HCF Catalogue Moulds • Tools • EquipMEnT • ingrEdiEnTs 2014 5 TransFErs – MassivE in StoCk rangE 500W sugar laMp PLUS MODEL 38002 New Low Cost SAVE Custom 15%! Transfers WAS £334.01 +VAT Service NOW JUST £250 + VAT siliConFlEx Moulds MarTEllaTo grEEn PRICE CUT disposablE piping bags £6.75 EACH + VAT 80 micron non-slip (SELECTED DESIGNS ONLY) nEW PAVONi PX Moulds 40cm BOX OF 100 LAUNCH PRICE Just £7.50 + VAT £35 EACH +VAT 55cm BOX OF 100 (NEW DESIGN ITEMS ONLY) Just £8.50 + VAT nEW pasTry aCadEMy Home Chocolate Factory Creative Inspiration for Chocolatiers, Pastry Chefs and Bakers Tel: 020 8450 1523 Email:
[email protected] Special offers valid until www.homechocolatefactory.com 30 March 2015 Catalogue 2014 5 homechocolatefactory The pastry aCadEMy nEW! Contents THE pasTry aCadEMy launCHEs Coffee Roaster/Melter Promo 4 SOSA Cochineros 5 Home Chocolate Factory is pleased to announce the launch of The Pastry Academy, a brand new concept in Pavoflex Moulds 6 training for pastry chefs, chocolatiers and bakers. Based at our soon-to-be-opened new Superstore, Pavoni Chocolate Moulds 11 The Pastry Academy will offer short, two hour courses in Siliconflex Moulds 12 the afternoon covering over 50 different ‘modules’ each focussing on a specific topic. Silikomart Professional 22 Some courses will be ‘hands on’ and some will be ‘hands Cake Bases 26 off’ and must be booked and paid for in advance using our spECial oFFEr new Online Course Booking facility. Pavocake Moulds 27 On completing a module, each Courses are designed for professionals and participants Pavoni Sphere Moulds & Chocoflex 28 will require basic pastry / chocolate making skills.