(Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) Parasitoids of the Corn Leafhopper
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Interciencia ISSN: 0378-1844 [email protected] Asociación Interciencia Venezuela Virla, Eduardo G.; Olmi, Massimo Dryinidae (hymenoptera: chrysidoidea) parasitoids of the corn leafhopper, dalbulus maidis (delong & wolcott) (hemiptera: cicadellidae), in Argentina, with description of the male of Gonatopus moyaraygozai OLMI Interciencia, vol. 32, núm. 12, december, 2007, pp. 847-849 Asociación Interciencia Caracas, Venezuela Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=33913508 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative DRYINIDAE (HYMENOPTERA: CHRYSIDOIDEA) PARASITOIDS OF THE CORN LEAFHOPPER, Dalbulus maidis (DELONG & WOLCOTT) (HEMIPTERA: CICADELLIDAE), IN ARGENTINA, WITH DESCRIPTION OF THE MALE OF Gonatopus moyaraygozai OLMI Eduardo G. Virla and Massimo Olmi SUMMARY The parasitoids of the Corn Leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (De- quoted for the first time in Argentina, and the male is described Long & Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) were studied in for the first time. This contribution presents the first field host- Tucumán Province, Argentina. Leafhoppers parasitized by Dryin- association record for G. caraibicus and D. maidis; in addition, idae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) were collected in cornfields G. contortus, and G. moyaraygozai are cited for the first time from Dec 2003 to Apr 2005. Dryinid adults belonging to three attacking Corn Leafhopper populations. Data on the parasitiza- species, Gonatopus caraibicus (Olmi), Gonatopus contortus Olmi, tion rate by G. moyaraygozai are given. and G. moyaraygozai Olmi, were obtained. G. moyaraygozai is DRYINIDAE (HYMENOPTERA: CHRYSIDOIDEA) PARASITOIDES DE LA CHICHARRITA DEL MAÍZ, Dalbulus maidis (DELONG & WOLCOTT) (HEMIPTERA: CICADELLIDAE), EN ARGENTINA, Y DESCRIPCIÓN DEL MACHO DE Gonatopus moyaraygozai OLMI Eduardo G. Virla y Massimo Olmi RESUMEN Se estudiaron los parasitoides de la chicharrita del maíz, Dal- Olmi. Se cita por primera vez a G. moyaraygozai en Argentina, bulus maidis (DeLong & Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyn- y se describe al macho de dicha especie. Se registra por pri- cha) en la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina. Las chicharritas mera vez en campo la asociación parasitoide-hospedador de G. atacadas por Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) fueron caraibicus y D. maidis; además, se mencionan por primera vez colectadas en campos de maíz entre dic 2003 y abr 2005. Se a G. contortus y G. moyaraygozai como parasitoides de la chi- obtuvieron driínidos de tres especies diferentes: Gonatopus ca- charrita del maíz. Se calculó la tasa de parasitoidización de G. raibicus (Olmi), Gonatopus contortus Olmi, y G. moyaraygozai moyaraygozai en campo. Introduction mar, 1989): Corn stunt spi- and planthoppers) nymphs natopus desantisi Olmi and roplasm (CSS), Maize bushy and adults (Guglielmino and Virla 1993 (for references The Corn Leafhopper, stunt phytoplasm (MBSP) Olmi, 1997, 2006). Repre- see Guglielmino and Olmi, Dalbulus maidis (DeLong & and Maize rayado fino vi- sentatives of the family have 1997). Gonatopus bicolor Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Auche- rus (MRFV). The diseases been successfully utilized (Haliday), quoted by Maes norrhyncha) is the most caused by these pathogens in several instances for the and Godoy (1993), cannot common leafhopper feeding seriously affect corn crops biological control of crop be a parasitoid of D. mai- on corn in northern Argen- in Argentina (Giménez Pecci pests (Swezey, 1928; Olmi, dis because it is a European tina (Paradell et al., 2001). et al., 2002; Virla et al., 2000). species not present in other It causes great losses to 2004). The Dryinidae species continents and attacking only corn crops in most parts of Dryinid wasps (Hymenop- known in the Americas as Delphacidae (Olmi, 1999). the tropical and subtropical tera: Dryinidae) are highly parasitoids of D. maidis are Agonatopus sp., quoted by Americas because it is able specialized parasitoids of Gonatopus bartletti Olmi Quezada (1979), is a myste- to transmit the following Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha 1984, Gonatopus caraibi- rious species that has never pathogens (Nault and Am- (treehoppers, leafhoppers, cus (Olmi, 1986) and Go- been identified, but probably KEYWORDS / Argentina / Corn / Corn Leafhopper / Dryinidae / Parasitoids / Vector / Received: 02/05/2007. Modified:10/05/2007. Accepted:10/08/2007. Eduardo G. Virla. Doctor in (T4001 MVB) San Miguel de Massimo Olmi. Doctor in Agri- Biology (Zoology), Universidad Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina. cultural Sciences, Turin Uni- Nacional de La Plata, Argenti- e-mail: [email protected] versity, Italy. Professor, Uni- na. Researcher CONICET. Ad- versità degli studi della Tuscia, dress: PROIMI-Biotechnology. Viterbo, Italy. e-mail: olmi@ Av. Belgrano & Pje. Caseros unitus.it DEC 2007, VOL. 32 Nº 12 0378-1844/07/12/847-03 $ 3.00/0 847 DRYINIDAE (HYMENOPTERA: CHRYSIDOIDEA) PARASITOIDES DA CIGARRINHA DO MILHO, Dalbulus maidis (DELONG & WOLCOTT) (HEMIPTERA: CICADELLIDAE), EM ARGENTINA, E DESCRIÇÃO DO MACHO DE Gonatopus moyaraygozai OLMI Eduardo G. Virla e Massimo Olmi Resumo Os parasitoides da cigarrinha do milho, Dalbulus maidis de D. maidis sómente em laboratório, foi criado também em (DeLong & Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) foram es- campo. Pela primeira vez G. contortus e G. moyaraygozai são tudados na província de Tucumán, Argentina. As cigarrinhas citados como parasitoides de D. maidis. De G. moyaraygozai, atacadas por Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) foram citado pela primeira vez em Argentina, foram obtidos ambos os colectadas em cultivos de milho entre dezembro de 2003 e abril sexos; a descrição do macho, anteriormente desconhecido, é fei- de 2005. Foram obtidos dryínidos de três espécies diferentes: ta pela primeira vez. A taxa de parasitismo de G. moyaraygozai Gonatopus caraibicus (Olmi), Gonatopus contortus Olmi e Go- foi avaliada em campo. natopus moyaraygozai Olmi. G. caraibicus, anteriormente obtido corresponds to Gonatopus inhabiting a cornfield in Hor- cies cited in Puerto Rico Bolivia, Paraguay, and Ar- bartletti Olmi. co Molle, Tucumán, Argen- and Argentina (Olmi, 1984; gentina (Olmi, 1984; Virla Thirty five species of the tina, site (26°47’29.3’’S and Virla and Olmi, 1998; and Olmi, 1998; Olmi et genus Gonatopus Ljungh oc- 65°19’39.7’’W; 636masl), a Virla, 2000). This species al., 2000; Garcete Barrett, cur in Argentina (Virla and trial of three replicates of 10 is known to parasitize the 2001). It was previously Olmi, 1998, 2007) and only sweep beating over the corn following leafhoppers (Ci- mentioned as a parasitoid of two of them, G. caraibicus plants was done on Jan 28th, cadellidae): Exitianus ob- Cicadellidae Deltocephalinae and G. desantisi, were men- 2004. All collected individuals scurinervis Stål (De Santis (Virla, 2001). tioned as affecting D. maidis were isolated in glass tubes et al., 1988); Amplicephalus populations. The develop- containing corn leaves. Leaves simpliciusculus Linnavuori, Gonatopus moyaraygozai ment of a research project were changed as needed, and Haldorus sexpunctatus Berg Olmi 1991 on the natural enemies of leafhoppers were checked dai- (Virla, 1992); Chlorotettix Corn Leafhopper in northern ly, looking for parasitization sp. (Virla and Olmi, 1998); Reared specimens: Two Argentina resulted in the evidences. After 12 days, indi- Planicephalus flavicosta females and a male of G. discovery of new parasitoids viduals without parasitization (Stål), Amplicephalus (Men- moyaraygozai Olmi were of D. maidis and permitted symptoms were considered as dozellus) dubius (Linna- obtained from parasitized to obtain the new biological healthy. vuori) and Graminella stel- corn leafhoppers collect- data reported below. Dried voucher, host as liger viridescens Linnavuori ed on 28/I/2004 in Horco well as parasitoid specimens (Virla, 2000). Virla (1992) Molle, Tucumán, Argenti- Material and Methods studied were deposited in verified that G. caraibicus na site. Later, two females the collection of Fundación parasitized D. maidis in the were further bred from the Nymphs and adults of D. e Instituto Miguel Lillo in laboratory, but the dryinid same place on 13/II and 24/ maidis were sampled by San Miguel de Tucumán, was not able to complete II/2004. sweeping with a standard Argentina. the development. Thus, this entomological net. Samples is the first field record con- Remarks: This species was were collected in both sub- Results firming this host-species known only from México sistence and commercial relationship. (Olmi, 1990) and it is now cornfields in Tucumán prov- The following three spe- mentioned for the first time ince from Dec 2003 to Apr cies of Dryinidae parasitiz- Gonatopus contortus Olmi in Argentina. Cicadellidae 2005. ing D. maidis were obtained: was the previously known Several individuals of the Gonatopus caraibicus (Olmi Reared specimens: Female host of this parasitoid (Gug- Corn Leafhopper parasitized 1986), G. contortus Olmi specimens of G. contor- lielmino and Olmi, 1997) by Dryinidae were obtained, 1984, and G. moyaraygozai tus Olmi were obtained and in México it was found as evidenced by the posses- Olmi 1991. from adults of D. maidis attacking Dalbulus quinque- sion of the typical larval on 19/XII/2003 (1 ♀) and notatus De Long and Nault sac. Most of the specimens Gonatopus caraibicus Olmi 23/II/2004 (2 ♀♀) in Ran- (Olmi, 1990), so that