FallSpring 2013 2013 Volume 17, No. 1 Newsletter of the Center for Japanese Studies School of Pacific and Asian Studies University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Please submit materials to
[email protected] Visit our website at www.hawaii.edu/cjs Director’s Message Haruki Murakami spoke at a program led by EALL’s Dr. Saeko Shibayama on Thursday, October 31, 2013, in the UHM Happy holidays 2013 and Art Auditorium. In “Traveling Texts: Reading Haruki Mura- year of the horse 2014! kami across East Asia,” Mr. Murakami spoke on his own path to writing and his places in the world. Prof. Yung-Hee Kim traced Murakami’s influence on Korean readers and writers. Please enjoy Fall 2013 achievements in Japanese Studies by Prof. Nobuko Ochner found East Asian archetypes in Mura- students, faculty, and guests in this newsletter. I hope to see you kami’s writings. Prof. Yun Peng explained reception of Mura- at Spring lectures on campus, showcasing our strengths at UHM. kami in the Taiwanese and Chinese publishing worlds. EALL, Japan’s global connections, past and present, wove through pub- College of LLL, Chancellor’s Office, and the Centers for Ko- lic talks this fall. My great appreciation to all speakers and co- rean, Chinese, and Japanese Studies co-sponsored. sponsors. My great appreciation to all who attended, delivered, and Fall’s first talk was August 30, when Professor Lawrence arranged these exciting talks on interconnected Japan. I am Repeta of Meiji University found “Japan’s Democracy at Risk” in looking forward to seeing you at talks in Spring 2014! the LDP’s proposed constitutional changes.