Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 4-9-1974 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1974). Winona Daily News. 1346. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ' : Y ;- ;- Y ,.; Y ^ Nwon w^¦ ' ' ' • - ' ". B YY .: - y of these were his " .property.":" :. y DICK BARNES - . -. siohal coh.mfttee staff, plus . , White House said in December $432,787f it) back taxes plus jri-;. Y- - . Most costl ¦ ' of representation Nixon has hadY ' ' ' personal financial data pre- ; ; that $5 662 is taken from his charitable contribution deduc- ,. ;;.He. 'has ' .']'ust .recentIy,;-accordT' ' : Y -W_VSHIJNGTbN.'.*(Ai?y-.Prei*'. , ; .; terest.;. The President has ..: .. > ! . - . ; from two -lawyers in his tax Went Nixon vipiisly,released by Nixon.' ;.;, ' .' ¦:' Salary arid expense check? each ' tions for pfe-presidehtial pa- ing to a White House source, . , already beset- hy ' agreed to : pay . it;;; ¦' '¦¦ : . case, norma)iy . '...; '¦ ; back taxes '•" The estimate shows: : ; month, meaning he already has pers he said he donated to the ' . paid the $-S;000 accounting bill Y would run to at: of $467,000; faces an Y '"..- ' But even: with an extension , ¦ ' : estimated, income tax for , 1973 • Income of ^303.723, most of paid $67,940 toward His t axes government; before a law end- having auditors prepare de-; - least five figures, the .