Driving Directions Google Map Position Full Directions Landmarks from Orgiva to Kaliyoga

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Driving Directions Google Map Position Full Directions Landmarks from Orgiva to Kaliyoga Driving Directions Google Map Position 36.898582 – 3.441095 Directions in brief: follow the Mediterranean coast to Motril, turn inland towards Granada and follow signs to Orgiva Full Directions On leaving the airport follow signs for Malaga and then signs for SEVILLA, CORDOBA, GRANADA, ALMERIA and MOTRIL (A7). After about 10kms the motorway splits into two motorways, it is important that you now keep to the left on the A7 in the direction of ALME‘IA ad MOT‘IL ad that you dot follow signs for Cordoba, Sevilla and Granada. You are on the Autovia del Meditaraneo driving east along the side of the sea. The name changes to Autovia de Sierra Nevada and you are now driving north and inland. Continue o this otoay util jutio aout ks fo the oast, ad tu off i the direction of ORGIVA and Las Alpujarras. The slip road brings you down the hill to the large dam and roundabout where you turn right towards ORGIVA. Keep going until you go through a tunnel, then turn left over the River Guadalfeo towards ORGIVA. Continue through ORGIVA town. Bear left at the traffic lights before the church, (signs are for A348 LANJARON & TREVELEZ). As you leave ORGIVA you will pass a small BP filling station near the bridge, then carry straight on and after 0.5km there is a larger BP filling station on the right. Landmarks from Orgiva to Kaliyoga Cotiue fo aout k ad you ill see Capig Pueta de la Alpujaa apsite o you left ith red pyramid-shaped roofs. (see photo 1) 2) Carry on about 400m – there is a short section of the straight road followed by a sharp right-had ed see photo & … “lo do at the Cheo. INDICATE LEFT and TURN LEFT immediately by the long green hedge and the community bin shed. photo 1 photo 2 photo 2 Now choose the track that runs between the glass-fronted bus stop and the sign for Olive Mill (photo 4). Dot e tepted y the othe tak ea the hedge, its a dead ed. Photo 4 Haig tued off the ai oad, die alog the uade tak sloly its uite upy. You ill pass a white farm building on the right ad the at the otto of the hill is a uildig alled Faiolat de Queso de las Alpujaas. Follo the oad to the LEFT… past aoud ate otaie o the ight… Cotiue staight o fo aout oe etes. Keep goig staight… Dot take ay turnings to the ight… youe ealy thee… the Kaliyoga sig is o the ight just afte the o of a steep uphill setio. .
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