(JRA Hijacker), 176 Achille Lauro, Hijacking, 167 Action Directe
Index Abbas, Abu, Achille Lauro hijacking, 167 Armed Proletarian NucJei (NAP), Abe, Kimihiro (JRA hijacker), 176 formation of, 135; ideology, 208 Achille Lauro, hijacking, 167 Armee de Liberation du Quebec (ALQ), Action Directe (AD), French terrorist foundation of, 38 group, 116, 120,214 Armee Revolutionnaire du Quebec, 39 AD, see Action Directe Assen (occupation ofProvinciehuis), 83, ADF, see Anti-War Democratic Front 88, 91, 93, 108, 204; release of hostages, Adorno, Professor, infiuence on RAF, 89 117 Audran, General Rene, murder ofby Aggression, 186,190,194--5 Action Directe, 120 Akagi, Shiro (JRA hijacker), 176 Aufbau (Reconstruction), programme of, A1geria, 39,45,46,61,201 17 Aigerian Secret Army Organization Augsburg, bomb attack on police (OAS), and BAS, 14 headquarters,1I9 Alliance of Ambonese Y outh for the Austrian People's Party (OVP), and Berg Republic ofIndonesia (API), 78 Isel Bund, 7 Alpini (mountain troops), ltaly, 17 Austrian Socialist Party (SPO), and Berg ALQ, see Armee de Liberation du Quebec Isel Bund, 7 Amato, Dr Nicolo (Director General of Autonomy Statute 1948, (South Tyrol), the Italian Prison Service), 139, 149 background to, 3-4; provisions of, 5-6, Ambon (Moluccas), 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 87 199 Ambonese revolts (1817, 1858, 1860, 1864, Autonomy Statute 1972 (South Tyrol), 1866),74 effect of, 23, 30 Ambonese Study Foundation, 78 American Club (Napies), alJeged JRA Baader, Andreas (RAF founder member), bombing of, 184 116,121; suicide of, 119, 122, 123 Analyses ofterrorism, 127-8 Badan Persatuan (Unity League
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