Wednesday Night Rebbe’S Haggadah) Vol
Thursday, 15 Nissan, 5780 - For local candle Your complete guide to this Tuesday, lighting times visit week's halachos and minhagim. 20 Nissan, 5780 Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, this The Seder Pesach minyanim are not taking place. • Begin the Seder as soon as possible, so the However, we still felt it appropriate to include children will not fall asleep.3 the halachos associated with tefillah betzibur, • The Rebbe Rashab once told the Frierdiker Rebbe: etc., in this issue of the Luach. “During the Seder, and especially when the door is opened, we must Erev Yom Tov reminder: think about being a “The Haggadah Don’t forget to make an eiruv tavshilin! mentch, and Hashem should be said loudly, with great joy and will help. Don’t ask much kavanah.” for gashmiyus; ask (Siddur HaArizal, for ruchniyus.” (The cited in Likkutei Sichos Wednesday night Rebbe’s Haggadah) vol. 22, p. 179 fn. 40) 15 Nissan, 5780 | First night of Pesach Preparing the Kaarah Things to do • The kaarah is assembled at night, before beginning the Seder.4 1 • After Minchah but before shekiah, recite the • If possible, choose concave (bowl-shaped) Seder Korban Pesach. matzos for the Seder plate.5 • Before Yom Tov, light a long-burning candle, from • To avoid any similarity to the korban pesach, the which the candles can be lit tomorrow night. Frierdiker Rebbe would remove almost6 all the • Ideally, women and girls should light candles meat from the zeroa bone (although it was from 2 before shekiah. When bentching licht, the a chicken, which is invalid for a korban to begin berachos of Lehadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov and with).7 Shehecheyanu are said.
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