The Role of Psychotropic Medications in the Management of Nervosa: Rationale, Evidence and Future Prospects

Guido K. W. Frank & Megan E. Shott


ISSN 1172-7047

CNS Drugs DOI 10.1007/s40263-016-0335-6

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CNS Drugs DOI 10.1007/s40263-016-0335-6


The Role of Psychotropic Medications in the Management of Anorexia Nervosa: Rationale, Evidence and Future Prospects

1,2 1 Guido K. W. Frank • Megan E. Shott

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

Abstract Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disorder without approved medication intervention. Every Key Points class of psychoactive medication has been tried to improve treatment outcome; however, randomized controlled trials Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric illness have been ambiguous at best and across studies have not with a complex interplay of bio-psycho-social shown robust improvements in and recovery. factors. Here we review the available literature on pharmacological A multitude of psychoactive drugs have been tried in interventions since AN came to greater public recognition AN but without robust effects. in the 1960s, including a critical review of why those trials Neuroscience-based models of behavior will help in may not have been successful. We further provide a neu- the development of effective psychopharmacological robiological background for the disorder and discuss how treatments for AN. cognition, learning, and -regulating circuits could become treatment targets in the future. Making every effort to develop effective pharmacological treatment options for AN is imperative as it continues to be a complex psychi- atric disorder with high disease burden and mortality. 1 Introduction

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe mental illness with the highest mortality rate among the psychiatric disorders [1]. AN usually begins during and occurs most commonly in females [2]. It is the third most common chronic illness among adolescent females [3], with a mortality rate 12-fold higher than the expected death rate for 15- to 24-year-old females [4]. According to the Di- agnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5) [2], the diagnostic criteria for AN include restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading & Guido K. W. Frank [email protected] to a significantly low body weight in the context of age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health; an 1 Departments of and Neuroscience, and intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even Developmental Research Program, University of though ; a disturbance in the way in which Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Gary Pavilion A036/B-130, 13123 East 16th one’s body weight or shape is experienced and undue Avenue, Aurora, CO 80045, USA influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation; or 2 School of Medicine, University of Colorado Denver, denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight. Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA Previous editions of the DSM indicated the requirement for Author's personal copy

G. K. W. Frank, M. E. Shott body weight to be below 85 % of that expected and the loss studies are presented in historical chronological order. of regular menses. In the latest edition (DSM-5), the weight Placebo-controlled and open-label studies are described in criterion is now less strict, and the latter was dropped Table 1. altogether. A restricting type (AN-R), marked by food restriction and commonly overexercising, has been distin- 2.1 guished from a binge-/purging type (AN-B/P), where afflicted individuals eat large amounts of food in a rela- Cyproheptadine is a first-generation with tively short period of time (‘binge eating’) yet remain anticholinergic and antiserotonergic properties. In 1962, it underweight or engage in behaviors to counteract weight was reported that cyproheptadine could stimulate gain, such as self-induced or use of or and weight gain in children [13], thereby making its use in (‘purging’). AN is a chronic disorder character- AN appealing. The first double-blind, controlled study ized by frequent relapse, high treatment cost and disease published in 1970 suggested weight gain in AN from the burden. However, we know little about its underlying medication compared with placebo [14]. In 1979, a study neurobiology, and developing pharmacological treatments using this with and without behavior therapy found for AN has been difficult [5]. and are that it was helpful for weight gain in patients with AN who common in AN [6] and are related to had a history of complications during delivery, had lost severity and clinical outcome, which may have implica- between 40 and 50 % weight from expected body weight, tions for the effectiveness of treatment interventions [7, 8]. or had previous outpatient treatment failure [15]. A follow- In general, treatment effectiveness for AN is limited [9] up report from the same group indicated that the medica- and, in particular, no medication has been approved for this tion could reduce negative attitudes toward body weight disorder [10]. On the other hand, a large proportion of and shape [16]. However, a later double-blind, controlled individuals with AN are treated with psychotropic medi- study found that cyproheptadine had a ‘marginal effect’ on cations [11], which raises the question of what place decreasing the number of days necessary to achieve normal medication interventions may have in its treatment. weight compared with placebo [17]. Interestingly, cypro- We will review the medication trials that have been heptadine increased treatment efficiency for the restricting conducted in AN over the past 50 years. The purpose of type of AN but not for the binge/purge subtype in that this review is to determine whether there is a justified place study. for psychotropic medications in the management of AN. We will use a neuroscience-informed approach to discuss 2.2 and Monoamine how we may be able to improve medication use in AN, and Oxidase Inhibitors will use basic and clinical brain research to support pos- sible new psychopharmacological directions. Tricyclic antidepressants, first developed in the 1950s, were used for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder aside from depressive disorders, but the side effect profile, 2 Medication Studies in Anorexia Nervosa (AN) including sedation and cardiac , makes these medications less well tolerated. These medications are only Our original goal was to review the use of psychotropic rarely used now since selective reuptake inhibi- medications in AN using the Preferred Reporting Items for tors (SSRIs) have become available. Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) A rationale for the use of these medications was based guidelines [12]. However, there are too few trials in each on the hypothesis that AN is a form of depression as it is medication category to discuss separately. We will discuss associated with dysphoric mood and anxiety. A 5-week, case series as well as open and controlled trials to provide double-blind, controlled study using did not an exhaustive summary of current literature relevant to support benefits of this treatment for AN [18]. A double- medication use in the treatment of AN. We searched the blind, controlled study that administered National Center for Biotechnology Information database found that the drug stimulated hunger, appetite, and energy using the search terms anorexia, nervosa, drug, treatments intake; however, the medication was paradoxically also (1160 hits), as well as anorexia, nervosa, medication (237 associated with lower weight gain compared with placebo, hits). The relevant articles for this review consisted of 25 perhaps due to more physical activity [19]. Clomipramine double-blind, placebo-controlled studies; seven double- has direct hypothalamic effects and it has been suggested blind, placebo-controlled, crossover studies; five single- that this could be the mechanism of action of this medi- blind, placebo-controlled studies; 23 open-label studies; cation in terms of its appetite-stimulating effects. In and six retrospective chart reviews. Single case reports another report, the medication was associated with higher were excluded due to their lack of generalizability. The appetite and calorie consumption at the beginning of scorpcMdctosi h aaeeto nrxaNervosa Anorexia of Management the in Medications Psychotropic Table 1 Placebo-controlled and open-label studies in anorexia nervosa in historical chronological order Study, year Study type Treatment conditions Daily medication dose Length of N Mean Anorexia Results treatment age ± SD type (years)

Cyproheptadine Goldberg et al., Double-blind, 1. Cyproheptadine and Cyproheptadine start NA 81 NA NA Promoted weight gain in a subgroup 1979 [15] placebo- behavior therapy 12 mg; max. 32 mg that had a history of birth controlled 2. Cyproheptadine and no complications, had lost 41–52 % behavior therapy weight from normal, or who had a history of prior outpatient treatment 3. Placebo and behavior failure therapy 4. Placebo and no behavior therapy

Halmi et al., Double-blind, 1. Cyproheptadine Max. 32 mg Until within 5 % 72 21 ± 5 Restricting/ Cyproheptadine had a ‘‘marginal Author's 1986 [17] placebo- 2. Amitriptyline Max. 160 mg of target weight binge- effect on decreasing the number of controlled purge days necessary to achieve a normal 3. Placebo weight’’ compared with placebo or amitriptyline; cyproheptadine showed some beneficial effect for

restricting-type AN but worsened personal outcome for the binge/purge-type anorexia subgroup Tricyclic antidepressants/monoamine oxidase inhibitors Lacey and Double-blind, 1. Clomipramine 50 mg 76 days 8 21 Restricting/ Clomipramine was associated with Crisp, 1980 placebo- clomipramine binge- increased hunger, appetite and

[19] controlled 2. Placebo 72 days placebo 8 purge energy intake but reduced weight copy gain Biederman Double-blind, 1. Amitriptyline Amitriptyline 5 weeks 11 18 ± 5 NA All three groups showed little et al., 1985 placebo- 2. Placebo2.8 ± 0.3 mg/kg 14 17 ± 4 improvement; no differences [18] controlled favoring amitriptyline were found in 3. No Intervention 18 16 ± 2 any outcome variables Kennedy et al., Open-label 1. Mean 34 mg 6 weeks 6 24.5 Restricting No weight change during the study; 1985 [23] however, AN patients gained weight in the 6 months following the study; mood and anxiety ratings improved by week 4 Ruggiero et al., Open-label 1. Clomipramine Mean 57.7 ± 25.8 mg 3 months 10 23.7 ± 4.6 Restricting Patients taking gained 2001 [21] 2. Mean 26.0 ± 10.3 mg 13 4.5 ± 5.1 significantly more weight than patients taking fluoxetine 3. Amisulpride Mean 50.0 ± 0.0 mg 12 24.3 ± 5.8 Table 1 continued Study, year Study type Treatment conditions Daily medication dose Length of N Mean Anorexia Results treatment age ± SD type (years)

Strobel et al., Retrospective 1. ? intensive Mean 18.4 ± 4.7 mg 39 ± 26 days 39 No mean Restricting/ Paroxetine and clomipramine had the 2004 [22] paroxetine given, binge- same BMI increase, but in range purge significantly less time for 2. Clomipramine ? Mean 75.3 ± 16.6 mg 58 ± 30 days 5710.9–18.1 All with an paroxetine—72 days for paroxetine intensive psychotherapy clomipramine additional versus 97 days for clomipramine depressive episode Typical medications Vandereycken Double-blind, 1. Range 4–6 mg 6 weeks 18 NA NA Pimozide did not significantly and Pierloot, placebo- improve weight gain

2. Placebo Author's 1982 [25] controlled, crossover Vandereycken, Double-blind, 1. —placebo 300 or 400 mg 2–3 weeks 9 23.2 ± 6.5 Restricting/ Sulpiride initially promoted weight 1984 [64] placebo- sequence binge- gain over placebo but this was not controlled, 2. Placebo—sulpiride 9 23.7 ± 9.6 purge sustained throughout the study crossover sequence personal Weizman et al., Open-label 1. Pimozide 3 mg 20 weeks 5 15.8 ± 0.8 NA Pimozide did not aid in weight gain 1985 [26] 2. Behavior therapy 5 16.2 ± 1.3 program Cassano et al., Open-label 1. Months 1 to 3, mean 6 months 13 22.8 ± 4.2 Restricting A significant increase in BMI was 2003 [27] 1.2 ± 0.4 mg; reported in a chronic and treatment months 4 to 6, refractory group copy mean 1.1 ± 0.1 mg Mood stabilizers Gross et al., Double-blind, 1. carbonate ? Start 300 mg, with 4 weeks 8 20.6 ± 1.8 NA Lithium was associated with greater 1981 [29] placebo- behavior modification 300 mg increases until weight gain at weeks 3 and 4 only controlled, therapy mean plasma lithium crossover 2. Placebo ? behavior level was 1.0 ± 0.1 8 18.8 ± 2.6 modification therapy Safai-Kutti, Open-label 1. Zinc Range 45–90 mg Range 8–56 20 Range NA 17 patients increased their weight by Shott E. M. Frank, W. K. G. 1990 [33] months 14–26 over 15 % and no patient lost weight Lask et al., Double-blind, 1. Zinc 50 mg 6 weeks 26 Children NA Zinc deficiency is common in AN, 1993 [35] placebo- 2. Placebo levels normalize after introducing controlled, normal without crossover supplementation, and zinc levels are not related to weight gain scorpcMdctosi h aaeeto nrxaNervosa Anorexia of Management the in Medications Psychotropic Table 1 continued Study, year Study type Treatment conditions Daily medication dose Length of N Mean Anorexia Results treatment age ± SD type (years)

Birmingham Double-blind, 1. Zinc 100 mg 24.6 ± 10.0 days 16 20.6 ± 3.8 NA The rate of increase in BMI of the et al., 1994 placebo- 2. Placebo 31.5 ± 18.5 days 19 23.8 ± 6.1 zinc supplemented group was twice [34] controlled that of the placebo group; this difference was statistically significant (p \ 0.03) Opiates and cannabinoids Moore et al., Open-label 1. Naloxone Range 3.2–6.4 mg 5 weeks (range 12 22.5 NA Naloxone infusion was associated 1981 [38] 1–11 weeks) with significantly greater weight gain compared with the periods before and after Gross et al., Double-blind, 1. 9-tetrahydrocannabinol Range 7.5–30 mg 4 weeks 11 24 ± 2 NA No significant differences in weight Author's 1983 [40] placebo- 2. Active placebo, Range 1–15 mg or daily calorie intake were noted controlled, between 9-tetrahydrocannbinol and crossover placebo Marrazzi et al., Double-blind, 1. Naltrexone 100 mg 12 weeks 19 27.3 ± 6.7 AN binge- Reduction in binge-purge behaviors 1995 [39] placebo- purge type but no effect on weight reported 2. Placebo personal controlled, or bulimia crossover nervosa Andries et al., Double-blind, 1. Dronabinol – placebo 5 mg 4 weeks 24 33.3 Restricting/ During dronabinol treatment, 2014 [41] placebo- dronabinol, binge- participants gained a small amount controlled, 4 weeks purge (0.73 kg) compared with placebo; crossover washout, no significant adverse events were 4 weeks reported copy placebo 2. Placebo – dronabinol 4 weeks placebo, 4 weeks washout, 4 weeks dronabinol and a2- Casper et al., Double-blind, 1. Range 500–700 lg 4 weeks on 4 Range Restricting/ Clonidine did not influence the rate of 1987 [44] placebo- 2. Placebo placebo, 19–28 binge- weight gain, or hunger or satiety controlled, alternating with purge sensations crossover 4 weeks on clonidine Steinglass Double-blind, 1. 0.75 mg 2 test meals, 20 25.6 ± 7.8 Restricting/ Alprazolam was not superior to et al., 2014 placebo- 2. Placebo 1 week apart binge- placebo [42] controlled, purge crossover Table 1 continued Study, year Study type Treatment conditions Daily medication dose Length of N Mean Anorexia Results treatment age ± SD type (years)

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Gwirtsman Open-label 1. Fluoxetine Mean 43 ± 15 mg; Range 627± 9 Restricting Fluoxetine was associated with et al., 1990 range 20–60 mg 2–5 months reduced depressive symptoms and [45] weight gain Kaye et al., Open-label 1. Fluoxetine after weight Mean 38 ± 18 mg Mean 31 20 ± 7 Restricting/ 29 patients had maintained weight at 1991 [46] restoration 11 ± 6 months binge- or above 85 % average body weight purge Strober et al., Retrospective 1. Fluoxetine ? eating Mean 33.9 ± 18 mg Follow-up at 33 17.6 NA Fluoxetine showed no benefit for 1997 [53] disorder treatment 6-month weight gain or prevention of relapse program intervals after Author's 2. Controls ? eating inpatient 33 disorder treatment treatment for program 24 months Pallanti et al., Open-label 1. Start 20 mg 6 months 32 Restricting Citalopram may have aided in weight 1997 [59] improvement but this was uncertain

without a control group personal Attia et al., Double-blind, 1. Fluoxetine Mean 56 mg 7 weeks 15 Range Restricting/ Fluoxetine showed no benefit over 1998 [49] placebo- 2. Placebo Mean 58.7 mg 16 16–45 binge- placebo controlled purge Calandra et al., Open-label 1. Citalopram 20 mg 8 weeks 6 20.5 ± 4.7 Restricting/ Citalopram was associated with 1999 [57] binge- reduced body dissatisfaction, but no

purge weight change reported copy Ferguson et al., Retrospective 1. Clomipramine Range 25–75 mg Naturalistic 3 Mean Restricting/ SSRI treatment did not improve 1999 [62] 2. 100 mgfollow-up 1 23 ± 10 binge- treatment outcome (SSRI); purge 3. Paroxetine Range 10–40 mg 4 mean 4. Fluoxetine Range 10–40 mg 10 21 ± 8 5. Range 25–150 mg 6 (non- SSRI) Ricca et al., Open-label 1. ? cognitive 75 mg 6 months 12 18.9 ± 3.8 Atypical AN Venlafaxine and fluoxetine showed no 1999 [55] behavior therapy differences in weight change or .K .Fak .E Shott E. M. Frank, W. K. G. 2. Fluoxetine ? cognitive 40 mg 12 19.1 ± 3.6 behavior outcomes behavior therapy Kaye et al., Double-blind, 1. Fluoxetine after weight Start range 20–60 mg 52 weeks 16 23 ± 9 Restricting/ Patients receiving fluoxetine had 2001 [51] placebo- restoration binge- reduced relapse and higher weight controlled 2. Placebo after weight 19 22 ± 6 purge gain restoration scorpcMdctosi h aaeeto nrxaNervosa Anorexia of Management the in Medications Psychotropic Table 1 continued Study, year Study type Treatment conditions Daily medication dose Length of N Mean Anorexia Results treatment age ± SD type (years)

Santonastaso Open-label 1. Sertraline Range 50–100 mg 64 weeks 11 19 ± 3 Restricting Sertraline was not superior to placebo et al., 2001 2. Control group 20 ± 6 in weight recovery; however it was [60] associated with greater improvement of depressive symptoms, self-perceived ineffectiveness, lack of interoceptive awareness, and perfectionism Fassino et al., Open-label 1. Citalopram 20 mg 12 weeks 19 24.3 ± 5.4 Restricting Citalopram did not improve weight 2002 [58] 2. Waitlist control group 20 25.2 ± 8.6 gain over the control group but was

associated with reduced depression Author's scores Barbarich Double-blind, 1. Nutritional supplement Nutritional supplement 6 months 15 23.0 ± 6.3 Restricting/ Fluoxetine plus supplement showed et al., 2004 placebo- ? fluoxetine (2.3 g of ; binge- no benefit over placebo [56] controlled 600 mg purge docosahexaenoic acid;

180 mg arachadonic personal acid); 20–60 mg (fluoxetine) 2. Fluoxetine Range 20–60 mg 11 (fluoxetine) Ruggiero et al., Single-blind, 1. Nutritional management Mean 30 ± 9.4 mg 1 year 21 23.4 ± 4.0 Restricting/ Fluoxetine was not superior to support

2003 [52] placebo- ? fluoxetine binge- weight gain copy controlled 2. Nutritional management 74 purge Holtkamp Retrospective 1. Fluoxetine 35 mg 6-month follow- 7 14.5 ± 1.4 Restricting/ SSRI treatment did not improve et al., 2004 2. Fluvoxamine 20 mgup 8 binge- treatment outcome [61] purge 3. Sertraline 100 mg 4 Walsh et al., Double-blind, 1. Fluoxetine Mean 63.5 ± 15.8 mg 52 weeks 49 22.4 ± 4.5 Restricting/ Fluoxetine showed no benefit over 2006 [54] placebo- 2. Placebo Mean 71.4 ± 15.2 mg 44 24.2 ± 4.5 binge- placebo controlled purge Yu et al., 2011 Naturalistic 1. Fluoxetine Max 60 mg 1 year 14 25.6 ± 6.4 Restricting/ Fluoxetine was not superior to support [48] follow-up 2. Cognitive behavior 17 binge- weight gain therapy purge 3. Fluoxetine ? cognitive 22 behavior therapy Table 1 continued Study, year Study type Treatment conditions Daily medication dose Length of N Mean Anorexia Results treatment age ± SD type (years)

Atypical antipsychotic medications Powers et al., Open-label 1. 10 mg 10 weeks 14 26.8 ± 12.3 Restricting/ Of the 14 patients who completed the 2002 [65] binge- study, 10 gained an average of purge 8.75 lb, 3 of whom attained their ideal body weight. The remaining 4 patients who completed the study lost a mean of 2.25 lb Malina et al., Retrospective 1. Olanzapine Mean 4.7 ± 2.4 mg Mean 18 22 ± 7 NA Subjects reported a significant 2003 [67] 17 ± 20 weeks reduction in anxiety and difficulty eating Barbarich Open-label 1. Olanzapine Mean 4.7 ± 1.6 mg 6 weeks 17 20.5 ± 5.1 Restricting/ Olanzapine was associated with Author's et al., 2004 binge- weight increase and decrease in [66] purge anxiety and depression Mondraty et al., Double-blind, 1. Olanzapine 10 mg Mean 8 25.3 ± 7.4 NA No significant difference in weight 2005 [68] placebo- 46 ± 31 days gain was noted between groups controlled 2. 50 mg Mean 7 25.3 ± 7.3 personal 53 ± 26 days Brambilla Double-blind, 1. Olanzapine ? cognitive 2.5 mg for 1 month; 3 months 10 23 ± 4.8 NA Olanzapine was not superior to et al., 2007 placebo- behavior therapy ? 5 mg for 2 months placebo to support weight gain [75] controlled nutritional rehabilitation 2. Placebo ? cognitive 10

behavior therapy ? copy nutritional rehabilitation Brambilla Double-blind, 1. Olanzapine ? cognitive 2.5 mg for 1 month; 3 months 15 23.7 ± 4.8 Restricting/ No difference for weight gain et al., 2007 placebo- behavior therapy 5 mg for 2 months binge- between groups but olanzapine was [69] controlled 2. Placebo ? cognitive 15 26.3 ± 8.5 purge associated with greater behavior therapy improvement of eating disorder inventory ineffectiveness and maturity fear scores Bosanac et al., Open-label 1. Range 50–800 mg 8 weeks 8 33.3 ± 7.7 Restricting/ Quetiapine was not associated with 2007 [77] binge- significant weight gain purge Shott E. M. Frank, W. K. G. Powers et al., Open-label 1. Quetiapine Range 150–300 mg 10 weeks 19 26.8 ± 11.2 Restricting/ Patients gained 1.6 lbs over the study 2007 [78] binge- duration purge Bissada et al., Double-blind, 1. Olanzapine Start 2.5 mg; max. 10 weeks 16 23.6 ± 6.5 Restricting/ Olanzapine was associated with 2008 [70] placebo- 2. Placebo10 mg—flexible dose 18 29.7 ± 11.6 binge- greater weight increase and faster controlled regimen purge achievement of weight goals Leggero et al., Open-label 1. Olanzapine ? 4.1 ± 2.9 mg 6 months 13 13.7 ± 2.3 Restricting Patients gained weight but the effect 2010 [71] psychotherapy of olanzapine was not certain scorpcMdctosi h aaeeto nrxaNervosa Anorexia of Management the in Medications Psychotropic Table 1 continued Study, year Study type Treatment conditions Daily medication dose Length of N Mean Anorexia Results treatment age ± SD type (years)

Court et al., Open-label 1. Quetiapine Start 50 mg; max. 12 weeks 10 23.8 ± 9.4 Restricting/ No significant difference in outcome 2010 [80] 2. Treatment as usual400 mg 11 21.0 ± 3.3 binge- measures between the quetiapine purge and control groups Attia et al., Double-blind, 1. Olanzapine Start 2.5 mg; last 8 weeks 11 27.7 ± 9.1 NA Olanzapine was associated with a 2011 [72] placebo- 2. Placebo4 weeks 10 mg 12 small but significant increase in controlled BMI over placebo Kafantaris Double-blind, 1. Olanzapine ? Start 2.5 mg; week 4 10 weeks 10 16.4 ± 2.2 Restricting Olanzapine was not superior to et al., 2011 placebo- psychotherapy target 10 mg placebo to support weight gain [73] controlled 2. 10 18.1 ± 2.0 Placebo ? psychotherapy Author's Norris et al., Retrospective 1. Olanzapine Median 5 mg 1038 ± 585 days 43 14.4 ± 1.9 Restricting/ No firm conclusions could be drawn 2011 [74] 2. Comparison group were 540 ± 441 days 43 14.8 ± 1.6 binge- due to methodological problems of patients matched for age, purge the study diagnosis and level of care

Hagman et al., Double-blind, 1. Mean 2.5 ± 1.2 mg 17 weeks 18 16.2 ± 2.5 NA No significant difference in weight personal 2011 [83] placebo- 2. Placebo Mean 3.0 ± 1.0 mg 22 15.8 ± 2.3 gain between groups; the controlled risperidone group showed greater reduction in drive for thinness over the first half of the study but this was not sustained

Powers et al., Double-blind, 1. Quetiapine Mean 177.7 ± 90.8 mg 8 weeks 4 34 ± 14.5 Restricting/ No difference in any outcome copy 2012 [79] placebo- 2. Placebo 6 binge- measure between quetiapine and controlled purge placebo Other Hotta et al., Open-label 1. 3 lg/kg body weight for 26-day 526± 8 Restricting Daily energy intake during ghrelin 2009 [92] 5 min 29/day before hospitalization infusion increased by 12–36 % lunch and dinner compared with the pretreatment period Lechin et al., Open-label 1. 100 mg 3 months 22 22 ± 6.4 Restricting/ Amantadine reduced AN symptoms 2011 [90] binge- when given 45 min prior to meal; purge all subjects showed significant and sustained BMI increases Bloch et al., Double-blind, 1. DHEA 100 mg 6 months 13 26.9 ± 8.2 NA BMI increase in the DHEA group was 2012 [91] placebo- 2. Placebo 8 significantly higher than the placebo controlled group at 4 months Levinson et al., Double-blind, 1. D- 250 mg 1 h before 4 exposure 20 25.4 Restricting/ D-Cycloserine group showed a 2015 [89] placebo- 2. Placeboexposure therapy therapy 16 binge- significantly greater increase in BMI controlled session sessions purge than those in the placebo group Table 1 continued Study, year Study type Treatment conditions Daily medication dose Length of N Mean Anorexia Results treatment age ± SD type (years)

Misra et al., Single-blind, 1. Estrogen 100 lg twice weekly 18 months 38 16.9 ± 0.2 NA At 18 months follow-up (n = 20, 2013 [94] placebo- with 2.5 mg of (SE) estrogen group; n = 17, placebo controlled 2. Placebomedroxyprogesterone 34 16.2 ± 0.2 group), the estrogen group showed a acetate administered (SE) significant decrease in STAIC-trait daily for the first scores. No differences in BMI 10 days of every month changes were noted between groups Kibanski et al., Randomized 1. Estrogen plus progestin 0.625 mg Premarin (days 1.57 ± 0.89 22 23.7 ± 7.2 NA No differences in bone density 1995 [95] controlled 1–25) and 5 mg years between the estrogen-treated and 2. Unmedicated control Provera (days 16–25) 1.41 ± 0.69 26 25.8 ± 6.6 control groups group or 35 lg years

ethinylestradiol Author's Miller et al., Single-blind, 1. Testosterone Range 150–300 lg 3 weeks 6 23.7 ± 3.5 NA Brain glucose hypometabolism in AN 2004 [96] placebo- 2. Placebo 6 changed toward normal in the controlled posterior cingulate cortex with testosterone treatment Hill et al., 2000 Double-blind, 1. rhGH 0.05 mg/kg 28 days 8 15 NA Patients treated with rhGH reached personal [97] placebo- 2. Placebo 7 14.5 medical/cardiovascular stability controlled more rapidly than those treated with placebo AN anorexia nervosa, SD standard deviation, SE standard error, max. maximum, NA not available, BMI , DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone, SE standard error, rhGH recombinant human , STAIC State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children copy .K .Fak .E Shott E. M. Frank, W. K. G. Author's personal copy

Psychotropic Medications in the Management of Anorexia Nervosa treatment, but did not improve weight gain in the long run Neuroscience and, in particular, reward-system research during inpatient hospitalization. However, that study implicated circuits in AN, but the typical dopa- seemed to only reanalyze data from the previous reference mine blockers have shown little promise to con- [20]. A single-blind study that compared the dopamine D2 sistently improve food reward in AN. antagonist amisulpride, the SSRI fluoxetine, and clomi- pramine in restricting AN found that clomipramine was not 2.4 Mood Stabilizers effective [21]. A study that directly compared clomipra- mine with the SSRI paroxetine while patients were in an Lithium, probably the most effective mood stabilizer for eating disorder program found no differences in weight both manic and depressed episodes, is prescribed as a salt, gain between medications. Paroxetine shortened the treat- most frequently as . Its specific mecha- ment duration for achieving a similar weight gain [22]. nism of action is not well understood but it reduces nora- The antidepressants of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor drenaline and increases serotonin activity in the brain. A type are also not widely used anymore due to their side small, double-blind, controlled study of adults with AN effect profile; however, before the advent of SSRIs, these who were also enrolled in a behavior therapy program, medications were commonly prescribed and also tried in showed at weeks 3 and 4 (end of study) a small benefit with AN. An open-label trial using isocarboxazid in AN indi- respect to weight in the lithium-treated group [29]. How- cated improved mood and anxiety, but no significant ever, the benefit did not seem to outweigh the risks, weight gain, during this 6-week trial [23]. especially as lithium treatment is sensitive to fluid shifts, a Collectively, and monoamine oxidase inhibi- problem in AN, where patients frequently restrict fluid tors showed little consistent promise as effective treatments intake, which could lead to lithium intoxication. for AN. In addition, their unfavorable side effect profile and potential for use in committing make this class 2.5 Zinc of medications a less-used category in psychiatry in general. Zinc is a mineral with key functions in human metabolism. It has long been hypothesized that zinc deficiency could 2.3 Medications contribute to the pathophysiology of AN [30, 31]. Reduced zinc levels in AN respond to supplementation [32], and an The older, first-generation, so-called typical open-label study of youth and adults with AN suggested have been used in the past but are now only rarely used in promotion of weight gain in AN [33]. One double-blind, new-onset . These medications can have severe controlled study of adult AN suggested more rapid weight side effects, such as drug-induced parkinsonism or tardive gain when receiving zinc supplementation [34], but another dyskinesia. In general, they share strong dopamine D2 study of youth with AN found that zinc deficiency nor- receptor antagonism. In 1976, Barry and Klawans specu- malized quickly with weight restoration, and zinc levels lated that dopamine receptors could be hypersensitive in were not related to rate of weight gain [35]. In summary, AN and contribute to distortion in the disorder the role of zinc in the treatment of AN is still controversial. [24]. This would make the prescription of dopamine In support of zinc as a treatment agent is animal research antagonists a logical choice. A double-blind, controlled that showed that zinc deficiency is associated with weight study of the diphenylbutylpiperidine pimozide or placebo loss and that zinc supplementation can stimulate food combined with behavior therapy showed active drug-en- intake [36]. Research suggests that zinc may act mecha- hanced weight gain in the beginning phase of the treatment nistically via and that zinc deficiency may [25]. In a small study that compared pimozide with inhibit neuropeptide Y release and interfere via that path- behavior therapy, both groups gained weight over a way with normal regulation of food intake [37]. 20-week period [26]. In one study, haloperidol, a buty- rophenone and the most commonly prescribed typical 2.6 Opiates and Cannabinoids neuroleptic, administered as an adjunct to psychotherapy over 6 months, was associated with weight gain [27]. In a Opiates and opiate antagonists are associated with hedonic more recent case series identified by chart review, it was aspects of food and drug use, and opiates are used with the found that low-dose haloperidol was well-tolerated in hope of stimulating eating in AN or interrupting the sus- treatment-resistant AN inpatients and that it reduced body pected auto-addictive properties of food restriction. Con- image distortion and drive for thinness [28]. Chlorpro- tinuous infusion of the opiate antagonist naloxone in one mazine, a , was suggested to be helpful in study was associated with weight gain in AN [38]. During weight recovery in an open study, but no follow-up studies that treatment, fatty acid levels were reduced, sug- were conducted [28]. gesting that the drug affected lipid metabolism. To Author's personal copy

G. K. W. Frank, M. E. Shott interrupt the AN behavior spiral, naltrexone, an opioid double-blind, controlled study using fluoxetine in AN in an antagonist, was administered to patients with AN of the inpatient setting did not show beneficial effects [49], nor binge/purging type [39]. In that study, naltrexone was did an open-label study in inpatients with AN [50]. A later associated with reduced binge/purge frequency. Cannabi- double-blind, controlled study tested whether fluoxetine noids have long been indicated to stimulate appetite, but a was beneficial for relapse prevention in the treatment of double-blind, controlled study of adults with AN who were AN, and indeed suggested that AN patients, after short- also in a behavior management program showed no benefit term recovery and on active fluoxetine, had reduced relapse from the application of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol [40]. In in the 1-year follow-up period [51]. This was in line with fact, the medication caused and sleep distur- an open-label study [52] but not with a naturalistic follow- bance in AN. In contrast, a very recent 4-week, randomized up after specialized eating disorder treatment over a 2-year controlled trial in which the tetrahydrocannabinol dron- period [53]. Nonetheless, another study of a larger sample abinol was administered to women with severe relapsing that prospectively used the randomized control design and AN found that the medication was associated with weight tested time to relapse with fluoxetine versus placebo could gain, although weight increase was small (approximately not show that fluoxetine was superior to placebo [54]. A 1.5 pounds) [41]. New cannabis strains have recently been comparison between fluoxetine and the serotonin–nora- developed that may either stimulate (indica) or suppress drenaline venlafaxine could not distin- appetite (sativa), but these have not been researched in AN. guish the two drugs [55]. As AN is associated with poor In summary, opiates and cannabinoids profoundly affect nutritional intake, and thus with a lack of dietary trypto- eating behavior, but how they relate to AN and how ago- phan, the precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin, it nists or antagonists may be used to facilitate recovery seemed logical to test whether tryptophan supplementation requires further study. would improve fluoxetine effectiveness; however, a dou- ble-blind, controlled study using fluoxetine with supple- 2.7 Benzodiazepines and a2-Adrenergic Agonists ment or placebo did not show benefits from the added tryptophan [56]. In the clinical environment, benzodiazepines are some- A small, open-label study using citalopram together times used in the treatment of AN with the hope of with individual psychotherapy gave some indication of reducing eating-related anxiety. Studies that systematically reduction in body dissatisfaction but no effect on weight investigated benzodiazepines in AN in animal models or gain [57]. Compared with a waitlist control group, follow- humans are scarce. One recent study using a randomized up open-label citalopram studies found improvement in and controlled design in humans investigated the benzo- anxiety and depression but no benefit in weight gain [58, diazepine alprazolam in an inpatient setting and did not 59]. Paroxetine, another SSRI, was investigated in a ret- find this drug beneficial in the treatment of AN [42]. Basic rospective chart review and compared with clomipramine research has shown that the a2-adrenergic cloni- [22]. Weight gain achieved was similar between medica- dine may increase feeding behavior, making a case to try tions but the rate of weight gain with paroxetine took only this medication in AN [43]. However, administered in a three-quarters of the time needed on clomipramine. A placebo-controlled, crossover design, this medication had small, open-label study that compared sertraline with pla- no beneficial effect in AN but was associated with hemo- cebo over 14 weeks in an outpatient setting [60] found that dynamic side effects such as [44]. sertraline improved depressive symptoms, of ineffectiveness, lack of interoceptive awareness, and per- 2.8 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors fectionism compared with placebo, but not weight gain. Two retrospective studies in AN tested whether medication The introduction of the SSRI fluoxetine brought an effec- with any SSRI improved treatment outcome but did not tive and relatively well-tolerated to the show benefits [61, 62]. A retrospective case review on the market. In an open trial of six women with chronic AN, /noradrenergic medication did not fluoxetine was associated with reduced depression and support that mirtazapine was superior to other medications weight gain [45]. In a mixed group of AN individuals at or no medication in AN [63]. low weight or already weight recovered, restricting-type AN improved or maintained weight better when receiving 2.9 Medications fluoxetine [46]. On the other hand, one report advised caution because fluoxetine could affect appetite to the Compared with the first-generation ‘typical’ antipsychotics degree of inducing AN [47]. A study that contrasted flu- such as haloperidol, atypical neuroleptics have less oxetine, cognitive behavior therapy, or a combination did extrapyramidal side effects. Some block dopamine D2 not find a benefit from fluoxetine [48]. Furthermore, a receptors as the first-generation drugs do, while others have Author's personal copy

Psychotropic Medications in the Management of Anorexia Nervosa more serotonergic and less or no significant dopamine serotonin 1A and 2A, receptor sites, and also shows strong receptor affinity. The benzamide and dopamine D2 antago- histamine H1 receptor antagonism. Aside from its nist amisulpride was studied in a double-blind design [64], antipsychotic effects, it is known to reduce anxiety and is and the authors found that the active drug was superior to often associated with weight gain. One open-label study in placebo with respect to weight gain, but only in the beginning AN suggested improved weight gain related to the medi- phase of therapy and not in the crossover phase. Another cation [77], and another suggested that quetiapine was single-blind study that compared amisulpride with clomi- helpful in reducing anxiety and depression but the effects pramine and fluoxetine found this medication superior with on weight gain were minimal [78]. A double-blind, con- respect to weight gain over a 3-month period, but no group trolled study in an outpatient setting from the same group differences with respect to fear of weight gain, body image did not find benefits from quetiapine on treatment outcome distortion, or [21]. The atypical neuroleptic most for AN core symptoms [79]. A more recent, small, open- frequently studied in AN is the thienobenzodiazepine olan- label study using quetiapine in young adults suggested that zapine. It is a dopamine D2 antagonist and an inverse agonist the medication might improve anxiety and depression but at the serotonin 2A and histamine H1 receptor. The particular not weight [80]. appeal of olanzapine is that it is associated with substantial The atypical antipsychotic risperidone has potent weight gain in populations with psychosis or , pre- dopamine D2 antagonism, especially at higher doses, but sumably mediated by the histamine receptor. Open-label also has serotonin 1A, 2A, and histamine H1 receptor studies suggested improved weight gain in AN [65, 66]in antagonistic action. Case reports suggested that risperidone both inpatient and outpatient settings. A retrospective study could benefit weight gain in AN [81, 82]. The only double- of previously ill AN individuals suggested that olanzapine blind, controlled study of this medication in adolescent AN reduced fear of eating and weight gain [67]. The first ran- did not show benefits from the drug over placebo [83]. domized controlled study of olanzapine in AN that compared The atypical antipsychotic is different this medication with chlorpromazine in a small sample found compared with the other atypical antipsychotics as it is a that olanzapine, but not chlorpromazine, reduced eating dopamine D2 and serotonin 1A and receptor partial disorder ruminations [68]. Another open-label study found agonist, as well as a serotonin 2A . No that the effects of olanzapine on weight gain and mood were controlled studies exist but case series on adults and youth significant in the binge/purge subtype of AN but not in the similarly suggest that this medication may reduce fear of restricting subtype [69]. Eventually, a double-blind, con- eating in AN and facilitate recovery, and it was suggested trolled trial was conducted over a period of 10 weeks [70], that aripiprazole might downregulate and olanzapine was credited with faster and greater weight sensitivity [84–86]. gain compared with placebo [70]. One small, open-label study found that olanzapine reduced hyperactivity and 2.10 Other Agents improved weight gain in youth with AN [71]. A 2011 study randomized (double-blind) individuals with AN to medica- A variety of investigations have been undertaken to expand tion management with olanzapine or placebo and found that medication trials beyond the traditional psychoactive the active drug was associated with significantly greater drugs. The most promise may come from the glutaminergic weight gain compared with placebo [72]. Several studies NMDA agonist d-cycloserine, which has shown promising tested whether olanzapine was beneficial to enhance psy- results in the treatment of anxiety disorders with respect to chotherapy. One study of adolescents who received olanza- fear extinction [87]. In a laboratory design, one study tested pine or placebo in addition to a behavior modification this substance in AN in order to facilitate eating and found program did not show benefits from the drug [73]. A retro- that d-cycloserine was associated with greater caloric spective chart review on olanzapine, in addition to psy- intake compared with no medication [88]. In a randomized chotherapy, in adolescents was not able to draw firm controlled study that used food exposure and d-cycloserine conclusions in favor of olanzapine due to methodological or placebo, the active treatment group showed greater problems of the study [74]. In addition, in a study in which weight gain after four exposure sessions and at the 1-month AN patients received more than 3 months of cognitive-be- follow-up [89]. The opposite approach was taken in a study havioral and specific weight gain support paired with olan- in which individuals with AN were administered the zapine or placebo, olanzapine was not superior to placebo NMDA antagonist amantadine, and reported rapid with respect to weight gain [75]. Of note here is that olan- improvement, including weight gain, over 3 months of zapine in AN, as in other conditions, can lead to hyper- treatment [90]. A study in which dehydroepiandrosterone glycemia [76]. (DHEA) was administered in a double-blind design to The atypical antipsychotic quetiapine is a relatively patients with AN in order to improve bone mineral density weak antagonist at the dopamine D1 and D2, as well as did not find the expected effect over placebo, but at the Author's personal copy

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4-month follow-up, BMI was higher in the DHEA group, the , while the con- as was improved reported mood [91]. Ghrelin is a gut tributes to the mechanisms that determine when to stop hormone produced in the stomach and pancreas that stim- eating [103]. Thus, altered brain volume in those structures ulates food intake, making it a potential treatment agent for could affect function and thus the normal biological food AN. A study that provided infusion of ghrelin over 14 days reward circuitry. Neurotransmitter receptor studies using in five individuals with AN reported quickly improved positron emission tomography (PET) to study receptor gastrointestinal discomfort and improved nutritional intake distribution showed that serotonin 1A receptor availability and weight gain [92]. In one case report, the serotonin 1A in AN was higher compared with controls, while the agonist tandospirone was tried in two female patients with serotonin 2A receptor tended to be reduced across the AN, one of the restricting type and the other of the binge/ cortex compared with controls [1]. The function of the purge type [93]. There the authors suggested that the serotonin system is multifold and is frequently associated medication led to weight gain and relapse prevention. with high anxiety and low mood, behaviors that have long Onset of AN is common during adolescence, and hormonal been associated with AN [1]. The dopamine D2 receptor surge during , as well as the low gonadal hormone was found to be higher in AN after recovery in the antero- state in AN, led to speculations that sex hormones might be ventral [104], and the cannabinoid 1 receptor was involved in the pathophysiology of AN. In one report, the higher in AN in the insular, infero-frontal, and infero- prescription of estrogen replacement in a randomized temporal pole [105] compared with healthy controls. Both controlled trial reduced trait anxiety but had no eating dopamine and opioid circuits code neural reward process- disorder-specific effects [94]. Another study that used ing. Dopamine neurons code (‘wanting’) and estrogen replacement for bone restoration in AN did not reward approach and learning, and the opioid system codes find this treatment effective for improving bone mass or pleasurable experience from rewards (‘liking’). Thus, body weight [95]. One study used testosterone in order to altered receptor availability could interfere with this feed- improve bone loss, cognitive deficits, and mood in AN, and back circuitry in AN [106, 107]. Functional magnetic res- this hormone was associated with improved spatial cogni- onance brain imaging (fMRI) tests brain activation across tion and mood [96]. Another hormone, human growth brain regions and circuits, such as reward or anxiety hormone, was hypothesized to be beneficial for weight pathways. These studies do not usually test brain neuro- recovery in AN but was not superior to placebo [97]. In transmitters directly, but the response during tasks that test summary, the majority of these pharmacological agents did specific behaviors might help in understanding neuro- not show significant benefits in AN treatment, but it is also transmitters involved in the brain response [108]. In such not certain whether their potential is fully explored. Also studies during fMRI, individuals with AN showed greater not well understood and not well studied in human AN are brain activation compared with controls when viewing neuropeptides and whether they can improve recovery [98]. anxiety-provoking food pictures; during taste or monetary reward tasks, individuals with AN tended to show increased activation to unexpected stimulus presentation, 3 Neurobiology of AN while brain response tended to be lower when the specific stimulus was expected [109]. Importantly, a paradigm that 3.1 Human Studies specifically targets dopamine-related pathways (prediction error [110]) suggested increased brain responsive- The role of neurobiological mechanisms, including devel- ness in AN, implying high dopamine receptor sensitivity, opmental and environmental factors that contribute to the which is consistent with basic science research. The field of beginning and perpetuation of AN, is not well understood, genetic research also continues to investigate the neurobi- although over the past 2 decades we have started to better ological underpinnings of AN, including genes for neuro- understand brain neurobiology that is involved in AN. transmitters and neuropeptides [111], as well as genome- Studies on brain volume have been inconsistent but with wide association studies [112, 113]. However, the aggre- the general notion that brain volumes are reduced in AN gate of research has not yet led to breakthroughs in the field [99]; however, more recent studies contradict this percep- with respect to eating disorder etiology or psychopathol- tion. Acute food and fluid restriction reduces brain volume ogy. This may be due in part to the large sample sizes and this normalizes quickly with nutritional rehabilitation needed, and much further effort will be required [114]. A [100]. Moreover, AN individuals who were studied under potentially promising approach that might help in this short-term nutritionally controlled conditions showed in- effort is a new correlation analysis that uses data from creased orbitofrontal and insula cortical volumes across different genome-wide studies and which could identify age groups and stages of illness [101, 102]. The insula overlap between disorders such as AN, , and contains the primary taste cortex and provides signals to [115]. Author's personal copy

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3.2 Animal Models [131]. Brain reward learning is altered in AN, behavior that has been associated with brain dopamine function, sug- The predominant animal model for AN is the rodent gesting that agents could ameliorate this activity-based AN (ABA) model, where, after food dysfunction [132]. One study that tested serotonin 2A/2C, restriction and access to a running wheel, the animal serotonin 3, dopamine D1-like, D2, D3 and D2/3 receptor increasingly uses the wheel, which seems to further reduce antagonists indicated that the dopamine D2 and D3 food intake, and, if not stopped, the animal exerts itself to receptor antagonists increased survival, while the other death [116]. That model replicates the vicious cycle of food agents did not [133]. This is an interesting result as the restriction and excessive exercise, continuous , clinical studies using antipsychotics with dopamine D2/D3 and death. One study applied olanzapine to rats, which antagonism have not shown benefits (see above). reduced hyperactivity on the running wheel, suggesting In summary, a number of biological factors are involved that this drug could reduce excessive exercise drive in AN in AN pathophysiology, including monoamine neuro- [117]. A study that compared olanzapine and the SSRI transmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, neuropep- fluoxetine found that 1-week treatment with olanzapine tides, and hormones, but environmental factors are also improved survival, but a 4-week course of fluoxetine did involved. This suggests that we have to start building more not [118]. Interestingly, olanzapine did not affect feeding complex models that test interactions of those individual or wheel running. The dopamine D1, 2 and 3 receptor factors to better understand the neurobiology of AN [134, antagonist cis-flupenthixol was administered to ABA rats, 135]. In fact, it has been suggested that this need for better and improved feeding behavior and reduced weight loss integration of genetic, environmental, and developmental [119]. Application of the serotonin agonist fenfluramine factors applies to animal models in relation to psychiatric resulted in faster weight loss in one study but not in another disorders in general [136]. What animal models do not [120, 121]. In contrast, the serotonin 1A receptor agonist represent well are the cognitive–emotional aspects of AN 8-OH-DPAT reduced hyperactivity and associated weight and its ego-syntonic nature of food restriction [137]. loss [122]. Another group found that in the ABA model, Another caveat to keep in mind when considering sub- the application of the cannabinoid receptor agonist delta-9- stance use disorder treatment research is that drug devel- tetrahydrocannabinol in conjunction with a high-fat diet led opment can show much promise in animals, but not all of to reduced use of the running wheel as well as increased these results can be directly translated to humans [138]. body weight [123]. One study investigated the cannabinoid system and applied either delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or the endocannabinoid uptake inhibitor, OMDM-2, to ABA 4 Why Do No Medications Show Robust Benefits mice that had lost weight and shown excessive wheel in the Treatment of AN? running [124]. In that study, both agents increased food intake but did not improve survival; in fact delta-9-te- The reasons why hypothesis-driven drug development in trahydrocannabinol decreased survival rates. is a psychiatry in general has been challenging is the com- hormone produced by fat cells to downregulate feeding plexity of the human brain [139]. The hope and expectation drive, presumably via brain dopamine receptors, and was is that with increasing capability of novel research methods found to reduce running-wheel activity, suggesting that to study the human brain we will eventually understand dopamine circuits in the context of food restriction drive mechanisms, which will then allow us to develop targeted hyperactivity [125, 126]. The ABA model also allows pharmacological interventions. There are various aspects of studying specific dietary manipulations, and both high-fat the progression of AN that may have particular relevance and high-carbohydrate diets promoted fast weight recovery when developing a medication. First, AN typically devel- but may also be associated with fatty development ops during childhood and adolescence, and there is an [127, 128]. Dietary supplementation is another strategy interplay between normal brain development and AN start and, recently, a small study tested the effects of agmatine, a and progression. This interaction is associated with brain metabolite of L-arginine, on ABA. That study indicated neurotransmitter receptor changes, and medication may that 20 and 40 mg/kg of agmatine ameliorated ABA weight only be effective for a discrete time. This is a problem in loss and plasma corticosterone increase, suggesting a pro- child psychiatry in general. Second, there may be pre- tective effect, possibly mediated via blockade of dopamine morbid conditions, such as anxiety or depression, that D2 and activation of 5-HT1A receptors [129]. A recent could respond to medication and impact AN development ABA study suggested that progesterone interacts with a4- and course, but as soon as AN, with all its associated GABA receptors and worsens wheel-running behavior behaviors, has started, the changing biological conditions [130], supporting the notion that the increased hormone due to may require ongoing adaptation of the release during puberty is a vulnerability for developing AN most effective treatment regimen. For instance, it is well- Author's personal copy

G. K. W. Frank, M. E. Shott known that weight loss is associated with a sensitization of 5 New Approaches to Medication Intervention dopamine neuronal function, while and weight in AN gain show decreased dopamine receptor activity [140– 142], and any psychopharmacological approach has to take The first question we have to ask in this effort is, what such changes into consideration. However, the past aspect of AN do we want to treat, and what mechanisms do approach to medication treatment in AN has not always we target? Drug research in psychiatry in general has not been built on a systematic, neuroscience-based empirical always been guided by systematically targeting a particular approach. Historically, in the field of psychiatry, new mechanism [143]. We still do not know well what mech- medications have been typically found by serendipity anisms drive mental illness or, one may better say, psy- [143]. The problem is that (i) we have limited knowledge chiatric brain disorders. Neuroscience and psychology have about disorder-specific pathophysiology, and (ii) our now provided us with a much better understanding of brain medication arsenal is limited and we try any medication we function, and we should take advantage of that. It is have with the hope that it will improve the condition. This probably unlikely that we will identify a medication that approach is likely to lead to both type I and type II errors. will cure AN but we may be able to identify medications Another potential source of errors and unsuccessful medi- that can improve outcome based on behavioral concepts cation intervention trials is the dose of a medication. and diagnostic subgroups. Importantly, new hypothesis- Typically, medications have been prescribed based on driven drug research is necessary but often challenging, knowledge from or schizophrenia literature; especially in psychiatry; however, clinicians can inform however, there is no reason to believe that those dose researchers on new applications and dose regimens of regimens apply to AN. Those ‘typical’ doses may lead to existing agents to expand the available therapeutics [144]. side effects without benefit, while a different approach to Furthermore, specific AN-associated behaviors that are dosage could be more effective. Ideally, research would encountered in clinical care need to become research and pair animal models of with the and treatment targets. determine what medication dose is most adequate. As much as extremes of food restriction or intake alter neu- 5.1 Learning and Fear Extinction rotransmitters, so do medication doses need to be adjusted. Another potential confounder is . Medication AN is driven by fear of weight gain, and psychotherapy is trials are often assessed for reductions in depression or designed to overcome this anxiety. The above-described anxiety scores; however, not every person with AN has a studies used d-cycloserine-targeted fear extinction, but current anxiety or depressive disorder, and this variability further studies are needed to determine whether this type could confound outcome. It is possible that only patients of medication approach can be helpful. Animal studies with a current comorbid major depressive disorder would have found that there is an interaction between hormonal truly benefit from an antidepressant medication, which, in state and fear extinction, and, in particular, females in a turn, could improve AN treatment outcome and prognosis. low-estrogen state may benefit from dopamine receptor Most medication trials are small, and a stratification that stimulation when trying to suppress previous fears after includes comorbidity is hard to accomplish, but if we do extinction training (‘extinction retrieval’) [145]. Thus, not do that we cannot truly assess the effects from the dopamine D1 receptor stimulation could support anxiety medication. In support of this argument is that controlling reduction specifically in females with AN as the disorder for comorbid conditions in biological studies typically is typically associated with low gonadal hormone levels. improves the signal-to-noise ratio. Another limitation of The dopamine D2 receptor could also be a target for medication trials in eating disorders is that they typically reducing conditioned fear as reduced expres- focus on the acute phase of the illness and not whether a sion of conditioned fear response in rodents, and it was medication may prevent relapse long after weight recovery. hypothesized that this was mediated by presynaptic In most cases, studies had a duration of between 1 and 6 dopamine release modulation via the dopamine D2 months and very rarely went to 12 months or beyond. In receptor [146]. In another study, the D2 receptor agonist summary, it may be that AN is not that different compared quinpirole reduced amygdala dopamine levels and asso- with other psychiatric disorders with respect to biological ciated fear response [147]. An additional effect of the underpinnings. However, the complex interactions between dopamine D2 agonist quinpirole was to block conditioned intrinsic brain abnormalities and changes that occur during fear memories that affected both fear conditioning and the illness and during food restriction will need extra effort extinction [148]. Taken together, the dopamine D1 and to better understand and create biological models of the D2 receptors appear to be potential targets for the treat- disorder. ment of anxiety and modulation of conditioned fear. Author's personal copy

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Receptor stimulation could therefore be promising, 5.3 Social Cognition although systemic application of dopamine D2 blockade facilitated fear extinction [149]. However, most studies Social cognition has long been suspected of involvement in generally used acute, short-term designs. Chronic dopa- the of AN, and the disorder has been mine D2 receptor antagonist application enhances this compared with spectrum disorder [163, 164]. receptor system over time, while chronic agonists Whether such deficits exist is still under investigation but decrease dopamine receptor activity [150, 151]. Thus, the various studies have applied pharmacological interventions effects of dopamine D1 and D2 agonists and antagonists in an attempt to improve social functioning in AN. Oxy- have to be studied over longer periods and in relation to tocin is a neuromodulatory prosocial hormone that is weight state. The dopamine D2 receptor released by the and stored in the pituitary aripiprazole showed effects during a fear-con- gland. The literature is discrepant whether this hormone is ditioning paradigm in animals [152], and reduced distress increased, decreased, or normal in AN [165, 166], and one around eating in individuals with AN [84]. Therefore, it is study found that plasma oxytocin levels predicted anxiety possible that dopamine receptor activation is beneficial in and depression ratings after a meal [167]. A series of the treatment of AN. double-blind studies from the same group indicated that oxytocin reduced attention bias to disgust in both AN and 5.2 Reward System Responsiveness control groups, suggesting that, in AN, oxytocin reduced attention bias to food- and body-related stimuli but had no Dopamine circuits within the brain reward system drive effect on emotion recognition or food intake [168–170]. In food approach and the motivation to eat [153]. It is particular, the latter report does not support the usefulness therefore conceivable that in AN the poor motivation to of oxytocin as a therapeutic agent in AN; however, a long- recover is, in part, related to dopamine system alterations term application might have produced different results. [154, 155]. Animal studies have shown that extremes of food intake change brain dopamine chemistry, regardless 5.4 Novel Therapeutics of whether there was an alteration before developing AN. Specifically, dopamine response becomes sensitized with The development of novel therapeutic agents in psychiatry food restriction and weight loss and does not quickly has been very slow and may, in part, be due to the phar- normalize with normalization of food intake [140, 142]. maceutical industry’s ‘withdrawal’ from this area [171]. Using fMRI and a task that is specifically designed to test On the other hand, neuroscience continues to make pro- dopamine neuronal activation (‘prediction error model’ gress in identifying mechanisms that underlie disorder [156]), we found that AN was associated with greater processes with the study of neuroplasticity, neurogenetics, brain response in insula and ventral striatum, suggesting and neural circuitry [172]. This holds promise in identi- abnormally heightened dopamine receptor sensitivity fying disease mechanisms and new molecules to treat compared with controls [132]. If in fact there is a psychiatric disorders. In depression treatment research, hypersensitivity of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in AN, various compounds have been identified that are currently then long-term application of dopamine receptor antago- under investigation (see review by Papakostas and Ionescu nists could further increase receptor availability and sys- [173]), including glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate tem activity [150, 151, 157]. On the other hand, cautious (NMDA) receptor antagonists, such as or lan- application of dopamine receptor agonists could be ben- icemine, which rapidly reduce depressive feelings with few eficial as it would result in a net decrease in dopamine side effects. Previously, a hypercholinergic state has been binding sites and desensitization over time, and possibly postulated as a mechanism that contributes to depression, reduced response sensitivity [150, 158–161]. Such dopa- and the antimuscarinic agent scopolamine has shown fast mine receptor downregulation might then attenuate antidepressant response. , a novel medication reward system responsiveness. One case report in a that modulates serotonin receptors, has recently been sample of six patients with AN showed that a low dose of approved for major depressive disorder and has not been the levodopa was helpful for weight tested in eating disorders. This drug has also been con- gain in four patients, while the two non-responders sidered as a potential treatment for generalized anxiety maintained their weight [162]. Other evidence for dopa- disorder [174]. Glutamatergic agents, corticotrophin-re- mine agonists comes from case reports that suggest that leasing factor 1 antagonists, and angiotensin II receptor the dopamine receptor partial agonist aripiprazole at a antagonists may also have anti-anxiety effects but may not relatively low dose can reduce fear of weight gain and be available for clinical use for some time [175]. Never- support AN treatment outcome [84, 85]. theless, these agents could be investigated in animal Author's personal copy

G. K. W. Frank, M. E. Shott models of AN. From relevant research in the addiction shown beneficial effects in treating depression [185]. literature, we learned that potential therapeutic target for Basic research has suggested that these agents could the eating disorders field are gastrointestinal peptides, increase survival in animal studies [186], and small case which are active in the brain [176]. These peptides include reports from one group indicated potentially beneficial substance P, neurotensin, ghrelin, neuropeptide Y, and effects in AN [187, 188]. Some have made a compelling glucagon-like peptide 1. They have been shown to increase theoretical argument that this class of nutritional supple- or decrease consumption in animal models and ments could support brain health in disordered eating could have implications for food intake in AN. Their [189] but rigorous studies supporting this hypothesis are activity is related to the body’s immune system as well as still outstanding. neurotransmitters such as serotonin or dopamine [98]. Those peptides are often altered during the 5.6 Comorbidity ill state of an eating disorder, and normalize with recovery, but is it largely unknown whether they contribute mecha- Depression and anxiety are very common in AN [6] and nistically to AN [177]. A new area of research is the one would expect that comorbidity affects treatment out- intestinal microbiome, and one small study suggested that come. A recent meta-analysis indicated that depression and the bacterial composition in the intestine is altered in AN general psychopathology unfavorably affected treatment and that weight recovery is associated with changes in the outcome; however, the studies typically assess depression microbiome [178]. Future research may identify pharma- or anxiety with continuous measures such as the Beck cological interventions that could be beneficial for the Depression Inventory or State Anxiety Questionnaire recovery from AN. score, and do not necessarily stratify by diagnosis [190]. New techniques have been developed to manipulate and This is a potential problem as one would, for instance, in a better understand brain neurocircuitry. One such technique clinical setting, prescribe an anti-anxiety or antidepressant is optogenetics, which allows the use of light to switch on medication based on a diagnostic assessment. One retro- or off certain brain circuits, but at this point is only spective chart review studied adolescent patients with AN, applicable in the animal model [179]. There are several who also had a depressive episode at the time of treatment, new nonpharmacological interventions in psychiatry that and compared the effectiveness of paroxetine with clomi- effect brain activity, including repetitive transcranial pramine [22]. In that study, BMI increase was similar magnetic stimulation (rTMS) [180], transcranial direct between groups (2.6 and 2.8 BMI points) but the parox- current stimulation (tDCS) [181], or deep brain stimulation etine group took significantly less time (72 days) to reach [182]. Those approaches have been associated with mod- ideal body weight compared with the clomipramine group ulation of dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitter (97 days). Tricyclic medications have shown little benefit systems [183, 184]. While their effectiveness is still under in the treatment of adolescent depression, while SSRIs investigation, it is possible that the combination of brain have shown efficacy, although the specific effectiveness of stimulation and pharmacological agents might be beneficial paroxetine has recently been questioned [191]. At our in improving outcome in psychiatric disorders, including treatment facility, we carefully assess comorbid conditions eating disorders. and if, for instance, a major depressive disorder or is diagnosed that cannot be attributed to the eating 5.5 General Neural Protection disorder, then we typically treat those conditions. This is with the rationale that the eating disorder treatment work is Nutritional supplements constitute a large segment in the already intense, and our impression is that treating anxiety personal health improvement market. In the US, these and depressive disorder facilitates AN treatment and, at the products are not regulated by the FDA but other countries least, improves quality of life. One school of thought was may have more stringent rules. The true effectiveness of that SSRIs could not be effective because of poor nutrition many agents is still unclear, but omega-3 fatty acids, and low tryptophan intake, which contributes to low brain which are part of neuronal cell structures and support serotonin. This has never been proven and specific sup- human metabolism, have been well studied. The omega-3 plementation with tryptophan did not make the medication fatty acids (a-linolenic acid [ALA], eicosapentaenoic acid more effective [56]. It may be more likely that the SSRI is [EPA], and docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]) are naturally just not specific enough for AN treatment, and it might occurring in foods such as fish or flax seeds and can be only be helpful in individuals who have a full major administered as a nutritional supplement. The available depressive episode. Thus, we suggest that specific research studies on the effects of omega-3 fatty acids in psychiatry be undertaken that stratifies AN individuals by comorbid are typically small and not well-controlled but have diagnoses, and tests whether SSRIs are beneficial or not. Author's personal copy

Psychotropic Medications in the Management of Anorexia Nervosa

5.7 Dosage Funding None.

Dosage in medication trials is guided by dose ranges estab- lished to treat disorders for which those medications were References originally developed; however, there is no proof that this is 1. Kaye WH, Wierenga CE, Bailer UF, Simmons AN, Bischoff- the best approach. Individuals with AN are at a lower weight, Grethe A. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels: the neurobiology therefore caution should be used when prescribing any of anorexia nervosa. Trends Neurosci. 2013;36(2):110–20. medication and lower dosages should be considered first. In 2. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical TM support of the low-dose approach is a study of AN that manual of mental disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5 ). Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013. administered low-dose olanzapine to 13 patients and found 3. Golden NH, Katzman DK, Kreipe RE, Stevens SL, Sawyer SM, that the medication showed indications supporting weight Rees J, et al. 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