Rav Schachter Corona 1.Indd

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Rav Schachter Corona 1.Indd ״סב ד ות כ ן נעה י י נ םי ע ןכו OPENING LETTER ......................................................................................................... 1 ...................................................................................................................... רשכה כ ל י ם רכ TEVILAS KEILIM WHEN THE MIKVAH IS CLOSED ........................................................................ 2 KASHERING A DISHWASHER .................................................................................................. 7 ................................................................................................................................ חספ MECHIRAS CHAMETZ .......................................................................................................... 3 BIUR CHAMETZ .................................................................................................................. 9 KITNIYOS ........................................................................................................................ 11 CHAMETZ SHE'ENO BIRSHUSO ............................................................................................ 12 BUYING CHAMETZ IN ADVANCE ON CHOL HAMOED ................................................................ 40 PESACH SHEINI ................................................................................................................ 58 ............................................................................................................................ גהנמ םיגנ TAANIS BECHORIM ............................................................................................................. 3 COMMUNAL CUSTOMS IN DIFFICULT TIMES ............................................................................ 8 NAMING A BABY GIRL ....................................................................................................... 15 SHIR HASHIRIM ON CHOL HAMOED PESACH .......................................................................... 20 SAYING KOL DICHFIN AT THE SEDER ..................................................................................... 27 ................................................................................................................... פס י תר עה ו רמ ה ריפ HAIRCUTS ON CHOL HAMOED AND SEFIRA ............................................................................ 22 AVEILUS OF SEFIRA ........................................................................................................... 48 ................................................................................................................... פת י ל ה / כרב תו ר KRIAS HATORAH .............................................................................................................. 13 HALLEL ON PESACH NIGHT ................................................................................................. 16 TEFILLAS TAL ................................................................................................................... 16 TZIRUF TO A MINYAN ........................................................................................................ 18 AANIM ZMIROS ............................................................................................................... 35 DAVENING FOR THE SICK .................................................................................................... 36 MAKING UP KRIAS HATORAH AFTER THE CRISIS ..................................................................... 53 BIRCHAS HA'ILANOS VIRTUALLY ........................................................................................... 56 BIRCHAS HAGOMEL ........................................................................................................... 57 ״סב ד ISSUES IN KRIAS HATORAH .................................................................................................. 70 MAFTIR ........................................................................................................................... 70 MECHITZA FOR AN OUTDOOR MINYAN ................................................................................. 72 INYANEI TEFILLAH ............................................................................................................. 79 .............................................................................................................. וח חוקיפ/הל שפנ חוקיפ/הל וח SICK IN ISOLATION .............................................................................................................. 4 PIKUACH NEFESH ON SHABBOS ........................................................................................... 10 TRIAGE IN MEDICAL DECISIONS ........................................................................................... 29 SAFEK SAKANAH ON SHABBOS ............................................................................................ 47 ............................................................................................................... תרהט החפשמה תרהט SHOWERING AFTER THE MIKVAH ........................................................................................ 21 ............................................................................................................................ מש ח ו תוחמ WEDDING WITHOUT A MINYAN ........................................................................................... 23 JOINING A SIMCHA VIA ZOOM ............................................................................................. 28 ....................................................................................................................... תמ / א ב ל ו תולבא/ת TAHARAS HAMEIS ............................................................................................................. 25 TEMPORARY BURIAL .......................................................................................................... 31 INYANEI AVEILUS .............................................................................................................. 31 BURIAL ON SHABBOS/YOM TOV .......................................................................................... 45 ANINUS AND AVEILUS WITH DELAYED BURIALS ....................................................................... 50 GUIDANCE FOR THE CHEVRA KADISHA DURING CORONA .......................................................... 74 .................................................................................................................... תבש / י ו ם ט ו בוט ב EIRUV TAVSHILIN .............................................................................................................. 24 EIRUV CHATZEIROS ............................................................................................................ 24 DOCTOR RETURNING HOME FROM HOSPITAL/WOMEN RETURNING HOME FROM MIKVAH ON SHABBOS/YOM TOV .......................................................................................................... 37 TOSEFES SHABBOS ............................................................................................................ 60 ................................................................................................................. יב ן םדא וריבחל םדא ן יב TZEDAKAH ....................................................................................................................... 42 ........................................................................................................................... בש ו ע ו תועוב EARLY SHABBOS ON THE SECOND NIGHT OF SHAVUOS ............................................................. 63 MINHAGEI SHAVUOS ......................................................................................................... 73 ............................................................................................................ עת נ י /ת ב י ן צמה ר י םירצה תינע DAVENING ON SHIVA ASAR B'TAMUZ ................................................................................... 75 ״סב ד MOURNING CUSTOMS OF THE THREE WEEKS ......................................................................... 76 LAUNDERING CLOTHES DURING THE 9 DAYS .......................................................................... 77 DAVENING ON TISHA B'AV ................................................................................................. 77 WASHING HANDS ON TISHA B'AV ........................................................................................ 88 SHOMER PESA'IM HASHEM ................................................................................................ 89 ...................................................................................................................... םימי נ ו םיארונםמ DAVENING ON YOMIM NORAIM .......................................................................................... 78 SHLIACH TZIBBUR DAVENING FOR MULTIPLE MINYANIM ......................................................... 90 INYANEI ROSH HASHANA V'YOM HAKKIPURIM ....................................................................... 95 THE PLACE OF MINHAGIM .................................................................................................. 98 BOWING ON ROSH HASHANA AND YOM KIPPUR .................................................................. 100 .............................................................................................................................. תוכוס INYANEI SUKKOS ..............................................................................................................
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