בס״ד PIRCHEI Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 2 Issue: 32 - י"ב סיון , תשע"ה - May 30, 2015

פרשה: נשא - הפטרה: ויהי איש אחד... ושמו מנוח ואשתו עקרה... )שפטים יג:ב-כה( אבות פרק א' - דף יומי: נדרים ו'- מצות עשה: 7 - מצות לא תעשה:11

TorahThoughts לּ חִ וּ ל הַ ׁשֵ ם away.’” The greater the Jew, the greater the potential for .אִ י אוֹ ׁשאִּׁשָה ּכִייַעֲשׂוּ מִּכָל חַ ּטֹאת ָהאדָם לִמְ עֹל מַעַל ּבַ ה׳ ְואׁשְמָ ה ַהנ ֶֶפׁש הַהִ וא … חִ לּ וּ ל s stature, all it takes to make a’ רָ ב a man or a woman that commits one of the sins people commit in his deeds. For someone of … is a small thing like paying a bill late. People measure all Jews הַ ׁשֵ ם .( ּבַ מִ דְ ּבָ ר ה : ו) to be very faithless to G-d, that person shall bear guilt however, by the behavior of their great leaders. For this reason, the greater , גֵ ר Stealing from anyone is forbidden. Stealing from a .a person is, the greater the responsibility to act with great care ּת וֹ רָ ה that the ( סִ פְ רִ י ה : י ״ ג) tell us חַ זַ ״ ל .is an especially shameful sin .s honor depends on what such a person does’ד considers someone who does such a thing to be very faithless but , ּתַ ָנ א writes that not only a (הִלְ כוֹת יְ סוֹדֵ י ַהּתוֹרָ ה ה:י״א) רַ מְ ּבַ ״ ם involves The גֵ ר explains that stealing from a סְ פּ וֹ רְ נ וֹ ?Why is this so .ד׳ to a desecration anyone renowned for his piety, who transgresses even slightly, is , לּ חִ וּ ל הַ ׁשֵ ם an added issue — an irreversible and painful If the people of his generation look up to him, he . לּ חִ וּ ל הַ ׁשֵ ם guilty of .ד׳ of the Name of .in his generation רַ ב bears the same responsibility as .ד׳ and ּת וֹ רָ ה Imagine the scene. A gentile has seen the light of are R’ Yaakov Weinberg suggests that in our times, every Orthodox ּכְ לַ ל ִי ְ שרָ אֵ ל is the truth and ּת וֹ רָ ה He has come to realize that the the chosen people. He works hard studying, learning, enveloping Jew is considered a great person renowned for his piety [especially Whether we like it or not, we must realize that .[ יְ י ׁשִ ה בָ ּבָ ח וּ ר and is finally accepted as a a young ּכְ לַ ל ִי ְ שרָ אֵ ל of דֻקְ ּׁשָ ה himself in the He comes to shul millions of non-observant Jews see all of us as holy serving . ׁשְ כִ י נָ ה convert, coming under the wings of the all day, every day, and measure our actions accordingly. This ,ד׳ He feels proud of . ִ ּב וּ צר puts down his bag and joins the , מִ ְ נ חָ ה for .he goes to obligates us to treat all people with proper courtesy , מִ ְ נ חָ ה and His special nation. After ד׳ his closeness with it does not ;גְ דוֹלֵי הַ דוֹר It It does not matter if you are not among the . מִ ְ נ יָ ן retrieve his bag, but it is gone. There were only Jews at the most of the people do not know ; ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד חָ כָ ם was clearly stolen by a Jew! This thief has not only committed a matter if you are not a crime of theft against the owner of the bag. He has made a terrible the difference. They will see your ways and they will say, “That is the action of an Orthodox Jew.” It automatically puts you in the .חִ לּוּל הַׁשֵ ם .is concerned חִ לּוּל הַׁשֵ ם said, category of a great person as far as רַ ב ? לּ חִ וּ ל הַ ׁשֵ ם tells us, “What is considered a ( י וּ מָ א פ ״ ו .) ְ ּג מָ רָ א The ‘If I were to buy meat from a butcher and fail to pay my bill right Adapted from: Frand on the Parashah (with kind permission from ArtScroll)

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses

ר׳ יִצְחָ ק דוֹב קאָפּלמאַן זַצַ ״ל ,was born in Vassilishok, While still living in NY ר׳ יִצְחָ ק דוֹב קאָפּלמאַן זַצַ ״ל ט״ו סיון in shul. Among מִ תנְחַ חִ נּוְּך ׁשִ עוּר At the age of twelve, he gave a weekly . פ ײֵ גָ א and ר׳ מֹׁשֶ ה אַרְיֵה , to 5771 - 5669 Rokowsky. After ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק the attendees was , רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה was sent to to learn under the famous 2011 - 1909 did ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק ,left for Lucerne רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה of the ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד מֻ ְ ב הָ ק R' Koppelman quickly became a . זַ צַ ״ ל R' taking detailed notes for eighteen years. not see him for over 50 years. Shortly , ׁשִ ע וּ רִ י ם R' Shkop, absorbing his was in the רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה the , ְ פטִ י רָ ה before his סֵ ר פֶ ׁשַ עֲ רֵ י used in) ּכְ תָ בִ י ם s’ רֶ ּבִ י and also saved his חִ ידּוּׁשֵ ר׳ ׁשִמְ עוֹן He wrote met R’ Koppelman ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק . חֲ תֻ ָנ ה During WWII, he was deported to Siberia for five years. In 1946, R' US for a .( וֹ י ׁשֶ ר does the ,ׁשָ לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶ ם“ ,s daughter, and opened and asked him’ זַ צַ ״ ל Jaroslowitz ר ׳ מֶ כֶ ל , חַ יָ ה Koppelman married remember me?” The nearly-100- רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה in Antwerp, Belgium. In 1956, he moved to the US and יְ ׁשִ ת יבַ ץ עֵ חַ ּיִ י ם How — װאָס מאַכסטוּ“ ,replied רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה year-old רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה Brooklyn). He accepted the position of) יְׁשִ יבַ ת יׁשַעֲרֵ יוֹׁשֶ ר opened , ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד He never forgot a single ”? ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק ,He are you doing . ְ פטִ י רָ ה of Lucerne, Switzerland, in 1963, and remained there until his ! ְנ ׁשָ מָ ה was a piece of his ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד because each . ּתַ ְ ל מִ י דִ י ם to thousands of עֲ ב וֹ דָ ה and ּת וֹ רָ ה in מ וֹ ה רֶ דֶ רֶ ְך was a

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To sponsor a week of th‎is publication in honor SPONSORSHIPS This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored of a simcha, a yartzeit or any occasion, please ARE AVAILABLE! in honor of our readers in Marine Park contact us at [email protected] with Living the Torah The True Crown

Breaking the news to Shmuel’s family was difficult. His wife wept אִ י אוֹ ׁשאִּׁשָה ּכִייַעֲשׂוּ מִּכָל חַ ּטֹאת ָהאדָ ם… וְהִתְוַדּוּ אֶתחַּטָ אתָ ם… וְנָתַן לַאֲׁשֶ ר אׁשַ ם לוֹ. A man or woman who commits any of man’s sins … they shall confess hysterically. Calming her was no easy task, but the congregants reassured her that, as soon as possible, they would get her husband .( ּבַ מִ דְ ּבָ ר ה : ו - ז) … their sin … he shall make restitution for his guilt .R’ Moshe Chagiz noted that the released , בעֶרֶ יוֹם ּכִ פּוּר delivered one דְ רָ ׁשָ ה In a Boruch Weingarten, the town , מִ ְ נ חָ ה begins in the singular, switches to the plural, and then As they prepared to daven ָ פס וּ ק above reasoned that those ransomed were all learned, prestigious , ּגַ ּבַ א י concludes by reverting to the singular. This is to teach us that all Jews form one nation and we are all responsible for one another. individuals; Shmuel was not only derelict in his religious observance, an individual is not only required to but contributed little to the community welfare. Satisfied with his , יוֹ ם ּכִ פּ וּ ר They shall confess - on .prayer מִ ְ נ חָ ה confess his own sins but even the sins of his fellow Jew. To what can “rationalization,” he turned to appoint someone to lead the of the city, entered אב ּבֵ ית דִ ין ,this be compared? To a group of individuals who set sail together on a Just then R' Yehoshua Heshel Frankel large, magnificent ship. Each passenger received his own quarters for the shul. Painfully aware of the ordeal these Jews had been through, pulled aside the , א רוֹן ֶקוֹד ׁש the duration of the trip. When they had reached the very heart of the he quietly and deliberately approached the sea, one of the passengers began to drill a hole in the wall of the ship. curtain, slowly opened the door and removed the silver crown resting Holding the ornately designed masterpiece high . סֵ פֶ ר ּת וֹ רָ ה What are you doing?” yelled his friends. “You’ll sink the ship!” atop the“ above his head, he gazed at the people with intent and purpose. Then, “Why is this any concern of yours?” he asked them. “I am making a .סֵפֶ ר ּתוֹרָ ה and addressed the ארוֹן ֶקוֹד ׁש he turned to the hole in my quarters, not yours.” and thus need no ּבְ ֵ נ י ִי ְ שרָ אֵ ל You are the crown jewel of ,הײֵלִיגעֶ ּת וֹרָה“ “What do you mean?” they retorted. “If there is a hole anywhere in the adornment. Forgive me as I remove your crown, but there is something ship, it will endanger all the passengers!” even more precious at this time that requires our immediate attention. ּכְ לַ ל ִי ְ שרָ אֵ ל All Jews are responsible for one another. If one Jew sins, all of A young Jew is being held captive by our hated adversaries. We is held accountable. It is incumbent upon every Jew to keep this great are going to have to sell your crown in order to procure the funds to responsibility in mind. redeem him.” * And just like that, to the astonishment of everyone in the shul, R' The members of the Komarna shul were wholly consumed with the Yehoshua Heshel left the shul, crown in hand, and pawned it to took him home to be reunited with his רָ ב recent tragic events. Just days before, ten Jews in their city had been redeem Shmuel. When the snatched away by the Russian army. All were prominent members family, he informed him of the events that had led to his rescue. of the religious community, except for Shmuel Korenbluth, who was for ּת וֹ רָ ה Do you understand that I removed the crown from the“ known to be lax in his observance. Quickly the shul members sprang your sake? Does that give you an idea of how dear and cherished an into action, raising funds to ransom the captives. individual you are?” Before long, nine out of the ten prisoners were released for the s plea pierced Shmuel’s heart and he’ רָ ב The sincerity of the designated amount, but when the time came for Shmuel Korenbluth immediately began to conduct himself differently - like the crown to be rescued, the funds ran dry. The congregants had to delay the jewel he now knew he was. freeing of this last detainee until the additional funds could be raised from the town’s meager resources. Adapted from: Touched by a Story 2 (With kind permission from ArtScroll)

of Chofetz ChaimMoment Questions the week רש"י ספר ח״ח הלכות לשון הרע כלל ח׳ סעיף א׳ *The Goldberg twins, Yaakov and Chaim, were both extremely bright allude ְ ִ שי אִ י נם brought by the קָ רְ ּבָ נ וֹ ת Which animals from the students. Often other boys in the class would visit their home to do 1. ?אבוֹת הַקְ דוֹׁשִ ים their homework. Yaakov was always patient and would carefully to the explain the steps needed to get an answer. Chaim had less patience have a ְ ִ שי אִ י נם brought by the קָ רְ ּבָ נ וֹ ת Which animals from the and he would sometimes speak roughly if the friend didn't grasp the 2. ?What is this connection ? ׁשָ ב וּ ע וֹ ת answer on his first attempt to explain it. Once Yaakov, the calmer of the connection to

two, got really angry and told a friend to leave.

ם י ׁשִ מָ ח וּמ ש ת וֹ ר ּבְ דִ לוּחוֹת ם ילִ אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִ ם

and the 5 5 the and 5 ). ). – 7:23 (

discuss the incident with others without first discussing 2 the of each on חַ ִ ּי י ם May

ם י ל ִ אֵ רְ שְ יִ ְך ַ ״ ּתַנ ה רָ וֹ ּת ם י אִ י בִ נ ְ ם י בִ וּ ת ּכְתוּב . The 5 alludes to the the to alludes 5 The . and , :

of parts 3 the and ? יַ עֲ קֹ ב it with

ם י נ ִ הֲ ֹ ּכ ם ּיִ וִ לְו י and and , to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There

*Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations. 2. ב ֹ ק עֲ יַע 's good! good! 's for is intention only his that

his brother’s behavior to their parents or others, even though he loves him, and it is obvious obvious is it and him, loves he though even others, or parents their to behavior brother’s his

ב ֹ ק עֲ יַ ד חָ אֶ שׂ בֶ ּכֶ ד, חָ אֶ ַאיִ ל ד, חָ אֶ ר ּפַ ד״ה ּפַ ר אֶ חָ ד, ַאיִ ל אֶ חָ ד, ּכֶ בֶ שׂ אֶ חָ ד ). – 7:21 (… to alludes (sheep)

ם י ּי ִ חַ ם י ּי ִ חַ ּי ִ י ם

cannot report report cannot brother. his with circumstances the discuss first to required be would

ר פַ ם הָ רָ בְ א ל יִ א ק חָ צְ י ִ שׂ בֶ ּכֶב the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1.

ב ֹ ק עֲ יַע : : Answer was usually calm, it is likely that there was more to the story. story. the to more was there that likely is it calm, usually was since case, this In

.י״ג סִ יוָן However, many wait until after .י״ב סִ יוָן until ּתַ חֲ נ וּ ן others do not say ; אִ סְ ר וּ חַ ג ׁשָ ב וּ ע וֹ ת only on ּתַ חֲ נ וּ ן Some refrain from saying .1 It . מִ ְנ הָ ג הַ מָ ק וֹ ם one must follow the , מִ ְ נ הָ גis different from one’s ׁשָ ב וּ ע וֹ ת after ּתַ חֲ נ וּ ן of saying מִ ְ נ הָ ג in a place where the מִ תְ ַפ ֵ ל ל If one is Halacha 2. .to act differently ( ֹלא תִ תְ ּגֹ דְ ד וּ is inappropriate (and is a transgression of

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹ�מָ א: ַּתחֲ נ�וּן �אַחֲרֵי שָׁ ב�וּעוֹ� ת UnderstandingDavening FocusonMiddos (.cont) … ּתַ חֲ נ וּ ן An introduction to quotes an interesting מַחֲזוֹר ּכָ ל ּב וֹ The years, R' Koppelman managed to explain why we say a longer מִ ָדְר ׁש ,ear Talmid , ּכְ תָ בִ י ם s’ רֶ ּבִ י to smuggle his on Mondays and Thursdays. In the ּ תַ חֲ נ ו ן R' Yitzchok Dov , ּתַ ָ נאִ י ם there were three , ְ ּג מָ רָ א manuscripts. He carefully sewed times of the was a true them into his clothing, and זַ צַ ״ ל DKoppelman who were ,ר׳ יוֹסֵ ף and ר ׳ ִ ּב ְ נ יָ מִ י ן , ר׳ ׁשְ מ וּ אֵ ל R' Shimon watched over them with amazing captured by an evil king. He put the three , רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה to his ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד on separate ships in the high seas ּתַ ָ נאִ י ם Even in the Siberian . מְ ּסִ י רַ ת נֶ ֶפ ׁש Even when most of his . זַ צַ ״ ל Shkop went from Grodno to learn labor camp and in the prison in without any captain. Miraculously, each חֲ בֵ ִ ר י ם were of the vessels landed safely on a faraway ּכְ תָ בִ י ם s’ רֶ ּבִ י in Mir, R' Koppelman still chose to Samarkand, his remain in Grodno. He felt that he his most treasured possession. shore. They each composed a heartfelt ׁשֵ מ וֹ ת which contained eighteen ד׳ to ּתְ ִפ ָ ל ה 'of R דּ חִ וּ ׁשִ י ם to the ְהַק ָ דמָ ה In the . רֶ ּבִ י could not leave his The evil king . ׁשְ מ וֹ נֶ ה ֶע ְ שרֵ ה representing ,ד׳ of invaded Shimon, his sons wrote, “May מַ יִ ח ׁשְ מָ ם ְ ו ִ ז כְ רָ ם As the Nazis died a painful death. Another king arose and ּגָ א וֹ ן learning in the name of our friend, the ּבָ ח וּ רִ י ם , most Realizing . ּתַ ָ נאִ י ם was unusually kind to these Grodno left, traveling to Vilna with they put , ּתְ פִ לּ וֹ ת R' Yitzchok Koppelman, a close the power of their combined and sent it to every Jewish ּתְ ִפ ָ ל ה of our father it into one ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד and longtime . זַ צַ ״ ל R' Shlomo Harkavy , מַ ׁשְ ִ ּג י חַ their ּתְ ִפ ָ ל ה telling them that this beautiful , קְ ִה ָ ל ה Too frail to travel, R' Shimon remained and one of the most outstanding of was powerful and instituting that it should יְ י ׁשִ ה בָ ׁשַ עַ ר ַה ּת וֹ רָ ה of ּתַ ְ ל מִ י דִ י ם in Grodno with R' Koppelman. When the Russians conquered Grodno and Grodno, be remembered for the be said every Monday and Thursday. instituted anti-religious decrees, the good. It was only because of his לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל that the מְ ּסִ י רַ ת נֶ ֶפ ׁש was forced to close. tremendous ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה R' Shimon manuscripts of our father were ,(1939) 5640 , ט׳ חֶ ׁשְ וָ ן On to saved from the valley of tears רַ ּבָ ִ נ י ם addressed a meeting of determine what could be done and brought here to freedom.” R' Koppelman The International Pirchei , ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד issues in My נּ חִ וּ ְך about the current and Erev Shabbos Learning , ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד after was the ultimate מִ ְ נ חָ ה Grodno. While davening ensured that Program חֶ סֶ ד the meeting, R' Shimon suddenly his selfless lives on’ for all future‘ רֶ ּבִ י returned his ְנ ׁשָ מָ ה collapsed, and his pure ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד Due to the ongoing war, very few generations. In truth, any .ד׳ to The contest: During the weeks leading s or’ רֶ ּבִ י who emulates his . לְ וָ יָ ה people were able to attend the , ׁשַ ּבָ ת פָ רָ ׁשַ ת קֹ רַ ח and until קַ ּבָ לַ ת ַה ּת וֹ רָ ה up to R' Koppelman, along with R' Shimon’s parents’ good ways will cause מִ ְ נ חָ ה learn at least one hour before granddaughter (R’ Zelik Epstein’s them to ‘live on’ for all future or local ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה in either your , ב עֶרֶ ׁשַ ּבָ ת every rebbetzin), buried him. After the war generations! Each week that you learn for an .ּבֵ ית מִדְ ָר ׁש ! יְהִיזִכְ רוֹ ּבָ רוְּך they both confirmed the exact burial was placed hour or more will be considered another מַ ּצֵ בָ ה spot and a proper רֶ ּבִ י Your , ּבְ יְ דִ י ד וּ ת .entry into the raffle . קֶ בֶ ר s’ ּגָ ד וֹ ל over the During the most difficult war Based on excerpts from an article in Yated The contest’s basic rules: There is to learn and you לִ מּ וּ ד no particular ׁשְ נַ ִ י ם מִ קְ רָ א ְ ו אֶ חָ ד can even review your However, if you can arrange for a . ּתַ ְר ּג וּ ם הִ לְ כ to learn ׁשִ ע וּ ר group, and you have a you , ׁשַקִדּוּ ת ׁשַ ּבָ ת especially about , וֹת ׁשַ ּבָ ת will receive an extra chance in the raffle Sage Sayings each week that there is a group with a This contest is open for all ages up . ׁשִ ע וּ ר .to 12th grade ּבָ ח וּ רִ י ם and master in teaching רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה ore than just a , ּת וֹ סָ פ וֹ ת and רַ ׁשִ ״ י , ְ ּג מָ רָ א in a פ ְ ׁשַ ט how to understand clear If you are interested in joining this who felt responsible מְ חַ נֵ ְך was a זַ צַ ״ ל Koppelman ר׳ יִצְחָ ק דוֹב M program, please send in your faxes eat signed by a parent by Monday 2:00 ּבָ ח וּ רִ י ם He watched the . עֲ ב וֹ דָ ה s’ ּבָ ח וּ ר for every aspect of a grabbed the food. Once, a pm to 718 506 9633. Please include ּבָ ח וּ ר and would show his dismay if a .city and state , ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה ,pulled out ketchup he had brought from home. R' Koppelman your name, grade ּבָ ח וּ ר Please include your contact and fax הַלְעִ יטֵנִי נָא ןמִ הָ אָדֹם הָ אָדֹם הַּזֶה - ֶגעּב מִ יר פוּן“ ,s words’ ֵ ָ ש עו reminded him of Give me some of that very red stuff!” number and your name will be entered — דעֶר זײֵעֶר רוֹיטעֶזאְַך! into another drawing for a beautiful set Source: Yated !מִקְרָ אוֹת ְ ּגדוֹלוֹת ָחוּמ ִ ׁש ים of

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Since we only discuss 1-3* בס״ד Learning from from our ourLeaders Leaders Pirchei Agudas Agudas Yisroel Yisroel of America of America

TowardsIn a small the endtown of near his life, Munkacz, the Tchebiner Czechoslovakia, No! Chas Onev’shalom! erev shabbos this man’s wife was Rovthere was was instructed a Yid who to was take learned a rest inevery some areasBut my Rebbi toldpreparing me that food if for ShabbosCertainly. when Come she butafternoon. lacking inOne derech Shabbos eretz. afternoon, Whenever the Rov gaveI get a an adultnoticed to test a problem me on my with inside. a piece Ah!…the of the yiddishe chicken Rov psak,had just this lainman downwould to make take some a rest comment. learning I willshe receivehad cooked. a candy! She immediatelynachas your went parents to the when he heard persistent knocking at the Would theRov Rov to be ask able him to whether it mustwas kosherhave from or not.a door....Whose With Zemanimdifficulty he got up Pleaseto find... take it farher me? yingel like you! easy! A talmid chacham are athese? smiling This nine-year-old is boy. Hmm! wrong… shkiah is not like you must learn how this is quite a for another fifty to speak with respect. Our difficult one… but luach is based on the Mogen Are youminutes!... the Tzaddik’l, is there B”H it’s kosher. Eat Avraham… are you possibly Tchebiner Rov? an emergency? how it Gezunterheit! can I assistusing theyou? Rabbeinu Tam B’Hatzlacha. zeman?

TheThe Rovwoman warmly returned brought home in theto tellchild, her sat The manAfter was positivethey finished that helearning, found thatthe Rov the personallyHalacha husband.him down, Upon and hearing tested himwhat as the requested. Rov had disagrees withescorted the Rov the and boy decided to the to front go with door. the said, he checked the chicken himself. Rov to the neighboring town, Munkacz, to discuss So let’s chazer the it with the MunkatcherTzaddik’l, this Rov, the Minchas Elozor, visit was very special Mishnah outsideoy, vey! … givethis mechicken an um…fruit who was known for his wide-ranging knowledgeI know of to me, but next time please example ofis notthings kosher! that youHow do could found spread Halacha. The Munkatcher Rov listenedthat! as the I would man be careful when knocking not need theto beRov machriz* think that if you this isout, spilled on the described the problem with the neverchicken: normally at people’s homes on find themkosher? spread What out does in the the Rovground… a kav in knock on anyone’s Shabbos...And the afternoon; Rov they know?street… Let me look it up in four amos… door at such a of my town here says Yorah deah… may be resting. time, but… that this chicken is kosher! Let me Can you believe it?! I found look at this a clear Halacha in Yorah chicken. Deah…

Gevaldig! *Attempt to seek out the owner (e.g. announce it in public areas).

The Munkatcher Rov took a From that Shabbos on the Rov never rested on goodbut look I was at thesure chicken... Shabbos afternoon.Doesn’t He therealized Rov that to a young child that the Tchebiner Rov ??? it was unbecomingrefrain fromof a personeating of hisThe stature Rov’s to would be learning and rest, and heany humbly meat thataccepted had a the boy’sfleish guidance. comes PleaseThank ask you would surely not be shailah, even if it is before any your Rov mechilahfor your resting! kosher? chumrah! now… visit… Eilu metzios shelo….

The man left humbled and repentant for his lack of respect.

ר׳ was יעקבborn was inborn Stryzow, in Gryzmalow, now part ofGalicia, Poland. to He, רב Munkacs Tchebiner was, ר׳ of דוֹב Shapiraבּערישׁ Elazar וויידענפעלד R’ Chaimזצ״ל of . His ,mother’s grandfather (the was). the He learned7th link inunder a chain hisרחל founder) and כּוֹכב the מיעקב authora 5th offrom) was He becamehis son’s the primary of Munkacs teacher. ר׳ יעקב . onש״ך that could, author be traced of the back to the פּוֹסקים ,offather every. At twothe age years. ofבר מצוה s’ ר׳ and דוֹב בּערישׁ youth in 1894, and just on, hetwo completed weeks before the נפטרuntilin 1914. he From was his from, the סמיכה He hewas married a prolific the daughterwriter. In of addition R’ Yisrael to Klugerthe of Tchebin., he He wrote received,19 and at many 24. Hisother wife ran . aHe coal opened business to support whichhim in attractedlearning for hundreds 20 years. ofבית יצחק ,ofRabbi’ Tchebin. and wasHe, his visited wife byand many youngest world daughter leaders רב Instudents. 1923, he Heaccepted was famous the position as a ‘Wonder as He .שעריsought חסד of and Holland, lived in who ירוּשלים weresuch asdeported the Czechoslovakian to Siberia in 1940. President In 1946, and he escapedQueen Wilhelmina to He wrote the classic .אגדת .ישראל and ofמוֹעצת גדוֹלי s advice’התּוֹרה served as a leading member of thethe .ספר דוֹבב משרים work י‘ חשון For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval 718-395-9794 56415631 - 57265997 1881 1871 - 19651937 .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַ ל פִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required