Leave It To The Seabees of the dentist, vis

Geo. A. MODowell, Boise, Idaho. ,Nell M. Robinson, Lewiston, Idaha.'. Prosecuting attorney for Latah county 1940-42. years at, Higby, Boise,

silg'I I RECORDER lies 'l." irs.i s it." is.i'e r: i< its l llj w,l ~ il I,I, t I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR VOTE ON Bessie Babcock. Moscow, Idaho. COUNTY SHERIFF< COUNTY SHKRIF

I COUNTY CORONER ates. H. R. Short, Moscow, Idaho. (Paid political adv.) g'a i'~ lli!)l l H,FATkR PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN PRECINCT COMMXTTEEMKN Bear Creek Precinct Bear Creek Precin

I ~ .4e-e eci: Here's your chance Farmington Precinct Genesee Precinct to win this beautiful, COLEMAN Genesee Precinct Harvard Precinct s efficient HOME HEATER Harvard Precinct Juliaetta Precinct bein j given away orey at this store Juliaetta Prei< imuch'better an'd in looking ahead to'the second quar- 'lighting 'being the chief ones." from the frozen'foods case at Blew- are more contented than thei ~ Grocery-Market in Kendteick, -one at '11:00.o'lock." 'brolhers. ter century of farm electrification Martin points out that limited in- etts The;man inside glanced at the in the souIheist;wiie..." progress in Idaho. 'Martin is secre- vestigations wttit electromagnetic Pick them from our case. l-adv, clock. "Hell,.man," he boomed cheer- (qteoted'from'the oCoregressionat Record,"-3/9/48.) I tary of Idaho's farm electrification radiation, infrared, ultraviolet, and fully, '-'you'ye got all the time in the committee, now observing the state' visible'ortions of the spectrum indi- Don't forget —'Building .Supplies ,world. It.'s,'just 11:00,now." 'esu 'ssi Rssesli 'i%i sl' ~ "ress 'enlrrr ' silver jubilee of farm electrification cate immense possi'bilities of income- of all kinds are available at the Greatly relieved, his friend came progress. I'producing value 'to farmers. Kirkpatrick Lumber Co., in Julia- .fn. Reader'..Digest. 'Il "t "A of Idaho ultrasonics and I etta. l-adv, —, I farms "Early with <4e'i.l.l'f3 ltll I I I ['I- survey today results i e i e 1e .'e tie eei < il.'see e e eeiit iee ~ i-II! <- ee, I-silk'I a-l-l.l.I t"

::contributed in the interests of 'National Security by the Friends of D. Worth Clark E'I.'MAW Nominate A I L"I c 7 H Representative for L ':.' "SKINT , F- Idaho and America'NEED ' Assessor The Man You"Can Trust er'. Vote for 'r An American 'Democrat, i(J 'ote" for our 'ormer i Senator -vtehose I'I ,I. lf. I,, te,,l RECORD:is beyond.reproach! Contributed in"the interests of National Security :I "ltl'II 'I 'by Friends of D. Worth Clark I I ', , I.'!.'iZA.t s,, orm asking all Republicans to join me in a Republican Candidate +in PFOST two-fisted fight Latah County against Com- munism and the :EQUALITY 'for ALL Socialistic Fair Deal."

%ATHNlN 'E. ; III I, *It's time for a change! It's time for young, E I aggressive, decisive leadership to combat communism ress and socialism within our country. It's time for a change!i in Republican ranks within Idaho, 'tcm, because Idaho Write-in Candidate for'the needs new blood and a new face in Washington. WELKER has everything you want and need in 'the Bhepubli'can 'U. -..Dsyssotratic'Priyaary,...... ,,.... hugust 8 S. Senate U.S. Senate... youth, energy, education, experience. And:what's exceedingly important if you want to get Six-year term 'hings eD'ONE, he has a dynamic personality and speakingetalent that'wins frie»ds and for %'.ORLD PEAiGE 'YOUR Republican "Candidate'For support any WIhL'%'EVER BE he sponsors. You can WIN WITH WELKER 'ause lathen'you vcete for him August "S! A'TXAEMB 'GOVERNOR

~ Until we compel, (by regis- Pannsri:Stockmant Automobile Deal- Political adv. paid for by tered:vote) these 45 to .80 er! VetssIant, Experienced Legislatorl '%elkertfor.-'Sereettor Commt tice old war ,Ken Jordan has a grassroots knowl- year presistors, to 'edge of the -way idaho,peOpler make tt's: back ..their convictions .with living. Self.supporting - since age '16, iTHEIR OWN L'IVES. he's -made a. success of eveiy,project he's undertaken. Elec'f R'%%US I.ICttte.'Ill If .you are in accord, let the world know it by writing in .NATHAN 'E. HESTON ~~~MPJP~ II U. S. Senate I ~ E The Only NEW -Face Republican Ticket 6-Year in the Race! Term (Pd. Pol. Adv.)

ADVERTISEtlIENT s- .-i 0 "The career of our senior Sena- — — i — ~88jlstas..siams.tss- tor from Ida'ho — —~ - reminds me of r the experience of Idaho needs the loyal And efficient service of a iscandinavian e in the U. S, Senate. His pioneer neighbor of mine who, record speaks for itself! bought a promis- of service Senator ing-looking In- During 11 years dian pony to Dworshak answered 1403 of the 1524 Roll Calls 'wo k on h'tump —an attendance record of 92%. ranch. 'l iaeIttttl I tWith a great Senator Dworshak's experience includes deial of Patience, >~pry C', I 2 I Hon hampton 8 years in the House and 3 years in the ihe,.gentled hia Cast Your Ballot new horse, feed- Senate. He ihas served on the: powerful for ing him, currying him, putting on the harness, training him :Appropriation Committees in both the to work'by pulling a light wagon, then the Bause and Seiiate. Those years of experi- Henry 9tNorshak Qx p'low. One day, halfway down the Republican .Primary furrow, his horse heard the whinny ence in Congress are invaluable to Idaho. For U. S. Senator cef a wild horse running down the August:8, 1950 road. The,8candinavianes work horse lunged in the harness, ~broke the . traces, pulled the linea out of the JOHN farmer's hands, and took off after An independent can- SANBORN has worked hard and long t0 the, horses running wild through the didate not backed by protect the mining industry in coun'I!he. 1<>,o Idaho. As a member of the The farmer turned to his brother any special group- ~ Mjtnes and Mming Committee in hLe disgust and disappointment not obligated to any- he introduced legislation in "Yim, both his first and and saiel: Yim, he is only a second 'ayuse." (Paid Pot. Adv.) one, but supported terms to put the United States back on by leading Republi- ',I'I a sound cui'rency basis. Edwin M. (Judge) Holden cans all over the

state. ', e~ JOHN SANBORN appeared many times before the Tariff Commission to object to reductions Ik 'li,'II,,l, li'

  • Reilly Atkinson, a member of the Veterans of JOHN SANBORN is all set, ready to start Foreign Wars and a strong advocate of intelligent, a strong effective service for the people of America, will fight io keep America free from any Idaho the day he is slvorn in tinge of Communism or Socialism. as United States He is against Senator from Id1ho the CVA, the Brannan Plan, Socialized Medicine and any other form of Socialism. JOHN SANBORN j THE MAN th R p„b!' 'Reilly Candidate for Nomination Atkinson will give Idaho a business. like, of Idaho can elect in the November election. for United economical and efficient administration of state Vote to nominate— States Senator affairs. (fouJ-year term) Democratic Ticket Reillv Atldnson for Governor Committee Opposed to war, but world con- jGHH SASGRN ditions being what they are„wc <>Inli'„ U. S. Senator should be fully prepared to ln- ll I,I', I sfnntly and successfully defend > '.t lgv idaho our- IA I!tl IVII I s REPUBLICANS FOR VICTORY selves if seuddenly attssckesL THE KKNDRICK GAZE ll'E THUIRSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1950

    THE KENDRICK GAITTE CHURCH sIQTICES IT BETTEBti published every Thursday morning at Kendrick Community Church I yoiI'll sAYE NoNEY AND Do Kendrick, Idalfo, by W. L. McCreary Sunday School at 9:Sp,a. m.. ~ " d ! Subscription, $2.00 .per year Serving The Fine"-t ,Strictly Le+d Methodist Church , B.EGoodxjtch Independent in Politica Sundaiy School at 9:30 a. m. Entered at the postoffice at Ken- 'aa drick, Idaho, as second class mail .Cameron Emmanuel Church matter Rev. Theo. Meske. Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a. m, FOOD AND DRINKS Wednesday s Markets Worship Service at 10:45 a. m. tractor tForty Fo]d bu]k ~ Congregat onal meeting following the ---- $1 9p Service F~mation,'bulk ...—...—..—...—...,—..41 90 - Rex, bulk That Money Can Buy —In Air ...... „...... i$1,90 Juliaetta Lutheran Chtstch

    Rev. Theo. Meske, Pastor CgtN . ----"$ Iyg ~ CCCdtdt CdtSr CNttt dttt Oats, 1pp, bujk ...... ,.. 2'40 No Services. ~ Iiyss Ds ls s yssr BUIrs asar Barley 100 bulk $22p Hannah Barley . ~M~ — ~ cctN dec-cctcc icci Conditioned Comfort ...... (No quote) With j deepest gratitude we. extend C ~s UONIN this word of thanks for the many 'h„n~ B F G~d, ~ a~or ------..-$7.40 kind acts of sympathy expressed by are positively gives you maximum ------$ ouspiilk other leading 600 thoughtful friends. These kindnesses 1 dhawbar puli; Come In And Eat With Us ernsd 100 ------$6 00 have. meant much to us. —Mrs. I tractor tires. Itodo >00 ------...--....$6.00 tI —— Archie May, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Power OOIt! 100. —------*-.$600 May and Family, Mr. andi Mrs. War- the center to really bite ia Bnd puHt Se clccc g ~ Clover Seed, ney May and 'Famay, Mra 'Dora Tice ~Ctccicl ccccc bccccc ecch for E4gS 1 'D > ke Clover, 100 ...... $26.00 Taylor. ttttt ccccdotc te Dutch, 100 ...... $70.00 Egg wraps —Deum Large, Grade A ...... ;...... ,....45c 'T~~~~ Est of Ch rence Addison Alex 1 EEE~MI~ I I~isl lIIedium, Grade A ...... t Tractor Tire 1 Stnttll, Grade A „...... ,...... ander, Decetlsed 'Ridge Front Notice is hereby given by . the —Aids dtcccicd —Hciitc Pcotccc Croita ~t undersigned, admintstratrix of the 't(I Butter, pound 68c ...... ------55 estate of Clarence Addison Alexan- BURT'S CONFECTIONERY der creditors BUT tEMI ~".'~tc'T~' deceased, to the of I Tires''Are Popu. and, all persons having .claims Proving BURT AND VERA SOUDERS against the s'aid deceased, to exhibit ! lar Everywhere —Get Yours Now. them with the necessary vouchers ! Tonsorial Service KENDRI(K BEAN IIROWERS AS'N same 'being the place for the trans- action of the business of said estate, KEHDRI(K, IDAHO '$0 in Latah, County, State of Idaho. QI'le gS PEARL ALEXANDER, ::n Stoc.z

    t Adminis tratrix. ttctcd ci Mcccctc, Idtdtd, ]eaSe June 30, 1950 First 1950. pub. July 6, t ~I s ) Last pub. Aug. 3, 1950, 0 I:4-4 I.':1 I:I:44:= D>Ck S Baybel Shap J, M. O'Donnell, Atty, >moscow. Soe.ium Cz orate Odc+++++++OcHcetc~+c)tec4ttrc+++ Ac)tee~~ c)ttddt++i)celt+ t)to4+++++ttcctc)t+ clco)tet++e$ +t)t DICK CUDDY KENDRICK NOTICE TO CREDITORS '.Ii In The Prdbate Court of Latah for Treating Noxious Weeds County, State of Idaho CROCKER'S GUN SHOP. In The Matter of the Estate of e ( W. B.'eobald, Deceased, Kendrick, Idaho NOTICE Ia HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned Administratrix of QUN B~G, REPAIRING the Estalte of W. B. Deobald, de.- Clearwater Bar Association Kendrick Rochdale Company NEW SIGHTS ceased, the creditors of, and all + to + KENDRICK, IDAHO GUNS AND AlIMUNITION persons having claims tagainst said deceased, to exhibit "them with the + HAS EPlDORSED THE CANDIDACY OF SHOP AT RESIDENCE necessary vouchers within four (4) months after the'0th day of 'July, 1950, the first publication of this notice, to the said Administratrix The KeIIdrick Beauty at Kendrick, Idaho, or at the office JUSTICE C. J, TAYLOR RELIABLE WATCH AND JEWELRY l of IRobert W. Peterson, attorney for said estate, in the Medical Arts and REPAIRING Jhspss Professional Building, Moscow, Ida- and KNEZ 'RlCITAGE ho, the same being'he places for Prompt Service Guaranteed OI EN TUESDAYS THROUGH the transaction of the business of 'estate State FRIDAYS EACH WEEK this in Latah County, "II of Idaho. W. THOMAS VfE SOLICIT YOUR REPAIR %0RK BY MAIL Menday or SIttltrday Work".'by this 18th of July,1950 'R, DARWIN Dated day . . Appointment Only DEOBALD, 'iLSIE I c PHONE 841 KENDRICK Administratrix. THE 6EM SHOP First pub. July 20, 1950. for =Pf Last pub. Aug. 17, 1950. J~ Robert W. Peterson, Atty., Moscow. 108 East Third Street Moscow, Idaho;.:II! '-: JUSTICES OF THE IDAHO I :==!,) ' I@I&8 Under New Manageinent SUPREME COURT ~I'i I >;4i s'>I: I ',II!i -k3 I Bud's Barber at the I Shop I PiWEII@rey Bud McPherson, Prop. Primar'y Election c V > ~ I k NIXI'on't ~ Formerly of Bushman's Barber I be under-insured. Shop —Lewiston See us now for complete PARTICULAR WORK FOR + THE MAN WHO CARES August 8, 1950 'land proper protection. ctd Dependable service! TAVERN BLDG. 'Sa1:ureay .'vening ) Juliaetta, Idaho Be Sure and Vote the Judicial Nominating Ballot g NORTHWESTERN ccc I cl ltdtct c ~ c ~ t ~ I ~ c 'tctttc I "Luckey" Sheppard And Clearwater Bar Associ- ~ MARVIN LONG AGENCY +~ (This ad. paid for by the II KENDRICK, IDAHO Bette's Beauty ation, comprising lawyers of Clearwater, Idaho, ~+ Latah, Lewis and Nez Perce Counties.) I His Band I Parlor d I +pc)tcdde++++++t)t++4t+++++++4c+4c+c)t+cccc++tlt++++t)t++4c+++ 4c+)t+4c+ )tt)tt)t MACHINE AND MACHINE- LESS PERMANENTS SANDWICHES FINGER WAVING Undergo Tonsillectomies I SHAMPOOING ANB GENERAL WANT ADS. Mrs. R. J. Scoles of Cavendish BEAUTY SERVICE underwent a tonsillectomy July 29, SOFT DRINKS Closed Monday and Tuesday "SACKS PATCHED —at the Ken- and Earl Thomas, tDeary,'on July 31, Except by Appohitment drick Shoe Shop. 2?-4x at the office of Dr. Christensen. Call 1392 t Both are recovering nicely. ICE COLD BEER Dr. D. A. Christensen FOR SALE —Bulk grain tank with g D Nesbit Building —Kendrick auger, on wheels. Marvin Silflow, The Inside Track! Phone 1391 Kendrick. 31-1x An old lady, who is assistant ward- robe mistresa of a current musical SALESMAN WANTED to represent comedy, came into the Hotel Aster O~. firm last year ...". branch of a brokerage . The Idaho (Gem) Motor Club, ':4 HAULING Inc., in'endrick territory. Must to invest her savings. She placed an FOR LIGHT have car, be over 25, neat ap- order for 1(IO shares of So. Pacific, pearing. Can earn $300 to $700 which she got at $35,per share. I BOB MAGNUSON CALL per month. If you qualify write to was in the office some months later when she came in to get her check 733R OR 05i Wm, C. Henrikaon, Box 149, Lew- "You'e t'a a 'a aaaaaaaaaaaaaa c iston, Ida. 29-3 for a nice profit of $1,800. aaa got to have real inside information FOR SALE —Fryers. Mrs, Arthur to make money on the stock mar- TRADE IN KENDRICK- AT HOME Johns. Phone 503. 30-2 ket," she said with a wink. The broker hasn't yet had the DON'T FORGEP —The Kirkpatrick heart to tell her that the So. Pacii'io ~ Lumber Co., Juliaetta, can furnishi she bought was a railroad, not a you with building supplies of all musical comedy. —Reader's Digest. kinds, 9-tf TO FAMILIES Farm. Six Like rabbit? Get them at Bleiwett'e, FOR SALE —Park-View Grocery-Market in Kendrick. 1-adv rm. house, bath and fruit rm. Part WE HAVE NEVER A Apri- brick. Nice lawn. Cherry Everything for building is avail- cot orchard, strawberries, raspber- SERVED ar- able at the Kirkpatrick Lumber Co., ries, grapes. Electricity. City Juliaetta. Low in price. 1-adv. tesian water, 20 acres plow land, 50 acres pasture with never fail Those who have never had occasion springs —$5,900. E. O. McA11Lster, NEW HEARING AID to engage the services of a funeral Juliaetta, owner. 35-tf BATTERY CHARGER 'CUTS IHEARING COSTS director must rely upon what others FOR SALE —Farm 2 miles north The new Mercury battery devised for when inevitable need arises. of Kendrick, 140 acres, about 16 the armed services, and constantly say, the acres alfalfa ground spring water; improved during the last four yeaTTE, For almost fifty years Vassar fair buildings, Write Box 65, I ew- is now safe to charge. The RM 1 is have been noted for profes- iston, Idaho. 31-4 the smallest battery ever made for a Rawls hear'ing aid, being less than a thimble sional skill, fair dealing, liberal pol- WANTED WORK —Would like to ranch in size, and the charger cuts the cost help with house work on of operation to a neiv low. The Mer- licies. during harvest. Shelia Westendahl. 31-1 cury battery differs from the carbon Phone 462. type bv giving a full level tone from, This reputation is your safe guide in SALE —'40 Chev. Coupe. the time you start using it, until calling a funeral home. FOR is finished. can be charged from Good shape, $400.00. Ernest Bram- it It Southwick. 30-2x 2 to 8 times. RAY FARNELL 4 AS- mer, SOCIATES, W. 335 8prague Ave., I HAVE some nice homes in Julia- Spokane, Wash., distributors of tho etta For Sale: 1 new 6-room 3- famous "BELTONE HEARING AID" bed room house with 6 lots in the are pleased to bring you better hear- VASSAR-RAWLS FUNERAL HOME best part of town; also new small ing at a lower cost. For full informs house with 3 lots —both good tion FREE, ~rite Ray Farnell today. Telephone 333 Lewiston, Idaho buys. Also, some farms worth Also show this important neslw to a the money. —Travis Real Estate, friend who may be hard of hearing. t Kendrick —See Jack. '- 31-1 Do it nowt (Adv.) THE KENDRICK GAZETTE THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, iS50

    Mrs. Harold Pressnall, Mrs. Irvin Fry, Mrs. IRollin Armitage, Miss Via~ ~ Kendrick Theatre ~~".nal,„h";„„e',b"",a'h-"„'„','', v rjPI V ) . o1:a1ci about 35 children, and Sunday even- j ing presented a program to show the learn- II PAIIL DOUOLAS parents what the children had L, /J LINDA DARNELL ed in such a short time. Much credit CELESTE HOLM shouldl be given the teachers who I all their time and effort to 'onated help the children, ' CO-OPERATIVE CSEA309LY —In- PUBLISHED BY THE KENDRIOK GOLDEN RULE CC s ~ibert Lawrence,.wIo'had'.the UP FOR SCHOOL 'OTICE: EVeryi2pdy DOeS misfort'une to'reak a leg on. the NEW SHIPMENT. STOCK as well . yy 20th of July, is getting along TO OUR CREAM PATRONS- as can be expected,.at the Orofino HAVE YOUR SIZE! hospital. Oscar Lawrence and Joan, WHILE WE Due to difficulty in trying to please our cream Vollie Wyman and son visited him Sunday afternoon. ; customers —some of whom prefer being paid once some following Joe Owens and. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph : a month, some twice a month, and SHOWS'BEGIN AT "I:00 P. M. Stage and son were among the Lew- . 'each'can we have decided, that- iston visitors on Wed'nesday. ., delivery of — ''dmfsslon 1st' check w'ill be $5c ., Mr. and Mrs. Orval Skaggs and heginning August your cream daughters of Ahsahka visited at, the 'ut the day following delivery. Glen Betts home -Wednesday even- We ar'e trying our utmost to please our cream ing. Mrs. Carl Finke and family called 'LUE AND GREY CHAMBRAY shippers, and if you have.a'omplaint, please don' at the Tom Armitage home Thurs- FROM THE,Sou T22wrOK AREA evening. iI hesitate to tell us. We,.the employees of this cream- day EACH $f49 Mr. and Mrs. Vollie Wyman and 8, cry, want you —the producer —to make this the Mr. and Mrs. Rtmell Rodgers and family and his mother, of Culdesac, 'best place to market your cream and eggs. Mrs. Millie Harris. were dinner visited her sister mrs. Oscar Law- I~> guests in the .Charlie . Harris home and patronage will enable us to rence and family; SImday. Your help Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Everett Neum nn an asset to your town and r. and Mrs, areal Southwick and~ recent visitors at the make this. creamery daughter of Boise are here, visiting and son were How-'Carl Finke. home. If community. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. '' ard Southwick and other relatives. ~ ~ X Wiston VLitors oh Mr and Mrs Wilmer Ha~ and Caroline were )e And Don'. Forget Those Empty Milk Bottles!!! . sons Darreil and Vernon took Mrs., I Kenneth Pearson. and Hazelwood and son'o their Mr. and Mrs. i Bill down- from Coeur over the family came home at proctor, B, C., O'Alene Sunday to visit her parenb9, —— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin, remainillg ~~~a+ Mr. and 1Urrs. Virgil Harris and Cottonwood Monday luntil Thursday. 5'gg Doug. were at Mr. and Mrs. Chester Martin and KAYE CHEESE —.lb. and called m t'e W. A. Torgerson Lewiston spent Sunday and I and Goff Eckert homes sons of, Monday at, the 'Roy Martin home. Darwin Tarry took Henry Kazd Mr. and VELVETTA AND AMERICAN CHEESE— Joseph's hospital in I ew-, Loy Martin of Orrlngemont; to the St. Mrs. Ishmael Martin, Mary Jane 2 teton Tuesday morning, for medi, friend''of lbs.. 9 Martin andI a Lelyiston, and I Martin were aho Su'nday A< and Mrs. Bob Hill and M Stanley Mr. visitors in the Martin home. CORN —Dozen Ears L Li L Vina Southwick of'ewiston werc LOCAL 4 Sunday visitors in the 'Darwin Tar-3 About Politics ry home. Mrs. Jane Crow and chil- ~ dren of Clarkston and Lester Hill, In this issue of the Gazette will ORANGES —Large —Dozen,'9 son of Mr, and Mrs. Hill, returned ~ be found the campaign advertise- home with them after spending the ments of many candidates, for both past week with Mr. and Mrs. Dar-. parties —columns of them. LEMONS —Dozen 4 win Tarry. As in the past, any politics ap- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hanks and pearing in 'the Gazette, is paid mat- 'I ~ OVEN FRESH —2-lb. Package s ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Southwick and ter, whether'o 'stated above or 4 J ~ family of Lewiston were week-end below the ad. or otherwise. visitors in the Howard Southwick I We play no favorites. Almost FROM home. ~without exception'hose in politics BROWNIE BULK COOKIES —FRESH ~ L \ Miss. Anabelle Cuddy of Lewiston are there for the money to be gained THE OVEN has ,'been spending her vacation here I therein. We make part of our living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. by advertising —so politicians pay I, ',a A. Cuddy. ~ just the same as anyone elsel Ol. 7 MECS ~ig BURNIS B. BRIGHAM 'OUR 'CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS 3 3~CeIS Democratic Pri mary August 8 I, He stands opposed to communism snd socialism and hss not been afraid one 751 to say so.. one 751

    '-Rf C,.W(. 8. He has always opposed Republicanism in the Democratic party. Boost —Don't Knock —For Kendrick Is Your Hoine I t S. He takes his stand ln the II' MIDDLE between these .II'OR MEALTIME TREAT- '% two extremes —the friend A HOT WEATHER I of the farmer, the work- ers, the small business A COOL GREEN SALAD! man and the old folks. MAKIN'S HERE> GET THE He Is a Middle nil of the Road

    ~ '1 I In l II I NL'" Democrat I I A I I I I I ~ 'S A Veteran —A Farmer CASH GROCERY PHONE 891 KENDRICK PHONiE 891 PHONE —DAY OR NIGHT 1161 II g ~~~~~l~ll~~l~ll~ll~l~o~l~i~~l~~~~~~~y e Eaaiaam4 .gyFNE +SERVICjE ~ ~eeNNel~oe+ ", See '~~s .4'ovv

    I', For Your Needs Of BAKERS FOR THE HOME Try Our "Coffee Bar" Service. You'l Like'It! gab)f')gal Q .:omes1:ic I~rain 3ags 9 I",,I; xiii Cene nc ~,3a eery j~~~/N ,'I New Shipment Just Arrived

    A DAY What does it take to make 'a day? Tests show Good Feed Grinding A lot of love along the way: year DeLuxe tires It takes a morning and a noon, give longer tread A father's voice, a mother's croon; .wear... an ex- It takes some task to challenge all tra margin of ser- The powers that a man may call vice a n d safety His own; the powers of mind and limb; that swings the Lewiston Grain Growers A whispered word "; lave; e hymn balance in favor Of hope —a comrade's cheer— of Goodyear. Buy Day Phone 591 'ENDRICK Nite Phone 462 A baby's laughter and a tear; wisely... go It takes a dream, a hope, a cry farther, safer... Of need from some soul passing by; go Goodyear l A sense of brotherhood, and love; A purpose sent from God above; It takes a sun'set .in the sky, NOW WRITING The stars of night, the winds that sigh; It takes a breath of scented air, FIELD GRAIN INSURANCE A mother's kiss, a baby's prayer. That is what it takes to make a day: Your Acreag'e Will Be Appreciated A lot of love along the way. MARVIN LONG AGENCY XVILLIAM L, STIDGER KENDRICK GARAGE CO. (eniric< a) eSu>) y KENDRICK, IDAHO Phone 581 Floyd R Irene Millard Kendrick E. A. DEOBALD, Propr