Abbott, Elenore Plaisted, 3497* Advertising, broadsides, 454 Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon, George Aeschylus, 419 Hamilton Aesop, 19 Abolitionists, 325, 336, 338. See also Slavery Africa, 440 Academy of . See University of Africa, ship, 437 Pennsylvania The Age of Reform Jrom Bryan to F. D. R., by Accomack County, Va., court records of, Hofstadter, rev., 267-268 rev., 249-251 Agriculture, 26-27; farms of French habit- Acherley, Roger, 32 ants, 298; Jefferson's reliance on, attacked, Achsah, ship, 434, 436 315, 316; in Pa. (1840-1940), rev., 39*"393 Act of Union (1800), 420W, 430W Agiiero, Joaquin de, 438?* Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, 1st Air pump, 24 Baron Acton, 465, 470, 472, 476, 477 Alberoni, Cardinal, 98 Adams, Abigail (Mrs. ), loon Albrodman, Count of, 112 Adams, Brooks, 500-501, 506, 507; Henry Alden, Henry Mills, 339 Adams promotes, for State Dept. job, 500, Alderfer, Evan B., rev. of Palmer's Philadel- 501-505 phia Workers in a Changing Economy, Adams, Charles Francis (1835-1915), 498, Alexander, Charles Wesley, 460 Adams, Evelyn Davis (Mrs. Brooks Adams), Alexander, Robert Crozer, Ho! For Cape 503, 506 Island, rev., 262-263 Adams, Henry Brooks: appraisal of Wayne Alexander, W. A., 482^ MacVeagh, 493,495W, 498W, 509-510, S™'> Alien and Sedition Laws, study of, rev., on George Bancroft, 511; biog. of, by 534S36 Stevenson, rev., 543-544; on James G. Allegheny County, wills of (1789-1820), rev., Blaine, 498, 499; comments of, on Pa., 509, 131-132 511, 511 n; Education, 493, 500, 501, 506, Allen, Rev. George, 89 510; letters to Wayne MacVeagh (1881- I 12 Allen, John (1660-1741), 27 9°5), 493-5 5 Mont-Saint-Michel and Allen, Nathaniel, 169, 170, 171, 189, 200 Chartres, 501, 506; on national politics, Allen, Gov. William, 490 495-511 passim; promotes Brooks Adams Allen, Ens., 290 for political job, 500, 501-505; solicits Alsop, John, 171, 200, 214 criticism of History, 493, 498, 499-500; Altiere, Ferdinando, 3^ travels in Asia and South Seas, 500; travels Ambler, John, 171, 200 in Europe, 500, 506-507, 508/*, 510-511; America Takes the Stage. Romanticism in on trial of Guiteau, 496 American Drama and Theatre, 1750-1900, Adams, John, 32, $3", 76, IO9J 3*5> 3X9J and by Moody, rev., 119-121 Trumbull's historical paintings, 75, 81 American Historical Association, 466, 477 Adams, John Quincy, 448; criticized for The American Lyceum: Town Meeting of the White House expenditures, 444; and the Mind, by Bode, rev., 537-539 Union, rev., 385-386 American Philosophical Society: buys Frank- Adams, John W., 3$3n lin's books, 408; commissions C. W. Peale Adams, Marian Hooper (Mrs. Henry portrait of Rittenhouse, 8-9; Franklin in- Adams), 499 fluenced by Royal Society in founding of, Adams, Mary Hone Ogden (Mrs. Charles 24; Franklin lends money to (1787), 73; Francis Adams), 499 and C. W. Peale portraits of Franklin, 5-9 Adams, Robert, 171, 207 American Political Thought, by Grimes, rev., Adams, Samuel, 78, 94, 101 115-116 Adams, Mrs. Samuel, loon American Revolution: Franklin's privateers Adams, Mrs., 100 in, rev., 381-382; as reported in a British Addison, Joseph, 21 newspaper, 92-112; secret aid in, rev., 380- Admiralty courts, in Phila., interfere with 381; Trumbull portrays events of, 74-75, foreign ships, 432~437> 44i~442 81, 83. See also British troops in Am.; 548 1956 INDEX 549 Colonies, Am. (British); Congress, Con- Arnold, Benedict, 75, 101 tinental; ; French aid in Art: department of, at Drexel Institute, 343- Am. Rev.; Independence; Loan Office 344; Howard Pyle's philosophy of, 342, Certificates; Prisoners of war; Privateering; 369-370. See also Architecture; Illustra- Recruiting; Spies tion; Painters and Painting Ames, Susie M., County Court Records of Art schools: character of (late 19th century), Accomack-Northampton, Virginia, 1632- 341-342, 346; for women, 419W 1640, rev., 249-251 Art Student's League, N. Y., 340 Anchor Club: called Gong Club, 313, 318; Art supplies, 355~35& described, 312-319 Arthur, Chester A., 495, 495?/, 496W, 497 "The Anchor Club, Defender of Federalism," Arthurs, Stanley M., 349W, 352, 353, 358^ by Leo A. Bressler, 312-319 365, 3b$n Anderson, Larz, 507 Arts: books on, in Library Co. of Phila., 15, Anderson, William M., "Henry C. Lea, 33-34; in N. Y. (1777-1799), rev., 118-119 Scientific Historian," 465-477 The Arts and Crafts in New York, 1777-1799. Andrew, John, 503;? Advertisements and News Items from New Andrew, John Forrester, 503 York City Newspapers, comp. by Gottes- Andrew Jackson, Symbol for an Age, by Ward, man, rev., 118-119 rev., 121-123 Arwaumus, 233 Andrews, Dorothy Warren, 352, 354 Ashburton, Lord. See Baring, Alexander Andrews, J. Cutler, The North Reports the Ashley, Clifford, 352, 365 Civil War, rev., 395-398 Assembly, Pa. (colonial, 1682-1776), 168; Andros, Edmund, 246W First Purchasers in, 159-160; spirit of fac- Anglican Church. See Church of England; tion in, 240^ Episcopal Church Astronomy, 23 Anglo-American relations: admiralty court Atkinson, James, 171, 215, 222 actions, in Phila., 430-437, 441-442; an- Aubrey, Letitia Penn (Mrs. William Aubrey), nexation of British N. Am. colonies, 436; 158, 174; property of, in Phila., 197, 209 Irish-Am, antipathy toward England, 420- Auctions, of Jas. Ralph's library (1762), 421, 430-432, 439-441; Maine-Canada Franklin's purchases at, 37-45, 408 boundary dispute, 424; right of search Augur, Helen, The Secret War of Independ- (1842), 421-422, 422W; Russia and (1843), ence, rev., 380-381 425; study of (1795-1805), rev., 256-257. "Augustus C. Buell, Fraudulent Historian," See also American Revolution; Colonies, by Milton W. Hamilton, 478-492 Am. (British); England; Great Britain Aurora, newspaper, 312, 313, 314, 318, 319 Annapolis, Md., public library in (c. 1700), 12 Austin, John, 171, 199 Annexation, of British N. Am. colonies, 436 Austin, Thomas, 171, 221 Anthony, Capt. Richard, 171, 182 Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, ed. by Antill, Edward, 234 Wallis, rev., 531-531 Antimasonry, 444, 446, 448 Aylward, Ida M. Daugherty, 353n, 362 Appleman, Peter, 331 Appleman, William, 337 Aylward, William J., 341, 342, 352, 353, 365 Apples, 46, 58, 64 Appleton, Jos., 171, 198 Appleton's, publishers, 486 Bache, , 4977, 409 Arbitration, international treaties of, 468 Bache, Franklin, 409n Arbuthnot, John, 21, 28 Bache, Nannie T., 408 Archer, G. W., on Penn-Baltimore contro- Bache, Richard: Franklin's accounts in day- versy, 227-228 book of, 46-73; has store in Franklin's Architecture, 33-34; Trumbull and, 77 house, 47; inheritance from Franklin, 48, Arets, Lenart, 155 72-73; manages Franklin's financial affairs Arky, Louis A., rev. of Sullivan's The Indus- (1775-1790), 46 trial Worker in Pennsylvania, 1800—184.0, Bache, Sarah Franklin (Mrs. Richard Bache), 387-389 46 Armstrong, Henrietta Krone, rev. of Wust's Bache, William, 409 Zion in Baltimore, 1755-1955 . . . , 261- Bache family, 47 262 Bacon, Francis, 25 Army of the Potomac: arrests citizens from Badcock, Henry, 171, 183 Columbia Co., 321, 323, 331-331, 33^3371 Bagpipes, 286, 292?* and elections in Columbia Co., 322, 328, Bagster, Mary Ann. See Binns, Mary Ann 334-336> 338; occupation of Columbia Co. Bagster by (1864), 320-338 Bailey, Nathaniel, 34 55° INDEX October Bains, Ethel Franklin Betts, 34977, 352, 353, Beard, Charles, and the Constitution, rev., 354»> 365, 366 516^518 Baker, Lt. James, 292-293 Beatrice of Modena, 140 Baker, Samuel, 37 Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, Balloting, for president (1836-1892), rev., 111-112 123-124 Becher, Arthur E., 352, 3^3 Balls, of Irish Repeal Association, 427 Beekman, William, 233, 234 Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert, Charles Beethoven, Ludwig van, 359 Baltimore, Md., 422; history of Zion Church Beiler, Benedictus, 3$ in, rev., 261-262 Belfast, Ireland, 95 Bancroft, George, 467, 511 Bell, J. Milton, rev. of Wallis' Autobiography of Pennsylvania, 42277 of Peter Cartwright, 531-532 Bank of Pennsylvania Township, 42277 Bell, John, 323, 324 , failure of (1842), 422 Bell, Whitfield J., Jr.: Early American Baptists, Welsh, 14977 Science: Needs and Opportunities for Study, Barber, John, 16977, 171, 203, 207, 214 rev., 117-118; Mr Franklin. A Selection Barclay, David, 49 from His Personal Letters, ed. by Labaree Barclay, Erastus Elmer (1821-1888):^ busi- and Bell, rev., 255-256 ness addresses of, 457-459; competition of, Bemis, Samuel Flagg, John Quincy Adams 457, 460; contribution to Am. literary and The Union, rev., 385-386 taste, 452-453, 460, 463-464; literary de- Ben Franklin's Privateers. A Naval Epic of the vices of, 454, 457; lurid publications of, American Revolution, by Clark, rev., 381- 452-464; sales methods of, 454-456, 463; 382 title pages of pamphlets of, 455*, 458*", 46ir; Benjamin Henry Latrobe, by Hamlin, rev., types of publications by, 453,459,460,462, 257-260 463, 464 Bennet, Samuel, 171, 184 Barclay, George Lippard, 463 Bentivoglio, Guido, 18 Barclay, James Joseph, 9 Benton, Thomas Hart, 425 Barclay, John, 9 Benton, Pa., 331, 332 Barclay, Mary L. (Mrs. E. E. Barclay), 457, Benton Township, Columbia Co., presidential 464 voting in (i860, 1864), 323, 335 Barclay, Robert, 138, 150, 152 Berkeley, Francis L., Jr., rev. of Ames's Baring, Alexander, 1st Baron Ashburton, 424 County Court Records of Accomack-North- Barker, Charles Albro, Henry George, rev., ampton, Virginia, 1632-1640, 249-251 130-131 Berkeley, George, 29 Barker, Thomas, 147, 171; property of, in Berkeley, John, Lord, 143 Phila., 199 Berks County, 322 Barnes, James A., rev. of Korngold's Bermuda, 430 Thaddeus Stevens . . . , 266-267 Berry, Thomas, 171, 216 Barnes, John, 171, 190, 223 Berthoff, Warner B., "Henry Adams and Barrat, George W., 3S3n Wayne MacVeagh," by Warner B. Barr6, Col. Isaac, 107 Berthoff and David Bonnell Green, 493- Barret, , butcher, 51 512 Barton, William, 72 Besse, Joseph, 139 Bartram, John, 14, 25, 60 Bethlehem, Pa., Franklin's library sent to A Basic History of Lutheranism in America, (1776), 48, 54, 56, 63 by Wentz, rev., 260-261 Betts, Anna Whelan, 34977, 359, 3^n Batchelor, Jane, 171, 223 Betts, Ethel Franklin. See Bains, Ethel Bates, Bertha C. Day, 34977, 36577 Franklin Betts Bath tubs, in White House, 448 Betts, John H., 3^n Battaini, Domenico, 473 Beverly, Robert, 19 Battle, J. H., 337 Bezar (Bezer), 169, 171, 201 Baumgarten, P. M., 472 Bible, 28, 412 Bayard, J., 50 Bibliography, of Americana, 18 Bayard, Nicholas, 228, 229 Bibliophile Society of Boston, 342 Bayle, Pierre, 35 Bickham, George, the elder, 34 Bayly, William, 15377 Biddle, Nicholas, 449 Baynton, Peter, 171, 205 Bidwell, John, letters from Wm. Peter, 428- Beadle, Erastus, 460 43i Beadle Dime Novels, 460 Biles, Thomas, 157 Beakes, William, 171, 206 Bill of Rights, Am., birth of, rev., 254-255 Beard, Alice, 35377 Billiard balls, 444 1956 INDEX 55* Billings, Lt. John, 293 Borome", Joseph Alfred, "William Peter, Her Billop House, , 5377 Majesty's Consul at Philadelphia, 1840- Bilton Manor, 158 1853," 416-442 Bingham, James, 171, 198 Boston, Mass., 500; Henry Adams and, 50577, Bingley, William, 171, 215 508; Eli as Boudinot's journey to (1809), Binney, Horace, Sr., arbitrates contract rev., 389-390; British press on, during Am. problems of Carey & Lea, 414, 415 Rev., 98-99; Irish protest meeting in Binns, Benjamin Franklin, 42777 (1851), 43977; library in King's Chapel, 12; Binns, Benjamin Pemberton, 42777 public library in (1674), 12; ship captains Binns, John, 427 in, 429, 430 Binns, Mary Ann Bagster (Mrs. John Binns), Boston Museum, 83, 84, 88 427?* Botany,25-26 Birch, Rev. Thomas, 37, 45 Boudinot, Elias, journey to Boston (1809), Birch, William, 90 ed. by Thomas, rev., 389-390 Birchal, John, 171, 215 Boulainvilliers, Henri de, 29 Bird, Valentine, 171, 186 Boult, John, 171, 198 Birtges, , S3 Bouquet, Henry, 286, 287, 28977 The Birth of the Bill of Rights, 1776-1791, by Bowen, Daniel, 84, 86, 87, 88 Rutland, rev., 254-255 Bowman, Thomas, 171, 206 Bisbee, Henry H., Place Names in Burlington Boyd, Julian P., The Papers of Thomas County, , rev., 270-271 Jefferson, vols. XI and XII, rev., 402 Black, John, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 Boy den, James, 171, 183 Blackmore, Sir Richard, 21, 28 Boyle, Robert, 25 Blackwell, John, 159; lists property owners of Bracken, Henry, 27 Phila. (1690), 169-170 Bracy, Thomas. See Brassey, Thomas Blaine, Harriet Stanwood (Mrs. Jas. G. Braddock, Gen. Edward, 285, 288 Blaine), 499 Braddock's Road, 290 Blaine, James G., 494, 498, 499 Bradley, Richard, 26 Blaine, Stanwood, 499 Bradshaw, Wesley, pseud. See Alexander, Blair, Patrick, 26 Charles Wesley Blake, Edward, 171, 203 Braithwaite, William C, 139 Blardman, Edward, 171, 197 Brandt, Albertus, 171, 188 Blathwayt, William, 229 Brandy, 161; as medicine, 295 Block, Lt. Col., 97 Brandywine, Battle of, 366, 368 Blotzer, Joseph, 472 Brant, Joseph, 488, 492; biog. of, rev., 252- Bloomsburg, Union troops in (1864), 320, 254 326, 329-338 passim Brassey (Bracy), Thomas, 151, 154, 171; Blunston, John, 159, 243 property of, in Phila., 222 Board of Trade: and colonial charters, 241 n; Bray, Thomas, 12 and Penn-Baltimore controversy over Del., Breckinridge, John C, 323, 324 229-231, 232, 236, 241; and review of Pa. Breintnal, David, 171, 191 laws, 237, 241 Breintnall, Joseph, 25, 29, 34 Bode, Carl, The American Lyceum: Town Bressler, Leo A., 'The Anchor Club, De- Meeting of the Mind, rev., 537-539 fender of Federalism," 312-319 Boelham, William, 147 Brett, Harold M., 3S3n, 354 Boerhaave, Hermann, 27 Brewington, M. V., rev. of Clark's Ben Bohlen, Benjamin, 72 Franklin's Privateers . . . , 381-382 Boileau-Despre*aux, Nicolas, 21 Bridenbaugh, Carl, Cities in Revolt, Urban Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I Life in America, 1743-1776, rev., 523-525 Bond, Thomas, 171, 199 Brightland, John, 34 Bond, Dr. Thomas, 27 Bristow, Johomas, 171, 222 Bonsall, Elizabeth F., 34977 Bristow, Margaret, 171, 225 Booker T. Washington and the Negro's Place Bristow, Thomas, I7Iy 225 in American Life, by Spencer, rev., 128-130 "A British Editor Reports the American Books: choice of, for Library Co. of Phila., Revolution, With Curious Side Lights on 11-36; of Franklin, identifying mark of, Benjamin Franklin," by J. Bennett Nolan, 407-409, facing p. 4o8r; by Howard Pyle, 92-112 33% 34OJ 359; published by E. E. Barclay, British troops in America: on Forbes Expedi- 460, 464; purchased by Franklin at auction tion, 286, 28977; from Ireland, 93; recruiting (1762), 38-45. See also Libraries of (1778), 110-111; from Scotland, 93, 110- Boom, Cornelius, 171, 190 III. See also Highlanders; Royal American Boone family, 285 Regiment 55^ INDEX October Brittain, Lionel, 171, 201 Assembly and Charles O'Hara, rev., 378- Broadsides, for advertising, 454 380 Brockden, Charles (d. 1769), 34 Burlington, N. J., 143, 24377; Library Com- Broglie, Victor Francois, Duke de, 104 pany of, 1577 Bromley, Nathaniel, 171, 203 Burlington County, N. J., place names in, Brooke, Sergeant, 93 rev., 270-271 Brookfield Farms, MacVeagh home, 497 Burnet, Gilbert, 16, 17, 28 Brooklyn Theatre fire, 463 Burnham, W. Dean, Presidential Ballots, Brooks, Edward, 154 i8j6-/8p2, rev., 123-124 Brooks, Henry, 56 Burnyeat, John, 153 Brooks, J., 171, 214 Burr, George Lincoln, 467, 470, 471, 475 Brown, Charles Brockden, 314 Busby, John, 171, 185 Brown, Charlotte Harding, 349*2 Bush, David, 19, 23 Brown, Ethel Penniwell. See Leach, Ethel Business: contract problems of Carey & Lea, Penniwell Brown 410-415; history of Standard Oil Co. Brown, John, ship captain, 235 (N. J.), rev., 399-401; sales methods of Brown, Orlando, 448 E. E. Barclay, 454-456, 463. See also Land; Brown, Robert E.: Charles Beard and the Con- Merchants; Trade and commerce stitution. A Critical Analysis of "An Eco- Bute, Earl of. See Stuart, John nomic Interpretation of the Constitution" Butler, Samuel, 21 rev., 516-518; Middle-Class Democracy and Butterfield, Lyman H., rev. of Stevenson's the Revolution in Massachusetts, 1691-1780, Henry Adams. A Biography, 543-544 rev., 518-519 Butterfield, Roger, rev. of Reynolds' The Brownsville, Pa., 285 Fiction Factory . . . , 393-394 Bruce, Robert V., Lincoln and the Tools of Butterfield, Roy L., rev. of Fletcher's Penn- War, rev., S39S4P. sylvania Agriculture and Country Life, Bryan, William Jennings, 507, 508 1840-1940, 392-393 Bryant, William, 171, 212 Bye, Thomas, 171, 209 Bryant, William Cullen, 314 Byllynge, Edward, 142-143, 245 Bryce, James, Viscount Bryce, 465, 473, 475; Byrd, William, 12 on style of Henry C. Lea, 475-476 Bryn Mawr, Pa., 497, 506 Bryn Mawr College, symposium on Pa. his- Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe, 2987* tory at, 403 Cadwalader, Frances. See Erskine, Frances Bryson, James, 61-69 passim Cadwalader Buchanan, George, 16 Cadwalader, Gen. George, 331,333,33377, 33s Buckalew, Charles R., 329, 333, 333n, 334, Cadwalader, John, 440 335, 336 Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas (1707-1799), 27 Buckalew, John, Jr., 326 Cadwalader, Thomas (1799-1841), 231 Buckley, John, 171, 218 Cadwalader family, 231 Bucks County, 157, 160 Cadwallader, Sylvanus, Civil War recollec- Budd, Thomas, 171, 183 tions of, rev., 264-265 Budden, James, 52 Caesar, Julius, 19 Buell, Augustus C. (1847-1904): biog. sketch Caffieri, Jean Jacques, 7 of, 479-480, 482; Civil War career of, 479- Cahill, W. B., 353n 483; false lineage of, 479, 486, 489, 490; Callowhill, Thomas, 171, 206, 207 fraudulent biographer and historian, 478- Calvert, Charles (1637-1714/5), 3rd Baron 492 Baltimore, 243; charter of (1632), 228; Buell, Mrs. Augustus C, 48277 controversy with Wm. Penn over Del., 161, Buell, Julia (Mrs. Simon Buell), 479 227-232, 236, 241 Buell, Simon, 479 Cambria County, 327 Bull and Mouth, London, 24477 Camden, Lord. See Pratt, Sir Charles Bullitt (Bullett), Capt. Thomas, 287, 291, Camden, William, 16 292 Cameron, Elizabeth Sherman (Mrs. Jas. Bulwer, Sir Henry, 437 Donald Cameron), 494; as correspondent of Bunch, Robert, 418» Henry Adams, 500, 510, 512 Bunker Hill, Battle of, by Trumbull, 75, 81 Cameron, James Donald, 494, 505, 508, 51 in Burd, James, 28977 Cameron, Simon, 494 Burgersdijck, Franco Petri, 30 Cameron family, 493, 510 Burgoyne, Gen. John, 94, 112 Camp meetings, on frontier, rev., 127-128 Burke, Edmund, 423; advice of, to John Campbell, Colin (d. 1729), 33 Trumbull, 77; correspondence with N. Y. Campbell Soup Company, 34977 1956 INDEX 553 Canada: Irish-Am, feeling against, 432; and Chadd's Ford: Howard Pyle's home at, 35477, Maine boundary, 424 366; Howard Pyle's illustration classes at, Canby, Henry Seidel, 341 n 339, 34O, 365-369 Canning, Stratford, 1st Viscount Stratford de Chales, Claude Francois Millet de, 23 Redcliffe, 417, 469 Chalfant, Ella, A Goodly Heritage. Earliest Canoes, 296-297 Wills on an American Frontier, rev., 131- Cantemir, Antiochus, 18 132 Cantrel, Richard, 171, 207 Chalmers, Harvey, Joseph Brant: Mohawk, Cape Island, N. J., history of, rev., 262-263 rev., 252-254 Capitalism, Henry Adams and, 501, 50477, Chamberlain, Hugh, 147, 150 5O5, 507, 508, 509 Chamberlain, Mason, 7 Capitalists, 49577 Chambers, Benjamin, 16977, 171, 212, 213, Capitol, U. S., Trumbull's Declaration of In- 214 dependence in, 7477, 82 Chambers, David, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72 Carey, H. C, and I. Lea, publishers, 467-468; Chambers, Ephraim, 35-36 early contract problems of, 410-415 Chambers, John, 171, 215 Carey, Henry C, 467; early contract prob- Chambersburg, 33677, 338 lems of Carey & Lea, 410-415; manages Chambly (Chamblee), trophies from, 80 financial affairs of , 410-415 Chandler, John, 171, 209 passim Chandler, Joseph R., 431 Carey, M., & Sons, firm, 412, 467 Channing, Edward, 478 Carey, Mathew, 467; philanthropies of, 411; Chapbooks, 453 private publishing of, 411, 413; retirement Chapin, D. L., 331 income of, 410-415 Chapin, Joseph EL 364 Carey, Mrs. Mathew, 413, 414 Charles, Elector of Palatine, 236 Carey, Miss, 413, 414 Charles I, King of England, 228 Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, anniver- Charles II, King of England, 163, 237; and sary history of (1930-1955), rev., 133 Wm. Penn, 143, 144; and persecution of Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st Baron of Dorchester, , 1377*38, 139-140 Charles XII, King of Sweden, 1777 Carlyle, Thomas, 476 Charles Beard and the Constitution. A Critical Carmichael, William, 104 Analysis of "An Economic Interpretation of Carnot, Lazare Nicolas, 317 the Constitutioni" by Brown, rev., 516-518 Carolinas, emigrate to, 244. See Charleston, S. C, early library in, 12-13 also North Carolina; South Carolina Charter of Pennsylvania (1681) (Royal Char- Carpenter, Abraham, 171, 182 ter), 33; powers granted in, 144-145; pro- Carpenter, Joshua, 167, 171, 198 vision in, for legal review, 237 Carpenter, Samuel, 150, 159, 171; property Charter of Pennsylvania (1701) (Charter of of, in Phila., 167, 170, 182, 188, 189, 202, Privileges), 33 209 Charter of Philadelphia (1701), 33 Carpentry, 33 Charters: colonial, and Board of Trade, 241 n; Cart, Joseph, 24277 of Lord Baltimore (1632), 228; granted to Carter, Mrs. Hannah, 343 Free Society of Traders, 154 Carter, William, 171, 190, 205 Chase, Sidney M., 352, 357, 364 Cartwright, Peter, autobiog. of, ed. by Wallis, Chaucer, Geoffrey, 20 rev., S3I-5311 Cheere, Sir Henry, 37 Carty, William, 54 Chester County, 158, 160 Carver (Carven), John, 16977, 171, 190 Chew, Ens. Colesby, 291 "Cash Dr To Benjamin Franklin," by Pen- Cheyne, George, 27 rose R. Hoopes, 46-73 Cheyney, Edward Potts, 466, 472, 474, 475 Cass, Lewis, 421-422, 42277, 439 Chicago Art Institute, 35572 Catalogue of the Library of , Chicago Exposition, 50577 vol. IV, comp. by Sowerby, rev., 382- Chicago fire, 463 Child, Amy, 171, 217 Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 97 Child, Edward, 171, 188 Catty, Chevalier de, 60 Child, Jno., 171, 184 Caves, in Phila., 167, 24077 Childs, Francis, 69 Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y., 479, 480 Chincoteague, Va., 340 Centre County, 329 Chippewa Indians, 31077 The Century, periodical, 354 Christ Church, Phila., 51,167; burying ground Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Don Quixote, of, 171, 209; Franklin's pew rent in, 46, 52, 15,21,22 52«, 54, 57, 58; library in, 12 554 INDEX October Christiana (Christina) Bridge, Del., 240^ Clergy: biog. of Zinzendorf, rev., 519-520; Christmas Day, 142 used as literary device by E. E. Barclay, Christopher Columbus, Mariner, by Morison, 454, 457- $& a^so Preachers rev., 116-117 Cleveland, Grover, 499W, 501, 502, 503, 504- Chroniques de St. Denis, 469 505, 506 Church of England, 28 Cliffton, William (1771-1799), 314W; evalu- Cicero, 29 ated, 314; writes for Federalist Anchor Cider, 161; in 1840 campaign, 443, 446, 447, Club, 314-318 449,451 Clocks, Pa., study of, rev., 536-537 , : art academy, for women, Clowes, John, 172, 199, 206 41 gn; E. E. Barclay's publishing career in, Coale, Josiah, 142 457-459, 464 Coates, John R., 231 Cities in Revolt, Urban Life in America, 1743- Cobbett, William, and Anchor Club, 315 1776, by Bridenbaugh, rev., 523-525 Cock (Cook), Lasse, 167, 172, 207 Civil liberties, Alien and Sedition Laws and, Colby, Will, 353n rev., $34S36 Cole, Sabian, 172, 199 Civil service reform, 468, 495, 501, 503W, Coleman, Joseph, 172, 218 504W Coleman family, 323 Civil Service Reform Association, 501 Colgate University, 479, 480^ Civil War: E. E. Barclay's stories of, 459- Colleges. See Universities and colleges 460; Augustus C. Buell's career in, 478, Collet, John, 172, 196 479-483; Delaware during, rev., 271-272; Collett, Thomas, 155 Northern reporters in, rev., 395-398; occu- Colley, Benjamin, 337 pation of Columbia Co. (1864), 320-338; Colley, John, 172, 196 ordnance, Lincoln and, rev., 539-540; recol- Collins, Eads, 3$3n lections of Sylvanus Cadwallader, rev., Collinson, Peter, agent for Library Co. of 264-265. See also Army of the Potomac Phila., 14, 18, 23, 24, 26 Civilization, 501, 506 The Colonial American in Britain, by Sachse, Clare, Martin, 24 rev., 528-529 Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, Edward, 1st Colonies, American (British): books on, in Earl of Clarendon Library Co. of Phila., 18-19, 33, 36; the Claridge, Samuel, 151 col. Am. in Britain, rev., 528-529; interest of, in literature on natural rights, 17-18,22, Clark, Benjamin, 144 1 2 Clark, Dora Mae, rev. of Hoffman's Edmund 3°~3 > 3 ; urban life in (1743-1776), rev., Burke, New York Agent . . . , 378-380 513-51$ Clark, John, 14, 22, 30, 3$ Columbia County, Pa., 323; citizens arrested Clark, Samuel, 28 by military in (1864), 321, 323, 33^33^ 336-3371 an

Culture: Am. lyceum movement, rev., 537- Delaware: in Civil War, rev., 271-272; claims 539; on moving frontier, rev., 125-126 of James II to, 228; documents proving Culture on the Moving Frontier, by Wright, early Dutch settlement of, 232-235; First rev., 125-126 Purchasers from, in Pa. government, 159- Cumberland Chronicle and Whitehaven Public 160; irregularities of land sales in, 246; Advertiser, reports Am. Rev., 92-112 Penn-Baltimore controversy over, 161, Currency: depreciation of (1780's), 5977, 70; 227-235, 236, 241; role of, in World War II, exchange rate (1775), 51; national, lack of, rev., 271; troops from, at Fort Duquesne, in U. S., 422, 427 29077; Walloons settle, 23277, 234 Current, Richard N.: Daniel Webster and the Delaware Indians, 296; Moravian mission to, Rise of National Conservatism, rev., 390- rev., 375-377 391; Lincoln, The President: Last Full Delaware River, Wm. Penn comments on, 228 Measure, by Randall and Current, rev., Delaware Stays in the Union, by Spruance, 263-264 rev., 271-272 Curtis, John, 245 Delaware's Role in World War II, 1940-1946, Cuskuski. See Kuskuski by Conner and deValinger, rev., 271 Cuthbert, George, 49 De Ligneris, Francois Marchand, 30277 Cutler, Gen. Lysander, 481 DeLong, George Washington, 497 Cutler, Manasseh, 407 Democracy: in Mass. (1691-1780), rev., 518- 519; in Pa., 51177; Wm. Peter on, 422-423, 426, 427, 438-439 Democratic Party, 49977, 501, 50477, 505; Dacier, Andr6, 29 Whig attack on (1840), 443-451. See also Dagworthy, George, 286, 28977, 290 Locofocos; Peace Democrats Dancing, of Huron Indians, 294, 295, 296 Democratic Press, ^.2jn Daniel Webster and the Rise of National Con- Democratic Republican Party: Anchor Club servatism, by Current, rev., 390-391 writings attack, 313-319; feud with Fed- Dan ton, Georges Jacques, 317 eralists, 312, 315 Daugherty, Ida M. See Aylward, Ida M. Democratic societies, 312 Daugherty Democratic Society of Pa., 312 David Crockett, The Man and the Legend, by Denzie, Jno., 172, 198 Shackford, rev., 532-534 Derham, William, 23 Davies, John D., Phrenology: Fad and Sci- Desaguliers, John Theophilus, 23, 24 ence. A 19th-century American Crusade, Descartes, Ren6, 22 rev., 124-125 Deserters, from draft, during Civil War, 327, Davies, Margaret, 156 328, 330 Davies, Richard, 156 Detroit (Fort Pontchartrain), Mich., 287, Davies, Wallace Evan, rev. of Current's 297, 298, 29877, 43977; number of French Daniel Webster and the Rise of National troops at, 310 Conservatism, 390-391 DeValinger, Leon, Jr., Delaware's Role in Davila, Enrico Caterino, 18 World War II, 1940-1946, by Conner and Davis, David, 245 deValinger, rev., 271 Davis, Richard, 147, 172; property of, in De Ziska, John, 44377 Phila., 199, 207, 214 Dickenson, Jonathan, 172, 182, 183 Dawson, Eugenie Wireman, 34977 Dickinson, John, 100 Day, Bertha C. See Bates, Bertha C. Day Diderot, Denis, 35 Day, John, 172, 208 Dill, Alonzo Thomas, Governor Tryon and Day, Richard E., 488 His Palace, rev., 251-252 Deane, Silas, 101, 102, 106, in Dinning, John, 172, 220 Declaration of Independence, painting, facing r Dissenters. See Nonconformists p. 82 ; copperplate of, 88, 90; and portrayal Dock tax (1785), 66 of Assembly Room in Independence Hall, Dodge, Capt. Richard I., 327-328, 333> 334, 74, 75-83; public reaction to, 78-79; three 335, 336, 337, 33% versions of, 7472 Dodsley, Messrs., 3777 Declaration of Indulgence (1672), 140 Dodson, Leonidas, rev. of Land's The Dulanys DeCora, Angel, 34977, 36^ of Maryland . . . , 372-373 DeFeo, Charles, 35377 Dolbey, Joseph, 73 Defoe, Daniel, 33 Doll, Eugene E.: rev. of Gray's Wilderness De Koven, Mrs. Reginald, exposes A. C. Christians. The Moravian Mission to the BuelPs biog. of John Paul Jones, 485 Delaware Indians, 375-377; rev. of Wein- DeLand, Clyde Osmer, 349, 34977, 36577 lick's Count Zinzendorf, 519-520; Twenty- De la Noe, Charles, 24477 five Years of Service, /pjo-/p55, rev., 133 1956 INDEX 557 Dongan, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Limerick and Duties, on liquors and merchandise in Pa. Viscount Dungan of Clane, 246; opposes (1683), 161, 238 Penn on Iroquois lands, i^n; supports Dyer, Maj. William, 245 Penn against Lord Baltimore, 228; takes depositions on Del. settlement, 229, 230, 232, 234, 235 Donnan, Elizabeth, An Historian's World. Early American Science: Needs and Oppor- Selections from the Correspondence of John tunities for Study, by Bell, rev., 117-118 Franklin Jameson, ed. by Donnan and East India Company, 106 Stock, rev., 513-516 East Jersey, 139, 150, 152, 157, 158 Doran, Joseph M., 420, 421, 427 Eastburn, Benjamin, 19, 23,172; property of, D'Orleans, Duchess, 485 in Phila., 199, 211 Dougherty, Louis R., 349?/ Eaton, Margaret O'Neal (Mrs. John H. Douglas, Stephen A., 323, 324 Eaton), 492W Douglass, Elisha P., rev. of Rutland's The Echard, Laurence, 19 Birth of the Bill of Rights, 1776-1791, 254- Eckhardt, George H., Pennsylvania Clocks 255 and Clockmakers. An Epic of Early Amer- Dove, Francis, 172, 184 ican Science, Industry and Craftsmanship, Doyle, William, 85 rev., 536-537 Doz, Andrew, 244 Eckley, John, 159,243 Draft. See Conscription Eddy, George Simpson, 407;;, 408W Drake, James, 27 Edgar, — , 172, 178 Drake, Thomas E., rev. of Forbush's Elias Edict of Nantes, 236 Hicks, Quaker Liberal, 525-526 Edmund Burke, New York Agent, with his Drake, sloop, no letters to the New York Assembly and inti- Drama, 20; Am., romanticism in (1750- mate correspondence with Charles O'Hara, 1900), rev., 119-121 1761-1776, by Hoffman, rev., 378-380 Drexel Institute of Technology: establishes Education, 423; for women, 419. See also art department, 343-344; Howard Pyle Schools; Universities and colleges teaches illustration at, 339, 34277-343?*, Edwards, Edward, 172, 201 343-35O, 352-368 passim Edwards, Edward {fl. 1900), 353?* Dropsy, 105 Elder, Thomas, 443, 450 Dryden, John, 19, 20 Elections: military interference with, in Dubreuil, Jean, 34 Columbia Co., 322, 328, 334-336, 33%1 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni, 463 presidential (1840), campaign of, 443-451; Duckett, Thomas, 153 presidential (i860), in Columbia Co., 323- Dudden, Arthur P., rev. of Barker's Henry 324; presidential (1864), in Columbia Co., George, 130-131 322, 324, 335, 337; presidential (1884), Duels, 487 498^, 499«; presidential (1896), Henry Duer, Douglas, 3S3n Adams on, 507, 508. See also Balloting; Dufief, N. G., 407, 408 Suffrage The Dulanys of Maryland. A Biographical Electricity, 24; British report Franklin scheme Study of Daniel Dulany the Elder (1685- with, during Am. Rev., 104; Franklin's 1753) and Daniel Dulany the Younger experiment with, 24, 36, son {1722-1797), by Land, rev., 372-373 Elfrith, Jeremiah, 172, 178 Dumbauld, Edward, The Political Writings of Elias Boudinot's Journey to Boston in 1809, Thomas Jefferson: Representative Selections, ed. by Thomas, rev., 389-390 rev., 402-403 Elias Hicks, Quaker Liberal, by Forbush, Duncomb, Giles, 33 rev., 525-526 Dunlap, William, 81 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 140 Dunn, Harvey, 352, 353, 355, 3$$", 357, 360, Elizabeth, Ann and Catherine, ship, 157 365, 369 Ellinsworth, William, 172, 201 Dunn, J., of Whitehaven, England, edits Elliott, Charles, 430, 431 news of Am. Rev., 92-112 Elliott, Elizabeth Shippen Green, 344, 346, Dunstan, Robert, 172, 226 347, 348», 349, 349» Duplessis, Joseph Siffrein, 7 Elliott, Richard S., 443, 450 Dutch in America: early settlement in Del., Ellis, Rowland, 156, 172; property of, in 227-232 passim, 232-235; lose Del. to Phila., 214 James II (1664), 228 Ellis, Thomas, 172, 214, 243 Dutch West India Company, 228; and Ellis, William, 26, 27 settlement of Del., 228, 231, 233, 234, Ellwood, Thomas, 153W 235 Elwell, William, 333, 333n 558 INDEX October

Emigration, of English and Irish from U. S., Publishing at Street &? Smith, by Reynolds, 422 rev., 393-394 Emlen, George, 172, 198 Fielding, Henry, 36 Emlin, Samuel, 172, 218 Filler, Louis: rev. of Johnson's The Frontier Encyclopedists, 31, 35 Camp Meeting . . . , 127-128; rev. of England: distribution of First Purchasers of Shannon's The Socialist Party of America Pa. in, 151-152; Irish-Am, antipathy to- . . . , 268-270 ward, 420, 430-432, 439-441; merchant Fillmore, Millard, 439 marine of, compared with U. S., 428-430; Filson, John, biog. of, rev., 526-528 persecution of dissenters in, 137-144, 236; Finley, John, 490 press of, on Am. Rev., 92-112; and state Finney, Samuel, 159, 172; property of, in debt of Pa. (1843), 426, 427. See also Anglo- Phila., 207 American relations; Colonies, Am. (Brit- Fire insurance, 66 ish); Great Britain; Whig Party, English Fireplaces, 34 English, Maj. Ned, 240W First Presbyterian Church, Phila., 77 English language, 15; Franklin advocates "The First Purchasers of Pennsylvania, 1681- teaching of, 20 1700," by John E. Pomfret, 137-163 Epictetus, 29 First Purchasers of Pennsylvania, 139; amount Episcopal Church, reconstitution of, in Am. of land purchased by, 148-150; contribu- (1780-1789), rev., 529-530 tions of, 158-160; land titles of, in Phila., Erberry, Edward, 172, 217 165-170 passim; number of, 139W, 148^, Erskine, David Montague, 2nd Baron Ers- 153; study of, 137-163 kine, 440?/ The First Rapprochement: England and the Erskine, Frances Cadwalader (Lady Erskine), United States, 1795-1805, by Perkins, rev., 440 256-257 Esquemeling, Alexandre Olivier, 19 Fischer, Anton Otto, 353ny 354 Estaing, Charles Henry Hector, Count d', Fish, Hamilton, 494 98-99 Fisher, John, 169W, 172, 183 Etiquette. See Manners and customs Fisher, Joseph, 151, 172; property of, in Euclid, 23 Phila., 206 Europe, Henry Adams in, 500, 506-507, Fisher, Miers, 64 5o8w, 510-511 Fisher, William, 172, 222 Evans, John, 172, 193 Fishing, whale, 235 Evans, Nathaniel, 172, 184 Fishingcreek Conspiracy, re-examination of, Everett, Walter D., 34977 320-338 Explorers, 463, 497 Fishingcreek Township, Columbia Co., presi- Eyre, Manuel, $6 dential voting in (i860, 1864), 323, 335 Fisk, James, 460 Fitzwater, George, 169^, 172, 213 Fair Hill, countryseat, ioow Flag, U. S., 484 Fairman, Thomas, 172, 222 Fleming, Donald, rev. of Bell's Early Amer- Falconer, Capt. Thomas, 288 ican Science^ . . . , 117-118 Farley, Richard B., 349?* Fletcher, Benjamin, 159 Farmborough, Thomas, 150 Fletcher, Stevenson Whitcomb, Pennsylvania Farmer, Katherine, 172, 207 Agriculture and Country Life, 1840-1940, Farming. See Agriculture rev., 392-393 Farquhar, Col. William, 288 Fling, William, 65, 66 Federalism, Anchor Club, defender of, 312- Flower, Enoch, 172, 201 319 Folklore, 491 Federalist Party, feud with Democratic- Forbes, Arthur, Earl of Granard, 246 Republicans, 312, 315 Forbes, Gen. John, 286, 287, 289W Federalist societies, 312 Forbes Expedition, 285, 286-287, 289-293; Fees, 432 number of troops in, 286, 289W Fell, Valentine, 337 Forbush, Bliss, Elias Hicks, Quaker Liberal, Feminism, 419 rev., 525-526 F6nelon, Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe-, Ford, Bridget (Mrs. Philip Ford), 162 21, 22 Ford, Paul Leicester, 368 Fenno, John Ward, 312, 313, 314W, 315, 318 Ford, Philip, 145, 150, 154, 155, 172; Wm. Fenwick, John, 143 Penn's financial difficulties with, 161-162; Ferrars, Ralph, 417 property of, in Phila., 179 The Fiction Factory or From Pulp Row to Foreign affairs, 494. See also Anglo-American Quality Street. The Story of 100 Years of relations 1956 INDEX 559 Forrest, Joan, 172, 217 pays ground rents, 5$, 62, 65, 67; pays pew Fort Cumberland, 290W rent in Christ Church, 46, 52, Sin, 54, 57, Fort Duquesne, 298, 301, 302?*, 310; attack 58; C. W. Peale memorializes electrical on (1758), 286, 287, 289-293; Indian camp experiments of, 7-8; portrait of, by C. W. in (1758), 293-295 Peale, 5-10, facing p. 5r; portrait of, by Fort Johnson, 486 Rembrandt Peale, 9-10, facing p, ior; por- Fort Lafayette, 322 trait of, in Congress Voting Independence, Fort Ligonier, 286, 289 85, 89; privateers of, rev., 381-382; and Fort Machault, 302W prisoners of war, 106-107; properties owned Fort Mifflin, military prisoners in, from by, in Phila., 48-49, 50-72 passim; rents Columbia Co. (1864), 321, 331, 332, 337 paid to (1774-1790), 48, 50-72 passim; re- Fort Nassau, 233 pairs to house of, 57, 60, 64, 65; said to Fort Niagara: capture of, 302, 30277; Thos. visit Berlin (1777), 105; selections from his Gist escapes to, 288, 303, 310-311 personal letters, rev., 255-256; sells type to Fort Pitt, 301 Va. (1777), SS\ subscribes for Loan Office Fort Pontchartrain. See Detroit certificates, 46, 48, 54, SS, 60, 6$t 67; taxes Fort St. John's, trophies from, 80 paid by (1774-1789), 50-71 passim Forty-niners, journal of Robert B. Green, Franklin, Deborah, 47, 49, 50; funeral ex- rev., 401-402 penses of, 46, 51, 52 Foster, Abram J., rev. of Walton's John Franklin, Mary. See Garber, Mary Franklin Filson of Kentucke, 526-528 Franklin, Sarah. See Bache, Sarah Franklin Foster, William Harnden, 35311, 354 Franklin, William, 46, 51 Fothergill, John, 48 Franklin, William Temple, 6o», 409 Fotheringham, Capt., 108 "Franklin and His Friends Choose Their Foulger, Thomas, 51 Books," by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, 11-36 Foulke, Frederick, 52 "Franklin Attends A Book Auction," by Fox, George, 142, 151, 152, 153, 155, 157 John B. Shipley, 37-45, 408 Fox, James, 172, 207 Franklin Institute, 46 Fox, Samuel, 172, 214 "Franklin's Last Portrait," by Charles Cole- Fox, , 62 man Sellers, 5-10 Fox, ship, 108 Franklin stove, 34 Foxcroft, John, 47, 51 Fredericq, Paul. 466, 472 Foxe, John, 28 Free Society or Traders, 148, 149, 154-155, France: Anchor Club advocates war with, 157 313, 315, 319; British report on Franklin's Freedom of speech, 425 activities in, 102-106. See also French aid Freedom's Fetters. The Alien and Sedition in Am. Rev.; French in Am. Laws and American Civil Liberties, by Frankfort Company, 148, 151, 155-156, 172; Smith, rev., S34-S36 property of, in Phila., 179, 180, 181 Freeman, Douglas Southall, 289?* Franklin, Benjamin, 23W, 24, 28, 101, 485; Freeman, Edward Augustus, 476 accounts of, kept by Richard Bache (1774- Freeman, Samuel T., & Co., 408 1790), 46-73; activities of, reported by Freemason's Lodge, Phila., 73 British press during Am. Rev., 94, 97, 102- Freeze, John G., on military occupation of 107, in; attitude toward sitting for like- Columbia Co., 321-338 passim ness, 7; and Richard Bache, 46-48, 49W, French aid in Am. Rev., 107,110-111; articles 72-73; British report electrical scheme of, of alliance, 104; officers from, 97-98; troops during Am. Rev., 104; buys Jas. Ralph's in Boston, 98-99 books at auction (1762), 37-45, 408; and French and Indian War, attack on Fort choice of books for Library Co. of Phila., Duquesne (1758), 286, 287, 289-293 11-36 passim; color of eyes, 10; early French in America, 301; number of troops at literary influences on. 21, 29, 30W, 34; elec- Detroit, 310; and siege of Fort Niagara, trical experiments or, 24, 36, son; funeral 302W; in Western Pa., 285-286, 287 expenses of, 73; identification mark in r Friedrich, Gerhard, rev. of Stoudt's Pennsyl- books of, 407-409, facing p. 4o8 ; influenced vania German Poetry, 1685-1830, 373-375 by Royal Society in founding of Am. Phil. Friends, Society of, 32, 95; and Am. settle- Soc, 24; on languages, 20, 35; lends money ment, 137, 142-143; biog. of Elias Hicks, to Am. Phil. Soc, 73W; library of, 407-409 rev., 525-526; books on, in Library Co. of passim; library sent to Bethlehem (1776), Phila., 28; Augustus C. Buell and, 489; 48, 54, 56, 63; likenesses of, 5-10 passim; burial ground, in Phila., 174, 208; character and Maine-Canada boundary, 424; mem- of, 138-139, 141; and Dutch pietists, 149, bership charges in Library Co. of Phila., 152; and First Purchasers of Pa., 137-163; 46, 57, 63, 68; owns pasture, 47, 50, s^ 62; Franklin pays ground rent to, 62, 67; Lon- 560 INDEX October

don meetinghouses of, 244, 244??; number George, Henry, biog. of, by Barker, rev., 130- oL in British Isles (1681), 138; persecution 131 of, in England, 137-144, 236, 237; property George, Silas A., 464 of Phila. meeting, 172,182,183; released by George, Franklin's Negro servant, 51, 59 James II, 241 n George Washington in the Ohio Valley, by Friends Public School. See Cleland, rev., 377-378 Charter School G6rard, Conrad Alexandre, 78, 103 Froissart, Jean, 469 Germain, George Sackville, 1st Viscount Frontier: culture on, rev., 125-126; and log- Sackville, 95 cabin campaign (1840), 443-451 passim; German Company. See Frankfort Company politics and sectional conflict on, in North- German language: E. E. Barclay's pamphlets west, rev.,394-395; religion on, rev., 127-128 printed in, 456; Ogle's "omnibus of lies" The Frontier Camp Meeting: Religion's Har- printed in (1840), 448 vest Time, by Johnson, rev., 127-128 German town, din; early settlers of, 149^, Frontier Politics and the Sectional Conflict. 155-156 The Pacific Northwest on the Eve of the Civil , Franklin said to visit (1777), War, by Johannsen, rev., 394-395 105 Fry, James B., 325, 327, 328 Gettysburg, Battle of, Augustus C. Buell's Fuller, John, 157 fraudulent account of, 480-481, 482, 483 Fuller, Joseph, 157 Gibson, William, 153W Fuller, Sarah, 172, 223 Gilbert, Cass, 36^ Fullerton, Alexander, 73 Gilbert, William S., 454 Funerals: of Benj. Franklin, expenses of, 73; Gilbert Manor, 158 of Deborah Franklin, expenses of, 51, 52. Gilchrist, Charles, 72 See also Indian burials Gillis, , 233 Funk & Wagnalls, publishers, 486 Girard Bank, 422^ Furly, Benjamin, 145, 148, 151, 152, 155 Gist, Ann, 311 Furness, Howard, 469 Gist, Christopher (1706-1759), 285, 311 Furnishings, of White House (1840), 446-448 Gist, Nathaniel (d. 1798), 285, 286 Gist, Thomas (d. 1786): in battle of Grant's Hill, 286-287, 289-293, 310; captivity Gage, George W., 3$3n journal of (1758-1759), 285-311; property Gage, Gen. Thomas, 288, 310 of, in Western Pa., 311 Galloway, Joseph, 101 Gist family, 285, 311 Galloway, Mrs. Joseph, 101 Given, Lois V., rev. of Labaree and Bell's Garber, Mary Franklin, 347, 349W Mr Franklin. A Selection from His Personal Garcilaso de la Vega, el Inca, 18 Letters, 255-256 Garden, Alexander, 105 Givens, J. Harcourt, rev. of Alexander's Gardens, 500 Ho! For Cape Island, 262-263 Garfield, James A., 460, 494, 495, 495W Glasgow, Scotland, no Garfield, Lucretia R. (Mrs. Jas. A. Garfield), Globe, newspaper, 430 fund for, 495*49^, 495" Glover, Richard, 21 Garfield Fund, 495-496, 495^ Godfrey, Thomas, 23, 24, 34 Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 468;* Godkin, Edwin L., 468^ Garth, Sir Samuel, 21 Godolphin, John, 33 Garvan, Anthony N. B., rev. of Briden- Godwin, Thomas (d. 1642), 29 baugh's Cities in Revolt . . . , 523-525 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 359 Gates, Horatio, 74 Gold standard, crisis over (1893), 501, 504- Gateway to a Nation: The Middle Atlantic 505, 5o4» States and Their Influence on the Develop- Gong Club. See Anchor Club ment of the Nation, by Thompson, rev., Gonzales, , 441 386-387 Gooch, G. P., 475 Gauger, Nicholas, 34 A Goodly Heritage. Earliest Wills on an Amer- Gay, John (1685-1732), 21 ican Frontier, by Chalfant, rev., 131-132 Gazette of the United States, 312, 313 Goodson, John, 172, 190, 197 Gebbie, Grace, 349W Goodwin, Philip R., 352 Gee (Gye), John, 157, 172; property of, in Gordon, George Hamilton, 4th Earl of Aber- Phila., 204 deen, 418w; letters from Wm. Peter, 420- Gee, John, and Company, 157 428 Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, pro- Gordon, John, 172, 178 poses workshops on genealogical method, Gordon, John, Earl of Sutherland, 144 403-404 Gordon, Thomas {d. 1750), 19, 32 1956 INDEX 561

Gottesman, Rita Susswein, The Arts and Greenwood, James, 34 Crafts in New York, 1777-1799 . . . , rev., Gregory, David, 23 118-119 Gresham, Walter Quinton, 502 Gouldney, Henry, 154 Grimes, Alan P., American Political Thought, Govan, Thomas P., rev. of Hidy and Hidy's rev., 115-116 Pioneering in Big Business, 1882-1911* Grimm, Dorothy F., 14 History of Standard Oil Company {New Griscomb, Andrew, 172, 190 Jersey), 399-401 Griswold, Rufus, 419 Gove, Richard, 172, 199 Grotius, Hugo, 15, 32 Government, books on, in Library Co. of Ground rents (i777,1783-1785), 5S, 62,6s, 67 Phila., 31-33 Growdon (Growden), Joseph, 151, 159, 172; Governor Try on and His Palace, by Dill, rev., property of, in Phila., 179, 180, 181 251-252 Growdon (Growden), Lawrence, 151, 172; Grace, Robert, 28, 34 property of, in Phila., 179, 180, 181 Gracian, Baltasar, 21 Guardian, 21 Granard, Earl of. See Forbes, Arthur Guest, George, 172, 196 Grand, Ferdinand, 62 Guest, John, 159 Granger, Francis, 444 Guiteau, Charles J., 460, 495; trial of, 496, Grant, Mrs. Anne Mac Vicar, 486 49677 Grant, Maj. James, 286-287, 2897*, 289-292, Gunderson, Robert Gray, "Ogle's Omnibus 310 of Lies," 443-451 Grant, James Augustus, 463 Gurney, Elizabeth, 35377 Grant, Mrs. Julia, 486-487 Gwynedd, Pa., 157 Grant, Ulysses S., 494; recollections of, by Gye, John. See Gee, John Sylvanus Cadwallader, rev., 264-265 Grant's Hill, Battle of, 285, 286-287, 289- 293, 310; casualties in, 287 Hale (Hales), John, S3 Gray, Elm a E., Wilderness Christians. The Halifax, Earl of. See Montagu, Charles Moravian Mission to the Delaware Indians, Haller, Albrecht von, 36 rev., 375-377 Hallifax, Charles, 31 Gray, John. See Tatham, John Halsey, Francis W., 486, 488 Gray, Leslie Robb, 375 Hamilton, Alexander, 315; project to compile Gray, Thomas, 36 papers of, 133 Grayson, Clifford P., 343-344 Hamilton, Andrew, 33, 168, 172; property of, Great Britain: Anchor Club said to be sup- in Phila., 191, 221 ported by, 319; the col. Am. in, rev., 528- Hamilton, James, 159 529; number of Quakers in (1681), 138; Hamilton, Milton W.: "Augustus C. Buell, Whig Party in (1670's), 143, 144. See also Fraudulent Historian," 478-492; rev. of Anglo-American relations; Board of Trade; Chalmers* Joseph Brant: Mohawk, 2Si-is^ British troops in Am.; Colonies, Am. Hamilton College, 479, 48077 (British); England; Parliament, British Hamlin, Talbot, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, The Great Experiment. An Introduction to the rev., 257-260 History of the American People, by Thistle- Hancock, Harold B., rev. of Perkins* The thwaite, rev., 248-249 First Rapprochement: England and the Greek language, 19-20 United States, 1795-1805, 2S6-2SJ Greek Orthodox Church, 29 Hancock, John, 82, 94 Greeley, Horace, 450 Hancock, Mrs. John, 100 Greely, Adolphus Washington, 463 Hands, Richard, 172, 199 Green, Darby, 172, 196 Hanna, Mark, 507 Green, David Bonnell, "Henry Adams and Hard, Widow, 172, 207 Wayne MacVeagh," by Warner B. Hardenburgh, , 487 Berthoff and David Bonnell Green, 493- Hardiman, Ab., 172, 199 512 Harding, Charlotte. See Brown, Charlotte Green, Elizabeth Shippen. See Elliott, Eliza- Harding beth Shippen Green Harding, George, 3S1, 3SS> 3& 3&S Green, Robert B., journal of (1849), rev., Harding, John, 172, 215 401-402 Harding, Nathaniel, 173, 215 Greene, Gen. Nathanael, 96 Harley, Robert, 173, 201 Greenfield & Humphreys, 6$ Harmer, William, 173, 216 Greenough, Cornelia, 34972 Harmon, George D., rev. of Maxwell's Greenway (Greenaway), Robert, 167, 16977, Lincoln's Fifth Wheel . . . the United 170, 172, 189,201 States Sanitary Commission, 398-399 562 INDEX October

Harper, Thomas, 6$ Hewes & Anthony, 70 Harper, William, 60 Hewitt, Abram, 493 Harper's Monthly Magazine, 339, 354, 368 Heylyn, Peter, 18 Harrington, James, 31-32 Hicks, Elias, biog. of, rev., 525-526 Harris, James Howard, 3rd Earl of Malmes- Hidy, Ralph W., Pioneering in Big Business, bury, letter from Wm. Peter, 441-442 1882-1911. History of Standard Oil Com- Harrisburg: trial of prisoners in, from Colum- pany (New Jersey), by Hidy and Hidy, bia Co. (1864), 321,336-337; Whig conven- rev., 399-401 tion in (1839), 443 Hidy, Muriel E., Pioneering in Big Business, Harrison, James, 150, 173, 230, 242, 246; 1882-1911. History of Standard Oil Com- property of, in Phila., 200 pany (New Jersey), by Hidy and Hidy, Harrison, Jos., 173, 198 rev., 399-401 Harrison, Mary, 173, 198 Highlanders, British troops, 289, 289W, 290W, Harrison, Samuel, 173, 178 291, 29IW, 295, 311 Harrison, William Henry, Whig nominee for Highlands Manor, 158 president (1840), 443, 450, 451 Hildeburn, Charles R., 16 Haskins, C. H., 471 Hill, Henry, 72 Hart, Charles Henry, on Pine-Savage Con- Hill, Richard, property of, in Phila., 173,188, gress Voting Independence, 83-88, 90 199, 201, 216, 217, 224, 225 Hart, John, 173, 199 Hilliard, Richard, 173, 192 Hart, Robert, 173, 192 Hilzheimer, Jacob, y6n Hartman family, 323 Hinchliffe, John (1731-1794), Bishop of Harvard University, 75, 466; early library of, Peterborough, 112 11, 15, 16, 20 Hinchman, Margaretta, 3497? Hastings, Capt. M., 334 His tori a Litter aria, 3$ Hastings, Samuel, 173, 221 An Historian's World. Selections from the Hatboro, Union Library Company of, i$n Correspondence of John Franklin Jameson, Hatt, Thomas, 173, 215 ed. by Donnan and Stock, rev., 513-516 Hauksbee, Francis, the elder, 24 Historians: Henry Adams on George Ban- Hauterive, Maurice d', Baron d', 438 croft, 511; Catholic, and Lea's history of Hawaii, 500W the Inquisition, 471-473; dispute Penn- Hay, John, 493, 494, 503, 506, 508;* Baltimore controversy, 227-228, 231-232; Hay dock, Eden, 52 fraudulent, Augustus C. Buell as, 478-492; Hayes, J., 57 scientific, Henry C. Lea as, 465-477; se- Hayes, Rutherford B., 494 lected correspondence of John Franklin Hearst, William Randolph, 510 Jameson, rev., 513-516 Heath, Robert, 173, 209 Historical Society of Pennsylvania: acquires Heathcot, George, 173, 196 Peale portrait of Franklin, 9; Congress Vot- Heaton, John, 173, 198 ing Independence, painting, in, 84W; and Hegan, , 63 Penn-Baltimore controversy, 227-228; Hekking, William, 3S3n Penn family papers deposited in, 231; Helwich, Christopher, 18 Report of the Treasurer (1955), 273-281; Hendricks, James, 65 Trumbull's sketches in, 77 Hendricks, John, 173, 221 Historicus, pseud. See Norris, A. P., Jr. Hennepin, Louis, 19 History: Henry Adams and, 506, 509, 510, Henry, Patrick, $$n 51 in; analysis of Beard's interpretation of Henry Adams. A Biography, by Stevenson, the Constitution, 516-518; books on, in rev., 543-544 Library Co. of Phila., 15, 16-19, 36; and "Henry Adams and Wayne MacVeagh," by folklore, 491; Henry C. Lea on, 477; prop- Warner B. Berthoff and David Bonnell aganda in, 92 Green, 493-512 History of the Inquisition of Spain, by Henry "Henry C. Lea, Scientific Historian," by C. Lea, 47O-47I, 472", 477 William M. Anderson, 465-477 History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, Henry George, by Barker, rev., 130-131 by Henry C. Lea, 465-477 passim; Catholic Herbert, William, Earl of Powis, 244 reaction to, 471-473; European transla- Heron, William, 173, 196 tions of, 466; style of, 475-476 Herriot, Thomas, i6gn, 173, 197 Hitchcock, Nicholas, 173, 186 Hess, Mrs. Gertrude, 408 Ho! For Cape Island, by Alexander, rev., 262- Hesse-Cassel, 97 263 Hessian troops in Am., 93, 100, no; at Tren- Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood, $°3n ton, 96-97 Hoar, Sherman, 503^ Hewes, Joseph, 485 Hobbes, Thomas, 31 1956 INDEX 563 Hockley, Richard, 166 Huguenots, 236; refuge for, in Pa., 158, 237, Hodge, Dr. Edward B., 46 244, 244W Hodge, Katherine, 46 Hull, William I, 489 Hodge, Margaret, 46 Humanitarianism, 138 Hodgkinson, John, 173, 192 Hume, David, 16 Hoffman, Ross J. S., Edmund Burke, New Hummel, William W., "The Military Occupa- York Agent, with his letters to the New York tion of Columbia County: A Re-examina- Assembly and intimate correspondence with tion," 320-338 Charles O'Hara, 1761-/776, rev., 378-380 Humor, Am. sense of, 499 Hofstadter, Richard, The Age of Reform,from Humphreys, John, 156 Bryan to F.D.R., rev., 267-268 Humphreys, Mary, 73 Holder, William, 23 Huron Indians, 296, 310; Thos. Gist's captiv- Holidays, Quakers and, 142 ity among, 287, 293-304. See also Wyandot Holland, Philemon, 29 Indians Holland. See Netherlands, The Hutcheson, Francis, 31 Holland House, London, 236, 238 Hutchinson, James, 72 Holme, Thomas, 150, 159, 169, 173, 243, 246; Huygens, Christian, 23 map of Pa. by, 158, 239, 246; map of Phila. Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon, 16 by, 169; property of, in Phila., 211, 213, 214 Hyde, Edward, 3rd Earl of Clarendon, Vis- Holmes, H. H., alias. See Mudgett, Herman count Cornbury, 144 W. Holt, Samuel, 173, 188 Homer, 19 Illinois Central Railroad, 440^ Hoobs, Israel, 173, 215 Illustration: Howard Pyle, as teacher of, 339- Hooker, Richard, 28 370; Howard Pyle's principles of, 358, 363, Hoopes, Penrose R.: "Cash Dr To Benjamin 367> 368, 369-37o; significance of, 343, 358, Franklin," 46-73; rev. of Eckhardt's Penn- 369-370 sylvania Clocks and Clockmakers . . . , Immell, Barbara, 65, 66 53^537 Indentured servants, 147, 150, 154 Hopkinson, Joseph, ^$n-^6n Independence: bill for. in House of Lords Hopkinson, Thomas, 26 (1778), 112; voting or, painted by Trumbull Horace, 19, 412?* and Pine-Savage, 74-91 Horn, Aron Dirkson, deposition of, on settle- Independence Hall: Assembly Room of, in ment of Del., 235 Trumbull and Pine-Savage paintings, 74- Hoskins, Gayle, ^S3n 91; R. E. Pine paints in, 84, 87 Hoskins, R., 173, 196 Independence National Historical Park, 74W Hospitals, at Fort Duquesne (1758), 295 Independent Treasury Act (1840), 447 House, George, 173, 187 India, 440, 506 House of Commons, 107 Indian burials, described by Thos. Gist House of Lords, 112 (1758), 296 House of Representatives, U. S.: attack on Indian captives: E. E. Barclay's stories of, White House elegance in (1840), 444-448; 462; journal of Thos. Gist as (1758-1759), Wm. Peter on, 423; unruliness in, 445 285-311; McCrary brothers as, 288, 302- Houses: owned by Mathew Carey, 414; owned by Franklin in Phila., 48-49, 50-72 Indian trade, 146 passim Indians: adoption of prisoners by, 299; E. E. Howard, Edward, 173, 198 Barclay's stories of, 462; emotions of, 293, Howard, Joseph, Jr., 322 296, 298, 299; ethnic traits of, 285, 293-304 Howard, Thomas, 173, 218 passim; at Fort Duquesne, 285-295 passim, 301; massacre at Whorekill, 231, 232, 233, "Howard Pyle, Teacher of Illustration," by 2 Richard Wayne Lykes, 339-370 34> ^Si portages of, on Lake Erie, 306; Howe, Sir William, 5th Viscount Howe, 48, and settlement of Del., 228; in siege of Fort $3n, 94, 100 Niagara, 302; treatment of white captives Ho well, Joshua, 6$ by, 293-304 passim; tribes living near Howell, Mordica, 173, 222 Detroit, 310. See also Indian burials; Indian Howell, Ph., 173, 196 captives; Indian trade; names of individual Howland, Arthur C, 475 tribes Hoyt, Philip L., 349W, 352, 361, z6$n The Industrial Worker in Pennsylvania, 1800- Hudson, Thomas, 157 1840, by Sullivan, rev., 387-389 Hudson, Thomas, and Company, 157 Inflation, in Phila. (1780), 58^, 59 Hudson, William, 173, 191, 210 Ingelo, Richard, i6gn, 173, 190 Hughes, John, 173, 189 Inglis & Harper, 60 Hughes, Roger, 173, 192 Ingoldsby, Sir Henry, 149, 150 564 INDEX October Inquisition: history of, by Henry C. Lea, 465- tacked, 315, 316; catalogue of the library 477 passim; reaction of Catholic scholars to of, vol. IV, rev., 382-385; papers of, vols. Lea's history of, 471-473 XI and XII, rev., 402; political writings of, Inskip, John, 70 rev., 402-403; sketch of Assembly Room in International law, 32, 43977 Independence Hall by, 76, 77; and Trum- Ireland, 244, 440; First Purchasers of Pa. bull's historical paintings, 75, 81; uses from, 145, 152, 157; Navigation Acts affect cipher in books, 408 trade of, 161; number of Quakers in (1681), \ enings, Samuel, 245 138; Penn estates in, 144, 161; raids of \ enner, Thomas, 173, 199 John Paul Jones in, 108, no; resistance to Rennet, John, 173, 215 Act of Union, 42077, 43072, 431; soldiers , ennings, John, 173, 207 from, in Am. Rev., 93; sympathy for, in \ ennings. See also Jenings Am., 420-421, 430-432, 439-441 . ensen, Merrill, rev. of Smith's James Wilson, Ireton, John, 173, 184 Founding Father, 1742-1798, 521-523 Irish Citizen, newspaper, 427 Jesuits, criticize Henry C. Lea's history of Irish in America: antipathy toward England, Inquisition, 471-472 420, 430-432, 439-441; collect money for Jewish Americana, rev., 272 arms for Ireland, 431-432; emigration of, Jews, 29 422; protest transportation as punishment, Jobson, Mich., 173, 182 439; repeal agitation among, 420-421, 427- Jobson, Samuel, 147, 173; property of, in 428 Phila., 183, 199 Irish Repeal Association: in Ireland, 420/7, Johannsen, Robert W., Frontier Politics and 431; in N. Y., 421; in Phila., 420-421, 427- the Sectional Conflict. The Pacific Northwest 428 on the Eve of the Civil War, rev., 394-395 Iroquois Indians, 112; Penn tries to buy land John, John ap, 157, 173; property of, in from, 243 n Phila., 197 Irvine, Robert, 60 John, ship, 109 Isis, ship, 93 John Filson of Kentucke, by Walton, rev., , 466, 473, 50477 526-528 Ivory, Percy V. E., 352 John Omnerod, ship, 43777 John Quincy Adams and The Union, by Bemis, rev., 385-386 Johnson, Andrew, 337 Jackson, Andrew, 427, 445, 479; Augustus C. Johnson, Charles A., The Frontier Camp Buell's fraudulent biog. of, 485, 490-491; Meeting: Religion's Harvest Time, rev., 127- study of, by Ward, rev., 121-123 128 Jackson, George, 173, 223 Johnson, Richard M., 421 Jackson, Rachel (Mrs. Andrew Jackson), 490, Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784), 34, 36 491 Johnson, Sir William, 30277, 311, 479; Augus- Jacob, Giles, 33 tus C. Buell's fraudulent biog. of, 485,486- Jacobins, 312, 313, 314, 315 89 Jacobs, Mary (Molly), 55-72 passim T t James I, King of England, 140 Johnstown, Pa., 334 James II, King of England, 140, 144, 163, Jones, Cadwalader, 173, 207 232; grants Del. to Wm. Penn, 228; and Jones, Daniel, 173, 192 Wm. Penn, 144, 229, 230, 236, 241, 243; Jones, Dr. Edward, 151, 156, 157 releases Friends, 241 n Jones, Edward, and Company, 156, 157 James, David, 173, 193 Jones, Griffith, 147, 150, 173, 246; property James, Es., 173, 196 of, in Phila., 167, 170, 182, 183, 189, 205, James, Marquis, 490, 491 206, 208, 221, 222 James Wilson, Founding Father, 1742-1798, Jones, Henry, 173, 198 by Smith, rev., 521-523 Jones, Howard M., 22 Jameson, John Franklin, selected correspond- Jones, John, 173, 178, 196, 207 ence of, rev., 513-516 Jones, Dr. John, 5, 6 Janney, Samuel M., 239 Jones, John, seaman, 433 Janney, Thomas, 24377 Jones, John Paul, 479, 489; Augustus C. Japan, 50077 Buell's fraudulent biog. of, 483-485, 491; Jay, John, 101 raids of, in Irish Sea, 107-108, 109-110; Jay Treaty, 315 raids Whitehaven, England, 109 Jefferson, Edward, 173, 212 Jones, Joseph, 173, 219 Jefferson, Thomas, 30. 79, 89, 90,319; history Jones, Rachel, 173, 200 of administration of, by Henry Adams, 493, Jones, Robert, 173, 188 498, 498??, 499-500; agrarianism of, at- Jones, Thomas, 173, 192, 207 Jones, Sir William, 241 1956 INDEX 565 . ones, Clark & Cresson, 6$ Korngold, Ralph, Thaddeus Stevens: A Being [ onson, Ben, 363 Darkly Wise and Rudely Great, rev., 266- . ordan, Thomas, 43577 267 . oris, Adriaen, 232 Kraus, Michael, 32; rev. of Sachse's The ^orison, Hiran. See Joris, Adriaen Colonial American in Britain, 528-529 Joseph Brant: Mohawk, by Chalmers, rev., Krimmel, John Lewis, 90 252-254 Krusinski, Judas Thaddeus, 17 Joseph Porter, ship, 433 Kuskuski, 295, 296 Josephus, Flavius, 29 Kyte, George W., rev. of Augur's The Secret Journalism: Augustus C. Buell's career in, War of Independence, 380-381 480; political, of Anchor Club, 312-319 passim. See also Newspapers; Press Judges, admiralty, in Phila., 432-437 passim, Labaree, Leonard W., Mr Franklin. A Selec- 441-442 tion from His Personal Letters, ed. by Junto, The, 13 Labaree and Bell, rev., 255-256 Juvenal, 19 Labor, 459, 504; foreign competition attacked (1840), 446; industrial worker in Pa. (1800- 1840), rev., 3877389; in phila. (1900-1950), rev., 544-545; in settlement of Pa., 146. Kane, John C, 435, 43677, 437, 43777, 44077, See also Craftsmen; Indentured servants 442 La Bruyere, Jean de, 31 Kane, Robert Patterson, 435, 4367* The Ladies* Home Journal, 364 Kane, Thomas Leiper, 435, 43677 Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Kantemir. See Cantemir Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de, 98, 100, Kaser, David, "The Retirement Income of 103; Chadd's Ford headquarters of, 366 Mathew Carey," 410-415 Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lorn d'Arce, Kay, Gertrude A., 34977 Baron de, 19 Keats, John, 359 Lake Erie: Indian portages on, 306; Indians Keayne, Robert, 12 sail canoes on, 296-297 Keen, William W., 47477 Lamb, Hugh, 147 Keill, James, 27 Lamb, Thomas, 108 Keill, John, 23 Lambert, Capt. Bruce, 331, 338 Keith, George, 138, 15377 Lamp tax (1775-1788), 51, 54, SS, 57, 59, 60, Kemp, Oliver, 2>S3n 66, 67, 69, 70, 71 Kennerly, James, 173, 212, 214 Lancaster, Pa., 100; Juliana Library or, 1577 Kennett, White, 18-19 Lancaster County, 487 Kentucky, 49977; biog. of John Filson of, rev., Land, Aubrey C, The Dulanys of Maryland. 526-528 A Biographical Study of Daniel Dulany the Kenworthy, C. W., 4.57 Elder {.1085-1753) and Daniel Dulany the Keppel, Augustus, Viscount Keppel, 112 Younger (1722-1797), rev., 372~373 Ker, Balfour, 35377 Land: early titles to, in Phila., 164-226; Key, John, 167, 173, 217 lottery for, in Phila. (1682), 169; patents "A Key to the Identification of Franklin's on, in Phila., 165, 168, 169; racketeering in Books/' by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, 407-409 titles to, in Phila., 24077, 246; sale of, in Pa. Kimball, Moses, 84 (1681-1684), 146-147, 148-150. See also King, Clarence, 493, 50477 Manors King, John, 173, 182, 190 Landscaping, of White House grounds (1840), King, Rufus, 419 445 King, Sarah Worthington (Mrs. Rufus King). Lane, William, 173, 215 See Peter, Sarah Worthington King Langshore, Robert, 173, 184, 205 Kingsman, John, 173. 215 Latin language, 19-20 Kingston, Duchess of, 103 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, biog. of, rev., 257- Kinsey, John, 173, 199, 213 260 Kirke, Jos., 173, 182 Lattimore, Robert, 54, 5677 Kirle, Joseph, 173, 183 Lavoisne, C. V., 412 Kirle, Thomas, 173, 190 Law, William, 29 Kirton, Thomas, 173, 220 Law, 12, 32-33, 465; books on, published by Klein, John A., 48277 Mathew Carey, 412; medieval, writings of Kline, Col. Hiram R., 329 Henry C. Lea on, 469, 470. See also Inter- Kline, Samuel, 337 national law Koch, Adrienne, rev. of Rossiter's Conserva- Lawrenson (Lourensen, Lowrensen), Peter, tism in America, 113-115 deposition of, on settlement of Del., 233- Koerner, W. H. D., 346, 3$3n 234 566 INDEX October

Lawrie, Gawen, 142 subscription library, 13; Franklin s books Laws, 240^; copyright, international, 468; in, 408; Franklin's membership charges in, Pa., Penn on review of, 237-238, 241-242, 46, 57, (>3y 68; interest of, in science, 15, 246 22-28, 36 Lawson, Thomas, 153?* Lieusley, Thomas, 173, 192 Lawyers, admiralty, in Phila., 432-437 Lighting fixtures, 90W passim Limborch, Philip van, 29 Lea, Frances Anne Carey (Mrs. Isaac Lea), Lincoln, Abraham, 337; biog. of, as president, 467 rev., 263-264; and Wayne MacVeagh, 493, Lea, Henry Charles (1825-1909): biog. 494; Northern Democrats attack, 320, 322, sketch of, 467-469; Catholic criticism oL 324, 325-326, 338; and tools of war, rev., 471-473; European scholars on writings of, 539-540; vote for, in Columbia Co., 323, 465-466, 469-470; history of Inquisition, T 324,337 465-477 passim; interest in reform, 467, Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin, 81 468; interest in science, 467,468; library of, Lincoln, Levi, 450 473-474, 474«, 475; proposed history of Lincoln, Mary Todd (Mrs. Abraham Lin- witchcraft, 467, 471, 474W, 475; publishing coln), 495« career of, 467-468; as scientific historian, Lincoln and the Tools of War> by Bruce, rev., 473-477; style of, 475-476 539-54O Lea, Isaac, 410, 415 467 Lincoln^ The President: Last Full Measure', by Lea Brothers, publishers, 468 Randall and Current, rev., 263-264 Leach, Ethel Penniwell Brown, 3$3n> 354W Lincoln's Fifth Wheel The Political History of Lebanon, Conn., 77 the United States Sanitary Commission, by Lecky, W. E. H., 465 Maxwell, rev., 398-399 Lee, Charles, 173, 191 Lingelbach, William E., 408 Lee, Gen. Charles, 96, 100 Linguistics, books on, in Library Co. of Lee, Francis, 56 Phila., 15, 34-35. See also under individual Lee, P. Blair, 289 languages Lee, Robert E., 483 Linn, John, 58, 59 Leech, Mrs., 52 Linn, Lewis F., 425 Lehman (Lemain), Philip Theodore, 229-230 Linnaeus, Carolus, 36 Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 31 Lippard, George, 463 Lemons, John, 337 Liquor, 429; Pa. tax on (1683), 161, 238 Leopold, Richard W., rev. of Hofstadter's Lists: of books purchased by Franklin at auc- The Age of Reform /from Bryan to F.D.R., tion (1762), 38-45; of early property own- 267-268 ers in Phila., 171-176; of Howard Pyle's Lewes, Del., early settlement at, 231, 232, students, 349?*, 3$3n, 3^5^ 233, 234, 235 Literature: of Anchor Club, 312-319 passim; Lewis, Ad., 173, 185 E. E. Barclay's effect on Am. taste in, 452- Lewis, Maj. Andrew, 286-287, 28977, 290W, 453, 460, 463-464; in Library Co. of Phila., 290-292 15, 19-22, 36; lurid publications of E. E. Lewis, James, 70, 71, 72 Barclay (1841-1896), 452-464; religious, Ley bourn, William, 23 taste for in Va., 12; title pages of E. E. L'Hopital, Guillaume Francois Antoine de, 23 Barclay's pamphlets, 455r, 458r, 46 ir Libraries: college, in col. Am., 11, 15, 16; Liverpool, England, 95 established by Soc. for the Propagation of Livingstone, David, 463 the Gospel, 12-13; of Franklin, identifying r Livy, 19 mark in books in, 407-409, facing p. 4o8 ; Lloyd, Dr. Charles, 151, 156, 245 of Franklin, sent to Bethlehem (1776), 48, Lloyd, Charles (nephew of Thos. Lloyd), 245 54, 56, 63; of Thomas Jefferson, catalogue Lloyd, Charles, and Company, 156 ot, vol. IV, rev., 382-385; of Henry C. Lea, Lloyd, David, 159, 247 473-474, 474«, 475; of James Logan, see Lloyd, John, 173, 192 Loganian Library; private, in col. Am., Lloy d,Patience Story (Mrs.Thom as Lloyd) ,240 11-12, 14, 15; public, in col. Am., 12-13; Lloyd, Thomas, 138, 151, 156, 157, 159, 161, of Jas. Ralph, auction of (1762), 37-45; 243n; and depositions in Del. controversy subscription, 13,14-15,36. See also Library (1685), 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235; letter Company of Philadelphia from Wm. Penn on Pa. affairs (1686), Library Company of Philadelphia: attitude 236-247 of, toward Am. writings, 18-19, 33, 36; Loan Office Certificates, Franklin subscribes attitude of, toward classical studies, 19-20, for, 46, 48, 54, 5S9 60, 65, 67 29, 34-35; choice of books for, analyzed, Lock, Andrew, 173, 188 11-36; few foreign-language books in, 15, Locke, John, 14, 32; influence of, in Am., 36; first scientific society in Phila., 24; first 30-31 1956 INDEX 567

Locofocos, 431, 440; attacked by Whigs Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de, Abbe* de, 17 (1840), 446, 447; attitude toward W. H. MacAlister, James, 343W, 344, 350, 367 Harrison, 443 McBurney, James E., 349W, 352 Lodge, Anna Cabot Mills Davis (Mrs. Henry McCall, Archibald, 62 Cabot Lodge), 503 McCausland, John, stfn Lodge, Henry Cabot, 50377, 507, 510 McClean, John, 64 Lodge, Robert, 173, 207 McClellan, Gen. George B., 324 Log cabin, in 1840 campaign, 443, 444, 449, McConnell, Emlen, 349^, 365^ 45O, 45i McCormick, Richard P., rev. of Burnham's Logan, James, 28,161,168,173; and choice of Presidential Ballots, 1836-1892, 123-124 books for Library Co. of Phila., 14, 18, 26— McCouch, Gordon M., 352, 355 27; library of, see Loganian Library; prop- McCrary, John, escapes from Indian captiv- erty of, in Phila., 194 ity, with Thos. Gist, 288, 302-311 Loganian Library, 12, 15, 20, 23 McCrary, William, escapes from Indian cap- Logstown, 295 tivity, with Thos. Gist, 288, 302-311 London, Friends meetinghouses in, 244, McDade, Thomas M., "Lurid Literature of 244W the Last Century: The Publications of London Company, 149, 155, 173; property of, E. E. Barclay," 452-464 in Phila., 211 McDonald, Ens. John, 295 London Magazine, 35 Mace, Gilbert, 174, 219 Long, John A., 484 McGannan, Michael, 63 Lopez, Narciso, 438, 439 McHenry, James, W-W1 Lords of Trade and Plantations. See Board of McHenry, May, 332 Trade McHenry family, 323 Lotteries: for Phila. lots (1682), 169; of R. E. Machiavelli, Niccolo, 32 Pine's paintings, 84, 86 McKee, , 487W Louis XVI, King of France, 103, 106, 317, McKinley, William, 507, 508 MacLellan, Charles A., 353W T 3-8- McMaster, J. B., 92 , 494 McMichael, Morton, 440 Lounsbury, Thomas R., 498W MacVeagh, Isaac Wayne (1833-1917): Henry Lourensen, Peter. See Lawrensen, Peter Adam's appraisal of, 493, 495*2, 498W, 509- Love, John, 170, 173, 189 510, 512; letters of Henry Adams to (1881- I 12 8 Loveland, Clara O., The Critical Years. The 9°5)5 493-5 5 political career of, 493"5° Reconstitution of the Anglican Church in the passim; reads Henry Adams' History, 493, United States of America: 1780-1789, rev., 498, 499-500 529-53O MacVeagh, Margaretta Cameron. See Smith, Lowell, James Russell, 493 Margaretta Cameron MacVeagh Farrar Lower Counties. See Delaware MacVeagh, Virginia Rolette Cameron (Mrs. Lowrensen, Peter. See Lawrensen, Peter Isaac Wayne MacVeagh), 493«, 496, 498, 'Lowther, William, 158, 173; property of, in 499, 5oo, 5O2, 504, 506, 508 Phila., 179, 180, 181 Maddocks, Henry, 174, 212, 214 Lowther family, 150 Madison, James, history of administration of, Loyal League, 325 by Henry Adams, 493, 498, 498W, 499"5°o Lucan, 19 Maimbourg, Louis, 18, 40 Lucas, Nicholas, 142 Maine, documents on boundary of (1842), 424 Lucretius, 19 Maitland, F. W., 465, 475 Ludlam, G., 64 Malacology, 467 Ludwig, Christian, 25 Malide, Mons., 65 Luffe, Edward, 174, 192 Malmesbury,Earlof.«S'^Harris,JamesHoward Luffe, John, 174, 184 Mandeville, Bernard de, 31 Lukens, Winfield S., 349W, 365» Manley, John, 107 "Lurid Literature of the Last Century: The Manners and customs, 21, ^y, Am. sense of Publications of E. E. Barclay," by Thomas humor, 499; of big cities, as literary theme, M. McDade, 452-464 459; books on, in Library Co. of Phila., 31; Lutheran Church: history of, in Am., rev., of Indians, 293-304 passim. See also Duels; 260-261; history of Zion Church in Balti- Funerals; Marriage more, rev., 261-262 Manors: of Wm. Lowther, 158; of Nicholas Luzerne County, 327 More, 158; of Wm. Penn, 147,158, 162 Lyceums, study of, rev., 537-539 Manross, William Wilson, rev. of Loveland's Lykes, Richard Wayne, "Howard Pyle, The Critical Years. The Reconstitution of the Teacher of Illustration," 339-370 Anglican Church in the United States of Lynch, Thomas, 101 America: 1780-1789, 529-530 Lynch, Tunis, 174, 182 568 INDEX October

Manufacturers* and Mechanics' Bank, 42277 tax (1683), 238; settle Pa., 153-154; and Maps: of Pa., by Thos. Holme, 158, 239, 246; treatment of ship captains, 429-430 of Phila., by Thos. Holme, 169 Merchants' Exchange, Phila., 425 Marana, Giovanni Paolo, 16 Meredith, David, 174, 192 Marat, Jean Paul, 317 Meredith, William M., 437 Marcus Hook, 48, S3 Merion Friends Meeting, 156 Mariana, Juan de, 18 Methodists, 325 Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, 317 Mhoon, Anna, 36577 Markham, William, 169, 174, 243, 245, 246; Mickle, Archibald, 174, 185, 199 as deputy governor of Pa., 158-159, 161; Mickle, Samuel, 174, 195 First Purchaser of Pa., 149, 150; property Middle Atlantic states, influence of, on de- of, in Phila., 182, 198, 207 velopment of the nation, rev., 386-387 Marquis, Don, 478 Middle-Class Democracy and the Revolution in Marriage, civil license for, in Ky., 49977 Massachusetts, 1691-1780, by Brown, rev., Marsh, Hugh, 174, 200, 216, 220 518-519 Marsh, Richard, 174, 184 Middleton, Thomas, 52 Marsh, Robert, 174, 220 Mi don, Francis, 17 Marshall, Charles, 153W Miles, Samuel, 174, 193 Marshall, John, 509 "The Military Occupation of Columbia Martin, Benjamin, 25 County: A Re-examination," by William Martin, David, portrait of Franklin, 6, 7, 8 W. Hummel, 320-338 Martin, John, 174, 191, 215 Military supplies, Lincoln and, rev., 539- Martin, Katherine, 174, 190 549 Martyn, Benjamin, 19 , on Forbes Expedition, 286, 28977 Maryland: controversy with Pa. over Del., Miller, John V., rev. of Cleland's George 161, 227-235, 236, 241; feeling in, over Washington in the Ohio Valley, 377-378 Penn-Baltimore controversy, 227-228, 232; Miller, Philip, 26 Wm. Penn refuses land grant to, 146; Milner, Daniel, 174, 223 troops from, on Forbes Expedition, 289, Milner, Jos., 174, 223 28977, 291 Milton, John, 20 Maryland Historical Society, 227 Mint, U. S., 450 Masaniello, 17 Mirrors, 447, 450 Mason, Robert L., 34977, 36577 "The Missing Evidence: Penn v. Baltimore," Massachusetts, democracy in (1691-1780), by Nicholas B. Wainwright, 227-235 rev., 518-519 Mr Franklin. A Selection from His Personal Massachusetts Civil Service Reform League, Letters, ed. by Labaree and Bell, rev., 255- 50377 256 Massachusetts Historical Society, 83, 8477, 90 Mitchel, John, 430, 431, 439 Masters, Frank B., 3S3n Mohammedanism, 29 Masters, Thomas, 174, 196 Molasses, 161 Mathematics, 22-23 Molesworth, Robert, 1st Viscount Moles- Mather, Cotton, 23 worth, 17 Mather, Joseph, 174, 216 Molesworth, Sir William, 43977 Mather family, 12 Molinier, Charles, 466, 470, 47477 Mathews, William, 63 Mollie Maguires, 460 Mauduit du Plessis, Thomas Antoine, Molloy, Charles, 33 Chevalier de, 98 Mommsen, Theodor, 467 Maxwell, William Quentin, Lincoln's Fifth Monmouth, Duke of. See Scott, James Wheel. The Political History of the United Monstrelet, Enguerrand de, 469 States Sanitary Commission, rev., 398- Montagu, Charles, 1st Earl of Halifax, 144 399 Montague, Capt. ("Mad Montague"), 98 May, Cornelis Jacobsz, 23277 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 22 Meagher, Thomas Francis, 439 Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de, Mechanics' Bank, 42277 427 Mecom, Jane Folger Franklin (Mrs. Edward Montfaucon, Bernard de, 34 Mecom), 70 Montgomery, Lt. Col. Archibald, 28977 Medicine, 27-28, 105; brandy as, 295 Montgomery, Gen. Richard, death of, by Mennonites, Dutch, 149, 155 Trumbull, 75 Mercenaries, in Am. Rev., 93, 96-97 Montgomery, Charles F., rev. of Gottesman's Merchant marine, of U. S. and England, com- The Arts and Crafts in New York, 1777- pared, 428-430 1799 • • • ,.118-119 Merchants: fail to meet subscription for Wm. Monti, Marquis of, 98 Penn, 238, 242-243; Phila., oppose liquor Monture, Ethel Brant, 252 1956 INDEX 569

Moody, Richard, America Takes the Stage Neick, William, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63 . . . , rev., 119-121 Nelson, Horatio, Viscount Nelson, 312 Moon, John, 174, 190 Netherlands, The, First Purchasers of Pa. Moore, Herbert, 35311 from, 145, 149, 151, 152, 155, 156 Moore (Moor), John, 147, 174; property of, New Castle, Del., 228 in Phila., 199 New England, 51 in; religious influence in, Moore, Joseph, 147 II, 12 Moore, Samuel Preston, 55, 62, 65 New England Museum, Boston, 84 Moravians, mission of, to Delaware Indians, New Jersey. See East Jersey; West Jersey rev., 375-377 New Market, Phila., $3n Mordell, Albert: rev. of Andrews' The North New Orleans, La., 422 Reports the Civil War, 395-398; rev. of New Year's Day, 142 Crozier's Yankee Reporters, 1861-/865, New York, colony and state, Wm. Penn seeks 395-398; rev. of Swanberg's Sickles the depositions in, on Del., 228-235 passim Incredible, 541-542 New York, city, 432, 438; E. E. Barclay's More, Nicholas, 154, 155, 158, 159, 243W stories of wickedness of, 459; British press More, Sir Thomas, 31-32 reports taking of (1776), 93, 99-102; Irish Moreland Manor, 158 Repeal Assoc. in., 421; library in Trinity Morgan, Enoch, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69 Parish, 12; public library in (1700), 13; Morgan, Morris, 174, 200 ship captains in, 429, 430 Morgan, Young, 174, 208 New York Assembly, letters of Edmund Morison, Samuel Eliot, 12; Christopher Burke to, rev., 378-380 Columbus, Mariner, rev., 116-117 New-York Historical Society, John Trum- Morris, Anthony, 174, 182, 188, 196 bull, vice-president of, 75 Morris, Gouverneur, 485 New York Museum, Boston, 87 Morris, Harrison S., 343, 364 New York Museum, N. Y., 84 Morris, Robert, 62, 85 New York Society Library, 13, 15 Motley, John Lothrop, 476 Newport, Andrew, 244 Motte, Andrew, 23 Newport, R. I., Redwood Library in, 15W Mount Joy Manor, 158 Newspapers, 92; Am., Wm. Peter on, 421, Moxon, Joseph, 23 424; comment on Trumbull's Declaration of Moyamensing Bank, 422W Independence, 78-79; and Ogle's "omnibus Mudgett, Herman W., 464 of lies" (1840), 448-450; reporters for, dur- Mulcahy, James M., "Congress Voting Inde- ing Civil War, rev., 395-398. See also pendence: The Trumbull and Pine-Savage Journalism; Press Paintings," 74-91 Newton, Francis, 352 Muncy, Pa., 329, 334 Newton, Isaac, 22, 23, 25, 28 Munro, Dana C, 467W, 469 Nichols, Jeannette P., rev. of Young's Con- Munroe, John A., rev. of Thompson's Gate- gressional Politics in the Second World War, way to a Nation . . . , 386-387 .545-547 Murray, David, Viscount Stormont, 102,103, Nichols, Roy F.: rev. of Brown's Middle- 104, 105, 107 Class Democracy and the Revolution in Murray, James, 428 Massachusetts, 1691-1780, 518-519; rev. of Murrey, Humphrey, 170, 174, 188, 189, 217 Grimes's American Political Thought, 115— Museums, Edward Savage and, 84, 87-88 116; rev. of Randall and Current's Lincoln, Musschenbroek, Pieter van, 36 The President: Last Full Measure, 263-264 Mutual Assurance Company, 66n Nichols, Samuel, 174, 207 Nichols, William, 174, 200 Napoleon I, Scott's life of, 411 Nicole, Pierre, 30, 31 Nashville, Battle of, painted by Howard Nielen, Andries, 464 Pyle, 36sn Nixon, John, 174, 178 National Gazette, newspaper, 312 Noble, Abel, 174, 198 NationalParkServiceMuseumDivision,85,9O» Nolan, J. Bennett, "A British Editor Reports Nationalism, in Pa., 51 iw the American Revolution, With Curious Natural rights, col. interest in, 17-18, 22, Side Lights on Benjamin Franklin," 92-112 30-31, 32 Noncomformists: persecution of, in England, Navigation Acts, effect of, on Irish trade, 161 138-144, 236, 237; Quakers as, 138, 139- Navy, U. S., 314, 315 142,143-J44 Neal, Daniel, 19 Norris, A. P., Jr., 79 Needier, Henry, 21 Norris, Isaac, 168, 174, 195, 196 Negroes, Booker T. Washington and place of, North, Francis, 1st Baron Guilford, 144 in Am. life, rev., 128-130. See also Aboli- North, Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford (Lord tionists; Slave trade; Slavery North), 105, 112 57° INDEX October North American Review, 469 Paint, used on Indian captives, 298, 299 North Carolina, 285, 2QO« Painters and painting: attribution of Pine- The North Reports the Civil War, by Andrews, Savage Congress Voting Independence rev., 395-398 analyzed, 83-91; historical, of Trumbull, Northampton County, Va., court records of, 74, 75, 81, 83; historical, Trumbull's atti- 249-251 tude toward, 79-83; of R. E. Pine, 84, Northwest, politics in, on eve of Civil War, 85-86. See also names of individual painters rev. 394-395 Paintings, as basis for Independence Hall Nova Scotia, ships from, 436;* restoration, 74-91 passim Nuts, 46, 58, 64 Palatines, emigrate to Pa., 155-156 Palladio, Andrea, 33 Oakford, Ann Cox, 547 Palmer, Elizabeth, 174, 213 Oakley, George, 57, 58 Palmer, George, 174, 200, 214 Oakley, Thornton, 352, 3^3, 355, 355"> 357, Palmer, Gladys L., Philadelphia Workers in a 35%> 359, 360, 365, 369 Changing Economy, rev., 544-545 Oakley, Violet, 349^ Palmer, John, 54 O'Brien, William Smith, 439 Palmer, Samuel, 34 O'Connell, Daniel, 420, 427 Palmer, Samuel M., 352 O'Connor, Arthur, 427 Palmerston, Lord. See Temple, Henry John O'Connor (Conway), , ship captain, Pamphlets, of lurid literature, published by 244, 244W E. E. Barclay, 452-464 Odd Fellows Cemetery, Phila., 463 Panama, 510 Ogle, Charles, 444», 45 m; "omnibus of lies," Panic (1893), 5°°, 5©1, 5°5 on White House elegance (1840), 443-451 Panoramas, of Edward Savage, 87 "Ogle's Omnibus of Lies," by Robert Gray The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, 133 Gunderson, 443-451 The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vols. XI and O'Hara, Charles (d. 1776), correspondence XII, ed. by Boyd, rev., 402 with Edmund Burke (1761-1776), rev., Pardons, presidential, during Civil War, 337 378-380 Parke, James, 153^ O'Hara, Gen. Charles, 81 Parker, Alexander, 153, 153W, 174; property Ohio Valley, Washington in, rev., 377-378 of, in Phila., 203 Ojibway Indians, 310 Parker, Sir Peter, 94 Old Franklin Publishing Company, Phila., 460 Parkinson, John, 25 Oldham, Thomas, 174, 188 Parliament. British. See House of Commons; Oliphant, J. Orin, On the Arkansas Route to House or Lords California in 1849. The Journal of Robert Parliament, Irish, 420W B. Green of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, rev., Parnell, Thomas, 21 401-402 Parrish, Maxfield, 344, 347, 349, 349W Olney, Richard, 503 Parrock, James, 174, 213, 222 On the Arkansas Route to California in 1849, Parsons, John, 174, 190 The Journal of Robert B. Green of Lewis- Parsons, William, 23, 174, 226; plan of Phila. burg, Pennsylvania, ed. by Oliphant, rev., by, 164-170, I77r-226r 401-402 Par ton, James, 490 Onslow, Lord, 106 Pascal, Blaise, 15, 29 Ordnance. See Military supplies Paschall, Thomas, 174, 215 Oregon Territory, 425 Paske, Nathaniel, 174, 209 Orme, Richard, 174, 208 Passmore, William, 174, 203 Orton, A. R., 457 Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 156 Ottawa Indians, 310, 311 Patents (of inventions), 435, 435^ Ovid, 19 Patents (of land). See under Land Owen, Griffith, 157 Patrick, Henry, 174, 200 Owen, Griffith, and Company, 157 Paving tax (1780-1788), 57,67,69,70,71 Owen, Lewis, 156 Paxon, Henry, 174, 215 Owen, Robert, 156 Peace Democrats: in Columbia Co., 320,321, Owls, as food, 304, 305 323-338 passim; and conscription, 320, Oxford University, Bodleian Library, 465- 322-323,325-334; and slavery, 320,324,325 466 Peale, Charles Willson, 86; copies Martin Ozanam, Jacques, 23 portrait of Franklin, 6, 7, 8; in Maryland, 7, 8; portrait of Franklin, $-\o, facing p. 5r; Packard, Kent, rev. of Thomas' Three Years portrait of Rittenhouse, 8-9 With Grant . . . , 264-265 Peale, Rembrandt, 8, 86; portrait of Franklin, Packet ships, 429 9-10, facing p. ior; portrait of Washington, Paine, Robert Treat, 89 9-10 1956 INDEX 571 Pearson, Edmund, 463-464 military domination in (1864), 322; number Peck, Henry Jarvis, 352, 353, 357, 364 of Quaker immigrants to, 138; Wm. Penn Peckham, Howard H., "Thomas Gist's In- letter on affairs of (1686), 236-247; Penn's dian Captivity, 1758-1759," 285-311 plans for development of, 146-147; Penn's Peixotto, Ernest C, 35371, 354 promotion efforts for, 145-146, 149, 237; Pemberton, Dr. Henry, 13 Wm. Peter's report on (1842), 418; popula- Pemberton, Phineas, 159 tion of (1681-1701), 160; public works of, Pendleton, George H., 324 426; recruitment plan in (1781), 59W; re- Penington family, 150 sources of, 426-427; role of land company Penington Company, 158 in, 148-149, 154-158; state debt of, 422, Penmanship, 34 426-427; taxes paid by Franklin, 54-71 Penn, Hannah Callowhill (Mrs. William passim; troops of, in Columbia Co. (1864), Penn), 161, 229 329, 334; troops of, on Forbes Expedition, Penn, John, 166 289, 289^, 291. See also Western Pennsyl- Penn, Letitia. See Aubrey, Letitia Penn vania Penn, Margaret Jasper Van der Schuren Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and (Mrs. Nicosius Van de Schuren, Lady Howard Pyle, 343 Penn), 144, 489 Pennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life, Penn, Richard, 150 1840-1940, by Fletcher, rev., 392-393 Penn, Thomas, 174; efforts of, to clarify Pennsylvania Clocks and Clockmakers. An Epic Phila. land titles. 165-166; gift of air pump of Early American Science, Industry and to Library Co. of Phila., 24; land owned by, Craftsmanship, by Eckhardt, rev., 536-537 in Phila., 183, 184 Pennsylvania German Poetry, 1685-1830, by Penn, Sir William, 144, 489 Stoudt, rev., 3737375 Penn, William, £i, 167; advocate of religious Pennsylvania Hospital, 36 liberty, X43~i44, 23^-237, 241; Augustus Pennsylvania Inquirer, 439 C. Buell's fraudulent biog. of, 485,489-490; Pennsylvania Railroad, 509 comment of, on Delaware River, 228; con- Penrith Fencibles, 109 troversy with Lord Baltimore over Del., Penrose, Boies: rev. of Morison's Christopher 161, 227-235, 236, 241; desires to Ameri- Columbus, Mariner, 116-117; rev. of canize his iamily, 240; financial difficulties Quinn's The Roanoke Voyages, 1384-90, of, 144, 160-162, 237, 238, 242-243, 246; 37I-372 and First Purchasers, 164-165, 168-169; Pepper, O. H. Perry, rev. of Davies' Phrenol- and Philip Ford, 161-162, influence of, at ogy: Fad and Science . . . ,124-125 court, 144-145; Irish estates of, 144, i&t; Perez, Samuel, 174, 196 letter to The*. Lloyd on Pa. affairs

Shipping, admiralty courts interfere with, in Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Phila., 432-437, 441-442. See also Mer- Foreign Parts, establishes libraries, 12-13 chant marine Society of American Artists, 34277 Shirley, James, 34 Solis y Ribadeneira, Antonio de, 18 Shirts, white, worn by troops (1758), 286, 291 Songhurst, John, 16977, 175, 215, 222 Shoemaker, Jacob, 62, 67 Soulen, Henry J., 35377 Short, Capt. J. P., 334, 336, 338 Soumain, Mrs., 52 Shorter, Elizabeth, 175, 217 South, Humphrey, 147, 175, 199 Shrader, Edwin Roscoe, 352, 365 Southby, William, 175, 221 Sichreyvogel, Lt. Col., 96-97 Southworth, John, 175, 190 Sickles, Daniel E., biog. of, rev., 541-542 Sowerby, E. Millicent, Catalogue of the Li- Sickles the Incredible, by Swanberg, rev., 541- brary of Thomas Jefferson, vol. IV, rev., 542 382-385 Siddon, , 62 Spain, 104, 46677; and Cuban independence Sidney, Algernon, 32 (1851), 438; history of Inquisition in, by Sillimaris Journal, 467 Henry C. Lea, 470-471, 47277, 477 Silver, free, Henry Adams supports, 504W, Sparks, Jared, 424 . 5O5, 507 Specie, Mulberry Ward (1789), 72 Silvers, Capt., 326 Spectator, 21 Simcock, George, 175, 184 Speculation, in founding of Pa., 148-149, 150, Simcock, John, 150, 154, 159, 175, 243, 246; 158 property of, in Phila., 222 Speke, John Hanning, 463 Simonds, Elizabeth, 175, 185 Spencer, John, 175, 216 Singer, Caspar, 67, 68, 69 Spencer, Samuel R., Jr., Booker T. Washing- Sipman, Dirck, 155 ton and the Negro's Place in American Life, Sir William Johnson Papers, 486, 487 rev., 128-130 Sisom, Thomas, 175, 222 Spener, Philipp Jakob, 156 Sizer, Theodore, 77 Spenists, 149, 156 Skidmore, Thornton, 2,S3n Spenser, Edmund, 20 Slate Roof House, Phila., 167 Spies, Am., reported in British press, 111-112 Slave trade, 42277 Spillane, Mickey, 456 Slavery, 32; Peace Democrats and, 320, 324, Spoils system, 50377 PS Sprat, Thomas, 24 Slingluff, Mrs. Jesse, Jr., 547 Springett, Herbert, 147, 149 Smith, Aubrey, 433 Springettsbury Manor, 158 Smith, Carl T., rev. of Wentz's A Basic Springfield Manor, 158, 162 History of Lutheranism in America, 260-261 Springton Manor, 162 Smith, Charles Page, James Wilson, Found- Spruance, John S., Delaware Stays in the ing Father, 1742-1798, rev., 521-523 Union, rev., 271-272 Smith, Daniel, 175, 197, 203, 223 Squires, C. Clyde, 35377 Smith, Francis, 175, 207 Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), history Smith, Goldwin, 467 of (1882-1911), rev., 399-401 Smith, Howard E., 35377 Stanhope, George, 29 Smith, James Morton, Freedom's Fetters. The Stanley, Edward, 450 Alien and Sedition Laws and American Stanley, Henry M., 463 Civil Liberties, rev., S3^~S3^ Stanley, Thomas (1625-1678), 29 Smith, Jessie Willcox, 344, 347, 349, 34977 Stanley, William, 175, 206, 211 Smith, Capt. John (1579/80-1631), 478 Stanmore, Jonathan, 175, 201 Smith, John, of Burlington, N. J., 2877 Stanton, Edwin M., 336 Smith, Margaretta Cameron MacVeagh Far- Starr, James, 72 rar, 502, 506, 508, 510 State debts: of Pa., 422,426-427; repudiation Smith, Mary, 175, 190 of, 422, 426 Smith, Robert C., rev. of Talbot's Benjamin State Department, U. S., Brooks Adams Henry Latrobe, 257-260 seeks post in, 500, 501-505 Smith, Sarah K., 3$3n State House (Stadt House), property in Smith, Thomas, 175, 208 Phila., 167-168, 193. See also Independence Smith, Wuanita, 348, 349?* Hall Smith, Wright & Grey, bankers, 49 Staten Island, N. Y., 48, 53 Smollett, Tobias George, 36 Steel, James, 175, 187, 219, 223 Sober, Thomas, 175, 178 Steele, Sir Richard, 21 The Socialist Party of America: A History, by Steele family, 323 Shannon, rev., 268-270 Steiner, Anthony, 63, 64 Soci6t6 Franchise des Amis de l'Egalite, 312 Stephens, Alice B., 34977 1956 INDEX 577 Stephens, Robert, 175, 217 Switzer, Stephen, 26 Stevens, John (d. 1726), 18, 35 Switzerland, mercenaries from, falsely re- Stevens, Thaddeus, 444, 445; biog. of, rev., ported, 97 266-267 Sydenham, Thomas, 27 Stevenson, Andrew, 421 Sykes, Nathaniel, 175, 188 Stevenson, Elizabeth, Henry Adams. A Biog- raphy, rev., 543-544 Tables, price of (1881), 496 Stewart, Col. Charles, 329, 330, 331, 334 Tacitus, C. Cornelius, 19 Stick, Frank, 3$3n Tahiti, 500W Stiles, William, 65 Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, Stilwell, Sarah. See Weber, Sarah Stilwell satire on, by Wm. Cliffton, 314, 317-318, Stitt, Herbert, 35311 319 Stock, Leo F., An Historian's World. Selec- Tammany Society, Phila., 312 tions from the Correspondence of John Tanner, William, 175, 207 Franklin Jameson, ed. by Donnan and Tasmania (Van Diemen's Land), 430^, 439?/ Stock, rev., 513-516 Tate, Levi, 326, 330, 332, 333, 335, 336; at- Stockdale, William, 139 tacks Lincoln administration, 322, 324, Stocks, of Pa.j held by English, 426, 427 3?-5> 33% Stockton, Maj. Richard V., ioow Tatham, John (John Gray), 243-244, 243n Stockton, Maj., 100 Tatler, 21 Stokes, Edward, 460 Taxes, 418, 426; 45 million tax levied by Stone, Frederick D., 227 Continental Congress (1780), 57; levied by Stone, Irving, 491 Pa., during Am. Rev., 54-71 passim; Pa. Stoneburner, , 63 (1844), 426W; paid by Franklin (1774- Stonematz, Frederick, 52 1789), 50-71 passim. See also Duties; Stormont, Lord. See Murray, David individual taxes Story, Patience. See Lloyd, Patience Story Taylor, Anthony, 175, 198 Story, Thomas, 28, 153, 159, 175; property Taylor, Christopher, 150,175, 245n; property of, in Phila., 223, 224, 225 of, in Phila., 170, 189, 208 Stoudt, John Joseph, Pennsylvania German Taylor, John, 315, 316 Poetry, 1685-1830, rev., 373~375 Taylor, Peter, 175, 207 Stout, Peter, 52 Taylor, William, 175, 207 Street & Smith, publishers, history of (1855- Telner, Jacob, 155 1955), rev., 393-394 Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmer- Street tax (1779-1787), 57, 60, 66, 67, 69, 70 ston, 430; letters from Wm. Peter, 431-441 Streypers, Jan, 155 Temple, Sir William, 16 Streypers, Willem, 155 Test, John, 175, 185, 198 Stringfellow, John, 175, 226 Thaddeus Stevens: A Being Darkly Wise and Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute, 45 Rudely Great, by Korngold, rev., 266-267 Suffrage, universal, in U. S., 423, 432 Theater, Am., romanticism in (1750-1900), Sugar, price of (1773), 50 rev., 119-121. See also Drama Sugarloaf Township, Columbia Co., presi- Theology. See Religion dential voting in (i860, 1864), 323, 33s Thistlethwaite, Frank, The Great Experi- Sullivan, William A., The Industrial Worker ment. An Introduction to the History of the in Pennsylvania, 7800-1840, rev., 387-389 American People, rev., 248-249 Sullivan County, 333 Thomas, Benjamin P., 539; Three Years With Summer, Robert, 175, 184 Grant As Recalled by War Correspondent Supreme Court, U. S., admiralty decision of Sylvanus Cadwallader, rev., 264-265 (1852), 441-442 Thomas, Edward, 156 Surveying, of early land grants in Phila., 165, Thomas, Frances. See Peter, Frances Thomas 166, 168, 169 Thomas, John, 151, 156, 175; property of, in Sutherland, Earl of. See Gordon, John Phila., 207 Sutherland, William, 34 Thomas, Milton Halsey, Elias Boudinofs Sutton, Richard, 175, 208 Journey to Boston in 1809, rev., 389-390 Swanberg, W. A., Sickles the Incredible, rev., Thomas, Richard, 175, 222 541-542 "Thomas Gist's Indian Captivity, 1758- Swanson, Swan, 158 1759," by Howard H. Peckham, 285-311 Swanson Company, 158 Thompson, D. G. Brinton, Gateway to a Swedes in America, 230 Nation: The Middle Atlantic States and Swedes in Pa., 163W, 167, 169 Their Influence on the Development of the Sweetapple, John, 175, 203 Nation, rev., 386-387 Swift, John, 175, 207, 215 Thompson, Ellen B. See Pyle, Ellen B. Swift, Jonathan, 20, 21 Thompson 578 INDEX October

Thompson, Maj. Robert, 158 Turner, Kathryn, rev. of Bode's The Amer- Thompson, Waddy, 447 ican Lyceum: Town Meeting of the Mind, Thomson, James, 21 „ 537-539 , Thrasher, Leslie, 35371 Turner, Robert, 138, 142, 145, 175, 243; First Three Years With Grant As Recalled by War Purchaser of Pa., 151, 152, 154, 157, 159; Correspondent Sylvanus Cadwallader, ed. by- property of, in Phila., 205, 206 Thomas, rev., 264-265 Turpentine, 296 Thucydides, 19 Twenty-five Years of Service, 1930-1955, by Tico, Cattolena. See Trico, Catolina oll rev Tillotson, John, 28 Tyler^ ? , >Robert-' ,^ 431 Tinicum Island, 245?* Tyng, Griswold, 3S3n Tinkcom, Harry M., rev. of Thistlethwaite's Type: sold by Franklin to Francis Childs, The Great Experiment . . . , 248-249 69n; sold by Franklin to Va. (1777), 55 Tipping, Robert, 175, 226 Tyson, Job, 41 gn Tittery, Joshua, 175, 215 Titus Oates Plot, 138 Tobacco, 102, 105 Uniforms, worn at Grant's Hill battle, 286, Toleration, 32; advocated in England (1670), 289 139-140; in Phila., 29. See also Religious . See Army of the Potomac liberty Union League, Phila., 468 Tolles, Frederick B., 19, 525; rev. of Smith's United Irishmen, 315 Freedom's Fetters. The Alien and Sedition United States: emigration from, of English Laws and American Civil Liberties, and Irish, 422; history of, by Thistle- 534-536; "William Penn on Public and thwaite, rev., 248-249; merchant marine Private Affairs, 1686: An Important New of, compared with English, 428-430; Wm. Letter," 236-247 Peter comments on, 421-423, 426, 439. See Townsend, Harry E., 352 also Congress; Foreign affairs; various gov- Townsend, Jno., 175, 199 ernment departments Townsend, Nathaniel, 175, 199 United States Gazette, 431 Townsend, Richard, i69», 175, 178, 216 United States Sanitary Commission, political Trade and commerce, 315, 316; illegal, Pa. history of, rev., 398-399 accused of, 161; interference with, in Unity, ship, 235 Phila., 432-437, 441-442; of Ireland, and Universities and colleges, religious emphasis Navigation Acts, 161. See also Business; in libraries of, 11, 15 Duties; Indian trade; Merchants; Prices; University of Pennsylvania, 466; Franklin Shipping; Slave trade urges teaching of English in, 20, 35; Henry Trapp, Joseph, 29 C. Lea library in, 475 Trees, for U. S. Mint, 450 Urbanization, in col. Am. (1743-1776), rev., Trenchard, John, 32 S13SIS Trenton, N. J., British press reports Am. victory at, 96-97 Tresse, Thomas, 175, 205, 221 Vacandard, Abb6, 473 Trials, of Guiteau, 496, 496^ Valley Forge, 366, 367 Trico (Tico). Catolina, deposition of, on set- Van Alen, James J., 504 tlement of Del., 232-233 Van Bebber (Van Bibber), Jacob Isaacs, 155 Trimble, Jessie, 364 Van Bebber, Matthias, 175, 208, 223 True, Allan Tupper, 352, 353, 3SS", 35&, 358, Van Buren, Martin, 428; installs bath tub in 361, 363 White House, 448; nicknames of, 443, 444, Trumbull, John, 91; in Am. Rev., 74~75; as 445, 446; satirized by Chas. Ogle for White an architect, 77; attitude toward historical House elegance, 443-451 passim painting, 79-83; correspondence on Con- Van Diemen's Land. See Tasmania gress Voting Independence, 88, 90; Declara- Van Sickle, Joseph, 337 tion of Independence by, 75-83, 88, 90, Vaughan, John, 73 facing p. 82r; historical paintings of, 74, 75, Vaux, Richard, 420, 421, 427 81, 83; in Phila., 75-77 Vencejo, ship, 441 Trumbull, Gov. Jonathan, 74 Veneroni, 35 Trumbull, Jonathan, 75 Venetian blinds, 90^ Trumbull, Joseph, 74 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Count de, 106 Try on, Gov. William, and his palace, rev., Vernon, Randal, 175, 223 251-252 Vernon, Robert, 176, 223 Tull, Jethro, 26, 27 Vernon, Thomas, 176, 223 , 423, 494 Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin, 314 Turner, Daniel, 27 Vertot, Abb6 Ren6 Aubert de, 17, 30 1956 INDEX 579 Vicksburg, Miss., 422 Am. Rev., 93-98 passim; resignation of, by Villari, Pasquale, 474 Trumbull, 82; visits Thos. Gist, 311 Villehardouin, Geoffroi de, 469 Wasson, Stanley P., rev. of Johannsen's Vincent, Sir Matthias, 148-149, 158 Frontier Politics and the Sectional Conflict Vineyards, ofWm. Penn, 244W • • • >394~395 Vinning, Benjamin, 176, 183 Watch tax (1775-1788), 51, 54, SS, 57, 59, 60, Virgil, 19, 41 in 67, 69, 70, 71 Virginia, 2907*; Franklin sells types to (1777), Watson, George, 453 55; Gist family in, 285; Indian captives Watson-Wentworth, Charles, Marquis of from, 288,311; religious influence in, 11,12; Rockingham, 112 troops of, on Forbes Expedition, 286, 287, Watts, Isaac, 21 289-293 Watts, Capt., 435W Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de, 17?/ Weale, John, 176, 198 Voting. See Balloting; Suffrage Webb, Mrs., 72 Weber, Sarah Stilwell, 349,349^, 352,353,365 n Webster, Daniel, 424W, 443; and rise of na- tional conservatism, rev., 390-391 Waddy, Henry, 176, 223 Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 424 Waddy, Thomas, 176, 223 Weed, Thurlow, 444 Wade, Robert, 176, 199 Weems, Rev. Mason Locke, 478 Wade, William, 169W, 176, 214 Weinlick, John R., Count Zinzendorf, rev., Wadsworth, James Samuel, 481 519-520 Wadsworth Athenaeum, TrumbuH's Declara- Welcome, ship, 167, 169, 169W tion of Independence in, 74W, 82, 83 Wells, Samuel Adams, 78 Wages, 433,441; of Congressmen (1842), 423; Welsh Yearly Meeting, 156 of the President (1840), 447; of ship cap- Wentz, Abdel Ross, A Basic History of tains (1847), 429 Lutheranism in America, rev., 260-261 Wainwright, Nicholas B.: "The Missing West, Benjamin, 75 Evidence: Penn v. Baltimore," 227-235; West Jersey, 137, 139, 142, 151, 152, 158, "Plan of Philadelphia," 164-226 163W; Concessions and Agreements (1677), Waldensians, 236 143; Fundamentals of (1681), 143; method Wales, 141 n; First Purchasers of Pa. from, of land sale in, 146; number of Quaker 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 156 emigrants to, 138; sale of Byllynge's shares Walker, John, 176, 221, 222 in, 143 Walker, John (ft. 1776), 54 West New Jersey Society, 158 Walker, Robert J., 440 Westcott, Thompson, 169 Wall, Herman, 3$3n, 365 Western Pennsylvania: activity of Detroit Wall, Richard, 176, 178 Indians in (1758), 285-295 passim; Gist Waller, Edmund, 20 family in, 285, 311 Wallis, Charles L., Autobiography of Peter Weston, Anthony, 176, 199 Cartwright, rev., 531-532 Whales, 235 Walloons, in Del., 232?*, 234 Wheat, as quitrent, 160 Walnut Street Prison, yon Whig Party, American, 440; log-cabin cam- Walton, John, John Filson of Kentucke, rev., paign of, 443-444, 448-451; Ogle's "omni- 526-528 bus of lies" (1840), 443-451 Wampum, 296, 299 Whig Party, English: Am. sympathy with, Ward, John, 23 16, 19, 21, 32, 36; concepts of (1670's), 143, Ward, John William, Andrew Jackson, Sym- 144; Wm. Penn and, 143-144; Wm. Peter's bol for an Age, rev., 121-123 services to, 416-417 Ward, Ralph, 176, 213, 218 Whinney, John, 49 Warren, Dorothy. See Andrews, Dorothy White, John, 159 Warren White, John, Del. farmer, i^on Warren, Sir Peter, 488 White House, Washington, D. C: J. Q. Warrington, Mary, 50, 51, 52, 53 Adams criticized for expenditures in, 444; Washington, Booker T., study of, rev., 128- bath tub in, 448; Ogle attacks Democratic 130 elegance in (1840), 443-451 Washington, George, 74, 75, 84, 285, 290W, Whitehaven, England: interest of, in Am. 312, 359, 368, 424, 485, 5"; Chadd's Ford Rev., 92-93; John Paul Jones raids, 109 headquarters of, 366; in the Ohio Valley, Whitehead, Benjamin, 176, 215 rev., 377-378; penmanship of, 34; on R. E. Whitehead, George, 153, 153W Pine's paintings, 86; R. E. Pine's paintings Whitehead, Walter, 352, 355W of, 84; portrait of, by Rembrandt Peale, Whitehill, Walter Muir, rev. of Bemis' John 9-10; reports of, in British press during Quincy Adams and The Union, 385-386 58o INDEX October Whitney, William Collins, 504, 511 Wood, Henry, 176, 190, 205 Whorekill, Del. See Lewes, Del. Wood, James, 176, 221 Wilcocks, Joseph, 176, 215 Wood, Thomas, 33 Wilcox, Barn., 176, 205 Wood, William, 170, 176, 189, 211 Wilderness Christians. The Moravian Mission Wood, William Francis, 349n to the Delaware Indians, by Gray, rev., 375- Woolman, Sarah, 176, 191 377 Woolrich, Thomas, 176, 214 Wilkes, John, 103 World War II: Congressional politics in, rev., Wilkins, John, 25 545-547; Delaware's role in, rev., 271 Wilkinson, Gab., 176, 213 Worminghurst, countryseat, 238 William III, King of England, 16,32,163,489 Worrel, Richard, 176, 215 William, Stanley, 176, 206 Worthington, Thomas, 419 William and Mary, College of, early library Wren, Christopher, 33-34 of, 11 Wright, Benjamin, 176, 225 William L. Clements Library, 288, 410 Wright, Louis B., 12, 21; Culture on the Mov- William Penn Charter School, 65 ing Frontier, rev., 125-126 "William Penn on Public and Private Affairs, Wiirttemburg, 62« 1686: An Important New Letter," by Wust, Klaus G., Zion in Baltimore, 1755- Frederick B. Tolles, 236-247 1955. The Bicentennial History of the Earli- "William Peter, Her Majesty's Consul at est German-American Church in Baltimore, Philadelphia, 1840-1853," by Joseph Al- Maryland, rev., 261-262 fred Borom6, 416-442 Wyandot Indians, 294W, 296, 298, 310, 311. Williams, Benjamin, $6 See also Huron Indians Williams, James, 433 Wyer, Charles, 176, 178 Williams, Jonathan, 409 Wyeth, Newell C, 352, 353, 35$, 359, 360, Williams, R. Norris, 2nd, 10 36i, 364, 3% 368 Williams, T. Harry, rev. of Bruce's Lincoln Wynne, Dr. Thomas, 151, 157, 159, 169;*, and the Tools of War, 539-540 176; property of, in Phila., 197, 200 Williamsport, 329 Williard, George, 176, 197 Wills, of Allegheny Co. (1789-1820), rev., Xenephon, 29 131-132 Willughby, Francis, 25 Wilmington, Del.: Howard Pyle's school of I Yale Gallery of Art, 77; Trumbull's Declara- illustration in, 339, 3S ~3^5y 366, 3^7, 3^8; tion of Independence in, 74W, 76, 82 art colony in, 353~3S4y 362, 3^5 n : early library of, 11, 15, 16, Wilson, Edward A., 2S3 17; grants first Am. medical degree, 27 Wilson, James, biog. of, by Smith, rev., 521- Yankee Reporters, 1861-1865, by Crozier, S13 rev., 395-398 Wilson, Mr., of Dumfries, Scotland, 93 Yard, Jos., 176, 198 Wilson, Mr., Methodist preacher, 325 Yeildal, Robert, 176, 186, 188 Wine. 161; price of (1773), 50 Yorke, Philip, Lord Hardwicke, 45 Wintnrop family, 12 Yorks family, 323 Wireman, Eugenie. See Dawson, Eugenie York town, Battle of, 112; surrender at, by Wireman Trumbull, 81, 82 Wireman, Katherine Richardson, 347, 349W Young, Roland, Congressional Politics in the Witchcraft, 471; Henry C. Lea's proposed Second World War, rev., 545-547 study of, 467, 471, 474W, 475 Young Ireland Movement, 430W Withers, Ralph, 176, 219 Ysvestryn, Pieter Lourenson van. See Law- Witner, Peter, 51 rensen, Peter Wolf, Edwin, 2nd: "Franklin and His Friends Choose Their Books," u-36; "A Key to the Identification of Franklin's Books," 407-409; rev. of Sowerby's Catalogue of the Z, pseud. See De Ziska, John Library of Thomas Jefferson, vol. IV, 382- Zenger, John Peter, 33 3%$ Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig, Count von, Wollaston, John, 486 biog. of, rev., 519-520 Wollaston, William, 28 Zion in Baltimore, 1755-1955. The Bicen- Women: in E. E. Barclay's stories, 452-463 tennial History of the Earliest German- passim; education for, 419 American Church in Baltimore, Maryland, Wood, Andrew, 67, 68, 69 by Wust, rev., 261-262 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA

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