The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union Covnty

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The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union Covnty THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COVNTY 24 Pages—5 Centi itrictions On Used Car Public Relations Head And Assistant Wato< Problem Held Local |ps Passed Over Pleas KS£X! j|§||Law Requires Seiv Year's Dm in-ngs Displacontesy oft NewsSpotlightDuringl954 own Cumin] w Id it.-- re- | Nativity Seene Saturday, j ; Takes Top 1'lace Elections Seen Close Runner-up ^f JHSkes for Town New Year I>:u .•'. II .m. in the , Build in, Ka-t i lir will For Top Page One Story Coverage « Approved Of ,H II. KIM Thlomas will he r'>'{ m:;.*- lip- "Dad" Pluii Dies at Age ^objections of local ail-' ""'"" n '" W^uivld'-; new may- <jvie (;<'ntn- Of 1 liy the WCJ 94 •"aifclerg who asked for a • "'.• •I" '"-' „•Charli r s ,P. Hailey, wll 1 1 f .Major Interest 18—Lewis to Ketire Prom Town - *ith the licensing com-1 <' 'l'' " <'"»• '•«"•<' ">\[•'«•' <•"• 'i'hv thtvr hi>xl displays i'ost •' final action, the1 A. I u, my Sava-e will he sworn I ho fiii;-i] Fur the second siiceessive year, Annual Ltnten Services Set niu.'i in the first wai'd cil Monday niplit on i in as counc vening, nyv First, ('ini.s H wnliu- was the subji'i't to irt't the to BeRin Murch 4 ^^^ipf 6-2, passed an ordi- ; and Willian A. Iiowvri, as eouneil- fl um !lu o4 'ranniipies wi.y, Nr.livity biggest coveraKT in the news here. Town Relations Council Slates iMBfeh sets up restrictions' "'"" ' ' -(""iiI'tli ward. Coun- second, Cliarles Hare, ," 02 Lin As early as January, the water Music Festival Mf't|»:i*eration of used car hits.! tilmu" "ether, K. Welch of (lie wood jilaec, ovcrtill house company made the heuillines when Mayor Bailey Chosen Ui Re- Hy other requirements t'hoi "''"' Wi'" "'' ''ouiicilinall Ar- 1 MRS. H. B. MACKIE MRS. H. FRED MONLEY tioii, and third, \V. L. Scliaub, tho firm came into contliet with ceive Golden Deeds Award ItcW It* Sets license fees ransrinir Ihlll" I>. HillU' l (if the tecond, who 25- Sinrlair jilaee, doiuway. the Interniunii'ipal Water Com- for 1!)5.'J |fi|pffW to $300, according to vetc re-elected in KuVLinlni, will The lust prize of ^50 was ilo- Charles H. Cassi'll to Run for b r mittee. Ill April cnmi! the increase f:tii».|fe Of the lot and restricts I ><^«»'<>- Two Women Named To Handle p.ateil hy Mr. lti'biens to the St. in the ntti' sehedult; of the com- Council tfa number to 11. ViiHTiil l>i> l'aul Society und tlie pany und iu late May, the first 25—lncivaseit Town Budget money will hi' ;-u'cn to a needy |[|5gEQ«M J, Dughi, attorney lcpre- pinches of the three moolh Adoplcil U BMted the dealers who Report on Water J family lieu, in \Ve:tlivhi. Second "ihillicit" were fell, The ii'SiiltinK attended March Of Dimes Publicity r Red Cross Drive Opening |tii;«««ting in force. Mr. Dughi priiU'of $", i was };iven to the West- rictiiius in the use of water Today u |,i(M tfc»t the dealers wciv "caught ticld Hesetie Siinad by Mis. Hare. UK the remaining sumnK'r Applicants for Boys Baseball N |A|* surprise" when the ordinance Study Released Woman's Club Gue»l Mrs. Henry II. Mackic is serving The tirst. three winners were also mimlhs and tlu; subsciiucnt im- League Register March « it W|M introduced Dec. i:i and that a.s director of publicity juid public Itivfii an enlu.K'ed photonraph of DONALD M. PEARSALL ;einents by the water company Kiulto Theatre thi'ir display. Hfclle parts of it might he accept- relations in tile loeul March <if muilo the "bij;- news" in many is- llonnell Bcicina Lenten Series Engineer* Propose Six additional "lionoi-aldc nictt- afcle, other sections were not. It's Dimes Campaign for the second sues. Next Thursday I fc«lic )}le» was for a conference tiiilis" wi'le n'iven ami a eel tilicatt- Lisl of Improvement** consecutive year. Mia. Maekie Local and state election con- Itackifiound of World Day of Ii batween a committee of dealers of turned is Ijein-- .sent these peo- Pearsall Gets ionics from Montreal, Camilla, and iUs held the spotlitfht on thu Prayer Outlined If and the licensing committee of the A detailed report to the com- ple thanking theni for their ex- lilioal iirws front with VVcstlicbl MARCH his lived iu Wiv.tliild fur tluce 1 'V Council immediately after the first munities served )>y the I'lailifleld- cellent co-opciati )n. The out- Treasurer^ Job iiiK' Hepuldican all tin way. The 1 <1 -Use of Elm Street School As years, yhe is an exemplar mem- .stiiridintf honorrldi mention was ; Of the year and he asked Hint the L'liioii Water Co., issued by Mal- ai'lection of a new iiiayor fin- Junior High Annex Bet —' ordinance be tabled until (lien. ber of Beta isifrmtt J 'Hi Interna- 11. 1'. Willits, fry, Woodbind live. colm PJrnie Engineers of New 1 Wi'stiield uftcr the ainiounci'mi'iit Famous Preachers' Irfnten ! 1 Tin. other awarils wen : Hubert 10. He pointed out that Weslfield N York was released today hy the tional Sorority, n mi'inbci of tho K<tiiin*; tlmti Mayor Charles 1'. Hailey wus Services Begin Tonight Dawsul), 10211 lrvilijiton avenue; MA the type of town that attracts firm hired to make a study of the \V«odiow Wilsiin School 1'TA and lot to bi> a ciindidute for the of- Democrat to Run for Coun- i Used car lots and that there arc facilities of the company, on tlu1 Andrew K. Donnfri, ,'101 Vcrnon Afu- 2l Yearn fice attain and tho Case contro- Elm Street PTA, and is also ac- 1 cilman From 4th Warii jilttcc; I '. KuKii'i-, 22 Stoneleinb actually only two here not ope ."_ | request uf the liitermunicipal Wa- tive- in Cub RroutinK. versy stand out us thu highlights Day of Prayer Observance l'urk; J. \V. Sv-:iillim, 250 llyslip l-Yceliulder \hnn\U\ M. IVursull ajed .by new car dealers. The !,•>(- ter Committee. in thi.s field. Tomorrow at St. Paul's * I ter, he said, must have property Assisting Mrs. Mackic is Mrs. uvenuc; CJcoruo II. Stimlz, 104 of 7-It) 1'iospeci fiti'i'cl. hus bovn The report stated that since th? 1 i -Dniley, Daub Enter Race tot iu (for the purpose of disposing of «» 11. Kiril, 112 KIliiiK'hnm Kiiubull eircb drive, mid II. L, nanicil (u sun**c(l Union (bounty 'fho completion and dedicutior 11 previous report presented to the 1 County Freeholder j many "trade-ina" as they can as t.lui-e, why muved to Weslticld two Whitenisht, 7,(1 l.enape trail. Treasurer Art hid N. J'icrsoli of if Ihe new Municipal liuildin^ HIM committee Juno IT), which dealt 1 Three More to Seek Seats on : an integral part of their business. yi-ui-s UKO fror.i West lliirtfunl, West field, ;IM<1 (hi Hoard of Kiw- l.ibruvy took the center o( thu mainly with the general aspects of Tlie lk'hreli- fust place display 1 Town Council If: But these, lie said, have always Conn. Last, fall Mr*. Monley was entered in the unnuul iin- JirjldrcN II;IH jt it non need tin jip- itaKe, in BO fui- as town ^ovein the water supply and distiiliution niciitai iiffnii's went. Other iinpor- • .•' bean kept in good shape mid well 1 serve.l as publicity diieelor for tional eulitest. wiiich is bein^ ppim- poinlincnt of A^.-eniblywonuiJi Funds to Equip Hew Munici- prohinns faced hy tin IMainticM 1 1 j policed by the dealers then the Westlii'ld UN Committee of ii'nci' 1', Dwi'i ) to tiiii'i'tu'il Mi, lunt ("iiuncil iictionii during the pal liuildinn Okeyed company, "further dulay in tht1 ii'l- sored by the (ieucal lOleetfic t'u. jHe stated that a majority elves, v.-hieh she is r. nieiniier, A mem- \ IV:n;-a)L year include: The Hah; of tin; old Ijuptist Pastor Is Second Len- vaiHi-nient oi' the It omul VniU'.y A photograph was enti'ii'd imme- dealers are residents of tin f the l»er of Henjaiuin Ktimkliii 1'TA When he assumes the oilier of Municipal UuilditiK on 1'rospi'ct ten Serins Speaker project. has oecurrt'd und ttii'tT U diately alter the judniniJ; last week pmunlty and are not averse to someonie- >he winked on tmblieity fur it> cminly treasurer ut. thu Hoard'H street and the sale of the old 1'uti- 18 •No Luck of Candidates In littU' prasptH't. that a regional sup- MISS MARIAN LOCKWOOD with a iletailcu description of the 'Insulation. He said, however, Unit rodeo fair in October. She I iin,i;'ani/.ution iiRvtin^ Monday, lie Library, and incroused pay for (iOP Primary Election ply will he available for this art a display. AnninmiTnicnts uf the "iey feared the "loose wording" uf i>-. a llll'lllbel of Westlield alliauco Mr. Pt'Ri'riiill will biiiiK t» tbatof- police, firemen and town officials. Officials Burn Mortgage at within tiie next few years. winner.-; of this contest will be ift ordinance, "which in (.thei i,f Delta Delta Delta, iiuiiii. within tile next week. A lire many yeius experience in thu Important. Hoard of Kdiicution Y'a 25th Anniversary 1 Club Schedules 1 action saw new boundaries for nil ,nds could become mast opjuos- "Over ttie paat 10 years th*.
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