Mølbæk, Charlotte Broman (SF) Member of the Folketing, The Socialist People’s Party Folketinget, Christiansborg 1240 Copenhagen K Parliamentary phone: +45 3337 4409 Mobile phone: +45 6162 3176 Email:
[email protected] Charlotte Broman Mølbæk, born November 29th 1977 in Aarhus, daughter of product manager Bjarne Mølbæk and pensioner Alice Mølbæk. Has three children, born in 2003, 2006 and 2010. Member period Member of the Folketing for The Socialist People’s Party in East Jutland greater constituency from June 5th 2019. Candidate for The Socialist People’s Party in Randers North nomination district from 2016. Candidate for The Socialist People’s Party in Randers South nomination district from 2016. Parliamentary career Former spokeswoman on ecclesiastical affairs. Education Studying politics and administration (currently on sabbatical leave), Aalborg University from 2015. Educator, Jysk Pædagogseminarium (training college), 19992002. Employment Social Worker, Familiehuset (family centre), Randers Municipality, 20072014. Educator at a home for vulnerable children, Aarhus region, 20042006. Educator, Vuggestuen Mælkebøtten (nursery), Aarhus, 20022003. Affiliations Member of social committee, Local Government Denmark, 20182019. Member of the Randers municipal council (chairman of social committee, 20182019), 20142019. Chairman of The Socialist People's Party in Randers, 20132014. Committees/Spokesman 27. sep 2021 Current committees Member of The Cultural Affairs Committee The Domestic and Social Affairs Committee The Housing Committee