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119rh Year of PublicaHon First' .lirrieii- 6i! nations ^ not sure oij tlate of meet steady C^i^l. -(^) Jobless rate .^ :E^[ .;^:^T!bB; ¦ -¦¦¦ Arab oil cduntrieB ' mSHINGTON (UPI) •; - turing eiripiayment : in Feb- dent Nixon ^Wednesday¦ that effects of the energy shortag« still have not ' ' aigreed where and when their Uneihpldyment remained un- ruary, e s p e c i a 1. I'. y in there, would he no recession this since Dec/ 1. . About 300,001 oil ministers will meet to take changed in February at ' 5.2 per transportation equipment. . It year' and that economic condi- .thers , were' : . lost . iridirectl] up 's ; cent despite continued layoffs, said this reflected in large, part tions will be improving. because of fuel shortages, the} . proposal that they ' ¦ ' '¦¦ ' ' ' lift their embargo/or shipments particularly in . the' auto Lridus- reduced .consumer demand for Thursday's report said whole- said. : ; - • . • . ': " >.: try, the government said today. automobile- because of gasoline sale price inflation. slowed from "One month does not a trend to tite , an official ' of the Egyptian This . wa_t the . first i time in shortages.. 3.5 pet cent . in January : to 1.5 make," the. official observed. 7 oil ministry; , said -Tiursday night. 7 four . months that . the. jobles s 7 The employment report; com- per cent in ebruary. / , He ,7 also: . speculated tha s-job The official rate had not increased since bined with the BLS's wholesale As for today' report, the employers, frightened by. wors said / the Arab bottomtag out at 4.6 per cent BLS said that based ori payroll ehirig fuel' shortages governments were holding last- price7 .-port Thursday 7 which , migh last October before the Arab oil showed the rate of inflation data from industry, 125,000 to have overreacted in January minute, consultations to set a bi embargo was . Imposed and appeared to ; be slowing;, fol- 20ty«»7/jobsv :had . been 7 lost layirtg off more workers .thai time and place for the meeting. heightened the fuel shortage to directly as a result of the necessary.;. ', , ' ¦ ¦: The meeting was . lowed a declaration by Presi- . . originally a crisis level that .. led to scheduled for Feb, 14 in Tripoli, extensive layoffsi bf workeis. Libya; But Egyptian ; President Anwar Sadat obtaiiied a post- The report said the total Snemerit so he could do more number of employed Americans ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ Aying for bis proposal to ; . * ¦ ' ¦ ..: ¦ • . ¦¦¦ held steady in February at 85.8 Inside: /end TICKLING '88;.;. ; ' the restrictions against the ™_ .president Nixon - and guests Thursday night in the White House. million, while the number of Mixpri prOf5GS0l ''¦" sits at piano as Pearl Bailey sings "Home on The President accompanied Miss- Bailey dur- unemployed workers went up a Net name ;KS United States. .. name; a set of bylaws and : said, the Range" as; they perform for, governors . ing/several numliers. (Ap Photofax) negligible 21,000 to 4.75 million. a slate , ' ' Egypt this week/that the ' . The Labor Department's. Bu- of officers -. and di- meeting would be held Sunday " • . rect ors Thursday night . as reau of Labor Statistics:/ (BLS) rpf prrris Southeastern : ; 's and had been shifted to Cairo ' related cam bd i d ri because fair, , said energy- layoffs in newest layer: of goverhttieiiV an industrial in rj manufacturing plants - were : got organized ' , : . . (U PI) -1 his - 1972' . campaign, . . .Nixon, — ¦ stories Tripoli .made - . '!hotel accom- ho ef offset by employment gains in • page . 3i : '. :'¦'¦ odations -carce ih the Libyan S pon sors a re^ u I for President Nixon proposed today suggested. that /various disrupt other sectoris. politi- tive activities be banned. , KAHrliH-f Tne Minnesota capital. - . wide-ranging reforms in J DOnaing House has ap- Among those recording in- cal - campaigning, including He included such things as /Then Algeria, whose Presi- creases were the wholesale and proved the . largest bonding dent Houari of wage limits on contributions,: shorten- misleading advertisements, Bournedienne is. retail . trade, ', state and!, local bill in i history .—; $450 million the current, chairman .of the. J3ro ing the /length; : of 7 presidential misfepresehtaticjn: /.of voting ¦^ and sent the measure - to suctes^ p<>sal governments, : service indus- Arab League campaigns and restrictions oh records, -of opponents, organiz- the Senate -^ story , page 4. , announced Thurs- '_ tries, 'insurance and real' estate; '" ' " day, that it would hot mioy e the WASHINGTON (AP) The i The 69:to-22 vote sent the leg- leaves millions of families in ¦• political "dirty. tricks,"/. - 7 ing . slander .

, ' « _ ¦ _riirih^T _f _'TrT(iii >T i_iB fc-6iWg _.?_." _T?_.V ^Yi yiY Hf ¦ 9WjH_ _W_WP8WPIMylWP'i_l 454-2961¦ ¦ **^*™ «*^^^ b^^i -* - ^ ^ p^aM'k_S_Mi£-haai4_iiMl-SS<_a

•_ + W fW ** **** * -H i t * ™t " *i vA ? f tt\ \. i KAT0 LIQUOR * -'' W ' , 4 y, ' ' ., v '» , \ i » ., * ^^wlVwl STORE 302 Minkato Ave. ' — featuring — • OFF SALE LIQUORS ' • FREE DELIVERY V PHONE f\M all you(SHRIMP, RIBS,can HAM , FISH, CHICKEN) eat «J 454-2085 ^J)^> f iliK I^LIGIOOS ; ' ,-;7 ,7' PLUS ALL THE TRIMMINGS, _A_.___._b______¦ W-_llt_»L _%»Y. , *M uKMBSm(Mode paislble by a'«nl« AMERICA < _0*fe _¦> __r ____¦ _» «__¦__ «__ ^__ __. SSRSSRSS*, _ PKiwri Ironilhe Intln-SweeneyMlllsr . flL^__ T ¦ ¦&¦ H^-- JVa m _T m. THRU lotMidoilcm.tlir Coipoinilou ^t__^_i ¦ B ¦ __[ _LJsmmm ^_C B^_ MB $3 Jf THURSDAY L ¦ ¦ a (tir PiihllclltaiitktHtinq titKt ^j BK ^P ¦ TEEN DANCE J^AV ^ Hf m 1 M H the Lilly KndownieiilJiic,)! ^ MW ^B-JaV JL || J#mmw J¦ * ^ 1 || \ fifldFal aJl Music by ;;:|7 . COCKTAILS. - / ^ %mw' hll mmMkwm \ ?w "CHAOS" ¦ ¦ at the •; CHILDREN 9 AND UNDER $1.50 ' ' ''^b " ; Hi> UKE CITTY ^ W\ _i 730 PM Elba Sportsmen's $:. ,;£ > CHILDREN 2 AND UNDER FREE ^ rtM _f\- South Highway 61 ^ C w Club ;il ____ •' . 345-4S38 7 ^^ ¦___r ____^__J|fr$W ^ L^ LaCrosso.Wlsconsin B J_____ SS_S_S» ! ..._...;..,.... Elba, Minn. : )$ >} ¦ y ^ ^ iMi» ^ mmmmm\#>m C WAITRESS SERVED :. ^^m^m^, _^HJ_^l_^_r SAT, MAR. 9 % ^a __^H 9:00 to MlOO TV highlights : Wino^ News (Continued froMi page 4) ^^v ^y:^ *jk-i_i -y ;Charier M. Schuh ' ' ¦ ' ¦ : !J$o^^ 6-8-19/ ;. . ' . / V 7 / :;i';. . :\ ' ¦;. . (EDITOR 'S riOTE: This t_ ' \i World ; Championship Tennis. the ninth in it lOrpari series ¦¦ : f Aetna World Cup from Hartford, oi stories, dealing with the . ; | Conn. 3:30, Chs. 10-13. : . golden;age of retirement.' . "f " Search for the Nile, "Find ; Available also Is \a ¦[ . booklet •.' " including the series in . ex- Livingstone" focuses on re- panded form . Ah order form porter Henry Stanley's search is included. for your conven- .or the missionary in central ience.) ¦ : '

¦ ¦'- ¦;. . - . , ' ...... / ;_ . .TT* Africa, 5:00,; Ch; 9. 7 /| Bly JACK GOURLAY .i'i tLONEH E ?:. i High' Quiz Bowl. Winona v». % Chic: Voun . 'A Postville, Iowa, 6:00, Ch. 8, major problem encount- ' ' ered in the later years is that 7 Apple's Way. "The; . Miller^ : of living on a drastically cur- s aged tells the story of Apple' tailed income, whether it be f father who lives in an old folks' derived from a private or ¦. '! horhe and can't believe his 'im- public pension or a combiiia- j lly wants him to move in with tion of the two. " •¦. ' , -¦/¦ I them. 6:30, Chs. 34-8. , ; It is difficult for anyone to predict exactly how , much " \ Movies money he will need to live in :| retirement; but unless you are •' ' ' j . 'Today . . one : of the fortunate wealthy, • • ,¦ I Letters," Alex "The Scorpio with or without a pensior you j Cord, adventure (1966), - 3:30, ': ' ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦¦ are going to have to learn to | REDEYE .; . - - . V: -V by Gordon Besi Ch;-4.'-V ' - ' :• ¦ ' - ''- . ' ., ; live on considerably less In- j ¦ ' " ' " ¦ ' ' " ' ' ' '' ' " " '' • ' ' * ' -' • '' ' - ' ' ¦" • " ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' "The Blood Beast Terror;" : ' - . I . . ¦ '. ¦ ' . '! . . . . ' 1 ' i " . . 1 : " . ' ' ¦¦ • '— . 7 . ' come than . you ; had when you i\ . — Peter Cushing, thriller . (1968), . were gainfully employed. 7 ! 10i30 Chs; 3-8. , : 7 Fortunately, many of yoiir "The Petrified Forest,'' Les- (1936) expenses will be lowered be- ; lie Howard, dram*, , ' is¦¦ ¦ ' 10:50, Ch. 4. . cause living in retirement • • . . "Charlie Chan in Reno," Sid- far less complicated and less ney Tolerj • iriysteryi (1939) financially demanding than , ¦¦¦ , , 11:00, ^,11. •¦' • • • holding a job -and raising a "War Hunt,? John Saxon, family;/: drama ' (1952) ,; 12:00, Ch.iX :i When you are in your 20s, ; '-i>fr . retirement .seems so remote Saturday * vthat it would be futile fqr any-." Mad, Mad, "It' s a TMad, Mad one to suggest -that yoii seri- ¦ World," Spencer Tracy, comedy ' ' BUZ SAWYER \> . by RbyXrani (1963), ously plan for retirement. But.. . A.^> 7 7:00, Chs. 5-13. the decade between age 35 payments than you could Start cleaning up your pital insurance, ana also "The Rise of Louis XIV," make up from fixed invest- mortgage and any other long- check into your coverage on Jean - Marie Patte, biography and 45 is ideal for starting your financial planning for ments. term debts, and don't take on fire, automobile and personal (1965), 7:30 Ch. 2. protec- retirement, just as it's the At age 55, you should be at any more if you can help it. liability insurance as "Mousey," Kirk Douglas, sus- or near the peak -of your Maintain a comfortable check- tion a£ a i n s t any possible pense (1974) , 7:30, Chs. 6-9-19. right time for you to fully develop the mental and physi- earning power. Your children ing account and "cushion" property loss which could "Rio Conchos,'' Richard are grown , educated and on fund. drain your financial re- Boone, western (1964), 10:00, cal maturity that will lead , you to a purposeful life after their own, and you are 10 At age 60, analyze your net sources. Ch. 6. worth and review your entire accept retire- Summer Place, 65. years or less away from re- At age 65, "A " Dorothy tirement. This is the time to estate program , keeping in ment and make the most of McGuire, romance ( 1959) , 10:30, r uianciauy; HI mis ume, : you should have a savings direct your investments to- mind your retirement income it. Sell any low-yield securi- Ch. 8. sources of ( 'JAny Second Now," Stewart bank account "cushion" which • ward building capital through needs and your ties less than 5 per cent). Put retirement income. Granger, crime drama (1969), can be drawn on in case of growth stocks. If you already the money into higher-yield emergency. This cushion, at have them, hold on to them. Work toward financial sol- issues, including both com- 10:30, Ch. 9. Put half your surplus BEETLE BAILEY _y Mort VVa.fcei "Ship of Fools," Oskaf Wern- this time, should be suffici- If there are any losses to vency. mon stocks and bonds. As you ¦ ¦ (1965), 10:50, Ch. ent to cover three months' take, you can take them in cash into growth stocks, or grow older include more high- ¦-.'• r—•—7 ¦¦ ."¦ ¦ , '.—^*-r— '" ¦ i_ " ' ¦¦ '.. - ' ' . ." • • ' .' . ' " ..i r~ '. ¦ . v ¦ . ——>_¦_¦_¦. er, sea drama growth and _—— • - • ' • 4. living expenses. You should the last years of employment. a combination of income bonds in your port- ——— ——— "The Lady Takes a Flyer," build this fund during your Profits are ideally taken after mutual funds. Don't speculate folio. Jeff Chandler, ¦ comedy (1957), working years by a system- you retire, when your income —there's not enough time left Consider selling some of 11:00, Ch. 11. atic weekly or monthly sav- tax bracket will be lower. Put to recoup any sizeable loss. your equity and converting "Desperate Journey," Errol ings plan so that by retire- the proceeds from either Be sure that you are still some " of your insurance into Flynn, adventure (1942), 11:30, ment the "cushion" . should transaction into income-pro- carrying a sufficient amount an annuity. f __>*nisJnn_ ' .1n/-_ nTfVi nil/1 flZ-.C- Ch. 19. equal your retirement budget UULTlHg se^LUlliea. \ . ., ¦«*_* acvwcm,. ucaim anu UUJ- Make sure that your "cush- "Dracula 's Daughter," Otto covering a two-year period. ion" fund is equal to the Kruger, thriller (1936), 12:00, Also, be sure that you are Booklets are priced at $1.25 each amount you need to cover Ch. 5. adequately covered with life, S ~ * your living costs for at least "River of Mystery," Vic health and hospital insurance. ; LIFE AFTER 65 • two years. Morrow, adventure (1969), 12:00, This is also the time of your P.O. BOX G4 : Apply for Social Security | WINONA MINN . DAILY NEWS ; ' Ch. 13. life when you should consider i ; and Medicare; remember, MARY WORTH . ;^- 7 by 'Alleii. .Saunders ' :and' Kein Ems TEANECK , NEW JERSEY 07666 j Sunday investing in your own home. ; ¦ they won't automatically ¦-¦ = ¦ " * ' , K ¦ I ¦¦ nfeaa- ^-^ --*""' ¦¦ * ~_J " ' . ' «l i ^_e»aE™"»^*^_!--- ___»* ' .i_^_i-BM_BM_i_ ^_a_^_^r-*_4_>*^^~^^ _ -P-Ht-i- a-^act-^ ' "" " '¦ 1* i ' ' I ' M I '" ¦" ~ ™™ 'I Magnificent, "Tarzan the " Arty surplus funds should | Enclosed is $ . Send mc come to you. You must apply Gordon Scott, adventure (1960), —at this age—go "into build- j for these benefits. \ copies of Life After 65. . 6:00, Ch. 11. >thg your capital via growth j i Live on a budget that will "The Out-of-Towners," Jack common stocks. Or, if you • i. keep you within your retire- (1970) Name • •• -. \ Lemmon, comedy , 7:30, have a large mortgage on i i ment income. Watch your Chs. 6-9-19. your home, you might con- | spending. Don Address • j 't go into debt, "The Last Time I Saw Ar- sider investing your surplus ! * i and avoid time-payment or chie," Robert Mitchum, come- dollars in paying off the mort- ! Cily State Zip j.. installment buying if possible. dy (1961), ie:30, Ch. 9. gage, which is most likely SUNDAY: Life Ajter 65 — Is it Peppard , \ Make checks payable to The Assocmted Press j "P. J.," George costing you more in interest ¦ i Worth It? crime drama (1968), 10:30, Ch. _ 13. _ "Bunny O'Hare," Bette Davis, ! : : ' " ' " " ;' !; " " ' " ; : ' 0 " " comedy (1971), 11:20, Ch. 4. - _ Ptp< MQR^rAM. - :" :'. -- - - " -;.- " -.- - .- ¦;. - " " "^ - ' v," - " . ' - - .- ' .-y -- - " -: * ." " - .: " "":l>y: oil-rciirti ^ ^ . ;! .. . . - >^%;- . : - -. - . . . . Lawns need Lookin' for sunshine... preparation a friendly place... for summer Sometimes cultivation of a a silver lining... soilbed early in the year is NANCY by Ernie Biishmiljo difficult because the ground is so wet. Yet, seedbeds are gen- erally more satisfactory if a plowed , disced , or rotary tilled than if left uncultivated. Try itfUk. j , to take advantage of a dry : UADDVm MtTti I I spell for preparing the soil, mix- mmmWmi&!m ' (r , / ?% ing in fertilizer at the same time. At least scuff the soil sur- face on a reasonably dry day, «fe |i __ making scratch marks into k ,^00^ face. which seed can settle. Powered thinning machines can often be rented to accomplish this fair- BARNEY GOOGLE AND SNUFFY SMITH by Fred Lasswel ly easily, I — —I I ! 7 ~ . _, ¦ ,, A chunky soil surface with crevices into which seed can settle is ideal. It will accept rain rather than causing it to run off. A mulch gives added protection against seed and soil wash. Straw a few straws deep, ex- celsior matting, or burlap net- tings available in many garden ^¦11 ' It! centers are typical mulches You ve raund which retain soil moisture and encourage quick sprouting. The seed shftuld be spread uniform- WIZARD OF ID by Parker and Har ly before the mulch Is applied, Bluegrass-fescue seed blends . .vlfs a passbook savings or those containing perennial ryegrass are typically sowed about three pounds to.the thou- account at the "BIG M" sand square feet, colonial bent- grasses at about half this rate. paying daily Interest Seed is distributed most ac- 5% curately with a lawn spreader. The cyclone typo casts seed in n wide arc aiid covers ground fastest. After seeding is completed ¦¦ •« ¦ -» ¦ ¦ , i i " i .i . • i i. -^ —^ - . - ' «-——¦ • i "all systems should be RO." In MARK TRAIL spring nature is almost always by Ed Dodc charitable, with enough wnrmth knd moisture to trigger vigor- ous sprouting. But if rains fall , you will have to writer, Water- MERCHANTS ing Is best done lightly and fre- quentl y until the grass is up, after which it can taper off os NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA the seedlings root more deep- iMombpr Federal Depotlt Insurant* Corporation ly, Some weeds may appear from seed In the soil/ Most of. Third & Lafayotta * ' Phone 454-5160 Iheso nnert not prove worrisome becnusft thoy will disappear af- ter mowing begins. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; ¦ l —- ^ " ¦ ¦ ' ' " ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ z : ¦ ' * mmtmti ^^mm^mtmmitmmmmm-. ^- • - _HB__a' ¦ ' ¦- ' ' ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Beauty can r-I . llii.ii41'iiil»IM.l^ - T M - • '- - - ' - i :: ' " ¦: - ¦ " : be treacherous -v ^ (jp- " !^::V'^ |^' :':^' :-' ': ' :V - .- . Tfaough7our^is^ne^Mhe-rc(mntr^s-nio tiM areas, triat beaW And there is no more, treacherous tirne of the year than spring. . 7 NEW YORK - the ;muddled and dangerous political situations In Bxi ' For people , bottled up for months by the grip tain arid Israel should be a caution. fom or winter;, those first few ; springlike days, bring out ' . i'!;7. • ' ' ' ' :', i '¦'', ! ' " '¦¦¦:' »' - : to those who have: been glibly pro- . . . ' ' the. urge to be up and aboHit. The hills, are inviting; Impeachment is, at! best,- . a and walks along the . lakeshore often ; bring the moting the idea of parliamentary curribersome and sWeepinig ' lengthy, urge for trips onto the ice., . 7 government in the United States. On process;. it might be inappropriate the other hand, the crimiiiai indict- for some relatively,minor transgres* by ,the melting ments of four men. who were once . • Both can be dangerous.!; Drenched ' siohs by a president, and in s-me snowi bliaftsides are slick. Adding to the problem is Richard . Nixon's.7 closest .. personal cases it might be too difficult . polit- . : the unsteady footing on rocks loosened by: the thaw. and political aides !— .not,.fo men- ically . even 7 for. important offenses. tion all the other Nixon men im- the; Hlldng at this, time of year Is best done on the ¦ But it; is. all Constitution pro* , plicated by indictment or :". guilty -.¦might it: flat areas the parks provide. Leave the¦ bills until 7 vides;for. The:-forei not be ' - <¦ '. pleas --- ! raises again the trouble- jtiiost the sun nas dried them thoroughly. . ' that the important institution- some question; of accbuhtability in al reform needed is some guarded ¦ : ' ¦:¦ At the same : time, ice is weak, unable now to American: government. . version of the "no-confidence'' Vote support any kind of weight. 'Parents should deliver In moist . pjartliamentary detnocra- that ' enables parliamentary : democ- ' words oif caution to. their, children, miking certain cies, Nixon: might long since hay^ racies,:; .!]. times of great stress, to been voted out of office, not neces- dismiss governments and get new they know the dangers arid avoid them, . ¦ ¦ sarily: for iany specific .offenses of bnes?: v ' ' ; ¦ i \ Heightening the . problem this year — to. solve bis own, but for the generalized This is :a matter that deserves . powd- it sooner — is aeration equipment placed In Lake offense of having brought into long and careful corisideratibri be- er men who had violated ;the public Winona. That, equipment .went into full -operation to- fore anything is done; because Nix- day and will erode and cause the ice to sink sooner. trust and broken the law thsy .were on, is right that the . presidency supposed to uphold,' as :well as for ought not to be vulnerable: to pub- having brought the Government and lie opinion polls. - reform ought Yes, the beauty of sunshine, blue skies and warni .No the office of the. presidency into dis- to make it . possible : for a President temperatures are welcome after the winter. But they repute arid disarray. ; 7: bring a time when the beauty of our surroundings . to . be removed or censured merely for doing unpopular ; things; . nor to is best observed from a distance -v in a. safe place. IN: THE AMERICAN ifstwnr out- something i- ic.w.£.;vv . .7 raged citizens can ! only . wait three be dissuaded from doing ' . ' likely to be unpopular by the threat years —: in. this case -- for the .' opportunity to turn Nixon's party of congressional -retaliation. 7 howeyer (not even Nixon himself) but of of- In a stable: democracy^ , nec- fice, or they can depend upon Con- the no-confidence!vote does not 4oor, gress to move through!the legal and essarily ry governments to be shuttled in and political uncertainties:[pi impeach- ' meht to the distasteful point iqt a out. After, all, it. has been! 34, years forced rernoval, not•¦; only ot the since the! British Parliament turned a government out of office by such ¦ ¦ ¦ head of government but of the! head in W/scohsin-. ' :- -' •, .,, - .; i'>.\v'i>»wr.t e ^ and then it was the of state. a vote -^ gov- 7 Though this area has long been noted for its ath- ernment of Nevilhj Chamberlain in letic prowess, never has it been . more evident than one of the dark periods of World War during the current basketball season/ V II. Winston Churchill , on the other hand, was;a : master at provoking no- . Capturing mfuch of the; attention have; been the ; confidence votes that failed : in ' ^7 high .school teams- of: Wisconsin,- and deservingly effect, providing . hinv with recurrerit ; : so. That, istate this year got a bnerweek tournament showings of support,;! 7: jump ;ch . Minnesota. Tonight marks the opening of WASHINGTON - -- If you are a Arthur, v "Surely/ ' - .not - three more and kicked out in 1930, he wouldn't . popularity should sectional tournaments — the final stop before' Madi- Republican ;1^^:bla0c^^^|^^^politician good form re- years; : Mr. President." have had three; more years — three WHJLE MERE . . the.criterion .. for keeping7or son arid . the excitement of 'state quires you to exhibit delirious hap- I 'brought . Arthur ; a poUltrce and more years ! — in the White: House. not -be: Russell Baker . evicting a government, - moreover, piness each time President Nixon s^rne spirits of-camphor-and elevat- Then who,would we have had to run . . a leader iri a democracy does have says: he .will never qixit. -¦; ed his ieet- the prescribed treatment against.him for the next 207 years?" Unprecedented is the fact that four area teams years in office: should, endanger the to retain substantial support if he remain in.the. running, .' If you are a,7naturally, careers of many a~Rep5$llcalri",ipoll ;v' forjstricic-n Republicans; Fdr'Deinch . Harold went to the telephone /arid now but: two victories from . . is to! get an effective leader. Inci- that^Iadisori ' ¦" v : ' . '¦ : you are expected to scowl, shake a ;','Are you all right Arthur?"! crats/I- always bring some ; whisky sent the!, President a wire applaud- . - 7 . ,. ,,. , -.;. !!!\7:! ,; 1.7 ; the proper response to Nix- usf, rpn_aTct imminent demise for arid elevate the! head. - ing his determination never to quit. dentally, asked my ;• Republican friend, whose presidency '¦ the republic and promise7 impeach- Harold was leaning from the open- on's contention that the ': '.. . Bothi .Blair and Vitotehall will participate in the color ; had : abruptly, turned plum ARTHUR , BEING A Republi. hap- ment unless: the President agrees to ed window waving his scarf,'at star- '.'should riot be :hostage to what Class C sectional at La Crosse ; Gale-Ettrick-Trern- : gray. .7- . . can,! still had ,faith in tbe mail. .Bor- pens to,.the popularity; of a Presi^ pealeaii . - leave peaceably; ' . . "It's nothing," he said . "I just real-, tled passers-by, and joyously shout- rowing a pen, he; hastily wrote the .will play at Wisconsin Dells and- Durand at ¦ dent ,'' is the question-." But eari Nix- Spooner, the latter two in: Class: B.: ' Publicly, Democrats ..arid Republi- feed that I'm over 50 and unemployr : ing, ''three . more years! three:more President an anonymous letter full 7 ' ¦' ': " '!; ¦' :*!'!¦ • ¦' '¦ ' ¦ ¦'¦¦ on still govern effectively, whatever cans, play : these roles;very rriuch as merit , is headed toward 6: percent." years!'¦ - - . :. .. . " of curt arid disagreeable-advice. " ¦; ¦ Arthur became furious. Slamfnirig the polls show? Arid could a two- : We realize, of course,, that both Blair and White- the .country' expects them to. Pri- Harold the Democrat was on! his . • ; They -walked together toward r the window shut on .Harold's scarf third- vote, in the Senate for his hall cannot make the trip (they are not paired in vately,: they do . not. . knees clapping the television -set : , the mail . box. ' ' ' he said that Harold was -a dis- removal possibly!.be - .obtained. if he the first round ; at La Crosse however), but we'd !. In our neighborhood , live a Dem- exultantly on ; the back "You fell ;.'" "You're supposed to be deliriously , grace to the Democratic party. ¦ were merely unpopular, arid . not like to see.three area representatives at the capital ocratic .ongressmen, and a Repub- 'em, Dick!" he was shouting. happy," Harold said to Arthur; charged with serious offenses as ''Show !em, Dick!" he was shout- " . Scowling and shaking his .- : f irstj "; ' fcity; lican, and; last week both of them "Yes> said Arthur/ "and you're well? ¦ - , ing. "Show 'em how yoUi can hang in. • Arthur said the republic; was doom- dropped by the house , to watch the supposed to be . thirsting for the The two-thirds . vote — a famil- , ' ¦¦' there. Three more years! "he shouts ed .unless Democrats did their un- President's downfall. As the four teams prepare for that achievement, President's:- news conference. , " iar constitutional safeguard, neces- 7 ed, with tears of delirious happiness pleasant .duty and went ahead . with, "I .know," said Harold. we convey' our best wishes for . success. — G.W.E. ¦ • "Doesn't sary, for instance, to :override pres- If WAS OBVIOUS thai Harold, streaming dawn his cheeks; 'Three : 7 impeachment. .7 anybody . around here understand ¦¦¦ •¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . idential -vetoes T- should be the key the Democratic statesman, was de- more years f t ¦:¦ : '¦:. . . " .- "Nonsense," said Harold, "If Her- this gEirne?'' 77 '.-: "• And it thou wilt walk in my ways, to keep my lighted at having the President on ¦ ^ to a no-confidence aimendment to the 'THREE MORE years?" groaned-,. bert Hoover had been impeached New York Times News Serv/ce ' statutes and my commandments , as thy father television, for; after the opening min- Constitution.Upon a resolution of no David did walk ,, then I will lengthen th y days ,—- utes he began telephoning his con- confidence, which should contain I Kings 3:14. ,7 ' . . .:. : ' stituents back¦': horiie ,— he is from Spring Flowers specified charges either of official the Great Plains — and telling them misbehavior or of : inability . to gov- ' In spring two flowers ern effectively,, if two-thirds of those to get to their television sets and ' . : Vie tor tame Winona Daily N ews watch the President. . . voting in each House concurred,, the On the other haridr Arthur, the Re- Pushing their way following would be set in motion : ^ , !. The President and those .he had A% Independent Nevspaper — Established 1859 publican congressman, could scarce- Up through the snow . ly be.: persuaded to look at the appointed to the executive branch MEMBEB OF TH1 ASSOCIATED; PRESS : To each his own would Wcbme a caretaker: govern- screen. : ," ' .; So nature has decreed ment, pending; ! ¦W ' ¦ ' ¦'' ¦ "Presidents said Arthur, "are W ILLIAM F, . . HITS . .7. . . . ;. . .. .7 7 Publisher a very minor part of government, 2. A special Residential election C. E. LiNOEN ...... Bus Mgr.;, Adv. Director Domestic tulip to be held on the first Tuesday aft- .. ¦¦ Everybody should put them but of First to greet thi spring ADOI B BREMER . ¦, . , , - ...... Editor-in-Chief er 90 days had elapsed following the ARV^ ¦' ¦ ' ' ' mind instead of sitting in front of G W 'EVANS :.. -.. . , . » . - .- v . - . -> News Editor no-confidence vote. . M. SUE ROETHELE TV screens gaping, at them as if In yello w, orange and red - . . . . , . *¦ Assl, News Editor 3. The winner of the special elec- CGOKUON Hoi/ra . . » , . , , Sunday Editor they really mattered." The garden' s pride; . ¦ . tion, who could be the caretaker WILLIAM H. ENGLISH . . ,," ' ' ¦ Controller "Presidents are terrific," cried ...... !. . And far away in fields Av"J, K IEKBUSCH ...... Circulation Mgr: Democratic Harold , "and this one," President, would be sworn . in as L. S, B RONK ...... Composing Supt . he said, raising the . volume of Nix- Untrod and hard President iimmediately afterward , V. ALSTON .: would have the option of retaining L. . , . ., . . . . Engraving Supt. on, "I positively adore ." He kissed A fuzzy leafy crocus ROBERT VOGELSANG ...... , Press Stipt. the screen . or dismissing anyone! then in the Pokes her head executive branch The Associated Press is*, entitled exclusively 10 Al that moment the President de- , ami would serve the use for republication ot all the local news printed clared that he would never quit , not A queen in her vast yard. as President until the next regular- ly scheduled presidential election. inthis newspaper as well as all A.P news dispatches, even though his staying three more —Helenbelle Klier ADMITTEDLY , THIS is a gin- eral idea rather than a precise pro- posal and it has obvious disad- vantages. It does not provide much time, or a method , for an opposition party to select a ticket — oj^ for the The morn in-party to choose a candidate oth- er than, the caretaker President, If What happened? The English are mineworkers. The English ' mine- the latter was a candidate he would workers earn about one-third as , hard at work analyzing it , What it have at least some of the advant- much as American mineworkers. comes down to is that! the voters [ William F. Buckley ages of incumbency, despite the nor seemed to want wage and price Shocking? Yes; but English mine- confidence vote. Wi; kcrs produce one-third as controls, but don't want them, en- mu"ch Nevertheless", the present anoma- per hour as American mine- forced against a militant labor un- England is under-producing, and coal lous situation suggests ihe utility of workers. Great heavens! Why should ion if that labor union feels strong- over-living. The classic solution is this or some other device short of that be? Because American mines ly that it Is being victimized, It simplicity itself: let the economy impeachment , but safe-guarded are substantially automated. That Is i.1said of Mr, Heath that he should Vhip the people into shape, But against casual or frivolous use, by the principal reason. The unions v have known that -> that he showed that way there would be a lot more which Americans could choose to 't let them automate the British that he was out of touch with reality. unemployment than there , is new. won change their government when the sound chauvi- And indeed Mr. Heath has had A ' 1 that is politically "intolerable." mines. And, if I may need for change had been formal- I suspect that It is also previous experiences with strikers What does "intolerable" mean? It nistic, ly stated by Congress, ti that Americana tend to work who caused major inconveniences, means quite , simply that before h is New VorA; Times News Service not ' say disruptions; but nothing h'^nens,- you cash in liberty-chips, a little harder. Or so the figures like that resentment which is in- in return for higher employment, or would appear to indicate. Britain stantly communicated through deim- social security chips. was reduced to a three-day work w but pro- oc ic channels. The English just T - Engli.. arc headed . In that week the first of this , aren't thnt sore at the minework- direction right now. The talk Is of duction reduced not pro tanto to 60 ers. ar rity, and austerity Is defined percent, but to 75-80 percent, That as: high taxes (Uixes are of course ir "4 they work" ' harder. ALL OF WHIC;i , , transcribes rath- liberty-chips: If you pay a hundred Ar. '.crlty, then, Fiscal sobriety, er blandly. Good old English pru- your Income in taxes monetary sobriety. Never mind nnd' percent of , dence nnd civility preference you are a slnve); res: ' ' "'ins wage - .rid price cont r ' — they for undrnmalic conclusions. The aflainsl traveling abroad ("How do are a) boob bait to begin with; and trouble how is thai, there lire going y- r|cfln e freedom , Mr. Rcvin?" ai ny, in modern England , as they clrmnfilic ¦ to be some rather econom- the reporter asked Ihe famous old havo just finis!;./.! showing are b) ic consequences, It is tlie view of ' ' Socialist- fi generation ago. "Free- eminently deflnble by just the peo- Mr. P ,^rino Worsthorne of the dom means I can go to Paddinglon ple you seek primarily to restrain. Sun ' • Telogrnph "int the country Station and buy a ticket to any Needed : about five billion dollars. Is in the mood for a-little auster- bloody plnce I want to. ") Moi'tgugL'nblc ... -jts? Well, there's a ity, Indeed that "there is a spirit lot of oil in the ground in the North Gliomas A. Martin of .masochism Intent ii society." BUT WHEN you substitute politi- S. , The bankers of the world, one Si/inothlng- like Ihe spirit " of the cal control for economic cogency, suspects, will look first at the pro- \ mAi\Tirr~ ^ mriM-hy Cbrislinn , fur gone hi dis- what happens is not only thnt lib- pt 2d reforms, only after thnt at . F'U.nEfAAl- HOTHE. solution , who welcoiiiics the advent erty Is diminished , but that eco- the oil. It looks as though the Fortmrly [rcltlow-Mirlln Fumrtl Horn* of Lent , so that lie enn practice a nomic decisions are mndc political- gnomes of Zurich are having the little rlificnildn - of the flesh ly: iind thnt niciins very crude eco- last laugh. 376 But S.mli • Wlnom I am ' reduce his waistline. nomic decisions. Fhon* Day or Nlglil 434-1940 I ' Here is the concrete problem. Consider the catalyst of It nil. The Washington Star Syndicate RejreV Syndrome :: - '] Record is Sel If r0gm by \ Parents revi^wr Michigirt^ h ¦ dearing g By GENE SCHROEDER mother. '!" of cases now is due to the fact 2,OOo hit with Infectious; misuhdersJaridin ¦ ' plans for special DETROIT (AP) - . "You! can "Not just for my daughter, that this is a big . year for the diseases. - . - ;:- - . ' —As an old-schoolteacher, I get eighkyear study, said that pot- have a child one day, then who is the only one I have , now; flu * and Reye's Syn- Symptoms of the disease In- a considerable charge out of puffers face a higher risk, of within an eight-hour period — but I'm scared for every child drome follows as .;. , a . ^' ' com- clude cormiLsidns. . arid severe, ; j Or. Mgx fetferfy chromosome breakage which education week or like us in 64 hours — you ho and every parent." :- plication:- of this flu," says Dr. prolonged vomiting. This usual- ' Iwidely h el d can result in;¦ birth defects and longer have a child." Thursday, it happened to 7- Joseph Baublis, associate pro- ly is followed: by; delirium, stu- '-'i s a p p r :e- cancer. '.7-7 '- ' ¦'¦ ' ¦¦; Plans for this year's Expand- fessor of and : ;¦'. deep fm education, the major occupa- 7 These agonized words come year-old Joseph Bargo of pediatrics com- por ! and sometimes a Ihensions and ed Education Week at Winona from the mother a 6-year-old Sturgis, . Mich., as itvdid to W municable , diseases at the Uni- coma. The. disease frequently tion of 63.7 millidn women, wom- The figures: In every 100 cells Junior High School, beginning of ' fwringing their examined • from users, the boy who died recently from a year-old Mary Cook.: of Cold- versity of Michigan. ; ¦;. ' , attacks aJd .destroys the brain, en and children, according to April 8, were reviewed by Prin- -: |necks 7 publicly, Education. study team found 3.4 cells with disease called Reye's Syndrome watir on Wednesday, ! Hoping to help other ; parents liver and other organs. |like so many the U.S. Office of cipal Harvey Kanei at this ' ' 7 . The schools, incidentally,: will chromosome breakage, compar- that is cropping up with dis- : Medic.a 1 authorities say protect their children, Mrs. Bell /.'If I had known these things Ichlckens. Here, week's meeting of the junior turbing frequency this year in s syndrome! is riot con- spend a handsome $90 billion ed wfth only 1.2 for noriusers. high school Parent Advisory ^ Reye' wrote a. letter to . The Associ- myself,. I would h_ve . known 'for this record, Michigan. tagious, but it" is appearing at ¦ my son was very much "" during .1974. Makes the oil com- How to explain such masslVe Committee. : .' - ¦': '' ;.: . ; ated fress urging parents to that v . is the latest an unusual rate iii Michigan. . ' about the disease arid hear death at the time, we ,. i panies look¦ like pikers, doesn't misunderstandings? Partly as Kane said that nearly 200 spe- A sometime fatal flu-related learn flock of errors, ;¦ ¦¦ '¦; ' ' ¦ ¦ Mrs.: Bell's son, who died last what symptoms to look for so took him to the hospital," Mrs. It. • ::, . -, . the result of the new and abom- cial interest courses will be, of- illness affUdirig orJy children Ia 1 I .clubking journalism. September; was one. of eight that "just maybe they could get Bell said. "I thought we had \ . •¦.• ana MISUNpERSTAND_NG NO. inable "advocacy " fered during the week'wlien reg- and teen-agers, Reye's Syn- • squawking Partly because people have a; ular class schedules will be sus- children, who .succumbed to the their child to the hospital in caught it very fast but as .it ; Rafferty like mad. ! ¦ 4: .that psychiatrists are able drome : has killed 14 Michigan disease in Michigan in 1973. But was we hadn'.t. to tell the sane from the in- strong tendency to believe what pended.: ."!'': . time for help." , ^SUNDERSTATSIDING NO. 1 children already, this year, . al- already this : year, 44 cases : : sane. .: - - they; want to believe; And part- Kiane reported that scheduling most twice the number Of Doctors say -the ailment usu- "That's why I; have to say; to 1: that Congress is perpetuat- ¦ have been reported. the public: Ask questions Sorry/ They 'can't even do ly because the feline figure of for the 1974-75 school year is deaths, during all of 1973.' . - ., ally occurs, while; children are , learn ing forced ! busing to achieve "error" has ; always, had many, nearly completed. recovering from infectious dis- what !yo_ can-and help your ethnic balance that. In 1972, according to Sci- : "It! is not my intent , to scare . Since Dec. 15; 140 cases of ei- : ¦ in the schools. many, more than nine lives. A suggestion , that a "swim eases ; such - as influenza, own children.,_ ;.'j a. sad^but.! Fact:. In the!fall of 1973 ence. Digest, : eight volunteers people,'' said .Mrs. Joel Bell of ther suspected : or confirmed , Dem- presented themselves admis- !Ho\v to avoid error and in- for fun" program after school Mich; measles or . . Vchickenpox, al- true fact that most people don't ocratic Reps; Richardson for Mendon; "But because I Reye's Syhdrome in 21 states '¦ Prey- sion to psychiatric hospitals all hale nothing but the truth? hours:be developed for girls not have seen ' this disease which though its • cause is unknown. get: concerned until it happens er and Morris, Udall: tried; to get ^ . ! have been reported to the. fed- ';! " faking identicially : by heating Welt, it's /not easy..! •; members' of the, Catalina Club takes over so terribly fast and eral for Disease Control They say it ^usually strikes . one to them." the National Association for the : was considered. - .- Advancement ''hollow voices." In 11 out of Of course ,, there's a certain kiils so terribly fast, I've got to in Atlanta. 7 of Colbred Peo- 12 tries, the perfectly healthy • The. administration will check teli you that I am one scared -^% think the large number ple to support a moderate bill national! column you! could read e . fakers were admitted with a every week which would do the on the availability of the school designed to achieve gradual swimming pool for such a pro- school integration diagnosis o£ schizophrenia. Case trick. -Modesty, however, pre- ¦ :¦ without court- No, 12? Ob; this diagnosis was gram.; ' :' . . . ordered busing. • ' . vents •; me from . identifying ,.it. manic-depressive. Even the in- Sorry.- The principal .•reported that NAACP .lobbyist .Clarence . new. ; girls' gymnasium suits Reye s Sv^arorhe Mitchell denounced mates were smarter than the the whole headshrinkers, catching on pret- Los Angeles Times Syndicate have been ordered and that attempt. So did ¦' ' •»: 7 Kenneth Clark, ty quickly to the sanity of the . girls: who have been wearing black psychologist from City samples oi the hew Suits " this University of New York. newcomers. 7 Winona State gets Sp the ' So then the 13th hospital was year report that they are super- cleci moderate proposal went down ior to the; present suits* the : drain; warned in advance that it might 3M chemistry grant- The . rea_dn? They be approached, soon by the play- Athletic activities - for girls ATLANTA,; Ga.^ ;(AP) — . The ; A spokesman said Reye's said they! "would rely on the actors. Result: of .! 193 candi- A grant-in-aid of $1;500 from- was discussed and parents were Center for Disease:Control-says Syndrome , is-characterized . by courts and not interfere with , the 3M Co., St. Paulj !-has been told that the junior high school ; decline, fever and : nausea and follows them: dates screened there during the there has-been a . l " So ho matter what the ¦ swimming team is now coedu- ^^MiWG I next three months, 41 were received by the- Winona State recently in; reports of Reye's such diseases as chicken pox media or anybody else would Goliege cheinistry. department. cational and that gymnastics a; rash of cases and Type B influenza,. Its cause have you believe; folks labeled fakes and 19 "suspi- Syndrome after , it's the . Dr. Frederick .: Foss, depart- has been opened to all girls; 7 of -the mysterious ,: malady is -not -known , and the; death courts and only the courts who cious." The kicker: Not a single ¦ participation faking team had ment chairman, said this is the Kane said . that which strikes down young chil- rate nationwide has been 34 per are. keeping , the : buses -rolling. member oi the year de- has increased from about 50 to ¦ ¦ gone near the place at all. Oh, fourth consecutive the dren and teen-agers.. '¦: ¦:' '¦/¦ cent, the spokesman said. . -.-. . ! MISUNDERSTANDrNG ¦ paitment .has received -such: a approximately i_0 girls. 7 : NO. brother! >. . /!:" ¦ ¦ of the He said the 146; cases report- 2: that church schools across grant.: . ; :. • ' ' ' •' ". !• -" ' . '' The policy, of notifying par- The agency;.a-branch ¦ MISUNDERSTANDING NO: U.S. ! Public ' Health Service, ed since Dec, Is were suspected the land are on the skids and . He swd the funds have beep ents of student failures !or\ prob- or confirhied and: to 5; That marijuana is less dan- lems discussed and Kane says: more than 140 cases have that the list about to fold up. • iised- to pay-travel for was probably is incomplete. All the ' gerous than alcohol. student research^ pay student said that written notification been reported: in 21 states since Fact: Thousands. ,of Catholic Dec. ! 15. Michigan reported the reported victims, 'were . between schools are closing;their, doors Not according to the Univer- teaching assistants, construct a seems, to be the most workable. , se Parents; also were told that most cases, 27, followed by the ages of four ¦months and 18 but Protestant schools are bur- sity of ; Dr. Morton A. vacuum line apparatus arid ^ , '.:¦ • '¦• ' ' ¦ ' ¦' ' in reporting the re- cuie.accessbries for an infrared basic English is being taught in with 15 and Wisconsin years :^ .j- / . • ,!. . . . geoning , and . multiplying like Sterichever, He said the disease is not a sults of a recently concluded spectrometer. . ' . all English elective..: with 14. V: rabbits. In Memphis last year, reportable disease as far!as the public School enrollment went Public Health Service is con- down 16 , ,500 while simultaneous- cerned, but the CDC .asked ly 20 brand-new private schools On dQcumer.ts dedtictipns state public health^departments were . openings From 1961 ;, to to make reports! because of the "Our AH-Bjit garage plain letsyb.U get more gariage .1971, there -was an amazing na- increase, in cases of the . disease ¦; tional ihcrease of: 66 percent for your money..• and you don't lift a fingerJSus- in last winter. . the hurnber,^jjbn-Catholic prir sel does everything from laying the slab to shin- ' vate schools, -.; with . California The CDC said the number of gling the1 roof.'.We sava on.the cost of lurnber by . LBj ' alone showing a rise of 180 liew reports . of the disease began to ¦V-b- uying in volume; Our;own lumberyard p re-cuts , M^ . deduce of a joint congressional com- Services ,:Adrniriistration; that ' • PEGGY SPIPSON that Johnson took such - icatipns makes it- private schools: during 1972 arid By . slow; down! lastTweek. • • '; • I the lumber to .exactspetif. . That 1973 alone. 7 7 - WASHI1«^N!-(AP )!:-^ tiphs between 1965 and 1968. . mittee!! that Vis investigating the President anticipated charir The states and the number of easy for pur expert carpenters to erect the gar- . Johnson President Nixon's tax . deduc- fable gifts Of documents would cases reported: ! age super fast...saving you even; more on the The National Union of Chris- late : : Lyndon :B. Johhson ; But Middleton said "total in excess of . 30 inillion tian Schools, headquartered in - ' .V of labor. Wei pass , both; savings ion to you,; claimed income, fax deductions deeded : 200,000 ; the tions.:-! !! different pages." ; , 1, 1, Geor- Grand Rapids,- Mich., reports General : Services . Adminis- gia 2; Illinois 11,. Indiana 7, Take advantage of special Winter -savirvgs arid; for ho iDAre than: 200,000 of Nixon: has taken $482,000 in ' "' ' ' ' 300 new : schools .'' of the Presby7 some 31 niiiliqn documents he tration in 1967 and 1968, but re- The congressional committee Iowa 6j' -.. .-7, 2, . - terian , and Reformed . Calviriis- tained title to the! bulk of his tax dediictions' for the gift of is studying NixonT tax . returns, Michigan 27 Minnesota 5 Sussel. also offers exclusive Near-Bilt and Uri- donated to the government, the , ,7 i Mis^ tif: stamp;" with a whopping en- chief of the 1BJ Library says; papers until h|s death iil 1973. his vice. presidential: papers, arid ! one of the questions ih- sburi 5, -5,: New Jer- , Biit garage planis. No matter, .which one you rollment of 650,000 in 26 states His .will deeded those papers, saying that Johnison encouraged yolved is whether ' the; deed . to sey 5, New 1 New !York choose, .you'll get mbre garage for ypur money library Administrator Harry so; * and four Canadian provinces. Middleton denied a-report that .''including those reflecting, his him to consider doing : his . vice presidential papers 7,;; North. ¦":. Carolina 5, Ohio 15,, . from Susseh : ;.. Reason: Their theology! is defi- the former president probably service in the Senate and as Nixon?s vice presidential pa- was properly conveyed . before .6, Penrisylvania '¦ 10, ' NCIDQWN^PAYMENT-NOPAYMENJSTILL ? nite instead of all mixed-up and took $10 mulion, and possibly' vice president and -president, pers! were appraised, at $576,000, repeal of the law . authorizing 4 and Wisconsin 14, ' FALU^ ' ' ' " wishy-washy and they teach ' • ¦ ¦ - ' without - any . tax . advantage an average of about 90 cents tax deductions ..for such gifts. ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ • ^ $29 inillion, in tax deductions . . ' kids what their parents think being sought for his estate : or for each item donated. Schnap: The panel is expected to. rule - .' - For a free estimate or a free catalog /r«|\ nnr nitn for gifts of predonunantly: offi^ , : NOISE ABATEMENT :¦ they ought to learn. cial documents. his . heirs," Middleton said in a per said . he has reason to. *e- on that arid other points : in i,;: oi garage design ideas cail: \0UI/ __.a3-lJ4*»U MISUNDERSTANDING NO. ! telephone Interview, lieye that the Johnson docu- about two weeks, and Sen. Riis- Turf grasses and other green 8:. that either (a) steel or (b) Historian and author M. B. ^(ihriapper, editor of the Pub- ments were appraised at more seK B. IiOng. D^La,, the chair- vegetatibh act . as " acoustical OFHCE HOURSV1^0^8''^^ energy is . the nation's biggest Schnapper has said he has cir- lic Affairs Press, expressed his than 90 cents per ; item. ; He man, !has said .he expects the blocks" to deflect, absorb and enterprise. ,- - .- cumstantial evidence and con- views in a letter to Rep. Wiibur quoted . a Johnson letter of Dec, committee will conclude that muffle undesirable traffic, street , v : 1 Nope. Believe it or not it's fidential information indicating D, Mills,. DArk., vice chairman 19, 1968, advisbg the General Nixon owes back taxes. and community -sounds. ' "oreNHui)SEM#JfS^ ; " :- FREE GIFTS and refreshment?, ; witfc LOJLOA ! ^> ^^^ Kings flow Building, 821jrd Avenue S,E. • Rochester. Minn. 55901 MANKATO ¦;.., ', TWIN CITIES ;^ EAU CLAIRE 1507] 378-8247 ' ¦ (612) 645-0331 . ! • (7151 835-4351 !

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11 it does, It' s because you hnven 't prepared f or it prop- erly. Wliether you're approaching the retirement years or are already there you can reshape your mental attitude oi B B IW W .^^^P ^^^m.. x ^^H., mmm.,>mm&mMmmmi mmm,.,.....,,,., immBMBMWW. MMH wiwi.iiwi ,iiiB "l* 4 Winners shsr© One Ton of Groceries _ by readin g "LIFE AFTER 65," a revenlin g booldet written ' ^^ ^ .; .~ >£^-~~^~^^ , . .,..... ,™,..^ *••—, 2. No ¦ ¦ by Jack Gourlny fcr readers of this ' newspaper . You 'll find ¦; : obligation, nothing to buy ' . . - ¦( 1 ^ ^ it the biggest bargain of 1974 nt only $1.25 . Send for it • ¦ ¦ 3. You need not be present to win, but you 1 TOH Ul %JFl 'OC©flftS be 18 of age or today! |2 must years older ¦¦¦¦¦ • ¦• B m • • - • ¦••¦¦¦¦••¦•ii«*t««iai»-iiaii-ii*>««* ••^¦•¦•••••¦¦••••••¦¦¦••••••»il»»«* QH^&T ¦ ¦ ¦ NAME i ; ¦ ¦ —-—— ! ¦ 4. Only one winner per family i ' • : ^^»i$^_r____l v(_-3_\ ' * —— H ! LIFE AFTER «5 : R < AnDRFRS 5. Sign and deposit at Tempo before 5 m : p.o. Box G4 ; [ I \ V!S5$I uiiFl % P.M. j Teflneck, New Jersey 07666 ; «*,STA on April 6, 1974, or come In and 1 B-i ^mmm \ \ \^^ \ ^9^«at^ CITY . w—— I ! «' Mi l 1:1 /f/)l^ "im ¦ . register as often as you like; : : ^ | ! Enclosed la $ ¦ Send nib j i E . ' ! copies of Life After 05. | C^ES r>^' :w(B^i3v^ T | | e. Drawing will be held at 5 P.M. on April «H I' ' F>^ , ' ' ' '' ¦! mM*Z%^ TELEPHONEpf | | 6, 1974. I . ' ^ Wlnw »t '¦• 0na Ton J, Wo /. OH 1 j Nam* , ..». ,...,.. * :'" ' -'\ ! : - v ' Wmmm i ™ Grocorlei, obll. «llon, noting to buy. rfdllife_l T WinnerRWinners willWill he notifiedHUlllieu. ¦ M ¦'A^-\ ' :!( . __3_H_? ^_ Vou nMd Bol b« prM.n» fo wln, but you muil b» 18 ysars of aaa or older. * * . 8 jnwr -per family. 5. Sign AWW ^ M •^A/ 'V' \1> V X WtStm *• ""'V.."! .. nnd depo»lt at Tnmpo Ixloro 5 p.m. MWAfs 'm a Tarn-.*, milII qeiermineftolofmlno Iho accnrlmpnl K_ I , ; Kt\ i V^X lUH~ m Apr 1 4- M- or com* In and r«gl«lor n olttn ai you like. 4. Drawlno Mw J&y%m 8. TempO Will UI6 aSSOrimeni W Addresi j ; b ' " 5 »n April t, )W, 7, Wlmw . will bo notlllct). I I VA 7CgJT>JU8a- !?"' * M** /.* *¦<"¦¦ 8. ilff/Oy MM ni „.„- _rlo« TOrfnr BaCnenrh Q\Hnt _ lUCHylnrUw Wlnnera.ui/lnnprq E3 »* . » L'i .! V ! ^;¦ ¦:'« ¦•¦¦f.vr.- .:-.-.:^vMv-member band from contest. The other finaUst in the . who observes . her 90th birthday today, has a new hobby. .'She . : was the first place,winner in the speech con-, es , for the colleges arid senior high schools ¦test competition was Mrs. E. L. Kintzle. - . has recently ibegun crewel stitchery-and Needlepoint, The . . ' States conducted by the WihpnaToastmistresses speech throughout . the UniteS will now advance , to regionai tom- • :.nohagenarian, who boasts of good health arid eyesight, also ; have reconsidered and would! likei out. From . what you will meet in New York City for Tuesday evenhig at. the Park TIaiza, From 7 Miss Volk photo) does quilting .and embroidery; The only living member of • a ; say,.she'll be as glad to get: off the hook -js ybu will. 7 departure. July 25., They will re- left: Mrs. Ralph Kohner j cliairmari of the con- petition.: (Daily News ,: ^ ' ; Will per- test; Miss Volk ; Miss Char Shelgren, Miss 7 family of nine, Mrs.. DeWitz .was^ born in; and im- . • . DEAR ABBY : I am a widow in. my 70s and I need some hearse in Munich and . - : migrated to the . United States when she was a year old, She 7; advice. I haive four daughters, and if. I asked them, I'd get form concerts in Engliand, Bel- * : and her , husband; August , lived on a farm south of Potsdam : four different answers. ¦ • • ' - .; X"? " • ' •:."- ¦ ' gium, , .-Germany, Neth- for 30 years and - '. then^ lived in .Potsdam -for 30 years.:: She A few months ago I saw in ihe obituary column where the erlands, and . A.U&- ^ ' tria.'. '!' -.'" ' ¦ • • ' - .• - .'{: - wife of an .old boy friend of rnirie died, so. 1 waited for what ¦ ¦ ¦ ha*been a .widow since 1958. Mrs. DeWitz Uv« with her P .-: ' -. • ' daughter; Mrs; Bernice Prescher; Elgin Minriv Where she I thought was a reasohable. lerigth of time - and then I wrote : , ,. : him a note and gave him my iJfeone number and said it would 7 has lived since her ,own home:burned .-in ..January, 1972. be nice to talk to him some time. :' ' - ' '' ;7 ' -"' ¦';, :, - :. : ' - > ... : . ': . . -.•(Evelyn' Schumacher :photo) 7. :-/ - He bailed' mff-jupj;and ,we talked for a . iohg time>''ih:: the conversation he-said he'd like to see : me; again, but he,hoped ex Gina n§ e g aM era ng f iJDS I v/ouldn't" expect any "kid stuff" in the lave-making d^art- 1aT I i % ment. I rather got the idea that he was trying to tell me that . Mrs. ; P. Earl: Schwab, pro^ and spoils the plant. afternoon to visitors with he was.too old for that sort of thing. Well, I'm hot, and if .that gram ;: chairman of the Winona Failure of marigolds to bloom various problems . dealing with is what^ he, meant I don't waht . -to waste my time with him:as Jy CECIL* MOWNSTCNE• ... ¦; Flower and Garden Club con- food and the consumer. , .• .. . . AP Fo»d Edilar . , could often be traced to a cold I don't have a ¦whole lot' of time left. How can I find out 7 ducted a question and answer :¦ , should ROME Horticulture Clinic without, being too blunt? :. OLD BUT NOT TOO OLD LIGHT SUPPER V . : session on tips for the; beginning spring. Tomoto plants A :; not .be mulched early , in the wiu be presented April 4. at tl.i DEAR OLD: I think he .was trying to tell .you ;that as Cheese and Ham S-ouffle garden season . at the Thursday Vocational^ Tech-; evening meeting - held at Lake season as mulching - makes Winona Area iar as he was concerned, his. love-making days were be- Salad Bowl¦ ' 7 Bread Tray the . soil too . cold for good nical Institute. It will, be: spon- . : hind him. .Whether". they are is anybody's guess, but if he ; Fruit ' ' :¦ Bev«rage . Park Lodge.; . 7 .- County Ex- ¦ ¦ '. Perennials such as crocuses growth. Radishes should be sored by the Winona thinks they, are, they are, ' • .»- "" : ' ' '[ CHEESE AND HAM: 7 -, , '-' soil tension service and will feature 7 ' ' ¦' ¦.;¦ -' grape hyacinths,, daffodils; tul- grown in poor soil as rich /• • . ' - . ' . - : SOUFFLE • ' will cause them to goi to tops, speakers from the University of DEAR ABBY:. With regard to your reference to the "law'' Peanuts are a compatible ad ips, irises a;nd- peonies, can pro- Agricultural: ¦ Exten- requiring the .presence of a nurse during a gynecological ex- vide one member noted. .7 Minnesota,- . . dition. color for . lawn or garden " - president sion Service. . : amination: An Irish doctor attributed it to. the conceit of early in the growing .season, Mrs. W. Wl Lowe, , - : y. cup butter or mar garine announced coming events to The First District of the Min- ' American women, I am a gynecologist .who has practiced for ^ . cup ilour members noted,. with branches 40 years, and which member. ; have been in- nesota Horticultural Society will . I have always had a niirse present during exam- Y4, teaspoon salt of apples, plums, pears, lilacs - meeting inations, but to tiiy knowledge no law exists which requires it. ' arid forsthia; vited. The St. Charles, : Minn., hold' its annual spring 1% 'cups milk . suitable¦ ¦ for forc- :- hold at- Austin. Transports-; Physicians in; other: countries, not being fair game, for any ' ing in the house, ' . '¦:• '• " ¦-' •¦' Chamber-of Commerce will April 6 ; 2 cups grated sharp . cheddar . a home and garden show Fri- tion 'will: be arranged for per- and all "suit happy"7patients,, rhay ;have' a hard time under- ¦ - ' ' ' ¦- ' - - Couple vyed in- • ".; . -^cheese ; -. -: , ;"¦ SEEDLINGS, IT; was rioted, day and - Saturday at, the . cath- sons who "wish." to attend.7. . " ; standing this necessary precaution. My colleagues iri the U.S.A. ,5' slightly beaten. - " -; egg yolks, should be started at a temper- olic scho.l. The director of con- The executive boardwill meet do. And they had better! . U.. H. S. (M;D;) ¦¦•'.%.'cup finely chopped cooked Texas ceremony School ' ature of 75 tO; .. degrees, but sumer affairs of a leading food March 20 at the home of Mrs. DEAR M.D,: As: I understand it, there is no such "hara- , ': immediatel chain on hand Friday Lowe. ¦ cocktail y following germina- . -EUSHFOIID; Minn.; (Special) • ¦ "law" — it's just a comrhon practice among physiciaiis. Vi cup finely chopped tion they should be put ; in. ' ', . a ''«-' .- Miss!¦ . Mildred Lee Turner ; lunch /• And a wise one, . for obvious reasons. peanuts . ¦ temperature- of- 6$ to TO de- and Daniel . Dubbs were united 6 egg whites giees, . and ; a :1 1 seedlings ¦". ¦'In a' medium saucepan over In marriage in! a Feb, .16 cere- ' should , be gradually exposed to low heat, melt butter; stir in outside conditions b_fore mony at First United Methodist LLftheran vdvvs AFS dinner- : flour and salt to blend:. Remove set; ' ' tiiig them in the garden." Church;: Big take; Tex., . RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special) from . Ieat and gradually stir ; in : ¦ unite ebuple V Cook Irises, it • was notedi should The bride is . the : daughter ; of — The. APS International Din- milk, keeping smboth.7 have all: brown, VVINONA PUBLIC SCHOOLS ¦ ¦ . over moderately low heat, stir- leaves.trimmed Mr. and Mrs. Gene Turner, Big Mondays-Swiss steak, mashed BLAIR, , Wis. ' • ' ¦'(Special)' ' • — ner will lie held Saturday at and - removed and the new Montini Ilall with serving from ring constantly, until thickened Lake, and the bridegroom is the potatoes and ., brown gravy * Miss Roxanne Berg, daughter of stir , in leaves Should not . be touched milk, peanut butter sandwich, 6 to 8:30. p/m. Food represen- and lubbly. ; Off heat again until fall Bon of Mr. and . Mrs. Allen , Han- -Mr, and Mrs. ' Myron . Berg, cheese until melted, Stir* in egg as ttey . provide apple sauce. 7 tatives of several countries will . food for the roots during the ¦en , Rushford. Tuesday—Pork pattie, cranber- Blair; became the bride of Allan yolks . until blended, then ham y be served. The public is. Invited large mixing growing season., . :*JiIr; and ;Mrs. Duane Jacobs ries, potato chips, kernel . corn, L. Tranberg,: son. of Mrs. Rita to attend. Proceeds: will , be and peanuts. In a [¦ ' whites until stiff ; Peonies, should be planted in ¦ milk; peanut butter . sandwich, ;La ;Verri¦used to help finance the AFS bowl heat egg . Augusti Tulips may attended the couple.; 7 Tranberg. and the. late ' fold . in cheese mixture. . Turn be; dug up ; srange maindarii] gelatine. committee, Tickets may be pur- after the leaves have died com- -.: FolloTving a honeymoon in Wednesday—Hot dog on a but- Tranberg, Blair, in a Feb. .23 ¦ ¦ into a jgreased 1%-quarte souffle Mexico- City, the cbuple are at chased at the door. ' ' . pletely and stored in a dry tered bun catsup, buttered ceremony at Blair iFirst-Luther- - '¦ ¦ "' dish with a 3;inch foil collar, borne in San Antonio, ; , . . . place through the sumnler and green beans, carrot coins, milk, an Church. . Bake in a , preheated 3_ -Hdegree The bride is a graduate of ¦ oven 1 hour and , 15 minutes. replanted in toe .fall. Day lilies sweet;roll . - . ' -' iiMhs EUane Olson was imaid Enters pageant ;; can be transplanted immediate- Reagan High School; and An- Thursday - — Baked chicken Serve at once; Marlces . 6. serv- . , and Gary . Eckirian ¦ ly after flower. Clematis should gelo State University,. San An- Cranberries,. ' mashed', potatoes of honor EYOTA, Minn.J--- Miss Rox- ings;' ". :- ;:- - . - gelp, Tex. Her fiance is a grad- celery was best man. 7. SATURDAY DINNER¦: not be planted next to the foun- and giblet gravy cres- ette - Ernst,- 14, Eyota, has. been datibn uate of Rushford High School cents, milk, bread^ and butter , .-: The bride .is a senior at Blair cenified as "a contestant in the Mustard Chicken Bulgur .of .a building, as the lirne and 7attended Moorhead-^^State : ' ¦ High School _nd the bridegroom from the , mortar, leaches out ice cream on a,stick. - 7 . ' annual Miss Minnesota Teen- 7 Spinach: : . Salad College. He is serving: in the . Friday—Tuna salad on a but- is a graduate of Taylor High , ager Pageant to be held April Fruit Turnovers Beverage U.S. Air Force. -7 tered bun , potato: sticks ,. June School. ¦ The couple will live in 112 and 13 at HopkinS. MUSTARD CHICKEN ¦. _,. , -. ¦' . , Blair. ' ' ' ¦ 7\-/-sv peas assorted relishes, milk, ' ' : An excellent versi-ori of a rec- ¦ ' - - • - . . . : . . . : -\ eggs, . * Chocolate HAIRDRESSERS MEETING St. Patricks cup cake. . . ipe that's going the rounds. The Winona Hairdressers As- Bread sculpture ¦^Broiler-fryer chicken sociation will meet Tuesday at Eagles ai^iliary to OES eT&tS about 3 pounds, quartered ?.'!&) -i:.p__ii> atithe ^Commodore ^ y. cup prepared yellow and bunnies said Club, La' Crescent, Minn, note anniversary new (Officers demohstrated '-'. mustard (Special) with onion bits WED -AT MONDOVI . ... Miss rChristrA. Schultz and The . Eagles Auxiliary made LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) LAKE CITY, Minn, : Mrs, Ed Hallbeck, Roches- , y. teaspoon salt health danger Joseph Lieffring were united in rnarriage in a March 2 cere- plans at its Monday recent — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Froyd — 4Vi cup finely grated Parme- meeting to celebrate the 40th ter, presented a demonstratioh MADISON JJJPI) - A state mony at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Mondovi , Wis. The were elected worthy patron and san or Fontina cheese health officer warned parents bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Schultz, Mon- anniversary ot the auxiliary worthy matron.of the Lake City on bread dough sculpture at the meeting of the Rose Gar- Place chicken; skin side down, Thursday these chocolate Eas- dovi, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Galen with a dinner April 1 at 6:30 chapter of Order pf Eastern in' shallow foil-lined pan den Club held Tuesday , at the , Spread ter bunnies and eggs they plan Lieflring, Durand Wis. Miss Audrey Kailstrom was. maid of p.m. Aerie and auxiliary hus- Star at a recent meeting. exposed surfaces with half the ^ bands and wives will be guests. Mrs. Gilbert Terwilliger was home of Mrs. Mervin Crowson. to give their children Easter ; honor and Peter Lieffring was best man. The couple will Using a mixture of 4 cUps mustard; sprinkle vith half the Sunday may contain salmonella Reservations may be made with elected associate matron and salt and half the cheese.. Bake in live in Durand. MJCS. Herbert Nichols by Gilbert Terwilliger, associate flour, 1 cup salt and 1% cups organisms. water, she formed the dough a preheated 375-degree oven 30 Dr. George H. Handy of the March 25. patron. Other : officers elected ( minutes, Turn chicken skin side The members of the auxiliary were; Mrs. Jeaoi Hansen, sec- into various shapes and baked up. Spread state "Department of Health it. After baking, the dough is with remaining mus- and Social Services said some are invited to attend the meet- retary ; William : A. , Baker, tard and sprinkle with remain- new ing of the St. Paul club on treasurer; Mrs, Claude Mobley, glued 011 a plaque or set in ing salt an candy produced hi Canada may place for decoration . dcheese. Continue ¦'^^Wt a hMiie biit March 24 at which the national conductress, and Mrs. Melvin baking 30 minutes longer cause an intestinal Infection , ¦ . Members of the club made or resulting in severe diarrhea and i^\ ,, ^M president will be a guest. Per- Malles, associate conduotress. until as tender a,s you like. If I Jjisthisrealhagoodjiear I sons interested in attending are Officers will be installed at a plans to attend the district vomiting. He said known cases I^ 1 meeting in Austin April 6 and not brown enough to suit you, ¦ ^^ togetsta^1ed? ¦ asked to contact Mrs. Nichols. closed meeting April 1. broil for a minute or two, watch- have required hospitalization. a flower show in Minneapolis ing constantly to The U.S. Food and Drug Ad- March - 23. The next meeting prevent scorch- ing . Makes 4 servings. ministration has recalled candy will be held April 3. produced by Regent Chocolate, Canada. Your horoscope — Jeane Dixon. VOTE WITH MAJORITY POLLUTION BARRIERS The candy is being distributed WASHINGTON (AP) - Sena- Lawngrasses not only look tors from Minnesota and the in the U.S. by: Frankford For SATURDAY, MARCH » nightfall. Sea that you keep therm, as alee, but they car absorb pol- Candy and Chocolate Co., Phil- Your b.riimay loiiay: "AH sy-.u.i.s so" most have ' strong emotional sallilaictlon Dakotas all voted with the lutants such as toxic sulfur It iho slogan of your y«ar. TntFftu no Involved In their fulfillment. adelphia , using labels Frank- majority Thursday when the dioaide and ozone from the air. Wendy Noll m«|ur promem, no ariis.ic snlli ol dine Pisces (Feb. 19-Mnrch 20): Una up ford and Woodbine; Murray Al- Hon or persons! orientation required or your accounts and budgets, since certain Senate passed 69-22, a bill , At Ihe same time: they release len Products, New Itochelle, : The engagement of Miss probnolo. Kouiiommps lona to laval Into moves are not really urgent, give thought raising the minimum wage oxygen, humidify and cool their ; sensible muiud cooper-lion, Todays na- to ihe probable reasons for their being ¦ ¦ ¦ N.Y., using labels Murray Al- I m5: Yes.If you ^ait, I Wend Noll ' daughter of tives have good potential abilities, ofun suggested. from $1.60 to $2.20 an hour. • - . ' y , environment. len , Loft and Berricini; Tri- Mr, and Mrs, Robert Noll some, hlnUr.nct to their fluent axprai- sion of original thought. It It seldom umph Candy Corp., Engelwood I its going to cost you. Sr., Wabasha , Minn., to that enythlntj notlters Ifiolr tndurlng in. Cliffs, N.J,, labels Regent, J, Ihuslaim tor whatever thoy art involved H If you really want your new home, have it built JH Stephen Meyer, son of In doing, World Candy, Holiday Candy, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Meyer Aries (March 21-Aprll Ifh You hava Eljay, Sharl, Zachary, Mayfair , H now! Costs keep climbing. The home you want will H exceptional opportunity lor your own tx- ¦ Jr., Wabasha, is announced. perlmonis, Venturas Into new Heidi. Just Holiday Inn, Vanhouten , Fam- cost more later. H Miss Noll Is a graduate ¦void trying lo push anybody olia Into ily Treats and Mr. Milky, ¦ No mortgage shortage nt CAPP HOMES. H anything, ¦ of Wabasha High School and Taurui (April ID-Ma y 30): Plan your We have our own resources and our own mortgage H timo to best advantage, Group llnencei H plans — low down payment, competitive interest M will be a May graduate of come to ra t he r lavorablo dlipoilllon II Grocer s shot at Rochester Community Col- the whole story It glvon out to ill con- . B rates and the option to postpone your first payment H ¦ cerned, ¦ till five months after delivery! fl lege. Her fiance Is a gradu^ Gemini (May 21-Junt 20)i Now tha robber hits bov ¦ seme of recent history dawns, a bit ¦ Oct the whole story in our FREE 1974 Idea fl ate of Wabashn High School lala lor you lo have caught tha Interest- ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - A Ing beginning), plenty ol time loScatch H Book. Send for it today. I nnd is empl oyed b Gould ' St. Paul boy was shot in the y tho final action. \ Engine; Parts Division , Lake Cancer. (June Jl-July M)i Keep mov- lower right leg on his lflth M Ifour CAPP HOMES Ecprcscntntive is: ¦ Ino, catch as many, little advonlura at birthday Thursday when a gro- City . circumstances permit, sonllmenlal con- An Aug. . 3. wedding is corns take up moro time and space than cery store owner fired a revolv- H Harvey RaUkff, Rt. 3, Rochtster , Mn. 55901. 507/533-8393 fl uiual. er at a fleeing robber. planned. Leo (July 22-Aug. 32) i Regular rou- tines should ba finished oil promptly, Spokesmen at St, Paul Ram- tlio earlier the better, as other things sey Hospital said Gerald Wells, mcftpp vvlll bo there to do. Romantic Ideas, ara son of Edna Giles of St, Paul , HomesWMMI encouraged. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Virgo (Aug, 33Sop!. 3J)i It It llrni to was in stable condition, ¦ HI WM H n HUM gather oulstandina accounts, reiilabllsh Henry Tillman , owner of the TO; CAPP HOMES, Dopt, Mo. 23604 FREE! Full-color ^ neglected Ho, and bring horn* whalaver ¦¦ bolonglngs may liava been lent lo neigh- told police a Minneapolis, NMnn»»ota 55404 104-pngo , BIG Milton Market, Iden Bpold «B0« bor*. young man wearing a brown ¦ mS Hhwsthn Avenue Libra (Sept, 31 0ct. 3J)t Ride along Ploajo fush ma your Now Homes Icloa Book—wllh ^__ with Ihe tldo, Creative work Is Inlrlflulng ski mask entered the store no coil or obligation. ¦ but apt to be a bit complicated by the shortly after 3 p.m,, pointed an personal needs ol others associated with ¦ SALE! you, automatic pistol at him and M*"" I , ^* Scorpio (Oct. 33-Nov. 31); Just get took $50 from a cnsl) register »rtri'«" mj your quota . el responsibility covered, or ^|. WBSTERN NIGHT , . Wagon yvheols and $11 from Tillman's wallet. ' ' Bl lonsl well tlerteit. Action cainta lor - , guests attended the dinner nnd dancing which , City , Counly-__ much Rt — more lhan promises or dlicuatlon. saddles nnd cactus plants sot tho tliome for featured a grand promenade for the costume Tillman said the man rnn out ^ Sagittarius (Nov. JJ-Dec. .l)i Being *"1 ? , ' of the market, and the store ^H , \r> H otjfkL mi ticllul is yoo , e«;n,may not be enough tho lion's Club Ladies Wight held Thursday judging. Lee Wiggins and Harry Burcalow fop somo peoplo, bill frjpnds will utiiKir- nt Westtlold'Tiolf Club. Therno for the evening wore presented certificates of merit. From owner followed with n gun he t»">n*{ ) aland your Intentions. Accept Invllnllons kept beneath the counter. Till- Phone 454-3105 for further inclef contact, was "Billions and Bov/legs" nnd prizes wore loft ; Ken Sccbold, Loyel Hosccic , Mrs. See- H DM owrm building Win _—; 2ip____ H Capricorn (Doc, jj-Jan. l«)i Pursue man told police his fired three business pl.innlnfl, Make a survey ol Im- awarded for tlio' best Western costumes. Mrs. bold; Mrs. Lc» ICogon , Mrs, llnrry Burcnlow , D Wa canoat« bulldlno loi In ; .Zip Highway 61 , „.. 'odlnle retnurcoi times at the man unci one of ML. m and give somo Ihoughl Ken Sochold was the winner hi tho -women 's -Mrs. John Tlougan , Mrs. Leo Wiggins, Hnrry MM M| M NHM MM MM M MM — JB to the way you aro using them. Changes the shots must havo hit Gerald , ¦¦¦¦¦ Minnesota City will i-nonl IhemsDlves, division nncl Loye] JJoscck WAS tho men's di- Burcalow, Mrs, Myron Slcflcl nnd Myron Siog- ¦i nnifl n BH Aquarius (Jan. lO Feb, 18)t You may The bandit escaped down an mnka quit* a numbe r ol promise* by vision winner. Club member., wives and ol , chairman. (Dally News photo) alloy. , - .;:;. .FR)DAY :";.. , - ' . ; ¦ The^ ; ¦; ¦ " ¦ - ";i8,- ' " ¦ ' vy'eathei' The daily' record . - ;jy iARCrt- : ._ . ;;:: : Police report : ' ' '• ' ¦ ' ¦" : : : ' ¦ ¦'¦; ' ' ' ' ' " :/ . . -! - - - ' ' *' ' ¦:¦ r :. ' old rural Wiiona boy allegedly Thefts : Winona Counly ' ' ¦¦ took a pair of binoculars, no Two-State Deaths WSnpna Deaths ' ' . -eiTY>:'v She married Alvin ChrLstianson . : value given, .eferred to juvenila Frank J. JAalotka . From Clifford Grajczyk, 749 authorities, ; ' . Mrs< mia L Walter June 6,. 1929, in Winona, and the W;. PRESTON, Minn. (Special)— Frank J. Malotka, 82, Aurora , . . 4th . St., three eight-track rodteto couple . lived in Mabel before stereo tapes from car: parked Funeral services' for Mrs, Ella moving in ' 1959 . to Rochester, Til., former: Winona resident, Vahc/a/ism at address Thursday ' ' L. Walter, 71, Preston; Who died engineer died at 3:30 a.m. Thursday at above ; where he works as an night, attempt to take the tape -v: 7 . '. - 'CITY-:- - Thursday at Preston . Nursing for Olmsted Community -HdspiV his home after a heart, attack. - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ , player, was unsuccessful.: $18, ,. 527 E. 4th St., Home, will be:at 1. p.m. Satur- tal;-, - ' ; . •:¦;¦ ¦• ' :. ¦; 7; '- . ¦: ¦:' He. was a retired. Swift . & Co . William Foster teke effect ; . had lived" with , a • From Great Winona Surplus windshield on 1970 model park- day: ' at Preston United Metho- Survivors : include [-i her hus- employe arid : -. Winona County Highway En- . son in 7 Aurora the past nine Store, 101 E. 3rd St., 15-year- ed at that address broken Thurs- dist Church, the Rev. 1: R. band • one son, Luverne, Roches- -¦; gineer Earl . Welshons said Moritz officiating. Burial will years,- day• nightj $125. -::. : ter; three grandchildren;, two Kafhefine weight , restrictions oh county be in Greenleafton .Cemetery. The son of John and brothers, Clarence Austin, Ro- Kobus Malotka, he was , -bp'rn in Accidents roads will ;take effect at noon ; The former - Ella Sikkink, she chester, and Iieslie Austin,' Ok- was born at Preston, Feb. 25; Wihona, May 10, 1891.. He was Man sought in ' : ¦ '¦ ¦ Wednesday. 7 lahoma City, Okla. Two -broth- an Army veteran of World War ¦' .;.ciTY;: -; :: ' . _ ;;. ; -; 1903, the daughter of John B. ers died. : 7 Agatha Wera, who ;" ¦' "-Thursday ¦-' ; Most roads will be restricted and Dena TeSelle Sikkink. Iri -I. He married . : .. Services will be at 10 a.m. died Dec. 29 1965. He was a 8:29 . a.m. —- Intersection , col- to five-ton sale loads, Welshons 1921 she ; married Elmer ih. , burglary tase ; Monday at .the Zumbro Lutheran member of St, Stanislaus lision,: West • 5th . and-. Hilbert WEATHER FORECAST . .. . Showers are forecast for the said. Bans will stay irt effect un- Berning arid they farmed until Church chapel and at 2 p.m. Lawn, HI, Vet- Repinski, '807 til about May 15, , Church, and Oak streets; Florence Southwest with snow expected in the central Rockies aind part . his death in 1932;. She married Monday at the First; Lutheran erans of Foreign Wars Post. E. Front St„ 1968 sedan, $250; ¦ The Minnesota Highway De- Frank L, . of the northern Plains. Rain is forecast from the tower Great Walter in . 1936. They Church of Mabel, the Rev, John Survivors are:, two sons, Eu- appears in court Luann Beehnan, 361 Drury Ct-t partment had posted some area lived ih Minneapolis, Miim:, un- . : Lakes to southern !New England and the mid-Atlantic states. ' ^ Trelstad of both churches dffi- gene, Winona, and Henry, Auro ; James Henderson; -20v 1057 E. 1962 sedan, $350. highways Tuesday, more Wed- til his death in 1963 when . she ' 1 ^ Warmer weather is expected for the East but cooler weather- ¦ ciatirigi Burial will be in the i-a, 111. ; one . daughter-inrlaw, 4th St., appeared before Judge .-' 11:36 p.m; — Hit and run nesday, and ¦;< the remainder to- moved to', Preston. She was a Mabel church cemetery. Mrs. Dorothy Malotka, Winona; is forecast for the Pacific coast and north-central states. (AP . Dennis .A. Challeen in. county accident; Donald Bauer, 650 ' ' -:¦ ' ¦¦¦ ';-: : . ' :;-¦ day.; *>' - member of .the Greenleafton Re- -will be Remold tive grandchildren ; two broth: ' 47th Ave!,; Goodview; 1'9«.- .- se- Photofax) - . -; . . [ . . formed; Church and the Pres- .. Pallbearers ' . Noting legal penalties for . .vio- Wedrhan, James Ness, Jon Hal- ers, John, : Winona, and Felix, court this morning on a charge dan parked at; 127 Winona St., lating-' - 'the- bans, Welshons said ton United Methodist.Church. Homer, Minn., and one sister, of burglary. His ' next : appear- vorson , Charles /Blexrud , . Mel- $2507- 7 ;• '•-. :- Local observations heavy truck use of the roads Survivors are: one son, Dean fredTollefsrude and Lester Red- Mrs. Leo (Frances) Phillips, ance, with a cburt-appdinted at- 8:30-11:30 p.m. — Hit and run ^ . . torney, may damage them, forcing rer L. Bemihg, Des; Moinesj Iowa; vying,' ;-;;: - "V' -7 . . Conrad, Mont; One. soh has died. was set for Thursday at accident, Paul Johnson,- 6l5 W» OFFICIAL WINONA WEATHER OBSERVATIONS for the pairs financed , by. local: taxes. two daughters, Mrs. Maxihe ' Funeral services will be at 9 a.m.:. . ¦ ¦ . Friends . may . call at the Ran- Belleview St: , 1974 sedaii: park- 24 hours ending at noon today. Portions of six county roads Van-de-Wege and Mrs.; Phyllis 12:30 p.m. Saturday at Wafkow- Judge-Challeen set bond at ed, in Mississippi Queen park* fran_ Funeral Borne in Roches- Winona, and ; . Maximum temperature 49, minimum 23, noon 35, preci- will carry nothing beyond axle J. Riggs, Preston; five grand- ski Funeral Home, - $5,000 and ,Henderson is currentr ing lot, $350. . pitation .43. h' ter after 9. a.m. Sunday, until at 1 p.m. at St. Stanislaus ly being held in the county jail; ¦¦ - mits. .-Four--others will have children ; two : greaf-grahdchil- time of services Monday. . ;. . -• .'-. WINONA COUNTY- -; A year ago today: High 42, low. 34.;. noon 38,precipitation seven-ton ceilings. The remaind- dren, and three sisters, Mrs. Churchj the Rev. Donald Gru- Henderson , had been sought '¦ ' - ' Burial with Thursday. . trace..- . ;- - - er will -be posted with a five- Fay Saddajk'-and Mrs.7Dale Sik- bisch officiating, with three other Winona men, ' '¦ Auto-bicycle col- ' '.- ¦.¦ ¦ ¦ Mrs. Paulina Knospe tiiilitary..;xites - m, ,ers;„iof 5:45 p.m. — • . Normal temperature range for this date 36 to 18. Record ton ceiling, ' . kink, iPreston, and Mrs. Ken- .VTauli'na; . .by„. e^b fiyjgthfii_„RRTi,snn,, ..?l)r ;„9im&~JL ifeioti;- kigh 64 in ¦ ' : ALMA, Wis. - MJ Neville-Lien Post ,1287 Veterans -^A^2^1_rtR^hisst^ 187^ There Will, be no limits on: neth Cirnamiiigs, ' - P.ella, Iowa, Knospe, 91, Alma, died at 1:20 Wabasha St:; Michaer Tofstad, Timothy Speltz, , Rollingstonej Sun rises tomorrow at 7:30 sets at 7:05. One brother and three sisters of Foreign Wars will¦ be at St. currently residing in La Crosse, all 7 county roads lying,- within ¦ p.m . Thursday at Mt. Washing- Mary's Cemetery. . ' ¦' ¦', 1968 sedaii, $50; Mike Swanson, 11 A.M. MAX CONRAD FIELD OBSERVATIONS have died; '' -' Wis. aft 7 • Wis., and Edward: Boistad , 19, ; (Mississippi Valley Airlines) municipalities; CSAH 15 from ton Home, Eau Glaire, , r ; Friends may call today -after 12, son.of¦ Mr. arid Mrs. Ray Homer to Winona; . CSAH 23 Friends ;may call today and er a threerhiohth illiiess. 207% E. 3rd St., in: coriectioh Swanson, Rollingstone, youth Barometric pressure 29,96 and fallingj wind from the east 5 p.m. at the funeral home where With the burglary of the Rich- at 10-16 mph, cloud cover 2,000 overcast visibility 10 miles. from Stockton one mile north ; until 11 a.m. Saturday at Thau- The former Paulina Aliemahn, the Rosary will be at 7:30. : was . treated and released from ^ CSAH 12 from Ridgeway to wald Funeral Home, Preston, she was born in. the ' town of ard Burt home iri Honier Valley Community Memorial Hospital, :¦ DEGREE DAYS last Jan. 24. . . ; (As rise) Highway 76; . SAH 32 .from then at the church "Saturday Alma, April ,8, 1882, the daugh- Winona Funerals ¦ no damage estimate given on temperatures drop, degree days Henderson was arrested early : ¦": One method of figuring heating requirements is. to calcu- Goodview to Highway 61 near from noon until time; of serv- ter of John and Elsbeth Lanicca Frank: j; Chuchel 7 bicycle. V ¦ ' ¦ ' ChucM, this morning: by Winona police. ; Minnesota City; and CSAH 12 ices. '. .',.- -.• ' :;;. ;'. ' . ' Allemann.. On Jan. 20, 1906, she Funeral services for. Frank J. FlLLniORE COUNTY late how many- degrees a day's average temperature fell be- : 518 E. 3rd St., who . died Wednesday a» The other three menf v?HI; ap- fr om Dresbach to..Dakota.;- - married Herman Knospe in the Community Memorial Hospital, will , be 1:30 a.mi, today, Dennis . Cox, low765, the point at .which artificial heat is generally, consid- . . ; Pallbearers will be: Donald pear, in court this ¦¦ af teraocn County roads carrying seven- town of Alma. He died in 1954, at »:3D a,m. . Satorday it: Witkowskl Wykoil , northbound oil CSAH 5 ered , necessary.: The .resulting figure can be estimate and Connie Aug, David and - ', Winona, and at 10. a.m. : She was a member of Zion Ev. Funeral -Home . tOvdetermihe whether to ask for about 3% miles north of Wy^ fuel consumption. ton axle limits include: CSAH 33 Thomas Sikkink, Allan \ Dahl- at St. John's Church, the Rev. Msgr.. ' -¦ Lutheran Church, Cream, Wis. James HaBlger officiating. Burial .Mill a preliminary hearing. : koff;.. lost control of 1970 pickup, For the 24.hours ending at 7 a;m.: from Utica to Altura; CSAH 23 quist and Kenneth Vander Lin- - ¦ . be In St; Mary's Cemetery. .- Julius Gernes, Wihona County vehicle overturnedy landing on ' '¦ , --v ' :;¦ • Siirvivors are: One son, Orvin, Friends may call today from 2 to 4 Today 29 Season total 5,476 7 from Minnesota ; City to one den • - . " attorney, represented the -state its . top in the west- ditch . Cox 1973 27 Season total 6,318 / mile north of Stockton; County Alma; one daughter, Mrs. Elden and after 7 p.m. at the funeral home ' ¦ where the Rosary-wlll be at 7:30. at the appearance. ." .-.' .' received: bruises, the vehicle ah ( Mrs. Lydia Stoltz (Selina) .Baumann , Mondovi, Pallbearers ;wlll be grandsons Matthew, Road 107 GTarvih Heights Road) estimated. $1,000 .damages;'.. Fill' and CSAH 21 from Winona to PLAIMVIEW, Minn. .(Special ) Wis.; six:grandchildren; seven Dennis, John, James. Paul- and- Bruce and one Chuchel. , CENTERVILLE 4-H more County sheriff's office. , Highway 43 near - Wilson, and — Mrs. iiydia Stoltz, 95, former great-grandchildren, 7.: «7- ' Plainview resident died ; today sister, Miss' . Elsbeth > 'Alfeiijaita, : CENTERVILLE, Wis. (Spe- FIRE VICTIM FUND CSAH 12 from Nodine ¦to¦ Inter- , At Cbrnrhunity state 90. - : ' . - .'- .- '•" at Cafeview Nursing Home; Alma. One son and one grand- cial) i Tri-Schobl Workers 4-H ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) - Minneapolis fenn.,. where she daughter have died. . Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. A"Good Neighbor" campaigr , Memorial; Hospital had been a resident 4 % years. Funeral services will be at 2 ¦7- '^' :7- .TIII ;RSDAY -: . Sunday at the Marshall Uehr- for funds to ..aid Mr. and Mrs p.m. Monday: at , Zioii Ev, Luth- : Discharges eng farm. Nehreng will give Stephen McLeod who lost then " • She was born in Elba, Minh., points on dairy _t 1st Quarter Full 3rd Quarter -. - . New. . - 8, 1878; On Oct. 10 1900 eran Church, the Rev. Cleone Miss Aiin. - Buecksler,, 924 \: judging, and home and all of it's cortehts S Los Angeles man July , , . there will be a demonstration March 30 Ma?ch •'•; March 15 March 23 she married .G. A. " Stoltz. -at Weigand Officiating. Burial will Parks . Ave. a fbre Sunday is being conduct , ¦ of wood working, practice , will ed. Gifts of money may be lef Plainview, He died in 1952. She be in the church cemetery. Mrs, Paul Boeckman and ¦ ' : : 7Friends:may call Sunday and baby, Latch Island. be held for the coming county- at Ettrick State Bank ?nd . a :7 ' :;e-:' ;.'FGrecastS 7 ;^i; was a lifelong member of Im- wide music contest. . charged in manuef Lutheran'Church, Plainr until 11 a.mi Monday at Stohr- Mrs.; Dan Cerney. and biaby, French Greek Lutheran Church One of eldest ? ; ¦ ' Hagen Funeral Home,. Alma, St; , : 7 view. -- - . , " ; ' - . _ ' ' ' ." - .¦ ' 377 Harriet SE. Minnt2so.a . 7 then at 'me church from 12:30 Cloudy tonight with chance Jackson County Houston Co. fheft Survivors are: two sons, Ever- p.m, until time! of services. A ett, Minneapolis, and Milton, m, el * few raia showers east CALEDONIA, Minn. A Los prayer service will be at 8 p, and .outh. Variable cloudlr residents dies - Milwaukee; Wis.; one daughter, StoGKlon man Angeles^ Calif., man was charg- - Sunday at the funeral home. Man held v/ithout ness Satnrday. High Satur-^ Mrs. : J3elva;Smith, Minneapolis MEREILLAK, '..Wis'.'. — One oi ed with 'felony theft . Thursday six grandchildren; and seven Aaron Granlond day low 40s. Low tonight 30.- morning, in an appearance Chance of: precipitation 20''¦; ' Jackson County's oldest resi- be- great-grandchildren. Five bro- BLAIR, Wis, ( Special)--Aaron drawls jail term fore Judge Elmer Anderson in thers and one' sister \ have died. Blair, died Thurs- ' Stockton man has drawn percent tonight. - ; ^ : dents, Mrs. Antonia Stark, 1O0, : G-ranlund, 81, A Houston County Court. Funeral services will be at day at Grand View.. .Nursing six months irt jail .for robb«ry. ROCHESrER : died Wednesday at Sunset Nurs- The defendant ; , Minn. — , A ren are 31ving with other fami- iMinnespta , Xavier . Tlnb- 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Imirianuel Home here where he had been 7 Timothy Daniel % 18, drew the Rochester man was; stilt being lies and the other six have ing Home, FairchiKL ' co, 30; pleaded indigency and Lutheran Church, the Rev. Don- county jail sentence as part of tenlght, variable/ a resident three years. He¦ was¦ held without bond today in oin> been placed temporarily in Cloudy Services were held this after- asked for a court-appouited at- ald West officiating, with burial a petired area farmer.. .- ¦' ' ".- .." a 10-year probationary term or- sted County Jail oh a charge homes cloudiness Saturday. Slight 000 . of various members ol noon at Alma Center. torney. Bond was set at $1, . in Greenwood Cemetery, The son. of Peder and Martha dered this morning by Winona of strangling his estranged First Presbyterian / Church, chance of light snow or He has been charged wth the jbhnson- County District Court '. Judge ¦¦' ¦ Antonia Krischke. was bom Friends may call at Anderson ! Granlund,: he was ¦ . ¦ wife. - .'. ' . where the late: Mrs. Case attend- brief snow flurries extreme ,, Germany, June 23, theft of two televsion sets from Home, Plain- Glenn E. Kelley. . 7- ^ ',/ ' ' . ' ' ' ' '¦ - ; ' - " ' _ few sprinkles In Berlin Schriver Funeral bcrn in the town of Springfield, Spencer F. Case, 58,. has been ed;- , v .7. ;, - - - north and 1873, and came to the United toe Ranch Motel, La . .Crescent, , Saturday from 4. p.m. and Daniel ; pleaded: guilty ; Teb, ¦•'.' extreme south tonight; High : view Jackson County, Jan.: %: 1893. accused of murdering his wife, The former . Eunice Irene Cul- States at the' age . of 22; She on April 6, 1973. :v 7 . : until noon Sunday, then ; at the On May 2, 1918, he 'married 21 to a robbery charge filed, by Eunice mother of.. eight child- berton was born ' Saturday 25-35 north, 35-45 . : Tinoco, , June 9, 1936, married August Stark in Dui> who had been serving church ; from 12:30 p.m. until Tilda Hanson, :. . - '. County Attorney Julius E. Get-- ren, in her rural; Eyota home.' in Preston to George and Vi- south, low tonight 12-20 - for a sentence at Stillwater State time of services. nes in connection with an al- north, 20-32 south. dee, HI., where they lived Survivors are : his wife; three OLMSTED COUNTY Sheriff vian Culberton . - and mairried a short time before settling in i?rison, was picked up at the leged -incident it: the - Eddie , F, Jr. s.ns, Arnold,. Whitehall, Wis.; Charles Von Wald said that Spencer. Case April 18, 1957 Merrillah in 1910. Her husband prison Wednesday on a detain- William P. Gjerde Carroll, Blair and LaVern O'Rourke home in Stockton •apparently in Rochs3ster. Most er by Sheriff Jerry Olson arid Minn. CSpecial) , , Mrs. Case was . of her¦ Ufa Wisconsin was a railroad section foreman. LAKE CITY; Janesville, Wis.; one daughter, about 3 a.m. Jan. 27, - strangled Wednesday with a was . spent in ¦'. Rdchester. ' :. Cloudy with chance of occa- La Crescent Police Chief Den- - William P. Gjerde Jr.;-. .'30, . He appeared today with He has died. nis Swedberg. Lake City Mrs. Levin (Janice) Benedict, " 2%-foot length, of plastic clothes- Survivors: are: two sons,. Fre- sional showers and thunder- Mrs. Stark had been a resi- Stewartville, a former Taylor Wis,; cburt-appoirited defense-. , attor- line cord which was found in derick, Hoqhester Sheriff Olson reported that died Thursday evening , 22 grandchildren ; , and Spencer storms south tonight. Lows up- dent of the nursing home ior resident, 17 great-grandchildren; one ney James. W. Soderberg. her home. - at home; six daughters, Marj per 20s northwest to the uppdt Tinoco had been charged in at Methodist Hospital, Rochest- In^^ addition'to six months in '¦ the past 12 years. Steele Count with the unau- extended ill- brother, Palmer; Whitehall, artd Case was charged with first Louise,. Rochester, and Kath 30s southeast, Saturday mostly Survivors Include one son, y er, following an jail under the , Huber La w, degree murder Thursday after- leen, Rosemary, Dorothea Sal thorized use of a motor vehicle, tiess.r ' one sister, Mrs. Amalia John- other , cloudy, showers ending south- Ernest, Eau Claire, Wis.; one son Black River Falls Judge Kelly ordered as noon when he appeared before ly, Juanita at home; her father northwest. aggravated forgery and theft. An instructor at Stewartville , , Wis. probation that he east, partly cloudy daughter, Mrs. Elsa Meek, Funeral services will be ; at terms of his Judge Gerard Ring in Olm- Black Hiver Falls, Wis.; hei Highs Saturday iri tlie 30s north After serving five, months of a Elementary School, : he was ' tour Stillwater State Prison at Brdadhead, ^Wis.; seven grand- five-year sentence in Stillwater, in Minneapo- 1:30 p.m. Monday at Blair First sted County Court. A prelimi- mother, Mrs. Vivian Culberton to the 40s south. . - , born May 12; 1943, his own expense, remain em- nary.hearing was set for March Rochester; two brothers children,¦ and 12 great-grandchil- he was placed on parole, said lis to Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Gjerde Lutheran Church, the Rev. Er- for , A. L dren.' . ' ' •" ' ¦' ling ployed; reimburse the county 28 at 9 a.m. Case was repre- Garrett , and Kenneth Culberton 5-dav forecast : Olson. :;; ' . : ' 5r and was graduated from Lin- Carlsen officiating. Burial Soderberg's fees, obtain a val- ' ' Tinoco was released on bond School, Lake City, in will be in Rest Haven Cemetery. vio- sented by Charles J. Suk, Ro- Rochester, and a sister, Mrs MINNESOTA : ' - .. - , and low 40. Sunday becom- coln High id driver's license and not chester, and the state was re- Walter (Shirley) Spauldihg this noon from the Houston 1961. He married Susan Metz: Friends' may call at Jack Fu- Occasional cloudiness and ing 40s and 50s , by Tuesday. late any laws. : ¦ neral Home ' •- - ¦ ¦ - presented ! by D. P. Mattson, Pine Island, Minn. County Jail. „ Feb 14, , Blair, Sunday after . , . a warming trend Sunday Lows 5 to 15 northeast to roth in Fargo, N.D . Olmsted County attorney. His next appearance date in 1970. He received his medical 3 p.m.; then at the church Mon- Private funeral services wil through Tuesday. Chance of 15 to 25 southwest Monday day froni 12:30 p.m. until time Sheriff Von Wald said that be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Mac rain or snow north Monday becoming 20s northeast to Houston County Court has not retirement from the U.S. Marine been set. graduat- of services. fishermen Case, a Rochester postal clerk ken Funeral Home, Rochester and Tuesday. Highs in 30s 30s southwest by Tuesday. Corps in 1965 and was Four for 15 years, drove the woman s the Rev. , ed from St. Cloud State College Pallbearers will be grandsons, ' Clayton A. Cook as ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' '' Mark body in his car to Methodist sociate pastor, First Presbyter i l . i . ' ! . , . ,. - 1 In 1970. He had taught school , Kieth and Dennis Gran- " ...... Hospital from her southern Eyo- ian Church, Rochester, ' official Galesville youth in Stewartville since 1970 and lund and- Robert, Jonathon arid stranded on ice, the Congrega- Warren Bened ict. BROWNSVILLE, Minn - ta Township home about noon ing. Burial will be In Grand' was a member of fishermen Thursday Memorial Gardens found guilty on tional Church, Lake City. Four area Wednesday. View , Ro- wife, Stew- Paul E. Dunn evening were stranded on a Dr. T, O. Wellner, Olmsted chester- In years gone by Survivors are: his piece of ice on Lawrence Lake, County Coroner, said Mrs. Case Pallbearers will be Scott arid ' " ; ' ,; CALEDONIA ) ' ' , Minn. (Special " " ' ' • " " ' ,; • • • • • , ; , Lake City, • ¦ , ¦ ¦ artville; his parents ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ - - - - - ¦ ¦ extortion charge - north of . John, Terre — Paul E. Dunn , 68, La Crosse, about three miles . was dying when brought to the Steve Ilagsvedt, Kenneth Cul and two brothers, Brownsville; emergency room of the hospital. berton and Walter Spaulding. (Extracts from the files of this nemspaper.) LA CHOSSE, Wis.-Randy M. Haute. Ind., and Robert, Min- Wis., a former Caledonia resid- ent, died Wednesday morning They were Dwayne Horsman, MRS. CASE started action a Friends may call at the Mac Munson, 26, Galesville, Rt. 1, neapolis, Dahl was sentenced to serve nine will be held at a La Crosse hospital. Utica, Minn., and Edward , year ago to end their marriage ken Funeral Home, Rochester Funeral services Elvin Dahl and Otto Merrill, of nearly 20 years. after 3 p.m. today. There wil Ten years ago . . . 1964 months in the La Crosse County at the Congregational Church, He co-founded Click Distri but- jail here this morning by Judge ing Chatfield , Minn. Two of the Case's eight child- be no reviewal. Winona Girl Scout Junior Troop 638, Cathedral School, Lake City, the day and time to 1949 and was its pre- Jerry Leonard Roraff , The Rev. sident and general manager. Houston County Sheriff Whose leaders are the Mmes, Wayne Himrich, Robert Wil- Oe announced later, He Olson said the men had been liamson arid Keith Walsh , have a Girl Scoct 52nd birthday Munson, after waiving a pre- Alfred J. Ward will officiate. was born May 25, 1906, in Cal- liminary hearing, was found Cem- edonia ice fishing, When they decided cake display in the window of the Winona Insurance Com- Burial will be in Lakewood to Patrick and Margaret to - return to shore during the guilty'ol attempted extortion aft- etery, Lake City, McKenna . pany. Dunn. He was gradu- late afternoon, they discovered Fishermen are still catching nice messes of sunfish and er Judge Roraff approved Friends may call at Anderson ated from Loretto High School, Henty Block has amending the original charge of after 1 p.m. about 50 feet of ice next to crappies through the ice , out of the backwaters and from the Chapel , Lake City, Caledonia. He married Dorothy the shoreline had melted away. armed robbery. Saturday. sloughs where there is no noticeable current. Poehling, ot La Crosse, and they . Horsmari tried crossing In an- 17 reasons why you Munson, represented by court- lived in Backed by the sharpshooting of Larry and Craig Krei- James Stone La Crosse, He was a other area but fell into tlie wa- bich and Dave Antrim , Alma High School nailld down the appointed attorney Matlhew veteran of World War Corry, La Crosse, was charged ETTRICK , Wis. - James II. He ter, He wns able to make his champioaship of the Plum City Sub-Refilonal tournament was a member of KnighLs should come to us with entering Skohen 's IGA Gro- Stone, 74, rural Ettrick, died of way to shore and found a boat. Friday, Feb, Falls Columbus Chapter 839, La A Houston County deputy cery, Onalaska, Wis., 21, today at Black River , Crosse; nnd demanding money. Wis., Nursing Home. Elks Lodge 300; Roy sheriff and Tim Sears, Browns- for income tax help* Twenty-five years ago ., . 1949 ¦ Mrs. Arne L. Vingers American Legiion ville, helped in assisting Uie oth- The son of Mr. and Post 1530 he was born in tho town , La Crosse, and La er three stranded men. Reason 1. We are income tax The city council , continuing its Interest in the current Stone, Crosse Country Club. of the Minnesota legislature, asked that body Mon- of Franklin , Jackson County , specialists. We ask the right session Man injured in Survivors are: his wife ; one day to raise tlie salary of Winona 's municipal judgo from $2,« March 8, 1900. He , never mar- Court upholds Questions. We dig for every honest ' ¦ ' ' son, Michael , and a daughter , 500 to $3,000 a year and urged it to defeat a bill which would one-ca r crash ried. ' Mary, La deduction. We want to leave no require municipalities to pay part of the cost of automatic rail- Survivors are: three sisters, Crosse; and a brother , Kelley decision road crossing signals. • OSSEO, Wis. (Special) - Agnes Stono and Mrs. Dr. Patrick M. Dunn , Minnea- stone "unturned to make sure you Miss polis. Two ST. PA UL - Tlio Minnesota Walter W, Young, 518 Mankato avenue, today became the Stienson Parker, 65, Onalaska , Lillian Burch, Evanston , III,, brothers and three Supreme Court today upheld a pay the smallest legitimate tax. first to announce his candidacy for the post of fourth ward Wis,, was admitted to Osseo and Mrs. Mabel Zeman, Black sisters have died, Houston County District Court director en the Winona board of education , ' ' Ar4a Municipal Hospital this Riyer Falls, Funeral •services will be Sat- decision by Judge Glenn E, morning where he is being Funeral services will be at 2 urday at 9:30 a.m. at South Kelley. ~— Fifty yea rs ago . . . 1924 treated for injuries received in p.m. Tuesday at North Beaver Side Blnschke Funeral Home, The high court rullnR dealt a one-car accident. Creek First Luthera n Church , La Crosse, and nt 10 a.m. at with a lawsuit brought by Leo C. La France was elected exalted ruler of the Wi- According to Maurice Scow, Herman Madland of- St. Joseph Cathedral , La Crosse, Thomas Oil Co. and Reliance Trompealeau County patrol- the Rev. nona lodge of Elks for a second term at the annual meeting ficiating. Burial will bo in the the Rev. Msgr. John Paul of- Insurance Companies against of tho order last night. man , Parker was northbound on ficiating. Burial will be in Hollis and Mark Onsgaard in Highway 52, when ho apparent- church cemetery. connection with a truck-motor- Friends may call Monday Woodlawn Cemetery, La Crosse, Seventy-five years ago . . . 1899 ly lost control of his 1973 sedan Friends may call at the fu- cycle collision in Houston Coun- on tho slippery highway. The from 7 to 9 p.m. at Smith Mor- ty. Melrose Wis. then at the neral l]omc today from 4 to 5 While In Washington recently Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Willis vehicle went off the west side tuary, , , I) ' A jury in Calcdonin hnd church Tuesday from 12:30 p,m. nnd 7 to p.m., The KC'a will hnd tlie plonsuro of shaking hands with President McKlnley. of the highway and down nn in-r lead tho Itosary at 7:30, found thoOnsgaards (the motor- Mr. S, W. Brown has taken his Boston terriers to Chica- cllne whpro it , struck a' tree until time of services; cycle) 20 percent negligent and go to exhibit them nt the show of the Mascontah Kennel Club, about 30 feot from tho* highway. Thomas Oil's truck driver 00 The car was extensively dam- Mrs. Alvin Chrlstlanson Two-Sta te Funerals percent negligent In causing the KJSDQBI-OCIC MABEL, Minn. - Mrs, Alvin Judge Kclloy said to- One-hundred years ago . . . 1874 aged on tho left side. Henry M. Prigge collision, THE IHCOME TAX PEOPLE Barker was taken to tho Os- Christiansen , 05, former Mabel day. , died at Rochesler LAKE CITY, Minn, <5pocim) - FM' Tlio sale of tho lot on Center street In the roar of Mr, seo hospital by tho hospital am- resident, norjil' strvlcM for Henry M. Prl.B», L»K« The oil firm hnd file d a re- Chonte 's store, belonging to N, Wood, was very well attended. bulance. A condition report wns Methodist Hospital Thursday, Clly, worn held this atlernqon al SI, quest to> collect, 20 percent of 225 E. 3RD ST. John's Uuthornn Church hsro, ths Rev, 454«30« Although the price was low, $1,625, at which it was struck not available this morning. She had boon 111 several years Rnlph A. Goed o ofllcIntlng. Durlal w(ii its damftRcs from the Ons- Open » «.m.-9 p.m. Weekday*—V-S S«h A Sun.—Phcn* r down to Mossers. Henry Stevens and H, Clioute, still the bid- ¦ with hoa.t disease , In SI. John 's Cometory. ganrds, "which Judge Kelley der TONIGHT - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ding was sufficiently spirited Pnllbooron were Maurice Dtnksrs, that ruling the OPEN to demonstrate that rcal estato The band-tailed pigeon Is Cal- Tho former Luella Austin was Ounrtti Klein, Oarrel K/eln, Raymond Med. It was* is in domand. Tho size of tho lot «old is 40 by 112 feet. ifornia's only native wild pigeon. born in Mabel Jan. 27, 1909, Hlnck, Ed Quell and Alfred Hlnck. firm appealed; W A»i<«« &

Ken dell Corporation Them, Inc. , t st. Fidelity Sav. & Loan Soars Roebuck & Co, 1 Asm Madison Silos Lund Office Supply Co, R. P. Cornwall «no Employes Mr, and Mrs, Reyil Thern Fred schilling and stall Bob Nelson end Employes Dlvn, ol Clirpmalloy Corp. Merlin Lund and Jerome Rostk Hossfeld Manufacturing Co. Country Kitchen Restaurant William* Hotel & Restaurant Joswick Fuel & Oil Co. Turner's Market Gene Karasch, Realtor Management ma Bmployee Reg Lynn end Bmployai . Ray Mtyer end Half H. P. JoiwKk and Employes oerald Turner and Employee end teles staff Area church JJwJitjtfUA^^ ' services 3MM ¦ ' ALMA : Iiiter6|f in Mission ol St; John Lutheran Church worship -ser- vice, (-.-30 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday school hour. ?:30 e,m. - . ALTURA Hebron Moravian Church, Sunday •ehcol/ 9:30^ a.m.; worship and , Com- honrreia be munion. 10:30 a.m. Monday — Youth uripret FelloW5*Up meeting et . church, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday — .Teachers' meet ; al ' .. By THE REV. GLENN QUAM, Pastor By GEORGE W. CORNELL blunt contentions and ' actions, "It's a really astburiding situ- Delegates - demanded that church, 8 p.m.; confirmation classes, . . ¦ McKihley United Methodl-t Church ;: a specially called charges against Dr. Tietjen and 4 p.m.. - Wednesday. ¦ - -Union• ' ¦-l.enten B:RONXVILLE, N.Y. (A^). - marked 7 ation," aid the Rev, 0r. John • ' ' ' ; some service al Church of the Brethren, . 8 -, VIh, th6-.'b^niilhg-7wa8:.tiie .^6rd. .. ;'^, and the word be- topic On . a campus lawn^. stu- meeting last weekend of one of Tietjen, . whose; suspension as the faculty, be vacated and dis- -Released religious meeting , p.m.. 'Friday — . lime came flesh aubTdwelt among; us.'^-John 1:1, 14A, : dents idly toss, a football about; the 38 regional 'districts of a na- missed personnel be reinstated Instruction, 8:30-11:15 i president of Concordia- 7. on . Jehovih . Lutheran Church, ' Wisconsin It is very . refreshing to see the new interest taken by Home; the: heart; of all actiyr A young professor strolls along, tional , denomination Caught in a pending conciliation efforts. Synod, Sunday school, 9: 15 a.itw wor- persons of many religious persuasions in the Bible. It is also talking recent pressures pn coiiflict of unparalleled reper^ charges of holding false doer Meanwhile, it. authorized $50,000 ship, 10:30 a.m., : lecture at SI. Mat- ity, wiH be. discussed Saturday of trine, sparked the walkout of thew's* 7 p.m; Monday — Confirmation refreshing to note that these new students of the Bible are his teaching. Inside a red-brick cussioiis. .- to help support the seminary-in- classes, X p.m.;. - .Lutheran' Pioneers . and ¦¦¦;¦ ¦ ¦ at '2:45 p.m. at trie Winona ¦ : " not beine overwhelmed by those who can ' , Highlighting it, almosit the en- students and faculty,;also sim- exilt.;; ' 7. ;¦ -. ' Lutheran .Girl Pioneers, 7 p.m. Tues- Seventh Day. Advehtist . . Church building, 400 delegates watch . a ilarly accused and subsequently : . i; day — Pastoral Con.munion service al quote scripture the fastest. • confrontation that : personifies tire faculty of the couiitry's big- jehovsfi, 11 a.m. Wednesday .—. Lenten congregation considers Just because a person can whip out as -.the: dismissed. .. ¦;; Dr. Preus apologized for a so* vespers, at . Trinity, .8 p.m. Thursday - . the "Mission of the Christian ah unprecedented upheaval ; in gest . Lutheran seminary, Con- Lenten . vespers it Jehovah, 8- p.m. Fri- their Bible faster- ' than a - cowboy draws his . cordia in . St. Louis was fired 7 With anxietieis .running^ high called "deal" his aides , had of- day — .Released time classes, S;30 a.m. . their church. , - ¦ '¦ - Home," says the Rev. Charles among the 3 million members fered Dr. Tietjen-r-to arrange a . ' .- ' ,'.. . BETHANY - , : six-shooter doesn't : mean either one can The words are. grim and de- last month . and, with most of '- Klattv ¦:¦ - ." " ' ' . Bethany . -'Moravian Church, ' Sunday shoot ; very straight. students -of the , the 500 students,: set up classes- of the; denomination, the . first pastor's post for 7 him if he school arid morning worship, 10:45 a^m, New:7 termined; the mood taut. . .Only ' they have - ;"The 7well-heing ' - -of¦ ' society, regional emergency meeting would quietly leave the semi- Wednesday . — . . Joint-' midweek Lenten Bible are discovering that because occasiohSlly is the tensioii bro- in-exile on, neighboring United ' servica at Church , of' the Brelhren, I found the Bible doesn't mean they automa- the .success of the church, the Church 'and Roman . Catholic was 7 held at a . church liberal nary .job—37 proposition Dr. Saturday — Confirmation . Instruc- ken by a ripple of dark humor. ' " " ¦ . ' iprosperlty of the nation depend arts college' here; also named Tietjen rejected as immoral. ., tion class; 10:30 . a.m. . tically have a corner ;oh the ; "Word of God." ^ ; .Campuses. . CEDAR. VALLEY i Take example those who quote; "an iipon fhome infiuences," Rev. '•Will somebody taste this Concordia, by. the Atlantic : dis- H^, administration was ac- '. Cedar Valley • Lutheran Church, Sun- , for , ¦ ' ¦ , - first?" remarks the Rev. Dr. j . No such massive academic trict. - : .- " : ', ' '.. ' ' :.7 - cused of an "escalation of raw day. school , 10 a.m,; ¦morni¦ ng .worship, eye for ah eye and a tooth for a tooth" cer- Klatt says; He will butiihe the 11 a.m. Thursday -.-< • Lenten service, yet A. 0. Pteus, president of the displacement has happened in It spreads across seven power" by the Rev. Dr; Thom- I p.m . . tainly have riot found "this Word of God," job descriptions of each mem- ¦ ¦ • ' - . ELEVA. • . it's often quoted! Other examples would be ber who influences the home. Lutheran Church-Missouri Sy- modern church annals 7 Nor has northeastern states, its . 154,000 as Spitz of Mahhassett, N.iV., Eleve Lutheran Church, worship - ser- excel pis : irom uaiuei , EizewBi or xievciau.ii, xvev. v*uau "Home should be a place nod, after he is handed a glass a: Lutheran faculty and student members making - it the third who said- newly imfwsed guide- vices, » and. 10:30 a.m.;: church, school, ; ' 9 . and 10:30 a.m.; nursery, 10:20 a.m. Obviously,: many of these texts are at least somewhat open •where the affections are .culti- of water at the . rostrum by his body previously shifted eh largest district in the denpmi- lines requiring literalistic Bible Tuesday — Cherub Choir, 3:30 p.m.i host., . •' . „ .. - ,. masse to a , Jesuit school-—St. nation, larger even than the interpretations constituted a Junior Cfiolr, 3:30 p.rh.i chapel prayers, to interpretation. .;f vated instead of beirig studious- ' . ' ;¦ new stance , 5 p.m. : Thursday — . Nordic Bellinger s, That, then is .the; negative side, of my thesis. The positive every : Edgy repartee, and strained Louis University—-to continue a headquarters . district of . Mis- " " foreign to histor- 4 . p.m.; 7th"and 8th grade catechism, ly repressed;: Moreover, : - ' side is this: to discover Jesus Christ is to discover the Word emotions,, along with some Lutheran curricuium.: ic Lutherauiism. : 7 ;p,tn,i Senior Choir,'7 p.m.; Lenten ' ' ' ¦ Christian, home 7 should have werahlD service; 8 P.m. of God. :¦ ¦ ' - .\ "-.;• : ¦:• ¦ • •. ":¦ - '.' -HOKAH - - rulesi and par en t s, iri their United Methodist Church, service, J In the Gospel of John, the; Word of God seems to be that ¦ words and deportment toward ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL e.m, ' - - .-¦ (East Broa dway and -. Lafayette) ' - '¦ which exists- in the mind of God. In otiierTW.rds, God thought the . . HOMER . each other , should give to The Rev. Albert S. Lawrence Homer United .' Methodist Church serv- . v . and that thought became flesh and dwelt among us. It children a' living exarhpl. of ; ¦; ice, sermon by the Rev. David B. Acn- is here, that 'we see. tlie pre-existence of Jesus. -; , Jr.. rector ' terklrch, 11 a.m. ¦ what they desire them to be," LANESBORO to discover Jesus then is to discover God. For Jesus is . , , .8 a.m.—Cirhm'uhlon. ' Proponehtsof abortion Elstad Lutheran Church, worship ser- Rev, Klatt says, .; the Word that existed from all eternity. ¦10:30 . .a.m.—Morning prayer .and ser- vice, 9:30 . a.m.;. Sunday . .school, 10:3C ¦ ¦( Purity ih speech and true mon. Church school. Nursery provided. a.rn. - Thursday '-i' - Lenten; service,- To discover the Bible does not; necessarily mean that we ¦ ' Christian chanty should be con- Tuesday, .1:30. and 7;30- p.m. — Bible p.m. : Saturday¦ . . — Confirmation- class, then, that to dis- » a.m. - . .: • have then discovered Jesus/ It also follows, ¦:¦ Study groups: stantly practiced,: he advises. ; Lenten potluck . - .LEWISTON- 7. -,: -- , cover the Bible does not niean one has discovered the "mind 7 Wednesday, 6 p.rri. — Church iof the Brethren, church school ot God," for certainly darkened minds have read the Bible "Children, too; -have responsi- suppers In the parish hall, A-K brlns classes for. all, ages, 10 a.m.; morning salads, L-Z bring hot dishes; "The Bible restrictions bill heard worship, sermon: "Choose :Now Whom without coming into a meaningful relationship with the mind bilities for the. ;home ," :Rev. Explosion", a talk by the rector. . You Will Servel", 11 a.m.; coffee hour Thursday, 7:15 p.m.—Senior Choir prac- ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - Those, who favor abortion .and last year's U; S. Supreme Court ' :v- Klatt notes. ''Children .as well - of God. •>. - . . ' ¦' ¦ ¦ Ih church fellowship hall, rioon. Wed- important, du- tice. - Proponents of a Senate-passed are against the restrictive, bill decision; on abortion, ' . .. '. • nesday. —:.7,Union Lenten ' service al What role, then, does the Bible have? Could this? .,.-, . as parents have Friday,¦¦ 3:15 p.rn-—Junior Choir prac- Brethren church,, sermon:' "Can. These in the home arid should be tice . :.' bill which woulcl, restrict abor- being considered by the : Min- Bones Live Again?. , > p.rn; Saturday- To the extent we read the Bible and discover - the .Christ, to ties : He said much of the, language . " tions after the halfway point in nesota legislature^ testified be- : Memtershlp. class meeting ' iri pastor's that extent' we have discovered .the Word of God/ The Bible taught their share of obliga- in the bill was borrowed from study, B,p.m.".- '- is the channel through which the Word . of God ; ... "The mind tions as. jiiniorpartners ,in the FIRST CONGREGATIONAL a pregnancy argued Thursday fore the subcommittee Wednes- LOONEY VALLEY : ¦ '' ¦ that decision, and said, any law ' - ' ¦ (West Broadway :and •Johnson .) night that the : point ^when a day night. The subcommittee is . . Looney. Valley Lutheran Church, . morn- of God" ; ; ; comes. That' Jesus 7 .; -- . ' famUy firm and thus in their enacted by the legislature;. is ing worship; 9:30 a.m.i Sunday "school, comes othe.^ also. The Rev. John A. Kerr fetus is. potentially able to sur-r . scheduled to, vote on the bill 10:30 a.m. ' Wednesday -r-' Lenten ser- Of . course He^ througlv channels For nation;" - . ! presumed, to be cdnstltutipnal ' - . '¦ The Rev;7David J. Hodak, ' . vice; 8 p.m.. .' example, through imperfect; human beings.' Or He may conie ¦ This- year Seventh ' Day Ad- viye Out-ide. -the wptpb can be Monday and / report to the. ' MINNESOTA .CITY7 '" Assi-tant pastor ; legally designated, 7- Judiciary Committee Tuesday. tutitil- ' it is;proved otherwise in St. Paul Catholic Church. Saturday to .us through, worship and preaching^ .v \^- - ' - . ventists--. are commemorating 1 court. - 7 Mass, 7:30-p;m;.' confessions, 7-p. m.; But me Bible is, of utmost impbrtarice, for it tells us 9:15 -a.m.'-ColIege; Bible .study. Dr. Norman; Virnig, a pediat- ' Sunday Masses, 8 and 10 aim. Holy Day the centennial of 7 the foreign ¦ and - Among those whi supported Eileen pifley, a nursing' stu- more about Jesus than anything else. It is,Him—that word-— 10:30 a.mi-^hurch school worship rician, told the House Judidiary Masses 5:30- and 7:30 p.m. Dally Masses, , v mission program; and reempha- service. Preludes: "Praise, 0 Christ, To Dr. Virnig's opinion Thursday dent; at Rochester .Cbrnmunity 8 a.m., except - Wednesday and Friday, that we seek in reading it. -.' . _ Thee", Trusselle; "Largo", Baffllel. . An- family law subcommittee that 5:30 p.m. sizing . the "m is i 0n of the night were William Hassing, a -also testified them: Senior: Choir. Offertory: "If With fetuses from 20. to 2. weeks old College,. .in.sup- First Ev. Lutheran Church, Sunday Christian home and church in All Your. Hearts from 'SHlah', Mr s. . St: Paul lawyer affiliated witii ' school, 9 . a,m,; worship, text:. . .; port .of the bill. She spoke In . Mark Carlson, Sermon: "A Thirst- For "can survive" . 9:14-33, - 10 a.m. Monday¦;— ers, the community." Jarrtes and "'could be ih Pione . 77 Rev. Kerr. Postlude: "Post- the National; Right tp Life Com- favor of a ''conscience clause'' .:» p.m. Tuesday - Choir, 7 p.m.; Reven. e", the upper range, of norma]." ¦ ' lude In F M_|or ''i Bbtllgllero. . . mittee ; Dr. Robert Powers, a workers; First Lutheran Church council/ 7 p.m, feed back in to allow medical to re- ' -11:45 a.m.^ermon the Wednesday — : Lenten- , service with . the - ' - ' ¦ ¦' St. Paul : family , practitioner; fuse to take 'part in abortions: Rev., A. L. :. Mennicke speaker, . 7:30 Chapel. . " Dr. Virnig, director ol the . ¦ p.m.' Thursday ' .— Bible..class, -7 .p.m. - ' 7 p.rn. ^r Senior High Fellowship it and John Markert ,; executive ' .contended ; St. Matthew ? ' prenatal division at ;$t. Paul- She . abortions are , NELSON . manse. , .-- . ' • . director of the Minnesota Cath-: ' ; ' Grace. -Lutheran. Church, Wisconsin Monday, 7 p.m.—New member: class. Ramsey Hospital, spoke in op- sometimes camouflaged . on Synod, Sunday', 9:15 a.m.;. morn- to observe .. Tuesday) 9:30 a'.rrt.-tBlble study. .. position to the Minnesota State olic Conference. . . patients' charts and said she ing service, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday — Wednesday, <:30 p.m.—DlaconSte .meets. 'p- " Lenten - vesper service, 8. p;m. 7:30 p.m.—Ecumenical' . Lente ,Series: Medical Association, which has Hassing disagreed with the was shocked: to find out . on,- one 7 OAK RIDGE 7 "the Covenant Players' .' at Cehtral Unit- Creation Sunday ¦ ¦ advised the. subcommittee hot contention by critics of ,the bill occasion in January she "had Immaculate Conception Catholic ed Methodist ' Church. •:• ' Church Saturday — Mass .-8 '.. p.m. ' Thursday/ 7 p.m.--Conflrmatlon. to legislate a point of fetal via- that it is . unconstitutional, be; unknowingly given care to an - -: Creation Sunday7 will : be ob^- ; PETERSON . . . 8.p.m.' — Christian . Education Board ¦bility. : . - .' .V, cause it does not conform to abortion patient." • Highland Prairie Lutheran Church, s Luther- ¦mee'ts.:.: . : served .at St. Matthew' worship -service" followed by Sunday . Saturday, 7 p.m.—Junior High Fellow- school; 11 a.m.j. Luther League, . 8 p.m. an Church,, 766 W Wabasha St.^ ship at. rtianse: , Tuesday .-— Brotherhood in conference at 8 and 10:30 a.m; services Sun- room, -!. p.m. Thursday — Lenten- ser- - vices, 8 p.m..¦ Saturday. ~. Confirmation day/, . ':' classes. - .- ¦ The Rev. A;. D. Mennicke pas- GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH 7. PICKWICK ^ (Wesf Wabasha and Ewinal St. Luke's Lutheran Church, - Sunday tor, will speak oh ''Creation The Rev. John Hartman, pastor school, 10. a.m.; service, sermon: "The Within Six Days*" based oh Ex. rofits of . . Mter+iax Cross Means 'Reconciliation," . . Col, l: p 10 a.m.—Sunday school classes for ell 16-23, 11 a.m..- Monday - Senior Instruc- 20:11 which; reads, "For in six ages Adult lesson: f'Dead - But. .Alive'', tions, 4:30 p.m. -.Wednesday ' — Lenten days thie Lord made heaven and . servlcei, - .7:30 p.m. Thursday—Pioneers JMv - J. - :. 7 p.m, ' earth, the sea and all that in TTl ..m.-iVorshlp. Sermon: "How: Satan . Saturday — Senior Instruction, , ' ¦;' ¦ ¦ f-a.m. .¦¦' them is, and rested oh the sev- -Wrecks A Home", Gen. 3-.1-47 - < RIDOEWAY . t p.m.—Teen. time. ' . . '. Grace -- ' Lutheran' Church, service ' enth day;" : • . -:..:;• '. . 7:30 p.m.—Evening worship. Sermon: , ,. aer- In- Heaven After the GOrpci "What-WIII Happen IJ.S mon:. "The Cross Weans -Reconcilia- At -7 p.m., Professor Martin ratio^ ¦ tion," • ' Col. . 1:16.-23, 9:30' ' a.m.; . Sunday Rapture of the.lchurch" , II Cor ; 5:5-10. NEW YORK (UPD in U.Si business history, rate currently , about • 8 per ; Sponholz, Luther. High School; ¦ - The " , «eh«ool,. 10:30 a.m. - Monday — . Senior-. In ' Wednesday: 7TS9 p.m. -r Power-hour. - ' . ' :;; • - ;¦ "' stfuctlons,: 6:30 p.m.; choir, 8 p.m. Tues- Onalaska, Wis., - will speak on Study-in Phlllipplans. . ' . : after-tax profits of U.S. . corpo- Business Week; said. cent. - . . day. — Bible, study, . 1 :30, 6:30 and 8:30 "A Historical Look at Science." Friday;. 7_ :30 p.m:—Home Bible study rations last year were a record The Economics Department "In real terms, after adjust- p.m. Wednesday. — Lenten services, 8:30 class, study in .Romans. , "¦' p.m.;. YPS follows service.- Thursday — His work with the; Office of For transportation to any service call $70 billion, 27 per cent better of . McGraw-Hill:, i publications ment for Inflation, profits would Board meeting, 8:30" ' p.m. ¦ .Friday ' - -i ' - ¦ ¦ Metbrology ResearcVi, Washing- .•452-740.. - . than in 1972, Business Week reported Thursday that Aineri- be down .from; 1973!s peak Bltile study • »t. Paul Klnstlers', 5 - p.m. ' Saturday . r-o Senior Instructions, -9-71:30 ton, ' ti.C., included two expe- magazine reported. today. can businesses expected their level," said.- •Douglas Green- a.nh.. . Antarctica.;. CHURCH The increase from $55.4 profits before taxes to': reach a ROLLINGSTONE :' . ' ditions to FIRST BAPTIST wald , - the department's chief . Trinity Lutherah .' Church, Wisconsin (American Baptist Convention) billion ; in , profits in 1972 record $122.4 billion this year. ; . The: youth league will serve ' economist. Synod:, worship; 9 a.m.; Sunday- school, . (West Broadway .and; Wilson) represents; ''the biggest per- That would be 5 per cent higher 10 a.m.; lecture , at St. Matthew's, Wi- coffee following the lecture. Christopherspn The Rev. E. L. -ist- ' /¦- . The McGraw-Hill report nona, 7 .p.rri;. Monday — Lutheran The public may attend. centage increase since thr thah in 1973. noted that the anticipated 5 per Pioneers and Lutheran Girl Pioneers, —Sunday school directed by ' 9:45 a.m. Korean War; boom days of 1955 However, the survey does not 7 P.m.; . confirmation classes,. 4 p.m. Supt. Mrs. Milton Lueck. -.' ¦ ' . • ¦' cent increase in profits was the Ttxsday — Pastoral Communion at Je- ' take into account the inflation . : 10:45 a.m.—Mornli.g worship. Miss and the biggest dollar increas. lowest; predicted since 1967, hovah, 11 . a.m.. Wednesday — Lente n Ruth Gulda, Missionary attached to. the 7 vespers at Trinity, 8 p.m. Thursday ;— Conference slafed Christian Medical Center, . Jorhat, As- Lenten vespers ' at' Jehovah, 8 p.m. Frl- The Business Week report da-y. on Biblical prophecy sam, , will bring the- message. As- — Released time classes, 8:30 a.m. - Mrs. Joseph , ' found that while profits riiar- STOCKTO N sisting In worship will'be . St Jphn s sets Orlowske, organist,: and the Chancel Grace Lutheran Church, worship, servr A special conference on Bibli- ¦¦¦ giris in . the first three quarters Choir. . . Lenfen ko, .9 a.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m. services ¦ ¦ Lenten schedule ' ¦ - • • - ' ' cal prophecy will begin today , 4 :p:m.—College and Career Dialogue. of 1973 were well ahead of . 1972 . . . STRUM: . ¦ ' -¦¦ ¦ ¦ " " Immariual . Lutheran Church, worship •ECUMENICAL SERVICES v V , The Covenant Players, at 7:30 p.m. at the Pleasant A meal will be served. . . . . LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) figures,; fourth ; quarter profit services,' 8:30 and 11 a.m.; coffee hour 7 p.m.—Annual School of Missions. A ¦ 1 margins were 5.8 per cent, tha between ' services • In Fireside Room; from left, Helen Hocker, Nels Marshall , and Jody Worth,; ' Valley Evangelical Free Church, film strip lltled: "Saw Thu Finds The — "The Kingdom Purchased . church . school, . 9:45 a.m. Wednesday — 1 1363 Homer Road, and conlinve Lost Book", will be.. presented, and dls. wilh the Blood f rom scheduled by same as the year earlier. Lenten service, 4 p.m.; Lenten service, will prissent two Lenten plays Wednesday at '7:30 p.m. at Cen- cussed. There will b» refreshments In o! Jesus 8 p.m.' Thursday — Senior Choir re- tral United Methodist Church, 114 W, Broadway. The public nightly through Sunday, includ- the -Fellowship -Hall; . John 18:28-38, will be the theme The fourth quarter setback hearsal, 7 p.m . Saturday — Church ¦" ing the 10:45 a^m. service. Monday, <|30 p.m.—Volleyball vs. KOA. of Lenten services at 4 and B school, 9:45 a.m.; Junior Choir , 10. a .m. ,- -7 may .-atteiid..- - -' '-7' ' Wednesday, 9:30 . a.m.—Bible study at was due to "rapidly rising Children s- - . ::. Methodists ' Choir, : 11 a.m.; Couplers ban- Dr. Walter Kaiser , professor the Personage. ' p.m. Wednesday at St. John's : costs, price controls, materials quet, 7:30 p.m. of Old Testament and . Semitic Thursday. «:30; p.m.—Chiirch supper Lutheran Church , Lake City, TREMPEALEAU followed by bi-monthly business meeting. : MERRILLAN, Wis. (Special) shortages and: the initial impact Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, - worship language at Trinity Evangelical The schedule for the remaind- 8:30 p.m.—Chancel Choir rehearsal. —Lenten ; season ' services ' , at of the energy crisis," Business service, 9.a.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m: Divinity School, Deerfield, 111., Friday, 8 p.m.—Sioux Falls College er of Lent, with services at 4 . Wednesday — Lenten services wllh Band at St. Mary's College. Week' sald. 7 Tamarack Lutheran and Trempealeau will speak on the topic, ."God's and 8 p.m. Wednesdays, will be: Merrillan , Alma Center and United Methodist churches, > p.m. Plan for His People Israel." March 20, "Jesus the Substitute Hixton United Methodist Industries with major earn- WHALAN Theater group ings gains for the year Included Whelan Lutheran Church, services The basic text for the series is for Barabbas." Matt. 27: 15-26; Churches, announced by ;the 9:30 a.m. Rushford Lions JMfarch 27, "Deepest Depths : of paper, up 67 per cent ; steel , iip WILSON Ez. 33-39.7 Rev. Calvin Carey, will be: 66 per cent; aerospace, up 64 Trinity Lutheran Church, services: .10 A nursery will be provided for Sin." John 19:1-18; April 3: . a.m.; Sunday school: and Bible class , all services. The pdblic may at- to visit churches "Behold , What Manner of Wednesday, 8 p.m., Dennis per cent ; metals, up 62 per 11 a.m.; solence night at St, Matthew's, ¦ " cent; and oil , up 55 per cent , 7 p.m. Monday - Finance committee, tend. - (Special) Love," Luke 23:26-43. Camp and a musical group t p.m. Tuesday .- Pastor's Communion joins services RUSHFORD, Minn.. Business Week also said a at Altura , 11 a.m. Wednesday — Lenten —Members of the Rushford from University of Wisconsin - key question was the effect of service, 8 p.m.i. confirmation parents Two plays will be presented sentations. ELECTRONICS FELLOWSHIP Former Winonan to meat, f p.m. Thursday — Sunday school by the Covenant Players, a Cal- j Participating churches are INDEPENDENCE, Wis, (^Spe- Lions , Club will attend all Sun- La Crosse, at the Hixton inflation on the profits gain. teachers, 8 p.m. Saturday — Instruc- day services at local churches ' Much ' of the profits are tion class, 9-ll. :45 a.m. ifornia-based theatre . group, as Central , Immanuel and McKin- cial) — Frank Hllgart, electric- speak at Central church. - . .'• the third in the series of spe- ley. United Methodist , Faith to contact pei'sohs who desire March 20: Ekaitte Akpaii Ni- regarded as "inventory pro- ity, electronics and physics in- The Rev. Richard D. Lewis, ^ LANEBOnO LEGION cial ecumenical Lenten ser- 1 7-urheran, First Congregational, structor at Independence High to.donate their eyes after death United Campus Minister, Wash- geria , currently-'living in Eau fits, " earnings generated by an LANESBORO, Minn. (Spe- ; vices. . First Baptist , Grace Presbyter-; School received notification of to the Minnesota Eye Bank at burn University, Topeka , Kan., Claire, will assist a musical increase in inventory values cial) — The 55th birthday of the The service, at 7:30 p.m. ! iah and St. John's Catholic. University of , Minnesota Hos- will be Ruest speaker at the group from the University of between time of production or observ- his selection for a Bell and American Legion will be : Wednesday, will be at Central I A nursery will be provided , Howell Schools Fellowship pitals, 10:30 a.m. service Sunday at Wisconsin - Eau Claire, at the purchase and the time of sale. ed Tuesday at 7:30 p.rri. with a United Methodist Church , 114 , and refreshments will follow. Central Unite d Methodist ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " Award valued at approximately Club members will have eye Alma Center church. SERVICES potluck supper at the Legion W. Broadway. The public may . Church, 114 W. Broadway. LENTEN $1, 100. The award entitles Hil- donor cards available. The local March 27: Mike 'Aehenbach , BETHANY , Minn. (SpeciaD- Hall here. Following the sup- attend. !. LUTIII_RANS ELECT An associate pastor from 19fifi- per a short program and regu- gart to participate in one of club contributes $2 per member Cocur d' . Alene, , will The joint mid - week Lenten , The major play, "Face to 62, Rev , Lewis served In cam- .share his witnesses at the Mer- lar business meetings of both Face," is a contemporary Len- WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) two Bell and Howell compre- each year to the Minnesota Eye pus ministry at St. Cloud , services of Bethany and Hebron the Legion and Auxiliary wijl be ten drama by diaries .'fanner. — Everette Herness has been hensive electronics technology Bank, Thousands of blind people Minn., f ollowing Ms service rillan church. Moravian churches, the United lield. Members are to bring a Tho shorter play is centered on' reelected chairman aiid Du- home study programs or to at- have received assistance of all here, He was associate minister April 4: the Rev, Clifford Church of Christ and the hot dish or salad, Rolls, des- the reaction to the crucifixion Waync Mickelson secretary of tend a program, of his own se- kinds and many have had their at Central durinp the fire oM flfi l Anderson , Minneapolis , will be Church of the Brethren will be sert and coffee will be furnish- of one of tlie Biblical characters. the board of trustees of Our lection at a Bell and Howell sight saved or restored becnuso and the initial stages of recon- finest spciiker in a slide pre- at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the ed. Discussion will follow the pre- Saviour's Lutheran Church. school. of Lions Club activities. struction. sentation at the Hixton church. Church of the Brethren. Rerun of newscast slated AIM attorneys challenge priest By JOHN LUNDQUIST theft, assault, firearms , viola- Kunstlor raised the question replay, which was to be shown media. .." , ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - De- tions and conspiracy. of "whether you gnvo nr inter- without the jury present. In otlicr testimony Thursday, fense attorneys challenging a Fr. Manhart was one of about view to television reporters in Defense counsel also in- Fr. Manhart acknowledged recollection of event- priest's a dozen residents who re- which you discussed at some troduced as an exhibit cock (-150), Dave Oelkers (167) . . : have met four : mutual foes this sive, Wright doesn't feel his : Cotter Coach John Nett claim 7 Porn, a 6-1 senior,.is Loyola's and Dan Malm; (hwO.vsuffered : season.' Loyola lost to Central team will be in the favorite's ed he! was impressed with Loy leading scorer with a 17.3 av- defeats Thursday but still, can erage, Wright, a 5-11 junior who remain alive in today's wrestle is the son of the coach, is aver- " - ; ¦.backs.: . • - v - ' - aging 13A points a game, and ;':. As a team, the Warriors were Osdoba, a 64 senior^ has a 10.2 in ninth place with 12 point- average/ . '' ';, , after Thursday. ; 7• Cotter's lineup will also in- Washington State, P clude a progeny, of the team's -r-Central . res in NAIA national tort runnenip the By BRUCE CLOSWAY against Preston here in Mayo gion Ones Tournament ¦' Monday , the last 25 seconds. . . coach, Joe Nett. ..Nett, a 6-1 tournament a year Daily News Sports Writer Civic Auditorium ^will probably at-8 p.m. in Mayo Civic.; Jim (Burke 7 led the : Trojans, sophomore, poured in a; career wrestling ago first two ROCHESTER, Minn. - "Mr. stick in Sorenson's mind long- . The District Three champion, who finished up with a 17-6 rec- high of 21 points and pulled took .the lead after the jj Cool" wasn't , hot.,: Irt fact, he er;'than anything , else. will also be determined 1 tonight ord,( with 15 points and Ken- rounds of this's, me .et , down 12 rebounds in the Ham- -: •- •^vasn't even lukewarm; '; The 6-0 senior made just one when kasspri-Mantorvill. . takes diic Scheevel topped Harmony, blers' 357point ; .victory; . over Thursday. -. 7 Spring Valley's Bob Sorensbn, of 16 field goal ; attempts and on Lake City, at 8 in Mayo Civ- wihioh wound up( with (a . 13-9 Martin ; Luther. " ' . . Central; Washington, totaled . . . : . ' to, CentraTOk- KMO averaged' . - 22.7.7 points per Preston . capitalized.; by pulling ici .The.: District . Four title - will slate, with ll- ( Bob Browne, who leads ,the 25% points 21 for . game in the. Wolves first three out a 60-53 victory; . be decided Saturday night when . Preston, which lost to Spring team with a total, of 3i_.ppoirits, lahorria State in second place ¦ : . and: 17 for Wascorisiii-Whitewater games. of the District70ne Bas- The win gave the Bluejays, Waseca ; arid Wariamingo clash Valley on its own floor during will be -at forward spot oppo- ' ketball Tournament, had been now-19-3, . their second straight at 8 at St. Olaf College in North- the regular, season, led by as site Nett,. Tom Dreas, a 6-2 sen- in third. referred (to as '^Mr. Cool" after district titfe and their fourth in field, :- .' many, as ' 11 poihts in the first tor, (will have .to contend with .. Defending champion - Adams ' ' " ( pumping .m 28 points - and di- the last five years. In Thursday night's District haif j . -24-13, but( had to (settle Osdoba from his ; center posi- ,7 ( NICKLAUS TEES OFF , ' . > Jack Nicklaus tees 0 oh; State of. Colorado was tied with ' Bemidji State; for: fourth with . recting Spring; Valleey's 67-62 . Coach Ken Denny's squad yiill One .-. consolation game, Root for a; 26-19 (halftime margin- tion , and Bob Smith, who has the eighth hole Thursday during^ the first rovnd of ( the Doral . . Victory over Rushford in Tues- next , meet ; the winner of -to- River Conference champion Sorenson still ( had ;hisvprob- scored 302 points this season ^ 15V2 points. "Tne nieet, involv- : day night's semifinals. night's' pistrict Two finals — Rushford outlasted . Harmony 45- arid not 202 as reported in Open in Miami.^ ing 450 wrestlers from 90 Col- lems after , going, 0-8. in the first : I. . But the memory of. Thursday Hajrfield vs. Alden — in (the ,40 on four ( free throws by junr (Continued on next page) Thursday's . paper, and Terry par 71, six strokes (behind leaders ; Jerry Heiard ahd Tommy leges and universities in the U.S. ¦ ¦ icdntinue night's .championship game first- game: of the . Glass A Re- ior guard. Mark Thompson in . -- :¦ - .; PRESTON . :.'. .;- . Fleming will be .the . guards.' Aaron. (A(p Photofax) (¦ " ,',; ;- . . " _ - . ' and .: Canada; . .was to ;. i with , two more rounds Friday and two nibre . Saturday before the 1974 champions are crownedj : R-uriding but-the- top 10- after Thursday's; action werei East Heard ^itq Aardi Washington. . State with _3*_ points, Wisconsin-Parkside with 13, Augsburg of Minnesota with 12%-,. VVinona State with ; 12 and Southern . ^vjth 9%. . s^re Doral 7 Fiye individual defend -ing l^d champions ^ made it through the MIAMI (AP) 'Mast like a Five players, led by defend- first two rounds. -: walk in the park," Jerry Heard ing champion .Lee Trevino, Tom Herr:of Edinbo.o, defend- said; - - ' (' ; ' '' -(- '' - v ;- were at 67. Also at that figure ing ;titlist , defeated . . ' "The more you win, the eas- were Orvilie . Moody, Bunky George .. .Brush of • Rocky Moun- ier it seems. Henry; arid a pair of Australian tain College and Mike Allisonj "Coming off a win, it's easy veterans, Bruce Cramptori arid last , year's 1907'- pound champ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lock. :', to play good: The pressure is Bruce Devlin. : ( from Dams State, beat Richard Even if -Michigai stumbles off . I was undei. pressure last Tom Weiskopf and 61-year-old Unk of West Liberty State in The hectic Big Ten basketball in second rourid season roars to a close ' Satur- against Michigan State, an Ifr week i-rl really wanted-to win Sam Snead ^ere a large action. be that one bad. I needed a win group at 69 while pre-tourney 7James Fallls,' defending '158- day—almost,!; that is. diana loss to Purdue would ¦ ¦> doubly bitter to the Hoosiers. now.' - ' ' '.'' favorite Jack . Nicklaus slipped pound . champion from Lake Su- By late Saturday afternoon, ¦ perior . State . either Indiana, Michigan;! or ;¦ In the event ! of a final three- Heard, -7 who took . the Citrus to a 71 with; bogeys op three of d beat Ray Mil- :' way title tie, !Indiana would be Open title (in, Orlando,: Ma. . .last his last seven holes. ler of Indiana University (Pa); Purdue will' be: 71, clearcut Kit Shaw cbch- washed out of an NCAA tour- Sunday, had just clipped (seven Arnold Pajnier . and . Johnny ; 7defending 142-ppund champion; 2, deadlocked champion , from ampions, or 8, triple tied for ney berth because the Hoosiers strokes/ off par, with his. (65 — Miller; winner of three titles, Cental Washing- played in that ; post-season clas- his sixth consecutive round iri and more than $100,000 already ton, pinned Ken Vetter of Mincrt the. title,: State, and Ken :¦' ¦; ' Any sharing the title will sic last season. 7 the 60s — and had; a share of this season, are not competing. Martin, defend- • of ing 134-pound champion of Park- . bring a playoff next Monday at That would pulMchdganand the lead with Masters cham^ : (And Heard,, a close friend of piori Tommy Aaron iri the first Miller's, adinittedly is .thinking side defeated Tom Gelinau of the! University of Illinois for a Purdue into the playoff for the Grand Valley State ¦; :..: ' ''- . - berth id the "NCAA tourney. NCAA assignment on the neu- round bl the $150,000 Dbral- of duplicating. his sweep of The conference's " entire. 14- teal DliJii court next Monday. '.; Eastern Open Golf Tourna- three titles in a row. ¦ ment/- .. - ' ' ¦If I keep playing; like this, (gairie race will be resolved by Michigan, a sizzling ¦ and 7 Another (NIT berth two dramatic matinee con- Little Buddy Allin was one I've: got a good shot at -winning somewhat surprising contender kson- teste—coleader Indiana (11-2] same mdre^tTOfce-baek-w^h-^^6?^18- iiere Ahd-if4-win-here,-it-ve-got --I^W-YQRK^-APj^-nJac ( aU season, encounters the the 7j065-yard Blue Monster a good^ shot at winnirig next . '. .' against invading third-pla« problem as Indiana—facing a WAITINiG FOR THE PASS : ..Henry Sib- of the Minnesota state high school; hockey" tour-' /¦ . 7 r vile Usiversity was selected as . course at; the. Doral Country week, .too. the 12th Purdue (10-3) and co-leadei neighborhood archrival in the ley's- Chris Walker - Cip) falls with nibbing's 7 nament Thursday. (Th_ attempt to score on team to participate in (11-2) Club yielded . : the lowest open- "When you're playbig this the National Invitational ' ' Michigan at! Michigai big showdown.! .: Glen Graber (7) as Walker attempts to get Hibbing ( goalie Marc Sterle failed (AP Photo- Tour- . : - ! ' ¦' ¦• ' ' . . ing-round scoring in the 13 year good, you think you're never nament at 7Madison .-. State (&&)/¦ 7 .- '!• best ; ¦ ' . . Squart !:•¦' .:. "We'll have bo play our : a pais from a teamiriate during the first round fax) history of thisi event. gonna play bad again;";;( Garden later this month. The regionally televised Pur- game of the -season against due-Indiana game rates as th« are to two kej Michigan State if we most pressurized of the stay in tne title picture," said contests.. However, if the. Boil- Michigan Coach Johnny Orr. LIMITED ENGAGEMENT trmakers upset the¦ ¦ defendinj champion Hoosiers, - Michigai Purdue Coach Fred Shaus SUN.-MON;-TUES. said about the same thing cori- must (measure • Michigan Statt ; Killebrew wari ; to claim the clearcut title 01 c e r ri i rig the - - . Indiana-Boil- WHAT ARE THEY, ermaker tangle before a capac- By MILTON RICHMAN . park Minnesota and tell talked that way about Willie fall into a three-way title dead- in us like an old . man. I'll feel like problem," Griffith says. "He ATHLETES V. . ity 17,000 at the Hoosier Assem- UPI Sports Editor they came: just to see him. Mays ^and Gussie Busch about I've had it. He's meant so came in and said ; to me 'the ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' bly Hall in the Season's first ORLANDO, Fla. 7 (UPI) - "He had that operation on his Stan Musial. much to this organization, to day I prove to myself-1 can't do ACTORS .> . .;¦¦ . " ' meeting between the scorching Calvin Griffith , the man who knee last July, and you know "When he leaves," Griffith the entire Griffith family. He's it, I'm. hanging 'em up.' I told rivals. operates the Minnesota Twins, why he's trying so hard now? says about Killebrew, "I'll feel helped us stay around. All him Mt's up to you. You're the ASSASSINS? '¦No one has to say anything looks over at first base where He's going to go out a hero, not we've got is baseball and he boss'.'." . SPORT TM to fire up for this one on either 37-year-old Harmon Killebrew a. bum. I know that's the way helped us make it in baseball. he s thinking."" Killebrew has undergone, five FILMED IN f side, - ' said Schaus, "We've got is bouncing around like you'd ' Owners don't ordinarily talk different operations since first : to be ready to be physical be- never believe and it reminds . Calvin Griffith happens to be that , way.' MINNEAPOLIS & ST. PAUL SHOTS play, joining the club. ! The Twins P ^ cause that's the way they him of a story which maybe 100 per cent correct. Harmon have a situation whereby if especially in Bloornington, Ind . But there is an unusual you'd also never believe. Killebrew admits that, rapport between Griffith and "The Killer' has to play, he "I know we have a chance . to , . "When Harmon first came up "I don't want to go out on a one Killebrew so that they can talk can't be designated hitter beat them; but we'll need and had been with ! us a little sour note," he says, . completely straight with because Tony Oliva has . that better efforts from every each of our while, his manager told me Seldom does a clubowner other whether they're talking job and no club can afford the man." he'd never make it," _ays the speak . about one of his salary or how much . luxury of carrying two such B^^P)^PW^^___yj5g^w^i^_M______j ' SPORTS QUIZ: The modem No matter how the chips fall longer era of collegiate basketball can Twins' owner, "I won't mention ballplayers the way Calvin Killebrew can go. I high-priced performers who be said to have begun in the Big Ten's blazing tintsh, the manager's name because Griffith talks about Harmon "Harmon wouldn't be able to at least with all three top contenders are as- is just so honest the elimination of there isn't any point in it, but I Killebrew. Horace . Stoneham Griffith Killebrew that there never is any cover some position in the field. jump after every basket, In sured of a post-season tourney told him 'you keep playing, him wht-.t year did this rule change visit of some sort. until he proves he can't m-ake take effect? Rounding out the Big Ten ' s it.'" " final round Saturday will be; Now, 20 years and 546 home ?- . ? . ? ? ? 7 Ohio State (3-10) at Illinois (2- runs later, it can be safely, said RECORD HOLD- 11); Iowa (4-9) at Minnesota (6- Harmon Killebrew has made it. (7-6) Barry W^t^^mmmmmmmmmmmjm^^T ^^i-rTU^^M 7), and Wisconsin at trips ER is Wi't the Stilt Chamber- The manner in which he did Bucks 97-95 lain , who has played with vari- Northwestern (3-10). provides part of the reason \/hy M^WAUKEE (DPI) - First Abdul - Jabbar had 10 as the hit the shot as the buzzer sound- us," Barry said. "We needed it. ous teams and is probably tne baseball really still is the Ihe greatest Golden State Warriors lost Bucks came back to take an ed. , When that last shot left my hand basketball player 01 national pastime ho matter Nate Thurmond, Cazzie Russell all timo, Ho made 55 rebounds 115-1)4 lead, But the Warriors "That Barry's a gutty player," I knew it was in. And I was what anybody says. followed close behind . mighty didn ______< in one game, 2, 149 in a sen- Powless is very marched right back and took a happy. I sure 't feel ' J_iif^^f^______B__E______f son . Wilt also set records of "I remember when he first And with two of their top six Bucks coach Larry Costello said. like overtime. I was very tired. , 100 points in a game, 4 ,029 r started hitting all these home men out, the Warriors looked 95-91 lead ,with-59 seconds left "He's not afraid to take the GOLDEN STATE (»7)i Barry 15 1-1 31, points in a season , most field runs of his ," snys Griffith going like they wore in trouble against • But Allen made a layup and shot. He's not afraid of pres- C, Ue 2 0-O 4, Thurmond-0 \-1 V, Beard confidentV he H 5 0-0 10, Mullins 8 4-6 20, Russell BOO 16, goals (36 in a, IB in back to the days the team was the . after a 24 second violation by sure. He'll shoot when he has to. G. Johnson 4 1-4 10, Darnell 3 M 5, succession , 1,507 in a season ) , the Washington Senators, not "But we dug down for that the Warriors , Mickey Davis hit "The guy's a tremendous ath- Dlckoy Q O-O O, Totals: 44 9-14 97. . ' . most free throws and other the Minnesota Twins. MILWAUKEE (»S)i - Davis- 7 2-2 14, something extra," Rick Barry a jump shot from the circle with lete, with great range and a Warner 1 1-2 3, Abdul-Jabbar-'TJ M 27, records. hang on to job Harmon's Modesty said. "And we came up with it. nine seconds left to tie the game. great shot, He hits the tough Allen 15 1-1 31, Robertson J 2-4 0, Wil- v e r y b 0 d y was talking Harps 3 C-0 4, Perry .2 0-O - 4, ' Drlscoll MADISON (UPI) - Wiscon- "E We . had it when we needed it." The Warriors called time out ones." - about 0 0-0 0, AlcGlocklln 0 00 0. Totals, 44 Center jumps after every bas- sin basketball Coach John Pow- 'the new Babe- Ruth ; ' he Barry came up with more and set up a play for Russell, Barry and Allen each finished 7-10 »5, , ket were eliminated from col- was getting all Mils publicity with 31 points for scoring hon- GOLDEN STATB Zl « M lt-»7 less says he Is "very confi- than anyone , as it was his 20- but the Bucks defense blocked MILWAUKEE 14 33 20 21—95 lege basketball in 1938. Op- dent" he will hang onto his job and they wore hailing him as foot jump shot from the base- the ball out of bounds and Mul- ors and the win moved the War- ponents now are required to Fouled out; None. Total fouls: Golden after his contract runs out this the AU-American Boy /' Griffith line at the buzzer that gave the lins hit Barry on the inbounds riors one-half game ahead of the Slate 17, Milwaukee 21. A—10,317. in-bound the ball from Ihe end says. "I called him in my office tight Pacific Di- line after every score. This year , it was reported Thursdny. Warriors a 07-95 win over the pass with threo seconds left, Lakers In the In an interview with a local and said , 'I hope all this doesn't Bucks Thursday night, •»• > Barry dribbled once , faked vision race. rule change increased actual to your 1 playing time fi-7 minutes, and newspaper (The Wisconsin Tate go head and make you "You know everybody probably Cornell Warner past him, and "This was a big, big win for Protect the national scoiinR avernfio Journal), Powless was asked if conceited, You 'd be making a figured it would bo easy for the i/ ?^! jumped from 70,2 to 7(1,4 points he expected tlio UW Athletic big mistake if you let that Bucks after Nate and Cazzie Your - ' per gam* (both teams com- Board to offer him a multi-year happen,' were hurt ," Barry said. "But |Urfl |l bined ) contract, "He said , 'Mr. Griffith , you there's something about this "That decision Is up to them ," don 't have lo worry about me team that makes us play with $$Wm Earn- ever getting conceited.' He was § I Choose your luncheon or din- Powless said. "My job is coach- emotion," !n ner from a wide selection of ing, public relations and recruit- absolutely right. He's tho same "It looked dark for awhile tMmf im ss : fine person now BifnPjtTiiiii]ffgif^^^^^^y^^^^^^^BH^^^[ excellent food on the-tminu nt ing. But¦ yes, I feel very confi- as when he with Nate and Cazzie out ," War- With « Guar«nte*d SHORTY'S - "expertly serv- dent." . first came up to us, the only rior coach Al Attles said. "But €|©!fi Income ed." Poweless, who is in his sxlth difference being he has we seemed to gel an emotional FOR THE BEST 3 DAYS ONLY * season as head coach, Is hav- matured nnd he has much more spurt , I hope wo wake up to-, In QUALITY and SERVICB SHORTY'S RESTAURANT ing Ills best year. Tlie Badgers common senso. morrow and play with tho same in DISABILITY and MATINEE and D. J. LOUNGE J are 15-fl overall and 7-(i in the "You don't run across many emotion we played with tonight." I LESSONS; by J LIFE INSURANCE . SUNDAY 1:15 Mark & Canter St». I ^ ^ SEE OR CALL MS: 452-2622 Big Ton with one game — people like Harmon Killebrew, For a while it looked like the against. Northwestern — re- Wo get a letter Lhat someone 's Warriors were going to const Niarv Fu_ l»»r«d NITES 1 Optn Mon.-Sat. I a.m.- maining. dying, a kid's on his last lefls or to a win. Thoy loi 7B-69 going PAT SHORTRIDGE 454-460S 7t»5-9:15 12:30 a.m„ Sun. Noon-8 p.m. an old woman is going to a In (crm-«r Auto Blodrlc Jirvlc* Building A victory would give the into the final quarter but tho Second & Johnion MONARCH LIFE ENDS TUESDAY LOUNGE OPEN Badgers their second best cam- nursing homo, and they'd Hko Bucks got going with Lucius Al- 152 W. 2nd St. '»|| 1:00 *.m. Dally paign in 25 years. Four of the to see Harmon , ho goe/j In a ton, and Karrom Ahflul-Jnbbnr INS. CO, Midnight on Sunday josses this year wore by just minute, We'vo had peoplo in leading the way. Allen had 1(1 For Appointment Coll; 452-3535 or 452-4002 *3VJ W. 4lh St., ¦MfBffll ' ' ...... ___j one point. wheelchairs come out to the points in the final quarter and • ' ' ¦: .- . (Fiibi bat* Fridiv, March I, WO. . CITY OF WlhlONA; MINNtSOTA ' BOARD. OF ADJUSTMENT ;¦ Blues/ Oasis . Nollct -ol- .'Hairing PLEASE TAKB NOTICtl ^^^S^^WS^P 1 pjii. New York That applications have been made for r p ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ variations from the requirement of the pert ' Winoni ZonlriB Ordinance, as lilted be- Bfrcji Dave Ru ' ' ' ' ¦' . ' ' ¦ --. . ¦stock prices low: ¦ ' ' ,. ' ' • . . "'.' " . '¦ . - ' p^Sm^'^»M^^^ffp^pfWipippS ^g H AlliedCh .. M% IBM '• • ' • 239% 1. ftalpti Scharmer for ^rmliilon to fe«rais__SSL i fTT Wi YY"\ 1 *K.**fl reach Class A 3 have a two family--dwelling . - .In an AllisCh 10 IntlHrv 28/4 R-l district at thi (ollowlno des- Ww^M^M^^m ^m ^m ;' , : ¦:• cribed properly: Parli of Lou it, ms^KhmWma^^^S^xS^MSm AHess. . . -.32% InlPap ". 47% _ 3 : ¦ 3, Block li , Taylor. Cof: . or. it record top pin SGores ArnBriid ,39 /» Jns&l : • 19% ' ¦: 615 West- fiellevlew'."Sireef, ; : 2. Thomas Wlldenborg for a radUctlon Bud Berger and Dave Rup- leveled 215; - 839, Kay Baeck- and Karasch Realtor teamed playoff finale AmCan 29 Jostens ¦ —- ACyan 23 . Keiicott .- "; 40% in the tide yard requirement in order pert recorded the top individual ei: rolled a 518 for her first up for 913-2 ,'609. The Winona Blues and to construct a sarin 2 teet from Oasis AmMtir ; l€% Krait , " • • . - •'• 45% the south side lot Una Instead dl scores in league bawling cora- career 500 score, jan.Putz was ATHLETIC CLUB- ' Knights of ' !¦ s, Bar & Cafe moved into the fi- AT&T 52V. Kresge 366/s the required feet al the following petiticn Thursday, night. ( next with a 515, Judy Noeski Columbus — Ray Glowacki hit nals of the City described property; J . 0/100'. Ac League Class . 2W» Kroger 23% Corhm. at NE Corner of Section as Berger (carded (245 had a 509 and Carole Gardnei AMF - . , a high , 206, the Reverend Robert Stain- A playoffs Thursday; night with Anconda 28.- '. .- '.'IjoeW 8.- 21% Thence W. . 472', E '«4 _ . H 113' , tq game and finished with . a 631 wound up with a- 501. The Oasis schrpr finished with a 536 and respective . victories ; over Shor- .Beg. In . NVa,.NEV4' Section 35/-Twp. ¦' ¦ •' •, ¦ ' ArchDn 23% Maircor. 23V. 107,. R. 7. or at 748 Mankato. Avenue. series for Bittner Oil in the Bar reached 937 ^nd Ray's Sklar's Home Furnishings com- ty's arid Randall's. • ArmeSi 23% -Merck , 80'/4 g. Dave Welnmann for a reduction In Eagles League at Mapleleaf Trading Post compiled a "2,661 bined for 943-2,671. ;. ¦ The Blues' . ousted Shorty's 62- ¦ ' . the side yard requirement in order Beaver taggirig ' AvcoCp 7% MMM : 75V4 to build a carport -4 feet from th« Lanes. He. started out with a cbunt. - -'-' A.C. Ladies — Laura Yusteh 52 as Roger Vqss pnmpeid in 22 : side, BeatFds - 21% MinhPL 18% ¦ east lot Jim Ihslead of the re- ' ' - 234 (for his first game Keglerette Ladies , Kay points and teammates Dave '.' ' quired- 7 feet at the following de$. Buffalo County Game Warden Jiitn Everson -will. Jse. . tag- ; but dip- . — cardeid a lTOj Marlene Kaehler BethStl 34% MobOU ' 46% crlbed property: Lot TV. Block: 1/ E, Heise and Mike ¦ ¦ ging beaver: pelts at the Indian Creek Ilesort, near Merrick ped to a 152 before finishing Theurer toppled . a 199, Jonl wound up with a 463, Winona Knieis contribut- Boeing i47/8 MiiChm 59% ¦ ¦ ¦: ' P. Whltten', subdiviilon, xr at I860 State Park, Sunday from 10 a._a. to 3 p.m. 7 with, his 245. ., ,.:, Nichols came ; in with a 510 ed 16 iand 12 respectively. Bruce - ' West Fifth Street.,. - , Agency worked for 887 and the BoiseGs 17% MontDk 34% 4. Charles Knopp for approval of a All beaver taken during the Wisconsin season must be Team(honors in the loop went Alice Neitzke managed a 507 Hot Fish Shop totaled 2,495; Reeck and Jim Henderson both Brunswk 17% NorffcWfl .67% . . Community Development Pr6|ect pur. tagged by a: state official before being, legally sold . This to the Sirloin Stockade with 1,- had 13, points for Shorty'. ;' .- : ' auant to Article 10 of. the-Zonlna ¦ BrlNor : 43% NNGas 49% ; . '- Ordinance at the following described is the last chance for most trappers: to gather to have their til4. and (Lang Steve Bay drilled ih a 35-foot '- property: . ¦ ' 's Bar with 2,865. CampSp ¦ 36% NoStPw . 25% .'Approximately. ? acres of pelts registered and likely discuss sales With ftir buyers.. - . . 7 ;Ruppert rolled a' 244 and shot , with just three seconds left Catplr. 7 ¦ 58% NwAir: 24% . Ihe property below - elevation: 900 (eet Sports in brief to give the Oasis a 60-58 victory ... In North V. of Section 30, - Township : ; wound- up with a 635 for Rup- Chryslr . . 18% ;NwB_nb 63% 107, Range 7 West, otherwise Known :;o ' - - :v- ;::;. : - -:' ?50:;/is/i,. ; pert's Grocery in the Classic oyer Randall's;. CitSrv 55% Penney :- 74% as the Knopp Farm. . , - . : . : . ^ . Bill Squires Notice is tent to the:applicants (nd ta ¦ League at; the Westgate paced the winners CorriEd 30 Pepsi : 64% (he owners . of properly effected by the '..' ¦ Catch the right fish and you'll be $50 richer. 7. Bowl. ¦ . Greg Bambenek also (hit 244 with 20 points, Mike Urbach add- ComSat 37% PhelpsDg 39% appilcalions. . ' ; ,. No, it's not time for another, sportsmen's contest; this ed 18 and Bill Ochs finished 1 A. hearing on these petitions will b« and :came in with a 615, Fran ConEd . 20% Phillips . 55% given In the City Hall, Winona, Minne- is a revyard for cooperating with the 7Mhinesota Etepartment with 16. Mark Patterson was sota at 7:30 ; P.M. on March », 1974, • ' ¦ ¦ Hengel managed a 626 (Butch /cryfi(isf ContCan 25% Polaroid 81% ' «t ' " ' " ' Wfey which time; interested persons may '-ipi -: p . . of Naturiai Resources. 7 . .{^ ;: *^"-\ .!'W * high ; for Randall's with 14 Kosidowski had a 615 and OonOii 42% RGA 20% pear either In person, in writing, or by. , Bob pointsj and Emil DeGrazla and 7 Somewhere In the River Skeel's (597 Dewey Grossell' ^ CntlDat 35% RepStl 26% agent, and present any reasons which Mississippi , pre- , s Steve Stockhausen finished with (hey may have to the granting or deny. Y_hnke Dartlnd 18% -Reylrid 48% Ing cf these petltlohs.- sumably in the Lake Pepin area, there are cat- 545 and Jim 's 537 were 13 apiece. - ; , 7 , ( ' ' 7 ^ Deere 45% Rockwl 26% They- are requested- .to prepare their fish and walleyes sporting yellow spaghetti tags all errorless. . CLASS-B . case. In detail, and present all evidence 1 . ' .: '. --(Final) ' . -. DowCm . 60% Safewy . 4iy8 relating to these petitions it th»- tlmi Second - place Rollingstone ¦ ¦ ¦/¦ ¦¦ ori th«ir dorsal fins. If you catch one of these tag- Compiled from Daily News wire services W L - :.. WL duPont 165 SFein 33% of scheduled hearing. Lumber swept team scoring with East . Side. 11 1. Winona Liquor 5 7 Respectfully, • -. . . ged fish and turn it over to Dick Sternberg, : : CONNIE a ilgure of controversy Westgate Bowl 9 3 VnlBntlne EastKod 106 -SearsR 86y8 '• ¦ 1,063 -r^ 3,018. < FOREYi in the last two 'i¦ J 10 . Donald -V. Grey, Chairman .- DNR Fisheries manager in Lake City, the ' state) Sieved - ' 8. 4 . Vo-Te'ch 0 12 Esmark 30V4 ShellQii 60y8 ' . Board of A'dlustment - . MAPLELEAF: Powder weeks after slugging a referee and being assessed a stiff sus- ¦ ¦ . ¦ Puff Lak» Center 7 5 ' Exxon 85% Singer: .: '' ..- .35% will eome;;up1 with a $50 rewarcjv 7: t V — Phyllis Christopherson tipped pension arid large fine by the Western Hockey League, took (Flrst Publication Frlday. Feb. 22, 1*74) ' ;¦ .' A Zumbrota man caught a 3.3 pound eat- ; to the ice for the Chicago Cougars of the World Hockey As- Westgate Bowl suffered ... its Firestn . 16% SouPac 35V. • NOTICE OP MORTOAOB :¦ a 216 en route . to a(522, Ruth FordMtr 49% SpRand 42% FORECLOSURE SALE fish near Maple Springs -r 15 irttiles fromTwhere McManus turned in a 547,. Lois sociation against Thursday . .. third straight loss in its regular Notice is Hereby Given,- That default GenEl • 55% StBrnds :-v53% ' r the fish was tagged ™- and by cooperating; with Schacht fitiished with a 538, THE NATIONAL INVIIATION TOURNAMENT commit- season Class B finale Thursday has- occurred Iri ' the. ' (conditions of thet teei invited Seton Hall University to participate in its ppst- night,, bowing to Steve' GenFood 27% StOilCal -30% certain, mortgage, dated the 14th day the DNR he's tibw $50 richer. Wincha Agency combined for s ¦Lounge ' of December, 1971, executed by Dakota seasbn tournament March 16-24 .. .- - " ' '¦: ' ' ' ' "¦ ' GenM : 55 StOillnd . 93 Lumber Company, Inc. toy Gary ' .923 and Wiricraft totaled 2,676. 44-41. 7 V 7-";" - , .;: - - .-: .77- M. The tagged fish are part of a research project to see just FORMER West University basketball standout . Dick Zabel led the . winners GenMtr ^1% Texaco : 28% Iverson, Its President, and Clem . J. ¦ WESTGATE;; Action - Joe CrenTel ,26 iverson, Its .Secretary, as rhortBagor to '.. ' Joiedy . Gardner was named the school's new head basketball Texasln 107% how far these fish do move durmg their. lifetime. . . Peplinski carded a ¦ ; with 15 . points and Tony Klein- The Merchants National :' Bank- -of WU . 215, Jim coach . ;,; ,.' ." ¦;- :v- -' v .' : - -v schihldt had 13 for Westgate. Gillette '- . 37% UnOil ' 45% nbna as mortgagee, filed "for record Iri Palbicki managed a 601. for .his ,'' Goodrich, 17% UnCarb 36% the office: of. the Reglsler of Deeds Iri Good Ur us, barf for fish? , GEOBGE NELSON, bine of ; 's most successful League champion . ; Johnny's and for the Counly. 61,; Wihona, . and first (career 600 score, Rodney Goodyr 16% UnPac , 81% State of Minnesota, on the lStrt- d v. of high school coaches was named the new head football coach East Side . Bar whipped Valeri- - This ; early . spriDg-like. weather might be good for fishef- Storm rolled . an . (errorless 553 at Western : Montana College . , . / Greyhhd 17. . USStl ' 43% December, 1971, at 10:45 o'clock . A.M., ¦ ' tine Trucking 62-49 as Randy and recorded as; Document No; 229270 . men, but it can be very bad for the fish. . and the Foul Liners worked for I:-:. THE MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL exhibition season lasowski, scored; 17 points arid GulfOU 23% WesgEI 23% the original principal amount secured l, by said mortgage being Jhlrty Thousand Weather like this can be trouble: for spawning fish. 02--2i83-. opened Thursday . with the Chicago White Sox defeating the teammate Tom Riska added 12. Homestk 87 Weyrhsr 39% ) ¦ ' ¦ can rem ' ' and no/I00 (J30,000.00 . Dollars that .no . ' •. ^¦ '^ ¦Lo6k.hg .•.baek'.¦oyer the:^years; we.^l ember how Piii Drop — . Sandy Creely Detroit Tigers 9-8 on Brian Downihg's single to left with two Winona Liquor disposed'; of-.Lake Honeywl . 75 WinnDx 41% action Or proceeding has been . Instituted .is::jusuall , : InlStl 29% . Wlworth- 18% at. law io recover ; the debt secured by a .mild.;Ma-rch- y followed by: some nasty7weather in outs and the bases loaded ifl the ninth inning ... . Center . 57-44 as Jim Wright and said mortgage, or . any . part thereof, April — you don't have to look very far, last year we had UCLA AND SOUTHERN CALIFOKNIA, tied for the Pa^ Gary Ahrehs ;tallied 17. and 15 that there . Is due and . claimed . to" .be. . about a foot of snow the first week of April. ,. cific-8 Conference lead, clash Saturday .or the loop champ- ' " ' due ' upon ield mortgage,-Including in- points respectively. • .: Urest to . date; hereof, the sum ot ionship and . a . -berth in tlie ..NCAA Western regipnals' next ,the-.'.'firs of the loop Twenty-eight Thousand Seven Hundred Fish ace rhbved to spawn in the warm Basketball player . In .t round . : Do|. ^ 7: WGckciid- playoffs next Thursday at the Thirty-one end 08/100 («8,731.08) weather arid then if a cold spell hits, as it in> SIZZLING MILER TOWY WALDKOP of , Steady jobless Ian, - arid that' pursuant to . the power ¦ Junior High; -Lake ; Center will of sale therein contained, , said mort- variably does, they are in trouble. 7; a whopping collection of seven-foot high jumpers and ah ex- meet ;; Vo-Tech; 3t ' 6:15, p.m;; gage will be\foreclosed' and the trarf dies in AAU game Indoor Of land lying . arid ' being.-. In the County Some fish start spawning early, are turned pected wide open team title battle highlight the NCAA Steve's will take on Whiona Liq- of Winona, State of Minnesota, described off by told weather and never return to spawn ATTLE7(AP) - A Univer- Track Championships startir»g today in Detroit:. J uor at 7; 15 and Valentine's will as follows, to-WIt: ' . . . - " . . . ^' RAIN forced postponement of the final round of practice rate . Commencing at' a - point ot' beglnnlni —-bass are the; prime targets for this problem-- sity of Washington freshman face . Westgate at 8:15.' . - .-. ' books described as commencing at. the north- has collapsed and died , while for Sunday's. $300,000 California 500-mile championship auto East Side drew a bye and will west corner of Block I "in the original and that results in a small population. race at Motor Speedwaiy ... ; . plat of Dakota In said . County, of Wi- competing iri. the Northwest have to.; be beaten : twice in the nona as the same Is on file. Iri the office It also is hard on eggs that have been laid , for ; AA.U basketball championship THE LARGEST FIELD of LPGA golfers, 92 expected to playoffs; by virtue of whining of- the Register, of -Deeds In' . and, prior to trie cold snap. Some die in the: cold . : assemble thlis season, led by defending championi Kathy Whit- stock market tald County of Winoni; running thence garhe. ,- .. the regular, season -title* northwesterly SO0 feet.alorig. the north- temperatures, and others are stunted by the de- worth, began first-round play today in th $100,000 S^H Green westerly extension - .of the. southwesterly Roosevelt - 19 NEW (AP) to the point ; water temperature. Belcher, , of Stamp Classic ..- . : YORE — The boundary of said Block I. clin* in Grand Rapids, Mich., collapsed ° stock market, apparently of - beginning of the trier of land , to be WISCONSiN defeated Minnesota Ur3 and Michigan 10-2, Idaho coach quits en- described, ' running thence northeasterly .While the soft-water angiers, are unliinbering their , gear . . in the title game Thursday and while Washington stopped Massachusetts 6-3 and California 7MOSCOW, Idaho (AP) ;— couraged by the news that 243 feef along a line, parallel with the . for another season their targets are haying a rough time. was dead on arrival at a local ' . - ' Anderson resigned as unemployment did not increase northwesterly boundary line of laid ^ the U.S. Curling Championships . .- .- Wayne : Block 1 to the westerly . boundary ; line Let's hope this year we escape that last minute cold hospital, a hospital spokesman ROSl MJTTERMAIER of West Germany won the last 'head ;basketball, coach of the in February, steadied today of Ihe right of way of Mlnnesota-U. S. wave-^for the sake of the fish and the fishermen. saiii : :¦ ¦' ('"' after some early declines. :. Highway Numbers 14 and . 61, thence World Cup Alpinei slalom of the season for women. University. of Idaho. . northwesterly .220 feet along-said bound- The noon Dow Jones average ary line of said highway to the center of 30 industrials was unchanged of the creek running. easterly- and wett- erly through Government Lot 1 In Sec- at 869,06, recovering from a tion 7 In Township 105 North of Range drop of better than 7 points ear- 4 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, thence southwesterly 245- feet, along ¦ State bowling tourney lier. 7 7 line parallel with the northwesterly Friestoit However j declining issues boundary of said Block :T-to . a point en , the northwesterly extension of the south- (Continued from page 12) still held a broiad lead over westerly boundary of said Block 1 20*. gainers on the New York Stock feet frohi the point cl beginning meas- ured along the . northwesterly extension half, but his teammates took Exchange, . of said southwesterly boundary of . said up the slack in the third quar- enters third weekend -. . Beniidll 3; Kellogg 2 . WEST DIVISION ; Analysts said the selling at Block 1, thence southeasterly. 206 feet The 46th annual Minnesota Singles ( and doubles competi- Prep Basketball; TODAY'S GAMES Utah :...:. ....;,7 . 46 25 .648 ' the start of the session along ' --the ' northwesterly- extension of the ter. ; '- ,, THURSDAY'S RESULTS MSHSL TOURNEY— ¦Indiana ;...... , 3B 35 .521 9 7 ap- southwesterly boundary of. said Block V State Bowling Tournament en- tion at Westgate is scheduled for ; 37 35 .514 9W beginning; MSHSL¦ PUAYOFFS¦ . Edina East vs. Henry: Sibley. San Antonio peared to stem largely froin re- to. the place of ters its third weekend of corii- 10> a.m. and 12:30, 5:30 and 8 DIST. 1- 77 t Bemldil vs; Grand Rapids ' . .- ¦ Denver ' . :.,: 33 . 38 .445 13 Alio a tract of land described ai eom- ^rh^^^sj^j^r^oa^s^ead fo Preston to, Spring Valley . 53 (champ.) Hibblng vs. -St. . Paul Harding ....;.... 30 41. .423 16 ports of "disagreement among menclng at the northwest : corner of 40-39 with 1:49 left in the pe- petition aere Saturday aud-Stm= pririr^falftriSatigday and jHt ¦ ' ' '6t original plat of Dakota to . Rushford ti,¦ Harmony <6 (coniolitlon) Mpls, Roosevelt vs; Kellogg .. . ' THURSDAY'S RESULTS Arab^^ oil-prciiucing^ ^ « Block. . !- - -.the day : at Mapleleaf Lanes . and and 11:30 a;m. and 2 and 4:30 DIST. 4^-- ¦ ' New York H4, Denver 100 : In said County at Winona as: the . same . riod on Sorenson's only basket College Basketball Antonio 98, Ca rolina 90 oyer where and when to bold a arid: of record In the -office Westgate-Bowl. p.irr. shifts Sunday. . - .' . -. - Wahamlnao 46, Msrtlifleld M . Sar\ Is on tile . of ( the . game a sho.t-i'ange . . . . MINN. IND. PLAYOFFS THURSDAY'S RESULTS 7 Kentucky 103, Wrslnfa 89.. meeting to discuss the future of of fh» Register of Deeds In. and for ^ Class (A and B team com- : Highlighting Sunday?s action REGION"- • EAST- ' TODAY'S GAMES • said. Counly of -Winona, ' running thence bank shot on a fast break. But -- . their embargo on shiprneiritjs to along the: north- petition at Mapleleaf is schedul- at Westgate Mpls. De La Salle 83, Blake 57 . Seton Hall 94, St. Peter's, N.J. Kentucky at New York northwesterl y. 406' feet- baskets by Tom Larson and will be the perform- "- . (champ.) : . 90 (2 OTs )"" Memphis at.: . Indiana . the; United States. : : - westerly extension of the southwesterly ed for 11 a.m. and 1:30, 4 and ance of Bob Kosidowski and REGION 7- Duqutsnj 73, Xavler> Ohio 40 -. . .- San Antonio, at San Diego : Avis Inc., .was a notable los- boundary of said Block V which Is also Kelly Fitzgerald and a pair of St. Thorhss . Manhattan 81, Fordham 76 Denver at- Utah , the northeasterly - '. boundary of , M»ln free throws by Tony Lammers 6:30 p.m. shifts Saturday and Mike Yahnke, : both of Winoiia. Frldfey. Grace 70, Richfield Holy SOUTH- 7 SATUftpAV'S GAMES er on the NYSE, sliding 2% to Street In tald Village of Dakota, thence for 11:30 a.m. and 2 and 4:30 Kosidowski was last season's Angeis M Ga. Tech 97, 95 (OT) Indiana, vs.. Kentucky , at. Lex.lnglon 13% after a drop of 1% Thurs- southwesterly et a right, angle with the gave the Jays a 46-41 edge by TODAY'S GAMES MIDWEST- .. . Denver af San Diego " fast described line M feet, fhance ' south- ; ; p.m. shifts Sunday. ( . ¦ the- end of the quarter. - . : city average champion. The MSHSL DiJt. J — Grand Valley Sti. 79; PirrtrSH/U • . -; Utah vs, Virginia at Hampton day. The Securities and Ex- easterly 316 feet , aloha .a , line parallel Winoha's Hot Fish Shop team, Kassdn-Maniorvllle vs. - Lake Clly, f Louisville 89, Detroit 74 - ' - . - SUNDAY'S GAMES . .. ¦ wllh the first - described , boundary, line (Spring Valley, which finished Kosidowski-Yahnke duo rolls at ¦ ' ¦ ' change Commission accused captained by Mike Yahnke, will ' p.m., Mayo'Civic (final) . . , SOUTHWEST— Virginia , at Ne.v Vork-- - . of ihls tract of iand, thence northesst- the . season with a 16-6 mark, 1:30. (; WIAA CLASS B . Houston 107, - Rice 62 - ,' Kentucky vs.. Carolina at Greensboro the company of filing a false erly at a right anqla v/lth the last de-r stayed ( within , striking . range kick off the initial shift Saturday Current leaders are Mama At Spooner— TOURNAMENTS Utah at Indiana and mi-leading quarterly finan- scribed line 30 feet, thence southeaster- along with Amery vs ,: Durand, 7 p.m. ATLANTIC COAST- Memphis at San Antonio ' : ly parallel with the tlnf described line throughout the fourth period, the Ozmun Trucking Vitales Italian of St. Paul, which Maple vs. Hurley, 8:30 p.m, Maryland 85, Duke 44 San Diego at Denver cial report last year. of this tract 90 feel, Iheriee northwest- squad Af Wis. Dolls — Virginia 68, Clemson. 63 er ly af a right angle with the lasf pulling to within one point of captained by Dick Ozmun recorded a 3,073 In Class A G-E-T vs , Wauston, 6:30 p.m. At the American Stock Ex- North Carolina 76, Wake Forest 42 Pro Hockey described line¦ 30 feet to the point of and the Asco squad captained Verona, vs, Richland Centers I a.m. change, the noon market-value ' . - the four-time Maple Leaf Con- team; First and Last Chance WIAA CLASS C KING'S NEW YORK- beginning. . . . by Jon Pierce. Barrlngto,. 91, Philadelphia Bible 80 NUL index was up .26 at 98.(59- Also a tract of land described is eom- ference champs on two. occa- ¦ li quor of Albert Lea, which At L» Crosse — . describ- .- ¦Sunday , .Blair vs. Mineral Point, 7 p.m. ¦ ' . " Messiah 64, Houghton 63 EAST DIVISION hiencln. at a point ot beginning sions. Two free throws by Ran- . 's. 4:30 shift will in- notched a 3,087 in Class B ; Ramada Inns, down Vs at 1% ed as cbmrnenclnq »t the northeasterly team 'Whitehall- ¦ , vi; North Crawford , 1:30 East. INa.arene 73, Gordon 43. W L T Pit. GF OA .. - ol the original plat dy House shaved the Jays' lead clude eight Winona; teams, led Dale Hansen, of St, Paul, who p.m. ' . - / Kino 's, N.Y. 99, Nyack 69 . - . ":• Boston ' - . -. 43 12 . 8 94 287 1 73 was the Big Board volume corner of Block 1 . by Ruppert's Grocery MINN, IND. PLAYOFF! GREAT LAKES REGION- Montreal , 37 18 8 81 234 X69 leader. of Dakot a In said County of Winona as to 50-49 with 4:10 remaining. No. 1 compiled 2,014 ' in all events ; Region 5- , SI Joseph's, Ind. 70, Wls. -Green Bay N,Y. Rangers' 35 16 12 82 247 186 the same Is on file and of record In . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ Deeds In But Fitzgerald drilled a short and No. 2 — both captained by Pete and Gary Niemczyk of St. Cotte r vs. Mankato Loyola; 8 p.m., ' 54- ' ¦ ¦: - . Toronto ...... 30 21 13 73 235 191 The Amex's most-active issue the ofUce of the Register of Mankalo DeSme.t ' . - Wltlehber'g-59, ' Evansylll. 55 (OT) Bulfalo .' ,. 27 27 9 63 .121 209. and for said County of Winona, runnlno jumper and Larson followed Dave Ruppert. Other, include Paul was McCulloch Oil, down % at thence northwesterly ' 158 feet along Ihe , who put together 1,301 in SATURDAY'S OAMES Detroit ...... ,'22 32 10.54 213 268 with a tip-in the Shorty 15. 7!4. northwesterly extension of the ndrtheest- , and Preston's 's D-J Lounge cap- doubles; and: Gary Niemczyk, Prep Hockey NCAA REGIONAL PLArOFFS N.Y. Islanders 1- 32 45 . 149 204 tained b Vancouver ..17 36 10 44 173 243 The NYSE's noon index of erly boundary line of said Block 1 to lead was back up to five points. y Merlin Storsveen , the who has a 729 in singles. THURSDAY'S RESULTS ' . EAST- WEST DIVISION tha point of beginning ol the tract ot Kurt Weise; the Wolves' lead- Shorty MSHSL TOURNEY- i Penn, ' 22-5, vs. Providence, 25-3, at St, close to 1,500 . common . stocks land to- be described, running thehce 's squad captained by The tournament continues on "N Philadelphia .; 38 14 10 86 316 129 par- ing scorer during-the regular Sibley * , rilbblng 1 John's University, .Y-. Chicago ...... 32 13 18 82 213 124 was off ,06 at 51.91. sonlhwesterly Ui feef along a line Clarence Bell and Oasis Bar a weekend basis through April Grand Rapids 3, Roosevelt i (OT) St. Joseph's, Pa.,. 19-10, vs; Pittsburgh, „ 25 30 10 60 119 202 ent! with the northwesterly boundary: ¦ ' ¦ ' ' 23-3, at West - Virginia University, Los Angeles Ihence northwest- season, responded with a bas- captained by Joe Cierzan 7, . - East Edlna 7, St, Paul Harding 0 Atlanta „ 24 29 11 59 169 195 line ot said Block I, . Edlna East 7. St. Paul Harding 0 (vtorgantown, W.Va. erly 4? feet along a Una parallel, with ket to make it 54-51, but Lam- St. Louts 23 30 10 56 171 178 north- Furman, 21-7, .vs, , 21-4 , Minnesota ..,, 18 29 16 52 1B9 221 Livestock the northwesterly extension of the mers,. a 6-3 junior who scored at- Philadelphia Palestra. .. ' easterly boundary line of said Block t, Pittsburgh .;., 2I 35 7 49 181 224 SOUTH ST. PAUL feet along a MIDEAST— California ..',- . 12 44 9 33 146 281 (AP) (hence northeasterly 1*6 only two points against Har- Ohio U„ 16-10, vs. Marquette, 22-4 , and SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn. — line parallel ' with »h| northwesterly Gusties land 5 THURSDAYS RESULTS. (USDA) - Caltle and calves 3,300; Hid Block I to » mony Tuesday night, maneuv- Austin Peay, 17-9, vs. Notre Dame, Pittsburgh 2, Toronto 2 (tie) boundary line of 24-2, at Indiana Stale University, sla' ughlcr steers and hellers In limited point on, the northwesterly extension of ered Inside for one bucket and Philadelphia . 6, Detroit 1 supply; prices strong fo JO hloherj cows of said Terra Haute, Ind, Los Angeles 3, Chicago 2 ¦ Ihe northeaslerly boundary line , added another on an easy lay- steady to 50 higher; bulls steady; choice Block V thence southeasterly 42 feef MIDWEST— , TODAY'S GAMES slaughter steers 41,30-43.00 ; Oral Roberts, 21-4, vs, Syracuse, 19-i, 1000-1200 Ib along the northwesterly extension oV the up after a crucial steal by Fitz- Buffalo at Vancouver 1200-13SO lbs 39.00-41.50; choice 900-1111 boundnry line of said Block ¦and Texas , 12-14 , vs. Crolghlon, 21-5, Minnesota at Atlanla utility and commercial northeasterly gerald on the Wolves' end of al North Texas State University, ' lbs 40,50-42.00; 1 lo tha place of beginning. . SATURDA.Y'S GAMES slaughter cows 32.50-34 50; cutter J0.50- described real estate the floor. Denton, Tex. N.Y. Rangers J| Montreal JO; a few yield All of the above Ecke 32.50; canner 27.00-30. being part of Government Lot 1 In. !r _ - Green AII-M WEST- I AC Philadelphia al Toronto l I700.20OO lb slaughter bulls 38.50- Lammers' two shots made it , Los Angeles - State, 17-9, vs. Dayton, grade 1 tlon 7 In Township 10V North of Range MINNEAPOLI S, Minn. - Joe Samson and junior defenseman Detroit at N.Y. Islanders 41.001 Individual 43.00; yield grade 1-2 Fifth Principal Meridian 58-51 with just 33 seconds left, 19-7, and Idaho Stale, 20-7; vs. New Boston at Los Anoeles 4 West of the Eckel and Mike Green of H50-1I50 lbs 34.00-39.00, and port of the .61. of thr NE"< of St. Dusich and Jeff Boeser, a Dan Travlca , and Bob Storey, Mexico, 20-6, at Idaho Stale Unlvor- Chlcngn at Vancouver barrows and gllta fairly and a basket by Larson with Mary Illy, Hocalello, Idaho. Mogs B.SOOi Section 12 In Township 105 North of 's have been named to the junior forward from St. Thomas, a senior forward Pittsburgh »t St. Louis active, strong to , 50 higher; 1-2 190-240 West of the Fifth Princlpol only 0: 11 to go was just icing on , was chosen SUNDAY'S GAMES Renne 5 ¦ Minnesota Intercollegiate lbs J/,25.37.75; 1-3 190-250 lbs 36 , 50- Meridian. ¦ ' Ath- were named Co-Most Valuable from Harnliiie. Pro Basketball St, Louis et Minnesota , largely 37.00-37,50; T-4 ... the cake. ¦ 37.50; 190-240 lbs ' There Is excepted however from Ihe letic Conference All-Conference Players, and St. Thomas Coach St. John' nun. . . . , Minlreal a' Plllsburnh 250-2(0 ' lbs 34.00-37,00; 2-4 240-300 lbs daserlbpd real estate that por- "We' re probably adjusting bet- s University and Islanders , nl N.Y. Ranoora above Hockey Team. Giis Schwartz succeeded Don EASTERN CONFERENCE N.Y, 34.00.3J.5Oi sows generally Itoadyi 1-3 tion thereof described as follows: , ter now than we did during the Macalester were not represent- ATLANTIC DIVISION Boston at Califo rnia .100-400 lbs 32.00-33 .00; 1-3 4O0-450 lbs Commencing at the northeast corner Five players were picked from Roberts of Gustavus as MIAC ed oh the squad , W, L, Pet. GB Atlanta at Detroit 31.50-3J.5O) 3-4 500-600 lbs 31.00-32.00; the Village ot Dakota, regular seas on ," explained Philadelphia al. Bulfalo ot Block 1 In Denny in an effort to ac- runner-up Gustavus Adolphus Coach of the year. Senior forwards Jon Bbsloi. .. 47 21 ,691 boars :sl««dy, 27.50-59.00. Winonn County, Minnesota) thence north- Coach ^ J Jansseh New York 45 27 .627 4 WHA westerly on the extended east line of count for Preston's recent suc- Which conceded the MIAC crown Eckel, a senior from St. Paul and Mark Weum and junior PUHalo .,... 38 34 .528- 11 said Block 1 a distance of 158.0 feet to St. Thomas after an eight- who was also named the All- Philadelphia ...... 2| 48 .304 26Vi EAST DIVISION to the point ot ' beginning) thence con- cess. "We're settling down a lit- goaltender Bill Sparks of St. CENTRAL DIVISION w L T Pfi, or OA Wi nona ma rkets extended easterly line year ' tinuing on the tle more and playing a controll- reign, and four wero MIAC team last year, led St. Mary 's were among the 22 play- Capital 40 31 ,563 New England 37 27 3 77 W 223 Froedtcrt Malt Corporation a distance of 42.0 feel: thence easterly ,,..... 30 42 ,417 10V« Toronto 34\29 4 72 259> 231 north line of Block ed style of ball — the kind chosen from both St. Thomas Mary's in scoring with 34 points ers who earned Atlanta 3 69 254 234 Hours • a.m. to 4 p.m. ant parallel with Iho honorable men- Houston V 44 .360 13 Quebec 33 \t> Submit sample before loading. 1 a dlslance of 27,0 feet; Ihence north- we're going to have to play and Augsburg. on 21 goals and 13 assists des- tion status. Cloveland . 74 48 ,333 UW Cleveland .,.,. 3n 28 7 67 21S 218 Barley purchased al prices sub|ect lo erly along westerly l ine of mad a dis- WESTERN CONFERENCE Chicago ...... 29. 32 3 41 21. 237 change tances ol 33.2 foot) thence westerly and against better clubs like we'll Selected from Gustavus wero pite missing three games be- . HONORABLE MENTION Jersey 28 34 3 59 211 251 SI. , Mary s _ ¦ MIDWEST DIVISION parallel wllh the north line of said region, ' Jon Jannen, Murk WD5T DIVISION liny State Milling Co. meet in the senior defenseman Scott Mc- cause of injuries. He had a Weum, Bill Sparks; Auasburo - Scott W, L. Pel. GB , Block 1 1 distance of 130.68 feet) thence ' Elevator A Grain Prices and parallel with the east Tho JayS made 27 of 67 field Clanahan, and forwards Rich string early in tho season when Smllh; Concordia — Bill Driver, Mark Milwaukee 53 20 .726 Houston , 39 21 5 83 264 180 No, I N. Sprlno Wheat 5 43 southerly Turk/ Gustavus . _ Chicago 49 24 ,671 line of Block 1 n dlslance of 75.0 lee-li goal attempts, 40 percent, com- Agren, a senior, Bernie Dusich Dennis Anderson, - * Minnesota ,,.. 37 24 2 74 249> 277 No. 2 N. Sprlno Wheel .. 5.41 , he scored a hat trick in four Mike Broten, Chuck Kelley, Bob Lund- Delroll ,,., . 46 26 ,639 tVi Edmonton .,.. 32 30 1 45 219 223 Spring Wheat 5.37 Ihence easterly nnd parallel wllh the ' K.C. -Omaha V .47 .365 56Vi No, 3 N. North line of Block 1 100.0 feet to the pared with only 17-60 for Spring a junior , Gary Hanson, a sopho- straight games. bohm, Rich Nvland, Dennis Troolen, Winnipeg . ,,,., 30 31 5 65 2M 239 No. 4 N. Spring Wheat 5.33 Dick Wallers; Hamllne - Otalt Stell- PACIFIC DIVISION Vancouver 2.1 41 0 44 33B 379 point of beginning, being a port of Valley, a disastrous 28 percent. moro, and Klaus Jung, a sen- Green, n rugged defenseman No. I Hard Wlnler Wdeat 5.45 In-Outlets of Dakota Village. macher; Mncaleslar — Steve* Doyle, Golden Slate 39 29 .574 Los Angeles .. 21 44 0 43 195 268 No. 2 Hard Wlnler Wheat 5.43 Outlot 11, Preston also won tlie battle on Chris Olioni St. John' — Dun Albte, Los Angeles , 40 3| ,563 'i will be sold by the iherllf of salit who sterred in last year's Minn- • THURSDAY'S RESULT S No. 3 Hard Wlnler Wheat 5.39 at public auction on the 12 Hi the boards, 40-33, with Rick Stacy Clirislenien, Lan Priybylskl; St. Seilllu ,, 31 41 .431 10 ¦ No, 4 Hard Wlnltr Wheat ...... 5,35 counly esota State High School Hockey Thomas - Dean Cochaarolla, Ray Ociek, Phoenix 26 44 .361 >S , Cleveland 4 , Vancouver 2 day of Anrll, 1W4. af 10:00 o'clr k Warriors open 3, Quebec 2 No, 1 Rye 330 at Sheriffs main office ' In the Grooters, a 5-11 guard , pulling Tournament , was one of two Oreo Vannalll. Portland 23 47 .329 17. Chicago No, 2 -Rye ,,,.; 3,16 A.M., down 11 rebounds and Craig THURSDAY'S RESULT S TODAVS OAMES City of Winona In sold counly and state, fenim ccacr... freshman selected fbr the lll- Golden Stale 97, Milwaukee 95 Cleveland a| Winnipeg to pay the debt then secured by aaW Menslrik and Larson grabbing man squad. Named the Most Monzel rolls 715 Boston 99, Phoenix 9/ Edmonton al Los Angeles mortnage and taxes '. It any, on sulci eight apiece. Winona State's tennis team TODAY'S OAMES SATURDAY'S OAMBI Grain premises and the costs and disburse- Lake Forest College Tourna- ments allowed by law, The time allowed will kick off its 1874 LEWISTON, Minn. - . Bob Seattle al (luffalo Quebec al Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, (AP) — Wheal Men sink led tho winners with season to- Golden state af Philadelphia , year ago 144; by law for redemption hy the nwtgngor. ment In Lake Forest, 111., Feb. Monzel recorded his eighth 700 Toronto at Houston receipts Thursday 152 reproienlntlves or assigns la 18 points, Lammers finished day and Saturday with moots Boston at Houston Now England nl Jrraey Sprlno wheat cosh trading basis un- Its personal 22-23, Green wound up with score of the season here at the Delroll at Los Angelas certls. six months from the data of said sale, with 14 and Larson netted 10. against tho University of Wis- Winnipeg al Chlcaoo changed / prices up 10 Dated February 15, 1974 12 points on seven goals and SATURDAY'S OAMES SUNDAY'S OAMES No, 1 dark northern 11-17 protaln, 5.60- Woise was high for tho consln-Stout. Cly-Mar Bowl Thursday night, Milwaukee at New York THH MERCHANTS NATIONAL Wolves Vancouver al Edmonton 5.69, P.ANK OP WINONA five assists. Competing with the Razor Chlcroo at Atlanta Minnesota at Los Angeles Test weight premiums; ona ctnt each with 18 and Stove Ooltjcn nnd WSC will host Stout today at Portland at Capital Rv: Itl Donald W , Benson Picked from Augsburg were Sharps In the Commercial Cleveland at Toronto pound 51 to 61 lbs; ona cent discount Attorney tor said Mortgagee House both had 13, 5 p.m. and again Saturday at Seattle vs , K.C-Omaha at Omaha Jersey at Quo|>ec each Vt Ib under 58 lbs, Sprlfio Valley- (Si) Preston (40) _ senior goaltender Bill Ross, Longuo, Monzel put together Cleveland at Phoenix per cent 5.40; 12, ftl Ronald W, Benson a,m. Both meets will be In Protein prices: II Attorney for said Mortgagee FO FT TP FO FTTP slnglo SUNDAY'S OAMES 5 40| 13, S.63; 14, 5,64 i 1S.. S.M _.e»l 14 , the new Momorlal Hall gym. sophomoro defonsoman Jon games or 240, 213 and New York at Philadelphia Pro Baseball Sofonson 1 3-4 5 Flligodald 3 0-0 t 5.65-5.69; 17, 5 68-5,69. . (First Pub, Wednesday, March 4, 1971) Welse 1 4-4 IB Monslnk 8 2-3 11 WSC's team includes returnoos Borgherr , senlpr forward Ray 223 for a 715 count._ Los Angeles at Boston (EXHIBITION) , No, 1 hard Montana winter 5.42. Ooll|en 5 3-4 13 Larson 4 2-2 10 Golden Stale at Capital RESULTS Minn.-J.D,' No, 1 hard winter 5,43. WANTED Mark Ottum , John Parrott Dahlof and junior forward Mike Port land vs. Bulfalo at Toronto THURSDAY'S Rathbun 1 2-1 4 Lammora 4 5-2 14 , Lar- Chicago (Al ?, Detroit 8 No, I hard amber dururtii a\oo-«.00i Bids on crushed rock, 3,000 ydi., more Home 3 7-0 13 GroMora 4 0-0 6 ry Nystedt and Dan Colgan and Sack, and the Tommies' picks Saints trade Hester Detroit at Atlanta TODAY'S GAMES discounts, amber 20-M cents; durum 70- or less, delivered and spread on Twp. Hanen O o-O o Christlansn 2 0-0 4 Included junior goaltender Jim Cleveland at Houston Oakland vs. S»n Diego al Yuma , Arl: 1.50, roads. ¦ ¦ Donny o 0-0 0 newcomers John Sknde, Randy NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Tho .MV«.J\«IM. Bids on road Pafrolllng, 5lt« of Ala- Otto, junior ABA Chicago (N) v«, California al Hollvllh Corn No. 2 yellow Total* 17 1»-JJ » Qulnn and BUI Colclough . dofonsomnn Joe Now Orleans Saints of the Na- " BAST DIVISION Calif. Onls No. 2 extra heavy whit* 1.53. chine and price per hr. Bids 0 ba Totals 27 4-7 41 Colcloughi a Winonn High Mulvehlir and junior forwards w, i., Pet. on Minnesota vs. - Boslon at Wlnler Havei fierlay, cars 145, ya«r aoo 45; Lerker opened March 22, )P74, 5t, Charlei town- SPRING VALLEY 10 ? 32 12-51 tional Football League traded New 'York ..,,..-. 45 27 ,475 I-la, 2 56.1.62I Blue Malting 2,54-3.40; Dickson bi-nrct reserves the right to re|ect «.ny or PRESTON 14 10 20 14-10 Rrndunto , is a sophomore who Pat Battott and Boeser, (A) v», Detroit a| Lak«land, 2.543 ,60 1 Feed 2,35-3.3!, ¦II , Bids. ' outside linebacker Roy Hester Kentucky ,,..43 26 ,633 ll Chicago - Fouler ouli Mens lnk led Gustavus Adolphus to the Selected from Concordia wore to tho Si Louis-Cardinals (or an Carolina .44 31 ,587 1'fi Fia. Rye No. I and 2 3.30-3,40, St. Charlee Twp. Total* fouls; Spring Valley 1, Preston Virginia 24 47 .338 20',. Now York (A) vi, Texasi-at-Rampant —Fle*-N-r-1-»W5i : '—TIM-WAflWCIerk NAIA tournament last year. freshman defenseman Gary undisclosed draft choice. Atemnhli 18 S3 ,254 24ii Beach, Fli, Soybeans No. 1 Yellow 5,9414 , St. Charles, Minn. SJ9T2 DENNIS THE ENACE Wahttd to Buy 81 Motorcycles, •^eye!';* 107 : M' " ' : ' ' " ' ' ' ' , ' : ' : ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ' " • " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ' ¦ "•¦ ' : ¦ ' ' • " 1 ' > ' " • ¦- • - ¦ - :- - - : ¦ FURNITURE REFINISHING.done at rea- HAULING HORSES so-th? Tal-older oriental style ' rugs. 937 Lots .or -Salt ; l<\\ . *los, - ' 77: IOO -Thank you.for cards, memorials.and food Peter Os'on, . Lanesboro, Minh. Tel;, 875-. . 7' W:-7th. :¦ that was brought to our home,, during NO.MATTER which wa.y the, wind , blows , 2584. - 7 , .777 , ; Auction ^Sal«s . the' death of our Husband and Father , - .. ..' you will appreciate the- sanitary, 2 milei E; of ' ' ¦ ; 452-7700. : ...: ¦¦ : "' ' ¦ ' •SMELT • DINNER- highlights this. -Mori- ' .. water hea'ersj pipe -and fittings.¦ - .. horses, - paying top prices. Tel. St. - ¦FOR-:- SALE—single , and double driving NORGE VILLAGE Invites you 10 try pur 7 ' . " . ' ' : 7 nona. From Owner-. Will pay cash.. Tel; Caledonia,. Minn on 249, then 1 mile -B' : ' ' - ' ' ' - -" ' s STAG NIGHT Get your tickets PLUMBING. ARN . . -. - Charles - 932-4557,-7 ¦harnesses, - also . pony .harnesses. Gerald new perrria-presa care washera, also * Bob Grlese/. 452-2»7. • E. oh 24. Victor 4 Ethel Bolduan; . own- day' . ' ' ' ' ¦ ' . ¦ this weekend at Ihe LEGIONf - CLUB. • '154. High -Forest, - . - . • •; Tel.. 454-4246 Stinson; Rldgeway, Minn. lbs..dry cleaning $2.50. , • CENTRALLY LOCATED sleeping room ' ers; Schroeder . :. Horlhah, auction- 7 ' for gentleman only, separate entrance. ¦ WIS. FEEDER pigs, 30-lbs. S28, 40 lbs. eers; Thorp: Sales Corp., clerk. ; '.. - " . MINNEAPOLIS WOLINE 10' double disk, BUILT frailer hitches Installed Tet. 452-6479, ' Boats, Motors, Etc. 106 FOR ANY shower , recepllon. party or . S33, 50-60 lbs. $37. ..Erysipelas vaccinat- CUSTOM. Situations Wanted—Fern. 29 very good. Bill Heubleln, " ' In our shop. Ali.model cars arid trucks. ' ' ' ¦ wedding, we have the hall for your saf- - ed,'- castrated, delivered C. Acker, 'Mid- jrain drill, .MAR. - ¦?—Sat. 1 1:30- a.m. : 1 mile . E. -of ¦ ., . All Work guaranteed. Call for appoint- FIBERGLASS: BOAT, 14' ,- 40 h.p. Evln- . - ' Isfactlon.. V;F.W. - POST- 1287. ; dleton, .Wis.. Tel; 608-836-8764, RUshford, Minn. Tel. JB54-2591 Apartments, ¦ Gilmanton, -Wis. Ford Stelter, owner; WILL BABYSiT In. ray home In 'Bluff ment and quotation. MLC Company, Ttl. Flat* ,90 rude electric start; .tilt-trailer Used ' . . , Francis Werieln,' auctioneer ,- ' Northern ' : '.'Siding. Tel.;. 687-6771 ; . ^br 350 Farrhall In- 7' ' : less than 50 hours.; Tel. - '454-4888 - TONIGHT'S SPECIAL at ihe .WILLIAMS PROFESSIONAL HORSE SHOEING WANTED—Cultivator 452-7114 ,. ONE-BEDROOM, new deluxe/ heated, . jriv. Co.; clerk. - ; - , HOTEL Is delicious Beef Burgundy and . graduate Farrlr, , 10 years experience, ternational, complete. State location and soft Water stove, refrigerator, shower, . cleaner, 1wln bed , . Saturday evening always popular :Prime Business Opportunities : 37 hot; - cold and corrective shoeing. Bob price. Orten Gabriel, Hixton, Wis. Tel. HONEYWELL AIR - ground • floor. J175. Homer Road; Tel. ALUMACRAFT 14', 2S h.p, electric .start . ' mattresses, 2 quilted chairs, table complete -with MAR; ?—Sat. : 10 a.m. 6 niiies. W. of . Mel- - ' Ribs Will be' featured. . Charlie ' .Merkel Przybylski, . Tel. 452-7040. -715-984:2282. . - - 452-5940 .; ' : ¦; • . - . . Controls; trailer and ' ' • ' small chair. Tel. 454-1009. ' - cove r. Runs - ' :rose..-Wesley Spdrs, owner;-Alyin -Koh-, .- ' Is' on .hand both nights -for your .listen- PIZZA AND. BEEB—Italian- and Ameri-: lamp, . . ' good. First. J350. . Jack ' Lewiston : ¦ner, ' auctioneer; Northern- ' Iriv. Co., • ' Ing enloym'ent. Ray Meyer, - .Innkeeper.. 'can foods. Fixtures and equipment in- .FIFTY HEAd of good quality well broke. U SED MELROE Bobcats. Tel. THREE-ROOM apartment, stove and re- . Erickson, old Minhesofa City Road. . ' - ¦ set, 1 leaf, I chairs; -clerk; ' ; .. ,-\ cluded. '¦ Located -at- 3rd and Walnut. ,- .. saddle horses.. Gordon . .Ferguson, Dov- . 5701.;. ,; 7,, , : CHROME KITCHEN frigerator furnished, middle-aged lady . ' . utility cabinet. Tel:- 454-1.015 after 4. 7 FOR YOUR NEXT wedding, .anniversary Priced for' quick sale. - Tel. Walt Win- . er, Minn. - -Tel.: 93274557. . .. ", . only., 426 Lafayette. ' : : '• ROCHESTER SILOS—Robert Roralt, .La- . Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 MAR. 9—Sat, 10:30 aim: A-Mac Inc. or party; renf:the .fine facilities of the ' keiman. 612-71.1-8?3& Currell Realty, ¦ . ¦ ' Minn. - Tel- 454-2657- evening*. '. . DINETTE SET, complete bed, wardrobe: Truck. Repair Auction,: 67 Kraft St., ;• . , Winona Elks Lodge. :TeJ. . 452-4716. . - Inc., |29« -Hudson. Rd., St. Paul, Minn. moille. WEST .LOCATION^. , or . 3. bedroom un- ' -55106. ' . chest, combination, kitchen cabinet sink, FOR SALE OR' La- Crosse. Wis. . (1. -block W. of, Bel- - " ' ' ' ' furnished apartment available Mar.. 15. will frade¦ 3-speed boys' -168 '2nd, -, - . FITZGERALD SURGE- . . . gas range, dresser with mirror;-end, ¦{¦ ' 26" bicycle for 36" scot) La Verne . Hall,, auctioneer; . Nor- TREASURES .GALORE,. .INC., W. ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦• - Tel. - 454-5943 after. . . Schwlrin -girls' /bi- requests owners pick .up- unsold winter- , . . Sales 8. Service, . tables, lamps,, desk, washlubs on stand, cycle. Tel. 687:7762 . Sat. or Sun.. thern Inv. Co., clerk...... ' Dogs, Pets, Sup|}!ies 42 5201 or St Charles H2-3733.. 168 High Forest.., -garments this week, .or they will be Tel. Lewiston . ; W. CENTRAL-rUpper 6-room apartment, ' -Thurs., Erl-.'^at., . : ATV 3-wheeler, -1-8 horse and ' i,_ ¦ otherwise dlspdsed of. ¦ Carpeted,, heat . and. water .. furnished: ¦ T-18 horse, MAR. :9—Sat. , 12 noon, ,• Hwy. . 43; ;¦;¦ .. - '- ,. " WANTED: .'AKC German . Shepherd stud . sets, 5119; best ' -Tel; ¦ t2-4- p.m.; ; _ _; -7 ' Grain, Feed 7 5d SOFA BEDS7 378.50;.bedroom , S5185 . month. Tel, 454-3541; offer. 454-4842. mile . N. . .of Rushford. .: Rushford Im- . . service. Black and. silver - preferred. Hay, bunk beds; $112.87. Budget prices. Bar- .immediately. ¦ ¦ plement, owner; Olson i, Montjomery, -COT; A PROBLEM? Need. Information or Good disposition. Call 'gain 'Center, 253 E. 3rd.: . ' :• -. BSA, 1970 motorcycle, 250CC, ' ¦ ALFALFA, 324 bales and Timothy hay,, 7,300 mil«> ¦auctioneers; Flrst.\Natlonal Bank,, .Rush- want to rap"? Call YES evenings Tel. - 454-1205;. . : < - SPACIOUS - : S40o: Good condition. 937 : - ¦ lust " ¦¦• crop. Tel:. 452-6897,, . . W, 7th; 7 ford, clerk. - ' ' 452-5590, , .'- ^^BwS^S first . KIRBY VACUUM cleaner with carpet '.;¦ ' purebred . miniature ' 7;APARTMENTS • .;. • REGISTERED male LlVESTGGk shampooing attachment, used 9 months, YAMAHA—1972 dirt bike, 250CC, 5-speed MAR. Ii-M6n. T2 o'clock. 3 miles N. ¦ - 2 years old, -apricot. Ideal for HAYLAGE; ear corn, 1,000 bu. Hartman ¦ CARRIAGE HOUSE Cleaners for altera- Poodle, ¦ ' ' like new. -Tel.. . 452-6257, -• , ' - - - . '. 2 Bedrooms ;1 Bedroom transmission, bike and rubber In vfery of Strum on Co.' TrUnk DJ O-Y; then -454-5989. - . - ' . Bros., .Arcadia. ' Tel..-323-3244. . • • ¦ . tions, ' repairs, sewing, pocket- zippers, breeding, Tel. - AUCTION 1 Bedrooni Efficiencies good shape. . Inquire Installment - Loan ' i/t. mile W. - Kenneth. ' Enger, - - owner; lining, ' , general sewing. Gilmore Ave. FIVE-PIECE dinette set, 3 \ylndow fans, • Dept,, MERCHANTS NATIONAL ¦ ' ' ,- auctioneers; Gateway German Shepherd pup-:. : : FIRST CROP baled hay: and straw, de- BANK. ¦ Heike- & Zeck . . . at , Vila St., Miracle. Mall. , entrance. -. PUREBRED white ' ' . artificial Chrstmas tree with ornaments, Furnished or unfurnished Credit,' clerk.' ' for:-sale, females: Tel. 687-7344;. -:. ; ;' -V;;SPARTA-;; - ::';; 7. livered. Tel, 687-7288 evenings. ; .. .pies ; new can opener, refrigerator. Tel. 454- BOYS' 20" .bicycle, new tires and seat; ' ¦ •ETS1NGER" :• TAILOR: SHOP7 Ih our ' 2089-alfer 5:30. , " ' ' : .. "r . LAKE PARK & VALU Tei; 452-5513 after 3:30.- -: l-mll' of. ' female :,; -MON.7& WED.; SALES- WANTED TO BUYr-flood quality barri- ;, . . MARCH- 11-Mon. 10:30 a.m. e E. -. .home'. at . 372 E. ' ft h. will do-tailoring. FOR SALE—registered, Vyear-oid f, . ¦¦¦¦ y trained.. 652 - stored beef hay, large bales.In loads of VIEW APARTMENTS Canton on Hwy. 52, . then 3 miles:N.E. .. by . ' appointment, tei, 452-2916, • - . Black Labrador, partiall ; GIRL'S 20'f bicycle. . '. ': 7 ' - Elmer.Schueler, Rushlord, ¦ Tol. 454-1875. . on .County Blacktop No. 23,. then T mile . ¦E. 9|h. Tel, ^.WBOB. : : For. Trucking. Caii :. 7 200 or more. .Tel, 452-S490. ¦; ¦ ¦ v ¦MInn7Tel: 864-9122. : ;: v ' E. on . ravel. Myrle and Orlle Brenno, HAVING A DRINKING, problem? : For HONDA 350CB, ; 1970. custon ' -Yorkshire- ' :¦ " . .paint; ex- owners; Kpudsen, Erjckson: and Erick- experienced, CONFIDENTIA L aid - to PUPPIES . FOR SALE—Small . GORDdN NAGLET7 ' ONE-BEDROOM apartment, Central Iocs- cellent runner. Til; Lewiston - - ¦ 454-5029.after 3:30. crop mixed hay lor 3621 son, auctioneers, - ¦Thorp.¦ . Sales Corp. help men and 'women... stop .- drinking - .Chihuahuas. Tel. . CHOICE FIRST tion. Winona, first floor, heat and water . after - ' . - - - , ¦ ¦ 7 Dakota,- Minn. . • . -Tel . '452-2132, . ¦ , 'f.-. . clerk; ' , - Tel. 454-4410, . ALCOHOLICS ANONY- , »aie, 7wltoka area. furnished, garage available; $100 per ' : ' ' . -MOOS, for yourself- or. a relative. 16 ' month. No students. Teh .- Dakota . .*43- 12;-noon. miles- Dressmaking, SeWing " Tel.. 643-6372. ; /' JOI-IN DEERE BICYCLES ' - MAR. 12—Tues. .8 N. of ¦ Seeds, Nursery Stock 53 . 6450 for apppintmenf. , Whitehall Wis , on Hwy. 53 to ' -Coral ' ' ¦¦-' .' ' • ¦ Transportation 8 WILL MAKE plain. or fancy dresses, surn- - Please Call Early,: They Are Fantastic : '74 KA\rVASAKIS City, then V/3 miles S.E. on Cty. trunk ' altering. Tel. SOYBEANS-May b. used for seel. Cer. EXECUTIVE first floor flat, 5 bedrooms, S., . 'then- V. mile S. on town ' ¦ ¦ mer outfits,¦ and" will do GOOD SELECTION . ¦ ' ¦' ' ; road. Wm. ' ¦ - • - - ' ¦' ,' titled: seed last year. Ray Eden Rt. 1, ¦ completely Carpeted, air conditioning. : -'The Good Times ; Schrock, ovimor; Aivln. Kohner,'- -auction- - : WE LEND . "piay" - money!- See us for- 452-6681,.. , . '¦ ' ' /. i ¦ Ua7 Crescent, Minn. Tel..-8953673. ;.- . - / Still Available : , Prime central location, availability ne- eer;. Northern Inv.; Co., clerk. ah easy-going vacation loan and Have , gotiable, $250 month. Tel,. just rolled in.'* ' ¦ . 454-4745 eve- :: a Happy Day- MERCHANTS NATIONAL O-- :.. ' ; But Hurry! nlnas. - ¦ Painting, Decorating 20 FEEDERS CATTLE i :. AAAR. 13-^Wed: . 12:30 . ' p.m. , 2 . rnlles -W. .;• ^BiANK. i Wanted—Farm Produce 54 EiARLYBIRD PRICES . ¦ ¦ ; ¦ -of Dover, Minn. Franklin Urban, own- '¦ ¦ ' GREENLINEi; ¦:' : ' : '' • 7er; Moril'gomery- A. Olson, aUciloneers;. INDEPENDENT T RAVEL-^S.VV., leaving ' • ' ¦ FAINTING I ; WANTED—cob or shelled corn, oats and Apartments; Furtiished $_, ;:-/ ;. . v .iVQW :f '^! '¦ ¦ INTERIOR ' Thorp' Sales • Corp., clerk. ' Apr. 6. Room for 6 senior people, Every- 'efinlslv.woodwork. ' • straw. Eugenia Lehnerti, Tel.. 507-534- 119 Washington Downtown ¦¦ W1LU also strip and r ( '¦¦: ' thing furnished. Share expense with ' ¦ " ¦; •¦ Why; not rtde the; best) .- Large or small ' 1obs. Teh 452-7355 or 37_3. 7 , :,: , ,. .,7 -7 7. OilE-BEDROO/Vi . furnished apartment, ' '" ' ' friends, visit friends.- $275. Tel, Foun; ¦ ¦ ¦ \?&M ^&M MAR- 14-^fhurs. 12:30 . p.m. ni miles' S.. '- . 454-4459. - . - ' ¦ ' : ¦ ' ;i^^ girls preferred, no .pels. ;fel. : 454^574, tain City 687-4762. . , .. 7.7- ' of Mabel, Minn, on- Hwy. 28. Grant 8. Coins, 56i ' Melvin Aasum,. owners,- -. Knudseri 8< i^y Antiques, Stamps " DOWNTOWN' - — Modern; 4-room upstairs ' \/^0. IT'S NEW ! ¦ ^OB'S MARiNE ; .' • Erickson, auctioneers; ' First . National 14 Horses; Cattle, Stock 43 ¦ apartment, . -carpeted, central air, 1^140 ¦ Business Services ¦ ' ¦ ^ ' WANTEbr-U.S. or Canadian silver. - coins, :: Ft/of Laird .. Tel. 452-2697. . Bank, Mabel, cle'rk;. •' ' ERV'S FIX-iT; Service. Home repair*, month, available Apr; 1. Tel. 454-4357, 10 real j2:30 PM. . SHARP S also gold coins; Confidential service. IT'S PIFFERENT! I to s. replacement, painting, emergency 26.BIG Hereford. stock cows and . - glass ¦ ' : bank riferences;. Tel. 454-2023. - repairs; tree trimming and removal. Sood Angus and Hereford cross heifers, ¦ ' ' 507-493-5506. . . . Listybur ' THE SALVATION ARMY 7 ONE. GIRL to share , apartment: with J " - - Tei.. 45*4016. , -. - -.; " , : . ; . ' .¦/. .; S375-each, tei. cattle for . postcards, cof- . . . OLD 5T. Patrick's Day others. Good location. Available April ¦' copper dipper, Mary free advertising fee grinders, . .FAMILY STORE . ;-7 ». Tel, ' - 452-5350. . . Twyce . Antiques & Books, 920 JW.- -. Slh. "¦ Come in and browse around. 1 Regular sales every ' ¦ ONE OR 2 girls wanted, reasonable : " ' : ' ¦/ ' " ¦ rent, W. location. Tel. 454-4770 Friday, at 12 o'clock - ' Articles for Sale 57 ; / 112 W. 3rd . ' ' ; . after 5. %A,iOTIlERl^^jAUC TIQN^ G.E. PEHUMIDIFIER, S30; lamps, $4; 7 Clothing, .Dishes; Books LARGE . EFFICIENCY, all utilities fur- ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ' light, 510; snow- nlshed, available April- 1. Employed ¦ ¦ ' : HE^ LANESBORO SALES medicine cabinet with 10-4:30 Mon.; ; thru Sat-.- ;:' 1- ' J:- - - . . ' -- - ' ' ; .J- ' " v p ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS .wanted. ' blower, $20.- Tel. 454-488B. adults only. 321 Washington St., Apt. 4 , AVON v,"' Recent high . school grads Wanted for COMMISSION INC.: ' . BUY OR SELL AVON, CALL OR -exciting/ Work In advanced electronics, ¦ ' COMPLETE BIRCH bedroom set, pair, FURU1SHEO . EFFICIENCY room, for TO ,, and aircraft ' -• '- ' Tel. Collect 467-2192 Tel, working man, utilities paid; off-street , WRITE: Ms. Sonya King* 3953 18th Ave, radar, communications . • gdld. corduroy draperies 36x45". Business Equipment 62 - tJcJriesciay, March 13 | electronic systems. We otter up to 2 - - parking. . Tel 452-3141. . . I VV - ..- N.w;,. Rochester,. Minn. 55901 Tel . 507- . 454-4992. ' ¦ years training, travel and 30 days; paid .28B-3333. . - ' ¦ ¦ _ vacation ' per year. Good advancement Poultry, USED TV's—all -make's;• . .models- and MULTILITH MODEL 80, offset printing ¦ Eggs, Supplies 44 ¦¦ press, prints up to 8'/«14" sheet, good viorV—lemale, 1-5 opportunities. Tel. collect 507-452-7952. . prices/ Will take. .Anything . In trade. .QUIET, MODERN 6ENERAL OFFICE. condition. . Tel.- 454-2946 after 5. dally, 5 days, a week, Write E-59 Dally YEARLING LEGHORN hens* 60. Tel. 489- . Come" in and make a deal wllh us. ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ SALESMEN- needed to sell ' synthetic lu- ' ' ,Economy TV, 218 E, 3rd. Tel. 454-2425. APARTMENTS: ; ' . ' " '-: . ' ' - : ' - . News,. '- , . , . , 2602, .. . . i - - - . - .7 . - .' t bricants (engine oil and gear lube) • 1 bedroom ¦ Fiirn., Rugs, Linoleum 64 | | SALE SITE: Located 2 miles West of Dover, MN or 2 | pro- . Meets and, exceeds all manufacturer 's BOLENS walk-behind garden tractor, with . • Furnished and Unfurnished RECEPTIONIST-BOOKKEEPER—for BABY CHICKS . Dekalb, Beefers, Call- - • . Includes - appoint- warranty'- requirements, flows, freely at plow, drag/cultivator, sickle mower and • Private- Balcony |V miles east of Eyota, MN on Hwy. 14 . then one mile south | | . -fesslonal office. . Job . fornla White; White Leghorn. Order SAVE 520 on standard slie foam-padded - filing, making financial . 50 beiow zero temperature, increases snow thrower attachments.. J250. or . ' • Laundry | | and west; Watch for the Thorp Auction ment making, , now.; SPEIJZ CHICKS, Rolllngstone, sofa-bed, 100% Hercuion . tweed.': Only ¦ ¦ ¦ Arrows. Lunch 1 extensive telephon- - engine lite and performance. If you can what to trade? C. Anderson, - .- • Much More • - arrangements end Minn. Tel 689-2311. $79. BURKE'S FURNITURE MART, 1 by: Ladies Aid of the United Brethren Church. (No small ' Ing. Send . resume, and references. to E-61 sell , a proven product and have Ihe de- Peterson, Minn. Tel. ,875-2303. 1752.w. Broadway 3rd. 8. Franklin. Open Frl. evenings. : , ' Dally News. sire for ah above .average income, or MARCH HATCH dales are the 12th, 19th; .Tel. 454 4909 | | items, start with the cattle).' wish to . supplement your present In- ' STORAGE :SHED—i"x8"/.good condition, , and. 26th for. day-old. Babcock B-300's TWIN-SIZE bed, complete with Serta KEY APARTMENTS ' come contact J. D, .L., Spec. Sales, 769 . (One of fop . double door opening. Tel: ,'Stockton 689- ¦ WOMAN . FOR- . cleaning - and general faying birds In nation* In- . mattress, and box spring $99;85 at : : ¦ Clerks. Lane, Winona, Minn. 55987, 2651 after 4. p.m, ¦ ¦ I' housework 1 day a week. . Must be spect pur flock records). Also XL-9, Kelly . Furniture, Westgate Shopping ONE-ROOM efficiency, heat and hot wa- I ' :: COMPLETE' ¦ ¦ - ¦DAI¦ RY ¦-: DISPERSA' ' :¦L ' ¦ i dependable have, own transportation. XL.-10 meat-type birds, 6-week-old cap- ' ter furnished. Adults $90; Tel. 452-6790. i' ". - .- . '- - 7 7, . . ' . ;- ' . •: - . ' ' , TWENTY FIVE- year old company now of Avon . bot. Center, 7- State wages and days available'. Write onlzed birds, ready-to-lay pullets, used BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION expanding. I heed one person to help valued at over 5250. Mosi bottles f 142. HEAD OF CATTLE: 42 Holstein cows, 7 springers, t E-57 Dally News. conventional nests . We have caponlzors , ties, AVAILABLE;APR. t - Furnished apart- me in Wis., , full-time,' , no ' part-lime. - ' are full..Will sell for best offer or , will markets and service. Bob' s Chick Sales, . Good Things to Eat ment for 3 .girls, 1 block from-VySC . I 35 fresh since Nov.; 35 Holstein heifers, one to two years % Above average ' earnings for-: a* person Free agate tab'e 65 WOMAN TO babysit for a weekend In , Alice Goede Manager, .150 W. 2nd, Wi- trade for good car. . Tel. 452-1705 days or 608-539-3453 eve- , .. who wants, to work hard to get ahead, at -547. Al I old, open; 9 Holstein steers, 650 lb. average; 28. Holstein- . my home. Tel. 452-1192. .: ¦ - . :, . . nona, Minn. Tel.. 507-454-1092 . with sale. Agates valued nings collect. no Investment,, car required. Only Smith, 706 E. 8lh St., Winona., Winn. LAZY A Russet potatoes, apples, pitted | Hereford cross feeders, 4O0 lb. average; 28 barn calves, I honest sincere people need to apply ¦ dates, onion sets, garden seeds, bird ' .Tel. 454:4995. ' GIRL WANTED to share large com- WAITRESS—Evening shift,, 4 to 12. Apply feed, - beer, pop. Winona i Holstein-Hereford cross. For more information contact the , - for a |ob , that Is truly unique and Wanted—Livestock 46 .. . Potato Market. fortable s bedroo m apartment, furnish- ' -In person Oasis Cale, 926 W. 5th. ' " - Thorp office in Rochester, MN 507-288-4041. rewarding, Tel. 507-288-9526 alter. 3 ¦ ALL WOOL rug, 12x15, In good condi- ed, all utilities paid. $40 per month. I. Sun., Mar. 10th, only. 489-2449 GOOD AND CHOICE beef steers. Take - p.m. HORSES WANTED- We can pay mora tion. Includes rubber pad. Tel. ; Tei. 454-48)2. . - .;- BE A CITY DIRECTORY REPRESEN- - than anyone else. We pick up.. Waiter your pick, Merlin D. Sutler, Fountain . I THORP ON THE SPOT CREDIT. :• TATIVE. 7 National organization en. Marg, Black River Falls, Wis. Tei. 715- City, Wis. Tel. 687-6021. . 7 -larglng—Sales—Stalf,-Call—bn-Businoss_ ' ' ' TWO OR THREE miles to shore large — _28.4:2489 - , , ' — ^^AlNlUQUE^ lower, duplex Establishments onl y. Age no barrier,; 'r~~~ , carpeted and panelled. Sale managed by B. A. Smith and Sons, Sti Charles, MN El ecfToni c s~~~— AND newer lurnllure stripping, chair , Tel. 452-3778. . I \ If others will not train you, we will. - caning and seat upholstering. Free • 507-932-4860, Auctioneers ' | | Roy Montgomery and Les Olson * Sales experience not necessary, |ust pickup and delivery. Tel. Fountain the deslde to sell. Salary while train- , NEEDED— I male roommate, full house Technician Wanted City 48/-9751, privileges, Color TV, ' Ing, bonus, commission, company paid across the street - from campus. $55 month, Tel. 452- |' . . FRANKLIN URBAN, Owner , retirement and Insurance; All replies WA NTED GARDEN TRACTOR-12 h.p. IH Cub, ' - A VocaUonal School 1318) 454-4533 , confidential. Our 103rd year. An .qual Cadet with ' 42" lawn mower and hydro- opportunity employer. Contact Dennis' graduate. No experience static drive.. Used , very little. Tel. Harlrhann, General Delivery, Winona, Dairy Herds — any size, Lenten ¦ Lewiston 3621 . alter 5. Business Places for Rent 92 Minn, or Tel. La Crosse 784-2S23 . . necessary. Mechanical Feeder & Fat Cattle iH I THORPSMIS HZ "—?1 ~" FRANKLIN FIREPLACES. We are taking I aptitude desirable. treat OFFICE SPACE for rent or lease, 13,000 NEED EXTRA MONEY????7 Hefp want- orders now for summer delivery. . .. ¦lIKm ed. No.- , Slaughter Cows & Bulls Jr sq. ft Prime E. location. Inquire Ver- rt , experience necessary. , This Is - . ' CORPORATIONI GAIL'S APPLIANCE, 215 E. 3rd, ^^ clients Bank . . . ^^p^aa__^H_B__ . ypur opportunity which could make ' yog Trust Department Tel I ' , Write E-60 Daily News. Livestock of any c.ind. 414-5160. . a lot ol money, pari or full-time work, 1—NEW 5 h.p. totally enclosed . electric Would, you like to be your own boss? motor We have openings now lor FILET-0-FISH - amblllous 1—USED 1 h.p. electric motor ¦-arms, Land for Rent 93 couples who would like io work togeth- Lanesboro Sales 1-NEW i.i h.p. motor er In , a successlul Miracle.A/iuid sales F A. KRAUSE CO. ORSANIC GARDEN plots for 1974 Or. career. I am happy lo pass Ihe oppor- INSURANCE Breezy Acres Hwy, 14-61 fcT. . 1 ATTENTION FARMERS & DEALERS tunity that I have on to you; For more Commiss ion Inc. aanlcally fertilized and tilled. 12 miles , from Winona . Please reserve a plot Intormetlcn contact Al Smith 706 E. NEW TV anlenna bays, pipe, towers, Mc DONALD'S ' ' •srly. Tel. 534-3795, : 8th St., .Winona, Minn. 55987. .Tel . 454- MUTUAL FUNDS . . " Tel. Collect 467-2192. wire rotors, and stand-oils, FRANK 4995. Gigantic Tractor Auction Life Insurance and'or Mu- LILLA & SONS 761 E. 8lh. I Guns- Sporting Houses for Rent 95 tual Fund sales person IF CARPETS look dull and drear, remove Goods 66 Farni Implements 48 spols as they appear wllh Blue Lustre. CERTIFIED 3 or 4-room, 1V» bath,.cen- Monday, Ma rch 11 , 10 A.M. * looking for the most com- FINAL CLOSE-OUT on new guns . I SALES Rent elecrtlr shampoocr 51, 52 nnd 53, . Must trally located house lor rent or sale. PROMPT SERVICE on all makes , sell by Mar. 30, Tel. 608-248-2973. 1 MINNESOTA.¦ IMPLEMENT¦ ¦ CO. I petitive non-par life and Robb Bros , Store. Tel, 452-3680 . ¦ ¦ ' - , ¦ - Our store is imrnediatly in o| bulk tanks . , (Bullolo Clly.) ¥&¦ ¦ .. . ' ( disability products available. Ed's Relrloerallon 8. -Dairy Supplies ' ; ' Minn, need of a part-tiine . 20-30 LOST brl. ht carpel colors . ' . , restore FARM HOUSE - 15 miles to Winona, i Grand Meadow, 559.6 ¦; ' ¦¦ ¦¦ •¦ hours per week) .alfcsper- All commissions, vested 1177 Mankato Tel, 452-5532 them wllh Blue Lustre . Rent electric Machinery and Tools 69 Blacktop road. Large yard- New kitchen p " . - . ' . . y shampoocr tl, 52 and 53 , H. Choate & cupboards, stoye , relrlgerator, carpet- from first sale. Split funded WANTED - pull-lype fertilizer or lime Selling,2(H) tractors including: John D-ere. 2 New 4630 D son in our children 's wear . Co. MELROE BOBCAT front end loader ing, $125 monlh, Lease and deposit, Tel; II. and Leverage programs also spreader. - Lawrence Brellbach, Rl, and drapery departments. 1, (M-444), completely reconditioned. 52,. Lcwlslon 4B26 or St, Charles 932-3782. with cab and air; Used 4630 D with cab and air ^ Trempeolonu, Wis. Tel. 60B-539-540I, , New 44"0 available, Extremely lucra- ONE 24-case beer cooler, and one 15-case 550. Tel. 612-565-3297. Write H. A. Hoff- I {i Must be able to work a regu- antique tar with D with cab and air; 3-4320 D some with cab;. tive commission schedule. beer Cooler, one 16' man, Rt. 1, Wabasha, Minn. 55981. MOBILE HOME-Furnlshedl with garage, I 11-4020 D •' lar 9-5 schedule. TRACTOR-Ford Model 600 with Schwarlz solid oak top. Tel. 412-565-3513, no pels, near Minnesota Clly. Tel, 6Bf- ' 1 heavy duly Industrial loader , Tol, Foun- 3567. I late model I960, 1970, 1971, 4 late model 3020 D, 3-30.0 - Write: tain Clly 587-3BM. Musical Merchandise We are also in need of a . . PROUD PAPA'S always give King Ed- 70 D 1964-19.8 ; 2 used 4230 D without cab ; New 4230 with ward "ll's a girl" or "|l' s a boy" IN GILMORE VALLEY — 3-4 bedroom I ^ full-time salesperson in our JOHN,DEERE Van-llrunt, 1' grain drill, Cigars Irom Gollj pharmacy, 274 E. USED UPRIGHT piano lor sale. Tel, 454- home on a large lot. Appliances furnish- ' I cab and air, 1 New 4630 with roll guard, 4430 Demo, 4030 sporting Roods department. David L wllh grass -seed (illnchmenl, ready to 3rd. 1009. ed. $200 month. Couples only. Contact 00 SlOOi John Deere Van-Brunl, fl' Held Connie Pederson n\ Rlchler Realty, Tel, I Demo, 4620, 2-4520, 4-4320, 15-4020 D; 6-3020 D; 3- i These positions offer excel- ' cullivalor. hydraulic, .-on rubber , $75; USED WURLIT2ER electric piano (or 452-1151, || 3020, 3-4020 Gas, 8-4010 D, 2020 D, 2020 Gas , Workhorse Model No. 10, hydraulic sale. Tel. 452-3907, • 2510 D, < lent company benefit s and Hoffman NEEDLES¦ loader wllh hydraulic bucket, complain For All Makes BEAUTIFULLY remodeled duplex, gas 1 2-3010 Utility, 730 D, 720, 520, 50,. 2-6P, A , G, 435 D * working conditions; Apply in with) pump and Vfllvc, (Its John Deere ELECTRIC BAS5 guitar, good shape. »75, 8700 W. 36th St. . o| R ecord Playeri Ileal, easy on utilities, 3-bedroom, car- I 5010 D, 5020 D, 2010 Utility, 5-3010 Gas; I.H, New 1065 | person. Modal 112 oarden Iraclor, 3 years old, Tel. Joel 457-2328. paled, W, location, large yard, Tel, 452- 1 Hydro, Used I486 wide front , torque amplifier , (156 D Mpls., Minn . 5542ft J250| 265-oal. fuel barrel, 575 , Tel. W- Hardt 's Music Store . 2682 alter 5, ' 2259, 116-118-Plate E. THOMAS color-glow organ, like new, still $ Wide front , 756 D with turbo, 1066, 1256, 2-1206, 856 D, U under warranty. Tel. 40B.9B9-2947, 3-606 D, 756 D, 3—656 D, 3-656 gas; 3-656 Utility; KROEHLER HIDEABED and matching Wanted to Rent 96 I 706 LP • % Plant. Maintenance chair. Reasonable. Tel. 681-461)5. ZILOJIAN CYMBALS, drum sets, gul- 1 2-706 D, 3-706 Gas, 4—560, 504 Utility, 544 Utility . 4- I Engineer tars, amplifiers microphones, accord- WANTED—house to rent In the country, 460, 450 Gas, 450 D, 2-M 's, 2-1-300 , II , 400 ; Ford . 9000 U , p OPEN HOUSE ANTIQUE ROLLTOP desk, flood condi- inns, violins, stands, Baroalnsl All or small farm lo buy, wllh llxable f Multi plant manufacturer tion, will sell lor host , olfer. John guaranteed, A , Wolseh, Fountain Clly, house, 5 to 20 acres. Tel, Rushlord 864- I B000 D, 3-5000 D, 2-60OO D Commander, Jubilee & load- I Soholla, , Wis, Tal, Wis. 7891 . Ask for John Klelst. 43J S , Oak, Arcadia : 1 er; A,C. 190 XTD Series III, 3-190 STD, ino D, 170 ins, iCEWil needs a degree engineer 323,3779 alter 5 p.m, - 1 — 11 Miracle Mall , Winona , Minn, with 10-15 years experience GARAGE WANTED—double or single. I 2-D-17, D-14, D-15, WD-45, D-19D, D-19, 190 D, D2i with 1 in plant maintenance to WED., MAR 13 ELECTRIC RANGE-40", perfect condF- Tel. 452-7373 alter 5. | cab, 160 D; Oliver 1850 D, 1650, 2-160O, .1450 D, WOO Gas, M SINGLE MAN wanlerPlor dairy iarm Hon. Tel, 454-2602, Hal Leonard , fiOO D; M,F, 1130, 1100, 3-1(10 work. Kermlt Verlheln, Allura, Minn head up our maintenance de- Music Bus. Property for Sale 97 I 2-lflOO D, 880 D, 189 Gas, M Tel. 796-6545. 10;00 ,m. 4:00 p.m. partment. a Co NEW SHIPMENT ot men'tHong and • Musical Instruments 1 2—165 D, 65 D, 85 GHS, 85 D, 1100 with cab ; Case 1070 D, |i short sloeve shirts, all sires and colors, , Very worker. Ap- COMMERCIAL BUILDING for sale I 970 D Demo, 1030 BCK, 930 D.CK, 900, 730 D, 930 D CK EXPERIENCED sheet metal The position is in our Minn, only Jl, Got them whlla they lastl Electronics Supplies 000. 5000 sq. fl ply In person, Winona Lighting Studios, • • reasonably priced at $19, . Ray ' s Trading Post, 216 E, 3rd. ft. of space, Air conditioned olllcos, 25,- h Standard , 730 Gas, 430 with backhoo & loader , 530 & loader, 1 3760 W. 4th (Goodview). . plant , located In tho scenic Join Us For Instrument Repairs • OOO sq. II , ot land, Contact Richter Real- 310 St loader; MM G-1O00 LP, GD0O D, G-7052 4 wheel i Mississippi Valley, AFTERNOONS Ihls week, nnon-5 p.m, fl sur- Movies , Lunch Prizes ty about MLS R. MECHANICS NEEDED - young men rounded by good fishing, , Various household articles .Including 64 E. 2nd Tel. 454-2920 i drive, Michigan 175A End Loader; Unl-Loiulcrs Case M needed lor |obs In the mochanlcal Ironing board, mirror, sweaters. 1114 W. M 1537, Case 1437, IH 320O Hydro. Owalonnn Mustang. ]073 pi field. No experience needed, Will trnfn hunting, unlimited recrea- & Specials »th, Farms, Land for Sale 98 (wllh pay), furnish room and board, Ford P-50O with 32- foot Trall-Eaze Trailer. Also sovcral ?| tional opportunities nnd ex- ~ Sowing M«chir:s 73 I provide tree medical and dental care, SPRAV TE>% Interest of a well built home. On . a restful set- ' truck, custom deluxe, ular gas, new .radial tires, A-1 condi- 1 LEWISTON. Store with attached living at $215 ' .per - month, reduced ' - . price ting Ih Goodview. Three or 4 bedrooms, l^chwrowt V*n> .M-ton. ' - .quarters and garage. Next lo swimming garage,: some new tion throughout. Tel. 454-3457 ¦ after 4 /^^ii^lv;; .;: . . Gerald Buege, Tel. 454-1225. 1% baths, . 2 car 1—Chevrolet Blazer. . p.m. - . . - pool. Excellent summer trade , appliances; Broker owned.. AH for $30.- ¦ - . ¦ ¦ :: - , - .. - - -USED Vega Wagons , : ' WEST : CENTRAW3-bedropm, home; p;liii 500. Tel. 454-4812 today ' ' ^jgl^l^i^r : ' : SIEBENALER REAL 1—73 Chevrolet:'/4-ton truck. : PLYMOUTH — 1965, Belvedere; <0,O0O Pinto!Wagons sleeping porch, 2 baths, excellent- kiich ;; 7 -:KEW,U t-^-'ll Chevrolet Vi-ton trucks. . .miles, excellent; condition, 23 miles per en and . den. Steffen-'fteal Estate, Tel ;^V^, ^- - ' . ;. - . ' -- ESTATE: AGENCY¦ ¦ 7 ¦ ¦ 1-72 Pord ^-lori: . . . . . : -:' ; gal. Tei. 452-6563. Cargo Vans Lewlstori Minn. -¦ tei. 2691 ¦7454-1833, ¦ :;, J^-70 Chevrolet . Vi-lon trucks. 4 wheel drives ;270 acre dairj;farm , with 228 acres: tillable—practically All of these -trucks are VOLKSWAOEN-1961 SquariTTack, 1972 AVAILABLE . Immediately, 2 and 3-bed- .all suited for corn production; Modern 5:bedroom; : IN -TOCK NOW at fuel ln|ectlon engine with 31,000 miles. in stock and IF YOU think big, see this 3-bedroom, IV. » - ' : bath, completely '; mpderri older home. room Towrihouses. . .Completely decdraf-, ' - ,'•¦- - '- 'KW ft. dairy barn with 40 stanchions, 40k98 ft.- , new . .. - LADStEN CHEVROLET I, Excellent condition;¦ ¦Mabel, Minn, Tel. : .:. immediate deliyevyi ed. Coni'e see theni, - 10^1' down . . .. . O_D.SM0.l__, INC. . 507-493-5607, - , -. ' >• ¦' ¦ ' : East. Broadway location, extras Include: . Financ- ¦ ing available. Tel,- 454-1059. 7. : . iriachlne shed, double garage:with granary , 12x35 ft. Blair, Wis.: Tel. W-5543 full basement; carpeted: Hying room, silo and unloader; loafing barn for cattle, other good , . . Open evenlnjs by appointment. RACING -ENGINEf Chevelle 45SS, 327 24-36 month leases dining room, stair and bedrboms. $25,- "Your Total Transportation Center- .' Al race, soilds, . racing bearing*,- 12.5: 1 . 000. Riverside Realtors. Tel. 454-4812 , TREMPEALEAU: Take It easy In this serviceable buildings. : Excellent terhis. Immediate, with purchase options. - all-drafierled, carpeted 3-bedrdom. No ¦ Where Service Supremacy Is Our Goal-' : pistons, bored, ' completely, balanced; v . . - possession,:- -' ' • • ' - ' - ,¦: ' . : : -: - ' •' ¦ performance heads and Ignition, heed- MODERN . older home and barn building ' .stairs' to , climb or. clean! Hi . baths, . . . . , - 1964 Vt-ton pickup, ' • ' . ' -; Jbhi) Cunningham; .' ; ; on two lots'In Stockton. Write P.O; Box . family . room/ attached . garage. Lew WINONAf ^ CHEVROLET - 4x4, tri, hfghrlse, 760 Hoiley explosion-proof ; . - - , PTO shock¦ hitch, wldo wheels. Tel. 454- bell housing, aluminum fly wheel, , exlra .23,. Stockton, Minn.;" -. taxes; CENTERVILLE:. 106- valuable •¦' ' - "' - ¦ - frontage with -3-4 ¦ . Ma.. - . . . ,- heavy duty; clutch-pressure, plate 4- Hertz A Car this . . bedroom older ; : ¦ 196 acre dairy or beef farm; Modern 5 bedroom homfe. ; speed and much more. Tel. R^ri^ NEARLY NEW 2-slory, 4-bedroom family 2-s1oryl Full bath. Garage. Large ' : *!7-3757. ' . ' :->:^^^L* ¦¦' . 35;stanchion.dairy barn, 2 silos, 220 ft. utility barn, . ONE 12' steel deck flatbed ' for 2-ton ;. . : Tel^ 454-2888 : . home. Bath, and 'A,, full double.garage, - front lawn, trees/ $14,850 land con- **te&j 4^tmTrQU?^Fm}^BHm^m^r truck, «4". cab to axle re- : tract , low interest! . SESVOLD'S REAL- V H new 45x72 ft. pole double ,garage and granary; . Tel. 434-1730. FIAT 856-7-1969. Good running condition, lots of extras. ; Priced less then , ' H^ L^ shed , . Wllllami-Wllbert Vault Cc, 1435 W; 5th, ' . cod gas mileage; 5650, will negotiate. placement cost. • TY, Galesville, WIs. Tel. 582-2971. ./ . ~ ~ ¦ ¦ ~ ¦ . calf rearing barn. Low down payment. Immediate pos- Tei. 454-2572 am or 454-1015 p.m. . Wanted-Autompbiles 110 3-BEDROOM rambler wllh . basemen! ' . " ' . -. ' '" ~" : . : t T -7-.siessioa ¦ :- ,:' . - - CHEVROLET TRUCK With lime and fer- garage. , Carpeted, laundry area on ¦W. EST 5th: 3 or -4 bedrooms, large walk- . . . : tlllzer spreader box , very good condi- CHEVELLE - 1965, stock car, ready to CAMPBELL'S AUTO . Salvage. Wanted, main , floor. • Dry, . .wall-, construction - — ; In- closets.' I'/i- baths, also : .sfool |n (ul| ¦ tion - . '- - - : : any.- '-shape ¦no '' - ' , . i' -V' MOV&INrABLE y - ' . ' : .. T«l. MOndoyi. 715-M6-5723. ; . . . run, .reasonable. .May-be seen, at Giin- lunk cars. Any condition, . ¦ paneling- . -. basement, 4 .garages, permanent siding; . . dersbn Chevrolet Inc., Pleasanlvllle, ¦ Will, pick I them up. Tel. 454-5769 any- like , new carpeting downstairs. - Reason- 6 room , country home located on 2 acres with large 7 ¦ ¦ " ' ¦; ; : - BMC—1»71 Astro with 31ft Detroit; Road- Wis; Tel. , 694-2291; - .' -. ;. . time.;; . ' • - ' . •'. '• • ; BOYUM AGENGY . : able, taxes. ,Te|. 454.3998. But Hurry ;. .' Excellent ]o- '¦ ' - ¦>¦¦ . ranger.- .' transmission; -ale . Rushford; MN 55971 . - • ¦ '¦ ' . " spring. Also 1 car garage. Spring is worth large por- . conditioning . ¦ ¦ and sleeper. : tandem drive. Price Jll,- . Tel. (507)864-9331 ' ' ' • cation, 2 bedrobrn home on : : tion of; asking price. :; ' • - .: ' DODGE—1970¦ Challenger, 340 . cu. In., 4- Mobil* Homes, Trailers 111: JUST COMPLETED — 4-bedroom split 000. Also other trucks . Miller ' s speed. 44,000 actual' miles. Excellent level home* overlooking . Mississippi. Lo- large lot,. freshly fedecora- Used Truck Sajes, Sparta, Wis. Tel. condition. T«l. Gllmanton, Wis. 60B-9U- PICKUP CAMPER; 8', heater;' 5tove>. slnk BY OWNER—1 year bl.; 4-bedroom split cated in. hew Green. Terrace' subdivision, ted, Broker . Owned, $17,900. ; «M»>fl * .' .' - " :35«. . :: foyer, . plush . .carpet, throughout,, large 10 miles S. of Winona, . . and. dinette, .$550. Tel. 454-3262.; . . on freeway. For - family room, laundry room. Hi- bath, . Information -Tel. ,454-1317 . : " ' TRUCK BODIES-rtrailers. built, repaired ' ' ' ¦ kitchen with.dining area, . alt; appliances, . . Inspect : today - .;.. .. NORTHERN INVESTMENT and pointed Hoist sales and service; SPpRTSCAR, 1969,' . Fiat, . 850, . low - mile- LiBERTY-ri9«7, : 12x55, 2-bedroom: mobile ; . G0, furnished, very nice con- , oak cabinets which feature a built-in AT FIRST FIDELITY SAViNGS _ LOAN Berg's. 3950 W. 4th. Tel, 452.-4149-.' - age, 30-35 miles pier gal. Bob Johnson, - home'. Partly ¦ Rt. 2,: MohdoVi, Wis. - Ter. 715-926-3287. dltlon .$2^300 Tel-608-582-4009. -/ desk; and sliding doors' leading , to red- you can expect Horhe Financing most A SINCERE DEPENbABLE . Real Estate Brokers wood deck, all drapes ' Included,- attach- adaptable to your needs ' and responsi- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ CHEVROLET - 1972 „-toiT~pickup; lm ''•• ¦r- GOMPANY : ' ¦; ' ' .•'. Independence, Wis.' Tel. 715-985-3191 . BUICK—1969 Skylark custom sport coupe; COMANCHE—16' travel trailer, gas/elec- . ed double garage with automatic door bilities Tel. 452-52.02. : . . . . , ; . . Chevelle ' Mallbu, 350 V-8, automatic, opsnervset- on a large :ol with, garden ¦ both sharp vehicles. Call for appoint 1967 Chevrolet liwfcaia. Tel. '608-539-3665 tric refrigerator , -furnace, stove, electric, "¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ' Excellent fowing. ' space available, within walking dls; NEvy - HOMES , ready for ' occupancy, .2-5 ; Off ice;: 165 Walnut St. 454-4585 h. ' ' ' ' Eldon W. Berg;: Real -Estate Salesman . .ment. Tel. 487-4497, ' .or 539-3663. ¦water heaWr, brakes ' : Sleeps 8 (must all be, friendly); Believe tance ' to Goodvlew7 School . - Priced to bedrooms .. Financing available. Wlirnei ¦ , , -sell under $40,000. Ttl. 454 2313. ¦" Larson . Construction ' " : ,.;. ../ Arcadia Wis. Tel.; 608-323^7350 'Chevrolet .pickup, : ¦ ¦• ' rhe- folks, short trlps-smal) trailers are . ¦ Tel - 452-6533 or -./ Pat Magin: 452-4931. ; :; RED 1 974; . 4-wheel FALCON—1968 4-door,. 6-cylinder¦ . Real 452-3801. .- drive, 3.i-ton, rrtjwf. condition, 7Va fac- good condition. " Tel. ' 6B7-4685. a must! We found this One In MIchlqan. ' ; Variety, ;Rod Hansen : 454-48127/ tory plow. . Tel. 454-2612..':/ '; S695. Free delivery. Ha.ellbri: LUCK OF.the Irlshl Just 1he spot to get 217-218 E..,:3rd.' Tel. 452-4004., . '. away from paying rent. This home tea- TWO-YEAR-OLD 4-bedroom split foyer ¦MERCURY—1970 Marquis 4-door sedan,.: . .. lures ' 3 .-- bedrooms, -plus ' sewing room, . home oh extra large lot, attached 2-ca r CHEVROLETr-lMS . Moil truck wllh vinyl top, air conditioning, original: " garage, central air conditioning,' rear Feuerhelrri grain box. Fi. A. KRAUSE . FOLD-DOWN CAMPER — 1968 - . West location, storage shed. . $10,900. Riv- owner, 34,000 ¦guaranteed actual, miles. , :stove> sink, Ice- erside Realtors. Tel. 452-4934. -.deck, -. located on Minnesota City Boat . CO.,- -Ereezy Acres. ; ' ¦ ' " Cohlellatidn. Furnished ' .. Tel; . 487-6904. -" . box. -$B50. ' ..-Nex't. - -1o Lyle^s Floor. Shop, . Harbor Road. . Tel. 689-2810. DODGE-09M, Vi-ton, i-cyllnder, 4-speed, '•• Minnesota City, Tel., 454-12237 I ' ; - ' ' (xtinpf ^ runs and. looks like new. Jl,195. 3M FOkd-rim Club . vvagoii, ' •xcetient con- - , - ' '. Liberty after J. . ' ditlbn 40,000 mll-S. Tel. 796-6664, ROR SALE—1971 Superior,. 14x70,: 3-bed- rdom : mobile home with fireplace, par,' K-5, V-t, ,.. 4- DODGE—1967, coronet' 500 black inter- ' tially furnished,.- storage shed Includ- BLAZER—1972 . automatic ' . wheel drive, power steering, power ior,. - bucket, seats,. - rebuilt 383 and . - .ed.' Tel. 4S<-5285. Come See Our Spring Specials brakes, 28,000 actual miles, CST pack- ' transmission, 14 miles ' per- gal. ' Must ' age, radio. Priced lo selU Fenske Auto sell , S675. Tel. . 454-2160 or ¦ see at ¦1627 MUST SELL 1970 Artcraft 14x68, 2 or - - / ¦- . ' - ; :7 T7. ; East72nd / Tel. 454-5141 Sales, 4iS0 E. 2nd. . W. 5th. . 7 7 . 7; 3 -bedrooms , front : living room, air ¦ Jj lj - . Good condition; Tel, 489- ; :; ' : : ' ' ¦ '¦: . . REALTOR ' : .conditioning.¦ MIRACLE MA 11. ^ ' . OR . . . ;' ;; ' J 5 ' '- W$MB 1 ;; .: 7> ;;; 'F f iM X-; FORD—1946 . pickup, flathead V-», 49.000 •WlLLYS- . JEEP-r-IMJ CJ5,/newl y rebuilt -. - P? - - : . ' ' . ^K . -t ; actual miles, good condition. Tel. -6M- . engine, new -tires, snoWplow. Tel:- 454- : This one would be perfect. Living- room ' ^ "WO ' ¦ ' ' ' : : ¦ ¦ "MOBILE TRANSPORTING . , bath and T: 7'. -^ ; :; BE'SAEEH,THA^ A;.SOGK . .;:;;;;i i i; - - 989-25»47., -7 ' '¦",¦ • ¦ . 4541. . - . - HOME . . . . . Minh. and Wis..ICC license. BEDROOMS. This one could be '* yours because the price isi : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Invest your capital in this well located 4 unit apt. Let CHEVROLEtr-1970 1-ton truck with com- "" . . ¦/: . .- Dale Bublilz, 44 Lenox , . ' N eyir Listing rights Ask. io. see MLS-107O ; " • ' - , DODGE—1971, Coronet, :. 440, excefierit ¦/ . ' .Winona, Minh. .7 your renters make your payments. .-; Priced , sensibly. . bination grain-livestock body, duals and ;. condition,, best oiler. Tei; :689-2055. '• . " ' . ¦ Large (200^. x 165' x 100') ' ; ' ¦ ' ; ' 350 V-8, : .utomatlc\trai\smlsslbn/ power . . . Tei. 452-9418 .;-:MLS #; i088 .:- .;¦ - .-: ;¦:-: .;. -. -,.-; ' ';; : . - ' . - leer ing. Low. mileage and clea'n. ' Rea- wedge-shaped lot with gar- 7: Mabel, TWO GREAT . BUYS—1970 Chevrolet -.lm-' MOBILE.'HOME lots. '-for.' .'rent. TR Mob ile : ' ' ' sonable price. ..Bud - Amdahl¦ , pala. 4-door hardtop, ' , . den.: Ranch-style home with i\ iii : : , -iNO T. JUST CHILDREN GRADUATE; 7; ' -:, AAlnn.. Tel , .507-493-5506. ' - .. ' ' radio and heater I Home Court, ,:Lew.islon, Tel. - 6451. ' . . - To you is; this lovely home with living room, kitchen bath i ^ . small- .-' V-8, 7- automatic . transmission." three :, carpeted: bedrooms, : . power steering, ope-owner , ¦ ^ Yon can tbo^into your own home. Lovely home in escel- ' ' ' real nice . 32" HIGH pickup topper, : finished . In living room;^dining . room, and TWO BEDROOMS, -new siding on the home and the - -New 'Cars : •- .' . car, only Jl,39j: 1969 Dodge Coronet, 4- : . terior, IIKe . new. Tel. Houston .896-3927 home sits oir a large: lot. : Call for Wa7916. . lent condition featuring living room, dining room , 2 baths, door..station Wagon, radio and, heater, tiled kitchen, ceramic bath.. . . . '3 bedrooms and garage.' MLS# 977 .:. : 1974 JEEP CHEROKEE 4-wheel drive. . nice compact; automatic transmission, PICKUP CAPS; All -iies, ' -lowest- prices Also: entry, way with closet," ¦ KEN'S SALES 8. SERVICE a real -gas saver, excellent condition, ' anywhere, Special 48" custom-made '' ' : "¦'' ' - .Hwyr . 14-61 E/ Tel. 452-923) • •only $895.;Don's Auto Sales, 170 Welnuf. cabover odel, S4<5. :26" .patio deck 7 V . , DO YOtj HAVE WANTS? , ; - Beellhe w/alk-in ¦ . , oak woodwork. ::-^'^ - :Tel. 452-6817 alter hours.: -; .: : $190.'. Travel trailers , and accessories Minutes to city. MLS 1097. Want new home, want new school, want reasonable; pay- . : ; : 217T .. - In a riyer : town near Winona. Real estate . included . :Fea- UsedXait*- ' i.y ,. 109 ' reasonably priced. Haielton Variety, " ; CADILLAC ' - 1964 -DeVille! convertible. 218 "E; 3rd. Tel. -452-4004. , ,.. ^ tui;es: new back bar system, walk-in cooler, double door orients, want luxury features—then buy this split-entry • Gold . with white top, black Interior, ' Iiome. 2 ¦bedrooms , dining room and 2 car garage; Lower fully equipped including , •' Doll House ¦beer cooler and many, more 'extras. W-7918. " 7 ¦ VO-K-SWAG_N-j-1M». Tel. 452-5967 or set air condition- . SUGAR LOAF TOWN - COUNTRY . ' -. level-can be finished into 2 bedrooms, bath and family at 6,26 Clerks; Lane ajlter 7 P:rri. ' ing,; good tires, . good engine, overall MOBILE HOMES .. , - ¦ , :Front . and v side; porches, ' ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ; ¦ ¦ ; : ' ¦ ' ' ¦ good' shape. iaoo.'Walz Buick-Oids-GMC- Before, you pay $12,000 lor a mobile : ¦> -rbom. MLS#: ,S23 . . • • - - ' • ; • - . ' - , Ocel. 225 W. 3rd.' ¦ ¦ ¦ hardwood floors in the two . . . SUBARU GL sports coupe, front wheel ' home — compare our ' Award '. for ' ¦ -i :^-f; -X V ' ' drive, 35'' plus '• miles per - gal.; many $10,900 with . these ' features and op-- bedrooiias in this, newly re^ i/ - 7- ; ;¦ ' extras. Tel. Wabasha, Minn. 1-612-565- ¦ ' ' ¦ ^ ;LET'S PLAY;A GAME: ¦¦ .fions: - .' ' ". :- . This little • doll house is . in-. Winona. Will suit a newly ¦ 32707 ' Mansard roof . decorated one-story frame; ' '.'Calicd how much home; can you find for $17,900.' You'll ¦ wed couple or a retired couple. ' Living; room, kitchen, : full -. ' 2x4 interior walls .- ¦- ' home: Living and. dining : ¦ •'. • win if us. about this home; Features: living and LOW MILEAGE . Beaulllul custom-built cabinels; ; ; . . room, carpeted. Kitchen has . • bath , porch and , ONE BEDROOM. JFust ;caU .for ;MLS-1098 ' •Armstrong shag carpet- : dining room, kitchen , bedroom , bath and garage. Also Spr in g - Read y Ca rs Cold air. returns . dining area , many cabinets. : lovely apt. above garage including kitchen with s(oye . LAfE MODEL House-type floo- registers; Also: built-in electric range, \i.i ' ' ¦ ' ; ' : " ' . : ^ and refrigerator , living room and bedroom. MLS# 96.. .-;- ..- ' •;.££¦%t .:.;; / ;- ;- :';. : Schwelger furniture / . ¦ French -doors, walking' dis^ ¦ ¦ . Vt " paneling throughout " 150 acre farm. New electric heat, all new plumbing in. Hie ¦' ' ¦¦' ' " ¦¦ -' ' USED GARS Garbage disposal tance to downtown. Ask us house. Living room , kitchen , bath . and TWO -or 7 THREE : " / • - .- •; - i WISH T Wint«2r4ov7fnce. Built-in dishwasher .. . today about ML.: 1096. : Deluxe range and refrigerator ^BEDROOMS; :Ask ; for: MLS-1079 7 7 . Don 't be. one of those million "Wish-I-Hads." Just call and 1972 PONTIAC Sears . Kenmore washer . 'dryer: •let lis show you this lovely home available in Minnesota 1973 FORD LTD Brougham -Our - price of $10,900 Includes delivery • - . . ¦; : v ' ' . slep. Ramblih' Room , City.: Living and dining room,. 3 bedrooms and garage. -4>doorf V-8 engine, auto- ' 77.> :^Xatalin a .\y ; and set.up plus . :i.' jy ^- ¦'¦¦ : SUGAR LOAF TOWN & COUNTRY Rambler with room, acres : ;; MLSfi .1055 . • 7 matic. transmission, full 4-door sedan that's near new MOBILE HOMES Well kept^0 20 acre ^farm ; Home is remoo^fed and redecoriated. power ; ' Loaf, accross from Vo-Tcch, to roam . Three or; four bed- , radio, air condi- condition inside and . . out,. i- Behind Sugar ¦ ¦ Call lor ' ¦; ' ' Winona,.Minn. .- . . . : Tet;454-52.87 , ,, : Living room, kitchen and THREE BEDROOMS. . - / -;tionirig. . fully equipped with air con- ¦7. Open 7 Days a Week. rooms \Vz baths closets, :'' more details. No; .7645. , ' -'"' '- ' '!¦ • '' ' ' 1973 FORD LTD 2-door hard- ditioning, cruise control, everywhere, family room in. .. . ;. -.: _RraultipIe-,Bii'istiri^.. JJreryice Starcraff Campers 4 Travel frallere full basement.: Attached , top, V-8 engine AM/FM:- radio and regular Toppers automatic Pickup Campers and double; garage, patios; val- Harold Erath ..,;. .; 454-5646: Office Phone ;.T. /.V 452-1344- , ' transmission, ^. radio;. . air gas7 See this .exceptional : ' DICK'S SPORTING GOODS : ' v Florence Moe ;.;- , 4-4-25)23 ; Harriet Kiral ' ...:7452-6331 . . - ' Durind, Wis. Tel. 715-672-8873 ' ley^-view;. MLS ;106.;\ .: Al . Schroeder ....;: 452-6022 ; Qffice Hours " ;....78:30 to 5:60 conditioning, power/ steer- . car for - • ¦ . . Bill:Ziebell ...... 452-4854 7 Anne. Zachary .... 454-2531 . .' ' or 672-5199 , ..;.;. _>at: Hours V... 8:30 to; Noon ing,; power, brakes; Gary Ewings 637-6484 . Hartert : :452-3973 rCharles iE. Merkel , Realtor IT ONLY $2695 ROLLOHOME—1965 2-bedroom, on. private ptlEd ;r ..V^. . Sew Sweet 7 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ lot next to Minnesota City, completely : ' " ¦ ' " ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' " '' ' '¦ -• " _ ' • 1973 CSEVROLEr Impala 2- ; KAIKM ' ' ' ' " " - ' " - ' - nn* door hardtop; V-8: engine - furnished with central air conditioning. In sewing room in this , . , 7 1970 PONTIAC Oil htat with, large tank. Priced to sell three bedroom frame home 'radio, air 7 conditioning, ' under $-150.0. Plenty, of land for a gar- , Bonneyille den. Low, .;. low '. down, payment . and with big. (21'xl21.'.) kitchen, 7 7 vinyl top, power steering, ' terms. Tei. -454-2399;. ' evenings 452-6446. power brakes.; 2-door hardtop. Beautiful living room, : bath . Air con- i Office Hours' ditioning; Heated double ga- f ^pHffm^mm. j dark green bottom with light TRI-STATE . 1973 PLYMOUTH. Duster 2- ;.; green cordova top, has pow- rage. On. corner lot , easterly door hairdtop, . -cylinder er steering, power brakes MOBILE/MODULAR location! All this for low , HOMES engine, automatic ; trans- air conditioning, green in- ¦ twenties! Call about -MLS mission, radio. :«;op '. . ' ' '. . Hwy 61,: B'reoiy Acres , ¦ ¦ ' ;¦ :¦ miles. terior, driven only 37,450 .Tel 452-4276 or 454-3741 ' 1016. -: '' . ' . ' . ,.: . ' ; The low cost housing experts, Mark : : 1971 FORD Galaxie . 4-door, miles, local one owner, sold ¦ I -R . 8, Roger . Come In for the best deal - ' , - ¦ ' ' - : _^i?OT V-8; engine, radio, auto- new and serviced bv your In . town. . . Quiet Corn forth - .• . . , ¦ fI ' '& Byv Appointment ¦ ¦ 1j ^'^^-: 103 W, - • • ' ,. - ' matic transmission , power Pontiac dealer. SEE AND Serving -Minnesota §t V/iscohsin I Broadway - - 7 -J ' . MUST SELL—1968 Detrolter, unfurnished, is the key to your new . steering. DRIVE it at this SPECIAL excellent condition. Air conditioning, 3. ' . ' -. - " ¦:. ' • . ' : : home. Come to us for your > ¦ : After hours call : ¦ ' 1 PRICE NOW. bedrooms,-i.'A baths , enclosed porch and ¦:; ¦-;- Offices In: : >. ¦ ' i shed Make an offer) Tei, 452-45 12. real estate transactions. La ^ , ¦¦^¦' ' Crosse ft. Onalaska ft Eau Claire Marc Siem ...... 452-8435 ; Ivan Siem .7...... 454-5786 | PICKUPS $2195 ' . .:Winona .;;^ I ¦ CENTURION^1972, 14x60 2 bedrooms, all OFFICE¦ .. PHONE : 452-6474. Sally - Hoeft . '.- ., - 454-5312 Rich Wantoclc .... 452-7412 . 196? FORD F-250,34-ton with carpeted, . .air . conditioning, furnished |[ . ; and skirted, 10x10 utility shed, excellent Paul Behgtson .... 452-1938 J» Marie Karasch ., .: 452-4932 Mike Gilchrist .... 452-4734 < fold-down rack. 1972 FORD condition, best offer takes. If desired Ruth Giverson , '., '.- 454-2121 ' I will pay expenses lo move fo your Ji Charles Kellstrom 896-3873 Carol Dirigfelder., 68&-2206 ! ; 3967 FORD F-10fl .%-t'on with ' ¦ Mildred McCabe . . 452-6284 f~ - , Torino location. Tei. 452-1092. ... ' - ^: -- ,' 7 '"- : '- ' ^ Mike Rivers ..... ¦ - ' ' ' - ' fold-down rack. ; 4-door sedan. Small V-8 mo- Ed. Bott '.....,,...':' 4'R4-3587 '- - I . 4544427 Rick Kill '. . • ...... ^54-1605 J tor, regular gas,' automatic Hoiiiet for Sale Gary Barum ¦,.... 452-3701 J Elaine G- ,,' .;.... 452-5798 Judie Sobeck ..... 454-1808 J 1962 INTERNA T ION A L » ' ¦* Scout with new recondi- drive', power steering, pow- Office Phone 452-6474 '' ' ¦¦ ' ¦; , John D7 Da vis .7. . 452-7253 . NEARLY NEW. 2-bedroom home with ex- ( jp • . .. . Ai Chuck Nagle .... 452-4603 { tioned engine. er brakes , air conditioning,, pension space, large garage. In E. loca- BILL CORNFORTH m ' all new whitewall tires, tion, carpet and drapes Included. Under . Qblfia Kent Holen .,... 452-1018 - 'j ¦: '< - - $20,000, Stelfen Real Estate Tel. , 454- Realtor US ttSSB [. [ i - - - ;/. .} rtM[.L^ ; Bank Financing color is light tan. This car 1833,. ¦ '" is priced for QUICK SALE : 0i/€CMei ' 'fflf ; • Connie Pederson -152-2951 i i I. SUGAR LOAF AREA . . -a 4,bcdroom split-level . . . J I top quality construction. Solid and clean, boasts 2>/_ baths, j at only ' REALTOR TMLS Betty Richter ... 452-1151 , PETERSON ' " ' ' " 5 Winona stone FIREPLACE dresses up the living "oom> \ $2695 . ~ - \ > ...... ' , :r AFTER HOURS CALL : ' ¦' ([ formal dining room, spacious kitchen , .finished lower level ) r-i_j i_r-i_r-i_f—U George Rublein 454-3062 " J k BOB Dick Rian ...... 454-2990 i_xx- ~- ji with family room, workshop and fruit cellar, heated two | MOTORS INC. For a New Car or a Used : ¦ "' ' ¦ ' car , garage. Comfortable hot: water heat—the list of: ex- Car .. . Call "Bud" Ny- ¦ Marge lwill^r 454*4224 » ' ' . ; ¦ " - <| J Ford-Mercury f u> O 0 'i L ' • • • i7 -v . . . ,. ;: . . . j ( tras goes on and on. Truly a "must see" home, ! strom or "Pete" Wolfe. Laura Fisk ...... 452-2118 ; Lanesboro. Tel , 467-2195 W 5^tOV€v HOMEOWNERS!! or 467-2196 Myles Petersen -- 452-4oo. ] I EXECUTIVE FAMILY HOME j if REALTOR [ , , ; ' Avis Gox -1172 ' . If You 're thinking about sellings 1 [ 2. A spotless three, bedroom home in an. area of newer 5 _„—: ——_t-——--' ;— 120 CENTER - • •• •45 4 ¦ ' j> exclusive homes. Planned for convenience and grncious NYSTROM'S Nora Heinlen .... 452-3175 |:: V NOW' , \ . ' ? bath off < Tell it and sell It with a low-cost Cadillac - Toyota - Pontiac mwmmwmmw *mmmnmmmmmw < Jiving. Formal dining area , breakfasl room ,, ^ j classified Ad. Tel. 452-3321 now ! 2nd & Washington Tel, 452-40(10 Is the time to list with RICHTER REALTY . { j! master bed room , family room with BRICK FIREPLACE. 5 j ? Tell it and sell it with a low-cost Open Any Evening , Spring is rapidly approaching! And just like last ( Two car garage.. Make your appointment to see this < Tel. 452-3321 now! By Appointment NEW LISTING "j UNIQUE home TODAY. - J classified Ad. I year, we have many qualified buyers anxiously JI PERFECTION in every detail of this doll house in Sunset. looking for the right home. In fact , THESE BUY- t /¦" ' Carpeted living room, dinin/? room, two bedrooms , bath ) ERS ARE ALREADY STARTING TO BUY! ' I GRACIOUS OLDSTER and kitchen, Built-in stove, G.E, refrigerator, doubhl*" ] i We'd like to have your house prepared and on the | S 3. A charming and tastefully decorated five bedroom < stainless sink , Sliding glass Anderson doors open to a 2 home. Sports a 30 fl. living room with FIREPLACE , 5 lovely yard ' market when the Spring push comes. .. with brick bar-b-que. Central air. Ji formal dining room, TOTALLY MODERN kitchen , handy I I BE WISE ABOUT SELLING YOUR HOUSE- ^ i| main floor laundry room, two story double garage, handy 5 ¦ ' "mid-town " location. Priced In the 30s, 5 NEW LISTING i • Take advantage of the season and-gfii/tnc best \ Ji price ns well as a quick sale, HOMEY and handsome three bedroom home has carpeted f I NEW LISTING living room, battv with shower , kitchen with built-ins, k • List with the realt y who will get the job done— I family room, laundry. On a corner lot, with fenced '' -RICHTER REALTY. , j i 4, A threo bedrooni rambler, Extra clean and Bharp. j BAN yard and palio. Moderately priced. 2 Boasts separate dining area , central -air conditioning, 5 K I WE GET THE JOB DONE! ._ J 1 nice PATIO , automatic Rarage opener for tho attached j 11 garage . . , priced in the 20s. . S®'**' FINANCING MINI-PRICE f In 1 11 1 ¦' ______—i I,, 1 1 1, 1 11 p- AND in good location this house needs some T.L.C, to ONE-ACRE RETREAT J make it into a cozy two bedroom home, Living room , f A Showplace ji j ! -5. A three " bedroom rambler nestled In its own ncre. J Volkswagen Sqb, . ,.$135 Plenty of room for pets , garden , etc. Features nice oak J stunning as the liome itself—the large wooded lot is , woodwork , plush carpeting, brcezeway and attached ga- '72 Chrysler Newport . . $2705 '70 Olds Toronado S2295 I '[ J WOULD YOU BELIEVE I located in East. Burns Valley and is bordered on one !> ' rage, Just 6 years old and priced In the mid 20s. * 'fifl Impala 2-door ....$1205 '60 Chrysler Wagon . -,.$121)5. ' side by a stream. The entire back yard makes a delight- UNDER $23,000 for a comfortable family home with threo ful wilderness scene the year around, 5 huge bedrooms ' '73 Plymouth Satellite .$3195 . '73 Dodge PolaraJ.dr, $399S carpeted bedrooms , two baths , den , big kitchen with dish- I i| DAKOTA CHARMER * [ and 3 full baths. Exqusiloly designed and dncorntod, , ; '71 Ford Torino $1995 '71 Olds Cutlass 2-dr. ,. $2295 washer and disposal and a fenced yard? Call us to seo I There Is so much that you should see this home for your- ' 1| 6. A three bedroom rambler witli "walk nut" hasoment, J this one too. (wo baths , lower level with rec room, utility room and 1 •72 Impala 4-door $2595 '67 Pontlac 2-dr. ..,,.,. $295 self. MLS 105ft . ;> 1 11 food storage area. Clean hot water heat , attached gnrngo , J '6fi Plymouth 4-door .,...??? , '73 Plymouth 2-dr. ,.., .$.'5895 ] 1 located on an attractive "ovcrshwd" lot. Temptingly < FOR THE BEGINNER Designed for Outdoor Living, Too priced. ' '72 Plymouth $2095 '71 Chrysler Newport ,. $2295 [ | i| .J 1. MOBILE HOME. DELUXE 1972 model in Lake Villago r If you want wooded ncrcngo with your home, consider has two bedrooms plus rec room , electric fireplace in [ this brand now executive ranch-style home built , on 20- \ ij NEW LISTING j living room , kitchen with refrigerator , stovo , dishwasher ' plus acres near Winona, The active family can snow- - enjoy private | !| 7. WOULD YOU BELIEVE . . . a clean and apacious \ and lots of cupboards, Pallo nnd redwood pWvnev fence. i mobile ori their own trails In the winter and j i two story, tfiice bedroom home . , . boasts FIREPLACE , ' wooded acreage tho year .around. Ml*S 1042, < <} open staircase, new Rusco conilHiintion windows, gor- J Winona Auto Sales : 2. MOBILE HOME on Huron Lane is a 1972 AWARD ]i gcous hardwood floors , formal dining room , largo base- i MODEL. Two bedrooms nnd largo bath with shower and ment. steel siding, detached gariigc , and priced at ONLY tub, rec room shag carpeting, Full-applinnce kitchen. 1J J "The Home of Personal Service" , I ERV RICHTER, REALTOR < '! $22,000! -J ' Some furniture included . ' ¦ ' • [.. 4lh Sc Center Home Federal Building Winona , - I _____ 2ml and Huff Tel, 454-411(5 ' ) Tel. 45S-1151 or 452-1550 Alert—Courteous Open Mon . and Fri, Evening Office llours:>l ':30 Mon,-Frl.; 10-2 Sat, II I IJ For Full-Time ! /BobSsdovsji (Rmli&L I \ ^t or nnylImc by appointmen t J LU -WINONA'S BEST BUYS- 120 Center St. . Tel. 452-5351 j I » Service—Call Any Time j f niyj sisivsntwijviAMnAfViiw^^ I Despite brightening fuel picture Gfneral AAbfors 300 pounder eats will continue to friiti shiffs 37 libughriuis; W^^^HS^$ation By ROBERT F, BUGKHORN nations, including Egypt, are ference. would be 89 percent «f base- • The status ©f the oil '¦}';¦ February ministers conference was in new worW mark? WASHINGTON-(UPI - De- believed to be : pressing for The new period use. The spite supplies, of gasoline allocations were doubt, Egyptian sources said it SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. new resumption of; oil trade with the adjusted to guarantee that no average was 83 per cent. He aj three blanls and an end expected soon to the ' ' ' ¦ take place in Cairo (UPI) Gary Edwards, 27, a West: .. • - . • - .- ' " ¦ state, gets less than 85 per cent said he would continue to make would By EDWARD S. LECHTZIN /elle ;aM Monte Carlo models; -r Arab oil embargo, the gbveri.- But the Kuwaiti oil 300-pourid auto body repairman, Energy chief William 7 E. of the motor fuel sold during emergency "injections " of Sunday. DETROIT (UPI) — General and the Lakewbtid, Ga.,. assem- ment says Americans will have the 1972 base period. UndeT the " the hardest-hit said it would be in ,V to conserve energy for a long Simon announced Thursday he gasoline to minister Motors Corp.,' reacting; to its .ly plant with 1,100 workers ate doughnuts in 15 rnfnutes . : is allocating more gasoline to March formula, allocations of states, as he did last month, if slump in big car the time/ -\> ,V:v '; i; :- Tripoli Wednesday. continued who ' build the Pontiac Lenians Wednesday and claimed ;¦ all the states in March. lie said 100 per cent or more of the 1972 necessary. Thursday, 6ales, will eliminate the second and Grand Prix. ' ¦ '¦ Deputy energy administrator • The Senate on * world record. : ;. ' . ' .. - John C, Sawhill issues a report lowered requirements for heat- base will go to Alaska, Kansas, In other developments: 48-43 vote tabled efforts to shifts at three assembly plant- According to.'; the Guinrjess ing : oil have allowed more Louisiana, Minnesota, North The House reversed itself while continuing . massive one- Six . ¦ assembly and three on the government's energy • repeal year-round daylight sav- Fisher '' ¦• '.body '-, plants will be , World Records,; the crude oil to be made into Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas and Thursday, voting to kill a week shutdowns at other plants . Book of cbnservatibn program today. gasoline. . proposed mandatory rollback in ing time. to cut back its inventory of closed for one week beginning maximum . doughnut consump- He's expected to say ;that even Match1 18, idling 36,400 workers, embargo , ends, Siinon said he is considering "What we have done today," domestic crude oil prices. The unsold large - cars; . •" . tion ever recorded; was seven iri if. the Arab . an House had voted for such a REVENUES DECLINE and 'Seven assembly and two Americans will still be : short of end to voluntary prohibition Simon said, "will take care of (UPI) With sales off more than 34 2:ri_iriutes, and 28 in 15 minutes. . of Sunday gasoline sales, in gasoline problems." But it was rollback "Wednes day after WASHINGTON - Gov. per cent in the first two months Fisher Body plants will be . gasoline for most of this year. ; Patrick J. Lucey said Wednes- closed : . the ; week beginning . Edwards ate . ll; doughnuts in view : of spring and summer clear he referred to the President Nixon vetoed the of 71974, : GM has expanded 2-minutes , and 35 in 15 minutes, A r a b government sources vacations coming up, "Under immediate recent problem of emergency energy bill, contain- day a nationally commissioned layoffs previously, announced . March, 25, idling another 32;0OO report predicts that Wisconsin workers. winning ; a; $100 savings bond have predicted that a confer- the flew allocation, every state long gasoline lines and that the ing a similar proposal. The for March,. The world's largest and a trophy. ' ence of oil ministers in the next will receive a greater supply of government intends general Ways and Means Committee could lose nearly $34 million in a :utdaake .r has- ialready The : 6lump In . .auto sales ,' ' ' principle a tempo- gasoline tax revenue this year, down nearly 26 per cent for the Asked .if : he would ever eat few days: will discuss lifting the gasblihi. - in . March . than - .. in energy conservation to con- approved in trimmed more than . 60,000 another doughnut, he said,; '.'not embargo ' and " resteding;¦' . full February," he told - a .meeting of tinue, Simon said the national rary five-year windfall profits a 21.5 percent drop from antici- workers; from its payroll entire industry in the first two for a long time;" - : production, Some of . the ¦; Arab the National .Governors: Con- average allocation for March tax on crude oil. pated revenues. indefinitely because , of the months, ' of-; 1974—-has also energy /crisis-induced slump.; '.- . -.'• curtailed expansion plans by GM. Richard Terrell, an Fifteen of GM'is 22 U.S. executive : vice president, an- Prices Effective 5 p.m. Friday, 3/8/74 through 5 p.m. assembly: plants : and , four ^ nounced Thursday that plans tc Sunday, 3/10/74. While Quantities Last. Limit Rights Reserved. ______^^^^______. Fisher Body manufacturing build new assembly plants: in ^K plants will be closed next: week, Oklahoma City and Memphis, idling. 56,300. It's - the largest •Tenn., have been . postponed., nuinber; of plants closed in a Terrell : said the two plants Single week by GM since . the would be . built once, the cutbacks begari"the week before industry's sales ; begin picking Christmas. up : and '' additional . facilities GM was not alone -in the again will be needed to meet cutbacks, with Chrysler saying the product demand. Thursday that its Jefferson. " . ¦The 7 trade, publication:; Au- Ave, assembly plant in Detroit News had estimated will be shut for two'.'' ¦weeks:; this tomotive $& production in March would month and its Belvidere, 111./ \i\teekena reach 635,000 cars, the i highest plant will be shut for one week. : for ahy month this year; .But Both build standard-size and the new 'GM layoffs arid luxury models:7. elimination of second-shift oper- . Ford Motor Co. layoffs for ations ¦ could cut ..that figure the final three weeks of March . ' ¦;•' were , to be announced later bacfe . • .. . e today,, a Ford spokesman said. Production so far this year, The second-shift operations, to through Saturday, was estimat- be eliminated include the ed . .by. Automotive News:, at \l\fhQPP W Eldorado assembly line at the 1,377,287 cars, compared with Cadillac . division. plant in 2,073,705 in the comparable 1973 ^ Detroit - 340 wdrkers: the . GM span—a drop of nearly 34 per- assembly division plant,. '-: in cent. : Production for the . first Fremont; Calif., Indefinitely months . of: the year is idling 1,400 workers who build estimated at about . 32 per cent Buick Century j Chevrolet- Che- below last year s' first quarter. ' mJKt/ m _^^^^^^^^^^ H : ^^^^^^^^^^ HM^^ " ¦' ''^^Hi S^ BBm^^m"|^9_ • ___RR__MS______r^ a $1 million spertt : ^ ^£M^ mm With rust inhibitor ' ______T - f^ ^^^^ Wfm ______• pUUaJ _ ^ || ^^^ fl ^^ ______hi_____fi______»«__ * i L ^2-@___M!!MI_^______H 2e-i6M ¦fW7jwifvffl______s___ Foarf g/yeov^

|DANGE^^^^-i ______rt_____B7< ^ '^ j_5 _____HI_____tifci__--_~_w <' ' M^-H¦_____! / \ , | security tight ' ' ______l!_____¦ / r ' %__uff^ ___H_____r ^^HHE___£9' / «*» _¦__4_, I I KKH.1I_ _!-K ^"-^bSr- I By DONALD B. THACKREY meat arid poultry iand the theft ' ;.: SAN - FRANCISCO (UPI). - ¦- . of goods from another• truck. Directors of the food giveaway He added-, there has also been -.- . - : 7^H and ~ " mmtmmmmam&J 1 '^^^_2SI_^__H___l_lkH:. * 4^^pfBa__K_3_^~___w__l ^____B ¦ " ""~" ¦ program to. win freedom : Hghtweight m\ ^^___I___^_____: 1___B ?_I^"SifT¦ - _____¦ ——— for food pilfering, but this amounted ' ______—.H^. _^^»^t^-v- ^ -¦ -?^_H______H___K____H- " _.i^^ ' , __H______Wv^___!MH - ______¦__. .______K y . ***3BSS9|H|______KB____ i ir^* ^™B__IH__HX__P____ ¦_¦_____!l ^ y*^______^ ^i!—-———!. ______^ t¦ * * '*^ye TsSHai mm ___lI -1_&t ft &£ ___I . 'll w—N__l^__plm^ ______I ______¦ ^^-?- v^£^______i — kidnaped Patricia Hearst inten- to "less, than 1 per cent." . . . -^^^^^^^H^^i W^^^^km * , v^Cc^.^^»i&x&ZZJmjm^l J_..,I ME__Iir JI-___l____5-i__w-______-iln s ^ — i sified security today for the ¦ l^^Kv' . ¦ ¦ ^ 1>^^____B t v Kramer , told .reporters that '' •: - ______-______¦!__-______' > ' '* _»» "^MTT ^*™_Fj___l___Pn^_____B___[ " ^^^____B fourth d is.'tribution which _____B^^ < ! brought to more than $1 million $750,000 had been spertt for the - - - ^^^^^^^^i_____L^^H___V '— ' . ^^____r~_ '^M__i__-__i______ii_____PN^_l » -%?»^l______! ¦¦ - -v-. first three giveaways ¦ I^^F^ .- ' i *- ^^_23_-__H__-______li--___-: ' * - -~ the amount spent for the poor. and ' ¦ 'WW « ilm^* ,v> ^i ,< v A ^HB ^^^^I. ' " M^^H >f*~-H -f ^T^ * - A. "Ludlow Kramer, director $300,000 was used for .today's, ^ of People in Need, said the bringing the total to over the:$1 number of guards at the central million mark, warehouse was increased from four to eight and all trucks The Hearst . family put up $2 were equipped with communi- inillion for the . program with cations devices. the Hearst Foundation . pledging ^ __¦ __ __ / ^Ti m^^m ^^^ H ___ Famous name quality another $4 inillion when Miss ...... - ^1^ A%m^m l!Mt3 ft> - • Kramer said the action was Hearst, 20, is freed. ¦ Black - White 12-in. Diag. • , **&? . . • . An-.eason W e,ght taken because of the hijacking ¦' If Qff«^^ H mult, V One-quart can Mon Randolph A. Hearst, Patty's • "• H _ri _ _n_._ A n.1 ¦» • mT%. t __¦ V__P ______I ______¦ f V wi " ctL_/ • of a truck with 12,500 pounds of father, and editor and president of The San Francisco ' Ex- aminer,, said be hoped the Huge 75 square inches of viewing area smooth running '¦- ' ¦ RBj * Wj^k ___.LJ___.I__ L __¦ mmmmmm mr Mm^'^Bmf ^m / Reg. 59f \ . of the food Excellent sound with 4" Unicode speaker program would elicit another WM • ^^^ L ^H___r ^______F ______¦ ? __P^^"ST __. 1 '/ \ M. force in Easy-to-operate front panel corrtrob; ^^B^ ^^MW ^ communique from.... the Sym- mm • _^Bfl^^H 1 r ' -»"J ' ^V i / mm \ .: • ' • Buitt-4n telescoping antenna m--rm ^^^^______H__^__H VC. 5u r ,,-^r Am Am biohese Liberation Army which - : BlH >~~^ic_"___!_=" -3i»--' V C 1 abducted his daughter Feb. 4 | TV _____^H_____^______| :' mmKMmK j SknulaM ^^^^^^^ . ^ ¦ ^^ Middle East from her Berkeley apartment. ^KM weeptloa ______^______^______B \ ¦T / The last ; communique was mm—mmmmmmmmmmm^- ^— mmmmmmm—m^M ^^^^^^^^ m i ^^^^ K ^^^^^ n LIMIT S V / received Feb. 20, ^^ Kramer told reporters that the $2 miiliori would run out in is sandwiched about four to six weeks at its CHECKPOINT IRBATT, "present level." . Sinai (AP ) - The United Na- tions force in .the Sinai desert is In a related development, a precariously sandwiched be- California State Department of tween Israeli and Egyptian ar- Corrections spokesman said two mies and ready to kill to keep suspected SLA assassins—held the Suez peace, its Finnish in San Quentin Prison-would commander says, not be allowed to appear on Lt. Gen. Ensio Sllasvuo said nationwide television to present the blue-bereted troops of his a proposal they said could UN. Emergency Force have no result in Miss Hearst's free- big guns to defend the buffer dom. strip with, "but machine guns Joseph Remiro,' 27, and and light arms am kill, too," Russell Little, 26, awaiting trial for the Nov. . slaying of He indicated that he does not Oakland School Superintendent expect to have to use force, Ma rcus A. Foster, said in a however. letter released Wednesday night " • Universal type gas locV. \ "Our lack of airplanes, tanks that they would not give details jJ^SALE _^|__^^M | ^^~~ ?\ j and artillery is compensated by unless they be given an 98* No kev rcfiuired - ¦ ' m the moral . I^S^ffloiSl ^^^S^^^^A ¦ AT * I mm W r \ strength of tlie opportunity to have "a live 13"-RBg. JM7 ¦ POCKET INSTA M I GJ IL . Prevents siplioW force," he said. . ' 'B B ^ l I • I press conference. " Remiro and SALE Jl,13 alffiH Qi ) SiiJasvuo spoke to newsmen The little camera that takes big picture. Easy installation. ^^ Little said they had been ^^^__^^^W. ^- - '-rfiSy ; , * • \ / at this desert checkpoint on beaten by guards and refused LIMIT 4 "^" Easy to use with drop-in film and flash cubes V / *>vsi% V . Thursday, the 133rd day that opportunities to talk with their ^^^ ^^ UNEF has been in the Suez Ca- attorneys. They also said they nal Zone. Several miles to the were harassed by FBI agents. east, Israel i soldiers relaxed They also said the FBI wanted around a mobile radar station. Patty killed . "to, discredit the To the west Egyptian convoys SLA." The FBI denied the ferried troops to new positions charges. along a black asphalt road near ^ the canal. DA IAMAC {l^w ffi^'^y] PLAY __4H______B_fei!-. "Welcome to limbo" read a Healthy hedge hints ¦ ¦ message scribbled onto tlie _ ... . \_ checkpoint marker, This is ii good time to give your hedges their annual trim- The , 4-10-squarc-mile buffe r ming to maintain their good zone — marked off by black oil appearance and healthy life. barrels runs from the Medi- Ono suggestion from the Amer- — Polyesler/collon. Pnlycsler/cntt.on, 3# terranean to the Suez Gulf. It is ican Association for Nursery- • / / /^p^/^;f^\M\ /^_ISB__ IILi • ^_i_f______H______l/ *efl* ^ *^ \ manned by 7,500 members of men is timely. UNEF, with battalions from While your personal prefer- Ireland, , , In- ence as to design and shape of donesia, Sonegal and the finished hedge should be and contingents from Canada , observed, the bottom should be , and Ghana . wider than the top. If an at- Slilasvuo said the job of Ills tempt is made to trim the men was to report cease-fire hedge to n porpcndiculnr form 8 violations, changes in troop de- oi' with too narrow a base, low- 88 f^mW ^ *3 * B0YS' NYLON JACKET die A // S?7 /C^ V / Lightweight, water repellent, wind resistant ployment and strength in the er branches are likely to \>._ ^_£__¦ r/ r£t0*%\ *^ mWHr Vil'lmaJH!l \ ** J * * »6-» \. S . Machine washable in popular colors. 6-16 n-xn areas where only limited Egyp- from lack of light and air, and S t$!r \J< 7 *T tian and Israeli forces are per- 1 practically nothing can restore tnitted — and to fight off any new branches ta take their ' II ' ' incursions into the buffer strip, I place. ill-*------—1» i| II II II ¦¦ »__¦¦_¦ - ¦¦¦ I pWW--«---M-«ll ¦ I I I ll II ¦ , f HI II II I ¦ -- ^ ¦ --- ¦¦W «W«-- ) ! . " ¦ ' ¦ . w 7'--'