Roy St 99 To Zoo Mercer St TM Minor Ave N

9th Ave N Westlake Ave N

Dexter Ave N 8th Ave N Boren Ave N Fairview Ave N Terry Ave N 1st Ave N W Republican St Republican St CENTER

Aurora Ave N W Harrison St Experience Harrison St

5th Ave N Taylor Ave N Music Project 6th Ave N W Thomas St Thomas St Queen Anne 2nd Ave N

John St Ave N John St Space Needle Elliott Avenue

Terry Ave Minor Ave Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave 7th Ave Broad St 6th Ave Clay St

OLYMPIC Cedar St 5th Ave SCULPTURE Howell St Vine St Bus PARK Wall St Terminal Regrade Park Virginia St Pier 70 Battery St Boren-Pike-Pine Park 4th Ave McGraw Stewart St Bell St Square 3rd Ave Olive Way Western Ave Pier 69 Blanchard St Boylston Ave 2nd Ave Summit Ave Lenora St Convention Center 1st Ave Pier 67 Citywide Concierge Steinbrueck Westlake Center Park Park Bell Harbor International PIKE PLACE Pine St Conference Center Pike St Minor Ave Pier 66/Bell St. Boren Ave MARKET Union St Cruise Terminal Terry Ave

Pier 62 & 63 University St 9th Ave N 8th Ave

Seattle Aquarium Seneca St 7th Ave

Pier 59 6th Ave SpringLIBRARY St W E Waterfront Park Post Alley 5th Ave 4th Ave Pier 57 Cherry St Elliott Bay James St Pier 56 Madison St S Pier 55 Pier 54 Marion St Alder St Columbia St Pier 52 Jefferson St Terrace City Hall WA State Pioneer Park Ferries Square Park Kobe S St 2nd Ave S 3 Terrace Occidental rd (re-opens 2007) Park Square Ave S S Main St

Pier 48 S Jackson St PIONEER SQUARE King St. Station S King St Occidental Ave S 1st Ave S AMTRAK CHINATOWN– INTERNAT’L DISTRICT S Weller St Qwest International Field Children’s Park S Lane St Maynard Ave S 7th Ave S (football) S Dearborn St Major Attractions 99 Seahawks Parks Exhibition Center Royal Brougham Wy Pier 30 Cruise Terminal Safeco Field 3 ⁄4 mi / 1 km (baseball)

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