VOL. Iurtliant D J O I M L G D E Mocrat M.Isox, MICIIW.In. Siij/Inainiaii
MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21,1880. NO. 43 VOL. V. Trophy. I.OCAI.. AND GGlVEnAL. NEliVS. DEMOCRATIC MEKTIMSS. Your Folks nnd Our Folk.s. This Hnmbleloninn Sinllion will make a Iurtliant djoimlg Democrat >Vniito.d. HON. H. P. HKNDERSON, Henry McNeil, now nf Lainsbiirg, wns in fall season at our stables in Mason, from Oct. 1st to Dec. Ihth, nt the low price of Published every Thursday Onions, Potatoes, and Hoans, wanted nl Maaon'.s own candidate for Attorney Gen the city calling on friends Sunday. hy lflQ.OO for the season, with the privilege once. flu.s'T & Ellis. eral, on the Democratic Stato ticket, hns Homer Cornell and wife of fjanaing, wore nf returning free of charge in ISSl tdl that M. 1». WII ITMOnE, consented lo address tho eiti'/.cna of Mason, in tho city calling on friends 'i'uosday. , do not prove in foal. All who intend using M.iSOX, MICIIW.iN. Circulation thia weak, 1,568. upon the political isaucs of the day, nt the this fashionable bred trotting sire should A. L. '.Vanderconk has been ([uite sick do HO, as he will never stand for as low n court house nn Monday evening, Nov. 1st,' Bay City had a l> 10,000 fire Monday but is again nblo to attend to business. price,ai;ain. Respectfully yours, One Yonr, $1.50 ; Sin montha, 7S oenia ; Three tho last evening boforo the eventful 2d of L. C. •Weiir, nife'ht. Dr. Daniel Campbell of Rclmont, Cana monlhi, 40 csnla. November. He is entitled to a full houae.
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