EEVC NEWSLETTER Published by the Eastern Electric Vehicle Club Peter Cleaveland, Editor Vol 27 No 9 Club Address: P.O. Box 134, Valley Forge, PA 19481-0134 SEPTEMBER, 2007 email:
[email protected]. Web site: President: Oliver Perry, 5 Old Stagecoach Turn Shamong, NJ 08088, (609) 268-0944 Copyright © 2007, Eastern Electric Vehicle Club, all rights reserved Now affiliated with EAA SO WHAT'S REALLY BEEN GOING ON? "Jiminy Peak!" Oliver Perry The spectacular “blade lift” in the $3.9 mil- yacht carrying wind-farm critic Robert lion, 1.5 megawatt Jiminy Peak, Vermont Kennedy Jr. displaying a sign that read, wind turbine, finally took place Thursday “Bobby you are on the wrong boat.” Green- afternoon, July 12th. The wind turbine, called peace activists advocate “The Cape Wind “Zephyr,” is the biggest construction project Project” that wants to place 130 wind genera- at the mountain since it was opened as a tors on Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound resort in 1948 and is the only wind generator to “gracefully harness the wind.” According in North America built by a ski resort to pro- to an editorial in the Wall Street Journal for duce its own power. It is also the first wind Aug 8, 07, the well to do residents around turbine in the megawatt class to be purchased Cape Cod are again facing off against Green- in the U.S. by a private company. The turbine peace over the purposed wind farm to be is predicted to produce 33% of the energy placed in the middle of their privileged view.