THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COVNTY 24 Pages—5 Centi itrictions On Used Car Public Relations Head And Assistant Wato< Problem Held Local |ps Passed Over Pleas KS£X! j|§||Law Requires Seiv Year's Dm in-ngs Displacontesy oft NewsSpotlightDuringl954 own Cumin] w Id it.-- re- | Nativity Seene Saturday, j ; Takes Top 1'lace Elections Seen Close Runner-up ^f JHSkes for Town New Year I>:u .•'. II .m. in the , Build in, Ka-t i lir will For Top Page One Story Coverage « Approved Of ,H II. KIM Thlomas will he r'>'{ m:;.*- lip- "Dad" Pluii Dies at Age ^objections of local ail-' ""'"" n '" W^uivld'-; new may- <jvie (;<'ntn- Of 1 liy the WCJ 94 •"aifclerg who asked for a • "'.• •I" '"-' „•Charli r s ,P. Hailey, wll 1 1 f .Major Interest 18—Lewis to Ketire Prom Town - *ith the licensing com-1 <' 'l'' " <'"»• '•«"•<' ">\[•'«•' <•"• 'i'hv thtvr hi>xl displays i'ost •' final action, the1 A. I u, my Sava-e will he sworn I ho fiii;-i] Fur the second siiceessive year, Annual Ltnten Services Set niu.'i in the first wai'd cil Monday niplit on i in as counc vening, nyv First, ('ini.s H wnliu- was the subji'i't to irt't the to BeRin Murch 4 ^^^ipf 6-2, passed an ordi- ; and Willian A. Iiowvri, as eouneil- fl um !lu o4 'ranniipies wi.y, Nr.livity biggest coveraKT in the news here. Town Relations Council Slates iMBfeh sets up restrictions' "'"" ' ' -(""iiI'tli ward. Coun- second, Cliarles Hare, ," 02 Lin As early as January, the water Music Festival Mf't|»:i*eration of used car hits.! tilmu" "ether, K. Welch of (lie wood jilaec, ovcrtill house company made the heuillines when Mayor Bailey Chosen Ui Re- Hy other requirements t'hoi "''"' Wi'" "'' ''ouiicilinall Ar- 1 MRS. H. B. MACKIE MRS. H. FRED MONLEY tioii, and third, \V. L. Scliaub, tho firm came into contliet with ceive Golden Deeds Award ItcW It* Sets license fees ransrinir Ihlll" I>. HillU' l (if the tecond, who 25- Sinrlair jilaee, doiuway. the Interniunii'ipal Water Com- for 1!)5.'J |fi|pffW to $300, according to vetc re-elected in KuVLinlni, will The lust prize of ^50 was ilo- Charles H. Cassi'll to Run for b r mittee. Ill April cnmi! the increase f:tii».|fe Of the lot and restricts I ><^«»'<>- Two Women Named To Handle p.ateil hy Mr. lti'biens to the St. in the ntti' sehedult; of the com- Council tfa number to 11. ViiHTiil l>i> l'aul Society und tlie pany und iu late May, the first 25—lncivaseit Town Budget money will hi' ;-u'cn to a needy |[|5gEQ«M J, Dughi, attorney lcpre- pinches of the three moolh Adoplcil U BMted the dealers who Report on Water J family lieu, in \Ve:tlivhi. Second "ihillicit" were fell, The ii'SiiltinK attended March Of Dimes Publicity r Red Cross Drive Opening |tii;«««ting in force. Mr. Dughi priiU'of $", i was };iven to the West- rictiiius in the use of water Today u |,i(M tfc»t the dealers wciv "caught ticld Hesetie Siinad by Mis. Hare. UK the remaining sumnK'r Applicants for Boys Baseball N |A|* surprise" when the ordinance Study Released Woman's Club Gue»l Mrs. Henry II. Mackic is serving The tirst. three winners were also mimlhs and tlu; subsciiucnt im- League Register March « it W|M introduced Dec. i:i and that a.s director of publicity juid public Itivfii an enlu.K'ed photonraph of DONALD M. PEARSALL ;einents by the water company Kiulto Theatre thi'ir display. Hfclle parts of it might he accept- relations in tile loeul March <if muilo the "bij;- news" in many is- llonnell Bcicina Lenten Series Engineer* Propose Six additional "lionoi-aldc nictt- afcle, other sections were not. It's Dimes Campaign for the second sues. Next Thursday I fc«lic )}le» was for a conference tiiilis" wi'le n'iven ami a eel tilicatt- Lisl of Improvement** consecutive year. Mia. Maekie Local and state election con- Itackifiound of World Day of Ii batween a committee of dealers of turned is Ijein-- .sent these peo- Pearsall Gets ionics from Montreal, Camilla, and iUs held the spotlitfht on thu Prayer Outlined If and the licensing committee of the A detailed report to the com- ple thanking theni for their ex- lilioal iirws front with VVcstlicbl MARCH his lived iu Wiv.tliild fur tluce 1 'V Council immediately after the first munities served )>y the I'lailifleld- cellent co-opciati )n. The out- Treasurer^ Job iiiK' Hepuldican all tin way. The 1 <1 -Use of Elm Street School As years, yhe is an exemplar mem- .stiiridintf honorrldi mention was ; Of the year and he asked Hint the L'liioii Water Co., issued by Mal- ai'lection of a new iiiayor fin- Junior High Annex Bet —' ordinance be tabled until (lien. ber of Beta isifrmtt J 'Hi Interna- 11. 1'. Willits, fry, Woodbind live. colm PJrnie Engineers of New 1 Wi'stiield uftcr the ainiounci'mi'iit Famous Preachers' Irfnten ! 1 Tin. other awarils wen : Hubert 10. He pointed out that Weslfield N York was released today hy the tional Sorority, n mi'inbci of tho K<tiiin*; tlmti Mayor Charles 1'. Hailey wus Services Begin Tonight Dawsul), 10211 lrvilijiton avenue; MA the type of town that attracts firm hired to make a study of the \V«odiow Wilsiin School 1'TA and lot to bi> a ciindidute for the of- Democrat to Run for Coun- i Used car lots and that there arc facilities of the company, on tlu1 Andrew K. Donnfri, ,'101 Vcrnon Afu- 2l Yearn fice attain and tho Case contro- Elm Street PTA, and is also ac- 1 cilman From 4th Warii jilttcc; I '. KuKii'i-, 22 Stoneleinb actually only two here not ope ."_ | request uf the liitermunicipal Wa- tive- in Cub RroutinK. versy stand out us thu highlights Day of Prayer Observance l'urk; J. \V. Sv-:iillim, 250 llyslip l-Yceliulder \hnn\U\ M. IVursull ajed .by new car dealers. The !,•>(- ter Committee. in thi.s field. Tomorrow at St. Paul's * I ter, he said, must have property Assisting Mrs. Mackic is Mrs. uvenuc; CJcoruo II. Stimlz, 104 of 7-It) 1'iospeci fiti'i'cl. hus bovn The report stated that since th? 1 i -Dniley, Daub Enter Race tot iu (for the purpose of disposing of «» 11. Kiril Moi.ky, 112 KIliiiK'hnm Kiiubull eircb drive, mid II. L, nanicil (u sun**c(l Union (bounty 'fho completion and dedicutior 11 previous report presented to the 1 County Freeholder j many "trade-ina" as they can as t.lui-e, why muved to Weslticld two Whitenisht, 7,(1 l.enape trail. Treasurer Art hid N. J'icrsoli of if Ihe new Municipal liuildin^ HIM committee Juno IT), which dealt 1 Three More to Seek Seats on : an integral part of their business. yi-ui-s UKO fror.i West lliirtfunl, West field, ;IM<1 (hi Hoard of Kiw- l.ibruvy took the center o( thu mainly with the general aspects of Tlie lk'hreli- fust place display 1 Town Council If: But these, lie said, have always Conn. Last, fall Mr*. Monley was entered in the unnuul iin- JirjldrcN II;IH jt it non need tin jip- itaKe, in BO fui- as town ^ovein the water supply and distiiliution niciitai iiffnii's went. Other iinpor- • .•' bean kept in good shape mid well 1 serve.l as publicity diieelor for tional eulitest. wiiich is bein^ ppim- poinlincnt of A^.-eniblywonuiJi Funds to Equip Hew Munici- prohinns faced hy tin IMainticM 1 1 j policed by the dealers then the Westlii'ld UN Committee of ii'nci' 1', Dwi'i ) to tiiii'i'tu'il Mi, lunt ("iiuncil iictionii during the pal liuildinn Okeyed company, "further dulay in tht1 ii'l- sored by the (ieucal lOleetfic t'u. jHe stated that a majority elves, v.-hieh she is r. nieiniier, A mem- \ IV:n;-a)L year include: The Hah; of tin; old Ijuptist Pastor Is Second Len- vaiHi-nient oi' the It omul VniU'.y A photograph was enti'ii'd imme- dealers are residents of tin f the l»er of Henjaiuin Ktimkliii 1'TA When he assumes the oilier of Municipal UuilditiK on 1'rospi'ct ten Serins Speaker project. has oecurrt'd und ttii'tT U diately alter the judniniJ; last week pmunlty and are not averse to someonie- >he winked on tmblieity fur it> cminly treasurer ut. thu Hoard'H street and the sale of the old 1'uti- 18 •No Luck of Candidates In littU' prasptH't. that a regional sup- MISS MARIAN LOCKWOOD with a iletailcu description of the 'Insulation. He said, however, Unit rodeo fair in October. She al.su I iin,i;'ani/.ution iiRvtin^ Monday, lie Library, and incroused pay for (iOP Primary Election ply will he available for this art a display. AnninmiTnicnts uf the "iey feared the "loose wording" uf i>-. a llll'lllbel of Westlield alliauco Mr. Pt'Ri'riiill will biiiiK t» tbatof- police, firemen and town officials. Officials Burn Mortgage at within tiie next few years. winner.-; of this contest will be ift ordinance, "which in (.thei i,f Delta Delta Delta, iiuiiii. within tile next week. A lire many yeius experience in thu Important. Hoard of Kdiicution Y'a 25th Anniversary 1 Club Schedules 1 action saw new boundaries for nil ,nds could become mast opjuos- "Over ttie paat 10 years th*.
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