Boston Coalition at St
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• Many walk 1to help find-a 9ure for cancer .... FAGE31 Community Newspaper Company allstonbrighton n FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2002 56 Pages • 3 Sections 750 -Rememberi~ Sept. 11th "Candi ates By Phoebe Sweet STAFF WRITER he birds sang outside tossin their the windows, oblivi T ous to the mourners within, on an overcast day that was slowly brightening. Inside, a cluster of observers final p·tches waited, praying and reflecting in silence while the organist By Phoebe Sweet played softly. STAFF WRITER Then, at 8:46 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11 , a gong The battle for the I 8th Suffolk Voters get House District seat has· given broke the silence in the sanc spectators a taste of some tuary of the Allston Congre their say of the feisty gational Church. Rev. Carol TAB mud-slinging Gadsden of St. Luke's and St. endorsements and political on Tuesday Margaret's Church had page 9 parrying of stepped to the altar to ring the It's now time for the voters s tate-wide to decide. The state prima gong in memory of the first races with more publicity and a ' plane that struck the New ry elections will be held bigger price tag. On Moµday Tuesday, Sept. 17, ,.. and York City World Trade Cen night, the three candidates - in ter's twin towers one year there are several contested cumbent state Rep. Brian Gold local ruces of concern to ago. en and challengers Dave ·Fried Allston-Brighton residents "We came to wo·rship bur man and Paul Felker - had their dened with sadness," said on the Democratic ballot. final opportunity to verbally The Democratic race for Rev. Yvonne Schaudt in her joust in a debate sponsored by call to worship. the 18th Suffolk District the Allston-Brighton Health between incumbent State Of the approximately 25 Boston Coalition at St. Eliza Allston-Brighton residents Reprentative Brian Golden beth's Hospital in Brighton. and challengers Paul Felker gathered in the church The candidates each rode Wednesday morning, some their favorite themes into the ELECTION, page 29 gray before the events of DEBATE, page 29 Sept. 11 , 200 I, and a few who had not yet been born. They were from congrega tions around Allston DeMaria q~estions Brighton - from Allston Con gregational, St. Luke's and St. Margaret's, International GallucCio' s residency Community Church, Hill By Deborah Elsner ~i s motht•r's Buckingham Street Memorial Baptist, St. CHRONICLE STAff ·u:mem, which is inside the Gabriel's, Brighton Congre Anthony Galluccio says he is not ~tnct. gational and Community stepping aside, no matter how many "First of all, the press confer Methodist. barbs his opponents throw at him. ee today was at the wrong ad And they had all gathered l State Senate candidate Carlo De dress," Galluccio responded. to find comfort in each other. Maria called on Galluccio to drop ' econd of all, I don't think Mr. "I want to be with people," out of the race last week, .claiming Maria realizes that there is no said Debbie Lowe. "I will Galluccio's use of a legal residency I gal requirement for me to live in probably go to church again loophole calls his character and sin e district [right now]. I did not later. I don 't have any fami ly, cerity into question. ve to change my residence. I did at least in Boston." "f'm asking Mr. Galluccio to at volumarily as a show of confi Rev. Karen Fritz . of get out of the race. He clearly lives nce and commitment . Brighton Congregational outside the district," DeMaria said State law requires that a candi Church said last week that PHOTO BY KATE FtOCK at a press conference held outside te for state Senate have lived in the goal of the service was to A service of prayer, remembrance and hope was held at the Allston Congregational Church this past Galluccio's 30 Nonnandy Ave. e commonwealth for five years SEPT. 11, page 12 Wednesday morning. The servlc~ was hos·:ed by the Allston-Brighton Clergy Association. apartment. d be an "inhabitant of the district .. Galluccio recently moved into RESIDENCY, page 29 Get ready Being a good neighbor parade to rumble itha Big hearing coming next week pecial on Waterworks eamng• By Phoebe Sweet STAFF WRITER By Phoebe Sweet After being put on hold for al STAff WRITER most three months, the Chestnut The 19th annual Allston- · Hill Waterworks Project will fi B ·ghton Parade will ~arch, float nally bring to a close what are d wave its way through town only the first steps towards rede ~ an estimated 2112 hours this velopment. In a public hearing to S nday, Sept. 14. Beginning at I be held next Wednesday at 9 p. near the site of the old a.m. on City Hall 's ninth floor, ory on the Boston University both proponents and opp6nents C pus, the parade will make its of the proposed zoning amend w yup Commonwealth Avenue, ment, which would allow devel B ·ghton Avenue, Cambridge opers a larger zoning envelope S eet, and then Washington for which to plan their own pro S eet, ending in Oak Square. posals, will speak out in this step Parade organizer Joe Hogan said of the process. s week, "this is the 19th year The proposal, created after an n wand it's gotten bigger and bet-· almost IO-year process of plan t every year." Hogan ran for city ning and research, sets a zoning c uncil 20 years ago promising an variance for the Waterworks site ston-Brighton parade as a cam from the Chestnut Hill Reser p "gnperk. 'They held me to it," said voir. The site includes three his PHOTO BY KATE ftOCK torical buildings and a piJ.:>e yard Miss Allston-Brighton, Anna Nesdekldls, and Boston Mayor Tom Menino hand out free roses at B&G Sawin Aorist In honor of Good H gan, even though he didn't win primed for development. In Neighbor Day. George Sawin, who owns B&G Sawin with his wife Barbara, said that they started the tradition of giving out flow~rs on th seat. order to interest developers in Good Nelghl>Or Day six years ~o "as a Vlay to say. thanks to our neighbors and customers." See story on page 13. This year's Allston-Brighton pa- WATERWORKS, page 11 PARADE, page 14 INSIDE ~ Also sptcial ,....p, MAEL o \) c;~\~• 1ft. for kids & l<<nag<n SIMPLY FREE " '\~'o "" ' Commentary 9 ~~ ....'l~""< •• 1 • • N... FaUCla.ssa (]UR0 PRA CTU: '(o~<"' for Kids and Tcmagm Community Notes 5 CHECKING 25 yea" cxpencnce !~ Learn to dance Call Customer Service Crime 4 I~•I" sports Private and, group lessoos with or without for more details partner • weekly dances • low rates Wedding preparation specials ~21 Entertainment 17 \! Auto Shawmut Properties tfMercantile Bank FREE OIJilll~q ®Wcw 134 Tremont Street • Brighton Ubrary Notes 3 7 Work Injuries A IEAl COMMUNITY BA NK 617-5 66-7859 423 Washington Street • Brighton DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Realtor® Obituaries 12 556 Cambridge St., Hrigbton 617-783-3500 of New England • 617• 782-3000 384 Harvard St. Brookline (617) 787-2121 Russian pages 32 (617) 787-8700 • 331 Washington SI. (Brighton Center) Member FDIC t _P_,ag:::....e_2_ Al_lston__ ·Brl___,ghto:....__n_T _AB__ F_ n_·da-' y::...:,_Se""'"'p~te_m_be_r_l_3_:_,2_00_2 -=-----:------------.~~--------------------w--w__ w__ .:..:.: to:....;w.:...:.n.:.:o.:.:.n:..:.:lin:.:.:.e com/allstonbrighton ' •. ·We \fant jour news! ·~!!!~v THIS WEEK on tow Pnline ·com.- ~ Editor. • W~m Braverman (781) 433-8365 Welcome to the ~llston-Brighton TAB! We : ... • • • . • . .. [email protected] The Allst on-Brighton TAB is published online at www. allftonbrigllton and America are eager to serve as a forum for the com Reporter •• • • • • P be 8'.\eet (781) 433-8333 Online Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features n"'15Jrom more than 45 local publieations, pro munity. Please send us calendar listings, • . • • • . • • ••••••••..•...•..• [email protected] files of more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts commtJ1tlties, and items qf regionnt interest. ' social news and any other items of commu Editor In dlief.. ..••••. Gpeg Reibman (781) 433-8345 nity interest Please mail the information t.o . • . • • • • . greil>[email protected] Wayne Braverman, Advertllllll Dil'ldor . Clis Warren (781) 433-8313 Town Onllne.19POrt ... Advertilllll sales ••••••• Hanel Steinberg (781) 433-7865 onWB!ll I .editor, Allston-Brightort TAB, P.O. Box Real Estltl sales ••••• Ma1< R WcreRi (781} 433-8204 i 9112, Needham, MA 02492. You may fax Russian sec:lloa achllr1islng .. )uQ Tal>ansky (617} 965-1673 '11 , Boston Red Sox Join MetroWest Daily [kJ ,,, ., material to (781) 433-8202. Our deadline for Classltfed/11ef' nntld . • • . (800) 624· 7355 News Managing Editor Calendar listings . • . .. .. • . .. .. .. (781) 433-8211 "tr, press releases is Monday, 5 p.m., prior to The baseball season is winding Joe Dwinell on Election 2002 NewsroOm lu namMr • . • •..•••.. (781) 433-8202 I f 1 the next Friday's issue. down. Follow the Boston Red WB56's 'The Ten As the weather cools down, the Artsllistlllts tu 111111ber . • • • . • • . • . (781) 433-8203 Residents are invited to call us with story Sox with complete coverage by O'Clock News.' Joe's Bay S1.te political scene is heat- To soblCrilte. call ••..••..•.... (888) 343-1960 the Boston Herald. -·· ideas or reaction t.o our coverage. Please call 'Town Online Report' ing u . Get full coverage of con- , l General TAB 11t1mber ••.•.•.•.••........ (781) 433-8200 covers the top news Allston-Bright.on TAB Editor Wayne http:// www.bostonherald. gressional, gubernatorial and News t ·mall . ' . allstoo-l>[email protected] and feature stories statewide campaign and political com/ red_sox.html Braverman at (781) 433-836.5 or News Sports • • • .