בס״ד PIRCHEI Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 2 Issue: 32 - י"ב סיון , תשע"ה - May 30, 2015 פרשה: נשא - הפטרה: ויהי איש אחד... ושמו מנוח ואשתו עקרה... )שפטים יג:ב-כה( אבות פרק א' - דף יומי: נדרים ו'- מצות עשה: 7 - מצות לא תעשה:11 TorahThoughts לּ חִ וּ ל הַ ׁשֵ ם away.’” The greater the Jew, the greater the potential for .אִ י אוֹ ׁשאִּׁשָה ּכִייַעֲשׂוּ מִּכָל חַ ּטֹאת ָהאָדָם לִמְ עֹל מַעַל ּבַ ה׳ ְואָׁשְמָ ה ַהנּ ֶֶפׁש הַהִ וא … חִ לּ וּ ל s stature, all it takes to make a’ רָ ב a man or a woman that commits one of the sins people commit in his deeds. For someone of … is a small thing like paying a bill late. People measure all Jews הַ ׁשֵ ם .( ּבַ מִ דְ ּבָ ר ה : ו) to be very faithless to G-d, that person shall bear guilt however, by the behavior of their great leaders. For this reason, the greater , גֵ ר Stealing from anyone is forbidden. Stealing from a .a person is, the greater the responsibility to act with great care ּת וֹ רָ ה that the ( סִ פְ רִ י ה : י ״ ג) tell us חַ זַ ״ ל .is an especially shameful sin .s honor depends on what such a person does’ד considers someone who does such a thing to be very faithless but , ּתַ ָנ א writes that not only a (הִלְ כוֹת יְ סוֹדֵ י ַהּתוֹרָ ה ה:י״א) רַ מְ ּבַ ״ ם involves The גֵ ר explains that stealing from a סְ פּ וֹ רְ נ וֹ ?Why is this so .ד׳ to a desecration anyone renowned for his piety, who transgresses even slightly, is , לּ חִ וּ ל הַ ׁשֵ ם an added issue — an irreversible and painful If the people of his generation look up to him, he . לּ חִ וּ ל הַ ׁשֵ ם guilty of .ד׳ of the Name of .in his generation רַ ב bears the same responsibility as .ד׳ and ּת וֹ רָ ה Imagine the scene. A gentile has seen the light of are R’ Yaakov Weinberg suggests that in our times, every Orthodox ּכְ לַ ל ִי ְ שׂרָ אֵ ל is the truth and ּת וֹ רָ ה He has come to realize that the the chosen people. He works hard studying, learning, enveloping Jew is considered a great person renowned for his piety [especially Whether we like it or not, we must realize that .[ יְ י ׁשִ הבָ ּבָ ח וּ ר and is finally accepted as a a young ּכְ לַ ל ִי ְ שׂרָ אֵ ל of דֻקְ ּׁשָ ה himself in the He comes to shul millions of non-observant Jews see all of us as holy rabbis serving . ׁשְ כִ י נָ ה convert, coming under the wings of the all day, every day, and measure our actions accordingly. This ,ד׳ He feels proud of . ִ ּב וּ צר puts down his bag and joins the , מִ ְ נ חָ ה for .he goes to obligates us to treat all people with proper courtesy , מִ ְ נ חָ ה and His special nation. After ד׳ his closeness with it does not ;גְ דוֹלֵי הַ דוֹר It It does not matter if you are not among the . מִ ְ נ יָ ן retrieve his bag, but it is gone. There were only Jews at the most of the people do not know ; ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד חָ כָ ם was clearly stolen by a Jew! This thief has not only committed a matter if you are not a crime of theft against the owner of the bag. He has made a terrible the difference. They will see your ways and they will say, “That is the action of an Orthodox Jew.” It automatically puts you in the .חִ לּוּל הַׁשֵ ם .is concerned חִ לּוּל הַׁשֵ ם said, category of a great person as far as רַ ב ? לּ חִ וּ ל הַ ׁשֵ ם tells us, “What is considered a ( י וּ מָ א פ ״ ו .) ְ ּג מָ רָ א The ‘If I were to buy meat from a butcher and fail to pay my bill right Adapted from: Rabbi Frand on the Parashah (with kind permission from ArtScroll) of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses ר׳ יִצְחָ ק דוֹב קאָפּלמאַן זַצַ ״ל ,was born in Vassilishok, While still living in NY ר׳ יִצְחָ ק דוֹב קאָפּלמאַן זַצַ ״ל ט״ו סיון in shul. Among מִ תנְחַ חִ נּוְּך ׁשִ עוּר At the age of twelve, he gave a weekly . פ ײֵ גָ א and ר׳ מֹׁשֶ ה אַרְיֵה Belarus, to 5771 - 5669 Rokowsky. After ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק the attendees was , רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה was sent to Grodno to learn under the famous 2011 - 1909 did ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק ,left for Lucerne רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה of the ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד מֻ ְ ב הָ ק R' Koppelman quickly became a . זַ צַ ״ ל R' Shimon Shkop taking detailed notes for eighteen years. not see him for over 50 years. Shortly , ׁשִ ע וּ רִ י ם R' Shkop, absorbing his was in the רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה the , ְ פּטִ י רָ ה before his סֵ רפֶ ׁשַ עֲ רֵ י used in) ּכְ תָ בִ י ם s’ רֶ ּבִ י and also saved his חִ ידּוּׁשֵ ר׳ ׁשִמְ עוֹן He wrote met R’ Koppelman ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק . חֲ תֻ ָנ ה During WWII, he was deported to Siberia for five years. In 1946, R' US for a .( וֹ י ׁשֶ ר does the ,ׁשָ לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶ ם“ ,s daughter, and opened and asked him’ זַ צַ ״ ל Jaroslowitz ר ׳ מֶ כֶ ל , חַ יָ ה Koppelman married remember me?” The nearly-100- רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה in Antwerp, Belgium. In 1956, he moved to the US and יְ ׁשִ תיבַ ץעֵ חַ ּיִ י ם How — װאָס מאַכסטוּ“ ,replied רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה year-old רֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה Brooklyn). He accepted the position of) יְׁשִ יבַ ת יׁשַעֲרֵ יוֹׁשֶ ר opened , ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד He never forgot a single ”? ר ׳ ִ י צְ חָ ק ,He are you doing . ְ פּטִ י רָ ה of Lucerne, Switzerland, in 1963, and remained there until his ! ְנ ׁשָ מָ ה was a piece of his ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד because each . ּתַ ְ ל מִ י דִ י ם to thousands of עֲ ב וֹ דָ ה and ּת וֹ רָ ה in מ וֹ הרֶ דֶ רֶ ְך was a לע״נ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י via email, please send an email to [email protected] To sponsor a week of th is publication in honor SPONSORSHIPS This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored of a simcha, a yartzeit or any occasion, please ARE AVAILABLE! in honor of our readers in Marine Park contact us at [email protected] with Living the Torah The True Crown Breaking the news to Shmuel’s family was difficult. His wife wept אִ י אוֹ ׁשאִּׁשָה ּכִייַעֲשׂוּ מִּכָל חַ ּטֹאת ָהאָדָ ם… וְהִתְוַדּוּ אֶתחַּטָ אתָ ם… וְנָתַן לַאֲׁשֶ ר אָׁשַ ם לוֹ. A man or woman who commits any of man’s sins … they shall confess hysterically. Calming her was no easy task, but the congregants reassured her that, as soon as possible, they would get her husband .( ּבַ מִ דְ ּבָ ר ה : ו - ז) … their sin … he shall make restitution for his guilt .R’ Moshe Chagiz noted that the released , בעֶרֶ יוֹם ּכִ פּוּר delivered one דְ רָ ׁשָ ה In a Boruch Weingarten, the town , מִ ְ נ חָ ה begins in the singular, switches to the plural, and then As they prepared to daven ָ פּס וּ ק above reasoned that those ransomed were all learned, prestigious , ּגַ ּבַ א י concludes by reverting to the singular. This is to teach us that all Jews form one nation and we are all responsible for one another. individuals; Shmuel was not only derelict in his religious observance, an individual is not only required to but contributed little to the community welfare. Satisfied with his , יוֹ ם ּכִ פּ וּ ר They shall confess - on .prayer מִ ְ נ חָ ה confess his own sins but even the sins of his fellow Jew. To what can “rationalization,” he turned to appoint someone to lead the of the city, entered אַב ּבֵ ית דִ ין ,this be compared? To a group of individuals who set sail together on a Just then R' Yehoshua Heshel Frankel large, magnificent ship. Each passenger received his own quarters for the shul. Painfully aware of the ordeal these Jews had been through, pulled aside the , אָ רוֹן ֶקוֹד ׁש the duration of the trip. When they had reached the very heart of the he quietly and deliberately approached the sea, one of the passengers began to drill a hole in the wall of the ship. curtain, slowly opened the door and removed the silver crown resting Holding the ornately designed masterpiece high . סֵ פֶ ר ּת וֹ רָ ה What are you doing?” yelled his friends. “You’ll sink the ship!” atop the“ above his head, he gazed at the people with intent and purpose.
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