Calendar of Events November 2020 Notes: 1

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Calendar of Events November 2020 Notes: 1 Calendar of Events November 2020 Notes: 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2020 Japan National Tourism Organization 2. Dates, times and functions are subject to change without notice. Especially schedule of outdoor events and flower festival may change due to the weather. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. The access shows only major route. Please refer to following URL for alternative transportation from the station where you want to start. 4. Japanese words appearing in the column provide the name of the event, the place and access for you to point out to Japanese passerby when you need help. 5. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. If you have further questions, please call TIC, JNTO at following number. TIC, JNTO Tel : (03)-3201-3331 from overseas +81 3 3201 3331 Shichi-go-san Special Remarks: 七五三 Dates and Times are shown as follows which is common in Japan. Shichi-go-san, is an event that takes place on November 15 for Glossary︓ boys turning 3 and 5 years old, and girls turning 3 and 7 years Dates : M/D April 3 ⇒ 4/3 Kagura Shinto dance with music old. Families visit nearby Shinto shrines to pray for their Matsuri Festival, Event Time : 24 hours system 8:00am ⇒ 8:00 children's health and growth. Girls dress up in Kimono and Mikoshi Portable shrine 8:00pm ⇒ 20:00 boys in Haori and Hakama, and it is a tradition to enjoy the celebration with Chitose-ame - special candy for this event. The following events are still to be confirmed. (as of Oct.25) Please check the latest information in advance. Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Autumn Festival featuring Ennen-no-mai (Shinto sacred dance, designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties), Noh (traditional masked drama) and Chigo-gyoretsu (a JR Tohoku Honsen Line procession of children in fancy attire). The festival is rather small in to Hiraizumi Sta., and Chuson-ji Temple, then JR東北本線平泉駅より Hiraizumi- scale this year. http://hirai Tohoku Iwate Motsu-ji Temple Aki-no Fujiwara Matsuri Chuson-ji Temple: 中尊寺:徒歩25分又は 11/1 〜 11/3 cho 東北 岩手県 中尊寺、 秋の藤原まつり walk 25 min., or take シャトルバスで10分 平泉町 ndex.html 毛越寺 Schedule & Key events: shuttle bus (10 min.) 毛越寺:徒歩7分 ●11/1 Motsu-ji Temple: 10:30- Chigo-gyoretsu from Chuson-ji Temple to Konjiki-do Hall walk 7 min. ●11/3 11:00- Ennen-no-mai at Motsu-ji Temple 12:00- Noh play at Chuson-ji Temple ©2020 Japan National Tourism Organization 1/6 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Kintetsu Kyoto Line or Grand Antique Fair with over 300 dealers from around the world. 近鉄京都線又は地下鉄 Fushimi-ku, Karasuma Subway Line Admission is free. 烏丸線竹田駅より http://www Kinki Kyoto Kyoto PULSE PLAZA Kyoto Antique Fair to Takeda Sta., and then 10/30 〜 11/1 (1) 徒歩15分 .gomoku- 近畿 京都府 京都市 パルスプラザ 京都アンティークフェア (1) walk 15 min. (2) ⻄⼝より無料シャトル 伏⾒区 Schedule & Key events: (2) take free shuttle bus バスで5分 ●10/30 & 31 10:00-17:00 from West Exit (5 min.) ●11/1 10:00-16:00 Summary: From JR Kyoto Sta., take Kamigyo-ku, Dolls Exhibition. Old Japanese dolls are exhibited at the temple noted municipal bus No. 9 to JR京都駅より市バスNo. http://www Kinki Kyoto Kyoto Hokyo-ji Temple Aki-no Ningyo-ten for its collection of dolls. Please enter by 15:30. Admission is 600JPY. 11/1 〜 11/15 Horikawa Teranouchi Bus 9で30分堀川寺ノ内下 近畿 京都府 京都市 宝鏡寺 秋の人形展 Stop (30 min.), and then ⾞、徒歩1分 / 上京区 Schedule & Key events: walk 1 min. ●daily 10:00-16:00 (1) JR Sanyo Honsen Line to Miyajima-guchi Sta., and then walk 5 min. to Miyajima-guchi (1) JR山陽本線宮島⼝ Pier. From there, take Summary: 駅より徒歩5分の宮島⼝ ferryboat to Miyajima Miyajima- Hi-watari Shiki , rigorous religious practice of walking on burnt 桟橋からフェリーで10分宮 http://www Pier (10 min.), and then cho, charcoals in the temple's ground. 島桟橋下船、徒歩30分 .miyajima.o Chugoku Hiroshima Daisho'in Temple Hi-watari Shiki walk 30 min. 11/15 Hatsukaichi (2) JR山陽新幹線広島 中国 広島県 大聖院 火渡り式 (2) JR Sanyo Shinkansen 廿日市市 駅より市電又はバスで30 event_shiw Schedule & Key events: Line to Hiroshima Sta., 宮島町 分広島宇品港下⾞、⾼ atari.html 11:00- Ritual pray for protection from illness and disaster and then take streetcar 速船で22分宮島桟橋下 13:00- Hi-watari Shiki or bus to Hiroshima Ujina 船、徒歩30分 Port (30 min.) From there, take hydrofoil to Miyajima Pier (22 min.), and then walk 30 min. ©2020 Japan National Tourism Organization 2/6 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL JR Sanyo Shinkansen Line to Hakata Sta. From there, (1) take JR Limited JR山陽新幹線博多駅よ Express "Midori" to Arita り Sta., and change to (1) JR特急"みどり"で有 Summary: http://www Okawachi- Matsuura Tetsudo Line to 田駅にて松浦鉄道線に乗 Autumn Ceramic Fair. Many stalls selling Imari ceramics are set up on .imari- cho, Nabeshima Han- Nabeshima Hanyo Aki Imari Sta., and then take り換え伊万⾥駅下⾞、バ Kyushu Saga Nabeshima Han-yo-zaka Street. ookawachiy 11/1 〜 11/5 Imari yo-zaka Street Matsuri bus to Okawachi-yama スで20分大川内山下⾞ 九州 佐賀県 伊万⾥市 鍋島藩窯坂 鍋島藩窯秋まつり Bus Stop (20 min.) (2) 徒歩1分の博多バス vent/index. 大川内町 Schedule & Key events: (2) walk 1 min. to Hakata ターミナルから⾼速バスで1 html ●daily 9:00-17:00 Bus Terminal. From 時間40分伊万⾥駅下 there, take Highway Bus ⾞、バスで20分大川内山 to Imari Sta. (1h 下⾞ 40min.), and then take bus to Okawachi-yama Bus Stop (20min.) Summary: Festival featuring a performance of Ohara Ogojo Daiko (Japanese drum beating by girls), and So-odori (a grand folk dancing parade) in which JR Kyushu Shinkansen https://ww Line to Kagoshima Chuo w.kagoshi people in Kimono dance to the tune of famous folk music (Ohara-bushi JR九州新幹線⿅児島中 Kyushu Kagoshima Kagoshima Kagoshima Ohara Matsuri Sta. From there, walk 15 ma- 11/3 and Hanya-bushi ), parading through the city's main streets. The 央駅より徒歩15分又は市 九州 ⿅児島県 ⿅児島市 ⿅児島市 おはら祭 min. or take streetcar to 電で5分⾼⾒⾺場下⾞ festival is rather small in scale this year. Takami-baba Sta. (5 /event/100 min.) 01 Schedule & Key events: 10:20-12:30 Ohara Ogojo Daiko and So-odori Summary: JR Sanyo Shinkansen Autumn Ceramic Fair. The entire city is full of stalls selling Arita http://www Aki-no Arita Tojiki Line to Hakata Sta. From JR山陽新幹線博多駅よ Kyushu Saga Arita-cho Arita-cho ceramics. Many events are scheduled during the festival period. 11/19 〜 11/23 Matsuri there, take JR Limited りJR特急"みどり"で有田 九州 佐賀県 有田町 有田町 ent/toujiki 秋の有田陶磁器まつり Express "Midori" to Arita 駅下⾞ matsuri/ Schedule & Key events: Sta. ●daily 9:00-17:00 Summary: Mythology performed by Shinto dance. There are 33 mythological plays JR Nipo Honsen Line to Nobeoka Sta. From Takachiho- Takachiho-jinja Shinwa-no Takachiho of Kagura to be dedicated to the shrine. The festival is rather small in JR日豊本線延岡駅よりバ http://taka Kyushu Miyazaki there, take bus to 11/23 cho Shrine Yo-kagura Matsuri scale this year. スで1時間半⾼千穂バス chiho- 九州 宮崎県 Takachiho Bus Center ⾼千穂町 ⾼千穂神社 神話の⾼千穂夜神楽まつり センター下⾞、徒歩15分 Bus Stop (1 hr. 30 min.), Schedule & Key events: and then walk 15 min. 10:00-14:00 ©2020 Japan National Tourism Organization 3/6 The following events have been cancelled or postponed. (as of Oct.25) Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Sham Battles of famous "Kawanakajima Kassen" battle fought between famous http://fuef Isawa-cho, warlords, "Takeda Shingen" and "Uesugi Kenshin", in the 16th century. The Kawanakajima Kassen JR Chuo Honsen Line to uki- Chubu Yamanashi Fuefuki Fuefuki River battles are held by 900 people on the riverbeds of Fuefuki River, in front of JR中央本線石和温泉駅 - Sengoku Emaki Isawa-Onsen Sta., and 中部 山梨県 笛吹市 笛吹川河畔 Fuefuki city hall. より徒歩20分 川中島合戦戦国絵巻 then walk 20 min. ntent/kawa 石和町 nakajima/ Schedule & Key events: cancelled Summary: http://www Autumn Festival of the shrine featuring about 20 floats from each town Sengen Taisha Shrine: .city.fujino Sengen Taisha 浅間大社: Chubu Shizuoka Fujinomiya Fujinomiya Matsuri parading in the neighborhood during the festival period. JR Minobu Line to - Shrine and others JR身延線富士宮駅より 中部 静岡県 富士宮市 富士宮まつり Fujinomiya Sta., and kankou/llti2 浅間大社ほか 徒歩10分 Schedule & Key events: then walk 10 min. b00000019 cancelled e8.html Nagiso-machi Sogo Ground, Summary: Tsumago-shuku, Festival featuring a procession of people dressed as warriors, postmen, priests, JR Chuo Honsen Line to http://www Kyu-Tsumago Nagiso- Bunka Bunsei Fuzoku pilgrims, merchants' daughters, farmers, comb venders and so on of the Edo Nagiso Sta. From there, JR中央本線南木曽駅よ .town.nagis Hokuriku Nagano Elementary School - machi Emaki-no Gyoretsu period along Nakasendo (old highway). take Ontake Kotsu bus to り御岳交通バスで10分妻 o.nagano.j 北陸 ⻑野県 and others 南木曽町 ⽂化⽂政風俗絵巻之⾏列 Tsumago Bus Stop (10 籠下⾞ p/kankou/i 南木曽町総合グラン Schedule & Key events: min.) ndex.html ド、 cancelled 妻籠宿、 旧妻籠⼩学校ほか Summary: West side of Fireworks Display with over 12,000 fireworks. It is held in late autumn unlike Nagano Ohashi the other fireworks displays which usually take place in high summer. This JR Nagano Shinkansen http://www Bridge, Nagano Ebisu-ko Enka fireworks display dates back to the feudal times, and people in Nagano boast Line to Nagano Sta. (East JR⻑野新幹線⻑野駅 Hokuriku Nagano Nagano .nagano- - Saigawa Daini- Taikai the skills required to make huge fireworks balls for a magnificent fireworks Exit) From there, walk 20 (東⼝) より徒歩20分又 北陸 ⻑野県 ⻑野市 ryokuchi Park ⻑野えびす講煙火大会 display.
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