Volume 49, Number 3, May–June 2012 Is it Braggs’ Law or Bragg’s Law? Is the Universe simpler than we thought? Nanopositioning Systems for Physical & Life Sciences RM21™: Microscope Platform for the Future 7 .#!'/',+)'%+#" *'!.,/!,-#-)0$,.* 7 #/'%+#"$,.*4'*1* 1/#.!!#//' ')'05 7 )),3/:#4' )# !,+9%1.0',+,$ ++,-,/'0',+'+% /0%#/+"'+/0.1*#+0/ AFM in 30 Minutes Shown with optional Nano-View® with the SPM-M Kit integrated nanopositioning and micropositioning system, camera &#'0'+!)1"#/ not included 7 "® +/0.1*#+0!(%# 7 +, ++,-,/'0',+'+% 3D Nanopositioning /0%# image stabilisation − 7 +, Join the Nano-Cyte® ++,-,/'0',+'+% Revolution! /0%# 7 4'/!),/#"),,- ® 7 .,2#+!0'2# +,.'2#®!,+0.,))#. /0 ')'/0',+$,."5/ 7 /0 ')'/0',+00&# ++,*#0#./!)# 7 )'*'+0#/".'$0 7 #/'%+#"0,'+0#.$!# 3'0(#.+)&."3.# !,*-,+#+0//1!&/ !*#./)'%&0 /,1.!#/+"/&100#./ Nano-View® Series: Integrated positioning solutions 7 +1)+"10,*0#"*,0',+1-0, ** 7 1 ++,*#0#.-.#!'/',+&'%&/0 ')'05 7 #0.,90/0,))'+2#.0#",-0'!)*'!.,/!,-#/ 7 ,*-0' )#3'0�,.-& ® μ+%#. )'"# ,,( 8 7 "#)$,.,-0'!)03##6#./-.0'!)#0.!('+% *'!.,/!,-5 Thebarton Campus, University of Adelaide 10 Reid Street, Thebarton SA 5031 Australia Phone: 08 8443 8668 Fax: 08 8443 8427
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