Zootaxa 3652 (4): 424–436 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) www.mapress.com/zootaxa/ Article ZOOTAXA Copyright © 2013 Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3652.4.2 http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DE01C38B-C11D-4BB2-8A58-2F25F370F2F6 Two new paralcyoniid octocorals from Japan (: )

YUKIMITSU IMAHARA Wakayama Laboratory, Biological Institute on Kuroshio 300-11 Kire, Wakayama-shi, Wakayama, 640-0351 Japan. E-mail: [email protected]


Two new species of paralcyoniid octocorals are described from Japan. One of them, Ceeceenus retractus n. sp., is the fifth species of the , and the other, Nanalcyon sagamiense n. gen. n. sp., is proposed as a new genus. Nanalcyon is similar to the Mediterranean and Atlantic genera Maasella Poche, 1914 and Paralcyonium Milne Edwards and Haime, 1850, but the new genus clearly differs from these in having independent colonies not joined by stolons. The ultrastructure of the sclerites is compared among the new genus, Ceeceenus and Paralcyonium by means of SEM. All three genera display the same three main types of sclerites, flat platelets, rods and spindles, the ultrastructure of all consisting of non-branching fibrous crystals. In addition to these, two genera, Ceeceenus and Paralcyonium, have flat oval platelets with the ultrastruc- ture showing branching dendritic crystals, lacking in Nanalcyon.

Key words: Nanalcyon, Ceeceenus, new genus, new species, Octocorallia, , Japan, Pacific, sclerite ultra- structure, dendritic crystals, fibrous crystals, scanning electron microscopy.


Species of the family Paralcyoniidae Gray, 1869 characteristically have the whole polyparium completely retractile within the basal pedicel. Four genera have long been known, viz., Maasella Poche, 1914, Paralcyonium Milne Edwards and Haime, 1850, Studeriotes Thomson and Simpson, 1909, and Carotalcyon Utinomi, 1952 (Bayer, 1981). Two of these genera, Maasella and Paralcyonium, have been recorded from the Mediterranean and Atlantic (see Weinberg, 1977) and share a growth form in which several colonies are usually connected by a stolon. The other two genera, Studeriotes and Carotalcyon, have been recorded from the Indo-Pacific (e.g., Kükenthal, 1910; Thomson and Dean, 1931; Utinomi, 1952; Benayahu and Chou, 2010) and have independent colonies that are usually not connected by a common stolon. Recently, Ofwegen and Benayahu (2006) added a fifth genus, Ceeceenus, from several Indo-Pacific localities. Although this genus closely resembles Paralcyonium in almost all of its morphological characters, viz., colony form including arrangement, spiculation, color, and presence of stolons connecting the colonies, they considered it appropriate to establish a new genus in "light of molecular data, constant difference in sclerite ultrastructure, different tentacular armature, and disjunct distribution" (Ofwegen & Benayahu, 2006: 29). More recently, Tentori and Ofwegen (2011) summarized the crystal types of sclerite ultrastructure in several soft corals, viz., acicular type, fibrous type, granular type, fusiform type and dendritic type. The diagnoses of each genus are summarized as follows: Genus Maasella (partly after Weinberg, 1977): Monomorphic. Colonies connected by stolons, each colony formed of small groups of polyps. Within each group, basal parts of polyps fused together to form pedicel stiffened by large spindles. Above pedicel, polyps independent, not communicating directly with each other, and secondary polyps absent. Entire polyp covered with platelets but tentacles devoid of sclerites aside from several very small spindles proximally (i.e. in subtentacular region). Canal walls entirely devoid of sclerites. Zooxanthellae present in tissue. Genus Paralcyonium (partly after Weinberg, 1977; Ofwegen and Benayahu, 2006): Monomorphic. Colonies connected to each other by extremely short stolons, each colony formed of groups of large polyps. Pedicel stiffened

424 Accepted by Eric Pante: 2 May 2013; published: 20 May 2013