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SECTORIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE - SENEGAL RIVER EASIN - Regional Studies - Mali, Mauritania, Senegal USAID/RBDO May 1984 DAKAR TABLES OF CONTENTS Page - I. General Studies, Plans and Programs for the Overall Basin ... 11. Irrigation Development and Master Plannirlg .......... A. Senegal.. ........................ B. Mauritania ........................ C. Mali ........................... IV. Hydrology - Regulation of the Senegal Kiver .......... V. Hydrogeology and drainage ................... ............ -. VI.- Hydro-Agriculture- and- Rural.- Development - - - - VII. Agronomy. ........................... VIII. Forestry .Agrostology .Fishery and Cygenetics ........ IX. Livestock .......................,... X. &.-Industrial, Iadustrial and Mining ikvelopn~nt....... XI. Transport, Navigation,~Telecommunications, Energy ....... XII. Sociology - Social and Economic Studies ............ XIII. Aerial Photography Coverages, Mapping and Surveys ....... * - XIV. A. Donors' major papers issued since 1980, on the SRB .... B. SAED Documents ..........- ............ C. SONADER Documents . ,. .-+-.-,.-, .. --. ,-,. ..... D. OVSTM Documents ...................... ANNEXES - Su;plexq~tary Biblicgr~~5yf=r ?=~gzti=2223 !!!story - Supplementary I3iblio~raPhyfor Social and Economic Studies - ABBREVIATIONS API Action P6rimStres Irrigugs de Kayes BAD Banque Africaine de Dfveloppemect BARA Bureau Africain de Recherches Appliquges BCEOM Bureau Central d'Etudes Outre-Mer, France BECIS Bureau d'Etudes, de Conseils et d'Interventions au Sahel B RGM Bureau de Recherches G6ologiques et MiniSres CCCE Caisse Centrale de Coop6radon Economique CUMA Coopi5rative d'utilisation de Materiel Agricole CTFT Centre Technique Forestier Tropical FAC Fonds d'Aide et de CoopEration FA0 Food and Agriculture Organization GERDAT Groupement d'Etudes et de Recherches pour le Mveloppement de 1'Agronomie Tropicale - - GEXSAR Groupement d'Etudes et de Realisations des Socigt6s Rggionaies de D6veloppement IBRD Intertnational Bank for Reconstruction and Development IER Institut d 'Econanie Rurale, Bamako IEMVT Institut d'Elevage et de MGdecine VEtGrinaire Tropicale IGN Institut Geographique National, France and kkar INSEE Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, France IRAT Institut de Recherche en Agronomie Tropicale, France ISRA Institut S6n6galais de Recherche Agronomique, S6n6gal OERS Organisat ion des Etats Riverains du Fleuve SEnegal ORSTOM Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer OMVS Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal OVSTM OpEration Vall6es du Senggal, Ter6koll6, Lac Magui ORGATEC SociEte Africaine d'Etudes Techniques, Dakar SAED Soci6t6 d'AmEnagement et d'Exploitation des Terres du Delta, St. Louis SATEC Socigts d'Aide Technique et de Coopsration SCET-Inter Soci6t6 Centrale pour 1'Equipement du Territoire International SOGREAH SociGt6 Grenobloise d'Etudes et d'Applications Hydrauliques SONED Soci6t6 Nouvelle d'Etudes de Developpement SRB Senegal River Basin UNDP United Nations Development Program UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Office WARDA West African Rice Development Association I. GENERAL STUDIES, PLANS OR PROGRAMS FOR THE OVERALL BASIN 1. "Integrated Development Program of the Senegal River Basin", by NORBERT BEYPSLRD France, for HWD 013V.5 - 1974. In French. The .Study includes 11 volumes : 1. Methodology 2. Environment Study 3. Economic Evolution of the 3 Countries 4. Optimum Programming of the Hydraulic System 5. Agriculturai, Livestock and Fishery Development 6. Industrial and Mining Development 7. Navigation 8. Recurrent Sectors Development 9. Implementation of the Sectorial Projects 10. Regional Location of the Development 11. Research of Optimum Strategies -- 2. "Hydro-agriculture study of the Senegal River as in", by FAO/UNDP - . - 1977, in French. See the "Synthesis Report", FAO/UNDP -- 1977. 319 pages and figures and maps. The study establishes the synthesis of data In the following sectors: ' Mapping and surveys, Pedology and land suitability, Climatology, hydrology, hydrogeology and groundwater, Agronomy, farming systems, wazer requirements, Livestock, fishery, forestry, Structure and economic analysis of rural production, Existing irrigated lands, Planned perimeters, Hydraulic plan: Upstream reservoir dam - Downstream anti-salt dam, Drainage Basic data for development. Options for development Integrated Development Program for the SRB and its financing. Annexes : * Tables, maps and drawings, * Soils and land suitability maps at scale 1/50,000 between St. Louis and Sakel, (34 x 2 sheets) by SEOAGRI * Bibliography (p. 299): Reports and maps prepared by the Project. 3. "Social Economic Study of the Senegal River Basin" (April 1980) OMVS/UNDP. Financed by USAID, FAC, Italy. With the technical contribution of ORSTOM. In French and English. 7 Volumes: General report and volume A, B, C, D, E, F, and maps. 4. "Agricultural labor and dry-season cultures in the Senegal Valley", Sy A. LERICOLLAIS, ORSTOM. Paris 1980. In French only. 8 Volumes + 7 maps scale 1/10,000; from St. buis to Bakel. This is the major study on population in the SRB. 5. ".4ssessnent of environmental effects of proposed developments in the SRB" by Gannett-Fleming Corddry and Carpenter/OR~~T~~.OMVS , financed by USAID. In English and French: - One Synthesis Final Report - 14 Partial Reports for various sectors 6. "Feasibility survey of the regulation of the Senegal RIver. Design of a system of water management planning in the upper Seneral river catchment". By Senegal Consult/Switzerland. 1970 (SGI, ElecEowatt, Motor Columbus, Z.I.). In English and French. 9 volumes. - 11. IRRIGATI3N DEVELOPXENT AND lIASTER PLKKNING SENEGAL "Rehabilitation, feasibility and detailed design studies of the irrigation project areas on the left bank of the Senegal River". 1981182 by GERS-AR, financed by the W=rld Bad. In French. Includes an Irrigation Master Plan of the middle valley (por~ionPK 169 to PK 540 and PK 745 to 770); issued in 1982. A sumnary and cor,clusions of this irrigation master plan is available in English. The dossier includes pilot schemes and detailed designs for the PODOR project and S'aDE WALA project. A synthesis report of "Podor project area" is available in English (January 1984). 2. "Irrigation master plan of Matam Zone" by SATEC-SCET-SONED (1983) Financed by French FAC and CCCE. A very important study, including feasibility studies, linked to ongoing projects. In French only. This study completes the irrig;:;;~ L;;:;; ,l~, ;f the middle valley from PK 540 to PK 745. 3. "Master plan of the delta left bank zone" by RCEOM. 1983. Financed by FAC. Preliminary version available in French. - - -. From Sf Louis to Dagana - - The final report will be completed in 1984. 4. "Site inventory of small scale village irrigation schemes in the Podor Department" by GERSAR, financed by the World Bank From Dagana to Thilogne. Includes an economic analysis of small perimeters. --. 5. Set of feasibiiity studies and fihal designs for hydro-agriculture projects -existing or planned- beteen St. Louis and Bakel, by various donors. Principally in French. For example: "Matam lrriga-don Project" by BECHTEL, USAID Decemeber . 1976. 6. SAED reports. - ~ ..*- 7. "Economic evaiuation of the..development of the left bank of the Senegal River" by the French Caisse Centrale CCCE. December 1982. Ic Frexh. TYZ -:zlumes. -. - - - - - - - -- 1. "Irrigation aaster plan of the right bank of the Senegal river". Between Rosso and Selibaby, the GERSAR. June 1980. In French. 2. "Feasibility study of a program of a small scale village perineters on :he right bank of ths Senegal ri-~er". Between Rosso and Selibaby. SATEC, May 1980. Financ2d by FAC. In French. 3. "Irrigation master plan of^-the delta right bank", OMVS. Financed by FAC. This study will be conlpleted in 1935. TOR prepared by OFlVS in 1984. 4. "Development of the lake R'Klz area" by BCEOM (1981) financed by FAC. Preliminary and feasibility studies. Potential of 8,000 ha irrigable. In French. See also "Geography and mapping of K'Kiz" by SANTOIR (ORSTOM, October 1973)/ 5. "Development of the Aftout-es-Sahel area" by SOGREAH (19751, financed by FAC. Preliminary and feasibility studies. In French. This project is in relation with the water management of Diama dam. Aftout-es-Sahel is a large and long depression laying along the ocean - -- -bet~=eaSt. Louis .and-NouakChott. -. 6. World Bank documents, for SONMER. For example: "Mauritania small scale irrigation project", staff appraisal report, October 1982. In English. 7. SONhDER docunenzs: feasibility studies and .final designs of the perineters already developed. - For example: "Gorgol Project": Studies by IFAGRAEUA (Italy) financed by FED S.A. AGRER (Belgium) BCEOM (France) -MALI (irrigation developmmt and master planning) 1. "Master planning for the hydro-agrj-cultural development of the T6r6kol6-Ko.~ombinE-LakP Mag~izone. by RODECO-INSTRUPA GmbH, Germany. February 1983. The study includes a pilot project at Yellmane and a detailed feasibility study for the Ontogolo perimeter (360 ha). 2. SCET-International/France: "Diagnostic study of the hydro-agricultural development pottmtialities of the Kayes region". (March 1975). In French. Funded by FAC. It concerns the zone along the river between Diamou and the Senegalese boundary. 3. SATEC (France) "Progress reports on the FAC funded projects in the first region". (July 1977). III French. 4. FAO. Various papers on the implementation of the Kamankole perimeter project. In French. 5. SATEC: "Market study