IS PREPARING Members of the Western Association Entertain the Host of Railroad Mrs
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The San Francisco Call. VOLUME XC—NO. 171. SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1901. PRICE FIVE CENTS. REPORT OF THE SCHLEY COURT OF INQUIRY WILL SWEEP AWAY ALLEGATIONS THAT FORMED THE BASIS OF THE INVESTIGATION PASSENGER AGENTS FIND DELIGHT AMERICAN WOMAN AT SCENES WHERE RAPTURING SEA BIG BUTTLES WOULD OUTSHINE NilBOARD BREAKS ON BEACHES OF MONTEREY TOBE FOUGHT ENGLAND'S QUEEN IS PREPARING Members of the Western Association Entertain the Host of Railroad Mrs. Bradley-Martin Pays More Than a Officials From the Eastern States and Accompany Them IN CONGRESS Million Dollars for a Tiara to Be ITS FINDINGS House and Senate Look Worn at Edward's Coronation. Favor Accused Admiral on the Journey to This City* 9 Forward to Bitter on Almost Every BRADLEY-MARTIN,wife in the entertainment were D. W. Hitch- Contests. of an American millionaire, Count. cock and B. A. Worthington. now a member of the Ameri- can colony in London, proposes Party From St. Paul. make the most of the oppor- Trust-Regulation Ac- One of the most important parties in Roosevelt's tunity afforded by the coming coronation No Substantiation of the VII. She is having made the is composed crowd of KingEdward train of a of Project Likely to Be a tiara of Jewels that will cost over $1,- cusations Hinting at railroad men and their wives from St. Opposed 00,000, which she will wear during the Cowardice. Paul. Their car was tendered them by fetes. Apparently it was the purpose of the Great Northern Railway for the en- this rich American woman to outshine Subsidies, the Queen, but Alexandra, not to be out- However, Ship Reciprocity, Revenue done, is having the great Koh-i-noor dia- May Conclude, That Schley Reduction and the Isthmian mond set in her crown, which will make Disobeyed OTders of His Supe- Canal Are Among Bones it the most valuable in the world. riors in Going to Key We»t of Contention. to Coal. Special Dispatch to The^Call. Special Dl»patch to The Call CALL BUREAU, 1406 G STREET. N. CALL BUREAU. 1406 G STREET, N. W., WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.—Ship subsi- W., WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.—The find- dies, reciprocity, revenue reduction,— the ings of the naval board that conducted the isthmian canal and the trusts these are Schley investigation will be favorable to the admiral on most the points already looming up as big bones of con- accused of involved. Those allegations which have tention in the coming Congress. been proved to be unfounded, or of minor Frye expected Senator of Maine is in importance even if substantiated, for the Washington some time next week, bring- reason that they involved simple questions ing a new subsidy bill. Senator Hanna of judgment on the part of the command- willbe in the van of the subsidy warriors. ing officer, include the slow progress of They will lind plenty of opponents. — the squadron from Cienfuegoa toward Reciprocity, too, will tind its enemies Santiago, the failure to destroy the Colon, not the reciprocity that Mr.Blalne urgad, the effectiveness of the blockades at Cien- nor yet the reciprocity of McKinley, but fuegos and Santiago and the "loop" of th» many schemes of tarirt reduction that will Brooklyn on the day of the battle. The be presented under the high-sounding title report of the naval board, which is now of "reciprocal relations." Many are anx- in course of preparation, will sweep away ious for the President's words on this many of the allegations which were the matter, as it is known that he holds basis of the investigation. strong views. The Schley court unquestionably realizes Representative Payne of New York, who that much of the matter before it is en- will succeed himself as chairman of the titled to little weight, but when it has Ways and Means Committee, will be here sifted out these things, it is believed, it the week before the session opens with a will find something left upon which ad- general plan of revenue reduction that verse findings will be based. Though meets attack, more or less bitter, almost much of the testimony regarding the sec- before it is born. He will lind his most ond and third specifications, which con- strenuous opponents In his own commit- cern the movement* of the flyingsquadron tee, among men from the West who be- off Cienfuegos and its progress toward lieve in keeping up the p; est»ttt war taxes Santiago, must be disregarded as having until it is more accurately known what no bearing upon these points, one impor- the appropriations will be. tant point to be considered is Admiral President Roosevelt's "publicity rem- Schley's failure to communicate with tba edy" for the encroachments of trusts will insurgents near Cienfuegos. not be taken without a struggle. Deprived of Information. Committee contests will be few, but After Schley's arrival off that port It those that occur are likely to engender was reported to him that certain lights more or less bitterness. The chairman- were seen on shore at night, and every ship of the Senate Committee on Foreign witness who was asked about these lights Relations will be fought for by Senators testified to having seen them. It is clear Cullom and Lodge. The place has not been that Admiral Schley did not know the filled since the death of Senator Davis. meaning of the signals, and no on* in- Senator Frye is the ranking member, but formed him. he will be presiding officer of the upper The reason Admiral Schley has himself branch. Next in order to him comes Mr. assigned for the retrograde movement was Cullom, and, according precedent, he MONTE, Nov. 17.—The to the short coal supply of the squadron and travel- selected as chairman, ing passenger agents had would be but Mr. the difficulty of coaling, but statistics of a his friends not, grand time here to-day. When Lodge and contest the selec- the amounts the ships had do in the opinion judges, such a they left their special at the tion. TO DAZZLE THE EYES OF of close reveal DEL cars widely reported RICH AMERICAN WOMAN WHO INTENDS state as a siding near the shortly It has been that Presi- Ax THE of affairs should have alarmed hotel taking BRITISH ROYALTY WITH A DISPLAY OF RARE JEWELS after S o'clock they were greeted with a dent' Roosevelt was a hand in this resourceful commander. CORONATION OF KING EDWARD. It believed beautiful view of Del Monte. The hotel affair and urging Senator Lodge for the is In well Informed circle* and grounds never looked better. The place. The prerogatives of the Senate are here that the court cannot fail to find that 'Any the reports made by Admiral Schley in weather was perfect and the Eastern rail- well known to be sacred. interfer- ence, regard to coal were incorrect; that the roe^ men and their wives decided that even by so high an authority as the ALBAN CREMATE THEIR • GENERAL retrograde justifiable as a paradise on earth. Chief Executive, would be looked upon as movement was not serious breach etiquette. in view of his orders to blockade Santiago, After breakfast the party, which num- a of official A WILL END WAR VICTIMS' BODIES may select a and that he c*ld disobey the department's bered about 300, was divided into two President Collector for the orders in continuing toward Key sections. One party took the seventeen- port of New York without consulting his Mississippi Moonshiners Murder Two West mile drive Secretary of the Treasury, but to take a Intends to I^cad a Strong Attacking Instead of carrying out at once the In- and the other visitors amused Deputy Marshals and Burn themselves by visiting the golf links, PROMINENT WHO ARE plunge into the private affairs of the Force and Effectually Crush structions as contained In the telegram RAILROAD MEN CONSPICUOUS IN THE PAR- May maze and swimming bathp. After lunch TY OF PASSENGER AGENTS WHO ARE BEING United States Senate, august and digni- the Insurrection in Building to Hide of 25. ENTERTAINED ON says those who had not already taken the A JOURNEY AMONG PICTURESQUE SCENES INCALIFORNIA. fied—never! So tradition. But that Colombia. Crime. Controversy With Hodgson. is just what persistent rumor says the OXFORD, Miss., Nov. John A. drive availed themselves of the oppor- Colombia, Nov. 17.— The Colom- 17.— The only other specification on which tunity. President is doing. COL.QN, Montgomery, Deputy United Mar- the court is thought likely find arrived here States to against The party left here 11 An intimate friend of President Roose- bian gunboat General Pinzon Admiral Schley No Railway Man's Coin. entire at o'clock tire trip. Those in the car are: W. L. shal pro tern. of this city, and Deputy Is believed to be No. 10. this evening Francisco, velt, and one who thoroughly knows the to-day from Savanilla with 2300 troops. At dinner in the evening Passenger en route to San V-"yand and wife, C. 'w. Humphrey and United States Marshal Hugh Montgomery referring to his controversy with Lieu- vrhere they wife, Senate situation, denied absolutely to-day In view of the unchanged conditions of Traffic Manager will arrive at noon to-morrow. F. H. Thorn, wife and son; C. D. of Pontoloc, left here last night to ar- tenant Commander Hodgson. The gist of E. O. McCormick made As that such was the case. isthmus, affair, gueets of the Western Association Dunann and wife, Otto Thorson and wife, the this evidence of the Govern- rest Will Mathls.