An Examination of Participatory Planning Approaches Used in the “Transmigration” Resettlement Programme: The Case of West Aceh Regency, Indonesia ANDY ARYAWAN LUP-80436 MSc Thesis Land Use Planning 36 ECTS An Examination of Participatory Planning Approaches Used in the “Transmigration” Resettlement Programme: The Case of West Aceh Regency, Indonesia Supervisor : dr. ME (Meghann) Ormond Examiner : Prof.dr.LB (Leonie) Janssen-Jansen Author: Andy Aryawan Reg. No. 791213-015-060
[email protected] Wageningen, April 2017 Land Use Planning Group Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB Wageningen THE NETHERLANDS Preface First and importantly, all the praises to Allah SWT that I can finish this Master Thesis. I would like to thank my family, my wife Rani, my son Affan, and my parents who have given me support from Indonesia, during my study in Wageningen. I would like to thank my colleagues in the Land Use Planning group and the Indonesian students for all of their support, consultation, and peer review during this thesis. I would like to thank all of the respondents for my thesis, and also the Government employees of the Transmigration Affair in Jakarta, Aceh, and Meulaboh who supported me during the fieldwork. I would like to thank Gerrit-Jan Carsjens as a Thesis Coordinator who believes in me that I can start and finish with my thesis. Last, but not least, I would like to thank Meghann Ormond as my Thesis Supervisor. Her endeavour to support me in finishing my thesis is truly a blessing for me. I hope that this thesis can provide valuable insights and contribution to the development of the transmigration program in Indonesia and the prosperity of all the inhabitants.