ED 103 331 95 SO 008 200

AUTHOR E7land, Anne, Comp. TITLE Mexican American Bibliography: A Collection of Print and Non-Print Materials. INSTITUTION Toledo Public Schools, Ohio. Mexican American Curriculum Office. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Elementary and Secondary Education (DREW /OE), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 74 NOTE 90p.; For related documents, see SO 008 179 and 180 AVAILABLE FROM Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 ($9.95)

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC Not Available from EDRS. PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS American History; *Annotated Bibliographies; Bibliographies; Bilingual Education; Cultural Awareness; *Educational Resources; Elementary Secondary Education; *Ethnic Studies; Films; Instructional Materials; Instructional Media; *Mexican ; Minority Groups; Periodicals; *Social Studies IDENTIFIERS Elementary Secondary Education Act Title III; ESEA Title III

ABSTRACT This annotated bibliography of Mexican American materials gathered from 1971 to 1974 offers teachers and students a listing of available print and nonprint resources on Mexican American history, primarily concentrated in the social studies areas. The materials address themselves to the history, heritage, pride, and contributions of . Resources are on ; the Indians of Mexico and the culture they are responsible for; the development and growth of the Southwest as an integral portion of the developing Americas; and the role of Mexican American Persons in shaping present day American life. All materials listed in this catalog are owned and housed at the curriculum office. All resources are available for circulation, with priority given for Toledo Public School use. The bibliography contains listings of books, recrods, filmstrips, tapes, 16mm films, realia, and periodicals, along with necessary purchasing information. Materials are listed alphabetically by author, title, and subject. The final pages of the catalog contain an alphabetical list of addresses for producers, distributors, publishers, and jobbers which might otherwise be difficult to locate. (Author/JR) .--4 teeN




Ane Hyland, compiler Resource Librarian

The Mexican American Curriculum Office Toledo Public Schools Manhattan and Elm Streets Toledo, Ohio 43608

Guillermo F. Vorhauer, Director

The work presented herein was performed pursuant to a grant from the U. S. Office of Health, Education and Welfare, ESEA Title III, Section 306.

The cover drawing depicts symbols of the Roman, Jewish, Moslem, and Christian elements of the Spanish culture which, in combination withthe Mexican indigenous component, was brought intoti.? by the Mexican American. PRODUCED BY:


Xerox University Microfilms Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106

XI 171IX)") .1 a Itademark .0 x1.0 )X C011P011A HON 00004 DESCRIPTIVE NOTATIONS:


This book catalog is a product of the Mexican American Curriculum Office. During a three year period from Pr; Ito 197.1, the Mcxican American Curriculum (:Ifice has gathered materials for use by teachers and students in classroom settings, primarily concenirated in Social Studies aeas. The materials address themselves to the history, licriLige, pride and contributions of Mexican AmerL ans. This includes materials tin MCA jell, the Indians of Nlexlcu and the culture they were responsible fur; the development and gr. ttli of the Southwest as an integral portion of the developing Americas; and the rule of Mexican Americanpersons in shaping present day American life.

. \II materials listed in this ca' :lug are in-print, owned and housed at the Mexican American Curriculum Office. Allresources arc available fur circulation, With )Vit v given for Toledo Public School use. Phis catalog fills a gap in a labie bibliographic sources of materials dealing with Mexican Americans, in that books, records, filinst-ips, tapes,I 6inni films, and periodicals are included, along with necessary purchasing information.

It is hoped that the bibliography will encourage the increased use of t he resources listed in the catalog, andtv...illa.Iso encour- age other school systems to begin the purchase of Mexican American related materials, thereby increasing the number of resources availa'lle to students and R. chers On4 \iCNIC:111 Americans.


The catalog is arranged by title, author, and subject. Each entry contains the following information:

AUTHOR BERNAL, IGNACIO. TITLE NIL \ lc() before Cowl.; art, history, legend. fransla ted by Willis Barnsionc. 1st ed.] PUBLISHER 1)011h1Cday, 1%3. 135p.illus.972.01


When the center was first being established, it was found that a number of the matcrials were produced by smallor unknown publishers whose addresses were, initially, difficult to locate. Therefore, additional notesas to the content or availability of each title have been added when necessary. The availability notation indicates when the Mexican American Curriculum Office ob- tained the material, if other than the publisher. The material, may, of course, by available from othersources as well.


Several of the subject headings used in this catalog reflect specific categories often requested, and are unique to the catalog. 1Iiesc headings are used in addition to standard headings:

ENGLISI I AS A SECOND LANGUAGE i.; used for materials that arc related to the teaching Of English to persons who possess another primary language. BILINGUAL. LITERATURE is used for materials that are printed ill two languages, usually Spanish and English MEXICAN AMERICANS is used fur materials which deal with :Mexican Americans as a distinct group of persons anti in contrast to t he heading IN TI U. S. which is used ONLY when the material is about citizens of Mexico who arc in the United States. SPANISI I LANGUAGE READERS is used for ehildrPn's easy reading books which arc written entirely in Spanish. SPANISI I LANGUAGE READERS is used for materials written entirely in Spanish, but which require on advanced reading ability. NON-PRINT MEDIA followed by the descriptor RECORD, FILMSTRIP, MOTION PICTURE, R EA IJA, TAPES, or STUDY PRINT is used to bring all the non-print materials together in the catalog. All other subject headings used are standard Library of Congress headings.

00005 MOTION PICTURES: *he Mexican American Cuiliculum Office maintains a collection of thirty-eightI mnin films. The films can be located in the catalog under t he subject heading Non-Print Media Motion Picture. 'he center has available a listing of all the films with notations as to where they are commercially available t''r rent. This list can be supplied tree of charge upon request. 'he center also has available individual instructional units to accompany each film. The units arc designed to be used during one class period, with additional projects, activities, and resources to extend the unit to several days of interrelated instruc- tion. 'These units arc available, tree of charge, upon request also. Please direct requests for either the I (nun film rental list or for specific instructional film units to: The ,Mexican American Curriculum Office Toledo Public Schools Administration Bldg. Manhattan and Elm Streets Toledo, Ohio 43608


The following list is supplied for persons who may be interested in the purchase of I Omm films relating to Mexican Americans. Aims Instructional Media Encyclopedia Britannica McGraw I lill Films P. 0. Box 1011) 425 North Michigan Ave. Distribution Center Hollywood, California 90028 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Princeton Road IIighstown, New Jersey 08520 Atlantis Productions Inc. Greenwood Press I 252 1,a Granda Drive 51 Riverside Ave. National Audio-Visual Service Thousand Oaks, California 91360 Westport, Connecticut 06880 National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration AV-ED Films I landel Films Washington, D. C. 20409 7934 Santa Monica Blvd. 8730 Sunset Blvd. I1011VW00d,California 90046 West Ilollywood, California 90069 National Educational Media 15250 Ventura Blvd. BRA Educational Media International Film Bureau Sherman Oaks, California 91403 2211 Michigan Ave. 332 South Michigan Ave. Santa Monica, California 90404 Chicago, Illinois 60604 N.B.C. Educational Enterprises 30 Rockefeller Plaza Carousel Fihns, Inc. Learning Corp. of America New York, New York 10020 1501 Broadway 711 Fifth Ave. New York, New York 10036 New York, New York 10022 Oxford Films, Inc. 1136 N. Las Palmas Ave. Coronet Films Los Angeles, California 90038 65 Fast South Water Chicago, Illinois 606(11


Newspapers and magazine titles arc entered under the subject heading PERIODICAL. If the full ordering address is not given in the entry, the complete address is supplied in Appendix A.


Posters relating to Mexican Americans, La Rana, F.1 Movemie nto, and the Theater, can be obtained from the following companies. Interested persons should request purchasing information. 1iCausa Publications Cultural Cultural Distribution Center P. 0. Box 4814 P. 0. Box 274 Commission for Mexican American Affairs Santa Barbara, California 93103 San Juan Bautista, California 95045 1514 Buena Vista St. , 78207


The final pages of the catalog contain the complete alphabetically arranged addresses for producers, distributors, publishers and jobbers, which might be difficult to locate, Persons interested in increasing their collection of Mexican American materials should write to these sources and request to be placed on their mailing list of av,:ilable materials.


ABC', XYZ. AN ADVENTURE IN HUALAN RELATIONS AL.NIQUIST, ALAN F. 1972 imp .\sailahle nom Bilingual (by) Muriel Crosby, SEE II cieci Robin Fleming, 1915- I he Sets tee I ankh, Antonio Jimenez 11901 xxxiii, 396 0.('rush), Muriel Estelle, other ('alitoinians, piejudice and dis.iiiiiination E 1998- 370.193 C under . AllexiLo, and thel !laid Stales to 1920 1/1)1 Rohell & Alan F. AI1( "S IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH. AD1ENTURES OF THE LOLLIPOP DRAGON 979.4I I 19(9 I 1 (unpaged) 'Fallon. Robert. E I (Las Adventuras del Dragon Paleteri:: Sirgei, 1970. 6 filmstrips and.1 ,lisscite tapes. ALONG ss.r.s.rsvARI) TRAILS. A.J.A1, Thesixlessons, ponnotesharing, %kin long Rand Si: Nally Wall map.\%esteinIS.trails El Campo. text(' J.AI dustraciones deF. together,takingturns, careofthen..,perty, in184(1. Boundaries of Nlexico and RepullE.: Aoirre. South Pasadena. California, kindness to animals, and asoiding litter. the of Texas. 973 51 BilingualEducational Set% ices. 1967. 67p. Spanish text is excellent useorSpanish lest in Spanish F. A language. Grades K-8. 468 A ALTERNATIVES ToVIOLENCE La Cuidad; text» de A .I.A1. South Pasadena, alienated youth and riots, race, and miserly. Calitornia, Bilingual Educational Sell ices. AFRICA.Atlas de oro ilustrado en °elm volumenes; 110671 192 p. I971 67 p, ills.Test in Spanish. E A Bernstein, Sail:, 1905- Tomo V, 309.173 II Las bora, del dia;lihros para lunar; coleccion el 90 p. Bes ans, Margaret. 916 Ii gloho de cultures. South Pasatlen:. California. AL'ItUS, DAVI IL Al. nigua 1EducationalServices, 1972. imp. AFUERA, Bilingualeducation, a selectedhibliogaaphy. illus. Text in Spanish. 529.78 A 1967. imp. Jaynes, Ruth. E J LIlihros deitsanimates; lihrosparalunar; R IC C'R ESS, New Mexico Sidle Liiiersity, 1971). 222 p. ERIC' Annotations coleccion el gloho de cultures.South Pasadena. AGRICULTURAL. REVOLUTION IN MEXICO, California. Bilingual Sell ices, BibliographyPiotessional 016 A Educational EncyclopediaBritannica, 1965. 51) fr.color Mexican American education. a selected 1970 56 p. illus Text in Spanish. 599 A filmstrip. (Mexico in transition series) La tierra, bibliography, 1 LRIC. CRESS, text° de A.1 M.; ilustraciones deF. 338.1 A (iii co Aguirre. SouthPasadena, California, New Mexico State 1971. I V unpaged) ERIC' Annotations. Bilingual Educational Services,1971. Text in AGRICULTURE. Bibliography.. Spanish. 016 A E A Eye Gate House, 1052. 27 Ir., color, 35 rant. (Mexico. our friendly neigh hurlWith teacher's ALURISTA, AARONS, ALI'W.',D C. manual. Shows howtertilesoil,fa unable El (Thibligo de. \/Ilan. San 1)lego, C2iitio de Einguistie-Cultinal Differences and AlliCrIC:111 climate, good gmerninent. agricultural Education koritla 1:1. Reporter, Vol. 7. No. estiiilios: Publications, 1971. 92 p. education, and the use ofagricultural I 801 illus. Poetry and art workof N.E. 177th st., N. Miami Beach, Fla. machinery resultinthe production or larger Chicano 33162, 1969. 175. 4 Sections: students. 811 A Role of the crops. 631 A school; cultural pluralism; Theoretical considerations; curriculum deselopment; Book AKWESASNE NOTES. Florieanto cn Aeflan. Los Angeles, Uniersity Resicw. Calitornia,1971. 100 p. illus. 418 A Wesleyan Clikersity,IndianStudiesProgram. (Creative Arts series) Middletown. Connecticut 06457. issues Irani 1stof Creatke Atts Series. 100 ol ABELARDO. Alurista's worksv.rittenhetkeen 1972 to 1973. AailahlefromAkwesasne 1968-69 SEE Poetry with illustrations"parallel the ;Meting Delgado, Ahelardo Lalo. Notes, Mohawk Nation via Rooseeltown. New York 13683. Articles,literature & poetry dynamic within the Movement". 811 A ABREGO, SILAS H. relating to the American Indian. 070 A Nationchild Chicano ResourceMaterials. Chicano Studies ALBA, VICrOR, Plumaroja. San Diego,Centro Institute, Minna! Systems. Suite 1207. 1700 K Cultural de la Raea 92101, 1972. imp. illus. The Alexicans, the making of a nation. New St N.W., Washington. D.C. 20006, 197 ;). 91 Also available from La Causa Publications. York, Praeger (1967)vii. 268 p. illus., maps. p. Includes articles, hooks, and media. ports.22 cm 811 A Bibliography -Brief annotations-Professional use. Bibliography:p. 255.256. Also an outline for Chicano Studi..s programs. 917.2 A 016 A ALBACI:TE, JULITA. THE AMERICAN ADVENTURE. Arboleda, vol. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Santillana, Spain, 1972. 5 color filmstrips & records. guides & ACROSS THE TRACKS:Mexican-Americans in a prints.For contents see author entry, 1970. 125 p. illus. (floss, 'texas city[by) Arthur J. Rubel. Richard E. 323.11 G [19661 xxvii, 266 p.Rubel. Artnur J. workbooks. Available from Ileffernan Supply. 461 A 301.453 R AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ALCORN, JOHN. Spanish-speakingpeopleintheCalledStates. ACROSS '111E TRACKS,by Bob and Jan Young. June Helm, editor. William Madsen. program (19581 192 p.Young, Bob, 1916.1969, SEE Justin. Sesyle. La fiesta. Illustrated by John Alcorn.(1st ed.) E J chairman. ',caw. Distributed hy the Fic Y University of 'Vashington Press[1969. c19681 vi,215p.28 cm. (Its ACI'OS V EL TEATRO CAMPESINO. ALEGRE NAVI DAD. Proceedings of the annual spring nu cling, 19681 Includes 1971. 145 p.Valdez, Luis. 792 V Discos Columbia-(Al DC-1258)n.d. 33.13 rpm. record.Aailahle from Heffernan Supply. bibliographies. 301.448 A ACUN RODOLFO. 394,26 C THE AMERICAN EXPLORATION AND TRAVEL Cultures inconflict. problems or the,:exu."In SERIES, 38. Americans. by Rudy Acuna and Peggy ALEXANDER, WILLIAM MARVIN, 1912 - Thehighschool:todayandtomorrow [by) Bartlett,RichardA. Greatsurveysofthe Shackelton. New York, Charter School Books American West. (1st ed.] (19621xxiii, 408 p. 27 cm. William M. Alexander. J. Galen Saylor [and) (c19701 144 p A text 557.8 B designed to teach sympathetic attitudes toward Emmett L. Williams. NewYork. Holt, Rinehart and Winston[19711 x, 438 p. 23 Mexican Americans and their problems and to AMERICAN ExTREmEs. encourageunprejudicedfeelingstowardall ern. Include' bibliographies. 373.73 A 1964. 227 p,Villegas. Daniel Casio. people. 301.45 A ALLEN, HAROLD B. 320.98 V A Survey of the Teaching of Englishto Non- Mexican A Americ..n Chronicle. N.Y.. English Speakers in the United States. THE AMERICAN FRONTIER AS 'rm.: CAMERA American Book Company,1971. 210 p. illus. National Council of Teachers of English, 1966. SAW IT SERIES. Easy tore idsuitable for High School Test. 158 p. charts. 418 A Cowboy life on the Texas plains. 1973.nil nstrip raperhact onlywell presented. 973 A and record. 976.4 C ALLEN, VIRGINIA FRENCH. Frontier Life in the Southwest 1973 filtastrip and record. Occupied America,the Chicano's struggle toward English as a second language; a comprehensive bibliography (by)VirginiaF Allen LifeaftertheCaliforniaGoldRush 917987) V. liberation San Francisco,Canfield Press (and] Sidney Forman. New York, Teachers College filmstrip and record. 979.4 L 11912) xi.282p.illus. 24 cm. Includes Press (19671 A South Dakota Settlement. 1.73.filmstrip and bibliographical references. 973 A )5 p. 2: cm. 016.42 A Review exercises for English as a foreign language, record. 978,39 S by Virginia F.Allen andRobertL.Allen. The story of the Mexican New York, Crowell(19611 149p.21 cm. THE AMERICAN INDIAN. Americans; the Men 'Based upon maierials appearing in the authors' (c1970) 253 p.Locke, Raymond Friday, comp. and theland. New York, American Book Company, 1969 Graded English, an intensive course prepared 970.1I. With Teacher's guide4th in 1958 for employees of the Caltex Pacific Oil to8th gradeaccount, easy toadapt io classroom use. Company in Rumbai. Indonesia." 428.24 A AMERICAN INDIAN ART. (173,2 A [19711 445. (2) p.'eder, Norman. 709 F ALLYN, PAUL, ADAMS, RUTH JOYCE. The picturelife of HermanBacilli(); illus.with THE AMERICAN INDIAN IN URBAN Fideha, by Ruth Adams IllustratedbyAti photographs. Watts, 1972. 48 p.illus. A SOCIETY.Edited by Jack 0, Waddell [and] 0. Forherg. New Vork, Lathrop, Lee & Shepard brief,pictorial biography of Herman Badillo, Michael Watson. (19701 1321 p colinns24 cm A little girl thefirst Puerto Rican to he electedto (19711 xis,.414p. For contents see author wants aviolin so much that she decidesto Congress.Biog. note about auth. p. 48. entry.Waddell, lack O.. 1933- comp. make one herself. Fic A 920 301,36 W 00007 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

1\11.1(1(1%. IND! GROUP 1. ANDV,INI(, NIAIIIA 1). AQUINO-111:1INIUD Z, EIDERICO. I stotkhook 1961 Imp,11,1 I ibo d I ow solo' pe k filing sir Sutton & SL hostel . N11 the,. lona I itt dust! ado, edicion 111111.1hp. 61 p Mu. IypingmanualiitSpanish Stithiesoids (t,nlcnl. I IleMlle lom N lai ion, Sly dictionary, (iiades 9-Adult. 652.3 A he II.hd I%%110 let OW summer. Ititle edition. Ness York. Lothrop. Lee & Shepard. I he lei, ssiinaiii 398.2 A AN GE! , NA1. LONDON°, 1907. 1971 96 p duos. 460 A I( S% I \ 1)11 \ 'MYTHS, GII()1.11 II. SEE Modern soeational trends ieleieme Imp( ti Illut Compaay. n .1 4 handbook 371.425058 \I AQ1.1111(1(E, co.(1). stub w,,,1 I.C"nlerit. ItitleSL arldLe.the EI roar.libros para Loleeciiiii el gloho de .in.1the%sinterp.m!. ANGELO, THE NAUGHTY ONE.Illus. by Leo eolores South l'asadena. V111,. turkeys base fed est..., 398.2 Politi. kluvational St:nix:es,1970. 72 p. illus.Text 1944 p(iariet). Ilelen Fie (i; in Spanish %\I 1('.1% I \1)1 .1 \S; ethnic cultures of 551.46 A %merit a. ANG1.0-..1MERICAN DIRE('1")81' OF !M XICO, 1..slimatiiinalInsights.Ins. ( ahl 19'3 125 1973 edition. LAARAUCANA; coleccion el gloho do colores. said.Intermediate les el i tulwa gaud:. 7)18 p. Asailahle through F. W. Faxon 1963. 134 p.Ercilla de. Alonso. 861 E 373.19 A Company, Ws:S(14,110dt Massachusetts Puy 0, Ruth, ed 056 I' ARBOLEDA,vol. 3, 4, 5, and 6. AMER 1CAN rsui.vss, EsT RHAy AND 1970. 125 p.As adable from Heffernan Supply. THHAY. ANGOFF, 11.11 1.1:1\1 II. Albacete. Mita. 461 A 19'2 24 pii.tincs and h4 N guide. 970.1 A SEE Ldta itional testing Sen ice. -Hi,. culittg, Bo.d .Admissions Testing Program. a AMERICANS III FORE COLLNIBUS;illus. with report on research and des elopinent ARCIIAELOGICAL AND FOLKLORIC MEXICO. drawings and maps by ('.Ii.Fulls: and with 32 at:mikesrelatingtotheScholastic Aptitude tip.Asailable from Warren's Educational pages of photographs. TestandAchiocinciitTests. WilliamII. Supply. (.irades 4-Adult. Fischgrund. Eugenio. 1961 [c 1451I 2'2 pBatty. Ii/abctli chesIcy Angof. editor 378.1 E 913.031 F 970.1 B ANIMAI.ES PASADO;text's de Rose 31'yler ARCHITECTURE MEXICO. ANIERICAS. y Gerald Ames; on Lihro de Oro de Estampus. AV-ED, 1972. 16 min. color. sd. 20 loin.Clear ienctal St....ietariat of the ltraits/atititiof 1971. 48 p. Wy ler. Rose. 568.19 W Natct ',an'ufts, ashington. DC '1006 relationship of old and new inBuildingsin issiis front 7 orient Irom AN'1110 LOGY OF MEXICAN POETRY. . Various types of Architecture are Sales and I'iunottuut I)is ( ieneral Translated by Samuel Beckett.Pref. by C. M. discussed.Grades 4 and up. 725.072 A otthe OrgantiationtaAmerican llowra. States. \1.ishington. I) C 20006 Pietunal [19581 21,1 p Par. ()eta% io,914- crimp. THE ARCHITECTURE: OF THE SOUTHWEST; pit:sew:now ofI aim .iner countries 070 A 861 P Indian, Spanish, American. (1971,c19501 xii, 312 p. Sanford,Trent ANIERICA'S C1111.1)REN: 1.05 1/1.: 1.A RAZA. ANIIDEFAMATION LEAGUE. Elwood. 1897- 720,979 S lam Handy. IX:invo. 19711 1 odor filmstrip. SEE Or anths. Jean Dresden, 1919- teLord Dcptrhthe tile middremn,or Intergroup education: methods and materials. \IL.... mok.n through the L'es 01 370.19 G ARCINIEGA, T. A. the xhildicia(irides 4-6 301.4314 A SEE Kane. Shchacl 0. Shimmies in Public education's response to the Mexican textbooks, a study of their treatment in social American student. El Paso, Texas, Innovative AMIGO.Illustrated hy Garth Williams. MichaelB. Kane. Resources,loc.,University of Texas. 1971. 1961 41 pSch%%eiticr. 13)1,1 Baylor. Fie S Oscar Cohen. 301.45 K 28 p. 371.97 A AMONG THE VALIANT; Mexican-Americans in ANTOLOG1A DEL SADF:R POPULAR. Aztlan ART E:VANS PRODUCTIONS. WW. II and Korea. Publications. Monograph No. 2. SEE : a cultural conflict. 301.2 L 1961 21)11 p Month Raul 940.5404 M 1971. 75 p.Robe, Stanley L. 398.2 R

El.AMOR ENTRE LAS:IVES Y oTRAs ANTONIO'S Sl'ORLD. THE ART OF ANCIENT MEXICO, Designed by UCH !OSUMI) ES. 1970. 60 p.Figueroa. John. Fie F gerard Nook,Special photography by Alfred H. d 6+p. from Haft:nun Supply. Tamarin, Carneiro, Antonio NI 598.2 C ANXIETY, ACCULTURATION AND '1'11E: [1968) 41 p.Iilubok, Shirley. 759.172 G URBAN CHICANO;the re'itionship between A NI l'I.ET. stages of acculturation and anxiety level of EOP ELAR'I'E DE COCINA & Aka Nhiseum Rcpin:is, New York figurine I smdents. 1972. 26 p.Devilbiss High School. 641.5 D I 2- high.1.ailip!e of distinginscil goldsmith 1970. Loper, Richard Emilio. 301.241 L talents of artisans front Colombia. about 4(10 to I SIMI .\ I) 972.8 A APACHE, NAVAHO, AND SPANIARD.[1st ed.] ARTHUR, MILDRED II. 9601 304 p.Forbes. Jack D. 970.1 F Ilolidaysoflegend; from New Years to ANAYA, 8UI/01.10 A. Christmas,by Mildred H. Arthur. Illustrated Bless me.l Itima. a nose! Berkeley.Calif.. AN APPLE IS RED. Photographed by Harvey by Sofia. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y., Harvey Oruro Sol. 19-2 2411 p illus. Second Mandlin, House[I 9711 124 p. illus.24 cm. Traces annual Vrenno Truro Solliterary :mad tor (1967) Iv.Curry. Nancy. E C the originsofholidays such as Easter, 1971 1.s,ellerit portray ol a young 'Mexican American hoy grriwing up in New Nlexico APPLYING FOR A JOB. Christmas, and May Day describing the various 813 A Encyclopedia Uri ta nnica, 1970. 16 nun. color. customs and celebrations connected with each, sd.13 min.Demonstrates techniques for job 394.26 A .. AND JUAN."Illustrated by Charles Payzant. adplication. Shows through experience of Ruth, 119611 42 p.Shannon, Ferry Fie S a Hack girl.Well presented.Grades 11-12. ARTISTIC HERITAGE:,Geraldine Kalan, ed. Adult. 331.115 A Teaching Resources Films, 1972. 68fr,color AND NOW MIGUEL:illustrated by Jean Chariot. filmstrip with record & guide.(Mexico:Our 09611 24S pKruingold. Joseph. 1908. APPLYING FOR A JOB. dynamic neighbor series)Art of Mexico as Fic K Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corp.. 1971. 13 min. sd. color. 16 mm. (Careers in seen through sculpture, architecture, wall "AND THE EARTH 1)11) NoT PART." the officerAlso issued in b&w. With teacher's pointing, and works of outstanding Mexican 1971 177 p Rut eta. Tomas. 813 R guide. CREDITS; Producer, Gregory Helmer. muralists. 917,2 IC SUMMARY. Explains how to apply for a job, AND THEREvv.vsAMERICA. howtodressforthe interview,howto ARTISTIC REVOLUTION IN MEXICO. Ig 76 p1)rnuu,m. Roger. 973.1 I) determine the suitability of a job, and how to EncyclopediaBritannica. 1965. 50fr.color benefit from cpecialired training 331.115 A filmstrip.(Mexico in transifion series) ANDERSON, 111.A81' POPE, 1927. SEE [tition,loan So shall ye reap (hy( APRENDIZAJE: CONOCIMIENTOS; basicos 709 A Joan laindon and Henry Anderson a travel de la musica, Vol. I (AR531) 331.881I, 1972. 33-10 rpm. record with guide.Palmer. ARTS AND CRAFTS. flap 372.2 1' n.d. 4 sols.Ochoa, Carmen. 745,5 0 ANDERSON, THEODORE. Bilingual .010(11111g theI. mted States.Volumes AQUI A'IENE PONCHADO [por] Leonard ARTS AND CRAFTS FOR GIRLS. I & II S roiscrnincat 1970 292 and 128 Kessler. Tradoceion del angles por Pura Belpre. 1970. 108p. Available from Blaine Ethridge, p 375 A (1969) 64 pK :sslcr. Leonard P..I)20. Detroit, Mich. Zalamea, Remedios, 745,5 Z Fie K AND( SANGRANDO;I am bleeding; a study of Mexican American police conflict. AQUI V ALLA EN CALIFORNIA: textuy ARTS AND CRAM'S OF MEXICO. 141 p .S ailahle from Commission fur fortograflas de Ernesto Galeria. EncyclopediaBritannica, 1965 50fr.color Amen% an AffairsMorales, Armando. Also available from Totincm. Galarza, Ernesto. filmstrip.(Mexico in transition series) 323.4 M 979.4 G 745.5 A 2 00008 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

ARTS NI) CHIVES OF A1E:GM. PARTI: AN'ES RARAS Y Exo.rIcAN; eoleeciim Odisea. BAILES REGIONALES 1/F. MEXICO ('ON El. Pottery and %easing. 11)64 I s \itirpliy, Robert Cushman. NIARIACIII VARGAS TECALITIAN. En.yclopaudia Britannic.' Films, 161 13 min . 598,2 NI .13.13 ipin. record. Fuentes, Ruben, dit. sd .color. 16 11111 Res!. d %crsion of the 793,31 F mott,npictureentitledartsand or AWAY TO MEXICO[by] Albert J. Nevins. M.:51,11 V1 oh teacher', tzitide ('t edits [19661 96 pNexins. Albert J. 1915- BAILEY. 11ELEN MILLER. Collahoiator, I:12 ohm de laBoiholla. 917,2 N FifteenfamousLatinAnielicans [by]lielcil Another issue h&%% Summaty Explains \Idler Bailey [.ind] isCeliarintaka. that \lexico isstilla land of craftsmen and TI1E AZTEC; Man and Tribe. lInglexxood NJ.,Pr,nticc-11;111 [19711 tisans Shims anIndianuoinalimaking 1961 224 p.Von Hagen, Vicki'. Wolfgang. \Ail,190p.illus.(part col.),col. maps, col. the.,ingeofAmatenango,the 970.1 V plates,ports. 24 col. Bibliography.:p.176- laslitoning ofI al ocia %%are in Puebla. and the 181. Brief biographies of ',keen Latin ! and paititim. or pottery in the village of AZTEC THOUGHT AND CU urtiRE;a study of America uho, aspoliticalleaders, Tonula artists, Follous the making of scrapes trom the ancient Nahuatl mind.Translated from the %%niters, musicians. and .oldicrs, contributed to sorting of uool to %%caving. 745.5 A Spanish by Jack Emory Davis.[1st ed,] the des clopment or their respective countries. (1963) 241 p.LeonPortilia, Miguel. 970.2 I. ARTS AN1) ('RAFTS OF MEX1C(). PART 2: Basketry, stone, wood. nail metals, THE AZTECS; people of the sun.Illustrated by Et.riAncTil Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1961 II min Miguel Covarrubias; translated by Lowell Americans before Columiis;illus. xxith drawings sit .color, 16 nun Res ised venous of the Dunham. [1st ed.] :notion picture entitled Arts and oaks. With and maps by C. 11.Falls; and with pages of (1958) viii, 125 p.Caso, Alfonso, 1896- photographs. Viking.1961 teachers guide Credits.Collahotator, Daniel [c195 1 ] 272 p. 970.2 C illus. of I' Rohm de is Borholla.Norther issue.h&w. "Description the Sitnimai y civilizations ol this continent from the Ice Age Viev% s of modernday \lex ico that THE AZTECS AND CORTEZ. to the arrival of Columbus." stretch hack intoantiquity. 970.1 II Picturesthe Doubleday Multi Media. nal. colorfilmstrip intricate labor of basket and hammock uezoing. with record. 972.02 A BAKER, BETTY. 'thecare employ ed bythe,surdcar% er and gust a maker, the silyeruork it "'ascii, the art The blood of the bras e. [1st ed.] New York. THE Azncs AND CORTEZ, AND SPANISH flamer & Row [1966] 165 p. 21 of glassinaking,andthe laequeruork of the cm. CONQUERORS AND COLONIZERS. Bibliography: Mexican Itdtalo.. 745.5 A p. 165. Fie B Doubleday Multi Media and Jam Handy. 1972. Walk the world'srim. New York. Harper & 2 color filmstrips and 1p records. 972.02 A ARTS :AND ('RAM'SOF THE MEXICAN Row [1965] 168. [1]p.illus., map.21 em. PEOPLE Bibliography: p. [169] Chakoh, a young [by] EdwardII.Jones,Jr.and AZTECS OF' MEXICO: Margaret S. Jones, origin, rise, and fall of the Apache of the sixteenth century. learns from Aztec Nation. Rev, by Susannah B. Valliant. [1971) 64 p.Jones, Eduard Harrell. 1922 Esteban, a Spanish slave, the Spatihrd's way of 1962. xxii,312p. Valliant,George 745.5 J Clapp. life as well as the meaning of such virtues as 1901 - 1945. 972.014 V honor and courage. Fie B ARTURITO EL ASTUTO, THE AZTECS UNDER SPANISH RULE; 1971. 60 p.McNulty. Faith. E \IcN a BAKER, NINA BROWN. history of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico, Juarez, hero of Mexico. Adapted from Juarez. ASIIERON, SARA. 1519-1810. Hero of Mexico, Vanguard,1942. McGraw 1964. xii, 657 p.Gibson, Charles, 1920- Vendras araniliesta1 N Y ,(irosset & Dunlap Hill. 1949. 122 p. illus.4-8th grade account- 972.02 C Pub.. 1971. 60p. illus. (Lib'sfacilde readable. 920 J lectural Text in Spanish. E A AZTLAN. BAKER, PAULLINE. ASSOCIATION C11111/11001) Aztlan Publications,ChicanoStudies Center, Espanolparalosilispanos. Skokie.Illinois, EDUCATION (INTERNATIONAL) Unkersity of California, Los Angeles. issues National Textbook Co..1966. 116 p. LITERATI;RE COMMITTEE. from 1970 to current.Chicano Journal of the 407 B Told under the stars and stripes; an umbrella SocialSciences andtheArts. Forumof hook Storiesselected by theLite ra ture scholarly writings on all aspects of the Chicano BALET, JAN IL, 1913- Committee of the Association for Childhood community. 070 A The fence;a Mexican talc. Story and pictures by Education Illustratedby NokiaWalker. Jan Balct.New York, Delacorte Press [1969] Ness York. Macmillan,1945. 4 p.I., 347 p. AZTLAN: ananthologyofMexican American [26] p. col.illus. 2"cm. "A Seymour incl. front . illus.22 cm. Fie A literature. EditedbyLuizValdez and Stan Lawrence book." Translationof Der/assn Steiner.1st ed. Witil the sound of his money the poor man ASTURIAS. MIGUEL ANGEL. 1972. Iv.Valdez, Luis, comp. 810 V repays the rich neighbor for the smell of his El senor prcsidente. Translated front the Spanish food. Fic B byFrancesPartridge. [1stAmericaned.] AZUELA, MARIANO, 1873-1952. New York. Atheneum,1964, (c1963) 286 p. Two novels of theMexicaliRevolution: The BALL TWO![By] Florance W. Taylor. Pictures by 22 cm. Awarded the Nobel Prize for literature trialsof a respectable familyand The George Overlie. 1967. Fie A underdogs. Translated byFrances Kellam [1971] [321 p.Taylor, Floranec Aralton. Hendricks and Beatrice Berler.San Anwnio, FicT ATOMOS,EL CORAZONDE TODAIA PrincipiaPress of TrinityUniversity, 1963. MATERIA. xxvii, 267 p. 24 on. Fic A BALLET FOLKLORIC() DE MEXICO. 1972. Iv.Korn, Jerry. 539.7 K The underdogs, a novel ofthe Mexican Musart Records (D618) 33-1/3 rpm. record. Revolution. Translated byE.Munguia, Jr. 793.3 B ATWATER, JAMES D.,1928 Illustrated by J. C. Orozco.With a foreword Out from under; Benito Juarez and the struggle byHarriet de Onis. [NewYork) Ix;,!w BALLET FOLKLORICO DE MEXICO. for'lexical'independence (by)JamesD. American Libraty[1963,'1962) 151 p. illus. ri.d. 33-1/3 rpm. record. Hernandez, Amilia. Atwater [and) Ramoli Eduardo Ruiz. Illustrated 18 on.(A Siz.oet elasie. CPI19) Fic A 793.31 II byPaulilogarth. [1sted.] GardenCity, N Y.. Doubleday,1969. 118 p. col. illus.22 BALLIS, GEORGE. em. (Zenith hooks) A brief history of Mexico Basta! The Tale of our struggle.Photos: George is the background for the life of the Indian who Ballis, Text from the Plan of Delano. Delano, became President, instituted many reforms. and California, Vann Workers Press,1966. 72 p. ledhiscountry's struggleforindependence illus. Available from Patna Bound; Totinent from Europe. 972.07 A BABA R'S SPANISH LESSONS. or Defile°. 331.8 B 1965. unp.BrunholT, Laurent de. 468 B ATWOOD, 1:, BAGBY. BANDELIER, FANNY R. A survey of %erh forms inthe eastern United I3ACKLIN- LAND \IAN, HEDY. SEE Sahagun, Bernardino de, d.1590. A States. Lim ersity or Michigan Press,1953. Historia dela Porcelana. EditorialNovara historyofancientMexico;anthropological. 53 p. altos. 422 A Mexico,1965. 42 p.illus. Spanishtext. mythological. and social, 1547-1577,by Fray Mailable from Bilingual Educational Service. Bernardino dr Sahagun. Translated by Fanny. EL Aut.() PEQuF.s.,).Traduccion al espanol por 748.2 B R. Bandelier from the Spanish version of Carlos Sandra Streepey. Maria de Bustamante. Nashville, Fisk 1968. (48) pLenski, Lois, 1893 E L BAD BOY, GOOD BOY. Cnivcrsity Press, 1932. 917.2 S [19671 49 p.Fts, Marie Hall, 1895- Fic E AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS (mechanicsdel BANNON, JOAN FRANCIS, 1905 - automovil) BAILANDO POLKAS; Mariachi Vargas de SEE B ilton,HerbertEugene, 1870-1953. 1971 664 pA volatile from Blaine Ethridge, Tecalitan. Arreglos y direccion; Ruben Fuentes. Bolton and the Spanish borderlands. Edited and Detroit, Mich. Crouse. William H. 629 (' 33-1/3 rpm. record. Fuentes, Ruben 784.4 F with an introd. by John Francis Bannon.[1st cd.1 973,16 LAS AVENTURES DE TUSTIN LAS 7 BOLAS DE DAMES REGIONALES DE MEXICO CON EL CRISTAL, MARIAM VARGAS DE TECAL1TLAN. BANNON, LAURA. 1961. 62 p. Available froni Bilingual R.C.A. Victor (NIKL1448) 33.1/3 rpm. record. Manuela's birthday. Whitman A Co., 197: 1 Educational ServiceHerge'. Fic 793.3 B v. (unpaged) illus. E 3 00009 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

BARNET!, EINC()I.N, It ASIA VA! BENDICK, .11.:,! NNE. mai susiirigenes.laslocust.riteciiel Basta Ya', PO. Box40040,San Francisco, Mis prinicios conocimientos. Grolier. 1961. 3 impel a.i y hissere.mielopueblan, por Califoinia 94110. issues from Jan1972 to titles:Autommiles, Mineria, y Puente),I oxt Lincoln Barnett y el(imp') 1.clitoria; de Isle. June 1972.Informational netts organ fitthe Spanish. 629.2 11 I ihros tirodel.,then SouthPasadena, liberation of 1.a Rant. 070 II Mis mirth:cos c oeimientos '":.I. 3

BilingualEducationalSett ices, 1967 I n titles Bare, Submarinos; Ail Canal de illus Icst in Spanish 551.46 11 RASURA; "En Tu ('amino" C'VS-12113. Panama Test u, Spanish. 627 II n.d. 33-1!3 rpm. record. Trio los Panchos. BARNETT. N. ION ETA. 784.83 11' BENITO.Illustrated by alenti .Angelo. SEE Blue, Rose I am here. Yo esti)) aqui 119611 84 p.Balla. Clyde Ruben. Mc B Pictures hi. Mneta Barnett E 11 BAUMAN, RICHARD. SEE Paredes, Americo. "rlinsard nett BENNY'S FOUR HATS.Written by Ruth Jaynes. BARREN LIVES(Vidus seeas) Translated with an perspecin esinfillklore.Editedby Americo Photographed by Harvey Mandlin. introd. hy Ralph Edward Dimmick.Illustrated Paredes and Richard Bal1111:111. 398.042 P [19671 Iv. (unpaged) Jaynes, Ruth M. K J hy Charles Cmiatif. BEALS, CARLETON, 1893- BEE :ATER, CARL. [1965] xxxi), 131 p.Ramos, Graciliano, I892- Mexican ma/e. DiegoRin era. Language learning activities for the disadvantaged 1'153 Fie R Westport.Conn.. GreemaoodPress 11971, child. 13%ith. n.d. 54 p. illus. e 19311 369 p. illus.23 cm. 917.2 H 375.9 B BAR R 1 F., J. NI. Stories told by the Aztecs before the Spaniaids Language learning activities for the disadvantuit:-(1 Pete' estamp,p, dc \A tilt P.iii 1)isticypresenta. came. Illustrated by Charles Pickard. child. Wnai. B'rith, n.d. 34 p. illus. South Pasadena, Calitoinia. Bilingual London, New York. Abelard-Schuman[1970] 375.9 B Educational Scr)ices.1972. 48 pillus. Test 208 pillus22 em. Bibliography:p.[201)- toSpanish Fie 11 212.Twenty eight stories passed down limn BERG, sTENIEN. the Aztecs, many of which were learned from Nothing in the wool; versions of Aztec poetry. BARRIO 110V. pottery shards and charcoalandskeletal With watercolor collagesby Samuel Makin. 119-11 nil. 275 pGalar/a. Ernesto, 1905. records dating hack 12.000 years. 398.2 II [1sted.) [New York] Grossman Publishers 301.451 G [1972] I n. (unpaged) col. illus.29 cm."A BECE:RRII., FRANCISCO. Mushinsha book." "These visions are based BARRIO. RAYMOND. Conoeimiento y prat:heti del leligutne. Mexico generally onthe Spanish translationsof 1.1 plum plum pickers. a nonel. (Sett York) EditorialHerrero. 1968. 231 p. Nahuatl poetry by Angel Maria Garibay K. in Canfield Colophon Books (1971) 201 pillus. from Blaine Ethridge, Detroit. Mich. 461 B his collection Poesia nahuatl." "Limited to 500 21 sin Accountill a migrantfamilyin copies." 897,4 Il CaliforniaGrades 912, Adult. Mc B BECK, BARBARA L. The first book of the ancient Maya: pictures by HERLANT, JEFFREY L. BARRIOS. 1:12\1E. Page Cary. Watts. 1965. 87 p.illus.. !naps. SEE Grebler. Leo. The Mexican-American BibliogialiadeA/tlan: an annotated Chicano A briefhistory or the Mayans, emphasizing people, theNation's second largest minority Bibliography CentroforChicanoStudies theirsocial,artistic,andreligiouslife as [by] Leo Grebler, Joan W. Moore [and] Ralph publication. SanDiego StateCollege.1971. revealed in murals and art work uncovered by C.Guzman. WithJeffreyL.Berlant[and 157 p. Selections has e comprebensoe archeologists. Grades 4.8. 972 B others] 301.451 G annotationProfessional tee. 016 11 The first book of the Aztecs: pictures by Page Cary. Watts, 1966. 72 p. illus..maps. BERLITZ SCHOOLS OFLANGUAGES OF BARRON, MILTON LEON, 19111-ed. Contents:Discovery: the forming ()I' the Aztec ER ICA. Minorities in a changing )...(:rld,edited by Milton Nation; the Aztecs. people ofthe sun: EIBerlitzsinMaestro: Ingles. Grossed and I.Barron NetsYork. Knopf, 1967. xiii, Education andtheSocialClasses; War and Dunlap.1951. 251p.illus. EnglishFor religion: theachievementsoftheAztecs: Spanish-speaking people. 481,tx p.21 ci a Includesbibliographical 428 B Tenochtitlan, the references.Bibliography:p. 475-481. Spanish conquistadores. Grades 4.8. 301.45 970,3 B EL BERLITZ SIN MAESTRO: INGLES. 1951. 251p. Berlitz Schools of Languages of BARRON'S DEVELOPING READING SKILLS BECK,WARREN A. America 428 B Nets Mexico:a history of four centuries.[1st FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY cd.] Norman. University of Oklahoma Press BERNAL, IGNACIO. EXAMINATIONS (GEM IN SOCIAL [19621 363 p illt.. 25ctn. Includes MexicobeforeCortez; art.history.legend. STUDIES. SCIENCE:. AND LITERATURE:by bibliography. 978,9 B Translated byWillisBarnstone. listcd.] Eugene Farley and Alice Farley.Prepared for Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday,1963. 135 p. series: Your future is now ... BECKETT, IIILARY. illus.19 cm(A Dolphin original)"C422." 1972. 413 pFarley. Eugene. 373 I' My brother, Angel. Illustrated by Louis Translation of 'Tenochtitlan en una isla. Glanzman. New York, Dodd, Mead[1971] 972,01 B BARRON'S DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE 119 p.illus.21 cm. Carlos manages to care 3000 years of art and life in Mexico, as seen in illGil SC11001. EQUIVALENCY for his five-year-old brother during his mother's the National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico EXAMINATION (GED) IN GRAMMAR, absence despite the pressure of an upcoming City.By IgnacioBernal with Roman Pina- USAGE.SPELLING. AND VOCABULARY. championship basketball game. Mc B Chan and Fernando Camara-Barbachano. Prepared for series: Your future is now ... Photos. by Intigard Grath.[Translated from 1972 133 p Rod,MAll/. Murray 373 R BEEBE, B. F. th)Spanish by CarolynB.Czitrom] New Ocelot. New York. David McKay. 1966. 151 York, H. N. Abrams[1968] 216 p.illus. BARRON'S DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE: p.illus. Animal suspense story about wild eats (part col.), maps.21 cm. 972 B final sc:11001. EQUIVALENCY on Mexi,;()'s coast. Fic B EXAMINATION (GED) IN MATHEMATICS; BERNARD. GENOVEVA prepared for series: Your future is now ... BEI1N, HARRY. A menu for every day (Un menu para cada dia) 1972 369 p.Hocked. Shirley 0 373 II The t WO uncles of Pablo. Harcourt. Brace and Mexico.Bruguera, 1962. 679 p. illus. World, 1959.96 p. illus. Fic B Cookbook textinSpanish. Available from BARRY, KAllIARINA. Blaine Ethridge. Detroit, Mich. Available from SEE Joslin, Sesylc There is a hull on my nEurr, HEN, 1911. Ilefferman Supply. 641.5 Il halion>Ha) WI tom en tai balemi. and other SEE Neruda, Pablo, 1904- A new decade: useful phrases in Spanish and English for young poems: 1958.1967.Edited with an intrud. by BERNARD, HARVEY RUSSELL, 1940 - I. dies and gentlemen going abroad or staying at BenBelitt.Translations byBen!Mitt and SEE Duran. Livie i.-auro. comp. home illustrated by Katharina Barry.[1st cal.] Alastair Reid. 861 N IntroductiontoChicanostudies: a reader, 468,3 J edited by Civic Isatiro Duran and 11.Russell BELPRE', PURA. Bernard. 301.451 D BARTLETT. RICHARD A. Perez and 'Martina. C'MS Records, Inc..1966. rcat surrey. of the American West. [ I st ed.] 33.1/3 rpm. record. A traditional Puerto Rican 1.1F:RNS1'EIN. SAUL, 1905 - Norman. I nisersity 01 './klahoina Press [1%2] Folk talcforchildren. BilingualEdition. Alternativestoviolence: alienatedyouth and Grades K-6. 398.2 B riots. race. and poverty. New xxiii, 408 p tllus . ports . maps25 cm. (The York, Santiago. Illustrated by Symeon Shimin. New AssociationPress [1967] 192p. 21 cm. American expioration andtravelseries,38) York, F. Warne [19691 31 27 p 377-390 p. col.illus. Bibliography:p. 187d92. 309,173 B Bibliography 557,8 R cm. More than anything else, Santiago Hants Ernie to believe his stoles about the beautiful BF:VANS, NIARGARE7. F. DE 1.AS CASAS:a selection of his pet hen h..: had to leave behind in Puerto Rico. Africa. Atlas de oro ilastrado en ocho writings. Translated andedited by George Fic H volimienes, Tomo V. South Pasadena. Sanderlin.list ed.] California. Bilingual Educational Services. 90 119711 v. 21)9 p Fotcontentssee author BELTRAN. ALBERTO. p. illus. Text in Spanish. 916 B entry Casas. Bartolornede las. lip of SEE 'Haven. B. The creation of the sun and Europa. Occidental. Atlas de oro ilustrado en thiapa 1474.1666 973.16 C the moon [by] B. 'Haven. Plustrated by Alberto ocho nolumenes: Tomo :11. South Pasadena, Beltran.[1st ed.) 398.2 T California. Bilingual Educational Services. 90 BASTA! TI1E TALE OF OUR STRUGGLE. p. inn..'rest in Spank.h. 914 H Photos: George Hollis, Text from the Plan of BEN-11UR; especlalmente editado y compendiado Delano. porWillisLindquist para Clasicos de OP) BIBLIOGRAFIA DE AZTLAN: anannotated 1966 /2 p A.:viablefromPermaBlond. Ilustrados. Chicano Bibliography. lotinem nr DentonHall's, George. 331.8 B 1972. 96 p.Wallace, Lew. Mc W 1971. 157 p.Barrios. Ernie. 016 II 4 00010 BEST COPY AVAILABLE AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

A 01111.10GRAP11ICAL SON IA. BOLTON AND 'ME SPANISH BORDERLANDS. OUTLINE FOR THE TEAciii:Rof,.1.11E Galena de pajairo n Aro dc oro de cstampas. Edited and anintroitby JohnFrancis LINGUISTICALLY IIANI)IAPPED Bilingual Educational Scniees. South Pasadena. Bannon.[ 1st ed.] Foreign language imiovatiie curricula studies. California. ocl 48 p. illus.Text in Spanish (1464] xi.346p. Bolton.HerbertEugene, 117 p. 1968 ro in. Bermuda 372.65 G 593.2 B 1870-1053. 973.16 B El Remo tin Libro de Oro de Estampas. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Sl'AN ISII:MATER 1ALS Bilingual Educational ties ices. South Pasadena. BOLTON, I1ERBERT EUGENE, 1870-1953. FOR C1111.1)R EN, Kindergarten I hrough grade California. n.d.48 p. illus..ipanish text. Bolton and the Spanish borderlands. 6. Edited and 599 B oith an introitby John Francis Bantu)...[1st 1971. 411 p. Califinnia. State 1)ept of ed.) Norman. Unkersity of Oklahoma Press Education. 016 C: BLESS ME, ULTIMA; a novel. [19641 xi. 346 p. maps.23 cm. "A Holton 1972. 248 p.Anaya. Rudolf() A. 813 A BIERlioRsT, JOAN, comp. bibliography ":p. 333.341. 973.16 B In the trail of the %%Ind:American Indian poems TI1E BLOOD OF TI1E BRAVE.[1st ed.] and ritual orations. BONSALL, CROSBY NEWELL. Edited by John Bicrhoist [19661 165 p.Baker. Betty. Fie B (1sted.) NettYork. Farrar.Strausand El caso del forastero hanitMento [par) Croshy Giroux [19711 201 p. illus 23 cm. BLUE, ROSE. Bonsall. Traduccion del ingles por Pura Belpre. Bibliography. p. 201 897 II I am here, Yo estoy aqui.Pictures by Moneta New York, Harper & Row [14;69164 p. col. B::rnett. Nett York. Watts[19711 [481p. illus.23 cm. (A Spanish I can read book) B I L INGUA 1.-IIICU LTU RA I. MATERIALS-A col.illus. 27 cm. On herfirstdayin Translation of The case of the hungry stranger. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Four boys folloo set oral false clues before they n.d. 91 p.Diaz. Carmen. 016 1) kindergarten, a little Puerto Rican girl feels lost and unhappy untilshelearns some English cl;scover oho stole the neighbor's blueberry pie. BI LINGUAL CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT words. Grades E-4. E B Text in Spanish. Fie B We ale Chicano. Franklin Watts. 1973. 58 p. GUIDE-PRESCHOOL.1970 ACTH. edition. BOOTIL GEORGE C. Available from Michigan Migrant Primary illus. Fie B Mex,co'sschool mulesoci-:ty. by GeorgeC. InterchseiplinaryProject,3800PackardRd., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Michigan Oral BLUE WILLOW,by Doris Gates; illustrated by Booth. NelYork, Greenwood Press[19t9. Language Series. 375.4 M Paul Law.. c19411 xi,175p.illus. 23 cm. Includes 1940. 172 p.Gates. Doris. 1901- Fie G music.Includes bibliographical references. 370.972 B BILINGUAL EDUCATION. BLY, ROBERT,comp. 1972.73. 525 p.City. of Chicago. 016 C Neruda and Vallejo: selected poem:,, edited by BOROW, HENRY. Robert Hly. Translations by Robert }sly, John Ianina worldatwork. Houghton Mifflin, BILINGUAL EDUCATION; a select d Knoeptle, and James Wright. Boston. Beacon bibliography. '964. 61)6 p. 658.3 B Press [19711 xiv, 269 p. ports.21 cm. Text 19 0. 222 p.Altus, David M. 016 A in English and Spanish. 861 B BOULTON, LAURA. Indian music of Mexico WW885 I Folkways BILINGUAL EDUCATION; including TESL and BOARD OF EDUCATION, CITY OF NEW YORK. NonEnglish-Speaking Programs, 1972-73. Records.1957. 33-1/3 rpm. record- with Cultures around the world; cultural and City of Chicago. 016 C guide. Emphasis on music and instruments geographicrelationships. Grade3. Cityof indigenous to Mexico. 970.1 B BILINGUAL EDUCATION MK MEXICAN New York, Bd. of Ed., 1970. 380 p.illus. AMERICAN CHILDREN. 2d ed. Curriculumunits- dividedintogeographical BOURNE, MIRIAM ANNE. 1967. 41 p.Thonis. Eleanor. 371.9 T themes.Professional. 373.19 Emilio's summer day. Pictures by Ben Sheeler. Foreign language program for secondary schools [New York] [Harper & Roy] [1966J 32 p. A BILINGUAL ORAL LANGUAGE AND Spanish.Levels1.5. City of New York. illus.26 cm. Fie B CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Board of Education.1966. 259 p.Guide to FOR SPANISH-SPEAKING PRE-SCHOOL implementation of curriculum-- Professional. BOWDEN, J. J. CHILDREN. 372.19 B The Ponce de Leon land grant. Texas Western 1968. I v. (unpaged) Michigan.Dept.of Scope and Sequence in the teaching of English as Education. 372.65 M a new languageto adults. Beginning level. press, 1969. 56 p. illus. (Southwestern Series) 976.4 B CityofNewYork. Bd.ofEd.. 1968. BILINGUAL SCHOOLING IN THE UNITED Complete lesson plans.Professional. 375 B STATE.` Volumes I & II. Spanish fur Spanish speaking students. City of THE BOY WHO COULD DO ANYTHING, and 1970. 292 and 328 p. respectively.Anderson. New York. Board of Education. 1970. 164 p. otherMexicanfolktales retoldby Anita Theodore. 375 A illus.Guide to Implementation-- Professional. Brenner, illustrated by Jean Chad.* 375 B 11942) 3 p.I., [111-134. 12J p.Brenner. it.iita. BINZEN, WILLIAM. Spanish in the elementary schools,Grades 4-5-6. 1905- 398,20972 B Miguel's mountain,by Bill Bin/en. New York. City of New York, Board of Education,1963. Coward-!eCann [19681 Iv. (unpaged) illus. 98 p. Guide to implementationProfessional. BRAftn, IIALDEEN, 26 cm. Fie B 372.19 PancnoVillaatColumbus.theRaid of1916. Teaching about minorities in classroom situations. Texas Western CollegePress, 1965. 43p. THE BIRD, THE WOLF AND THE BEAR; and City ofNewYork, Bd. ofEd.. 1968. illus. (Southwestern Series) 920 V The Ant, The Anteater, and the Panther. Resource Bulletinfor Teachers in Secondary 1967. 4 color filmstrips 3records. 2guides. Schools.Professional. 373.19 BRADFORD, RICHARD, 1932 - Grades 1(-6(Asher. Laura. 428 0 Teaching dialogues; English as a new language Redsky at morning, a novel. [1st d.) BIRNBAUM, MAX. program for adults. Teacher's Guide. City of Philadelphia. Lippincott [19681 256 p. 21 cm. New York. Bd. of Ed. 178 p. 375 B SEE Cass.James Comparative guideto Fie B Teaching English asa second language -inthe American collegesfor students, parents, and middle grades. counselors, by James Cass and Max Birnbaum. City of NevYork, Board of BRANDENBURG, FRANK RALPH, 1926 - Education, 1970.1971 ed 378.73 C 1971. 190p.illus. Complete The making( fmodern Mexico [by)Frank lesson plansProfessional. 372.19 B Brandenb ug. Introd. by Frank Tannenbaum. Teaching English to Puerto Rican pupils in grades BISHOP, CURTIS KENT,191 !- EnglewoodCliffs.N.J.,Prentice -Hall [19641 Little League double play. [1st ed.) I and2. Lar.guage Guide Series. City of xv. 379 p. map. 24 cm. "A note on sources "; Philadelphia. Lippincott [19621189 p. 21 cu. New York. Bd. of Ed..1963. 183 p.Lesson p. 348-367. 972.082 B When his strict Aunt Susan goes out of town. plans Professional. 372.19 Ronnie sciies the opportunity to try out for the BRANDON, WILLIAM,comp. Little League team.He is accepted and.vith A BOAT FOR PEPPE. The magic world: American Indian songs and his Mexican friend. Julian. develops a winniiir 1950. tint).PAIL Leo. Fie P poems. Selected and edited with an introd. by double play.But there isstill Aunt Susan to William Brandon. New York, Morrow.1971. BO ATRIGIIT, MODY C.,ed. cope with. Fie B xiv. 145 p. 22 cm. 097 B Mexican border ballads and otherLore. S. BISHOP, MORRIS. MethodistUniv. Press, 1946. i 43p. A collection of ballads and felktales contributed BRANLEY, FRANKLYN MANSFIELD, 191:3- The odyssey of Cabeia de Vaca. Greenwood Como es la lunte?Por Franklyn M. Branley.Ilus. Press. 1933. 306 p. maps. by 7authors. Theyrelatethehopes and Historica! account de Bobri.Traduccion de Richard J.Palmer of Cabeia de Voca's journeys in North & South aspiitions of the Mexican "common man". Nueva York. Editorial Crowell[1968] [401 p. America 910.01 B 784.3 B illus..(partccl.) 21 xl i cm. (Leanms y Translation of What the moon is THE BLACK PEARL. Illustrated byMilton BO6ERT, CHARLES NI. aveliguemos) Johnson. Tarascan and other music of Mexico; Songs and like. E 1967. 140 p O'Dell, Scott. 1901. Fie O'D Dances oftheMexicanplateau. Folkways Record #FW 8867. 33-113 rpm. record BRAU, MARIA M., 1932 - BLAWIS, PATRICIA BELL. 470.1 B SEE Sterling. Philip. The quiet rebels; four Tijerina and the land grams, Mexican Americans Puerto Rican leaders:Jose Celso Barhosa. Luis in struggle for their heritage[1st ed.) Nev. BOLIVAR, the liberator.Illustrated by William Mums Rivera, Jose de Diego.LuisN1utiot. York. International Publishers[19711 191p. Stubbs. Marin, byPhilipSterling and MariaHrau. illus 21 cm Includes bibliographical [19681 190. 121 p.Syme. Ronald. 1910. Illustrated by Tracy Sugerman.[1st ed.) references. 301.451 II 920 920 S 5 00011 AU','-OR /TITLE INDEX

BRENNER. ANITA, 1905. BROWN, DEE ALEXANDER. 11 ULU, G I IT! front the Plata de Torus in Madrid. Thehi))m.ho eould do thing, and Ater Our) my heartat Wounded Knee; an Indian 33.1;3 ipm. recoil. Laredo. Roger. 791.82 I. 'Mexican folktales ,'told by Amta Brenner, history of the American West, hy Dec Brown. illustiated h) Jean (harlot Nem. York. W R [1st ed 1 New York,I loll,Rinehart& BURCIIARD, PETER. 11) Scott. [19421 4 p I..[111.134. [21 p Winston[1971, c19701 ion, 487p. Chico. Photos. Katrina Thomas. Coward- (part rill )25 ein. 398.20972 B music, ports.25 cm. 131hliography:p.465- McCann [c19691 imp. photos.The story of a 473. 970.5 B in .A1 hero hymistake, illustrated by Jean Chariot. ing Puerto Rican hoy recently :mixed Nea Yolk. Scott1195 31 43 pdim,.23 cm. \tit Yolk and his gradual acceptance of life in (Young Scott hooks) contains stereotypes. BROWN STUDIES;ethnic cultures of America. Spanish Harlem. Fie B Fic B EducationalInsights.Inc.,Calif , 1973. 105 Idolshelundaltars. New York.Bihlo and cards.Intermediate level corriculum guide. BURGER, CAROLE X. 'Lumen.1967. 359 p illus.24 cm. Reprint 373.19 II A handbook for':rent~: ways to prepare your of the 1929 edBibliography: p. 353-354. child for school. DVA Puhlishers, 1970. I v. 709,72 H BROWNIE, Manual de las Sinus Escuchas. /unpaged) illus. Bilingual text. 371.1 B The timid ghost;or. What world y on do m. tilt a 1965. 224 p.Girl Scouts of America. sackful of gold?With Jean ('harlot. 369.463 G BURGER, HENRY G., 1923- Ethnopedagogy: a manual incultural sensitivity, Now York, W. R. Scott [19661 I v. BRUCKNER, KARL, 1906 - (unpaged) colillus.29 cm. Fic B withteelini.luesforimproving cross-cultural Viva Mexico' Translated hy Stella Humphries. The and that sit Cpi \ ILO; the history of the teaching hy fitting ethnic patterns,oy Henry NewYork,RoyPithlishers [1962,c 19601 Mexican reyolution. 1910-1942.lest hy Anita G. Burger.2d ed. Alhuquerque, Southwestern 190 p. illus.21 cm. Fie B Laboratory. 1968. Briamer. 184historical photos. :issemhled hy CooperativeEducational .118 p. (part col.) 28 cm. GeorgeR. Uni.crsity of xxiii, illus. Leighton. Austin. BRUNIIOFF, LAURF:NT DE. Texas Press09711 110 p.illus.,ports. 25 (Southwestern Cooperative Educational Bahar's Spanish lessons. Random House, 1965. 2.0768) "Issued Pan American series) Lahoratory. Puhlieation no. em. (The Texas Imp. illus. 468 B Includes bibliographical references. pursuant to...contract no. OEC-4-7-062827- 972.081 B 3078 with the Bureau of Research, Office of BRUSHWOOD, JOHN STUBBS, 1920- Education, U.S. Department ofIlealth. Mexicoinitsnovel; a nation'ssearchfor BREWSTER, BENJAMIN. Education,and Welfare." Bibliography: p. identity, byJohn S.Brushwood. Austin, [2891.303. 371.97 B Mis primeros conocimientos. Grolier, 1961. 3 University of Texas Press[19661 'di. 292 p. Magia.Textin titles. heishol;Fotogralia; 24cm. (The TexasPan-Americanseries) Spanish. 790 B BURMA, JOHN IL, comp. Includes hibliographical references. 863 B Mexican-Americans in the United States: a reader, BR IGI IAM, BARBARA. hy John H. Burma. [Cambridge,Mass.) BUCKLEY, PETER. Schenkman Pub.Co.; distributed hy Canfield SEF: Holman.Rosemary, comp. Spanish William, Andy. and Ramon. Holt. Rinehart and [19701 xviii, 487 p. 23 cm. Includes nuggets. Illustrated hy Barham Brigham. Press Winston,1966. 1"p.illus. Boys from 3 bibliographical references. 301.451 B 808.88 II cultures:Black American, Latin American, and Anglo American Cultures are friends. K B andotherstories. BRIGHT, ROBERT, 1902- THE BURNING PLAIN, Translated with an introd. by George D. Schade. Mi paraguasrout). Tradneidodelanglesper BUEHR, WALTER. Marion H. Redfield. New York, W. Morrow Illustrated by Kermit Oliver. The Spanish conquistadoresinNorth America, I19671 xv. 175 p.Rulfo, Juan. Fic R [19681 [321 p. col. illus.18 cm. Translation written and illustrated by Walter Buehr. New of My rcd umbrella. E B York, Putnam [1962196 p. illus.23 em. BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE; an 973.1 B Indian history of the American West,by Dee BROCK, VdiGINIA. Brown. [1st ed.j Pinatas. Illus. hy Anne Marie Jaitss. Nashville, BUF:NHOGAR. [1971.c19701 xvii, 487 p. Brown, Dec Abingdon Press [19661 112 p. illus.23 cm. The HearstCorporation. 6401 N.W. 36thSt., Alexander. 970.5 736.98 B Virginia Gardens, Florida 33166. issues from 1972 tocurrent. Available From Sept. BUSTAMAN1E, CARLOS MARIA DE, 1774- BRODY, EUGENE. B. American Distributor Magazines. 070 B 1848. SEE: Mino.. group adolescents in the United SEE Sahagun, Bernardino de, d.1590. A States. BUENOS DIAS, TE/ CHER. Contributors:Eugene B. Brody [and historyofancientMexico:anthropological, [19701 191 p.MacLeod. Ruth. Fic M others) 301.43 mythological, and social, 1547-1577,by Fray Bernardino de Sahagun. Translated by Fanny BUFF, CONRAD, 1886 - THE BROKEN SPEARS;the Aztec account of the R. Bandelier front the Spanish version of Carlos conquestofMexico. Englishtranslationby SEE Buff, Mary Marsh. 1890- Magic . hy Mary and Conrad Buff. Fic B Maria dc Bustamante. Nashville, Fisk Lysander Kemp. Illus., adapted from original University Press, 1932. 917.2 S codices paintings, by Alberto Beltran. BUFF, MARY MARSH, 1890 - [19621 XXXI, 168 p.Leon Portilla, Miguel, ed. the Magicmaize, by Maryand ConradBuff. BUYING TILE WIND:regional folklore in 972 L United States. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1953. 76 p. illus. 28 cm. Fie B (19641 xvii, 573p. Dorson, Richard Mercer, BROOKS, CHARLOTTE, comp. 1916- 398.0973 D The oranumhered: stories.essays and poems aboutminority groups hy America's leading BUFFLER, ESTHER. writers. [New York) [Dell Puh. Co.) [19671 Rodrigo and Rosalita. Austin. Tcxas, 158 p. 18 em.(Lautel-Leaf library, 6772) SteekVaughn Co..1949. 64 p. illus.These 2 810.803 B childrenenjoytheirgrandmothers stories-- especially of Senor Castillo's painting. Fic B BROOKS, NATHAN COVINGTON,1809-1898. BUGENTAL, JAMES F. T.,comp. CABALLOS,un libro .le oro de estampas. A complete MstoryoftheMexican I ar,its Challenges of humanistic psychology [edited by) 1971. 48 p.Raehlis, Eugene. 636.1 R causes, conduit, and consequences. James E. T. Bugental. New York, McGraw- (.1)111 prising an attont of the various military Hill[19671 xiv, 362 p.illus., ports.26 cm. CABINET COMMITTEE ON OPPORTUNITY and nasal operations. from its commencement Includes bibliographies. 150 B FOR THE SPANISH SPEAKING. to thetreatyof peace.byN.C.Brook,. Directory of Spanish speaking community xiv, 558 p. Chicago. Nio Grande Press [19651 BUILDERSIN THE SON; five Mexican organizations. U.S. Government. 224 p. facsims.. maps, plans. ports.25 ctn.(A architects. Foreword by Jose Villagran Garcia. 366.025 C "First published in 1849." Rio Grande classic) [19671 224 p.Smith, Clive Bamford. '720.9 S BoundwithCompletehistoryofthclate CABRERA, YSIDRO ARTURO. MexicanWar. NewYork. 1850[Chicago, BUILDING BRIDGES OF UNDERSTANDING. Emerging faces; the Mexican-Americans [by) Y. 19651 973.62 B 1967. 134 p.Keating. Charlotte M. 010 K hrturoCabrera. [Dubuque.Iowa) W C. BrownCo. [c 19711 ix,99 p. 23 err. THE BROOMS OF MEXICO, BULLA, CLYDI: ROBERT. Includes bibliographies. 301.451 C RayManleyFilmProduc.ions. Releas.dby Benito. IllustratedbyValentiAngelo. New International Film Bureau, 1971. 28 nn .. sd. York, Crowell [1961184 p. illus.23 cm. CALDWELL, JOHN COPE, 1913 - color16 min.Poetry ombined with drawings Fic B Let's visit Mexico[by] John C. Caldwell. New & photographytopresentthe dreams and The poppy seeds. Illustrated by Jean Chariot. York, John Day Co. [19651 96p. illus., hopesof 6Mexicans Usefulforcreative New York, Crowell[19551 unpaged.illus. maps. 22 cm. 917.2 C writing or art classes.Grades 10-12. 811 B 24 em. Grades 3-6. E B EL CALENDARIO CHICANO 1972. BROTHERS UNDER THE SKIN. Rev. ed. BULLETIN OF HISPANIC STUDIES. 1972. La Causa Publications. 973 L [19641 xis, 364 pMcWilliams, Carey, 1905- Liverpool University Press. 123 Grove St.. 301.451 McW Liverpool.1.7 7AF (England) Issuesfat tu CALIFORNIA STATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Jan.1972 to current.Available fromF. W. ON FOREIGN LANGUAGES. BROUSSARD, RAY F. Faxon Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, Foreign language framework for California public San Antonio During thc Texas Repuhlie, a City in Massachusetts, 02090. Scholarlyreviewsof schools, Kindergarten through grade twelve. Transition Texas Western Press, 1967 40 literature & books relating to Spanish language CaliforniaStateBoard of Educat on, 1972. p. illus. (Southwestern Series) 976,4 B materials. 070 B 187 p.Bibliography. 372.19 C 6 00012 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

CAI, I 1' 014NIA STA11: CAN'LEMOS EN ESPANOL;Book 'Iwo. ('AltUSO, .1(111\ .55'1110 N iitilt Alton tot the ail Atilt: Matt 1961 42 p Ione+. Beartict. 7i14.4 K 'Dieliberatorstit e PeterSmith,1967 t. tin irtdunc1110titiks CA001111:I:.'ate College 342 p Hidalgo lose at FrilLatori. 1970 116 p 375 C CANTENIOS EN ESPANOL, BOOK ONE:. VOLS. Marie %fordo.. Agustin de Itiriluttc 920 (' I & II. CALIFORNIA. STATE DEPT. OF EDUCATION. 1961. 13-13 rpm - aithgindc CASAS. BARTOLOME 1)E: LAS,1474.1560. Bibliographyof SpanishNI:tit:milsfor.1nItIrcir. At adahle from Childp.m'sMusicCenter. IhntolonicdclasCasas, aselevtionofhis Kitt:ergartentill or:1thglade 6 Nat. tan:lento. (irides IS5.Krone. Beatrice 398.2 K %%tit:rigs. editedhy 1 he Department. 1971 p Translated and (kluge Sunder lin[1st ed Nets fork. Knopf 11971 Bibliograpliv annotatedPi olessrona I. (ANTE:mos NINOS! (Let's sing, children!) (5- s,201)pport 19 cm. (Bortoi hooks on 016 C 201)9) Latin America) C'oritcrits Ilistorian; the 1961. 31-I .1 - rpm. record %t rill guide 111stoo of the Indies: Prologue: Why he %%rote CALIFORNIANS OF :MEXICAN DESCENT. At adahlefromChildren's Music Center I listoty .A portuad of Columbus. The t,erdict or Fdaards. Culture and the Question Krone. Beatrice 398.2 K of Language 19726(1 nun. cassette tape. sal:Imam:a. San Salt ador. Reception in Barcelona. The conquest of Cuba. Magellan and 409 E CANTEMOS WINOS'(Let's Sing,Children!) Likud+,Cohn. prod TheCultureThey 1961. 32 p.Krones. Beatrice. 784.8 K his globe Thc character1 of ('oyes. Brought.1972.60. nun. cassette tape. Autobiographer. autobiographyin the History 979.4 E CANTO GRITo MI LinERAcioN, (y Horn of the Indies: -Are not the Indians men?- The Edvsards. Cohn. prod Drama in the Nlesican mis desmadratgos ) comersion ofl as Casas. First battles at court. Community 1972.61) min cassette tape. Black slat es in the Nets World. I.:1 Casas joins I971. I t. (unpaged) Sanchez. Ricardo. 809.2 E 811 S the Dominicans Anthropologist the Fdttards. Cohn, prod Iltm. Whent& Why Apologetichistory:Therationality.ofthe 'Ihey Came.1972.61) min cassette tape. CANTOS DE LAS I'OSADAS(SC7745A) American Indian. A description of Cuki. The 979.4 E 1963. 33-1, 3 rpm.record - with notes. illeffects of sadness and fear.Indian houses, Edttards. Cohn. prod. The Taller of Taste. leatherff ork, and silt erff ork. The marketplace 1972. 60 nun cassette tape. Available fromChildren's Music Center. 641.3 E Travesi. Elena Pat. 398.2 P ofNlesico City. A volcano in Nicaragua .The Etkards. The Mesican Family in meaningsof"barbarous."Political11 inker, California 1972.61) ruin. cassette tape. CANTOS INFANTILESPARA LOS JARDINES memorials and treatises: A New World idopia. 173 E DE WINOS. The "Only method" of converting the Indians. Fdttards. Cohn. prod. ti The chleSlit of Faith. 1971. 1972. 60 min. cassette tape. 200.9 K imp. Montalvo. NJncy Ann. 784,851 A "Very brief account" of Spanishcluelty. Eck anis.Colin. prod. TheirDancersand Abolish the encomienda!Thedui-of Artists.1972. 60 min. cassette tape. CAPITOL RECORDS. reparation. A defense: of human sacrifice The 709 K SLEM-035. Ldtsards. Colin. prod Their Taste and Talent Mexicana Brass Ilecho en Mesieo restorationoftheIndies.A declarationof in Music.197260 min. cassette tape. por Discos Capitol de Mexico. S.A. human rights.- Bibliography (p. [203)-206). 784.6 E 784.71C 973.16C Edtt ands. Colin. prod. Their Values & Psychology.197260 min. cassette tape. CARDENAS, LEO. CASAVANTES, EDWARD J. 150 E Return to Ramos. Illustratedby'Nilo Santiago. A new lookattheattributes or the Mexican [1st ed.) Nets York. 11111 and Wang(1970) American. 2d. ed. Albuquerque New LOS CALIEORNIOS;the story of Alta California. 54 p.illus.20 cm.(A Challenger book. La Mexico, Southwestern Cooperative Educational (Written by James O'Donnell. Art and design by raja series) FieC Laboratory. Inc.,1971. 301.451 C George Stewart) Consultants: Manuel P. Servin (and) W. Michael Mathes. CAREER PERSPECTIVE: YOUR CHOICE. OF CASITA WORK. LA DE CHOCALATE, LOS CUATRO [c 1 969I p.O'Donnell, James. 11.1961)- MUSICOS. (1972) si, 21)2 p.Denues. Celia. 979.4O'D 331.7 I) Availablefrom HeffernanSupply. Editorial Vasco Americana. E E CAMARA BARBACIIANO, FERNANDO. CAREERS IN THE OFFICE MOTION PICTURE. Applying for a job. 1Q71.13 min. sd. color. 16 SEE Bernal. Ignacio. 3000 years of art and CASO, ALFONS(), 1896 - 331.115A life in Mesico, as seen in the National Museum The Aztecs;people of the sun.Illustrated hy ofAnthropology. Mesit:City. ByIgnacio CARKHUFF, ROBERT R. Miguel Covarrubias;translated by Lowell Bernal with Rman Pina-Chan and Fernando Dunham.(1sted.) Camara-Barbachano. SEE Truas,Charles B. Toward effective Norman, University of Photos. Irmgard Oklahoma Press (1958)xvii. 125 p. col. illus., (truth. [TranslatedfromtheSpanish by counselingal.!psychotherapy:trainingand Carolyn B. Ctitrom) 972 B practice,by Charles B. Truax and Robert R. 16 plates.28 cm. (The Civilization of the Carkhoff. 616.89 T American Indian series, 50)Translation of El CAMBRIDGE: LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES, 14. pueblo del sol. 970,2C Gerhard.Peter A guidetothehistorical CARL ROGERS ON ENCOUNTER GROUPS,by geography of, 476 p Carl R. Rogers.[1st MI EL CAS() DELFORASTERO HAMBRIENTO 90.72 G (1970) sit. 172 p.Rogers. Carl Ransom, 1902 [por) Crosby Bonsall.Traduccion del ingles por 158.2 R PuraBelpre. LOS CAMIONEROS QUE IIACEN? Ilustrado (1969) 64 p.Bousall. Crosby Newell. Fic B por Leonard Kessler.Traduccion del Ingles por CARLITO'SWORLD; ablock in Spanish Harlem. Pura Belpre. Illustrated by David K. Stone. CASS. JAMES. [1969I 64 p.Greene. Carla, 1906- E G (1969) (32J p.Nash. veronica. E N ComparativeguidetoAmericancollegesfor students, parent!, and counselors, by' James CAMPA, ARTHUR LEON, 1905 - CARE OS CHARLES[by] Patrick J. Murphy and Cass and Max Birnbaum.1970-19-'1 ed.New Treasure of the Sangre de('ristos, tales and Shirley Rousseau Murphy. York, !Impel & Row (1969)xxxvi, 837 p. 25 traditionsoftheSpanishSouthwest With (1971) 155 p.Murphy. Patrik J. Fic M cm.Includes bibliographies. 378.73C paintings hy Joe Beeler.(1st ed ) Norman. timers:4 I Oklahoma Press11963) st,, 223 CARMELO.Illustrated by Aldren Watson, CASTANEDA, r..'ARLOS. p.illus., map.24 cm. Bibhographyp. 211 c1962. 31 p.Harter Ilelen. Mc I! A separatereality: furtherelmversations with 214. 398.232 C Don Juan. New York, Simon and Schuster cARNEIRo, ANTONIO (1971) 317 p. 22 cm. 299.7 C CAM PlIEL I., CAM I LEA, Elamor entrelasa, es y otrascuriosidades. Star1111111111taiti. and otherIt:giantsofMesit.0 Editorial Not aro. mid 63 p. illus. At ailahle CASTANEDA SHULAR, AN'I'ONIA,1942- comp. Illustrated hy Frederic Stars inn2d ed New from Ilcflernan Supply. 598.2 C Lite!attlrachicana; texto y' contcstii. York. Mt:Grass-Dill(1968I 92p.illus 24 El Melanie. panorama cultural. South context. Pasadena,California. literature;textand [Compiled by) em 398.2 C Bilingual Education AntoniacrisrancdaShdlar,Tomas Viva la Patna N Y.. Challenger Books, Set-flees.Text in Spanish. 636.9 C Ybarra distributed by Random House. hill and Wang. Frausto(and)Joseph Sommers. Englewood (1972) 1971) 57 pillus ('ARRAN /,A, (*bilk, N.J., Prentice -flail xxvii, 368 p. Fie cap illus.24 cm.Spanish or English. Pensamientoson Los Chicanos a cultural 810.98 C El. CAMPO; texto ihistracionesdeI. ft:1.01111011 Sect tiih Edition Berkeley, Goico Aguirre, Cala-mina, California Book Co..Ltd., 1969. EL CASTILLO 51ISTERIOS(), RICIR/S DE 1967 67 A j st E A At adahlefromCommissionfor Mexican ORO. American Affairs 301.451 C AtonablefromIleffernan Supply'. Editorial CANCIONES DE NAVIDAD: CHRISTMAS Vase() Americana. E CAROLS(SN1(' -1061) cARRum, EsTELLE,1910 33.1 1 rpm record - aithguideonJacket Three sides to the riser. San Antonio. Nayou CASTOR,HENRY. Clansom Witham 398.2 C Co[1963)ix. 167 p. 22 ern. C The first honk of the war with Mexico;pictures hy Albert Micah. Watts. 1964 87 p.illus., CA NO, EDDIE. CARTER, TII()%1AS P. map.Grades 973.6 C A tasteof ethic:Mon, Building yourSpanish MexicanAmerieansidschool historyof wcabulary through musk, Vol I (CPS-100.21 educationalneglect[by) Thomas Pcaw,. THE ('Al'IN THE HAT BEGINNER1300K Los Angeles. C P records,1972 I 1. I.1 rpm Nets York,CollegeEntrance 1:Nalllillation DICTIONARY INSPANISH. record - aoth guide on jacketAt ailalle from Board, 1970 si.215p illus. 24 cm (1966) 113 p, Thrrodor Seuss. 19;)'- Children's Music Center 468 C Bibliographyp. 223-2.35 371.97 C 463 G 7 00013 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

CATTELL, NANCY C. CHAVEZ, MAN OF THE MIGRANTS. CHICANOS; Mexicansin theUnitedStates. College andcareer; adjustingtocollegeand 1971. 169 p.Mailable from Commission for Illustrated by Robert Frankenberg. selecting an occupation[by] Nancy G. Cattell Mexican AmericanAffairs. Pitrone,Jean (1971] 64 p.Martin, Patricia Miles. [and) ShirleyI. Sharp. Illustrated by Charles B. Madders. 920 C 301.451 M Schierl. No+ York. Appleton-Century-Crofts [1970):vv. 334 p. illus.28 cm. Bibliography: CHICAGO BOARD 01: EDUCATION. CHICANOS; Social and Psychological p. 329-330. 378.1 C Bilingual education. Board of Education of the Perspectives. city of Chicago, 1972.73. 525 p.Approved 1971. 303 p.Available from Commission for LA CAUSA; the California grape strike. listof instructionmaterials, elementary and Mexican American Affairs. Wagner, Nathaniel. Photographed by Paul Fusco. Written by George high school --Non-textual. 016 C 301.451 W D. Horwitz,[1st Collier Books ed.] Fusco. Paul. [19701 158 p. 331.89 F Bilingual education: including THE CHICANOS: A HISTORY OF MEXICAN TESL and AMERICANS; Matt S. NonEnglish-Speaking Programs. 1972-73. Meier and Feliciano LA CAUSA CHICANA;the movemenc.for justice. Board of Education of the City of Chicago. Rivera. 1972. 218 p.Mangold, Margaret M. 1972. 302 p. Vol. I --Non-Textual; Vol. Meier. Matt S. 973 M 323.4 M II-Textual. Approved list of instruction materials elementary and high school. EL CENTRO GRAFICO. 016 C LOS CHICANOS, AN AWAKENING PEOPLE. Curriculum El Chicano; produced byEi Centro iralico. guideforLatinAmericanhistory. 44 p. Grades 9-12, Adult. Haddox, John. Units 4 & ). Chicago Hoard of Education. SanAntonio, Texas,1972. Aailabl:front 301.451 H Commission tar Mexican American A irs. 1969. pp. 98 to 205. 375 C 811 E Curriculumguideforlain AmericanHistory; THE CHICANOS: MEXICAN AMERICAN Unit VI. The Caribbean Nations-Hispaniola. VOICES. Editedby Ed Ludwig and James CERDA, GILBERTO. Cuba, and CentralAmerica. Chicago.n.d. Santibanez. VocabularioEspanoldeTexas. por iilberto 277 p.Bibliography. 373.19 C (1971] ix. 286 p.Ludwig, Ed. 1"20 camp. Cerda. Berta Cabaza y Julicta Farias.Austin, Curriculum guide fur teaching English as a second 810 L University'of TexasPress, 1953. 347 p. language. Board of Education of the city of Usage of Spanishin Texas and oth,..Latin Chicago. 1972. 281 p. 372.65 C CHICANOS: OUR BACKGROUND AND OUR American countries. 468 C PRIDE.Illustrated by the author. EL CHICANO. [1972] 95 p.Dc Leon, Nephtali. 973 D CEREMONIAL AXEHEAD. ElChicano. 1257 N.Mt.Vernon.Colton. Alva Museum Replicas, New York. e -13 California92324. issues front Jan.1972 to CHILD PSYCHOLOGY [by]LesterD. Crow in.high. Originaloftraprock,'ft niac, current. 070 C [and] Alice Crow. Mexico.13th century. 9'12.8 C [1953] 267 p. Crow, Lester Donald, 1897- CHICANO. 136.7 C .Illustrated by Earl Thollander. Bailey Film Associates. Educational Media. (1970) 42 p.Franck:re. Ruth. 920 C 1968. 27 min. color. 16 mm. film.Chicano CHILDREN AROUND THE WORLD. movement onthe West coast,Los Angeles David C. Cook. 1972. 16pictures. 40 page CESARE, RUTH DE. moratorium included. 323.1 C guide. 373.19 C Songs for the Spanish Class (Canciones pars la clasede Espanol) Bowniar, Milk Music, n.d. CHICANO. CHILDREN, LET ME TELL YOU A STORY I33-1/3 rpm. record. 16 songs in Spanish J. Gary Mitchell.Released by BFA Educational ("Ninos dejad que os cuente un cuento meant to reinforce language classes.Grades 4- Media, 1971. 23 min. sd. color.16 mm. 1960. 33.1/3 rpm. record. script.Grades K6. 6. 784.71 C With study guide.SUMMARY: An open- Rodriquez, Jorge Juan. 398.2 R ended film which explores the various CHABOT, FREDERICK C. manifestations of bias, oppression, and THE CHILDREN OF SANCHEZ;autobiography With the makers of San Antonio. San Antonio discrimination that affect the Mexican- of a Mexican family. Historical Society. 1970.412 p. illus. From American.Presents the goals of the Chicano [1961] 499 p.Lewis, Oscar, 1914- Texas Western Press. 920 C mmement and of thevarious organizations 309.172 L which represent the Mexican-American THE CHALLENGE OF TEACHING MEXICAN- community. 323.1 C CHILDREN OF THE SEASONS II. AMERICAN STUDENTS. WBGUTV, 1970. 16 mm. color film. 1973. 222 p.Litsinger. Dolores. I. 371.9 EL CHICANO; produced by El Centro Crane°. Demonstrates oral language techniques used in 1972. El Centro Grafico. 811 F. Ohio education of migrant workers' children. CHALLENGES OF HUMANISTIC Revolution -el chicano (KS3640) Kapp records, 1971. Available from Filmmakers Inc., 1001 Terminal PSYCHOLOGY [editedby] James F.T. 33.1/3 rpm. record. 785 C Rd. Lansing, Mich. 48906. Bugental, 372.6 C [1961 xiv. 362 p.Bugental, James F. T., comp. CHICANO. 1970. 350 p.Vasquez. Richard. CHILDREN'S SONGS OF MEXICO, collected 150 B Mc V and adapted by McLaughlin and Wood. 1963. 29 p. Grades K6 Available A CHANCE TO GO TO COLLEGE. CHICANO, AMIGO [by]MaurineH.Gee. from Bowmar.McLaughlin, Roberta. 784.62 M 1971. 248p. Col:ege Entrance Examination Illustrated by Ted Lewin. 1972. 96 p. Gee. Maurine H. Board. 378.1 C Me G CHILDREN'S SONGS OF MEXICO.

1965. 1 CHANCHITO EL VOLADOR, EL PATITO CHICANO BIBLIOGRAPHY; selected materials record. 2 filmstrips. script. 16 songs in Spanish, range from lullabys to serenades, to ENCANTADO. on Americans of Mexican descent.Series No.I Indian songs. Grades A vail: 'vlefromHeffernanSupply. Editorial Rev. ed. K6. McLaughlin, Roberta. vasco ncricana. E E 1970. 124 p. Schramko. Linda Fowler. 016 S 784.62 M CHITO. CH A RACITRI iTICS OF PRIMARY LEVEL CHICANO COORDINATING COUNCIL ON Photos. by Katrina Thomas. CHILDREN, HIGHER EDUCATION. [c1969] unp.Burchard, Peter. Fic B n.d 18 p.Voltura, JoAnn. 372 V Elplan de Santa Barbara; a chicano plan for highereducation. SantaBarbaraCalif.La CHRISTMAS SONGS IN SPANISH. 1963. I CHARLOT, JEAN, 1898 - Cau:,a Publications,1970. 154 p. illus. color filmstrip. record. guide.Grades K6. Rico, Georg:". SEE Brenner,Anita, 1905- The boy who 378 C 394.26 R could do anything and other Mexicanfolk CHRISTMAS talesretold by Anita Brenner. illustrated by THE CHICANO: FROM CARICATURE TO SELF- SONGS IN SPANISH-A Jean Chariot. 398.20972 B PORTRAIT. COLLECTION. Compiled by M.A.C.O. (1971] xiv, 318 p.Sinimen, Edward, comp. 1972. cassette tapeandscript. 40 niin. A CHARM FOR PAC:O'S MOTHER [by] Louise 813 S Mexican American Curriculum Office. A. Stinetorf,Illustrated by Joseph Escourido. 398.2 M [1965] 127 p.Stinctorf, Louise A. Me S CHICANO MANIFESTO [by] Armando B. Rendon. CHUCHO, the boy with the good name, CHARPENEL, MAURIC:10, (1971] viii, 337 p.Rendon. Armando B. Illustrated by Howard Simon. Las minimums en el ark: popular irt...xicano (con 322.44 R [1957] 141 p.Phillips, Eula Mark. 1905 floss del autor).Prolog() de Gabriel Moedaim. Pic P [Austin!CenterforInterculturalStudiesin THE ; some nottoo Fo.slore and Oral History [University of 'Texas objective observations. Prepared by the Colorado CIRCULAR STOOL. Migrant Council for distribution through Totinem at Austin][1970] xviii. 82 p.31illus. (part Alva Museum Replicas, Ncw York. statue 6" col.)23 cm. (Latin American folklore series. Publications, high- 10"diameter. Ornamented grinding 1971. no. I)Bibliography.:p. 81-82. 745.5 C 40 p.Delgado, Abclardo B. 301.6 D stone;also ceremonialstoolof the Chiriqui Culture, Panama. which flourished in the early CHICANO RESOURCE MATERIALS. CHAVEZ, ALBERT C'., ed. 16th century. 972.8 C 1970. 91 p. Abrcgo, Silas H. Yearnings. Mexilaii American literature. West 016 A Press,Inc., CITIES OF MEXICO, 11a)..en, Pendulum 1972. CHICANO THEATRE ONE, 134p. An ar +hology of Mexican American Doubleday Multi Media Communications, 1962. SanJuan,Calif., Cticaracha literature. 810 C Press.Periodical color filmstrip and record. (Mexico series) publication, March, 1973. 792 C 972 M 8 00014 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

COLE, ANN. COMPARATIVE GUIDE TO AMERICAN CITIZEN PABLO. Illustrated by Jean Macdonald I saw a purple vowand 100 other for COLLEGES FOR STUDENTS, PARENTS, Porter. learning, by Cole, Ilaas, Bushnell, and AY') COUNSELORS,by James Cuss and Max [1959] 128 p.Robinson, Benet le H. Fie R Weinberger. Little, Brown & Co.. 1972. 96 Birnbaum.1970.1971 ed. p. illus. Parent and child activities to increase 09691 xxxvi. 837 p.Cass.I Imes. 378.73 C learning and success. 371.1 C LA CIUDAD;texto de A.J,M. COMPARSA UNIVERSITARIA DE LA LAGUNA 1971. 67 p.A.J.M. E A COLEMAN, ELEANOR S. CORRIDA DE POLKAS (MKS1703) The cross and the sword of Cortes [by] Eleanor R.C.A. Victor, n.d. 33-1/3 rpm. record. 12 CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION. S. Coleman. New York, Simon & Schuster polkasfromnorthernMexico and southern SEE Salazar. Ruben. Stranger in one's land. [1968] 191 p. 22 cm. Fic C United States. 793.3 C 301.451 S COLES, ROBERT. TILE COMPLETE BOOK OF MEXICAN THE CIVILIZATION OF THE AMERICAN COOKING, by Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz. INDIAN SERIES, 50, Uprooted children:the early life of migrant farm workers. [Pittsburi University of Pittsburgh Drawings by Roger Chapin. CasoAlfonso, 1896- The Aztecs; people of the [19671 352 p.Lambert, Elisabeth. 641.5 L sun. Illustrated by Miguel Covarruhias: Pres.;[1970] xxiii. 142 p. 20 cm. (Horace Mann lecture, 1969)Portrait of children-with translated by LowellDunham. [1st ed.] A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE MEXICAN [1958]xvii, 125 p. 970.2 C many interviews of children portraying their feelings, fears and plight. 301.4314 C WAR, ITS CAUSES, CONDUCT, AND THE CIVILIZATION OF THE AMERICAN CONSEQUENCES. Comprising an account of COLLEGE AND CAREER;adjusting to college the various military and naval operations, from its INDIAN SERIES, 85. commencement to the treaty of peace, Spores, Ronald. andselectingan occupation[by]Nancy G. by N. C. The Mixtec kings andtheir Brooks. people. [1st ecy] [1967]xvii. 269 p. Cattell [and] ShirleyI.Sharp.Illustrated by [1965] xiv, 558 p.Brooks, Nathan Covington, 970.3 S Charles B. Schlerf. [1970] xv, 334 p.Cattell, Nancy G. 378.1 C 1809.1898. 973.62 B THE CIVILIZATiON OF THE AMERICAN THE COLLEGE CONCHITA & JUAN,a girl and boy of Mexico INDIAN SERIES, 92. BOARD ADMISSIONS [by] G. Warren Schloat, Jr. Leon Portilla. Miguel. Pre-Columbian literature TESTING PROGRAM; a technical report on of Mexico. Translated fromthe Spanish 14 research and development activities relating to [1964] Iv. (unpaged) Schloat, G. Warren. 917.2 S Grace Lobanov and the author. (19691sill, the Scholastic Aptitude Test and Achievement 191 p. 860.9972 L Tests. William IL Angoff, editor. CONFIGURATIONS. Translated from the Spanish 1971. xv, 181 p.Educational Testing Service. by G. Aroul [and others] CLARK, ANN NOLAN, 1898. 378.1 E Paeo's miracle. Illustrated by Agnes Tait. New [1971] 198 p.Paz, Octavio, 1914- 861 P York, Bell Books [1962] 159 p. illus.22 cm. COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION BOARD. Paco and an old man liveinthe mountains CONOCIMIENTO Y PRACTICA DEL A chanceto go tocollege. New York.the LENGUAJE. near Santa Fe, in the 1890's.When Paco has Hiard, 1971. 248p. A directory of 800 toliveinthecity many wonderfulthings 1968. 231p. Available from Blaine Ethridge, collegesthathave specialhelp forstudents Detroit, Mich.Bet:aril, Francisco. 461 B happen. Grades 4-7. Fic C from minorities and low-income families. TiaMaria's garden. IllustratedbyEzra Jack 378.1 C Keats. [19631 47 CONQUEST! PARTS I & II. New York, Viking Press SEE Educational Testing Service. The p. illus.24 cm. E C Multi Media Productions, Inc.. 1969. Two 56 College Board Admissions Testing Program: a fr.color filmstrips with record & Teacher's CLARK, MARGARET. technical report on research and development Guide. (Lesson 2 of Conflict of Cultures which activitiesrelatingtothe Scholastic Aptitude HealthintheMexican AmericanCulture; a is Part111 of the series )Presents the community study. U. of Calif.. 1970. TestandAchievementTests. WilliamH. Mexican American War (1846-48) andits 253 p. Angoff. editor. charts. Detailed descriptive account of 378.1 E aftermath. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo & community life. language and education, work SEE Financing equal opportunityinhigher events which have created Mexican American education. andeconomics,religiousparticipation,and 379.1214 C & Anglo-American bitterness. 973.621 L family life. 614.422 C COLORADO MIGRANT COUNCIL. CONQUEST TO REVOLUTION, Geraldine CLAUSON, WILLIAM. Quc Voy a scr? Colorado MigrantCouncil, Kalan, ed. Cancioncs de Navidad: Christmas carols (SMC- Denver, Colorado, Totinem Publication Teaching Resources Films. 1972. 69 fr.color 1061) Pro-Arte. New York, Spanish Music Company. n.d. (trip.Text in Spanish. E C filmstrip with record & guide.(Mexico: Our Center.33-1/3 rpm. record-with guide on dynamicneighborseries) Recounts major jacket. Availablefrom Children's Music COME, ARNOLL) B. events of Mexico's history from Aztec rule to Center.11 Christmas carols in Spanish. Reluctant Arnold Come.Photos: the political revolution of 1910. 917.2 K 398.2 C Bob Fitch, Peter Perkins [and] Robert Franks. [San Francisco] [Glide Urban Center][1965] CONRAD, BARNABY, 1922 CLAYTON, ROBERT. [54] 36 p. illus.2! cm. 301.245 C La fiesta brava: the art of the bull ring. Bo.:ton, Mexico. Central America, and the West Indies. Houghton Mifflin.1953. 184 p. illus.. ports. Illus. by Zena Flax.[1st American ed.] New COMEX. 27 cm. 791.8 C York. John Day Co.[1971, c1970] 48 p. News Monitoring Service.Comite de Mexico y illus.(partcol.),col.maps. 22cm. (His Aztlan, Comite de Mexico y Aztlan, P.O. Box LA CONSENTIDA DE AMERICA . SONORA Finding out about geography) An hart duction 12062. Oakland, Calif. 94604. Index, SANTANERA. to lands of Middle America. 917.2 C including Arizona Republic; Denver Post; Los 33.1,13 rpm. record. Santancra. Sonora. Angeles Times; SanAntonioExpress;San 784.85 S CLIENT.CENTERED THERAPY, its current Francisco Chronicle; Santa Fe New Mexican; practice, implications, and theory,by Carl R. El Paso Times. 070 C CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN INDIAN Rogers,withchapterscontt, utedbyElaine BIOGRAPHIES. Dorfman, Thomas Gordon [and] Nicholas Hobbs. COMMUNITY PLANNING COUNCIL OF Instructor Publications, :972. 32 study prints. [19511 xii. 560 p.Rogers. Carl Ransom, 1902- NORTHWESTERN OHIO, INC. 48 pg. teacher's guide. Available from Children's Music Center. 150 R Community Resources; serving thegreater 920 C Tnledo area, Ottawa and Wood County; Vol. CLIFFORD, ETH. XV, 1970. Community Planning Council of CONTRIBUTIONS OF BLACK AMERICANS, INDIAN AMERICANS, The magnificent myths of man: Leo C.Fay. Northwestern Ohio, Inc., Toledo. Ohio 43604. MEXICAN consulting editor. AMERICANS, AND ASIAN AMERICANS TO Globe Book Company. Inc., 64 p. 977.1 C New York. 1972.246 p. illus. 200,4 C AMERICAN HISTORY. 109p. AlsoavailablefromMinority Affairs COMMUNITY POWER AND INFLUENCE Division, Michigan Education Assoc. P.O. Box CLINE, HOWARD FRANCIS. STUDIES; Two Positions. Mexico,revolution toevolution, 1940.1960. 673.EastLansing,Michigan 48823. Santa May 1970. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute 31 p.Spiess, John A. 370.973 S Clara County Board of Education. 372.19 A of InternationalAffairs. New York, Oxford COMMUNITY RESOURCES; UniversityPress, 1963[c1962j x,374p. serving the greater COOK, DAVID C. maps. tables.21 cm. Ribliograpt.y: p.355- Toledo area, Ottawa and Wood County; Vol. XV, Indian projects and activities. David C. Cook 1970. 370. 972 C Publishing Co.,1973. 12p. mimeographed. The United States and Mexico. Rev. ed., oil. 64 p. Community Planning Council of (A David C.CookPublishingCo.service New York. Athcrieum, 1963. 484 p. maps Northwestern Ohio, Inc. 977,1 C leaflet) 372.5 C (part fold.)19 cm. (Athenecni paperbacks. 40) Appendices (p. [44471):II.Suggested A COMMUNITY SCHOOL IN A SPANISH. COONEY, BARBARA, 1917 reading. III.A bibliographicalsupplement. SPEAKING VILLAGE, SEE Mother Goose. 398.8 M 1953.1962. 972 C 1948. 169 p.Adult. Tireman, L. S. 371,97 T COOPER, LEE. COATSWORTH, ELIZAPETII JANE, 1843. More funwithSpanish. Illustratedby Ann The Place, by Elizabeth Coatsworth.Illustrated COMO ES LA LUNA?Por Franklyn M. Branley, Atene. [1st cd.] Boston.Little, Brown byMarjorieAuerbach. New York,Holt, Ilus. de Bobri. Traduccion de Richard J. Palmer. [1967] 120 p.illus.(partenl.) 21 cm. Rinehart and Winstnn(1966. c19651 72 p. [1968] [40]p. Branley.FranklynMansfield, BeginningSpanishlanguageinstoriesand col. illus.23 cm. Plc C 1915- E B poonsgrammatical lessons taught. 468.3 C 9 00015 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

CORBIN, RICHARD THE CREATION SUN AND THE: EL CUADERNO (DE VEZ EN CUANDO) SEE National Conned of 'reacher, of English. MOON(by) II. Traven. Illustrated by Alberto La Academia ile La Nueva Rail, Box 31, Dixon, Task Forceon'reachingEnglish tothe Beltran.[1st ed.] New Mexico. Winter 1973 issue to current. 1)k:1(k:imaged. Language programs forthe [1968) 65 p.Tri.ven, B. 398.2 T Pochyliterature, articles by & about Mexican disad I. :imaged; the report of the NCTE Task Americans & their experiences. 070 C Force on 'reaching English to the CREATIVE: ARTS SERIES. Disadvantaged.Richard Corbin (and)Muriel Alurista. Alberti). Floricanto cn Aithm. 1971. LOS CUATRO ; Abelardo Delgado, Reymundo Crosby. cochairmen. 371,96 N 100 p. 811 A "Tigre" Peru, Ricardo Sanchez and Juan Valdez. 55 p. Delgado, Abelardo (1.alo) 811 D CORDRY. DONALD BUSH. CR EATIVE EXPE:R ENCES IN ORAL Mexican Indian coSillilles. Text by Donald and LANGUAGE. 450 ANUS DE LUCHA;450 years of suffering. Dorothy Cordry Photos. by Donald Corilry. 1967. 121 p.Henry. Mabel Wright. 372.6 H 1960. AvailablefromBilingualEducational Forewordby MiguelCo\ arrubias. Austin, Service.Pujol. Antonio. 769.4 P no. ersity of Texas Press 110681 xx, 373 p. CREATIVE VISUALS. tllu (part col.), maps 11 cm. (The Texan Mexican Americans. Gamco Industries,1971. CUAUHTLI, HECTOR. pan American series)isibliography: p.349 - Castellano Ilustrado. 12 Transparencies. Includesbiographiesof Diccionario Mexico. 354. 391,00972 C Zapata. Zaragoza, and Benevides.Available Fernandezeditores. 1972. 364 p. illus. from Demo Educational corp. 920 42 Available from Bilingual Educational Service. CORDIa, DOROTHY M. 463 C SEE Cordry, Donald Bush. Mexican Indian CRE:DLE:, ELLIS, 1902 - costumes. Test by Donald and Dorothy Mexico. land of hidden treasure. [Camden. N.J.] CUAUHTLI, VICTOR CAMPILLO. Cordry.Photos. by Donald Cordry.Foievvord Diecionario Castellani) dustrado: Lexikon. South T. Nelson119671 224 p.illus., map, ports. by Miguel Covarrubias. 391.00972 C Pasadena, California,Bilingual Educational 22 cm. (World neighbors)Bibliography: p. Services, 1972. 364 p. illus. Castellian 218. 917,2 C Till: CORN 114:S1'IVAL(by) Floranee W. Taylor. Spanish. 460 C Pictures by George Overlie, 119711 1321 p.Taylor, Florance Walton. CRI-CRI, GRILLITO CANTOR. CUELLAR, ALFREDO B. Fie T 33.1/3 rpm. record. Soler. Francisco Gabilondo. SEE Moore. Joan W. Mexican Americans 784.6 S (by] Joan W. Moore with Alfredo Cuellar. THE CORN GROWS RIPE.Illustrated by Jean 301.451 M Chariot. CRI-CRI Y SUS NEUVOS AMIGOS(DKL I- 1956. 88 p.Rhoads, Dorothy. Fie R 3101) EL CUENTO DE "ERDINANDO. Hos. de Robert 1970. 33-1 / 3rpm.record. Availablefrom Lawson. Traduccion del InglesporPuraBelpre. CORRIDOS REVOLUCIONARIOS. Dueto ChildressMusic Center. Soler, Francisco [1962] unpaged. Leaf. Munro, 1905- E L miseria y el eonjunto de Chucho Ferrer. Gabilondo. 784.6 S R.C.A. Victor (MKI. 1745) 33 -I /3 rpm. record. EL CUENTO DE LA VACA,CONEJITOEL Songs of the Mexican Revolution. 398.22 C CRISTOBAL AND THE WITCH;story by Jan CAZADOR. Wahl. Pictures by Janet McCaffery, AvailablefromHeffernanSupply. Editorial CORTES AND THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO. (1972) (41] p.Wahl. Jan. E W Vasco Americana. E E Eye Gate, 1965. I colorfilmstrip.cassette. guide. (SpanishExplorers Series) Discusses CROFT, KENNETH. CUENTOS CLASICOS INFANTILES. Mexico before Cortes, Cortes' impact upon the TESOL, 1967.68, Asurvey. Teachers of Singer Education & Training, 1971. 4 color theconflictwith and cidization, Narvacz English toSpeakersofOther Languages, filmstrips & 2 records, guides. Spanish text and Spain. Grades 4-8. 972.02 C Washington, D.C. 1970. 32 p. illus. guides. Contents:The Four Musicians; The Bibliography of English as a second language CORTF:S, IIERNAN. Little Red lien and the Grains of Wheat; The materials. 016 C Three Billy Goats Gruff: The Town Mouse anti Letters from Mexico 'Translated and edited by A. R. Pagdcn. With an introd. by J. it Elliott. The Country Mouse. 398.8 C CROSBY, MURIEL ESTELLE, 1908 - NOV York. Grossman Publishers.1971. lxvii, 565 p.illus.24 Lot. (An Orion Press book) An adventure in human relations (by)Muriel CUENTOS DE JAVIER. At head of title; Heiman Cortes. "translation ()I' Crosby. Chicago,FollettPub.Co. [1965] 1967. 109 p.Available from Heffernan Supply. C'artas tic rclacion. Bibliography: p. 537.549. xxxviii. 396 p. illus.24 cm. 370.193 C Diego, Luis de. FieD 972C SEE National Council of Teachers of English. Task Force onTeachingEnglish to the CULTURAL HERITAGE TEACHINGPACKAGE. CORVALAN, OCTAVIO. Disadvantaged. Language programs forthe 1971. 12 p. Southwestern Cooperative Educational Laboratory. Let usSing(Vamos a C'antar) Folkways disadvantaged; the report of the NCrE Task 375 S Records, 1964. .13-113 rpm. record. script in Force on 'reaching English to the Spanish and English.17 songs in Spanish for Disadvantaged.Richard Corbin [and] Muriel CULTURE AND THE QUESTION OF children.GradesK-6. 784.71C Crosby, co-chairmen. 371.96 N LANGUAGE. Step bystep. Poetry andproseforchildren. 1972. 60 min. cassette tape.Edwards, Colin, prod. Paso a Paso. Pocsiayprosaparanines. THE CROSSAND THESWORD OF CORTES 409 E Folkways Records, 1960. 33.1, 3 rpm. record. [by] Eleanor S. Coleman. A selection of nursery rhymes, riddles short (19681 191 p.Coleman, Eleanor S. Fie C CULTURE IN AMERICAN EDUCATION: poems andstoriesintendedespeciallyfor anthropological approaches tominorityand children beginning to study Spanish.Bilingual CROSSROADS FOR CHELA. dominant gr "ups in the schools. script. (Elm. Sp. Classes) GradesK-4. 1956. Witton, Dorothy. Fie W (1965] vi, 330 p.Landes, Ruth. 1908- 811 C 370,1934 L CROUSE, WILLIAM H. COUNTRY MOUSE, CITY MOUSE, AND CAT. Automobile mechanics (mechanica del THE CULf URE THEY BROUGHT. 1(72. Mafax Associates. stuffedtoy three faces-- autontovil) Spain. Marcombo,1971. 664 p. 60 min. cassette tape.Edwards. Colin. prod. useful to develop oral language. 428 C illus. Entire text in Spanish-Textbook 979.4 E format. Available from Blaine Ethridge, COWBOY LIFE ON THE TEXAS PLAINS. Detroit, Mich. 629 C CULTURES AROUND THE WORLD; cultural Imperial Film Company, 1973. filmstrip and and geographic relationships. Grade 3. record.(The American frontier as the camera CROW, JOHN ARMSTRONG. 1970. 380 p.Board of Education. City of New saw it series) 976.4 C Mexico today (by] John A. Crow.Rev. cd. York. 373.1913 New York. Harper & Row (1971, c1972] CULTURES INCONFLICT; problemsofthe COWLES BOOK COMPANY. 369 p. illus.22 cm. Bibliography: p. 359. Preparation for Federal Service Entrance Mexican Americans,by Rudy Acuna and Peggy 917.2 C Examinations. Cowles Book Co., 1971. 350 Shackelton. p. illus. 350.3 C (c1970) 144 p.Acuna, Rudolfo. 301.45 A CROW. LESTER DONALD, 1897 - CRACKS IN THE MELTING POT;racism and Childpsychology (by]LesterD. Crow (and] CUMBERLAND, CHARLES CURTIS,comp. discrimination in American history[compiled by] Alice Crow. New York. Barnes & Noble The meaning of the Mexican Revolution, edited Melvin SteinfleId. (1953) 267 p. illus.21 cm.(College outline with anintrod. by CharlesC. Cumberland. Steintield, Melvin, wing. Beverly Hills, series. 79) 136.7 C Boston. Heath (1967) xvi,110 p.24 cm. GlencoePress 119701 xx. 354p.23 cm. (Problemsin LatinAmericancivilization) Includes bibliographies. 301,451 5 CRUME, MARION W. "Suggestions for additional reading": p.107- What do you say?Written by Marion W. Crume. 110. 972,03 C CRAMER, KATHRYN. Photographed by Harvey Maudlin. (Glendale, SEE Terziatt, James P. Mighty hard road; Calif.)(DownierPub.Corp., c1967) I v. CURA NDERISM 0; MexicanAmerican folk thestoryof Cesar Chavez (by)James P. (unpaged) col.illus. 21x 23 cm. (Bowmar psychiatry. Terzian and Kathryn Cramer.(1st ed.) early childhood series)Entire text in Spanish. (1968] xii, 207 p.Kiev. Ari. 615,882K 920 C EC THE CURRICULUM; retrospectandprospect. CRAZY GYPSY;illustrations by Tony Verities and CRUZ, VICTOR HERNANDEZ. 1949 70th yearbook. John Sierra. Snaps; poems. New York, Random House 1971. 365 p.National Society for the Study of 1070. 87 p.Salinas, Omar. RII 5 (1%91 135 p. 22 cm. 811.54 C Education. 370.62 N 10 00016 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR LATIN AMERICAN 'nil:DECLINE OF THE CAL1FORNIOS; DIAZ, A. P. HISTORY,Units 4 & 5. social history of the SpainsIspeaking Viva La Rasa: The Mexican American Experience 1969. pp. 98to 205. ChicagoBoard of Californians, 184(.1890. inthe Southwest. Noble and Nohle, 1972. Education. 375 C 1966. x. 324 p.Pitt, Leonard. 979.404 P 20 sets of pamphlets chart. guide. (Springboard Series) 301.451 I) CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR LATIN AMERICAN DEFOE, DANIEL. HISTORY; Unit VI, The Caribbean Nations- Robinson Cruscoe; un Lihro de Oro de DIAZ, CARMEN. Hispaniola, Cuba, and Central America. Estampas. South Pasadena, California, Bilingualbieultoral materials a bibliography. n.d 277 p. CityofChicago,Boardof Bilingual Educational Services. 1971. 48 p. 1.awrence. Kansas. Universityof Kansas. Education. 373.19 C illus.Text in Spanish. Fic I) Special Education Instructional Materials Center.n.d. 91 p. 016 1) CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR TEACHING DERN QUE PAPA DUERMA, ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. 11)71. 60 p,Reed, Emily. E R DIAZ, MAY N. 1972. 281 p.Chicago Board of Education Tonala; conservatism. responsihility, and 372.65 C DELANO,the story of the California grape strike. authorityina Mexican town(by] May N. Photos, by Ted Streshinsky. Diaz. Berkeley. University of California Press. CURRY, NANCY. (19671 176 p.Dunne. John Gregnry, 1932- 1966. 234 p. illus.23 cm, Bibliography: p. Anappleis red. Rhin pliedbyHarvey 331.89 225.229. 917.27 D Mandlin.Glendale, Cal;, Jowniar Pub. Corp. DE LEON, NEPIITALL DICCIONARIO CASTELLANO ILUSTRADO. (c1967I I v. (chiefly c. illus.)21 x 23 cm. (Bowmar early childhood series)Entire text in Chicanos our background and our pride. 1972. 364 p. Available from Bilingual Spanish. E C Illustratedbytheauthor. Lubbock,Tex.. Educational Service,Cuauhtli. Hector. 463 C My friendisMrs. Jones. Written by Nancy Trucha Publieu ions(19721 95 p.illus. 22 eni. Bibliography: p. 90.93. Curry. Photographedby Harvey 973 D Mandlin. DICCIONARIO CASTELLANO ILUSTRADO; Glendale, Calif.. Bow mar Pub. Corp. (I 9671 DELGADO, ABELARDO B. LEXIKON. Iv. (chielly col. illus.)21 x 2.1 cm.(Bowniar The Chicano Movement;sonic not too objective 1972. 364 p.Cuauhtli. Hictor Campillo. early childhood series)Entire text in Spanish. nbscrvations. 460 C E C Prepared by the Colorado Migrant Council fordistribution through Totinem Publications. Denver,Colorado, DICKINSON, ALICE. Aztlan,1971. 40 p. illus. 301.6 D Misprimerosconoeimientos. Grolier. 1961. Text in Spanish. 3 titles:Plantas. Culebras, Conscrvacion. 580 D Los cuatro ; Abelardo Delgado. Reyniundo Misprinierosconoeimientos, Grolier, 1961. "Tigre"Perez.Ricardo Sanchez and Juan Text in Spanish. 3 titles: Animales DAILY LIFE OF THE AZTECS, ON THE EVE Valdez. Denver, Colorado, Totinem prchistoricos; Mamifcros; Mamiferos tropicales. OF THE SPANISH CONQUEST. Translated Publications.55 p. illus. 811 I) 591 I) from the French by Patrick O'Brian. Rellexiones ... San Antonio. Texas. Commission (1970, c19611 xxiv. 321 p,Soustelle. Jacques. for Mexican American Affairs. 16 p. 811 D DICTIONARY OF OCCUPATIONAL TITLES. 1912- 970.3 S 2d ed.Prepared byDivisionof Occupational DELORIA, VINE. Analysis, U.S. Employment Service. DANIELITO Y EL DINOSAURO. Escrito e We talk, you listen;new tribes, new turf, by 1949, 2 v.For contents sec author entry.U.S. ilustrado por Syd Hoff. Traduccion del ingles por VineDeloria.Jr. (NewYork(Macmillan Employment Service. 331.7 U Pura Belpre. 119701 227 p. 22 em. 301.45 D (19691 64 p.Hoff. Sydney. 1912- Fie II DICTIONARY OF SPOKEN SPANISH, WORDS, DENOYERGEPPERT. PHRASES, AND SENTENCES. Doubleday, 1960. 536 p. D'ANTONIO, WILLIAM V. VivaIneausa: 'themigrantlabormovement. SpanishEnglish. English- -Spanish. Influentialsintwo bordercities: astudyin DenoyerGeppert Audio-Visuals. 1972. 2 468 D community decisionmaking (by]William V. color filmstrips. 2 33-1/3 rpm. records. guide. DIEGO, LUIS DE. D'Antonio andWilliamH.Forin. (Notre Politicalandlegalaspectsof migrantlabor Dante, Ind.] University of Notre Dame Press movement. 331.8 D Cuentos de Javier. Doncel, 1967. 109 p. illus. Spanish text. Available from Ilefferman (19651 xii, 273 p. illus. 24 cm. Supply. Bibliographical references included in footnotes. DENUES, CELIA. Fic D 301.155 D'A Career perspective: your choice of work. Worthington. DIG THAT DISH;cooking for the in group; teen- Ohio.C.A.JonesPub. Co. Ige party menus and recipes for all occasions. 09721vi, 202 p. illus.22 cm. DARBOIS, DOMINIQUE. Bibliography: Illustrated by Philip Costa. [Rev. ed.] p. 197.199. 331.7 D Tacho, boy of Mexico, story and photos. by (1967j 160 p.Rosen, Ruth Chicr, 1925- Dominique Darbois.Adapted front the French. 641.5 It Chicago, Follett Pub. Co., 0961. 47 p. DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Heritage. history, and contributions of Hispanic 26 cm. (Childrenofthe worldhooks) DIRECTORY OF SPANISH SPEAKING "Originally published in French under the title Americans;junior high school; with teachers' COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS. of Tacho, le pet.t Mexicain." 917.2 1) edition.Denver. Colorado. 1972. 62 p. 124 p. Cabinet Committee on Opportunity for 372,19 I) the Spanish Speaking. 366.025 C DATE: PRISA, CACHAZUDO. 1971. 60 p.Newell, Crosby. E N DF:SCUBR1DORES Y EXPLORADORES; un DIRECTORY OF SUPPLIERS 01: SPANISH Libro de Oro de Estampas. MATERIALS. 1970. 48 p. DAVIS, MARY 1.. Lindquist. Willis. 910,9 L P.O. Box 1269, Homestead,Florida 33030. Mexican jewelry(by] Mary L. Davis and Greta Cruzada Spanish Publications. Yearly Pack. Withdrawings byMary I..Davis. LOS DESIERTOS. publications-useful listings and addresses for 1971. Austin. University of 'texas Press(19631 262 64 p.Goetz. Delia. 574.5265 C teachers. 016 D p. illus.22 cm. Includes bibliography. 739,27 1) DESIGN MOTIFS OF ANCIENT MEXICO. THE DISADVANTAGED LEARNER: KNOWING, 1953. 15.1 p. (chiefly illus.) Elleiso. Jorge. 1879 UNDERSTANDING, EDUCATING; a DAY, MARK. 970.6745 E collectionoforiginalandpublishedarticles, Forty acres,Cesar Chavez and the farm workers. edited by Staten W. Webster. Intro& by Cesar Chavez.New York. Praeger DEVELOPING LANGUAGE CURRICULA. (1966] xiii, 644 p.Webster, Staten W.. ed. (I 97 II222 p. illus . map, group ports.2:'. cot. 1969. 72 p.Migrant Program of the Michigan 371,96 W Bibliography: p. 221.222. 331,8 I) Department of Education. 372.6 M DISCO DE ORO CYS1281. DEVELOPING DE MEXICO A LA HABANA ('ON LA SONORA LANGUAGE. CURRICULA: n.d. 33-1/3 rpm. record. Jimenez, Jose Alfredo. Programed Exercise for Teachers.1970 ACTH. 784.81 J SANTANERA, CYS1082. Edition. 33-1/3 rpm. record. Santanera, Sonora. Available from Michigan Migrant Primary 785.067 S DISCOVERING MUSIC TOGETHER. Early InterdisciplinaryProject.3800 PackardRd., Childhood Album 5002, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Michigan Oral 33-1/3 rpm. record. Smith & Leonhard. Language Series. 375.4 M 372.2 S

THE: DEVELOPMENT 01: HIGHER DO YOU KNOW WHAT ? Written by Ruth EDUCATION IN MEXICO. Jaynes. Photographed by Harvey Mandlin, 1944. 140 p.Sanchez. George I. (c19671 Iv.Jaynes, Ruth M. E J A DEATH IN THE SANCHEZ FAMILY. 372.89072 (19691 xxxii, 119 p.Lewis. Oscar. 1914. 301.29 I. DOME, JAMES FRANK, 1888.1964. DEVILBISS HIGH SCHOOL. I'lltellyou atalc, selected and arr.bythe El:atedecocina Ohio, hispanica. Toledo, author,and IsabelGaddis. Ben THE DEATH OF ARTEMIO CRUZ. Translated Mexican American Curriculum Office, 1972. Carlton Mead.(1st ed.] Boston, Little, Brown from the Spanish by Sam lineman, 26 p.illus. 16 recipes ingredients given in [1960]362 p. illus.22 cm. 398.2 D (19641 .106 p.Fuentes, Carlos. Fic F English. 641.5 D 00017 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

DRAWING EXOTIC BIRDS. THE EDGE OFIll' /RN!(AlCiao del agua), Puramexicami, editedby J. Frank Dobie. 1965. 63 p.Adult.Freixas, luniliu. 743 F a novel, Translatt. :'thel Brinton.Illustrated Austin, 'texas olklore society,1935. I p.1., by Julio Prieto, x, 261p. illus. (music)24 cm. (Texas folk- DROGAS: INFORMES ;;OBRE SU USO 119631 332 p.N'anci. Agustin, 1904. Fie lore societypublications. no!di)"Ranchero ABUSO; Drugs:facts on their use and abuse. sayings of the bolder, by liossard O. Wesley": Norman W, Houser en consulta con JuliusB. EDICIONES, EVA. p. 211-220. "Songs of the Mexican migration. Richmond, M.D. Learn to count. Bilbao, Spain,1964. 10p. by Paul S. Tay M' :p. 221-245. 398.2 D 1971. 48 p.Houser, Norman W. 615,1 II illus. Numbers Ithrough 10 with pictures in Spanish. Available from Blaine Ethridge, Southwestern Lore. Southern Methodist Univ. DROP OUT NOW-PAY LATER! Detroit, Mich. E E Press. 1931. I9)+ p. illus. Folk lore Handel Film Corp., 1972. 24 min. sd. color. 16 representing the 4 peoples that have mingled to mm. With study guide. CREDITS: Producer EDING'1ON, EVERE'17 D. Buildthe Southwest..."cowboy" Mexican, and director. Leo A. Handel; writer, Monroe Manual for providing library services to Indians Negro and Indian. 398.2 D Manning; narrator, Ned Romero; consultant. and Mexican Americans. ERIC/CRESS New Alex Trejo. SUMMARY: Shows basic Mexico State jniversity, 1971. 58 p. DOBBIN, ARNOLD. reasons why Latin American students drop out Bibliographyeanotated.Professional use. The newlife Lavidenueva; theMexican ofSchool. Discussesproblemsthatyoung 016 E Americanstoday. Pref.byMartinOrtiz. people encounter, reviews various cdtp:ational Illustratedwithphotos. New York, Dodd, and financialaid programs, and relates EDITORIAL VASCO AMERICANA, Mead(19711 109 p.illus., maps, ports.24 experiencesofseveral successful Spanish. Lacasita de chocalate,loscuatroniusicos. cm. Bibliography! p. 105. Examinesthe speaking individuals. Senior High. Editorial Vasco Americana. S.A., Bilboa effortsof MexicanAmericans, the "forgotten 371.291 D (Espanol). Printed in Spain. (Cuentos minority." to make social, economic, inmortalcs, vol. 4)Text in Spanish.Available educational, political,andculturalprogress toward a new life of equal opportunity. DUNCOMBE, FRANCES RIKER, 1907- from Heffernan Supply. E E 301.451 D The quetzal feather.Drawings and map by W. T. El eastillo mistcrioso, ricitos de oro. Editorial Mars. New York, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Vasco Americana, S.A., Bilboa (Espana), A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE C'o.(1967) 255 p. illus., map.22 cm. Printed in Spain. (Cucntos inmortales, vol. II) MEXICAN AMERICANS. Edited by Wayne Fie D TextinSpanish. Available from Heffernan Moquin, withCharles Van Supply. E E Feliciano Rivera, consulting editor. DUNNE, JOHN GREGORY, 1932 - Chanchito el Volador, el patito encantado. (19711 xiv, 399 p.Magian. Wayne. comp. Delano. the story of the California grape strike. Editorial Vasco Americana, S.A., Bilboa 973.04 M Photos.byTedStreshinsky. New York. (Espana). Printed in Spain. (Cucntos Farrar, Sraus & Giroux(1967] 176 p. illus., nominates, vol. 5)Text in Spanish.Available DODGE, MARY MAPES. pmts. 22 cot. 331.89 D from Heffernan Supply. E E Los Panties dePlata; especialmente udaptado Elcucntode IaVaca, concjitoel cazador. para los Clasicos de Oro Ilustrados. South DURAN, LIVIE ISAURO,comp. Editorial Vasco Americana. S.A.. Bilboa Pasadena, California, Bilingual Educational Introduction to Chicano studies;a reader, edited (Espana), Printed in Spain. (Cuentos Services,1971. 96 p. illus.Text in Spanish. by Livic Isauro Duran and 11. Russell Bernard. inmortales, vol. 9)Text in Spanish.Available 398.2 D New York, Macmillan(1973] v, 585 p.24 front Heffernan Supply. E E em. Bibliography: p. 579. 301.451 D Don PuntaExplorador,elloboylossicte DOLCH, EDWARD WILLIAM, 1889- cabritos. EditorialVasco Americana. S.A. Stories front Mexico,by Edward W. Dolch aid DU SOE, ROBERT C, Bilboa (Espana), printedinSpain.(Cucntos Marguerite P. Dolch.Illustrated by Ernest Dc Sea boots; Arthur Harper. (1sted.) inmortales, vol. 8)Text in Spanish.Available Soto. Champaign, EL. Garrard Press[1960) New York, Longmans, Green,1949. 186 p. from Heffernan Supply. E E 168 p. illus.21 cm. (Folklore of the wet .d) illus.22 cot. Fie Du S Los dos Valientes, Pinocchio. Editorial Vasco 398.2 D Americana, S.A., Bilboa (Espana). Printed in DUVOISIN, ROGER. Spain.(Cucntos inmortalcs, vol.10)Text in DOLCII, MARGUERITE PIERCE, 1891- And there was America, Knopf, 1938. 75 p. Spanish.Available from Heffernan Supply. SEE Dolch, Edward William, 1889- Stories illus. 4.6th grade level account of discovery of E E fromMexico,by Edward W.Dolchand America, front Vikings to the landing of The LosninesVoladores,Ia astuciadegallinitu. Marguerite P. Dolch.Illustrated by Ernest Dc Pilgrims. Includes chapter on Spanish Editorial Vasco Anterieana, S.A., Bilboa Soto. 398.2 D exploration. 973.1 D (Espana), Printed in Spain. (Cucntos DOMAN, GLENN J. inmortales. vol. 12) Text in Spanish. Available Teachyourbabytoread. SEE Hughes. from Heffernan Supply. E E Felicity. 1938- Reading and writing before Pulgareito, el patitofco. Editorial Vasco school; the reading revolution, at home and at Americana, S.A.Bilboa (Espana), printedin school, based on Glenn Dcman's Tea,h your Spain. (Cucntos inmortalcs, vol.2)Text in babytoread. With Glenn EARLY WESTWARD EXPANSION (1790.1819) Spanish. Available from Heffernan Supply. E E Doman. 372.4 H Rand McNally. Wall map. Westward El sastrecillo valiente,Alicia en elpais de las expansion. Purchase, boundaries of maravillas. Editorial Vasco Americana, S.A., DON PERRITO EXPI.ORADOR, EL LOBO Mexico and Oregon. 973 M LOS SIETE CABRITOS. Bilboa (Espana), Printed in Spain.(Cucntos Availablefart HeffernanSupply. Editorial EASTMAN, PHILIP D. inmortales, vol. 6) Text in Spanish.Available Vasco Americana. from Heffernan Supply. E E E E SEE Geisel, Theodor Scuss, 1904. The cat La ternerita mee, aventuras de un osito. in the hat beginner book dictionary in Spanish. DORRY, GERTRUDE NYE. Editorial Vasco Americana, S.A. Bilboa 463 C Games for second language learning. McGraw. (Espana), printed in Spain. (Cuentos Eres Tu Mi Mama? (NewYork)Beginner Hill, 1966. 56 p. illus. 372.65 D inmortalcs, Vol. 7) Text in Spanish.Available Books; distributed by Raidom House (1960) from Heffernan Supply. E E 63 p.illus.24 cm. (Beginner books, B-18) DORSON, RICHARD MERCER, 1916 - Los 3cerditos yellobo, elgatito marratniau. Spanish and English. E E Buying the wind: regional folklore in the United Editorial Vasco Americana, S.A., Bilboa States. Chicago. University of Chicago Press (Espanol), Printed in Spain,1962. (Cucntos EBERT,ROBERT. (1964] xvii, SI 3 p. music. 22 ctn. inmortales, Vol. 3) Text in Spanish.Available Guidelines fortheuse of theculturalheritage Bibliography: p. (5361544] 398.0973 D from Heffernan Supply. teaching package. Southwestern Cooperative E E LOS DOS VALIENTES, PINOCCHIO. Educational Laboratory, 1971. 13 p. Available from Heffernan Supply. Editorial Vaso Curriculum guidelines. 375 E Americana. E E EDUCATINGTHE MEXICAN AMERICAN (by) ECKERT, ALLAN W. Henry Sioux Johnson (and) William J. DOWDEN, ANNE OPHELIA. Wilderness empire; Allan W. Hernandez.M. Las Rosas,par Anne Ophclia Dowdcn y Richard Eckert. (1Fted.) Boston,Little. Brown (1970] 384p.Johnson, Henry Sioux, comp. Thomson. coleecionOdisca. Vol.9. South (19691 xiv. 653 p. maps. 25 cm. 371.98 J Pasadena. California, bilingual Educational Bibliography: p. (6131.620. 973.26 E Service!.Odyssey Press, Inc.,1965. Text in EDUCATION OF THE MEXICAN AMERICAN Spanish. 583 D ECONOMIC SUCCESS STORY,Geraldine Kalan, -29 curriculum modules. ed. 1970. 116 p.California State College. 375 C DOWN THESE MEAN STREETS. Teaching Resources Films. 1972. 58fr. color 1967. 317 p.Thomas, Piri. FlcT filmstrip with record & guide.(Mexico: Our THE EDUCATION OF THE MINORITY CHILD; dynamic neighbor series)Analysis of Mexico's a comprehensive bibliography of 10,000 selected THE DRAGONS OF THE QUEEN,by Mary booming economy and industrialization entries. Stolz. Pictures by Edward Fraselno. discussed with relationship to uneven 1970 (i.e.1971] xii, 530 p.Weinberg, Meyrr, (19691 47 p.Stolz, Mary Slattery, 1920- distribution of the national wealth. 917.2 K 1920- 016,37 W Fie S EDDY, FREDERICK. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR BY-PASSED DRAMA IN THE MEXICAN COMMUNITY. Spanish for children. Baltimore, Md., POPULATIONS. 1972 60 min. cassette tape.Edwards, Cohn, Ottenheimer, 1957. 31 p. booklet.2 LP October 1970. 123 p.Morgan, Don A., ed. prod. 809.2 E records. 468 E 370.1 M 12 00018 COPY AVAILABLE AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION ENIILIO'S SUMMER DAY. Picturesbylien ENRIQUE;illustrated by Bill Negron. CENTER. Shecter. 1970. 57 p.Figueroa, Pablo. Fie F Research in Education. Washington, D.C., Supt. [19661 32 p.Bourne. Miriam Anne. HeB of Doc. U.S. Gm 1.Print. Off A monthly EPISODES 01."111E REVOLUTIONARY WAR, abstract journal announcing recently completed EMFLEEN INGLES DI VI F.RTANSE EN by Ernesto Che Guevara,[1st ed.] research and research-relatedreportsinthe GRANDE; materiasparaestudiarencasa; [19681 144p.Guevara, Ernesto,1928.1967. field of education. 070 E instructor's aid. 972.91 G October. 1969. 4 p.Wheat. Raymond C. EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE. 375 W EPSTEIN. BERYL WILLIAMS, 1910. The College Board Admissions Testing Program: Epstein, Samuel, a techmell report on research and development SEE 1909-The first book EMPLEEN INGLES DIVIERTANSE EN of Mexico, by actix itiesrelatingtothe Scholastic Aptitude Sam and Beryl Epstein. Rev. ed. GRANDE; materiuspareestudiarencasa; 917.2 E 'restandAchievementTests. William H. lecciones 11.15; adult basic education lessons. Angoff. editor. New York, College Entrance July. 1970. 94 p.Wheat. Raymond C. EPSTEIN, SAMUEL, 1909. Examination Board,1971. xv, 181p.29 cm. 375 W Includes bibliographies. 378.1 E The ,first hook of Sam and Beryl EMPLEEN INGLES DIVIERTANSE EN Epstein. New York, F. Watts EDWARDS, COLIN,prod. GRANDE; materiaspornestudiarencasa; [19671 88 p. illus.23 cm. 917.2 E Culture and the Question of Language. Pacific lecciones 16.20; adult basic education lessons. Tape Library.1972. 60 min. cassettetape. July. 1970. 95 p.Wheat, Raymond C. ERCILLA DE, ALC)NSO, (Californians of Mexican Descent #3. series) 375 W La Araucana; coleccionelglobo dccolores. 4C9 E Pasadena, California,Bilingual Educational ENIPLF:EN INGLES DIVERTANSE EN GRANDE; Services. The Culture They Brought. Pacific Tape Library, materias para estudiar en casa; lecciones 21.25; 1963. 134 p, illus. Textin 1972. 60 min. cassette tape.(Californians of adult basic education lessons. Spanish. 861 F Mexican Descent #2, series) 979.4 E Nov.. 1970. 81 p.Wheat. Raymond C. Drama in the Mexican Community. Pacific Tape ERF:S TU MI MAMA? Library, 1972. 60 min. cassette tape. 375 W [19601 63 p. EMPLEEN Spanish and English.Eastman, (Californians of Mexican Descent #4. series) INGLES DIVIERTANSE EN Philip D. E E 809.2 E GRANDE; materiaspareestudiarencase; How, When &Why They Came. Pacific Tape lecciones 26.30; adult basic education lessons. ERIC CLEARINGHOUSE FOR LINGUISTICS. Nov.. 1970. 84 p.Wheat, Raymond C. Library, 1972. 60 min. cassette tape. SEE Saville,Muriel R. A handbookof (CaliforniansofMexican Descent # I. series) 375 W bilingual education [by) Muriel R. Saville and 979.4 E Rudolph C. Troike. Rev. ed. 371.97 S The Matter of Taste. Pacific Tape I.ibrary. 1972. ENCISO, JORGE,1879. 60 min. cassette tape.(Californians of Mexican Design motifs of ancient Mexico. NewYork, ERIC/CRESS NEWS LETTER. descent #7. series) 641.3 E Dover Publications, 1953. 153p.(chiefly Eric Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small The Mexican Family in California. Pacific Tape illus.) 28 cm.Translation ofSellos del antigun Schools. Box 3AP/Las Cruces. New Mexico Library. 1972. 60 min. cassette tape. Mexico. 970.6745 E 88003. issues from March 1969 to Summer (Californians of Mexican Descent #8. series) of 1973.Final issue was Fall 1973, Vol. 8 No. 173 E ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA 3. 070 E The Question of Faith. Pacific Tape Library, EDUCATIONAL CORPORATION. 1972. 60 min. cassette tape.(Californians of SEE Moquin, Wayne, comp. Makers of ERTEL, JAMES. Mexican Descent #9, series) 200.9 E America. Editor:WayneMoquin.General Sapos, ranas y salaniandras; un libro de tiro de Their Dancers and Artists. Pacific Tape Library. editors: MortimerJ. Van Adler and Charles estampas. South Pasadena. California. 1972. 60 min. cassette tape.(Californians of Doren.Assistanteditor:DorothyAnderson. BilingualEducationalServices, n.d. 48p. Mexican Descent #6, series) 709 E Consultants:Theodore C. Blegen, Nathan illus.Text in Spanish. Their Taste and Talent in Music. Pacific Tape Glazer [and) Feliciano Rivera. 917.3 NI 598.1 E Library, 1972. 60 min. cassette tape. (Californians of Mexican Descent # V, series) ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA FILMS, INC. ERWIN, BERNARDA. 784.6 E SEE Mexico. the land and the people. Abibliographical outline for the teacher of the TheirValues & Psychology. PacificTape 972.1 M linguistically handicapped child. Foreign Library, 1972. 60 min. cassette tape. language innovative curricula studies. (Californians of Mexican Descent # 10. series) THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CAREERS AND Michipn Migrant Program. 1968. 137 p. 150 E VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE. William E. 372.65 G Hopke, editorin chiet EJERCICIOS DE LENGUAJE, 4, 5, AND 6. Hopke, William E., ed. Garden City.N. Y.. ES TIENIPO! 1972. 103 p.Available from Heffernan Supply. Doubleday[19671 2v.illus.. ports.29 cm. MechaFoothill College, 12345 El Monte Rd.. Los Flores, C. Alberto Castro. 461 F "Books of additionalinformation": v.I.p. AltosHills.California,94022. June1972 731.743. Contents.--v. I.Planning your issue. A bilingual publication. 070 E EL AGUILA Y LA SERPIENTE;The eagle and career.-v. 2. Careers and occupations. the serpent. Aquila y In serpiente. 371.4 II ESKILDSEN, ROSARIO. 1956. Available from Baker & Taylor. Guzman. Segundo curs() de espanol. Mexico,Editorial Martin. 972.03 G ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE; a Herrero.1972. 352 p.Available from Blaine comprehensivebibliography [by]VirginiaF. Ethridge. Detroit. Mich. 461 E EL ELEFANTE;panorama cultural. Allen [and] Sidney Forman. CarneiTo, Antonio M. 636.9 C [19671 255 p.Allen, Virginia French. 016.42 A ESPANOL PARA LOS IIISPANOS. 1966. 116 p.Baker. Paullinc. 407 B ELEMENTARY SPANISH FOR YOUNG AMERICANS. ENGLISH CONVERSATION PRACTICES; an intensivecourseinEnglish supplement [by] LOS ESPECTACULARES HNOS. CASTRO 1960. 6 color filmstrips. 3 records. Crades K.6. Maxine Gain Phinney with Ruth Holt, Shirley (NIKS1824) Sanchez, Jose. 468 S Minkewitz [and] Don L. F. Nilsen. 1969. 33.1/3 rpm. record.linos. Castro. 785 H ELIZONDO, SERGIO. [19681 xii, 117 p.Miclgan. University. English Language Institute, 428.3 M Perms y antiperros, una cpica chicana.Quinlo EL ESPEJO-THE MIRROR: SELECTED Sol, 1972. 75 p. Epicperty.reflecting ENGLISH GU IDE-EINDERGARTEN. 1970 MEXICANANIERICAN LITERATURE. historyfortheAnglo AmeriAn emergence ACTFL edition. Octavio Ignacio RomanoV., editor. poi, the Southwest until the present.Printed Available from Michigan Migrant Primary 1969. 241 p. Romano-V.,OctavioIgnacio, in Spanish and English. 811 E InterdisciplinaryProject,3800PackardRd., 1923 comp. 810.8 R Ann Arbor. Michigan.48104. Michigan Oral ELKUS, CHARLES DE YOUNG, Language Series. 375.4 M ESPINA, ANTONIO. SEE Samora, Julian. 1920. ed. La rata: Los Nibelungos; coleccion el globo dc colons: forgotten Americans; [papers,in memory of ENGLISH PATTERN PRACTICES; establishing Charles de Young Elkus) 301.451 S 2ndeditiqn. South Pasadena. California. the patterns as habits. Bilingual Educational Services, 1960. 76 p. 1958. 338 p.I.ado. Robert. 372.65 L EMBRY, MARGARET. illus.Spanish text. 398 E PeglegWilly. Holiday House, 1966. imp. ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION; exercises in illus. Fie E sound segments, intonation, and rhythnt. ESPINOSA, JOSE MANUF.L. Spanishfolk-talcs 1954. Lado. Robert. 421.5 L from New Mexico. New EMERGENCY POEMS. TranslatedbyMiller York, American Folklore Society.1939. 222 Williams. ENGLISH RECORD. SEE p. 398.2 E (1972) vi. 1'54 p.Parra, Nicanor 1914- Jacobson,Rodolfo. Studies in English to 861 P Speakers of otherLanguages: and Standard ETIINOPEDAGOGV: A MANUAL IN English to Speakers of a nonStandard Dialect. CULTURAL SENSITIVITY, withtechniques EMERGING FACES; theMexicanAmerictins 418 J for improving cros:tcultural teaching by fitting [by) Y. Arturo Cabrera. ethnic patterns, by Henry G. Burger, 2d ed. [c19711 ix, 99 p.Cabrera. Ysidro Arturo. ENGLISH SENTENCE STRUCTURE. 1968. xxiii, 318 p.Burger. Henry G.. 1923- 301.451 C 1972. 305 p.Krohn, Robert. 421 K 371.97 B 13 00019 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

KIN, %RIM: HALL,1895 FARQUHAR, MARGARET C. LA FIESTA DE CUMPLEANOS. Bad boy. good boy. Nov York. Crowell[19671 The IndiansofMexico, by Margaret C. Young America Films.Released by McGraw -Hill 49p.col.illus.27 cm. A pre-school hoy Farquhar.Illustrated by Mel Klapholz. [1st Book Co.. 1959. 26 fr., color. 35 nun. and grows upinthecity-lidlearnstospeak ed.] New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston disc: I s.,10 in., 33 1/3 rpm.(Spanish for English at a Day Care Center. Fie E [1967] I v. (unpaged) col. illus.22 cm.(A elementaryschools. SetI)Withteacher's Nine days to Marie Hall Ets and Book to begin on) 970.4 F guide. Credits: Educationaladviser, Vera Aurora Labastida. Illustrated by Marie Hall Villcgas. Uses pictures with Spanish captions Ets. Ness York, Viking Press[1959] 48 p. FATHER IS 131G. WrittenbyRuth and Ed to tella story.Presents a review of Spanish illus.29 cm. E E Radlauer. Photographed by Harvey Mandlin. words for numbers. colors, parts of the body. [1967] I v. (unpaged) Radlaucr. Ruth Shaw. and articles of clothing. 468 S EUROPA, OCCIDENTAL.Atlas de tiro ilustrado R en ocho volumenes; 'Como III. FATHER JUNIPERO SERRA; Mission to FIESTA EN JALISCO;con el mariachi Vargos de 90 p. Bevans. Margaret. 914 El California, #405179. Tecalitlan (MKS-1863) McGrawHill. 1969. color filmstrip and record. 1970. 33.1 /3 rpm. record. Vargos de Tecalitlan. EVALUATING 'f IE EFFECTIVENESS OF Record and filmstrip stored separately. 784.7 V PROGRAMS DESIGNED TO IMPROVE TIIE 920 S EDUCATION OF MEXICAN-AMERICAN FIESTA MEXICANA. PUPILS. FEDER, NORMAN. 33-1/3 rpm. record. Negrete. Jorge. 784.8 N 1971. 8 p.Thonis. Eleanor Wall. 375 T AmericanIndianart. New York.Harty N. Abrams[1971] 445.[2] p.illus..60 co:. A FIESTA OF FOLK SONGS FROM SPAIN AND EVANS, EVA (KNOX) 1905 - plates. 28 x 30 cm. Divided byregions. LATIN AMERICA. Edited by Henrietta Why use Itte tshete use live. With illus. by Ursula Bibliography: p. 4394446] 709 F Yurchenco. Illustrated by Jules Maidoff. Kocring. [1sted.] Boston,little.Blown [1967] 88 p.Yurchenco, Henrietta, comp. (19531 151 p. illus.11 cm. 572.9 E FELIPA-NORTH OF THE BORDER. 784.62 Y Learning Corp.of America. 1970. 16 mm. EWI;iG, RUSSELL C. ed. color. sd. 17 min.Fclipa helps her uncle learn FIESTA TIME- MEXICO. Six faces of Mexico: history. people.eography, Englishtopassa drivingtest. Points out Doubleday Multi Media Communications, 1962. government. economy, literature & 'trt.Editor: similaritiesof culture as well asdifferences. color Iiimstrip & record. (Mexico series) Russell C. Ewing. Collaborato... authors: Grades 5.9. 301.2 F 972 M Edwardli.Spicer[andothers] [Tucson] Lniversity of Arizona Press[1966] 320 p. FELT, SUE. FIESTAS, RECREATION, EDUCATION, illus.. maps, ports. 32 cm. Includes Rosa-TooLittle. Doubleday and Company. MARKETS, AND HANDICRAFTS. 1950. unp. illus. bibliographies. 917.2 E Fic Eye Gate House, 1957. 40 fr., color. 35 nun. (Mexico. our friendly neighbor) With teacher's THE FENCE;a Mexican tale.Story and pictures EXAMEN, EVALUACION Y USO DE manual. Shows Mexican fiestaswith bands. by Jan Balet. MATER IALES INSTRUCTIVOS. fireworks. end dancing. Discusses the [1969] WI p.Balet. Jan B.. 1913 Fic B 139 p. University of Michigan. 371.32 U educationsysteminMexico,showingthe FERGUSSON, ERNA,1888. buildings of U..iversity City.Presents examples EXPANSION AND SECTIONALCONFLICT Mexican cookbook, by Erna Fergusson. of Mexican pottery, silverware,baskets, and (1848.1860) Iliustratimsby LiBrowne. Albuquerque, lacquer dishes. 917.2 F Rand McNally. Wall map.Des chpment of the University of New Mexico Press.1945. 4 p. West and West ward expansiot.. Gadsen I., 118. [2] p. incl. front., col. illus.21 cm. FIFTEEN FAMOUS [by] purchase, New Mexico territory. 973 M 641.5972 F Helen Miller Bailey [and] Maria Celia Grijalva. New Mexico.a pageant of three peoples.2d ed. [1971] xxii, 190 p.Bailey, Helen Miller. F:XPRES1ON PLASTICA;Quint° nivel cuaderno New York, Knopf.1964. xii, 408. vi p. illus.. 920 B no. 9. maps (I col.) ports.22 cm. Bibliography:p. 395.404. 978.9 F FIGUEROA, 1971. 24 p.Simaticas. Rafael Gonzalez. JOHN. Antonio's world. New York, Hill and Wang, 730 5 FERN, EUGENE. 1970. 60 p. illus. Fic ,F EX PRES I ON PLASTICA;Quinto nivel cuaderno Pepito's story.written and illustrated by Eugene no. 10. Fern. NewYork. Ariel Books, e1960. FIGUEROA,PABLO. 197: 24 p.Simanacas, Rafael Gonzales. unpaged. illus.26 cm. E F Enrique;illustrated by Bill Ncgron. New York, 730 S Hill and Wang,1970. 57 p. illus. Fic F FERNANDEZ, ed. Writing and printing. Mexico. n.d. 32 p. illus. FIGURE LEANING ON A STICK. Workbook to teach childrento write words. Alva Museum Replicas, New York. statue 15 Words arc in Spanish. Available from Blaine in. high. Stone, from culture, Ethridge, Detroit, Mich. Grades K-2. E F Huasteca Mexico.1200 A.D. 972.8 F FERNANDEZ, JUSTINO. THE FABULOUS FIREWORK FAMILY;story Mexico's prehispanic sculpture. Mexico [n.d.] FINANCING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN and pictures by James Flora. [1st ed.] unp. illus.Colorful photographs. small amount HIGHER EDUCATION. 11955] unpaged. Flora. James. Fic F of reading. Available from Warren's CollegeEntranceExaminationBoard. New Educational Supply. Grades 5Adult. York,CollegeEntrance ExaminationBoard, FACTORIES IN THE FIELD; thestoryof 730.972 F 1970. ix, 44 p. 24 cm. "A college migratory farm labor in California. National Museum of History - -- Chapultepee Castle. scholarship service colloquium held at 1969 [c1939] 334 p.McWilliams. Carey, 1905 Mexico, 1967. I v. (unpaged) illus. Mountain Shadows, Scottsdale, Arizona, 331.7 MeW Available from Warrens Educational Supplies. November 9.13, 1969." Includes Presidential home, now a National Museum, bibliographical references. 379.1214 C LA FAMILIA LOPEZ. housing relict of the Spanish Colonial period. Young America Films.Released by McGraw-Hill Era of Independence. and Mexican Revolution. FINGER PLAYS FOR CHILDREi. Book Co.. 1959. 54 fr., color.15 mm. and Grades 4-Adult. 069.9 F 1969. 24 p.Jimenez, Emma Holguin. disc: I s.,10 in..33 1/3 rpm.(Spanish for 649.3 J elementaryschools. Set I)Withteacher's FERROCARRILES,un libro de oro de estampas, guide. Credits: Educational auviser. Vera n.d. lv.Schultz, Lucille. 625.1 S FINKELSTEIN, MILTON. Villegas. Uses pictures with Spanish ciptions Minorities:U.S.A. Globe Book Co., 1971. 406 to tell a story.Covers basic Spanish verbs in FICI1TER, GEORGE S. p. illus. Nineunits,eachon a different thepresenttense.proper names, and simple La vida de los Nees; libros de oro del saber. mitiorityin terms of contributions and adjectives. 468 S Bilingual Educational Services. South Pasadena, prejudice. 301.45 F California, 1972.Text in Spanish. 597 F FARLEY, EUGENE. THE FIRST AMERICAN; astoryofNorth FIDELIA by Ruth Adams.Illustrated Barron's developing readingskillsforthe High by Ali American archaeology, byC. W. Ceram. School EquivalencyExaminations (6 ED) in Forber6. [Translated from the German by Richard and [1970] [32] p. Adams. Ruth Joyce, Fie A,andliterature; by Clara Winston] [1st ed.] Eugene Farley and Alice Farley.Prepared for LA FIESTA.Illustrated by John Alcorn.[1st ed.] [1971] xxi, 357 p.Marck. Kurt W. 970.1 M series: Your futureisnow... Woodbury. [1967] I v. (t.maged) Justin, Sesyle. E J N.Y.. Barron's Educational Series. Inc.. 1972. THE FIRST BOOK OF MEXICO,by Sam and 4 I 3 p. 373 F FIESTA, A BOOK OF READINGS FOR 2ND Beryl Epstein. Rev. ed. GRADE. [196'd 88 p.Epstein. Samuel, 1909. FARMERS, WORKERS AND MACHINES; 1957. 132p. Available from Blaine Ethridge, 917.2 E technological and social change in farm industries Detroit. Mich. Salotti Martha A. 468 of Arizona [by] Harland Padfield and William E. THE FIRST BOOK OF THE ANCIENT MAYA; Martin. LA FIESTA BRAVA;the art of the bull ring. pictures by PageCary. 1965. xiv, 325 p.Padfield, Harland. 1953. 184 p.Conrad. Barnaby, 1922 1965. 87 p.Grades 4.8.Beck, Barbara L. 331.763 P 791.8 C 972 B 14 00020 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

THE FIRST 1100K 01: Tm.: AZTECS; pictures FLORA, JAMES. FRANKLIN, HARRY B. by Page Cary, Fire fabulous Firework family;story and pictures Vocabukuy iu coutcst. unRcrmly of Michigan 1966. 72 p. For contents see audio' byJames Flora. [1st ed.] NewYork, Press, 1972. 192 p. 421 F entry.Grades 4-8. Heck, Barbara Harcourt, Brace[1955] unpaged.illus. 29 970.? cm. Fie F FRASCINO, EDWARD. SEE Stole. THE FIRST BOOK OF '211E WAR WITH FLORES, C. ALBERTO CASTRO. Mary Slattery, 1920- The dragons of the queen, by Mary Stolz. Pictures MEXICO;pictures by Albert Micalc. Ejercicios de ienguaje.4,5, and 6. Editorial by Edward Fraseino. 1964. 87 p.Grades 4-8.Cason, Henry. Avante, Mexico, 1972. 103 p. Spanish Fie S 973,6 C workbook. Available from Heffernan Supply. 461 F FRASCON1, ANTONIO. THE FIR';T PIONEERS, PARTS 1 & 11. laic slum and the stun. La sieve y elmil. A Multi Media Productions.Inc., 1969. Two 53 FLORES, JOSEPH A.,ed. South Ame;ican folk rhyme in two languages. fr.colorfilmstripswithrecord & Teacher's Songs & dreams; Mexican American literature. Woodcuts by Antonio Frasconi. New York, Guide. (Lesson2 of The Pioneer Heritage. West!Liven,Conn,PendulumPress. Inc., Harcourt. Brace & World [1961] unpaged. which is PartII series ofthe LaRata) 1972. 137 p. Anthology of Mexican illus.27 cm. 398 F Discusses people, life style. institutions. American literature. 810 F methods of coping withthe environment & FRASER, BEM. contributionsthefirstpioneers made tothe FLORICANTO EN AZTLAN, borderla-ds SEE Rider. Alex. We say happy birthday. of the Southwest; homes, 1971. 100 p.Alurista, Alberto. 811 A education,. irrigation, needs of the colonies. Decimos relit eumpleanos. A learn-a-language book in English and Spanish.Pictures by Betty 973.621 L FOLK SONGS OF MEXICO. Fraser. 468.642 R 1960. 33-1/3 rpm. record with guide.Jimenez. THE FIRST TEN DAYS . . . INTEREST Alfonso. 398.2 J CENTERS, by SandraL. Gordon with Jean FRASEP, JAMES HOWARD, 1934 - Fulton. FOLKSONGS FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES Las posadas; a Christmas story. Illustrated hy June, 1970. Gordon. Sandra L. 372 G ((:ALP -101) NickDeCirazia. Flagstaff,Ariz.,Northland 33-1/3 rpm. record - with guide. Vincent, 9J8e2m(vy Press [1963] Iv. (unpaged) illus.19 cm. FISCHGRUND, EUGENIO. Wells. E F Archaelogical andFolkloricMexico. Mexico, n.d. imp. illus. History, art and archaclogical A FOOT IN TWO WORLDS,by Jose Martinez, FR':EMAN, DOROTHY RHODES, and folkloric theme of Mexico. Well with Emmett Smith. A homeforMemo. Illustrated illustrated. Mailable from Warren's byBernard [1970] 64 p.Martinez. Jose. 1941- Educational Supply. Grades 4-Adult. 920 M Garbutt. [LosAngeles][Elk GrovePress] 913.031 F [1968] 54p.illus.24 em. Memo comes Mexican Native arts and crafts. Mexico, ri.d. FORBES, JACK D. from Mexico to live with his family on a lemon unp. illus. 15 Native arts and crafts described Apache, Navaho. and Spaniard. [1st ed.] farm.lie must decide to stay or not.Grades historically and well illustrated.Mailable from Norman, University of Oklahoma Press[1960] 4-6. Fic F Warren's Educational Supply. Grades 7-Adult. 304 p. illus.24 cm. includes bibliography. 745.5 F 970.1 F FREIXAS, EMILIO. Mexican Americans. a handbookforeducators. Mexican Native Costumes. Mexico. n.d. unr. Drawing Exotic Birds. Barcelona, Spain,1965. illus. AvailablefromWarrensEducational Washington. D.C.. Educational Systems,1971. 41 p.Available from Commission for Mexican 63 p. illus. Pencilsketchesof stepsfor Supply. 391 drawing.Adult. 743 F Mexican Native Dances. Mexico [n.d.] unp. American Affairs. 371.1 F illus. 14 Dancesdescribed in historical FRIDAY NIGHT IS PAPA NIGHT. content and wellillustrated. Available from FOREIGN LANGUAGE FRAMEWORK FOR Illus. by Warren's Educational Supply. Grades 4-Adult. CALIFORNIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Emily A. McCully. 793.31 F Kindergarten through grade twelve, [c1970] unp. Somieborn. Ruth A. He S Mexico. Mexico, [n.d.] unp.illus. Modern 1972. 187 p. California State Advisory photos of citiesinMexico.Available from Committee on Foreign Languages. 372.19 C FRIEND OF MIGUEL.Illustrated by Gents. Warren's Educational Supply. Grades 4-Adult. 1967. n5 p.Martin, Patricia Miles. Fic M 917.2 F FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAM FOR Mexico City. Mexico [n.d.]unp. illus. Photos SECONDARY SCHOOLS -Spanish, Levels I- FRIENDS! FRIENDS! FRIENDS! Written by of Mexico City.Short description.Available & Ruth Jaynes. Photographed by Harvey Mandlin. 1966. 259 p.Board of Education, City of New from Warren's Educational Supply. Grades 4- [1967] Iv. (unpaged) Jaynes. Ruth M. E J Adult. 917.2 F York. 372.19 II FROM TEXAS TO ILLINOIS [by] Florance W. A FISH OUT OF WATER. Illustrated by P. D. A FORGOTTEN AMERICAN. 1969. 56 p.Hernandez. Luis E. 301.451 /I Taylor. Pictures by George Overlie. Eastman. [1971] [32] n.Taylor. Florance Walton. [1961] 64 p.Palmer Helen Marion, 1898- Fic T E FORGOTTEN PEOPLE; a study of New Mexicans, by George I. Sanchez. FISHING, LIVESTOCK, TRANSPORTATION, [1967, c1940] viii,98p. Sanchez, George FRONTIER LIFE IN THE SOUTIIWEST. AND COMMUNICATION. Isidore. 1906; 978.9 S Imperial Film Company. 1973. filmstrip and Eye Gate House, 1957. 36 fr., color. 35 nun. record.(The American Frontier as the camera (Mexico, our friendly neighbor) With teacher's FORTY ACRES; CesarChavez andthefarm saw it sedes) 978 F manual.Explains that sea bass, tarpon, marlin. workers,Introd, by Cesar Chavez. swordfish, and tuna are among the fish caught [1971] 222 p.Day. Mark. 331.8 D FUENTES, CARLOS. in Mexican waters, and that horses, mules, arid The death of Artentio Cruz.Translated from the sheeparcamongthelisestockraised in THE FORUMEER, Spanish by Sam lideman. New York, Farrar. Mexico. Describes nerd.air,and water The American '31 Forum, an Independent Straus [1964] 306 p. 21 em. Fic F Veterans Family 0-gain/Atkin. issues from transportation of Mexico. 917.2 F The good conscience. 148p. March 1972 to current. Farrar.1961. Available from F. A. Jamie's struggle to emerge as a good man. with Vazquez, 14849 E. HillsDr., San Jose. FITCII, LYNNE. a "good conscience," from his yoteh. Fic F SEE Fitch, Rohcrt Beck, 1938- Soy California 95117. 070 F Where the air 1960. Chicano;I am MexicaoAmerican. Photos and is clear, :(novel. Farrar. text by Bob and Lynne Fitch. Edi.ed by Paul J. FOSTER, ED. 376 p. Fie F Deegan. 920 F . Illustrated byBill Negros. Introd. by Richard G. Santos.[1st ed.] New )ork Hill FUENTES, RUBEN. FITCH, ROBERT BECK, 1938 - and Wang; [distributedby Random House] Bailando Polkas; Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitan. Soy Chicano, I am Mexican-American. Photos [1970] xi. 48 p. illus.20 cm. (A Challenger Arrcgios y direceion:Ruben Fuentes. R.C.A. and text by Bob and Lynne Fitch. Edited by book. La rata series)Eleven-year-old Enrique Victor; (vl KS- 1525 Stereo) 33.1/3 rpm. PaulJ Deegan. Mankato.Minn., Creative watches his father die defending the Alamo record. 784,4 F Educational Society[1971, r1970]64 p. illus. knowing thathisfather's brotherisfighting HadesRegionales de Mexico conelMariachi 28cm. "AnArnecusStreetbook." A with the enemy. Fie F Vargas deTecalitlan. RCA Victor,Mkt.- t hit teen- year-old Mexican American girl 1448. 33-1/3 rpm. record. 793.31 F describes her home, family, school, and daily LA FRAGUA SIN FUF.GO;no fire for the forge; experiences in a Californiagrape-growing collected, edited, and translated, with an LA FUNDACION DEL MONASTERIO DE EL community 920 F Introduction and a story, by Sabine R. Ulibarri. ESCORIAI.. 1)71. 66 p.Ulibarri, Sabine R. hit U 1960. I11 p.Available from Heffernan Supply. FIVE FAMILIES; anintimateand objective revelationoffamilylifeinMexico today--a FRANCHERE, RUTII. Siguenza. Fray Jose. 725 S dramatic study of the culture of poverty, Cesar Chavez. Illustrated byEarlThollander. 1959. 319 p.Lewis, Oscar. 309.172 I. New York, Crowell[1970] 42 p.illus. (part FUSCO, PAUL. col.)24 cm. (Crowell biographies) An easy La Causa; the California grape strike. FLAX, /ANA, to-readbiographyoftheMexican-American PhotographedbyPaul FUSCO. Writtenby SEE Clayton, Robert. Mexico, Central who led the nation-wide boycott of grapes as George D. Horwitz. (1stCollier Books ed.) Am. Heti. and the West Indies.Illusby /ern, part of his movement to organite and help farm [New York] Collier Books[1970] 158p. Flax.(1st American ed.) 917.2 C laborers in the United States. 920 C illus.28 cm. 331.89 F 15 00021 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

IIItragedies. Blood a edding, Yerma. Eernarda GA L ARZA, ERNESTO, 1905. 1`.e authorized translations of Richard GERHARD, PETER. Aqut y Alb en Ca lifoima;text° lortogralias de L. O'Cop ,ell and James Grahain.lmjan; with A guide to the kistorical geography of New Spain. Ernesto Cialarta. tiaraFrancisco.Ca!if.,El an Mtn J.bythepoet'shrother,Francisco. Canthridge [Eng.] University Press,1972. ix, DoradoDistributors. (Lacoleccionmini - [New York] New Directions[1947] 378 p. 476 p. maps. 26 cm. (CambridgeLatin libros)Testin Spanish.Also mailable from 21 cm. 862.6 C American studies,14) Bibliography:p. 410 Tolnu.m. 979.4 C 421. 911.72 C Barrio boy. Notre Dame [Ind] University of GARDNER, RICHARD NI. Notre Dante Press[1971] vii, 275 p. 21 cm. (into! Reics Tijerinu and the New Mexico land GETTING TO KNOW MEXICO; illustrated by "This study was produced through the United grant war of 1967,by Richard Gardner. With Donald Lambo. States-MexicoBorder StudiesProjectatthe photos. by RichardJamisonand others. 1971. Come/. Barbara. 917.2 C rniersity of Notre Dame.- 301.451 G Indianapolis,BobbsMerrill [1970] 292p. !Algona %erdadera de eras guts de noel;text() y illus., maps, ports.24 em. Bibliography: p. GIBSON, CHARLES,1920 fotogralias de Ernesto Calaria.San Francisco, 291.292. 978.905 C The Aztecs under Spanish rule;a history of the Calif..La coleccionmini-libros,ElDorado Indians of the Valley of Mexico, 1519-1810. Distributors. 56 p. illln.Text in Spanish. GARIBAY KINTANA, ANGEL MARIA, Stanford.Calif..StanfordUniversity Press. 595.799 C Poesia nahuatl. SEE Berg, Stephen. 1964. xii, 657 p. illus. (I col.) maps.24 cm. NI as poemas pan tilos. San Jose, Editorial N. thing in the word: versions of Aztec poetry. Bibliography:p. [607] -634. 972.02 C With Almaden, 1972.63 p. illus. Nursery rhymes watercolor collages by Samuel Maitin. Spain in America. [1st ed.] New York, Harper inSpanish. Available from Commissionfor [1st cd I 897.4 B & Row [1966]xiv, 239 p. thus., maps. pnrts. Mexican American Affairs & Totinem. 22 cm. (The New Atneriean Nation series) GARRE1T, HELEN. 3911.11 Bibliography:p. 217.232. 980.01 C Merchants of labor:The Mexican hraccro story: Angelo, the naughty (Inc. Illus. by Leo Politi. VikingPress,1944. p. an accountofthemanaged migrationof 40 illus. Contains CILFOND, HENRY. Stereotypes. A young boy runs away from Mexican farm %%orkel .in Califorma,1942-1960. LatinAmerican plays reading. Walker home to avoid a bath. Fic G for With pref. by Ernest Gowning. Cover drawing Educational Book Cnrp.,1967. 30 cnpies nf by Pietro Lazzari. San Jose? [1064] 284 p. GARRIDO, JUAN S.,dir. sixplays:The Owl, The Birch Stick. Like illus.22 cm. Bibliography:p. 26;1-267. Sisters, The Fugitive. A Message for 331.5 C HininosEscolares. RCA Camden -CAM -227, n.d. 33-1/3rpm.record. Availablefrom Montezuma, and Hnw theDevilLost His Mexican-Americans in the Southwest,by Ernesto Poncho. 862 C Galar/a, Herman Gallegos [and] Julian Santora. Heffernan Supply. 972 C Photos. by GeorgeBalks. SantaBarbara, GIRL SCOUTS OF AMERICA. McNally and GARRIGA, ANGELES. Loftin [1969] xi. 90 p.illus. Brownie. Manual de las Ninas Escuchas. Ncw 21 cm. 301.451 G El gran viajc de gotamul y gotaverde. Mexico, La Calera de oro,n.d. unp. illus. Spanish York. Girl Scouts of America, 1965. 224 p. Un poet) de Mexico. Editorial Almaden. 1972. text.Available from Heffernan Supply. E illus.Brownie manual in Spanish. 63 p.illus. Text in Spanish. Mailable from 369,463 C Totinen: or Children's Music Center. GATES, DORIS, 190E - 917.2 C Blue willow,by Doris Gates: illustrated by Paul GLANVELLE, JUAN L., 1908 - Rimas tontas. Editorial Almaden, Mini-Libros. Lantz. New York. The Viking Press. 1940. SEE Modern vneational trends reference 1971. 55 p.illus. Nonsense (silly) rhymes 172 p. incl. illus.. plates.22 cm. Illustrated t.- handbook. 371.425058 M inSpanish. Available from Commission for p. and lining-papers. "First published October Mexican American Affairs & Totinem. 1940." Mc G GLANZNIAN, LOUIS S.,1922 398.80 SEE Beckett,li;!lry. My brother,Angel. Spidersinthe house and %%orkers inthe field. GAY, FERNANDO. Illustrated by Louis Glanzman. Fic B Soul, Dame. University of Notre Dame Press Las grander construcciones;libros de oro del [1970] xiv. 306 p. 24 cm. Bibliography: p. saber. Sodth Pasadena. California,Bilingual 277.287. 331.7 C Educational Service.1971. Text in Spanish. SEE Stolz. Mary Slatteiy, 1920 Juan. by 722 C Wry Stolz.Pictures by Louis S. Glanzman. Zoo laughter. Children's Music Center. 1971. 64 p. illus. Fic S A trip to the zoo in Spanish. GEE, MAURINE H. E C Chiemo, amigo[by] Maurine H. Gee. Illustrated GLASS, PAUL. ay Ted Lewin. New York, Morrow, 1972. Songs and stories of the North American Indians; GALERIA DE PAJAROS;Un libro de oro de 96 p. illus.21 cm. An eight-year-nld Chicano with rhythm indications for drum estampas. has the innate abilityto complicatelifefor accompaniment;adapted by Paul Glass; line n.d 48 p.Meeker. Sonia. 598.2 11 those around him. Mc C drawings by H. B. Vestal. Grosser, 1968. 61 p. illus. music. photos. A collection of songs, GALLEGOS, HERNIAS. CEISEL, THEODOR SEUSS, 1904 - all annotated as to their origin and content, SEE Galarza,Ernesto. 1905 Mexican- The catis the hat beginner bnok dictionary in frontfivedifferentAmericanIndiantribes. Americansin the Ernesto Spanish. [New York] Beginner Books [1966] including a brief history of each tribe and its (ialarza, Herman Gallegos [and] Julian Samora. 133p.col.illus. 29 cm. Adaptation and customs. 970.3 C Photos. by George Rallis. 301.451 C translation by Robert R. Nardell nf The eat in the hat dictionary by T. S. Geisel and P. D. GLIBOK, SHIRLEY. GALLENKAMP, CHARLES. Eastman. English and Spanish. 463 C Pic art of ancient Mexico. Designed by gcrard Maya; theriddle andrediscoveryof alost Nook. SpecialphotographybyAlfredH. civilization.Drawings b) John Skolle. New GELINAS, PAUL J. Tamarin. New York, Harper & Row [1968] York. Mc..ay [1959]240 p. illus.22 cm. SEE Gclinas, Robcit P. The teenager and 41 p. illus. (part col.) 26 cm. 759.172 C 972.015 C psychology [by] Robert P. Gclinas and Paul J. Gclinas.[1st cd.] 150 C GOD OF SPRING AND FLOWERS. EL GALLO. Alva Museum Replicas, Ncw Ynrk. statue -14 Crusade for Justice, 1567 Downing St., Denver. GELINAS, ROBERT P. in. high.Original of lava; Aztec culture; 1200 Colorado 80218. issues from January 1972 to The teenager and psychology P. [by]Robert to 1521 A.D. 972,8 C December 1972. 070 C Lielinas and PaulJ. Gclinas.[1st ed.] Ncw York. Richards Rosen Press [1971] 155 p. 22 13.)ETZ, DELIA. GAMES FOR SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING. cm. 150 C LosDesiertos. Morrnw, 1971. 64p.illus. 1966. 56 p.Derry. Gertrude Nye. 372,65 D GENTLE, GENTLE l'HURSDAY, by Gene D. Text in Spanish. 574.5265 C GAMIO, MANUEL,1883.1960, comp. Shepherd and Bill Martin, Jr. With pictures by Thelife story ofthe Mexican immigrant: Samuel Maitin. GOLDENTHAL, ALLAN B. autobiographic documents. With a new introd. [1970] [32] p.Shepherd, Gene D 811 S The teenage employment guide, byAllan B. byPaul S. Taylor. NewYork.Dover Goldenthal. [New York] Regents Pub. Co. Publications[1971] xix. 288 p. map.22 cm. THE GEOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND. [1969] 128 p. illus.26 cm. 331.34 C First publishedin 1931 under title:The Eye Gate House, 1957. 38 fr., color. 35mm. Mexican immigrant. 301.3 G (Mexico. our friendly neighbor) With teacher's COLDSTON, ROBERT C. Illustrated by Stephane. manual. DescribesMexico as a landof TI c legedd nf the Cid. GARCIA, ERNEST F. contrastinggeographicalfeatures,withlow [1stcd.] Indianapolis. Bobbs-Merrill[1963] Mexican American heritage,by Ernest E. Garcia plains, jungles, and of mountain ranges such as 159 p. illus.24 cm."A note on sources":p. and George Shaftel. Fearon Publishers. 1972. theSierras. Includes scenes of the Sonora 159. 398.2 C 194 p. illus.Text book format. 973 G Desert. Sierra Madre. Lake Patzetiaro, Lerma and Balsas Rivers, and hot and mineral springs. GOMEZ, BARBARA. GARCIA LORCA, FEDERICO, 1898.1936. 917.2 C Getting to know Mexico; illustrated by Donald Poet in Nea York Complete Spanish text with a Lambo. NewYork,Coward. McCann & nee translation by lien Batt.Introd. by Angel GEOGRAPHIC CONTRASTS, GeraldineKalan, Geoghegan, Inc.,1971. 917.2 G delRio. No% York. Grove Press[1955] ed. xlvi. 191 p port.22 cm. 861.6 C Teaching Resources Films, 1972. 62 fr. color GONZALES, FELIPE C. Selected poems Edited byFranciscoGarcia filmstrip with record & guide(Mexico: Our Mamma is now! Bilingual Education Awareness Lon .a and Donald M. Allen. [Norfolk, Conn.] dynamic neighbor serks)Rigged & varied Institute, Oct. 1970. Albuquerque,Ncw (NewDirections] [1955] 180 p. 19 cm. terrain of Mexico as seen in its importance to Mexico.SouthwestCooperativeEducational (I bNew classics series) 861.6 G history & economy of Mexico. 917,2 K Laboratory.61 p. 371.9 G 16 00022 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

GONZALES, RODOLFO (CORKY) GREAT RIVER: THE RIO GRANDE IN NORTH LA GUARDIA. . El Gallo Newspaper, 1968. 20 AMERICAN HISTORY, La Guardia, 805 S. 5th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. p. illus. Epic poem, tracing past developments 1954. 2v. (1020 p.)For contents see author issues from Nov. 1971 to current. 070 G of Mexican American life combined with life entry. Horgan. Paul. 1903- 976.4 II today. 811 G GUEVARA, ERNESTO, 1928.1967. 1 am Joaquin. Bantam Pathfinders. 1972. 122 GREAT SURVEYS OF TIIE AMERICAN WEST. Episodes of the resolutionary war, by Ernesto p. illus. Epic poem, tracing past developments [1st ed.] ('he Guevara. [1st ed.] New York, of Mexican American life combined withlife [1962) N)Liii. 408 p.Bartlett. Richard A. International Publishers[19'.: 144 p. today. with historical notes. 811 C 557.8 II map, ports.21 cm. Translation of Pasajes de la guerra revolucionaria. (AMBLER, LEO. 972.91 C l'heMexicanAmerican SEE Yo Soy Chicano. 301.451 Y ocople. theNation's second largest minority GUIA DIDACT1CA PARA LAS FICIIAS DE [by] Leo Grebler, Joan AC71V1DADES SOBRE EXPRESION W. Moore [and]RalphC. With GONZALEZ, NANCIE L. SOLIEN,1929 Guzman. PLASTICA;del Quinto Curso o JeffreyL.Berlant [and others] The Spanish-Americans New York, 1971. 23 p. Simancas, Rafael Gonzalez. of NewMexico; a Free Press[1970] xvii. 777 p., heritage of pride[by] illus., forms, NancieL.lionzalez. maps. 26 cm.Bibliography: p. 677.742. 750 S [Rev. and cnI. ed.]Albuquerque, University of 301.451 C New Mexico Press[1969] xv, 246 p.illus.. A GUIDE TO THE HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF NEW SPAIN. map. 21 cm. Bibliography: p. 215-235. GREENE, CARLA, 1906. 1972. ix, 476 p. 301.451 C Los camioneros quohaven' Ilustrado por Geraard. Peter. 911.72 C LeonardKessler.Traduccion delinglespor PuraBelpre. New York,Harper & Row GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OFIliE [1969]64 p. col. illus.23 cm. (A Spanish I CULTURAL HERITAGE TEACHING can read book)Translation of Truck drivers: PACKAGE. THE GOOD CONSCIENCE:. what do they do?A simple description of 1971. 13 p.Ebert, Robert. 375 E 1961. 148 p.Fuentes, Carlos. Fie F different types of trucks, the special jobs they do, andthe'workofalong-distancetruck GUIDING HUMAN DEVELOPMENT; the GORDON, ALVIN J. driver. Text in Spanish. E counselor and theteacherinthe elementary Inheritthe earth; stories from Mexican Manuel, young Mexican-American. Illustrated in school[hy] June Grant Shane [and others] Shane. June Grant. life.Drawings by [Ted] De Grazia. Tucson, color by Hark Petie.[1sted.] New York, Worthirgton, Ohio, C. A. Jones Pub. Co.[1971] 406 p. illus., plan.24 Univcrsiti of Arizona Press,1963. 79 p. illus. Lantern Press [1969]47 p. col. illus.24 cm. cm. Includes bibliographies. 372.14 S 24 cin. Fic A youngster learns how people from various ethnic backgrounds can be American and still CUILLOT, OLGA. GORDON, SANDRA L. observethe customs and holidaysoftheir homeland. Fic Olga Guillot rceuerdame ( EDM- 1 536).Musa rt The first ten days . . . interest centers,by Sandra Records, n.d. 33.1/3 rpm. record. L.Gordon with JeanFulton. Albuquerque, GREER, SCOTT A. 784.81 G New Mexico, Southwestern Cooperative Lastmanin; racialaccesstounionpower. Educational Laboratory, Inc.. June, 1970. Glencoe, 111.,Free Press[1959] 189 p.22 CUITERREZ, JOSE ANGEL. 372 C cm.Includes bibliography. 331.88 C SEE Yo Soy Chicano. 301.451 Y GORENA, MINERVA, comp. GRIJALVA, MARIA CELIA. GURNEY, ERIC. Information and materials toteachthe cultural SEE Bailey, Helen Miller. Fifteen famous SEE Gurney, Nancy. The king. the mice heritageoftheMexicaliAmericanchild. Latin Americans [by] Ile len Miller Bailey [and] and the , by Nancy and Erie Gurney. Austin.Texas,EducationalServiceCenter. Maria Celia Grijalva. 920 B E G Region XII!. Center for Bilingual and Bicultural Education, 1972. 277p.illus. Extensive EL GRITO. GURNEY, NANCY. guide, includinglessf.aplans,materials and Quinto Sol Publications, P. 0. Box 9275, Berkeley, The king, the mice and the cheese,by Nancy activities for grades K-6. 372.19 C Calif. 94709. issues from 1967 to current. and Erie Gurney. New York. Beginner Bnoks 070 C [1965]63 p. col. illus.23 cm. Spanish text. GRACIE, bySuzanneRoberts. Illustratedby E G Marilyn Miller. [1st ed.] SEE [1965] 143 p.Roberts, Suzanne Fleisher, 1922 - Romano-V . OctavioIgnacio, 1923- conip. CUZMAN, MARTIN. Fic R Voices; readings from El Grito, a journal of El Aguilaylaserpiente; The eagle and the contemporary Mexican American thought, serpent.Aguila ylaserpiente. Gene rat de 1967.1971. Octavio Ignacio Romano-V., Edie'ones,Mexico, 1956. Availablefrom editor. 301.45 R Baker & Taylor. 972.03 G EL GRITO DEL NORTE. CUZMAN, MARTIN LUIS, 1887 - GRACIELA; El Grito del Norte, IncBo:. 2116, Las Vegas. N. Memoirs of Pandit Villa Translated by Virginia a Mexican American child tells her M.,87701. story. issues from 1971 to 1973. H. Taylor. Austin, University of Texas Press Available from El Grit° Del Norte. Box 466, 1 [1965] xii, 512 p. illus., fold. map, ports.24 1972. v. (unpaged) Molnar, Joe 920 C Fairview. Espanola, New Mexico, 87532. cm. (The Texas Pan-American series)"The 070 C GRAHAM LUJAN, JAMES. Spanish version has been slightly condensed in SEE GarciaLorca,Federico, 1898-1936. GRITO! REIES TIJERINA AND THE NEW translation." 920 V IIItragedies: Blood wedding. Yerrna. Bernarda MEXICO LAND GRANT WAR OF 1967, by GUZMAN, RALPH C. Alba,in the authorized translation: of Richard RichardGardner.With Richard L. O'Connell and James Graham-Lujan; with Jamison and others. SEE Grebler, Leo. The Mexican-American an introd. by the poet's brother. Francisco. [1970] 292 p.Gardner, Richard M. people, the Nation's secondlargestminority 862.6 C 978.905 C [by) Lco Grebler, Joan W. Moore [and] Ralph C.Guzman. WithJeffreyL.Berlant[and GRAMBS, JEAN DRESDEN, 1919. GRITZNER, CHARLES F. others] 301.451 G Intergroup education; methods andmaterials. Regions oftheUnitedStates. Encyclopedia Englewood Cliffs,N.J.,Prenticr-Hall [1968] Britannica, 1971. 3 color filmstrips. 3 records, viii,199 p. 22 cm."Sponsored by the Anti- 3 sets of guides.Contents: The Interior West; defamation League of B'nai B'rith." The Pacific West; I'm the nian who built this Bibliography: p. 87.199. 370.19 C nation. 917.3 C

EL GRAN VIAJE DE GOTAZUL Y GOTAVERDE. GROSS, F. P. HADDOX, JOHN. LosChicanos.anawakeningpeople. Texas rt.d. unp. Available fromHeffernanSupply. Ohio SchoolAttendanceHandbook. Ohio, Western Press, 1970. 44 p. Garriga, Angeles. E DepartmentofEducation, 1971. 116 p. Schoolattendancelaws; Age and schooling (Southwestern Series)Bibliography. A brief presentationoftheMexicanAmericanin LAS GRANDES CONSTRUCCIONES; libros de certificate. Employment of minors. 371.219 C today's society. Grades 9.12, Adult. oro del saher, 301.451 H 1971. Gay, Fernando. 722 C GROSS, RICHARD E. TheAmerican Adventure. FieldEducational HALL, BARBARA J. LA (MAMA PEQUENA, Traduccion al espanol Publication, 1972. 5 colorfilmstrips& Mexico in pictures. New York, Sterling Pub. Co. pm Sandra Streepey. records, guides & prints. Contents: Ncw [1961]64 p. illus.26 cm.(Visual geography 1963. [48] p.Lenski, Lois, 1893- E Americans; ; Italian series) 917.2 H Americans; Mexican Americans; Black GRANT, CLARA LOUISE. Americans. 323.11 G HAMHLIN, OSCAR. Mexico, land of the plumed serpent,by Clara Out of Many;a study guide to Cultural pluralism LouiseGrant and Jane WernerWatson. A GROWING NATION (1820.1848) in the United States. B'nai B'rith, 1964. Champaign, III., Garrard Pub. Co.[1968] III RandMcNally. Wallmap. Easternstates, p. Usefulguidetoimportantfeaturesof p.illus.(part col.). maps (part col.)24 cm. Texas,Indian territory,landgained from American life.Outline of central themes, with [Living in today's world] 917.2 C Mexico in 1848. 973 M ample Bibliography.Professional. 301,4 H 17 00023 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

HAMILL, HUGH M. HAZELTON, ELIZABETH BALDWIN. HISPANIA. The II idalgo rook; prelude to Mexican T;des of danger. Nett York, Scribner 119671 The American Association of Teachers of Spanish independence (by) I lugh M. .aiill,Jr. 266 . 22 cm. Fie II and Portuguese, Inc. issues from Sept. 1972 L oncr sity of EkritlaF less, 1966. to current.Available from F. W. Faxon Co., xi, 284 p. facsinis.. ports. 25 cm. HEALTH IN THE MEXICANAMERICAN In,:. 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, Bibliography:p. 257.270. 972.03 CULTURE;a community study. Massachussetts, 02090.A simplified Spanish 1970. 253 p.Clark, Margaret. 614.422 C guide, with sonic reading on contributions of HAMILTON. RUSSEL. Black people to culture and ci.11ization. HEINS, :MARJORIE. Mes primeros conociiiiientos. Grolier, 1961. .1 070 II titles: frenes, A%iores, Viajes Interplanctarios. Strictly ghetto property;the story of Los Siete de Text in Spanish. 621 fI la Rata. Berkeley.Calif.,RampartsPress THE HISPANICAMERICAN [1972] HISTORICAL 324 p. illus.21 cm. 345.79 REVIEW. IIANC:OCK, RALPH, 1903- HEIRS OF THE ANCIENT MAYA; Duke University Press, P.O. Box 6697, College :Mexico. New York, Macmillan[1964': i 22 p. a portrait of the Lacandon Indians. Station, Durham, North Carolina 27708., ports.24 cm. Bibliography: p. 1972. 64 p.Grades 4-8. issues from Aug. 1972 to current.Avail:ide [118)"Suggested reeort.ings"-p. [119] Price, Chri.,tine. 970 P from F. W. Faxon Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Park, 917.2 II Westwood, Massachusetts,02090. Scholarly HEIZER, ROBERT FILMING, 1915 - roiews & articles relating to Latin American A HANDBOOK FOR PARENTS:ways to prepare The other Californians: prejudice and history. 070 If your child for school. discrimination under Spain, Mexico, and the 1970. I v. (unpaged) Burger, Carole K. United States to 1920 [by) Robert F. Heiner & HISPANIC FOLK SONGS OF NEW MEXICO. 371.1 B Ala.iF. Alinquist. Berkeley,L'iliversityof 1954. 83 p.Robb, John Donald. 784.4 R California Press,1971. viii, 278 p. illus.25 A HANDBOOK OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION cm. Bibliography: p. 263-271. 979.4 H HISPANIC HERITAGE I. [by] Muriel R. Saville and Rudolph C. Troike. Western Chic. 1970. 16 min. color. sound. 20 Rev.,ed. HELLER, CELIA STOPNICKA. min.Important aspects of heritage traced to [19711 s i, 71 p.Sat tile. Muriel R. 371.97 S Mexican Am :clean youth;forgotten youth at the emphasize contributions to America.Cultural crossroads[by] Celia S.Heller. New York, heritage, agricultural influences and ranch life HANDICAP DE LAS AMERICAS. Random House[1966] viii,113 p.19 cm. viewed. Grades 4-9. 978.3 H Mexico. Editorial Nos aro. 1971. An Indoor (Studies in sociology, SS20) Includes game.Instructions in Spanish.Available from bibliographical references. Extremely HISPANIC REVIEW. Bilingual Educational Serx ice. 794 II sterotyped-biasedview,notsufficientdata Department of Romance Languages, University of collected to do good study. 301.453 II Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. issues from HANLEY, CATHERINE. Spring1972 to current.Available fromthe SEE Pricto. Mariana 'leeching de. Johnny HELLO, MEXICO. [1st ed.] Cambridge University Press, 32 East 571'. St., Lost. by Mariana Prieto.Illus. by Catherine [1970] x, 226 p.Weeks, Morris. 917.2 %V New York, N.Y. 10022 also available from F. Hanley. Fic P W.FaxonCo..Inc. Aquarterlyjournal HENRY, MABEL WRIGHT. devoted to research in the Hispanic languages HARO, ROBERT. Creative experiences in oral language. National and literatures. 070 H The Spanish speaking inthe United States; A Council of Teachers of English, 1967. 121p. guidetoimiterials. Cabinet Committee on illus. 372.6 II HISPANO (AMERICANO) Opportunities for Spanish Speaking. Mexico City. issues from July 1972 to current. Washington.D.C..1971. 175 p. Articles FIERCE'. Las Aventures de tintin Las 7 bolas de cristal. Availablefrom F. W. Faxon Co.,Inc. 15 included. Well annotatedBibliography. SouthwestPark, Westwood, Massachusetts, Spain, Barcelona. 1961. 62 p. illus. 016 H 02090. Time format news weekly. 070 H Cartoons- textinSpanish. Availablefront Bilingual Educational Service. Fie H HARRIS, DAVID PAYNE. 1925 - HISTORIA DE LA PORCELANA. 'Testing English as a second language [by) David HERITAGE, HISTORY, AND CONTRIBUTIONS 1965. 42 p. Available from Bilingual P.Ilarris. New York. McGraw-Hill[1969] OF HISPANIC AMERICANS; Educational Service.Backlin- Landman, Hcdy. viii. 151 p. 23 cm.Bibliography: p. 147.148. juniorhigh school; with teachers' edition. 748.2 B. 428 EE 1972. 62 p.Denver Public Schools. 372.19 D HISTORIA DEL DINERO;texto e ilustraciones HARRIS, THOMAS ANTHONY. 1913 - de Ned Seidler; Vol. 8; Coleccion Odisea. I''reOK: a practicalguideto HERNANDEZ, AMILIA. 1965. Seidler, Ned. 332.49 S transactional Thomas A. Harris. Ballet Folkloric() de Mexico. RCA Victor, MKS- New York. Harper & Row [1969]six, 278 p. 1530 Stereo, n.d. 33.1/3 rpm. record. HISTORIA DEL TEATRO; Vol.7;Coleccion illus.22 cm. Bibliographical footnotes. 793.31 H Odisea. 616.89 II 1964 por Odyssey Press, Inc. Marek, Hamtelore. HERNANDEZ, DELUVINA. 792 M HARTER, HELEN. Mexican American challengetoa sacred cow. Carmelo. Illustrated by Aldren Watson. U. of Calif., 1970.60 p. A critical review of HISTORIA VERDADERA DE UNA GOTA DE Chicago, Follett Pub. Co.. c1962. 31 p.illus, 2 researchstudies about Mexican American MIEL;texto y fotografias de Ernesto Galarza. 20 cot.(Follett beginning social studies books) "values" and achievement. 370.158 H 56 p. Galarza, Ernesto. 595.799 G Fic H HERNANDEZ, LUIS F. THE HISTORIC BACKGROUND. HATCH. RAYMOND NORRIS. A Forgotten American. B'nai B'rith 1969. 56 Eyc Gate House, 1957. 42 fr.. color. 35 mm. SEE Norris. Willa, The information service p. A resource unit for teachers on the Mexican (Mexico, our friendly neighbor) With teacher's in guidance: occupational, educational, social, American - Prcfessional. 301.451 H manual. Dc.:.ribes Indian civilizationsof byWillaNorris.Franklin R. .eran[and] Mexico,theirculture,and theirheritages; Raymond N. Hatch. 2d ed. 371.4 N HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, WILLIAM J., 1948 - showsbrief biographies ofsuchfiguresas SEE Johnson, Henry Sioux. comp. Cortes, Carlota, and Maximilian; and illustrates HAUTZIG, ESTHER RUDOMIN. Educating the Mexican American [by] Henry historical :vents leading to Mexico's In school:learning in four languagesby Esther Sioux Johnson [and] William J. Hernandez-M. independence. 972 H flauttig. Pictures by Nonny flogrogian. [New 371.98 J York] Macmillan [1969][36] p. col. illus.26 HISTORICAL AMERICAN INDIAN cm. Vocabulary inEnglish. Spanish, French A IIERO BY MISTAKE; illustratedby Jean Charlut. BIOGRAPHIES. and Russian. 413 Instructor Publications, [1953] 43 p.Brenner, Anita, 1905- 1972. 32 study prints; Fie B 48 pg. guide. Available front Children's Music THE IIAVASUPI OF THE GRAND CANYON, Center. 920 H PARTS I & II. HIDALGO; Mexican revolutionary. [1970] vi, 161 p.Lieberman, Mark, 1942- Imperial Film Company, n.d. Two 40 fr.color 920 H A HISTORY OF ANCIENT MEXICO; filmstrips withrecord.(Indian lifeinNorth anthropological, mythological, and social,1547- America series) 970.1 I THE HIDALGO REVOLT; prelude to Mexican 1577, by Fray Bernardino de Sahagun. independence [by] Hugh M. Hamill, Jr. Translatedby FannyR.Bandelierfromthe HAYES, WILLIAM DIMMITY, 1913 1966. xi, 284 p.Hamill, Hugh M. 972.03 FI Spanish version of Carlos Maria de Bustamante. SEE Mite. Kathryn. Mexicali soup. Written Nashville, Fisk University Press, 1932. byKathryn Him: andWilliamD.Hayes. THE HIGH SCHOOL: TODAY AND 1971. viii,.a15p.Sahagun. Bernardino de, d. Pictures by Anne Rockwell. Vic II TOMORROW [by] William M. Alexander, J. 1590. 917.2 S Galen Saylor [and] Emmett L. Williams. HAYS, HOFFMANi REYNOLDS, ed. and tr. [1971] x, 438 p.Alexander, William Marvin, IIITYE, KATHRYN. 12 Spanish American poets;an anthology edited 1912- 373.73 A Mexicali soup. Written by KathrynHitte and by IIR. flays.English translations. notes, and William D. Hayes. Pictures by Anne Rockwell. introd. by the editor. Boston. Beacon Press HIMNOS ESCOLARES. New York, Parents' Magazine Press[1970] [1972.c1943) 336 p. 21 cm. Poems in n.d. 33-1/3 rpm.record. Availablefrom [38] p. col. illus.24 cm.When Mama follows Spanish and English on opposite pages. Heffernan Supply. Garrido, Juan S., dir. everyone's advice on making soup,there are Bibliography: p. [329)-332 861 H 972 G interesting results. Grades 3.6. Fic II 18 00024 REST COPY AVAILABLE AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

11NOS. CASTRO. HOPKE, WILLIAM E. HULET, ('LAUDE L. LosEspeutaculareslinos.Castro ( MKS 8241 SEE The Encyclopedia of careers and Latin American prose inEnglish translation. a R.C.A. Victor. 1969, 33.1 .3 rpm. record. vocational guidance. William E. 'opke, bibliography. Wash igton. Pan 785 II editor-iehiel 3' 1.4 II American Union. 1965. Basic Bibliographies I & II Divided by countryBibliography. HOCKF:TT, SII [RUA' 0. HORACE MANN LECTURE, 1969. 016 II Barron's det,elopingskillsfortheHigh School Coles. Robert Uprooted children: the early life Equo alency Examination ( (iE1)) in of migrant farm workers. [1970]xxiii, 142 p. HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER D1RE(TORY. Mathematics; prepared fir series:Your future 301.4314 C 1971. 108 p. Southwestern Cooperative is now ... Woodbury. N.Y., Baryon's Educational L., .,ratory. Inc. 370 S Educational Series, Inc.,1972. 369 p. LAS HORAS DEL DIA; librosparamirar; 373 II coleccion el globo de colores. HUNGER IN AMERICA. 1972. unp. 529.78 A Carousel Films. 1968. 2 part 51 min. color. 16 HOFF, SYDNEY, 1912- min. film. Duniclito y el dinosauro. Escrito e ilustradd pun Study or areas in Texas. Alabama. HORGAN, PAUL,1903 Virginia, and Arizona; points to problems of SydHoff.Tradocciondelinglespot Pura Great river:tl Rio Grande in North American Belpre. hunger and solutiods. 338.191 New York. Harper & Row(1969) history. N York, Rinehart, 1954. 2v. 64 p. col. illus.23 cm. (A Spanish I can read (1020 p.) 4 maps (3 fold.) 24 cm. book)A littleboyis surprised and pleased HUNGER IN AMERICA. Bibliography:v.2,p. 957.977.Contents. v. Carousel. 1970. 16 min. color. sound. 2 reels. when one of the dinosaurs1.10111 the museum I. Indians and Spain.- v. 2.Mexico and the 51 min. Presents evidence that 10.00(1.00(1 agrees to play with him. 'rest in Spanish. United States. 976.4 II Fie II Americans arc hungry or malnurished. Explores factors underlying hunger and indicts HORWITZ, GEORGE D. theDept.of Agricultureforitsinalequate HOGAN. WILLIAM RANSOM. SEE Fusco, Paul. La Causa; the California The Texas republic. programs. Grades 11-12, Adult. 338.19 H (:nk. of Oklahoma Press. grapestrike. Photographed byPaulFi.sco. 1946. 338 p.illus. From 1836 to 1846 "a Written by George D. Horwitz.[1st Collier HYLAND, ANNE MEADE. turbulent i. :lependence" existed in Texas. The Books ed.J 331.89 F people of Tex. s are described and "made real". A librarian's workshop forselecting,acquiring. cataloging,utilizing,and promoting Mexican 976.404 II HOTTEST MARIACHI IN MEXICO (RLP804I) Americaninstructionalmaterials. inpartial New York.Request Recordsn.d. 33.1/3 rpm. fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree 110GARTII, PAUL. 1917. record.12 selections. 784.7 SEE Atwater. James D.. 1928- Out from Master of Education, unpublished.University of Toledo, 1973. 121 p. manuscript. 68 slide under;Benitomilare,andthestrugglefor HOUSER, NORMAN W. presentation and cassette tape. 020.7 Mexican independence [by] James I). Atwater Drogas:informes sob.-e su use y abuso: Drugs: [and] Ramon Eduardo Ruiz. Illustrated by Paul facts ontheiruse and abuse.Norman W. Hogarth.[1st ed.J 972.07 A Houser en eonsulta con Julius B. Richmond, M.D. HOGG FOUNDATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH. Glenview,Illinois,Scott,Foresman, 1971. 48 p. illus.Text in Spanish. SEE Zurcher,Louis A. Pox erty warriors; 615.1 H thehuman experience ofplanned social intervention, by Louis A. Zurcher. Jr.With a I AM FREEDOM'S CHILD, HOW TO PASS CIVIL SERVICE by Bill Martin, Jr. foreword by Gardner Murphy. 309.26 Z With paintings by Symeon Shimin and lettering EXAMINATION;social case worker. by Ray Barber. 1968. 221 p.Lee, Alfred M. 301 L THE HOGG FOUNDATION RESEARCH [1970] [32] p.Martin, William Ivan, 1916- SERIES. 811 M Rubel, Arthur J. Across the tracks; Mexican- HOW, WHEN & WHY THEY CAME. 1972. 60 min. cassettetape. Edwards. Cohn. Americans ina Texas city[by] ArthurJ. I AM HERE,Yo estoy aqui.Pictures by Moneta Rubel. [1966]xxvii. 266 p. 301.453 R prod. 979.4 E Barnett. Zurcher, Louis A. Poverty warriors; the ht1111311 [1971] [481 p.Grades K.4.Blue, Rose. E B experience of planned social intervention,by HOW'S SCHOOL, ENRIQUE? Frager Productions. Louis A. /metier.Jr. With aforeword by 1970. 18 min. sd. color. 16 I AM JOAQUIN. mm. CR E DI'l S: Producer and director, Gardner Murphy.[1970]xxiii. 442 p. 1968. 20 p.Gonzales. Rodolfo (Corky) 309.26 Z Stanley R. Frager. SUMMARY: A documentary film which depicts some of the 811 C educational and elvironmental problems that HOGROGIAN. I AM JOAQUIN. SEE flaut/ig.Esther Rudomin In school; are faced by MexicaAmeriean youth. 371.426 1972. 122 p.Gonzales. Rodolfo (Corky) learning in four languagesby Esther Hautzig. 811 C Pictures by Nonny Hogrogian. 413 II 1101'. IRCD BULLETIN. HOLIDAYS OF LEGEND;from New Years to Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish Speaking People. 1707 H Street, N.W., ERIC' Information Retrieval Centeron the Christmas. by Mildred H. Arthur. Illustrated by Disadvantaged, Horace MannLincoln Institute. Sofia. Washington, D.C. 20506. issues from Sept. Teachers College, Columbia University. [1971] 124 p.Arthur. Mildred H. 394.26 A 1972 to January 1974. Opportunities, information & publicationsrelatingtoand issuesfrom January 1971 toMarch1973. AvailablefromTeachersCollege,Columbia HOLLON, WILLIAM EUGENE, 1913- about Spanish speaking persons in the United University. 525 West 120th Street, New York, The Southwest: old and new. [1st New States. 070 II ed.J New York 10027. 070 I York. Knopf, 1961. sit,.486,[I].xviiip. illus.. ports. maps.25 cm. "Bibliographical HUBP, LORE1TA BURKE, comp. notes": p. 46544871 979 H ?Que sera? What can it be? Traditional Spanish IRCD BULLETIN. riddles collected and arranged, with English Horace MaimLincoln Institute. Teachers College. HOLMAN, ROSEMARY. comp. translations. Illustrated by MirceaVasiliu. Columbia University, 525 West 120th St., N.Y., Spanish nuggets. Illustrated by Barbara Brigham. New York, John Day Co. [1970]63 p. illus. N.Y. 10027. issues fromJune 1971 to current. A publication of the ERIC San Antonio.NaylorCo. [1968] 1 v. 24 cm.Traditional Spanish riddles separated (unpaged) illus.26 cm. English and Spanish. into such topics as nature. animals. music. food, Information Retrieval Center on the 808.88 fI and others.IncludesEnglishtranslationsof Disadvant.ied. Educationally oriented articles. riddles and answers. 398.6 tl 070 1 HOLSAERT. EUNICE. Las maravillas de Id vida salvaje. un Ebro de oro HUELGA! PARTS 1 & I REACH OUT TO THE MORNING, byBill deestampas. SouthPasadena. California, Multi Media Productions, Inc.. 1969. Two 52 Martin, Jr. Illus. by Hotly Markowitz. Bilingual Educational Services. 1972. 48 p. fr.colorfilmstrips withrecord & 'teacher's [1970] [32] p.Martin. William Ivan, 1916. illus.Text in Spanish. 590 Guide.(Lesson 4 of The Awakening. which is 811 M Part IV of the series La Raza)Discusses labor A HOME FOR MEMO. Illustrated by Bernard activity.Mexican Americanparticipationin SAW A PURPLE COW and 100 other recipes Garbutt. strikesandlaborunions &thenational forlearning, byCole,Haas,Bushnell,and [1968] 54 pOracles 4.6. Freeman. Dorothy unionization of farm workers. 973.621 L Weinberger. Rhodes. Fie F 1972. 96 p.Cole, Ann. 371.1 C HUELGA: THE FIRST HUNDRED DAYS OF HOMELANDS OF Tut: AMERICAN INDIANS. THE GREAT DELANO GRAPE STRIKE. SAW IT IN MEXICO. Rand McNally. W all map.Major geographic 1966. viii, 122 p.Nelson. Eugene. 1929. 1970. 6 color filmstrips; 3 c,ssette tapes with divisions among IndiantribesintheUnited 331.89 N guides. -For contents see author States. 973 M entry.Randall, Reim'.prod. 745.5 R HUGHES. FELICITY,1938 1100D, FLORA. Reading and writing before school; the reading AN IBERIAN GALLERY;a coloring book. One luminariaforAntonio; pictures by Ann revolution, at home and at school, based on 1974. 45 p.Wyant. M. E. . E W Kirn; a see and read beginning to read book. GlennDoman's Teach your babytoread. N.Y , G P Putman Sons, 1966. 46 p. With an introd. by Glenn Doman. New York, IDEAL. Antonio wants a luminaria (a Christmas light St. Martin's Press [1971] 172 p. illus.22 cm. Ideal,P.O. Box21,Coachella,Calif.92236. made out of a paper hag) for his own. E 372.4 II issues from Mardi 1972 to current. 070 1 19 00025 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

IDOLS BEHIND ALTARS. INDIAN PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES. JACKSON, ROBERT B. 1967. 359 r Brenner, Anita. 1005- 1973. 12 p. mimeographed. Cook. Das id C. Sulu:ones; the Ice Tresino story,by Rohert H. 709.72 B 372.5 C Jackson. Illustrated with photos. New York, H. 7. Walck[19731 72 p. illus.21 cm. A IDUARTE, ANDRF:S,1907 INDIANS OF MEXICO. biographyofthe famousMesiean-American Nino, childof the NU-swan Ifcs ()Moon. Heileman Supply. 12 packets of color postcards. golfer concentrating on his professional career. T.anslated and adapted b; James F.Shearer. Spanish test. 970.1I 920 T Ness York, Pri. 97Ij sii,156 p. maps. 22cm. T..islationofL'n ninoell la THE INDIANS OF MEXICO,by Margaret C. JACOBSON, ROMAN). Reolucion 972I Farquhar.Illustrated by Mel Klapholz.[1st ed.) Studies in English to Speakers of other Languages; [19671 Iv. (unpaged) Farquhar. Margaret C. and Standard English to Speakers of a non- IF YOU WERE BORN IN MEXICO. 970.4 F Standard Dialect.The English Record. .April 1968 Color filmstrip.Grades K-6.Morehead. 1971. Vol. 21. No. 1. 418 J Same. 972 NI INDUSTRIAL ARTS WORKBOOK. 1969. 191p. Available fromBlaineEthridge. JAUSS, ANNE MARIE. I'LL FARES THE LANGmigrants and migratory Detroit. Mich. Parodi, J. 684 P SEE Brock, Virginia. Pinatas. Illus. by Anne labor in the United States. MarieJAM. 736.98 B [1967, c1942j 419 p.McWilliam, Carey, 1905- INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN MEXICO. 331.67 McW hncyciopediaBritannica. 1965. 53 fr.color JAVIER SOLIS' GREATEST HITS; Escandalo filmstrip. (Mexico in transition series) y mas exitos. 33-1/3 rpm. Solis. Javier. I'LL TELL YOU A TALE,selected and arr. by the 330.972I 784.8 S author, and Isabel Caddis.Illus. by Ben Carlton JAYNES, RUTH M. Mead. [1st ed.] INFLUENTIALS IN TWO BORDER CITIES; a Afuera. Glendale. Calif.. Howinar, 1967. [1960] 362 p.Milne, James Frank. 1888-1964. study in community decision-making [by] unp. 398.2 D William V. D'Antonio and William H. Form. illus. (Seriesdelibrosparsla!limndc Howniar) Text in Spanish. E J 119651 xii. 273 p.D'Antonio, William V. FNI OK, YOU'RE OK; a practicalguideto 301.155 D'A transactional analysis, by Thomas A. Harris. Benny'sfourhats. Written byRuthJaynes. [1060] xis. 278p. Harris. Thomas Anthony. INFORMATION AND MATERIALS TO TEACII 1913. 616.89 II THE CULTURAL Photographed by Harvey Mandlin. Glendale. HERITAGE OF THE Calif..BowmarPub. Corp. [19671 I v. MEXICAN AMERICAN CHILD. IMAZ. JOSE LUIS DE. (unpaged) eol.illus.21 x 23 cm. ( Bowmar 1972. 277 p.Gorena, Minerva. comp. ear)/ childhood series) Test in Spanish. E J Los que mandan (those who ride)Translated 372.19 G and ssith an introd. by Carlos A. Asti/. %nil Do you know what ... ?Written by Ruth Jaynes. Photographed by Harvey Mandlin. Glendale. Mary F. McCarthy. Alban). State University THE INFORMATION SERVICE IN GUIDANCE: of NessYorkPress [19701 279 p.24 em. Calif.,Bowmar Pub.Corp. (c19671 I v. OCCUPATIONAL, EDUCATIONAL, SOCIAL, (chieflycol.illus.) 21x23 em. ( Bowmar Teo in English. Includesbibliographical by WillaNorris,FranklinR.Zeran[and] references. 301.44 I early childhood series)Entire tcxt in Spanish, Raymond N. Hatch. 2d ed. E J [19661 vi, 600 p.Norris. Willa. 371.4 N IMPROVING AURAL COMPREHENSION; Friends! friends! friends! WrittenbyRuth Jaynes. Photographed byHarveyMandlin. student book and teacher's book of readings. INHERIT THE EARTH; stories from Mexican 1972. Morley, Joan. 372.65 M Noah Hollywood. Calif.. Bowmar Pub. Corp, ranch life.Drawings by [Ted] De Gratin. (19671 Iv. (unpaged) col. illus.21 x 23 cm. 1963. 79 p.riordc. Alvin J. Fic G (Bowmar early childhood series) IN SCHOOL; learninginfourlanguages by Entire text in Esther Ilauttig. Pictures by Nonny Ilogrogian. Spanish. E J INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS, BooksI and Whatisa birthdaychild? [19691 [361 p.Hautzig, Esther Rudomin. II. Written by Ruth Compiled by Mexican-American Curriculum Jaynes. PhotographedbyHarveyMandlin. 413II Office. Glendale. Calif., Bowmar Pub. Corp.[19671 1973. Self instructional Teaching units. Iv. (Chiefly col. illus.) IN Tin.: TRAIL. OF THE WIND; American Hook 21 x 23 cm.(Bowmar Indian poems and ritual orations. EcLted by John 1- general, 24 units; Book 11-12 biographies. early childhoos series)Entire text in Spanish. Hierhorst.[1st ed.] 375 I EJ [19711 21)1 p.Hierhorst. John. comp. 897 B INSURGENT MEXICO. [New ed.] JIMENEZ, ALFONSO, THE INCAS AND THEIR HEIRS. [1969] xxvi. 325 p.Recd. John. 1887-1920. Folk songs of Mexico. Folkways (FW 8727) 1960. 33-1/3 rpm. record with guide. Imperial Film Company. n.d. Color filmstrip 972.081 R 398.2 J and record. (Peru Echoes the Inca and Pizarro series) 970.1I INTEGRATEDUCATION (MINORITY CHILDREN IN SCHOOL) JIMENEZ, EMMA HOLGUIN. THE INCAS END AN ERA. Integrated Education Associates, School of Finger plays for children. Bowmar, 1969. 24 p. illus. Smallactivities. VersesinSpanish- Imperial Film Company. n.d. Color filmstrip & Education. Northwestern University. 2003 Sheridan Rd., Evanston. Illinois 60201. issues directions given in English.45 rpm record on records. (Peru Echoes theIrcu andPizarro back emu. 649.5 J series) 970.1I from kly 1973 to current.Educational related articles aimed toward achieving better Para Chiquitincs(for children) Bowmar. 1969. education for all students. 070 I 76 p. illus.A collection of 3 titles of materials INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL. IN CENTRAL for children.Songs forchildren, poems for AMERICA, CHIAPAS AND YUCATAN.With children,fingerplaysforchildren,Textin illus. by Frederick Catherwood. INTERDISCIPLINARY ORAL LANGUAGE GUIDE;Primary One-Parts 1.41970 ACTFL Spanish. 649.5 J [19691 2 s.Stephens. John Lloyd. 1805.1852. Poems for children. Bowmar. 1969. 24 p. illus. 917.28 S Edition. For contents sec author entry. Available from Traditional short verses in Spanish for children. Useful to hear sounds of words. 45 rpm record INDIAN CRAFTS OF THE SOUTHWEST. MichiganMigrantPrimary Interdisciplinary Project. 3800 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor. Mich. included. 649.5 J Imperial Films Company. n.d. 4 color filmstrips Songs for little Aildren. Bowmar. 1969. 23 p. with records.Contents:Navajo rag weaving: 48104. Michigan Oral Language Series. illus.Record on backcover. 15songs-in Acaana pottery making: Making Hopi Kachina 375.4 M Spanish with musical scores,45 rpm record Dolls: Papag'u basket wcasing. 970.1I accompanies.English directions given. Grades INTERGROUP EDUCATION; methods and K.3. 784.62 J THE INDIAN HERITAGE OF AMERICA[by] materials. Alvin M. Josephy, Jr. 1st ed.] 119681 viii. 199p. Grambs. JeanDresden, JIMENEZ, JOSE ALFREDO. 1919- 1968. sin, 384, xi'. pJosephy, Alvin M., 1915- 370.19 G Discode oro CYS-1281. ColumbiaSpecial 970.1 J Products. Caytronics Corp.. N.Y.. n.d. 33.1/3 INTRODUCTION TO CHICANO STUDIES; a rpm. record. 784.81 J THE INDIAN IN AMERICAN HISTORY. reader, edited by LivieIsauro Duran andII. 1968 24 pVogel, Virgil J 970.1 V Russell Bernard. JOHNNY LOST, by Mariana Prieto.Illus. by [19731 v, 585 p.Duran. Livic Isatiro. comp. Catherine Hanky. INDIAN LIFE IN NORTH AMERICA SI:RIES. 301.451 D [19691 48 p.Prieto. Mariana Beeching dc. The lla...isiipi of the (irand Canyon, Parts! & II. Fic P n.d Iwo 4(1 frcolor filmstrips with record. INVASION! PARTS I & II. 970.1I Multi Media Productions, Inc., 1969. Two 48 JOHNSON, HENRY SIOUX, comp. Pueblo Indians of the Southwest. PartsI & II. fr.colorfilmstrips with record & Teacher's Educating the Mexican American [by)Henry n.d Iwo 39 Ir. color filmstrips with record. Guide. (LessonI of Conflict of Cultures which Sioux Johnson [and] William J. tiernandetM. 970,1I is Part III of the series La Rata) Discusses 1st Valley Forge. Judson Press[19701 384 p. 22 movement of foreigners into the borderlands & cm.Includes bibliographical references. INDIAN MUSIC OF MEXICO (FW8851) the motives behind the movement. Examines 371,98 J 1957 33.11 rpm. record with guide.Houlton, Santa Fe Trail trade, Texas & Calif. [.aura 970.1 111 973.621 L JOHNSON, WILLIAM WEBER, 1909. Mexico, by Wiliiam W ;ber Johnson andthe INDIAN ORATORY, famous speeches by noted LA ISLA DEL TESORO; un Libro de Oro de editors of Life. New York. Time inc.,1961. Indian chieftains. Estampas. 160p.illus. 28 cm. (Life World library) 1971. 242 pVanderwcrth. W. C. 815 V 1972. 48 p.Stevenson, Robert Louis. Fic S Includes bibliography 417.2 J 20 00026 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

JONES, EDW AND HARR ELL, KALAN, GERALDINE. A KNOWLEDGE AID PICTURE DICTIONARY; 1922 - Mexico: Jur Dynamic Neighbor. New York diecionario pictorieo para Ayndar el Artsand craftsof theMexican people [by Pines, Teaching Resource films, 1972. 413- Conoeitniento; Robert E. Willford, Ed. D., Edward H. Jones, 1r. and Margaret S. Jones. I rpm. records. 6 color filmstrips. 3 charts.I directing author, Ronald E. Reed, associate author guide [Los Angeles] Ward Rnchie Press[19711 64 917.2 K and Jim Hsieh, illustrations. p. i"us., map (on lining-papers) 1969. 39 p.Willford, Robert E. 460 W 26 cm. The KANE, MICHAEL B. historyandtr. anions of and theinfluences Minoritiesin textbooks: a studyoftheir KOEHLER, IRMI: NGARDE EBF:RIE, upon theartof theMexican people from treatment in social studies texts,by Michael B. Napolcom pottery to the Ituw extinct featherwork. Irmengarde Eberle Koehler y Arnold Kane. Pref. by Oscar Cohen. Chicago. W. Koehler. South Pasadena, California, 745.5 J Publishedincooperationwiththe Anti- Bilingual Educational Services,1972. 48 p. defamation League of Ernai B'rith by illus.Text in Spanish. 920 N JONES, HORTENSE. Quadrangle Books[1970] 148p.22cm. SEE Buckley,Peter. William. Andy and Bibliography: p. 144-148. 301.45 K KORN, JERRY. Ramon E B Atomos. cl corazon de soda la materia. Smith KEATING, CHARLOTTE M. Pasadena, California. Bilingual Educational JONES, MARGARET S. Building Bridges or Understanding. Tucson, Palo Services,1972. Iv.Spanish text. 539.7 K Verde Pub. Co., 1967. 134 p.illus.index. SEE Jones, EdwardHarrell, 1922- Arts Bibliography of children's books dealing with KROHN, ROBERT. and crafts of the Mexican people [by] Edward minority children. 010 K English sentence structure, H. Jones, Jr. and Margaret S. Jones. Ann Arbor, Michigan. University of Michigan Press.1472. 745.5 J KEEFE, JOHN E. 305 p. 421 K The teznager and the interview[by] John Keefe. JOIGE EL CURIOS() (Curious George) [1sted.J New York, Richards Rosen Ness KRONE, BEATRICE. Translated into Spanish for young readers by [1971] 188 p. illus.22 cm. Bibliography: p. Cantemos en espanol, Book One, Vols.I & II. Pedro Villa Fernandez. 183.188.Advice for teenagers on filling out IdyllwildRecords.(S-2005) 1961. 33-1 /3 [1961] 56 p.Rey. Hans Augusto. 1898- E R job applications, making resumes. responding to rpm. record with guide.Spanish and Latin intcrvicws. and to her helpful aspects of finding American Fieksongs. Available from employment. JOSE: JOSE:. 331.34 K Children's Music renter. (rades K-5. RCA Victor. MKS-1880. 398.2 K 33-113 rpm. record. KEMP, LYSANDER, 1920 - Cantemos en Eiq .nil;look Two. Park Ridge. 784.81 J SEE Leon Pottilla, Miguel. ed.The broken 111.. KjosMi. Co.. 1961. 42 p. spears; the Aztec account of the conquest of Language through song. from Sp:tin. Mexico JOSEPIIY, ALVIN M., 1915 Mexico. English translation by Lysander and South America. The Indian heritage of America [by] Alvin M. Kemp. Illus.. adapted from original codices 784.4 K Cantcmos Ninos! (Let's Sing, C'hildren!) Josephy,Jr. [1sted.J New York. Knopf. paintings, by Alberto Beltran. 972 I. Park Ridge. III.. Kjos Music Co..1961. 32 p. illus. 1968. xiii. 384. xivp.illus.,facsims., maps, KERRIGAN, ANTHONY. 20 songs in Spanish from Spin, South A,neriea ports. 25 cm. 970.1 J and Mexico- with score. SEE Mother Goose. 398.8 M 784.8 K SEE Neruda, Pablo. 1904- Selected poems. Cantemoi. Milos! JOSLIN, SESYLE. Edited (Let's sing, children!) (S.2009) byNathanielTarn. Translatedby Idyllwild Records. 1961. La fiesta. Illustrated by John Alcorn.[1st ed.J Anthony Kerrigan [and others] 33.1/3 rpm. record - [1st American withguide. New York, Harcourt. Brace & World[1967] ed.] Spanish andLatinAmerican 861 N Folksongs, Iv. (unpaged) col. illus.27 cm. E J sin3ing games. and dances. Available from Children's Music Center. Que se dice.nitro? Con dibujos porMaurice KESSLER, LEONARD P., 1920. Sendak. NewYork,YoungScottBooks. Aqui viene el ponchado [poi] Leonard Kessler. 39 l.2 K 1966. [48] p. col. illus.18 x 23 cm. E J Traduecion del ingles por Pura Belpre. New KRONE, MAX. There is a bull on my balcony. Hay un torn en York. harper & Row [1969]64 p. col. illus. SEE mi balcon, and other useful r:irases in Spanish 23cm. (A Spanish I can readbook) Krones, Beatricc. Canter nis en Translation of Here comes the strikeout. Espanol; Book Two. and English for youngtat: es and gentlemen Willie 784.4 K helps Bobby. known as a poor baseball player. SEE Krones.Beatrice. going abroad or staying at home. Illustrated by Culitemos Ninos! surprise the opposing team when they expect (Let's Sing. Children!) 784.8 K KatharinaBarry. [1sted.] NewYork. him to strike out in a important baseball game. Harcourt,Brace & World [1966] I v. Text in Spanish. Fie K SEE Krone. Beatrice. Cantemos en espanol. (unpaged) illus.19 cm. 468.3 J Book One. Vols. I & 398.2 K KIEV, ARI. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE. Curanderisrno; Mexican-American folk SEE The Urban experience and folk tradition. psychiatry. New York. FreePress [1968] KRUMGOLD, JOSEPH, 1998. EditedbyAmericoParedesandEllen J. xii, 207 p. 22 cm. Bibliography:p. 193.200. And nov..Miguel; illustratedby Jean Chariot. Stckert. 398.0973 P 615.882 K New York. Crowell[1953] 245 p. illus. 21 cm. Fie K THE KING, THE MICE AND THE CHEESE,by THE JOURNAL OF MEXICAN AMERICAN Nancy and Eric Gurney. ISTORY. KURATH, HANS. [1965] 63 p.Gurncy. Nancy. E G A word geography of the eastern United States. Journal of Mexican American History, Box 13361. University of MichiganPress,1949. 88p. Santa Barbara, California 93107. issues KIPLING, RUDYARD. illus.mops. 422 K available from Fall 1970 to current.Articles El libro de la selva;c; libro de Oro de estamr..s; relatingtoMexicanAmericanhistory by basadas enlas"Aventuras de Monti" de professional historians. 070 J Rudyard Kipling. South Pa adeita. California. Bilingual Educational Serviixs. 1970. 32p. JUAN, by Mary Stolz.Pictures byLouis S. illus.Tcxt in Spanish. Fie K Glanzman. KIRN, ANN. [1970] 131 p.Stolz. Mary Slattery, 1920 - LABASTIDA, AURORA. Two pesos for Catalina.written and illustrated by SEE Eta. Marie Hall, 1895- Nine days to FleS Ann Kim. Chicago. Rand McNally[1962] Christmas,byMarieHallEts and Amu A unpaged. illus.24 em. E K Labastida.Illustrated by Marie Hall Ets. JUAN THE CHAMULA; AN ETHNOLOGICAL E E RECREATION OF THE LIFE OF A KLEIN, LEONORE. MEXICAN INDIAN.Translated from Spat ish Justlike you..., pictures by Audrey Walters. THE LABYRINTH OF SOLITUDE; lifeand by Lysander Kemp. Harvey House, Inc. 1968. 3; 0. illus. E K thoughtin Mexico. TranslatedbyLysander 1962. 115 p. Pons Areiniega, Ricardo. Kemp. Fie P KNIGHT, HAROLD VINCENT, 1907 - [1962, c19611 212 p.Pat, Octavio. 1914- With liberty and justice for the meaning of 917.2 P the Bill of Rights today, by Harold V. Knight. JUANITA. Intrt.d. by Roger Baldwin. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., LA CAUSA PUBLICATIONS. 1948. imp.Politi. Leo. Pic P Oceana Publications, 1967. xiii. 301p.24 ElCalcndario Chicano 1972. LaCausa em. Bibliography:p. 291.294. Publications, Santa Barbara, California, 1972. JUAREZ, HERO OF MEXICO. Adapted from 323,40973 K 973 L Juarez., Hero of Mexico, Vanguard, 1942, 1949. 122 p.Baker, Nina Brown. 920 J KNOCK AT THE DOOR, EMMY. Illustrated by LADO ENGLISH SERIES,Books 1, 2, 3, & 4. Paul Lantz. Lado, Robert. 428 L JUAREZ, THE FOUNDER OF MODERN 1956. 240 p.Means. Florence Crannell, 1891- MEXICO. Plc M LADO, ROBERT. English 1972. 191 p.Grades 4-8.Syme, Ronald. pattern practices; establishing the KNOEPELE, JOHN. patterns ashabits. 920 J University of Michigan SEE Bly. Robert, comp. Ncruda and Press, 1958. 338 p. illus. 372.65 L Vallejo: selected poems. edited by Robert lily. English pronunciation. exercises in sound JUST LIKE YOU pictures by Audrey Walters. Translations by Robert Bly. John Knoeptle, and segments. intonation, and rhythm. University 1968. 37 p.Klein, Leonine. E K James Wright. 861 B of Michigan Press, 1954. 421.5 L 21 00027 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

Lado English Series, Books I, 2, 3, & 4. 2 Park .Ave.. New York. N.Y. 10016, Regents LAROUSSE:, PIERRE, 1817-1875. LEAF, MUNRO, 1905. Publishing Co. Four textbooks; tour Laroussc universal; diccionario eneiclopedicoC11 Elcu de Eerdinando. Nis. de Robert inglcspor %\orkluniks;teacher'smanual andposterto tres volumenes.Adaptation hispanuatnericana Lim son. Traducciondel Pura Belpre. Nueva York. VikingErcss [19621 accompany. 428 L del Nouveau Larousse universe' dirigido por Claude y PaulAuge. Publicadobajo la unpaged. illus.21 cm.Text in Spanish. direction de Miguel de Toroy E L (Nueva ed.) Paris. Editorial Laroussc(1962. Linguistics across cultures;applied linguistics fur e19581 3 v.illus. (part col,) maps (part col.) LEARN TO COUNT. language teachers.With a foreword by Charles ports.30 cm.On cover:Laroussc universal 1964. 10p. Av...lable from Blaine Ethridge. C. Fries. Ann Arbor. University of Michigan ilustrado. 463 T Detroit, Mich.Ediciones, Eva. E E Press(1957) 141p.illus.23 cm. Includes bibliographies. 407 L LAROUSSE: UNIVERSAL; diccionario LEARNING ABOUT INDIAN COSTUMES. enciclopedicoentresvolumenes. Adaptation ImperialFilm Company. n.d. 38fr.color LAMB, RUTH STANTON. hispanoamericana del Nouveau Larousse universel filmstrip with record.(Learning about Indians series) Indianmen.Indian women,Indian Mexican Americans:sons of the Southwest,by dirigido por Claude y Paul Auge. Publicado bajo la direction de Miguel de Toro y Gisbert. [Nueva children, Indian families. 970.1 L Ruth S. Lamb. Claremont,Calif..Ocelot ed.] Press, 1970. 198 p. 2 maps. 22 cm. (1962. (1958) 3 v.Laroussc. Pierre. 1817.1875. LEARNING ABOUT INDIAN CRAFTS. Includes the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Feb. 463 T ImperialFilm Company. n.d. 38fr.color 2.1848. and the Gadsden filmstrip with ,ccord.(Learning about Indians English and SpanishBibliography: p. 149-196. LAROUSSE: UNIVERSAL, ILLUSTRATED series)Clothing, carving stone. baskets. and 978 L DICTIONARY, pottery. 970.1L 1968. 6 vols. Can be obtained through normal LAMBERT, ELISABETH, book jobber. Toro y Gisbert. Miguel dc. LEARNING ABOUT INDIAN DANCES, The complete bookof Mexican cooking. by 463 T ImperialFilm Company. n.d. 38fr.color Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz.Drawings by Roger filmstrip with record.(Learning about Indians series) Eagle dance. Hopi snake dance. Chapin. New York. M. Evans: Distributed in LARRALDE, ELSA. medicine dance. war dance. dance.: today. association with Lippincott. Philadelph.a The land and people of Mexico. (Rev.ed.) (1964) 160 p.illus., 970.1 L (1967) 352 p. illus.25 cm. 641,5 L Philadelphia. Lippincott ports.21 cm. (Portraits of the nations series) 917.2 L LEARNING ABOUT INDIAN HOUSING. LAMPN1AN, EVELYN SIBLEY. ImperialFilm Company. n.d. 38fr.color The tiltedsombrero. Illustrawdb., Ray Cruz. LARSON, JAMES,comp. filmstrip with record.(Learning about Indians [1sted.) GardenCity,N.Y..Doubleday. Mexican American Advisory Council and Toledo series)Eastern and Western Indians discussed. 1966. 264 p. illus.22 cm. Fic L Public Schools. Personal copies.1971. 20 970.1 L tapes.Meetings between T.P.S. & M.A.A.C. to THE LAND AND PEOPLE OF MEXICO. [Rev. establish The Mexican American Curriculum LEARNING ABOUT INDIANS SERIES. Office- -Title III. 371.2 L Learning about Indian costumes. n.d. 38fr. ed.] color filmstrip with record. 970.1 L ( 1964) 160 p.Larralde, Elsa. 917.2 L LASKER, JOE. Learning about Indian crafts. n.d.38 fr. color filmstrip with record. 970.1 L LAND OF MEXICO. SEE Simon. Norma. What do I do? Story: Norma Simon. Pictures: Joe Lasker. E S Learning about Indian dances. n.d.38 fr. color EncyclopediaBritannica. 1965. 51 fr.color filmstrip with record. 970.1 L SEE Simon.Norma. Whatdo I say? Learning about Indian housing. n.d.38 fr. color filmstrip. (Mexico in transition series) Pictures:Joe Laskcr. E S 917.2 L filmstrip with record. 970.1 L LAST MAN IN;racial access to union power. LEARNING TO READ WITH PHONICS. THE LAND OF POCO TIEMPO. (1959) 189 p.Greer. S :ott A. 331./1 G Teaching Aids Institute. 1962. 5 workbooks. 1952. 236 p.Lummis. Charles Fletcher. chart. 3 cassette tapes. guide.Hear. Sec, Say 917.89 L LATIN AMERICA. THE LAND OF approachto easy reading.073000. available REVOLUTIn*;;IH mrrated rich photographs. from Mafex Assoc. Grades K-4. 428 L LAND OF SONG(430020). From Mexico: Our 1972. 186 p. Summcrlin. Sam. 972 S dynamic neighbor; media kit. LA LECCION DE MATEMATICAS. 1972. '3rpm.record. Grades5-Adult LATIN AMERICAN PLAYS FORREADING. Young America Films.Released by McGraw-Hill 1967. Gilfond. Henry. 862 G Available from Baker & Taylor. New York Book Co.. 1959. 46 fr., color, 35 mm. and Times. 781.7 N disc: 1 s..10in.. 33 1/3 rpm.(Spanish for LATINAMERICAN PROSE IN ENGLISH elementary schools. Set I)Withteacher's TRANSLATION,a bibliography. guide. Credits: adviser.Vera LANDES, RUTH, 1908. Educational 1965. Huict. Claude L. 016 H Villegas. Uses pictures with Spanish captions Culture in American education: anthropological to tell a story.Covers the simple numbers.I approaches to minority and dominant groups in LATIN AMERICANS OF THESOUTHWEST. through100. and includes Spanish terms for the schools. New York. Wiley(1965) vi. (1965) 104 p.Landes. Ruth. 1908- addition and subtraction. 468 S 330 p. 24 cm. Bibliography:p. 317-324. 301.451 L 370.1934 L LEE, ALFRED NI. Latin Americans of the Southwest. St.Louis. LATINO: A CULTURAL CONFLICT. How to pass civil service examination; social case Art Evans Productions. Art Evans Productions. Webster Division. McGraw-Hill(1965) 104 worker. Cowles Education Corp., 1968. 221 Released by Oxford Films. 1971. 21 min. sd. p. 301 L p.illus.. maps. ports.21 cm. (Americans all b&w. 16 nun.With study guide. CREDITS: series)Bibliography:p. 101-102. 301.451 L Director. Brian Lewis.SUMMARY: Focuses THE LEGEND OF THE CID. Illustrated by on a high-school-aged Latin American boy in a Stephane.[1st ed.] LAND!, ANTONIO JIMF:NEZ. large American citytoportraythecultural [1963] 159 p.Goldston, Robert C. 398.2 G ABC. XYZ. Libros Para Mirar,1972. unp. conflicts between Spanish speaking people and illus. Spani:.h text.Available from Bilingual the Anglo community.Filmed in the Mission LEIGHTON, GEORGE ROSS, 1902 - Educational Service. E L district of San Francisco. 301.2 1. SEE Brenner. Anita. 1905- The wind that sweptMexico:thehistory oftheMexican LATTIMORE, ELEANOR FRANCES, 1904- revolution. 1910-1942. Text by Anita Brenner. The Mexican bird, written and illustrated by 184 historical photos. assembled by George R. Eleanor Frances Lattimore. NewYork. Leighton. 972.081 13 Morrow, 1965. 123 p. illus.21 cm. A gift of a painted Mexican bird causes Jenny to learn LANGUAGE LEARNING ACTIVITIES FOR THE: LEINWAND, GERALD. about birds. FicL Minorities all;the story of the countless men and DISADVANTAGED CHILD. women who believed in the n.d. 34 p.Bcreiter. Carl. 375.9 LAU RENCE and labored to makeittheirreality. New Robert and the Statue of Liberty. Written and York, Washington Sq.1971. 191 p. illus. LANGUAGE: PROGRAMS FOR THE illustrated by Laurence. [1st ed.] 301.451 L DISADVANTAGED;the report of the NCIT Indianapolis,BobbsMerrill [1968] (32) p. Task Force on Teaching English to the col. illus.23 x 28 cm."Text in English and LEO' VIER, BENJAMIN. Disadvantaged. RichardC.'qrbin kndjMuriel Spanish." A young New York boy decides to A portfolio of outstanding Americans of Mexican Crosby, co-chairmen. do a favor for the lady who has welcomed so Descent, artby DavidL.Rodriquez. 37 (1965) viii, 327 p.National Council of Teachers many people to his city. EL pictures.37 pictures with descriptive paragraph of achievement1st edition. 920 L of Englisti.Task Force on Teaching English to LAWRENCE, MARY S. the Disadvantaged. 371.96 N Writingas a thinkingprocess [by]MaryS. LENSKI, LOIS,1893. Lawrence.Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Elauto pequcno. Traduccionalcspanolnor LAREDO, ROGER. Press [1972] viii.204 p.illus. 24cm. Sandra Streepcy. New York. H. Z. Walck, Bullfight! from thePlata de Toros inMadrid. "Under the auspices of the English Language 1968. [48] p. illus(partcol.) 19 cm. LondonRe.::irds(SP 44082).33-1,3rpm. Institute at the University of Michigan." Translation of The little auto. Spanish text. re,:ord. 791.82 1 808 L E L 22 00028 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX La granja petition'. Traduccion alestrum] por Sandra Streepey. New York, H. Z.Wit Ick, LEWIS, RICHARD.1935. comp. LINDQUIST, %%ILL'S, 1968. 1481 p. illus.(partcol.) 19 cm. Still staters or the air;poems by three modern Descubridores y Exploradores; tin Libro de Oro Translation of The little fain. E I. Spanishpoets. Draw rigsbyArt isStewart. she Estampas. South Pasadena,('alifornia. Papa Pequeno Papa Small.Spanish zranslation New York, Dial Press119701 95 p. illus.25 BilingualEducational Services, 1970. 48 p. by Maria Dolores Lado. NetsN'ork,iIZ. cm. Poems by F. Garcia Lorca, JR. Jimenez, illus.Spanish text. 910.9 I. Walck,1961. 48 p. illus.19 cm. E I. andA.Machado yRM./inSpanish,with VaqueroPequeno. ('imboy Small. Spanish English translations.Bibliography: p. 95. LINGUISTICCULTURAL DIFFERENCES AND translation by Donald Worcester. New York, 861 L AMERICAN EDUCATION. Walck 119601 46 p. illus.19 cm. E L 1969. 175.Aarons, Allred C. 418 A LEXAU, JOAN M. Maria; L EON.PORTIL LA, M 'GU EL. illus. by Ernest Crichlow. Dial Press, LINGUISTICS ACROSS CULTURES; applied Aztec thought and culture;a study of the ancient 1964. unp. illus. (Cadmus edition) The doll linguistics for language teachers. With a foreword Nahuatl mind.Translated from the Spanish by Maria reeek ed from her grandmother was what by Charles C. Fries. !tick Emory Oasis. [1st WI Norman, she wanted most, until she learnedit was a [1957) 141 p.Ludo, Robert, 1915- 407 L %aloe(' ,iimersity of Oklahoma Press119631 241 p. family heirloomso she wouldn'tbe allowed to play withit illus. 24 cm. (TheCivilisationofthe Her parents found a LINNEMAN, ROBERT E.,1928 way to solve her problem. American Indian series. 67) A translation and Fic L Turn yourself on: goal planning !Or success thy) adaptation of the author's La filosolia nahuatl. RobertE.Lintieman. (1sted.] New York, LEVENDAS AL- ANDALUS. 970.2 L Richards Rosen Press119701 128 p. illus.22 1960. 95 p. Available The broken spears; from Bilingual em. includes bibliographical references. the Aztec account of the Educational Service.Morales, Rafael. conquest ofMexico. 650.1 L Englishtranslation by 398.2 M Lysander Kemp.Illus., adapted from original codices paintings, by Alberto Beltran. Boston, LINSENMAIER, WALTER. LIBERATORS OF LATIN AMERICA[by] Bob El munc) de los insectos; texto c ilustraciones de Beacon Press119621 xxxi, 168 p. illus., map. and Jan Young. Walter Linscnniaier: Vol. 16: Coicecion Odisca. 24 cm.Translation of Vision de los vencidos (19701 224 p.Young, Hob, 1916-1969. South Pasadena, California, Bilingual which was translated from Nahuatl by Angel 920 Y Maria Garibay K.Bibliography:p. 158-162. EducationalServices;Odyssey Press, inc., 1964. Iv. illus. 972 L THE LIBERATORS OF MEXICO. Text in Spanish. 595.7 L PreColumbian literature of Mexico. Translated 1967. 342 p.Caruso. John Anthony. 920 C from the Spanish by Grace Lobanov and the LISS, PEGGY K. author. Norman,Universityof Oklahoma SEE Liss. Sheldon B., comp. Man, state, A LIBRARIAN'S WORKSHOP FOR SELF.CTING, and society in Latin American history. Edited Press119691 sill.191p.illus.,facsims.24 ACQUIRING, CATALOGING, UTILIZING, by Sheldon B. Liss and Peggy K. Liss. em. (The Cis ilitationi of the American Indian AND PROMOTING MEXICAN AMERICAN series, 92) Bibliography: p. 176.186, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, inpartial 918,03 L 860.9972 L fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree LISS, SHELDON B.,comp. Master of Education, unpublished. Man, state, and society in Latin American history. LESSER, SANDRA L. 1973. 121 p. manuscript. Hyland, Anne Meade. Edited by Sheldon B. Liss and Peggy K. Liss. Nees; unlibro de oro de estampas. 020,7 H South New York, Praeger 11972) xvi. 456 p. maps. Pasadena, California, Bilingual Educational 25 cm. (Man. state and society) Services, EL LIBRO DE LA SELVA;el libro de Oro de n.d.48 p. illus. Text in Spanish. Bibliography: p. 435.445. 9'1,03 L 597 L estampas; basadas en las "Aventuras de Mowgli" de Rudyard Kipling. 1970. 32 p.Kipling, Rudyard. Fic K LITERATURA CHICANA; texto ycontexto. LET US SING (VAMOS A CANTAR) ; text and context.[Compiled 1964. 33.1/3 rpm. record. s.;ript in Spanish and EL I.IBROS DE LOS ANIMALES;libros para by] Antonia Castaneda Shular, Tomas Ybarra- English. Grades K-6. Corx Octavio. Frausto [and] Joseph Sommers. 784.71 C inirar; coleccion el globo de colores. 1970. 56 p.A.J.M. 599 A (1972) xxvii, 368 p.Castaneda Shular, Antonia. 1942 comp. 810.98 C LET'S SING SONGS IN SPANISH. 1942. 1960. 23 p. booklet and LP record.Vigneras. LIEBERMAN, MARK, Hidalgo; LITO AND THE CLOWN. Marcel. 784.7 V Mexican revolutionary. New York, Praeger Publishers(I 970) vi, 161 p. map. 22 [19641 (31) p.Politi, Leo, 1908. E P cm. LET'S VISIT MEXICO[by] John C. Callwell, (Praeger pathfinder biographies) Bibliography: p. 157. A biographyofthe LITSINGER, DOLORES. John Day Co. 96p. Caldwell,JohnCope. Mexican priestwho helpedorganize the ThechallengeofteachingMexicanAmerican 1913- 917.2 C revolutionthatwon Mexico's independence seudents. American Book Company, 1973. from Spain. 920 H 222 p.Background and techniques. 371.9 L LET'T'ERS FROM MEXICO. Translatedand edited by A. R. Pagden. With an introd. by J. II. LIFE AFTER THE CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH. urrLE LEAGUE DOUBLE PLAY.[1st ed.] Elliott. Imperial Film Company, 1973. filmstrip and (19621 189 p.Bishop. Curtis Kent, 1912 1971 boo, 565 p.Cortes, !Leman. 972C record.(The American frontier as the camera He B saw it series) 979.4 L LEVINE, S. JOSEPH. illLITTLE RED FIF:N,la pequena galling roja. Recursos para la ensenta cfcctia, Kits #1 to THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JOAQUIN 1969. I v. (unpaged) Williams, Letty. E W #7. Unic-sityofKansas;Universityof MURIETA, THE CELEBRATED CALIFORNIA Michigan, Instructional Materials Centers. n.d. BANDIT,by Yellow Bird (John Rollin Ridge) LIVING ARCHITECTURE: ANCIENT MEXICAN; 372.19 L With an intrr;(1. by Joseph Henry Jackson. [New text and photographs by Henri Stierlin, preface ed.] by Vladimir Kaspe, English translation by Marion LEWIN, TED. (1955) 159 p.Ridge, John Rollin, 1827-1867. Shapiro. SEE Gee. Maurine 11 Chicano, amigo Ihyl 398.22 R 1968. [4). 192 p.Sticrlin, Henri. 722.91 S Maurine H. Gee. Illustrated by Ted Lewin. Fie G LIFE (CHICAGO) SEE LIVING ARCHITE(TURE: MAYAN. Text and Johnson, William Weber, 1909- Mexico, by photos. byHenriStierlin,Preface by Pedro William Weber Johnson and the editors of Life. Ramirez. Vasquez, LEWIS, OSCAR, 1914. 917,2 J re 1964) 192 p.Stierlin, Henri. 722.91 S The childrenof Sanchez; autobiography of a Mexican family. New York, Random !louse LIVING TOGETHER IN AMERICA. 119611 499 p. 24 cm. 309.172 I. David C. Cook, 1970. 20 prints, 48 p. guide. A deathintheSanchez family. Ness York, 373.19 L Random !louse 09691xxxii, 119 p 22 etn. THE LIFE OF BENITO JUAREZ. 301.29 I. Doubleday Multi Media. International LOBOS, AM ILCAR. communication films. 1972. color filmstrip Quet/al, poems for performance from the San Fi e famines: an and intimate oblectoe andrecord. filmstripand recordstored Francisco Barrio. San Francisco, Glide revelation of family lifeno Mexico today a separately. Grades 4-8. 920 J Publications,1973. 109 p.illus. Poetry to dramatic study of the culture of pi,verty. New be used on special occasions am; ceremony for York, New American Library.1959. 319 p THE LIFE STORY OF THE MEXICAN a Chicano-community wedding All L 309,172 I. IMMIGRANT; autobiographic documents, With a new introd. by Paul S. Taylor. LOCKE, RAYMOND FRIDAY,comp. PedroMartine', a Mexican peasant and his 119711 xix, 288 p.Gamic). Manuel, 1883.1960, The American Indian. Los Angeles, Mankind family. Drawings by Alberto Beltran. New comp. 301.3 G Pub. Co. te 1 9701 253 p.i11uc., inapt, ports. York, Random House 119641 Ivii, 5(17p. 18 cm. (The Mankind series ofgreat 'Slut 25 cm 309,172 I. LIFE STYLES,Geraldine Kalan, cd. adventures of history)"Selected readings from A study of slum culture, backgrounds forI,a Teaching Resources Films, 1972. 72fr.color Mankind magazine" 970.1 L vida With the assistance of Douglas filmstrip with record & guide.(Mexico:Our Butterworth New York,Random !lutist dynamic neighbor series) Contrasts class THE LOLLIPOP PARTY; pictures by Winton (19681 xiv, 240 p21 cm. Bibliography.p structure imposed by the .panish colonists as Turkic, 12271-229 301.451 L reflected in variety of life styles 17.2 K 1967. unp.Sonrieborn, Ruth A. E S 23 00 29 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

LONDON, JOAN. MCCAFFERY, JANET. MAGDALENA.Illustrated by Lilian Obligado. So shall ye reap[by) Joan London and Henry. SEE Wahl. Jan. Cristobal and thewitch; le19711 125 p.Shotwell, Louisa R. Fie Anderson New York, Crowell 119701 xi. story by Jan Wahl. Pictures by Janet 208 p. tllus.. limp, ports.22 cm. 331.881 L McCaffery. E W MAGE:R, ROBI:RT F. Preparinginstructional objectives. Belmont, LOPEZ, ARTHUR, 1934. MCHENRY, JOHN PATRICK. California. Fearon Publishers,1962. 60 p. A Id rancho de muchachos,by Arthur Lopez. with A shorthistoryofMexico [by] J. Patrick book for teachers and student teachers...for Mellenry. [Rex.] Garden City, N.Y., Kenneth(1. Richards. [Chicago( [Childrens anyoneinterestedintransmittingskillsand Doubleday[1970] xii. 224 p. maps.18 cm. knowledge to others. 371.3 M Press] [1970] 64 p.illus.,ports. 19 CM. (Dolphin hooks. C363) "A Doubleday Dolphin (An Open door book)Autobiographical. The original."Bibliography: p. [215] 972 Mcli son of a California migrant worker relates how LA MAGIA DEL COLOR. p. Available from Bilingual he worked his way up from farm hand to MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERTA. 1964. 40 Educational Service. Wolf, Thomas. 752 W diredor of aboys'ranch.Brieflydiscusses Children's songs ofMexico, collected and opportunities and qualificationsfora jobin .1: M.:LaugL1it, Ind Wood. Calif.. by Mary and Conrad Buff. social work. 920 L HighlandMusicCo., 1963. 29 p. illus. MAGIC MAIZE, Music scores with words to 18 children's songs. 1953. 76 p.Buff. Mary Marsh, 1890. Fie B THE LOPEZ FAMILY; storyofa Mexican Words in Ehglish.Grades K6 Available from American family. Bo%vmar. 784.62 M THE MAGIC WORLD; American Indian songs 1971. 13 p.Moreno, Steve. E M Children's songs of Mexico. Bowmar Record, and poems.Selected and edited with an introd. 1C 5. I record. 2 filmstrips. script. 16 songs by William Brandon. LOPEZ, RICHARD EMILIO. in Spanish, range from lullabys to semnades, to 1971. xiv, 145 p.Brandon, William, comp. Anxiety.acculturationandtheurbanChicano; Indian songs. Grades K.6. 784.62 M 897 B the relationship between stages of acculturation and anxiety lexel of EOP students. Berkeley, MACLEOD, RUTH. THE MAGNIFICENT MYTHS OF MAN;Leo C. California. California Book Co., Ltd.,1970. Buenos dins.teacher. New York,J.Messner Fay, consulting editor. 301.241 L [1970] 191 p. 21 cm.(A Career romaryte for 1972. 246 p.Clifford, Eth. 200.4 C young moderns) When David arrives to work Program, Jennifer notes LORI), WALTER, 1917 with the Head Start MA ITI N, SAMUEL. that. unlike her fiance, he seems to understand A time to stand. [1st ed.] New York. Harper SEE Shepherd,GeneD. Gentle,gentle her ambitions and goals for the poor children. Thursday,by GeneD.Shepherd andBill (19611 255 p. illus. 22 cm. Includes iic M bibliography. 976.435 L Martin, Jr. With pictures by Samuel Maitin. 811 S MCNEER, MAY YONGE,1902 LOS QUE MANDAN (Those who rule) The Mexican story; with lithographs by Lynd Translated and with an introd. by Carlos A. Astir., MAKERS OF AMERICA.Editor: Wayne Moquin. Ward. [1sted.] New York,ArielBooks General editors: Mortimer J. Adler and Charles with Mary F. McCarthy. 119531 96 p. illus.28 cm. 972 McN [1970] 279 p.lmaz, Jose Luis de. 301.44 I Van Doren. Assistant editor: Dorothy Anderson. MACNEISII, JUNE HELM, 1924 Consultants: Theodore C. Blegen, Nathan Glazer [and] Feliciano Rivera. LOTTICH. PHILIP B. SEE American Ethnological Society. [1971] 10 v. For contents sec author SEE Resnick, William C'. Your future with Spanish-speaking people in the United States. entry'. Moquin, Wayne,con., 917.3 M or without college, by William C. Resnick [and] June Helm, editor. William Madsen, program chairman. 301.448 A Philip B. Lottieh. 371.42 R MAKING A PINATA. Atlantis, 1972. 16 mm. 11 min. LOVE:JOY, CLARENCE EARLE,1894 MCNULTY, FAITH Arturitoelastuto. Grossct & Dunlap Clear instructions for making pinatas, colorful Lovejoy's career and vocational school guide; a means of celebrating oeeasinns.Grades 4.12, source book, clue book and directory of job Publishers,1971. 60 p. illus. (Libro fired dc .Adult. 745.59 M training opportunities. by Clarence E. Lovejoy. lectrua) Text in Spanish. E MeN [3d,enl.revision] New York. Simon and MACRAE, MARGIT. THE MAKING OF MODERN MEXICO [by] 1 )671 176 p. 29 cm. First and 2d Schuster Songs of Spanish America Selected by Margit Frank Brandenburg. introd. by Frank ed. Vocational school publishedundertitle: MacRae and Lucille Wood. Bowman Tannenbaum. guide. 371.425 L Reeords.(4 576) 1970.2 33.1/3 rpm. records, [1964] xv, 379 p.Brandenburg, Frank Ralph, SEE Lovejoy's college guide.1940 script. 27 songs. including Las Posadas 1926 972.082 B 378.73 L Ceremony (Christmas) Grades K6. 784.71 M MALO BS2584; produced by David Robinson. LOVEJOY'S CAREER AND VOCATIONAL Warner Brothers, 1972. 33.1/3 rpm. record. SCHOOL GUIDE; a source book, clue book MCWILLIAMS, CAREY,1905 785.06 M and directory of job training opportunities,by Brothersundertheskin. Boston, Clarence E. Lovejoy.[3d, enl. revision] Little,Brown [1964] six.364p.20 em. MAN IN A WORLD AT WORK. Bibliographical footnotes. 301.451 McW [1967] 176 p.Lovejoy. Clarence Earle. 1894- 1964. 606 p.Borow, Henry. 658.3 B 371.425 L Factories in die field;the story of migratory farm [Hamden, Conn] Archon labor in California. MAN,STATE, AND SOCIETY INLATIN 1c1939] 334 p. 22 ern. LOVEJOrS COLLEGE GUIDE. 1940. Books, 1969 AMERICAN HISTORY.Edited by Sheldon B. Lovejoy. Clarence Earle. 1894. comp. New Bibliography: p. [327]334. Bibliographical footnotes. 331.7 McW Liss and Peggy K, Liss. York,SimonandSchuster. v. 21.29 cm. III fares the land;migrants and migratory labor in [1972] xvi, 456 p.Liss, Sheldon B., comp. Titlei.cries: 1940.41,Soyou'regoingto theUnitedStates. New York,Barnes & 918.03 L college 1948 1950-51.Completeguideto Noble [1967. el942] 419 p. 22 cm. 1953.54, American colleges and universities. Bibliography:p. [391] -411. 331.671 icW MAN WITH FANCY HEADDRESS. College guide. Compiler:1940- C. E. Lovejoy. The Mexicans in America;a students' guide to Alva MuseumReplicas,Ncw York. carved 378.73 L localized history. New York, Teachers amulet-3" high-marble.From the Zapotec CollegePress [1968] vii,32 p. 23 cm. Culture, Mexico, about 300 to 1,000 A.D. LUDWIG, ED,1920. comp. (Localized history series)Bibliography: p. 32 972.8 M The Chicanos: Mexican American voices. Edited 973 McW by Ed Ludwig and James Santibancz. MANANA IS NOW! Bilingual Education Baltimore. Penguin Hooks 119711 ix. 286 p. North from Mexico;the Spanishspeaking people Awareness Institute, Oct. 1970. 19 cm. Bibliography. i. 281.286. 810 L of the United States. New York. Greenwood 61 p. Gonzales, Felipe C'. 371.9 G Press, 1968. 324p. Excellent account of LULAC NEWS. history, well told. A classic in the area. MANDLIN, HARVEY. Donald 1).Clark & Assoc..61 E.Columbus, 973 McW SEE Curry,Nancy. An appleis red. Phoenix. Arizona 85012. Official Photographed by Harvey Mandlin. E C informational magazine forthe Leagueof SEE Jaynes, Ruth M. Benny's fourhats. MADARIAGA, SALVADOR DE. UnitedLatinAmericanCitizens, a political Written byRuth Jaynes. Photographed by (again/atm. 070 I. The rise of the Spanish American empire. New Harvey Mandlin. E J 1947. 408 p. illus. York, Free Press, SEE Jaynes, Ruth M. Do you know what ... History of the new world's first colonial empire. Photographed by LUMMIS, CHARLES FLETCHER. 973,16 M ? Written by Ruth Jaynes. The land of poco nempo. Um of New Mexico Harvey Mandlin. E J Press, 1952. 236p Informationonthe MADE IN MEXICO;the story of a country's arts SEE Jaynes,RuthM. Friends! friends! Apache & PuebloIndiansincludedinthis and crafts.Illus. by Carlos Merida.[1st ed.] friends! Written by Ruth Jaynes. Photographed historical re% io% of the Southwest. 917.89 I. 1952. 329 p.Ross, Patricia Fent, 1901. by Harvey Mandlin. E J 745 '. SEE Curry.Nancy. Myfriendis Mrs. LYMAN. I1OWARI) lit:RISECK, 1920. Jones. Written by Nancy Curry.Photographed Test ..Lorcs and what they Mean [by] Ilinvard B. MAGAZIN. by Harvey Maudlin. E C 2d ed. EnglewoodCliffs,N.J.. Magazin, 311 N. /at/anima. San Antonio, Texas, SEE Jaynes. Ruth M. What isa birthday Pientice-Hall(19711 yin. 200 p. iihis24 cm 78207 (Mungia Printers) issues from Oct. child? Written by Ruth Jaynes.Photographed Bibliographyp 182.185. 371.26 L 1971 to Sept. 1973. 070 M by Harvey Mandlin. E J 24 00030 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX EST COPYME MANGOLD, MARGARETM. MAREK, HANNELORE, MARTINEZ, RAFAEL V.1923 La ('aura Chicana; the movementfor justice. Historia del Teatro; Vol.7; Coleccion Otlisca. My house is your house(hyl Rafael V. Martinez. 44 Fast 23rd St., New York, 10010, Family South Pasadena, California, Bilingual New York, Friendship Press[1964] 127p. tier% iceAssoc.of America, 1972. 218p. Educational tiers ices,1964 por Odyssey Press, illus., ports.21 cm. "Footnotes":p, 123. Collection of articles reflect concerns of social Inc. Text in Spanish. British & Italian theater. 392 M change and proMes of family and community. 792 M 323.4 M MAS CONCIO:sa:S DE EL GRILLITO CANTOR MAREK, KURT W. "CRI.CRI" MANIFESTO ADDRESSED 11) THE: The first American;a story of North American .13.1/3 rpm. record. Soler, Francisco Gabilondo. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES archaeology, by C. W. Ceram. [Translated 784.6 S FROM THE YOUTH OF AMERICA. Edited fromthe GermanbyRichardandClara by Alan Wittier, Winston] (1sted.] New York.Harcourt MAS POEN1S PARVULOS. Rintler.Alan, ed. [NewTurk]Macmillan Brace Jovanovich(1971] xxi,357p.illus.. 1972. 63p. Available from Commissionfor (1970] xi, 228 p. 21 cm. 309 R maps, plates(partcol.), ports. 24 em, Mexican Aim. r:can Affairs & Totinem. Translation of Da erste Amerikaner. Galarza, Ernesto. 398.8 G MANKIND (LOS ANGELES) SEE Bibliography: p. (307]323. 970.1 M Locke, Raymond Friday, comp. The American MASK. Indian. 970.1 L MARIA;illus. by Ernest Crichlow. Alva Museum Replicas, New York. statue -12 in. high.Original in green volcanic stone.3rd 1964. Imp.Lexati, Joan M. Fic L MANN, PEGGY. to 7th century Mexico. 972.8 P The street or the (lower boxes;illus. by Peter MARIN, CARLOS MARTINEZ. Burchard. CossardNILCann.1966. 72 p. National Museum of Anthropology. Mexico, MATI:RIALES EN MARCIIA. illus. About the aathor and artist.Carlos and TitleVII, San Diego City Schools 2950 1967. I v. (unpaged)illus. 42 Color his friends have great fun ripping up the flowers NationalAve., San Diego, Calif. 92113. photographsofmaterialsin theNational planted by a new family on West 94th Street. issuesfromJuly 1972toDecember1973. Museum.Brief text for each picture.Available When his grandmother insists that he apologize, Inforination&evaluationsofinstructional he never suspects that he will become guardian from Warrens Educational Supplies. Grades 4- materials published in Spanish or Portuguese- of the flower boxes. Fie M ` kilt. 069.9 M speaking countries. 070 M When Carlos closed the street; illus. by Peter Burchard. Coward-McCann 1969. 71 p. MARIPOSAS Y PALOMILLAS;un estudio acerca MATERIALS ACQUISITION PROJECT, ESEA illus. About the author and artist.Black and de los insectos mus grundes y hellos; libros de oro Title VII, Puerto Rican residents on West 94th Street del saber. 3250 F Street, San Diego. Calif. 92102, San Iv. choosetoventtheirhostilitiesthrough a Martin, Richard A. 595.7 M Diego City Schools.Issues from Feb. 1971 to championship stickball game, a suggestion of June1972. Containsannotationsof useful Carlos Gomez and Jimmy Williams. The only MARKOWITZ, HENRY. educational materials from preK through grade problem is getting the Traffic Department to SEE Martin, William Ivan. 1916. Ireach 12 that have been acquired from Spanish and close their street. Fic M Out to the morning, by Bill Martin, Jr. Illus. by Portuguese speaking countries. 070 M Henry Markowitz. 811 M MANPOWER. MATERIALS RELATING TO THE EDUCATION U.S. Dept. of Labor, Manpower Administration, MARQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCIA. OF SPANISH SPEAKING PEOPLE IN THE Supt. of Documents, U.S. Government Printing One hundred years of solitude. Harper & Row, U.S.;an annotated bibliography. Office, Washington. D.C. 20402. issues from 1970. 422 p. Fic M 1959. 76 p.Sanchez, George I. 010 S Sept. 1973 to current. 070 M MARTIN, PATRICIA MILES. THE MATTER OF TASTE. MAN'S MOST DANGEROUS MYTH;the fallacy Chicanos: Mexicans in the United States. 1972. 60 min. cassettetape. Edwards, Cohn, of race, 4th ed., rev, and unl, Illustrated by Robert Frankenberg. New York. prod. 641,3 E (1964] 499 p.Montagu, Ashley, 1905 Parents' Magazine Press(1971] 64p.col. 572 M illus.24 cm. (A Stepping-stone book) Traces MA1THIF.SSEN, PETER. thehistoryof Mexicanmigrationintothe Salsipucdcs; CesarChavez andthenew MANUAL FOR PROVIDING LIBRARY United States, describes the immigrants' way of American Revolution. New York, Random SERVICES TO INDIANS AND MEXICAN life,and outlinestheircontributionstothis /louse(el 969] 372 p. 22 em. 331.8 M AMERICANS. country. Stereotypical in many aspects. 1971. 58 p.Edington. Everett D. 016 E 301.451 M MAYA; theriddleandrediscoveryofalost friend of Miguel. Illustrated by Genia. (New civilization. Drawings by John Skolle, MANUEL AND TIIE PEARL [by]LouiseA. York] Rand McNally.1967. 45 p. illus. (part (1959] 240 p.Gallenkamp, Charles. Stinetorf,Illustrated by Joseph Esmurido, col.)24 cm. Fie M 972,015 G (1966] 125 p.Stinetorf. Louise A. Fic S Trina's boxcar. Illus.byRobertL.Jefferson. Nashville Abingdon Press [1967] 112 p. illus. MAYAS OF CENTRAL AMERICA AND MANUEL, HERSCHEL THURMAN, 1887 (part col,)22 cm. Fic M N1EXICO, Spanishspeaking children of the Southwest:their Eye (late House. 1970. Color filmstrip. cassette education 7Ind the public welfare, by Herschel MARTIN, RICHARD A. tape. guide. 970.1 M T. Manuel. Austin. University of Texas Press Mariposas y palomillas;un estudio acerea de los [1965] viii,222p. illus.,maps. 24cm. insectos etas grander y bellos; libros de oro del THE MEANING OF THE MEXICAN Bibliography:p. (209]216. 311.97 NI saber. South Pasadena, California,Bilingual REVOLUTION, editedwithanintrod,by Charles C. Cumberland. Educational Services. I v.illus. Textin xvi, 110 p.Cumberland, Charles Curtis, MANUEL, YOUNG MEXICANANIERICAN, Spanish. 595.7 M [1967] Illustrated in color by Haris Petie.[1st ed.] comp. 972.03 C [1969] 47 p.Greene, Clrla, 1906. Fic G MARTIN, WILLIAM IVAN,1916 MEANS, FLORENCE CRANNELL, 1891 Shepherd. Gene D. Gentle,gentle SEE Knock at the door, Emmy. Illustrated by Paul MANUELA'S BIRTHDAY. Thursday,by GeneD.Shepherd andBill Boston, Houghton Mifflin,1956. 240 1972. Iv. (unpaged)Flat: 0,:n, Laura. E B Martin, Jr. With pictures by Samuel Maitin. Lantz. p. illus. Fie M 811 S 22 cm. MANY MEXICOS,4th ed. rev, am freedom's child, by Bill Martin. Jr. With 1966. xiii, 389 p.Simpson, Lesley Byrd. 1891 MECANICA POPULAR (POPULAR 972 S paintings by Symcon Shimin and lettering by MECHANICS) (Glendale, Calif.] Bowmar Ray Barber. EditorialAmerica,S.A.,6401 N.W.36thSt., MAPA; HOW EXPLORERS MADE A REAL (1970] (32]p.col.illus. 21 cm. (A Bill Virginia Gardens, Florida 33166. issues from MAP OF THE NEW WORLD. [Written by Martin freedom book)Expresses in verse the June 1972 to current.Available from F. W. James O'Donnell] Consultants: Manuel P. Servin idea that an acceptance of al! kinds of people Faxon Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Park. Westwood, [and] W, Michael Mathes [Art and design by andtheirdifferencesisnecessaryto make Mass. 02090. 070 M George Stewart] freedom's dream come true. 811 NI (1969] 31 pO'Donnell, James, 11. 1969. I reach out to the morning,by Hill Martin, Jr. MEIER,MATT S. 526.8 011) Illus. by Henry Markowitz. (Glendale, Calif.] The Chicanos: A history of Mexican Americans; Bowman [1970] [32]p.col.illus. 21 cm. Matt S. Meier and Feliciano Rivera.Hill and El. MAR;libros pant mirar; coleccion el globe de (ABillMartin freedom boo)1A youngster Wang, New Yorl: (A division of Farrar, Straus cnlores, discloses his wish to be receptive to all people and Giroux) 1972. 302 p.(American Century 1970 72 p.Aguirre, F. Goico. 5S1,46 A regardless of color and belief. 811 M Series) 973 M

EL MAR; susorigenes,lasfuerzas que enel MARTINEZ, JOSE,1941 MEMOIRS OF PANC110 VILLA.Translated by imperan y ins seres que lo pueblan,poi. Lincoln A f'..otin two worlds,by Jose Martinez, with Virginia 11, Taylor. Barnett y el Grupo Editorial de life; Libros de urn mmett Smith. (Chicago] (ChildrensPress] [1965] xii, 512 p.Guzman, Marlin Luis, 1887. del saber. 119701 64 p. illus., ports.19 cm. (An Open 920 V 1967 I v Barnett, Lincoln. 551.46 B door hook) Autobiographical. A Puerto Rican tellsofhisstrugglesasan immigrantin MENDELSSMIN, LILIAN, LAS MARAVILLAS DE LA VIDA SALVAJE; un America and howhisworkas a Chicago Traditional Songs of Mexico. Folkways libro de oro de estampas. policeman has helped others likehimself to (FW8769)1966. 33.113 rpm.record,with 1972. 48 p.Holsaert, Eunice. 590 II succeed. 920NI guide. 398.2 M 25 00031 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

A NIF:NU FOR EVERY DAY(Cli menu parts cads THE MEXICAN-AMERICAN PEOPLE, the MEXICAN BORDER BALLADS AND OTHER dial Nation'ssecond largestminority [by]Leo LORE. 1962. 679 p.A unable from Blaine Ethridge, Grebler, Joan W. Moore [and] Ralph C. Guzman, 1946. 143 p.Boatright, Mody C., ed. Detroit, Mich. As:MAI':from Heffernan With Jeffrey L. Berlant [and others] 784.3 B Supply. Bernard, Cenot,ca. 641.5 II [1970] xvii, 777 p., illus., forms, maps.Grebler, 301.451 C MEXICAN COOKBOOK, byErnaFergusson, MERATE LOS OJOS. Illus. de Paul Galdone. Illustrations by Li Browne, Tradueeion de Richard J. Palmer. MEXICAN AMERICAN REVIEW (MEXICO'S 1943. 4 p. I.. 118, [2] p.Fergusson, Erna. 1888- [19681 33 p.Showers, Paul. 612 S ENGLISH LANGUAGE BUSINESS 641.5972 MAGAZINE) MERCI1ANTS OF LABOR:THE MEXICAN lucerna 78, Mexico 6, D.F. issues from June MEXICAN CRAFTS. Compilation ofcraft BRACER° STORY; an account of the managed 1972to lune1974. Available fromF. W. activities for children. Faxon Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, migration of Mexican farm workers in 1973. 18 mimeographed pages. Mexican California,I9421960. Withpref. by Ernest Massachusetts, 02090. 070 M American Curriculum Office. 372,5 M Gruening. Cover drawing by Pietro Lazzari. [1964] 284 p.Galarza, Ernesto, 1905- A MEXICAN AMERICAN SOURCE HOOK. MEXICAN DANCES (PARTS I AND II) [19701 xi, 196 p.Rivera. Feliciano. 375.9 R 331.5 G Aims, 1972. 16 min. color. sd.18 min. each. Part 1-Mexican dances dating buck to the early MEXICALI SOUP.Written by Kathryn Ilitte and MEXICAN AMERICAN SPEAKS-HERITAGE IN BRONZE. Aztec blend with cultural, social and economic William D. Ilayes. Pictures by Anne Rockwell. contributions of the Mexican American.Part Encyclopedia Britannica, 1972. 20 min. color. [1970] [38] p.Grades 3-6.Hate, Kathryn. II-Show parallel back ground in early American Fie U 16 mm. film.Mexican American heritage and culture emphasizing contributions to American andMexicanhistorythatprovidecultural Society: points to methods used to secure social understandingandinfluencesbehindsuch THE MEXICAN AGRARIAN REVOLUTION. dances. Grades 4.12, Adult, 7'13,319 M 1968 (e 19291 xvi, 543 p.Tannenbaum, Frank. equality. 973.1 M 1893- 333 T MEXICAN AMERICAN YOUTH;forgotten youth THE MEXICAN FAMILY IN CALIFORNIA. 1972. 60 min. cassettetape. Edwards, Colin, MEXICAN AMERICAN; a at the crossroads [by] Celia S. Heller. selected and prod. annotated bibliography. [1966] viii. 113 p.Heller, Celia Stopnicka. 173 E 301.453 II 1971. 162 p.Nogales, Luis G., ed. 016 N MEXICAN FIGURINE. MEXICAN AMERICAN ADVISORY COUNCIL AlvaMuseumReplicas.NewYork. statue. MEXICAN AMERICANS. Original of green stonefront Monte Alban; AND TOLEDO PUBLIC SCII0OLS, 1970. 9 photos. of persons.Moreno, Steve. Mixtec culture: 15th century. 972,8 M 1971. 21) tapes. Larson, James, comp. 920 M 371.2 I. MEXICAN AMERICANS. MEXICAN HEROES, A COLLECTION OF 12 PRINTS. M EX1CANAM ER ICAN AUTHORS, [compiled 1971. Transparencies. Available from by) Americo Paredes [and] Raymund Paredes. Denier) Educational -.nrp.Creative Visuals. RAE, Editorials, Mcsien, D.E. 32 prints. color. Available from Bilingual Ei4ucatinnal Service. (19721 152 p. Forcontents see author 920 C 920 M entry.Paredes, Americo,comp. 810.8 P MEXICAN AMERICANS[by] Joan W. Moore with Alfredo Cuellar. MEXICAN HOMES OF TODAY,by Verna Cook MEXICAN AMERICAN CHALLENGE TO A [1970] xii, 172 p.Moore. Joan W. SACRED COW, Shipway and Warren Shipway. 301.451 M 1970. 60 p.Hernandez, Deluvina. [1964] xxi, 248 p.Shipway, Verna Cook. 1890 370.158 II 728,60972 S MEXICAN AMERICANS:suns of the Southwest, MEXICAN AMERICAN CIIILDRE:. by Ruth S. Lamb. MEXICAN INDIAN COSTUMES. Text by 1970. 198 p.Lain;. Ruth Stanton. 978 L 1970. 5 black and white prints.Grades 2-6. Donald and Dorothy Cordry, Photos. by Donald Moreno, Steve. E M Cordry. Foreword by Miguel Covarrubias. THE MEXICAN-AMERICANS: anawakening [1968] xx. 373 p.Cordry, Dnnald Bush. A MEXICAN AMERICAN CHRONICLE. minority [by] Manuel P. Servin. 391.00972, C [1970] viii.235p. 1971. 210 p.Acuna, Rudy. 973 A For contents see author entry.Servin. Manuel P.. 1920- comp. MEXICAN INDIAN CULTURE; a collection of MEXICAN AMERICAN CURRICULUM OFFICE. 301.9451 S prints. Christmas Songs y Blahc Editnrs, Mexico, D.F. 23 study in Spanish a collection. MEXICAN AMERICANS, A HANDBOOK FOR Compiled by M.A.C.O. 1972.cass4te tape prints. Available fromBilingualEducational EDUCATORS, and script.41) min. 398.2 M Service. 970.1 M Mexican crafts. Compilation of craft activities for 1971. 41p. Available from Cninmissionfor Mexican American Affairs.Forbes, Jack D. children.Toledo. Ohio. the office,1973. 18 MEXICAN INDIAN MASK. 371.1 F mimeographed pages.illus. Pinata. cup and Alva Museum Replicas, New York. statue 7 hall. masks. ojos de dins, weave a belt. costume in.high. Originalof wood withredpaint. THE MEXICAN AMERICANS, FROM "LOS Olmee culture. Mexico. 300 to 600 A.D. dolls, Mexican motifs, Mexican artifacts, Indian " TO "LOS CHICANOS." crafts, and symbols. 372.5 M 972.8 M 1971. 139 p.Santa Barbara Schott'. 373.19 5 MEXICAN AMERICAN EDUCATION,a selected MEXICAN AMERICANS IN SCHOOL: a history MEXICAN JEWELRY [by] Mary L. Davis and bibliography, supps, no. I. oc educational neglect [by] Thomas P. Carter. Greta Pack. With drawings by Mary L. Davis. 1971. I [1963] 262 p.Davis, Mary L, v. (unpaged) Altus, David M. 016 A 1970. xi. 235 p.Carter, Thomas P. 371.97 C 739.27 D MEXICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE, by Ernest MEXICAN-AMERICANS IN THE SOUTHWEST, MEXICAN KALEIDOSCOPE. F. Garcia and George Shaftel. Doubleday Multi Media Communications, byErnestoGalarza,Herman Gallegos[and] 1962. 1972. 194 p.Garcia, Ernest F. 973 C Julian Samora. Photos. by George Ballis. color filmstrip & record. (Mexico series) [1969] xi, 90 p.Galarza, Erncstn, 1905 972 M THE MEXICAN-AMERICAN: HERITAGE AND 301.451 C DESTINY. MEXICAN MAZE. With illus. by Diego Rivera. Handel Film Corp., 1971. 29 non. sd. color. 16 MEXICAN-AMERICANS IN THE UNITED [1971. c1931] 369 p.Beals. Carleton. 1893- non. (Americana series,no.7)With stud) STATES: A READER,by John H. Burma. 917.2 B guide. Credits:Producer and director.l eo A [1970] xviii, 487 p.Burma, John H., eninp. Handel; writer, Monroe Manning: adviser, Alex 301.451 II MEXICAN NATIVE ARTS AND CRAFTS. TN)°, narrator, Ricardo Montalban. n.d. imp.Available from Warren's Educational Summary: A Mexican-American whofeels MEXICAN AMERICANS-INVISIBLE Supply. Grades 7-Adult. Fischgrund, Eugenio. culturally deprived and unsure of his identity is MINORITY. 745.5 F shownhisculturalheritage. Discussesthe Indiana U.. 1970. 16 mm. color. sd., 38 min. and ancient modern history ofMexico. Describes the struggle for an identitythat5 MEXICAN NATIVE COSTUMES. describes Mexican-Americans who have million Mexican Americans have.Relates lack n.d. unp.Available from Warrens Educational achieved outstanding success in their work: and of school achievement and emphasizes need to Supply.Fischgrund, Eugenio. 391 F explainshow Spanish words,architecture, retain cultural identity. Grades 7-12, Adult. music, and art have become a part of American 323.1 M MEXICAN NATIVE DANCES. culture 323.1 M [n.d.] unp.Available front Warren's Educational MEXICAN AND CENTRAL AMERICAN Supply. Grades 4-Adult. Fischgrund, Eugenio. MEXICAN iNIERICAN HISTORY -a MYTHOLOGY. 793,31 F curriculum guide for high schools. 1967. 141 p.Nicholson, Irene. 200.4 N 0771 191 pSoto. Sakador V. 373.19 S MEXICAN OBJECTS,A COLLECTION OF THE MEXICAN BIRD,written and illustrated by PRINTS, THE MEXICAN AMERICAN IN AMERICAN Eleanor Frances Lattimore. RAF Publishing Co..Mexico.D.P. 3 study HISTORY, 1965. 123 p.Lattimore. Eleanor Frances. 1904 prints. AvailablefrontbilingualEducational 1973. 183 p.Nava, Julian. 973 N Vic L Service. E M 26 t100.32 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

MEXICAN OR AMERICAN. MEXICO: AN ECONOMY IN TRANSITION. MEXICO: LAND OF SONG, Geraldine Kalan, Atlantis, 1971. 16 nun. color. sound. 17 min. Doubleday (#7706I) 1972. 55 fr. color ed. Study of conflicts vthich ariseina Chicano filmstrip. 33.113 rpm. record. guide. Teaching Resources Films, 1972. 331/3l.p. community.Closes with alternative solutions. 330,0972 M record. (Mexico: Ourdynamic neighhor Social studies, urban problems.Grades 7.12, series) Traces types of music found in Mexico Adult.. 301.451 NI MEXICO BEFORE CORTEZ;art, history, legend. from historical perspective. 917.2 K Translated by Willis Barustone. [1st ed.] MEXICAN POTTERS;clayart in oldMexico. 1963. 135 p.Bernal, Ignacio. 972.01 B MEXICO, LAND OF THE PLUMED SERPENT, PaulIii Productions. 1949. 11 by Clara Louise Grant and Jane Werner Watson. color, 16 min. (Our neighhors) With teacher's MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA AND SOUTH [1968) III p. Grant, Clara Louise. 917,2 G guide.Credits; Producer.Paul L. Hoeller. AMERICA. Summary: Shows hots the pottery made by the A. J. Nystrom and Co. Wall map.Topological MEXICO OF THE INDIANS, PARTS 1& 11. naiiN e artists reflects the home life. history, and tnap of countries. 972 NI Mexico of the Indians Parts one and two, traditions of the people who live in the various Multi Media Productions. Inc.. 1969. Two 45 regions of mcxico.For elementary. junior and MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, AND THE fr.colorfilmstrips withrecord & Teacher's senior high school. college. and adult groups. Guide.(Lesson 2 of The Mexican Heritage, 738.1 NI WEST INDIES. Illus,by Zeno Flax.[1st American ed.] which is PartIof the series La Raza) Survey [1971. c1970) 48 p.Clayton. Robert. of preColumbian 16th century cultures. THE MEXICAN STORY; withlithographs by Lynd Ward.[1st ed.] 917.2 C emphasizing Indian society and advanced social and political organization. [1953) 96 p.Nit:Neer, May Yonge. 1902- 973.621 L 972 McN MEXICO CITY. Eye Gate House. 1957. 38fr. color. 35 mm. MEXICO: OUR DYNAMIC NEIGHBOR. THE MEXICAN WAR. with cassette.(Mexico. our friendly neighhor. 1972. 433-1/3 rpm. records. 6 color filmstrips. 3 charts. I [1960) 181 p.Singletary. Otis A. 973.62 S no. 8) 917.24 NI guide.Kalan, Geraldine. 917.2 K THE MEXICAN WAR-WAS IT MANIFEST MEXICO CITY. MEXICO: OUR DYNAMIC NEIGHBOR DESTINY? [n.d.) unp. Available from Warren's Educational SERIES. [1963) 118 p.Ruiz. Ramon Eduardo. ed. Supply. Grades 4Adult.Fischgrund. Eugenio. ArtisticHeritage. Geraldine Kalan. ed. 1972. 973.621R 917.2 F 68 fr. color filmstrip with record & guide. 917.2 K MEXICAN WORLD. MEXICO (CITY) MUSE() NACIONAL DE ConquesttoRevolution, Geraldine Kalan. ed. Graphic Service.Inc., 2617 E. Hennepin Ave.. ANTROPOLOGIA. 1972. 69fr.colorfilmstripwithrecord & Minneapoli. Minn. 55413. issues from July SEE Bernal. Ignacio. 3000 years of art and guide. 917,2 K 1972 to current.Availahle from F. W. Faxon life in Mexico, as seen in the National Museum Economic Success Story, Geraldine Kalan, ed. (.'o., Inc., 15 Southwest Park, Wesmood, Mass., of Anthropology, Mexico City. ByIgnacio 1972. 58fr.colorfilmstripwithrecord & 02090.Mexican publication showing pictorial Bernal with Roman Pina-Chan and Fernando guide. 917.2 K presentation of Latin America. 070 M CamaraBarbachano. Photos. by Irnigard GeographicContrasts, GeraldineKalan,ed. Groth. [Translated from the Spanishby 1972. 62fr.color filmstripwith record & MEXICANA BRASS SLEM035. Carolyn B. Czitrom) 972 B guide. 917,2K Capitol Records. 784.71 C Life Styles. Geraldine Kalan, ed. 1972.72 fr. MEXICO CITY: VITAL METROPOLIS, color filmstrip with record & guide. 917.2 K THE MEXICANS,the making of a nation. Geraldine Kalan, ed. Mexico City:Vital Metropolis.Geraldine Kalan. [1967) vii, 268 p. ed. 1972.69 fr. color filmstrip with record & Alba. Victor. 917.2 A Teaching Resources Films, 1972. 69 fr.color guide. filmstrip with record & guide.(Mexico:Our 917.2 K THE MEXICANS IN AMERICA; astudents' dynamic neighbor series) View of the city and Mexico:Land of Song, Geraldine Kalan. ed. guide to localized history. 1972. influences of Indian and Spanish. 917.2 K 33 1/3 I.p. record. 917.2 K [1968) vii. 32 p.McWilliams. Carey, 1905. 973 Me%V MEXICO, CRAFTS & INDUSTRIES. MEXICO, OUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR. Agriculture. 1952.27 fr., color. 35 mm. 1968. 8 color study prints.Singer. 917.2 S MEXICO. 631 A Doubleday Multi Media. International Fiestas. recreation, education, markets, and Communications Mins, 1962. 4 color MEXICO IN ITS NOVEL;a nation's search for identity, by John S. Brushwood. handicrafts. 1957. 40 fr., color, 35 mm. filmstrips & 1precords.Contents:Mexico- 917.2 F' [1966) xii,292p. Brushwood, John Stubbs, the land & it's history; Cities of Mexico; Fiesta Fishing. livestock. transportation. and 1920 timeMexico; Mexican kaleidoscope.Grades 863 B communication. 1957.36 fr., color, 35 mm. 4-8. 972 M 917.2 F MEXICO IN PICTURES. The geographic background. 1957.38 fr.. color. [1961) 64 p.Hall. BarbaraJ. MEXICO. 917,2 H 35mm. 917,2 G [n.d.] unp.Availahle from Warren's Educational The historic background. 1957.42 fr., color, 35 Supply. Grades 4-Adult. Fischgrund, Eugenio. MEXICO IN REVOLUTION. mm. 972 H Encyclopedia 917.2 F Britannica, 1965. 53fr.color Mexico City. 1957.38 fr. color. 35 mm. with filmstrip. (Mexico in transition series) cassette. 917.24 NI MEXICO. 330.972 NI Natural resources and major industries. 1957. [19641 122 p.Hancock. Ralph. 1903- 36 fr.. color. 35 nuts. 333.7 N 917.2 MEXICO IN TRANSITION SERIES. Other cities. 1957. 40 fr., color, 35 nim. Agricultural Revolution in Mexico. 1965.50 fr. 917.20 MEXICO, byWilliam Weher Johnson and the color filmstrip. 338,1 A The people -.their dress, homes. and food. 1957. ofLife. editors ArtisticRevolutioninMexico. 1965. 50fr. 43 fr.. color, 35 nun. 917,2 P 1961. 160 p.Johnson. William Weher, 1909. color filmstrip. 709 A 917.2 J Arts and Crafts of Mexico. 1965. 50 fr. color MEXICO, REVOLUTION TO EVOLUTION, 1940- filmstrip. 745.5 A MEXICO;a revolution by education. 1960. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Industrial Revolution inMexico. 1965.53 fr. Institute of International Affairs. 1936. 211 p.Sanchez. George i. color filmstrip. )72 I 372.89072 S 1963 [c 1962) x, 374 pCline, Howard Francis. Land of Mexico. 1965.51 fr. color filmstrip. 972 C 917.2 L MEXICO:a history in art. MexicoinRevolution. 1965. 53fr.color 1968. 296 p.Smith, Bradley. 709.72 S MEXICO: SABADO WITH RAMON, filmstrip. 330.972 NI Doubleday Multi Media, 1971. 16 mm. color MEXICO;the struggle for peace and bread. People of Mexico. 1965.51 fr. color filmstrip. film.12 min.As we follow Ramon through a 917.2 P 1950. 293 p'lunncnhaunt, Frank. 917.2 T Saturday..welearn somethingoflifeof a Three Farmers in Mexico. 1965.52 fr.color. middle class Mexican family: in Mexico City. MEXICO.Illus. by Katherine Grace, filmstrip. 338.1 1' 917.2 M [1964) 92 p.Wood, Frances Elizaheth. 917.2 W MEXICO, INTRODUCTORY SURVEY KIT. MEXICO SERIES, I)ouhleday Multimedia. 1962. 2 35 nun. Cities or M':xico. 1962. colorfilmstrip and MEXICO: A CONIMUNITY STUDY. filmstrips. I 33.1/3 rpm. record. 24 b. & w. record. 972 M Eye Crate, 1972. 4 filmstrips; 2 records. study prints. I study guide. 972 NI Fiesta TimeMexico. 1962.color filmstrip & Contemy'town and village in the mountains record. 972 M of Fuehla. The of ZihriaTrinejo and its MEXICO, INTRODUCTORY SURVEY KIT. Mexican Kaleidoscope. 1962.color filmstrip & tun Ileindustry.Community developmentin Doubleday Multimedia, 1962. 2 35 min. record. 972 NI Michoacan.Chihuahua:life in a northern filmstrips. I 33-1/3 rpm. record.24 h. & w. Mexicothe land and its history. 1962.color Mexican city 972 NI study prints. Istudy guide. 972 M filmstrip and record. 972M MEXICO A TO Z;pictures by Carlos Merida. MEXICO. LAND OF HIDDEN TREASURE, MEXICO, THE CITIES. 1966. 28 pMeynier, Gil. 917.2 M (1967) 224 p.Credle, Ellis, 1902. 917.2 C 196%. 8 color study prints.Singer. 917,2 S 27 000 33 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

MEXICO, THE COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE, MEYNIER, GIL. MIGRANT PROGRAM OF THE MICHIGAN NO. I: PRE-COLUMBIAN MEXICO. Mexico A toZ: picturesby CarlosMerida. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Filmstrip House, 1965. 37fr.color. 35 mm. Watts, 1966. 28 p. col. illus. An Developinglanguagecurricula Ann Arbor, and phonodisc: I s.,10 in., 33 I 3 rpm.. 10 introduction to Mexico from A to /., in which Michigan, Michigan Migrant Primary .nin.microgroove.(Nations of today)With the author provides facts about the country in Interdisciplinary Project,1969. 72 p. scriptand discussion guides.A viewof the delightfulrhymesforeveryletterofthe 372.6 NI earlyIndiansof Mexico%Acre they came alphabvt.Size:7 3/4 by 10 1/2 inches. from, him they lived. and the civilization they 917.2 M MIGUEL ESTA ENFER MO. developed. Discussesthe geography the Young America Films.Released by McGraw-Hill country- and the languages, folkways, art and MIDICCIONARIO 1LUSTRADO, EDICION Book Co., 1959. 50 fr., color. 35 mm. and music of the country. 917.2 M BILINGUE; Monroe, Marion, My dictionary, disc: I s.,10 in.,33 1/3 rpm.(Spanish for bilingual edition. elementaryschools. SetI)With teacher's MEXICO, THE COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE, 1971. 96 p. Aquino-Bermudez. Federico. guide. Credits: Educational adviser,Vera NO. 2: SPANISH COLONIAL PERIOD. 460 A Villegas. Uses pictures with Spanish captions Filmstrip House, 1965. 36fr.color. 35 nom totella story.Builds a vocabulary dealing with record & guide. (Nations of Today-) MI PARAGUAS ROJO.Traducido del ingles por with Spanish words for parts of the body. 917.2 NI Marion H. Redfield. 468 S [19681 [32) p.Bright. Robert. 1902- E B MEXICO, THE COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE, MIGUEL'S MOUNTAIN, by Bill Binzen. NO. 3: FIRST CENTURY OF MICHIGAN. DEPT. OF EDUCATION. [1968) Iv. (unpaged)Sitwell. William. INDEPENDENCE. A bilingual oral language and conceptual Fic B Filmstrip House, 1965 33fr.color. 35 tun. development program for Spanish-speaking pre- and phonodisc: I s..10 in.. 33 113 rpm., 10 schoolchildren. Curriculum Divisionof LAS MIL Y UNA NOCHES;Viajes dc Simbad El min. microgroove.(Nations of today)With Michigan, Dept. of Education, Amrino. script and discussion guides. 1968. Iv. Surveys the first (unpaged) 1969. 47 p.Plaja. Arturo Serrano. 398.2 P hundred years 91' the attempt of the Mexicans 372.65 M SEE Migrant Program ofthe to govern themselves (1821-1921). Michigan Highlights Department of Education. MILLER, MARILYN, 1925 - the lack of education and preparation for self- Developing language curricula. 372.6 M SEE Roberts. Suzanne Fleisher. 192't. government, foreign interference,recurring Gracie, bySuzanne Roberts. Illustratedby dictatorships, the 1910 revolution, and the slow Marilyn Miller. [1st ed.) Fic R emergence of a distinctive Mexican civilization. MICHIGAN ORAL LANGUAGE PRODUCTIVE TESTS. 1970 ACrEL Edition. 917.2 M MILLON, ROBERT PAUL. Available from Michigan Migrant Primary Zapata; the ideology of a peasant revolutionary. InterdisciplinaryProject.3800 PackardRd., MEXICO, THE COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE. Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104. by Robert P. Milton.[1st cd.) New York, NO. 4: MODERN MEXIC'). Michigan Oral International Publishers [1969) Language Series. 375.4 M 159 p. 21 cni. Filmstrip House. 1965. 37fr.color. 35 nun. Bibliography:p. 151-153. 920.0 Z and phonodisc: Is..10n.. 33 1/3 rpm., 10 MICHIGAN ORAL LANGUAGE SERIES. min. microgroove.(Natic.ns of today)With MINARIK, ELSE HOLMELUND. Bilingual Conceptual Development script and discussion guides. Emphasizes Guide-- Osito. Little bear.Ilustrato .?or Maurice Scndak. Preschool. 1970 ACTFL edition. recent economic and cultural developments and Available Traduccion del ingles poPura Belpre. New from Michigan the currentproblems of agriculturalpoverty Migrant Primary York, Harper & Row [1969)61 p. col. illus. InterdisciplinaryProject,3800PackardRd., and limited educational opportunities which arc 23 cm. (A Spanish I can read book)Four Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. characteristicof modernMexico. Includes 375.4 M brief talesin which %ink! Bear playsinthe many examples of art and architecture. Developing Language Curricula: Programed snow, has a birthday oarty, goes to the moon, Exercise for Teachers. 917.2 M 1970 ACTFL Edition. and dreams about the things he would like to AvailablefromMichiganMigrantPrimary do. Text in Spanish. E M MEXICO, THE COUNTRYSIDE. InterdisciplinaryProject.3800PackardRd.. Singer. Society for Visual Ed. (SP 144) 1968. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. 375.4 M LAS MINIATURAS EN EL ARTE POPULAR English 8 color study prints. 917.2 S Guide-Kindergarten. 1970 ACTFL MEXICAN()(con ilus. del autor).Prologo de edition. AvailablefromMichiganMigrant Gabriel Moedano. MEXICO-THE LAND AND ITS HISTORY. Primary Interdisciplinary Project. 3800 Packard [1970) xviii, 82 p.Charpenel. Maurieio. Rd.. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Doubleday Multi Media Communications, 1962. 375.4 M 745.5 C color filmstrip and record. (Mexico series) Interdisciplinary Oral Language Guide; Primary 972 M One-Parts 1-41970 ACTFL Edition. Part MINORITIES ALL;the Story of the countless 1-lessons1.40;Part2-lessons 41-80; Part 3- men and women who believed in the American MEXICO, THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. lessons 81.120; Part 4-lessons 121-160. Dream and labored to make it their reality, Available 1971. Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, inc. fromMichiganMigrantPrimary 191 p.Leinwand. Gerald. 301.451 L EncyclopaediaBritannicaFilms, 1961. 21 InterdisciplinaryProject.3800PackardRd., sd.. color, 16 mm. Second edition of the Ann Arbor. Mich. 48104. 375.4 M MINORITIESINA CHANGING WORL' motion picture People ofMexico. With Michigan Oral Language Productive Tests. 1970 edited by Milton L. Barron, teachers guide.Credits:Collaborator, Preston ACTFL Edition. Available from Michigan 1967. xiii,481,ix p. Barron,MiltonLeo,., E. James.Another issue.b&w. Summary: Migrant Primary Interdisciplinary Project, 3800 1918-cd. 301.451 B Portrays the changes that are taking place in Packard Rd., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Mexico. including the growth of a middle ckss 375.4 M MINORITIES IN TEXTBOOKS;a study of their Spanish treatment in social studies texts,by Michael B. societywhichisdevelopingas a resultof Guide--Kindergarten. 1970 ACTFL Kane. Pref. by Oscar Cohen. education andindustrialprogress. Includes edition. AvailablefromMichiganMigrant views which show Mexico as an old country Primary Interdisciplinary Project. 3800 Packard [1970) 148 p.Kane, Michael B. 301.45 K with new ideas, striving to provide a better life Rd.. Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104. 3)5.4 M for its people. pointing out the Indian village MINORITIES: U.S.A. and primitiveopen-air markets within a few MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. ENGLISH 1971. 406 p.Finkelstein, Milton. 30i.45 F minutes drive of a cityAli beautiful parks, LANGUAGE INSTITUTE. fine theaters. and office buildings. Englishconversationpractice. an intensive MINORITY GROUP ADOLESCENTS IN THE UNITED STATES. 972.1 M courseinEnglish supplement [by)Maxine Contributors:Eugene B. Guin Phinncy with Ruth Hok, Shirley Brody [and others] Brody, Eugene B. B-itimore. MEXICO, THE: SUNNY LAND OF Minkcwitz [and) DonL. F.Nilsen. Ann Williams & Wilkins.1968. vii MONTEZUMA;by Eleanor Zoueff and Francis Arbor, University of Michigan Press [1968) ..4' .0. 24 cm. Includes A. Winiarski. xii, 117 p. illus.24 cm. 428.3 M bibliographical refereoc i. 301.43 B 1969. 47 p.Cirades 1-4.Zotieff. Eleanor. SEE Lawrence,Mary S. Writing as a thinking process [by) Mary S. Lawrence. MINORITY YOUTH: ANGIE. 917.2 Z Bally Film Assoc., 1970. 808 L 16 tom. color. sd. 10 min.Angie relates her pride, feelings. concern, MEXICO TODAY[by] John A. Crow. Rev. ed. hopes in being a Mexican American.Grades [1971.c1972; sit/. 369 p. Crow, MIGHTY HARD ROAD; thestoryof Cesar John 4-12. 301.451 NI Armstrong. 917.2 C Chavez[by] James P. Terzion and Kathryn Cramer. [1st ed.] MIS PRIMEROS CONOCIMIENTOS. MEXICO'S HISTORY IN PICCURES, 1970. 136 p. Terzian. Jams P. 920 C 1961. Bendick. Jeanne. 629.2 11 HeffernanSupply. 7 packetsofpostcards. Spanish text 972 M MIGRANT. MIS PRIMEROS CONOCIMIENTOS. National Broadcasting Company. inc. National 1961. Bendick, Jeanne. B MEXICO'S PRE:HISPANIC SCULPTURE. BroadcastingCo. Made by NBC News. (n.c1.1 unpAvailable front Warren's Educational Releasedby NBC EducationalEnterprises. MIS PRIMEROS CONOCIMIENTOS. Supply. Grades 5. Adult. Fernandez. Justine. 1970. 53 min. sd.color.16 mm. 2parts. 1961. Brewster, Benjamin. 790 B 730.972 F Credits: Producer and director. Martin Carr; writers, Marilyn Nisscnson. Martin Carr; MIS PRIMEROS CONOCIMIENTOS. MEXICO'S SCHOOLMADE SOCIETY, by narrator. Chet Huntley. Summary: Studies the 1961. Dickinson, Alice. 580 D George C. Booth. plight of the migrant farm worker, graphically [1969. c1941) xi. 175 p.Booth, George C' showing that his situation needs great MIS PRIMEROS CONOCIMIENTOS. 370.972 improvement. 331.67 M 1961. Dickinson. Alice. 591 I) 28 00034 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

MIS PRIN1EROS CONOCIMIENTOS. MOORE, TRUMAN E. NIOS'I' HATED MAN IN NEW MEXICO. 1961. Hamilton. Russel. 621 II The slaves M. e rent (by] Truman Moore.Photos. NBC..972. 16 min. color. sd. 29 min.Portrait by the author. New York, Random 11,use of Reis Tijerina. avocal spokesman forthe MIS PRIME CONOCIMIENTOS. 119651 xiii, 171 p. illus.,ports. 22 cm. Southwest poor. and ine Mexican American 1961. Norman. Gertrude. 780 N Bibliography:p. ( 1611- 166. 331.67 M movement. Grades 7.12. Adult. 978.9 NI NHS PRIME CONOCINIIENTOS. MOQUIN, WAYNE, comp. MOTHER GOOSE. 1961. Sevrey, Irene. 550 S A documentary history of the Mexican Americans. Mother Goose in Spanish. ,P esias de la Madre Edited by Wayne Moquin. with Charles Van NI1S PRIN1EROS CONOCINHENTOS. ()cal Translations by Alastair Reid and Doren. Introd. by Feliciano Rivera. consulting 1961. Stoddard, Edward. 621 S Anthony Kerrigan. Pictures by Barbara editor. New York. Praeger(19711 xiv. 399 Cooney. New p. illus., lacsims., ports.25 em. Bibliography: Reid.Alastair, 1926- tr. MIS PRINIEROS CONOC:INIIENTOS. York. T. Y. Crime!! Co.(19681 (441 p. illus. 1961. Taber. Gladys. 591 T r 13931-394. 973.04 NI Maker..of America. Editor:Wayne Moquin. (part col.) ?6 em. 398.8 NI MR. POLK'S WAR;the conflict no one wanted, General editors: Mortimer J. Adler and Charles by Bob and Jan Young.Illustrated by Polly Van Doren. Assistant editor: Dorothy N(UNDO I)E LAS IIORMIGAS;como riven, Bolian.[1st ed.] Anderson.Consultants: Theodore C'. trabajan y se comunican las unas con las otras en 119681 176 p.Young, Bob, 1916.11)61). Nathan Glazer (and] Feliciano Ris era. la colonia; lihros de oro del saber; por G. Collins 973.62 Y (Chicago] Encyclopaedia Britannica Wheat; ilustrudo con fotograflas; dibujos de Eric Educational Corp. [19711 10 v.illus., maps. Mose. THE M1XTEC KINGS AND TI1E1 R PEOPLE. ports.28 cm. Bibliography: v. 10. p. 189-197. 1965. Iv.Wheat, G. Collins. 595.7 W [1st ed.] Contents. --v.I. The firsteomers. 1536-1800.-- (19671 xvii, 159 p.Spores, Ronald. 970.3 S v.2.Builders of a new nation. 1801.1848. -v. EL NIUNDO I)E LOS INSECI'OS; texto e 3. Seekersafterfreedom,1849-1870. v. 4 ilustraciones deWalter Linsenmaier;Vol.16; MODERN MEXICO. Seekers after wealth, 1871-1890.---v. 5. Natives SEE Mexico, the country and its people, no. Coleccion Odisea. and aliens. 1891-1903.v. 6. The new 4:Modern Mexico. 917.2 M 1964. Iv.Linsenniaier. Walter. 595.7 L immigrants. 1904-1913. --v. 7. Hyphenated Americans, 1914.1924. -v.8. Children of the MODERN POLITICS IN AMERICA;how did it MURPHY, MARY. melting pot,1925-1938.v.9.Refugees and come about? Martin W. Sandler,EdwinC. Yes; theearlyeducation establishment re- victims, 1939-1954.---v. 10. Emergent Rozwenc, and Edward C. Martin. examined. Conference panel. Atlanta. 1971. 70 p.Sandler, Martin W. 320.5 S minorities. 1955.1970. 917.3 NI . National Association fo the MODERN VOCATIONAL TRENDS REFERENCE Education of Young Children, 1972. I v. HANDBOOK. MORALES, ARNIANDO. (unpaged) illus. 372 M Glanvelle, JuanL., 1908- ed. New York. Ando Sangrando: I andbleeding;a study of World Trade AcademyPress. s. 28cm. Mexican American police conflict. P.O. Box MURPHY, PATRICK J. Titlevaries: 1957.58. Modernvocational 3563. La Puenta, California 91744. Perspectiva CarlosCharles (by]Patrick J. Murphy and trendshandbook.Editor: 1960.61, J.L. Publications. 141 p.illus. Available from ShirleyRousseauMurphy. Viking 1e 1 9711 Glanvelle.--1963- J.I.. Angel.Vols. for 1963 Commission for Mexican American Affairs. 155 p. CarlosCharles, a twelve-year-old distributed by Regents Pub. Co., New York. 323.4 NI orphan, is declared a juvenile delinquent and 371.425058 M paroled to the care of a kindly Spanish boat MORALES, RAFAEL. builder.His life seems to straighten itself out LOS NIOJADOS: the wetback story,by Julian Leyendas de al-andalus. Mexico, Aguilar.1960. Samora,with the assistance ofJorge A. as he works with the gentle man. until he is 95p.illus. Spanishtext. Availablefrom threatened by Mena, a former jail-mate. Bustamonte, F. and Gilbert Cardenas. Bilingual Educational Service. 39e.2 NI (19711 205 p.Samora. Julian, 1920- Fic NI 301.328 5 MORE FUN WITH SPANISH. Illustrated by Ann Atene. [1st ed.] MURPHY, ROBERT CUSIINIAN. Ayes raras y exoticas;coleccion Odisca. South (19671 120 p.Cooper, Lee. 468.3 C Pasadena. California, Bilingual Educational MOREHEAD, SANSE. Services; Odyssey Press. inc.,vol.14. 1964. MOLNAR, JOE. IfyouwereborninMexico. Educational Iv. illus.Text in Spanish. 598.2 NI Graciela; a Mexican American childtellsher Reading Service. 1968. Color filmstrip.Daily story. Franklin Watts. 1972. I v. (unpaged) life in a village and the city arc depicted and MUSIC OF LARAZA, VOL. I;Los Pinguinos del illus. 920 G contrasted.Accurate presentation.Grades K- Norte (Sr 3002) 6. 972 NI 33-1/3 rpm. record. Topical songs from the Rio MONTAGU, ASIILEY, 1905. Grande. 785 NI Man's most dangerous myth.thx fallacy of race. NIORENO, STEVE. 4th ed.. rev. and oil. Cleveland. World Pub. The Lopez family;story of a Mexican American MUSIC OF TIIE TARASCON INDIANS OF Co. 499 p. (19641 tables. 22 CM. family. Moreno Educational Company. 1971. MEXICO; Music ofNfichoacaand Nearby Bibliography:p. 429.488. 572 M 13 p. illus. E NI Country. Mexican American Children. Moreno 1970. 33.1/ Available MONTALVO, NANCY ANN. Educational Company, San Diego. California. Cantosinfannlesparslurjardines denines. from Rose Record Store Yurcheneo, 1970. 5 black and white prints.Grades 2-6. Henrietta. 970.1 Y Moreno Educational Company. 1971. unp. E NI illus. 10 songs for children with score. 784.8 M Mexican Americans. Moreno Educational Company, 1970.9 photos. of persons. MUSICA PREHISPANICA Y MESTIZA DE 920 NI MEXICO. MOORE, JOAN W. Estereofonieo (MKS-1773), RCA Victor. n.d. SEE Cirebler, Leo. Parents -Padres: parents teach your children to The MexicanAnknican 33-1/3 rpm. record. F,70.4 M people.theNation's second largest minority learn. Moreno Educational Co.. 1974.32 p. (by] Leo (irebler. Joan W. Moore (and] Ralph illus. Manual to eneoarage parents to work ('Guzman.WithJeffrey L.Herlant(aid with their children in order for the children to MY BROTHER, ANGEL. Illustrated byLouis others] 301.451 G succeed. 371.1 NI Glanzman. Me sican Americans (by] Joan W. Moore with (19711 119 p.Beckett. Hilary. Fic B AlfredoCuellar. Englewood.cliffs,N.J.. MORGAN, DON A.,ed. PrentieeHall(19701 xii. 172 p. illus.24 cm. Educational programs for bypassed populations. MY FRIEND IS MRS. JONES. Writtenby (Ethnic groups in American life series) College of Education. Uniersity of Nancy Curry. Photographed by Harvey Mandlin. Bibliography: p. 11611-164. 301.451 M Minnesota/Minneapolis. October 1970. 123 p. (19671 Iv.Curry. Nancy. E C 370.1 NI MOORE, JOHN TRAVERS. SEE Moore, Ma:garet K. Pepito's speech at MY HOUSE IS YOUR HOUSE [by] Rafael V. MORIN, RAUL. Martinez. theUnitedNations,byMargaret & John Among the valiant;Mexican-Americans in WW (19641 127 p.Martinez, Rafael V. 1923- Trasers Moore.Pictures by George Overlie. II and Korea.Los Angeles. Borden Pub. Co.. Published with the cooperation of the (Anted 392 NI 1963. 291) p. illus.23 em. 940.5404 NI Nations. Fic M MY NAME IS PABLO,Translated by Patricia MOORE, MARGARET R. MORLEY, JOAN. Improving aural comprehension; student book Crampton. Illustrated by Hans Norman Dahl. Pepito'sspeechat theUnitedNitions, by and teacher's book of readings. University of (1966, c19651 143 p.Sommerfelt. Aimee, 1892 - Margaret & John Ti avers Moore. Pictures by Fic S George Overlie. Published with the cooperation Michigan Press. 1972. 372.65 NI of the Puted '.4ations. Minneapolis. ('arolrhoda Books (19711 (471p.illus. 23 MORROW, ELIZABETH. MYRES, SANDRA L. cm When the time arrives for NTH() to give ThepaintedPig; AMexicanpicturebook. The ranch in , 1691-1800. Texas hisspeechbeforetheUnite INations, he Knopf, 19.10. 32 p.illus. 2children tryto Western Press. 1969. 69 p. forgets what he had planned to say. Mc M buy a piggy bank. Mc NI (Southwestern Series) 976.4 NI 29 00035 AUTHOR/TITLE INDEX

NABOKOV, PETER. NAVA, JULIAN. Nov voRK TimEs. Tip:rinaandthecourthouseraid. [1sted.] TheMexicanAmericaninAmericanHistory. Land of Song (430020). From Mexico:Our Albuquerque. t tmcrxity of Nev.5,1c xico Press American Book Company., 1973. 183 p. illus. dynamicneighbor;mediakit. New York [1969J mi. 285 p.illus., map, ports23 cm. 973 N Times, Teaching Resources Films, 1972. 33- Flibliographical references includedin "Notes I i 3rpm.record. Historicalpresentation of on sources" 1p 269.274) 978.905 N music of Mexico.Well done.Grades 5-Adult Visa la rum readings on Mexican Americans. Available from Baker & Taylor. 781.7 N NACAR, wtirrE:DEER. Illustratedby New York. Van Nostra id[1973] sit, 169 p. Enrico Arno. illus.23 on. 815 N NEWELL, CROSBY. [1963] 149 p.Tre%ino, Elizabeth Burton, 1904- Date prisa, caehazudo. N.Y., Grosset & Dunlap NEGRETE,JORGE, Fie T Pub.. 1971. 60p. illus. (Librofacilde Fiesta Mexicana. RCA Victor.( MKS- I 157). 33- lectura) Text in Spanish. EN NAPOLEON;Irmengarde Eberle Koehler y Arnold 1!3 rpm. record. 784.8 N W. Koehler. NFWMAN, CHARLES. 1972. 48 p.Koehler. Irmengardc Eberle. NEGRON, BILL. Tri Quarterly, No. 15. Spring 1969. Evanston, 920 N SEE Foster. Ed. Tejanos. Illustrated by Bill III., Northwestern University. 1 v. Negron.Introd. by Richard G. Santos. Section on [1st "Contemporary Latin American Litel at ure." NASH, VERONICA. ed.] Fie F 814 N Carlito's %%odd; ablockinSpanishHarlem. Illustrated by Dioid Stone. Ness NELSON, EUGENE:, 1929- K. York, NEWMAN, PAUL. [1969] [321 p. col. illus.20 x liticlga: thefirsthundred days orthegreat Ningunlugarparajugar. N.Y.,Grossct & 2Icm. (Ourlo ingneighborhoods) "A Delano grape strike. Delano,Calif.,Farm Dunlap Publishers, 1971. Rutledge book."A littlePuerto Rican boy Worker Press,1966. viii, 122 p.illus., ports. (Libro Neil de describes his family, home. school, friends, and 22 cm. 331.89 N 1:clura) Text in Spanish. E N amusements in the Spanish Harlem section()I' LOS NIBELUNGOS;coleccion el globo de colores; . E N NERUDA AND VALLEJO: SELECTED POEMS, edited by Robert Bly. 'Translations by Robert 2nd edition. NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. BI!,, John Knoepfle, and James Wright. 1960. 76 p.Espina. Antonio. 398 E SEE Migrant. 331.67 M [1971] six, 269 p.Bly, Robert. comp. 861 B NICHOLSON, IRENE. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF NERUDA, PABLO, 1904 - Mexican and Central American mythology. ENGLISH. TASK FORCE ON TEACHING Anew decade; poems: 1958-1967.Edited with lianilyn Publishing, 1967. 141 p. illus. ENGLISH TO THE DISADVANTAGED. an in trod. by Ben Belitt. Translations by Ben 200.4 N Language programs forthe disad%antaged; the Batt and Alastair Reid.New York. Grove report of the NcrE Task Force on Teaching Press[1969] xlvi, 274 p.21 cm. English NINE DAYS TO CHRISTMAS,by Marie Hall English to the Disad%antiged.Richard Corbin and Spanish. Bibliography: p. 273.274. Ets and Aurora Labastida.Illustrated by Marie [and]NIuriel Crosby. co chairmen. [Chicago] 861 N Hall Ets, NationalCouncilofTeachersofEnglish Selectedpoems. EditedbyNathanielTarn. [1959] 48 p.Ets, Marie Hall, 1895- EE [1965] viii.327p.illus.23 cm. Includes Translated by Anthony Kerrigan [and others] bibliographies. 371.96 N [1stAmerican ed.] [New York]Delacorte NINGUN LUGAR FARA JUGAR. Press [1972] 509 p.24 cm. English and 1971. Newman. Paul. E N NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY. Spanish. 861 N 1967. Is. (unpaged)Available from Warrens NINO, CHILD OF THE MEXICAN Educational Supplies. Grades 4-Adult. Marin, NEURATII, MARIE. REVOLUTION. Translatedandadapted by Carlos Martinet, 069,9 M They livedlikethisin ancient Mexico; artist: James F. Shearer, John Ellis. Watts. 1971.32 p. col. illus., col. [1971] xii, 156 p.Iduarte, Andres, 1907- THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF map. Flow people lived and what they did in 972 I ANTHROPOLOGY;Mexico:art, architecture, ancient Mexico.The accompanying drawings. archaeology, anthropology[by] Pedro Ramirez inspired by the original art work of the Aztecs. LOS NINOS VOLADORES, LA ASTUCIA DE Vazquez [and others].Introd. by Ignacio Bernal. helpcapturetheflavorofthetimesand GALLINITA. DesignedandeditedbyBeatriceTrueblood. customs described. Grades 4-8. 970.3 N AvailablefromHeffernanSupply. Editorial [Translation from the Spanish text:Mary Jean They lived like this:The ancient Maya; artist: Vase° Americana. EE Labadie, Aza Zatz] JohnEllis. Watts. 1966. 32p.col.illus. Informative 257 p. Ramirez Vazquez. Pedro. 970.4 R text and drawings describe daily NOGALES, LUIS G.,ed. life in the ancient Mayan civilization of Ccntral The Mexican Ameliean; a selected and NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY- America. Grades 4-8. 970.3 N annotated bibliography. Stanford Uni. :rsity, CHAPULTEPEC CASTLE:. 1971. 162p. Includes Chicano periodical NEVINS, ALBERT J. 1915 - I s. listings. 016 N 1967. (unpaged) Grades Away to Mexico Fernandez, Justin°. 069.9 F [by] Albert J. Nevins. New York. Dodd, Mead [1966] 96 p. illus., map. NORMAN, GERTRUDE. 24 cm. 917.2 N NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF Mis primeros conocimientos. Grolier. 1961. 3 titles: EDUCATION. A NEW DECADE; poems: 1958-1967. Edited with Musica; Dibujo; Ballet. Text in Spanish. The curriculum: retrospect and prospect. 70th an Introd. by Ben Belitt. Translations by Ben 780 N yearbook. Chicago,Unix crsityof Chicago Belltt and Alastair Reid. Press.1971. 365 p. NORRIS, WILLA. 370,62 N [1969] xlvi, 274 p. Neruda, Pablo, 1904- The information service in guidance: occupational. NATIONCIIILD PLUMAROJA. 861 N educational, social, by Willa Norris, Franklin 1972. unp.Alurista, A. 811 A R. Zeran [and] Raymond N. Hatch.2d ed. THE NEW LIFE-LA VIDA NUEVA; the Chicago. Rand McNally Martin [1966] vi, 600 p. NATIONS OF TODAY. Ortiz. Illustrated with photos. illus. 24cm. (RandMcNallyeducation Mexico,the country and its people, no.I:Pre [1971] 109 p.Dobrin, Arnold 301.451 D series) Third ed.. by Willa Norris and others, Columbian Mexico. 1965. 37fr.color. 35 published under title: The information service nun. and phonodisc: 1 s., 10 in., 33 1;3 rpm., A NEW LOOK AT THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE in guidance:for careerdevelopment and 10 min. microgroove 917.2 M MEXICAN AMERICAN.2d. ed, planning.Includes bibliographies. 371.4 N Mexico. the country and its people. no. 2:Spanish 1971. Casavantes, Edward J. 301.451 C colonial p:riod. 1965.36 fr. color. 35 mm. NORTH FROM MEXICO;the Spanish-speaking with record & guide. 917.2 M NEW MEXICO. people of the United States. Mexico, the country and its people, no.3: First New Mexico,113 Washington Ave., SantaFe, 1968. 324 p.McWilliams, Carey. 973 McW century of independence. 1965.33 fr. color. New Mexico 87501. issues from July 1972 to 3S mm. and phonodisc: I s.,10 in., 33 1,3 current.Available from F. W. Faxon Co.. Inc. NORTH FROM MEXICO: EXPLORATION AND rpm., 10 non. microgrome. 917.2 M 15 Southwest Park, Westwood. Mass., 02090. HERITAGE. Mexico,, 4' 070 N Greenwood. 1971. 16 mm. color. sd. 20 min, Modern Mexico. 1965 37 fr. color. 35 mm. Traces Mexican American history from 1540 to and phonodisc I s 10 in., 33 1,.3 rpm.. 10 NEW MEXICO;a history of four centuries.[1st current social economic status.Presents many min microgroove 917.2 M ed. ] important historical facts. Grades 7.12, Adult. [1962] 363 p.Beck, Warren A. 978.9 B 973.1 N NATURAL RESOURCES AND MAJOR INDUSTRIES. NEW MEXICO,a pageant of three peoples. 2d NOTHING' IN THE WORD; versions of Aztec Eye Gate House, 1957. 36 fr., color. 35 mm. ed. poetry. WithwatercolorcollagesbySamuel (Mexico, our friendly neighbor)With casset( 1964. xii, 408 vi p.Fergusson, Erna. 1888- Maitin.[1st ed.] tape With teacher's manual.Discusses natural 978.9 F [1972] Iv. (unpaged) Berg, Stephen. resources of Mexico. including silver, gold, and 897.4 II oil, and forests containing reser%es of NEW STARS IN THE FLAG. mahoganies.ebony,walnut, androsewood, Rand McNally. Wall map.States in the Union NUEVA YORK, A DOCUMENTARY OF PUERTO (rodemanufai luringand %%mid processing in 1821. LimitsofLouisiana Purchase. RICAN NEW YORKERS. Ind .stries. and production of farm equipment, Boundaries of Mexico and Oregon country. Folkwa;.sRecords (FD5559) 33-1/3 rpm. trucks. autos, and other products. 333,7N 973 M record. 781,7 N 30 00036