Speaker Biographies
BIOGRAPHIES OF SPEAKERS 1 Prof. Osamu Arakaki Professor, International Christian University Tokyo, Japan Osamu Arakaki is a professor at International Christian University (ICU), Japan, and an expert of international law and international relations. He received a PhD in Law from Victoria University of WellinGton, New Zealand, and an MA in Political Science from the University of Toronto, Canada. Before he beGan servinG at ICU, he was a junior expert of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). He was also a visitinG fellow at Harvard Law School, USA, visitinG associate professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan, and professor at Hiroshima City University, Japan. His main works include “East Asia: ReGional RefuGee ReGimes” (co-author) in Costello and others (eds), The Oxford Handbook of International RefuGee Law (Oxford University Press, forthcominG), “International Law ConcerninG Infectious Diseases: International Sanitary Conventions in the 1940s” in HoGakushirin, 118:2, (2020), Statelessness Conventions and Japanese Laws: Convergence and Divergence (UNHCR Representation in Japan, 2015) and RefuGee Law and Practice in Japan (AshGate, 2008). Source: https://acsee.iafor.org/dvteam/osamu-arakaki/ 2 Laurie Ashton Of Counsel, Keller Rohrback Phoenix, Arizona Laurie Ashton is Of Counsel to Keller Rohrback. Prior to becominG Of Counsel, she was a partner in the Arizona affiliate of Keller Rohrback. Early in her career, as an adjunct professor, she tauGht semester courses in LawyerinG Theory and Practice and Advanced Business Reorganizations. She also served as a law clerk for the Honorable Charles G. Case, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, for the District of Arizona for two years. An important part of Laurie’s international work involves the domestic and international leGal implications of treaty obliGations and breaches.
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