Awea/Z2-7Erta So Wao As Ae As So As /7Aeow/2Waza Oa 1774 Car Sis
Sept. 19, 1939. E. F. ZAPARKA 2,173,674 AILERON DEVICE Original Filled June 7, 1933 3 Sheets-Sheet l S NS vue tot in Awea/Z2-7erta so wao As ae as so as /7aeow/2waza oA 1774 car sis rtist it v Sept. 19, 1939. E. F. ZAPARKA 2,173,674 AILERON DEVICE Original Filled June 7, l933 3. Sheets-Sheet 2 M 74.12. M2 -or 2 T-277t a 27 Awaa(7 / 27aaeia sy e/r. 7-8%. detotivo 40 Sept. 19, 1939. E. F. ZAPARKA 2,173,674 ALERON DEWICE Original Filled June 7, l933 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 rvuertot Awezázzaze/7 "24-c. 4c. dittozvot y Patented Sept. 19, 1939 2,173,674 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,173,674 AERON DEVICE Edward F. Zaparka, Baltimore, Md., assignor to Zap Development Corporation, Baltimore, Md., a. corporation of Delaware Application June 7, 1933, Serial No. 674,729 Renewed January 13, 1937 Claims. (C, 244-90) My invention relates to ailerons, and more wing equipped with the form of aileron shown particularly to ailerons which are balanced so in Figure 1; that it requires gradually increasing control stick Fig. 3 is a graph showing the control stick forces to move them from the neutral position. forces plotted with respect to the angle of at 5 Though I am not to be limited to any par tack of a combined pair of ailerons; 5. ticular location of the ailerons, the ailerons I Fig. 4 is a view in side elevation of an air have shown are of the type illustrated and de plane wing showing another form of my aileron; scribed in my application Serial No.
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