Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1945-1946
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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1945-1946 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1946 Eastern Progress - 01 Feb 1946 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1945-46/7 PINIONS ' BY PARRISH The Bear and the Billion* EASTERN PROGRESS A short time ago the University Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State Teacher* College of Kentucky proudly announced to the world that It had secured the services of one Paul (Bear) Bry- VOLUME 24 RICHMOND, KY., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1946 NUMBER 7 ant as head football coach. The signing of Bryant climaxed many weeks of furious hunting and In- terviewing. Sports fans of Ken- Milestone Being Prepared Extra-Curricular Religious Emphasis Week tucky dealt In thousands and tens By LUCILLE BRANDENBURGH of thousands as the costs of a new athletic program were pondered. For Release During May To Close February Third, "We're going to give Kentucky an Math Club outstanding football team," said Staff Is Appointed; The Mathematics Club held Its University officials. Even cries Progress To Sponsor regular meeting Tuesday, January Go-to-Church Sunday of "Spare no expense," rather rare Pictures Being Taken 23, in the Blue Room. The meet- in Kentucky, were heard. Popularity Contest ing was opened by the president, And so now, a great athletic The 1946 issue of the Milestone, Ralph K. Steely. The Reverend William A. Ben- hierarchy has been formed with scheduled for release In May, will Preliminaries for the 1946 Mile- field, PhX>., opened the Religious stone popularity elections will be Discussion concerning the invit- its roots in many Kentucky coun- be Eastern's first yearbook since ing of new members into the club Emphasis Week, which is being" ties. Daily appear statements from 1043. Although attempts were held in the Rec room or the Stu- was held and motions were made conducted on the campus now, the various county leaders pledg- made to continue the publication dent Union next Wednesday, Feb. to accept all students with above with a chapel address "You and ing huge sums to the support of during the war years, scarcity of 8, under the direction of the 1 point average in grades and who Kentucky's program. It seems that materials prevented their being the Future," Wednesday morning, Progress staff. Members of the had declared a major or minor in January 30. Kentucky fans have large amounts carried out. mathematics. Other plans tor the ready to toss Into the athletic maw. Work on this year's Milestone staff will officiate at the polls quarter were made. Dr. tienneld, who is vice presi- was begun last fall with the ap- which will be open from 8:00 dent or the Louisvnie rTesuymiian While Kentucky Sleeps A program on Mathamagic was pointment of a planning commit- a. m. to 3:00 p. m. .seminary, has Deen active in re- tee by the senior class president, presented by program chairman, The hillsides of Kentucky are The student body will make Marilyn Treischman. ugious worK ,on various college punctuated with weather-beaten James H. Smith. This committee their nominations for the honor -ttinpuses and has participated in one-room shacks. To these schools made preliminary contacts with V Cabinet summer conferences lui young daily go children wearing tattered publishing concerns until the class of Miss Eastern, Miss Popularity and Mr. Popularity. The three The Y Cabinet held a business people. Last year ne was grant*! clothes, carrying tattered books, elected an editorial staff for the nominees who lead In the number A leave of aDsence to investigate and receiving from teachers with annual. The members chosen were meeting Tuesday afternoon, Jan- J»e use of mecnods in ouier as- Herbert Searcy, Carrollton, editor; of votes for each position will uary 22. in the Student Union tattered educations the knowledge then enter the finals which are Building. pects of American life as con- of the three R's. No one is ready Laura Hurt, Lynch, assistant edi- to be held Friday, February 10. trasted with those connected with to donate thousands to the further- tor; Tina Tyler, McRoberts, busi- Plans were started for sending .■eugious methods. He nas traveled ance of their education. Most of ness manager. They have been As has been the practice in ten delegates to the Y area con- extensively and has been praised them quit school when compara- working diligently since assuming the past, Miss Eastern must be vention which will take place Feb- mgniy for his lectures. Giauuat- tively young. Their teachers are their positions in an effort to ob- either of junior or senior classifi- ruary 23. Jig irom Davidson College in men and women who have had tain the services of a printer, cation. Any student enrolled m It was decided that the annual iNorth Carolina, Dr. Benfield little education, and year after engraver and photographer for the college is eligible for the other alumni letter would be sent to for- studied at the Louisville t-reaoy- year the cycle goes on. Teachers publication. honors. mer Y students. This type of let- tenan Seminary and oDtauied ms with limited knowledge turn out After much delay, contracts ter is mimeographed and contains doctor's degree from the tJaptist pupils with limited knowledge, and were signed within the past week up to the minute news about work REV. WILLIAM A. BENFIELD Seminary in Louisville. many of these pupils in turn be- with the Bush-Krebs Company, FACULTY NEWS the Y is doing. Discussion groups were held come teachers to continue the pro- Lou is vile, for the engravings; the The entire Religious Emphasis Wednesday, Thursday and Friuay cess. Slater-Gilroy Company, also of Mrs. Emma Y. Case, Dean of Week program was discussed and New Instructor afternoons from tour to nve Kentucklans may well be thank- Louisville, for the printing, and Women, was in Louisville the o'clock. These took place in tne with the McGaughey Studio of Jane Johnston explained some of For Model High ful that Mississippi and Arkansas weekend of January 19-21st. She the "events taking place. Tickets Student Union Building. The lead- Richmond for the photography. spoke to the Alpha Chapter of are still In the union for these to the dinner at which Dr. Benfield Mr. Leland Wilson has been ers and the topics discussed were perennial laggards are the only The cover for the book will be Delta Gamma, an honorary fra- as follows: furnshed by the American Cover ternity for women in education, spoke were sold by the Cabinet employed to teach science in the states with worse educational rec- members. "Marriage and Home Life," ords than Kentucky's. It Is a Company, Dallas, Texas. at a dinner meeting at the Brown Model High School and wlU be- In addition to the above-men- Hotel Monday, January 21. A discussion was also held about Rev. Olof Anderson, Mrs. Emma matter of controversy whether gin his duties next Monday. He iT. Case, Ann Reiley Cochran, Kentucky is forty-sixth or forty- tioned members, the staff for the the work done at the Telford com- Milestone consists of James H. munity Center in Richmond. It succeeds Mrs. John Whitlock who Mrs. R. K. .Steely, bandy Vveuer. seventh In educational rank among Mrs. Naomi Wilhlot, supervisor and Bert Lana. the states; not whether It Is first, Smith, Clement McDowell, Bob of Elementary Education, has may be possible for students to recently resigned because she second or fifteenth. If a state- Ryle, art makeup; Dick Allen, called a regional conference to aid on Friday nights, with this wished to retire from the teach- "World Order," Rev. E. N. wide drive for educational funds Ivan Maggard, sports; Harvey be held at Eastern on February worthwhile project. ing profession. Perry, Dr. L. G. Kennamer, Miss were, staged, could thousands of Wells, Georgia Ramsey, features; 2. This conference is for Helping Mary Frances McKlnney, Tommy Charles Floyd, Carl Scott, Lema Westminster Fellowship Mr.' Wilson is a graduate ol Parrish, Howard Hundemer, Mabel dollars be raised? Would every Teachers and Supervisions. The Eastern- the class of 1934. He re- Kentucky county pledge sums Aker, photography; Alethea Heft, primary purpose of the meeting The Westminster Fellowsnip of L. Jones, and Charles Floyd. Leslie Combs, Mabel Jones, Jean the Presbyterian Church is host ceived his M. S. degree from the ranking from one to ten thousand is centered around the Kentucky University of Kentucky in 1941. "Economics," Rev. W. A. E. dollar*? We doubt It very much. Crutcher, compositors; Ruth Rice, Education Association legislative this weekend to the Synod's West- Johnson, Dr. Jack Allen, Dr. W. J! Nancy Durham, Marie Riherd. program. minster Fellowship of Kentucky. His first teaching experience was The highest salary a Kentucky in Harlan High School. For six Moore, Dr. J. T. Dorris, Jean professor can hope to draw la five typists; Dan Daugherty, Guy Hat- Miss Rives, president of the D. Eastern students and church mem- Crutcher, Louise McCrosKy, fcu- field, advertising. Dr. Fred Giloo, bers have as their guests people years he was employed as -a thousand dollars. Yet Kentucky's S. C. D., will attend the meeting teacher in Quincy, Florida. Dur- gene Tolson, and Julie Hoffman. professor of sit, serves as ad- and discuss the problems relating from the following colleges: Cen- "Interfaith Co-operation," Rev. new football pilot has been prom- visor to the staff, which consists tre, Georgetown, Transylvania, Un- ing the war Mr. tfilson serveo ised an annual salary estimated at to the legislative program. one year as an instructor in the F. N. Tinder, Dr. N. B. Cuff, Carl largely of members of the senior The conference will be held in iversity of Kentucky, Wesleyan, Scott, Norma Ann Richards, John twenty thousand dollars.