Preslia 87: 163–194, 2015 163 Exploring patterns of variation within the central-European Tephroseris longifolia agg.: karyological and morphological study Karyologická a morfologická variabilita v rámci Tephroseris longifolia agg. Katarína O l š a v s k á1, Barbora Šingliarová1, Judita K o c h j a r o v á1,3, Zuzana Labdíková2,IvetaŠkodová1, Katarína H e g e d ü š o v á1 &MonikaJanišová1 1Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK-84523 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail:
[email protected]; 2Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Matej Bel, Tajovského 40, SK-97401 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia; 3Comenius University, Bratislava, Botanical Garden – detached unit, SK-03815 Blatnica, Slovakia Olšavská K., Šingliarová B., Kochjarová J., LabdíkováZ.,ŠkodováI.,HegedüšováK.&JanišováM. (2015): Exploring patterns of variation within the central-European Tephroseris longifolia agg.: karyological and morphological study. – Preslia 87: 163–194. Tephroseris longifolia agg. is an intricate complex of perennial outcrossing herbaceous plants. Recently, five subspecies with rather separate distributions and different geographic patterns were assigned to the aggregate: T. longifolia subsp. longifolia, subsp. pseudocrispa and subsp. gaudinii predominate in the Eastern Alps; the distribution of subsp. brachychaeta is confined to the northern and central Apennines and subsp. moravica is endemic in the Western Carpathians. Carpathian taxon T. l. subsp. moravica is known only from nine localities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic and is treated as an endangered taxon of European importance (according to Natura 2000 network). As the taxonomy of this aggregate is not comprehensively elaborated the aim of this study was to detect variability within the Tephroseris longifolia agg.