B.

PERRY, BLISS-WALT WHITMAN, HIS LIFE AND WORK. Second edition, revised. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, [1908]. P Red cloth. Bookplate: Isaac Hull Platt. [Iof

HARTLEY, L. CONRAD-THE SPIRIT OF WALT WHITMAN. (A Psychological Study in Blank Verse.) Manchester, J. E. Cornish Ltd., 19o8. E Inscribed by Dr. John Johnston to J. W. Wallace. 113 M. m CARPENTER, GEORGE RICE- ... WALT WHITMAN. New B York, The Macmillan Company, 1909. English Men of Letters series. [13

BURTON, RICHARD-LITERARY LEADERS OF AMERICA, a Class- L Book on American Literature. New York, Charles Scribner's T Sons, 1911. Contains chapter entitled "Whitman". Bookplate: Henry S. Saunders. [13

MATTHEWS, BRANDER-A STUDY OF VERIFICATION. Boston, B New York, and Chicago, Houghton Mifflin Company, [cigi iJ. TI Brief mention on page 198 in chapter on "Rimeless Stanzas", quoting [1 Stedman in appreciation of the verse technique invented and perfected by Whitman. [14

CLARE, MAURICE-A DAY WITH WALT WHITMAN. London, Hodder & Stoughton, [1912]. Inscribed by Horace Traubel to William F. Gable. [I I

GUTHRIE, WILLIAM NORMAN-THE VITAL STUDY OF LITERATURE AND OTHER ESSAYS. Chicago, Charles H-. Sergel & Company, [C1912].I Chapter on Whitman entitled "Walt Whitman, the Poetic Artist". Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. [14 j

TRIGGS, OSCAR LOVELL-THE CHANGING ORDER, A Study of Democracy. Chicago, Charles H. Kerr & Company, 1913. Chapter on Whitman entitled "The Philosophic and Religious Ground: Walt Whitman". Bookplate: Henry S. Saunders. [14

46 .Lond don, DE SELINCOURT, BASIL-WALT WHITMAN. A CRITICAL k, Hou STUDY. London, Martin Secker, 1914. [12

[I I BINNS, HENRY BRYAN-WALT WHITMAN & His P ) ETRY. London, George G. Harrap & Company, 1915. Secc nd Poetry and Life Series. Regular first edition. [13 [ifflina and

POWYS, JOHN COWPER-VISIONS AND REVISIONS, A Book [II of Literary Devotions. New York, G. Arnold Shaw, 1915. HITMAN. Last chapter entitled "Walt Whitman". [I2 er, J. E. ELLIOT, CHARLES N.[ATHAN], comp.- ... WALT WHIT- ['3 MAN, As MAN, POET AND FRIEND. Being autograph pages from many pens, collected by Charles N. Elliot. Boston, Richard G. kN. New Badger, [1915]. First edition. 500 numbered copies of which this is number 58. Inscribed [13 to Clara Barrus by Elliot, and with the signature of Dr. Barrus. [II

La Class- LEGLER, HENRY EDUARD-WALT WHITMAN YESTERDAY & ! cribner's TODAY. Chicago, Brothers of the Book, 1916. 6oo copies of this book were printed, of which this is number 47, and the lenders. [13 type distributed. 1

Boston, BROWN, WILLIAM THURSTON-WALT WHITMAN: POET OF !1911]. THE HUMAN WHOLE. Portland, Oregon, "The Modern School", ", quoting erfected by [1917]- Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague by Henry S. Saunders. [14 [14

London, THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE. In Three Volumes. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, Cambridge, [I England, University Press, 1918. Volume two: contains a chapter entitled "Whitman" by Emory Holloway, 'UDY OF and a Whitman bibliography. [13 Sergel & BEERS, HENRY A.-FoUR AMERICANS: ROOSEVELT, HAW- Inscribed THORNE, EMERSON, WHITMAN. New Haven, Connecticut, Yale ['4 University Press, 1919. ['4

Study of 'I FRANK, WALDO-OUR AMERICA. New York, Boni and Live- 3. Ground: right, [cigi9]. [14 Contains a chapter entitled "The Multitudes in Whitman". [14 IP 47 ROBINSON, EDWIN ARLINGTON-THE CHILDREN OF THE PHI NIGHT. A Book of Poems. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, New 1919. Contains" "Walt Whitman", a poem which first appeared in Robinson's first a book, "The Torrent and The Night Before", 1896. This copy was inscribed by Robinson to John Drinkwater. Bookplate: John Drinkwater. [i t WH. (TH WALLACE, J. W.-THE LETTERS OF ANNE GILCHRIST AND WALT 1924 WHITMAN. In The Modern School (Walt Whitman Number) April-May, 1919.t Includes an extract from Wallace's letter of March 19, 1919, to Dr. Barrus. MA' The original letter is displayed in this case. [12 lu

BURROUGHS, JOHN, and RICHARD WATSON GILDER- [192 LETTERS ABOUT WHITMAN . . . In another copy of The Modern School (Walt Whitman Number) April-May, 1919. [12

WALLACE, J. W.-WALT WHITMAN AND THE WORLD CRISIS. Con Manchester and London, The National Labour Press, [192o]. [IICo

HAYES, WILL-VALT WHITMAN, THE PROPHET OF THE NEW 1-I0 ERA. London, C. W. Daniel, Ltd., [1920 or 1921]. [12 NAI

MATHEWS, GODFREY W.-WALT WHITMAN. Being the Sub- stance of Three Lectures Delivered to the Liscard Adult School. ML Liverpool, 'Daily Post' Printers, 1921. [13 ExV

NEWTON, A. EDWARD-A MAGNIFICENT FARCE and other Diversions of a Book-Collector. Boston, The Atlantic Monthly Press, [ci92i]. RO Contains an essay entitled "Walt Whitman". ['4 Wa

NOGUCHI, YONi-JAPAN AND AMERICA. rTokyo, Keio Uni- par versity Press, New York, Orientalia, 1921. Contains numerous references to Whitman. [14 GI

OVERTON, GRANT-THE ANSWERER. New York, Harcourt, Na Brace and Company, 1921. A novel based on Whitman's life. [12 M SAUNDERS, HENRY S.-PARODIES ON WALT WHITMAN. Coin- Yc piled by Henry S. Saunders. Preface by Christopher Morley. New York, American Library Service, 1923. Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague by the compiler. [13


B OF THE PHELPS, WILLIAM LYON-THE POETRY OF WALT WHITMAN. -'s Sons, New York, Macmillan Company, 1924. An essay, the second in Professor Phelps' volume, "Howells, James, Bryant son's first and Other Essays", reprinted as a separate. [12 -inscribed [II WHARTON, EDITH-OLD NEW YORK. [VOL. 3] THE SPARK (THE 'SIXTIES). New York, London, D. Appleton and Company, D WALT 1924. lumber) Refers, on page seventy, to Whitman in the Washington hospitals during the Civil War. [13 r. Barrus. [12 MACY, JOHN-THE STORY OF THE WORLD'S LITERATURE. Illustrated by Onorio Ruotolo. New York, Boni & Liveright, DER- [1925]. Mo dern Contains a section on Whitman in chapter on American poetry. Includes [12 the remark, "After Whitman most American verse is an anti-climax." [12

CRISIS. BAILEY, JOHN-WALT WHITMAN. New York, The Macmillan o]. [II Company, 1926. English Men of Letters series. [13

E NEW HOLLOWAY, EMORY-WHITMAN, AN INTERPRETATION IN [12 NARRATIVE. New York & London, Alfred A. Knopf, 1926. This book won the Pulitzer prize for Biography in 1926. Inscribed to Mrs. Ie Sub- Sprague by the author. [II School. f13 MUMFORD, LEWIS-THE GOLDEN DAY. A Study in American Experience and Culture. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1926. other References to Whitman on pp. 121 and 137 in chapter entitled "High Noon". .onthly ['4 114 ROGERS, CAMERON-THE MAGNIFICENT IDLER. The Story of Walt Whitman. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page & Coin- Uni- pany, 1926. One of the "Fifty Books of the Year" for 1927. [12 [14 GISSING, GEORGE-THYRZA. A TlALE. London, Eveleigh -court, Nash & Grayson, Limited, 1927. Introduction explains the strong influence of Whitman on Gissing in writing [1 this novel. ['4 't MITCHELL, LANGDON-UNDERSTANDING AMERICA. New Coin- York, George H. Doran Company, [C19271. .orley. Contains essay entitled "Walt Whitman". Oliver Herford's copy, with author's card containing autograph inscription. Autograph signature of [3Herford. [I 49 CLARK, BARRETT H., ed.-GREAT SHORT BIOGRAPHIES OF THE RA WORLD. A Collection of Short Biographies, Literary Portraits, THE and Memoirs, Chosen from the Literatures of the Ancient and Modern World. New York, Robert M. McBride & Company,BL 19B8. 1.The section on Whitman is a reprint of "Walt Whitman, A Study", by John Nei Burroughs. Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. 114

CORBETT, ELIZABETH-WALT. THE GOOD GRAY POET Kul SPEAKS FOR HIMSELF. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Corn- I LEC pany, 1928.Ha First edition, inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. ['3 Kill

MORRIS, HARRISON S.-WALT WHITMAN. A Brief Biography H. with Reminiscences. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1929. Inscribed to Henry S. Saunders by the author. [ 14 SH. Hai WINTERICH, JOHN T.-BOOKS AND THE MAN. New York, Greenberg, Publisher, 1929. MA First chapter entitled "Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass". [11 Scri

BLODGETT, HAROLD-WHITMAN AND BUCHANAN. Reprinted SIt from American Literature, Volume Two, Number Two; May, 1930. e Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. [12Re

BLODGETT, HAROLD-WHITMAN AND DOWDEN. Reprinted AR from American Literature, Volume I, No. 2, May, 1929. [Re- Col printed May 30, 19301. Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. [12 ER GARLAND, HAMLIN-ROADSIDE MEETINGS. Decorations by Fr( Constance Garland. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1930. Contains a chapter entitled "Walt Whitman Old and Poor". [12 L

LOWELL, AMY-POETRY AND POETS. Essays. New York, AG Houghton Mufflin Company, 1930. S Includes an essay entitled "Walt Whitman and the New Poetry". [13 Lii

MORLEY, CHRISTOPHER .. Ex LIBRIS CARISSIMIS. London, Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, 1932. S Refers to Whitman in connection with book collecting. [14 Yc

50 OF THE RASCOE, BURTON-TITANS OF LITERATURE, FROM HOMER TO 'ortraits, THE PRESENT. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1932. ent and Contains a chapter entitled "Whitman the Prophet". [12 )mpany, BLODGETT HAROLD-WALT WHITMAN IN ENGLAND. Ithaca, by John New York, Cornell University Press, 1934. [14 This book contains references to the Sprague Collection. Autograph of the author laid in. [12 ' POET S Corn- i KILGORE, MANLEY WOODBURY, ed.-PERSONAL RECOL- LECTIONS OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN POETS, by Edward Everett 113 Hale and others. Edited and compiled by Manley Woodbury Kilgore and George Frank Woodbury. [Boston, Printed by George )graphy H. Ellis co., CI935]. S, 1929. Contains""Conversations with Walt Whitman" by Horace L. Traubel. [11 1'4 SHEPARD, ESTHER-WALT WHITMAN'S PosE. New York, YrHarcourt, Brace and Company, [cI938]. [12 MASTERS, EDGAR LEE-WHITMAN. New York, Charles [11 Scribner's Sons, 1937. Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. [12


[12 Reprinted from American Literature, Vol. 8, No. 4, January, 1937- ['3

Rie- ARVIN,Cmay NEWTON-WHITMAN.98 New York, The Macmillan

[12 Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. ['3

ERSKINE, JOHN-THE START OF THE ROAD. New York, printed 1930. A novel based on Whitman's life. Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Sprague. [12 [12 LONG, HANIEL-WALT WHITMAN AND THE SPRINGS OF COUR- 8 York, AGE. Santa Fe, New Mexico, Writers' Editions Inc., [cI93 ]. [14

[13 SMITH, LOGAN PEARSALL-UNFORGOTTEN YEARS. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1939. Contains an essay entitled "Walt Whitman". [14 SIMIS. ins by FrederickSHAY, FRANK-THE A. Stokes Company, BIBLIOGRAPHY 1938- OF WALT WHITMAN. New [14 York, Friedmans', 1920. Edition limited to 500 copies, of which this is number 126. [i14

51 WELLS, CAROLYN, and ALFRED F. GOLDSMITH-A CON- BA CISE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF WALT WHITMAN, with a In Supplement of Fifty Books about Whitman. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1922. The edition is limited to S5o copies, of which this is number 525. Inscribed DiL by both Miss Wells and Mr. Goldsmith. Annotated throughout by Mrs. Ma Sprague. [14

ALLEN, GAY WILSON- . .. WALT WHITMAN BIBLIOGRAPHY, LO 1918-1934. Boston, The F. W. Faxon Company, 1935. In Bulletin of Bibliography Pamphlets, No. 30. [14 BL Articles in Periodicalsabout Whitman Th and His [Writings WI GR [HALE, EDWARD EVERETT]I-LEAVES OF GRASS. A review, from The North American Review, January, 1856. [14 P

NOEL, RODEN-A STUDY OF WALT WHITMAN, THE POET OF MODERN DEMOCRACY. Parts I and II in The Dark Blue, October, BL 1871; November, 1871. [13 VI:

STEDMAN, ED)MUND CLARENCE-WALT WHITMAN. From Scribner's Monthly, November, 1880. BE Autographed by the author. [i14 Th

TITHERINGTON, RICHARD H.-THE GOOD GRAY POET.G. In Munsey's Magazine, November, 1895. 114 PA] Un [CARPENTER, EDWARD]-WHAT EDWARD CARPENTER SAYS ABOUT WHITMAN IN HIS LATEST BOOK. From The Craftsman, Mc September, 1906. M A review of Carpenter's book "Days With Walt Whitman", consisting Bu largely of extracts. [14

WYATT, EDITH FRANKLIN-THE ANSWERER: WALT WHIT- MAN. In The North American Review, May, 1919. 1'4


52 -A CON- BARRUS, CLARA-WHITMAN AND BURROUGHS AS COMRADES. with a In The Yale Review, October, 1925. Zd New The author's copy, annotated by her. [14

Inscribed DURANT, WILL- THE BEST TEN. In Brentano's Book Chat, by Mrs. March & April, 1927. [14 "Leaves of Grass" is mentioned as one of the best ten books of all time. [14


114 In The Yale Review, April, 1927. ['4 BLODGETT, HAROLD [W.]-WALT WHITMAN IN ENGLAND. In The American Mercury, August, 1929. Inscribed by tihe author to Mrs. Sprague. [14

WINTERICH, JOHN T.-WALT WHITMAN AND "LEAVES OF GRASS". From The Golden Book Magazine, May, 1929. 1 review, 114 POET'S MAGAZINE-New York, January, 1930. Issued as a Walt Whitman number. [13 POET OF

['3 VISIT. In The Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, February, 1933. "13 From BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT-ODE TO WALT WHITMAN. In [I14 The Saturday Review of Literature, May 4, 1935. [114

POET. G.[OHDES], C.[LARENCE]-WALT WHITMAN AND THE NEWS- [14 PAPERS OF HIS DAY. A bulletin issued for the Friends of Duke )ctober, BLODGETT,University Library. HAROLD In Library W.-WALT Notes, WHITMAN'SOctober, 1936. DARTMOUTH [14

Manuscripts in the Whitman Collection. In More Books, The onsisting Bulletin of The Boston Public Library, May, 1938. ['4 ['4

WHIT- ['4 Letters and Post Cards

R SAYS ftsman, McCUSKER, HONOR-LEAVES OF GRASS. First Editions and 113 Refers to a projected visit of Whitman to Burroughs' home. [II 1874. LETTER 20, MAY53


.CHRIST 1923. WHITMAN, WALT-Two AUTOGRAPH LETTrERS SIGNED, TO WA MRS. SUSAN STAFFORD, MAY 19 AND JULY 15, 1891. POST CARD [AN INITIALED "W. W.", JAN. 16, 1891. sr Chiefly concerned with his health and the well-being of his friends, the Staffords. [13 W DODGE, MARY MAPES-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TOTh T. B. HARNED, FEB. 25, 1898. 192 Refers to a letter from Whitman's mother. [I2 * W BINNS, HENRY BRYAN-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO ME] T. B. HARNED, OCT. i6, 1904. o Reesto various biographies of Whitman. [II * [TI WALLACE, J. W.-Two AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, TO H. DR. CLARA BARRUS, MARCH 19, 1919, AND APRIL 26, 1919. These letters are devoted chiefly to the character of Anne Gilchrist and her relationship with Whitman. [12 s Miscellany scr of! WALT WHITMAN FELLOWSHIP PAPERS--i. Walt Whitman Dr Fellowship: International: Officers Elected at the Organization Meeting Held in Philadelphia, May 31, 1894; 2. Organization,Al Philadelphia, June, 1894; 3. Constitution, Philadelphia, June, LE 1894; 4. Walt Whitman as Deliverer. By Francis Howard Wil- Fo liams. Philadelphia, Aug. 1894; (Contains autograph notes by To William Sloane Kennedy.) S. Members. August 25. Philadel- Ar phia, August, 1894; 6. Memories of Walt Whitman, By Richard Maurice Bucke. Philadelphia, September, 1894; Fourth Year:W No. i. Walt Whitman Fellowship: International: Officers Elected N( at the Fourth Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, May 1 1897; Sixth N Year: No. i. Walt Whitman Fellowship: International: Officers Elected at the Sixth Annual Meeting, Boston, May 31, 1892. Other important issues in Mrs. Sprague's collection are not exhibited for want of space. Her collection includes copies of all issues, except a few con- sisting of unimportant lists, for the first five years. This period covers the publication of all Fellowship Papers of primary significance. [II

WALT WHITMAN FELLOWSHIP-[PROGRAM]. Sixth Annual W Meeting of the Walt Whitman Fellowship (International) In T Commemoration of the Birthday of Walt Whitman. Boston, May 31, 1899. [I I

54 NED, TO WALT WHITMAN FELLOWSHIP, CANADIAN BRANCH- :)ST CARD [ANNOUNCEMENT]. Second Annual Meeting on the 9 8th anniver- iedtesary of the poet's birth, May 31, 1917. [II 113 WALT WHITMAN FELLOWSHIP OF CHICAGO-[PROGRAM]. NED, TO The Annual Celebration in Honor of the Poet's Birth, May 31, 1927. [I I [12 WALT WHITMAN FELLOWSHIP OF CHICAGO-[ANNOUNCE- TED, TO MENT]. Thirty-First Annual Celebration and Dinner in Honor of Poet's Birth, May 31, 1936. [II [II ['TRIMBLE, W. H.] -WALT WHITMAN LIBRARY, Collected by W. NED, TO H. Trimble, Presented by His Daughter, D. H. Stewart, 1927. 19. Notice of presentation of the Walt Whitman Library Collection by W. Hl. st and her Trimble, 1927. The Trimble Library is in Dunedin, New Zealand, and is the [12 largest collection of Walt Whitman material outside the United States. [12

SOTHEBY & CO.-CATALOGUE OF IMPORTANT LETTERS, Manu scripts and Books by or Relating to Walt Whitman. The Property of his intimate Friend, Biographer and Literary Executor, The late Vhitman Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke. Sotheby & Co., May 13, 1935. [13 :nization rnzation, AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION-MANUSCRIPTS, AUTOGRAPH 1, June, LETTERS, FIRST EDITIONS AND PORTRAITS OF WALT WHITMAN. ird Wil- Formerly The Property of the Late Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke. iotes by To be Dispersed at Public Sale, April 15 and 16, 1936. American . hiladel- Art Association, Anderson Galleries, Inc. [13 Richard h Year: Elected WHITMAN, WALT4,-EXTRACT FROM "SONG OF MYSELF"]. The 7; Sixth New Broadside No. 8. Decorations by John Nash. [London]. Officers The Poetry Bookshop. No date. X92. A broadside. ['3 ibited for few con- PoerotographAs the P Engravings, Etc. [ii

Annual WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT IN HIS EARLY rnal) In TWENTIES. Boston, From a daguerreotype given in 1928 by his niece, Jessie Whitman, to the [II Walt Whitman House in Camden, New Jersey. This is the earliest known [Ipicture of Whitman. [14


1 GILCHRIST, HERBERT-ENGRAVING OF "THE STAFFORD'S PAGI PLACE". CHIE. This was a few miles east of Camden on Timber Creek. -Whitman delighted E to visit the Staffords there. [13 WHI' WHITMAN, WALT-PORTRAIT, PROCESS PRINT. J erse; From "Our Poet's Corner" series, Masterpiece Library, December, 1895. T. Inscribed on reverse by Henry S. Saunders to Mrs. Sprague. [14 fr,

ALEXANDER, JOHN W.-ETCHED PORTRAIT OF WALT WHIT- WHI MAN. on Ai Signed artist's proof. Date on back April, 1911. [1I T

RODGERS, CLEVELAND-WALT WHITMAN, POET OF DEMOC- MET RACY. In the Mentor, September, 1923. Toro: Photographic portrait of "Walt Whitman at age of Fifty-Two" on outside I front cover. [I14 SAUl NOTI T? rr a WHITMAN MEMORANDA COY With ROSSETTI, WILLIAM MICHAEL-TwELVE AUTOGRAPH LET- editi( TERS SIGNED, TO MRS. GILCHRIST, CONCERNING WHITMAN, WRITTEN of C BETWEEN 1879-1885, and an autograph copy by Rossetti of Whit- man's letter to Moncure D. Conway, 17 Feb., 1868, referring to 1 Whitman's English edition. The letters are dated: 3 Feb. 1879; 22 Jan. 1881; 18 Apr. 1882; 10 Nov. 1882; 6 May 1885; 15 June WO( 1885; 26 June 1885; 29 June 1885; 5 July 1885; 14 Aug. 1885; 26 MAN, Aug. 1885; 28 Aug. 1885. [ISI

GAY, WILLIAM-WALT WHITMAN, THE POET OF DEMOCRACY. SAL Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, E. A. Petherick & Co., 1893. Litt] Con Typewritten copy made and bound by Henry S. Saunders. io copies of which this is number I. [IS SA~L MICHAEL, HELEN ABBOTT-WOMAN AND FREEDOM IN WHIT- WH MAN. Read before The Walt Whitman Fellowship of Boston, inChi November 19, 1896. and Reprinted from Poet-Lore, April-June. Boston, Poet-Lore Company, 189'7. Bound by Henry S. Saunders. Contains his bookplate. [15 56 FORD'S PAGE, CURTIS HIDDEN, ed.-WHITMAN PAGES FROM "THE CHIEF AMERICAN POETS". Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1905. elighted Excerpts, separately bound. Title page written in longhand. [IS [13 WHITMAN, WALT-CRITICISM. AN ESSAY. Newark, New Jersey, The Carteret Book Club, 1913. r, 1895. The second of three typescript copies made and bound by Henry S. Saunders, [14 from the privately printed, limited edition of 100 copies. [IS

WHIT- SAUNDERS, HENRY S.-SOME FREE VERSE WRITERS SINCE WHITMAN. A Paper read at the Bon Echo Whitman Celebration [II on August 6th 1919. This book is typewritten and hound. 7 copies were made. [IS

EMOC- MERRILL, STUART-WALT WHITMAN (a. LE~ON BAZALGETTE). Toronto, Canada, Henry S. Saunders, 1922. outside i 15 copies printed. Bound by Henry S. Saunders. [15 ['4 SAUNDERS, HENRY S., COMP.-WHITMAN PORTRAITS WITH NOTES. Toronto, Canada, March, 1922. Typed descriptions on pages facing portraits. "Nine copies of this typing made. This is number 3". Contains 236 photographs. [IS

COYNE, JAMES H.-RICHARD MAURICE BUCKE, A SKETCH. LET-. With a bibliography and two unpublished portraits. Revised edition. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Society

i-Edition of 157 copies, of which this is number 2. Bound and signed by ng to Henry S. Saunders. [IS 1879; June WOOD, MILDRED, and CLEMENT WOOD-FOR WALT WHIT- 5; 26 MAN. Toronto, Canada, Henry S. Saunders, 1923. [15 Bound by Henry S. Saunders. [IS

)ies of Consciousness". Toronto, Canada, Henry S. Saunders, 1924. Wit-E of Canada, 1906. Toronto, Canada, Henry S. Saunders, 1923. [IS Bound by H-enry S. Saunders. [IS


and Bound by Henry S. Saunders, Toronto, Canada, 1924- 1897. Edition limited to 10 copies, of which this is number 8. Contains 330 ZACY.[IS SAUNDERS,illustrations. HENRY S.-THE HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. [ISA Bucke's "Cosmic 1893. Little Introduction to Dr. Richard Maurice Mounted Compiled, 57 . . . photographs original many including ston, SAUNDERS, HENRY S.-How TO APPROACH "LEAVES OF WALL GRASS", A paper read at the tenth annual meeting of the Canadian Delive Whitman Fellowship, May 30, 1925. Toron i This typescript copy bound for Mrs. Sprague June 4, 1925. [15 Tyl

SAUNDERS, HENRY S.-WHITMAN IN FICTION, a list compiled SAUN by Henry S. Saunders. Toronto, Canada, Henry S. Saunders, MAN. June, 1926. teenth 47 titles; 5 typescript copies made. This is number 2. [I5 Saundi Ma SAUNDERS, HENRY S.-THE WHITMAN YEAR (1925-1926). An address given by Henry S. Saunders at the Whitman Fellowship SAUN Meeting in Toronto, May 31st 1926. and cl( 4 copies of this were bound in June, 1926. This is number 4, inscribed for Th; Mrs. Sprague by the author. [15 WHIZ SAUNDERS, HENRY S., comp.-PORTRAIT GALLERY OF WHIT- Th MAN WRITERS, WITH QUOTATIONS. Toronto, Canada, Henry S. Vol Saunders, 1927. Pen and ink title page. Autograph excerpts by Saunders. Photographs mounted in. On verso of title page: "Not more than ten copies of this book will be made. This is number two." Contains 233 photographs. [15 WHIl SAUNDERS, HENRY S.-CATALOGUE OF THE WHITMAN COL- PUB LI LECTION OF HENRY S. SAUNDERS. Toronto, Canada, 1928. July 2 A typewritten book of 127 pages, of which 37 are an index. Bound by Wi Saunders. Five copies made, of which this is number ii. [IS REED SAUNDERS, HENRY S., COmp.-COMPLETE INDEX TO THE "MCK CONSERVATOR. Published by Horace Traubel from March 1890 WHIT] to June 1919. Toronto, [Henry S. Saunders], 1930. Cc Made and bound by Saunders. [IS WHI' [WHITMAN, WALT-INVITATION AND PROGRAM FOR THE UN- LISHIr VEILING OF BusTS of Matthew Fontaine Maury, James Abbott Or McNeill Whistler, James Monroe, and Walt Whitman, at the Hall of Fame, May 14, 1931]. WHF Two copies of program. [13 signed & Co. MORRIS, HARRISON S.- . .. ADDRESS . . . at the unveiling of the bust of Walt Whitman at the annual ceremonies of Hall of No d-, Fame at New York University, Thursday afternoon, May 14 th 1931. New York, Bureau of Public Information, New York Uni- MCK versity, 1931. "LEA Typescript copy made and bound by Henry S. Saunders. 115 58

I AVES OF WALLACE, J. W.-WHITMAN AND RELIGION, AN ADDRESS... Oanadian Delivered to The Progressive League, Bolton, March 28th 1915. Toronto, Canada, Henry S. Saunders, 1933. [IS Typescript copy made and bound by Saunders. [15 compiled SAUNDERS, HENRY S.-AN INTRODUCTION TO WALT WHIT- 5aunders, MAN. A paper read at a meeting of "Our Club", February fif- teenth, Nineteen hundred and thirty-four. [Toronto], Henry S. ['5 Saunders, [19343. Made and bound by the author. [IS 25-1926) . ellowship SAUNDERS, HENRY S.-WHITMAN Music. Eight copies typed and cloth bound [by Henry S. Saunders], "Toronto, July 1934- iscribed for This is number 1. [15 ['5 )F WHIT-WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT. )F WHIT-This is the one used as an illustration in "With Walt Whitman in Camden", Jenry S. vol. 3, P. 378. ['5 hotogapsAraiemnsEc "f this book Pub/ishzing 6 'ragmetEc ['5 WHITMAN, WALT-CONTRACT WITH REES WELSH FOR THE [AN COL- PUBLICATION OF "LEAVES OF GRASS" AND "SPECIMEN DAYS", Boud8 b July 22, 1882. BondbyWith Whitman's signature, and that of David McKay as witness. [IS [IS REES WELSH & CO.-FIVE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED TO THE "MeK" (DAVID MCKAY) FOR REES WELSH & CO., TO WALT

Concern the publication of "Leaves of Grass" and "Specimen Days". [IS [IS WHITMAN, WALT-FOUR AUTOGRAPH NOTES REGARDING PUB- rch 1890 WHITMAN, JUNE AND JULY, 1882. Abbott One dated June 2o, 1882; the other three undated.[I the Hall WHITMAN, WALT-THREE AUTOGRAPH MEMORANDA, one THE UTN-[13 signedFISHING "W. ARRANGEMENTS W.", outlining WITH conditions REES WELSH agreed & toCO. with Rees Welsh & Co., for publication of "Leaves of Grass" and "Specimen Days" A Study" by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke. 7nvealingHall of Noand dates.[1of "Walt Whitman,


WHITMAN, WALT-Two AUTOGRAPH MEMORANDA REGARD- ING PUBLICATION OF "LEAVES OF GRASS" AND "SPECIMEN DAYS" BY DAVID MCKAY. WH One undated, one dated July 30, 1885. [15 taal( [Am.: MCKAY, DAVID-DUE-BILL FROM DAVID MCKAY FOR "NOVEM- 1917 BER BOUGHS", OCT. 23j, 1888.( Walt Whitman's autograph, receipted by him on reverse, Jan. 8, 1889. [15 1

HARNED, THOMAS B.-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO MRS.__ SPRAGUE, OCT. 18, 1919" en C Identifies papers connected with McKay's sales of Whitman books. [151


SAUNDERS, HENRY S., and HELEN SAUNDERS-EIGHT CHRISTMAS CARDS, TORONTO, 1912-1920. Seven of the cards have printed quotations from Whitman. One has a quo- tation from Horace Traubel. [15

TRANSLATIONS WH] WHITMAN, WALT- .. . FULLES D'HERBA. Selecci6 i Tra- IntE ducci6 per Cebria Montoliu. Barcelona, "L'Avenq", 1910. deu. (Leaves of Grass. Selection and Translation by Cebria Montoliu.) In- scribed by Montoliu to Win. Sloane Kennedy. [16

MONTOLIU, CEBRIA- . . . WALT WHITMAN, L'HOME I SA TASCA. Barcelona, Societat Catalana d'Edicions, [1913]. I (Walt Whitman, the Man and his Work.) Inscribed by the author to WNm. frar Sloane Kennedy. [16

WHITMAN, WALT-DEMOKRATISKE FREMBLIK. Oversat efter WF den amerikanske Original af Rudolf Schmidt. Kjobenhavn, Karl veil Schonberg, 1874. Gr-, (Democratic Vistas. Translated from the American Original by Rudolf Schmidt.) [16 60 4 ADE BY WHITMAN, WALT- . . . DIGTE, i Udvalg og med Indledning 1882 TO af Johannes V. Jensen og Otto Gelsted. Kobenhavn, Kristiania, V15 Nyt Nordisk, 1919. ( . . . Poems, Selected and with an Introduction by Johannes V. Jensen and REGARD- Otto Gelsted.) [16 N DAYS" WHITMAN, WALT-GRASHALMEN (LEAVES OF GRASS), Ver- [IS taald door Maurits Wagenvoort, met Portret van den Dichter. 'N~vEM[Amsterdam, Maatschappi' voor Goede en Goedkoope Lectuurl, NovEM-1917. (Leaves of Grass, Translated by Maurits Wagenvoort, with Portrait of the 889. [15 Poet.) Paper covers. Bookplate: Henry S. Saunders. [16

TO MRS. - - Another copy, [Amsterdam, Maatschappi voor Goede en Goedkoope' Lectuur], 1917. S. ['S Bound in boards. [16 'ER SENT BAZALGETTE, LLON-WALT WHITMAN, L'HOMME ET SON F Copy- CiEuvRE; avec un Portrait et un Autographe. Paris, Societe du 19o8. [IS Mercure de France, (Walt Whitman, the Man and his Work; with a Portrait and an Autograph.) First edition. Inscribed: "To John Burroughs, poet, naturalist and the old -EIGHT and faithful friend of the Good Grey, (and acknowledgment of my indebted- ness to his Notes and W. W., a Study) Paris April o8. L. Bazalgette." has a quo- Autographed by Clara Barrus. [16 ['5 --- Another copy, Paris, Societe du Mercure de France, 19o8. Bound in green cloth. [16

WHITMAN, WALT- ... FEUILLES D 'HERBE. Traduction i Tra- lntegrale d'apres 1'iRdition Definitive, par Leon Bazalgette, avec deux Portraits de 1'Auteur. Paris, Mercure de France, 19o9. liu.) In- (Leaves of Grass. Complete Translation Following the Definitive Edition, [16 by Leon Bazalgette, with two Portraits of the Author.) Vol. 2 only exhibited. [16 7E I SA WHITMAN, WALT-PoEMES DE WALT WHITMAN. Version to Win. fran~aise de Leon Bazalgette. Paris, F. Rieder & Cie, 1914. [16 (Poems of Walt Whitman. French version of Leon Bazalgette.) [16

at, Katrn, Karlvelle WHITMAN,de L~eon WALT- Bazalgette, ... AvecCALAMUS. 10o Bois Hors-TextePoemes. VersionDessines Nou- et i RuolfGraves par Frans Masereel. [Geneve], Editions du Sablier, 1919. T Rd6l woodcutt (. . . Calamus.plates drawn Poems. and engravedA new translation by Frans byMasereel.) Leon Bazalgette, with [16to

61 CESTRE, CHARLES-LE LYRISME DE WALT WHITMAN. In WH The Anglo-French Review, June, 1919. Pros (The lyricism of Walt Whitman.) [16 Vale cede: FIGUIf RE, EUGNE-.. WALT WHITMAN (POSTE AMfE- Libr RICAIN). Paris, Eugene Figuiere, 1928. [16[11 (

FIGURE, EUGRNE--WALT WHITMAN (POSTE AMERICAIN). e Conference Prononcee au Theatre de 1'Od~eon le 13 Decembre 1918, Suivie des meilleures Pensees de Walt Whitman, Recueillies CO I et Traduites par Ary Rene d'Yvermont. Paris, Eugene Figuiere WOR' [1919]. Liter (Walt Whitman. (American Poet). Address Delivered at the Odeon Theatre December 13, 1918, Followed by the Best Thoughts of Walt Whitman, Collected and Translated by Ary Rene d'Yvermont.) Inscribed by Barrett - Clark to Mrs. Sprague.[1

BAZALGETTE, LRON-WALT WHITMAN, THE MAN AND HIS WH WORK. Translated from the French by Ellen FitzGerald. Garden Deu City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 192o. [16vo

BAZALGETTE, LE1ON-LE "POEME-PEVANGILE" DE WALT WHIT- MAN. "Je ferai le poeme-evangile des camarades et de l'affection." Paris, Mercure de France, 1921. (The "Evangel-Poem" of Walt Whitman. "I will write the evangel-poem BEF of comrades and of love.") An interpretation of the teachings of Whitman,[Li as disclosed in "Leaves of Grass". The quoted line is from "Starting from[Li Paumanok". Inscribed by Bazalgette. [16

CATEL, JEAN-WALT WHITMAN, PURITAIN. In Mercure de France, October 15, 1923. [16 WH setzl

CATEL, JEAN- ... RYTHME ET LANGAGE DANS LA Ire ie IRDITION DES "LEAVES OF GRASS" (1855). Paris, Les flditions Rieder, [1929]. (The Rhythm and Language of the first Edition of "Leaves of Grass", 1855.) Inscribed to Mrs. Sprague. [16 SM] and CESTRE, CHARLES-WALT WHITMAN, LE POS~TE. In Revue Kon Anglo-Americaine, October, 1930. [16

62 AN. In WHITMAN, WALT- . . . C'EUVRES CHOISIES. Poemes et Proses Traduits par Jules Laforgue, Louis Fabulet, Andre Gide, [16 Valery Larbaud, Jean Schlumberger, Francis Viele-Griffin. Pre- cedes d'une iRtude par Valery Larbaud. Dixieme iRdition. Paris, E AME- Librairie Gallimard, iRditions de la Nouvelle Revue Frangaise, [16 [1918]. ( . . . Selected Works. Poems and Prose Writings, Translated by Jules Laforgue, etc. ... Preceded by a Study by Valery Larbaud. Tenth 2UCAIN). edition.) [16 ;cembre cueillies COTTERILL, H. B., and T. W. ROLLESTON-UEBER WORDS- iguereWORTH UND WALT WHITMAN. Zwei Vortraige gehalten vor dem Literarischen Verein zu Dresden. Dresden, Carl Tittmann, 1883. e Odeon (Concerning Wordsworth and Walt Whitman, two Addresses Delivered ?hitman, before the Literarischer Verein in Dresden.) Signed by T. B. Harned. y Barrett This pamphlet is nearly all translated into English in the Camden (New [16 Jersey) Post, January 13, 1884. [16

ND HIS WHITMAN, WALT-NOVELLEN VON WALT WHITMAN. Ins Garden Deutsche iibertragen von Thea Ettlinger. Mit einem Geleitwort [16 von Johannes Schlaf. Minden in Westf., J. C. C. Bruns, [igoo]. (Short Stories by Walt Whitman. Translated into German by Thea Ett-

-ction." paper stories. [16 gel-poem BERTZ, EDUARD--WALT WHITMAN. EIN CHARACTERBILD.

[16 Zwischenstufen . . . VII. Jahrgang." [16

:ure de [16 . PROSASCHRIFTEN, CWHIT- WHITMAN,linger, with anWALT- Introduction .. by Johannes Schlaf.) Whitman'sIn Auswahl early ilber-news- setzt und eingeleitet von 0. E. Lessing. Mit zwei Portrats und

LA Ire einem Faksimile. Muinchen und Leipzig, R. Piper & CC)., [i9o5]. (Selected Prose Writings, Translated, with an Introduction, by 0. E. Lessing. ditions With two Portraits and a Facsimile.) (16

Whitman, [Leipzig, M. Spohr, i9o5 ?]. :ing",185$.) from (Walt Whitman. A Character Sketch.) From " Jahrbuch fur sexuelle [16 SMITH, THOMAS K.-WHITMAN'S LEAVES OF GRASS. Style and Subject-Matter with special reference to Democratic Vistas. Revue Konigsberg i. Pr., Druck von Karg und Manneck, 1914. Dissertation of Thomas K. Smith, Quakertown, Pennsylvania, for Doctorate [16 in Philosophy at University of Koenigsberg. [16

63 WHITMAN, WALT- . .. DER WUNDARZT; Briefe, Aufzeich- MO nungen und Gedichte aus dem amerikanischen Sezessionskrieg. DEl Zurich, Max Rascher A. G, 1919. mic. (The Wound Dresser, Letters, Sketches and Poems of the American Civil War.) Verse translations by Gustav Landauer and prose by Iwan Goll. [16

WHITMAN, WALT- . . . GESANGE UND INSCHRIFTEN, Uber- tragen von Gustav Landauer. Miinchen, Kurt Wolff, 1921. R (Songs and Inscriptions, Translated by Gustav Landauer.) [16 No-

WHITMAN, WALT-WALT WHITMANS WERK, in zwel Bainden. Erster Band. Berlin, S. Fischer, 1922. (Walt Whitman's Work, in two Volumes. First Volume.) Selected, trans- WF lated, and with an introduction by Hans Reisiger. With four illustrations.Na Volume two not exhibited. [16Na Tok

WHITMAN, WALT--.. HYMNEN FUR DIE ERDE. Leipzig, Im Insel-Verlag, [19141. (Songs for the Earth.) Selections from "Leaves of Grass". [16

PASZTOR, ARPAD-WALT WHITMAN. Budapest, Dick Man6 y13' Kiadasa, 1922. gHc The book contains, in addition to a discussion of Whitman and his work, aHJ selection from his poems. Date on cover reads 1923. [16

HEVESY, IVAN-WALT WHITMAN. From A Kekmadar. No date. Vii' In this discussion of Whitman and his poetry Ivain Hevesy says, 'Among Cr~a the American poets known here, only Whitman is the real American, the others are English." [16

JANNACCONE, P.-- . LA POESIA DI WALT WHITMAN E L'EVOLUZIONE DELLE FORME RITMICHE. Torino, Roux Frassati CTI e CO, 1898.Ee (The Poetry of Walt Whitman and the Evolution of Rhythmic Forms.) [16

WHITMAN, WALT- . . . FOGLIE DI ERBA, con le due aggiunte B e gli "Echi della vecchiaia" deli' edizione del 19goo. Versione di B Luigi Gamberale. Milan, Palermo, Napoli, Remno Sandron, [1923]. tor (Leaves of Grass, with the two Annexes and "Old Age Echoes" from the Edition of Igoo. Translation of Luigi Gamberale.) [16

64 Lufzeich- MORRIS, HARRISON S.-- . . . WALT WHITMAN, .POETA DELLA )nskrieg. DEMOCRAZIA (1819-1892). Con prefazione del Prof. Carlo For- michi. Firenze, R. Bemporad & Figlio, [1920j. ,ican Civil (Walt Whitman, Poet of Democracy (18i9-1892). Preface by Prof. Carlo Goll. [16 Formichi.) No. 7-8 of the series, "Collected Biographies of Illustrious Americans," issued in connection with the Keats-Shelley Memorial in Rome. At head of title: Americani illustri raccolta biografica, diretta da H. Nelson q, (Yber- Gay N.o 7-8. [16 21. [16 ROBIL~ANT, IRENE DI-VITA AMERICANA (STATI UNITI DEL NORD-AMERICA). Torino, Fratelli Bocca, 1929. (American life, The United States of North America.) A study of America, Bainden. its background, development, traditions, philosophy, etc., in which Whitman is mentioned frequently. [16 ted, trans- WH-ITMAN, WALT-LEAVES OF GRASS. Translated by Shigetaka [16raio Naganuma, (Vol. 1). '7,F4y- :I r tJ6 tf Tokyo, Toko-sha, 1929. ,f91g LeipzigBound in a style after that of the binding of the first edition, 1855. [16 - -Another copy, Tokyo, Toko-sha, 1929. [16 Signed by the translator. Bound in leather, stamped in a style after the first edition, 185 [16 k Man6 "YITM3H, YOT--JIIICTbHI TpaBbI. llpoaa. llepeBOR II npe- ,T1RCTIOBJHR K LJyROBCI~oPo. lleTep6ypr, [F'ocy~apCTBeuIHoe is work, a H3gaTeJIbCTBOI, 1922. [16 (Leaves of grass. Prose. Translation and prefaces by K. Chukovsky. Petersburg, State Publishing House.) Selections of poetry include Song of Myself. Prose includes Specimen D~ays, Future of Democracy, Democratic .r. No Vistas.[1 Y'HTMaH~b, "YOJTTbI-IIO6IhrH TpaBbI. llepeBowrb eb AHrnitfi- "Among c~aro IK. AI. BaJmbMOHTa. MOCrHBa, "CHOpnIloIIL," 1911. rican, the (Leavres of grass. Translation from the English by K. D. Balmont. [16 Moscow, "Skorpion," 1911.) Contains selections from Whitman, among which are Salut au Monde, D~edications, Song of the Broad-Axe, Drum-Taps, TMAN E Songs of Farewell, Good-bye M\'y Fancy. [16 Frassati CTe(DaHOBAh, CBeT.-H-/3 HIOBHje EHra~ecKe JIHpH~e. Ogao'pao. Eeorpag, "Haripe~a1H," 1923. rms.) [16 (Selected Modern English Lyric Poetry. Translated by Svetozar Stefano- vich. Belgrade, Progress Publishing Co., 1923). Contains five poems by Whitman. [16 gg BZLETE ENAUORP LTE IGEi Egih sione di AAGT E RN ATGAHLTESINDinEgsh [1923]. to Thomas B. Harned, Oct. 16, 1917. from the In this letter he mentions his translations of some of Whitman's poems to [16 appear in a small pamphlet. [16 65 WHITMAN, WALT-EUTHANASIA. In Kottabos, New series, Vol. I, No. I. Trinity College. Dublin, William McGee, 1888. Whitman's poem "Come Lovely and Soothing Death", lyric from "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd", here entitled "Euthanasia", and with variations in punctuation and capitalization, is translated into Greek ana- paestic form by J. I. Beare, having the title "Q2IATKT2; AIAA2; ETNAEON M ETNAZON". ("0 Sweet Death, Rest Me, Rest Me"). Sent by T. W. Rolleston to W. S. Kennedy, and bears autograph note signed "T. W. R." [16


BROOKLYN, [NEW YORK] DIRECTORY ... 1849 & 1850, Brooklyn. Henry R. & William J. Hearne. Contains Walt Whitman's name and address: "Walter Whitman, Jr., editor Brooklyn Freeman Fulton c Middagh h 106 Myrtle". [18

WARREN, SAMUEL-THE LILY AND THE BEE, An apologue of The Crystal Palace. Edinburgh and London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1851. yN Bliss Perry believes this a source book for "Leaves of Grass". This copy inscribed by the author. [18

McPHERSON, JAMES-THE POEMS OF OSSIAN. Boston, Phil- lips, Sampson, and Company, New York, J. C. Derby, 1855. Said to have been a source book for "Leaves of Grass". [18

BARTLETT, TRUMAN H.-PLASTER CAST OF WHITMAN'S RIGHT HAND, APRIL 17, 1881. Reproduction, one of a small number made, given to Mrs. Sprague by Henry H. Kitson. [18

KITSON, HENRY H.-AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, TO MRS. SPRAGUE, APRIL 25, 1939. Concerns the cast of Whitman's hand. [18

U. S. CONGRESS. HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON INVALID PENSIONS.-[REPORT TO ACCOMPANY BILL H. R. 10'70'71. Report of the House of Representatives on a pension for Whitman at the 4 9th Congress, 2d Session, Report No. 3856, February I, 1887. This report was withdrawn. [18

GILCHRIST, HERBERT-WALT WHITMAN AT HIS HOME IN CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY. Oil pitn,188'7. (See accompanying illustration. ig [19

66 series, 1,888. i "When and with "eek ana- "NAEON Sent by e signed [16

r., editor [18 ogue of ckwood

'his copy [18


>yHenry [iS


IME IN JOHNSON, T.-ETCHING OF WALT WHITMAN, 1891. Signed by the artist and by Whitman. [17

WHITMAN, WALT-AUTOBIOGRAPHIA, OR, THE STORY OF A LIFE . . . Selected from his prose writings. New York, Charles L. Webster & Co., 1892. Mark Twain was a partner in the Webster firm. [18

WHITMAN, WALT-CENDRES DES SOLDATS. Translation of Whitman poem "Ashes of Soldiers", by Leon Bazalgette, for use as a poster for Whitman's Centennial, May 31, 1919. Inscribed by Bazalgette to Thomas B. Harned, and by Harned to Mrs. Sprague. [17

MCKENZIE, TAIT-BRONZE PLAQUE OF WHITMAN'S HEAD. Issued in 1919 in commemoration of the Centennial of Whitman's birth. [IS


FINTA, ALEXANDER-THE AUTHORS CLUB MEMORIAL MEDAL, 192 . Head of Whitman, legend: 1819 Walt Whitman 1892. [18

DAVIDSON, JO-PHOTOGRAPH OF HIS STATUE OF WHITMAN, "The Song of the Open Road." Dedicated at the New York World's Fair, May 31, 1939. The sculptor is shown beside his work. [18

WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPH OF HIS BIRTHPLACE, WEST HILLS, LONG ISLAND. Two typewritten sheets accompanying the photograph describe the house and relate some of its history. [18 .C0 WALT WHITMAN'S SCHOOLHOUSE, SYOSSET, LONG ISLAND. SE Photograph of the school where Whitman taught. The present owner has HA restored the building as nearly as possible to its original state. [18

WALT WHITMAN'S SCHOOLHOUSE, SYOSSET, LONG ISLAND. Circular announcing the opening of Whitman's school, May, 1927, as a permanent shrine. [18

WHITMAN, WALT-REPRODUCTION OF THE MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, upon which Whitman had traced his journeys. [I8

68 [17

YOF A Charles

[18 gette, for :ribed by [17

AD. Birth. [18



\4 EDAL,

[ITMA N, ulptor is [18



WHITMAN, LOUISA VAN VELSOR-PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT BN OF WHITMAN'S MOTHER. Autographed by Horace L. Traubel. [18 KITS TER I WHITMAN, GEORGE WASHINGTON-PHOTOGRAPHIC POR- Ir TRAIT. He was a brother of Whitman. The original photograph is in the Whitman WHI House in Camden, New Jersey. [18

WHITMAN, WALT-PHOTOGRAPH OF THE WALT WHITMAN HOUSE IN CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY. Also photograph of the plaque now on the house. [18

WHITMAN, WALT-THREE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE INTERIOR OF HIS HOUSE IN CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY. Represented are: the sofa; Whitman's rocking chair (over it hangs the portrait of his father); and the chest of drawers belonging to his mother. [18


GILCHRIST, HERBERT-REPRODUCTION OF A PORTRAIT OF MRS. GILCHRIST. A first print for "Letters of Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman". Auto- graph note signed, "T. B. H." (T. B. Harned). [18 IN- GILCHRIST, HERBERT-"CONVERSATION PIECE", OR, "THE two TEA PARTY". the Walt Whitman having tea at the home of Mrs. Gilchrist, Philadelphia, Pa. port Oil painting made between 1882 and 1884. (See illustration on preceding yout page.) [20 blen BURROUGHS, JOHN-DESK CALENDAR, 1905. Phoi Each page carries a Whitman quotation written out by Clara Barrus. Bur- ual roughs kept this calendar on his desk until his death. Dr. Barrus left it in obst place for many years, and shortly before her death she presented it to Mrs. heac Sprague. [18 70 RA PHI C MORSE, SIDNEY H.-PLASTER PLAQUE OF WHITMAN'S HEAD [18 AND SHOULDERS. Full-face, from the Wallace collection. [18



[18 KITSON, HENRY H.-PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION OF PLAS- TER HEAD OF WHITMAN. PO R- Inscribed by the sculptor to Mrs. Sprague. [1 8





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Auto- [18 ngs the er. [18 I N-ADDITION to the Sprague collection, there are here exhibited "THE two items by the sculptor, Alexander Finta, loaned by him. Above the center case is his bronze model for a symbolical monument, ja, Pa. portraying Whitman and his life in three In profile his ,ceding phases: [20 youth; in front view his middle age; in back view his old age. This blended figure of Whitman holds over his head the legendary Phoenix, and expresses the ambition and life struggle of an individ- Bur- ual upholding everything precious and valuable, and subduing ft it in obstacles and opposition. Above case 2o is his heroic plaster o Mrs. head of Whitman. [18 71 U. S. GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE: 1R9