The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More Information

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The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More Information Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48253-0 - The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More information The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel provides a wide- ranging introduction to the major trends in the development of the German novel from the 1890s to the present. Written by an international team of ex- perts, it encompasses both modernist and realist traditions, and also includes a look back to the roots of the modern novel in the Bildungsroman of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The structure is broadly chronologi- cal, but thematically focused chapters examine topics such as gender anxiety, images of the city, war and women’s writing; within each chapter, key works are selected for close attention. Unique in its combination of breadth of cover- age and detailed analysis of individual works, and featuring a chronology and guides to further reading, this Companion will be indispensable to students and teachers alike. © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48253-0 - The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More information © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48253-0 - The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More information THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO THE MODERN GERMAN NOVEL EDITED BY GRAHAM BARTRAM © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48253-0 - The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More information cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City Cambridge University Press Th e Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 8ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 2004 Th is publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2004 Transferred to digital printing 2010 A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Th e Cambridge companion to the modern German novel / edited by Graham Bartram. p. cm. – (Cambridge companions to literature) Includes bibliographical references and index. isbn 0 521 48253 4 (hardback) – isbn 0 521 48392 1 (paperback) 1. German fi ction – 19th century – History and criticism. 2. German fi ction – 20th century – History and criticism. 3. Bildungsroman. I. Bartram, Graham. 1946– II. Series. pt771.c36 2004 833´.9109–dc22 2003058436 isbn 978-0-521-48253-0 Hardback isbn 978-0-521-48392-6 Paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of fi rst printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48253-0 - The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More information CONTENTS Notes on contributors page vii Preface xi Chronology xiv A note concerning translations and bibliographical data xxiii 1 The German novel in the long twentieth century 1 graham bartram 2 Contexts of the novel: society, politics and culture in German-speaking Europe, 1870 to the present 15 lynn abrams 3 The novel in Wilhelmine Germany: from realism to satire 31 alan bance 4 Gender anxiety and the shaping of the self in some modernist writers: Musil, Hesse, Hofmannsthal, Jahnn 46 ritchie robertson 5 Franz Kafka: the radical modernist 62 stanley corngold 6 Modernism and the Bildungsroman: Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain 77 russell a. berman 7 Apocalypse and utopia in the Austrian novel of the 1930s: Hermann Broch and Robert Musil 93 graham bartram and philip payne v © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48253-0 - The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More information contents 8 Images of the city 110 burton pike 9 Women writers in the ‘Golden’ Twenties 123 elizabeth boa 10 The First World War and its aftermath in the German novel 138 michael minden 11 The German novel during the Third Reich 152 ronald speirs 12 History, memory, fiction after the Second World War 167 dagmar barnouw 13 Aesthetics and resistance: Boll,¨ Grass, Weiss 187 j. h. reid 14 The kleiner Mann and modern times: from Fallada to Walser 202 anthony waine 15 The ‘critical’ novel in the GDR 218 patricia herminghouse 16 Identity and authenticity in Swiss and Austrian novels of the postwar era: Max Frisch and Peter Handke 232 michael butler 17 Subjectivity and women’s writing of the 1970s and early 1980s 249 allyson fiddler 18 The postmodern German novel 266 paul michael lutzeler¨ Index 280 vi © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48253-0 - The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More information NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS lynn abrams is Professor of Gender History at the University of Glasgow. She has published widely in the field of German women’s and gender history. She is the author of The Making of Modern Woman: Europe 1789–1918 (2002) and co-editor with Elizabeth Harvey of Gender Relations in German History (1996) alan bance is Emeritus Research Professor of German at the University of Southampton. He is former Germanic Editor of the Modern Language Re- view and past President of the Conference of University Teachers of German in Great Britain and Ireland. His books include Theodor Fontane: the Major Novels (1982), and (as editor) Weimar Germany: Writers and Politics (1982) and The Cultural Legacy of the British Occupation in Germany (1997). His translation of a volume in the new Penguin Freud series appeared in 2002 un- der the title Wild Analysis, and he is currently translating Brigitte Hamann’s ‘Winifred Wagner oder Hitlers Bayreuth’. He is also working on projects on Od¨ on¨ von Horvath´ and on the theme of war and society in twentieth-century Germany. dagmar barnouw is Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California. Among her more recent publica- tions are Germany 1945: Views of War and Violence (1997) and Naipaul’s Strangers (2003). Her latest book, Feared Memories: the Uses of Remorse in Postwar Germany and America, is due to appear in 2004. graham bartram is Lecturer in German Studies and former Associate Dean (Postgraduate and Research) in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Lancaster University. His co-edited books include Brecht in Perspective (1982), Culture and Society in the GDR (1984), Walter Benjamin in the Postmodern (1994) and Reconstructing the Past: Representations of the Fas- cist Era in Postwar European Culture (1996). He is currently working on a study of Hermann Broch’s Die Schlafwandler. vii © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48253-0 - The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel Edited by Graham Bartram Frontmatter More information notes on contributors russell a. berman is Walter A. Haas Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University. His publications include Between Fontane and Tuchol- sky (1983), The Rise of the Modern German Novel (1986), Modern Culture and Critical Theory (1989), Cultural Studies of Modern Germany (1993) and Enlightenment or Empire: Colonial Discourse in German Culture (1998). In 1997 he was awarded the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. He is currently at work on a project on literary history. elizabeth boa is Emeritus Professor of German at the University of Not- tingham. She has published The Sexual Circus: Wedekind’s Theatre of Sub- version (1987), Kafka: Gender, Class, and Race in the Letters and Fictions (1996) and Heimat – a German Dream: Regional Loyalties and National Identity in German Culture 1890–1990 (2000, co-author Rachel Palfrey- man), and co-edited Women and the Wende: Social Effects and Cultural Reflections of the German Unification Process (1994, with Janet Wharton) and Anne Duden: a Revolution of Words (2003, with Heike Bartel). She has also published numerous essays in feminist criticism on German literature from the eighteenth century to the present. michael butler is Emeritus Professor of Modern German Literature at the University of Birmingham and has been awarded the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. He has published widely in the areas of twentieth-century German literature and society and contemporary German- Swiss society, culture and literature. His books include The Novels of Max Frisch (1976) and The Plays of Max Frisch (1985); he has also edited Re- jection and Emancipation: Writing in German-speaking Switzerland 1945– 1991 (1991), The Narrative Fiction of Heinrich Boll:¨ Social Conscience and Literary Achievement (1994), The Making of Modern Switzerland 1848– 1998 (2000) and The Challenge of German Culture (2000). stanley corngold is Professor of German and Comparative Literature at Princeton University. Among his books are The Fate of the Self: German Writers and French Theory (1986; revised edition 1994), Franz Kafka: the Necessity of Form (1988), Borrowed Lives (with Irene Giersing) (1991) and Complex Pleasure: Forms of Feeling in German Literature (1998).
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